tweets appear in google search results. how to use twitter for better lead generation


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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Tweets Appear In Google Search Results. How To Use Twitter For Better Lead Generation

Google and Twitter have announced a partnership to display tweets in search results. In the first half of this year, tweets will start to be visible in Google search -

results as soon as they posted any blog. Instead of crawling for a data, as Google previously do, the search engine giant will now access to Twitter’s

firehouse; a flow of data by micro blogging company’s 284 million users. This means users will be able to

view live tweets instead of Google’s current model of just showing the profile information.

Twitter can be an instrumental tool for community building and lead generation. With the millions of

active users, there is a great opportunity for businesses on twitter to find and engage the

prospects and convert those prospects into lead.

Tips To Use Twitter For Lead GenerationWhen it comes to using Twitter for lead generation, participating in relevant conversations, sharing useful content are the building blocks to growing a strong online community. Twitter lists such as advance search, promoted tweets and hashtags serves as useful tools to increase the audience. Once you build your presence on Twitter and remain active and engaged, followers and potential lead will come to you.


When someone follows you on Twitter, they not only see your tweets, but they also take action that benefits your business. Decide who you need to be following and why. Twitter lists help you to organize your follower and apply strategy around engagement, keeping in mind that you probably follow different people for different reason and especially those who have the potential to turn into clients and partners down the road.

Organize your selected list of followers based on their usefulness and how you would like to engage with them. It is important to note that you have the option that whether you want to publish that list or keep them private. But, some list could be useful for followers and would better serve as public.

MONITOR AND ENGAGE WITH CONVERSATIONS You hear it all the time: ‘Engage Customer!’ sounds like pretty solid advice, right? But how exactly, you will do that? Every business is different and so there is no step-by-step manual to follow. But this is also true; engagement helps your brand and is crucial step towards a sale. There are some points that will help you to engage your potential customers.

What your audience want? Try to read all comment on your Twitter page and monitor what people are saying about you, your industry and your competitors. This will give you phenomenal insight into what your customer think and feel, thus creating an opportunity to engage them.

Answer questions to start conversationIf your audience will ask you a question through social channels. You should always answer them, even if you do not have the actual answer. You can also answer tweeted questions about your industry, even if they are not specially for you. It shows care and interest towards the customer and they get more engaged.

Use trending hashtagsJoin existing conversations by using trending hashtags. This is a good way to get your brand in front of an engaged audience, but that does not mean you should intervene yourself in every single conversation.


A Twitter card is a rich media add-on that may include images, videos and buttons that usually appears below a 140 character Tweet. There are three different type of Twitter cards; summary, photo and player. The summary is default card while the photo and player cards especially for photos and videos.

- Three main way that Twitter card are generated

Through Data On A Web Page- code or plugin are added to a website that enable cards to be automatically generated when a URL from that website is used in a Tweet.

Through Twitter Ads- a user creates a card in a Twitter Ads then attaches a card to a Tweet.

User Upload- a user uploads rich media while creating the Tweet.

UTILIZE TWITTER LEAD GENERATION CARDTwitter lead generation card increase conversion rates by capturing in-app form-fills from your followers. Adding lead generation card to your Tweets makes it easy for people to express interest in your business without having to fill out a form. With just a couple of clicks, user can share their contact information with you so that you can follow up with your new potential customers.

Card AnalyticsOne can now view the important metrics that help to organize the card design, such as cost per lead by card. These matrices can also be accessed within the report for each of your promoted Tweet campaign.

New LayoutsThere are numerous card layouts available to ensure that the lead generation card is versatile for a variety of uses, from coupon offers to newsletter subscription and potential campaign sign-ups.

Available In All Language Lead generation cards are available in all language

supported on Twitter Ads. No matter where your customers are, you can ensure that they have a great experience with the card you Tweet. Twitter lead generation cards are a paid service as part of Twitter Ads. They are not created based on data from your website like summary card or photo card. Instead you can create the card in the Ad section of Twitter and set the budget based on the amount you would like to spend per day or per lead.

So, if you are not seeing results within a few days, do not shuffle your marketing strategy. Stick with your plan by using the identical platform you connect with, try to engage your targeted audience and Twitter will produce quality lead from your efforts.