ucb i190 spring 2014 ict4d in practice: lect 2

i190 Spring 2014: Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICTD) in Practice University of California Berkeley, School of Information LECTURE 2: 26 Jan 2014 Instructor: San Ng (www.sanng.com)

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UCB i190 Spring 2014 ICT4D in Practice: Lect 2. See class website i190spring2014.sanng.com


Page 1: UCB i190 Spring 2014 ICT4D in Practice: Lect 2

i190 Spring 2014: Information and Communications Technology

for Development (ICTD) in Practice

University of California Berkeley, School of Information

LECTURE 2: 26 Jan 2014

Instructor: San Ng (www.sanng.com)

Page 2: UCB i190 Spring 2014 ICT4D in Practice: Lect 2


Revisit Last Week’s Class/New students

Low Tech Analog Spectrogram

Theories of International Development

(How do you measure Development)

Summary and Next Class

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Revisiting Last Week’s Class:

Introductions and Your Goals


Phd, Graduate, Undergraduate (Senior),

MIMs, Urban Planning, ERG, CS, MDP

Practitioners & students from US, Ethiopia,

India, Rwanda, Zimbabwe…

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Revisiting Last Week’s Class: Most pressing

things you want to learn

•What projects out there?

•What works, what doesn’t?

•Enough theory but practical tools important

•Dumping of technology to developing


•Who is funding what?

•Urban groups and other target groups

•Job opportunities and career directions in


•Intellectual property/legal

•Trends in development

•Mobile development

•Impact sourcing

• Technical aspects of ICTD

•Rural technologies

•Applications in different sectors?

•How to determine needs? And make sure

solutions match?

•How to prevent forever pilot and scale

up? Why do they fail?

•Management of project

•How to start an ICT project

•Planning a project

•Business models



•Operationalize ICT projects

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Revisiting Last Week’s Class: About our



Week1: Introduction to Course

W2: What is Development?

W3: What is ICTD

W4: Who Does What in Practice?

Mapping the ICTD Landscape



Core SkillsTechnical (Applications)

W5: Overarching Issues of Technical


W6: Infrastructure, Telecenters,


W7: Health, Education, Microfinance

W8: Governance and Law


W9: Intro to Project Management

W10: Break

W11: Planning and Assessment

W12: Budgeting, Scheduling,


W13: Implementation

W14: Monitoring and Evaluation/

Next Cycle

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Revisiting Last Week’s Class: About our


Class website




Schedule and Course


About the Instructor




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Possible blog posts Look at Development blogs as examples

Based on upcoming week’s topic in class or a topic of your choice

Possible live projects ICTD Donor landscape (live and interactive?)

iSchool’s ICTD Center

Donation of global eBooks

Social Enterprise for International Development/ROL training e-courses

Start up social enterprise for global therapeutic online support

Revisiting Last Week’s Class: Assignments

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Revisiting Last Week’s Class: Our Core


Open, collaborative, inclusive, community

Share class resources (especially) with developing world

Ideas and innovation in learning

AGILE method of teaching/learning

Learning in all directions (not just instructor to students)

failure ok

Tech Curious

Walk the talk- try technology and social networks, see

what sticks

FUN and interesting


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Revisiting Last Week’s Class: Our Core

Values (from you)

Mindful/zen development ICTD?

Being Realistic

Apply theory to practice

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Revisiting Last Week’s Class: Logistics

Videos and class materials

Uganda MUBS (Makerere University Business


ICTD Communities

MDP and others with conflict (Mon/Wed schedules)

•Class Ecosystem:

Class Website (public: syllabus, materials)

Blog(public: for blog

assignments and

discussions, hope to

migrate to iSchool’s ICTD

Center website)

Facebook Closed Group(private: class discussions/network/meaning of life)

Twitter #

Social Networks (Linkedin, Other FB groups, other ICTD groups, etc)

Email lists

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Your RecommendationsSuggestions to make this one of the best courses you have ever taken?

• Build an enthusiast and passionate culture in class (including caring for non-native English


• Fun- work hard, but have fun!

• Don’t be disconnected from real world: link our studies in class with real word projects and reality

• Job and real life

• Theory –balance,

• Needs assessment/management

• See a project happen, current

• Start a project, moves with class- applies project

• Project design- factors

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Summary of Lecture 1

Introductions and Your Goals

About our Class

Our Core Values


Your Recommendations for Me

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What is International Development

Theories of International Development (Today?)

Measurement of International Development (Wed?)

Does International Development Work? (Wed)

Development Career and Jobs (Wed)

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What is International Development?

Low Tech Analog Spectrogram

Every tool in Development deserves an acronym:

The Incredible Low Tech Ultra Rare Analog Spectrum Survey


Because sometimes low tech is pretty useful and fun too!


Interpret the statements anyway you want

There are NO right and wrong answers- only your opinions

Opinions will be plotted and mapped on the Spectrogram, and can be changed at anytime by moving up or down (or by TILTing UR ASS)

We will respect everyone’s opinion, we WILL critique but stop at fist fights


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Low Tech Analog Spectrogram S1

International Aid should be stopped and

taxpayers should not waste anymore

money. Large projects or massive grand

strategies often fail to help the

vulnerable; money can often be

embezzled away.

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Low Tech Analog Spectrogram S2

US is often the largest

donor in dollar terms, but

ranks amongst the lowest in

terms of meeting the stated

0.7% target. The US should

increase its aid.

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Low Tech Analog Spectrogram S3

If poor people do not have shelter,

education or health, they do not need


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Low Tech Analog Spectrogram S4

We should start with policy before the

technology. For example, getting people

connected through mobile phones and internet is not

enough. New and ‘shiny’ those tools first require better

policies to provide telecommunications at a faster rate

and lower cost.

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Low Tech Analog Spectrogram (S5?)

ICT4D is a powerful solution to poverty: It

is self-evident that social and economic

development can be accelerated and

reinforced by access to information

resources and the ability to better

communicate different kinds of


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What is International Development

Theories of International Development (Wed)

Measurement of International Development (Wed)

Does International Development Work? (Wed?)

Development Career and Jobs (Wed?)

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What Is International Development





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Next Class

See class website i190spring2014.sanng.com

Sign up for Facebook closed group

Sign up for blog posts dates, think about projects

Look out for announcements

Read rest of Week 2 readings on International


Help market this course virtually (and at Cal)!