true branding program for small business owners

A journey of authentic brand discovery in 4 steps Step 1 – Immersion: start your journey with comprehensive education on branding need-to-know, so you can fully understand how to effectively bring your ideas and personality to the world. This phase culminates with a workshop run by Alex (DEA PLATINUM Director), JJ (our WHY Discovery and Self-Leadership specialist) and Jay Kubassek (CEO and Founder). These DEA PLATINUM Workshops, held all around the world each year, are literally life-changing on both the personal and professional fronts, they’re absolutely unmissable! Step 2 – Incubation: here you’ll be gathering the ideas, direction and foundations of your brand, along with working with our expert coaches to identify your mission and values. Step 3 – Inspiration: this is where the creative juices really get flowing! You’ll be allocated a top notch website designer and content writer who will turn your fundamentals into a unique, world-class brand that lets you operate from a place of integrity and authenticity to earn customer trust. Step 4 – Implementation: the final phase where we deliver all your brand assets, professionally written content and cutting-edge, responsive website. This, along with practical education on how to use your brand effectively, ensures you can really move forward taking your business to new heights of success. Content Authentic Success Online Guide Sietske Cuhfus, a professional in branding and marketing. Why Branding Online? A unique and authentic brand presence online. Brand Incubator Programs Digital Experts Academy programs for business owners who want to go digital (to be). True Business S t a r t s w i t h w h y

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: True Branding Program For Small Business Owners

A journey of authentic brand discovery in 4 steps Step 1 – Immersion: start your journey with comprehensive education on branding need-to-know, so you can fully understand how to effectively bring your ideas and personality to the world. This phase culminates with a workshop run by Alex (DEA PLATINUM Director), JJ (our WHY Discovery and Self-Leadership specialist) and Jay Kubassek (CEO and Founder). These DEA PLATINUM Workshops, held all around the world each year, are literally life-changing on both the personal and professional fronts, they’re absolutely unmissable!

Step 2 – Incubation: here you’ll be gathering the ideas, direction and foundations of your brand, along with working with our expert coaches to identify your mission and values.

Step 3 – Inspiration: this is where the creative juices really get flowing! You’ll be allocated a top notch website designer and content writer who will turn your fundamentals into a unique, world-class brand that lets you operate from a place of integrity and authenticity to earn customer trust.

Step 4 – Implementation: the final phase where we deliver all your brand assets, professionally written content and cutting-edge, responsive website. This, along with practical education on how to use your brand effectively, ensures you can really move forward taking your business to new heights of success.

ContentAuthentic Success Online Guide

Sietske Cuhfus, a professional in branding

and marketing.

Why Branding Online? A unique and authentic brand presence online.

Brand Incubator Programs Digital Experts

Academy programs for business owners who want to go digital (to













Page 2: True Branding Program For Small Business Owners

Authentic Success Online Guide Sietske Cuhfus,

www.ilove-natural.comMy name is Sietske. I am an authentic guide for online branding and marketing. I used to have my own small business in marketing communications, webdesign and copywriting. I was feeling unfulfilled and empty after a while. There was something missing. Bumping into Simon Sinek I was inspired again by his book and TED Talk 'Start with Why'. By knowing my intrinsic motivation the fire inside me could spark again. I started experimenting with clients and after a lot of soul searching and practise I shaped my own Why. So when my partnering organisation Digital Experts Academy (DEA) announced their new full service program for branding and marketing, starting out with the discovery of ‘Why’, I was so excited. They have the best trainers and team to make

this a a success. To make YOU and YOUR BUSINESS a success. If you want to run your business from a place of meaning and purpose, making a difference for others and attracting customers instead of chasing them, building sustainable relationships? I recommend their Platinum program. As a branding expert and marketing communications freak I know a good thing when I see it. It is my goal to be one of their coaches in their academy in the future. For now I’ll be your guide to online success by referring this program to you.

My Own Why

My why is raising the consciousness of the planet by helping people, especially

women, to discover their potential and express their

uniqueness (authenticity) so they can step into their power

and make a difference.












Page 3: True Branding Program For Small Business Owners

Why is a professional brand is important? Online branding is the life blood of a sustainable business

Any entrepreneur will tell you that a vital factor to any successful business is a great brand that stands out from the crowd. Many business struggle to compete in the

noisy online space because they haven’t got this aspect right. The reason for this fall-down, even for those who’ve paid huge sums to typical branding agencies and web design companies, is that a genuine brand which

stands the test of time and earns consumer trust needs

to come from a place of authentic integrity that flows through your entire business and communications. The DEA PLATINUM Program is a cutting-edge process with a specific, proprietary formula that helps you really dig to the roots when it comes understanding and

expressing your WHY i.e. your values, mission and purpose. We work with you to define these principles and then translate them into a visual representation which becomes your unique, authentic brand presence. This lets you start attracting the right people to your business, people who will share in your values and therefore become loyal customers. In a nutshell, a congruent, world-class brand earns trust, so you can move from strength to strength with building a successful business.


Next Workshop in AustraliaThe first Platinum workshop is in

Brisbane, Australia, December 7, 8 and 9, 2016.



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Press this link to watch the video with Alex and testimonials.

Alex Eastman, Director Brand Incubator

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The DEA PLATINUM Program is designed to take members on an exciting journey of personal and professional discovery to create a unique online brand identity that makes the world stand up and take notice.

Before you start with this Platinum incubation portal with Digital Experts Academy you need to apply with SFM. This contains a basic program every affiliate for Digital Experts Academy has to go through. It offers great transformational value and knowledge, a business system with endless marketing trainings and webinars and live events all over the world.

Since July 2016 there is a free trial for 30 days. This way you can see what we have in store, so you can decide with absolutely no risk on your side. When you apply with your free trial you will be assigned to a business coach who will assist you in setting you up for Platinum.

Digital Experts Academy is an educational organization and the

world’s first passion and skill-based incubator, designed to take

entrepreneurship digital.

DEA provides individuals and small businesses a step-by-step

academic and mentoring program created to streamline the process

of starting or expanding a business in today’s digital

economy. New students are encouraged to follow their

individual passions and talents in order to create their ideal

business and become financially self-sufficient.

The four program levels are: DEA SILVER, DEA GOLD, DEA

PLATINUM and DEA BLACK. The programs have been sequentially-designed as stepping stones to

take individuals through the phases of starting a successful business, while leveraging the

many tools available on the internet. DEA’s vision is to

become a viable option to higher education by the year 2025.












FREE Trial 30 days

Click this link to go to the landing page with more info.

The link below is an affi l iate link. This means I, Sietske Cuhfus, will earn a commission for referring you to DEA. I am a student with DEA and associate with the affi laite organisation SFM. I only refer links of companies, people and products I trust and value.

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torDEA Platinum member benefits

• The intensive 3-Day live DEA PLATINUM Workshop (kept to restricted numbers so we can really dive deep) where you’ll be working closely with Jay Kubassek, our DEA PLATINUM Director and Leadership specialist to delve into your values and really get to grips with what effective branding is all about.

• Access to the cutting-edge Brand Incubation portal that will take you step-by-step to creating your ideal brand, reflecting who you are and the unique value you bring to the world. You’ll end up with:▪ a comprehensive Style Guide that includes a bespoke font, color palette

and typography to visually represent your individual personality.▪ a world-class website designed by a top notch designer that is also

responsive (meaning it has an easy-to-use content management system so you can make changes to the site as you see fit).

▪ core website content that has been edited and polished by a professional copywriter.

▪ a logo tying all your brand elements into one strong image.▪ a professional photo to ensure a top quality first impression.

• You’ll be allocated a dedicated Project Manager to ensure your branding journey flows smoothly.

• 5 Expert Credits i.e. each credit translates to 30 mins. of live 1-2-1 coaching with our coaches to boost your business success.


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DEA Platinum member+ benefits You can also upgrade to a DEA PLATINUM+ membership. This brings all the benefits of standard DEA PLATINUM membership, but with extra features to increase the value you get from the program:

• Upgraded logo to add a heavyweight punch to your brand on first impression.

• Additional iconography (graphic design) to make your brand stand out even more.

• Branding for your Facebook, YouTube and Twitter platforms to ensure you have a wide reach with your brand identity and that your social media presence is fully congruent with your main website brand.

• Body-shot or additional headshot done by a professional photographer so you have a range of photos to pick from and use anywhere you want to display your brand identity.

• Bespoke, professionally written article (including keyword optimization for search

engine ranking) on any topic of your choosing, so that when you launch your new website brand you already have great content to kick you off on the right footing.

• 10 Expert Credits i.e. an additional two and a half hours of 1-2-1 expert coaching to boost your business success.

• And the crowning jewel is 1-2-1 mentorship with JJ himself, a highly trained and experienced Why Discovery/Self-Leadership pro. He’ll take you through an intensive process to uncover your deepest personal purpose, ensuring you have a clear understanding of how to move forward with integrity and authenticity to yourself and within your business. This is an unbelievably powerful process and great value-for-money since specialists in this area typically cost upwards of $5,000.



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Vision SFM/DEA Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross, Founders of SFM/DEA

Most people live the life they think they have to live. They are unfulfilled, overworked, stressed and stuck in a system that exploits them instead of helping them achieve their highest potential.They get the education they think they need to get the job society says they should want. Unfortunately, most lack the life skills required to be self-made and self-reliant.Our vision is to wake up millions of people to realize the tremendous potential that lies within themselves. And further, to show them how to harness and exploit this potential in the new, digital economy. In doing so, they will transition from reliance on their current job or occupation to a

life of freedom, self-reliance, and total control. They will do good in the world by creating wealth and abundance not only for themselves, but also for their communities and those around them.

Me at London Event 2016












Jay Kubassek & Stuart Ross

Page 8: True Branding Program For Small Business Owners

Visit my website or contact me.

My Own Why

My why is raising the consciousness of the planet by helping people, especially

women, to discover their potential and express their

uniqueness (authenticity) so they can step into their power

and make a difference.

Sietske Cuhfus

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Link to more information on FREE 30 DAY TRIAL This link goes to a landing page where the co-founder of SFM/Digital Experts Academy, Stuart Ross, will tell you more.

Bye, Bye! Hope to have been of service to you!