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  • 8/10/2019 Tw 20120331


    MARCH 31, 20121

    THE TRUMPET WEEKLY M A R C H 3 1 , 2 0 1 2

    Iran, Radical IslamistsTaking Over North Africa

    see ISLAMISTS page 12


    Obama Purposely Undermining Israel 2

    No One Can Stop the Brotherhood 4

    The Role Ex-Nazis Played in West Germany 6

    U.S. Outgunned in Hacker War 8

    Will Trayvon Martin Ignite Race Wars?10

  • 8/10/2019 Tw 20120331




    Revolts Bring IslamistRegional Vision CloserREUTERS| March 28

    T M Brotherhood has quietlyspread its inuence ar beyondEgypt in its -year history, but Arabrevolts have opened broad new po-litical horizons the group hopes willreect its ounders vision or the Araband Islamic world.

    Tere is no doubt that Hassan al-Banna believed in Islamic unity and

    not just Arab unity. But with such a vision we must consider reality andwhat is possible, said Mahmoud Gho-zlan, a member o the Brotherhoodsexecutive bureau. Interviewed at thegroups new headquarters in Cairo, hecalled such unity a long-term objec-tive, but seemed alive to the possibili-ties thrown up by a erment in whichIslamists are driving mainstream poli-tics across North A rica and beyond.

    Tis region is in a period o

    deep-rooted change, the -year-old said. Starting rom unisia andending with Syria, the nature o theregion and alliances will change. TeBrotherhood like Islamist partieselsewhere has been the main bene-ciary [o the uprisings], using ree elec-tions to sweep to the brink o power.Its success, along with election wins byIslamists in unisia and Morocco, andthe emergence o power ul Islamistplayers in Libya and inside Syrias op-position, is orcing the world to rethink

    how it deals with political Islam.Te Brotherhood, the oldestand most established contempo-rary Islamist movement, could nditsel at the center o a Sunni arc oinuence rom the Atlantic to theeastern Mediterranean. We canstart to talk o an emerging SunniIslamist bloc rom North A rica allthe way potentially to Syria. I thinkthe Brotherhood is the most impor-tant part o that, said Shadi Hamid,

    research director at the Doha Brook-ings Center in Qatar. Tey are parto a broader movement, and it is thatmovement that is going to reshapethe regional architecture.

    Syrian Violence Drives50,000 ChristiansFrom HomesCNA | March 27

    A Christians in the con-

    ict-torn Syrian city o Homs haveed violence and persecution, amidreports that their homes have beenattacked and seized by anatics withlinks to al Qaeda. With percent oChristians having reportedly lef theirhomes, the violence is driving earsthat Syria could become a secondIraq with church attacks, kidnappingsand orced expulsions o believers.

    Te exodus o , or moreChristians has taken place largely in

    J every week, moreheadlines emerge exposing Iransmalevolence.

    Last week came the revelation romWestern intelligence sources thatIrans Islamic Guardsmen are oodingSyria by the hundreds in order to helpput down the popular rebellion againstBashar Assad.

    Also last week, in testimony be ore a House committee,the New York Police Departments director o intelligenceanalysis revealed that Iranian diplomatic personnel havebeen caught over the last decade staking out possible pointso attack within New York City.

    Peter King, the chairman o the House Committee onHomeland Security, last week testied that the greatestthreat on American soil is not al Qaeda, but Hezbollah.King said there may be hundredseven thousandsoHezbollah agents in the U.S. capable o launching a ter-rorist attack. He also spoke o the Iranian diplomats atthe United Nations and in Washington who, it must bepresumed, are intelligence officers. Add to this the actthat Hezbollah is known to be working with the power ulMexican drug cartels, which are entrenched in cities allover America.

    Iran continues to play cloak and dagger with its nuclearprogram. Meanwhile, ehran is spending billions o dollarsto develop long-range missiles.

    o all these provocations, the West has responded orce-ully by pushingtore-start negotiations.

    How is it that Americaa nation that aced off againstthe British Empire, Imperial Germany, the Axis powersand the Soviet Unionnow nds itsel a raid o Iran?Tis story is actually one o the most stunning in our mod-ern world.

    Its clearer all the time. Te world has already seen thetoughest U.S. policy toward Iran it is going to see, wewrote in . Dont expect President Bush to get tougherduring his nal year in office; he has already revealedeven within one month o / the direction his admin-istration will take with Iran. And you can be sure the nextAmerican president will lurch even urther toward theappease-and-concede camp.

    Americas oreign policy toward Iran is a patent demon-stration o the ulllment o an end-time prophecy. I willbreak the pride o your power, God said, i the descen-dants o ancient Israel would not hearken to Him and obeyHis commandments (Leviticus : ).

    Meanwhile, two decades ago, rumpet editor in chieGerald Flurry spotlighted Iran as the coming prophesied

    king o the south. o nd out what he orecast in andhow he knew in advance the power we have since witnessedIran gain, read Te King o the South.

    The Iranian Push Continues


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    the past six weeks. It is part o al Qae-da-linked militant Islamic groups on-going ethnic cleansing o Christians,

    according to Catholic charity Aid tothe Church in Need. Homs has beenhome to one o Syrias largest Chris-tian populations, and Church sourcessay that the aith ul have borne thebrunt o the violence. Tey have es-caped to villages, many o which are inmountains miles outside the city.

    Islamists have allegedly gone romhouse to house in the Homs neigh-borhoods o Hamidiya and Bustanal-Diwan and have orced Christiansto leave without giving them a chance

    to take their belongings.Te crisis in Homs has increasedears that Islamists are gaining inu-

    ence in the region in the power vacu-um lef by the overthrow o other Arabgovernments in the Arab Spring.

    TW I N B R I E Fn Islamists dominate Egyptsconstitutional committeeEgypts Islamists will dominate the

    -strong group slated to write the

    countrys new constitution. Parlia-ment chose the groups members onMarch , and Egypts liberals said

    they would boycott the committeein protest. Members o parliamentmake up hal the committee, with theother hal being comprised o expertschosen by parliament. Tirty-six othe M.P.s are Islamists, and theyalso dominate the other hal o thecommittee. Egypt Independent reportsthat the Islamists picked their ownas much as they could, and that [a]ll bankers and businessmen includedin the assembly are rom Islamistbackgrounds, and the bankers work

    in Islamic banking (March ).Teres been a major shif in Egyptianpolitics, said director o research atthe Brookings Doha Center, ShadiHamid. Te Supreme Council o theArmed Forces is entering its lame-duck stage. At this point, no one canstop the Brotherhood. In February olast year, proponents o democracy

    rom around the world rejoiced aferEgyptian President Hosni Mubaraksuccumbed to protesters demands

    and stepped down. President BarackObama took the lead in applaudingthe transition, saying, Egyptians

    have made it clear that nothingless than genuine democracy willcarry the day. But not everyone wasconvinced.Shortly afer Mubarakwas toppled, rumpet editor in chieGerald Flurry addressed the Egypt


    [M]any o the Western worldsleaders see what is happening inEgypt as good news. Tey ail tosee the strength o Iran and theMuslim Brotherhood, and some

    o them ail to see the brokenwill o Americawhichall theMiddle East leaders see! Manypeople in the West hope to seeEgypt trans orm into a picture odemocracy and peace. But whatdo the Egyptian people want? AreWestern leaders willing to look atthe reality?

    Now, more than a year later, it is ines-capably clear that Egypts revolution

    I Obama administration using either leaks or blackpropaganda to sabotage Israels de ense against the threato genocide? Americas ormer ambassador to the UN JohnBolton certainly thinks soand he is not a man given torash speculation.

    An article on the website o Foreign Policy magazinelast Wednesday, written by ormer unofficial Yasser Ara atadviser and established Israel-basher Mark Perry, quoted

    our unnamed senior diplomats and intelligence officerssaying that Israel had been granted access to air bases inAzerbaijan on Irans northern border. Te article suggestedthat this meant Israel planned to use Azerbaijan either or astrike at Iran or or other support or such an attack.

    An Azeri official has subsequently said the claim thatAzerbaijan has granted Israel access to its air bases or anattack is absurd and groundless. Tat denial, however, isclearly limited. And several observers have concluded thatwhether this is a genuine leak or disin ormation, the storyis an attempt to harm Israel by its principal western ally.Indeed, assuming it is not a total abrication but is based onactual briengs, it is hard to conclude anything else.

    On Fox News, Bolton said: I think this leak today ispart o the administrations campaign against an Israeli

    attack. Bolton, a Fox News contributor, noted that astrike launched rom Azerbaijan would be much easier orthe Israelis than a strike launched rom their own coun-try . But he said tipping the Israelis hand by revealingvery sensitive, very important in ormation could rus-trate such a plan. Clearly, this is an administration-orchestrated leak, Bolton told Tis is nota rogue guy saying I think Ill leak this out. Its justunprecedented to reveal this kind o in ormation about oneo your own allies.

    As Dan Margalit asks in the Israeli paper Israel Hayom:What reasonable interest does someone in the Pentagonhave in hardening the Iranian pharaohs heart on the eve oPassover, and indicating to him that he has nothing to ear?Tis borders on insanity.

    Sabotaging an al lys de enses in this manner goesmuch urther than Obamas previous known position intrying to stop an Israeli attack on Iran. Tis actively as-sists Iran, and thus potentially places the l ives o millionsat risk rom that regimes deranged belligerency. Is thiswhat Obama meant when he tried to reassure AmericanJews recently that when the chips are down, I haveIsraels back?

    And since Iran does not merely threaten Israel but isalready at war with America and the West it has pledgedto destroy, is this not in act a kni e in the back o the Westitsel ?

    Obamas Knife in the Back?Melanie Phillips,DAILY MAIL| March 30

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    was not the democratic triumph thatmany mistook it or, and that post-

    Mubarak Egypt is, as Mr. Flurry wrote,racing toward the Islamist camp.

    n Morocco: Anti-Israelrally kicks off Global March to Jerusalem

    ens o thousands o Muslims helda massive anti-Israel protest inRabat, Morocco, last Sunday, burn-ing Israeli ags and demanding theliberation o Jerusalems al-Aqsa

    Mosque. Te rally orced an Israelidiplomat to ee the city, and kicked

    off the Global March to Jerusalem.Te Islamic group organizing theevent reported that , Muslimsparticipated in the rally. Arab mediasaid the protest was spawned byanger at the participation o Israelidiplomat David Saranga in a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership meetingat Moroccos parliament. Moroccosruling party boycotted the meetingbecause o Sarangas involvement,

    and many legislators and citizens voiced disapproval o his participa-

    tion. At the rally, activists wavedPalestinian ags, set Israeli ags onre, and chanted or the reedom othe al-Aqsa Mosque rom Israeli oc-cupation. Te ollowing day, Moroc-can media reported that a -year-oldJewish man was murdered in the cityo Fez. Analysts believe the murdercould be related to the anti-Semitic

    renzy stirred up by the previousdays ral ly.

    N ago, theEconomist ran an unsigned edito-rial called the Auschwitz Complex. Te unnamedauthor blamed serial Middle East tensions on bothIsraels unwarranted sense o victimhood, accrued romthe Holocaust, and its unwillingness to give up itsempire. As ar as Israels paranoid obsessions with thespecter o a nuclear Iran, the author dismissed any realthreat by announcing that Iran makes an appealing en-emy or Israelis, and that Israelis have psychologicallydisplaced the source o their anxiety onto a more distanttarget: Iran.

    It is hard to athom how a democracy o seven millionpeople by any stretch o the imagination is an empire. Te Economist s choice o appealing is an odd modi yingadjective o the noun enemy, particularly or Iran, whichhas both promised to wipeout Israel and is desperatelyattempting to nd the nuclearmeans to rei y that boast.

    Te Economist article isairly representative o Euro-

    pean anger at Israel, a countrythat is despised by most o thenations that make up the UNroster. What then are thesources or widespread hatredo Israel? Such venom cannotbe explained just by political di -

    erences with its Arab and Islamic neighbors. A new sort o ashionable and socially acceptable anti-Semitism looms large. For much o the past two millenniain the West, hatred o the Jews was a crude prejudice, richwith state-sanctioned religious, economic, and social biases.By the same token, dissidents, lefists, and anti-establish-mentarians once took up the cause o decrying anti-Semi-tism, an Enlightenment theme until well afer World War .

    No morewith the establishment o Israel, anti-Sem-itism metamorphosized in two un oreseen ways. First,it became a near obsession o the modern Lef, whichassociated the creation o the Jewish state with a sort oWestern hegemonic impulse. Tat Israel was democraticand protected human rights in a way unlike its autocraticneighbors mattered nothing. o the international Lef,Israel was a religious, imperialistic, and surrogate West inthe Middle East.

    Tere was a second acet o the new anti-Semitism. Teestablishment o the state o Israel itsel also served as arespectable cloak or anti-Semitism. One now spoke not odisliking Jews, but only o despising the Jewish state andseeing Palestinians as i they were victims analogous tominority groups within the West.

    From Ox ord dons to award-wining novelists, it be-came socially acceptable to decry the creation o Israel ina way it was not to say that the Jews were again causingtrouble. Alleging that Jews had too much inuence was

    still retrograde, but worryingabout the power o the Jewishlobby was suddenly politically-correct.

    Size matters as well. Israelis tiny; its enemies, legion. Formany in the world, demogra-phy is everything: would anopinion-maker or journal-ist rather side with millionIsraelis or million o theirenemies in the largely Islamic

    Middle East? And i Israel had clearly done well in the

    , , and wars, afer the next round o ght-ing in , , and , critics smelled weakness andound it more com ortable to pre er the soon-to-be win-

    ning side. As a result, diplomats, military officers, jour-nalists, writers, and actors ound it easier to count headsand choose the path o least resistancegiven Israelsrecent inability to de eat quickly and decisively its Arabadversaries.

    The New Anti-Semitism Victor Davis Hanson,DEFINING IDEAS (HOOVERINSTITUTE)| March 28

    Where is all of this hate [for Jews] coming from? A thinking person has to wonder! [W]e must see that there is something deeper behind anti-Semitism. Theanswer is obvious. Satan the devil understands theplan of God. Because of the plan of God, the wordJew can really stir up Satans wrath. It is Gods ownassociation with the Jews that has turned Satan so violently against them.


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    Germany: UsingSubmarines AgainstPiratesGERMAN-FOREIGN-POLICY.COM| March 27

    G advisorsare pleading [to use] submarinesin the war on piracy at the Horno A rica. Tanks to their highlymodern sensor technology, Germansubmarines are not only capable o

    covertly observing the pirates vesselsand ollowing their course, but also o

    observing the pirates potential basesboth day and night, according to astatement just published by the Ger-man Institute or International andSecurity Affairs ( ).

    Te appeal o the German Institute

    or International and Security Affairs( ) or new militarization projectscorresponds to the decision taken bythe EUs oreign ministers last Fridayto combat piracy also on shore in the

    uture. According to this decision,not only the pirates themselves, buttheir weapons, vessels, uel and even

    ood supplies should be attacked and

    destroyed. Tis should be permittedon shore, but the military seeks toavoid clari ying, what exactly is meantby shore, and what is being targeted.Te ederal cabinet plans to endorsethese new regulations on Wednesdayand the endorsement by the Ger-man Bundestag should ollow as soonas possible. Experts had explicitlywarned against the extension o themandate, earing an uncontrollableescalation o the conict.

    Tese regulations are o particularimportance to Germany, not onlybecause o the endorsement by Berlins

    oreign minister, but also because othe prominent role the Bundeswehr iscurrently playing in the EU OperationAtalanta. Te Bundeswehr had justdispatched its combat unit logisticalsupport vessel Berlin to the Horn o

    A ricanot as a logistical support ves-sel, but as a combat unit, the GermanArmed Forces underlined. Te Berlinis there ore carrying more personnelthan usualmilitary police and a so-called boarding team, but also two SeaKing helicopters. Tese helicopters areequipped with machine-guns, to beused against alleged piracy in rastruc-tures, in line with the EUs decision.

    Tese militarization plans arecertainly not a reaction merely to

    T E Union launched its Operation Atlanta inDecember with the intent o contributing to theprotection o shipping rom attack by Somali-based pirates,which had been mounting an increasing threat to shippingoff the Horn o A rica. Recently, the European Councilextended this operation till .

    Te maritime region within the Indian Ocean off theshores o the Horn o A rica currently has one o theheaviest o oreign naval presences o any global sea patch.Operation Atlanta itsel sports a orce o around , mili-tary personnel including around soldiers. Te opera-tions military units hail rom a core group o contribut-ing countries. Tese include EU member nations France,Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UnitedKingdom.

    Germany presently contributes one rigatethe combatsupport warship Berlinand o Atlantas combinedtotal o around soldiers to Operation Atlanta. Tis com-paratively small presence belies the inuence that Germanmilitary and de ense elites have on the operation. Consis-tent with Berlins historic postwar policy o being contentwith other nations bearing the brunt o such operations,the German senior de ense and military cadre continue tobide their time waiting or the moment when it will appearthat they are being pressured into a more signicant role inEuropean de ense. Tis, notwithstanding the political pos-turing o politicians on all sides decrying any increase in

    Germanys involvement in such missions as Operation At-lanta, let alone the now mooted extension o the operations

    brie to al low or land-targeted combat missions.As reported by Spiegel Online, the EU has approved a

    strengthening o Operation Atlantas mission. Last week,the European Union agreed to expand its anti-piracymission to include land-based targets in Somalia. SpiegelOnline has learned that air attacks up to two kilometersinland will be allowed. Te operations will be limited toair strikes against targets such as storage tanks, boats andradio acilities (March ).

    In consideration o this latest extension o Opera-tion Atlantas mission, it is interesting to note that, o allnations contributing to the operation, Germanys orcestructure is the most ideally suited to hitting land-basedtargets. Germany is one o the ew contributing countriesthat has helicopters on board its ships which could beused to attack targets along the coast o Somalia rom theair. Military experts argue that such attacks should ideallybe carried out with cannons mounted on helicopters, tohit the targets as accurately as possible and avoid civiliancasualties. Te helicopter cannons are considered particu-larly accurate, and the gun operators also have the advan-tage o having the target directly in ront o them (ibid).

    One can see the orward-thinking nature o Germanysmilitary High Command in second guessing the utureextension o Operation Atlanta into a land-based combatcomponent in addition to maritime operations. Te realreasons or this becomes apparent when one is attuned toGerman de ense and military elites plans or strengtheningthe EU presence in the crucial sea gate o the Gul o Aden.Tis is part o the longer-term thinking o German strate-

    gists to ultimately surround the main Middle Eastern thornin their sideIran.

    EUMission Creep in AfricaRon Fraser | March 29


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    considerations o how to combatmore effectively piracy off the coast oSomalia, but to geostrategic consid-erations as well. For example, lastyear Volker Perthes, director o ,pointed out that the interests behindthe countries sending their naval

    vessels to the Horn o A rica are notlimited to the war on piracy. Perthes

    explains that, over the past ew years,the importance o the Indian Ocean,where piracy is being ought in itswestern sector, has enormously grown.One third o the worlds maritimetrade crosses this route, with thetrend rising rapidly.

    [German] military experts areemphasizing the need or the strongestpossible naval presence in the IndianOcean. With the growing geostrate-gic signicance o the Indian Ocean

    region, the inuence also grows orthose participating in the politicalmilitary architecture o the region,according to a military policy analy-sis published last year in a renownedAustrian military review.

    A gigantic power struggle is cur-rently taking place in the IndianOcean, a high-ranking Swiss officer

    is quoted saying. Te navies o China,Japan, India, the USA, the Europe-ans, , and the EU are taking uppositions, ports are being built, andnaval orces are being equipped. Teofficer sees world historical upheav-als. For the rst time since the thcentury, he writes, we are seeing thedown all o a Western maritime powerin this decisive maritime region.Te military activities in the IndianOcean, even at the Horn o A rica,

    will determine who, in the uture, willpredominate over an ocean .

    TW I N B R I E Fn EU militaries pool resources,reduce dependence on AmericaEU nations will invest in joint militaryprojects such as air-to-air re ueling andeld hospitals as they try to save money

    and reduce their dependence on theUnited States, de ense ministers romacross the European Union decidedMarch . Meeting as part o the Euro-pean De ense Agencys Steering Board,they signed declarations o intent inthese areas and said they would in-crease cooperation in procurement andresearch. Te EU-led operationin Libya last year also exposed hard-ware and technology deciencies in theEU military, writes the EU Observer.

    A W War , West Germany rapidly made thetransition rom murderous dictatorship to model democ-racy. Or did it? New documents reveal just how many officials

    rom the Nazi regime ound new jobs in Bonn. A surprisingnumber were chosen or senior government positions.

    en days be ore Christmas, the German Interior Ministryacquitted itsel o an embarrassing duty. It published a list oall ormer members o the Ger-man government with a Nazi past.

    Bundestag document /officially announced, or the rsttime, something which had beentreated as a taboo in the halls ogovernment or decades: A totalo cabinet ministers, one presi-dent and one chancellor o theFederal Republic o Germanyaspostwar Germany is officiallyknownhad been members oNazi organizations.

    Te document revealed thatChancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger,a member o the conservativeChristian Democratic Union ( ) who governed Germany

    rom to , had been a member o the Nazi Party eversince Adol Hitler seized power. According to the InteriorMinistry list, German President Walter Scheel, a member othe business- riendly Free Democratic Party ( ) who wasin office rom to , had been a Nazi Party member

    rom or . Te list names ministers o all politicalstripes and rom a wide range o social backgrounds.

    For years, the notion that partisans o the Nazi regimeswere able to manipulate their way into the top levels o gov-ernment in the young ederal republic, and that ormer NaziParty members set the tone in a country governed by thepostwar constitution in the s and s has been a subject

    or historians. But six decades afer the Nuremberg rialsagainst the leaders o the Nazi regime, a new attemptthe

    rst official one, at thattocome to terms with postwarGermanys Nazi past is nowunderway. Now everythinghas to come out. Troughoutthe ormer West Germany, in-

    vestigations are digging deep,extending all the way downto the oundations, seeking toanswer a undamental ques-tion: Just how brownthecolor most associated with theNaziswere the rst years opostwar West Germany?

    No one has ever dug this deeply. Te highly controver-sial study on Nazi involvement at the Foreign Ministry,

    marketed last year as a bestseller, was only the beginning.Historians are now studying old les at the Finance Min-istry, in the judiciary and the Economics Ministry and, inparticular, in the police and intelligence services. How manyNazis took part in the rebuilding o the government aferWorld War ? How much inuence did the surviving sup-

    porters o the Nazi dictatorship have on the establishmentand operation o Germanys rst unctioning democracy?

    The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany DER SPIEGEL| March 6

    We dont understand German thoroughness. From the very start of World WarII , they have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as theydid the rstand they have carefully, methodicallyplanned, in such eventuality, the third roundWorld War III! In France and Norway they learned howeffectively an organized underground can hamper

    occupation and control of a country. Now a Naziunderground is methodically planned. They plan tocome back and to win on the third try.


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    Obamas FlexibilityDoctrineCharles Krauthammer, NATIONALREVIEW | March 29

    Y ofen hear an Americanpresident secretly (he thinks) assur-ing oreign leaders that concessions arecoming their way, but that they mustwait because hes seeking reelectionand he dare not tell his own people.

    Not at all, spun a White Houseaide in major gaffe-control mode. Tepresident was merely explaining thatarms control is too complicated to

    be dealt with in a year in which bothRussia and the U.S. hold presidentialelections. Rubbish. First o all, tospeak o Russian elections in the samebreath as ours is a travesty. Teirs wasa rigged, predetermined arce.

    Obama spoke o the difficulties othe Russian presidential transition.What transition? Its a joke. It had noeffect on Putins ability to negotiateanything. As or the U.S. election, theproblem is not that the issue is too

    complicated, but that i people knewObamas intentions o exibly cavingon missile de enses, they might think

    twice about giving him a second term.Afer all, what is Obama doingnegotiating on missile de ense in therst place? We have no obligation todo so. Te reaty, a relic o theCold War, died in . We have anunmatched technological lead in thisarea. Its a priceless strategic advan-tage that or three decades Russia hasbeen trying to get us to yield. Whygive any o it away?

    Its un athomable. In trying toclean up the gaffe, Obama emphasized

    how intent he is to reduce nuclearstockpiles and reduce reliance onnuclear weapons. In which case,he should want to augment missilede enses, not weaken, dismantle, orbargain them away. Nonetheless,Obama is telling the Russians not toworry, that once past my last electionand no longer subject to any elec-toral accountability, hell show moreexibility on missile de ense. Its yetanother accommodation to advance

    his cherished Russia reset policy.Why? Hasnt reset been ailure

    enough? Lets do the accounting. In

    addition to canceling the Polish/Czechmissile-de ense system, Obama gavethe Russians accession to the World

    rade Organization, a treatythat they need and we dont (theirweapons are obsolete and deterioratingrapidly), and a scandalously blind eyeto their violations o human rights anddismantling o democracy. Obamaeven gave Putin a congratulatory call

    or winning his phony election.In return? Russia consistently wa-

    tered down or obstructed sanctions on

    Iran, completed Irans nuclear reactorat Bushehr, provides to this day BasharAssad with huge arms shipments usedto massacre his own people (whilerebuilding the Soviet-era naval basein the Syrian port o artus), con-ducted a virulently anti-Americanpresidential campaign on behal oPutin, pressured Eastern Europe, andthreatened Georgia. On which o allthese issuesSyria, Iran, EasternEurope, Georgia, human rightsis


    Gaps in the EU military were alreadyidentied in A ghanistan. Te ormerU.S. de ense minister Robert Gates lastyear said Europes lack o intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance assetsrendered even Europes most advanced

    jet ghters useless. In Libya, the U.S.was also instrumental in air-to-airre ueling. Hence the EUs decisionto develop air-to-air re ueling as amatter o priority, as the EuropeanDe ense Agencys press release says.Watch or European nations to con-tinue to integrate their militaries.

    n Germanychanging borders?German Chancellor Angela Merkel at-tended the opening o the con erenceo the League o Expellees in BerlinsCrown Prince Palace on March ,giving implicit support to the claim o

    expellees or compensation or theirexpulsion rom territories occupiedby Germany be ore . Te league

    has never recognized the position oGermanys eastern borders. In parallelwith the challenge to the legitimacy othe Polish takeover o ormer Germanproperty and territory, the regularlyraised voices o the Sudetenlanders orsimilar indemnity due to the orce-

    ul repatriation o German ethnicsrom ormer German-occupied Czech

    territory are becoming more strident.At the ore ront is Bavarian statesmanEdmund Stoibers wi e, a ormer resi-dent o Sudetenland. She is avidly sup-ported by her husband in the quest orindemnity or a reversion to the pre-World War German-Czech border.Tis is more evidence that Germanyis again becoming a hegemonic powerunencumbered by its history.

    n Centralizing power in Germany?At the same time that the expelleescause is being given resh support

    rom Berlin, calls are being made

    within Germany or changes to its ownstate borders. On Sunday, the citizenso the western state o Saarland wentto the polls. Te small state has oneo the highest debts in Germany, andsome politicians think the solution isto merge states and centralize govern-ment (Deutsche Welle, March ).While Germanys ederal structure andits division into separate states is en-shrined in the nations constitution, itdoes not dene any particular numbero states per se. A historic precedentexists upon which an argument maybe built or the urther centralizationo government in Germany by reduc-ing the number o currently exist-ing states. Such a move in the uturewould certainly streamline the admin-istration o German political power,allowing it the administrative room toconcentrate on welding together an in-ternational combine in Europe underBerlins control.

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    Obama ready to offer Putin yet moreexibility as soon as he gets past hislast election?

    Can you imagine the kind o pres-sure a reelected Obama will put onIsrael, the kind o anxiety he will in-duce rom Georgia to the Persian Gul ,the nervousness among our most loyaleastern European riends who, havingalready once been lef out on a limb byObama, are now wondering what newexibility Obama will show Putinthe man who amously proclaimedthat the greatest geopolitical catastro-phe o the th century was Russiasloss o its Soviet empire.

    Tey dont know. We dont know.We didnt even know this was com-inguntil the mike was lef on. OnlyPutin was to know. I will transmitthis in ormation to Vladimir, Medve-dev assured Obama. Added Medvedev:

    I stand with you. A nice endorsementrom Putins puppet, enough to chill

    riends and allies, democrats and dis-sidents, all over the world.

    TW I N B R I E Fn China-India military exchanges to bolster trust: ChinaIndia and China agreed to boost mari-time cooperation on Wednesday, andBeijing said it hopes to establish evengreater military ties with New Delhibecause such a relationship wouldcreate more condence and trust be-tween the two nations. Te announce-ment came the same day ChinesePresident Hu Jintao lef or New Delhito participate in the ourth (Bra-zil, Russia, India, China and SouthA rica) summit. Te two countriesalso discussed the establishment oa China-India maritime dialogue orroutine cooperation between their twonavies. Tese Asian giants are the twomost populous nations in the world.ogether they house two fhs o the

    worlds population, and they have thetwo largest armies on the planet. Temilitary alliance blossoming betweenthem will deeply impact the globalpower balance.

    n Vietnam builds naval mightFollowing a series o high-prolepurchases, Vietnams increasing navalexpansion has come to symbolize thecountrys broader evolving militaryposition, the Asia imes reportedon Tursday. Motivated by maritimequarrels with China and enabledby a growing economy, Vietnamis vigorously modernizing its mili-tary through upgrades in air, navaland electronic-ghting capabilities.Te burgeoning military spendingthroughout Asia is the result o bicker-ing and disputes among Asian states,but all o that military might will soonbe pooled together and channeledagainst a colossal European enemy.

    U.S. Outgunned inHacker War


    T F Bureau o Investiga-tions top cyber cop offered a grimappraisal o the nations efforts to keepcomputer hackers rom plunderingcorporate data networks: Were notwinning, he said.

    Shawn Henry, who is preparingto leave the afer more than twodecades with the bureau, said in aninterview that the current public andprivate approach to ending off hack-ers is unsustainable. Computer

    criminals are simply too talentedand de ensive measures too weak tostop them, he sa id. You never getahead, never become secure, neverhave a reasonable expectation oprivacy or security, says ShawnHenry, executive assistant director othe .

    His comments werent directedat specic legislation but came asCongress considers two compet-ing measures designed to buttress

    the networks or critical U.S. in ra-structure, such as electrical-powerplants and nuclear reactors. Mr.

    Henry, who is leaving governmentto take a cybersecurity job with anundisclosed rm in Washington,said companies need to make majorchanges in the way they use comput-er networks to avoid urther damageto national security and the economy.oo many companies, rom major

    multinationals to small start-ups, ailto recognize the nancial and legalrisks they are takingor the coststhey may have already suffered un-knowinglyby operating vulnerable

    networks, he said. James A. Lewis, a senior ellowon cybersecurity at the Center orStrategic and International Studies,said that as gloomy as Mr. Henrysassessment may sound, I am actuallya little bit gloomier. I think weve lostthe opening battle [with hackers]. Mr.Lewis said he didnt believe there wasa single secure, unclassied computernetwork in the U.S. Teres a kind owill ul desire not to admit how bad

    things are, both in government andcertainly in the private sector, so Icould see how [Mr. Henry] would be

    rustrated, he added. Mr. Henry has played a key rolein expanding the s cybersecuritycapabilities. In , when the re-organized to put more o its resourcestoward protecting computer networks,it handled nearly , hacking cases.Eight years later, that caseload hadgrown to more than , . Mr. Henrysaid agents are increasingly com-ing across data stolen rom companieswhose executives had no idea theirsystems had been accessed.

    America is the greatest superpower this world has ever known. But wehave a very vulnerable point in ourmilitaryour own Achilles heel. It is sodangerous that I am amazed it hasntreceived more publicity. Computerdependence is the Western worlds

    Achilles heel, and within a few years this weakness could be tested to the full. No computer system is totallysecure, or anywhere near it.

    Gerald Flurry,Trumpet, 1995

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    Hundreds of Soldiers ofHezbollah in U.S.CNS NEWS| March 23

    A Wednesday hearing, HouseHomeland Security Chairman PeteKing (R.-N.Y.) said that at a mini-mum there are hundreds o soldierso Hezbollah inside the United States.

    Now, how many Iranian and Hezbol-lah terrorists are here already? said

    King. Te highly-disciplined soldierso Hezbollah are trained to lie low oryears, or or decades. Tose who havegone up against this enemy or ourgovernment estimate the number tobe at a minimumat a minimuminthe hundreds.

    At the same hearing, the ormer chieo operations or the Drug En orcementAdministration testied that Mexicandrug cartels are in very close contactwith Hezbollah, Hamas and al Qaeda.

    He then pointed to what he called thepossibility o a nightmare scenario inwhich Hezbollah and the Iranian alQuds orce ocus on our Southwestborder and use that as perhaps a spring-board in attacking our country.

    When most people think o , youknow, [the] drugs-terror nexus, theyimmediately think o Latin America,Michael Braun, who retired rom the

    in , told the committee onWednesday. But let me be per ectlyclear, he said. As Europes demand or

    cocaine continues to grow and as theMexican and Colombian cartels, in-cluding the , have sent their opera-tives into West A rica and North A ricato establish the transshipment in ra-structure needed to move tons o thosedrugs, these bad guys are now routinelycoming in very close contact with thelikes o Hezbollah, Hamas, al Qaedawho are vying or the same money, thesame tur , and the same dollars.

    I anyone thinks or a moment that

    Hezbollah and the [Iranian] QudsForce, the masters at leveraging andexploiting existing illicit in rastruc-tures globally, are not going to ocus onour Southwest border and use that asperhaps a springboard in attacking ourcountry, then they just dont under-stand how the real underworld works.

    Since / , Americas counterter-ror officials have ocused on ndingal Qaeda operatives inside America,as well as homegrown radicalizedIslamist extremists ready to perpetrate

    violence against our people, Kingsaid. Now, as Iran moves closer tonuclear weapons, and there is increas-ing concern over war between Iranand Israel, we must also ocus onIrans secret operatives and their No. terrorist proxy orce, Hezbollah, whichwe know is in America, King said.

    Tats right. We know Hezbollahoperatives are here, King empha-sized. Te question is whether theseHezbollah operatives have the capacity

    C a copy o the latest Atlantic . Te cover shows a glowingpicture o Federal Reserve ChairmanBen Bernankethe hero who savedthe global economy. Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Bernankman!

    As steward o the U.S. economy,Bernanke has a ew accomplishments.In , the year afer the great recession tenuously ended,people who made more than , (the top percento earners) saw their incomes rise by more than per-cent. Bang! Te top one hundredth o Americans saw theirincomes jump by more than percent. Pow! Ninety-ninepercent o Americans saw their incomes rise tooby anaverage o .Zing.

    So, the rich are getting richer. And the poor can a -ord to eat out two more times per year.

    But hey, Bernankes job description at the Federal Re-serve isnt to make everyone rich.

    But neither does he seem to do a good job at keepingpeople rom getting poor. Bernankman let his recessiondetector run out o batteriesor something. Te chairmano what is the most important nancial institution in thenation charged right into the most severe economic melt-down since the Great Depressionand didnt see it coming.Zoink!

    Even afer the real-estate bubble poppedand everyone

    could see itBernankman still had the audacity to say thatthe housing market going down in ames was basicallyunder control and that the subprime market was contained.Less than ve months be ore the recession he touted thestrong economy and strong global economy.

    Ten bam! Four years afer the crash, here is what Bernanke told

    the Atlantic he learned rom it all: Everyone ailed toappreciate that our sophisticated, hypermodern, highlyhedged, derivatives-based nancial systemhow ultimate-ly ragile it really was.

    Right. Besides the act that lots o people, including therumpet, were blaring warning sirens, what has the heroic

    Bernankman done since? Has he really learned a lesson?Has anything really changed?

    So where are we today, our years into Bernankmansheroic protection o our nancial city?

    Out o thin air, Bernanke has created and spent trillionso dollars to prop up and stimulate various aspectso the economy. Te U.S. ederal government, not to beoutdone, has borrowed and spent trillions more. Teyhave doubled down on more o the exact same things thatcaused the economic crisis in the rst place.

    Te result? A slight economic bounce: some transient jobs and industries that wont necessarily last. With a pricetag o trillions in new debt.

    We are right back where we began. Right where we werebe ore the crisis.


    Americas Hero?


  • 8/10/2019 Tw 20120331



    to carry out attacks on the homeland,and how quickly they can become

    ully operational.

    TW I N B R I E Fn Health care controversydividing AmericaDemonstrators or and against Presi-dent Barack Obamas health care over-haul protested outside the U.S. SupremeCourt on March as justices preparedto hear arguments over Americashistoric health care expansion. Te lawwas passed a year ago and is slated totake effect in . Arguments duringthe three-day hearing are ocusing on a

    provision o the law that requires everyAmerican to either purchase insuranceor pay a ne. Almost all Americanswill be affected by the nal decision,and the debate has sparked intenseemotion among both supporters andopponents. Impassioned supporters sayAmericans have a right to government-

    unded health care regardless o theirincome. At the rally, political activistMark Kramer explained the support-ers stance, saying, We are a rich and

    prosperous nation. It is only morallyright that a minimal level o health careshould be a right and not a unction o

    income or which job you have. On theother side o the divide, equally erventopponents insist that government-en-

    orced health care is not a right. Republi-can presidential hope ul Rick Santorumexplained his contrasting view, saying,

    Rights come rom our Creator, they areprotected by the Constitution o thiscountry. Rights should not and can-not be created by a government. Tepolarizing argument has become akey issue in the presidential campaign

    and reects the wid-ening divide amongAmericans. Over ,years ago, the ProphetAmos highlighted theimportance o unity inleadership to the healtho any nation, commu-nity or amily. In lighto the present conditiono Americas dividedpolitical landscape,

    consider Amoss statement: Can twowalk together, except they be agreed?Te U.S. government was designed to

    have a checks-and-balances systemin order to oster air and equitablegovernment. But this has made the

    very nature o American politics oneo opposition, criticism, debate andcompromise. A close look at modernAmericas health care debate, racerelations, nancial disagreement andideological differences reveals a dividedeeper than perhaps at any time sincethe Civil War.

    Your Bible says that Satan is thegod of this world. Yet religiousleaders hardly ever talk aboutSatan. Just who is Satan and

    what is he doing today? Is Satana mystery to you?

    Satan Is a MysteryThis week on television

    Check local listings or

    I just one spark to ignite aorest re. Te same can ofen be saidor society-wide destruction and vio-

    lence. In the case o the raging in ernoprophesied to devour Americas big-gest cities be ore Christs return, couldthe shooting death o rayvon Martinbe the spark?

    Louis Farrakhan has promised retaliation. Te Black Pan-ther Party offered a , bounty or the shooter, GeorgeZimmerman, and movie director Spike Lee re-tweeted whathe thought was Zimmermans home address to , ol-lowers. Te New York imes, Reuters and other news agencieseven coined a new phrase to abricate the white-on-black nar-rative: Zimmerman isnt Hispanic, hes now a white Hispanic.

    Even President Obama weighed in on the controversy bystressing the racial component to the story: I I had a son,hed look like rayvon, the president said.

    Illinois Democrat Bobby Rush caused a chaotic scene onthe House oor when he removed his suit jacket to reveal agray hoodie, similar to the one rayvon wore the night hewas shot, and applauded those who were wearing hoodiesto make a statement about the real hoodlums in societypresumably white people who are hunting down blacks.

    Blacks are under attack, Jesse Jackson told the Los Angeles imes.

    So blacks better ght back. Tats the message comingthrough loud and clear rom black leaders and their mediaallies that are working non-stop to ampli y that message.

    Te real signicance o the rayvon Martin case isntwhether the shooting was racially motivated or notor ithe watchman acted in sel -de ense. Its that media outlets,black activists, celebrities and even leaders in governmentare collectively using this isolated incidentwhether theyrealize it or notto incite !

    Where is all o this leading? R ,Herbert W. Armstrong warned almost years ago (Plain

    ruth, October ).Four years ago, my ather warned, Many people believe

    that Mr. Obama is going to greatly improve race relations.But our racial problems are going to rapidly get muchworse (June , ). Te race card is going to be playedofen or political gain! he added.

    Tat is certainly happening right now on both sides othe rayvon Martin case. And it may well be the tiny sparkthat sets off the racist bomb prophesied to explode uponour cities. For a much more thorough study, request Eze-kiel: Te End- ime Prophet .

    Will Trayvon Martin Ignite Race Wars?


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    n Trayvon protesters ransack Walgreens storeHundreds o high school studentswere demonstrating March against

    rayvon Martins killing at the hando a Hispanic Neighborhood Watch

    volunteer when dozens o them de-cided to make a point by ransacking

    a local Walgreens store. Surveillance videos show scores o black teenagersrunning through the store, screamingand ransacking the shelves. North Mi-ami Beach police said students causedabout worth o damage be orethe schools vice principal orderedeveryone outside. According to local

    news, some students reely admitteduesday to being part o the rampage.

    Im not going to lie. I was one o thepeople that was pushing in therebecause I was mad, one student said.As racial tensions escalate in America, violent protests and ash mobs arebecoming all too common.


    F health, try standing up more, a new studysuggests. Tose who spend or more hours a day sit-ting are percent more likely to die over the next threeyears regardless o how physically active they are otherwise,researchers say.

    Analyzing sel -reported data rom more than ,people aged and older, Australian researchers oundthat mortality risks spike afer hours o total daily sittingbut are still percent higher or those sitting between and hours compared to those sitting ewer than hoursper day. Te evidence on the detrimental health effects oprolonged sitting has been building over the last ew years,said study author Hidde van der Ploeg, a senior research

    ellow at the University o Sydney. Te study is published in the March issue o the

    Archives o Internal Medicine. Average adults spend

    percent o their leisure time sitting down, van der Ploegsaid, and ewer than hal meet World Health Organizationrecommendations or minutes o at least moderate-intensity physical activity each week.

    Yes, you have to work, but when you go home its so im-portant you dont go back to sitting in ront o the computeror television, [Suzanne] Steinbaum [director o Womenand Heart Disease at Lenox Hill Hospital in New YorkCity] said. Afer the -hour mark, the risks go up expo-nentially. Its really about what youre doing in your leisuretime and making the decision to move.

    Too Much Sitting Can Kill You, Study Suggests

    I thought that the human engi-neering pseudo-science died out withits Nazi practitioners, think again. Teconcept is alive and well and beingtouted as a means to the creation oa human race more in sync with BigBrothers ideal o a carbon- riendlyhumanity. Pro . Matthew Liao o NewYork Universitys Center or Bioethicsclaims that i we can genetically engineer a species o muchsmaller human beings, it ollows that our environmental

    ootprint on planet Earth will be much smaller and hence thedamage we are told we do to planet Earth will be reduced.

    He puts his argument this way: We shall argue thathuman engineering potentially offers an effective means otackling climate change . [A] striking example o humanengineering is the possibility o making humans smaller.Human ecological ootprints are partly correlated with oursize. [A] more speculative and controversial way o re-ducing adult height is to reduce birth weight. [P]harma-

    cologically induced altruism and empathy could increase

    the likelihood that we adopt the necessary behavioral andmarket solutions or curbing climate change (ibid).

    Te pro essor argues or what he terms consider a newkind o solutionto climate change , what we call humanengineering, which involves biomedical modications ohumans.

    Tis all sounds ar too close to the mentality o Nazi warcriminal Jose Mengeles experiments on the hapless hu-man beings sent to Auschwitz concentration camp duringWorld War . Mengele applied atrocious experiments inhuman engineering to countless men women and childrenat Auschwitz be ore they became victims o thenal solu-tion in that camps gas chambers.

    Te real connection between the human engineeringpractices o Jose Mengele and those mooted by Pro essorLiao is spiritual . Its o a power o a ar higher order thanhuman intellect. Its a spirit that is hell-bentliterallyonthe destruction o all human esh.

    Its that spirit which has created a social climate in thisworld within which such perverse concepts as humanengineering can gain traction and be considered seriouslyas posing a solution to a largely non-existent problem,itsel the child o the perverse imagination o that same

    murderous spirit (John : ).

    Creating Little Green Men


    HEALTH DAY NEWS| March 27

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    Tanzania, Uganda: In anzania,the rise o Islamist communities is sobad some call the nation al QaedasEast A rican beachhead. Te govern-ment is concerned by the growing pro-clivity in many districts or residentsto exhibit greater loyalty to the idea oa global Muslim caliphate than to the airly young countryo which they are citizens. In July , al-Shabaab wagedtwin attacks in Uganda that lef dead; since then, scat-tered attacks have continued.

    Ethiopia: Earlier this month, tensions peaked whenEthiopia carried out attacks on Eritrean military posts.According to Ethiopian government spokesman ShimelesKemal, Ethiopia waged the assault because Eritrea wastraining subversive groups that have carried out attacksinside Ethiopia. Tese unnamed subversive groups areradical Islamist terrorist outts; Ethiopias decision tostrike at them reveals the threat they pose is serious.

    In November , the Ethiopian government discovereda plot by Wahhabi Muslims within Ethiopia to trans ormthe country into an Islamic country governed by sharialaw. Te same month, Kenyan media reported that Eritreahad delivered a shipment o arms to Somalias Islamist al-Shabaab movement.

    Sudan: Next door in Sudan, President Omar Bashir hasstepped up efforts to trans orm the nation into an Islamicstate governed by Islamic law. Most recently, Bashir in ormed

    , to , Christians that under Sudanese law theywere no longer citizens. Hes given them till April to relo-cate to the secessionist state o South Sudan, afer which thebanished citizens will be considered illegal oreigners.

    Since the division o Sudan last year, President Bashirsregime has ound itsel under increasing pressure romSudans Islamist leaders, especially Hasan al- urabi, theleader o the Sudanese branch o the Muslim Brotherhood.Known as Sudans Osama, urabi is the nucleus o ter-rorist activities and organizations in Sudan. According tomultiple intelligence sources, urabi has developed work-ing relationships with both al Qaeda and Iran. Te U.S.State Department says Hamas, al Qaeda and PalestinianIslamic Jihad all operate in Sudan.

    Ryan Mauro, national security analyst at Family Secu-rity Matters, recently wrote that S

    I S A .

    Yemen: Across the Red Sea in Yemen, new President AbdRabbuh Mansur Al-Hadi is engaged in an intense, bloodystruggle with al Qaeda as he seeks to build a new demo-cratic regime. Within two hours o Al-Hadi being sworn inon February , an al Qaeda terrorist ki lled dozens when hedrove a pick-up into the presidential palace in the southernport o Mukalla. In the days that ollowed, intense violenceerupted across the nation, with al Qaeda terrorists attack-ing military outposts, ransacking ammunition warehouses,kidnapping and decapitating government officials, assas-sinating police officials and even destroying a ghter jetlocked away on a secure airbase. Clearly al Qaeda is not

    about to abandon its aspirations in Yemen anytime soon.Iran: Te gravity o al Qaedas growing presence in North

    A rica is compounded by the nature o its relationship withthe worlds most notorious state sponsor o terrorism.

    Just this week, the trial in Germany o al Qaeda operativeAhmad Wali Siddiqui provided a stark glimpse into Irans di-rect support o Islamist terrorist attempts to conduct attacksin Europe. During his testimony, Siddiqui, a mid-level opera-tive, discussed Irans central role in al Qaedas war on theWest. According to this terrorist with rsthand knowledge,

    ehran acilitates the travel o terrorists into Europe and givessanctuary to al Qaeda leaders and terrorists planning attacks.

    Earlier this year, Seth Jones, a senior political scientistat , reported on his investigation o al Qaeda andits connection to Iran. Evidence o the Iranian-al Qaedapartnership aboundsand much o it is public, he wrotein Foreign Affairs. While al Qaeda has taken a beating inPakistan and A ghanistan, the groups outpost in Iran hasremained almost untouched or the past decade, he wrote.

    Ten theres the / Commission Report, agovernment-sponsored investigation into al Qaedas Sept.

    , . On page , under the headline Assistance FromHezbollah and Iran to al Qaeda, the authors stated thatsenior managers in al Qaeda maintained [contact] withIran [and its primary proxy] Hezbollah. Te reportdocumented regular contact between Iranian security o -cials and senior al Qaeda gures, and stated that there isstrong evidence that Iran acilitated the transit o al Qaedamembers into and out o A ghanistan be ore /

    Afer the report was released a hand ul o / victimsrecruited pro essional assistance to continue the investiga-tion. We had no governmental authority [and] hardly anybudget, wrote Kenneth immerman, who helped in the e -

    ort. But what we ound and made public starting this Mayis enough to hang a sh (, Sept. , ).Afer years o reviewing the intelligence, their ndings weredisclosed in U.S. District Court. Ronen Bergman rom YnetNews wrote that the huge amount o evidence includedin the lawsuit comes together to orm a ascinating charge:S ,Iran and Hezbollah helped Osamabin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri create a newterror organization rom scratch .

    Why is this relevant? Because very little has been doneto expose this Iran/al Qaeda axis!Meanwhile, this proven deadly orce has only tightened itsstranglehold on North A rica and the Middle East!

    Te ubiquitous presence o al Qaeda and other Islamistorganizations throughout North A rica gives Iran enor-mous inuence in this key regiona region that, as rum- pet editor in chie Gerald Flurry has explained, includes theRed Sea and Suez Canal, two vital assets in world trade andgeopolitics. Te more momentum Iran gains, the betterpositioned it will be to ulll its deadly ambitions. Ambi-tions that include destroying the Jewish state, conqueringJerusalem and engaging in war with Europeambitionsthat Bible prophecy reveals will lead the world into WorldWar !

    Now isnt that news worth giving attention to?


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