unccd: its implementation in namibia

UNCCD: UNCCD: Its Its Implementation in Implementation in Namibia Namibia By Justine Braby

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A short presentation on the UNCCD and its implementation in Namibia as NAPCOD.


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UNCCD:UNCCD:Its Implementation in Its Implementation in


By Justine Braby

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“…means land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities” (UNCCD, Article 1(a))

Land Degradation meaning the loss of biological or economic productivity in various areas (e.g. woodland) from a process or combination of processes, including processes arising from anthropogenic activity, such as

Soil erosion caused by wind or water Deterioration of the chemical, physical and biological components of the soil Long-term loss of natural vegetation

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The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in countries

experiencing drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa

1. Problem

2. Background

3. Formalities

4. Objectives

5. Modalities

6. Institutions

7. Related Conventions

8. Potential benefits from becoming a party

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BACKGROUND: The road to Paris

Sahelian Drought and famine 1968- 1974 200 000 people and millions of animals died

Plan of Action to Combat Desertification 1977 Lack of sufficient financial aid and coordination among countries 1992 Earth Summit: African Countries insist that proper attention

should be given to desertification World’s leaders agreed in Agenda 21 to call on the UN General

Assembly to set up convention Convention open for signing 1994

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Objectives1. Combat desertification and mitigate the

effects of drought

2. Long-term integration strategies Improved productivity of land Rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management of

land and water resources

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Open for signature 14- 15 October 1994 in Paris

Entry into force 90th day after deposit of 50th Instrument

1-4th COP every year, after every two years

Headquarters in Bonn, Germany

Historic Haus Carstanjen, Bonn, and its park located near the River Rhine. Seat of the United Nations in Germany.

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Common obligations of states cooperation, transfer of knowledge, research, info and technology; capacity and awareness building, integrated approach to combating desertification

Affected countries prepare action programmes Developed countries provide financial resources and

facilitate access to technology and know-how Report back on measures of convention, progress reports

on their action programmes

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Committee on Science and Technology

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Related Conventions

UNFCCC, CBDEncourage joint programmes in

research, training, information collection and exchange

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Potential Benefits

Allow a state to1. Show solidarity with affected countries in

facing urgent and growing issue of global dimensions,

2. Benefit from cooperation in designing and implementing its own programmes

3. Improve access to relevant data and technology

4. Nominate scientists on the roster of experts (CST)

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Namibia’s Programme to Combat Desertification


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Namibia most arid country south of Sahara

70% dependant on subsistence farming

Difficult climatic conditions and human induced impacts

Napcod collaborative effort between MAWRD and MET (started by DEA)

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1. Research

2. Capacity-building

3. Education and awareness re SM

4. Cooperation with SADC countries

5. Drought preparedness

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Napcod Process

Phase 1: 1994 Broad Consultation and National Workshop

Phase 2: 1995-1999 Setting up structures for implementation (planning for Phase 3)

Phase 3: 1999-2004 Setting up structures for implementation

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FUNDING Gesellschaft fuer

technische Zusammenarbeit (GZN)- N$ 6 million over period of four years

Small grants from private sector

Possible support from GEF

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Programmes and Success

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Communications and public awareness generation

FIRM Partners and information flow Indicators Education and training

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Legislation Namibia’s Policy to Combat Desertification

(1994) N’s Env Assessment Policy (1995) Draft Environmental Management Act (1999) Many principles of CCD included Policies, while formulated and approved by

parliament, are not implemented, are not backed by legislation or regulations

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PROBLEMS As of 2004 – no funding… Napcod not formally accepted

by government as a NAP Did not follow UNCCD

guidelines Slow movement in enacting

new legislation Combating desertification is

often viewed by decision-makers as merely an ‘environmental’ issue that does not deserve high priority

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Positives Napcod very broad and

effective participation, community level

Enjoyed support and involvement from government ministries, and acceptance by UNCCD

Good working relationship between NGOs and government


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His Excellency Hama A Diallo: “Namibia has made commendable efforts in the management of its natural resources at community, as

well as national level. This is what the UNCCD and its partners, UNDP, UNEP, FAO, African Development Bank and World Bank

wanted to see. Namibia’s experiences are quite useful to all its neighbours.”