typography for developers

Today’s presentation is brought to you by the letter Bb (for Bacon)

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Today’s presentation is brought to you by the letter

Bb(for Bacon)

Typography for Developers

A cheat sheet for the design disinclined



Vocab Cheat Sheet

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading



aka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading



Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Standard Mobile Fonts

Regular Medium Light Italic Medium Italic Light Italic Bold Black Bold Italic Black Italic CondensedThin Condensed Italic Thin Italic Bold CondensedBold Condensed Italic

ROBOTO HELVETICA NEUERegularMedium Light Ultralight Italic Light Italic Ultralight Italic Bold Bold Italic Condensed Bold Condensed Black

aka $free.99

SEGOE UINormalSemilightLightCursivaSemilight ItalicLight ItalicSemiboldNegretaSemibold ItalicNegreta cursiva

android windows 8 iOS

Georgia, Serif

Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif“Palatino Linotype”, “Book Antiqua”, Palatino, serif

Impact, charcoal, sans-serif

Web Safe Stacks

“Comic Sans MS”, cursive, sans-serif

“Lucida Grande”, sans-serifTahoma, Geneva, sans-serif“Trebuchet MS”, Helvetica, sans-serifVerdana, Geneva, sans-serif

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading



Regular Bold

Regular Italic

Regular Condensed


Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Hipster Ipsum Text This is a sub title. Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone, labore shoreditch portland 8-bit mollit VHS hella cred. Post-ironic food truck mustache church-key, sunt consectetur cray you probably haven't heard of them readymade raw denim accusamus veniam squid iphone 8-bit. Odd future brunch nostrud PBR. Banjo selvage skateboard viral cred chillwave. January 24, 2013

Hipster Ipsum Text This is a subtitle Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone, labore shoreditch portland 8-bit mollit VHS hella cred. Post-ironic food truck mustache church-key, sunt consectetur cray you probably haven't heard of them readymade raw denim accusamus veniam squid iphone 8-bit. Odd future brunch nostrud PBR. Banjo selvage skateboard viral cred chillwave.

January 24, 2013

aka trickle-down legibility




Pack my box.

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading



Pack my box. Line Height


Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone,

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic.


Cochin Helvetica Neue

x x

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading



Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna,

Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone,

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone,

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading



Pack my box with five dozen

Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone,

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone,

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone,

.7 1 1.2

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone, labore shoreditch portland 8-bit mollit VHS hella cred. Post-ironic food truck mustache church-key, sunt consectetur cray you probably haven't heard of them readymade raw denim accusamus veniam squid iphone 8-bit. Odd future brunch nostrud PBR. Banjo selvage skateboard viral cred chillwave.

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic iphone, labore shoreditch portland 8-bit mollit VHS hella cred. Post-ironic food truck mustache church-key, sunt consectetur cray you probably haven't heard of them readymade raw denim accusamus veniam squid iphone 8-bit. Odd future brunch nostrud PBR. Banjo selvage skateboard viral cred chillwave.

Typeface vs. Font

Weight, Style & Width Leading




Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby




Serif & Sans serif



Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby


Serif & Sans serif


Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic.

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust

fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small

batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic.

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust f u n d r a w d e n i m readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic.

Tempor consequat nulla mustache selvage. Trust

fund raw denim readymade tempor odio, sint authentic chambray

hoodie truffaut mustache commodo. Photo booth meggings magna, quis thundercats nihil small

batch hella mcsweeney's aliqua. Veniam organic.


Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby


Serif & Sans serif




Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby


Serif & Sans serif




f + f =

Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

Vocab Cheat SheetVocab Cheat Sheet


Serif & Sans serif



Vocab Cheat Sheetaka talk sweet, sweet type to me baby

get real copy.

Aspergillus spp. are ubiquitous fungi that are acquired by inhalation of airborne spores and may cause a variety of clinical lung syndromes. The severity of lung aspergillosis depends upon immune status and the presence of u n d e r l y i n g l u n g d i s e a s e . T h e manifestations range from invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in severely immunocompromised patients to chronic necrotizing aspergillosis in patients with chronic lung disease and/or mildly compromised immune sys tems . Aspergilloma is primarily seen in patients with cavitary lung disease, wh i l e a cu t e b r on chopu lmona r y aspergillosis (ABPA) is a hypersensitivity disease of the lungs that almost always affects patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis. In this paper, we report a rare case of a patient who had multiple blebs, recurrent pneumothorax and pleura that was infected by aspergillus, with clinical features that were different from those described in the literature [1].





Internationalizationaka going native

a 名a 名

try it out.

KERNING GAMEtype.method.ac


TYPE MATCHING GAMEtypeconnection.com

RULES FOR DIGITAL TYPEwebtypography.net