trinity times summer 2016 - amazon s3...spiritual check-ups – not because we will pass ... look...

Trinity Times Summer 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To the people of God at Trinity, “Where do I/we go from here?” is a question often heard after some type of life changing, intense or traumatic event. Something has changed enough that things will never be the same changes have to be made whether wanted or not. But it is also a question that is good for each of us as individuals [and all of us as a family at Trinity by the way] to ask from time to time even if there is no specific catalyst in our lives. The concept of an annual check-up is encouraged in the medical profession we do much the same with motor vehicles at various intervals even our insurance policies can use occasional reviews. With the beginning of summer I’m going to invite you to do a spiritual “check-up” of sorts. How are things between you and God? Does God really hold first place in your life. If you have the choice between gathering to worship God with your faith family on any given Sunday and _____ (fill in the blank; e.g. sleeping, going out for brunch, taking the kids to their game or practice or event, working around the house, etc.) who wins? When you think in terms of serving God through your service to others, which strikes you first: thanks at the issues others have with which you can help or resentment that you have to give up something if you are going to make a difference in their lives? Does each day begin and end with a prayer, or are the worries or wonders of each day’s events the focus of your thoughts? Once again, how are things between you and God? Are you as down as I am right now following an honest check-up? That’s the LAW! It will always accuse, because even when we try our hardest to do all the things we should we will still find ourselves falling short somewhere. Thank God my relationship, and yours, my “how are things between you and God?’ does not depend on me or my faithfulness. It is God who calls us into his family, who claims us as his children, who enlightens us by his gifts, who declares us holy and who grows and keeps us in the faith (Martin Luther’s explanation of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed as per the Small Catechism a really good book to go to for help in doing your spiritual check-up, by the way!) His forgiveness trumps my sinfulness for his love is stronger than my rebellions. “The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin” says John (1 John 1:7). That is the GOSPEL! God has done, and continues to do, all that is necessary for my, your, our salvation! And his forgiving love has the power to change each of us, so that as we live in his Word and the Spirit lives in us, we can continue to risk doing spiritual check-ups not because we will pass with flying colors because we finally get it right, but because even our worst failures have been covered with the blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. God grant you a peaceful, restful, happy summer in and for the sake of Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

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Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

To the people of God at Trinity, “Where do I/we go from here?” is a question often heard after some type of life changing, intense or traumatic event. Something has changed enough that things will never be the same – changes have to be made whether wanted or not. But it is also a question that is good for each of us as individuals [and all of us as a family at Trinity by the way] to ask from time to time even if there is no specific catalyst in our lives. The concept of an annual check-up is encouraged in the medical profession – we do much the same with motor vehicles at various intervals – even our insurance policies can use occasional reviews. With the beginning of summer I’m going to invite you to do a spiritual “check-up” of sorts. How are things between you and God? Does God really hold first place in your life. If you have the choice between gathering to worship God with your faith family on any given Sunday and _____ (fill in the blank; e.g. sleeping, going out for brunch, taking the kids to their game or practice or event, working around the house, etc.) who wins? When you think in terms of serving God through your service to others, which strikes you first: thanks at the issues others have with which you can help or resentment that you have to give up something if you are going to make a difference in their lives? Does each day begin and end with a prayer, or are the worries or wonders of each day’s events the focus of your thoughts? Once again, how are things between you and God? Are you as down as I am right now following an honest check-up? That’s the LAW! It will always accuse, because even when we try our hardest to do all the things we

should we will still find ourselves falling short somewhere. Thank God my relationship, and yours, my “how are things between you and God?’ does not depend on me or my faithfulness. It is God who calls us into his family, who claims us as his children, who enlightens us by his gifts, who declares us holy and who grows and keeps us in the faith (Martin Luther’s explanation of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed as per the Small Catechism – a really good book to go to for help in doing your spiritual check-up, by the way!) His forgiveness trumps my sinfulness for his love is stronger than my rebellions. “The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin” says John (1 John 1:7). That is the GOSPEL! God has done, and continues to do, all that is necessary for my, your, our salvation! And his forgiving love has the power to change each of us, so that as we live in his Word and the Spirit lives in us, we can continue to risk doing spiritual check-ups – not because we will pass with flying colors because we finally get it right, but because even our worst failures have been covered with the blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. God grant you a peaceful, restful, happy summer – in and for the sake of Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

AT TRINITY ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

VBS Registration is open!!! Dates: July 4 – 8, 2016

9:00 am – noon

For children 4 yrs (by Sept)

to Grade 6

To register there are green forms in the narthex or go online at and email them in to [email protected].


Did you know that the EID Ministerial has a Facebook page where the community churches can post what is happening at their churches other than Sunday services? Please feel free to check it out it is called “Newell Christian Community”.

______________________________________________ Please mark July 17 on your calendar, as Trinity Council voted to hold our regular worship service at 9:00 am that morning. The ministerial (Newell Christian Community /

NCC) is hosting a joint service at 10:30am that morning followed by a Bar-B-Q at the Duke of Sutherland Park. We encourage our members to attend whichever service best fits their schedules – or you can be real daring and go to both! Please share this information with others worshipping at Trinity who might have missed this information.

The Recreation Therapy Department of the Brooks

Health Centre is seeking volunteers who might like to assist with outdoor “wheelchair walks” on Tuesday mornings. If you are interested please contact

Tammy Vincent at 403-501-3207


The next TLCW meeting will be on September 7th , 2016 at 10:00 am.

All ladies welcome. ______________________________________________

Can you “spare” some time??? September 7th @ 9:00am we will be sprucing up the kitchen. Please bring a bag lunch if you can, any time you

can spare to help out would be greatly appreciated. All are Welcome!!!


Secret Prayer Sister Would you like to do it again or maybe try for the first time? We are taking information for another year of S.S. `We will be matching everyone up in

the fall. If you would like to join and didn’t get a form please contact Faye Altwasser at 403-362-4438. __________________________________________

We invite all of the photographers in the congregation to submit your scenery photos to be used for background pictures for use on the screen for Sunday mornings. You can email them to the

church office at [email protected]. We are also looking for pictures of our members in ministry or scenery for the website and bulletin covers. We look forward to seeing the creativity of our church family. __________________________________________________

Kids love VBS Like a pig does mud!!

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Hey Youth

Summer Youth Things

June 26th 11:30am VBS Youth Training

-(bring $5 for pizza)Talk to Maggie if you can’t make it June 30th 2-9pm DRENCHED Grade 9 and up permission slips on Bulletin board July 3rd 11:30am youth decorating for VBS -Lunch provided July 4-8 8:45-12sh VBS(must have attended training) July 6th 1:00pm VBS Youth Lake Day July 17th Road Trip to Passion Play See Bulletin Board for more info July 14th Movie night in youth room@ 6pm August 14th @ 2pm Progressive Supper at Lake Newell (eat @ 4:30) August 18th Movie night @ 6pm at the church youth room

For more details please ask for a #PFFF handout!!!

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth"

- Ecclesiastes 12:1

ALL youth who have signed up to help at

VBS you need to fill out a Youth Leader Application Form please


Youth Sunday mornings

Is breaking for the summer

we look forward to seeing

you at 10am worship and the

youth activities this

summer. We will begin again after Rally

Sunday . Watch for any upcoming events.


Classes will resume on September 7th

at 4:45 we

look forward to seeing you all there! Please check

out all the youth things that we have going on

during the summer.

Mark your calendars!!! The fall confirmand’s retreat at the SABC Fort has

been booked for September 16th


. This retreat

on the Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion)

is required prior to confirmation. We will be

mailing out the permission slips and they will need

to be into the office no later than September 1st.


Yes they are!

Have a listen at

__ ________________________________________________________________________

We would like to

remind all who use

the church building

that it is a good fire

safety practice to

keep all interior

doors closed, especially when the church is

unoccupied. The last person(s) leaving the building

should ensure that lights are out, interior doors

closed and all exterior doors locked. This includes

the large overhead door to the hall, kitchen doors

and serving window door, classrooms and doors to

the sanctuary. In case of fire while in the building,

leave immediately by the most direct route, closing

all doors as you go. We pray for God’s blessings as

we strive to use the gift of the building as an

extension to spread the Good News and Jesus



Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Check it out at


Please note:

Sunday School for all ages is

done for the summer! We look

forward to seeing your faces as

we continue with 10:00am

worship service. Rally

Sunday will be September

11th where we will kick off all

of our activities again for the year.


Big Thankyou to the Altwassser

family in celebration of my 95th

birthday and for the ice cream

sundae. Also to my church family

for all the good wishes. It was a

great day.

God Bless you all.

Clara Vossler


Greetings Card recycling day

will be happening in the fall.

Please start saving your cards to

participate. If you just want to

donate your cards you can put

them in Mabel Schmitke’s mailbox. Its box 123.

Please watch as more information will be coming.


If you have a concern, question, bouquet, etc., you are invited to write it out, sign it & place it into the Comments & Suggestions Box that is located on the ledge of the office in the Library. The Deacons regularly check this box. It is

there for you.

I will be leaving my position as

Financial Secretary after this term

on council and would like to

mentor someone to take over the

position next term. It is not a

difficult job, I just feel it is time

for someone else to learn so that if something

unforeseen happens there is more than just one

person who can do the job and take over.

Basically the position requires posting the weekly

offering and making sure it balances. The counters

are awesome so very rarely does something not


Every three month (quarterly) you are required to

give a report to council as to offering balances. I

like to compare with the last year offering so the

same time period, just to see how things are


At year end you are required to do statements and

tax receipts for the year, sign them and distribute

either by church mail boxes or mail them out.

For the annual meeting in January, you are required

to do a report including a break down of totals for

the different funds. Also a graph showing

comparisons for the past years. Once again not a

huge task.

I have been entering on my computer at home

because I very rarely go to Brooks, then I copy the

backup to the church computer. The program is on

the computer at the church if you would like to do it

there. The program is simple to navigate and I will

be a phone call away. When I started Marg got

regular calls from me asking questions so don't feel

you can't call me because I understand:)

You will also have to do the scheduling for the

counters. I have been trying to change things so the

same people don't count the same week every year.

This I find the most daunting task of my job as

inevitably there is going to be overlap. It is

important to make sure that the same counters don't

do the holidays each year.

You are required to attend church council meeting


Looking forward to working with you.


Shirley Perry

Financial Secretary

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

LCMS Stewardship

Newsletter Article: July 2016

In our Lord’s parable of the vineyard workers, the

vineyard owner says to those who worked the

longest, “Or do you begrudge my generosity”

(Matthew 20:15)? It’s an unfortunate translation.

It’s not wrong, but it doesn’t give us the full picture.

What the vineyard owner actually says is this: “Or

is your eye evil because I am good?” Earlier in

Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp

of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole

body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad,

your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the

light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness”

(Matthew 6:21–23).

This statement comes right in the middle of our

Lord’s teaching about giving. He said, “Do not lay

up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth

and rust destroy and where thieves break in and

steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,

where neither moth nor rust destroys and where

thieves do not break in and steal. For where your

treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is

healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if

your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of

darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how

great is the darkness! No one can serve two masters,

for either he will hate the one and love the other, or

he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

You cannot serve God and money” (Matthew 6:19–


Having an evil eye does not let in the light. Having

an evil eye means that we are so focused on what

we don’t have, that we are unable to rejoice in what

God has given. An evil eye makes us distressed

when we see others prosper. It makes us rejoice

when others suffer. An evil eye makes us so love

ourselves and our money, that we don’t want to

share with others; we don’t want to give of what we

have because we are so focused on keeping what we

have and getting what we don’t.

Whereas a good eye is an eye that lets the light in so

that our lives are filled with it. This light shines

upon all that we have and reveals that it comes from

our Father’s divine goodness and mercy. A good

eye that lets in the light, unencumbered by the

darkness, so that we have a good will, a benevolent

disposition, and a genuine happiness to see others

prosper and the desire to be part of it.

Jesus came to give you a good eye and to take away

the darkness that fills your life. Christ our Lord,

through His death and resurrection, has forgiven

your sin, removed your evil eye and given you new

eyes that let in His light and truth. “For you know

the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he

was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that

you by his poverty might become rich” (2

Corinthians 8:9).

The reality is that you have all that you need and

more. You have the love of God in Christ Jesus.

You have the forgiveness of sins and life

everlasting. You have house and home, all that you

need for this body and life. So, lay up for yourselves

treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not

destroy. And you will see that your hearts will

follow, just as Jesus promised.


We are still in need of a volunteer to sign up for taking care of Trinity’s recycling needs for the year. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board across from the office. This is a monthly sign-up and September through

December are still available. Please consider this opportunity to serve. _____________________________________________

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ NW District As we are now a member of the North West district of LCMC we invite you to check out their website

This is a good way to keep in touch with other churches in our area and find out what is happening in our district.

The annual gathering of LCMC is taking place in Denver, Colorado, this October 2 – 5. Unlike most church conventions, there is very little “business” – at most a half hour or so

over the whole gathering. The majority of the gathering offers presentations on ministry possibilities, guest speakers and Bible study time, small group learning experiences and a lot of networking with others across the world who are serving Christ through LCMC. Of special interest is the display area, where from 40 – 50 ministries share information about mission possibilities, ministry ideas and congregational resources. Trinity is allowed two representatives, including a voting delegate. If you are interested in attending, please contact the church office. You can find more information about the gathering by going to and accessing “Events”, then “Annual Events”, then “Gathering”. ___________________________________________________________________

Do you have eye glasses that you can no longer wear? Please drop your old glasses off in the box labelled “Glasses” underneath the portable bulletin board in the foyer and give someone the gift of sight. There are many in this world who could never afford to buy eyeglasses and you can contribute to renew their sight

Brendan Bartlett Brooks Composite Brianna Bolt Brooks Composite Mark Castello St Joseph’s Kathryn Dyck Brooks Composite Alex Engel Brooks Composite Madison Hemsing Brooks Composite Nikki LaBoucane Brooks Composite Joel Musgrove Duchess Amanda Nilsson Bassano Brianna Nolan Brooks Composite AJ Santillian St Joseph’s Ashley Smith Brooks Composite Mercedee Stolson Brooks Composite Colton Thurmeier Brooks Composite Please hold these teens in your prayers as they begin the next journey in their lives. ______________________________________________

We are decorating our sanctuary this year as a farm yard and need your help. We are looking for some of the following items and wondering if you have any that you would

let us use for decor this year. -Milk cans -wash tub -Small trough and feed pails -saddle rack -tack -gingham (apron curtains or material) -straw hats -toy tractors, barns and farm animals Thank you for anything that you are able to help with. If you would like to help decorate please call the office . ______________________________________________

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”


Irene Kertesz July 01 Peggy Cameron July 03 Heather Brown July 06 Annie Moore July 09 Eva Sieberer July 09 Sharon Reid July 16 Joan Mohl July 17 Herb Brown July 18 Stan Waddell July19 Heinz Woehr July 24 Helen Scheuerman July 24 Sonia Ellis July 27 Lenora Connelly July 30 Willemine Carter Aug. 02 William GuyLaFosse Aug 02 George Koza Aug. 07 Trudi Heal Aug. 08 Dale Vossler Aug 13 Walter Johnson Aug. 16 Elvin Schmitke Aug. 18 Judy Campbell Aug. 18 Jean Peltzer Aug. 19 Glen Ravnsborg Aug. 23 Don Friesen Aug. 30 Judy Hauk Aug. 30

If you are a Senior and would like to have your name included on the Seniors’ birthday list, please call the church office.


Lee & Cindi Beasley July 02 Brandon & Holly Semmler July 02 Evan & Jamie Scheuerman July 05 Herb & Heather Brown July 08 Greg & Linda Toma July 09 John & Val Deunk July 09 George & Janice Koza July 11 Lionel & Jessica Kearney July 12 Dan & Melanie Wutzke July 13 Ralph & Patty Schnieder July 13 Will & Emily Prouty July 14 Kelly & Karen Rath July 15

Justin & Pam Harty July 16 Dennis & Kathy Schellenberg July 17 Greg & Bev Schultz July 18 Byron & Sarah Suttcliffe July 19 Dwayne & Tanya Jakubowski July 20 Jeremy & Laura-Jean Alexander July 22 Darren & Cindy Engel July 23 David & Kathlyn Peltzer July 24 Ryan & Sarah Summach July 25 John & Charlotte Dyck July 26 Stephen & Elisa Woodcock July 26 Scott & Laura Culligan July 28 Michael & Stephanie Hauck July 29 Arthur & Bernice Kruger July 29 Clifford & Esther Christman Aug. 01 Jason & Ashley Linton Aug. 01 Ryan & Kim Longpre Aug. 02 Randy & Shirley Perry Aug. 02 Todd & Angela White Aug. 05 Garnet & Faye Altwasser Aug. 07 Ben & Brenda Morris Aug. 07 Geordie & Rachel Heal Aug. 08 Curtis & Shanda Wood Aug. 09 Will & Anna Moeller Aug. 09 Matthew & Lori Smids Aug. 09 Ricki & Krista Smith Aug. 11 Craig & Kendra Pittman Aug. 15 Dale & Vi Olsen Aug. 17 Elvin & Mabel Schmitke Aug. 18 Angela & Jamie De Blasio Aug. 18 Dennis & Karen Dockray Aug. 18 Bruce & Julie Musgrove Aug. 20 Garry & Willemine Carter Aug. 21 Barry & Trudi Heal Aug. 22 George & Meg Henderson Aug. 23 Riley & Megan Schuett Aug. 26 Louis & Doreen Nester Aug. 27 Stacey & Christin Lillehei Aug. 28 Doug & Leann Prenevost Aug. 29 Byron & Andrea Skanderup Aug. 29 Brent & Leah Poynton Aug. 31 If you would like to have your anniversary included in the Wedding Anniversary list please call the church office .

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Worship Services Schedule of Volunteer Duties

July 03 10:00am with Communion Acolyte Bryanne Peltzer Lector Garnet Altwasser Storyteller Pastor John Sound / Video Emmalyn Elgersma/ Devon Flatla Worship Assistant: Brian Berg Communion Prep: Will & Anna Moeller Ushers Randy & Corry Flatla Pete & Patty Green Scripture Readings: Isaiah 66:10-14 Galatians 5:1, 14-18 July 10 10:00 am Acolyte Jordan Peltzer Lector Mark Altwasser Storyteller Maggie Theiss

Sound / Video Liam Anderson/ Joel Musgrove

Worship Assistant: Mark Altwasser

Ushers Barry & Trudy Heal Jim & Jeannie Culligan Scripture Readings: Leviticus (18:1-5) 19:9-18 Luke 10:25-37 July 17 9:00 am Acolyte Lyndsay Peltzer Lector Brian Berg Storyteller Julie Musgrove

Sound / Video Myra Altwasser/ Kathryn Dyck

Worship Assistant: Mark Altwasser Ushers Stan & Tracy Waddell Lou & Doreen Nester

Scripture Readings: Genesis 18:1-10a(10b-14) Colossians 1:21-29 July 24 10:00am with Communion Acolyte Ken Riveral Lector Melanie Altwasser Storyteller Pastor John Sound / Video Ian Altwasser/ Ryan Summach Worship Assistant: Brian Berg Communion Prep: Debbie Berg Ushers Brian & Lorene Nichols J. Lester & S. Perry Scripture Readings: Genesis 1817-19)20-33 Colossians 2:6-15(16-19)

July 31 10:00am Acolyte Kalem Schoneck Lector Val Deunk Storyteller Maggie Theiss Sound / Video Randy Flatla/ Mason Hofer Worship Assistant: Harold Stedel Ushers Brian & Debbie Berg John & Charlotte Dyck Scripture Readings: Ecclesiastes 1:1, 12-14, 2:18-26 Colossians 3:1-11 August 7 10:00 am Acolyte Kim Riveral Lector Leona Ferguson Storyteller Julie Musgrove

Sound / Video Devon Flatla/ Emmalyn Elgersma

Worship Assistant: Harold Stedel

Ushers Vince & Laura Elgersma Leona Ferguson & Anne McMahon

Scripture Readings: Genesis 15:1-6 Hebrews 11:1-16 August 14 10:00 am Acolyte Brock Thurmier Lector Trudi Heal Storyteller Pastor John

Sound / Video Joel Musgrove/ Liam Anderson

Worship Assistant: Mark Altwasser Ushers Gordon & Wendy Frank Brad & Kristen Niznik

Scripture Readings: Jeremiah 23:16-29 Hebrews 11:17-31(32-40) 12:1-3 August 21 10:00am with Communion Acolyte Nolan Trembecki Lector Brandi McCord Storyteller Maggie Theiss Sound / Video Katheryn Dyck/ Myra Altwasser Worship Assistant: Brian Berg Communion Prep: Doris Bachand Ushers Rudy & Jean Peltzer Brent & Tilley Altwasser Scripture Readings: Isaiah 66:12-23 Hebrews 12:4-24(25-29)

Trinity Times Summer 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

August 28 10:00 am Acolyte Victor Valin

Lector Gisela McGregor Storyteller Julie Musgrove

Sound / Video Ryan Summach/ Ian Altwasser

Worship Assistant: Harold Stedel Ushers Mark & Melanie Altwasser Candace B./ Barb Tamura

Scripture Readings: Proverbs 25:2-10 Hebrews 13:1-17 ______________________________________________

Ushers are reminded to please make sure that all church doors are locked before leaving after Sunday worship.

Rally Sunday will be September 11th. Watch for more details this summer!!

President: Gordon Frank

Vice- President: Bill Anderson

Secretary: Evelyn Harahus

Treasurer: Sharon Reid

Financial Secretary: Shirley Perry

Board of Deacon: Mark Altwasser

Harold Stedel

Brain Berg

Board of Trustees: Randy Flatla

Audrey Flatla

Colin Musgrove

Board of Education: Charlene Musgrove

Leta Babb

Julie Musgrove

Thank you to all of you for serving in this way.