uml-based web engineering (uwe)

Sevilla – June 2007 – Nora Koch 15 UML-based Web Engineering (UWE) Software engineering approach for Web domain Based on OMG standards, such as UML, MDA, OCL, XMI, … Domain specific modeling language (DSL) MOF-based metamodel, OCL constraints Open source CASE tool support

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Page 1: UML-based Web Engineering (UWE)

Sevilla – June 2007 – Nora Koch 15

UML-based Web Engineering (UWE)

� Software engineering approach for Web domain

� Based on OMG standards, such as UML, MDA, OCL, XMI, …

� Domain specific modeling language (DSL)

� MOF-based metamodel, OCL constraints

� Open source CASE tool support

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UWE in a Nutshell

� UWE is a an engineering approach for the development of Web applications

� Main characteristic is the use of UML for all models� “pure” UML whenever possible� UML extension for Web specific features UML profile

� Focuses on systematisation and automatic generation

� UWE comprises� a modelling language for the graphical representation of models of Web applications� a method (technique) supporting semi-automatic generation � a metamodel for UWE modelling elements� a process supporting the development life-cycle of Web applications� a case-tool supporting the development of Web applications

� ArgoUWE editor for the design � set of transformations for model-to-model and model-to-code transformations

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Modelling Language UWE

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Why UML?

� UML is a graphical language for specifying, constructing and documenting software artifacts

� UML is a de facto industry standard and an OMG standard� UML includes

� notation� diagram types� Object Constraints Language (OCL)� metamodel� well-formedness rules

� UML does not provide a development process

How expressive is UML for the development of Web applications?� UML does not include specific Web model elements� UML defines extension mechanisms � UML profiles

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“Pure” UML for Modelling Web Applications

ShoppingCart«presentation class»


«realize» «realize» design class


: ApplicationServer


: Web Server


: Web Browser



UML component

physical node

UML dependency

� Use of UML (without extension) whenever possible

� Example: UML deployment diagram used to document � physical nodes

� distribution of web components

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UML Profiles

� UML extension is called a UML profileif based on extension mechanisms provided by UML� stereotypes for new metaclasses

� domain specific: EJB «bean», «session», «entity», …

� defined in the UML: «metaclass», «trace», «file», …

� tagged values for metaattributes

� OCL constraints for invariants, pre- and postconditions

� UML profile = light weight extensioneases

tool support

� Heavy weight extension� uses other diagram types not defined in the UML� uses different notation

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Analysis and Design Models in UWE

� Analysis models of a Web application� functional requirements are specified by

� use case model � workflows

� data (content) requirements are specified by� domain model

� Design models of a Web application

� information aspects� content model

� hypertext structure and navigation functionality � navigation model

� layout schema� presentation model

� functionality� process model� adaptivity model

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Example: Simple Music Portal

� Inspired by� offers albums for downloading � contains information about albums, songs, singer, composer, and publisher � this information is available for free� registered users can search albums and download them � for downloading they need to have enough credit on their prepaid account� accounts are rechargeable� provides a guided tour through the Web application

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Modelling Requirements with UWE

� Use cases are the most appropriate/used technique for modelling requirements� Graphical visualization by UML use case diagram

� to model required functionality� distinguishes between navigation and process use cases

� Modeling constructs� «navigation»

� «web process»

(in ArgoUWE normal use case)

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Modelling Business Processes



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UML Metaclass

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� Business process can be modelled as workflows� Workflows are visualized by UML activity diagram

� set of actions� control flow elements as decisions, merges, forks, joins, etc.� object flows including relevant objects (instance of classes)

� Example: Download Album

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Content Modelling

� Representation with “pure” UML is sufficient � no additional semantics required� UML class diagram

� UML class diagrams used at analysis-level and design-level

� domain concepts represented by classes� units of information� users of the system (user model)

� relationship between concepts represented by associations

� whole/part relationship shown by aggregations and composition

� hierarchical dependencies depicted by generalization/specialization (inheritance)

� multiplicities� …

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Navigation Modelling

� Goals� to represent nodes and links of the hypertext structure� to design navigation paths � to avoid disorientation and cognitive overload

� Result: navigation model� represented by a UML class diagram� uses specific modelling elements for Web concepts

� Modelling elements� basic elements� access primitives

� Other methodologies� own notation for hypertext elements� different diagram types: UML state diagram or own diagram type

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Basic Navigation Elements

� Stereotypes for basic navigation elements� «navigation class»

� «navigation link»

� Navigation elements used to model the core hypertext structure

� navigation class specifies a hypertext node visited by a user through browsing

(related to a content class)

� navigation link specifies a hyperlink used to access the target navigation object

from the source navigation object

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Navigation Model: Hypertext Structure

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Access Primitives

� Additional elements for the selection of one target navigation element from

a set of instances of a navigation element � index

� guidedTour

� query

� Shortcuts for more complex constructs (if represented in UML without


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Access Primitive: Index

� Index specifies direct access to all instances of the target by providing a list

of all elements from which one can be selected to continue navigating in the

Web application� contains an arbitrary number of

index items

� each index item is an object which

has a name and owns a link to an

instance of a navigation class

� UML stereotype: «index»

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Access Primitives: Query and Guided Tour

� Query represents the possibility to search for instances of the target node where instances are selected based on the property FilterExpression � UML stereotype: «query»

� GuidedTour provides sequential access to instances of the target node � order in the sequential access is given by a property SortExpression

� different options may be specified � circular access to the instances

� access is triggered by a user-interaction

� UML stereotype: «guidedTour»

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Navigation Model Elements: Menu and External Links

� Menus are used to structure the outgoing links from a node� associated to a navigation class by composition

� consists of a set of links to heterogeneous elements, such as indexes, guided tours, queries, instances instances of navigation classes or other menus

� UML stereotype: «menu»

� External Links are links pointing to nodes that

do not belong to the Web application

� UML stereotype:«external link»

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Navigation Model: Hypertext Structure

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Modelling Navigation

� Systematic enhancement of the navigation structure model by � indexes for all navigation links which have multiplicity > 1 at the directed association end � menus for all navigation classes with more than 1 outgoing association

� Design decision to include� guided tour instead of index� queries� tagged value home to indicate starting point of the application (node without ingoing

links)� tagged value landmark to indicate that a node is reachable from everywhere (all other

nodes include a link to the landmark node)

� Construction of views of the navigation space� partial views if the number of nodes is large� different views for different users� different views for different environments

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Modelling Processes in UWE

� Navigation model of a Web application � represents the static information structure accessible to a user of the system � specifies browsing (navigation) functionality

� Process model � represent the dynamic aspects of a Web application� specifies functionality, such as transactions and complex workflows of activities

� Process modelling consists of� definition of process classes (for non-navigation use cases)� integration of these process classes in the navigation model� description of the behaviour through a process flow

� represented as UML activity diagram

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Process Elements

� Process class represents the process through which the user will be guided in the Web application� for complex process that require more than a single class, an additional process model

is built

� UML stereotype: «process class»

� Process link is used to model the association between a «navigation class» and a «process class» � indicates entry points and exit points of processes within the navigation structure

� UML stereotype: «process link»

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Navigation Model: Including Web Processes

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Modelling the Process Flow

� The behavior of a Web process is defined by the process flow model� represented by an UML activity diagram� result of the refinement of the activity diagram drawn for requirements specification� no need of use of stereotypes

� Process flow consists of� flow of execution represented by activity nodes connected by activity edges� control nodes that provide flow-of-control constructs, such as decisions and

synchronization � object nodes that represent data flowing along object flow edges or pins associated to

the actions� semantic of activities is based on control and data token flows, similar to Petri nets

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Requirements: UML Activity Diagrams for Login

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Process Model: UML Activity Diagram: Login

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Modelling Presentation

� Representation of layout for the underlying navigation and process models� is an abstract presentation � concrete presentation requires specification of additional physical properties of the

layout� colour� position

� Presentation classes represent Web pages or part of pages � composition of user interface elements � hierarchical composition of presentation elements

� UML class diagram for the structure of the presentation� using UML container notation

� UML interaction diagram (sequence diagrams) � used for modelling behaviour of presentation classes (classical UML)

� Alternative: development of a prototype

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Presentation Model Elements

� «presentation class» groups a set of user interface elements representing a logic unit of presentation

� «page» is a presentation class that contains all elements that will be presented together to the user as response to one request

� user interface elements � «anchor»

� «text»

� «image»

� «form»

� «anchored collection»

� …

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Modelling Adaptivity

UWE uses a technique called Aspect-Oriented Modelling (AOM) for the construction of models to specify adaptive Web applications

� What are adaptive Web applications?

� What is AOM?

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Adaptive Web Applications

� Adaptation for� user properties: knowledge, tasks, preferences, interests� context properties: location (place and time) & platform (HW, SW, network)

� Update of a user model / context model� observation of the user behaviour or environment by the system

� Techniques for adaptation� content adaptation

� inserting and removing text/multimedia features� content variants

� navigation adaptation� link ordering� link annotation� link hiding� link generation

� presentation adaptation� modality adaptation (audio or text)� language selection� layout variants (resizing of fonts, images, changing colours)

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Aspect-Oriented Modelling (AOM) in a Nutshell

� AOM identifies and defines

� join point: well-defined place in a model / program where additional

features can be attached

� pointcut: set of join points

� advices: feature to add/execute at a join point

� AOM specifies a weaving process (composition) of

� core functional modules (elements of a pointcut)

� aspects (defined by an advice)

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Modelling Adaptivity

� Specification of � pointcuts (including conditions) and � advices

� Weaving the result into the web application based on � current state of the user model � information provided by link traversal

� Example: links only visible for registered users to� download album � recharge

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� Web Engineering Methodologies

� Modelling of Web Applications

� UWE Approach� Modelling Language

� CASE Tool

� Metamodel

� Development Process

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Tool Support for UWE

� Goal� support of UWE notation for design of Web applications

� separation of concerns (navigation, process, presentation,…)� implementation of UWE development process allowing for semi-automatic model


� support of model validation checking models consistency

� code generation

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� Extension of ArgoUML� advantages

� open source UML CASE tool

� design critics for checking model consistency� XMI output as basis for code generation

� disadvantages� still based on UML 1.x � inherited usability problems

� Implemented as a plugin for ArgoUML 0.16 � extends the NSUML library with the UWE metamodel

� developed within the scope of a couple of diploma theses

� Main difficulty� lack of ArgoUML evolution towards UML 2.0

� Currently we are developing plugins for other CASE tools

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Model Validation

� Consistency checks for model correctness

� ArgoUML offers cognitive design critics � background thread

� warning mechanism for model inconsistencies

� wizard for design improvement

� uses critics pane for the critiques

� displays wizards comments in detail pane

� ArgoUWE extends the design critics features� inherits from ArgoUML (e.g. name collision)

� is extended by wellformedness constraints of UWE (e.g. relationship between use case and process model)

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Modelling with UWE Stereotypes

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Modelling Navigation with ArgoUWE

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Metamodel for UWE

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UWE Metamodel

� UWE Metamodel is defined as a conservative extension of UML 2.0� model elements of the UML metamodel are not modified� all new elements are related by inheritance to at least one model element of the UML� use of OCL to specify additional semantics of the new elements

� UWE extension� Core� Adaptivity

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UWE Metamodel Characteristics

� UWE metamodel is profileable� mapping to a UML profile is possible

� UWE metamodel is MOF compatible � uses XML metadata interchange format (XMI)

� UWE metamodel� reflects separation of concerns in the structure of Core� shows cross-cutting aspect of adaptation

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UWE Metamodel: Requirements Model

� Model elements grouped in packages� WebRE Behaviour� WebRE Structure

� Defines relationships among elements � inheritance (e.g. search defined

as an extended browse)� associations (e.g. a browse

requires a source and a target node)

context Search inv: self.parameters -> forAll

(p | p.location -> includes (self.source))

� Defines invariants (OCL constraints)

(see stereotypes used in the example)

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UWE Profile: Requirements

� UML stereotype for each concept of the requirements package of the UWE metamodel

� Extends relationship� UML metaclass

� Advantages� no need to specify complete semantic of

new modelling elements� use of all UML CASE tools supporting

UML profiles for modelling Web applications

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UWE Metamodel: Navigation

(see stereotypes used in the example)

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UWE Profile: Navigation

� UML stereotypes for Web specific concepts used for the specification of the hypertext structure

� Extends relationships

� UML metaclasses

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Meta-associations of the Metamodel

� Representation using associations derived from the UML metamodel

� association {subsets target} for association between NavigationLink and


� association {subsets ownedProperty} for composition between NavigationClass and


� Representation stereotyping UML metaclass Dependency� aggregation between NavigationClass and Menu� association between AccessPrimitive and NavigationProperty, leading to the following


context Dependencyinv: self.stereotypes->

includes("Primitive2Property") implies(self.client.stereotypes->

includes("AccessPrimitive") andself.supplier.stereotypes->


where client and supplier denote the ends of the Dependency relationship

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UWE Metamodel: Presentation

(see stereotypes used in the example)

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UWE Profile: Presentation

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UML Extension for Aspects

� Lightweight extension of UML � An Aspect stereotype as an extension of UML metaclass Package

composing� Pointcut package that references to all model elements on which� Advice package is applied

� Pointcut and Advice packages may contain OCL constraints detailing� conditions for the application of the aspect� effects of the aspect

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UWE Metamodel: Adaptivity

� NavigationAnnotation stereotype to model link adaptation� related to Link� navigation annotations are attached to navigation links

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UWE Development Process

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� 1999 - 2003 � based on the Unified Process (UP) � development is supported by a set of workflows� based on concepts of role, activity, artifact, tool, ...

� 2003 – 2004� incorporation of elements of agile process

Evolution �������������� ���������

� since 2005� based on the model-driven development (MDD) principles

� Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) standard of the OMG

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Model-Driven Development Approaches

� MDD approaches require languages for� specification of models

� description of metamodels

� definition of model transformationsM


Model transform


Meta m


� MDD in the Web Domain� several methods propose modelling

� OOHDM, OO-H, UWE, WebML, Hera,…� separation of concerns� similar Web specific modeling elements� different notations

� some methods define metamodels for modelling languages� OO-H, UWE, W2000, WebML, …

� few approaches address model transformations� OOWS, UWE, WebSA, …

� MDD approaches based on� models and model transformations

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MDD Principles: Models and Metamodels

� Models� computational independent model (CIM)� platform independent model (PIM)� platform specific model (PSM)



UWE ApplicationModel










� Metamodels� definition of concepts and relationships among

concepts� compatibility with the OMG metamodelling

architecture � MOF meta-metamodel

� XMI interchange format → tool compatibility (theoretically)

� static semantics given by OCL constraints(well-formedness rules)

� basis for tool support

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MDD Principles: Model Transformations

� Model transformations� CIM�PIM, PIM�PIM, PIM�PSM

� Model transformation languages� general programming languages

� Java

� graph transformation languages � Attribute Graph Grammar (AGG)

� query/view/transformation languages� QVT� ATL

� OMG standards� MOF, UML, OCL, XMI, QVT

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Model transformation pattern (J. Bézivin, 2004)

Model Transformations

� Translation performed by a transformation engine

� Transformation engine executes rules

� Transformation rules are � defined at metamodel level

� applied at model level

� Set of rules � seen as a model

� with a metamodel

� Metamodels are based on

a metametamodel

� Translate between source and target models� instances of same or different metamodel

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Model transformation pattern (J. Bézivin, 2004)

Model Transformations

� Translation performed by a transformation engine

� Transformation engine executes rules

� Transformation rules are � defined at metamodel level

� applied at model level

� Set of rules � seen as a model

� with a metamodel

� Metamodels are based on

a metametamodel

� Translate between source and target models� Instances of same or different metamodel

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Model-Driven Process of UWE

� Types of models in UWE � requirements model (CIM)

� models for J2EE, .Struts (PSM)

� functional models (PIM)� content model� navigation model

� …

� architecture models (PIM)

� integration models (PIM)

� Graphical representation of the process� process as UML activity diagram

� model transformations as stereotyped UML actions

� models as UML object flow states

� implicit initial and final state

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UWE Development Process Requirements to Functional Models

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Music Portal Example (excerpt)

� Requirements model� UML use case diagrams

� UML activity diagrams

� Web requirements engineering profile (WebRE)� WebUser,

� navigation, WebProcess

� browse, search, …

� content, node, …

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Transformation Requirements to Content (1)

� Source: requirements model (UML activity diagram)� objects input for Web actions

� objects result of Web actions

� Target: content model � classes of the content model

� Profile-based transformation

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Transformation Requirements to Content (2)

� Model transformation language� Query View Transformation (QVT)

� textual notation

� Transformation rule

transformation ReqContent2ContentClass (webre:WebRE,uwe:UWE) {

top relation R1 {

checkonly domain webre c: Content {name = n};

enforce domain uwe cc: Class {name = n}; }

top relation R2 {cn: String;

checkonly domain webre p: Property {namespace=c:

Content{}, name = cn};

enforce domain uwe p1: Property {namespace = cc: Class{};

name = cn }

when {R1 (c,cc);}



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Transformation Requirements to Navigation Elements (1)

� Source: requirements model (UML activity diagram)� search action� content and node object flow states

� Target: navigation model � query and index class� navigation class � navigation link

� Pattern-based transformation

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Transformation Requirements to Navigation Elements (2)

� Model transformation language� QVT� graphical notation

� Transformation rule

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Construction of Functional Models

� UWE metamodel and UWE profile� navigation elements: navigation class, navigation link, index, …

� presentation elements: presentation class, anchor, image, …

� Case tool ArgoUWE� extension of ArgoUML

� provides stereotypes

� supports (semi-)automatic execution of transformations

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Transformation Content to Navigation (1)

� Marking elements � identification of classes of the content

model that are relevant for the navigation view

� task performed by designer

� Semi-automatic transformation

� Content2Navigation� generates navigation classes from

content classes

� adds a navigation links based on associations of the content model

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Transformation Content to Navigation (2)

� Implementation � Java within CASE tool ArgoUWE

� ATL (ATLAS Transformation Language)

� ATL transformation rule

rule Class2NavigationClass {

from c : UWE!Class ( c.oclIsTypeOf( UWE!Class ) )

to nc : UWE!NavigationClass (

name <-,

ownedAttribute <- c.ownedAttribute->select( p |

p.association.oclIsUndefined() ) )


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Refinement of Navigation Model

� Improvement based on patterns � index for associations with multiplicity greater than one at the directed

association end

� menu for navigation classes with multiple outgoing associations

� Implementation � Java in ArgoUWE


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Integration with Architecture Models

� Web Software Architecture (WebSA) approach*� domain specific language for modelling architectural views of Web applications

� subsystem model� configuration model� integration model

� UML profile of architectural modelling elements� Web component� Web port� Web connector� server page,

� etc.

� QVT-like transformations

*Santiago Melía, University of Alicante, PhD Thesis (2007)




J2EE models .NET models Other models


Web Functional Viewpoint Web Architectural Viewpoint

Merge Models to ModelTransformation




PlatformIndependent Design


Integration Model

T2 T2'’

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Generating “Big Picture” Model

� Generation of an integrated functional model (“big picture” )� transformation target UML state machine for integration of content, navigation and

process models

� graph transformation language

� tool: Attributed Graph Grammar System (AGG)

� validation of correctness by model checking

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Big Picture: Transformation of Navigation Model

� capture navigation nodes as states (with parameters for data)

� Example: music portal: transformation for navigation node “song”

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Big Picture: Transformation of Business Process

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Big Picture: Example Transformation of Business Process

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Model Validation

� Model transformations for Web applications based on UWE and its UML-based metamodel

� Graph transformations into integrating UML state machine

� Model validation by model checking using Hugo/RT (

� Automation of transformation process using Attribute Graph Grammars (AGG)

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Generation of Web Applications

� UWE uses a transformational approach� to generate data model and presentation layer

� based on content, navigation structure and presentation models

� transformation rules from UWE content model to Java beans

� transformation rules from UWE presentation model to Java Server Pages (JSPs)

� UWE uses an interpretational approach� using a virtual machine

� to interpret the process model (activity diagrams)

� configuration data for the virtual machine is generated from process and navigation model

� Implemented so far � using the Spring framework

� transformations defined in ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL)

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Features of Model Transformations

� MDD Type � CIM to PIM, PIM to PIM, PIM to PSM

� Complexity� simple, merge

� Use of marks� types, stereotypes, patterns, explicit marks

� Execution type� automatic, semi-automatic, manual

� Implementation technique� general programming language

� graph transformation

� model transformation language

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Classification of UWE Model Transformations

QVT-P, ATLautomaticpatternsmergePIM to PSMIntegration2J2EE

QVT-PautomaticUWE & WebSAprofile

mergePIM to PIMFunctional&Architecture2Integration

graph trans-formations

automaticpatternsmergePIM to PIMFunctional2BigPicture

Javaautomaticstyle guidemergePIM to PIMStyleAdjustment








Java, ATLUWE profilesimplePIM to PIMNavigation2Presentation

QVTWebRE profilemergeCIM to PIMReq2Navigation

JavaUWE profile & patterns

simplePIM to PIMNavigationRefinement

Java, ATLnavigation relevance

simplePIM to PIMContent2Navigation

--simpleCIM to PIMReq2Architecture

QVTWebRE profilesimpleCIM to PIMReq2Content


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UWE: Current State and Future Work

� Focus on systematisation and automatic generation

� Following the model-driven approach

� Use of UML notation for graphical representation

� Ongoing work

� Main focus on case-tool support

� Final objective to cover all relevant aspects in the development life- cycle of Web applications

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� Web engineering methodologies� since 1993 many methods

� data-oriented, hypertext-oriented, object-oriented, software-oriented


� Modelling of Web applications� four dimensions by modelling Web applications

� UWE is a modelling language� UML Profile for modelling navigation, presentation,

process, adaptivity, …

� UWE has a metamodel� conservative and profileable

� UWE defines a model-driven development process

� based on model transformations

� focus on the use of model transformation languages such as ATL and QVT


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� Web Engineering: Systematic Development of Web ApplicationsGerti Kappel, Birgid Pröll, Siegfried Reich, Werner Retschitzegger (eds.) dpunkt-verlag (German version), 2003,John Wiley & Sons (English version), 2006.

� Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web ApplicationsG. Rossi, O. Pastor, D. Schwabe, L. Olsina (eds.), Springer (2007), to appear.

� Metamodelling the Requirements of Web Systems María José Escalona and Nora Koch2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST'06), Setubal, Portugal, pages 310-317. INSTICC, 2006.

� Modelling Adaptivity with AspectsHubert Baumeister, Alexander Knapp, Nora Koch and Gefei Zhang5th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2005), Sydney, Australia, LNCS 3579, 406-416, 2005.

� Modelling Business Processes in Web Applications with ArgoUWEAlexander Knapp, Nora Koch and Hanns-Martin Hassler7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2004), Lisboa, Portugal, LNCS 3273, 69-83, 2004.

� Model-Driven Generation of Web Applications in UWEAndreas Kraus, Alexander Knapp and Nora Koch3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE 2006), Como, Italy, to appear

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Muchas gracias! �

Nora Koch

nora.koch (at)

uwe (at)