tweiteu -...

Y . jRQCEEIXDfGSjag CONGRTSS. |CoMpusi'd fortlffil''rjem'4V8.Jyiii'tt»l.], " > 'T ubhduv Aprils. SBS’Afe,—Mr; Whitohom* wpoistat- tfio am»y bill Without riimmfouCnt. ‘ih-.: Maine gnvu notice of-ub aiiuuidiui'ttl, *«making it n. Menial oft'euse, puiiishnlite by Turn mul iiifptisoiuiifiut.'i’oi' Any jnflitniy. narttl or .civil officer, oi' anjFotlier person, .except tor thq, purposes .named jiu tlm toll,' to. lippefer, armed- ' with n deadly \veapuntefi nny dcsoriptipn wffih* ill. a jniTe of *uiy poljiiig»pliu-o \i;K,iav a yoiiofiil yr speckil election' for n l-bjfresenlativt- to (.Vu- jrresns being hold’ . Kir.’Withers will call up tlm bill after tlio ’"New Hampshire . Senatorial i|uitetiuii is dt-ci- dod. * 4 Mi'. Bayard reported a bill lo repeal the act1 ' . providing jimbj-a tes.t oaths, * ' Mr. Bayard dcsirpjl tcifliavc the Jdll passed by unanimous consent, but 'Mr. Kihuumls ob- » » * (hi motion of Mr. (jafluud. foe'committee' on oivil service, was'instructed to inquire into * the expi'dieney of apportioning elerks ami otli- , . er employes iu tlje dvpiu'tiiiurit anioiip£4 ff> spv- - eral .States, according, to tlip •ratio of piqmlji- ■tioii. ( ' 'I'lie Senate adopted Bayard’s resolution call ing upon tlie Secretary of the Treasury for ig statement of ^the sums paid to .1ohn. 1. Daven port: since 18*10. v • 'l’he Senate repumeil jconsideratiun -ot-Dul'Vs 1 case. , ' “ , Messrs. Garland and AVallaiv opposed tlie admission of Bell. Mr, Carpenter congratulated the irienate.— The question tvns to be decided 011 its merits. 1 pnd giodmfc. He tjieu ajye lib* views on tje pending question, arguing against the admission of Hull. Then* lieing 110 sucli vacancy asthe (lovpmor eoulil lill. the vacancy, by tho expiration lif Wai-illeffjli's terra . uf scryee„niust lie filled hy the Legislature. _ Mr. < iniuine took llie ground that t he legis lature was not in fault. The vnranry could he tilled by the' (lovernor, tvlietliel' by reason o f expiration of tehu of service, or by resignation urliflierwTse. - - - . Mr. KeruiUi opposed the admission of Bell, - de-nying that the i'unntitution eoirfrrred upon tiny ‘l-rwinor te •tipMii o f appropriation nor to any paid of "tits?, hrivtog agreed. to -req) 8 t all ninendineiito, iind the* major ity of-.the. Senate seconding them accordingly. The reason assignedtoy jtr. AvfBiofe foi’ftnclia* eoui'se' was that aiHendmenta.would .delay tlio passage bf the bill. . . \ . .1 - Mr. Edmunds said ho* bed never heard of “a bill being so good iipjuot ta be. stiteeptiblo of amendinent.'' •’ - . . ,':- The. Olerk having reaflied the reudjng of-lhe sixth"section, which Prohibits Uio presence of- m-oopis-. at flection' plaoe.4,'\tot,.Mrrriaton jnoved To adjauife. ■' * 1 Messis. PafidcSbk antteglimlom gave -notice ■of auieiidiueiitiKAS’hich thejrTritenclSrt'-to offer,;, vthen. on motion of M r. Bayard)tlie Beujite ad journed till Monday, f j ' Ilocsn.—Tlw House jvent it*p committee of ,bJi(*»wh«lo on the Amiy A ppreciation bill, the pending amendment beifigono increasing the 1 crierieul force iriVthu 1’ostpmcij Department. -It was adopted—yeas' 105, hays CO. v . * MiirAvhite submitted a® amendment direct ing the Uommissioner ‘ofAgriculture to stip^ f tweiteu ? meiiee u new term uf six yeprs. Ilut'sE.—l>ebnte spring u]> us to thffu-opri- ety Of iustructiip; the fSwrman of the I'uniinit- tet> uf the whole when the House slicill be in vomniittco on the togtohiUve'tippvapi'iatiuii bill, tu award tlio door lu aa-oidtmee 11 ith tke rules uf the House*, aiul not tu le lioiiuilbv any •list uf speakers which may be formed. After an informal dis,-iis-h>1 in thr* I nin's** uf which Mr, Kellt-iv rliainrti'riA l usllim'mipk- ly 1’iekwiekian the cry c>f ivvolutiuii and re volt, the subject in regard to avvnnJiiig the lluoriu coniniittce of the whole ivus n-fcrred to tin* i ninniittee on rules. Tin* Mouse then Went intu rniiiiuittin on the hgislative hill wider the five-minute role. Mr Atkins stated that he had ii,t ledurrcl the hill on the basis of tlu* confeiem’e report a t the last .Congress as- nearly aa possible. 'Iho entito money portion of tlie bill had not keen agreed--fs by the coilfclfiid' ffiitniiifter. hiit very lie^y a& of it hndj.. la wgnnf tp tlmse puttioaj^ppuii «liieh the conimitu-e of i ouftr- ' ’ ' '' ” (ull • in ply a Toasonablu-quantity of seeds,'feubs, kb-', toi niembet's of Congress for' distribution among their agricultural constituents, ^dopteij. Mr. Iluntou subifiittcd ’-an amendment in- qj'easiag the appropriation for-eradicating itr- fwtioitp diseases among domestic animals'from- ©25,Q(M)‘to $230,000, I Ie stated thaf if pleuro pneumonia was -not promptly eradicated, it. would spread'td the great AVekt and the amopnt of'dmnnga could' not be estimated by millions. In tuiswer to a question by Mn, Blount, Mr. IM ta n said that tlie-<Ady fvny lfi|own to erad icate the disease was to buy .and kill ttU the dis eased cattlovand.cattle which have been subject^ tothe contagion. .. - r a Wit.luiut disposing of fhe ainetulnieiu the eounnitlee rdse, tlie'committces were announc ed, anil tlie House-adjourned. *.§atv«day, .April 12 lldfsE.- The House went into committee of- fhe whole 011 tho iavgislative Appropriation hill, tho'amendmon't under consideration being tlmt in*'i'easing from $23,000 to $250,000 tlio (appropriation ior controlling and eradicating contagious dineases among domesticated am minis. f . After a long debale upon the amendinent tho whole subject was stricken from the bill, aiula tMopositiuu agreed to reconnueuding tp the 1 louse that il lvfer the whole iiililtcr to flic '( 'niiiniilteoTTTrAsqeultuie',ivdTlf instruction t» ATfEKPT TO' A8 §ASSatATE THE OZAE. ' ' S t BkTmjsitt'hq, Ajjril id.—While the Czjr y?as liis uJual lk.ofning wa^.giirly, tb- 'tkiy,-kear'tlio palafee.ffaMr shpts frofp; ii fesvolv* ietys,W.feed' at biip.i The (3zai;yyaa.unhurt. A full official account of the affair says: “To-. ward eight o’eMbk’ttus morningpaS the EiupCVr o r’was Hiking his- oustoirrary -ivalkta respecta bly-dressed man, wearing.a military cap,, with if oO.okado, advanced "toward him and, as the. Emperor approaohddMiearer, drew a fevolver from‘ftie pocket of dris- overcqat and fired four shote a t hmr. Tliefassassin,-before snhinittmg• to'his captors, fired another shot, slightly wound- "£ngTin the chook a peraon in'the crowd.'. The great throng of'people vvdiich had. assembled en thusiastically cheered, w d eongratviljited the Emperor, who thanked them for their proofs of fidelity on suoh. a "painful occ.asipn .... . lie sipdf he knew ho had the support of M».tlie respeota- ,ble j5hopjo*n* JFe liopeTG0d would granpfthat. Jmjiiiglit complete his task, which consis' ijfemoting the welfar&,of Russia. foM 'W ll “ UK JUST, ANO !T \|! .JiuT. COOPjpSTOWN, APRIL 17, 18V&7 em e luuh-not mgireri to present, the Hill 1 un funned & the lull, as it paa-ed the Hmer ii the last Cuiigresi. * The hill was reild hv wi’tions foi amend- ments. The Kectiinm lelating to tin* Senate ami Honse were jvasstsl over with hufji fevv •tmiin[iortant amendments-■ Tin* e<s'ii.«n in iv- gnnl tu the Trenaury lVq^illm'e'iil tee 11,- u . 11 reacbisl. several attwiditt**mf-wi*ro nlli-Tis! a"d reieetod. An amendment was ndoptod pmvil ing that- tlie salary o"f -N— re keepers »tnll net exceed fifty doilaih per month. i\flcr finish ing the consideration of sixty piges uf the bill the committee rose. V Y 1 , April f-CN inc.—On motion of .Mr. Voorlusen a n«- ' ■tutioii waa adopted din'cting the. I ’lut.ui.mU r- •■'ntieral to fumiah tu the Senate his ji',ii>uii» f ir discriminating postage rates in the tnins misuhm of nevvs]n|iei'i through the trait. The Senate minncil the considemtMia of the .Vow Hampshire Senntorinl cnee, and it was again debated until the dose of the session. i I " ’ *r Mr. Slepluns. fruiu the (.‘uuamittiv o n, RiiloA. siibtnitti*id ft' rt-jMirfc -i'c*t**.q 11rHtellvlrug'.': the mpjioTnfmriit o f select idriuii'it tees; on the eeiisus; tho yellow fever epidemic; the nlafe ut tlm law napeetinj* the ascertainment of the election <»f President hud Viet*-President; civ- il-senice refonn; the o;mr*sof the present do- nrefeion o f lalwir. and the vemtilatint of the, * lialf.' I t nko reivjinni.’iKls the iucrea-ve of tlw mem bership of several eommittwa, and tko adop tion of the following rule: ' ' Rule On motion lu suspend the 111fe, Snd pass general apj iiupr i.Hinii hilb mi nllinnativi** vote of three foflhtlis of the mcnibera present aitd voting sliall he nenssaiy. 'Hie flrst nnd second |iroposllipns reyoni- mended by tlie report for Uio nmjipainlnnent ol certain select coniiiutlec.i .and incrvasuig tlie membership of certain cointnittm were agreed to witliottt nuicmluient. Mr. ltcacau moved to strike out tlw propos* —ivl rtile ntid-iiisort tlte fullowing; •• Hint heiyaftcrthe CoiianiUooofirtknaniojpe ra-pnrt promptly tliofeoT Mr. llragg liiovrd to strike out all provision' kir tin- .Southern Clainm ( ’omuiissiuii and to ii i.sert rt claiiKe iv|>eatiiig the law creating that gt imiiiission. The coiisiileixition of tin* nincnul- iuoiit'vCas postponed until Tkiesday next. The eismnittce then rose and the ehaivmun rejiurtcd leiek the recommendation to refer the piirage.i]ili in ivpinl to tin* pleurirpnomwniia in rank* tu the fbniniittee on Agi ieulture. vvith iiistriu-tiutis tu report thereon forthwith.- ■ A. greed to. Mr. Flurd niuvefl that whon tho House ad journ today it be until Tuesday. The motion ivjis nnulufor thb purpose of excluding the in- irodueUou of llnanciid and-other bills ou Moit- ilay. The J'ena and nays were ordered and the nujtion was rejected—ytos 105, iiayaltw. All tlio Rrpublicaiis voted Tn tho affiipii.ative and aid the *tin3tehaeker^ia- Hjejivgativeras-iiid all hut 11 I>omoorats. ; . . __________. fltospAV. April 14. S enate—'i'lie kknate resumed consideration uf the army. hill. > Mr. Blaine said ifio Democrats were endeav oring t» force a false irauo 011 tho country, ta nuke it appear that the Republicans want to ith the liayonot. It .could fed in The Kniperor,after to tliu palace without gscort'. leech,drove fe kas not suh GOOD RESULTS FKOM THE UbNTER^IJeE. . Some; Deinqoratiqil'pap.oi's in thig^toto liavp folPiifclined fp ridicrul.e or Inu'shly, criticise tfe ' Deniooi'atio Conference hold in Nevy York city- 011 the 5th.' But good rc'sults aro springfng from it. One is'Been ifi tliu definitu kin! au- £ioritativ,e settlement afi; the guostioMof tlio oaiididiiby of Horatio'Heynioui' 'for gbvernor. ft was well' to have it thus finally elisposgS cf. Another result : tlio discussion' which bus follovveihihi) holdintgofftliis Cunferoiicu hrings more prominently'and forcibly to View the it thatshe Democratic press'of the Plate —unquestionably lx-prcsentiilg goueyal I)eind£ cratic seuiitneiit omond tlio massus—:vv.i'U toler- fered.tlie least ill effect from the attempt upoii liis lifo: Afterwards lie- drove, still' without es cort, to tho K assail' Cathedral to return thanks forthe preservation of his. life.. When receiv ing die congratulations of, the officials of the .Empire at uoou, the,(>ar vvas so' mvioh ovore ooiiic b-y lgs-enthusiastic recdption as io be un, spStkrforfeome inimiles. O n recover ing from iiis emotion, he said-: “This is tliff .third time Hod has saved me.’’ It'is supposed the Kmporqr’s assailant tSok poison bofove'liis attempt, ns ’ he vqi4!l,after his., arrest-. Poi son was. found under his finger nails./ Anti dotes were administered.' . ijKDox, April 14.—A Ht: Ifefefsbwrg'dis- [iatehjsays> t}ic Emperor's assailant gives (lie ■nniiii'of Skoluf. He is a retired functionary of jlie ministry of fiiianoe, anff is about thirty yeaivi .old. 1fu firt'il at the Emperor within two paces. After tlie first shot the Umperof approaehed Bkulof, vvlio fired agaiu and then m.11. Various accounts are given as to the int act' number of shots fired* Tliey are conflict ing. Tlie oflieer of gemlearmcS; with hisSword dqivvn, piusued ,Skolof.>. Tlirde niore mou tlien joined him inthe pursuit, and Hkolof fired at .™ratogn ei llii-ui.ali.'i.l.l|Tiliu,tJu* jaiyuC n 'li't,',c.i.u**-—Kinal— j.".' ktviy ef tlieH* _ ear that t fulr tlie clectionikwiil. .... ...... —^------ not be sliuvvn that there waa the least ilnnger fitjiu tire army in thin country, nnd. therefore, tire jaxtcinled (d.aJ-n.i nm only far ulternir pux- juiics. "Tlie numberof suldieraiji the .‘-uuth I would uut funii/vli onu. let. a comity in the j-B-athi'i-ii .-'la trn. Tlie tnic intent wns tn get tied of 'tho supcrvisow of elections at the polls dming Congressional elections. Notwithstand ing! thin the Democrats exclaim against, andajn pear only frightened nt intimidation. Mr. \V 1 tl1eTs mid it was not a question to la* dcciided idiether thoro were soldiers enough to iluiinnato nnrf contatjl the elections, lmt wheth er,. under the operationJtS existing laws, it was nut iKMsihle forthe Kxwlitive to distribnteatid nso the sotdiera so as to destroy tlie freedom of elections- Mr- M . argued against tlie presenn* 0 ! VKKiiw nt tho polls. Baying it wna iiiMinqnti hk- \i ith a free goyerniiieiit. He said notiody ’.flii* Jlemberatiic -side lintT 'fatti -dtrwh ‘tfe pnajiositaoii tliat tlte l’reaident should not-ex* urc'if.e life constitutional power to veto tiie hill. Di-iiiocrrttfldid not jiro]>o3 e toslinpo their course a* 3u vital may or mny not be tlio imsition of the* lmfidonL —■ Sir. Wtilbiop Taid'tlie" peopte want fiw iTue- liooni. without n shadow or Mifwtauee of milita ty |Kjvver, vvliellicr Stato or federal, lie mid vve neither intend to coerce ttitrExeclltive nor submit So lit? coerecil by him. He defended tin? catiaxi uf tdie majority ,iu tliis matter. Mr. M'allmv aiserted that uo cations oversaw this hilJE. lt wns tin* production of the House coin, initlre on appropriations. blursi: ■An ntteinnt was made to intruditce a blit in rogan'l to sili'er coinage, lmt it was "ladkml down." Ko vote was taken. Nl r. Monroe moved to suspend the rules nml nilo*nt the* following: "Tlesol'vcd,,-Tliut in tlio judenicnt pf the th-iiie Itt*. kusiiieaA iuiurestsof tms country re- ipiin* that ho legislation chimghtathelipK inre- enrel to tiio curreney or tbo-nafiff ho tmifcrtn- kcic at tke prvseut ssiaioii.' The inalian wav defeated—I Oft to 117. Wil ber ratal aye. TELEORAIHIC HEMS. VS'n,KEsiuRRR, Pa., April 11 .—Considerable n|inn exists among cattle owners of this section yiui mg to the prevalence of plcuro-pnpumonia l*sstn, April 10.— Seventeen- thousand per sons in Kzceeriin nnd the ncighliorhood of that city nre still subsisting on charity. Jt has boon raiudng ten days. The silpply of-bread is ljtv coircing exhausted. 'J- , SSnBroKK, V s , April 10*—Captain Edward L. Young died tinsnaoming,ngea ninety-seven. He commanded a privateer in the km* of 1 & 12 , wav fhe o lte t citizen of Norfolk and probably the 'oldest mason in tho United States, ImVing boloenged to Hie order slxty-afac years. lvKW.ii«r. N . J., April 11.—The Homo Fire Instiraiice tbropany, of this city, has reinsured ita risks ia tliovQueen.of Liverpool, and decided td close Up. It will pry preferred stock in fixll. The* value of th e common stock depends -fen the sale of the real estate and mortgages. ATTK axv, April 10.—Thij Rev. Theodore Noreflien illiil Suddenly this morning at 4 o’-dSek ofCongestion of the lungs and lietnor' l*privil(^e to ni|iort bills ma 1 forthe jinprevcment uf riv shaft have the same king niipropriatfon ors and harbors tha on Appropriations in rejiortiiig general appro- priation billn. Tire motion was agreed to—yeas 117, nays 37. - ti report at any time, nn'd antlioriztng a majority to fix a day for tlio c&nsideratiou of any ptibEc bill ro|iortcd by one of theso committees,wns agreed to—yeas 130, nays 103. . An amendment-offered toy Mr. F^ftnreovid* ing that the morning hour shall not bo dispens ed With on any day for any purpose except by a two-third vote, wns agreed to. ' Tuvitsiur, April Itt Sksate.—The Senate resumed llie consider ation of the New Hanipsliircfteiiatorial case, the pending question homg 011 tbo MjuSidmpnt of Mr, Hoar to the resolution oif lho majority hi 'the Committee on Frivflegos and Eleetioira declAriug thnt Han. Charles j i, Bell is entitled toajscht'ttndur tho apixilntmont of the fiov- emor. ,Mr. Saulshtiry, who made the repott from thht committee. against the nrtalrion of Mr, Roll, addressed thp Senate fn favor of flte con clusions. Mr. Bayard. briefiy replied to ills colleague, supporting his fomer-position in favor of the admission o f Mr. BelL - Aftct furtlio-drf>tUft 1 lilt? umtiiiilinettE whs agreori to. yeas 35, nays 28, and the resolntion as amended adopted by the same vote. MR Bell -tens then sworn In. ThP-Atniy Apjiropfiatiori hill vvas next tif.- keii tip', hut withont Any proceeding thetecn.' Hie Senate, refusing to adjourn Over (Rood Friday,went into executive session, and when the doors were reopened, adjourned until to* 1 morrow. 1 Horsg.—The Honse went into commitfeee-of the whole bit the Legislative. Appropnatiqp. toil. Mr* McMahon suhtnifiod-an araendiiient re-* pealing the sections of the statutes providing forthe biennial examination of pensioners.— tThe amendment concludes a s follows; -Ln oiv vfer to prrtvfde fof the paytnent of arrca.Ts of peHBiOnS th e SeAl-OtUrO- oh-ttoe Troaanrv VgAi- rectcd to issuo immediately in ]iS^hient there of, as they may be ndjustei, tlio $10,000,068 in lesal-teuder cm'roncy now in' tlie XJiiited S tates Treasury kept as a special fund I ot tho redemp tion of fractional currency.” Mr. Garfield raiiied. Tlio point of order that the amandmcnt -was not germane to tlfe bill,. 1 . in order a proposition to break wholly through fho vvhnlo ^resumption business could also be Mr. McMahon supported his" cmcndincnf, rend it was debated at some lenglh. MR Garmon aubmitte^ tlie following nnwmd- inent tolhe aiiiondmotit: “Any fractional cur rency presented for redemption sliall lie re deemed in any irtcmeys in tne Treasury a t the time the same is presented.” Adopted—yeas 91, nays 80. - The amendment as amciided, was then agreed; tpMnthout division. . Sir. "Money aulimitted ati amendment htcreas- ¥ clerical force o f f lie Post Oilice Tiepnrf- *- ; , Without itction on the amendment tho com,, * . '' -" ip^^^joriHled. "i -! *, , __ . , _ rstD**r. Aprllrtl. SRXA.tB,-—Mr. & irla n d ,ft 6in tbe Commxttee ' off^idemigDisea^itBjejl^ajpmtresoluctlbii settihgforth tiuit doubt»'M«kMte» the Iegaior- gAinrAtitm- of (lie National Board cf -ifeilHt', and ftt onh r to remove them tho rexduHOA ra t ifies the orgammtion nnd aetata of that body. H wa» ac*eed-tor- .......- ...... Mr, Hereford qaHcd up the resolution of Mr. Hoar declaring tmconstitutiomd andrevolufcion- ary the alleged programfco to compel the Pies? * ldeint 'to sign appropftAtion tofiMtlie features , "■ of which fie^id not approre.'^TBr. Hcreifel proceeded tonddresa tlie fienjtto m opposition -tothe rhmlntidn*- T \ ; . The Seir^5Iff*»T>rooee(!od to tlw eonwdora- 1 #* ht the Army Appropriation toil. Nrt suMndmeiite weh« imttde to ony of tho . . . - .- W i- Hoiy Gross, Catholic Cliaplnin ef the Albany Pcniteritiary, and probably the oldest priest in tlw diuose. ito was tlio author pf many books and tvos known all over the world, N Sir York, April 14.—The purchase of 10,- 600 -steel rails in England by Vanderbilt has the caused a greet stagnation in the steel rail mark e t nad brought pneesdown somewhat. The Supreme Conrt General Term haa re moved Civil Justice Pinckney pn charges of misconduct on the bench. . - VAi.Witatso, April':(It— Ohili has formally dcrl.tTed war against Pern. 8r. Lotrn;‘'April 14,—A terrilde eycione struck tlio Town of Collinsville this aftorinjqn, dciiidteliing ten huildings, niining thirty othera, rlninaging,more or less some .seventy-five resi- denrr's and business houses. Only one person teas killed, a llttlc girl, and two or three otliera hadV injivfud. The, greatest pvr.itemcnt-jind eonftxsion jptovailed fo r sSme.tijne. Dew Csbbk, A'a., April 14.—James Keefer has ploughed u p an iron chest containing sev Sfal blionsand.dollars in gold coin, believ have been buried dnring the war, ffraef,'April 14.—The Scranton Trust Company and Savings Iiank has made a volun tary assigiment.- . , . M'ortNSonKET, R, T., April 14,---Teslerday Mops bnvelto, aged twenty-two. started 111 a vialldiig .mat«h.r«Km' became Hk and -died knit, few ltocffs, Itexirens op (.'ot.OKiin Ilosrnnv.— A special correspondent of tlio New World, writing from Romlcuttsays: Not long ago tlio littlo daugh ter of Attorney-General rachoonmaker was made reriously iH By wearing colored stockings. Her limbs-were covered with blotches caused hy the poisonous coloring matter used, and it •lie was a-long time before she fully rccovetc.d. At Mr. Seiioonniakdr's request the local nowsjtt- pcrs jnhlished a wprning te parents against tfie use of eolqred hosev but it does not fi'bm to ii»vp lioen vciy wiiMyu'cadrftSjinother case of poimning has occurred in tin's cHy- Alright iftlle girl of eleven years has just died after a month's illness from inflatnmatory rheumatism caused primarily by the dye nsed-in the colored sjtooknigs she wore.—[Aigns. As Opj^PisilKHMas.T-'Clvo W atertown Dis- patette-sajEf^ki&talcie -John Dingman passed through thin city yesterday on his way home from lew is county xvhere lib has b ^ n peddling, fish, iriicle .fohn will be one himdred years old 011 Sunday. nCxt. He was bom in Am- stenlmm, this Btkte, A pril f^> ! "78." o Jap Japanese stpdenttin y.daHvoredttn larictaro Megala, & HoEtoii Uiirvcrsity.daHvored ttie closing lecture before teeJMiddtesex Clonnty Teachers Associ- «*lpii nj, YYatcripTO, StML, last- Satorday, pn Japimee' edilcatinn, . Megatfr Is a brilliant scliolart, and n great favorite with liis acquaint- ,-um ihJoSton- ly a geutlcuiau knocked Skolof down and held Iiim until ho xvaa scoured by the ofiicera. Skolof lias continued vomiting severely since Iiis arrest, either bccairsfi of poison, u r because uf ijiu rough usage he received. CRIMES IH BRIEF. RUSSIAN lIltl'TAI.ITY. ' Si'. I’lrrnnsiiiHi;, April 12. - A Kiev corres- pohdi iit .glu-a an account of the outbreak among tin- polThcnl prisunt-rs last month'. Ho sayn that persons under arrest in the Kiev prison resolved, some time ago, to tunnel under tho nails and escape. Tlio scheme was betrayed. IV Iren tlie tunnel was completed, and tlie pris- eutered, intending to j come up through ison precinpls, tin the upunijig beyond tlio prison precinpls, the suliliens puated at tho opening shot tlie escaping prisoners as they came np. When tlie bulk ot remained hi tliu*Jjinnel, soldjors were sent in from behind, ana the unfortunate wretches, caught between two 'tivesywwe ull sliolduwm- Tho pruecinlinga seemed to give the oOicmls much amusement, and the direetor of tho Kiev prison has heen praised nnd decorated. Quito 111 keeping with this is tho statement published GOVERNOR BEYMfillJl * lo tll‘‘ ate uo selfisli" or personal schemes tending ‘to distract and divide ^the party. The JBuffido .Courier, one of the soundest of Demucrntic or gans, reflects this sentiment when it. say's : ’ . PnMoi’R^l’lu Dissensions.—Our. Republican friends naturally fed a deep interest in I>emo- .cratio movements iiud' supposed difficulties re-, fating (o the next state eanvaus,. But of pne. thing they may ho assured: when tlie contest ia'fairly opened they wili fiml a nnitedkjelno- evaey, wliioh, forgetting local uud personal qnarrejs. will preseut a solid Trout to its oppo- pehteA JlSj&enwa of opinion within the party ave-'certauffyOiot greater now tlmuAhey wen- ill tho last inipurlant state canVaSs, wlieu tiio situation was eqmplieated hy .a Presidential L-lectiqn:.'• Tliqjqiiarivls uf faeti.uns three years ago \vere as fierce as'liolv, aiyl in relation tu 'the Presidential nuniiuation did not Cease \m- til the decisive vote ’of the St. Ixiuis eimvenlinn lmd been taken. There was also a wide divers ity of view ns to tlie qneotiuii uf state humilia tions.. Jit xvill he remembered tliat tlie state ticket for a time stood wifliuut a bund, nud so. filial.seemed' tho blunder mode by tin- 111151 Saratoga convention that the republicans iv- pariytLi .1 fuieguin* conclusion. Yet wc elected tliat tiel\et hy a handsome majority and tliuse 'members of the party wlio lirtd pivdieted defeat if theirW u couusols were uut heeded, did tlieir liest tu se cure the success of c.mdidntes whose nomina tion they had opposed. Under tlie cireluustau- ces, therefore, it is not worth while for our Re publican friends to anticipate too much frum Democratic dissensions; nor nerd any i Kjmu- eral feel unduly discouraged tlrereby. H should idways be reiuembere.d tliat the present factional fights are participated in unly by. poli ticians, who form lmt 'a small fraction of tlw voters.. Tho Democratic mW'-s nre nut cutting each ^fliers' tlirodts. if some of tlieir leading men are, and any good ticket of representative. Democrats which may’ be nominated ifext fall they wiil unitedly and heartily support. * ---------------- - j' " . - A WRONG TQ BE RIGHTED. • TIIE RAILROAD COM I'AMES vs. THE 1'EpPI.R. Speaking of a bill introduced in the legiala- tu're hy lion. P. S Raker okHnche-ti'l'. hating for its object a mole just equalization of freight rates on the railroads of tliia State, aa a move by tho Russian chaplain in tlie central prison at Klmrkoff. Ho ileclarea tl|at cif 500 persona detained in tliat prisun, 200 died Within four months. One of tlu: liuaviest diMgcsjji.adaJ>V tlie Nilifii.ito against the Russiau official ndniiu- istialluu is brutal truatuiuutpf prisoniira, iu ojii.reiiLic iirc of which many are dying find sumo nre lieing driven mnd. 1 Mt'KIlERED HIS FATHER. ' . C iminmti . April 12.—(1. A. T. l’atille, living near Bright Stav.Texns, Iiad a.diflleulty witli litaAop \Vulmijq some tirao ngo. A few diiya slnee hei'';i^'3®ltni.^e!kJ,RicrcmT with hn'rk sliof. tViliimu wus arrostctl, acknowl- i''lqi'd havingjloiiettie shooting and claimed'It was dune in neff flefeusi'. . LYNCHED. r-Tj.iti. III.. April 12.- Iraut night the bodv ul J uha .- tmiofull was found hniigiiig to a i-oaii- sqVuftvinjt rijpiimfcth'e-Hliiibm^^ (fentwd riallrtratl.; lie was nrre.itcil fur stealing hurscs nnd tltken front the ofiicera by a mob. r THE RXKCL'TIOV OF PlUin. VYixiison, Vt., April 10.—The execution of Julin F. 1*. Phair.nt the Etato prisqri, tojlny. ciiil; tliu career of a criminal, whose history, since the raliuni.ssinn uf his crime, has been rendered remarknble by tiro persistent cllbrts made to prove his innocence. Plmir retired at four o'clock and slept soundly until seven this morning, no soeijitd qitite resignctk lie urns coo! and self-possessed to tlio last. His Jnst words were: " laird remember me.” Counsel tiiis innniing asked n further reprieve so os to allow a sessiuii d rth e Lcgfelatiiru to^interveno facfotv the execution, bnt nt 12:33 llicYiovomor dciii.-d the iictition. I’linir's execution look place about 2 r. si. . ARREST OF .A SWINDLER. \ ! \:uidtji' Huulaijii fins l*ci.Ti all'c.-itcd ull a warrant issital at Pairindaigunfor repre»3iting himself to he the owner of a large qunujily of milting stock in Colorado, whereby lie obtained S:iT.'> fmndulently from R. S." Snlhoor. He has been handed over to n CaimndA'igua oflieer, A CONDUCTOR SHOT. HrFFAtJi, April 13.—Conductor RadolKT, of tin- Grand Trunk mihvny, whilo running a train yesterday, near Victoria, was shot in the face ■ivya noted desperado, Joe Nonce, witli n shot f riii. Xo provocation. Neaco xvns.arrested. Indclilf will probably-ftcover. EXTENSIVE DCmiLARHS. Xkav York, April42.—j\. gang of burglars are operating atone the line ot tho Erie. Tlie residence of tlio late. James S. nopkins, at (loalien, was robbed on tin! lOtli of $200 worth of silver wnre. Inst night the dwelling of James II. Corwin, at Ilonlells, was robbciT of money and silverware. The burglars loft a §380 registered government bond. CNINFKSSSS JtANSLACOI)TER.. H ayhuiiu., N. H., April 10.—Jfariin T . Hickey, who murdered Frank II. Eastman, at Plymouth, last June, pleaded gnilty tb man slaughter in tlie firat degree? sentence deferred. . A" TnF-ACnFJIOl'S SOCIALIST. The eoroso of a student was found recently car the Kasati cathedral,.St. Fetersbuim stab- ...... bed and labeieti, “Sentenced as a teritorMby Bie -jhiiw.'' ”k e \ra s ‘ptetor ofetliTShitech of tlitoYSooiaiists' revolutionary committee." A DAKTARDI.V ntmtAOE. -M-fowm—April -1-i —Two -Dumbs wora yes' teixlfiy thrown into the rhurcli ofSau Antonio, at Seville, with tlio object, it is supposed, of creating n panic and sfenlins the valuable sac ramental plate belonging to tno (lliureh. “ Sev eral persons were ir^uted by the explosion. fatal QFARREL. - h .le.-GmApril 14.—OnSaturday two farmers, Irving W inn and A. L. WiUiams quar reled while ridmg hoih'e, and Williams crushed: Winn's skull with aulfoyel. Both were intox icated. ..Williams .was arrested. - ' in the right direction, tlio Oneonta Press says : “Tliat excessive tariff* is h-vied un local freights, as compared witli llmHigli rn tc .e u n li.uly in (Ini'imta krt^Vj^ypcarily tliuau wiiu, TiaveTiaiTiK-easiijii {., iiun* jm .diui u,i 1 ilia octing witli klie A A S It. It. Why i.-, i tlmt ft-cartoad of grain goc; r.r, r flic" iua.T ffun Jiingfinmton to Albany nt a lower rate than ft docs from Binghamton to Oneonta ? IV hy is it tlmt Onoontiiins pay nearly a dollar a tun more for coal than tlie people of Albany, Syra cuse, Buffalo, and other towns more remote from tl*- miuvs. have to pay \\ Iiy w.iif tljut a tub of butter or a box of dn-e/i- fruiiDuna con bo Inid dow'u in Ijfuw Yovh etty nt about the Bamejigure that our State pu kage-i van ? It ri bocaiiik! unwarranted advniiUi{5 Ms laken . by tlio common all iHiinte whore tlie lieople nre ot their lucivy, for want of proper, kgnl nalraiiit, in ateoncu ol oompotmg Itties. Tliis is a Biihjri-nySlrrh Tfiay witirt-'tigagiiTTTc- earnest nttcntjon of the fuqjicra and hiistneas jiien of this county raid of llreir flepv&enta- tlves in tlio Legialaliipe. The towh.s along the line of the A. k S. Railroad were to tuaniiar««<i; ihS'jjeqpie” atiWHfei towani tlie enterprise - and yi*l the road is now 0, man aged witli regard to freight tariffs as to build up rernoto sections nt^ the excuse of that thro’ which it passes.' ~ Tlio crippled,*in tbe |uvit badly-inanagcil. ami now almost Innhmpt concern calhil the I). ,t II. Oanal Oo —whose stock bra gone down from 125 to ID keeps its head 'above wator during thriw'hnnil times by iuqiosingTqe on such sections bf country as this, where there is no competition im tfie pale uf cud, nnd it so rugiifaTes iis freight charges as to practically prevent competition. While coal has steadily gone down at ail jKiinls when- there isany lOm- pctiilQii. the price is kejit up in tliis county. — They deliver it for ubonlSl All a ton Ica-in Al bany than thoy charge for it at firo Jiuietion. 70 miles west of thateity' It is simply a gross outrage oh consumers in the country -and we call upon this legislature to [ass Mr. Baker's bill, or ono suriilnr. to it. W ill Mi-ssrs. Kdick, Clinso nn'd Briilgcs heerl -tho call ■ made upon them by their ooiratituents in regard to tliis im portant matter?' If redress cannot bo had at the hands of tliis 'Legislature, then let those interested see to it that they send n different body of men to 'Al bany next winter—mort instructed nnd pledged to vetcAora hill'ro-adjristing tiie basis of Tax ation, and for nnofher equalizing Frei'^fifRates on the railroads of this State. We sliall prol>- aijly have occasion again to refer to thisimpov-’ taut topic. * AN EXPENSIVE EDXTOY. Wo have always regarded the Inebriate Asy lum at Ringhamton as not only a great lium- iiug. hut near of kin tu a swindle 011 thu tax payers of the gBt'c. -Air. E. K. Apgar, in his ropptt to the leeisiStore. shows it. ntuciftee thi* There are six ViteinianR and five Kentuck ians in the Diiited States Senate. feDitring last year I S.GOOmemhers of the Sun day schools joinSd-the churches in Illinois. Adontpauyhakheon organized iu Rooheater ; to infcroduce the HhEy system of steam heating in tliat city, i t lias a capital' ofSbOO.OOO. . ___ _______ It is proposed te buy the site of the English ;old coin,fewydd to]?feotfege atSandgatq, E.ent, iii wliich John B. Goujpi was bora, and erect a ftoffce house tlicre. ill. Gnmbetto lias saved $3,(100 a year by re ducing tlie guard of honor which receives him when lie takes ins cliitir in the GhairtbeV. Russian prisons are eo'gorgcd with political offenders, rahfiiStp nncLihdrest, tliat it has been necksaryto convert large privatodwoilings in to temporary jails. ~ ... F. W . Grennell, tiie teller of the Nationaj Bank of Ifouesdale, Pa., Iui 3 proved a defaulter fn" $3,585, wlijeh ho lost in a stock-farming speoulajion. ' s Opium , smoking finds littlo toleration ifi Japan, £ man was recenfly sehtenccd-to ten 'yeara" hard labor* in Yokohairia, for violating tho law'against the practice. ' A tliirteen-year-old daughter of Michael of .rohnstou. Pa., became entangled,in tlip rope of a swin'gstho other day and wns choked te death. At GievolandjlO,, a red-hot iron ■ bar a t the rolling mill, oh4be 10 th inst. as it ciuhe twist ing-from the rolieTs, enpireled a boy named Walter Raleigh, literally burninghim in two. SrA.vo WoniC^-Hic first work is to ro|[iaee fenm fodd by tlie winter storms. There is nothing ,gained by plowing too early.--The soil shonld bo dry before a furrow is tuifted. Ma nure may berdnrwu otftj stones catT be gather ed from froien ground when tho wannth of the stuj'filtrtooscnpd them.—[American Agri- Cnltnnst. - . . The growth of the Bapt ist church since 1851 id LofidSfl, has been somewhat rcmarkabtofe While Methodiahi of all kinds hare increased 104 per cent, Presbyterians and-foo English diurch 42 yier font each, CqKregntiqipalists 30 and Rouram Catholic SApcTcdnt, the Bsp- tist«b»ve ^ 6yrn •<[ the rate of 1*15 pirc^Dt. 9 | ..... in Tlhulim* l.'wt lo tin* to iqmiu iiutke htiV'Soymuiji' 11 cauilidnte fui; Gov’- .i-i-nui'. wo felt justified from xvliitt w eltiidw of hia uvowM' views ’aud intviytinifcij; iii malting til*- pusiklve l'cnmrk we did that ]ji> wouldliot auei'iittliu ^miiinatiuii. .. Such 'is,hi3 firln cle-j i'isiim, fi'oin wliioh ho eaa irot 'Wk.jjxoved hnd.. Ms.-frlonds will^ippreejoteiuid respect, lifi'mo- 'tiyis'ifhd judgmont. ; The folJewing accoiint.oL an imtprr'iow- witii (foy, 8. a t life farinfljnMise'Tfear Ufeicawill intev- est the readers of the Journal': ~ In view of thoactionof the meistnigof pi'ow- iiien’t Demoorato in the parlors of August [tel- mpiit in. New York, tlie N. Y, llwald author ized one of itscorrespodefitii tesucu'ru an into?- view with Gov. Seymour .Monday and.learn, his sentimontsoo the subject, • Tlaoedtrespijnm^ en t-wiis-espaeially commissioned -to learn what encouragement the committo appointed to con sult,. witli -.llte Governor would 'receive upon their anticipated visit. _ The'Herald according; ly received the"follqwmg. special dispatch tlmt evening: ' ,. Tho (T'Cfvernor hadjust returiietd from a drive to town. When informed of tlio contemplated movement to draw him from liis retirement, lie soiil he nuver knew of it till 'ttsetimdrtring.- Tke committee appointed to confer with him lie had nut seenv^ 1 broached the subject of‘my vjsit. *I said to him: * , 1 ' ;■[ atn requested by tlie editor o f the Herald to’call upon you anil get your i-aowswith i:e- ^ rd to the action of prominent Deinberats.w'bo Yield ameotingat Belmont’s on SAtiiixlay." ’ T’linjxovernorj'eplied that “lie knew nothing abouL-ivhut vvas said or done upon that occa sion beyond’tehat lie had read i if the report sent to the Associated Press.; awS he lqaevv no more aboift Hie views and objqgls of those who were in attendaiipe, than any otter person wlio had read the morning papers. [ lc Iras' advis ed tliat a meeting would be held by prominent 'men fur tin- purpose of-bringing rqliout harmo ny in/the Democratic ranks. Hteliad no idea tluftany one thought of liaming biin-as a can didate ior (iovurnow—as that wasa filing out of tliu question, l ib was not merely unwilling fo be a candidate, but he was una.5li» to do the duties of the olfice bf tlove.nior «ii ■Slate, i t would not only bu unwise, but' im proper to plfeeter tho chair otewiiose yuara nnd ill lieultli would disalde bim t-o perform in person tliegrcat.and varied duties uf the sta- tiuii. in ninny of the ullires most, uf"the work ean hu done by assistants. But. the duty of tlie Governor of deciding upon t3io propriety and constitutionality of laws, of seeing to all tilings that concerned t ho interest ef tlip State, and taking care that all its laws are faithfully. PTiH'UU'it. an- < >HigsitjonaAli«t caijnot he giveu over to subordinates. Tliis StaitPtias a popu lation of about five millionsrmadc._np.B,Lvai'ied nationnlities! about one-half of whom are dwell ers in cities. Tiie nierc duty of oxsmtiiiung pe tit ions fo r i»uiTnfi'a',\vith whicli lie is solely invested, is a great labor put upmt Iiim by the Constitution. Tllefe is always disreoiitent wlieu it is felt that any of tlio Excctivu pi’erogatives are exorcised by other than tlie riglitfol author iiy-” ' "A s you have freely expressed ycHir unwil lingness to be a candidate, how do you account for their suggesting your name ? ______ H e replied "As I nm under alligations td every man iu the Democratic part3 ; as I hold friendly feelings towarsnll classes rami sections, I supjuisF tny name was suggested, not so much with .11 view to my nomination raj it wns to show iliat they desired to place in ofllce Midi persona as would seek to promote the political pit,-rests of tte nbiflu lifewcratus pmrfcy, and flius*-ui its nctiie, prominent nitun. It was nieafif (rt show that tliey would quite in tlie -siipjuiil 1 >f uuy poison who rlieiixJicd Tivtings of good will towards ull. In tins way they could -prove their desire1 for baraitoivy more Stj'ie r Tho exhibit for the Inebriate Asylum is reai ly grotesque and may be said to be timely uow wlieu the questiou of abandoning it as a retreat formcfariotes is_ before the Legislafhre. Tlie building for thisjnstitution was started in 18.38. hfijApgar’s Bthfistics lireginwith 1870 aiid cov- er'flftetimo till last year 'inclusive, Hi 1010 titufe Were srxtyaijt inmafcs.’and tlib year fol- loXvmg tliefe were eighty-four. The number has steadily decreased. Last’year there were only forty-six patients in the institution. The cost per capita for tlio" years named, fe ns fol lows: -- ' 1870.. ____ $585 .40 1871 -------------- 440. f i t 1872 ............. 482 27 1873., .......... 456 IS .irrrrrr;:. ................ 4959fi 1815..................................... 48401 1876 .................................... 510Ofi. 1877 ...................................................... 59795 1818. ....................................... (111358 The cost in salaries lias increased from $13 1 11 in 1871 to $240.94 in 1818. F or provis ions and supplies the cost has increased from $i 78.53 te.$211.0I, and for fuel and lights the increase has been from $5G.77 to $83.55. The; cost of the building for tlio accommodation of one hundred inmntes has Isgn JlO.OOO foycach one, but, estimating by the nuifibcr of inmates there at prfoent, the cost pe'r dtpifa for their hotiSiiig is $20,(100. Adding the interest on tho cost of building to tho cost of maintenance for 187^.givesa total of $ 2,200 a year per capita astoeiactual expense”attending each patient's: rt. The report adds: .0 amount paid out of' tlie State Treasury for salariesfend wages and expenses of’eommis- sioriers for tho last year was $0,337,'being $1,- 050 for each cotinty patient. The interest on the outlay of $ 1 , 000,000 ut seven per centum is $ 10 , 000, being $11 > 0C 0 ,for each county pa-, tifnt. Tliis would make the cost of supporting, ' for tfio year 1818, each inmate of the inebriate asylum wjhteoaw-'projwrty' bo considered ns de pending upon the charity iff the State $13,087.". TaxThkm 1—At a public gale of stocks in IsTew York on the, Dth. a-lot of gasuuid inlur- ance stocks sold at 130 to 200 011 tho 8100.— IJheyjiay no taxes. ‘Why not, as well as hank shares ? This Legislature should: nojt adjourn without placing a tax t^f those prosperous and able cdmpanifo, to the relief ofthe over-taxed Farmers'. - ' ^ ' i ^ T h c Socialist ticket in Ohicagq, for whicli. te8^i£lisaml votes Were polled, did pot hnwpa sfll^enallvJrAmerimutTn iiLATIihi, il- lusmtessfoe feet we Iiave seTTofth.thflt these foreipiers propose to enjoy “liberty" hy-ovar- thtiowing'the libentl inifitdiions of tliis coilntty. BNSINESS HATTEBS. Tin- Auiuriuiiu Suspojiiler (juiiip;niy has been placwl iii_.Um luuids "pf^a: receiver, LjaliiUtius, estimated nt $180,000; asqets nominally $370,-1 o o o .- '■■ * t ,y.- ■’ Roueh A BdVis hiwd huiiichcd’a.tliird steam- isliip fqr fhe fi^zniandino; the Amazon. %Thfis; jvIhlTput ^subsidy, the work goes onf * feAteBteyjdsnce, R. I.’ it is unfierstood-Higt .tlie, Allen pi'inf works will ask of its-preditors an extension: of three years, the worjea to bo, run iu the mertu time Unclei; tbe direction of the creditor's: ' Liabilities $500,000 ;■.ifisets cfouble’that.'.- ' * - ' j. Tho Northern^ Pacific Railroad Company offers tp give work to 500 of the Kansas-bound pegroes a t $1.25 a day. The aotion of the blacks in reference to tliia proposition vviU do. much to prove whether thoir .wish fe to help themselves of to be helped, ■Experiments with paper car-wheels continue to givo the best of satisfaction. Mr. PuUrnmi repqrtsrthat wheels have run'under hipcars ■400,000 miles without repair, while tho aver age extent the running lifo of au ordinary ivheefis from 55,000 to 60,000 miles. A (fentrdl railroad official says Vanderbilt preferred English steel rails fo American be cause,, although they fost $53 per ton against $43'for American, yet English manufacturers guarantee^ tjheir rails fot twelve years, while, 'Antfefieans gunrantefed only five years’ wear. T’he' ten-forties are' lWfeiilliqps, of which 144 millions are in registered and 50 millions in coupo'ti form. About three-fourths of them, therefore, are already in this country, and tfiis will facilitate the operation of funding; the only question is how can the Treasury fund them most advantageously to its only client, the people of the United States . (Johl with-tlie other American products has been benefited by the late Paris Exposition, teteflENATOR EDIQK PIT SALARIES. Kdifer-Frpeiwtm'a Juuriijd : .'Althuiigh a (ty> puhioaii, ,1 find ff un advuutauij "to take botlw cpurity newspapei'a. . 1 fiud hpkjo things of im ” portancp in tlio Fftemati’n Journal that are dmittediijf .triis't not by design' dr arrangement -from-.tlie columri& of-tho RepubUcan; for in stance, a record bf tho'vote on tho^alary. Bill, vMiich wife before the Senate on fh© 2iT1iistant. ^k'i^recorded. ' ■’ Mr. Goodwin -moved toamend-by making the salaries of assistant Clui'ks ,q{ eaeli House '$l, 8ilKriptead of $ 2,000. JFIe had heard from' the best authorities itrid feelieved.thnt the sqja- ries pTHieserofilcials were excessive., Mi;. Edick said lie vVbuldlike to have.sosne Senator give a 'rcasoii why. this reduction should be made. Ho W;is qpposed to tliis kind of petty reform". ' ■ The motffrn was lost. Mr.'Edick,-of bourse, voted NOy. How ma ny capable men are there in this county slyae willing to' take that easy position, for about foip- months,-at $ 1 ,8QD—over $5,080 a year? Hundreds of them ! Aud Senator Kdick knows it as well pia any man in the county. But he is opposed to “petty fefonn." IVhat difference does it.niake to liini, how much tlie people arc' taxed 1 The bill pf the special Retrenchment Conv mittee relative jo reductions in State and legis lative departments Hvas uudur-comideratfon the saine day, and it is recorded (not in tlie Re-/ puhlictfn) that Mr. Edick said no gopd re-raoy, had beep given to reduce Pertain salawes^ome of the salaries of State officials are too high, and but few will deny it. When it was moved to substitute tlie As sembly bill for tlie one before tlie Senate, just after tlie above littlo speech was jnado.J. notice that Mr. Ediek's name dobs not appear in tlio recorded ayes and noes. . Why not V Then Mr. Hpssions mfived to reinsert the pro visions of reform relative to jo*lioiaf~salaries, ittHts-slirpuienu to Europe steadily increase. At last accounts om man in Romo was nego tiating for 100,000 tons. The imports at New Y'ork for the month of Maficli show a gain of over $500,000 upon tho corresponding figures-last year. The exports, exclusive of specie, siiow a loss of $2,300,000. The Utah and Northern railway is completed to Eagle Rack Bridge, Snake river, Idaho, two hundred amh(cn miies north of Ogdem" Regu lar trains will commence April 15th. .Secretary Sliermnn "will issue, this week, a circular prescribing terms for refunding the teu-forties and the salo of the fourper cents for that purpose. Tlie terms will not be as favor able oi? heretofore. Reports of-western railways fbr March show nn encouraging increase of traffic as compared with tlio previoas month, aud witlvMarch 1878, -Tlie-reads-m-em-vvhich eiuig ratron teuds njuko the best exhibit, while the grain-carrying lines show a falling off of receipts. Tho receipts of twenty-one roadsiaggijegatei $7,699,585, an in crease of 8263,306 over, tho eofrcspondinp month hist year. Tho receipts for the expiree quarter of 1879 were $20,441,123, a deoreaso uf SI,318,544 from thoso of the firat quarter of H 7h Twelve roads, not inbliided in tho fore- gring statement, repurt February -earnings -at "$2 >* 2 i. 2 a'j $467,0-10 better than the same hionths in 1878. luarly tliau hy inert- general declarations; tliat thoy chaired nothing that would te objectiona ble to auy Democrat. While nry uamu wns nu-ntiuiiud, they did not menu tliat it. any mure, 01 even ie> iiuicli ns <)thuiu. would.adlcet thu ub- je t at uliiclt they ainiud.'" ' Ho yuu mean tu have it mulL-iatood that you bau- hut y ui|t' intumat iu [Kilit-iial or ptil>- .IfimY' • ’>..» . . .. (Ih. n o ; tliose la&B,gyi nctira ra il in |,uLliL life jitu tiinviaeand luqiitst rf they -ImCulitu ludilli m il I*, 1 \ ,n(-. a Imul vjiu-m meri*- iy fecaiisc the time 1ms gone by wi; tn them fur Itolding oflire. Every man may, its private life. lie of some use in taking part i ll all tilings which concern the genufid wulfmu, And he may lunkc- liimself mure useful lecanau, as he prow- he i- I,;-- inUiaiitj-iLTl) [*.rj.,iul or imrtisiii inirfuw:." < ■•V\ lmt *to you think will be tliu rwult of the election next fidl'in this State? Well the Beni- ocrats he able to elect their ticket YZ • He, answered: "I cminot forecast tlie ftiltirc. Tlie viitera of New York nre very equally di vided in sentiment. The majorities vyhich ef- tiu-r [Kitty gaituare very suiall jiemtalages upon onr voting population. There is discord in tlio .ranks of.- «uji organization at this aqao. The unu tv hich aucceeils best in _ ivstorit»g,linmiony wiil win the rictofy. If both of them are nble tu place acceptable men in the flitel, 1 think, the Democrats will elect tlieir tilled-. There rev 1mny than a million of Vut*,;- hv llt4s foam. •Neither iiarty. as a ruly.- gains a n*q|orffy ex- CTwlingtlim- [ror am t of the num teruf voters. A < Ii.iiiui. o f .me in a hundred freijilenCfe* iv- vurees the results of a preceding vcair. Grrat exertion will, therefore, ho made nt llie,.course of the surumcr to bring about hatnaony ih th’e rank's of i-achorgnmzntioii.ns oixml fiialf a mill ion of voters iu each will demand luarniomons action. '.It is probable, therefore, tzlurt many eunfereiu'os will he field between tlihs time nnd the meeting of delegated conventions." ''’nreti you feel confident that hiuriuoiiy will soon bo restored lb tho Democratic r-aults." "Yea, and in the Reptlblicau ranSss as vyell. As the time for county nml State iiQiuliiatSoiis. gfoivs near, t(ie numerous candidates for coun-" ty and Slate officers will tleinnntl tAie ntljuat? nicnt of persomd feuds." . In publishing thq above interviciv' lho Utica Observ'd' saySx“ AVe preauthorized ntail request ed to say that iunler jn,o circm'nstanoea whatso ever will Gov. Heymour consent ta become a cainlidafe fo r any public office." I t Es ininewsi- sary to mid that if tliis determination were not final Air. Seymour would bo th'o firafs choice of tho Democratic party Ior the highest- honors 111 its gift.” CuNuni.^s. -There is to he a hitter light be- twren Oungress and the l>reaident cn tlie ap propriation hills, and it is likely the extra scs- It is announced that Hayes is to imaiptrato a “new departure.” -and will no longca' tolerate •“riders” on appropriation bills. Wo have seen no oueasimi for changing the opinion M ore ex pressed that tlio true policywas fqr the Dem ocrats firat to pass repeal biffs', and laold back on tiro appropriation bills to see whether ilayea^, .j^.ufipRAT that would veto tlit former measures. T he DuiFT.—Says tlie Argus: “A careful canvas^ of the members of tlie Assembly oil tlte sffttject sliovVs that the drift of publics favor as inctirated.Jiy the spring town meetings in this Btafe is towards the Democratic jwt-ty. The third party tnoveulcnt has almost wli peared except in a few localities, andl ia those sections it survives on local' questions entirely. A G reat DKuor riATio VrerouY was achieved in* Albany last week. The Democrafca carried 12 out of IG wards; ejected their Jastico by nearly 3,081) majdrity; andASfecCtliSl' fenndi- dates for Board of F,ducation. Ih e “third par ty ” is tlicre a tiling of tlie past, aiid tbe Demo crats once moro in tho majority. Dick” Taylor died in New York on Skturdiiy last, aged .53. years. Hfe was one of the ablest Cpptaffs in tlie Gonfeileraie ser vice. flays a n exMmn^o:.. “Rieliaixa TPaylor was a^Very considerable maii in tins' United' States for many years. He was tf natfvfe and for niost of his life n resident of Lomisiaua— bora Jamlary 27,X-826,atNew Orleans, Ricli- ard 7'aylor w:ut .the onlyr^son of Zachaty'Faylor, who was elected'Presidgnj; of tho United'States- .... a-,;,... ^ R®*Says tho World : “It wasa sernfvy act of Senator Bayard to propose intrpHnciiig a separate bill to repeal the tastpatlfe Did he not know it would.compel Senator ^dmimds to “object” and thus leave the Democrats no option whatever bnt to adopt the "rider’’itac;. tics? W e wish GenetarGarfield woidd make a speech to show how revolutionary i t is for a majority to takl the only othor vtfty ef cxcrcis-' ing its rigjrts when jho minority TjeclliMS to-let it carry out rite first jntcntioiis. Whip higli, whip low. there’s no satisfying ' these skalwarto. They will die and nfobody shall help fluent.” •• JKPWmlp Hampton is sopnuch befetor that ho^iopes to tako life seat in tho 9e)u»te in a ve ry short timo. - ' - - fe A S tep B ackward. —The older adopted'by tiie -Houso permitting tho ways and means, banking nml ourrency, nnd coinage, weights nnd measures committees, to report at any time, was carried on tlie 9th by the votes of soft- money m e u o f n it p a r ^ & ‘-»'F4i'opens the"SluieeB fur all aorta of wild eat measures, anil brightens tiiu prospects for a lung session. It is predict 'd th at Htc same majority wliich thus triumphed will proceed tu [kis5 legislation hostile to the natioual banks- Efforts may be made to se cure free coinago, ami authorize tho issiro of silver bullion certificates ou a basis similar to that which ia now provided for gold. It is to bu'hopcit that this' tiauKwnrd step will meet with a check nt the hands of tlie Senate, for it bodes evil to all but bankrupts,mnd no special good to a majority of them. - jL ' Hie business interests of the Eaat aro qnito diverse from tliose of tlie South and West—1 ^’tiusc Representatives in Congress would tax and rob tho East for tiie special benefit of tlieir lesa sound nml favored sections. I/kik at This!—The couuty of AVnshingtOu Jiasa [Kipiilation of 48,114, nnd gives'a large Republican majority. It fe givuu Ueo Mem bers of Assembly under' tlie new apportion ment. Tho coimty of-Suffolk has a population of •' I ,h73—nearly4,000 more than Washington —and gives a small Demoeratio majority, is giveu only one Member of Assembly under tbe uow Republican apportionment. Suffolk gtunetl nearly 5,000 in population between 1870 and'75—whilo Washington lost 1,454 in the same period. Now what do honest and honorable Repub licans think of tffis ns “a specimen briok" of this new apportionment ? Is it anything lees than an unblushing fraud? a dishonest ahddis- lionofoblo measure ? Can nuy man who is not politically dishonest justify gjbilhof this char- actor?_ 1-Vdr.izK tu e T axes ! -Petitions should con tinue to' ho poured in, upon the Legislature, demanding the pasSfigo of a law at the present session equalizing faxes in the State, Hun dreds of millions of personal property, requir ing huge expenditures to protect it, now es cape altogether. This is not right- On, P kui !—A sensible pajrer like the Utica Herald prints an article- which starts off as follows “A f c;nrlnH Gazette states that a secret organization is forming by_ Democrats in Kentnoky, one of IfSSAmtmni-a 10 ^liaoDsnnnranl!**WnC /7»*. whose objects is tlie assassination of Gen. Grant in the event of his nomiijation for the preBi- deliey.” The date of this letter was probably April Istte-and that escaped tlie notice of tlio Herald. ■anti Mu. Hiliuh Vul-rertNo- il’fottccfiings uonilonseit ki'.thi* f'. Juarnnl 1, ^ ' Tuesday,. Apj'fl 8A ,|e«% fepfe;/otrfou- ced; Relative te ' mtft'tgages of pevsoimi piop- erty. tFi’pvidfo'Thnt.bhreafer^nibrtgagon off personal propofiiy sliall be filed With town olorks if the mortgagor is a resident, of the 0 toto, if npt?;1tiieh in foe. office of the clerk or register of tli|fown'Oi' oily vvferc the property was tit the time of'exec'utioU of the mortgage, Hfffe'passedRelative to- unpaid taxes- • ' '' Relative fo writs of error' ifrehhntnal cases. „ The bill reported by'the "special coihmittee to revise /lie lawB in relation to assessments' and -taxiflion 'ftas discussed dn committeo, and made a furtlier flpoc-ial order [for Thuraflay- . Mr. Hogan offered a resohltion of inquiry into tlie matter concerning The expiration of the' official term of certain pdiee corainjssion- 'teVj of Ncv^Yprk And the, appointment of. oth ers, which wife adopted. . Jim /e.—Tlie session was mainly spent in CQimnittce of the whole off variotif bills. Im* following wife ordered to third reading: Rela tive to the payment qf railroad bonds in,the towns of Kdiuestbri aud Pittsfield in (itrego county, Cuvier and Truxtou in (.,()rtlaiieT|ip:u1" ty, andMamakating, Pallsbuxgh and RcSikland in Sullivan Eomity^ “ a' Mr. Brooks moved to take frpm thq table tliu-report uf tliu subcommittee ou tho bill au thorizing the employment of female physicians in hospitals and asylums.- He said the bill was handed to iiim by l)r. Wilbur, the superintend ent of tliu St#? Idiotic Asylum, tharf whom tlwve iu noiinore practical/ succegMful atidiiou- oral>Je nlgEician in* the profession in thej?tate. The UiU.has beon favorei by a large majority of tho county judges', tho superintendents ot the pour and a large representation of the eui- inent inedieai gentlemen of the State, it also met with the approval e f the^WlanthropistH of the State. The- bill proposes that in thp tour insane asylums of the State there shall bo eight ladies employed in the female wards. T hat is all there is of the bill. iio particular kuowied; WILL CAUSE NO' REGRETS T'a S t,—The Republicans carry the State of Michigan over the famous , coalition by alxiufc 5,000 majority. The vote bf tbe-Stafe last au- tumn was, Republioan, 126,280; Demoert^ic, 78,503; National, 13',313j-151,816. If (he Dem" ocratic and National voiffcould be united sue- C83S was certaULAndAoSuREHa»rn.LliaiinflnlTniKr ists of the triumph of such p coalition that lhe Cincimiati Enqiiirer has been urging those Democrats in Ohio who Iiave' opposed a like alliance iu that State to await the result of the Michigan election mid be coftvineed of their error. Well, they now see how it is. fi®“Mrhen the Republicans in Gongress re peatedly tacked “riders” on appropriation bills, aiming at.iiff sorts of legislation, they initiated' the \flsry worst kind of legislation. Now that Democrats— we flunk a bad exam ple—aim to repeal some of tliis legislation by tlie snnie ljaeana, they cry out “revolution I" ((©“Talking about tlie foiilstatementof Gen. Fitz John Porter, the veteran General Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia, puts forth an idea tliat seams to .coincide with thb general view of justice Mi round. If is true, as Gen. Pat terson sayfi, tlicre is no vacant place in the “nMv of general officers in which to' put Gen. Partep-but a place ought to be made at once by 4he dismissal of General John Pope, “jf I wore the President of the United States,” says Patterson,“ I would dismiss both Pope rartff McDowell, anff tlte report of the Advisoiy Board would bo Wis sufficient warrant for do- j|lg so." * 6 gr Already foe unfortunate colofod people , wlio have been aeduced away from tlieir homes land .comforts id the Sonfo to go wppl-fo^iefc- fug in Kansas and foe'^prtli-west are fogn hing to stragglo back twtdn in SmSll companies andrtquufo. ThtfifoindUof thetn of couree trill he unable to procure tho means'of returning, and there Will bq much suffering amofig them. Subscriptions are being Mien up in their be half. , Now I would like to suggest to thu Repub lican tliat a “well-informed newspaper" should keep its readers infomrod,of tlio v.utea east by tlieir legislative Represeniatives oif s'ueli im portant matters as the above. "They want to know you kjioq'” wliat is going on at Albany. ' I A REPUBLICAN. [We omit from the -above mninmniontinn the following uxlvaot and tlie comments 011 the samo, for tho reason tliat Senator Ed.iek says he made 110 sucli remrtrk: “Mr. Edick arid timt so far as thu constitu ency lie represents is cbneerqefothqy liould uot object to the two shfflings per' cap: this bill seeks to avoid. If.T«ejjirtdlJtad >auy, reason given,J would be ready to voted duce those salaries.” " lYiiiff lie said was to the effect that it would coat those paying tax on tun thousand dollars only about two shillings on tlmt amount.—Ab?- ilor F . Joui~naL\ ___________ T he S ilveii C raze has not yet had its day in Congress. Too*niany meii there havo a di rect personal interest in flooding tho country —if it cau only be forced into circulation With a. cumbrous and depreciated tutrreney Referring to Buckner's proposed bili for tlie coinage of $ 0, 0110,01) 1 ) of-»ilver btdjiou month ly, tlie Director of the mint says-this amount' is not only beyond tlie presont capacity cife the mint, but largely in excess of tlio production of the mines of the country, which nre esti mated at $50,000,000 annually, from wliich" should lie deducted $3,000,000 used in tho arts and manufactures, wliicli would leave $25,- 000,000 to be imported under Bucktiur’s bill. Tlmt will suit England; France nnd Germany; if tlioy can send tlieir'siiver hero in" uxchnngo for our gold.-they will be tmiy toogkffitodo it. I)o the woi ktiiguiuii uf jjiia. nmntry [,refer sil ver to gold Y^ if so, Jet them tiid tlie mad ■schemes-of sucli meu as Buckner, n. Cffi^'l'liu I 9th Senate District fe composed of tlie three Ropiiblirain cpunifei of Clinton,. Essex and Wnrren, with 10] ,695 population, anil not growing. The 14th District embraces the three strong Domocratie counties of Scho harie, Greene nnd Ulster, with a population .constantly increasing—of 150,204. The Rp- ptiblican apportionment is a political ..uintllu. 4© 'Tho Republican claims to be n news paper -yet not n word, did it contain of the vin dication of. General Fitz.Jolm f’ortor by -the able aud impartial Military Board recently charged with a ltcaring of his ease. No more interesting thing eamo before Hie people (Turing the week previous. Of course it waa nn over sight— one soldier would not intentionally alight another. S6 ?“A Republican was last week seated as U. S. Senator by the aid of Democratic votes. Has auy thing of the kind occurred in that body for years past ? ' 'VYhat if Bull had been n Democrat, seeking admission to a Republi can Senate? ((©“Speaker Randall has hardly done the fair thing hy the member of Congress from this District, in making up his Standing Com mittees. Mr. Wilber is on. Agriculture ami Enrolled Bills.________ _ ((©“Governor Robinson "has accepted the resignation of Adjutattt-Ueneral FranUiu B. Townsend 011 account of ill-health, and appoint ed Brigadier-General Jolm B. Woodward in his place. m ((©“General AY. T. Sherman, if the report bf a friend is to bs believed, >s in favor of re pealing all laws tliat require the presence of armed soldiers nt voting places, ami says that it is a duty unpleasant to both officers and men. he Cincinnati Oonmiereial observes that “there is not much evidence in the returns of the elections in Ohio that the Greenback party lias any visible means of-support.” Do you' know Rose Wood?—[Albany Ar gus. Cprtainly; she isa sisterof May Ilogany. —[N. Y. Graphic, Neither of them am very J ’oplajkgirfe, we believe.— [Now Haveii Reg- kteqMQjid yet we Pino to see them aud L. M. up iri Otsego. 4©~Anna Gonliff, of Albany, aged L5, blew in a latbp chimney to -extinguish the flame.— The lamp exploded and the^irl was ahockihgly and perhaps fatally bnnmiL A jvarning to others; ~ 1 "“•* Moan had *.» , ----------- .. — . the subject, hut he had received a, inunbei oi letters froin persons protesting agaiifst tlie bill whose advice should at least receive attention He believed the bill'thus far had been pro gressed wifobnt granting, tke managers, of die nsylnipa an opportunity to be heard, lievetL they shtSUld be consulted, and If the question "pf employing female assistants was left to the'option ,of the managers of the asy- kttiw- Ite would gladiy favor it. H e lieltevi*d tho bill should go to the committee uf tire whole, and..he so moved. Agreed to. A resolution to hold afternoon sessions,.Gom1 mencing a 4 o.'clock, tvas adopted. AVednesday, A pril 9.—Senate.—Bills intro duced : Relative to notaries publio. To protect life in hotels. Bills passed ;• Relative tothe Inebriate Asy lum at Binghamton. Relative, to tlie management of tho canals. Mr. Harris called from the table the resolu tion introduced by him relative to tlie alleged revolutionary action* of Congress, wliicli was adopted-hy a party vote—12 tq 10 , Mr. Jacobs m$ved that the inquiry into the matter of the change of wardens of tho Au burn prison be extended to the question wheth er the change had been beneficial to tlie State. Rejected—9 to 18, The report of the committeo of conference on the apportionment bill Was jeceived. Mr. Harris moved to concur in the report. Mr. Raines moved to table that motion—lost. ' Mr. Juuobs said if any apportionment bill was to pass tliis session, it ntust pass, to day. Mr. Baines moved to mako tha snbject speoial order for Thursday, and supported his motion in earnest argumunt, saying tliat in iquities lmvo bteu dono by some members of tluit committeo in taking one member of As sembly from Monroe Tiro motion was lost The report was. agreed to as follbws, (Demo crats in italic;) Ayes—Mcwfra. Davenport, Ecelatne, Ediob, Goebel, Uarris, Jllcks, Hogan, llugka, Jacobi? Jones, Lonilc, JUrvIn, SloCnrlliy, Pierce, Itomeroy, besslona, Tumor, (Vagner, tVagstair, OoaJxin, M urphy— 21 Noe,.-. m .urajH ll,, rl,L li,plU, OiiAlgy, itook well, tVenilDYcr-l). .......... ; ------ ' ""1 fdttso. —-Tfiflir jntrotluoeu : 'lb render town nnd city bonds, issued to aid in the construc tion of railroads, taxable in the towns ntttl cit ies for wliich thoy were issued. m By Mr. Bridges— Amending the revised stub ntna relative to tiro, filing of mortgages. ^ - Consolidatingolectioii districts in Kdmeston. Tlie hill fixing tho-amount to fco paid 011 policies of insuranco was reported adversely, nnd roport ngrecd to. , . Bills passed: Relative to tlio compensation of couiily elejlfcff and requiring tbetri to act as court erfers and post list of fees. Mr Hepburn, from the conference commit tee on the apportionment bill, presented it re port and moved font it bo agreed to, and on that motion0 moved the previous question, whicli was refused—50 to 54. Mr. Baker moved to lay foe- report on Uio table, nnd called foffthe yens fiud nays. . - Many mombera explained their votes against the motion. Ute main reason-being that it would probably result in the defeat of nny bill foT ap portionment. The motion was lost—34 to fifi. The vote was .then taken on agreeing t» tho report—members explaining as their_ names were called, some denouncing it as unconstitu tional, yet voting fbr it; others, with more re spect for their oaths arid the qonstitution, Vot ing against it. .The following aro- specimens: Mr. Grady: The equity and justice of allow ing two members of Assembly ’to "Washington county with 48,080 population and denying two members to the 52,000 population afSuBoIk was something iio would be unable to satisfac torily explairuto hfe constituents. This plain violation of right and the constitution is, now- ever, all that foe RepubliiSm pariyy pretending to represent the virtue and morality of tbe country, would offer, and the oaths must be -Itiiil-nrAia and-the-bflkinsssed:----------------------- Mr. Mann said when wbat was known as the Hepburn bill was before the House, lie had yo-, ted for it, although he" was not satisfied with it. He vvas not satisfied with this bill. There were- inconsistencies in ff that could not bo-explain ed, Lilt some rcapporfa'omnent should be made arid he should therefore support this, the ouly measure before/the legislature. Mr. Douglass, believed in regard to Kings AUlaicrAferry* BliiymSMjiiier, Bteolrantcre,..,, m, Tfeviti, i v p t i r U i n ,, )H bim ffl?sak«r-20 ; Dcmocnilu in llo 0 la muieVm, ThursfoY ^ p if M 0 -S e t ato,—Bjfo- ilueed:'Relate tons ewwieite highway ife, bar*' '[Fetmife pmbUfe assensed to .work ten f _ hours a day 011 the Irrghways, andr overseers to credit, them with- tlie -extra, iiours. •,. t To prevent the, adiiiteratioq of, bread, [De- 1 signeij to pitevomt. the use of al*® iriforead-, __ .makipgitor in the cainpouAd mterdedfor-uaq " , in leavening br'eaffi. «j ,.. fils passed; Providing. jqi’'foe(liscliarge of ttctomortgages. ' * & Making an appropriation for tlie Soldiers’ ■ and sailors’ Home at Hath- . , .The bill iu relation to assessments and taxa-‘ tion was farther, considered.- In tlie course-of - the debate o n the bill, . t , s .Mr. Sessions said he was of th e opinion that the- Senate, was competent fo mafeo a conscien tious and determined effiprt to. reetlfy - the Tax ation laws. Jfewas nooaeniy'tq corporations; he was thoir friend. The railroads are tlm ) pride of the -State. Thoy have, doifcg more to . , devclop-iteAndiisfcrics tliaii any 'offer, corpora-- ' , tion. Tlio people have got.the jirtpression that these corporations do not Bear tboir shnre of taxation. The.pJresent law is>undoiibtedly de fective. Possibly tliis ML does nc! remedy all , evils. I shall be tie last wlim to make a raid , on c-brpoi'aUon’s, tout 1 -do believe that alt kinijn of properly§houl<l stand pn equal rights and bear equal buffiitos. In New York cit^ life iimurauue eoiiipamte* with a capital pte$195,. 0.18,000, pay no personal tax; foe real'ertateef these couipaixies is assessed at $20,1- 41’,584^~ - * The fire atuLmarimoins'ni'aiico ooriijiafifes, wifo capital and assets- Cf SG8A39,334ri;iiy a person al tax whioh would be ail assessiiLunt un about . $9,OQO,OOli.- Their real estate ’la assessed at Slfi^B.HriO. (Vrtaia .railroads with' a capital stock of $134,390,0H» aw jisseSsedon pereonal property $3,897,995. 'Jheir real estate is- val ued at $5,420,080- Trust coin[ianw8 with a cap ital of $10,13t);ue» are assessed less than $1 , 000,- 000. M iscullaiieons ooi|)oratioiis. with a uni ted capital o f $21 (1,080,228 are assessed at $13,- fr| I v. fjn.iiiaiilaiirjimqMKitioiis-andAsiw < © “7Vo or three "walki"Sts"liavc died with- ffi a week, and some otliem, are laid up. The “craze” is about over. JJ©“The debt of the United States was dm creased, nearly nineteen..millions duriii; year 1878. ^ ^ S e e fourth page for an-interesting ue* count of the Great Flood in Hungary. “Tho Governor having signed tfie Connty Treasurers bill, it is now a law. I© " An attempt vvas made upon the life of the Oznr of Russia on Monday. *©*Fivo per cent -city bonds sold in A l bany on Monday for 106. --v- - . - . ' ' , , *• '* There are ,rumors in Pennsylvania of anoth er coal combination. Queen Victoria has $9,(900,000 worth of roy al plate in her castle of AViudsor. * Thia collec tion includes a gold service for 140 persons ore derqd by George IV, a shield formed of snuff- boxffl worth; ..... - Ann "' r" 'f ’000’ Joton pistes worth $50,000, an Indian peacock of .precious Steues valued at $150,000, and Tipjtoo’s footstool, a tiger ahead with a.fohd ingot of cold for his: toMtue-' ' _ ' l’he'Little Falls Journal calls attention to ihefaot that one whole tewirah/p-exeept a few aei«i—m the county of Hefkimw, the towu of f " umurt consisting of 30,ffi)8' acres, is nowad- foctfoted forBalfeby foo«*i|,troller of tire stoic or lesafoanono .ceut yter acre. 'ITna»b as eheap, Wo ima gine, aa fend wae ev«ri Bokl anbwheforand it is jremarkablo enough that it is situated in the v«y heart of- the empire state.; Ihese lands; were Bold two yeGra ago for the fton-paymcnt of ta**B,.and the wde win be eonaumiuated in Oo- tober n«(t,Ainle« thej.priBin*t owners redeem fosm mtVtoeaiLVffiW 1. uiations with a ca-pital uf $18,1 OS,125 ,aro as sessed $781,215, 'There a re otlier uaiscellaiiu oub corpomtions of lesser iinporta-iice number ing two or threo hundred, wifo an estimated aggregate capital .of $1©,151,006, whioli hy ' aomo hook o r urDuk, more hook than croo.k, manage to escape tifxatioft entirely, Here we have corpurations with an aggregate capital of $800,000,090, wldcli are assessed $57,915,934. ■ Here we have in the citv o f New Tork eorpu- rations auioiiiitiup; in value to about eight-erov ■ cnths of all thu real and personal property in foe city, and nut paying one-tweirtioth part of the taxes. 1 do not expect, sir, tliat the Sen ate can or will decide so weighty a matter in one day. But suone steps should nnquestion.i bly be taken- Tho bill was set duwn for. Thursday next. Holise.—Bills Jntrodnced:, Legalizing the acts of certain jnstices'of the peace.- solvency to life ins. companies, foils passed: Amending act relative to the. powers of justices of th e peace in iasutng exeeu- . tions after foeir terms'of ofBoo ha^o expired'. “ Amending tho general snpervisora act. Amending the act fixing the compensation of county judges and surrogates. •Relativo to. tlio interests o f husband raid wile " in iamfe in ec-Ttain tstses.' - Relatjvu to tho election o f officem in certam BchooLdistriets, Mr. Case moved to recommit' tbo bill. As he understood it, tliis bill authorized the em ployment of about fifty additional officers. It provides tliat in villages of 580 population or more, special school commissioners may be ap pointed at a salary of $800 por y®ir, tho same tu betaken from the U .S. Depoeit Fund.-.. 'There wns no demand for the bill, and heltoped it would bo recommitted. Mr. Sherman said be hoped tlie motion to recommit would prevail. There were seven villages in the Stato now under special lawn having tluwi special commissioners. This bill simply meant an 'annual expenditure ok$ll uuu for wliich thunecouItl lxiiscareeJyany valid benefits derived. Tlraraare now county com missioners to look after these lastttem, nnd there is no reason for tliis increase- snd rorffti- ; sion of officials. ° . The iriQfimtu ixNioiiimiMvft^agr^i’iLfo-- a- Fridqv~A'[ml.rlA,'^J3riiirtu^RniP:7Blrodii- — ccd : To arithorizo the issue of Stato bonds jo provide means to finish llie -CaprtoU ond to submit tho question to the people nt tho next general electron. |lt authorizes tJw issue of $3AO(>,OtiO of 5 per cent loads payable in four affiffallmcntfc'at intervoto ol three yeara. tlm first to become due in 1882- For tlie moro effectual protection o f fruit growenta [ft makes tho penalty for garden- thieving nr ftuo of not less than $S0 nor more than $ 2 _"> 0.<)r 710 tloya1uupvisoiHww-t.or lioth. - The bill, to enable vills'ges to ealend tlieir corporate liuiitsfor health purposea. wns lost '-1 6 to 7—not a luajorifcyof the Senate. Re- considered and laid, ou foe table. Adjourned till.MRhiday evening mtR o ’clock.* Hortse.—Bills introduced ; To prwtent run ning and walking matches and exhibitions. For the better protection of tlio traveling public, [Confers police peretaon railroad con ductors and brakenxcn, anil requires them fo ar rest all persons on railroad trains playing games of chance for money or other stakes A motion to take from the table thh motion to reconsider tiro voto by vlircli the adverse re-. port of the canal cominiittco on foe canal-rail- road bill was ngrecd to, was carried- Tlio bill —which Mr. Alvord denounced as “simply a scheme of intriguing men tosteal th e ten or fif teen millions of property thnt tlie State Owns itt foe oarial bed”— proposes to grant to foo Bufialo, Syracuse aud Albsny railrexail compa ny foe'right to acquire aud use the hanks of the Erie canal for foio purposo o f constructing a railroad for loeoniolrves Y ot towing bests. The motion to reconsider was lost —30 to ©. The House bill to regulste the practice of dentistry was reported adversely, axul agreed 4m-and tlre-SeuitrbSt ori the Adhjecb reported. The bill relativo to the imuufactureaudsale of patent medicines was reported adversely and report tabled. . b Mr. Sloan, in' presenting 4 report relative to the assessment o t real and personal property, said, early inthe session tho House lmd adopt ed a resolution rtjmestfeg the ways aaid means ' county as foe gentleman from Roclcland did in reference to Wesfehester. It was a dircet vio lation of the* constitution, but there was noth ing to do hut tdyote for the bill. M r. Bridge* was compelled to vote for the bill, hut should dp so with; reluctance. He be lieved itwas gotten up. in the political inter ests of certain ^individuals. He .did .riot feel that ii was a fair aud cqmtablo apportioiuneiit-, as required by the constitution. The map of his owri distriot—-Otsego, Madison and Herki mer—waka natural curiosity,arid the man who invented it had im eye For the beautiful and woqderful. He .was nevertheless forced to Vote for foe report.' • ‘ Mr.-Skinner said the llpusc cftnmittee Iiad dece its duty in the matter, but in foe confer ence ........ . rnple on which it had breed its fortner action. On tho final passage Of this bill he was willing to consider it as lie would any and every other bill. He should ask himself is ff fair?* Is it right? Is it just? If he could not'answer these >m foe affirmative 011 a bill he could not sup- & ’a 'bill that gives two members to 45,000 population in one. section of the Stato, and hiit one member to 60,000, in another fair right, or just ? He thought not, and could-not favor it. . - ' Mf. Sheard dfdlibt believe in foe Assembly apportionment. He ooMidereof it indefensible aud,covud not approve it in any way or lMtMf- ner, but lie was in favorof some roapportioii-, ment and was compelled to favor, this. As to * was wo-r- foe Senate (h'strtetfe *La foy of attention, Hia Owu- district was,cs]>e- eialiyjiote-worthy, 'l ho map of it wns sura- oicnt to condemn iff and he defied any member ;to trace the Otsego .distriot on paper anij then face foe people and defend it- . ^ Mr. Brooks said he voted against tbia bill becauso it was aa unjust as it was unconstitu tional ; because itwas a direct violation of that articfe of the constitution which requires the Stote to be rcapportionefl «rnc»t as may bro according to the population, because it denies repreaentatifiu to over 8f>, 0 (M>inhabitants of foe fiity of New A orie, to rover 54,900 of tlio couu- ty Of Kings, while it gives an extra mCmber to 7,0rf0 in St taWrertoo and 12 000 in TVafoui*. tom If this m not an qneonstittttfotMlI art then an unconstitubonal sot- never m n and never will bo porfonned. Tjio report was agreed to Aid the: bill passed ■ 92 to 29 Tlie following voted against foe bill Xtcnra Maker. Beckwith, Brediey. B reaux ffm i. C»dr™Cinn»n, Ohlck«rtBf CJaA tw T ? STr*- requesting tlie ways aaid means committee to report some plan of monj equita bly distributing tlie taxation of the Stale. The, committee at once entered upon that -work: and it had diligently contiimed it. Thero nerd ma ny things to consider. .While itw as hue that Much property was escaping .its proportion of foe burdens or the State govommeht, "there was danger on foe other hand of going too far and driving capital froin tour State, it m s neces sary to protect and fofeter foe aatorestsof all.— It was not claimed that foo bill waa perfect. That could not be expected, b u t he hoped it might prove the basis of soriie immediate steps to remedy foo present abuses. 'Hie bill was not prepared by any individual, hut ffiembra, ced.the sugzostiona and waa the worltbf foe tlioiight and deUlvvAtiojis ofevery' meitiBer of the committee. The corafoittee had also u r - cefved much assiataiiee of Vlie State Assesaore arid, other gentlemen^ including Hoik, George IL Andrews, Tax Comiiiisaioner AYliecler aud J . H. Strahani^ Now "Yot*k. He hoped, it would be found a practical afcep toward tax reform. I Petitions: For taxinj railroad bonds in foe town where issued. 'ByM r. Bridges-^Forifoo consolidatioix.(!f eieotion districts fe Edinostou. Adjourned till Monday- evening 8"o’clock. Monday, April 14A8 **._ s.— 8euat«.-.Scv- cral biUs wtsre considered in committee of the whole and ordered to third reading, among- tlio number the one authoriiiug.fl.e commissioners nrotcgo to payovcr certaiu surplus moneys. House,-Bills passed: Providing a r.ethod of paying taxes into lbo State treasury- - Relative to accounts of overseer of ffio poor Abolishing the. use of -weffeh looks on tho canals. _ Tor tho promotion o i medical science! Jtelativo td the piynxcnt of railroad bonds is sued by foutowpof 1 ittflold and wveial towns m ether eountiw, • -n> Mr Lurtis in explanatioa of his vote/rMjll 10 believed this was the begmamgof a-wfeenM) of repudiating $8^000 (KM laai^m 4*o« tbu Midland Its faco propoBffnla wm «U8 ing of moueb-by ^ towru unlit tW was due insteail o f grswhtUly »oomanl«*,« * fund for that purpoK -=— — A S a r j a a - biff and Shottktlw* v - Il_Lur«u IK* (° -B4 *uk1 a motion l-i .0 - wk'm im fa*

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|CoMpusi'd fortlffil''rjem'4V8.Jyiii'tt»l.], "■ > 'Tubhduv Aprils.

SBS’Afe,—Mr; Whitohom* wpoistat- tfio am»y bill Without riimmfouCnt. ■

‘ ih-.: Maine gnvu notice of-ub aiiuuidiui'ttl,*« making it n. Menial oft'euse, puiiishnlite by Turn

mul iiifptisoiuiifiut.'i’oi' Any jnflitniy. narttl o r ’ .civil officer, oi' an jFotlier person, .except tor thq,

• p u rp o se s .nam ed jiu tlm to ll,' to. lippefer, arm ed- ' w ith n dead ly \veapuntefi nny dcsorip tipn wffih*

ill. a jniTe of *uiy poljiiig»pliu-o \i;K,iav a yoiiofiil y r speckil e lection ' for n l-bjfresenlativt- to (.Vu- j r r e s n s b e in g hold’. ■

Kir.’ W ithers w ill call up tlm bill after tlio ’ "New Hampshire . Senatorial i|uitetiuii is dt-ci-

dod. *4 Mi'. Bayard reported a b ill lo repeal the a c t1'

. p ro v id in g jimbj-a tes.t oaths, * 'Mr. Bayard dcsirpjl tcifliavc the Jd ll passed

by unanimous consent, but 'Mr. Kihuumls ob- » • »

* (hi motion of Mr. (jafluud. foe'com mittee' on oivil service, was'instructed to inquire into

* the expi'dieney of apportioning elerks ami otli- , . er employes iu tlje dvpiu'tiiiurit anioiip£4 ff> spv-

- eral .States, according, to tlip • ratio of piqmlji- ■ tioii. (

' 'I'lie Senate adopted Bayard’s resolution call­ing upon tlie Secretary of the Treasury for ig statement of ^the sums paid to .1 ohn. 1. Daven­port: since 18*10. v •

'l’he Senate repumeil jconsideratiun -ot-Dul'Vs 1 case. , ' “ ,

Messrs. Garland and AVallaiv opposed tlie admission of Bell.

Mr, Carpenter congratulated the irienate.— The question tvns to be decided 011 i ts merits.

1 pnd giodmfc. He tjieu a jy elib* views on tje pending question, arguing against the admission of Hull. Then* lieing 110 sucli vacancy a sth e (lovpmor eoulil lill. the vacancy, by tho expiration lif Wai-illeffjli's terra

. uf scryee„niust lie filled hy the Legislature. _ Mr. < iniuine took llie ground that t he leg is­

lature was no t in fault. The vnranry could he tilled by the ' (lovernor, tvlietliel' by reason o f expiration of tehu of service, or by resignation urliflierwTse. - - -

. Mr. KeruiUi opposed the admission of Bell,- de-nying that the i'unntitution eoirfrrred upon

tiny ‘l-rwinor te

•tipMii o f appropriation nor to any paid of "tits?,hrivtog

agreed. to -req)8t a ll ninendineiito, iind the* major­ity of-.the. Senate seconding them accordingly. T h e reason assignedtoy j t r . AvfBiofe foi’ftnclia* eoui'se' was that aiHendmenta.would .delay tlio passage bf the bill. . . \ . .1-

Mr. Edmunds said ho* bed never heard of “a b ill being so good iipjuot t a be. stiteeptiblo of am endinent.'' •’ - . ’ . ,':-

The. Olerk having reaflied the reudjng of-lhe sixth"section, which Prohibits Uio presence of- m-oopis-. at flection' plaoe.4,'\tot,.Mrrriaton jnoved To adjauife. ■' * 1

Messis. PafidcSbk antteglim lom gave -notice ■of auieiidiueiitiKAS’hich thejrTritenclSrt'-to offer,;, vthen. on motion of M r. Bayard)tlie Beujite ad­journed till Monday, f j ■ '

Ilocsn.—Tlw House jvent it*p committee of ,bJi(*»wh«lo on the Amiy A p p rec ia tio n bill, the pending amendment beifigono increasing the

1 crierieul force iriVthu 1’ostpmcij Department. - I t was adopted—yeas' 105, hays CO. v .* MiirAvhite submitted a® amendment direct­in g the Uommissioner ‘o fA gricu ltu re to stip^ f

tweiteu ?

meiiee u new te rm uf s ix yeprs.Ilu t 'sE .—l>ebnte s p r in g u]> us to th f fu -o p ri-

e ty Of iu s tru c tiip ; th e fS w rm an o f the I'uniinit- tet> uf th e w hole w hen th e H o u se slicill be in v o m n iittco o n t h e tog toh iU ve 'tippvap i'ia tiu ii b ill, tu aw ard tlio d o o r l u aa-oidtmee 11 ith tk e ru le s u f the House*, aiul n o t tu le lio iiu ilb v an y •list uf sp eak e rs w hich m a y be formed.

A fte r an in fo rm a l dis,-iis-h>1 in thr* I nin's** uf w hich Mr, Kellt-iv rlia in rti'r i A l usllim 'm ipk - ly 1’iekw iek ian th e cry c>f ivvolutiuii and re­vo lt, th e subject i n regard to avvnnJiiig th e l lu o r iu con in iittce o f the whole ivus n-fcrred to tin* i n inn iittee on ru les.

Tin* Mouse then Went in tu rn ii iiu ittin on th e h g is la tiv e hill w id e r the five-m inu te ro le .

Mr Atkins stated that he had ii,t ledurrcl the hill on the basis of tlu* confeiem’e report a t the last .Congress as- nearly aa possible. 'Iho entito money portion of tlie bill had no t keen agreed--fs by the coilfclfiid' ffiitniiifter. hiit very l ie ^ y a& of i t hndj.. l a wgnnf t p tlmse puttioaj^ppuii « liieh the conimitu-e of i ouftr-

■ ' ’ ' ' ' ’ ” ( ull• in

p ly a Toasonablu-quantity of seeds,'feubs, kb-', toi niembet's of Congress for' distribution among their agricultural constituents, ^dopteij.

Mr. I luntou subifiittcd ’-an amendment in- qj'easiag th e appropriation for-eradicating itr- fwtioitp diseases among domestic animals'from- ©25,Q(M)‘to $230,000, I Ie stated thaf if pleuro­pneumonia was -not promptly eradicated, it.would spread'td the great AVekt and the amopntof'dmnnga could' not be estimated by millions.

In tuiswer to a question by Mn, Blount, Mr. I M t a n said that tlie-<Ady fvny lfi|own to erad­icate the disease was to buy .and kill ttU the dis­eased cattlovand.cattle which have been subject^ to th e contagion. .. - r a

Wit.luiut disposing of fhe ainetulnieiu the eounnitlee rdse, tlie'committces were announc­ed, anil tlie House-adjourned.

* .§atv«day, .April 12 lldfsE.- The House went into committee of-

fhe whole 011 tho iavgislative Appropriation hill, tho'amendmon't under consideration being tlm t in*'i'easing from $23,000 to $250,000 tlio (appropriation io r controlling and eradicating contagious dineases among domesticated am minis. f .

A fter a long debale upon the amendinent tho whole subject was stricken from the bill, aiula tMopositiuu agreed to reconnueuding tp the 1 louse that il lvfer the whole iiililtcr to flic

'( 'niiiniilteoTTTrAsqeultuie',ivdTlf instruction t»

ATfEKPT TO' A8§ASSatATE THE OZAE.' ' S t BkTmjsitt'hq, Ajjril id.—W hile the Czjr y?as liis uJual lk.ofning wa^.giirly, tb- 'tkiy,-kear'tlio palafee.ffaMr shpts frofp; ii fesvolv* ietys,W .feed ' at biip.i The (3zai;yyaa.unhurt. A full official account of the affair says: “To-. w ard eight o’eMbk’ttus morningpaS the EiupCVr o r’was Hiking his- oustoirrary -ivalkta respecta­bly-dressed man, wearing.a military cap,, with i f oO.okado, advanced "toward him and, a s the. Emperor approaohddMiearer, drew a fevolver from‘ftie pocket of dris- overcqat and fired four shote a t hmr. Tliefassassin,-before snhinittm g• to'his captors, fired another shot, slightly wound- "£ngTin the chook a peraon in 'the crowd.'. The great throng of'people vvdiich had. assembled en­thusiastically cheered, w d eongratviljited the Emperor, who thanked them for their proofs of fidelity on suoh. a "painful occ.asipn.... . l ie sipdf he knew ho had the support of M».tlie respeota- ,ble j5hopjo*n * JFe liopeTG0d would granpfthat. Jmjiiiglit complete his task, which consis' ijfemoting the welfar&,of Russia.

f o M ' W l l

“ UK JUST, ANO ! T \ |! .JiuT.

CO O PjpSTO W N , A P R IL 17, 18V&7

em e luuh-not mgireri to present, the Hill 1 un funned & the lull, as it paa-ed the H m er ii the last Cuiigresi.

* The hill was reild hv wi’tions foi amend- ments. The Kectiinm lelating to tin* Senate ami Honse w e re jvasstsl over with hufji fevv •tmiin[iortant amendments-■ Tin* e<s'ii.«n in iv- gnnl tu the Trenaury lVq^illm'e'iil tee 1 1,- u . 11 reacbisl. several attwiditt**mf-wi*ro nlli-Tis! a"d reieetod. An amendment was ndoptod pmvil ing that- tlie salary o"f -N—re keepers »tnll net exceed fifty doilaih per m onth. i \f lc r finish­ing the consideration of sixty piges uf the bill the committee rose.

V Y 1, Aprilf-CN inc.—On motion of .Mr. Voorlusen a n«-

' ■tutioii waa adopted din'cting the. I ’lut.ui.mU r- • ■'ntieral to fumiah tu the Senate his ji',ii>uii» f ir discriminating postage rates in the tnins misuhm o f nevvs]n|iei'i through the trait.

The Senate m inncil the considemtMia of the .Vow Hampshire Senntorinl cnee, and it was again debated until the dose of the session.

i I" ’ *r Mr. Slepluns. fruiu the (.‘uuamittiv on, RiiloA. siibtnitti*id ft' rt-jMirfc -i'c*t**.q 11 rHtellvlrug'.': the mpjioTnfmriit o f select idriuii'it tees; on the eeiisus; tho yellow fever epidemic; the nlafe ut tlm law napeetinj* the ascertainment of the election <»f President hud Viet*-President; civ- il-senice refonn; th e o;mr*sof the present do- nrefeion o f lalwir. and th e vemtilatint of the,

* l i a l f . 'I t nko reivjinni.’iKls the iucrea-ve of tlw mem­

bership o f several eommittwa, and tko adop­tion of the following rule: ' '

Rule On motion lu suspend the 111 fe, Snd pass general apj iiupr i.Hinii hilb mi nllinnativi** vote of three foflhtlis of th e mcnibera present aitd voting sliall he nenssaiy.

'Hie flrst nnd second |iroposllipns reyoni- mended by tlie report for Uio nmjipainlnnent ol certain select coniiiutlec.i .and incrvasuig tlie membership of certain cointnittm were agreed to witliottt nuicmluient.

Mr. ltcacau moved to strike out tlw propos* —ivl rtile ntid-iiisort tlte fullowing;

•• Hint heiyaftcrthe CoiianiUooofirtknaniojpe

ra-pnrt promptly tliofeoTMr. llragg liiovrd to strike out all provision'

k ir tin- .Southern Clainm ( ’omuiissiuii and to ii i.sert rt claiiKe iv|>eatiiig the law creating that gt imiiiission. The coiisiileixition of tin* nincnul- iuoiit'vCas postponed until Tkiesday next. •

The eismnittce then rose and the ehaivmun rejiurtcd leiek the recommendation to refer the piirage.i]ili in ivpinl to tin* pleurirpnomwniia in rank* tu the fbniniittee on Agi ieulture. vvith iiistriu-tiutis tu report thereon forthwith.- ■■ A. greed to.

Mr. Flurd niuvefl that whon tho House ad­journ today it be until Tuesday. The motion ivjis nnulufor thb purpose of excluding the in- irodueUou of llnanciid and-other bills ou Moit- ilay. The J'ena and nays were ordered and the nujtion was rejected—ytos 105, iiayaltw. All tlio Rrpublicaiis voted Tn th o affiipii.ative and aid the *tin3tehaeker^ia- Hjejivgativeras-iiid all hu t 11 I>omoo rats.

; . .__________. fltospAV. April 14.Senate—'i'lie kknate resumed consideration

uf the army. hill. >Mr. Blaine said ifio Democrats were endeav­

oring t» force a false irauo 011 tho country, ta nuke it appear that the Republicans want to

ith the liayonot. I t .could

fed in

The Kniperor, after to tliu palace without gscort'.

leech, drove fe kas not suh

GOOD RESULTS FKOM THE UbNTER^IJeE.. Some; Deinqoratiqil'pap.oi's in th ig^toto liavp

folPiifclined fp ridicrul.e o r Inu'shly, criticise t f e ' Deniooi'atio Conference hold in Nevy York city- 011 the 5 th .' B ut good rc'sults aro springfng from it. One is'Been ifi tliu definitu kin! au- £ioritativ,e settlement afi; the guostioMof tlio oaiididiiby of Horatio'Heynioui' 'fo r gbvernor. f t was well' to have it thus finally elisposgS cf.

A nother result : tlio discussion' which bus follovveihihi) holdintgofftliis Cunferoiicu hrings more prom inently'and forcibly to View the

it th a tsh e Democratic press'o f the Plate —unquestionably lx-prcsentiilg goueyal I)eind£ cratic seuiitneiit omond tlio massus—:vv.i'U toler-

fered.tlie least ill effect from the attempt upoii liis lifo: Afterwards lie- drove, still' without es­cort, to tho K assail' Cathedral to return thanks fo rthe preservation of his. life.. When receiv­ing die congratulations o f , the officials o f the .Empire at uoou, the,(>ar vvas so' mvioh ovore ooiiic b-y lgs-enthusiastic recdption as io be un, spStkrforfeome inimiles. On recover­ing from iiis emotion, he said-: “This is tliff .third time Hod has saved me.’’ It 'is supposed the Kmporqr’s assailant tSok poison bofove'liis attempt, ns ’ he!l,after his., a rrest-. Poi­son was. found under his finger nails./ Anti­dotes were administered.' . •

ijKDox, April 14.—A Ht: Ifefefsbwrg'dis- [iatehjsays> t}ic Emperor's assailant gives (lie

■nniiii'of Skoluf. He is a retired functionary of jlie ministry of fiiianoe, anff is about thirty yeaivi .old. 1 fu firt'il at the Emperor within two paces. After tlie first shot the Umperof approaehed Bkulof, vvlio fired agaiu and then m.11. Various accounts are given as to the int­act' number of shots fired* Tliey are conflict­ing. T lie oflieer of gemlearmcS; with hisSword dqivvn, piusued ,Skolof.>. Tlirde niore mou tlienjoined him in th e pursuit, and Hkolof fired at .™ratogn ei llii-ui.ali.'i.l.l|Tiliu,tJu* jaiyuC n 'li't,',c.i.u**-—Kinal— j.".' ktviy ef tlieH*

_ ear that tfulr tlie clectionikwiil. .... . . . . . . — ------not be sliuvvn that there waa the least ilnnger fitjiu tire army in thin country, nnd. therefore, tire jaxtcinled (d.aJ-n.i n m only far ulternir pux- juiics. "Tlie num berof suldieraiji the .‘-uuth

I would uut funii/vli onu. le t. a comity in the j-B-athi'i-ii .-'la trn. Tlie tn ic intent wns tn get tied of 'tho supcrvisow of elections at the polls dming Congressional elections. Notwithstand­ing! thin the Democrats exclaim against, andajn pear only frightened nt intimidation.

Mr. \V 1tl1eTs m id it was not a question to la* dcciided idiether thoro were soldiers enough to iluiinnato nnrf contatjl the elections, lmt wheth­er,. under the operationJtS existing laws, it was nut iKMsihle fo rthe Kxwlitive to distribnteatid nso the sotdiera so a s to destroy tlie freedom of elections- Mr- M . argued against tlie presenn* 0! VKKiiw nt tho polls. Baying i t wna iiiMinqnti hk- \i ith a free goyerniiieiit. He said notiody

’.flii* Jlemberatiic -side lintT 'fatti -dtrwh ‘t f e pnajiositaoii tliat tlte l’reaident should not-ex* urc'if.e life constitutional power to veto tiie hill. Di-iiiocrrttfldid not jiro]>o3e toslinpo their course a* 3u vital may or mny not be tlio imsition of the* lmfidonL

—■ Sir. Wtilbiop Taid'tlie" peopte want fiw iTue- liooni. without n shadow or Mifwtauee of milita ty |Kjvver, vvliellicr Stato o r federal, l i e mid vve neither intend t o coerce ttitrExeclltive nor submit So lit? coerecil by him. H e defended tin? catiaxi uf tdie majority ,iu tliis matter. Mr. M'allmv aiserted th a t uo cations oversaw this hilJE. lt wns tin* production o f the House coin, initlre on appropriations.

blursi: ■ A n ntteinnt was made to intruditce a blit in rogan'l to sili'er coinage, lmt i t was "ladkml down." K o vote was taken.

Nl r. Monroe moved to suspend the rules nml nilo*nt the* following:

"Tlesol'vcd,,-Tliut in tlio judenicnt pf the th-iiie Itt*. kusiiieaA iuiurestsof tms country re- ipiin* th a t ho legislation chimghtathelipK inre- enrel to tiio curreney or tbo-naf iff ho tmifcrtn- kcic at tke prvseut ssiaioii.'■ T he inalian wav defeated— I Oft to 117. Wil­

ber ra ta l aye.


VS'n,KEsiuRRR, Pa., April 11 .—Considerable n |inn exists among cattle owners of this section

yiui mg to the prevalence of plcuro-pnpumonia l*sstn, April 10.— Seventeen- thousand per­

sons in Kzceeriin nnd the ncighliorhood o f that city nre still subsisting on charity. Jt has boon raiudng ten days. The silpply of-bread is ljtv coircing exhausted. ' J - ,

SSnBroKK, V s , April 10*— Captain Edward L. Y oung died tinsnaoming,ngea ninety-seven. He commanded a privateer in the km* of 1 &12 , wav fhe o l t e t citizen of Norfolk and probably the 'oldest mason in tho U nited States, ImVing boloenged to Hie order slxty-afac years.

lvKW.ii«r. N . J., April 11.—The Homo Fire Instiraiice tbropany, of th is city, has reinsured ita risks i a tliovQueen.of Liverpool, and decided td close Up. I t w ill pry preferred stock in fixll. The* value of th e common stock depends

-fen the sale of the real estate a n d mortgages.ATTKaxv, A pril 10.—Thij Rev. Theodore

Noreflien illiil Suddenly this morning a t 4 o ’-dSek o f Congestion of th e lungs and lietnor'

l* privil(^e to ni|iort bills ma 1 forthe jinprevcment uf riv

shaft have the same king niipropriatfon ors and harbors tha on Appropriations in rejiortiiig general appro- priation billn.

Tire motion was agreed to—yeas 117, nays 37. - ti

reporta t any time, nn'd antlioriztng a majority to fix a day for tlio c&nsideratiou of any ptibEc bill ro|iortcd by one of theso committees,wns agreed to—yeas 130, nays 103.. An amendment-offered toy Mr. F^ftnreovid* ing th a t th e morning hour shall n o t bo dispens­ed With on any day fo r any purpose except by a two-third vote, wns agreed to.

' Tuvitsiur, April IttS k sate .—The Senate resumed llie consider­

a tio n of th e New Hanipsliircfteiiatorial case, th e p e n d in g question homg 0 1 1 tb o M juSidm pnt o f Mr, H oar to th e re so lu tio n oif lh o m a jo rity hi 'the Committee on Frivflegos and Eleetioira declAriug th n t Han. C h arle s j i, Bell is e n titled toajscht'ttndur tho apixilntmont o f the fiov- emor.• ,Mr. Saulshtiry, who made the repo tt from thht committee. against the n rta lrion o f M r, Roll, addressed thp Senate fn favor o f flte con­clusions.

M r. Bayard. briefiy replied to ills colleague, supporting his fomer-position in favor o f the admission o f Mr. BelL

- Aftct furtlio-drf> tUft1 lilt? umtiiiilinettE whs agreori to. yeas 35, nays 28, an d the resolntion as amended adopted b y the same vote.

MR Bell -tens then sworn In .ThP-Atniy Apjiropfiatiori hill vvas next tif.-

keii tip', hut withont Any proceeding thetecn.'H ie Senate, refusing to adjourn Over (Rood

Friday,w ent into executive session, and when the doors were reopened, adjourned until to*

1 morrow. 1 •Horsg.—The Honse went into commitfeee-of

the whole bit th e Legislative. Appropnatiqp. toil.

Mr* McMahon suhtnifiod-an araendiiient re-* pealing the sections o f the statutes providing fo rth e biennial examination of pensioners.— tThe amendment concludes a s follows; -Ln oiv vfer to prrtvfde fo f the paytnent of arrca.Ts of peHBiOnS the SeAl-OtUrO- oh-ttoe Troaanrv VgAi- rectcd to issuo immediately in ]iS^hient there­of, as they may b e ndjustei, tlio $10,000,068 in lesal-teuder cm'roncy now in ' tlie XJiiited S tates Treasury kept as a special fund Iot tho redemp­tion o f fractional currency.”

Mr. Garfield raiiied. Tlio point of order that the amandmcnt -was no t germane to tlfe bill,.

1. in order a proposition to break wholly through fho vvhnlo resumption business could also be

Mr. McMahon supported his" cmcndincnf, rend i t was debated at some lenglh.

MR Garmon aubmitte^ tlie following nnwmd- inent to lh e aiiiondmotit: “A ny fractional cur­rency presented for redemption sliall lie re­deemed in any irtcmeys in tn e Treasury a t the tim e th e same is presented.” Adopted—yeas 91, nays 80. -

The amendment as amciided, was then agreed; tpMnthout division. .

Sir. "Money aulimitted ati amendment htcreas- ¥ clerical force o f f lie P ost Oilice Tiepnrf-* - ;

• , W ithout itction on th e amendment tho com,,

* . ' ' -" ip ^ ^ ^ jo r iH le d ."i -! *, , __ . , _ rstD**r. Aprllrtl.

SRXA.tB,-—Mr. & irland,ft6in tbe Commxttee ' off^idem igD isea^itB jejl^ajpm tresoluctlb ii

settihgforth tiuit doubt»'M«kMte» the Iegaior- gAinrAtitm- o f (lie National B oard cf -ifeilHt', and ftt onh r to remove them tho rexduHOA r a t ifies th e orgammtion nnd aetata o f that body.H wa» ac*eed-tor- .......- . . . . . .

Mr, Hereford qaHcd up the resolution of Mr. Hoar declaring tmconstitutiomd andrevolufcion- ary the alleged programfco to compel the Pies?

* ldeint 'to sign appropftAtion tofiM tlie features , "■ of which fie^ id not approre.'^TBr. H creifel

proceeded tonddresa tlie fienjtto m opposition - to th e rhmlntidn*- T\ ;

. The Seir^5Iff*»T>rooee(!od to tlw eonwdora- 1# * h t the Army Appropriation toil.

Nrt suMndmeiite weh« imttde to ony of tho. . . -

.- W i-

Hoiy Gross, Catholic Cliaplnin ef the Albany Pcniteritiary, and probably the oldest priest in tlw d iu o se . i to was tlio au tho r pf many books and tvos known all over th e world,

N S ir York, A pril 14.—The purchase of 10,- 600 -steel rails in England by Vanderbilt has

thecaused a greet stagnation in the steel rail mark­e t nad brought pneesdown somewhat.

The Supreme Conrt General Term haa re­moved Civil Justice Pinckney pn charges of misconduct on the bench. . -

VAi.Witatso, April':(It— Ohili has formally dcrl.tTed war against Pern.

8r . Lotrn;‘'A pril 14,— A terrilde eycione struck tlio Town of Collinsville this aftorinjqn, dciiidteliing ten huildings, n iining thirty othera, rlninaging,more or less some .seventy-five resi- denrr's and business houses. Only one person teas killed, a llttlc girl, and two or three otliera hadV injivfud. The, greatest pvr.itemcnt-jind eonftxsion jptovailed fo r sSme.tijne.

De w Csbbk, A'a., April 14.— James Keefer has ploughed u p an iron chest containing sev Sfal blionsand.dollars in gold coin, believ have been buried dnring th e war,

ffraef,'April 14.—The Scranton Trust Company and Savings Iiank has made a volun­tary assigiment.- . , .

M'ortNSonKET, R, T., April 14,---Teslerday M ops bnvelto, aged twenty-two. started 111 a vialldiig .mat«h.r«Km' became Hk and -died knit, few ltocffs,

Itexirens op (.'ot.OKiin Ilosrnnv.— A special correspondent o f tlio New W orld, writing from R om lcuttsays: Not long ago tlio littlo daugh­te r o f Attorney-General rachoonmaker was made reriously iH By wearing colored stockings. H er limbs-were covered with blotches caused h y the poisonous coloring m atter used, and it

•liewas a-long tim e before she fully rccovetc.d. A t Mr. Seiioonniakdr's request the local nowsjtt- pcrs jnhlished a wprning te parents against tfie use of eolqred hosev but it does no t fi'bm to ii»vp lioen vciy wiiMyu'cadrftSjinother case of poimning has occurred in tin's cHy- A lr ig h t iftlle g irl o f eleven years has ju s t died after a month's illness from inflatnmatory rheumatism caused primarily by th e dye nsed-in the colored sjtooknigs she wore.—[Aigns.

As Opj^PisilKHMas.T-'Clvo Watertown Dis- patette-sajEf^ki&talcie -John Dingman passedthrough thin city yesterday on his way home from lew is county xvhere lib has b ^ n peddling, fish, iriicle .fohn will be one himdred years old 011 Sunday. nCxt. He was bom in Am-stenlmm, this Btkte, A pril f^> ! "78."

o JapJapanese s tp d en ttin y.daHvoredttn

larictaro Megala, &HoEtoii Uiirvcrsity.daHvored ttie closing lecture before teeJMiddtesex Clonnty Teachers Associ- «*lpii nj, YYatcripTO, StML, last- Satorday, pn Japim ee' edilcatinn, . Megatfr Is a brilliant scliolart, and n great favorite with liis acquaint- ,-u m ihJoS ton-

ly a geutlcuiau knocked Skolof down and held Iiim until ho xvaa scoured by the ofiicera.

Skolof lias continued vomiting severely since Iiis arrest, either bccairsfi o f poison, u r because uf ijiu rough usage he received.


Si'. I’lrrnnsiiiHi;, April 12. - A Kiev corres- pohdi iit .glu-a an account o f the outbreak among tin- polThcnl prisunt-rs last month'. ■ Ho sayn that persons under arrest in the Kiev prison resolved, some time ago, to tunnel under tho nails a n d escape. Tlio scheme was betrayed. IV Iren tlie tunnel was completed, and tlie pris-

eutered, intending toj com e u p through ison precinpls, tinthe upunijig beyond tlio prison precinpls, the

suliliens puated at tho opening shot tlie escaping prisoners as they came np. When tlie bulk ot

remained hi tliu*Jjinnel, soldjors were sent in from behind, ana the unfortunate wretches, caught between two 'tivesywwe ull sliolduwm- Tho pruecinlinga seemed to give the oOicmls much amusement, and the direetor of tho Kiev prison has heen praised nnd decorated. Quito 111 keeping with this is tho statement published

GOVERNOR BEYMfillJl * lo tll‘‘

ate uo selfisli" or personal schemes tending ‘to distract and divide the party. The JBuffido .Courier, one of the soundest of Demucrntic or­gans, reflects this sentiment when it. say's : ’ .

PnMoi’R^l’lu Dissensions.—Our. Republican friends naturally fed a deep interest in I>emo-

.cratio movements iiud' supposed difficulties re-, fating (o the nex t state eanvaus,. But of pne. thing they may ho assured: when tlie contest ia'fairly opened they wili fiml a nnitedkjelno- evaey, wliioh, forgetting local uud personal qnarrejs. will preseut a solid Trout to its oppo- pehteA JlSj&enwa o f opinion within the party ave-'certauffyOiot greater now tlmuAhey wen- ill tho last inipurlant state canVaSs, wlieu tiio situation was eqmplieated hy .a Presidential L-lectiqn:.'• Tliqjqiiarivls uf faeti.uns three years ago \vere as fierce as'liolv, aiyl in relation tu 'the Presidential nuniiuation did not Cease \m- til the decisive vote ’of the St. Ixiuis eimvenlinn lmd been taken. There was also a wide divers­ity of view ns to tlie qneotiuii uf state humilia­tions.. Jit xvill he remembered tliat tlie state ticket for a time stood wifliuut a bund, nud so. filial. seemed' tho blunder mode by tin- 111151 Saratoga convention that the republicans iv-

pariytLi .1 fuieguin*conclusion. Yet wc elected tliat tiel\et hy a handsome majority and tliuse 'members of the party wlio lirtd pivdieted defeat if th e irW u couusols were uut heeded, did tlieir liest tu se­cure the success of c.mdidntes whose nomina­tion they had opposed. Under tlie cireluustau- ces, therefore, it is not worth while for our Re­publican friends to anticipate too much frum Democratic dissensions; nor nerd any i Kjmu- eral feel unduly discouraged tlrereby. H should idways be reiuembere.d tliat the present factional fights are participated in unly by. poli­ticians, who form lmt 'a small fraction of tlw voters.. Tho Democratic mW'-s nre nut cutting each ^fliers' tlirodts. if some of tlieir leading men are, and any good ticket of representative. Democrats which may’ be nominated ifext fall they wiil unitedly and heartily support.

* ---------------- - j ' " . -A WRONG TQ BE RIGHTED. •

TIIE RAILROAD COM I'AMES vs. THE 1'EpPI.R.Speaking of a bill introduced in the l egiala-

tu're hy lion. P. S Raker okHnche-ti'l'. hating for its object a mole ju st equalization of freight rates on the railroads of tliia State, aa a move

by tho Russian chaplain in tlie central prison at Klmrkoff. Ho ileclarea t l |a t cif 500 persona detained in tliat prisun, 200 died Within four months. One of tlu: liuaviest diMgcsjji.adaJ>V tlie Nilifii.ito against the Russiau official ndniiu- istialluu is brutal truatuiuutpf prisoniira, iu ojii.reiiLic iirc o f which many are dying find sumo nre lieing driven mnd.

1 Mt'KIlERED HIS FATHER. ' .C im in m t i. April 12.—(1. A. T. l’atille,

living near Bright Stav.Texns, Iiad a.diflleulty witli litaAop \Vulmijq some tirao ngo. A few diiya slnee hei'';i^ '3® ltni.^e!kJ,Ricrcm T with hn'rk sliof. tViliimu wus arrostctl, acknowl- i''lqi'd havingjloiiettie shooting and claimed'It was dune in neff flefeusi'. .

LYNCHED.r-Tj.iti. III.. April 12.- Iraut night the bodv

ul J uha .- tmiofull was found hniigiiig to a i-oaii-sqVuftvinjt rijpiimfcth'e-Hliiibm^^ (fentwd riallrtratl.; lie was nrre.itcil fur stealing hurscs nnd tltken front the ofiicera by a mob. r

THE RXKCL'TIOV OF PlUin.VYixiison, V t., April 10.—The execution of

Julin F. 1*. Phair.nt the Etato prisqri, tojlny. ciiil; tliu career of a criminal, whose history, since the raliuni.ssinn uf his crime, has been rendered remarknble by tiro persistent cllbrts made to prove his innocence. Plmir retired at four o'clock and slept soundly until seven this morning, n o soeijitd qitite resignctk lie urns coo! and self-possessed to tlio last. His Jnst words were: " laird remember me.” Counsel tiiis innniing asked n further reprieve so os to allow a sessiuii d r th e Lcgfelatiiru to^interveno facfotv the execution, bnt nt 12:33 llicYiovomor dciii.-d the iictition. I’linir's execution look place about 2 r. si. .

ARREST OF .A SWINDLER.\ ! \:uidtji' Huulaijii fins l*ci.Ti all'c.-itcd u ll a

warrant issital a t Pairindaigunfor repre»3iting himself to he the owner of a large qunujily of milting stock in Colorado, whereby lie obtained S:iT.'> fmndulently from R. S." Snlhoor. H e has been handed over to n CaimndA'igua oflieer,

A CONDUCTOR SHOT.HrFFAtJi, April 13.—Conductor RadolKT, of

tin- Grand Trunk mihvny, whilo running a train yesterday, near Victoria, was shot in the face ■ivy a noted desperado, Joe Nonce, witli n shot

friii. Xo provocation. Neaco xvns.arrested.Indclilf will probably-ftcover.

EXTENSIVE DCmiLARHS.Xkav York, A pril42 .—j\. gang of burglars

are operating atone the line ot tho Erie. Tlie residence of tlio late. Jam es S. nopkins, a t (loalien, was robbed on tin! lOtli of $200 worth o f silver wnre. In s t night the dwelling of Jam es II. Corwin, a t Ilonlells, was robbciT o f money and silverware. T he burglars loft a §380 registered government bond.

CNINFKSSSS JtANSLACOI)TER..H ayhuiiu., N . H., A pril 10.—Jfariin T .

Hickey, who murdered Frank II. Eastman, a t Plymouth, last June, pleaded gnilty tb man­slaughter in tlie firat degree? sentence deferred.

. A" TnF-ACnFJIOl'S SOCIALIST.The eoroso of a student was found recently

car the Kasati cathedral,.St. Fetersbuim stab- ...... bed and labeieti, “Sentenced a s a teritorMby Bie

-jhiiw.'' ”k e \ r a s ‘ptetor ofetliTShitech o f tlitoYSooiaiists' revolutionary committee."A DAKTARDI.V ntmtAOE.

-M-fowm—Apr i l -1-i —T wo -Dumbs w ora yes' teixlfiy thrown into the rhurcli ofSau Antonio, a t Seville, with tlio object, i t is supposed, o f creating n panic and sfenlins the valuable sac­ramental plate belonging to tn o (lliureh. “ Sev­eral persons were ir^uted by the explosion.

fata l .le.-Gm April 14.—O nSaturday two

farmers, Irving W inn and A. L. WiUiams quar­reled while ridmg hoih'e, and Williams crushed: W inn's skull with aulfoyel. Both were intox­icated. ..Williams .was arrested. - ' •

in the right direction, tlio Oneonta Press says :“Tliat excessive tariff* is h-vied un local

freights, as compared witli llmHigli r n tc .e u nli.uly in (Ini'imta krt^Vj^ypcarily tliuau wiiu,

TiaveTiaiTiK-easiijii {., iiun* jm .diui u,i 1 iliaocting witli klie A A S It. It. Why i.-, i

tlmt ft-cartoad of grain goc; r.r, r flic" iua.T ffun Jiingfinmton to Albany nt a lower rate than ft docs from Binghamton to Oneonta ? IV hy is it tlmt Onoontiiins pay nearly a dollar a tun more for coal than tlie people of Albany, Syra­cuse, Buffalo, and other towns more remote from tl*- miuvs. have to pay ‘ \\ Iiy w.iif tljuta tub of butter or a box of dn-e/i- fruiiDuna con bo Inid dow'u in Ijfuw Yovh etty nt about the Bamejigure that our State pu kage-i van ?I t ri bocaiiik! unwarranted advniiUi{5Ms laken . by tlio common all iHiinte whore tlie lieople nre o t their lucivy, for want of proper, kgnl nalraiiit, in ateoncu o l oompotmg It ties.

T liis is a Biihjri-nySlrrh Tfiay witirt-'tigagiiTTTc- earnest nttcntjon of the fuqjicra and hiistneas jiien of th is county raid of llreir flepv&enta- tlves in tlio Legialaliipe. The towh.s along the line of the A. k S. Railroad were totu a n i i a r « « < i ; ihS'jjeqpie” a tiW H fei towanitlie enterprise - and yi*l the road is now 0, man­aged witli regard to freight tariffs as to build up rernoto sections nt the e x cu se of that thro’ which it passes.' ~

Tlio crippled,*in tbe |uvit badly-inanagcil. ami now almost Innhm pt concern calhil the I). ,t II. Oanal Oo — whose stock bra gone down from 125 to ID keeps its head 'above wator during thriw'hnnil times by iuqiosingTqe on such sections b f country as this, where there is no competition im tfie pale uf cud, nnd i t so rugiifaTes iis freight charges as to practically prevent competition. While coal has steadily gone down a t ail jKiinls when- there isany lOm- pctiilQii. the price is kejit up in tliis county. — They deliver it for ubonlSl All a ton Ica-in Al­bany than thoy charge for i t at firo Jiuietion. 70 miles west of th a te ity ' It is simply a gross outrage oh consumers in t h e country -and we call upon th is legislature to [ass Mr. Baker's bill, o r ono suriilnr. to i t . W ill Mi-ssrs. Kdick, Clinso nn'd Briilgcs heerl -tho call ■ made upon them by their ooiratituents in regard to tliis im­portant m atter? '

If redress cannot bo had a t the hands of tliis 'Legislature, then let those interested see to it th a t they send n different body of men to 'Al­bany next winter—mort instructed nnd pledged to vetcAora hill'ro-adjristing tiie basis of Tax­ation, and fo r nnofher equalizing Frei'^fifRates on the railroads o f this State. We sliall prol>- aijly have occasion again to refer to thisimpov-’ tau t topic. *

AN EXPENSIVE EDXTOY.Wo have always regarded the Inebriate Asy­

lum at Ringhamton as not only a great lium- iiug. h u t near of kin tu a swindle 011 thu tax­payers of th e gBt'c. -Air. E. K. Apgar, in his ropptt to the leeisiStore. shows it. ntuciftee thi*

There are six ViteinianR and five Kentuck­ians in the Diiited States Senate. feDitring last year I S.GOO memhers of th e Sun­day schools joinSd-the churches in Illinois.

Adontpauyhakheon organized iu Rooheater ; to infcroduce the HhEy system of steam heating ’ ‘in tliat city, i t lias a capital' ofSbOO.OOO. .

__________ It is proposed te buy the site of the English;old coin,few ydd to]?feotfege atSandgatq, E.ent, iii wliich John B .

Goujpi was bora, and erect a ftoffce house tlicre.ill. Gnmbetto lias saved $3,(100 a year by re­

ducing tlie guard of honor which receives him when l ie takes ins cliitir in the GhairtbeV.

Russian prisons are eo'gorgcd with political offenders, rahfiiStp nncLihdrest, tliat i t has been necksaryto convert large privatodwoilings in­to temporary jails. ~ ...

F . W . Grennell, tiie teller o f the Nationaj Bank of Ifouesdale, Pa., Iui3 proved a defaulter fn" $3,585, wlijeh ho lost in a stock-farming speoulajion. ' s

Opium , smoking finds littlo toleration ifi Japan, £ man was recenfly sehtenccd-to ten 'yeara" hard labor* in Yokohairia, fo r violating tho law'against the practice. '

A tliirteen-year-old daughter o f Michael of .rohnstou. Pa., became entangled,in

tlip rope of a swin'gstho other day and wns choked te death.

A t GievolandjlO,, a red-hot iron ■ bar a t the rolling mill, oh4be 10 th inst. as i t ciuhe twist­ing-from th e rolieTs, enpireled a boy named W alter Raleigh, literally burninghim in two.

SrA.vo WoniC^-Hic first work is to ro|[iaee fenm fodd by tlie winter storms. There is nothing ,gained by plowing too early.--The soil shonld bo d ry before a furrow is tuifted. Ma­nure m ay berdnrwu otftj stones catT be gather­ed from froien ground when tho w annth of the stuj'filtrtooscnpd them.—[American Agri- Cnltnnst. - . .

The growth of the Bapt ist church since 1851 id LofidSfl, has been somewhat rcmarkabtofe While Methodiahi of all kinds hare increased 104 per cent, Presbyterians and-foo English diurch 42 yier font each, CqKregntiqipalists 30 and Rouram Catholic SApcTcdnt, the Bsp- tist«b»ve 6yrn •<[ the rate of 1*15 pirc^Dt.

■‘ 9 ■ | .....

in Tlhulim* l.'wt lo tin* toiqmiu iiutke htiV'Soymuiji' 11 cauilidnte fui; Gov’- .i-i-nui'. wo felt justified from xvliitt w eltiidw of hia uvowM' views ’aud intviytinifcij; iii malting til*- pusiklve l'cnmrk we did that ]ji> wouldliotauei'iittliu ^miiinatiuii. .. Such 'is,hi3 firln cle-ji'isiim, fi'oin wliioh ho eaa irot 'Wk.jjxoved hnd.. Ms.-frlonds will^ippreejoteiuid respect, lifi'mo- 'tiyis'ifhd judgmont.; The folJewing accoiint.oL an imtprr'iow- witii (foy, 8. a t life farinfljnMise'Tfear Ufeicawill intev- est the readers of the Journal': ~

In view of thoactionof the meistnigof pi'ow- iiien’t Demoorato in the parlors of August [tel- mpiit in. New York, tlie N . Y, llw ald author­ized one of itscorrespodefitii tesucu'ru an into?- view w ith Gov. Seymour .Monday and.learn, his sentimontsoo the subject, • Tlaoedtrespijnm^ en t-wiis-espaeially commissioned -to learn what encouragement the committo appointed to con­su lt,. witli -.llte Governor would 'receive upon their anticipated visit. _ The'Herald according; ly received the"follqwmg. special dispatch tlmt evening: ' , .

Tho (T'Cfvernor hadjust returiietd from a drive to town. When informed of tlio contemplated movement to draw him from liis retirement, lie soiil he nuver knew of it till 'ttsetimdrtring.- Tke committee appointed to confer with him lie had nut seenv^ 1 broached the subject o f‘my vjsit. * I said to him: * ,1 '

;■[ atn requested by tlie editor o f the Herald to’call upon you anil get your i-aowswith i:e-

^ r d to the action of prominent Deinberats.w'bo Yield am eotingat Belmont’s on SAtiiixlay." ’

T’linjxovernorj'eplied that “lie knew nothing abouL-ivhut vvas said or done upon that occa­sion beyond’tehat lie had read i if the report sent to th e Associated Press.; awS he lqaevv no more aboift Hie views and objqgls of those who were in attendaiipe, than any o tte r person wlio had read the morning papers. [ lc Iras' advis­ed tliat a meeting would be held by prominent 'men fur tin- purpose of-bringing rqliout harmo­ny in /the Democratic ranks. Hteliad no idea tluftany one thought of liaming biin-as a can­didate io r (iovurnow—as that wasa filing out of tliu question, l ib was not merely unwilling fo be a candidate, but he was una.5li» to do the duties of the olfice bf tlove.nior «ii ■Slate, i t would not only bu unwise, but' im­proper t o plfeeter tho chair otew iiose yuara nnd ill lieultli would disalde bim t-o perform in person tliegrcat.and varied duties u f the sta- tiuii. in ninny of the ullires most, uf "the work ean hu done by assistants. But. the duty of tlie Governor of deciding upon t3io propriety and constitutionality of laws, of seeing to all tilings th a t concerned t ho interest ef tlip State, and taking care that all its laws are faithfully. PTiH'UU'it. an- < >HigsitjonaAli«t caijnot he giveu over to subordinates. Tliis StaitPtias a popu­lation of about five millionsrmadc._np.B,Lvai'ied nationnlities! about one-half of whom are dwell­ers in cities. Tiie nierc duty of oxsmtiiiung pe tit ions fo r i»uiTnfi'a',\vith whicli lie is solely invested, is a great labor put upmt Iiim by the Constitution. Tllefe is always disreoiitent wlieu it is felt that any of tlio Excctivu pi’erogatives are exorcised by other than tlie riglitfol author iiy-” '

"A s you have freely expressed ycHir unwil­lingness to be a candidate, how do you account for their suggesting your name ? ______

H e replied "As I nm under alligations td every man iu the Democratic part3 ; as I hold friendly feelings towarsnll classes rami sections, I supjuisF tny name was suggested, not so much with .11 view to my nomination raj it wns to show iliat they desired to place in ofllce Midi persona a s would seek to promote the political pit,-rests o f t t e nbiflu lifewcratus pmrfcy, and flius*-ui its nctiie, prominent nitun. I t was nieafif (rt show tha t tliey would quite in tlie

-siipjuiil 1 >f uuy poison who rlieiixJicd Tivtings of good will towards ull. In tins way they could - prove their desire1 for baraitoivy more

Stj'ie rTho exhibit for the Inebriate Asylum is reai

ly grotesque and may be said to be timely uow wlieu the questiou of abandoning it as a retreat formcfariotes is_ before the Legislafhre. Tlie building for thisjnstitution was started in 18.38. hfijApgar’s Bthfistics lireginwith 1870 aiid cov- er'flftetimo till last year 'inclusive, Hi 1010 titufe Were srxtyaijt inmafcs.’and tlib year fol- loXvmg tliefe were eighty-four. The number has steadily decreased. Last’year there were only forty-six patients in the institution. The cost per capita for tlio" years named, fe ns fol­lows: -- '1870. . ____ $585 .40187 1-------------- 440. f i t187 2 ............. 482 271873. , .......... 456 IS

. i r r r r r r ; : . ................ 495 9fi1815..................................... 484 01187 6 .................................... 510 Ofi.187 7 ...................................................... 597 951818........................................ (1113 58

The cost in salaries lias increased from $131 11 in 1871 to $240.94 in 1818. F o r provis­ions and supplies the cost has increased from $i 78.53 te.$211.0I, and for fuel and lights the increase has been from $5G.77 to $83.55. The; cost of the building for tlio accommodation of one hundred inmntes has Isgn JlO.OOO foycach one, but, estimating by th e nuifibcr of inmates there at prfoent, the cost pe'r dtpifa fo r their hotiSiiig is $20,(100. Adding the interest on tho cost of building to tho cost of maintenance for 187^.givesa total of $2,200 a year per capita astoeiactual expense”attending each patient's:

rt. The report adds:.0 am ount paid out of' tlie State Treasury

for salariesfend wages and expenses of’eommis- sioriers for tho last year was $0,337,'being $1,- 050 for each cotinty patient. The interest on the outlay of $ 1 ,000,000 u t seven per centum is $10 ,000, being $1 1 >0C0 ,for each county pa-, tifnt. Tliis would make the cost of supporting, ' for tfio year 1818, each inmate of the inebriate asylum wjhteoaw-'projwrty' bo considered ns de­pending upon the charity iff the State $13,087.".

TaxThkm 1— At a public gale of stocks in IsTew York on th e , Dth. a-lot of gasuuid inlur- ance stocks sold at 130 to 200 011 tho 8100.— IJheyjiay no taxes. ‘W hy not, as well as hank shares ? This Legislature should: nojt adjourn without placing a tax t^f those prosperous and able cdmpanifo, to the relief o fth e over-taxed Farmers'. - ' ^ '

i ^ T h c Socialist ticket in Ohicagq, for whicli. te8^i£lisam l votes Were polled, did pot hnwpa sfll^enallvJrAmerimutTn iiLATIihi, il- lusmtessfoe feet we Iiave seTTofth.thflt these foreipiers propose to enjoy “liberty" hy-ovar- thtiowing'the libentl inifitdiions of tliis coilntty.

BNSINESS HATTEBS.Tin- Auiuriuiiu Suspojiiler (juiiip;niy has been

placwl iii_.Um luuids "pf^a: receiver, LjaliiUtius, estim ated nt $180,000; asqets nominally $370,-1o o o .- '■■ * “ t , y . - ■’

Roueh A BdVis hiwd huiiichcd’a.tliird steam- isliip fqr fhe fi^zniandino; the Amazon. % Thfis; jvIhlTput subsidy, the work goes onf * feAteBteyjdsnce, R. I.’ i t is unfierstood-Higt .tlie, Allen pi'inf works will ask of its-preditors an extension: of three years, the worjea to bo, ru n iu the mertu time Unclei; tb e direction of the creditor's: ' Liabilities $500,000 ;■ .ifisets cfouble’that.'.- ‘ ' * - ' j.

Tho Northern^ Pacific Railroad Company offers tp give work to 500 of the Kansas-bound pegroes a t $1.25 a day. The aotion of the blacks in reference to tliia proposition vviU do. much to prove whether thoir .wish fe to help themselves of to be helped,

■Experiments with paper car-wheels continue to givo the best of satisfaction. Mr. PuUrnmi repqrtsrthat wheels have run 'under hipcars ■400,000 miles w ithout repair, while tho aver­age extent the running lifo o f au ordinary ivheefis from 55,000 to 60,000 miles.

A (fentrdl railroad official says Vanderbilt preferred English steel rails fo American be­cause,, although they fost $53 per ton against $ 4 3 'for American, yet English manufacturers guarantee^ tjheir rails fot twelve years, while,

'Antfefieans gunrantefed only five years’ wear.T’he' ten-forties are ' lW feiilliqps, of which

144 millions are in registered and 50 millions in coupo'ti form. About three-fourths of them, therefore, are already in this country, and tfiis will facilitate the operation of funding; the only question is how can the Treasury fund them most advantageously to its only client, the people of the United States . (Johl with-tlie other American products has been benefited by the late Paris Exposition,


Kdifer-Frpeiwtm'a Juuriijd : .'Althuiigh a (ty> puhioaii, ,1 find ff un advuutauij "to take botlw cpurity newspapei'a. . 1 fiud hpkjo things of im ” portancp in tlio Fftem ati’n Journal th a t are dm ittediijf .triis't not by design' dr arrangement

-from-.tlie columri& of-tho RepubUcan; for in­stance, a record bf tho'vote on tho^alary. Bill, vMiich wife before the Senate on fh© 2iT1iistant.

^ k ' i ^ r e c o r d e d . ' ■’ ’ ’Mr. Goodwin -moved toamend-by making

the salaries of assistant Clui'ks ,q{ eaeli House '$ l,8ilKriptead of $ 2,000. JFIe had heard from' the best authorities itrid feelieved.thnt th e sqja- ries pTHieserofilcials were excessive.,

Mi;. Edick said lie vVbuldlike to have.sosne Senator give a 'rcasoii why. this reduction should be made. Ho W;is qpposed to tliis kind of petty reform". ' ■

The motffrn was lost.Mr.'Edick,-of bourse, voted NOy. How ma­

ny capable men are there in this county slyae willing to' take that easy position, for about foip- m onths,-at $ 1 ,8QD—over $5,080 a year? Hundreds of them ! Aud Senator Kdick knows it as well pia any man in the county. But he is opposed to “petty fefonn." IVhat difference does it.niake to liini, how much tlie people arc' taxed 1

The bill p f the special Retrenchment Conv mittee relative jo reductions in State and legis­lative departments Hvas uudur-comideratfon the saine day, and i t is recorded (not in tlie Re-/ puhlictfn) th a t Mr. Edick said no gopd re-raoy, had beep given to reduce Pertain salaw es^om e of the salaries of State officials are too high, and but few will deny it.

W hen it was moved to substitute tlie As­sembly bill for tlie one before tlie Senate, ju st after tlie above littlo speech was jnado.J. notice that Mr. Ediek's name dobs not appear in tlio recorded ayes and noes. . Why not V

Then Mr. Hpssions mfived to reinsert the pro­visions of reform relative to jo*lioiaf~salaries,

ittHts-slirpuienu to Europe steadily increase. At last accounts om man in Romo was nego­tiating for 100,000 tons.

The imports a t New Y'ork for the m onth of Maficli show a gain of over $500,000 upon tho corresponding figures-last year. The exports, exclusive of specie, siiow a loss o f $2,300,000.

The U tah and Northern railway is completed to Eagle Rack Bridge, Snake river, Idaho, two hundred amh(cn miies north of Ogdem" Regu­lar trains will commence April 15th.

.Secretary Sliermnn "will issue, this week, a circular prescribing terms for refunding the teu-forties and the salo of the fourper cents for that purpose. Tlie terms will n o t be as favor­able oi? heretofore.

Reports of-western railways fb r March show nn encouraging increase of traffic as compared with tlio previoas month, aud witlvMarch 1878,

-Tlie-reads-m-em-vvhich eiuig ratron teuds njuko the best exhibit, while the grain-carrying lines show a falling off of receipts. Tho receipts of twenty-one roadsiaggijegatei $7,699,585, an in ­crease of 8263,306 over, tho eofrcspondinp month hist year. Tho receipts fo r the expiree quarter of 1879 were $20,441,123, a deoreaso uf S I,318,544 from thoso of the firat quarter of H 7h Twelve roads, not inbliided in tho fore- gring statement, repurt February -earnings -at

"$2>*2 i.2a'j $467,0-10 better than the same hionths in 1878.

luarly tlia u hy inert- general d e c la ra tio n s ; t l ia t thoy chaired n o th in g th a t w o u ld t e ob jec tiona­ble to a u y D em ocrat. W h ile nry uam u wns nu-ntiuiiud, th ey d id n o t m enu tliat i t . an y m ure , 0 1 ev en ie> iiuicli ns <)thuiu. w ould.adlcet th u ub- j e t a t u liic lt th ey ainiud.'"

' H o y u u m ean tu have i t mulL-iatood th a t you bau- h u t y ui|t' in tum at iu [Kilit-iial o r ptil>-

.Ifim Y ' • ’> ..» . . ..( Ih . n o ; tlio se la&B,gyi n c t i r a

r a i l in |,uLliL life jitu tiinv iaeand luqiitst r f th ey-ImCulitu ludilli m il I*, 1 \ ,n(-. a I mu l vjiu-m meri*-iy fecaiisc the time 1ms gone by wi; tn them fur Itolding oflire. Every man may, its private life. lie of some use in taking part i ll all tilings which concern the genufid wulfmu, And he may lunkc- liimself mure useful lecanau, as he prow- he i- I,;-- inUiaiitj-iLTl) [*.rj.,iul or imrtisiii inirfuw:." <

■•V\ lmt *to you think will be tliu rw ult o f the election next fidl'in this State? Well the Beni- ocrats he able to elect their ticketYZ

• He, answered: "I cminot forecast tlie ftiltirc. Tlie viitera of New York nre very equally di­vided in sentiment. The majorities vyhich ef- tiu-r [Kitty gaituare very suiall jiemtalages upon onr voting population. There is discord in tlio .ranks of.- «u ji organization a t this aqao. The unu tv hich aucceeils best in _ ivstorit»g,linmiony wiil win th e rictofy. If both of them are nble tu place acceptable men in the flitel, 1 th ink , the Democrats will elect tlieir tilled-. There rev 1 mny than a million of Vut*,;- hv llt4s foam. •Neither iiarty. a s a ruly.- gains a n*q|orffy ex- CTwlingtlim- [ror am t of the n u m teru f voters. A < Ii.iiiui. o f .me in a hundred freijilenCfe* iv- vurees the results of a preceding vcair. G rrat exertion will, therefore, ho made nt llie,.course o f th e surumcr to bring about hatnaony ih th’e rank's of i-achorgnmzntioii.ns oixml fiialf a mill­ion o f voters iu each will demand luarniomons action. '.I t is probable, therefore, tzlurt many eunfereiu'os will he field between tlihs time nnd the meeting of delegated conventions."

''’n re ti y o u fee l confident th a t hiuriuoiiy will soon b o re s to red lb th o D em ocratic r-aults."

"Yea, and in the Reptlblicau ranSss a s vyell. As th e time for county nml S tate iiQiuliiatSoiis. gfoivs near, t(ie numerous candidates for coun-" ty and Slate officers will tleinnntl tAie ntljuat? nicnt o f persomd feuds."

. In publishing thq above interviciv' lho Utica Observ'd' saySx“ AVe preauthorized ntail request­ed to say that iunler jn,o circm'nstanoea whatso­ever will Gov. Heymour consent t a become a cainlidafe fo r any public office." I t Es ininewsi- sary to mid that if tliis determination were not final Air. Seymour would bo th'o firafs choice of tho Democratic party Ior the highest- honors 111 its gift.” ’

CuNuni.^s. -T h e r e i s to he a h i t te r ligh t be- tw re n O ungress a n d th e l>reaident c n tlie a p ­p ro p r ia tio n hills, and i t is like ly the ex tra scs-

I t is announced th a t Hayes is to imaiptrato a “ new departure.” -and will no longca' tolerate

•“ riders” on appropriation bills. Wo have seen no oueasimi for changing the opinion M o re ex­pressed that tlio true policywas fqr the Dem­ocrats firat to pass repeal biffs', and laold back on tiro appropriation bills to see whether ilay ea^ , .j^.ufipRAT that would veto t lit former measures.

T he DuiFT.—Says tlie A rg u s: “A careful canvas^ of th e members of tlie Assembly oil tlte sffttject sliovVs th a t the drift of publics favor as inctirated.Jiy the spring town meetings in this Btafe is towards the Democratic jwt-ty. The third party tnoveulcnt has almost wli peared except in a few localities, andl ia those sections it survives on local' questions entirely.

A Great DKuor riATio VrerouY was achieved in* Albany la s t week. The Democrafca carried 12 out o f IG wards; ejected their Jastico by nearly 3,081) majdrity; andASfecCtliSl' fenndi- dates fo r Board o f F,ducation. I h e “th ird par­ty ” is tlicre a tiling of tlie past, aiid tbe Demo­crats once moro in tho majority.

Dick” Taylor died in New York on Skturdiiy last, aged . 53. years. Hfe was one of the ablest Cpptaffs in tlie Gonfeileraie ser­vice. flays a n exMmn^o:.. “Rieliaixa TPaylor was a^Very considerable maii in tins' United' States for many years. H e was t f natfvfe and for niost of h is life n resident of Lomisiaua— bora Jam lary 27,X-826,atNew Orleans, Ricli- ard 7'aylor w:ut .the onlyr^son of Zachaty'Faylor, who was elected'Presidgnj; of tho United'States-

.... a-,;,... ^R®*Says tho World : “It w asa sernfvy act

of Senator B ayard to propose intrpHnciiig a separate bill to repeal th e ta s tp a t lfe Did he not know it would.compel Senator dm im ds to “object” and thus leave the Democrats no option whatever b n t to adopt the "rider’’itac;. tics? W e wish GenetarGarfield woidd make a speech to show how revolutionary i t is for a majority to ta k l the only othor vtfty ef cxcrcis-' ing its rigjrts when jho m inority TjeclliMS to-let it carry out rite first jntcntioiis. Whip higli, whip low. there’s n o satisfying ' these skalwarto. They w ill die and nfobody shall help fluent.” ••

JKPW mlp Hampton is sopnuch befetor that ho iopes to tako life seat in tho 9e)u»te in a ve­ry short timo. - ' - - fe

A S t e p B ackward.—The older adopted'by tiie -Houso permitting tho ways and means, banking nml ourrency, nnd coinage, weights nnd measures committees, to report at any time, was carried on tlie 9th b y the votes of soft- money m euof nit p a r^ & ‘-»'F4i'opens the"SluieeB fu r all aorta of wild eat measures, anil brightens tiiu prospects for a lung session. It is predict­'d th at Htc same majority wliich thus triumphed will proceed tu [kis5 legislation hostile to th e natioual banks- Efforts may be made to se ­cure free coinago, ami authorize tho issiro o f silver bullion certificates ou a basis similar to th a t which ia now provided for gold. I t is to bu'hopcit that th is ' tiauKwnrd step will meet with a check nt the hands of tlie Senate, for i t bodes evil to all but bankrupts,mnd no special good to a majority of them. - jL '

H ie business interests of the Eaat a ro qnito diverse from tliose of tlie South and West—1 ^’tiusc Representatives in Congress would ta x and rob tho East for tiie special benefit o f tlieir lesa sound nml favored sections.

I/kik a t T h is!—The couuty of AVnshingtOu Jiasa [Kipiilation of 48,114, nnd gives'a large Republican majority. I t fe givuu Ueo Mem­bers of Assembly under' tlie new apportion­ment. Tho coimty of-Suffolk has a population of •' I ,h73—nearly4,000 more than W ashington —and gives a small Demoeratio majority, is giveu only one Member o f Assembly under tbe uow Republican apportionment. Suffolk gtunetl nearly 5,000 in population between 1870 a n d '75—whilo Washington lost 1,454 in th e same period.

Now what do honest and honorable Repub­licans think of tffis ns “a specimen briok" o f this new apportionment ? I s it anything lees than an unblushing fraud? a dishonest ahddis- lionofoblo measure ? Can nuy man who is not politically dishonest justify gjbilhof this char- actor?_

1-Vdr.izK tu e T axes ! -Pe titions should con­tinue to' ho poured in, upon the Legislature, demanding the pasSfigo o f a law a t the present session equalizing faxes in the State, Hun­dreds of millions of personal property, requir­ing huge expenditures to protect it, now es­cape altogether. This is not right-

On, P kui !—A sensible pajrer like the Utica Herald prints an article- which starts off as follows

“ A fc;nrlnH Gazette states that a secret organization is forming by_ Democrats in Kentnoky, one of

IfSSA mtmni-a 10 liaoDsnnnranl!**WnC /7»*.whose objects is tlie assassination of Gen. G rant in the event of his nomiijation for the preBi- deliey.”

The date of this letter was probably April Istte-and that escaped tlie notice of tlio Herald.

■anti Mu. Hiliuh Vul-rertNo-

il’fottccfiings uonilonseit ki'.thi* f ' . Juarnnl 1, ^' Tuesday,. Apj'fl 8A , |e « % f e p f e ; /o t r f o u -

c ed ; Relative t e ' mtft'tgages of pevsoimi piop- erty. tF i’pvidfo'Thnt.bhreafer^nibrtgagon off personal propofiiy sliall be filed With town olorks if the mortgagor is a resident, of the 0 to to , if npt?;1tiieh in f o e .office of the clerk o r register of tli|fown'Oi' oily vvferc the property was tit the time of'exec'utioU of the mortgage,

H fffe 'passedR elative to- unpaid taxes- •' '' Relative fo w rits of error' ifrehhntnal cases.

„ The bill reported by 'the "special coihmittee to revise /lie lawB in relation to assessments' and -taxiflion 'ftas discussed dn committeo, and made a furtlier flpoc-ial order [for Thuraflay- . Mr. Hogan offered a resohltion of inquiry into tlie m atter concerning The expiration of the' official term of certain p d iee corainjssion-

'teVj of Ncv^Yprk And the, appointment of. oth­ers, which wife adopted. .

Jim /e .—Tlie session was mainly spent in CQimnittce of the whole off variotif bills. Im* following wife ordered to third reading: Rela­tive to the payment qf railroad bonds in ,the towns of Kdiuestbri au d Pittsfield in (itrego county, Cuvier and Truxtou in (.,()rtlaiieT|ip:u1" ty, andMamakating, Pallsbuxgh and RcSikland in Sullivan Eomity^ “ a'

Mr. Brooks moved to take frpm thq table tliu-report uf tliu subcommittee ou tho bill au ­thorizing the employment of female physicians in hospitals and asylums.- H e said the b ill was handed to iiim by l)r. W ilbur, the superintend­ent of tliu S t# ? Idiotic Asylum, tharf whom tlwve iu noiinore practical/ succegMful atidiiou- oral>Je nlgEician in* the profession in thej?tate. The UiU.has beon favorei by a large majority of tho county judges', tho superintendents ot the pour and a large representation of the eui- inent inedieai gentlemen of the State, i t alsomet with the approval e f the^WlanthropistH ofthe State. The- bill proposes that in thp tour insane asylums of the State there shall bo eight ladies employed in the female wards. T hat is all there is of the bill.

iio particular kuowied;

WILL CAUSE NO' REGRETST'aSt,—T he Republicans carry th e State of Michigan over the famous , coalition by alxiufc 5,000 majority. The vote bf tbe-Stafe la s t au- tumn was, Republioan, 126,280; Demoert^ic, 78,503; National, 13',313j-151,816. I f (he Dem" ocratic and National voiffcould be united sue- C83S was certaULAndAoSuREHa»rn.LliaiinflnlTniKr ists of the trium ph of such p coalition th a t lhe Cincimiati Enqiiirer has been urging those Democrats in Ohio who Iiave' opposed a like alliance iu th a t State to await the result o f the Michigan election mid be coftvineed of their error. Well, they now see how it is.

fi® “Mrhen the Republicans in Gongress re­peatedly tacked “riders” on appropriation bills, aiming at.iiff sorts of legislation, they initiated' the \flsry worst kind of legislation. Now that Democrats— we flunk a bad exam­ple—aim to repeal some of tliis legislation by tlie snnie ljaeana, they cry out “revolution I"

((© “Talking about tlie foiilstatem entof Gen. Fitz John Porter, the veteran General Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia, puts forth an idea tliat seams to .coincide with thb general view of justice Mi round. If is true, as Gen. Pat­terson sayfi, tlicre is no vacant place in the

“nMv of general officers in which to' put Gen. Partep-but a place ought to b e made at once by 4he dismissal of General Jo h n Pope, “ j f I wore the President of the United States,” says Patterson,“ I would dismiss both Pope rartff McDowell, anff tlte report of the Advisoiy Board would bo Wis sufficient w arrant for do- j|lg so."

*6g r Already foe unfortunate colofod people , wlio have been aeduced away from tlieir homes land .comforts id the Sonfo to g o wppl-fo^iefc- fug in Kansas and foe'^prtli-w est a re fogn hing to stragglo back twtdn in SmSll companies andrtquufo. ThtfifoindUof thetn of couree trill h e unable to procure tho means'of returning, and there Will bq much suffering amofig them. Subscriptions are being M ien up in their be­half. , ■

Now I would like to suggest to thu Repub­lican tliat a “well-informed newspaper" should keep its readers infomrod,of tlio v.utea east by tlieir legislative Represeniatives oif s'ueli im­portant matters as the above. "They want to know you kjioq'” wliat is going on a t Albany.

' I A REPUBLICAN.[W e omit from the -above mninmniontinn

the following uxlvaot and tlie comments 011 the samo, for tho reason tliat Senator Ed.iek says he made 110 sucli rem rtrk:

“M r. Edick arid timt so far as thu constitu­ency lie represents is cbneerqefothqy liould uot object to the two shfflings p e r ' cap: this bill seeks to avoid. If.T«ejjirtdlJtad >auy, reason given ,J would be ready to voted duce those salaries.”" lYiiiff lie said was to the effect that it would coat those paying tax on tun thousand dollars only about two shillings on tlmt amount.—Ab?- ilor F . Joui~naL\ ___________

T h e S ilv eii C raze has not yet had its day in Congress. Too*niany meii there havo a d i­rect personal interest in flooding tho country —if it cau only be forced into circulation With a. cumbrous and depreciated tutrreney Referring to Buckner's proposed bili for tlie coinage of $ 0,0110,01)1) of-»ilver btdjiou m onth­ly, tlie Director of the m in t says-this amount' is not only beyond tlie presont capacity cife the m int, but largely in excess of tlio production of the mines of the country, which nre esti­mated a t $50,000,000 annually, from wliich" should lie deducted $3,000,000 used in tho arts and manufactures, wliicli would leave $25,- 000,000 to be imported under Bucktiur’s bill. Tlmt will suit England; France nnd Germany; if tlioy can send tlieir'siiver hero in" uxchnngo fo r our gold.-they will be tmiy toogkffitodo it. I)o the woi ktiiguiuii uf jjiia. nm ntry [,refer sil­ver to gold Y if so, J e t them tiid tlie mad

■schemes-of sucli meu as Buckner, n .

Cffi^'l'liu I 9th Senate District fe composed of tlie three Ropiiblirain cpunifei of Clinton,. Essex and Wnrren, with 10] ,695 population, anil not growing. The 14th District embraces th e three strong Domocratie counties of Scho­harie, Greene nnd Ulster, w ith a population .constantly increasing—of 150,204. The Rp- ptiblican apportionment is a political ..uintllu.

4 © 'T h o Republican claims to be n news­paper -y e t not n word, d id i t contain of the vin­dication of. General Fitz.Jolm f ’ortor by -the able aud impartial Military Board recently charged with a ltcaring of his ease. No more interesting th ing eamo before Hie people (Turing the week previous. Of course i t waa nn over­sight— one soldier would no t intentionally alight another.

S6 ?“A Republican was last week seated as U . S. Senator by the aid of Democratic votes. H as auy thing of the k ind occurred in that body for years past ? ' 'VYhat if Bull had been n Democrat, seeking admission to a Republi­can Senate?

((© “Speaker Randall has hardly done the fa ir thing hy the member of Congress from this District, in making up his Standing Com­mittees. Mr. W ilber is on. Agriculture ami Enrolled Bills._________

((© “Governor Robinson "has accepted the resignation of Adjutattt-Ueneral FranU iu B. Townsend 011 account of ill-health, and appoint­ed Brigadier-General Jolm B. Woodward in his place. m

((© “General AY. T . Sherman, if th e report bf a friend is to bs believed, >s in favor of re­pealing all laws tliat require the presence of armed soldiers nt voting places, ami says that it is a duty unpleasant to both officers and men. ■ “

he Cincinnati Oonmiereial observes that “there is not much evidence in th e returns of the elections in Ohio th a t the Greenback party lias any visible means of-support.”

Do you' know Rose W ood?— [Albany A r­gus. Cprtainly; she isa sisterof May Ilogany. —[N . Y . Graphic, N either of them am very

J ’oplajkgirfe, we believe.— [Now Haveii Reg- kteqM Q jid yet we Pino to see them aud L. M. up iri Otsego.

4© ~A nna Gonliff, of Albany, aged L5, blew in a latbp chimney to -extinguish the flame.— The lamp exploded and th e^ ir l was ahockihgly and perhaps fatally bnnmiL A jvarning to others; ~ 1 "“•*

Moan had *.» ,----------- .. — .the subject, hut he had received a, inunbei oi letters froin persons protesting agaiifst tlie bill whose advice should a t least receive attention He believed the b ill'thus far had been pro­gressed wifobnt granting, tke managers, of die nsylnipa an opportunity to be heard, lievetL they shtSUld be consulted, and If the question "pf employing female assistants was left to the'option ,of th e managers of the asy- kttiw- Ite would gladiy favor it. H e lieltevi*d tho bill should go to the committee uf tire whole, and..he so moved. Agreed to.

A resolution to hold afternoon sessions,.Gom1 mencing a 4 o.'clock, tvas adopted.

AVednesday, A pril 9.—Senate.—Bills intro­duced : Relative to notaries publio.

To protect life in hotels.Bills passed ;• Relative to th e Inebriate Asy­

lum a t Binghamton.Relative, to tlie management o f tho canals. Mr. H arris called from the table the resolu

tion introduced b y him relative to tlie alleged revolutionary action* of Congress, wliicli was adopted-hy a party vote—12 tq 10 ,

Mr. Jacobs m$ved th a t the inquiry into the m atter of th e change o f wardens of tho Au­burn prison be extended to the question wheth­e r the change had been beneficial to tlie State. Rejected—9 to 18,

The report of th e committeo of conference on the apportionment b ill Was jeceived.

Mr. H arris moved to concur in the report. Mr. Raines moved to table that motion—lost.

' Mr. Juuobs said if any apportionment bill was to pass tliis session, i t ntust pass, to day.

Mr. Baines moved to mako tha snbject speoial order for Thursday, and supported his motion in earnest argumunt, saying tliat in­iquities lmvo bteu dono by some members of tluit committeo in taking one member o f As­sembly from Monroe Tiro motion was lost

The report was. agreed to as follbws, (Demo­crats in i ta l ic ; )

A yes—Mcwfra. D avenport, Ecelatne, Ediob, Goebel, U arris, Jllcks, Hogan, llu g ka , Jacobi? Jones, Lonilc, JU rvIn , SloCnrlliy, Pierce, Itom eroy, besslona, T um or, (V agner, tVagstair, O oaJxin, M urphy— 21

Noe,.-. m .urajHll,, rl,Lli,plU, OiiAlgy, itookw ell, tVenilDYcr-l). .......... ; ------' ""1 fdttso. —-Tfiflir jntrotluoeu : 'lb render town nnd city bonds, issued to aid in the construc­tion of railroads, taxable in the towns ntttl cit­ies for wliich thoy were issued. m

By Mr. Bridges— Amending the revised stub ntna relative to tiro, filing of mortgages. -

Consolidatingolectioii districts in Kdmeston. Tlie hill fixing tho-am ount to fco paid 011

policies of insuranco was reported adversely,nnd roport ngrecd to . , .

Bills passed: Relative to tlio compensation of couiily elejlfcff and requiring tbetri to a c t as court erfers and post list of fees.

Mr Hepburn, from the conference commit­tee on the apportionment bill, presented it re­port and moved font it bo agreed to, and on that motion0 moved the previous question, whicli was refused— 50 to 54.

Mr. Baker moved to lay foe- report on Uio table, nnd called foff the yens fiud nays. .- Many mombera explained their votes against

the motion. Ute main reason-being th a t i t would probably result in the defeat of nny bill foT ap­portionment. The motion was lost—34 to fifi.

The vote was .then taken on agreeing t» tho report—members explaining as their_ names were called, some denouncing i t a s unconstitu­tional, yet voting fb r i t ; others, with more re­spect for their oaths arid the qonstitution, Vot­ing against it. .The following aro- specim ens:

Mr. G rady: The equity and justice of allow­ing two members of Assembly ’to "Washington county with 48,080 population and denying two members to the 52,000 population afSuBoIk was something iio would be unable to satisfac­torily explairuto hfe constituents. This plain violation of right and the constitution is, now- ever, all that foe RepubliiSm pariyy pretending to represent the virtue an d morality of tbe country, would offer, and the oaths m ust be-Itiiil-nrAia and-the-bflkinsssed:-----------------------

Mr. Mann said when wbat was known as the Hepburn bill was before th e House, lie had yo-, ted fo r it, although he" was not satisfied w ith it. He vvas not satisfied with th is bill. There were- inconsistencies in ff that could n o t bo-explain­ed, Lilt some rcapporfa'omnent should be made arid he should therefore support this, the ouly measure before/the legislature.

Mr. Douglass, believed in regard to Kings

AUlaicrAferry* BliiymSMjiiier, Bteolrantcre,..,, m, Tfeviti, i v p t irU in ,, )H bim ffl?sak«r-20;

Dcmocnilu i n l lo 0 la m u i e V m ,

ThursfoY ^ p i f M 0 - S e t ato,—Bjfo- ilueed: 'R ela te to n s ewwieite highway ife, b a r* '' '[F e tm ife pmbUfe assensed to .work ten f _ hours a day 011 th e Irrghways, andr overseers to credit, them with- tlie -extra, iiours. • •,. t

To prevent the, adiiiteratioq of, bread, [De- 1 signeij to pitevomt. the use of al*® iriforead-, __ .makipgitor i n th e cainpouAd m terdedfor-uaq " ,in leavening br'eaffi. «j , . .

fils passed; Providing. jqi’'foe(liscliarge of

ttctomortgages. ' * & •Making a n appropriation for tlie Soldiers’ ■

and sailors’ H om e at Hath- . ,.The bill i u relation to assessments and taxa-‘

tion was farther, considered.- In tlie course-of - the debate o n the bill, . t , s

.Mr. Sessions said h e was of th e opinion that the- Senate, was competent fo mafeo a conscien­tious and determined effiprt to. reetlfy - the Tax­ation laws. Jfewas nooaeniy'tq corporations; he was tho ir friend. The railroads are tlm )pride of the -State. Thoy have, doifcg more t o . , devclop-iteAndiisfcrics tliaii any 'offer, corpora-- ' , tion. Tlio people have got.the jirtpression that these corporations do not Bear tboir shnre of taxation. The.pJresent law is>undoiibtedly de­fective. Possibly tliis ML does nc! rem edy a ll , evils. I shall be tie last wlim t o make a raid , on c-brpoi'aUon’s, tout 1 -do believe that alt kinijn of properly§houl<l stand pn equal righ ts and ‘ bear equal buffiitos. In New York c i t^ life iimurauue eoiiipamte* with a capital pte$195,. 0.18,000, pay no personal ta x ; foe real'ertateef these couipaixies i s assessed at $20,1- 41’,584^~ - * The fire atuLmarimoins'ni'aiico ooriijiafifes, wifo capital and assets- Cf SG8A39,334ri;iiy a person­al tax whioh would be ail assessiiLunt un about . $9,OQO,OOli.- Their real estate ’la assessed at Slfi^B.HriO. (Vrtaia .railroads w ith' a capitalstock of $134,390,0H» aw jisseSsedon pereonal property $3,897,995. 'Jheir real estate is- val­ued at $5,420,080- Trust coin[ianw8 w ith a cap­ital of $10,13t);ue» are assessed less than $1 ,000,- 000. M iscullaiieons ooi|)oratioiis. with a uni­ted capital o f $21 (1,080,228 are assessed at $13,- fr| I v. fjn.iiiaiilaiirjimqMKitioiis-andAsiw

< © “7Vo or three "walki"Sts"liavc died with- ffi a week, and some otliem, are laid up . The “craze” is about over.

JJ© “The debt of the U nited States was dm creased, nearly nineteen..millions duriii; year 1878.

^ ^ S e e fourth page for an-interesting ue* count of the Great Flood in Hungary.

$ © “Tho Governor having signed tfie Connty Treasurers bill, i t is now a law.

I © " An attem pt vvas made upon the life of the Oznr of Russia on Monday.

*© *Fivo per cent -city bonds sold in A l­bany on Monday for 106. --v-- . - . ' ' , , *•'*

There are ,rumors in Pennsylvania o f anoth­er coal combination.

Queen Victoria has $9,(900,000 worth of roy­al plate in her castle of AViudsor. * Thia collec­tion includes a gold service fo r 140 persons ore derqd by George IV , a shield formed o f snuff- boxffl worth; — . . . . . -Ann " ' r" ' f ’000’ Joton p istes worth $50,000, an Indian peacock of .precious Steues valued a t $150,000, and Tipjtoo’s footstool, a tiger ahead with a .fo h d ingot of cold for his: toMtue-' ' _ '

l ’he'L ittle Falls Jou rna l calls attention to ih efao t that one whole tew irah/p-exeept a few aei«i—m the county of Hefkimw, the towu of f " um urt consisting of 30,ffi)8' acres, is nowad- foctfoted forBalfeby fo o « * i|,tro lle r of tire stoic

or lesafoanono.ceut yter acre. 'ITna»b as eheap, Wo ima­gine, aa fend wae ev«ri Bokl anbwheforand i t is jremarkablo enough that i t is situated in the v « y heart of- the empire state.; Ihese lands; were Bold two yeGra ago for the fton-paymcnt o f ta**B,.and the wde w in be eonaumiuated in Oo- tober n«(t,Ainle« thej.priBin*t owners redeemfosm m tV toeaiL V ffiW 1.

uiations with a ca-pital uf $18,1 OS, 125 ,aro as­sessed $781,215, 'There a re otlier uaiscellaiiu oub corpomtions o f lesser iinporta-iice num ber­ing two or threo hundred, wifo an estimated aggregate capital .of $1©,151,006, whioli hy ' aomo hook o r urDuk, more hook than croo.k, manage to escape tifxatioft entirely, H ere we have corpurations with an aggregate capital of $800,000,090, wldcli are assessed $57,915,934. ■ Here we have in the citv o f New Tork eorpu- rations auioiiiitiup; in value to about eight-erov ■ cnths of all thu real and personal property in foe city, and nut paying one-tweirtioth part of the taxes. 1 do not expect, sir, tlia t the Sen ate can or will decide so weighty a m atter in one day. B u t suone steps should nnquestion.i bly be taken-

Tho bill was set duwn for. Thursday next. Holise.—Bills Jn tro d n ced :, Legalizing the

acts of certain jnstices'of th e peace.- solvency t o life ins. companies, foils passed: Amending act relative to the.

powers of justices of th e peace in iasutng exeeu- . tions after foeir term s'of ofBoo ha^o expired'. “

Amending tho general snpervisora act. Amending the act fixing the compensation

of county judges and surrogates.•Relativo to . tlio interests o f husband raid wile "

in iamfe in ec-Ttain tstses.' - ■ Relatjvu to tho election o f officem in certam

BchooLdistriets,Mr. Case moved to recommit' tbo bill. As

he understood it, tliis bill authorized the em­ployment of about fifty additional officers. It provides tliat in villages o f 580 population or more, special school commissioners may be ap pointed a t a salary of $800 por y®ir, tho same tu betaken from the U .S . Depoeit Fund.-.. 'There wns no demand for th e bill, and heltoped it would bo recommitted.

Mr. Sherman said b e hoped tlie motion to recommit would prevail. There were seven villages in th e Stato now under special lawn having tluwi special commissioners. T h is bill simply meant an 'annual expenditure o k $ ll uuu for wliich thunecouItl lxiiscareeJyany valid benefits derived. T lraraare now county com­missioners to look after these lastttem, nnd there is no reason for tliis increase- snd rorffti- ; sion of officials. °. The iriQfim tu ixNioiiimiMvft^agr^i’iLfo--

a- Fridqv~A '[ml.rlA ,'^J3riiirtu^RniP:7Blrodii- — ccd : To arithorizo the issue of Stato bonds jo provide m eans to finish llie -CaprtoU ond to subm it tho question to the people nt tho next general electron. | l t authorizes tJw issue of $3AO(>,OtiO of 5 per cent lo ad s payable in four affiffallmcntfc'at intervoto ol three yeara. tlm first to become due in 1882-

F o r tlie moro effectual protection o f fruit growenta [ft makes th o penalty for garden- thieving nr ftuo of not less than $S0 n o r more than $ 2_">0.<)r 710 tloya1 uupvisoiHww-t.or lioth. -

The bill, to enable vills'ges to ealend tlieir corporate liu iits fo r health purposea. wns lost ' - 1 6 to 7—n o t a luajorifcyof the Senate. Re- considered and laid, ou foe table.

Adjourned till.MRhiday evening mtR o ’clock.* Hortse.—Bills introduced ; To prw tent ru n ­

ning and walking m atches a n d exhibitions.F o r th e better protection of tlio traveling

public, [Confers police p e re tao n railroad con­ductors and brakenxcn, anil requires them fo a r­rest all persons on railroad trains playing games of chance for money or o ther stakes

A motion to take from the table thh motion to reconsider tiro voto b y vlircli the adverse re -. port of the canal cominiittco o n foe canal-rail- road bill was ngrecd to, was carried- T lio bill —which Mr. A lvord denounced as “simply a scheme of intriguing men tosteal th e ten or fif­teen millions o f property thnt tlie S ta te Owns itt foe oarial bed”— proposes to grant to foo Bufialo, Syracuse au d A lbsny railrexail compa­ny foe 'righ t to acquire a u d use the hanks of the Erie canal for foio purposo o f constructing a railroad for loeoniolrves Yot towing bests. The motion to reconsider was lost —30 to ©.

T he House b ill to regulste the practice of dentistry was reported adversely, axul agreed 4m-and tlre-Seu itrbS t ori the Adhjecb reported.

The bill relativo t o the im uufactureaudsale • o f patent medicines was reported adversely and report tabled. . b “

Mr. Sloan, in' presenting 4 rep o rt relative to the assessment o t real a n d personal property, ‘ said, early in th e session tho House lmd adop t­ed a resolution rtjm estfeg the ways aaid m eans '

county as foe gentleman from Roclcland did in reference to Wesfehester. I t was a dircet vio­lation of the* constitution, b u t there was noth­ing to do hu t td y o te for th e bill.

M r. Bridge* was compelled to vote for th e bill, hut should dp so with; reluctance. He be­lieved itw as gotten up . in the political inter­ests o f certain ^individuals. H e .d id .riot feel th a t i i was a fa ir aud cqmta blo apportioiuneiit-, as required by the constitution. The map of his owri distriot—-Otsego, Madison and Herki­mer—waka natural curiosity,arid the man who invented it had im eye For the beautiful and woqderful. H e .was nevertheless forced to Vote for foe re p o rt.' • ‘

Mr.-Skinner said th e llpusc cftnm ittee Iiad dece its duty in the m atter, b u t in foe confer­ence ........ .rnple on which i t had breed its fortner action. On tho final passage Of this bill he was willing to consider it as lie would any and every other bill. He should ask himself is ff fa ir? * Is i t righ t? Is i t ju s t? If he could not'answer these

>m foe affirmative 011 a bill he could no t sup- & ’a 'bill th a t gives two members to

45,000 population in one. section of the Stato, and h iit one member to 60,000, in another fair right, or ju st ? He thought not, and could-not favor it. . • - '

M f. Sheard d fd lib t believe in foe Assembly apportionment. He ooMidereof i t indefensible aud,covud not approve i t in any way or lMtMf- ner, bu t lie was in favorof some roapportioii-, ment and was compelled to favor, this. As to

* was wo-r-foe Senate (h'strtetfe *La foy of attention, Hia Owu- district was,cs]>e- eialiyjiote-worthy, 'l ho map of it wns sura- oicnt to condemn iff and he defied any member

;to trace the Otsego .distriot on paper anij then face foe people and defend it- . ^

Mr. Brooks said he voted against tbia bill becauso it was aa unjust as it was unconstitu­tional ; because itw as a direct violation of th a t articfe of the constitution which requires the Stote to be rcapportionefl « rn c » t as may bro according to the population, because it denies repreaentatifiu to over 8f>,0(M> inhabitants of foe fiity of New A orie, to rover 54,900 of tlio couu- ty Of Kings, while it gives an extra mCmber to 7,0rf0 in St taWrertoo and 12 000 in TVafoui*. tom If this m not a n qneonstittttfotMlI a r t then an unconstitubonal sot- never m n and never will bo porfonned.

Tjio report was agreed to A id the: bill passed ■ 92 to 29 Tlie following voted against foe bill

Xtcnra Maker. Beckwith, Brediey. B reaux ffm i. C »dr™ C inn»n, Ohlck«rtBf CJaA t w T ? STr*-

requesting tlie ways aaid m eans committee to report some plan of monj equ ita ­bly distributing tlie taxation o f the S tale. The, committee a t once entered upon that -work: and i t had diligently contiimed it. Thero nerd ma­n y things to consider. . W hile i tw a s h u e th a t Much property was escaping . i t s proportion of foe burdens or th e State govommeht, "there was danger on foe other hand of going too fa r and driving capital froin tour State, i t m s neces­sary to protect and fofeter foe aatorestsof all.—I t was not claimed that foo b ill w aa perfect.T h at could not b e expected, b u t he hoped it m igh t prove the basis of soriie immediate steps to remedy foo present abuses. 'Hie bill was n o t prepared by any individual, hut ffiembra, ced.the sugzostiona and waa th e w o rltb f foe tlioiight and deUlvvAtiojis ofevery' meitiBer of the committee. The corafoittee had also u r - cefved much assiataiiee o f Vlie S ta te Assesaore arid, other gentlemen^ including Hoik, George IL Andrews, Tax Comiiiisaioner AYliecler aud J . H. S trah an i^ Now "Yot*k. He hoped, it w ould be found a practical afcep tow ard tax reform . I

Petitions: For taxinj railroad bonds in foe town where issued. 'B yM r. Bridges-^Forifoo consolidatioix.(!f eieotion districts fe Edinostou.

Adjourned till Monday- evening 8"o’clock.Monday, A p ril 14A8 **._ s.— 8euat«.-.Scv-

cral biUs wtsre considered in committee o f the whole and ordered to th ird reading, among- tlio number the one authoriiiug.fl.e commissioners n ro tc g o to payovcr certaiu surplus moneys.

H ouse,-B ills passed: Providing a r.ethod of paying taxes in to lbo State treasury- -

Relative to accounts of overseer of ffio poorAbolishing the. use of -weffeh looks on tho

canals. _Tor tho promotion o i medical science!

Jtelativo td the piynxcnt o f railroad bonds is sued by fou tow pof 1 ittflold and w veial towns m e th e r eountiw, • -n>

M r L u rtis in explanatioa of his vote/rMjll 10 believed this was th e begmamgof a-wfeenM)

of repudiating $8^000 (KM l a a i ^ m 4 * o « tbu Midland Its faco propoBffnla wm «U8ing o f moueb-by ^ towru u n lit tW was due insteail o f grswhtUly »oomanl«*,« *fund for that purpoK -=— —

A S a r j a a -

biff and Shottktlw* v -I l _ L u r « u IK* (° -B4 *uk1 a motion l-i .0 -

w k ' m i m f a *