twitter ppt

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Slides from an OutserveWeb course on Twitter for Business.


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[email protected]

Twitter For Business

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[email protected]

Philip OakleyTechnology ConsultantOutserve Ltd




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What we do?

Experts in Customer Management and

Communication via the Internet.

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Social Networking Definition

Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's

business and/or social contacts by making connections through


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What is Social Media?

Social media is content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. …

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17th February 2010 [email protected]


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Real Time Webenable users to receive information as soon as it is published by

its authors

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Twitter Definition

“talk rapidly in a nervous or trivial

way”Oxford English Dictionary

[email protected]

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“What we have to do is deliver to people the best and freshest most relevant information possible. We think of Twitter as it's not a social network, but it's an information network. It tells people what they care about as it is happening in the world.”

Evan Williams - Twitter Founder

[email protected]

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Twitter is built for mobile

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Flipboard on iPad makes a Twitter Paper

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Why Tweet?

1. Marketing/Promotion

2. Customer service/support

3. Reputation Management

4. For staff/teams to communicate/collaborate

5. To learn/keep up to date with sector/competition

6. To be sociable/communicate with friends

[email protected]

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BASICSTerm Definition Usage

Tweet An update sent via Twitter “I am at Birmingham train station and my train is late, going for a coffee

@ “At”; Signifies a Twitter name and is used to send a message or mention a user

@philoakley if you are stuck at the train station why do we not meet up and have lunch

Follow To receive tweets from someone

“I’m now following @NHSDirect”

Followers Number of people subscribed to receive your tweets

“@barackobama has 2,546,725 followers”

Short URL Shortened version of a normal URL to use fewer of the 140 characters allotted for tweets

“Twitter Hires Nearly A Dozen From Top Companies Around The Web:”

# A “hash tag” which is included in tweets and acts as a tag to group tweets by topic area

Lord Sugar is so funny #apprectice

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Basic Page Design Tips

• Have a Photo/Logo if organisation• Complete a good Bio• Put a good link in your Bio• Relevant Location• Background image• Twitter Page Perception

[email protected]

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6th January 2010 [email protected]

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Get more followers

Search and Follow people Follower other relevant peoples Followers Look for relevant lists Include your twitter name on other marketing Twitter ‘Find People’ Mr Tweet/WhoShouldIFollow Be a good Tweeter

[email protected]

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Be a good Tweeter

Engage - @ and DM peopleTweet good and interesting contentRe-tweet other peoples good contentTweet something personal no matter how trivialJoin in on memes e.g. #followfridayLink to your other web propertiesLink your other web properties to Twitter

[email protected]

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SwearRow or fightAuto DM Ignore your @messages (unless spam)Spam/Link incessantly

[email protected]

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Trending Topics

Top Trends on Twitter Home Page Start your own

[email protected]

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Twitter Lists

• Group and view similar people together• Find people by category• Be found by category• Follow without following• Use Google advanced search to find list terms

[email protected]

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140 Character Restriction URL shortenor – Use + instead of and/& Leave out punctuation Use abbreviations Omit “I” Use Numerals instead of numbers Cut first few words of a sentence Use If all else fails use

[email protected]

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Twitter Ninja

TweetDeck/Hootsuite or other client Hootsuite – web client Cotweet – designed for company Tweetgrid/Monitter – moniter multiple keywords Tweetbeep - Alerts Mobile (Tweetie ,TwitterBerry, Twitdroid) Multiple updates (, posterous) Auto (Facebook, Blogs, other 3rd party services)

[email protected]

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Text Message

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[email protected]

7 tips for

Use a Twitter Client (Tweetdeck) Use Twitter Search Follow People Engage (otherwise don't bother) Publicise but mix with other content Link to your blog/site Think of ways to use (internal/mobile/text)

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Superhuman Strengths

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Twitter gives you two superhero strengths:

1.The power to read people’s thoughts

2.The ability to overhear conversation as if you were a fly on the wall

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27th January 2010 [email protected]

Link Social Media Content together

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Integrated offline

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Integrated offline

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6th January 2010 [email protected]


• Billion Users by 2020• Pulse of the planet• Replace texting

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6th January 2010 [email protected]

Thank You

Philip OakleyTechnology ConsultantOutserve Ltd


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6th January 2010 [email protected]