u) mjmili feevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9748/1/1889110901.pdfren nils, several...

:. TO Wt A. !!'. JWllmll4''JIWW''''T'''?1l.'y"y'IJ-l,SJll''- l li v i jim i ..uimii..n- - i.hii ! i mjjjMimwnc-ii-- i uy.ijj.muj'inKM";.-iiiiii- i j.'iii'yi uij'inwwtlf '1r'r'i!71VJ'!.l''rTl'W &S.U.1S S n 3TVT. "y'lBv 1V8M . i i AS '4 v4 .T i w IT V :.. fVs' T4jS? ' Mi" SKH3S fe U) MJMili ?3CV9S9SSSSarJ:BW' LKJLlJfcfflXJLUJJMJIIRM;flWWmPlCTmC Vol. XIV. No. 2100. HONOLULU, II. U SATURDAY BYE NINO, NOVEMBER J), 1SSS). 00 OENTO ouoaoRiPTioM PER MONTH ? V epf 1 I) THE DAILY BULLETIN Is punted and published at tho oftlco, Quoou Struct, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - - SO cents por Month. Addross all Oommuulcations Dailv BUMjETIN. Advurtlsomcnls, to on3tiro insertion, should be handed in befoiu one o'clock V. M. WALTER IIIIL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Nowspuper, Book nnd Job Printing of all kinds done ou the most favoiablo terms. Bell Telephone- No. 23tl Mutual Telophouo No. 25(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting find comprohensivo publication, contains 33 columns of leading matter on local toploa, nnd a complete reaumo of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to send to friends uhrtfad. HnliHcrlpUon : Island : : : ?1 00 year Foreign : : : G 00 " Commission Meronants. IliVOJKITJiJJLiD & Co., General Commission Agents. Honolulu G. W. MACFAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. U. I. Queen street, - - 1C13 GONSALiYES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Boavor Block, Honolulu. BBBWHB & COMPANY, 0. (Limited) GlMIKItAL MEnOAHTILB AMD Commission Agents. ubt ov ofVicebs: P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. u. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary didectoiib: Hon. 0. It. Bi3nop. S. C. Allen, II. WATEnnousu. 3158 ly T. WATERHOU3K, JOHN Importer and Doalor in Goneral Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKB, CASTLH Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Goneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu. 1 Claus sprcctcia. Wm. Q. Irwin. IRWIN SS COMPANY, WQ. Factors and Commission onts, Honolulu. 1 rILDBB Si CO., Dealers in Lumber. Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials oi every iunu, cor. i'ort uuu ifueeu uu;., Honolulu. i . Lowers, V. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooko. & COOKE, (successors to Lowers &. Dickson,) Importers and Dralora in Lumbor and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN 81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station House. 'Mutual 'JTolepnoiio No. U 87 tf VETERINARY. ROW AT, Veterinary Burgoon, Alt. and pharmacy at Hawallnn Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Utohard strestR, Scientific treatment In all tils-oas- of domeaiio animals. Orders for plantation und ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone U51, P.O. Box 320. mh.18.8i) LADIES' NURSE. MONROE, ladies' nureo, has MRS. to No. u Kukul lane. Feb. 14-8- 9 FOR SALE FIRST -- CLASS A Phaeton per-fe- order. Appy at this office. SHtf mnwF WF.F.KLY BULLETINv X 28 columnB, puroly local matte- r- Mailed to foreign couuiriut. t pci annum. imtkMhL , !. M. Professionals. JM. MONSAHRAT, nt J.aw & Notary Public 149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. If ALFRED MAOOON, J Attorney at Law & Notary Public 173 42 Merchant etrcot, Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice In tho lower courts of tho Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect lug In all its branches, renting of houses and any other business emulated to lilm Ofllcc 01 King Slieet UpstaiM. Feb 9 piojsiciisrc. 8TBAI GA1Y FACTORY P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- SHT Telephone 74. HOLLIBTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : "William's Block, 210 Honolulu, H. I. n. M. EENSOR. U. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Bocricko & Socohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksccker's Perfumes anil Tollot Requisites, i2y WENNER & CO. Jlsinnractnrlna: Jcwellero, wo. oa jpoxxrr Titi33i:T. Constantly on hand largo assorlmcn of every description of .low elry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Waro, &c. 058 ly as indsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewolry a Specialty. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Ofllcc. CST" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan.10-8- 9 BEAVER JL SALOON Tho Best Lunoh In Town, Tea and Ooffee at Oil Hours Tho Finest Brand of Clprs, Jfe TDDacco on XXaixa. II. .T. NOIiTE, Proprietor. Hus!ece& Robertson, DRAYMEN. a LL orders for Cartage promptly at. A tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit nt lowest pricos. Office, next door to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. THE0. P. SEVE View- - and liaiulaciipo Photograplioi". Makes a specialty of plmtoginphiiitr lesidences, Interiors, groupB, decora, tlons and all kinds of out and indoor views. Also, does printing and develop, ing for amateurs and others at the lowest ratc3. Satisfaction given and all orders receive prompt iillcutiou. Views mounted in books to order. Opficr; Corner of King nnd Alnkca street. P.O. Box (12. MutualTolo. 251). 122 tf A. II. RASEMANN, Book-Wndfl- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. i No. Merchant street. Up stnlrs. , nnl.1JM.1n wur.Hwi wF ailL - qt r;igTrl , K2- - -- SIXTM B POPULAR - - 104 Fort 1 0 9 N. S. jer tvick TDEtE Street, STOCK MAKE S 1111 ifillSSyCaj? Slllw 1009 IjOlIliiiyllyU Positively notice imoticis Bry Goods, & k Fraisliii Goofls, S WILL BE OFFERED at COST PRIOE ! -- S5H IN ORDER TO Sona ESverythiiiK ItiMluccil from li'Ice ! All Goods 3Tnr!cel In Pltiiu Fiauren Jt03R yJSHuJT V WE WILL FEW O'F THE MANY BARGAINS THAT WE WILL OFFER VALENCIENNE LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt 75 cts u vanl. ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt Length, 50 cts a yaul. ORIENTAL LACE PLOUNCING, Skirl Length, 75 cts a vmd. COLORED 00 a dozon. -- aose, extra fine, 25 cts pair. FANCY STRIPED 8 yards for .f 1. SATINS (For Fancy Work), 25 a v.ud. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN 50 cents each. MEN'S BRITISH SOCKS, $2..10 dozen. THE MetropoiitanM Meat Company 81 KING STREET, J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale Eetail AND NAVY 1717 ly Mutton ! Beef, JTInIi, &o., Ace. Always on linnd at tho HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm, McCaudlcss), Xo. 0 Uncoil Hr., : : j'lah 3IurUet, Honolulu, U. I. CSTFiimlly and Shipping Oulerscare. fully attended to, Live Slock furnished to vessels nt short notice. my 17-8- 3 JOS. miTOHi:;t. Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. MSO Pork Fresh Bveiy Day, tSSHin noted Sausages aro by tho ovcry ml mnchlnnry, and all orders entrusted to his euro will with promptness nnd illspateh, nnd IiIh prices are as low as iinywlieru in tho city. DSTTry hia Bologna 8ausagci.is octS88 ORA5SO AUAL- - SACHS, JLTJ? : MILLIIERY Honolulu, : take : na for Weeks Only THE ENHUE OK- - ROOM FOR AN IMMENSE Ficy Goolls Laflies Gems iti Foiiner ! -- SOLD 0.JO: MENTION BUT A Length, e.ha qunlitv, BORDER HANDKERCHIEFS, Ladies English Balbriggan FLANNELETTES, cenU SHIRTS, por G. & Butchers CONTRACTORS. Choicest fPP Pork, "Voc:otnlleH, TB&ER, Cambridgo Sausages mndo budellveicd Two enuine -- OFFER AT BED o Telephones, No. 175. Coll fJO -- ij s Our IS ?- - Vhichwill Iju nold AT i i a IE ! cts a uutaita -:- - HOUSE, NEW STOCK. largams aJ ROCK Cor. Edinburgli & Queen Sta. '" ii Mut un.1 'JTeleplioiie, iiV 1 THIS KINGDOM JIMENEZ " SUBLIME. LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Ma1)II(JI, California Ilay, Oats, Bran, Oil Cuko Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FJL.OUR JSer-Al- ta, Golden Gate & SalinnBlSX FLOUR Tfeloplione, Ho, 24 Merchant Streot, Hear Port Street, HAYE THE BEST QUALITY i:acii and every kind of IMl'OItriCJ) INTO " PEDRO SIMPLY 2170 5 PRICER- - SBsaa 0&&&X.kj; jrtom.gMM... ,., ,i4t, MailiA NTERP6IS PLANING MILL. Alukon, nvnr (nccn St. Telephone tiB. WALKER & EEDWARD, ConU'notora .V: XIulltlerH. Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; cs. tlmates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. 0. Box, 423. up Cly LUCAS, Contractor K and Builder,1 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla nude, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Hand Sawing. AU kinds ot Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- lands solicited HONOLULU IRON WORKS. Steam en nines, sucar millB, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work oxo. cuted at short notice. 1 J. E. BROWN & It iiH .llcrrlinnt Ht.. Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUNTANTS, Conveyancers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Sole Agents for the Burlington Route Across America, and to tho Azoro1;. Sole Aucnts for Pitt & Scott's Foreign Parcels Express & General Shipping Agency. vhole Agents for Atlantic Rubber Stamp Company. Sole Agents for Musetleld Bros.' New Zealand Mullet and Canned Goods. Special Agents for Leading New Zca land and Australian Mercantile Firms. Special Agents for the California Land Association. Spcoinl Agents for the Honolulu Busi ness Directory. Also, Other Hpci'inl Agencies, JCSf Customs' Entries Passed. Pro pontes Mnuaged. Assignees and Audi tors' Work done promptly. House Lenscd and Rents Collected. New Business Solicited Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 300. Dcc-- 5 Post Oftlco Box 4G9. 88-l-y P. O. Box 8.11. -- C9JW Hell Tele. X7J. iness Ag Corner Fort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, II. I. ERAL AGE Accountant & Col lec to ru l'Oll THE Hawaiian Bell Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department ran thk "upepaJKuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive bpcclnl attcn. lion iiml icturus promptly maile. Real Eilato bouujlit, tolil and hased. Taxes Paid and piopeily piiftly iun rel Houses, Cottages, Rooms anil Offices, leaed nnd rental, ami lents rnllecled. Firo and Life Insurance etlectwl in llrst-cla- ss Insurance Companies. Convoyancing a Specially ltcroidi seal ched nnd correct Abstracts of Title fumUhed. Legal Documents and Papers of even' description carefully drawn und hiind-Bomel- engrossed. Copying and Translating in all luuguagc.? In ccncrnl ueo in this Kingdmn, Custom House Baslnoss traiibiictcd with acourncy and dispatch. Loans negotiaicil nt favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought nud toll. Advortisemonls and Subscription oli cited for publlshcis. fiklllod and Unskilled Labor furnished. Any Article purchased or sold, Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive) parti, (tllnr attention. To Lot. Furnlshod and Unfurnished Cot. tages In (lesirablo localities at rensunnble ren nils, Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now for sale and lease on eisy terms. foyAll uusliicw ciitriistul to our care I will rcrelvo prompt nnd faithful atton-- ' tinn at nindcrate hargei Fob-e- NEW YORK Life Insurance COW P ANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000,00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium table, nnil in ovcry year, tho AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Polieiea of the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing, similar policies. 8?" For particulars apply to C. O. ItUnGKK, Gon'l Agent llnwaiian IblamU. 2S;i U FIRE, LIFE, D MARINE XNSUKANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assott, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marino Assota, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $95,000,000 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Llfo, Fire &. Marine Insur'co Agonta. AUENTS FOU The Now Knelauil MUTUAl LIFE INS. C0MP Y of Boston. The .ffitna Firo Insurance CoH of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union Jflro una Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Calo. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comu'v ESTABLISHED 1815, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks HPHE undersigned, having been sp. X pointed agent of the abovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on BulldlugB, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SUgtu-Mill- s etc., on tho inoBt Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablt Honolulu. H. RIMENSCHNEIDKH, ly.87 ly at Wilder &, CVs. fiYteFpressk"! 1'AAUHAU 1'I.ANTATION, ) Hawaii, March tf, 1888. f KIniIou Iron A r.ocouiotivo Worlin hum FiuiiolHro. Gi'.XTj.KMhN: We have used two of your 30'Chambsrcd Filter Presses thU m'iisoii. They mo convenient, euslly liandliiil and aro noiklng entirely to our sntiefaetloii. lean rceoiniuciiil no ou them. Yeiy icspcL'tfully youis, (Signed) A. MOORK, Mnnnger l'aauhnu I'luntailon. Hkkia, Sept. 29, 1643. Mn. Jons Dvr.n, Agent Rlwlon lion Works, Honolulu. Dkau But; Plcaso shin us one efvour !I0 Compartment Filter Presses, iMO fojioju feet surface, same as the one euppllrd ub lust Bouaou, which I mn pleased in say has given us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, Gi.o. R. F.WART, Manngcr Hecia Agricultural Co. These Presses aiu mado extra heavy for high picsguies, occupy a iloor (paco H feet by 1 ftot, nud pivseiit u lllterlug hiirfiiiM! of 240 square tect. A limited number in Mock in Hone lulu and are sold at very low prices. Kisdon Iron & Loco. Works, Sail Francisco. fidf Tor paitlcnl.irs enqiiiio of .lOllN DYER, Honolulu, Itoom Xo. a pnieckelt)' Block, if W.a.Irwin&CoA;it, ! thaA...fe.- - y- - i ii 'h ii "3 iSE bl

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Page 1: U) MJMili feevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9748/1/1889110901.pdfren nils, Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now for sale and lease on eisy terms. foyAll

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Is punted and published at tho oftlco,

Quoou Struct, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - - SO cents por Month.

Addross all Oommuulcations DailvBUMjETIN.

Advurtlsomcnls, to on3tiro insertion,should be handed in befoiu one o'clockV. M.

WALTER IIIIL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Nowspuper, Book nnd Job Printing ofall kinds done ou the most favoiabloterms.Bell Telephone- No. 23tl

Mutual Telophouo No. 25(1


Weekly Summary.

An interesting find comprohensivopublication, contains 33 columns ofleading matter on local toploa, nnd acomplete reaumo of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishedin the Kingdom to send to friendsuhrtfad.

HnliHcrlpUon :

Island : : : ?1 00 yearForeign : : : G 00 "

Commission Meronants.


General Commission Agents.




Honolulu. U. I.Queen street, - -1C13


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Boavor Block, Honolulu.


Commission Agents.

ubt ov ofVicebs:

P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. u. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

didectoiib:Hon. 0. It. Bi3nop. S. C. Allen,

II. WATEnnousu.3158 ly

T. WATERHOU3K,JOHN Importer and Doalor in GoneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle& OOOKB,CASTLH Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGoneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu. 1

Claus sprcctcia. Wm. Q. Irwin.IRWIN SS COMPANY,WQ. Factors and Commission

onts, Honolulu. 1

rILDBB Si CO.,Dealers in Lumber. Paints,

Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsoi every iunu, cor. i'ort uuu ifueeu uu;.,Honolulu. i

. Lowers, V. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooko.

& COOKE,(successors to Lowers &. Dickson,)

Importers and Dralora in Lumbor and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

'Mutual 'JTolepnoiio No. U87 tf

VETERINARY.ROW AT, Veterinary Burgoon,Alt. and pharmacy at Hawallnn

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and UtohardstrestR, Scientific treatment In all tils-oas-

of domeaiio animals. Orders forplantation und ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone U51,

P.O. Box 320. mh.18.8i)

LADIES' NURSE.MONROE, ladies' nureo, hasMRS. to No. u Kukul lane.

Feb. 14-8- 9

FOR SALEFIRST -- CLASSA Phaeton per-fe-

order. Appy atthis office. SHtf

mnwF WF.F.KLY BULLETINvX 28 columnB, puroly local matte- r-

Mailed to foreign couuiriut. t pciannum.

imtkMhL , !. M.


JM. MONSAHRAT,nt J.aw & Notary Public

149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

ALFRED MAOOON,J Attorney at Law & Notary Public173 42 Merchant etrcot, Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice In tho lower courts of thoKingdom as attorney, attend to collectlug In all its branches, renting of housesand any other business emulated to lilm

Ofllcc 01 King Slieet UpstaiM.Feb 9



P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- SHT Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : "William's Block,210 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Bocricko & Socohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksccker's Perfumes anil Tollot

Requisites, i2y

WENNER & CO.Jlsinnractnrlna: Jcwellero,

wo. oa jpoxxrr Titi33i:T.Constantly on hand largo assorlmcn

of every description of .low elry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Waro, &c.

058 ly

as indsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewolry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Ofllcc.

CST" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan.10-8- 9


Tho Best Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Ooffee at Oil Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

Clprs, Jfe TDDacco

on XXaixa.

II. .T. NOIiTE, Proprietor.

Hus!ece& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.a LL orders for Cartage promptly at.A tended to. Particular attention

paid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit nt lowest pricos.

Office, next door to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

THE0. P. SEVEView- - and liaiulaciipo

Photograplioi".Makes a specialty of plmtoginphiiitrlesidences, Interiors, groupB, decora,tlons and all kinds of out and indoorviews. Also, does printing and develop,ing for amateurs and others at thelowest ratc3. Satisfaction given andall orders receive prompt iillcutiou.Views mounted in books to order.

Opficr; Corner of King nnd Alnkcastreet. P.O. Box (12. MutualTolo. 251).

122 tf

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-Wndfl- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


i No. Merchant street. Up stnlrs., nnl.1JM.1nwur.Hwi

wF ailL-qtr;igTrl


K2- - -- SIXTM


POPULAR - -104 Fort

1 0 9

N. S.

jer tvick






1111 ifillSSyCaj? Slllw 1009IjOlIliiiyllyU

Positivelynotice imoticis

Bry Goods, & k Fraisliii Goofls,



SonaESverythiiiK ItiMluccil from li'Ice !

All Goods 3Tnr!cel In Pltiiu Fiauren




VALENCIENNE LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt 75 cts u vanl.ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt Length, 50 cts a yaul.

ORIENTAL LACE PLOUNCING, Skirl Length, 75 cts a vmd.COLORED 00 a dozon.

--aose, extra fine, 25 cts pair.FANCY STRIPED 8 yards for .f 1.

SATINS (For Fancy Work), 25 a v.ud.MEN'S BALBRIGGAN 50 cents each.

MEN'S BRITISH SOCKS, $2..10 dozen.


Meat Company81 KING STREET,

J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale Eetail


NAVY1717 ly

Mutton !


JTInIi, &o., Ace.Always on linnd at tho

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm, McCaudlcss),

Xo. 0 Uncoil Hr., : : j'lah 3IurUet,Honolulu, U. I.

CSTFiimlly and Shipping Oulerscare.fully attended to, Live Slock furnishedto vessels nt short notice. my 17-8- 3


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


PorkFresh Bveiy Day,

tSSHin noted Sausages aro bytho ovcry ml mnchlnnry, and all ordersentrusted to his euro willwith promptness nnd illspateh, nnd IiIhprices are as low as iinywlieru in thocity.

DSTTry hia Bologna 8ausagci.isoctS88




: MILLIIERYHonolulu,

: take : na

for Weeks OnlyTHE ENHUE OK- -


Ficy Goolls Laflies Gems

iti Foiiner!




Ladies English BalbrigganFLANNELETTES,




& Butchers



fPP Pork,"Voc:otnlleH,


Cambridgo Sausages






Telephones, No. 175.

Coll fJO --ij s


?-- Vhichwill Iju nold AT

i i







-:- - HOUSE,




Cor. Edinburgli & Queen Sta.'" ii

Mut un.1 'JTeleplioiie, iiV 1






California Ilay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cuko Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FJL.OUR JSer-Al- ta, Golden Gate & SalinnBlSX FLOUR


Ho, 24 Merchant Streot, Hear Port Street,

HAYE THE BEST QUALITYi:acii and every kind of







0&&&X.kj; jrtom.gMM... ,., ,i4t, MailiA


Alukon, nvnr (nccn St.Telephone tiB.


ConU'notora .V: XIulltlerH.Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; cs.tlmates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. 0. Box, 423. up Cly

LUCAS,Contractor Kand Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hsplanude, Honolulu.

Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. AU kinds ot Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-

lands solicited

HONOLULU IRON WORKS.Steam en nines, sucar millB, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work oxo.cuted at short notice. 1


iiH .llcrrlinnt Ht.. Honolulu, II. I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouteAcross America, and to tho Azoro1;.

Sole Aucnts for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.vhole Agents for Atlantic Rubber StampCompany.

Sole Agents for Musetleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zcaland and Australian Mercantile Firms.

Special Agents for the California LandAssociation.

Spcoinl Agents for the Honolulu Business Directory.

Also, Other Hpci'inl Agencies,

JCSf Customs' Entries Passed. Propontes Mnuaged. Assignees and Auditors' Work done promptly. HouseLenscd and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 300.Dcc-- 5 Post Oftlco Box 4G9. 88-l-y

P. O. Box 8.11. --C9JW Hell Tele. X7J.

iness Ag

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, II. I.

ERAL AGEAccountant & Col lec to ru

l'Oll THE

Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising Departmentran thk


Collections will receive bpcclnl attcn.lion iiml icturus promptly maile.

Real Eilato bouujlit, tolil and hased.Taxes Paid and piopeily piiftly iun relHouses, Cottages, Rooms anil Offices,

leaed nnd rental, ami lents rnllecled.Firo and Life Insurance etlectwl in llrst-cla- ss

Insurance Companies.Convoyancing a Specially ltcroidi

seal ched nnd correct Abstracts of TitlefumUhed.

Legal Documents and Papers of even'description carefully drawn und hiind-Bomel-

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all luuguagc.?

In ccncrnl ueo in this Kingdmn,Custom House Baslnoss traiibiictcd with

acourncy and dispatch.Loans negotiaicil nt favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought nud

toll.Advortisemonls and Subscription oli

cited for publlshcis.fiklllod and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Article purchased or sold,Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive) parti,

(tllnr attention.To Lot. Furnlshod and Unfurnished Cot.

tages In (lesirablo localities at rensunnbleren nils,

Several Valuable Properties in andaround tho city now for sale and leaseon eisy terms.

foyAll uusliicw ciitriistul to our careI will rcrelvo prompt nnd faithful atton-- '

tinn at nindcrate hargei Fob-e-


Life InsuranceCOW PANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, nnil in ovcry year, tho AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Polieieaof the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuing,similar policies.

8?" For particulars apply to

C. O. ItUnGKK,Gon'l Agent llnwaiian IblamU.

2S;i U


MARINEXNSUKANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assott, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and MarinoAssota, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Llfo, Fire &. Marine Insur'co Agonta.


The Now KnelauilMUTUAl LIFE INS. C0MP Y

of Boston.

The .ffitna Firo Insurance CoHof Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union Jflro unaMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Calo.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comu'v

ESTABLISHED 1815,Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks

HPHE undersigned, having been sp.X pointed agent of the abovo Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BulldlugB,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SUgtu-Mill- s

etc., on tho inoBt Favorable TermsLosses Promptly Adjusted and Payablt


H. RIMENSCHNEIDKH,ly.87 ly at Wilder &, CVs.

fiYteFpressk"!1'AAUHAU 1'I.ANTATION, )

Hawaii, March tf, 1888. fKIniIou Iron A r.ocouiotivo Worlin

hum FiuiiolHro.Gi'.XTj.KMhN: We have used two of

your 30'Chambsrcd Filter Presses thUm'iisoii. They mo convenient, eusllyliandliiil and aro noiklng entirely to oursntiefaetloii. lean rceoiniuciiil no

ou them.Yeiy icspcL'tfully youis,

(Signed) A. MOORK,Mnnnger l'aauhnu I'luntailon.

Hkkia, Sept. 29, 1643.Mn. Jons Dvr.n, Agent Rlwlon lion

Works, Honolulu.Dkau But; Plcaso shin us one efvour

!I0 Compartment Filter Presses, iMO fojiojufeet surface, same as the one euppllrdub lust Bouaou, which I mn pleased insay has given us entire satisfaction.

Yours truly,Gi.o. R. F.WART,

Manngcr Hecia Agricultural Co.

These Presses aiu mado extra heavyfor high picsguies, occupy a iloor(paco H feet by 1 ftot, nud pivseiit ulllterlug hiirfiiiM! of 240 square tect.

A limited number in Mock in Honelulu and are sold at very low prices.

Kisdon Iron & Loco. Works,Sail Francisco.

fidf Tor paitlcnl.irs enqiiiio of.lOllN DYER, Honolulu,

Itoom Xo. a pnieckelt)' Block,

if W.a.Irwin&CoA;it, !

thaA...fe.- -

y- -







Page 2: U) MJMili feevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9748/1/1889110901.pdfren nils, Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now for sale and lease on eisy terms. foyAll

'K IV authority. Too muchCol. Mncfarlanc

inalso canhotbcfor


Auction Sales by Lewis J, Lovey, Auction Sales by James F. Morgan. Till" BII1TIIAI I IFF IKIOIIDKUfF PH '1K gpv upon

with which ho pressed the Tl-IJ- " . pnil . ftnn SPKOIAI 1 ilia I71U I UHL LITE iH vUElHIiUEs llUilK negotiations under no 1111 nit U 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 I f I

eS IMffirf)) lo ti successful issue in London. lHllIUllltoU . 1 Ul . UU1U L M 0 M j (fill ffV ObOI OP N133W 1'1, ""'

.seen by the interview, by his

On THURSDAY, Xov. Mill,ES " ,..nn..:i.. and publick. Tenders lor Print iner. at is OTIiOCK XOOX,

r "



Tcndois will be icccivcd nt theutllce of the Attorney-Genera- l up touoon of WEDNESDAY, the 13thday of No ember, for the printing offorms required in the Marshal'sOffice for 1 year, and the supply ofpaper for same.

Samples of forms, with number ofeach required, can be seen at theMarshal's Office.

Tenders should be endorsed "Ten-

ders for Printing."The printing to be done fiom time

to time, as ordered, but no two set-t'n-

of one form will be lequired.The Attorney-Geneia- l does tiot bind

himself to accept the lowest or anytindei.

('. W. ASH FORD,Attorney-Gnnein- l.

Honolulu, November 9. 1SS!.400 :t(

Notice to Masters and Agents of


Finance!) ki-- a 111 m knt,uljiikau ok ouhtum.s,

II0N01.UM1, Nov. 0, SS9.)

On and after the Oth of Novembei,1&S9, the PilotR Onice will bo at theSouth end of the Pacific Mail whaif,wheie a pilot will be on duty from 0

:i. m. to 7 p. 111.; and fiom 7 j. 111. to." a. in. a Pilot or his Deputy will bein the ofliee.

Vessels arriving oil' the l'oit afterdark, and wishing a l'ilot, shouldburn blue lights, or fire rockets, whena. Pilot will nt once put off.

Telephones Mutual and Hell No,1.

(Signed) A. R. CLEGHOKN,398 ,'lt Collector-Genera- l.


Uy Oriter oftho llonrd'.of Kdnrutloii.

Should a sufficient number apply,Xormal classes will be formed at thePott Street School in this city, forthe instruction of young men andyoung women in the art of schoolteaching in the English language.Those willing to engage to attendsuch classes for a tcim of not lossthan three months, arc hereby re-

quested to send their names and ad-

dress to the Secietary of tho lloaidof Education, together with theirages, and the names of tho schoolsl.ibt attended by thorn, before thecoming Clnistinas holidays.

The instruction in the chidesto, will be apart from tho

lc.guhir public school bonis, and willbe lice. W. J AS. SMITH,

Secretary.Education Office, Nov. fl, 1889.

:t98 :u

Til 3E

fJAatTtt' gnfittJ'ledeJ to neither Sett nor Party,But established for the bate fit of all.

SATURDAY, NOV. 9, 1889.


In this issue appears an interest-ing interview with Col. G. W. Mac-farla- ne

regarding the organizationof what is now chartered under thelaws of this Kingdom as tho "Ha-waiian Sugar Company." It is thelargest corporation ever organizedin this country, the greater Sprock-

ets' concern on the island of Mauibeing incorporated in California.The inauguration of a Hawaiian en-

terprise with' a capital of two mil-

lion dollars to he regarded as onoof the greatest events in tho historyof the country's progress. It willprobably have added importance in

the effect of encouraging otherschemes of magnitude with Ike as-

sistance of foreign capital for thev development of the icsourccB of the

kingdom. Tho rate at which localsubscriptions have poured in fortiusenterprise when backed by foreigncapital shows, not only the conf-

idence felt in this particular schemeand tho gentlemen connected with

'its management, hut reeals thefact of theie being a largo amountof surplus capital in Honoluluawaiting good investments. As ithtands, however, this investment oftwo millions would be a great matterlor any country. Messrs. Watson

and Mncfarlanc aro to bo congratu-lated on carrying the schemethrough, andthc company on hav-

ing Obtained Mr. Baldwin as aheavy investor in it, whose practicalability as u sugar planter 1b a guar-

antee that the company will be well

mauaged, atid the interests of thehtocldiolders bo safo in his hutuln.

dilllcul-tic- s

Hon. C. H. llishop, too, It will bobusi-

ness sp'uit,promptly exercised at perhaps a

Icritical juncture, saved the enter-

prise fiom postponement. In thisour veteran financier ha3 added to along lut of benefactions to Idsadopted country. This successfullylaunched Hawaiian enterprise willadd immensely to the production ofdomestic wealth, as well as have arellcx influence of great account inincreasing the importance of Hawaiiabroad.


The lloyal Hawaiian Hand willgive a public concert this eveningat Emma Square, commencing at1:30 o'clock. Following is theprogramme:March Coronation MeyerbeerOrci ture Hotutiutic Uelal'olka Stephanie Fabi bachSelection Marco Vlscontl PctrellaUnllni (1 The Palms Fnui eWaltz-- Mai lnnne Wahlteufcl

Hawaii Ponol.

Damlen's Photos. .T. J.FATHER lias for salo by specialpermission at bis Ptudio, Fort street,photographs of tho laic Father Damientakcnsliortly before his death. Also, aaeries of scientific photos of interest tothe medical faculty. 085 tf

S10 11EWAKD.

One UnikSTKAVKDIIoiso branded "W. U. on the left

Zfg.yyj jEWaJ jEF hip. Tlie above lewardwill bo paid for his return to the undersigned at the house next door to LongBranch Bath?, Waikiki.400 3t Jona. AUSTIX.


Tlflt. J. M. OAMARA, Jk., has re.XtX moved to the ollico of tho Portu-guese Consulate, Boom 10, Sprcckels'Block, Fort street. 400 lw


COTTAGE on the Beach,A at Kapiolaul Park, nextdoor to Mr. E. 8. Cunhn, lately

occupied by Mr. Geo. Ashley, and in thesame enclosuic a Cottage tmitablo for asmall family. Hot and cold water Inibe larger cottage, with bathrooms at.tached, and water in all rooms of bothcoitnges. Apply to

G. WEST,Honolulu Can iagp Mauut'ff, Fort st.

400 2w

Notice! Notice!

rpUB undersigned Deputy Assesor &JL Collector of Taxes for thoDistiict

of Lahaina, Island of Maul, herebygives notice to the tax payers of thosaid district that he will meot them atthe time and placoa below specified forthe purpocc ol receiving their taxesA. 1). ISS'J :

"WEDNESDAY, Nov. Oih, 18S9, at Ka- -

hakulon.THURSDAY, Nov. 7th, IBS!), at Hono- -

kohau.FRIDAY, Nov. Sth, ISSD, at Kaana.

pnli.WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13th, 1SS0, nt


And all oilier days during thu month ofNovember and of December, to die lfiihday, at his office in the Court House atLahaina, Maui.

D. TAYLOR,Deputy Aflc!Sor & Collector of Taxes,

District of Lull n hi a, Maul.Iiilriina, Maui, Oct. U2, 18S0. US5 Uw

Tax Collector's Notice, 1889.

rpili; undeisljrucd Deputy AssessorX. and Collector of Taxes for tho Dis-til- ct

of Wailuku. Island of Maui, II. I.,liuieby gives notice that he will lie atthe following places on the dates given,for the purpose of collecting taxes:

TI'KSDAY, Nov. 12th, 1880, nt MakenaTHURSDAY, Nov. 14th, 1880, at Wai- -

bee.MONDAY. Nov. 18ili, 18S0,at WalknpuTULmDAY, Nov. iT.tli, 188!), at Kubului

On all other days during the mouthof Xo ember and Decemberexcepted) from !) a. m. to 4 p. in. dailyand on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12

noon at bis office nt Wailuku.All amounts ocr 810 most be pa'd In

U.S. gold coin, or In Hawaiian if'M Cer-tilleat- es

of Deposit.Taxes lemalnlng unpaid after Decem-

ber Ifltli will be Mibject to an additionalchai go of 10 percent.

.r.so. II. STELI.IXO,Deputy Aosef-o- r & Collector

IiKttlct of Wailuku, Island ofMaul.

Wailuku, Maul. II. I., Nov. 1, 1880.OtliJ 2w

Notice to Tax Payers, 1889,

fPIIE undoi-dgnc- Deputy Assessor1 and Collector of Taxes for tho

District of Mnkawao, Inland of Maul,hcicbv gives notico to tho tax payers oftho said dlstiler, th.U ho will meet themat the time and places below specifiedfor the putpose of iceclving their taxesforA.D. 1880:

.SATURDAY, Nov. 30lh. IPSO, at HueloMONDAY, Dec. 2d, 18S9, nt PaiiwelnTUILSDA Y, Dec. 3id, 1SS9, at I'alaN i:r)NESDAY, Deo. lth, 1830, at Jus.

Anderson's, MakawanTHURSDAY, Dec. Oth, 18 0, at I). Hl- -

dr dgu's, KulaFRIDAY. Dec. (lth, If fill, at .I. K. K'a- -

makeia, Kill, l.

And on all other dnj.s dining thomouth of Xo ember and of Dicembcrtorlio loth at bin ollico at thu GiovoRanch, Mnkawao, Muni.

All amounts over 810 must bn paid inU. .S. gold coin or 820 Hawaiian Ceitl-tlcates- of

DepoMts.T.iM-- i leinainlng unpaid after Dec.

13th will be chnrgort It) per cent, addi-tional.

wm. i fj:n.sm:ll,Deputy Atsc-iso- r iV Collector of'l'iix-c- s

for Mukuwiio.Mnkawao. Nov, 1st, IPMk ! Sw

will sell at Public Auction 1111 tbopremises, the


Known as the "Royal Hotel,"Dome: of Mnchnnt anil Nuuanu streets

also thu


Of the "Hull's Head Premises."On the Widhlkl Biiio of the Hnynl

Hotel, also,


tjSTllul'dlngs to bo removed within7 days from llnio of snlc.

liRWISJ.TiEVlSY.!1!IB fit Auctioneer.


Bool tS Stationery Store,

BaawsColec-- OK-

FERNS --55a

A limited number of each ofTHREE SIZES

Baye : Just : Been : Received,

gj6F Mako your purchases earljif you desire to send presents abroad

Thos. G. THRUM,100 lw 1'iopriclor.


Hawaiian Opera House,ON

Saturday Kvening, Xov. Kith

PROFESSORAssisted by Leading Local Amateurs

and the Hoyal Hawaiian Band.

j55?The box plan for the sale of seatstvill open at Mr. L. J. Levey's otllce,Monday, Nov. 11th, nt 9 o'clock a. m.

3!.-- tt

NOTICE.HAVE this day sold the TahitiI Lemonade Works to tho Tahiti

Lemonade Works Company, and requestan immediate settlement with mo of alloutstanding accounts. All bills duo bythe late business will be paid by

J. E. BROWN.Honolulu, Oet. 31, 1880. 3051m


AT tho annual meeting of the Wai-kap- u

Sugar Co. held this day, thofollowing stockholders wore elected tof crve ns officers for the ensuing year:

W. 11. Cornwoll President.II. It. Macfarlnne. . . t.

W. G. Irwin Tieasurcr.W. M. Giffurd Secretary.F. W. Macfarlano Auditor.

AV. M. G1FFARD,Secretary.

Honolulu, Nov. 4, 1880. 395 lw

ELECTION of OFFICERS.A T tho rogular nnnual meeting of 'the

stockholders of E. O. Hall & Son,(LM), held this day, tho following offl.corn were elected for tho ensuing year:

f PresidentW.W.Hall &

i Alanager.( Treasurer

Ik O. White.( Secretary.

W. F. Allen Auditor.Tom May & F. Wundcnberg

Director?.E. O. WHITE,

Secretary E. O. Hall & Son, (l.'d).Honolulu, Nov. 7, 1880. !I0!) nt

Hawaiian Sugar Company,(Limited.)ib hoieby given that nt aNOTICE of tho stockholders of tho

above named Company held in Hono.lulu, Iliwailan Island', on November2nd, 1880, It wafa voted to uccept thoCharter of Incorporation granttd by thoHawaiian Government. Hotieo Is tur.thcr given that tho limit of slid chilleris fltiy voais and the linblllty of thostoekhol'ders limited to tho amount dueaud unpaid on tho share?, i ho follow,higolllccih wore elected for the ensuingyear:

II. 1. Jltldwln Presldou'.G. w, Macfarlnne... ViccPresldtui..1. A. lloppci Secretary.E. M. Walsh Treus irer.I. C. Jones Auditor.And tho following were elected ns

Diiectors:II. I Baldwin, O. R. Bishop,G, W. Maclurlane, G. X. Wilco.J. A. Hopper, R. Cation.IJ. M. WiiMi,

W. L. HOl'l'EH,Secretary pro tein.

Honolulu, Nov, 4, IsOn 1U1.1I2U


Baggage Expicss Otllcehas removed lo the old stand, No.

81 Klug street, directly opposite tho onorecently occupied. )78 lm

On Saturday Evening, to 9th,AT O'CLOCK,

At my Salesroom, Queen street, 1 willsell at Public Auction, nu

assortment ofNEW-:-GOOD- S!


lnottoy .A.r tides,Perfumery, Jewelry,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.Also, a largo variety of

Fancy Dress Goods,Silk A Chudda Shawls,Silk Handkerchiefs,

An elegant assortment of


Lndlea' DroJ Goods,Assorted Ribbons,

Hosiery, Frillings,Lsco Curtains & Tidies,Bedspread?,

Victoria -:- - Lawns,Nicktic, Towels,

Aho, a nice assortment of

U. y drxtos --l AllFtlXCH

JSyArticlcs will bo on view on Satur.day morning. All Goods must be sold.Reserved eats for ladies.

.MS. F. MORGAN,393 Jit Auctioneer.



On THURSDAY, Nov. 14,AT lO O'CLOCK A. 311..

At tbo residence of I. Q. TEWKSBORY,No 12 School strco', I will soil atPublic Auction,

The Entire Househ'd FurnitureComprising

Black Walnut Parlor Sat,Upholsteied in Raw Silk & Plush;

B. W. Marblctop Center Table,Largo Center & Sofa Rugs,

Panel PICTURES & PAINTINGSDecorated Hanging Lamp,Laco Curtains A, Lambrequin",

Collection of Books,Including

Enclycopetlia Brllniuiica,Full Set

Washington Irving's Workp,Memoiis ot Ginnt & Sheridan,

Flora of Hawaiian Islands, Etc,1 Oak Marble top Bedroom Sol,Mattrashes, Mosquito Nets,

B. W. WARDROBE,Koi Bedsteads,

1 B. W. Dek,1 Domestic Sowing Machine

1 "Coniptess" Stovo & Utensil,Refrigerator, Meat Safe,1 Cunaiy Bitd. A lot of

Ferns and Plants,Etc., Etc., Etc., ttc.

CSr PicmiseB will be open for inpec.tion on Wednesday, Nov. 1,11b, Irom 1)

A. M. to 3 i m

JAS. F. MORGAN,too a Auctioneer.

Auction Sale of Leases of

Lots !



At my Salesroom, Queen street, by orderr,l II. It. II. Lilluokalaui, 1 will

hull at Public Auction,

Be Lease for 20 Years!Of tho following Desirable BuildingLots, Miitubla for situated atWaikiki, on thu main ro.ul, and being uportion of tho Waikiki property of II.It. H.Llliuokalani:LOT A Slzo 176 feet frout nr.d ISO feot

doep; tills Lot adjoins thobriilgo and Is on tho mainroad leading to tho Park.Thu Lot Is fenced.

LOT B Adjoining Lot A, has a fiont-ag- o

of 120 feet on main, road,and is 180 feet deep.

LOT C Adjoining Lot B, lronlago of120 feet on main road, ItiO

leet deep.LOT D Adjoluing Lot O on main

roau. iiiia uu icei irontagound a depth of 180 feet.

LOT E Sio 110 feot by 11G0 feot, atrear of Lots A, B, O, D; has afrontage en a new road US

feet utile, connicting withmain road to Park.

LOT F Adjoining Lot E; elie 140 by300 feet.

LOT Q Adjoining Lot F; sizo 140 by1300 feet.

LOT H Adjoining Lot Q ; sizo 140 by300 feet.

LOT I Adjoining Lot II; sUu 110 by300 feet.

All thcBO Lots are level nnd wellplanted with grass. Tho Waikiki Cmbrun past tho front cf tho Lots.

'I ho Lots are situated about 60 feetfrom tho beach.

Parlits purchasing any of these Lotswill iccelvo gratis n 20 yesr Uaso ol'tO(out of laud on tho beach, for erection ofb'lth-hoiiM- nnd bathing facilities.

Bents payablo semi-annuall- in ml.vancr.

A Churl of the Propciiy can bo eccnat my Salesroom.

C3y-F-or turthoi particulars apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,C31 22i Auctioneer.

"OHR.15:In issuing a new form of insuiancc which provides, in thu event of death, for a return of all premiums paid In ad-

dition to the amount of the policy, or, should tho insured survive a given number of years, the Company will

return all the premiums paid with interest; or, instead of accepting the policy and prollts in uash the lecal holdernmv, WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION and WITHOUT FURTHER PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS, takti inllcii thereof tiic amount of poiloy and profltH in FULLY PAID UP insurance, paiticipating anuually in dividends.

Remember, this contract is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Company In tho United States, and the Lar-

gest Finauclal Institution in the World, its assets exceeding One Hundred und Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.

tST For full particulars call on or

3G0 lin


r. T1.


Gineor Ale, in

s" All communications

389 lm


A HANDSOME Suito ofWn m t&lwxl llnnma onn.

S (istinirof iiiilor.batn room iidjoiuing: abo single looms.Apply "iNuuanu Aenue," opposite Amo

.., li, ,.rr rln.,. 1tr.lnre C.i,ti1rlcan Lii,&,(,IIU1I, L.IV UUUIQ IIUIUII U"'..streci. Jll. tl


tor ii smallITMJRMSHEP, lorcign withplain bosrd. A Brptrr.te Cot.

tagu with tho usual conveniences wouldbo preferred, and near a iluu of streetcars State Inclusivo terms to "Maul,"Bulletin Offico. ?04 2w


,a TVEBIRABLE llubidencu nuv29 JL the Plains known as

"sunny South " DMenslvegruumiH planted in fruit tree-- , and crna.mental Ehruln. Rent very moderatePossession on Decembu "1st Also,Commodious Office (vacated by TahitiI.emonadu Depot), US Merchant stiea.Could be divided into two gnod olllccs.Rent low. Apply to

.1. E. BROWN A CO.,307 lw 23 Merchant htieet

Valnahlo Property For Salo

uAA H Nuuanu Avcnu.i, a5"Kjija J newly fuinlt-hc- S.alorv

ftSftfrfea Houbo containing 8 looms,kitchen, bathroom, closet, carriagehouse, ttalilo, lienor;,', oic. Gicundscontain 2 2.10 ncics, well laid out Inlawne, shade nnd fruit tiees, llowi'ie,etc. Will bo sold low, with or withoutftunituro, horsP3, carriages, live stock,and all tho appointmnnls neoded In aHist class lesktence, as tho owner in.tends leaving these Island?.


Cottage To Lot.

ifjKLfa A NLAT Cottage, in pc.fi5iSt3g XS. fed cider, containing 1

rooms, mnsriuito proof, par.tlally furnlHlicii, wl h largo kitchen,fhado tn e, oic. Conveniuuly locsttd.Rt'iit 20 per month io good tenint



CONTAINING 1 largovernnUa


with bitluoom, dining-roo-

and kitchen detached, on Kekaulikestreet, opposite Hotel utiott. Haul $10per month. App'v Bt


Spelteriue.nnilE best romedy forJL wounds, ulcers.

galls, proud ncsh andB9r" sores of every descrlo- --- jTSifc- J- - tlon to pei sous or ani

mals. Adopted by leading liorso rail-road, club and livery btables, etc., lutho United States and elsewheie. Wcare prepared to provo this statement bytestimonials and icferences to plantersand liverymen lu this Kingdom.Apply to


Island VieAVH.

LARGE assorlmoutof PhotographsA and Storooscoplo Views of thomost attractive scenery, buildings, eto ,In these lslauds, for snlo ut rensomiblo1)1

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENOY.Corner Fort and Merchant stroetn.




JB.XLiTffiY', Manager


an and"




and orders should he addressed to

Agent Hawaiian

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,--Agents.

CRYSTAL SODA-:- - -:- - WORKS,JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



Gingor Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon, CreamOUASIPAGNX:


Mutual Telephone 3 30 ---a o sr Bell Telephone 298"Island orders piomplly attonded to.

Gent's Fine Blue Flannel Suits,Youug Men'u Black French Diagonal Suits I

Boys' Fine Light Cassimere Suits!Gent's Fino Neckwear, Hosiery, Undoiwoar!


FINE STIFF FELT HATS.g&T All tho above Goods aro NEW GOODS and NEW DESIGNS, and

will bo sold ut VERY LOW FIGURES atChas. J. FBSHEL'S,

Tho Leading Millinery Houbo, Corner Fort & IJotel stu.

A. G. SILVA,07 Hotel St., opposite Bethel St.

Cabinet Work Neatly Done.Furniture Repaired & Polished.

Mtvttlnsr .to Cnrpois I-ni-d.

BSy-Wo- rk well and promptly done atiLMouablo piiccs. 3HU lu

European Billiard Parlors.Handsomest Billiard Parlors inTHE city, aud titled up in the most

approved style. Four tables with all thelatest Improvements. .

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,370 tf " l'rnprictorn.


T HAVE Ibis doy sold nil my light,X ti ties and IntLrosl In tho CarriaceManufactory Biifclness as carried on bymu ou Fori sheet, to Mr. Gideon West.Thanking the public lor their manypnst favors I would bespeak tho sumofor my successor and Laving knownMr. West for a number of yearn as apractical carriage builder I am satisfiedtliai no win givo general satintaciinc.

(Slimed) w . ii. 1'au.e.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 18S0. 301 3w


bought out Mr. W. If.HAVING In tho "Honolulu CarrlogoManufactory," at 128 r"ort street, 1 amprepnred to continue tho above buslnebsunder tho old namo of Honolulu Car.liage Manufactory, and boing an oldexperienced carrlngo builder I solicittho patronago of my old friends nnd thepublic lu general, and with my thoroughknowlcdgo of tho buslnoss und with ex.perlonrod workmen and using only thobest material I guaranteo gcuoral eatis-factio-

Plcoso call and bio mo beforogoing olsowhore.


Honolulu, Oct. 28, IBM. M tf

for the Islands.



& Plain Soda.63


R. HARRY J. AGNEW, ou account1VX of leaving the Kingdom to locatein California, offers for snlo tbo Pio-per- ty

owned by him. Said 1'iopcrtyconsists of his present lcsldenco atKapiolaul Park known ns ''Greenfield, "this Property must bo examined to boappreciated. Tho House is nenily nowami well built aud of the boet niateilal.Tho Stables are commodious, vary handyand nmplo rdom for tho stowgo of car-riages, feed, utc, in addition 'to that Ithas been the homo of such horses as"Auglc A.," "Johuuy Goldsmith,""Queen Kapiolaul," ''Mink," nndothcis that will long bo remembered bythe public of Honolulu. Also, thuHousobold Furniture in said house,The Land has a Irontago on tho mainavenue of tho Park of 250 feet and adepth of 200 feet. Alt-o- ,

About 10 Acres of Land, formerly apart of the Liiunlllo Estate, nnd lyingbetween tho property of W. H. Bnlloyaud Jns. Campbell, Esj. Also,

A Beautiful Bulld.'ng Lot of about 3gAcres joining the tine lesldenee of CecilBrown, Esq. Also,

About 20 Lots in Kapiolaul Iark.Also,

All that Ple-'- of Land with Improve-ments, couMr Pcusticoln and Klnaumeets, no-- occupied by Chas. A.Blown, 11. Also,

Bhari" In Wnlmnniilo Sugar Co.,Mtitun' Telephone Co. mid KapiolaulPark Association.

jFitio Top Buggy, 1 Road Cart, 1

piacton, 1 Sulky, Double and SlugleatucHsv Boots, Bltts, Bi idles, Saddles,

aud a complete outtlt for bicaklugaudtraining borocs,

I- - For paitlcubna and pi Ices applyto II. J. AUMSW.

Or, Pmr, OppKiuiuir. not 2meod

ml ,JXaJb.-fi:""-f-Jlto-,t-''

-'--s win

.i,i JiUjJ te Axit nfc.

Page 3: U) MJMili feevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9748/1/1889110901.pdfren nils, Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now for sale and lease on eisy terms. foyAll





( m



pyytarygwtywwy inp; wmtj

T XI w

fjatlu jttutWiuSATUHDAY, NOV. 9, 1FS9.


St mr Llkcliko from MaulSlim Jiw Mnkcofrom KauaiStmr Walnlcnlu from KmmlWttnr Wnlmaimlo from YVaiunao nml



Leant for Kona, Hawaii


Stmr Llkcliko for Mnul nt fi p mStmr J A Cumnilm for Kooluu at 0 a inMini YValuinuain for Walanae and Wal- -

nlunSohr Itnlnbow for KoolauStmr Alokolll for Moloknl at 5 p in


From Kauai per stmr James Maker,Nov D II LlnuVmann.

From Maul per stmr Likclikc, Nov 0Hon WmG liwln, Col 1 II Hrookrt. A

T Atkinson, K II Mooie, W UcrlowtU,J Cunningham, Al;l unit I! children, AEuos, Miiryjrsso, All Sliurlllllt, fl'J

deck, 7 prisoners, and 1 oulccr.


II B M S Esplegle, A C Chuke, fioni acruise

U S S Molilran, Cofrlilan, from CallanU S S Alert, Hour Adtn Kimborly, from

KamoaUSS Nlpsle. Lt lvon, from SamoaU S S Irormolf. HMiop, from San Fran-

ciscoSwd bk Ida, Oleson, from Foil Town- -

BcndAm bk Forcit Queen, "Winding, fiom

San FranciscoAm brgtAVG Irwin, McUulloeb, from

San FranciscoAm bkt S O Wilder, Grlllltlis, from San

FranciscoHaw bk W U Godfrey, Dabel, from San



The steamer James Mukce arrivedthis morning from Kauai witli 27 headoattlo for thi) Oermanla market.

The Llkcliko brought 1 horse, V2

hogs, C2 littles, 30 sacks potatoes,' i!"bags corn, and 78 packages sundries.


The Oratcr Very Active A Xutabcrof KurtlKiunkCH.

Mr. J. II. Maby, Manager of the--Volcano House, writes under daleof November 5th, from that place tothe Wilder's Steamship Company asfollows: Last evening (the 4th) Ihad a party of eleven in the crater.There was plenty of action in DanaLake while the party was there. Atthe Volcano house we were having anumber of earthquakes, the first oneat 0:12 o'clock. Others followedat 0:31, G:-15- , 7:3,7:4.7:10, 7:15,7:40, 7:45, 7:58, 8:15 and 8:45.These were the first shakes that wehave had at the house since tho 8th

,.of November, 1888. FceliDg some-wh- at

worried about the party in thecrater I despatched an extra guideacross the crater to find them, buthe was driven back when ho hadgone about three hundred yards onthe lloor of the crater by a loud re-

port and the sulphur gases risingfrom two large cracks and a numberof smaller ones. These had openedduring tho time of the shaking. At 1 a.in. the reflection of the fire could beplainly seen from the house and alsothe smoke rising from those newcracks. It is about two hundredaud fifty yards nearer to the ascentof Hie pali "than the lake that wasburning last May. I am happy togay that the party all got back tothe house safoly and were wellpleased with the sight they hadseen,

Among tho party in the craterthat evening were Mr. and Mrs. "W.

V. Dougherty, of San Jose, MissBooth of Piedmont, Mis9 Moore ofOakland and Copt. E. M. Freemanof San Francisco. They returnedto Honolulu yestorday afternoon onthe steamer T. G. Hall. In con-

versation with a Bulletin' reporterlast evening, Mr. Dougherty gavo avery graphic, description of thewonderful activity he had witnessednlthe crater, during his visit. Howas much pleased with the attentionshown tho party at tho Volcanohouso and all.along tho route, Mr.Dougherty wonders that more pco- -

no do not visit tno voicauo, ior uis an easy and cheap trip and fullyrepays one for the trouble.


Tliero will be an entertainment bythe BIuo Ribbon League thisevening in tho Y. M. C. A. hall,commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Every-body is cordially invitod. Follow-

ing is the programme i

Opening Exercises ,nLf f Violin W. E. llurrlekuuci i Piano. ., Mvron JonesReoltullon Ada WhitneySong BlUsS. It. FatcliReading P. 8. Rodgers,,. f Miss I. M. Hlght

Mr. Levi LymanAddress Rev. H. E. llishop

lt is not generally tho girl withtho most beaux who gets marriedfirst'. It is tho little grave, demuiogirl who sits in tho corner with oneyoung man and hangs on to him.

Invalid Chicago Lady (to her law-ye- r

aud administrator) Awl now,remember, when I die 1 wish to bolaid by the side of my husband.Lawyer Yes'tiij which ono?

Old Philosopher Kh? Engagedyourself to Miss Pretty? Why, showastes half her time over that hor-

rid littlo pug-do- g of hers. YoungPhilosopher Yes, but I notico thedog does Just as ho pleases,

gyCffiWRf JNCWrt,3WrtyyyrPWW0' l,rtw

LOcAL & usiiiiiiAL News.

J. CAMl'.rtA, 111., lin! llnlici' nf rc- -


Tin: U6avcr palnon will In' lit upliy electricity

A cottAoij on thu beaeli nt K.ipio-lan- i

I'aik is for rent.

l'niNiiNH tender nio udvoi linedfor in our Hy Autlioiity column.

Tin: Imml gives ila usual conceit atEmma Siiaic, ill I .30 this nflet noon.

Tine Vallcv llova ami I'unahousplay al Mnk'ilri, at Ihl'.O this after- -


The Hawaiian Camera Club'shibitiou lias been postponed to Fri- -

day evening, November 22d.

Thk Minister of Foreign Allairshas lost his brown horse, niul olVciBu rownnl of $10 for its return.

Tunni: will bo u Uluo Ilihbon entci-tainme-

at the Y. M. C. A. hall thisevening. Programme ulsewliuic.

Tin: (list class car for the OaliuHallway which ramu by tlu S. O.Wilder, was landed this morning andtaken to its destination.

Mil. J. F. Morgan will soil thohousehold furniture at tho residenceof I. Q. Tewksbury, School street, onThursday the Mth, at 10 n. in.

Tiiunn was n fair attendance atthe band concert at Thomas SquareList evening. At intervals the music-coul-

bo heard quito distinctly intown.

A CAI'ITAI. thing for a present tosend abroad is a collection of Ha-waiian ferns. You can find somesplendid collections at tho Up Townbook and stationery store.

An embioidored white Chinese dlkshawl was taken away by miilakofrom Mr. Glade's residence, Juddstreet, the night of the ball, October21 st. Pleaso return to Huh oflicc.

The date ot tho Sauvlnt concerthas boon definitely fixed for Satur-day, November lGth. Tho box planfor the sale of scats opens at 0 o'clockMonday morning, at the office of Mr.L. J. Levey.

In tho Police Court this lnoiningKaulalica and Mayhow had each topay $0 for drunkenness. Ah Whywas fined 50 and hentenccd to onehour's imprisonment for havingopium unlawfully in possession.

Hon. V. G. Irwin returned from avisit on Maui this morning, and re-

ports the cano looking well, thoditches at Spreckelsvillo are full ofwater, and planting is being luthcdthrough at tiiat place, Fain, and

Mr. Irwin further saysthat the fertilizer has done wondersat Iluelo.

Tur.oijoii the efforts of tho Itev.Dr. Lowell Smith, Knumakapilichurch has now a parsonage situateat Iwilei, all paid for. The Rev. Dr.gave $1,000 himself, and collectedtho balance $900. The pastor, Rev.J. Waiamau, will soon occupy thenew parsonage.

Mr. Chan. J. Fishel has just openedout gents lino blue flannel suits andblack, brown and grey stiff felt hats.Also young men's black Frenchdiagonal suits. These goods nro ofthe latest design and will bo sold atexceedingly low figutc.-'-. Now is thetime, don't delay.

...At 7 o'clock this evening, Mr. J.

F. Morgan will hold a halo of newgoods, comprising fancy articles, per-fumery, jewelry, also fancy tlressgoods, dre&s patterns, hosiery, lacocurtains, Victoria lawns, and rugs allsizes. Tho articles aro now on viewat the salesroom, and there is thisone thing, everything will be Foldwithout reserve. Reserved seats willbe provided for ladies.

FunSKit Geo. C. licklcy of tho Ki-na-

writes to the Wilder's Steam-ship Company from Maalaca Bay,undor date of Novembor 0th, as fol-

lows : Had rough weather crossingtho Molokai channel, tho jib stay wascarried away and the jib torn topieces. Arrived at Lahaiua at 11:30p. m., discharged three boat loads offroight, got under way at 12 :20 a. m.and arrived at Maalaea Ray at 1 :50a. in., wind blowing fresh.

Tin: New York Journal gives along account of tho cruiso of thoYacht Coronet around the world.Tho following roferencc to Honoluluis made: "Wo left San Diego andsailed direct to Honolulu 2,200 miles,making the trip in fourteen days.The yacht made good speed andhandled hom'lf oxcollontly. Woppont sovcial clays in Honolulu andworo visitod on tho yacht by KingKalakaua. Ho biought his gleu clubon board and boforo wo left dined usat his palftco."


Special salo of now goods at Mr.J, F. Morgan's salesrooms at 7.

Iiluo ribbon entertainment at Y.M. C. A. hall, at 7:30.


Tho Gleaners' Society social althe parlors of tho Central UnionChurch last ovening was, like formerones, a decided success. Though thoweather was threatening it did notmaterially affect tho attendance. Nondinlislon too was charged but oncoinside tliero wore several differentways of spomllng money, what withfancy aprons, flowors, ico nrcain andcake. The young ladies who presi-ded at tho different tables wcro evi-dently oxperls at "catching on" tocustomers. A most enjoyable ove-ning was spent by all present. Closeon to 5200 will bo realized by thesocial,




taiioii oil Kauai.

Formation of the Hawaiian

Sugar Company,

Capital $2,O00,G0O,


Iatoiview With Golonol Qasrfjo W.Macfarlano.

Shortly after Col. Geo. W. Mac-farlan-

return from England a re-

presentative of this paper called onhim and askod him if lie could givotho llui.uvriK the facts concerningthe negotiations in London in float-

ing the large sugar company thathad been confided to his care byMessrs Gny, Robinson and Sinclair(owners of a larce. tract of sugarhind on Kauai), and certain Hono-lulu capitalists. Mr. Macfarlanocomlcously replied that he hadbeen successful beyond all c: pec

in syndicating the company,the scheme as presented by himhaving immediately recommendeditself to his English friends and in-

vestors; but as Mr. W. EennyWatson, the principal subscriber inEngland and the moving spu-i- t inthe whole plan, had decided to joinhands witli Mr. Henry P. lialdwinin the enterprise, they nt the hitter'ssuggestion concluded to make it aHawaiian company for the present,incorporating it under the laws ofthis kingdom. And, until the charterwas obtained and the company fullyorganized he did not care to givethe facts to the public, as it wouldbe a littlo premature. But once allthe points were definitely settled andthe organization completed toe uri.-i.hti- n

would have all the facts thatwould interest its readers and thoinvesting public. Yesterday, there-

fore, our representative succeededin finding Mr. Macfarlano and ob-

tained the following interview:Reporter Now that the Kauai

company has been organized, Mr.Mucfnrlane, and its officers elected,can you give mc the particulars youpronAscd the Bulletin on your re-

turn from London a few weeks ago?Mr. Macfarlano Yes, with pleas-

ure; but be careful you note downthe figures correctly, as the omissionor addition of a cipher would throwmy statements considerably out ofjoint. The enterprise is a large onoand we deal pretty much in roundfigures.

R. What is the capital of thecompany?

Mr. M. Two million dollars divi-

ded into 20,000 shares of 8100 eachpar value. It is a limited liabilitycompany.

R. Who are the principal sub-scribc- rs


Mr. M. Henry P. Baldwin, Win.Renny Watson of Glasgow, JohnFowler & Co. and Col. J. T. Northof London, estate of Andrew Welchof San Francisco, E. M. Walsh(manager of the company), Chas.R. BiBhop, Geo. N. Wilcox, AlbertWilcox, J. A. Hopper, C. Brewer& Co., Castle & Cooke, S. C. Allen,C. M. Cooke, Gay & Robinson, W.G. Irwin, IT. Morrison, J. MottSmith, estate T. R. Foster, andothers, their subscriptions rangingfrom 500,000 down to $10,000. Anumber of shares will later be ap-

portioned to smaller investors, ran-ging from 5,000 down to $500, asit is Mr. Watson's and Mr. Bald-win's policy to give the small inves-tors of this country a chance. Woare at our wit's ends, howover, tomeet the demand from all directions,as, sinco our company was formedand the shares allotted L am dailybesieged by applicants for stock,and over $200,000 above our capitalslock of 82,000,000 has been appliedfor. I havo given up 25,000 ofmy shares and Mr. Baldwin $35,000of his to meet thfs demand of thosmall investors, and I hopo to obtain$25,000 of Mr. Watson's shares forthis purpose All the largo sub-

scribers havo been cut down con-

siderably on tho amounts they ap-

plied for, and the English subset iheraabout one-hal- f.

It. What is tho &lzc of tho cstaloand what do you expect tho annualcrops to bo?

Mr. M.Wo have about 8,000acres of the finest sugar land in thecountry, all virgin soil, which it isproposed to irrigate by water car-

ried from the mountains; through nlargo ditch. Mr. lialdwin estimatesthat tho anuunl crops will bo from10,000 to 12,000 tons hfter ho hasgot the estate woll under way. Mr.Baldwin with Mr. Walsh na malingerhas tho general direction of tho lay-

ing out of the estate and tho con-

struction of the ditch, and on de-

tails of this kind perhaps Mr. Bald-win can give you fuller informationthan I can.

R. How many miles of ditchdocs the estate require--

Mr.M. Mr.Baldwin is now on thoestate with surveyors completing thosurvey, but 1 belicvo it will requlrofrom eight to twclvo miles of ditch,some parts of which will requirelargo quantities of syphon piping of42 inches diameter.

R. Will thoro bo n full supply nfwater fiom tho mountains?


Mr. M. Yes, abundant. "We

have the option of taking waterfrom one or both streams, flowingon either side of the land, whichhave r c by measurement in thedryest time shown more than suffi-

cient water for all irrigation and 1

lliiming purposes required.R. When do yon expect to break

ground for planting?Mr. M. This will not bo decided

until Mr. Baldwin's ictnrn fromKauai.

R. Have you acquired the free-hold or the leasehold interest of theestate?

Mr. M. We have acquired u 50-ye-

louse, winch is practically free-hold for audi a business.

R. On what terms do you obtaintills lease?

Mr. M. In lieu of a fixed rentalper acre we give the owners (Messrs.Gay, Robinson and Sinclair) th

of all the sugar producedup to 5,000 tons, th ofthe sugar above 5,000 and up to7,500 tons, and one-thirtie- th of thesugar above 7,500 tons and upward.These are very favorable terms whenyou consider that a successful neigh-boring estntc is paying one-eight- h ofits sugar in lieu ot rental.

It. What are the terms ot theconcession to the company by Mr.

atson, who is understood to havemade tho original arrangement forstarling a sugar estate on theselands?

Mr. M. Mr. Watson first ob-

tained tho lease from Messrs. Gayand Robinson for thirty-fiv- e years,since changed to 50 years, andworked up with mc all ihe surveysand details and business connectedwith the floating ' and formationof the company. He transfers allhis rights under this lease tothe company for ten thousandpounds (10,000), and his firm sup-plies all tho machinety required forthe estate. The water pipes andgeneral material, however, are to beordered from the United States, thiswith the general management of theestate being placed in Mr. Baldwin'shands and those of a local board ofdirectors. Mr. Watson has the rightto nominate two members on theboard. Mr. Baldwin, the President,represents the Honolulu investors ;

myself, Vice-Preside- tho Englishinvestors. Mr. Cattou, witlime of Mr. Watson's firm, and con-

sulting engineer of Mirrlces, Watson& Co., has been appointed witli meon the board of directors, the rest ofthe board consisting of H. P. Bald-win (chairman), C. Jt. Bishop, E.M.Walsh, J. A. Hopper and G. N.Wilcox.

R. It was reported after youleft for England that Mr. Watsonhad abandoned the scheme owing tothe refusal of his English friends tojoin tho enterprise. Was there anytruth in this?

Mr. M. Yc3, to some extent.You will of course understand thatthe average English investor objectsto investing his money in leaseholdproperties, and for this reason someof Mr. Watson's friends had de-

clined to join him in this enterpriseunless the fee of the land was ob-

tained. Mr. Watson cabled to moin San Francisco that it would bonecessary to obtidn a fee simpletitle to tho land, and could this bedone? At that time lion. Chas. R.Bishop was in San Francisco, withwhom I consulted in the matter, andknowing that Gay and the Sinclairswould not part witli their lands, Iasked Mr. Bishop what he wouldsuggest for mc to do under the cir-

cumstances. He suggested that Isec Mr. Sinclair, one of the owners,who was then in San Francisco, andtry to compromise with him on a 50

j'ear lease, and that if I could ob-

tain that, and to give Mr. Watson andhis English friends additional confi-dence iu the enterprise, he (Mr. B.)would increaso his subscriptionfrom $20,000 to $100,000, and ob-

tain Mr. Welch's subscription foranother S 100,000, and I could cablethis fact to Mr, Watson, Mr. Sin-

clair conceded the 50 j'ears to me,and to Mr. Bishop's liberal subscrip-tion aud enterprise in this matter Ilargely attribute having succeededin inducing Mr. Watson, after myarrival in London, to tako up thescheme anew, and thus avoid a post-ponement that might have jeopardised the whole affair.

R. Did the news of tho insur-rection reach you at the time ofyour negotiations, and what effectdid it have in London?

Mr. M. Yes ; the news reachedmo right in thu midst of my negoti-ations, but as over tliero they seemto distinguish between a revolutionand an insurrection the latter beingconsidered by them a political up-heaval that any country is periodi-cally subject to tho news had noeffect whatever on tho iutondingsubscribers to the scheme. Strangeto say, howover, the only oppositionI had to contend witli was unfavor-able and prejudiced reports sent onfrom the islands by parties unknownto me. Like tho reports against theNational Loan and the TramwaysCompany on my former visits ormissions to London I was able toovercome thorn.

R, Has any assessment yot beenmade on the stock.

Mr. M. Yes. At tho Hoardmeeting last Saturday wo levied our.first assessment of fi per cent, or$100,000; tho assessments will bospread over a period of perhaps twoyears, and bo called upas the moneyis required to cany on the estate.

R, Your lloaling of tho companywill have secured for tho owners oftho lands a very largo yeaily

Mr. M. f estimate,, I will put


$50,000 a yenr into tliclr hands, bycarrying out thi? scheme, and as n

cattle run for which their lands havehitheito been used I doubt if a

of over $ ,000 or 5, 000 perannum could li:ie been obtained.

called Mr. Watson's altcntion lothe capabilities of this land as farback ns four years ago, and inducedhim lo look into it on his visit heretwo years ago.

R. What is to bo the capacity ofyour mill and works per day?

Mr. M. Mr. Watson, who under-takes the entire responsibility in

connection with the sugar mill,slated lo Mr. Baldwin and mysellbefore we left London, that hethought the estate would require amill of about one hundred tonscapacity per day. But this will beleft to tho stockltoldcrs later lo de-

cide.R. Do you propose putting in a

diffusion plant?Mr. M. On the results to be ob-

tained by Mr. Baldwin from his dif-

fusion plant just erected on his ownestate (Paia) depends Mr. Watson'sdecision as to the processes to boemployed, but 1 will briefly statethat Mr. Watson will adopt the verylatest aud most scientific methodsfor manufacturing sutjar, and willquote his own words, that he intend-ed to make this tho model mill ofthe Islands, and 1 expect every do-ta- il

of it will have his personalsupervision.

R. Have you a good harbor orlanding at Makavteli?

Mr. M. The plantation is situat-ed en the leeward side of the islandand runs from the mountain to thesea, flanked on each side by a largegulch carrying very large streamsof water. The land rises from thosea in an easy slope with very fewbreaks in it. The landing is a verysafe and good one in a quiet bay.The mill site has not been decidedon yet, but the cane can be broughtto near the landing by limning andrailway systems. As soon as Mr.Baldwin decides lo break ground,one or two large and powerful steamplows will bo introduced on the es-

tate.It. Have you any other scheme

or schemes that you intend to carryover to tho other side later?

Mr. M. Yes, 1 have another oneor two laid before mc, that arc re-

ceiving my consideration, but 1 amnot at liberty to make them publicyet; and I have the usual numberof wildcat schemes offered, whichare not receiving my consideration.

R. How were the Tramways'shares selling in England?

Mr. M. Both the debentures andordinary shares were in fair demand, but had not yet been officiallylisted on the Stock Exchange. We ex-

pect to get a quotation on the LondonStock Exchange list shortly. Privatetransactions in the shares were beingcarried on between brokers on IheExchange, and when I left the tran-sactions were expected to be carriedinto next settlement day, which oc-

curs fortnightly. This is the stopping stone lo obtaining a Stock Ex-change quotation, ami was how weobtained our quotation on the RoyalExchange for the National Bonds.

R. How wcro Hawaiian Govern-ment bonds selling?

Mr. M. They were selling at109, and I think when the newsreaches London of their havingreached 113 at public auction in thismarket as the' did last Saturday, itwill cause a gradual and steady riseof the bonds in that market.

R. Has a board of directors beenappointed for the Tramways Com-

pany yet?Mr. M. Yc9, a local hoard has,

consisting of Mr. John Paty, Hon.Paul Neumann and myself I repre-senting the English investors, Mr.Paty the local investors, and Mr.Neumann the franchise interests,Mr. Pain being the general managerof the company.

LOST--tERTIFICATK of Slock. No. 171,J Mutual Telephone Uoinnanv All

persons are hereby nautloncd ngainhtnegotiating for the same. Finder willpk'U'C deliver to C. O. Merger's otfico,Alttrchaiil fitrfel. Mi lw


iv Draft Home fru-

it lingRHxe wagon, Is.laud stock preferred.Apply lit this office.

S195 lw

FOIl SALEIJL.YOIC SaddleA lloraii. A uumlJJiW traveler, footer,

hound ami ttciiUn. An- -

Ct. i,y nt this office.i l)J if

Dr. BI. IS. OltOSSMAN,ij:ntiht.

W1U leltun on tho Austinlia dun Nov.uinhcr JMh and lcu'imc prnctlru at hisfoiinur nll!r IB Hotel btroot. HSU lit


l'uiirlibowl and llcrrtuiilaUrn is, would ho very convenient tor usmall family. i.Ti5 Cm

Appointiuonl ol' ArimlniH-ti'tiio- r.

NOTICE 1 lieieby given that llio1ms tliii dny hecu

appointed by llio Hnpruinu Court, tein.pouiry ndinfiiitliator of thu cimu of K.(into, of lloaoUim, decea.sed. All per.bona holding propjily bu'onging to Mmbidd ejtiitii urn requested In promptlyiicronnt fur btinu'.

F. M.SN'AN.Y.Honolulu, Nov. I, IBS'.). ii'Jj lw


lew Frfifi




Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THU UNITED STATES


(Troiii the N'uw Youk Timks, .Tune 22, 1SS9.

The Kquitable Life Assurance Society has adopted a now form ofpolicy whirl), like a bank draft, is a simple promisn to pay without condi-tions on the back.


who havenew policy offered by the Equitable,

Fiom thcOittCAiid Invkstioatou.Always on the alort, anil over anxious to give the public tho most,

advantageous contract in life insurance, the Kquitable Life Assurauoe So-

ciety of Now York lias, in the pasl, made many advances on old methodsand has been the means to liberalize life assurance iu a greater degreeperhaps, than any other organization. It is not nt all surprising, there-fore, that thiu gfcat company now comes before tho people with a newcontract, the like of whicli has not before been known iu life insurance.

From the Kksttoky Ki:hsti:u, Richmond, Ky., June i!3, ISSll.J

Tho Equitable Life Assurance Society has, iu tho past, done more tocreate and maintain confidence in life assurance than any other company.,Cotiscqucnth its businoss is larger than that of any of its compatitors.Furthermore, it has now taken a step which practically sweeps every ob-

jection of the character referred to out of tho way. The result, undoubtedly, will bo that thousands of menin life assurance, will examine theand assure their lives forthwith.



From the Hoston Post.

This company has done more than any other to simplify the asauranoecontract, and to maintain public confidence in life assurance.

Fiom the Pacific Uniuuiwuitku, Sail Francisco, July 1, 1883.J

The Equitable lias already established a world-wid- e reputation fqrliberal dealings with its policy-holde- rs and for its prompt settlement of alllegitimate claims against it, and this new policy cannot fail to enhance itreputation for enterprise and progressivencss iu dealing witli the subjectof life assurance.

- For full particulars call on

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT.:i.1() lm General Agent for Hawaiian Island. '

lotice ! -:- - NOTICE -:- - Notice !





Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods,


BOOTS, -:- - SHOES -:- - and -:- - SLIPPERS.


S. EHRLICH,Oct-19-- Corner Hotel & Fort Streota.


lllack Spanish L.ico Flouncing, from $1 yard upward.Itlack Chantilly L.ico Flouncing, from .ft! yard upwind.Ecru, Cream & White Oriental Flouncing, from .Wets yaid upward.Extra Heavy (now style) Oiiental Flouncing, fiom $1.25 yaid upward.

Blue, Rod, Cream & Black.Dress Nets in Pink,Full iissortnicnt of all hhades

heretofore confidence


Orain Ribbon. Velvet Rugs in all sues jui-- t received.Hcst v.nioty in Cnmhiic, Hwihij it Nainsook Embroideries at

35- - D6 iEJULlGXRS &c OO.Dressmaking Department


of Moirce. Satin & Gios

under the of MIHB


o101) FOltT



of All





Patent Medicines,



Colgate Co.'s Celebrated Perfumes Toilet Soaps,

Photographic Goods Kinds.-- EEB UHAC HEEI


Fine Chemicals,Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos.


-- y'f..fc.iiSA

.A- -. .1A .iL&jM.lJiJjL &. . W- - j, .taAC,.i-ius&iiyJ-- ! iii'Tri'fat'iiUii 1 ihrf-- '



Page 4: U) MJMili feevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9748/1/1889110901.pdfren nils, Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now for sale and lease on eisy terms. foyAll



b r





Arrivo at Honolulu:Australia Ko ember 15

Loavo Honolulu:Zenlandia... . November 10AusUalta November 22Alameda... . . . . December 14

218 tf

distraliai Mall mm.

MK SAN FKAXC1SCO,The new ami fine Al steel stcamrtilp

"Zealandia."Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo clue at Honolulu trom Sydneyand Auckland ou or about

November 16, 1889.And will lcavo for the above port willmalls and passengers ou or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU.PEIUOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

WE Q. IRWIN & CO., Agent.

Fur Sydney and Aucklanu

The new and fine Al steel steamship

ti Rfiariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or nbout

November 23, 1889.And will have prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for the above portsi

For freight 01 passage, having SUPKKIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, nppljto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Afrent



r piIE "ELELE" is now being publishedJ. in both Native and English on

trial for a period of six months. Thishas greatly increased the expenses. Tomeet this, friends have already addedlargely to our subscription lists, and itspublication in English will be con-

tinued permanently, if a few hundredmore subscribers cau be obtained. The"ELELE" is a

Thoroughly Independent Newspaper !

Devoted to the interest of all the peopleof Hawaii, without regard to Ctitjucs,factions or Political Pa tics. The"ELELE" Is always Bright, SjarUinjranu stcy! Kcaa it!

egyCall at the Elele Publishing Co.,No.Jjg King street, for a sample copy.

Cgp Subscriptions received at the rateof $2 50 for the six months. MutualTelephone No. 541. 301 tf

J. N. S. WILLIAMS,Engineer & Contractor.

ia prepared to design and contract forall classes of Sugar Extraction Machi-nery, Irrigating Machinery, EvaporaUing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engincbof all kinds and for all purposes, WaterWheels, "Water Conduits, both pipesand flumesj, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, Railroad Material and RollingStock, Etc., Etc.

MJFFUHIOX MACHINERY,In all its branches a specialty.

PJantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus ot the very bestdescription to order.

Bfiy Closo attention paid to all ordersand satisfaction to the puicliascr gua-ranteed. P. O. Box U80. Fort street,Honolulu. sept-- 0 69-l-

The Crandall

Type Writer!

Change of Type in 6 Seconds I

Writing in Plain Sight!

Simple and Durable !

t3T Call and see sample midline atthe

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,General Agents for Hawaiian Iblands.



Residence: Cottage No. , HawaiianHotel, or at the residence of the pupil.

372 lm


fiIVEN bv Felix Ollcit atWTW VX No. 2T Alnkea Urcot, orat the residence of tliu pupils, accord.liiKxto agreement. Charges moderate.


Wilcox & Wliltc ParlorANEW with eight stoiw Hultablofor Eohool or cliuroli. A Hue inMru.merit. Applv nt 07 PiincJibnwl clieet,oppoilto N. i'. JUeeion Itislllulo. 27 tf


Ghas. Hustace, Kin


g Street,

HAS RECEIVED por " AUSTR ALIA,"Kits Tongues Jt Pound, Kit Salmon Dollies, Mackerel, Smoked Decf, DlockCotlnMi, llnm A. Bacon, Clierse, l.ibby'i Compiet-so- Pig's Feci, SmokedUerrimrs, Gorman Sausages, bunch Tongues, Honed Chicken, Drawn, FreshApplet Yellow Turnip IVtnloe, Onions, Table Fruits, Raisins, Diicd Apr-icot, l'mne-- , Dned Pen. he- -, Cnl. Jams & .lollies in glass, Fiench Peas fc

Sardine-- . Top O'Can llutter.AVIiitney's Duller in 1 and 2 lbtin. Ucssicated Cocoanut, Dates,

A FULL LINE OF PETALUMA JARS TABLE FRUITS,Condensed Milk. Plum Pudding, Uelntine, Almonds, Walnuts, .lars TablePrime. Golden Gate. Extra Family Flour, Japan Tea, Comet Tea, MapleSinp. C it ton Peel, Pearline, Sapolio, Star of the Kitchen Soap, Cilvior, HamSausage. Vienna Sausages. N. '. Mullet, Cunied Fowl, Clains, Clioeolnte,Cocoatheta, Ridge' Food, lmpciial Granuin, Farina, Musliroom Catsup,

Diuct's Olive Oil, Sauces, Salad Dressing,

And a Oomploto Assortment of Choice Goods at LowcBt PricoB


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,KAST CORNER FORT

Now Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Stntes and EuropeFiLsh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders soil,cited. Satisfaction nuaranlced. Post Olllco Hoy 145. TolonTiono No. 93 nov-4.8!- )

telephone 240. -- tsaossr-

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


ser- - OoST

By each steamer uf the O. S. S. Co. from California

tali Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Cala, Fruits,

J?Jn1i, Game, VcfetnblcH, EJtc, IfJtc.A complete line of Crosse Sl Blackwell's Sl J. T. Morton's Canned Sl Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line ofjJeiiiiau I'atcH &. JPottcd Meuta & liottlcd Preserved Fruit,

Lewis & Co.'a Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,

Sicily Lemons & Cala. Rivcrsido Oranges,Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-l- G tisf&otio2i 87

The "Dai! Bulletin

Will bo Issued on

32 Columns of Interesting Now.:'

JOHN" lJimouri JRloelr," No.



--P. O. Box 2DT,

ICE ---a


November 12th

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.

NOTT,Jr3 &, 97 King? Street.




PAINTS, OIL, VA1ISHES,Turpentine, Etc , Etc.


Revere Rubber Co,, Boston,


& Wire Bon! Hose.Onll and oxnmino our Now

flood B. AtiK-S-H-

&ranite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AMD993 Sheet Iron Work.

w t.MM t J.JJ'-- u i'LL jw.i m. ajjtacgMau3MAajjam' jmujjagagnttauueanaM

oiliG HariroRrc sxitxaEo:, iionoidiaj.



m tMMwmCJ3DT83EJ

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trntmo i


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?osl 4eo 5

GO i


I IQ40m0-m- m $1 I

te ' It

w i "

S e B Itrg P- - 4

f. M g iqo w, i?t) p ja 2J3 M O

V iif P CO

P M.a p

I s 1CD




FOR -j-S-


1 will sell at the very lowest prlcci,all my



Violins, Curios, Etc.If l cannot sell them before December

1, ISSn, they will bo sold al nuctlrm.

337 1m A. KitAFT.

rni re -imnnwi C1 01

ii iiji



ron r.:;sfi im

Anderson &Lundy,

Artificial Teeth from one to nn entireset inserted on gold, silver, nlluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgoWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which nre a constantsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our ic

Mot-- Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestImprovements in dental science. TcothExtracted without pain by the use ofNitious Oxide Gas..

SSrOfnco at Old Tregloan ResidcncoUotol street. Fcb-20-8- 9

W. Wright & Son.79 &8I Boll Telo.

King St No. 381.

(The Rose Premises )

All orders for wheel vehicles of ccrydescription filled with promptness.

First clas s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty


Plantatiou Wagons, Mule Sl Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or ropahed.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,UTC., ETC., ETC., KTC

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under tho mnnigemcnt of R.

ccU5J Cayford. Om

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill,

nJ fffl.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmilhlng, Orays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work In thoabove lines performed in a flrnt-clae- s

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.ESr Orders from tho other Islands

solicited. Will bo ple-ise- to see allour out customers as well as new ones..Mutual l'elcphono No 57.T.


Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fori St., Upataira.

Tho undersigned bous to inform thepublic of these Islands that ho is making

Sliirtsi by MoaKuroinoul IDirections for will

bo given ou application.

White Shirts, Overshirts & Right Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a oamploShirt to every order.

Island order soltcltod Bull Tolopliono 410

fiRlv A. J!I. JURrXTH.


General Shipping AgoncyAND

Parcels 3Lxpies.Chlcl Olllco (or Hawaiian Islands: 20

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

uiiANCii opfici::

Wailuku, Maul.. .AV. II. Dinkls.l'ala, Went Maui. ..Geo. Heiniuaun.Mnhukoua, Hawaii... V. .1. Broil lo.Ililo, Hawaii. ..Holmes As Wlllfoiig.Kcallu, Kauai 0. K. Faliehlia.Klluuen, Kauai Kilauen Htoie.Ilnuuki, Krtiinl... J. C. Long.Waimea, ifuunl

O. B. llofgnunl A; Co.Kolon, Kauai K. Btrehz

Goods purchased and shipped to andfiotn any of ubovo ports, and ull partsof the vorld.

Goods received from nbroad, clearedat Custom lloueo and forardod to des-tination per island strumois.

CSyHntcs furnlslied on application to

J. E. BROWN & Oo.fi!75 tf 23 Mcroliant street.


Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool

DRY GOODSLarge, Varied & Selected Stools.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cnees,

Mirrors,Wicker Waro, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full lino

Ifi I

A large assortment.


SntUllovy-- AHD

CurriuK LampH,

Sugar &



-- AND

Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.


American andPortuguese


Itoek,Liverpool and

Iligglu's Dairy.

Oils I Oils !

B0II0U-- Haw LliiBeed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc !

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc

ogy i mom !

Corrugated & Plain.

In all varieties.

eiice ireAnnealed,

Galvanized Barbed,Patent Bteol Barbed




Gulniia Mos,or nil varieties, always in stock.


Hay, Feed & Flour


The Tlwi'oiii'eil Siallioiiu

i "K

"MARIN"Will stand nt setvicc at

$30 lll"$isIllslll'ffiB.Kkcoiiu 2:22, Sscrnmento, Sept. 10,

1B87.I'mnannn: Marin was lrcd by

Qutnn'a l'atchen, ho by Geo. M. Pat-che-

Jr.; Mftrin's ilam bv Kmlprant, huby Hilly MoCiacken; Billy McCruckcnbv McCrackcn's Black Ilawlc, 707, (thesire of Lady Donley, and of the dam otOverman, 2:1HW). McCrncken's BlackHawk, 707, bv Vermont Black Hawk, 5;2nd dnm by Marshall's Black Hawk, hoby Kribton's Black Hawk. The dam ofQiilnn's Patchcn by Bloekbridgo Cldcf,ho by Vermont Black Hawk, 5.

R. T. Carroll of Han Fianchco, thefoimor owner of Marin, vouchen, thatout of thiity.fix mares herved by thUhorse during hi Inst season in Call-fornl-

thirty.flvo piovul with foal.

VAlISi IS. ISFiTCIittKU.ly.2n.R

74 King st. jj 74 King st

JJJ'HImporters of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Cnrn.

Malting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Bpcciailty.


FRANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Kuo doDunkorquo, . Paris.

Ksccutes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' LowcBt Prices.

Commission, lf por cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Ilepresonts, Buys, andBells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmbros, Cambrics,Bilks. Volvcts, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Bhoe3, Glass, andOhlna-war- Clocks, Watches,Jcwollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instrument?,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Porfumcry, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Ohromo , Machinery, &c, &c.

; "v B

Honolulu LibraryANB

Roadinq Room Association,

4Jor. Hotel & Alultca f3trcetH.

Opon ovory Day and'KvouwK.

Tho Library consists at tho presenttime of over Fivo Thousand VolunicB.

Tho Keadlug Jloom Is supplied with,about fifty of tho leading newspaperand periodicals.

A Pailor is provided for conversationand games.

Terms of moinborshlp, fifty cents njionth, payablo quarterly, iu advance.No formality required In jolulng oxcoptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries nndvisitors from tho other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having 110 regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it is cjcpccteil that rcsldoptrtof Honolulu who desire (o avail thom-EOlv- oa

of Its privileges, and nil who feelan interest In maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesutnl becomo regular cQtitilbutors.

A. J. OAJlTWIUailT, Pros.,M. M. SCOTT, ut,

II. A. PAKMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. RODGE11S, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Commltlpn


A LL persons who want to commuulXX. cato with tho Pottuifiioso, eitherfor business, or for proauring workmen,sorvautB or any othor helps, will find Itiho most profltnblo way to ndvortlso intho Luso Jlaivaiiauo, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub.llehcd ou Uotol slreat, and only ohargo.renBinmblo ratea for advcrtUcmimu,

