ttrriinniittyy hhiigghh sscchhooooll ccuurrrriiccuulluumm ... · wouu lld d ahhavvee ttoo rdrra ww...

T T r r i i n n i i t t y y H H i i g g h h S S c c h h o o o o l l C C u u r r r r i i c c u u l l u u m m f f o o r r E E x x c c e e l l l l e e n n c c e e W W h h o o l l e e S S c c h h o o o o l l N N u u m m e e r r a a c c y y P P o o l l i i c c y y L L e e v v e e l l 3 3

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Page 1: TTrriinniittyy HHiigghh SScchhooooll CCuurrrriiccuulluumm ... · wouu lld d ahhavvee ttoo rdrra ww oonn oouur ssccaalee ddrawiinngg.. 3000 0 y 220 1== 155 ccmm.. Thheess ecccaallcuulla

TTrriinniittyy HHiigghh


CCuurrrriiccuulluumm ffoorr


WWhhoollee SScchhooooll

NNuummeerraaccyy PPoolliiccyy

LLeevveell 33

Page 2: TTrriinniittyy HHiigghh SScchhooooll CCuurrrriiccuulluumm ... · wouu lld d ahhavvee ttoo rdrra ww oonn oouur ssccaalee ddrawiinngg.. 3000 0 y 220 1== 155 ccmm.. Thheess ecccaallcuulla

Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

Page 1

MNU 3-20a – Bar graphs

Months Sales (£000's)

May 2.5

June 3

July 4.5

August 4.2

MNU 3-20a

I can work

collaboratively, making


of technology, to source

information presented

in a range of


Ice Cream Sales 2009












May June July August


Ice c



s (



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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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MMNNUU 33--2200aa –– LLiinnee GGrraapphhss

MMNNUU 33--2200aa -- PPiiee CChhaarrttss

Preferred Ice Cream flavours









Ice Cream sales












May June July August


Ice C



s (



• Interpretation of pie charts may be used in several subject areas e.g Geography, History and Maths

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

Page 3

NNootteess –– ppaarreennttaall hheellpp

• Statistical information permeates through many subjects within the school.

• Pupils may be asked to interpret bar graphs and line graphs in many different areas of the curriculum eg Science, Maths, History, Geography

Uses and contexts

• Use a pencil and a ruler

• Label axes accordingly, including units

• Give graph a title

• Always put spaces between bars (only on bar graphs)

• Use an appropriate scale – equal intervals

• Numbers always marked on the lines

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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FFrraaccttiioonn ooff aa qquuaannttiittyy

TToo ccaallccuullaattee 4

3 ooff ssoommeetthhiinngg wwee wwoouulldd 4 aanndd tthheenn 3

eegg 4

3 ooff 3322 KKgg

== 3322 4 3 ((÷÷ ddeennoommiinnaattoorr,, ×× nnuummeerraattoorr))

== 2244 KKgg

MNU 3-07a

I can solve problems by

carrying out calculations

with a wide range of

fractions, decimals and

percentages, using my

answers to make

comparisons and

informed choices for real

life situations…………

3-07 (a) – Percentages/Fractions

What is a fraction? A fraction contains a numerator (top line) and a denominator (bottom line). It is a way of representing a split or a share of a quantity.

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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PPeerrcceennttaaggeess ttoo FFrraaccttiioonnss –– CCoonnvveerrssiioonn ttaabbllee

Percentage Fraction 25%


50% 2


75% 4


Percentage Fraction

20% 5


40% 5


60% 5


80% 5


Percentage Fraction 30%


70% 10


90% 10


Percentage Fraction


133 3



266 3


Percentage Fraction 10%


1% 100


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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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% Of An Amount (Non-Calculator) e.g.

66 3

2 % of 24

= 3

2 of 24 (Change % into fraction)

= 24 ÷ 3 x 2 (Divide by denominator, multiply by numerator) = 16

If asked for 15% (or similar) without a calculator, use the following methodology; e.g. 15% of £220 10% of £220 = £22 (emphasise ÷ 10) 5% = 22 ÷ 2 = £11 => 15% = £33 (22 + 11)

% Of An Amount (Calculator)

• 32% of £400

• 100

32 of £400

• = 400 ÷ 100 × 32 (Building on previous knowledge)

• = £128

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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TThhiiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarr tteecchhnniiqquuee mmaayy bbee uusseedd aaccrroossss tthhee ccuurrrriiccuulluumm ffoorr

ppuuppiillss ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt aannyy tteesstt mmaarrkkss ttoo ppeerrcceennttaaggeess..

Uses and Contexts

Percentages are everywhere in life. Pupils should be able to interpret what a Percentage actually means.

Various contexts can be used across the curriculum as well as throughout our day to day life

NNootteess –– ppaarreennttaall hheellpp

Pupils should be encouraged to LEARN the basic percentage to fraction conversions

Remember that Percentages are always ‘out of 100’

Encourage pupils to show steps in working rather than jumping straight to answers

Converting to a %age (calculator) eg Charlie made a £12 profit from a bicycle that cost him £50. Express

this profit as a percentage of the cost of the bicycle.


12 %

= 24 %

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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33--0088((aa)) RRaattiioo aanndd PPrrooppoorrttiioonn

RRaattiiooss ccaann bbee uusseedd iinn TTeecchhnniiccaall aanndd GGeeooggrraapphhyy ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt ssccaalleess..

HHoommee EEccoonnoommiiccss mmaayy aallssoo uussee rraattiiooss ttoo ccaallccuullaattee tthhee aammoouunntt ooff

iinnggrreeddiieennttss rreeqquuiirreedd iinn aa rreecciippee..

WWhheenn wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh rraattiiooss ((eegg 11::33)) ccoonnvveerrssiioonn iiss ppeerrffoorrmmeedd iinn oonnee

ooff ttwwoo wwaayyss..

CCoonnvveerrttiinngg mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss iinnttoo rreeaall lliiffee

UUssiinngg tthhee ssccaallee 11 ccmm:: 44 mm,, hhooww hhiigghh iiss aa ttrreeee tthhaatt iiss rreepprreesseenntteedd

bbyy 33..99 ccmm iinn mmyy SSccaallee ddrraawwiinngg????

11 ccmm:: 44 mm

33..99 ccmm:: 33..99××44 == 1155..66 mmeettrreess..

MNU 3-08a

I can show how quantities that are related can be increased or decreased proportionally and apply this to solve problems in everyday contexts

Convert to real life by



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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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SSccaalliinngg DDoowwnn

IIff ttrryyiinngg ttoo ccaallccuullaattee hhooww ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt aa

mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt ttoo hheellpp uuss wwiitthh aa ssccaallee

ddrraawwiinngg,, wwee sshhoouulldd ddiivviiddee bbyy tthhee ssccaallee..

AA sshhiipp ssaaiillss 330000 mmiilleess.. UUssiinngg tthhee ssccaallee

11 ccmm:: 2200 mmiilleess,, ccaallccuullaattee wwhhaatt ssiizzee ooff lliinnee wwee

wwoouulldd hhaavvee ttoo ddrraaww oonn oouurr ssccaallee ddrraawwiinngg..

330000 2200 == 1155 ccmm..

TThheessee ccaallccuullaattiioonnss ddeemmoonnssttrraattee hhooww ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt uussiinngg ssccaalleess..

RRaattiioo aanndd PPrrooppoorrttiioonn ccaann bbee uusseedd ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm ccaallccuullaattiioonnss iinn mmaannyy

ssuubbjjeecctt aarreeaass.. CCaarrppeett WWoorrlldd aarree sseelllliinngg ccaarrppeettss aatt ££2244 ffoorr 44 mm 2 ..

IIff II ddeecciiddee ttoo bbuuyy tthhee ssaammee ccaarrppeett,, ccaallccuullaattee hhooww mmuucchh iitt wwoouulldd

ccoosstt ffoorr 1133 mm 2 ..

TThheerree aarree sseevveerraall vvaalliidd tteecchhnniiqquueess ffoorr ssoollvviinngg tthhiiss pprroobblleemm..

HHoowweevveerr,, iitt iiss eeaassiieesstt ttoo ccaallccuullaattee tthhee ccoosstt ooff 11 mm 2 aanndd tthheenn

mmuullttiippllyy ttoo ffiinndd tthhee ddeessiirreedd aammoouunntt..

44 mm 2 ££2244

11 mm 2 2244 44 == ££66//mm 2

1133 mm 2 66 ×× 1133 == ££7788..

QQuuaannttiittiieess ooff iinnggrreeddiieennttss ccaann bbee ccaallccuullaatteedd iinn aa

ssiimmiillaarr mmaannnneerr..

Convert to scale drawing measurements by DIVIDING BY


Always find

UNIT cost first

ie cost of 1.

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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RRuullee iiss ffaaiirrllyy ssiimmppllee ffoorr rroouunnddiinngg.. 55 oorr aabboovvee mmeeaannss RROOUUNNDD UUPP,,

bbeellooww 55 mmeeaannss RROOUUNNDD DDOOWWNN..


WWhhiicchh ddiiggiitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt wwhheenn rroouunnddiinngg??

TThhee iimmppoorrttaanntt ddiiggiitt iiss tthhee oonnee tthhaatt ssiittss iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ttoo tthhee rriigghhtt ooff

yyoouurr ddeessiirreedd aaccccuurraaccyy..


HHuunnddrreeddss TTeennss UUnniittss .. TTeenntthhss HHuunnddrreeddtthhss

rroouunndd ttoo tthhee nneeaarreesstt tteenn,, llooookk aatt tthhee UUNNIITTSS

rroouunndd ttoo tthhee nneeaarreesstt HHUUNNDDRREEDDTTHH,, llooookk aatt tthhee


RRoouunndd 447733 ttoo tthhee nneeaarreesstt TTEENN –– llooookk aatt tthhee uunniittss ((tthhee 33))

LLeessss tthhaann 55 447733 == 447700 ((nneeaarreesstt tteenn))

MNU 3-01a

I can round a number

using an appropriate

degree of accuracy,

having taken into account

the context of the


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RRoouunndd 99..9988 ttoo 11 ddeecciimmaall ppllaaccee..

AAnnsswweerr:: LLooookk aatt 22nndd

nnuummbbeerr aafftteerr ddeecciimmaall ppooiinntt,,

1100..00 –– qquueessttiioonn ssppeecciiffiiccaallllyy aasskkss ffoorr 11 ddpp..

CCoonntteexxttuuaall pprroobblleemmss –– aa ttwwiisstt!!

TThheerree aarree qquueessttiioonnss wwhheerree rroouunnddiinngg rreeqquuiirreess aa ccoommmmoonn sseennssee


eegg AA ttiinn ooff ppaaiinntt ccoovveerrss 1100 mm 2 ooff wwaallll.. IInn mmyy lliivviinngg rroooomm tthhee wwaallllss

ccoovveerr aann aarreeaa ooff 9944 mm 2 .. HHooww mmaannyy ttiinnss ooff ppaaiinntt wwiillll bbee nneeeeddeedd ttoo

ccoommpplleetteellyy ccoovveerr tthhiiss aarreeaa??

9944 1100 == 99..44 ttiinnss..

FFoolllloowwiinngg rruulleess ooff rroouunnddiinngg tthhaatt sshhoouulldd bbee 99 ttiinnss

GGiivveenn tthhee ccoonntteexxtt ooff tthhee qquueessttiioonn,, 1100 ttiinnss ooff ppaaiinntt wwiillll bbee nneeeeddeedd

If important

digit is 5 or



below 5,



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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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OOnnee ooff tthhee bbaassiicc nnuummeerriiccaall mmeetthhooddss iiss bbeeiinngg aabbllee ttoo mmuullttiippllyy wwhhoollee

nnuummbbeerrss ((aanndd ddeecciimmaallss)) bbyy 1100,, 110000 eettcc.. 11)) 4455 ×× 110000 == 44550000

22)) 665588 ×× 1100000000 == 66558800000000

AAss yyoouu wwoouulldd eexxppeecctt,, ddiivviissiioonn iiss

tthhee rreevveerrssee pprroocceessss.. iiee rreemmoovvee

zzeerrooss iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh wwhhaatt yyoouu

aarree ddiivviiddiinngg bbyy.. 33)) 4455000000 ÷÷ 110000 == 445500

MNU 3-03a,

MNU 3-03b

I can use a variety of

methods to solve number

problems AND recall

number facts quickly and

use them accurately when

making calculations

To multiply a whole

number by 10, 100 etc,

simply ADD the

corresponding number of

zeros on to the number

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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DDeecciimmaall MMuullttiipplliiccaattiioonn//DDiivviissiioonn

Multiplying/Dividing A Decimal By 10, 100, 1000(or a multiple of)

Ex.1 2.75 x 10 Explanation should take place on how the

= 27.5 digits will move ONE place to the LEFT

which builds on previous work done with

whole numbers.

3.89 x 10 However, as with whole numbers, a

= 38.9 quicker alternative can be shown by

moving the decimal point ONE place to

the RIGHT.

As before, rules to multiply/divide depend on multiple of 10.

X 10 Move decimal point ONE place to the RIGHT X 100 Move decimal point TWO places to the RIGHT X 1000 Move decimal point THREE places to the RIGHT ÷ 10 Move decimal point ONE place to the LEFT ÷ 100 Move decimal point TWO places to the LEFT

÷ 1000 Move decimal point THREE places to the LEFT

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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Additional examples:

x 30 Multiply by 3 then multiply by 10 (or reverse)

x 600 Multiply by 6 then multiply by 100 (or reverse)

÷ 8000 Divide by 8 then divide by 1000 (or reverse)

If pupils struggle to remember LEFT or RIGHT it could be helpful to

emphasise if the number should be getting bigger or smaller before they

start the calculation.

Subtraction Subtraction is carried out using the ‘decomposition’ method – best illustrated via a few examples!





--11 33 99 88

33 22 55 44

TThhiiss mmeetthhoodd aalllloowwss uuss ttoo ‘‘bboorrrrooww’’ ffrroomm tthhee ccoolluummnn ddiirreeccttllyy ttoo tthhee

lleefftt –– iiff ppoossssiibbllee..

HHoowweevveerr,, wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg eexxaammppllee,, wwee hhaavvee ttoo ggoo ttwwoo ccoolluummnnss

lleefftt ttoo ffiinndd ssoommeetthhiinngg wwee ccaann ‘‘bboorrrrooww’’ ffrroomm..

11 9911

00 1100

-- 66 77

33 33

TThheessee ttyyppeess ooff eexxaammpplleess rreeqquuiirree MMUUCCHH ccaarree!!

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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33--0044 ((aa)) -- NNeeggaattiivvee NNuummbbeerrss

NNeeggaattiivvee NNuummbbeerrss ccaann bbee uusseedd iinn sseevveerraall ccoonntteexxttss..

HHiissttoorryy:: UUssee ooff AADD//BBCC

AAccccoouunnttss:: nneeggaattiivvee mmoonneeyy rreepprreesseennttss ‘‘aaccccoouunntt iinn oovveerrddrraafftt’’

SScciieennccee:: TTeemmppeerraattuurree

TThhee aaccttuuaall ccaallccuullaattiioonn ssiiddee ooff NNeeggaattiivvee NNuummbbeerrss iiss rreellaattiivveellyy

ssttrraaiigghhtt ffoorrwwaarrdd..

MNU 3-04a

I can use my

understanding of

numbers less than zero

to solve simple

problems in context

(+) (-) means SUBTRACT.

(-) (-) means ADD.

Add means increase in

value, Subtract means


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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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11)) )5(4

== 54

== 1

22)) )7(3

== 73

== 4

33)) 56

== 30

44)) )6(42

== 7

When Multiplying and


(-) × (+) = (-)

(-) ÷ (-) = (+)

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33--1111 ((aa)) CCoonnvveerrssiioonn aanndd FFoorrmmuullaaee

TThhee ttaabblleess,, aatt tthhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee ddooccuummeenntt,, ccaann bbee uusseedd ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt

bbeettwweeeenn uunniittss ooff mmeeaassuurree,, vvoolluummee aanndd wweeiigghhtt.. CChhaannggee 55335500mm iinnttoo kkmm..

55335500 ÷÷ 11000000** == 55..3355kkmm ** 11kkmm == 11000000mm

TThheerree aarree mmaannyy ddiiffffeerreenntt ffoorrmmuullaass ffoorr AArreeaa.. TThhee bbaassiicc pprroocceedduurree,,

ffoorr aallll ffoorrmmuullaass,, sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn tthhee ssaammee..

MNU 3-11a

I can solve practical

problems by applying

my knowledge of

measure, choosing the

appropriate units and

degree of accuracy for

the task and using a

formula to calculate area

and volume.

Write down formula

Substitute numbers into


Calculate answer

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

Page 18 CCaallccuullaattee tthhee aarreeaa ooff tthhee ttrriiaannggllee

AArreeaa == heightbase



== 672


== 221cm

7 cm

6 cm

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

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33--2222((aa)) PPrroobbaabbiilliittyy

PPrroobbaabbiilliittyy wwoouulldd aallwwaayyss bbee eexxpprreesssseedd aass aa ffrraaccttiioonn,, rraattiioo oorr


PPrroobbaabbiilliittyy wwoouulldd aallwwaayyss bbee mmeeaassuurreedd oonn aa ssccaallee ooff 00 ttoo 11,, wwhheerree

00 iiss iimmppoossssiibbllee aanndd 11 iiss cceerrttaaiinn..

MNU 3-22a

I can find the probability

of a simple event

happening and explain

why the consequences of

the event, as well as its

probability, should be

considered when making


Probability = Number of positive outcomes

Total number of outcomes

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Trinity High School Curriculum for Excellence Numeracy Policy

Page 20 NNiinnee wwooooddeenn bbaallllss,, nnuummbbeerreedd 11 ttoo 99,, aarree ppllaacceedd iinn aa bbaagg..

WWhhaatt iiss tthhee pprroobbaabbiilliittyy tthhaatt II ppiicckk oouutt aa bbaallll wwhhiicchh iiss ggrreeaatteerr

tthhaann 77??

PPrroobb((>> 77)) == 9


NNoottee:: OOnnllyy 22 ppoossiittiivvee oouuttccoommeess ((88 oorr 99)) aanndd 99 ttoottaall


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33--1100((aa)) TTiimmee,, DDiissttaannccee,, SSppeeeedd

TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ccoonnvveerrssiioonn iiss vviittaallllyy iimmppoorrttaanntt wwhheenn ccaallccuullaattiinngg uussiinngg

tthhee ttiimmee,, ddiissttaannccee ssppeeeedd ttrriiaannggllee..

TTiimmee mmuusstt aallwwaayyss bbee ccoonnvveerrtteedd ttoo aa ddeecciimmaall.. 33 hhoouurrss aanndd 1155 mmiinnuutteess == 33..2255 hhrrss

TToo ccoonnvveerrtt mmiinnuutteess,, 1155 ÷÷ 6600 == 00..2255 hhrrss ==>> 33..2255 hhrrss

HHoouurrss MMiinnuutteess

× 60

÷ 60

MNU 3-10a

Using simple time

periods, I can work out

how long a journey will

take, the speed travelled

at or the distance

covered, using my

knowledge of the link

between time, distance

and speed.

Always remember to convert

time to a decimal when

calculating using time,

distance, speed.

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WWhheenn ccaallccuullaattiinngg,, uussiinngg ss//dd//tt,, rreemmeemmbbeerr tthhiiss ttrriiaannggllee ttoo hheellpp wwiitthh

tthhee ffoorrmmuullaass..




tan ,,



tan ,, timespeedcedis tan

CCaallccuullaattee tthhee ddiissttaannccee ffrroomm

GGllaassggooww ttoo CCaarrlliissllee iiff II ttrraavveelllleedd

aatt aann aavveerraaggee ssppeeeedd ooff 6600mmpphh

ffoorr 11 hhoouurr 4455 mmiinnuutteess..

TTiimmee == 11..7755 hhoouurrss

DD == ss ×× tt

== 6600 ×× 11..7755

== 110055 mmiilleess

NNBB RReemmeemmbbeerr ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt ttiimmee iinnttoo ddeecciimmaallss..


s t

Simply cover up the quantity

you require and the formula is

constructed with the other two


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33--0099((aa)),, ((bb)) MMoonneeyy

MMaannyy aassppeeccttss ooff mmoonneeyy rreeqquuiirree aa lliittttllee kknnoowwlleeddggee ccoouupplleedd wwiitthh

ccoommmmoonn sseennssee..

KKnnoowwlleeddggee ooff tthhee pphhrraasseess aanndd ppuuttttiinngg tthheemm iinnttoo tthhee rreeaall lliiffee

pprraaccttiiccee iiss wwhhaatt iiss rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr llaatteerr lliiffee..

MMoosstt ccaallccuullaattiioonnss iinnvvoollvviinngg mmoonneeyy rreevvoollvvee aarroouunndd aa ssoouunndd

kknnoowwlleeddggee ooff aarriitthhmmeettiicc sskkiillllss –– sseeee 33..0011((aa)),, 33..0033((aa)),, ((bb))..

MNU 3-09a, b

When considering how

to spend money, I can

source, compare and

contrast different

contracts and


I can budget

effectively, making use

of technology to

manage money and

plan for future


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AAddddiittiioonnaall tteecchhnniiqquueess::

11)) AAvveerraaggeess//MMeeaann::

CCaallccuullaattee tthhee aavveerraaggee ooff 44,, 99,, 1133,, 1122,, 77

AAvveerraaggee == 95




To calculate average:

• Add together all the


• Divide total by number

of data.

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EEaacchh ooff tthhee lleetttteerrss ooff BBOODDMMAASS ssttaannddss ffoorr aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr MMaatthheemmaattiiccaall


BB –– BBrraacckkeettss

OO –– OOtthheerrss (( ppoowweerrss,, ssqquuaarree rroooottss,, ooff))

DD –– DDiivviissiioonn

MM –– MMuullttiipplliiccaattiioonn

AA –– AAddddiittiioonn

SS –– SSuubbttrraaccttiioonn


1) 735



2) 274

211 5.5

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