uc4 am 8.0 new user

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Uc4 Am 8.0 New User


UC4 New User

BANNER User SupportRensselaer

Integrated Administrative Computing Solutions (IACS)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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IACS Business SupportRensselaer

Integrated Administrative Computing Solutions (IACS)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York 12180-3590

email: [email protected]

UC4 Applications Manager 8.0User Documentation

UC4 is a web-based application which lets you schedule and submit jobs as well as view and print output.Logging into UC4 (Production database, APXPRD):Using Internet Explorer, enter the URL: http://iacs.rpi.eduClick on the hyperlink in the left margin of the page thats entitled Applications

Enter your RCS userid and password Click on UC4 App Mgr PRODEnter your UC4 userid and password

Note: To login to the TEST(APXUPG) database for UC4, enter Using Internet Explorer, enter the URL: http://iacs.rpi.eduClick on the hyperlink in the left margin on the page thats entitled Applications

Enter your RCS userid and password

Click on Testing ApplicationsClick on UC4 App Mgr BNRTST

Click on Start the Applications Manager Client

Logon to UC4:Enter your UC4 userid, and password.

Note: your UC4 password is case sensitive

Explorer Window - Upon logging in, the first window that appears is the Explorer window. From the Explorer window the user can choose to view information regarding UC4 running (Agents), jobs waiting to run, are running, or have already run in UC4


History Window : Located in the lower section of the Explorer window, the History section lists the users jobs that have run (either successfully or unsuccessfully).

To Query Jobs in History:

History Query Window

Requests Window: This window allows the user to select a job/process to run in UC4.

Output Functions Available:

Store: The output for these jobs/processes with this function is stored in UC4 more efficiently and is available for viewing in the Output window using the query function. A majority of jobs/processes have a status of Store.

Print: The output for these jobs/processes with this function is printed to a designated printer as identified in the Printer field on the Request window. Output for these jobs/processes can be viewed in the Output window using the query function.

-Log: Output files with this status will be limited to those jobs/processes that require user intervention for special circumstances like special paper or printer availability. Log is the default status for output files appearing in the Output window.

Output Window: This window displays output from jobs submitted with a status of log by the user. The default status setting for the Output window is log. Click on the Query button and select the search criteria to view jobs/processes with print or store status. Once output is displayed, the user can choose to view and/or print the associated job output.

Output Query Window

File Associations: Note W:\\iacsdept.win.rpi.edu\banner$ needs to be mapped as one of your network drives for the file associations in UC4 to be available for viewing output.

This window contains information relating to output files and their possible viewing applications (MSExcel, MSWord, Notepad, Adobe Acrobat, etc). When the user requests output to be viewed, UC4 will allow the user to choose which application (MSExcel, MSWord, Notepad, etc) to use as the viewer.

Viewing Output select the output file you which to view.

After clicking on the View button, the user will choose from the available file associations, the appropriate viewer for viewing the jobs output.

Output viewed using Wordpad.


Settings Window: This window allows the user to set their UC4 session settings. This window is accessed from the drop down under Options.

The General tab contains settings for:

Explorer Refresh Seconds UC4 refreshes the Backlog, History Agent Summary and Queue Summary at the number of seconds set here.

History Display Limits Enter the Previous Minutes amounts for display in the Job History window.

The Toolbar tab contains settings for what icons to be displayed up on the toolbar

Changing Column Headers in UC4 WindowsIn many of the UC4 windows, you can choose the columns you want displayed. You can also change the order of the columns and change the column names.

The tables that you can customize are listed below: Menu Option Customizes

Backlog All views of the Backlog viewable from the Explorer window.

History History on the Explorer window.

Output The Output window.

Agent Summary The Agent Summary on the Explorer window.

Queue Summary The Queue Summary on the Explorer window.

Process Flow Summary The Process Flow Summary on the Explorer window.

Status Summary The Status Summary on the Explorer window.

Task Output files The Output files tab on the Task Details window.

Agent Logs The Agent Logs window.

Gantt task summary The information displayed in the pop-up table when you hover over a task or process flow in the Backlog Gantt view window and the Flow Diagram window.

Backlog task summary The information displayed in the pop-up table when you hover over a task or process flow in the Backlog.

The steps for choosing columns and changing the column order are the same for all tables. To edit a table, open the Options menu, select Tables, then select the table you want to edit. The edit window for the History table is shown above.The top of the window shows the table as it will be displayed in UC4. The bottom of the window displays a list of the columns that can be displayed.

Making Changes

The table below describes how to customize UC4 tables.

To: Do this:

Display a column Check the VISIBLE column.

All visible columns are brought to the top of the list. Newly checked columns are added to the far right side of the table. You can click the title of the column in the top display and drag it to a new location.

Change the name of a column Edit the entry in the Name column.

Control the width of a column Enter a number of pixels in the MAX_WIDTH and MIN_WIDTH columns. If you enter MIN_WIDTH settings, its possible that some columns will be pushed off the table. If this happens, you will want to select the Horizontal scrolling option described below.

Format date columns Select a date format from the FORMAT column.

Control the margins within a column In the Column margin field, enter a number of pixels to be added to the left and right margins of the column.

Allow scrolling By default, tables do not scroll. As you add columns, UC4 adjusts the width of the columns so they are all displayed in the table.

If the tables become to narrow to read the contents, you can select the Horizontal scrolling option. This maintains the default width of the columns and displays a scroll bar across the bottom of the table.

Change the order of the columns Select the title of a column in the top window and drag it to a new location.

Return the table to its last saved setting Click the Reset button at the bottom of the window.

Password, Remote Connection, UC4 Help InformationTo change your UC4 password:

Under Options, drop down to choose Change Password. Enter your current and confirm twice your new UC4 password. Note: The UC4 password is case sensitive.Remote Connection Information:

To access UC4 remotely (from home), you will need to have the VPN (Virtual Personal Network) installed on your home/remote PC. Additional benefits of having the VPN installed on your remote PC are to access to MSOutlook- with your personal folders, filters, etc. as well as access to your network drives.

To install the VPN, go to http://www.rpi.edu/dept/nss/www/downloads/vpn.html

UC4 Help Information From any window, UC4 help is available from the User Manual/Guide.

Click on the Contents tab.

To have UC4 remember your User Name and Master, select the Remember Logon button.

Note: You still need to enter your password.

Drop down under View (within Explorer window to Refresh All to refresh Backlog and History windows.

Explorer Icon

History Window:

Jobs that have already run.

Backlog Window:

Jobs running or waiting to run

Status Bar:

alerts on aborted jobs(red)

no alerts (green)

Column Headings

Column headings can be moved by dragging column to desired location.

To sort window contents, click on column heading.

Choose your selection criteria and click OK for output entries to appear in the History window.

Based on the userids permissions, clicking on these icons will show available modules, chains, applications, agents, queues, requestors and statuses to query on.

% can be used as a wildcard in the selection criteria fields.

Clicking on a Sort radio button will produce the query results list in either ascending ( ^ in the column header) or decending v in the column header) order.

The query criteria information can be saved for use later by saving it in the Filter Name field. Saved Filters can be recalled from the Filter name drop-down box on the History and Output windows as well as from Filter -> Filter Backlog & History on the Explorer window.

Custom filters are specific to the userid of the users Windows computer profile.

Requests Icon

Type the job/process name here to perform a search

Jobs that the user is authorized to submit are listed here

Click to select the desired process to be run and then click the Request button to enter necessary parameter information

Submit day and time for process to run

Send To:

Drop down for available output devices (i.e. printers).

Send Option: If active, drop down to select output option.

Output Function: Be sure to select Print in Function field.

Copies: Nbr of copies

Enter parameters here.

The user can either overtype or accept the default parameter input information.

Name of job/report to be submitted

Check on if you want your job to be submitted with a HOLD status, which will stay in the Backlog until the submitter resets it by right-clicking on it in the Backlog window and choosing Reset.

Click Submit button for job to run or Submit & Close to submit job and return to Explorer window

Status Definitions Appearing on the Output Window

Stored The output is stored and available for viewing from the History and the Output window. To view a list of output files with a stored status, the user must perform a search using the Query button (see below). Output files formerly set to Log will now have their status set as Store.

Print - The output was printed and is available for viewing from the History and the Output window. To view a list of output files with a print status, the user must perform a search using the Query button (see below).

Logged This is the default status when opening the Output window.

Select the desired output for viewing and then click on the View button below.

See section on File Associations for viewing output in MSExcel, Adobe Acrobat, MSWord and/or postscript format.

Choose your selection criteria and click OK for output entries to appear in the Output window.

The query criteria information can be saved for use later by saving it in the Filter Name field. Saved Filters can be recalled from the Filter name drop-down box on the History and Output windows as well as from Filter -> Filter Backlog & History on the Explorer window.

Custom filters are specific to the userid of the users Windows computer profile.

Based on the userids permissions, clicking on these icons will show available modules, chains, agents, output devices and requestors to query on.

% can be used as a wildcard in the selection criteria fields.

Clicking on a Sort radio button will produce the query results list in either ascending ( ^ in the column header) or decending v in the column header) order

Clicking on a Sort radio button will produce the query results list in a specific order.

Information in the Use column determines whether UC4 allows the user to choose the viewer (ASK) or to ALWAYS associate a viewer with a file extension (i.e, PDF is ALWAYS associated with file with an extension of .PDF).

For example, UC4 will allow the user to choose Excel, Ghostview, Wordpad, Notepad, Word or its own internal viewer for viewing output files with an extension of .lst.

Select the output file for viewing and click on the View button

Select the desired viewer and click OK .

User is able to print to available network/desktop printers by choosing Print from the drop-down under File.

Use the Contents, Index or Find tabs to find help with UC4 functionality.

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