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  • 8/3/2019 Two Super Marios


    Important disclosures and certifications are contained from page 2 of this

    Investment ResearchGeneral Market Conditions

    Silvio Berlusconi kept his word and resigned on Saturday evening after the austerity

    package passed the lower house.

    President Napolitano asked Mario Monti last night to form and lead a technocrat

    unity government. From a market point of view, this is the ideal solution.

    It is likely that the ECB will reward Italys action by stepping up the SMP buying


    Berlusconi kept his word

    Monti is taking over

    Berlusconi kept his word and stepped down on Saturday evening after the austerity

    package had been passed in the lower house. President Napolitano announced on Sunday

    night that Senator Monti (the former EU commissioner) had been asked to form and lead

    a so-called technocrat unity government. The new government could be presented as

    soon as today and is set to be endorsed by the parliament later this week. This is an ideal

    solution from a market point of view. The move was welcomed by Presidents Van

    Rompuy and Barroso who wrote in a jointstatementWe believe that it sends a further

    encouraging signal...of the Italian authorities' determination to overcome the current


    ECB likely to reward Italy by stepping up the SMP buying

    It is likely that the ECB will step up its buying on Monday, as Italy has now delivered on

    its promises. We saw a similar move in August when Italy was included in the Securities

    Markets Programme (SMP). Back then Tremonti and Berlusconi managed to agree on

    front-loading austerity measures aimed at a balanced budget in 2013 (from 2014

    previously). At that time, the ECB was successful in pushing 10-year yields from close to

    6.5% to under 5%. The purchases were significant in the first seven-day period

    (EUR22.5bn). However, this time it is likely that the purchases would have to be even

    bigger, say EUR30bn-plus in the first seven-day period. It is essential that the ECB sends

    a clear signal that it is committed, as it will be tested by the market repeatedly. In August,

    the ECB signalled this by releasing astatement where it welcomed the announcement

    from Italy. There has been no clear signal from the ECB this time. However, the two

    Marios met on Sunday morning according to Bloomberg. Italy will tap the market today

    in a 5Y BTP auction (seeGovernment bonds weekly, 11 November 2011).

    Italys future lies in the hands of the two Super Marios. Mario Draghi and the ECB can

    help Italy for some time by pushing yields down. However, the ECB has on various

    occasions underlined that the SMP purchases are only temporary. It is up to Mario Monti

    to go ahead with the implementation of the austerity package as well as growth boosting

    structural reforms. Combined with quarterly IMF reviews it is hoped this can help Italy

    re-establish market confidence. The risk is that many market participants have lost faith in

    Italy, something Italy needs in 2012, when it will have to tap the market for


    14 November 2011


    Anders Mller Lumholtz

    +45 45 12 84 98

    [email protected]

    The ECB could reward Italy by stepping

    up the SMP buying today

    Source: Reuters Ecowin and Danske Markets

    In August ECB managed to push Italian

    10-year yields down to around 5%

    Source: Reuters Ecowin and Danske Markets

    Flash CommentItaly: Two Super Marios could take Italy to the next level

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  • 8/3/2019 Two Super Marios


    2 | 14 November

    Flash Comment


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  • 8/3/2019 Two Super Marios


    3 | 14 November

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