typeface research for film magazine

Typeface research for film magazine

Upload: rpatel35

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Typeface research for film magazine

Typeface research for film magazine

Page 2: Typeface research for film magazine

I have research a range of different typeface that will be appropriate for my magazine. The typefaces I would need to research will be for the masthead and thecoverlines. Also the typeface I will choose will be specific to the sub genre of my movie which help the audience recognise the connotate the sub genre I have chosen.

Page 3: Typeface research for film magazine

This font is called ‘Defused’. The letters are positioned fairly close to each other. The font is like the letter have be breaking down or crumbling create a destroyed affect to it. its a very bold and strong font that is easy to read and stands out. This would be a ideal font for my magazines as it connotes the genre of the magazine. From the results of my primary research I found out having a eye catching masthead is essential.

Page 4: Typeface research for film magazine

This font is called ‘Shrapnel’. This is similar to the previous font but this has the lettering more spaced out an thinner size of the font. This font does give a clear indication f the genre of the magazine combined with the eye catching features.

Page 5: Typeface research for film magazine

This font is called ‘IMPACT’. This font is a strong and bold font that is clear and easy to read. But this font doest portray or give any indication of the genre of the movie magazine. but on the other hand its a very conventional font used in film magazines and it was the best font choice from my primary research.

Page 6: Typeface research for film magazine

This font is called ‘ Calibri’. Conventionally cover line font are met to be simple and easy on the eye to read clearly. The structure of this font is neat and professional, easy to read at any size. My target audience appreciates a tidy font for my cover lines

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This font is called ‘bodoni’. Is a more elegant font and one that is used is many different magazines. For my magazine it may not be ideal to used this font as its slightly difficult to read and not easy on the eye. Therefore may not be the best choice for a cover line font

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This font is called ‘Brainiatic’ The structure of this font is neat and professional, easy to read at any size. My target audience appreciates a tidy font for my cover lines. So this can be the ideal choice for my cover line

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To conclude during my typeface research for the film poster I have considered fonts that are bold, unique and represent the sub genre of my plot. I have kept my audience research in mind when choosing the font. Cover line fonts will be professional neat and easy to read.