twit the wttfraska herald b...the wttfraska herald it rvm8hbd wnm bt hathaway st seybolt 'k. t....

THE WttfRASKA HERALD it rvM8HBD wnm bt HATHAWAY St SEYBOLT 'k. T. BaTBAWAY. OEO. L. ItTBObT 47- - Office corner Main and Second street, end story. TERMS .Weekly, 82.00 per annum if paid in advance. . tZJSO it not paid in advance. Dr Blue, of the Nebraska City Neien, is not of the Dr. Miller utripe of politi- cians who think it a religious duty they 'owe their party to abuse every Republi- can official in the country, and charge corruption upon them without regard to facts. It docs not endorse the whole- sale charges of the Omaha Herald 'against Dr. Larsh, and docs not credit 'the report that he is cruel to his patients and neglects tbeui. Dr. Blue says : 'Pr. Larsh is known auieng his old Neighbors in Nebraska City as one of the 'most humane and successful physicians." The Omaha Herald is just as likely to become Republican as we are to turn Democratic; whilo it makes not the least difference on which side of politics auch a paper as the Plattsmouth Herald array itself. And, moreover, in spite of the feeble and chronic yelping of- - puch curs, we propose to recognize politiral integrity, and to excoriate political corruption wherever we find it, though our dctmn ciation of wrong shall offend it and its master at Lincoln. Omaha Triblican. It may "make not the least differ- ence" to the Republican, under Mr. Thomas' management, "on which fide of politics such a paper as the Platts-mout- h Herald arrays itself," neither does it make much difference to Mr. Thomaa as to "which fide of politics" he arrays his own paper, if we may judge from the course he has pursued since his ddrcnt in our State. There was : a time when it was different with ' the Repukhcan, and when it wai looked upon as the exponent of the principles of the Republican pa.ty. But under its present editorial management it has be- come a weakness to the party which it pretends to champion ; and Mr. Thomas has doDO more, perhaps, than any other ono man in the State, in the same length of time, to disorganize the Republican party. Ia fact it is currently reported in this vicinity, and generally belie ed, that his weak-knee- d and vasciluting cause as a Republican, an J the damage he has caused the Republican party in the State, has become so distasteful to the loyal stockholders of t he journal that they have decided to dipenc with his services so soon as they can legally do so. We know nothing as to the truth of this report, but we do know that if they have not "decided upon this course it is high time they had. Whether or not it makes any difference which side of politics the Herald arrays itself, we do know the Herald, unlike the editor of the Re- publican (we do not say the Republican, for that paper under the editorial man- agement of Mr. Balcomb, and other editors prior to Mr. Thomas, was a gen- uine Republican ehcet) never was array- ed on any other thin the "' ' i i j : i pokert and fearless in its denunciation of "shysters" and political demagogues, hence it offends all that class of men, and docs not seek their good will. There is one very significant fact, which we mention for the benefit of thoe who may wish to know it, that Cass is the only river county in Nebraska that ilect-e- d a straight Republican ticket at the recent October election. We do not claim that the Herald wan the cause of this, but if the paper has any influence in politics it is evidently on the light side It has been iutiinated to us, by a very tto-iri- d Republican who ought to know, that the secret of Mr. Thomas' hostility to the Herald was because of this very result. Perhaps it is so we hall not pretend to say. HOUSE IIULUISU I.M.I3HOLX. House building in a general way has made Lincoln a large and beauti- ful town. But there is housebuilding oing on there in a particular way. as there has been before,' which demands public attention, aud shall receive it Whereupon we proceed to inquire who are the "contractors" that are building Mr. (ialey'a house? What "contractors," if any, are build- ing a houso for Acting Governor James? Where does the money and material come from out of which these Sue houses arc being constructed ? Don t all speak at once, but let us hare a little light Oil these dark subjects. Omaha Herald. Now, 'we submit to all candid and fair minded men if the above is the proper way for a newspaper to treat men of any kind, either as individuals or as servants of the people. It matters not who aro the contractors for either of these buildings. The only question is whether or not the State is being wroDged, or whether ' Acting Governor James is guilty of any misdemeanor in conse- quence of these contracts. . If the Her nld knows of any "wrong in this matter it is iu duty as a public journal to state tchat that icrong in; but it is not manly to insinuate that some one is guilty of wrong doing unless there is actual grounds therefor; and if there are grounds sufficient to warrant any men- tion at all theafc shouM be given, and not a mean insinuation thrown out, cal- culated to' injure the parties concerned without giving them any chance for de- fense, because there is no accusation made. If the Herald knows of any- thing out of the way in the contracts above mentioned, let it speak out inan-full- y and it shall have our support and assistance in proclaiming and exposing the wrong, regardless of who it hurts ; but we cannot look on in silence at such underhanded thrusts as the above. Peter B. Sweeny has with drawn from political life, never to be a re Peter. That Jamaiea child-eate- r clearly had a large maw-gag- e on the human family. The editor of a magazine in New York city has recived MSS. from persons who say that they "have had no experience in writing; no intellectual training of any kind in fact; but want to tn.ikc money by iheir pens, so as to be able to give tLeui--elv- e thoLed'aticn which they feel the y fw4 so much iu Deed of." nil TWiT VOL. 7, flow nbwul the Ntbraika fruit. The November issue of Tiltton's Jour- nal of Ilorticxtlt tire, Boston, Mass., in giving an account of the proceedings of the American Pomological Society, at Richmond, Va., says: "As was well remarked by the presi- dent in his address, in speaking of the changes which have taken place during the existence of this society, 'States and sections of the Union which were scarce- ly known by name, now confribute noble fruits to grace our exhibitions, and noble men to join us in efforts for the pro- motion of the public good;' and it was gratifying to know that the highest pre niiuru for the best collection of fruits, which two years ago was awarded to Kansas one of these youthful States was this year carried off by her still more youthful sister, Nebraska ; and this pr ze of one hundred dollars, generously offered by the Virginia State Agricultur- al Society, with equal generosity donated by the Nebraska delegation to the Ameri- can Poiiiological Society. Besides this collection from Nebraska, where fourteen years ago, not a single fruit tree of any kiud was grown, was other noble collec- tions." . LOl'IS AND THE XOHTil WEST. We have reliable information from Omaha that the various express com- panies have adopted the following charges to that point from this city and Chicago: From Pt, Louts, per 100 pound.....- - ..$- - 75 From Chicago, per 100 pounds..- .- 3 50 Discrimination in favor of Chicngo ....SI 25 The distance from this city to Omaha by rail is something less than from Chi- cago by rail, and the discrimination thereby becomes more marked. Some standaid which will guarantee a unifor- mity in freight, express and passenger tariffs should be adopted by carriers and adhered to, that the entire population which such carriers serve may be equally advantaged. The discrimination, as shown above, is a fatal one to our busi- ness with Nebraska, and the express companies, in maintaining it, proclaim themselves to be enemies of St. Louis. St. IjouU Democrat. The way to remedy this is for St. Lou- is to show herself a friend to her own interests, and to push through the Ne: braska Trunk Railroad to Plattstnoutb. The building of only 75 miles of railroad on this line will give St. Louis direct connection with all points in Nebraska, and render her freights and express cheaper than that of Chicago. i . i "SOT TO TASrT" "Not too fat" says the World in re- gard to disbar ding the Democratic party. And that's what we say Go slow. If one third of the Republican party is, as wo believe, opposed to the of Gen. Grant, let them join us on fair terms ami defeat him. But "not too fast. '' Omaha Herald. No, "not too fast;" but just fast enough to slrow that you are ready for any move that would give you public plunder. Twc-ihir- ds of the Demo- cratic papers of the - west have already declared in favor of disbanding the party and accept the principles laid down byv the Republican party. Who believes them honest ia this? The principles of the Republican party were the same ten years ago teat they are to day. rnoM Wisconsin. We take the liberty of publishing the following private letter from our friend John Manly, and trust he will pardon us for so doing. We can assure friend Manly that the request made of our lo- cal will be carefully complied with. "Richard in himself again," for which we all feel glad : Cascade, Wis., Nov. 21, 1871. Friend Hatha way, Editor Herald: Dear Sir: Oa leaving Plattsmouth, about a ear and a half since, I be- lieve I paid you a little on subscription for that welcome guest of mine the Her- ald, but not enough to insure its com- ing anything like the time it has already come. For past favors I enclose you the subscription price for one year, and shall be glad to receive the Herald as long as I shall feel able to pay for it ; and when I don't feel so disposed I shall drop you a note and say stop. I have several papers about me, but none that 1 pick up with more interest than I do the Herald. I am pleased to learn from it- - columns that your Fitz. is still progressing with building railroads ; but I am very sorry to learn from the last number that my friend R. C. Cushing is in suth delicate health. But before this comes to hand I hope you will be able to report that the Lord will have restored him to health again, so that in the next I shall hear that "Richard is himsrlf affain.'' I also see by your reports that the B. & M. is progressing rapidly. Well, you have all of you my best wish- es, even the" Herald, Republican as it i.. I b'ke to read it, but it couldn't save the Governor. Don't let up on those Salt Land Thieves ! Show up cor- ruption everywhere in every ring and every corner, and you will have lots of friends. I am just closing out a job of work on the Milwaukee & Northern R. R., be- tween Milwaukee and Green Bay ; will hnisu this week. There was forty miles under contract this season, commenced in September. The grading is about done and the track will be done about Christmas. And now, before I close, I must ask a favor of your local. Yours truly, Jonx Manly. France has four professors teaching the Chinese and Japanese languages, and Germany ten. The Buffalo courts hold that living with a woman 39 years, is as good, in the eyes of the law, as marrying her. A Terre haute man refused to pay for the funeral notice of his mother-in-la- Some men would pay for such a thing with pleasure. A l.idy correspondent wishes to know the nieaiiiri;; of 'Vtag "parries." They aro cntaiuuieiits where bucks usually get enough additional bom? to make them tagger. B.MA PLAT.TSMOUTH NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, IS7I. Gold in the chest is no better than granite in the mountain: all the money the child of God needs will be supplied". Tilton says Victoria Woodhull is "a green leaf, and her legion of relations are caterpillars who devour her" The cater- pillars should be encouraged. An exchange pithily remarks: "Men eat too much, fret too much, exercise too little, and then drink whisky. I jet them turn themselves into the fresh air, eat simple food, sleep enough, and they will be more healthy." Says Dr. Guthrie :" "If you want to keep a dead man, put him in whisky ; if vou want to kill a liv- ing men, put the whisky into him." It is a good thing to heKere; it is a good thing to admire. By continually looking upwards, our minds will them- selves grow upwards ; and as a man, by indulging in . habits of scorn and con- tempt tor others, is sure to descend to the level of what he despises, so the op- posite habits of admiration and enthusi- astic reverence for excellence impart to ourselves a portion of the qualities we admire. New York is working out her poli- tical salvation with fear and trembling. The election last week resulted in the breaking of the Tammany Ring, and an encouraging triumph of honesty against fraud. But the battle is only begun; those who have grown rich on the public funds will not readily yield their hold upon the purs strings. A few days since a commission mer- chant of Chicago received the following dispatch from one of his customers re- siding in a section of the country where the news of the fire ha,d not reached : "What can you do for me with GOO bushels of potatoes?" To which he replied : "Eat 'em." Your children will be more animated to vigor, perseverance, and the more they witness your exer- tions to provide for your future welfare. There are few who can witness the daily display of parental and provident care without having the de-ir- e treated wi hin them of doing something for themselves. "A thrifty father,' says a Hindoo prov- erb, "may have an extravagant son, but a diligeut father rarely has an idle son." It has recently been stated in a public lecture, that no man ever raised himself to eminence who was not willing to give more than an equivalent for his wage or who stopped to eouut the hours. The careers of James Watt, if cwsre Stephen- son, and other eminent mechanics, fully support ilia accuracy of the above state- ment, and at the preseut time there are in Philadelphia many engineers, ma- chinists and manufacturers, possessing handsome fortunes, who commenced life as industrious work men in what the world would consider an humble position, and who have attained their well-know- n dis- tinction by not sparing themselves in their efforts to labor conscientiously. A Chicago letter contains this interest- ing episode: Rev. Robert Collyer, of the Church of the Unity, Unitarian called his peo- ple together last Sunday, and preached over the ruins of his noble house. He expressed the hope that the same tender ties of love which had bound them to- gether would not now be broken. He knew that there would be nn utter im- possibility to rebui'd the church in the same magnificent style as the one jut destroyed, but he urged that some p ace might be secured, no matter how hum- ble, where they could all gal her together as of old, and together send upward to heaven prayers and songs of praise and thauksgjving. He hoped that he m'cht be retained as pastor, and he thought that he would be as cheap a man as they eeuld find. lie had once preached for 75 cents a year, and he could do f o again. He could stil! make as good nails and horc shoes as any man that stood before an anvil, and he was willing to do so again if nececssary. One of our exchinges is accountable for the following highly amusing state- ment. Gray hairs in Wilmington, must be exceedingly troublesc uie at this time: Down ia Wilmington some time aso an um man wno was very leeu.e was helped across a crowded street by a youth of tweuiy. A month after the old man died, and as an expression of gratitude he left the youth $40,000. And now no old mans life is sal'a in AVil nington. All the young men have their ambition excited, and as soon as any venerable man appears on the side walk, a dozi-- chaps rush at him grab him by the trowsers and the collar and the back of the hair, and try to carry him across the street whether he wants to go or not. When he gets there a lot more fasten on him "and send him back again, aud then pre- sent their cards. So the old men in Wilmington are having a livejy time now, and chey have got to tack up the street whenever they go qpt for a walk. We have heard of many amusing in- stances of the impudence and wit of the legal profession, but nothing lately more amusing than the following from Cedar Rapids Times: A few days since, an important case came up for adjudication in Mt. Vernon, in which a leading leal light from the county seat end one from an adjoining county were Attorneys in Chief. Much difficulty was had in securing a jury, owing to the rejection of most every ouo called by the Attorneys. Finally, one of Mt. Vcruon's best und most substantial citizens was called, when the county seat Attorney asked. "Do yau find any fault with him sir?" "No," replied his an- tagonist, "I guess he'll do, I don't think yon can buy him." Jumpins to his feet like a i.itch ball tov man with n bullet for ballast and looking his com petitorin the eye most ferociously, the county seat lawyer indignantly asked, "Do you think vou eau buv rue sir?" The other deliberately took out his wal- let, hunted through it carefully, then searched leisurely through his pockets, then straightening himself up, with a look of ming'ed disappointment and dis- gust, "No sir, I don't think I can to day, a I have nothing smaller than a five cent nicklewiili me." The effect upon the audience and the man from the county seat, we leave our readers to imagine. Potter Palmer say3 that by the 1st of uanuary ne intends, to La getting $40,-00- 0 in rents from tenantson the first floor of his State street hotel near Monroe. He will work in full force during the winter ou the structure, and when he canuot lay mortar will, lay cement. By June or J uly next he expects to have the fourth floor of the building complete, and "as high up as that occupied by guests." Mr. Palmer has already commenced preparing for laying the foundation for a five-stor- y cia;b!c front buil ling on State 6treetx opposite his hotel, ai-- fnr the erection on Monroe between Wabash avenue and State treetj of a magnifi- cent building, to be occupied by Allen & Mackey. Chkogo Joxinoh To lcvelpc Tnlent. Place a man in a position that will fearfully taxiiim and try him a position that will often bring the blush to his cheek and the sweat to his brow, a peti- tion that will overmaster him at times, and cause him to rack his brain for re- sources. Place him in a position like this; but every time he trips go to his rescue ; go not with word of blame or censure, out go with manful words of en- couragement; look him boldly in the eye, and speak them with soul and emphasis. This is the way to make a man of a boy, and a giant of a man. If a man has pluck and talent, no matter whether he ever filled a given position or not, put him in it, if worthy, and he will soon not only fill it, but outgrow it. But put one in a position with a faint heart this is the way to kill him. Put him in grand-lv- , with most unmistakable confidence. Drop no caveats but boldly point the way, and then stand by with a will and coun- tenance of a true friend. Thus try twen- ty men, such as have been named, and nineteen will succeed. The present month is said by the New York Mail to be the most u: lucky in the year. The man born this month; it is asserted, will have a handsome face and florid complexion ; he wiil be wick- ed iu his youth and always inconstant 4 he will promise one thing and do another, and always remain poor. The lady born in this month will be pretty, coquettish, a little given to contradiction and a lit- tle given to wine. Parties contemplat- ing being born ia November will take due notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. In the execution of a recent deed by a man and his wife, the wifewas taken aside, before the acknowledgment was made by the Commissioner, who in the usual form asked : "Do you execute this deed freely, and without fear or compulsion of your husband ?"' Fear of of my husband !" exclaimed the wife, "I've had live husbands and never was afraid of any one of them." A gentleman traveling in Kurope writes of seeing $250,000 worth of Eu-tenie- 's jewels in pawn at London. There were tiaras, necklaces, twolarge anchors, of diamonds, and about five inches long; lot of brooches, one being a butteifly, the body of whith was a large opal, about two inches long, aud the wings set upon spring, and inside of diamonds, rubies and cniiralds. There was a wonderful necklace, of black peails the only one in existence each being about as large as a marrowfat pea ; a'so an emerald cross, quite unique, the emer- alds being oblong and set cdre to edge, nothing between, and alout six inches the long part of the cross, and one each side of the centre, to form the arms; this was about four and a half inches long. Two ear-ring- of diamonds, the very purest, but each cut like a drop of water, and hung pendant and swinging from the small end, several ear-ring- s, all large diamonds, and six diamond rings, one a superb one, worth 100. A writer in the American edition of Chambers' Edinburg Journal, published before the fire, stated that in the neigh- borhood of Chicago are enormous de posits of "oil-bearin- g limestone," ef which many houses are built. Inspired by this suggestion numerous papers are discussing at the cast whether the fury of the fire, and the rapid demolition of all our stone structures, were not owing to the use of this bitu- minous stone. Various buildings are cited, and their speedy destruction lool-c- upon as proof that the intense boat under which they yielded, was due to the presence of the oil in the stone. To all of which it is only necessary to state that the supposed oil bearing stone was not used ia this city, except in some cases for found a ions, which are all intact, and that the only structure of any size built of that material was the Second Presbyterian Church, the walls of whioh are all standing and did not crumble or melt under the heat. The stono mainly used was the Athens marble, a limestone formation, handsome, easily worked which had becomtj a favorite with build- ers. Until this fire it had exhibited no special incapacity to resist heat. Chi- cago Tribune.. We are pleased to see that Professor M'Graw, of tho Detroit Medical, Col- lege, imparted to the last graduating class some of his excellent ideas in re- gard to the general aspect of a physi- cian's office He says: " I have been in doctor's offices where a skull grinned f om tne corner, ghastly anatomical plates hung from the walls, and splints, suggestive of broken bones, were placed conspicuously iu every corner. What a delightful recting-plac- e lor a sick woman visions of death, disease, and injury greeting her ou every side I Now, gen- tlemen, make your offices pictures cf comfort and cheerfulness. Banish from them every sign of your professional oc- cupation, so that your patients may en- ter them not only without disgust, but with actual elevation of heart." If there is any place which should be made bright and cheerful, and contain something in- teresting and amusing to tbe mind, it is the rooui where patients are td:en com- pelled to wait an hour. We have often seen them, weary and restless, with nothing to do but to gloomily reflect on the ills their flesh is heir to, growing each moment more impatient, and feel ing evidently twice as sick as when they first entered the . unattractive room. Without exception, the pleasantest physician's office we ever entered was that of Dr. 1) , a weil kno wn practi- tioner of Boston. Books, flowers, paint- ings, engravings, rare and beautiful cu- riosities, handsome carpets and furniture, luxurious sofas and ray-chair- s: wi h these the rooms were filled : and our time of waiting swemed neither long nor te- dious. All physicians cannot afford such abounding luxuriance; but there i3 no reason why pleasant books and maga- zines and cheerful pictures should not be found in the waiting-roo- m of every physician. Active passive and neuter. To be. to do, to suffer. The Democrats have con- cluded that they have nothing to do but to be passive and suffer. Ft. Scott Mo- nitor. The smart Democrats have concluded not to be passive and ruffer. They say that if they are to be asked to endorse Republican principle and vote for Re- publican candidates, they prefer to take the "original statu ped-on- -t he bottle," instead of a bogus and disgusting imi- tation. The Republican party will thus absorb all the good ma'eiialof the De- mocratic organization, and at the same time purge itsdf of soreheaJs anil rene- gades, whose connection with it is the only weak point in its splci id organi- zation. Atchison Champion. TELEGRAPHIC CaiCAGOs Chicago, Nov. 28. Up to this date the Chicago relieand aid society has received $2,508,000 in cas'i, for the benefit of the sufferers by the great fire. The contributions came from forty states and territories. SEW YOiSli New York, Nov. 2g. Judge Bedford has denied the motion to quash the imlsctruent against Haggerty and Batch, charged with stealing vouch- ers from the comptroller's office, and re- fused to admit them to bail. TI12 grand ju y appointed by Judge Bedford this morning, stated that they were unable to finish their investigation of the charge of fraud against the city officials, because t heir terms of service were drawing to a close. The Judge took the matter under advisement. The difficulty whith Connolly experi- enced in finding bail is due to the sheriff r jeeting many of the persons who have been offered. His friends say the Sher- iff has bjen unnecessarily severe in re fusing men who were fully able to re- spond as sureties. Messrs. Havemyer and.Tilden say that the committee of seventy are not at all pleased with Con- nolly's arrest. It is also stated that his an est was made with the hope that Con nolly would divulge what he knew. At Hunter's Point, yesterda-- , forty catholic children were expelled from the public school, by direction of the com missioners, because they objected to reading the bible. This afternoon the grand duke, ac- companied by his suite, reviewed tbc fire brigade at Tompkins square. The duke has accepted an invitation from Commo- dore Bennett to dine with the New York Yacht Club Saturday evening next. The ducal party wiil visit Montreal on the 12th of December, and Ottawa on the 13th, where the duke will pay his ! respects to the povernor-jrener- al and j thence proceed to Niagara Falls. The treasurer of the Chamber of Com- merce Committee for the relief of the sufferers in Chicago and the Northwest, reports additional subscriptions from the 20ch to 25th inst, amounting to $2,102, making a grand total in all collected by the committee cf $008,473. It is understood that if Connolly' bail U not completed by Wednesday night, he will spend his thanksgiving in Lud- low street j.til. The body found in North river, Friday, was recognized a that of Madam Rhodes, a wealthy lady of New Orleans. Thirteen new small pox cases siuce Monday noon. At a meeting of the committee of 70 to night, the following resolutions were do p ted : Resulted, That for the purpose of to the people of this city the sub- stantial fruits of their victory in there-ce- nt election over coiruption, this coni-mit'- ee propose to usj every lawful effort to secure at the earliest possible moment the removal of the present Mayor from the office he holds. Resokal, That if the Mayor shall con- tinue to defy the express will of the peo- ple, and persist in remaining in official p.osition, committee ot; legislation will be instructed to prepare and present to the legislature, immediately, an account of which shall be sufficient and effectual fo remove him at once, without waiting for the completion of- - the new charter or other remedial measures. Chlcnjjo Produce HarUrt. Chicago November 2S. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat moderately active; opened weak and de- clining, bu advanced and closed firm : No 1 123; No. 2 1 IS; No. 3 1 18 bid; rejected J 0 J. Corn moderately active, and closed firm: No. 2 40; re- jected 3Sj.(7' 39l seller month, Decmber and year 40(aA'l. Oats quiet and lower at 3o( Ml closing at outside; seller De- cember 31(a31r Rye steady fi.m and quiet at (JJA for car lots; sides of Nos. 1 and 2, six cirs at 6IJ. Ba !e - d :!.': No. 2 554.; No. 3 14; sales of 'No. 2, six cars at 55; No. 3 one car, 44.. Pro- visions stronger and a triflo higher for some descriptions. Mess pork epaotable at 1 2 50(rr 1 2 GO cash ; 1 2 50& 1 2 55 De- cember. Lard better and demand firm at c. advance; 83(Vi8 or seller December. thlcaso C'ntUe XnrUct. Chicago, Nov. 23. Cattle dull and neglected; prices no- minal. Hogs active at 10 15a higher; 3 89 ' 4 12. for fair to choice; 4 15(f;4 20 for extra premium grades. St. I.ouIn lroliire STnrkrt. St Louis November 23. Flour firm; suprr winter 5 355 05; ex traCC-VGlO- : XX G25,r, ",5: Whom lower grades advanced; No. 3 Red 1 43; No. 2 1 52. Corn firm; No. 2 in Klc- - vater3j; mixed sack 42 Bailey un- changed. Rye firmer; N?. 2 72( 73. Whisky unchanged. Pork ouiet : io! bing 12 75; dry snlt meats quiet; should- ers 5; G(ftfi; clear GJC63 for order lots; bacon quiet: shoulders 7j: clear packed in gunnies 71. Lard active and firm at 88. THE I SYI P E R 8 A L Fire Insurance Co. OF I.O. l)O.V, Established A D. 1803, Capital ond Cash Afcumulations, Ten Million Dollars In Gold. Chicago Looses all Paid DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. Th reputation and standing which this com- pany has secured during the eixtv-nin- o years it has transartd business thruugaou. the world, together with the large and undoubted security ij offers for all its ob irations. claims for it a shnre of tbe pub ic patronage. Policies secured aad losses paid by II. E PA I TIER. Agent, . Plattsmouth, Neb. Nov. 29. diwtf NOTICE. XWILL furnish parties with stone for building at reasonabl e rates, a t my q uarry or delirereo on the cars at Louisville station- - Th foliowi g kinds can be had on short notice, sills, cap, perch rock, line or rod sand atone such as was uaea by the B.41I.R. the construc- ts i(. ai their stono work. All responsible orders promptly fillrd Address. . J. T. A. HOOVER owlV Louiwtlle Statk-ty- . Sheriffs Said II. A. Waterman ond John Vv'aterma. Jiune U. UoIIhdJ. Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for Site at Public Auction, at the front door oi the Court llotiso in I'luttRuaouth. Ca?s County. Ne- braska, on the 4ili ilny of J.'crember 1ST1, at tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M.of faiil Uuy the following property to wit: The fruine building situated on the West half (.H)of Lot No. twelve (,121 in Block No. thirty (:KJ in ho City of l'lattsmouth in said County of Cns.o; known at) the addition built by Jnmcj K. Holland to the City Hotel, and b in? 2 feet wide by Mi fei--t in length, to be sold ns the pro- perty 01 James K. Holland, on an Order of Ailo on foreclosure of Mechanics lien iu favor of fi. A. Waterman, and John Waterman. is?ued by the LMstriut Court of the 'Zd Judicial District within and for Caes County Nebraska and to me directed as Sheriff of said County. Given under uiy hand this 1st day of Novem- ber A. D 1871. J. W. Johksox. Sheriff. Cuss Co Nebraska. Maxwell & Chapman. Att'ya for Ptff. Nov. 2 w5 Sheriff's SJe. Jacob L. Phillips, against William L. V'elli and Jennie K. Wells. Order of Sale Notiae hereby given that I will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of tho Court House in Piattsmoutb. Cass County, Ne- braska on the :27th day of December A. 1. 1S71 nt tbe hour of two o'clock r u of said day the following K-- al Kstate. to wit : Lot No. Ninette in Block No. Twenty (ill) in the City of Plattinouth Cass Co Nebraska, to be sol, I as tho property of William L. Wc!ls and Jennie K. Weill on an Order ot Sain in favor of Jacob L. Phillips, issued by the Dis- trict Court of the 2d Juiticiul District within anil tor Cass County Nebraska, and to me di rected as Sheriff of said Couuty. Given uner my hand this d day of Novem- ber A. 1). 1871. J. W. JoHxaox, Sheriff. Cass Co- - Nebraska. MhXvkm. 4 CilAritAS Atty's for Pltfl. Nov 'i w 5 Sheriff's Sale. Jairus E. Neal vs T homas Huston Order of Sale. Notice is hereby given, that I will ofTerfor sale at public auction, at the frcnt door of the Court iiouse in Plattsmouth, Cafs county on the 11th day of December A D 1871 at the hour of 2 o'clock pm of said day tho fol- lowing real estate to-w- it : The south west quarter (1.0 of section four (I) in township numberelevcn (11) north- - rvnprc no eleven Ul east of tbe H pm, in Cass county Ne- braska, to be sold as the proper y of Thomas Huston on an order of salo in favor of Jnirus K. Noal is.-ue- by the District Court 2d Judicial District within und for Cuss count: Nebraska and to tne directtd ns Hienffof said county. under my hand this 8th day of Novem- ber AD 1S71. J. W. JOHNSON, .sheriff Cass county Nebraska. Stkvkxfos A IIy waki), Att'ys for ITS nov'Jwa Sheriffs Sale. John Finirhcr. Plaintiff, against John Hess Emciine Hess ic Kugtne Amors, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for sola at Publ c Auction, at tbe fror.t door of the Court House in I'iattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska, on tho 4th day of December A. I'. 1S"1, at the ho.r of 11 o'clock A.M. of said day. tbo following Heal Estate, to wit : Tho undivided one half lUl of the noith half (li of Lot No, Six Block No.Thirtv two (:VJ., in the City of Plattsmouth, 'bss Coun- ty Nebraska; to be sold as ibt property of J hn Hess and Umelino lles-s- . on an Order of Sale in favor of John Finishcr issued by the District Court of the 21 Judici. 1 District within and for Cass County Nebraska and to me directed as Sheriff ot said County. Given under my hand this 1st day of Novem- ber A. D. 1871. J. W. Johnson", Sheriff. Cuss Co. Nebraska. Maxwell x Chapman, Att'ys for l'ltf. Nov. 2 w5 Sheriff's Sale. Tohn n. Clark Plaintiff, vs. P. E. Board ,ly Ellen H. BeKrdsly, J, 11. M. Bcardsly, Char loite K. Bcardaly, and Lucius F. lt.ed. Defends anti. Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for sale at Public A netion. at the front doo cf the Court House iu I'lattsmouth, Cass Cout-.- y Ne- braska, on tho 4th diy of December A. D. 1871, at the hour of Onedj o clock P. M. of said day the following Heal Kstate. to wit: The Norta Kost Quarter of tho Scuth Kan Quarter (Vpof Section No. Nine (9) and the v est half OA) of t e South west Quarter i and the South Kan of the South west yu.irter! of Section No. Ten (li1), in Township o. ten (10) North Kanyc No. Twelve (12) East of the tith P. M. situate in sni l Cass Couniy. to be sold as tbc property f f P. E. Beardsly, Ellen K Beardsly. J. 11. M. Bcards!v, and Charlotte E- - Beardsly. on an Order cf Sale in favor of John 11. Clark, by the District Court of t c'i't Judicial District within and for Case County Nebraska, and to nir directed as Sheriff of said County. Given under luy hand this 1st dny of Novcia-be- r lM7i. J. V. Johssok. Sheriff. Cuss Co.Nehra.-ka- . Maxwell & Chapman. Att'ys lor PUT Nov. 2 wo Sheriff's Sale. Shugart & Lininger 1 nca:n.-- t Execution. C. E. Eorgy J sale at public auction nt the frontdoor of tW uouri nouse in riattsmcuttt on the 3d day ot JanuHiy, A. D. 1872. at one o'clock p. m. ot said day. the following Real Estate, sittia'ed in f c City of Plattsmouth, Cass Co Nebraska, to wit: The undivided One half (d of Lot No. Six'") in Block No. Thir fo7): and tbe undi- vided One hnlf C of Lot No. Ten .h in Block No rNine;; and the undivided One haif(Vj'ot LotNi. Twelve Hi in Block No. Eorty-f- i vr(45) taken as the property of C, E. furry, ou an Execution in favor of Shugart and Lininger. issued by the Clerk of the District Cour. within an i for Cass Co. Nebraska, and to me directed as saeria oi said County. Given under my hand tl.is30th day of Novem- ber A. D. 1171 J. Johnson, Sheriff, . Cam Co. Nebraska. Fox A- -, Fllff Attorneys. Nov. 30 w 6 Sheriff's Sale. F. F. Perry vs. Piatt Saunders-Ord- er of Sale Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for sale at public auction at tbe front door of the Court House in Plattsmouth, Cas county Ne- braska, on the 11th day of December. A. D. 1871 at tho hour of um o'clock p m of said day the following real cHoto to-w- it : Lots seven and eight in block fifty twa in tho city of Plattsmouth, Cass county Nebraska, to be sold as tbc property of Piatt Saunders on an order of sale in lavoi of V. K. Perry, issued by the District Court of the 2d Judicial District within and for Cass county Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff of said county. Given under my hand this 8th cay of Novem- ber 1571. J. W. JOHNSON.:Sherirt Cass county. Neb. Max wfi.l Jt Chapman. Atty's for ITsF. novywi Legal Notice. Notice is hereby triven fhat at the election held in Plattsmouth Precinct, Cuss t. Neb. on the 6th day of October 1S71, pursuant to tbe or-d- tr of tbe County Commissioners of said Coun- ty for the purposo of submitting to the legal voters of sai l Precinct, the question whether said Precint should issue its Bonds to the St. Louis A- - Nebraska Trunk Rail Road Company to tbe amount of 15,UU0. 00 to aid in the con struction of said Rait Road. The question and proposition lor Bonds and Tax so submitted at said election were adopted and carri"d by a ioa jority of 37 votes. Tbe whole number of votes canal said election being 51. The numbcrot votes for ttftiUs and Tax, yes was . 1 he Dum- ber of votes for Bonds and Tax, no wrjt 7. By order of the County Commissioners. Dkxjami Alm.w D. W. McKlVNoy. County Cljrk. Nov2w 2 Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given hatat the election held in Hock L'lutf Precinct. 'aa County. Neb on tbe Gth day of October 1X71. pursuant to the order of the Connty Coin missioners of said Coun- ty, for the purrose of submitting to the J. gul voters of said Precinct, the question whether said Precinct should issue it Bonds to the St Louis and Nebraska Trunk Rail K ad Company to the amount ot (2i.(Hi0iJU to aid in tbe con- struction of said Kail Road The question and proposition for liond and Tax tq submitted at sui.l election wereadop edand carried byji ma- jority of 93 votes. The whole number of votes cast al said election being 121. The number ot rotes for Bonds and iTax yes was 107, and the number of votes for Bond and Tax no was 14. By o der of the Hoard of County Coinmis-ciont-r- s, Eenjamix Alki. D. W. McKinxov. President. County lOierk. Xov23w 2 Estray Notice. Taken up by tbn undersigned on his premis- es, three miles south of Plattsmouth. three head nt Asses. One is a light dun color, the other a dark brown with s dum colored eolt; no narki r braadajveroertibio. Vrv. 14 NO- - 36 Notice of Chattel Kortgags Sale. AlTlicrcss de'ault has been uiaais In the pay- - inent of one promissory rfoffc- - soured by a chattel mortgage daird December HI 1H7'), executed by Edwin W. Brown and Moses Brtwn to Charles Holmes to secure the puj incut of the rum of M .0. and interest at 10 per cent per an- num on or before the 1st day of November P71 that said tnortg.Tgewas duly recorded i'-- Book D of Chattel Mortgages, pages 140 and 147, m tLo Clerk's office of Cas county Nebraska. Tout there-i- s now due on fnid notes and mort- gage the sum ofSkSP.:7. - That the description of tho mortgaged pro- perty which will be offered for sale is "a Mas-sillo- Threshintr Machine nearly new." Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of a power of rule contained in said mortgage I will oh the tit li day of December 1S71, at the hour of one o'clock p in of said day at the front door of the Court House in Platts- mouth Cass county NebrasVa offvr for sale sid Thrcfh inf. Machine descrined in said mortgage, to the highest bidder for cash. CHARLES HOLMES. Mortgagee. By Maxwell Jc Chavvan, Atty'i Novlod20w3 Notice. Notice is hereby given that nt the election held in the citv of i'liittsmouth. Nebraska, on thebth day of October, lsTl, pursuant to the order of the com ion council of sai l city, for the purpose of submitting to tho legal voters of snid city the question whether said city should issue its Bnls o the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad Company, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, to aid in the obstruc- tion ot said railroad, '.he question and prop-oM'io- n tor bonds und tax so submitted at said election were adopted and carried by a luajot cf 253 votes. The whole niiinber of votes cast at siiid election being 200, tbe number of votes for bonds and tax yes being tho number for bonds nnd tax no being i By order of the Common Council. M. L. WHITE. Mayor. Attest. It. II. VakaTTA, City Clerk. Nov. lt w2 Legal Notices. T'j John T. Bryr.n and Harriet A. Bryan, non-reside- defendant, will t ike notice that William Altafier, plaintiff, did, on the 21'th day ol November, A 1 1S71. file his petition in the District Cour 2d Judicial District, in and tor Cass county, Nebraska, ngaitist you. the object a d prayer of which 'n to icniove the cl u I rest ng upon his title to the southwe--t quarter of section No. thirly-ei- ti(i), in town. Ill, N.t range 12. in Cass county, el.T.iska, c uscd by reason of an error an l mistake in a certain deed, made bv John T. Bryan nn l Harriet A. !ynn, h'.-- wife, to plaintiff, ou the ;trd uay of Ju c. 18.rS. for the sum of SSW 00, in which deed said land v .s described ns lying in range 1 f.when the siuii should have been range 12 in Cus i runty, and which mis'nke John T, Bryan and Harriet A. Bryan have tailed an 1 refused to correct. Plai.itiff asks that his title to sa d real may be quieted ond confirmed in him. You are required to imswcrsai-- i petition on or before the 15th day of Juhuar , 1S72 Will am Altafiee. By Maxwcl' i Chapman, his Attorneys. Nov.'. w4 Attachment Notice. Levi Kimball. Plai.itiff. vs. Emcy Wilson, Dstond.'int. B f re T. 11. Bob rison, a Ju t cj of the Peace :u and for Sa'py County, Nebraska. To Emery Wilson : You will tako notice that 1 havo commerced suit against you before T. H. Robertson, a Jus- tice of tbo Peace in and for Sarpy Coumy, Ns! braska. An Order ef Attachment was issued by fai l Justice on the 11th dav of November 1371, forthesum of thirieen 813' Dollars and all costs l suit. Said ac;i-- a beun contin-n- ol until Jan. 6th 1472, at 10 o'o ock a. v. Nov 20 w3 SIXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT ?altiiaore Piano MANUFACTORY. WfLKfyABE& CO, Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Ealt.mobk Maryland. These Inst amenta hare been before the I ub- - l:c tor nearly thirty years, and upon their ex- cellence al ne attained an vnpn-chnnt- .i Pre- eminence, which pronounces lliein unequaled in Tune, Tonr h, Yor;ni'.nhip ami Durability. S3 All our Square Piano have our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agr.ifTe T c- - J"We woii'il call special attention to our lato fatentcil linprove-- r ent in Orand Htano and Square Grands found in no other P.ann. which bring the t icno nearer l ci lection than br.s yet been attained. frcri PIASO fniV Warranted fur Fire l!lastra:ed Cat iogurs end price lists prompt ly furnished on application to WM. KNA15E A CO.. Eahimor. Md. Or any of nr regu'ar established agene es. NovCOwtimo. To .liivFnTi-tr.- s All persons who conton-p'at- e makicR contracts with news-piper- s for tho insertion of Ad veniscments should send to geo. . H owe!! tor a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One hnn (r-- Page Pamphlet, containing Lists of j,v.j newspapers and rsuirutes. sli - mg the cotd ofadrcriisinff. aiomaiiy useful hints to ad- vertiser, and some account of the experiences of iu-- who are known as succcsstul advertis- ers. This firm are proprietors ot tbc American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 ark go j: Y-- . and ere possessed of uncqualed facilities for securing the insertion of advertisements in ail Newspapers mU Periodicals at lcwcst rates, i,tjm:j3j:ii! 100,000 FEET ! the undersigned baa ou hand a large qantity a! COTTONWOOD LUMBER WU rCH3 AT BKABOXACLt FtGUHES. ORDERS FILLED on Fhort notice, and for any size or length cf umbir. Rafters, Studdmgs, Joists can be had on short notice. C. HEISEL. Dress and Cloak m iking. I would ref pertfully announce to the ladies' of Piatt-'uiout- h and vicinity tbat I am n w prepared t j do Dress and Cloak makiiig in the latest and most approved sty!e, Havins with me 51is M Sage, a well known und aceoin Visa- ed feel confident that we rn fctve perfect satislactioa. We will Irccp a good se- - l..ti .n " ' . ..i. ...1 ( ' ...... I - ..w. vuvti uii', iici iuiih iiaikti us i'r rii: (9. Ladies will do well to give us a foil br fore go- ing elsewhere. Mhs A. M. DESPAIN. First door west of M. L. White's new building, .Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Nov. 14. 171. dil3 TO THE WORKING CLASS.- -rt e arc now prepared t- - lurnish at classes with eon-ta- nt mployment at home, the whole of the lime or for tbe spare moments, liusiuess new. Ifchi and profitable Pe.-soH- s of either sex can easily earn from tiitr cents to five per evening and a porpotiunal earn by devotror their whole time to tha business. Poys and girls earn nearl as much as men. That all who see this notie may send their addffs, and test the business we make this.un paralleled offer. To such as are not well satisiied, we wiil send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing Full particulars, a valu-ibl- c sample which will no to commence wor on, and a copy of The t"tnpfe' (h.upuHion one of the largest, and best fairiT nirnapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want Ftrmcnant, profitable work. Address O. ALLEN A CO.. i rrm daily j PL ATTSMCUTH HER ALP. j is rCBLisdxD st j HATHA WAY & SEYlJOLT, u n. HrHAWAv: fcuo. Li SBTaoti1. !. -i- 7i corS'sr Ma!;i and Second sufet i n i story tHM9:-Vailiiid- .W per nanntii. or ll.Ot ier arouk. evN'SlSTI.VQ Uf FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH C1IOICE PIANO MUSIC; VOCAL COLLECTIONS. H Shining Lights. A choice collection of f beautiful Sacred Songs. 1 A Hearth and UotSC. k'ircide , J?rhc es. rt n and Sweet Sounds. Three, vuliimea of v M easy Songs by Webster, Persley, etn. . p Golden Leaves. Voluivcal, and II. DThe two volumes contain all of Hill S. Q Song-- : V S Priceless (ietus. A collection o' beauti- - IT ful Ballads by Wallace, Thomas Keller. " 0l,c t N INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS, "f P Fairy Firnrcrs. Magi OeHi afcd O "" uug PUnUt. Three volumes of very ' easy Music for young p!tcrs. tear I Drops and Musical Recreations. Dance Music. Two collections of moderate dif- ficulty. Pleasant Memories. A collection of beauti- ful pieces by Wyman. Mack. l)rcs!ef. e"c. Holdcu Chimes. A collection of brill.ant parlor Music by Charles kink I. Brilliant Hems. A splendid co" lection, by Vilbre, Allard, Pacher Kinkel. etc. Price, $2,50 Mr vo'unie. elegantly bound in cloth with giit'ides; fe! iu plain cloth; S1.73 in boards. Address, J. L. Pitkrs, M? Brnadwny. New-Yor- k. Wo would a!o cal? to The Opera at If. ii . : r i i i f ful ope- - songs. Price f5 in e'oth and gi t: Trade price, ft. Not. 3it di w luio. Mm B. MURPHY, Manuc'urer of ferJ AND D 1 . A LER I S Jfjarntss, Saftlts, xMts, OOI.l,ItS. WHIPS, Blankets, Brushes, &c Promptly Executed. All work Warrcnted, -- F.N HARNESS A SPECIALIT Y.'O Nov. PJaltMiiniilh, Nob. GOOD BOOKS! ALL BOOKS WHICH AREi BOOKS Merc is a Lit nf such Work" an shoulvt be found in every Library within th"" reach of every reader Works to ent"-- " tain, instruct and improve the win-- ' Copies wiil be by return post, rf receipt of price. New Physiognomy ; orsignsof diameter, as manifested thrn!;h Temperament aud Eiter-ni- tl tonus, and etpcriully in the "lluma:, Fnce' liivine" with more hm One Thousand I'lus- - trations. liy S. 11. Wkllh. Pri.;e Sj. Hydr-pathi- c Encyclopedia. A y?teni of and llygi.-n- o embracing outline of Anutomy: Physiology of tbe huuiiin body; Ifv-gicn- ic agencies and the prc.'ervatpin of bealthf theory and prabticc; special patnology, inclnd-ih- g the nature, causes, symptoms n;id tret-nie- n' of all known liseuses. Text-boo- for Physicians. Uy R. T. T i.l M.D. The mosl complete wo k on the subject. 11.50 Weaver's Work Comprising "Hopes ami Help for tioth Sexes.', "Aims and Aids for tliris nnd Young WVne .""Wars '.f Life; or the right way and tbe wrong way." A capi- tal work. i'i. How to Hezd Character. A New Iiluslrated Hand-Hun- k of Phrenol cy nnd Physiognomy,-fo- r Student and Examiners, with n chart fTvr' recording tbe six-- s of the diifr'icnt Onrans ef tbo' brain, in the Hcliucation of character, with up- wards of l"tl L'ngrvings. Latest aud LcsL ' Muslin, Sl.5. The Parents' Guide ; or human development through Inherited Tendencies. JJy Mrs. lias-rk- b Pkndleton. Sccont edition rcrUed aad enlarged. One vol. 12nio. Price il.00 Fo"d and Diet. With observation? on the Dictical ItegMnen suited for Itisordcrly states; of the digestive organs, dietaries of tbe Princi-p- .l Metropolitan Lstabiif iitncnts lor Lunatics Criminals. Children, the Sick, Paupers, etc. A thorough, pcienti'Js Work. Uy Jn a" H a N P K M.D.. P. K S and L S. h'ditcd by Choa' A. Lee. M L. S1.7j Life at Kama ; or. the Family nnd its Mem- bers. Husband.. Wives. Parent". Children Hrothrrs. istcrs. Employers und i.mployc4 rto liy Kev. Wm. Aikmis, 1 Jj. livery family thoutd have it. tljj'. Hand-!3o-- li for Homo Improvement "How to Writ? .""How lo Talk." 'How t Uchave." and "How to do Dus.uc.-3.-" Ia oao vol. -- T Wedlock; or. the rieht relations of the sexes' Disclosing tbo Inns of Conjugal Selection, and showing who imiy and who may not A guide for both sexes. L'y S. K. P'uiif bl.-x)- . Orstory Sacred and Secular; or the extempor- aneous speaker. Indluding chairman's guide for conducting public rueetinjrs according to the best Parliamentary forms, l!y Wm Pittkkgcb (1.60 Management of Infancy, Physiological and Moral Treatment, liy Andrew Cumbr. M !. with Notes end a Supplementary Chapter Mu lin. il-5- o ThougMs for the Vounq Men, ahd tot thflf Ycung Women of America: or a few prnctb-s-- r words of advice- - liy L U Kkavkm- - With th Ideal Man and tho Ideal Woman by Horace; (irceley. Price ?1 Ztop't Fable. The People's Picrial Edi- tion, bfHuti'uily illustrated with nearly sixty engravings cloth guilt. Leveled board, on'y 1 Pope's Essay On Man, With notes, beautifully rUustrutcd, cloth guilt, ber board, hu.t editioir Frirt Culture For the Mii'ierr, A Ifan DKiujz n iiuiiic in tno rniiiraiion ami manage- ment of t rut Trees. Inscriptions if the be. Vrarietic und how tt iirnrmvin f hi., llin.ti..w ted SI TL. . DI.L1 .A . f , ) n " I. . ni . .in ,,ikjoi i u in-- , nitjni nice, A new pocket dictionary and eferance book, embrace mi synonyms, technical terms, abbreviations ti )n, prool-rcgdin- g, anu other valuable iufornia , cloi.ii. 73i;Ls Inclose the air.ount in a RcgitereJ Letter, or in a P. O. Order, for fi of all of the above, anJ adJrcss IS. l, Wells, Publisher, 25a Rroadwa New Vork. Asjent-- s Wante-l- . J. STIIGirf 7" TiOO L L Eli i Stat ion er. t9 jetc& AND PAPER DEALER. lot Oflicc ISuildiu PI ATTSMOUTH, NEB. eSep't. w tf. Phelns Paine GENLRALiNSURNCE AO'T PLATTS M 0 tlTIt. NEBRASKA. Represents some of the most reliable Compaa ies in the United State. Oftie witdi arB i'oltak ia Fitig ralo

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Page 1: TWiT THE WttfRASKA HERALD B...THE WttfRASKA HERALD it rvM8HBD wnm bt HATHAWAY St SEYBOLT 'k. T. BaTBAWAY. OEO. L. ItTBObT 47--Office corner Main and Second street,end story. TERMS.Weekly,



47-- Office corner Main and Second street,end story.

TERMS .Weekly, 82.00 per annum if paid inadvance.

. tZJSO it not paid in advance.

Dr Blue, of the Nebraska City Neien,is not of the Dr. Miller utripe of politi-cians who think it a religious duty they'owe their party to abuse every Republi-can official in the country, and chargecorruption upon them without regard tofacts. It docs not endorse the whole-sale charges of the Omaha Herald'against Dr. Larsh, and docs not credit'the report that he is cruel to his patientsand neglects tbeui. Dr. Blue says :

'Pr. Larsh is known auieng his oldNeighbors in Nebraska City as one of the'most humane and successful physicians."

The Omaha Herald is just as likely tobecome Republican as we are to turnDemocratic; whilo it makes not theleast difference on which side of politicsauch a paper as the Plattsmouth Heraldarray itself.

And, moreover, in spite of the feebleand chronic yelping of- - puch curs, wepropose to recognize politiral integrity,and to excoriate political corruptionwherever we find it, though our dctmnciation of wrong shall offend it and itsmaster at Lincoln. Omaha Triblican.

It may "make not the least differ-ence" to the Republican, under Mr.Thomas' management, "on which fideof politics such a paper as the Platts-mout- h

Herald arrays itself," neitherdoes it make much difference to Mr.Thomaa as to "which fide of politics" hearrays his own paper, if we may judgefrom the course he has pursued sincehis ddrcnt in our State. There was

: a time when it was different with' the Repukhcan, and when it wai lookedupon as the exponent of the principlesof the Republican pa.ty. But under itspresent editorial management it has be-

come a weakness to the party which itpretends to champion ; and Mr. Thomashas doDO more, perhaps, than any otherono man in the State, in the same lengthof time, to disorganize the Republicanparty. Ia fact it is currently reportedin this vicinity, and generally belie ed,that his weak-knee- d and vasciluting causeas a Republican, an J the damage he hascaused the Republican party in theState, has become so distasteful tothe loyal stockholders of t hejournal that they have decidedto dipenc with his services so soon asthey can legally do so. We knownothing as to the truth of this report,but we do know that if they have not

"decided upon this course it is high timethey had. Whether or not it makesany difference which side of politics theHerald arrays itself, we do know theHerald, unlike the editor of the Re-publican (we do not say the Republican,for that paper under the editorial man-agement of Mr. Balcomb, and othereditors prior to Mr. Thomas, was a gen-uine Republican ehcet) never was array-ed on any other thin the

"' 'i i j : i

pokert and fearless in its denunciationof "shysters" and political demagogues,hence it offends all that class of men,and docs not seek their good will.There is one very significant fact, whichwe mention for the benefit of thoe whomay wish to know it, that Cass is theonly river county in Nebraska that ilect-e- d

a straight Republican ticket at therecent October election. We do notclaim that the Herald wan the cause ofthis, but if the paper has any influencein politics it is evidently on the lightside It has been iutiinated to us, by avery tto-iri- d Republican who ought toknow, that the secret of Mr. Thomas'hostility to the Herald was because ofthis very result. Perhaps it is so wehall not pretend to say.

HOUSE IIULUISU I.M.I3HOLX.House building in a general way has

made Lincoln a large and beauti-ful town. But there is housebuilding

oing on there in a particular way. asthere has been before,' which demandspublic attention, aud shall receive it

Whereupon we proceed to inquire whoare the "contractors" that are buildingMr. (ialey'a house?

What "contractors," if any, are build-ing a houso for Acting Governor James?

Where does the money and materialcome from out of which these Suehouses arc being constructed ?

Don t all speak at once, but let ushare a little light Oil these dark subjects.

Omaha Herald.Now, 'we submit to all candid and

fair minded men if the above is theproper way for a newspaper to treat menof any kind, either as individuals or asservants of the people. It matters notwho aro the contractors for either ofthese buildings. The only question iswhether or not the State is being wroDged,or whether ' Acting Governor James isguilty of any misdemeanor in conse-quence of these contracts. . If the Hernld knows of any "wrong in this matterit is iu duty as a public journal to statetchat that icrong in; but it is not manlyto insinuate that some one is guilty ofwrong doing unless there is actualgrounds therefor; and if there aregrounds sufficient to warrant any men-tion at all theafc shouM be given, andnot a mean insinuation thrown out, cal-

culated to' injure the parties concernedwithout giving them any chance for de-

fense, because there is no accusationmade. If the Herald knows of any-thing out of the way in the contractsabove mentioned, let it speak out inan-full- y

and it shall have our support andassistance in proclaiming and exposingthe wrong, regardless of who it hurts ;

but we cannot look on in silence at suchunderhanded thrusts as the above.

Peter B. Sweeny has with drawn frompolitical life, never to be a re Peter.

That Jamaiea child-eate- r clearly had alarge maw-gag- e on the human family.

The editor of a magazine in New Yorkcity has recived MSS. from persons whosay that they "have had no experiencein writing; no intellectual training of anykind in fact; but want to tn.ikc money byiheir pens, so as to be able to give tLeui--elv- e

thoLed'aticn which they feel theyfw4 so much iu Deed of."


VOL. 7,

flow nbwul the Ntbraika fruit.The November issue of Tiltton's Jour-

nal of Ilorticxtlt tire, Boston, Mass., ingiving an account of the proceedings ofthe American Pomological Society, atRichmond, Va., says:

"As was well remarked by the presi-dent in his address, in speaking of thechanges which have taken place duringthe existence of this society, 'States andsections of the Union which were scarce-ly known by name, now confribute noblefruits to grace our exhibitions, and noblemen to join us in efforts for the pro-motion of the public good;' and it wasgratifying to know that the highest preniiuru for the best collection of fruits,which two years ago was awarded toKansas one of these youthful Stateswas this year carried off by her still moreyouthful sister, Nebraska ; and thispr ze of one hundred dollars, generouslyoffered by the Virginia State Agricultur-al Society, with equal generosity donatedby the Nebraska delegation to the Ameri-can Poiiiological Society. Besides thiscollection from Nebraska, where fourteenyears ago, not a single fruit tree of anykiud was grown, was other noble collec-tions."

. LOl'IS AND THE XOHTil WEST.We have reliable information from

Omaha that the various express com-panies have adopted the followingcharges to that point from this city andChicago:From Pt, Louts, per 100 pound.....- - ..$- - 75From Chicago, per 100 pounds..- .- 3 50

Discrimination in favor of Chicngo ....SI 25

The distance from this city to Omahaby rail is something less than from Chi-cago by rail, and the discriminationthereby becomes more marked. Somestandaid which will guarantee a unifor-mity in freight, express and passengertariffs should be adopted by carriers andadhered to, that the entire populationwhich such carriers serve may be equallyadvantaged. The discrimination, asshown above, is a fatal one to our busi-ness with Nebraska, and the expresscompanies, in maintaining it, proclaimthemselves to be enemies of St. Louis.

St. IjouU Democrat.The way to remedy this is for St. Lou-

is to show herself a friend to her owninterests, and to push through the Ne:braska Trunk Railroad to Plattstnoutb.The building of only 75 miles of railroadon this line will give St. Louis directconnection with all points in Nebraska,and render her freights and expresscheaper than that of Chicago.

i . i"SOT TO TASrT"

"Not too fat" says the World in re-gard to disbar ding the Democratic party.And that's what we say Go slow. Ifone third of the Republican party is, aswo believe, opposed to the ofGen. Grant, let them join us on fairterms ami defeat him. But "not toofast. ' ' Omaha Herald.

No, "not too fast;" but just fastenough to slrow that you are ready forany move that would give you publicplunder. Twc-ihir- ds of the Demo-cratic papers of the - west have alreadydeclared in favor of disbanding the partyand accept the principles laid down byvthe Republican party. Who believesthem honest ia this? The principles ofthe Republican party were the same tenyears ago teat they are to day.

rnoM Wisconsin.We take the liberty of publishing the

following private letter from our friendJohn Manly, and trust he will pardonus for so doing. We can assure friendManly that the request made of our lo-

cal will be carefully complied with."Richard in himself again," for whichwe all feel glad :

Cascade, Wis., Nov. 21, 1871.Friend Hatha way, Editor Herald:

Dear Sir: Oa leaving Plattsmouth,about a ear and a half since, I be-

lieve I paid you a little on subscriptionfor that welcome guest of mine the Her-ald, but not enough to insure its com-ing anything like the time it has alreadycome. For past favors I enclose youthe subscription price for one year, andshall be glad to receive the Herald aslong as I shall feel able to pay for it ; andwhen I don't feel so disposed I shalldrop you a note and say stop. I haveseveral papers about me, but none that1 pick up with more interest than I dothe Herald. I am pleased to learnfrom it- - columns that your Fitz. is stillprogressing with building railroads ; butI am very sorry to learn from the lastnumber that my friend R. C. Cushing isin suth delicate health. But before thiscomes to hand I hope you will be ableto report that the Lord will have restoredhim to health again, so that in the nextI shall hear that "Richard is himsrlfaffain.'' I also see by your reports thatthe B. & M. is progressing rapidly.Well, you have all of you my best wish-es, even the" Herald, Republican as iti.. I b'ke to read it, but it couldn'tsave the Governor. Don't let up onthose Salt Land Thieves ! Show up cor-ruption everywhere in every ring andevery corner, and you will have lots offriends.

I am just closing out a job of work onthe Milwaukee & Northern R. R., be-

tween Milwaukee and Green Bay ; willhnisu this week. There was forty milesunder contract this season, commencedin September. The grading is aboutdone and the track will be done aboutChristmas. And now, before I close, Imust ask a favor of your local.

Yours truly, Jonx Manly.

France has four professors teaching theChinese and Japanese languages, andGermany ten.

The Buffalo courts hold that livingwith a woman 39 years, is as good, inthe eyes of the law, as marrying her.

A Terre haute man refused to pay forthe funeral notice of his mother-in-la-

Some men would pay for such a thingwith pleasure.

A l.idy correspondent wishes to knowthe nieaiiiri;; of 'Vtag "parries." Theyaro cntaiuuieiits where bucks usually getenough additional bom? to make themtagger.


Gold in the chest is no better thangranite in the mountain: all the moneythe child of God needs will be supplied".

Tilton says Victoria Woodhull is "agreen leaf, and her legion of relations arecaterpillars who devour her" The cater-pillars should be encouraged.

An exchange pithily remarks: "Meneat too much, fret too much, exercise toolittle, and then drink whisky. I jet themturn themselves into the fresh air, eatsimple food, sleep enough, and they willbe more healthy." Says Dr. Guthrie :"

"If you want to keep a dead man, puthim in whisky ; if vou want to kill a liv-ing men, put the whisky into him."

It is a good thing to heKere; it is agood thing to admire. By continuallylooking upwards, our minds will them-selves grow upwards ; and as a man, byindulging in . habits of scorn and con-tempt tor others, is sure to descend tothe level of what he despises, so the op-posite habits of admiration and enthusi-astic reverence for excellence impart toourselves a portion of the qualities weadmire.

New York is working out her poli-tical salvation with fear and trembling.The election last week resulted in thebreaking of the Tammany Ring, andan encouraging triumph of honestyagainst fraud. But the battle is onlybegun; those who have grown rich onthe public funds will not readily yieldtheir hold upon the purs strings.

A few days since a commission mer-chant of Chicago received the followingdispatch from one of his customers re-siding in a section of the country wherethe news of the fire ha,d not reached :

"What can you do for me with GOO

bushels of potatoes?" To which hereplied : "Eat 'em."

Your children will be more animatedto vigor, perseverance, and

the more they witness your exer-tions to provide for your future welfare.There are few who can witness the dailydisplay of parental and provident carewithout having the de-ir- e treated wi hinthem of doing something for themselves."A thrifty father,' says a Hindoo prov-erb, "may have an extravagant son, buta diligeut father rarely has an idle son."

It has recently been stated in a publiclecture, that no man ever raised himselfto eminence who was not willing to givemore than an equivalent for his wage orwho stopped to eouut the hours. Thecareers of James Watt, if cwsre Stephen-son, and other eminent mechanics, fullysupport ilia accuracy of the above state-ment, and at the preseut time there arein Philadelphia many engineers, ma-chinists and manufacturers, possessinghandsome fortunes, who commenced lifeas industrious work men in what the worldwould consider an humble position, andwho have attained their well-know- n dis-tinction by not sparing themselves intheir efforts to labor conscientiously.

A Chicago letter contains this interest-ing episode:

Rev. Robert Collyer, of the Churchof the Unity, Unitarian called his peo-ple together last Sunday, and preachedover the ruins of his noble house. Heexpressed the hope that the same tenderties of love which had bound them to-gether would not now be broken. Heknew that there would be nn utter im-possibility to rebui'd the church in thesame magnificent style as the one jutdestroyed, but he urged that some p acemight be secured, no matter how hum-ble, where they could all gal her togetheras of old, and together send upward toheaven prayers and songs of praise andthauksgjving. He hoped that he m'chtbe retained as pastor, and he thoughtthat he would be as cheap a man asthey eeuld find. lie had once preachedfor 75 cents a year, and he could do f oagain. He could stil! make as good nailsand horc shoes as any man that stoodbefore an anvil, and he was willing to doso again if nececssary.

One of our exchinges is accountablefor the following highly amusing state-ment. Gray hairs in Wilmington, mustbe exceedingly troublesc uie at this time:

Down ia Wilmington some time asoan um man wno was very leeu.e washelped across a crowded street by a youthof tweuiy. A month after the old mandied, and as an expression of gratitudehe left the youth $40,000. And now noold mans life is sal'a in AVil nington.All the young men have their ambitionexcited, and as soon as any venerable manappears on the side walk, a dozi-- chapsrush at him grab him by the trowsersand the collar and the back of the hair,and try to carry him across the streetwhether he wants to go or not. Whenhe gets there a lot more fasten on him"and send him back again, aud then pre-sent their cards. So the old men inWilmington are having a livejy time now,and chey have got to tack up the streetwhenever they go qpt for a walk.

We have heard of many amusing in-stances of the impudence and wit of thelegal profession, but nothing lately moreamusing than the following from CedarRapids Times:

A few days since, an important casecame up for adjudication in Mt. Vernon,in which a leading leal light from thecounty seat end one from an adjoiningcounty were Attorneys in Chief. Muchdifficulty was had in securing a jury,owing to the rejection of most every ouocalled by the Attorneys. Finally, one ofMt. Vcruon's best und most substantialcitizens was called, when the county seatAttorney asked. "Do yau find any faultwith him sir?" "No," replied his an-tagonist, "I guess he'll do, I don'tthink yon can buy him." Jumpins tohis feet like a i.itch ball tov man with nbullet for ballast and looking his competitorin the eye most ferociously, thecounty seat lawyer indignantly asked,"Do you think vou eau buv rue sir?"The other deliberately took out his wal-let, hunted through it carefully, thensearched leisurely through his pockets,then straightening himself up, with alook of ming'ed disappointment and dis-gust, "No sir, I don't think I can to day,a I have nothing smaller than a five centnicklewiili me." The effect upon theaudience and the man from the countyseat, we leave our readers to imagine.

Potter Palmer say3 that by the 1st ofuanuary ne intends, to La getting $40,-00- 0

in rents from tenantson the first floorof his State street hotel near Monroe.He will work in full force during thewinter ou the structure, and when hecanuot lay mortar will, lay cement. ByJune or J uly next he expects to have thefourth floor of the building complete,and "as high up as that occupied byguests."

Mr. Palmer has already commencedpreparing for laying the foundation for afive-stor- y cia;b!c front buil ling on State6treetx opposite his hotel, ai-- fnr theerection on Monroe between Wabashavenue and State treetj of a magnifi-cent building, to be occupied by Allen &Mackey. Chkogo Joxinoh

To lcvelpc Tnlent.Place a man in a position that will

fearfully taxiiim and try him a positionthat will often bring the blush to hischeek and the sweat to his brow, a peti-tion that will overmaster him at times,and cause him to rack his brain for re-

sources. Place him in a position likethis; but every time he trips go to hisrescue ; go not with word of blame orcensure, out go with manful words of en-

couragement; look him boldly in the eye,and speak them with soul and emphasis.This is the way to make a man of a boy,and a giant of a man. If a man haspluck and talent, no matter whether heever filled a given position or not, puthim in it, if worthy, and he will soonnot only fill it, but outgrow it. But putone in a position with a faint heart thisis the way to kill him. Put him in grand-lv- ,

with most unmistakable confidence.Drop no caveats but boldly point the way,and then stand by with a will and coun-tenance of a true friend. Thus try twen-ty men, such as have been named, andnineteen will succeed.

The present month is said by the NewYork Mail to be the most u: lucky inthe year. The man born this month; itis asserted, will have a handsome faceand florid complexion ; he wiil be wick-ed iu his youth and always inconstant 4

he will promise one thing and do another,and always remain poor. The lady bornin this month will be pretty, coquettish,a little given to contradiction and a lit-tle given to wine. Parties contemplat-ing being born ia November will takedue notice and govern themselves ac-


In the execution of a recent deed bya man and his wife, the wifewas takenaside, before the acknowledgment wasmade by the Commissioner, who in theusual form asked : "Do you executethis deed freely, and without fear orcompulsion of your husband ?"' Fear ofof my husband !" exclaimed the wife,"I've had live husbands and never wasafraid of any one of them."

A gentleman traveling in Kuropewrites of seeing $250,000 worth of Eu-tenie- 's

jewels in pawn at London.There were tiaras, necklaces, twolargeanchors, of diamonds, and about fiveinches long; lot of brooches, one beinga butteifly, the body of whith was alarge opal, about two inches long, audthe wings set upon spring, and inside ofdiamonds, rubies and cniiralds. Therewas a wonderful necklace, of black peails

the only one in existence each beingabout as large as a marrowfat pea ; a'soan emerald cross, quite unique, the emer-alds being oblong and set cdre to edge,nothing between, and alout six inchesthe long part of the cross, and one eachside of the centre, to form the arms;this was about four and a half incheslong. Two ear-ring- of diamonds, thevery purest, but each cut like a drop ofwater, and hung pendant and swingingfrom the small end, several ear-ring-s, alllarge diamonds, and six diamond rings,one a superb one, worth 100.

A writer in the American edition ofChambers' Edinburg Journal, publishedbefore the fire, stated that in the neigh-borhood of Chicago are enormous deposits of "oil-bearin- g limestone," efwhich many houses are built. Inspiredby this suggestion numerous papers arediscussing at the cast whether the

fury of the fire, and the rapiddemolition of all our stone structures,were not owing to the use of this bitu-minous stone. Various buildings arecited, and their speedy destructionlool-c- upon as proof that the intenseboat under which they yielded, was dueto the presence of the oil in the stone.To all of which it is only necessary tostate that the supposed oil bearing stonewas not used ia this city, except in somecases for found a ions, which are all intact,and that the only structure of any sizebuilt of that material was the SecondPresbyterian Church, the walls of whiohare all standing and did not crumble ormelt under the heat. The stono mainlyused was the Athens marble, a limestoneformation, handsome, easily workedwhich had becomtj a favorite with build-ers. Until this fire it had exhibited nospecial incapacity to resist heat. Chi-cago Tribune..

We are pleased to see that ProfessorM'Graw, of tho Detroit Medical, Col-lege, imparted to the last graduatingclass some of his excellent ideas in re-gard to the general aspect of a physi-cian's office He says: " I have been indoctor's offices where a skull grinnedf om tne corner, ghastly anatomicalplates hung from the walls, and splints,suggestive of broken bones, were placedconspicuously iu every corner. What adelightful recting-plac- e lor a sick woman

visions of death, disease, and injurygreeting her ou every side I Now, gen-tlemen, make your offices pictures cfcomfort and cheerfulness. Banish fromthem every sign of your professional oc-cupation, so that your patients may en-ter them not only without disgust, butwith actual elevation of heart." If thereis any place which should be made brightand cheerful, and contain something in-teresting and amusing to tbe mind, it isthe rooui where patients are td:en com-pelled to wait an hour. We have oftenseen them, weary and restless, withnothing to do but to gloomily reflect onthe ills their flesh is heir to, growingeach moment more impatient, and feeling evidently twice as sick as when theyfirst entered the . unattractive room.Without exception, the pleasantestphysician's office we ever entered wasthat of Dr. 1) , a weil kno wn practi-tioner of Boston. Books, flowers, paint-ings, engravings, rare and beautiful cu-riosities, handsome carpets and furniture,luxurious sofas and ray-chair- s: wi hthese the rooms were filled : and our timeof waiting swemed neither long nor te-

dious. All physicians cannot afford suchabounding luxuriance; but there i3 noreason why pleasant books and maga-zines and cheerful pictures should not befound in the waiting-roo- m of everyphysician.

Active passive and neuter. To be. todo, to suffer. The Democrats have con-cluded that they have nothing to do butto be passive and suffer. Ft. Scott Mo-nitor.

The smart Democrats have concludednot to be passive and ruffer. They saythat if they are to be asked to endorseRepublican principle and vote for Re-publican candidates, they prefer to takethe "original

statu ped-on- -t he bottle,"instead of a bogus and disgusting imi-tation. The Republican party will thusabsorb all the good ma'eiialof the De-mocratic organization, and at the sametime purge itsdf of soreheaJs anil rene-gades, whose connection with it is theonly weak point in its splci id organi-zation. Atchison Champion.


Chicago, Nov. 28.Up to this date the Chicago relieand

aid society has received $2,508,000 incas'i, for the benefit of the sufferers bythe great fire. The contributions camefrom forty states and territories.


New York, Nov. 2g.Judge Bedford has denied the motion toquash the imlsctruent against Haggertyand Batch, charged with stealing vouch-ers from the comptroller's office, and re-

fused to admit them to bail.TI12 grand ju y appointed by Judge

Bedford this morning, stated that theywere unable to finish their investigationof the charge of fraud against the cityofficials, because t heir terms of servicewere drawing to a close. The Judgetook the matter under advisement.

The difficulty whith Connolly experi-enced in finding bail is due to the sheriffr jeeting many of the persons who havebeen offered. His friends say the Sher-iff has bjen unnecessarily severe in refusing men who were fully able to re-spond as sureties. Messrs. Havemyerand.Tilden say that the committee ofseventy are not at all pleased with Con-nolly's arrest. It is also stated that hisan est was made with the hope that Connolly would divulge what he knew.

At Hunter's Point, yesterda-- , fortycatholic children were expelled from thepublic school, by direction of the commissioners, because they objected toreading the bible.

This afternoon the grand duke, ac-companied by his suite, reviewed tbc firebrigade at Tompkins square. The dukehas accepted an invitation from Commo-dore Bennett to dine with the New YorkYacht Club Saturday evening next.The ducal party wiil visit Montreal onthe 12th of December, and Ottawa onthe 13th, where the duke will pay his

! respects to the povernor-jrener- al andj thence proceed to Niagara Falls.

The treasurer of the Chamber of Com-merce Committee for the relief of thesufferers in Chicago and the Northwest,reports additional subscriptions from the20ch to 25th inst, amounting to $2,102,making a grand total in all collected bythe committee cf $008,473.

It is understood that if Connolly' bailU not completed by Wednesday night,he will spend his thanksgiving in Lud-low street j.til.

The body found in North river, Friday,was recognized a that of MadamRhodes, a wealthy lady of New Orleans.

Thirteen new small pox cases siuceMonday noon.

At a meeting of the committee of 70to night, the following resolutions weredo p ted :

Resulted, That for the purpose ofto the people of this city the sub-

stantial fruits of their victory in there-ce- nt

election over coiruption, this coni-mit'- ee

propose to usj every lawful effortto secure at the earliest possible momentthe removal of the present Mayor fromthe office he holds.

Resokal, That if the Mayor shall con-tinue to defy the express will of the peo-ple, and persist in remaining in officialp.osition, committee ot; legislation willbe instructed to prepare and present tothe legislature, immediately, an accountof which shall be sufficient and effectualfo remove him at once, without waitingfor the completion of- - the new charter orother remedial measures.

Chlcnjjo Produce HarUrt.Chicago November 2S.

Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheatmoderately active; opened weak and de-clining, bu advanced and closed firm :

No 1 123; No. 2 1 IS; No. 3 1 18bid; rejected J 0 J. Corn moderatelyactive, and closed firm: No. 2 40; re-jected 3Sj.(7' 39l seller month, Decmberand year 40(aA'l. Oats quiet and lowerat 3o( Ml closing at outside; seller De-cember 31(a31r Rye steady fi.m andquiet at (JJA for car lots; sides of Nos. 1

and 2, six cirs at 6IJ. Ba !e - d :!.': No.2 554.; No. 3 14; sales of 'No. 2, sixcars at 55; No. 3 one car, 44.. Pro-visions stronger and a triflo higher forsome descriptions. Mess pork epaotableat 1 2 50(rr 1 2 GO cash ; 1 2 50& 1 2 55 De-

cember. Lard better and demand firmat c. advance; 83(Vi8 or sellerDecember.

thlcaso C'ntUe XnrUct.Chicago, Nov. 23.

Cattle dull and neglected; prices no-minal.

Hogs active at 10 15a higher; 3 89 '4 12. for fair to choice; 4 15(f;4 20 forextra premium grades.

St. I.ouIn lroliire STnrkrt.St Louis November 23.

Flour firm; suprr winter 5 355 05;ex traCC-VGlO- : XX G25,r, ",5: Whomlower grades advanced; No. 3 Red 1 43;No. 2 1 52. Corn firm; No. 2 in Klc- -vater3j; mixed sack 42 Bailey un-changed. Rye firmer; N?. 2 72( 73.Whisky unchanged. Pork ouiet : io!bing 12 75; dry snlt meats quiet; should-ers 5; G(ftfi; clear GJC63 fororder lots; bacon quiet: shoulders 7j:clear packed in gunnies 71. Lard activeand firm at 88.


Fire Insurance Co.OF I.O. l)O.V,

Established A D. 1803,Capital ond Cash Afcumulations,

Ten Million Dollars In Gold.Chicago Looses all Paid


Th reputation and standing which this com-pany has secured during the eixtv-nin- o yearsit has transartd business thruugaou. the world,together with the large and undoubted securityij offers for all its ob irations. claims for it ashnre of tbe pub ic patronage.

Policies secured aad losses paid by

II. E PA I TIER. Agent,. Plattsmouth, Neb.

Nov. 29. diwtf

NOTICE.XWILL furnish parties with stone for building

at reasonabl e rates, a t my q uarry ordelirereo on the cars at Louisville station- - Thfoliowi g kinds can be had on short notice, sills,cap, perch rock, line or rod sand atone such aswas uaea by the B.41I.R. the construc-ts i(. ai their stono work. All responsibleorders promptly fillrd Address.

. J. T. A. HOOVERowlV Louiwtlle Statk-ty- .

Sheriffs SaidII. A. Waterman ond John Vv'aterma.

Jiune U. UoIIhdJ.Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for

Site at Public Auction, at the front door oi theCourt llotiso in I'luttRuaouth. Ca?s County. Ne-braska, on the 4ili ilny of J.'crember 1ST1, at thohour of 2 o'clock P. M.of faiil Uuy the followingproperty to wit:

The fruine building situated on the West half(.H)of Lot No. twelve (,121 in Block No. thirty(:KJ in ho City of l'lattsmouth in said Countyof Cns.o; known at) the addition built by JnmcjK. Holland to the City Hotel, and b in? 2 feetwide by Mi fei--t in length, to be sold ns the pro-perty 01 James K. Holland, on an Order of Ailoon foreclosure of Mechanics lien iu favor of fi.A. Waterman, and John by the LMstriut Court of the'Zd Judicial District within and for Caes CountyNebraska and to me directed as Sheriff of saidCounty.

Given under uiy hand this 1st day of Novem-ber A. D 1871.

J. W. Johksox. Sheriff.Cuss Co Nebraska.

Maxwell & Chapman. Att'ya for Ptff.Nov. 2 w5

Sheriff's SJe.Jacob L. Phillips, against William L. V'elli

and Jennie K. Wells. Order of SaleNotiae hereby given that I will offer for

sale at public auction at the front door of thoCourt House in Piattsmoutb. Cass County, Ne-braska on the :27th day of December A. 1. 1S71nt tbe hour of two o'clock r u of said day thefollowing K-- al Kstate. to wit :

Lot No. Ninette in Block No. Twenty (ill) inthe City of Plattinouth Cass Co Nebraska, tobe sol, I as tho property of William L. Wc!lsand Jennie K. Weill on an Order ot Sain infavor of Jacob L. Phillips, issued by the Dis-trict Court of the 2d Juiticiul District withinanil tor Cass County Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff of said Couuty.

Given uner my hand this d day of Novem-ber A. 1). 1871. J. W. JoHxaox, Sheriff.

Cass Co- - Nebraska.MhXvkm. 4 CilAritAS Atty's for Pltfl.Nov 'i w 5

Sheriff's Sale.Jairus E. Neal vs T homas Huston Order of

Sale.Notice is hereby given, that I will ofTerfor

sale at public auction, at the frcnt door of theCourt iiouse in Plattsmouth, Cafs county

on the 11th day of December A D 1871at the hour of 2 o'clock p m of said day tho fol-lowing real estate to-w- it :

The south west quarter (1.0 of section four (I)in township numberelevcn (11) north- - rvnprc noeleven Ul east of tbe H pm, in Cass county Ne-braska, to be sold as the proper y of ThomasHuston on an order of salo in favor of Jnirus K.Noal is.-ue- by the District Court 2d JudicialDistrict within und for Cuss count: Nebraskaand to tne directtd ns Hienffof said county.

under my hand this 8th day of Novem-ber A D 1S71. J. W. JOHNSON, .sheriff

Cass county Nebraska.Stkvkxfos A IIy waki), Att'ys for ITS


Sheriffs Sale.John Finirhcr. Plaintiff, against John Hess

Emciine Hess ic Kugtne Amors, Defendants.Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for

sola at Publ c Auction, at tbe fror.t door ofthe Court House in I'iattsmouth, Cass CountyNebraska, on tho 4th day of December A. I'.1S"1, at the ho.r of 11 o'clock A.M. of saidday. tbo following Heal Estate, to wit :

Tho undivided one half lUl of the noithhalf (li of Lot No, Six Block No.Thirtvtwo (:VJ., in the City of Plattsmouth, 'bss Coun-ty Nebraska; to be sold as ibt property of J hnHess and Umelino lles-s- . on an Order of Sale infavor of John Finishcr issued by the DistrictCourt of the 21 Judici. 1 District within andfor Cass County Nebraska and to me directedas Sheriff ot said County.

Given under my hand this 1st day of Novem-ber A. D. 1871.

J. W. Johnson", Sheriff.Cuss Co. Nebraska.

Maxwell x Chapman, Att'ys for l'ltf.Nov. 2 w 5

Sheriff's Sale.Tohn n. Clark Plaintiff, vs. P. E. Board ,ly

Ellen H. BeKrdsly, J, 11. M. Bcardsly, Charloite K. Bcardaly, and Lucius F. lt.ed. Defendsanti.

Notice is hereby given, that I will offer forsale at Public A netion. at the front doo cf theCourt House iu I'lattsmouth, Cass Cout-.- y Ne-braska, on tho 4th diy of December A. D. 1871,at the hour of Onedj o clock P. M. of said daythe following Heal Kstate. to wit:

The Norta Kost Quarter of tho ScuthKan Quarter (Vpof Section No. Nine (9) andthe v est half OA) of t e South west Quarter iand the South Kan of the South west yu.irter!of Section No. Ten (li1), in Township

o. ten (10) North Kanyc No. Twelve(12) East of the tith P. M. situate in sni lCass Couniy. to be sold as tbc property f f P. E.Beardsly, Ellen K Beardsly. J. 11. M. Bcards!v,and Charlotte E- - Beardsly. on an Order cf Salein favor of John 11. Clark, by the DistrictCourt of t c'i't Judicial District within and forCase County Nebraska, and to nir directed asSheriff of said County.

Given under luy hand this 1st dny of Novcia-be- r

lM7i. J. V. Johssok. Sheriff.Cuss Co.Nehra.-ka- .

Maxwell & Chapman. Att'ys lor PUTNov. 2 wo

Sheriff's Sale.Shugart & Lininger 1

nca:n.--t Execution.C. E. Eorgy J

sale at public auction nt the frontdoor of tWuouri nouse in riattsmcuttt on the 3d day otJanuHiy, A. D. 1872. at one o'clock p. m. otsaid day. the following Real Estate, sittia'edin f c City of Plattsmouth, Cass Co Nebraska,to wit:

The undivided One half (d of Lot No. Six'")in Block No. Thir fo7): and tbe undi-vided One hnlf C of Lot No. Ten .h in BlockNo rNine;; and the undivided One haif(Vj'otLotNi. Twelve Hi in Block No. Eorty-f- i vr(45)taken as the property of C, E. furry, ou anExecution in favor of Shugart and Lininger.issued by the Clerk of the District Cour. withinan i for Cass Co. Nebraska, and to me directedas saeria oi said County.

Given under my hand tl.is30th day of Novem-ber A. D. 1171 J. Johnson, Sheriff,

. Cam Co. Nebraska.Fox A--, Fllff Attorneys.Nov. 30 w 6

Sheriff's Sale.F. F. Perry vs. Piatt Saunders-Ord- er of SaleNotice is hereby given, that I will offer for

sale at public auction at tbe front door of theCourt House in Plattsmouth, Cas county Ne-braska, on the 11th day of December. A. D. 1871at tho hour of um o'clock p m of said day thefollowing real cHoto to-w- it :

Lots seven and eight in block fifty twa in thocity of Plattsmouth, Cass county Nebraska, tobe sold as tbc property of Piatt Saunders onan order of sale in lavoi of V. K. Perry, issuedby the District Court of the 2d Judicial Districtwithin and for Cass county Nebraska, and to medirected as Sheriff of said county.

Given under my hand this 8th cay of Novem-ber 1571. J. W. JOHNSON.:Sherirt

Cass county. Neb.Max wfi.l Jt Chapman. Atty's for ITsF.


Legal Notice.Notice is hereby triven fhat at the election

held in Plattsmouth Precinct, Cuss t. Neb. onthe 6th day of October 1S71, pursuant to tbe or-d- tr

of tbe County Commissioners of said Coun-ty for the purposo of submitting to the legalvoters of sai l Precinct, the question whethersaid Precint should issue its Bonds to the St.Louis A-- Nebraska Trunk Rail Road Companyto tbe amount of 15,UU0. 00 to aid in the construction of said Rait Road. The question andproposition lor Bonds and Tax so submitted atsaid election were adopted and carri"d by a ioajority of 37 votes. Tbe whole number of votescanal said election being 51. The numbcrotvotes for ttftiUs and Tax, yes was . 1 he Dum-ber of votes for Bonds and Tax, no wrjt 7.

By order of the County Commissioners.Dkxjami Alm.w

D. W. McKlVNoy.County Cljrk.

Nov2w 2

Legal Notice.Notice is hereby given hatat the election

held in Hock L'lutf Precinct. 'aa County. Nebon tbe Gth day of October 1X71. pursuant to theorder of the Connty Coin missioners of said Coun-ty, for the purrose of submitting to the J. gulvoters of said Precinct, the question whethersaid Precinct should issue it Bonds to the StLouis and Nebraska Trunk Rail K ad Companyto the amount ot (2i.(Hi0iJU to aid in tbe con-struction of said Kail Road The question andproposition for liond and Tax tq submitted atsui.l election wereadop edand carried byji ma-jority of 93 votes. The whole number of votescast al said election being 121. The number otrotes for Bonds and iTax yes was 107, and thenumber of votes for Bond and Tax no was 14.

By o der of the Hoard of County Coinmis-ciont-r- s,

Eenjamix Alki.D. W. McKinxov. President.County lOierk.

Xov23w 2

Estray Notice.Taken up by tbn undersigned on his premis-

es, three miles south of Plattsmouth. threehead nt Asses. One is a light dun color, theother a dark brown with s dum colored eolt; nonarki r braadajveroertibio.

Vrv. 14

NO- - 36

Notice of Chattel KortgagsSale.

AlTlicrcss de'ault has been uiaais In the pay- -inent of one promissory rfoffc-

- souredby a chattel mortgage daird December HI 1H7'),executed by Edwin W. Brown and Moses Brtwnto Charles Holmes to secure the puj incut of therum of M .0. and interest at 10 per cent per an-num on or before the 1st day of November P71that said tnortg.Tgewas duly recorded i'-- Book Dof Chattel Mortgages, pages 140 and 147, m tLoClerk's office of Cas county Nebraska.

Tout there-i- s now due on fnid notes and mort-gage the sum ofSkSP.:7. -

That the description of tho mortgaged pro-perty which will be offered for sale is "a Mas-sillo-

Threshintr Machine nearly new."Now therefore notice is hereby given that

by virtue of a power of rule contained in saidmortgage I will oh the tit li day of December1S71, at the hour of one o'clock p in of said dayat the front door of the Court House in Platts-mouth Cass county NebrasVa offvr for sale sidThrcfh inf. Machine descrined in saidmortgage, to the highest bidder for cash.

CHARLES HOLMES. Mortgagee.By Maxwell Jc Chavvan, Atty'i


Notice.Notice is hereby given that nt the election

held in the citv of i'liittsmouth. Nebraska, onthebth day of October, lsTl, pursuant to theorder of the com ion council of sai l city, forthe purpose of submitting to tho legal voters ofsnid city the question whether said city shouldissue its Bnls o the St. Louis and NebraskaTrunk Railroad Company, to the amount offifty thousand dollars, to aid in the obstruc-tion ot said railroad, '.he question and prop-oM'io- n

tor bonds und tax so submitted at saidelection were adopted and carried by a luajotcf 253 votes. The whole niiinber of votes castat siiid election being 200, tbe number of votesfor bonds and tax yes being tho numberfor bonds nnd tax no being i

By order of the Common Council.M. L. WHITE. Mayor.

Attest. It. II. VakaTTA, City Clerk.Nov. lt w2

Legal Notices.T'j John T. Bryr.n and Harriet A. Bryan,

non-reside- defendant, will t ike notice thatWilliam Altafier, plaintiff, did, on the 21'th dayol November, A 1 1S71. file his petition in theDistrict Cour 2d Judicial District, in and torCass county, Nebraska, ngaitist you. the objecta d prayer of which 'n to icniove the cl u I

rest ng upon his title to the southwe--t quarterof section No. thirly-ei- ti(i), in town. Ill, N.trange 12. in Cass county, el.T.iska, c uscd byreason of an error an l mistake in a certaindeed, made bv John T. Bryan nn l Harriet A.

!ynn, h'.-- wife, to plaintiff, ou the ;trd uay ofJu c. 18.rS. for the sum of SSW 00, in whichdeed said land v .s described ns lying in range1 f.when the siuii should have been range 12 inCus i runty, and which mis'nke John T, Bryanand Harriet A. Bryan have tailed an 1 refusedto correct. Plai.itiff asks that his title to sa dreal may be quieted ond confirmed inhim. You are required to imswcrsai-- i petitionon or before the 15th day of Juhuar , 1S72

Will am Altafiee.By Maxwcl' i Chapman, his Attorneys.Nov.'. w4

Attachment Notice.Levi Kimball. Plai.itiff. vs. Emcy Wilson,

Dstond.'int. B f re T. 11. Bob rison, a Ju t cjof the Peace :u and for Sa'py County, Nebraska.

To Emery Wilson :You will tako notice that 1 havo commerced

suit against you before T. H. Robertson, a Jus-tice of tbo Peace in and for Sarpy Coumy, Ns!braska. An Order ef Attachment was issuedby fai l Justice on the 11th dav of November1371, forthesum of thirieen 813' Dollars andall costs l suit. Said ac;i-- a beun contin-n- ol

until Jan. 6th 1472, at 10 o'o ock a. v.Nov 20 w3



?altiiaore Piano


WfLKfyABE& CO,Manufacturers of


Ealt.mobk Maryland.These Inst amenta hare been before the I ub- -

l:c tor nearly thirty years, and upon their ex-cellence al ne attained an vnpn-chnnt- .i Pre-eminence, which pronounces lliein unequaledin Tune, Tonr h,

Yor;ni'.nhip ami Durability.S3 All our Square Piano have our New Im

proved Overstrung Scale and the Agr.ifTe T c- -

J"We woii'il call special attention to ourlato fatentcil linprove-- r ent in Orand Htanoand Square Grands found in no other P.ann.which bring the t icno nearer l ci lection thanbr.s yet been attained.frcri PIASO fniV Warranted fur Fire

l!lastra:ed Cat iogurs end price lists promptly furnished on application to

WM. KNA15E A CO.. Eahimor. Md.Or any of nr regu'ar established agene es.


To .liivFnTi-tr.- s All persons who conton-p'at- e

makicR contracts with news-piper- s for thoinsertion of Ad veniscments should send to

geo. . H owe!!tor a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their Onehnn (r-- Page Pamphlet, containing Lists ofj,v.j newspapers and rsuirutes. sli - mg thecotd ofadrcriisinff. aiomaiiy useful hints to ad-vertiser, and some account of the experiencesof iu-- who are known as succcsstul advertis-ers. This firm are proprietors ot tbc AmericanNewspaper Advertising Agency.

41 ark go j: Y-- .

and ere possessed of uncqualed facilities forsecuring the insertion of advertisements in ailNewspapers mU Periodicals at lcwcst rates,

i,tjm:j3j:ii!100,000 FEET !

the undersigned baa ou hand a large qantity a!



ORDERS FILLEDon Fhort notice, and for any size or length cfumbir.

Rafters, Studdmgs, Joists

can be had on short notice. C. HEISEL.

Dress and Cloak m iking.I would ref pertfully announce to the ladies'

of Piatt-'uiout- h and vicinity tbat I am n wprepared t j do Dress and Cloak makiiig in thelatest and most approved sty!e, Havins withme 51is M Sage, a well known und aceoin Visa-ed feel confident that we rn fctveperfect satislactioa. We will Irccp a good se- -l..ti .n " ' . ..i. ...1 ( ' ...... I -..w. vuvti uii', iici iuiih iiaikti us i'r rii: (9.Ladies will do well to give us a foil br fore go-ing elsewhere. Mhs A. M. DESPAIN.First door west of M. L. White's new building,

.Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb.Nov. 14. 171. dil3TO THE WORKING CLASS.- -rt e arc nowprepared t- - lurnish at classes with eon-ta- nt

mployment at home, the whole of the lime orfor tbe spare moments, liusiuess new. Ifchiand profitable Pe.-soH- s of either sex can easilyearn from tiitr cents to five per eveningand a porpotiunal earn by devotror their wholetime to tha business. Poys and girls earn nearlas much as men. That all who see this notiemay send their addffs, and test the businesswe make this.un paralleled offer. To such as arenot well satisiied, we wiil send one dollar to payfor the trouble of writing Full particulars, avalu-ibl- c sample which will no to commencewor on, and a copy of The t"tnpfe' (h.upuHionone of the largest, and best fairiT nirnaperspublished all sent free by mail. Reader, ifyou want Ftrmcnant, profitable work.

AddressO. ALLEN A CO..

i rrm dailyj PL ATTSMCUTH HER ALP.j is rCBLisdxD stj HATHA WAY & SEYlJOLT,

u n. HrHAWAv: fcuo. Li SBTaoti1.

!.-i- 7i corS'sr Ma!;i and Second sufet

i n i storytHM9:-Vailiiid- .W per nanntii. or ll.Ot

ier arouk.



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Price, $2,50 Mr vo'unie. elegantly bound incloth with giit'ides; fe! iu plain cloth; S1.73in boards.

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Wo would a!o cal? to The Opera atIf. ii . : r i i i fful ope- - songs. Price f5 in e'oth and gi t:Trade price, ft.

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