understanding generational types

Understanding the generational types in recruitment, retention and training

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Understanding Generational Types

Understanding the generational types in

recruitment, retention and training

Page 2: Understanding Generational Types

Growth creates Growth creates opportunitiesopportunities

but also but also challengeschallenges

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According to the World Tourism Organization one new hospitality post is created every minute - qualified supervisory qualified supervisory qualified supervisory qualified supervisory and management personnel with a and management personnel with a and management personnel with a and management personnel with a willingness to gain international experience willingness to gain international experience willingness to gain international experience willingness to gain international experience will literally be global starswill literally be global starswill literally be global starswill literally be global stars. Opportunities are predicted to grow exponentially as the rapid increase in hospitality activities create new developments and new challenges.

Source : 4hoteliers.com

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In Asia’s gateway cities, with new hotels springing up on almost every corner, the challenge is to recruitrecruitrecruitrecruit and retainretainretainretain the caliber of staff that will provide the graceful attention to detail and service experience that is described so eloquently in the promotional material.

Source : www.hotelasiapacific.com

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Understand Generational typesUnderstand Generational types

Why is it important in recruitment Why is it important in recruitment

and retention?and retention?

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The demographics are The demographics are

working against usworking against us……- Demographics predict a coming worker shortage as the bay

boom retires

- For the first time ever, the next generation of skilled workers will neither be larger nor better educated than the previous one

- The skilled worker gap in the US is estimated to be 5.3 million by 2010 and 14 million by 2020

- In Japan, millions of people are scheduled to retire now

- China will need 70,000 experienced corporate leaders within the next five years due to the growing businesses (al ready experiencing a 30% shortage)

- In India, 500,000 new graduates are needed by next year

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The Bottom LineThe Bottom LineWhile many baby boomers are retiring, nearly 72% said they plan to work after

they formally retire

We need to be concerned with the knowledge transfer from those baby boomers who are leaving

The Bottom Line:

We need to learn how to lead, recognize and engage our workforce now in order to retain the appropriate talent to be a successful organization

Most companies start to redirect their recruiting efforts to include non-traditional groups !

We need to ensure that we have the appropriate knowledge transfer from talent that is retiring

We need to facilitate the co-existence of a multi-generational work force.

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Who are the generations?Who are the generations?

Baby BoomersBaby BoomersBaby BoomersBaby Boomers

Generation WeGeneration WeGeneration WeGeneration We MillenialsMillenialsMillenialsMillenials////Generation YGeneration YGeneration YGeneration Y

Generation Generation Generation Generation XersXersXersXers


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A productive relationship between an organization and its employees2-way, productive and considered a “win-win”.

Employee: Organization is considered as transparent, responsive and a partnerCompany: Individual uses discretionary effort, has an emotional connection and has accountability

The relationship must align with employee’s attitudes, values and behaviors from a generational perspective

Fact: International Studies show that engagement is at low levels andthat improving economy will lead to increased hiring and competition for talent.

The definition of engagementThe definition of engagement

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Why is engagement important?Why is engagement important?

Companies with higher engagement have increased productivity

These companies tend to outperform those with lower employee engagement:

• Higher average revenue growth• Lower costs of operating

Facts: a study of 50,000 employees indicates that those with a higher commitment perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave the organization

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Born before 1946Influences:

The Great depression, WW2, Korea, Hitler, Chinese revolution, Gandhi’s assassination, Rise of labor unions

Traits:Loyal, desire to leave a legacy, fiscally conservative, faith ininstitutions

• 40% of this group said their company did not do a good job of making them want to stay

• 65% said they would not feel comfortable talking to their manager about a different career within their company

• 72% plan to return to work in some form after their formally retire• They gave their lives to their jobs, they made sacrifices.• They believe “no news is good news” => feedback needed only once a year• They are fiscally responsible• They respect authority and follow the rules• Their reward is a job well done

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Born between 1946 and 1964Influences:

Vietnam, anti-war protests, space travel, JFK assassination, Korean war, European Union established, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan and 16 African countries became independent, space travel

Traits:Competitive, desiring to put their own stamp on institutions, optimistic, free thinkers

• 43% of this group state there is a lack of mentoring available• 30% said not having a mentor contributes to their job dissatisfaction• 75% said time off would be the best reward they could receive• This is the generation with a voice. They were raised to be better educated, and

were told that they could do anything – the world is their oyster• They are the most competitive generation, they are idealist and free-thinkers• This group lives to work vs. works to live

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Born between 1965 and 1981Influences:

AIDS, Cultural revolution in China, Flood in Pakistan (500,000 lives claimed), Earthquakes in Italy, Bali, Turkey and China claimed lives of 780,000, Energy crisis in West

Traits:Resourceful, highly adaptive, self-reliant, sceptical of institutions, independent

• Only 17% of this group thought a lifetime career with one company was a good idea (compared to 35% of the boomers and 70% of the traditionalists)

• 30% of the Gen X have left a job due to lack of training opportunities• 80% of Gen X men said time with family is more important than challenging

work or higher salary• This is the group that wants to know how they are doing• They got used of being independent• They are constantly looking at what they can put on their resumes

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Gen X Gen X –– How do you keep them engaged?How do you keep them engaged?

• Provide ongoing opportunities to gain new, marketable skills.• Establish a “win-win” contract; focus on work-life balance• Reward results. • 90% of this group wants immediate feedback, don’t wait for

your next 1:1 meeting!• Provide learning and development opportunities that extend

beyond current role• They want to know where they are going – what’s next?• They enjoy straight talk – get to the heart of the discussion• Individuality is important to them, they are considered

competitive• Loyalty is to their leader

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Generation:Born between 1982 and 2000

Influences:Technology, Terrorism, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Violence, NelsonMandela Sworn in, Islamic Militants, Global warming, drugs

Traits:Globally concerned and aware, integrated, cyber-literate, realistic, collaborative, group oriented, vocal

• This group ranked “personal safety” as their number one workplace issue• Their opinions have been sought out and listened to throughout their lifetime• They have seen a world with technology constantly changing, so they enjoy

and expect change• They move in peer groups and have loyalty to these groups; they are team-

orientated by nature• Their parents have sought their opinions and included them in decision – they

are used to that

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Gen Y Gen Y –– How do you keep them engaged?How do you keep them engaged?

• Reinforce their contribution to the team/department/organization• Solicit their opinion• Leverage their creativity and innovation• Provide “rapid” career growth/succession• Loyalty is to each other• Everything has been fast and furious in their lives, they expect

constant feedback• Their need for rapid career growth can be managed – don’t train

them on everything right away• This is the group who may ask, after three weeks of employment,

what their next move will be, how are they progressing, how can they move up?

• This is the group who may ask for others to be in the room during their 1:1 meeting with you

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Generation:Born after 2000

Influences:Technology, Iraq, Effects of 9/11, built-in safety, “just-in-time”, information & technology, YouTube, Global Village

Traits:Tech-native, Media-smart, Artistically inclined, Spiritual, Pan-cultural, culturally identified, integrated

• $18 billion buying power• Marketing is changing to meet their needs and desires• “edutainment” toys focusing on both right and left brain-thinking• They are used to “on-demand” all the time• They are surrounded by safety measures and are aware of it – it is part of their


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All right, now how do All right, now how do

we , HR Managers, use we , HR Managers, use that knowledge?that knowledge?

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1. Organizations that are able to maximize the performance of every generation of employees will have a competitive advantage in winning the war for talent

2. Retaining current employees is critical to our future success

3. Find new “groups” of new-hires, search for new staffing sources

4. Leaders should be aware of the differences and adjust to the different needs of the workforce, focusing on individuals

5. Knowledge must be transferred from talent prior to them retiring in order to keep competitive advantage

6. Continue to stay informed about Gen We’s !

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Our visionOur vision

“To provide exceptional recruitment and training services in a climate

where quality of employees is a vital consideration”