uav predator manual


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UAV Predator

Copyright © 2008 Contact Sales LimitedPO Box 586Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 6BY,

AbacusSuite A5130 Patterson Ave SEGrand Rapids, MI

This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Abacus Software.

Every effort has been made to ensure complete and accurate information concerning the material presented in this book. However, AbacusSoftware can neither guarantee nor be held legally responsible for any mistakes in printing or faulty instructions contained in this manual. Theeditors always appreciate receiving notice of any errors or misprints.

The content of this software and manual are based upon actual names and events. We have strived for historical, aeronautical and geographicalaccuracy in every aspect. However, we cannot guarantee that you won’t find errors or misprints. Please keep in mind this is primarily anentertainment package and should not be used as an naval, aviation or historic reference.

This book contains trade names and trademarks of companies. Any mention of these names or trademarks in this manual are not intended toeither convey endorsement or other associations with this manual.

Printed in the U.S.A.

ISBN 0 90869 55794 4

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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UAV Predator 3

Flying The PredatorOur Predator UAV puts you in the controller’s chair, flying classifiedmissions from the ground station, monitoring the aircraft’s progress onspecial surveillance screens. Alternatively, if you like to get close to theaction, you can fly the Predator from the spot view option of FlightSimulator.

Predator UAV takes a unique approach because a fully functional 3-Drepresentation of the ground station replaces the virtual cockpit mode ofFlight Simulator. By using the Flight Simulator pan, scan and zoom optionsyou can center your view on a display screen of choice. We recommend fornormal flight operations to zoom your view on to the display screen linkedto the camera of the Predator. This will closely approximate the “pilotsview” of a traditional aircraft.

Loading a flight plan into the Flight Simulator GPS will also reflect on themission map in the control room. The real-time mission map screen islocated directly above the Predator camera monitor. You’ll find controlbuttons for engine start, landing gear etc., on the operator’s desk by movingyour viewpoint. Alternatively, press c + E to start the Predator engineand press G (default keymapping) to raise and retract the landing gear.

If you prefer to fly in spot view, press s + Z while flying. This willoverlay the current speed, heading and altitude of the Predator at the topof the screen.

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UAV Predator

Missions (FSX)The FSX version of Predator UAV includes eight challenging missions. Toload each mission please select the Missions option from the Flight SimulatorX menu. Select the Predator UAV in the mission categories tab. A missioncompass is available and is mapped to the U key by default. We onlyrecommend using the mission compass if all else fails (for maximumrealism).

Installing the Mission Scenery

Before flying an FSX Mission you should complete the installation of thescenery by starting the flight simulator and clicking on “Settings” in theFSX opening screen and choosing “Scenery Library” on the far right. On thenext screen choose “Add Area”. After the dialogue has opened, search forthe folder with the name “FCS_UAVScenery” which should be in the\Addon Scenery folder and click on this once. Click [OK] and the scenerywill be added to the scenery library.

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UAV Predator 5

Mission 1 - Plane Spotting

Intelligence sources believe terrorists using light aircraft to smuggleweapons into the U.S. It’s suggested the terrorists are using Shelter Coveairstrip in Northern California as a base of operations. The terrorist cell isusing a small Piper Cub aircraft. Your task is to fly from Little River airportand follow the coastline north to Shelter Cove, some 48 miles from LittleRiver. If the Piper Cub is there, make a low pass to ensure that this is theaircraft referred to in the intelligence report. The mission ends on successfulidentification of the suspect aircraft.

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UAV Predator

Mission 2 - Low Level

This is your opportunity to practice low-level flight with the Predator ona dramatic flight across the Nevada Desert. Departing Nellis Air Forcebase, just outside of Las Vegas, your task is to locate a mock-up researchcenter hidden deep in the desert. The task is further complicated by therequirement to stay within 500 feet of the ground at all times in order toavoid radar contact.

This will require all of your flying skills, hugging the tops of mountainpeaks and making sharp descents into narrow valleys to avoid discovery.The research center is located approximately 29 miles north of NellisAirbase.

Once you have flown over the research center at low level return to Nellisand land on runway 21L to complete the training mission.

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UAV Predator 7

Mission 3 - Archipelago

Intelligence from a reliable source suggests that a gang of ruthless armsdealers have been smuggling weapons around the Indonesian Archipelago.The informant believes that a small fishing vessel, the Lady Claire has leftport with a cargo of munitions. Radio monitoring suggests that the vesselis about 27 miles south of your position in the bay.

Your task is to find the Lady Claire and to follow her to her secretrendezvous. Be advised that she is moving south at some speed so you willhave to push the UAV to its limits to catch up with the craft. Maintaincareful surveillance. Once the vessel is beached, make a pass over the areato confirm that our intelligence is correct and that this is indeed the locationof an arms deal.

The mission ends when you secure successful information regarding thelocation of the planned arms transfer to ground based vehicles.

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UAV Predator

Mission 4 - Satellite

A reconnaissance satellite has malfunctioned and returned to Earth, carryingwith it key intelligence data. The satellite came down in Finnish territorywithin the Arctic Circle.

A rescue mission was dispatched and it was believed that the data pod ofthe satellite was safely recovered and being transported by an air force jetback into allied hands. However, all communication with the fighter jet hasbeen lost.

It has to be assumed that the jet has itself crashed in the Arctic wildernessof Finland. Your task is to search for the jet. Once located, make a low levelpass and return to the airfield. You should concentrate your search effortnorth of Rovaniemi. Once completed you should return and land onrunway 21 at Rovaniemi to complete the mission.

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UAV Predator 9

Mission 5 - Dutch Dash

Much of the Netherlands lies below sea level so the Dutch have devisedintricate irrigation systems to avoid massive flooding. A series of windturbines north of Rotterdam drive pumps to keep the waters of the NorthSea from flooding the area. However, if these turbines are compromised,Rotterdam will be under water. A group of determined terrorists, who planto use water as a weapon, have compromised the turbines.

One turbine has already been flooded by encroaching seawater. Shouldanother turbine pump fail the entire complex will fall and Rotterdam willbe under water. Your mission is to examine the turbines that lie to the Northand locate the turbine that has been rigged with explosives.

An explosive sensing device has been hurriedly adapted and fitted to yourPredator UAV. However, the device only works at low level. To find whichturbine is set to blow you must overfly the turbines at no greater than 50ftabove their tops, weaving precariously between them narrowly avoidingterrain as the sensor attempts to lock onto the trace of explosives.

The evacuation of Rotterdam has started and you only have thirty minutesto locate the explosive laden turbine before a wall of water overwhelms thecity.

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UAV Predator

Mission 6 - Time Trial

This training mission requires that you seek out a fake missile hidden onthe outskirts of Paris. You must use the Predator UAV to locate the missilewithin fifteen minutes. The UAV has been fitted with a radio signalingdevice. This device will trigger success of the training mission once thePredator is in close proximity. However, first you must find 6 the missile.Special Forces on the ground suggest that it might be located on a smallairstrip, about sixteen miles west-southwest of Le Bourget. Keep in mindthat time is short; you must reach the missile before the clock runs out.


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UAV Predator 11

Mission 7 - Grand Canyon

Intelligence suggests that a terrorist cell has arranged a meeting within theGrand Canyon prior to an attack. They may have formed a base campnorthwest of your position deep in the Grand Canyon adjacent to a smallriverbed. Your mission is to locate the terrorists, making a low-level passover their vehicles.

Any imagery received by your Predator should confirm the group ishostile. After you make the pass, return to the base airfield. Land on thetouchdown point for runway 03 to complete the mission. This missionrequires fine piloting skills as you direct the Predator UAV along narrowcanyons in search of the terrorist cell but locating the enemy is of vitalimportance.

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UAV Predator

Mission 8 - Submarine Hunt

Iceland is a very important strategic area to the NATO alliance, as thegateway to the North Atlantic. Alarm bells have been raised with thesighting of an unidentified submarine in coastal waters.

You must fly from Akureyri in Northern Iceland, head north to the oceanand then follow the coastline in an easterly direction and attempt the findthe rogue submarine.

Once you locate the submarine, pass over it at less than 500 feet soidentification photographs can be taken. Having completed the photo run,return to the airfield and land on runway 01 to complete the mission. Thewinter weather in Iceland is treacherous so beware of strong cross windsand turbulence along the coast. Aim to stay below the snow clouds at alltimes to maintain a visual contact with the ground.

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