two parishes with one mission: to bring jesus christ to all! thomas the apostle parish 3...

St. John the Baptist Parish 17 Chestnut St Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0002 St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!

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Page 1: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

St. John the Baptist Parish

17 Chestnut St Peabody, MA 01960


St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St.

Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax

Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!

Page 2: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Peace be with you! ¡la Paz esté con usted! Paz esteja con voce! Our parishes join me in welcoming you and offering to help you on your journey of faith. Below is a directory of our personnel. We are all here to serve you in any way we can. We want to know you and your family so please take a minute to register, using the cards in the pew, or after Mass, or online, or at the office. We can also provide faith formation and sacraments for your children at Saint John's School or in our religious education programs. Let us know how we can help you. God bless! Fr. John

We are here to serve you. Please call or contact us. Our clergy serve both parishes, our school, and Brooksby Village. Call us at 978-531-0002

Rev. John E. MacInnis, Pastor Rev. Kevin Leaver, Parochial Vicar

Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry Deacon Leo Martin

Deacon Michael Lombardi + Ministry Intern John Boutin

Our lay staff are here to help in any way they can: St. John the Baptist

Karen Hinton Dir. of Religious Ed 1-5 Matthew Harrington Dir. of Religious Ed 6-8 (Both Parishes)

Tracy Palen Office Administrator Kathleen Wilkinson Parish Secretary Janet O’Connor Parish Secretary Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Raisa Ferreras Music Ministry (Spanish) Aida Vargas Spanish Religious Ed Lucy Cortez Spanish Religious Ed

Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Linda McKenzie Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc.

Saint John School: 978-531-0444 Valerie Shippen, Principal

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-1pm Email: [email protected]

St. Thomas the Apostle

Dawn Alves Pastoral Associate Dir. of Religious Ed 9-10 (Both Parishes) Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Renildo Paiva Music Ministry (Brazilian) Lisa Ann Trainor Dir. of Religious Ed K-5 Tracy Palen Office Administrator Linda Cavallon Administrative Assistant Danise Mendonça Administrative Assistant Bulletin Editor Leila Andrade Brazilian Administrator

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm

Email: [email protected]

Daily Mass Schedule

Mondays 8:30 AM St. Thomas

Tuesdays 7:00 AM St. John’s

Wednesday 5:30 PM St. John’s

Thursdays 8:30 AM St. Thomas

Fridays 7:00 AM St John's

Saturdays 7:00 AM St John's

St. John’s Parish Pay is now WeShare. Go to our website

Click on Online Giving. On the right of the screen you will see a green

Online giving icon. WeShare at 1-800-950-9952.

St. Thomas Parish Soft On-line Giving Go to our website Click on Online Giving,

Click on this for both weekly and second collections. Thank you !

Weekend Mass Schedule

Masses in English: Saturday 4:00PM St. John’s Sunday 8:00AM St. Thomas 10:00AM St. John's 10:00AM St. Thomas

Masses in Spanish: Sunday 11:30AM Friday/Saturday/Sunday 7:00PM Brazilian Mass: Sunday 12:00PM

Confessions at St. John’s 3-3:30pm every Saturday

REGISTER FOR MASS EACH WEEK Call 978-531-0002 or on our websites under SIGNUP GENIUS

Page 3: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

If there was ever a moment in recent American his-tory when Catholic schools stood out as beacons to all of strong and wise educational leadership, it has to have been the past 10 months. Like every school public or private, Saint John's faced the huge chal-lenge of moving out of classrooms and into homes which had to suffice as virtual classrooms. Parents and teachers everywhere deserve our thanks and praise for making the sudden adjustments that were necessary for our children to keep learning. For our school community, the stress and strain of the lockdown was intensified by the loss of our dear principal, Maureen Kelleher. Yet in the face of this tragic loss I cannot begin to tell you how quickly and how well our school board, along with parents and teachers, rose to the moment. I want to thank all of them but especially the teachers who kept going and stayed in touch with their students. This was so beau-tiful to see! And the staff and board who met fre-quently to be sure that the school was keeping up with its administrative and financial responsibilities. No sooner did word get out about the Paycheck Pro-tection Program than our people were preparing an application. The PPP did for us what it did for so many. It saved our school over $300,000 and rescued us from a terrible deficit. Last September our school opened its doors to 401 students, an increase of over 5o new children. We had in place a tremendous organization of people and order that enabled our children to be back in the classroom, safe and sound and totally engaged in real learning. The contrast to what was happening in pub-lic schools could not have been more evident, to the degree that Governor Baker held parochial schools up as shining models of classroom education.

The words of this year's Catholic Schools Week mot-to highlight what empowered us to do what so many public schools were unable to achieve. Faith. As people of faith we know that communities and nations cannot respond to crises such as this in-ternational pandemic without confidence that God would not abandon us. In a time of extreme isolation we knew in our hearts and souls that we were not alone. The power of the cross is that it is the ultimate symbol of victory over suffering and evil. We could and did pray for one another and for our nation and world. Faith is an incredible bond of solidarity. In the absence of world leaders to call us to care for one another, the voices of the church such as Pope Fran-cis inspired compassion and cooperation. Excellence. We know how essential it is for teachers and children to be together in the work of forming young minds, hearts and spirits. We all found out how all the technology in the world, as helpful as it was to keep us in touch with one another, could nev-er take the place of live, person to person communi-cation and interaction. Educators fear greatly the fu-ture negative impact of so much time when students have lacked the rich activities that children need with others: mental, emotional and physical. We set the bar high and we are keeping it there. Service. Our principal, Valerie Shippen, made a wonderful point to me. She observed what has been happening in our classrooms. She noted that in our school setting students know that they need to care for each other. This reminds me of the root of our word education: educare: to "lead out of." Sitting at home with no responsibility for anyone but yourself turns us in upon ourselves, even if we see the faces of others on a screen. Our schools teach service by re-quiring children to get along with others. This is a lesson straight out of the gospel where Jesus warns his disciples not to behave like the heathens who want to lord it over others. "It will not be that way with you. The greatest among you will be your serv-ant." (Matt 23:11) Join me this week in thanking and congratulating our teachers, staff and children for what they have ac-complished! Let's also thank and support parents who made sacrifices to send their child to a place where they grow in every way into full Christ-like adult-hood.

God bless! Fr John

Page 4: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Si alguna vez hubo un momento en la historia reciente de Estados Unidos en el que las escuelas católicas se destacaron como faros para todos los líderes educativos fuertes y sabios, fue en los últimos 10 meses. Como toda escuela pública o privada, San Juan se enfrentó al gran desafío de mudarse de las aulas a hogares que de-bían ser suficientes como aulas virtuales. Los padres y maestros de todas partes merecen nuestro agradeci-miento y elogio por hacer los ajustes repentinos que fueron necesarios para que nuestros niños siguieran aprendiendo. Para nuestra comunidad escolar, el estrés y la tensión del encierro se intensificaron con la pérdida de nuestra querida directora, Maureen Kelleher. Sin embargo, frente a esta trágica pérdida, no puedo comenzar a de-cirles qué tan rápido y qué tan bien nuestra junta esco-lar, junto con los padres y maestros, se adaptaron al momento. Quiero agradecerles a todos pero especial-mente a los profesores que siguieron adelante y se man-tuvieron en contacto con sus alumnos. ¡Esto fue tan hermoso de ver! Y el personal y la junta que se reunían con frecuencia para asegurarse de que la escuela cum-pliera con sus responsabilidades administrativas y fi-nancieras. Tan pronto como se corrió la voz sobre el Programa de Protección de Cheques de Pago, nuestra gente estaba preparando una solicitud. El PPP hizo por nosotros lo que hizo por tantos. Le ahorró a nuestra es-cuela más de $ 300,000 y nos rescató de un terrible dé-ficit. El pasado mes de septiembre nuestra escuela abrió sus puertas a 401 estudiantes, un aumento de más de 50 niños nuevos. Tuvimos una tremenda organización de personas y orden que permitió a nuestros niños estar de regreso en el aula, sanos y salvos y totalmente compro-metidos con el aprendizaje real. El contraste con lo que estaba sucediendo en las escuelas públicas no podría haber sido más evidente, en la medida en que el gober-nador Baker consideró a las escuelas parroquiales como modelos brillantes de educación en el aula.

Las palabras del lema de la Semana de las Escuelas Ca-tólicas de este año resaltan lo que nos empoderó para hacer lo que tantas escuelas públicas no pudieron lo-grar. Fe. Como personas de fe, sabemos que las comunida-des y naciones no pueden responder a crisis como esta pandemia internacional sin la confianza de que Dios no nos abandonará. En un momento de aislamiento extre-mo sabíamos en nuestro corazón y alma que no estába-mos solos. El poder de la cruz es que es el símbolo má-ximo de la victoria sobre el sufrimiento y el mal. Po-dríamos y lo hicimos, orar unos por otros y por nuestra nación y el mundo. La fe es un vínculo de solidaridad increíble. En ausencia de líderes mundiales que nos lla-men a cuidarnos unos a otros, las voces de la iglesia como el Papa Francisco inspiraron compasión y coope-ración. Excelencia. Sabemos lo esencial que es para los maes-tros y los niños estar juntos en el trabajo de formar mentes, corazones y espíritus jóvenes. Todos descubri-mos cómo toda la tecnología del mundo, por muy útil que fuera para mantenernos en contacto unos con otros, nunca podría reemplazar la comunicación e interacción en vivo, de persona a persona. Los educadores temen mucho el futuro impacto negativo de tanto tiempo cuando los estudiantes han carecido de las ricas activi-dades que los niños necesitan con los demás: mentales, emocionales y físicas. Ponemos el listón alto y lo man-tenemos allí. Servicio. Nuestra directora, Valerie Shippen, me hizo un gran comentario. Ella observó lo que ha estado suce-diendo en nuestras aulas. Señaló que en nuestro entorno escolar, los estudiantes saben que deben cuidarse unos a otros. Esto me recuerda la raíz de nuestra palabra edu-cación: educare: "dirigir ". Sentarnos en casa sin res-ponsabilidad de nadie más que por ti mismo nos con-vierte en algo sobre nosotros mismos, incluso si vemos las caras de los demás en una pantalla. Nuestras escue-las enseñan servicio al exigir que los niños se lleven bien con los demás. Esta es una lección sacada directa-mente del evangelio donde Jesús advierte a sus discípu-los que no se comporten como los paganos que quieren dominar a los demás. "No será así con ustedes. El ma-yor de ustedes será su sirviente". (Mateo 23:11) ¡Únase a mí esta semana para agradecer y felicitar a nuestros maestros, personal y niños por lo que han lo-grado! Agradezcamos y apoyemos también a los padres que hicieron sacrificios para enviar a sus hijos a un lu-gar donde crezcan en todos los sentidos hasta la adultez plena como la de Cristo.

¡Dios te bendiga! Padre John

Page 5: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

governador Baker considerava as escolas paroquiais modelos brilhantes de educação em sala de aula. As palavras do lema da Semana das Escolas Católicas deste ano destacam o que nos deu força para fazer o que tantas escolas públicas não conseguiram. Fé. Como pessoas de fé, sabemos que comunidades e nações não podem responder a crises como esta pan-demia internacional sem a confiança de que Deus não nos abandonará. Em uma época de extremo isolamento, sabíamos em nossos corações e almas que não estávamos sozinhos. O poder da cruz é o símbolo máxi-mo da vitória sobre o sofrimento e o mal. Nós podíamos e oramos uns pelos outros e por nossa nação e mundo. A fé é um incrível vínculo de solidariedade. Na ausência de líderes mundiais para nos chamar a cuidar uns dos outros, as vozes da Igreja, como o Papa Francisco, inspiraram compaixão e cooperação. Excelência.Sabemos como é essencial que professores e crianças estejam juntos no trabalho de formar mentes, corações e espíritos jovens. Todos nós descobrimos como toda a tecnologia do mundo, por mais útil que fosse para nos manter em contato uns com os outros, nunca poderia substituir a vida, a comunicação e a in-teração de pessoa para pessoa. Os educadores temem muito o impacto negativo futuro de tanto tempo em que os alunos não têm as atividades ricas de que as crianças precisam com outras pessoas: mental, emocional e físi-ca. Elevamos a fasquia e a mantemos assim. Serviço. Nossa diretora, Valérie Shippen, fez uma ob-servação maravilhosa para mim. Ela observou o que estava acontecendo em nossas salas de aula. Ela obser-vou que em nosso ambiente escolar os alunos sabem que precisam cuidar uns dos outros. Isso me lembra a raiz de nossa palavra educação: educare: "tirar de fora". Ficar sentado em casa sem responsabilidade por ning-uém além de você mesmo nos leva para cima de nós mesmos, mesmo que vejamos os rostos dos outros em uma tela. Nossas escolas ensinam serviço exigindo que as crianças se dêem bem com outras pessoas. Esta é uma lição que vem direto do evangelho, onde Jesus adverte seus discípulos a não se comportarem como os pagãos que querem dominar os outros. "Não será assim com você. O maior entre vocês será seu servo." (Mat 23:11) Junte-se a mim nesta semana para agradecer e para-benizar nossos professores, funcionários e crianças pe-lo que realizaram! Também vamos agradecer e apoiar os pais que fizeram sacrifícios para enviar seus filhos a um lugar onde eles cresçam em todos os sentidos até a maturidade plena como Cristo.

Deus abençoe! Fr John

Se alguma vez houve um momento na história recente dos Estados Unidos em que as escolas católicas se destacaram como faróis para todas as lideranças edu-cacionais fortes e sábias, deve ter sido nos últimos 10 meses. Como toda escola pública ou privada, a São Jo-ão enfrentou o enorme desafio de sair das salas de aula e entrar em casas que deveriam bastar como salas de aula virtuais. Pais e professores em todos os lugares merecem nossos agradecimentos e elogios por fazerem os ajustes repentinos que foram necessários para que nossos filhos continuassem aprendendo. Para nossa comunidade escolar, o estresse e a tensão do bloqueio foram intensificados pela perda de nossa que-rida diretora, Maureen Kelleher. Mesmo assim, em face dessa perda trágica, não posso começar a dizer quão rápido e quão bem nosso conselho escolar, junto com pais e professores, subiu até o momento. Quero agradecer a todos, mas principalmente aos professores que seguiram em frente e mantiveram contato com seus alunos. Isso foi tão lindo de ver! E a equipe e a direto-ria que se reuniam com frequência para ter certeza de que a escola estava cumprindo com suas responsabi-lidades administrativas e financeiras. Assim que se es-palhou a notícia sobre o Programa de Proteção ao Cheque, nosso pessoal estava preparando um formu-lário. O PPP fez por nós o que fez por tantos. Isso economizou mais de $300.000 mil dólares para nossa escola e nos resgatou de um déficit terrível. Em setembro passado, nossa escola abriu suas portas para 401 alunos, um aumento de mais de 5o novas crianças. Tínhamos implementado uma tremenda organização de pessoas e ordem que permitia que nos-sos filhos voltassem à sala de aula, sãos e salvos e totalmente engajados no aprendizado real. O contraste com o que estava acontecendo nas escolas públicas não poderia ter sido mais evidente, na medida em que o

Page 6: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Memorial Gifts St. Thomas the Apostle

January 30th/31st Bread and Wine

AVAILABLE Sanctuary Lamp

Matthew Sweet Candle Oil


February 6th/7th Bread and Wine

AVAILABLE Sanctuary Lamp



Memorial Gifts St. John the Baptist

Jan 30th/31st Bread and Wine Carole Higgins

Sacramental Candles J. Leo Gauthier

Feb 6th/7th Bread and Wine

Jacqueline Demers Sacramental Candles

Jacqueline Demers

St. John's Grand Annual Collec on

Our progress con nues towards our goal of $80,000 with just

over $62.530 received in gi s & pledges from 207 families. Thank you for your generous support.

St. Thomas’ Grand Annual Collec on We are so close to reaching

our goal of $40,000 with just over $36,660.10 received in

gi s & pledges from 88 families. Thank you for your generous support.

Lent will begin on ASH WEDNESDAY February 17, 2021.

Together we journey through Lent to turn away from sin and turn towards

the gospel. As you seek to renew your relationship remember the God

you seek is always seeking you! Please Register at either website to attend Mass or Ash Wed. Service.

8:30AM Mass St. Thomas Church

3:30PM Family Prayer Service Holy Family Chapel -St. John’s

5:30PM Mass Holy Family Chapel -St. John’s

7:00PM Mass (Spanish) Holy Family Chapel -St. John’s

7:30PM Mass (Portuguese) St. Thomas Church

Page 7: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Page 8: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Page 9: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Page 10: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

St. John the Baptist Principal’s letter

Celebrating 127 Years of Catholic Education in Peabody During Catholic Schools Week 2021

Annually, the last week of January marks the celebration of Catholic education in the United States. This celebration runs throughout the entire week, marked with special and unique experiences for students and families. This year’s theme of “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service” compliments the mission and philosophy of our institution. At St. John the Bap-tist School, we stress the development of the whole child, the nurturing and strengthening of the gifts of faith and intellect and the development of social responsibility. Today, our community has been devastated by a global pandem-ic that has now claimed the lives of 400,000 Americans and many, many more across the globe. Yet, our school remains steadfast in providing a high-quality and affordable education. And, we do so all while providing over $125,000 in financial assistance annually so every family and every child who craves a catholic education is afforded one. Today, 127 years after our school began serving Peabody and surrounding communities we are proudly serving over 400 students in person; safely. We are able to do so through the collaborative and trusted partnership between the administration, parents, volunteer leadership and most importantly our faculty. If not for our teachers and their continued selflessness and unwavering commitment to our school and students we could not thrive in a time of great chal-lenge. Supporting today’s learner through the integration of technology is of critical importance. In 2021, our students' educational ex-perience at St. Johns will be enhanced with the opening of the Maureen Kelleher STEAM Lab. Through the generosity of our philanthropic supporters and local businesses we were able to raise the necessary funds to afford our students with this trans-formative and highly important learning space. Our school has also recently deployed Chromebooks to all of our students, again a vital tool in their educational journey. These are just a couple of ways in the myriad of all the educational tools stu-dents at St. John’s have access to. At St. John the Baptist School, our students are afforded an in-carnational view of the world and learn how to mobilize their Catholic vocation to benefit their local community. It is critical to the success of our school and to the vitality of our community that we not only grow scholars but we grow kind, thoughtful, resilient and benevolent children. The St. John the Baptist School community is a nurturing, supportive, and resilient one, because that is what our children need and deserve. It is clear, the tenets of Catholic schools week 2021; “faith, excellence and service” are deployed daily at our school. A Catholic school experience is attainable for your child and if you want to learn more about our school, take a tour or want to philanthropically support our pillar of education for the Peabody community, you can visit us at or call us at (978) 531.0444. Valerie Shippen is the Principal of St. John the Baptist School

Instagram: sjspeabody@sjspeabody Twitter: sjspeabody

Catholic Schools Week begins on January 31! This year’s theme is

“Catholic Schools: Faith, Excellence, Service.”

For Catholics, learning is not simply informational but formational. Catholic education invites young people to view

the world and all its wonders through a vision of faith: to learn why God made the world, us, and for what purpose each one

has been put on this earth. Our Catholic schools have kept their standards of excellence despite all the challenges of the past year, and our Catholic schools foster lasting values that help

students learn to serve God and His children in charity and love.

In the North Region, we have 17 elementary schools, 3 middle and high schools combined, and 3 high schools. All these

schools enhance opportunities for our youngest members and are a tremendous place of faith and learning that I hope all

our parishes support.

During Catholic Schools Week schools normally celebrate with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners, and community members. Without a doubt some

of these usual ways of celebrating will be curtailed this year. Nevertheless, it is important to mark the week in some

significant fashion and I know our school administrators will be creative. Let us support them and our Catholic schools.

Support our schools! Encourage enrollment in our Catholic

schools in the North Region! For more information, visit the Catholic Schools

Office at

Page 11: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

High School Students (Both 9th & 10th Graders)

On the weekend of the Epiphany an e-mail was sent out to watch a short video-clip on YouTube:

"The Christ Child-A Nativity Story" If you did not get this e-mail please contact

Dawn Alves for assignment.

*Our next gathering: Sunday evening, January 31st at 4:20PM.

*Grade 10 Confirmation Students only: All Saint Essay's and Sponsor Forms

are now past due.

Great News - Worldwide Marriage Encounter has gone "Virtual"!

To support married couples during this time of social distancing, Worldwide Marriage Encounter is

sponsoring virtual marriage experiences. Some are on weekends and some span multiple weeks on a

given weekday. Couples will explore their individual personality styles, improve listening and communication skills, understand God’s plan for

their marriage, and learn how to keep their relationship a priority. Registration is limited and a

$100 application fee is required. For more information or to apply, call at or visit them at “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is

at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Christmas Season Thank You

The St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank all the parishioners who

donated money and gift certificates this Christmas season. It is because of your

generosity and kindness that we are able to assist families and individuals needing some assistance during the Christmas sea-son with gift certificates. During this time, your care and sup-

port is very much appreciated. Wishing you a Blessed season of Hope and Generosity.

Lenten Consecration

Pope Francis has proclaimed this year, “The Year of St. Joseph”

December 2, 2020 TO December 8, 2021

Will you join us this Lenten Season to read, reflect, and consecrate

yourself to Jesus through St. Joseph?

“Saint Joseph. One cannot love Jesus and Mary without loving the Holy Patriarch.”

St. Josemaria Escriva

We will begin the book “Consecration to St. Joseph” on

Tuesday, February 15, 2021 and read for 33 days to end with

a group Consecration on The Solemnity of St. Joseph

Friday, March 19

We will meet weekly to discuss/reflect the readings over Zoom. Meetings are optional.

Order your book now on or on Amazon!

Contact parish office by Feb 7th to sign up and get more info.

Jubilee 150

"Concretely what are you doing for Jubilee 150?" We need to tell our stories. Do you like history? Do you have photos or letters to tell our story? We need to gather sto-ries and photos of the past of Catholics. Do you have any in your attic or hidden away? Take a look. Let us know.

Can you sort and file information or memorabilia? Can you help us organize the memorabilia in our archives? Are you good at writing? We need people to tell the tale of our faith over 150 years. Do you have stories in your family's history that can help us to know more about our past? Or may-be you are new and came from another country? Why? How? What makes a difference for you belonging to the Catholic Church here?

Please tell us your story!

We also need to finish the work that is making Saint John's look so magnificent. What can you do? Can you make a gift or pledge? We need to raise $150,000 to meet our goal. We already have over $600,000 from only 200 donors. We need your contribution.. If God has been good to you, it's time to show your gratitude in this way that glorifies God! Whatever you can do, call us today: 978-531-0002. Leave me a message: ext 314. Send an email, [email protected].

We need your help! Thank you! Fr. John

Rekindle our Faith!

Page 12: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021


John Paul II: I Kept Looking

for You

This new film is the world's biggest documentary on Pope St. John Paul II. It reveals his remarkable legacy in the history of the Church and the world, as well as

how his extraordinary personality, generosity, courage, and sense of humor united people on all continents,

regardless of their social status, age, or religious beliefs. It utilizes exclusive archival footage featuring St. John Paul II, as well as a lot of original shots made for this comprehensive film. Produced in HD quality,

and four years in the making, it was filmed in thirteenth countries. It features many world famous figures from

the Church, as well as politics, entertainment, and news industries, and their inspiring, insightful thoughts about

and experiences with John Paul II.

Sign up is easy, visit FORMED.ORG

Click “Sign-up”. Then “I Belong to a Parish”

Enter Peabody Zip Code 01960 in search box “Create a New Account”.

Then select St. John the Baptist, click “Next” Enter “Your Name” and “Email”

St. Thomas Thrift Shop

Thrift Shop Team Needed! Please consider creating a new team to keep our

Thrift Shop going. One Saturday a month a team of volunteers run the Thrift shop in our Spiritual Life Center. The team receives, sorts, and displays the gently used donated clothes and houseware items. By having a 4th team the commitment is easier on

everyone. If you love hosting a yard sale or working in retail gather a team and give us a call. The thrift shop is a very important source of income for our parish,

consider joining this great group of volunteers to support your parish! Contact Dawn Alves, Sylvia Comeau, or Sharon Graff for more information.


To make arrangements for donation drop offs contact:

Eric Sironi 508-277-1910

Bob Comeau 978-977-9672

Dear parishioners of St. John and St. Thomas parishes: Thank you for your prayers and abundant generosity!

Our critical needs at this time, in order of most need first: Large compartment backpacks, men’s winter coats, men’s gently used sneakers (any size), sweatshirts (hooded or pullover), sweaters for men or women, gently used bed pillows, men’s Tee shirts (any size, plain or not). Your donations may be dropped off at the church hall of St. John’s on Friday mornings, from 9am to 11am, or to the Parish Center during the weekdays, from 9:30am to 1pm. Thank you for your help!

Pat Adam, Outreach Coordinator (978) 335-2080.

Shop Hours: Thursday

+ Friday

+ Saturday

9am to 1pm

St. John’s

If you would like to donate items to the Shop, please bring them in during normal business hours.

PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS ON THE PORCH! We accept most household goods, clothing, toys,

holiday decorations, linens, etc. We do not accept large pieces of furniture, air conditioners, television,

bicycles, computers, VHS tapes, etc

Call Wayne Doane for more information

Telephone Number (617) 548-5626 Email Address:

[email protected]

For another view, please visit

Thank you for your patronage and may God Bless You!

Shop Hours: Saturday

9am to 2pm

Page 13: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2021

Be an Adorer on the First Friday of each month. Adoration is an opportunity to retreat from the

world and just be one with the Lord. Join us February 5th following the morning Mass.

Contact: Dawn Alves [email protected]

"Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, for you are safe with me." 1Samuel 22:23

Holy Bap sm for BOTH Parishes

All bap sms are being scheduled for a single family at a me with a total of FOURTEEN family members and the

priest or deacon celebra ng.

Please call Kathleen Wilkinson at 978-531-0002

You may leave a message with your name including best phone number to contact you, and the sta will return your call. God Bless!

Follow us at: St. John and St. Thomas Churches of Peabody


For current information check out our websites at:

Are you new to the Parish, and would like to Register as a Parishioner?

Visit this link to Sign up and Register:

If you already registered, maybe it’s time to update your contact information. You may do so by

signing into your Family Suite with your User Name and Password.


St. Thecla’s Retreat House Director: John Regan

For More Information please email: [email protected]

SJST Women's ACTS Retreat October 21-24, 2021

St. Thecla’s Retreat House Director: Kathleen Wilkinson

For More Information please Email: [email protected]


Classes have already begun for the 2020/21 year. Please contact either

parish office with questions. Thank you!

St John the Bap st Grades 1-5

Contact Karen Hinton [email protected]

St. Thomas the Apostle Grades 1-5

Contact Lisa Trainor [email protected]

EDGE Grades 6, 7, & 8

Contact Matthew Harrington [email protected]

CONFIRMATION Grades 9 & 10

Contact Dawn Alves [email protected]

Page 14: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271

Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship of The Sea of the United States of America

Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations

Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email [email protected]

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Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

are significantly impacted.

Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

keep the local economy strong.

Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.


508.875.7600371 Worcester Rd., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framingham Amana - Speed Queen - Kitchen Aid - Maytag Whirlpool - Frigidaire - GE - LG - Electrolux


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Page 15: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271

“God is Love” 1 John 4:8



CONTACT: [email protected]


Marie Bishop REALTOR ®

978.766.3533 [email protected]

A Donation of $100 by Marie will be made to the St. John the Baptist/St. Thomas Collaborative for any Sale resulting from this Ad

Rosaries from Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers

of your Loved One”

841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876

(978) 851-9103

healthier priests. stronger communities.The strength of our communities depends on the

well-being of our priests who tirelessly serve others.

An independently-managed trust for the care of active and senior priests in good standing.

Puritan LawnMemorial Park

Two plots, side by side, Current Value at $5,150. Asking $3,800. Buyer pays

title and transfer fee approx. $150.Only serious buyers please.

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Page 16: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271

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When patronizing our Sponsors let them know you saw them in the

Church Bulletin.

Please Patronize our Sponsors

They make this Bulletin Possible

Cemetery Plot - Puritan Lawn Cemetery (Peabody)

Deed for double depth interment in pre-installed double cement crypt.

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Page 17: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

are significantly impacted.

Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.

Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

keep the local economy strong.


508.875.7600371 Worcester Rd., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framingham Amana - Speed Queen - Kitchen Aid - Maytag Whirlpool - Frigidaire - GE - LG - Electrolux


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Page 18: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship of The Sea of the United States of America

Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations

Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email [email protected]


kCatholic Cruises and Tours

Mass is included with all of our tours!

C h li CC i d TC l hid Th AA

Holy Land Discovery • Fatima, Lourdes and Shrines of Spain • Grand Catholic Italy • Footsteps of

Apostle Paul • Shrines of Alpine Europe • Pilgrimage to Lourdes • Scottish Highlands

• Camino, a walking journey for the soul

Online Bulletin DeliverySign Up to Receive your Parish Bulletin

in your inbox every week.

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“God is Love” 1 John 4:8

healthier priests. stronger communities.The strength of our communities depends on the

well-being of our priests who tirelessly serve others.

An independently-managed trust for the care of active and senior priests in good standing.



CONTACT: [email protected]


Please Patronize our SponsorsThey make this Bulletin Possible

Page 19: Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!...St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax Two parishes with one mission:

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

79 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA

The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free

retirement living.


North Shore



Gibraltar Pools™RT. 1, TOPSFIELD978-887-2424

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Eddy Staco

Inmigración Hablamos Español

781-477-9100 66 Washington St.Marblehead, [email protected]

Patty’s Pet CareLOVING CAREfor your precious animals Patty Carter(978) 778 - 4221

Get Your First Day FREE when you mention this ad.

Murphy Funeral Home85 FEDERAL STREET



(781) 631-8885 (978) 744-0497


Greg Prentice, Field Agent, FIC978-969-1672 • [email protected]


Marie Bishop REALTOR ®

978.766.3533 [email protected]

A Donation of $100 by Marie will be made to the St. John the Baptist/St. Thomas Collaborative for any Sale resulting from this Ad

We’re Perfecting the Art of Superior Care.

90 Lindall Street • Danvers, MA978-777-3740

Compassionate care is our top priority

Senior Discounts Available20% Discount for Senior Citizens


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Memorial Ads Available617-779-3771