two centuries aprofileof modern history


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ContentsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsDiscovering history

History-the word itself D Varieties of his tory D Thehistorian D Why his tory? D

Part I The rise of modern Europe 23I Europe in the eighteenth century 25

Political boundaries D Absolute government D Constitutionalmonarchy and liberalism in Britain D The social order D Village andfield D Mercantilism and overseas empires D Causes of discontent DThe Enlightenment D

2 The French Revolution 45Causes o[ the Revolution D Background to the Revolution D Thepopular revolution D The work ofthe National Assembly 1789-91 DThe reception o[ the Revolution 1789-91 D The breakdown o[constitutional monarchy 1791-92 D The first French Republic D Thelast phase o[ the Revolution D The significance of the Revolution D

3 Napoleon land the Napoleonic Empire 74The Directory 1795-99 D The rise o[ Napoleon D The Consulate1799-1804 D The first French Empire D The Continental System DThe importance of Napoleon D

4 The quest for stability 1815-48 95Peace with France D The Congress of Vienna D The Concert ofEurope D The Holy Alliance D The Metternich system underchallenge D An attempt at international order D

Part 11 The Economic Revolution 1095 The IndustrialRevolution in Britain 111

Why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain D Progress inagriculture D The cotton industry D Steam-power, iron and miningD The factory system D Advances in transport D Achievements oftheIndustrial Revolution D

6 Britain:the first industrial society 127Population growth and shift D The rise of the urban middle dass DThe urban working dass D Rural Britain D Standards of living DCondusion D

7 Protest and reform in Britain to 1870 140Conditions in Britain 1815-20 D Government repression D Thecoming o[ re[orms D The fight [or the Reform Bill D Achievements ofthe re[ormed parliament D Chartism and its failure D The politics ofprosperity D The Second Reform Act of 1867 D



8 Economicandsodal change inEurope 162Progress in agriculture 0 The growth of population 0 The IndustrialRevolution in France 0 The Industrial Revolution in Germany 0Progress in transportation and communication 0 Ovcrseas migrationo Religion and education 0

Part 11I Liberalism,nationalismanddemocracy 1859 Reactionunderchallenge 187

The Bourbon restoration in France 1814-30 0 Nationalism andliberalism in Italy 0 The Metternich system in Germany 0 Austriaand Prussia 0 Liberalism repressed in Russia 0

10 The revolutionsof 1848 203France 0 Revolts in Italy 0 Germany 0 The Austrian Empire 0Features of thc revolutions 0 A turning point-1848 0

II The resurgenceof nationalism 213Italian unification 0 German unification 0 The Franco-Prussian War1870-71 0 Bismarck and Germany 0 Napoleon 111 and thc SecondFrench Empire 0

12 The fortunes of democracy 235Parliamentary reform in Britain 0 British system of government 0Democratic government in France 0 The French political system 0A simulation of democracy in Germany 0 Political weakness in Italyo Reform and reaction in Russia 0

13 The emergence of sodal democracy 265The origins of trade unions in Britain 0 The co-operation movcmento Revival of trade unionism 0 Political activity and the emergencc ofthe Labour Party 0 Trade unionism on the Continent 0 Importanceof trade unions 0 Origins of socialism 0 Anarchists and syndicalistso Marxism 0 Socialism in Britain and Germany 0 Marxism adaptedin Russia 0 Socialism and internationalism 0 The changing role of thcState: Britain 0 The Welfare State 0

14 The rise of the American nation 300Colonial development 0 The War of Independence 0 The consti-tution and national government 0 Westward expansion-nationalism,sectionalism, manifest destiny 0 The problem of slavery 0 Civil Warand reconstruction 0 Economic development 0 Imperialism andprogressivism 0 Foreign policy 1823-1939 0

Part IV Asiaandthe West 34115 ChinaandJapan 343

China 0 The dismemberment of China 0 Reasons for China'sweakness 0 The Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901 0 The fall of theManchus 0 japan 0 Old japan 0 The opcning of japan 0 Theawakening of japan 0



16 Indiaand Indonesia 369India 0 India before the mutiny 0 Britain's forward policy 0 TheIndian Mutiny 1857 0 India after the mutiny 0 Indonesia 0European imperialism 0 The Culture System 0 The Ethical Policy 0

Part V Warand peace 391

17 The drift to war 393The international background 0 Tensions in the Balkan Peninsula 0The impending conflict 0

18 The FirstWorldWar 414The assassination at Sarajevo 0 The course of the war 0 Reasons forthe Allied victory 0 The question of responsibility 0

19 The peace treaties and the League of Nations 435The Paris Peace Conference 0 The post-war world 0 The League ofNations 0

Russia:revolution and the consolidationof communism 459The March Revolution 0 The Boishevik Revolution 0 The Boisheviksconsolidate their power 0 The counter-revolutionaries 0 The NewEconomic Policy (NEP) 0 Formation ofthe Soviet Union 0 Lenin'ssuccessor: Trotsky or Stalin? 0 Stalin's Five-Year Plans 0 Socialconditions 0 The constitution of 1936 0 A totalitarian state 0Foreign policy 0

Part VI

20Nations in an era of conflict 457

21 ltaly and Germany: the fascist experience 488Totalitarianism in Italy 0 Organising the fascist society 0 Domesticpolicy 0 Reconciliation between Church and State 0 Foreign policyo Totalitarianism in Germany 0 The crisis years of the WeimarRepublic 1919-23 0 The period of recovery 1923-29 0 The GreatDepression and Germany 0 The failure of democracy 0 AdolfHitierand the Nazi Party 0 The road to Nazi dictatorship 0 Domestic policyof the Third Reich 0 Nazi foreign policy 0

22 Britainand France between the wars 534Britain 0 Conservatism in politics 0 The Great Depression 0A stable society 0 France 0 Recovery under the .second NationalBloc 0 The search for security 0

23 The American experience 557The prosperous 1920s 0 The Great Depression and the New Deal 0The wider world 0


24 Nationalism in China andJapan 571China 0 Reasons for nationalism 0 Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) 0jiang jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) 0 Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) 0japan's conquest of Manchuria 0 The triumph of Chinesecommunism 0 japan 0 japanese militarism 1895-19450 japan asa world power 0

25 Nationalism in Indiaand Indonesia 606India 0 India and the First World War 1914-180 The Montagu-Chelmsford Report 0 The Government ofIndia Act 19190 MahatmaGandhi 0 Abrief period of Anglo-Indian co-operation 0 TheGovernment of India Act 1935 0 Partition and independence 0Indonesia 0 Achmed Sukarno 0 japanese occupation 1942-45o The struggle continued 1945-50 0 Independence 0

26 The rise of the Australian nation 630Background to nationhood 0 The young Commonwealth 0 The nationat war 0 The daring 1920s 0 The Great Depression 0 Australia andthe world 0 The Second World War 0 Government and people 0

Part VII The age of the superpowers 65927 The Second WorldWar 661

The drift to war 0 Hitler's threat to peace 0 Causes of the SecondWorld War 0 The course of the war 0 Why the Axis powers lost thewarD

28 International relations: the Cold War and beyond 679Planning for peace 0 The beginnings of the Cold War 0 The Cold Warin Europe 0 Co-existence and crises 0 The Cold War in Asia 0Detente and beyond D

29 Nationalism and development in Asia 710China since 19490 China in the 1970s0 Modern japan 0 japan andthe KoreanlWar Oj apan today 0 Modern India 0 Modern Indonesiao The Third World 0

30 The United Nations 753Early peace-keeping efforts 0 The establishment ofthe United Nationso The main organs of the Uni ted Nations 0 The United Nations'system 0 Maintaining the peace 0 The Third World and non-alignment 0 Some special concerns ofthe United Nations 0 Still moreconcerns ofthe United Nations 0 Special United Nations observationso Australia ahd the United Nations 0 Weaknesses of the UnitedNations 0 Strengths of the United Nations 0

31 Europe, USA, and the Soviet Union since 1945 784West Germany 0 Italy 0 France 0 Britain 0 USA 0 Soviet Union 0

Index 817

