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  • 7/27/2019 TX Citizen 7.25.13



    I S S U E 30

    07 .25 .13







    Tu n e s f o r T r o o p s | G h e t t o D r e a m | G e e z e r f e s t | H o t B e e f

    ThankyouforcallingGuadalupeCounty!Howcanwesay"Yes"toyoutoday? FirstWord,Page3

  • 7/27/2019 TX Citizen 7.25.13



  • 7/27/2019 TX Citizen 7.25.13






    Have it Yalls Way, inGuadalupe County

    In a world where prompt,personal service is hard to

    come by, one organizationstands out as a glittering

    exception in a society that

    increasingly resists treating the

    customer right. That organization is

    none other than our own Guadalupe County.

    In two very high-prole cases, the

    employees o Guadalupe County stepped

    up and said Yes! where others would havealmost certainly reacted with a knee-jerk No.

    Were o course talking about the now-dropped

    aggravated perjury case against Leonidas-

    Mark-Patrick-Jason-Moore-McGonigal and theocer-involved shooting o Jonas Alonzo.

    Suicide by CopLate last month, two Guadalupe County SherisDeputies were called out to deal with a knie-

    wielding, suicidal 16 year-old, who, according

    to press accounts o the Deputys dash-cam

    video, charged the cops, and demanded to

    be shot and killed. The Deputies did what any

    reasonable person trained in disarming anddealing with violent, unpredictable people

    would do they shot and killed him.

    Granted, thats what I would do too, but

    as Ive said beore in this very column, I would

    make a horrible cop or just that reason. In any

    case, they gave Jonas Alonzo exactly what hewas asking or, when he asked or it. That, my

    riends, is service.

    At rst I thought the two shots to the head

    were kind o permanent. Ater all, the kid

    might have changed his mind about the whole

    thing later. They could have just tasered himuntil he was in a dierent rame o mind. But

    there are two problems with that solution:

    1) Tasers cost something like $25 to

    reload, while bullets are well under a buck

    apiece, and urthermore

    2) Guadalupe County Sheris Deputiesdont carry tasers.

    That makes sense.

    Just so you know, when NBPD shows up

    to a suicide call, they send a whole pack o

    cops, plus an ambulance. Theyre super nice,

    too. (Its not important how I know this.) Withthat kind o manpower, theyve got lots o non-

    lethal options open to them, which they can

    then oer the suicidal person instead o instanthot death. And i things do go o the rails,

    theyve got tasers, reload cost be damned.

    Calling NBPD or a 5150 is like

    dealing with that overly-helpul

    salesman at the paint store, you

    know, the guy that wants tomake sure youre happy with

    that Twilight Meadow semi-

    gloss and takes two hours to do

    it. Guadalupe County Deputies

    assume youre making an inormed

    decision rom the beginning and are moreabout speed o delivery. Theres no question that

    they both oer top-notch service, but they come

    rom dierent schools o thought, to be sure.

    In any case, the two unidentiedGuadalupe County Deputies that red intoAlonzos head, chest and ankle have been

    cleared o any wrongdoing in the case. Theyll

    be back at work soon, i they arent already,

    as the Guadalupe County Grand Jury reused

    to indict either o them.Look, were not saying the Deputies

    murdered that kid, or that he didnt have it

    coming. All were saying is even the LAPDs most

    notorious boot-and-nightstick enthusiast, StaceyKoon, would have handled this dierently, and

    he did two-and-a-hal years hard time. And alsothat maybe they should get some tasers over

    there. Thats all were saying.

    You want an indictment?You GOT one!Sure, the Guadalupe County Sheris Oce

    embraces the Customer is Always Right policy

    to the bitterest o ends, but the District Attorneyout there is no slouch in that department either.

    Back when NBs disposable containerban was top story in the city, Can-Ban poster

    girl, ormer New Braunels Mayor Pro-Tem,

    wie o ormer US Senator Robert Krueger,

    and eventual disappointed Comal County

    Commissioner candidate Kathleen Kruegerdecided she wanted vocal Can-Ban opponent,

    serial petition generator, general rabble-

    rouser, and ounder o the now out-o-print NBCitizen, Leonidas-Mark-Jason-Patrick-Moore-

    McGonigal, to shut the hell up.

    Her Kitchen Cabinet political groupdid some digging, and discovered that the

    litigious, blusterous activist going by the name

    o Mark McGonigal had actually started lie

    as Mark Jason Moore, and in 2010, had

    gone beore a Guadalupe County judgeto take on the slightly more epic moniker o

    Leonidas Patrick McGonigal. (Cue orchestra.)

    Continued on next page.

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    G adal pe Co nt District Attorne s oce

  • 7/27/2019 TX Citizen 7.25.13


    4 AD SALES 830.483.9563

    Continued rom previous page.A little more digging revealed that

    Moore-McGonigal had a decades-old elonyon his record. Some MORE digging turned upMoore-McGonigals application or his namechange. A ne-toothed comb run over thatapplication ound that Moore-McGonigal hadanswered No on the part o the applicationthat asked i he had ever been nally

    convicted o a elony.Krueger was nice enough to let New

    Braunels Police Chie Tom Wibert in on theelony inormation via the electronic mail.Heres the relevant excerpt:

    McGonigal swore he was not fnallyconvicted o a elony. That is a lie and an acto perjury. Thats another story and one I hopeyoure aware of. If not, we can meet to talkabout it. I am in hopes that Guadalupe Countylaw enforcement will act quickly on information

    they now have about that issue. (Emphasis ours)According to the email, she had already

    been in contact with Guadalupe Countyon this situation, and it was clearly very,very important to her to get a case moving.As it turned out, NBPD also got at least oneanonymous phone call and an anonymouspackage containing inormation on Leonidas-Mark-Jason-Patrick-Moore-McGonigalsname change. We believe its a sae bet thatGuadalupe County got the same treatment.

    Now it should be noted that NBPD alreadyknew about the name change application, asthey had been looking into Moore-McGonigalor posts he made on Facebook. (It seemscertain members o the community wereeigning outrage and ear over some sarcasticcomments, as one does when trying tomanipulate public opinion. #alsharpton)

    Anyway, what New Braunels Policeknew that Krueger didnt, is that there issomething called deerred adjudication,

    which in Moore-McGonigals case meantthat he wasnta convicted elon, because hehad ullled court-ordered terms o probation.Texas DPS records conrmed that status to us,as did the ollowing rom a report authored byormer NBPD Detective Zac Armstrong:

    While two of the charges Moore wasarrested on were dismissed, the other tworesulted in a deferred sentence, to whichMoore completed successfully. As a resulto the deerred sentence being completed

    successully, Moore is not considered aconvicted elon.(Emphasis ours)The report went on to state that NBPD

    veried the data by contacting each court,probation oce and arresting agency directly.(Guadalupe County decided to disregard thosendings and run with the Krueger-generatedrequest instead. Politicians are, ater all, in thebusiness o persuasion.)

    The NBPD report is airly cut and dried,which is why most people amiliar with thecase were not particularly shocked when thecharges o Aggravated Perjury against Moore-McGonigal were dropped a ew weeks back,at the request o none other than the very same

    Guadalupe County District Attorney s ocethat went beore a grand jury seeking to indicthim a year-and-a-hal back.

    We called DA McMinn and asked herwhy she bothered to seek the indictment at alli she wasnt going to ollow through on it. Herreason or dropping the case against Moore-McGonigal might be the most disingenuousthing weve heard in a good long while rom alawyer. Youre going to love this:

    DA McMinn: We have to prove beyond areasonable doubt that the person that is the subjecto the judgment that we have is that person.

    TX Citizen: (Incredulous) You couldntprove that?

    DA McMinn: How would you prove that?Well, we were thinking a rudimentary

    comparison o ngerprints might do the trick,but hey, shes the proessional.

    From here on out, or the rest o your lie,keep in mind that when a grand jury returns

    an indictment, that the DA presenting the casemight not even know if the guy they want totake to trial is the right person. Wed say thatsJob One or an honest prosecutor, but as wevementioned beore, elected ocials are waysmarter than us. Theyre, like, super super smart.

    This is how prosecutors pad their resume,by the way because a plea deal counts asa win. They get indictments on unwinnable,possibly illegitimate cases, hoping that thesimple pressure o the situation will orce

    the suspect into a deal. Which is part o thereason plea-bargaining is considered highlycontroversial outside o the United States. Andwhy indictments need to be taken with a graino salt. Damn shame, that.

    Itd be nice to think that the peoplecharged with protecting us were smart enoughto check prints, or at least honest enough notto lie about why they dropped cases that wereonly brought because the wie o a ormerSenator wanted somebody silenced. But hey,

    when the service is that good, youve got togure somethings going to give.


    Mike ReynoldsPublisher/Editor-in-Chie

    Postscript: DA McMinn made it very clearto us that she disagrees with the NBPD reportand insisted that Leonidas-Mark-Jason-Patrick-

    Moore-McGonigal is guilty o perjury, eventhough shes not 100% sure i he is who shethinks he is and cant be bothered to check. Inthe real world, we call that the Worst ExcuseEver and an insult to our intelligence. But hey,thats what she wants us to believe about her,so well go ahead and run with it. O course,that has its own ramications:

    Let the record show that when McMinnwas quizzed on why she did what she did,she checked Stupid/Incompetent insteado well, I guess the alternatives (Dishonest,Easily Bullied into Abusing Oce by OtherPoliticians) arent much better. Carry on.

    [email protected]

    Saturday, July 27Charlie and the Cool Cats 7:30pm

    C Seven Windham 9pm

    Sunday, July 28 at noon1st Annual

    Tunes for Troops Benefit$10 at the door, Acve & Rered Military $5

    Hugh Fadal Band 4-6pm

    Scott Helmer 7pm$10 BBQ Plates & Silent Auction from noon-6pm!

    Sponsored by


    Packages starting

    at $395+ session fee

  • 7/27/2019 TX Citizen 7.25.13




    This Week, July 11: The Knowhow hits the Landa Park Dance Slab at 7:30pm.

    Next Week: Grissom Hill. Admission is FREE!


    Dirtys Bar & Q plays host or the frst annual Tunes or Troops Beneft onSunday, July 28. The Hugh Fadal Band takes the stage at 4pm, with Scott Helmerplaying at 7. BBQ plates are just ten bucks apiece, admission $10 at the door.Hal-price admission or retired and active duty military. Silent auction closes at6pm. Git cha sum!


    Advance registration is now underway or the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Rockinand Rollin Bowl-in beneft at Fiesta Lanes to be held on Sunday July 28th at1:00pm. Registration and more inormation is available online at bigmentor.orgor by phone at 830-832-6806. Bring your amily and riends, your best Rockinand Rollin Bowl-in costume attire, and celebrate summer New Braunels style!The un and riendly event is or everyone, rom 5 to 85!


    The Glen Collins Band will be playing true country music at the Geronimo

    VFW Post 8456, 6808 N Highway 123, Geronimo, on Sunday, July 28, 3-6:30pm; kitchen/door opens at 2 pm. Open seating. $7 donation. Hall is smoke reeand open to everyone. Ino 830-303-9903/830-379-9260.


    Through July 31: New Braunels Puppy Playland (NBPP) is now a fnalist ina the Bark or Your Park contest sponsored by PetSae, a pet-products frm!One lucky city will win the grand prize to spend on its dog park, and our othercities will receive $25,000. New Braunels-area residents are asked to go onlineand bark (vote) or unding or their citys dog park. To vote, visit www.petsae.

    net. Each voter may cast TWO ballots daily, (once via Facebook and once throughthe PetSae website), so bark early and bark oten! For inormation on the uturedog park in New Braunels and on the Bark or Your Park contest, go to www.newbraunelsdogpark.com.


    Geronimo VFW, 6808 N Highway 123, Geronimo, on Tuesday, August 6, rom7-10 PM. Great VFW kitchen at 5:30 PM hamburgers, etc. Adults $7--12 & under$3. This month eaturing Bobby Mata, Karlene Fey & Paul Schlesinger, along witha antastic house band. Smokeree and always open to all. For reservations, callDorothy at 512-825-2180.


    The Countrymen Band will be perorming all your old country dance avoritesat the Geronimo VFW Post 8456, 6808 N Highway 123, Geronimo, on Sunday,

    August 4, 3-6:30 pm; kitchen/door opens at 2 pm. Open seating. $7 donation.Hall is smoke ree and open to everyone. Ino 830-303-9903/830-379-9260.


    GOT AN EVENT TO PROMOTE?Well get the word out or you!

    Send the details to [email protected].

    P/T Sales Assistant Wanted

    (T-F) 9am-1pm at NB Oce. Quick

    learner, must be dependable, withexcellent phone etiquette. Please ax

    resume to 775-898-1807.

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    Is now hiring or all positions or

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    volume restaurants. Starting pay depends

    on amount o experience.Apply in person at 1692 Hwy 46 S,

    (3 miles o IH-35) New Braunels, TX

    The New Braunels Auction Co. &

    Gruene Flea Antique Mall

    Seeking a variety o seasonal temp

    to hire part time and/or ull time workers.

    Estate sale set up, sales operation, retail,

    urniture movers, etc. Great un workenvironment, part time, fex and ull time

    depending on ability, availability and

    experience. Great student and summer

    jobs! Apply in person at 311 FM306

    Bldg.#2 New Braunels TX 78130.

    Stahmann Sales Co

    Looking to hire part time oce help/

    customer greeter or Thursdays, Fridays,

    and Saturdays, at a local rv dealership.May lead to ull time employment.

    Message or come by Stahmann Sales

    Company, 5631 N Interstate 35 Frontage

    Rd, rom 9 to 5, M-F to apply.


    NB company (o FM 1863) has

    opening or a part-time, exp. admin. asst.

    Mon Thurs 1-5. Excellent typing, Excel

    & Word skills req. Quick Books a plus.

    Students welcome. Position includes: Data

    input, AR, shipping, phone, email, online

    bill paying, ling, etc. Send resume to

    [email protected].

    Got a nice opening? Well help fll it,FREE! Send your job listings to [email protected]. Hire ormer ScooterStore employees, and well pay you owith up to $1,500 in advertising credit!


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    in New BraunfelsOfce located in Unit 58



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