underwood standard typewriter - chronicling...

TOUCH, NEWS QF DELAWARE COUNTY 'J. flM Ml mCUinitESPONBENTS iDQEWOOD. , AU week Uj» keen heard, the ring o( our ichool' bell callnlg a 1 ' chil- dren back to 'duty after summer va- cattoa. Ourteachera tor tbe term are Pivf.. Eli^le WUdom, Principal, Laura flejrer, iMsIatant principal, Ella fopk. Qrammfcr room; Leona Friti, ttlumdtati,; Florence Munger, 8ec- ion^prmlary, .Laura Hoislngton, prl- <•»»f. The enrollment It as large as foroar year* .and all bMa fair for a year of good hard -work. " I atives at Rockford, Iowa, has Dr. Gray enjoyed A visit from his turned home., r6-, 'Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Lusk go Tuesr brother, John, of Chicago, last week. Mr. Nutter of Gordon, Nebraska, re- turned home after a pleasant visit with his relatives In this community. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everett were seen In our vicinity last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Funk and Mrs. Amelia Miller s$ent Monday of last week at Strawberry Point. Pete LUllbrldge Is reported on the sick list. This Is news his many friends regret to hear. Miss Mamie Menge, who has assist- ed bar cousin, Mr*. Chas. Puts, of LtttlepoTt, with her household duties this summer returned home last Sun- day. Misa Laura OPeet who has been spending the past few weeks with rel- GOOD f ARM Tor Rent . I have a good 240 acre farm located' abput 5 miles north-west pf Manchester, which I desire to rent on shares. .This place is the old Bronson & Carr f*rm. It is in a-high state of cultivation, aid is well improved. It has a comfort- able dwelling house,' good barns and- barn yards, good hog house with ce- ment feed floors, a 130 ton silo, and practically everything necessary to prof- itably care for a stock of from 30 to 40 cows and 40 to 50 head of horses, colts an$ young stock and from 100 to 150 hops and pigs. E want to lease thig place to a good farfaier, who has help sufficient to work it to advantage. I want to contract with a man who will appreciate a good i place and help to keep it in first class condition. ' For particulars address or call upon the undersigned at Manchester, Iowa. 1 E. M. CARR Only $30.15 •as-way Saeoad Clasa to - i - |u tauwiMt, Ut Angiles, San Ditgo, MdfctMr California points August 25 to September 9 and Octob- er 1 to it. You oan go via Council Bluffs, Oraaba or Kansas City. AAA M rout-trip far* tally In effect to CALIFORNIA; flliPB m 965.70 to IOKTH PACIFIC COAST. fZllIt to POHTLAlfl), SPOXAHE. September 15 to October 15, TACOMA, SIATTLE and l.hiuACii GRfAl WfMfRN K AM H)A(I Let me plan your trip and arrange all the details. Call, write or phone ae today, j. r 'L C. J. lurdway ItaUle Manager . M. * O. By. Phone 196. Manchester, Iowa. MSMESS MECTIIV. I. M. 6arr, Hubert Oarr, Henry •ronsen CARR, BWpNJQN & CARR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Special at- tention alven collection.. Real estate loaiULaai Insurance. Office In Port Ot- flte BalMUn, ManchesUr, Iowa. , VORAN A VORAN. £,•>' *«UNIUSY8 AT LAW. Office «w Hatchlssea * Atntir'i hardware stare Iswa. y mo a. blair. c&ssvijpjs&jgtji "" H. W. ARNOUDi ATTOBKBT AT LAW. Offioa ot* County Stat* Bank. Maanb** Oelawar* l*r. leva. BR. ©, «. LMTIR. ayjin*»ar to Dr. omc* am Burton CUrl?s .UANCMMTBR MARSLB WQHKC HwblP^SStMm* and «*fteuf qHWia ? wave tb* ooual furalab qraniu aa THW, T. OnRKBCn - _ AND BUILDKI. IT. &'-& cor Mr tth ana llaii a* tewa. BROS, BOWMAN « NleL Kanchseter la aila lu branch. ___ .'latta M iwm»» at offlee .spre oBFr ^'" ,tr " t •SI** M£S t fr£S£t lr visttJte ' .!» Mwa*. Ai«s|« «- JDITIOKOF THE lions etna p>QtuW loaoeaad inaursaca. HeuuMtoor. LKTBR. ... PEACE, i attention. >. \o3c«Olty Or. Wiltert Shallenbsrger Th' - Regular and Reliable Chicago Specialist, who haa visited Manches- ter, »T*ry month since 1901, will be a* tit* Clarence Houae, Manchester (CM Aajr only) and return once every 18 days from 9 a. m. to fi:30 p. m. TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1910, Independence, Hotel O^dney, Sep £8, 1 th* cam he under- 1 tile Inourable home with. •ut «t w '"r a fe* from them. This la why b. continual his visits year,after year, while ether doctors have made a few visits and,stopped. Dr. Sballenberger la an aaUnenUy successful specialist lu all Omnia diseases, proven by tha map) cures effeoted In chronic cava wMcl have baffled thsak|U qf nhyrt clan* Hla hgapUftl ecpertenoe and ex- taoalve praoUp* l»v* TOWS him ao pro- ficient ttiftV m can name and locate a d|«e«** W »w- minutes. . . ^ Tr*aU «U ouradle oases ot Catarrh, Nosa. Throat and Lung diseases. Bye and Bar. Sumach. Liver and Kidneys, Qran), Rheumatism. Paralysis, Neural (la, Nervous ana Heart diseases, Blood and Skin diseases. Epilepsy, Bright'a di *«|t. NONMAN D. WILSON, Oet*o(>aUilc Physician dedrea to annQunce that he has moved his offlcss and 1* now lo- cated over th* hardware store of Carhart k. Nye. Tirrlll &-Pierce U»n*i Re»l Estate «nd Insurance. mam and Ctentumptloik in early stage; (II»»im of th« Bladder and Female Or- vans, Liquor and Tobaeoo habit Stam- iirug cured and sure nethod to pre- sntlta recurrence again. sever falltna remedy for Big Neck. FILES. . FI8TUlliB and . RUPTl e. E. RCH ARDSON. REAl-1? TATR. TX»ANS. ASP mwakyfuE OOos South Sid* it Main Streat, Manuavsier, Iowa. 1 Omm Syei >SLK8. F18TULAB and RUPTURB •ruaranteed cured without detention from Tniifittf, Special attention given ' —T^oal cases, and aU -Aoafe, 1 despondent: weak mornings; no am- alasa: memory poor: easily exottable and Irritable: eyes .. red and blurred: pimples on dreams and nlaht losses: restless, -d looking: weak baok: deposit in and-'druns at stool: distrustful: of oonfldanee; lack of energy and etrength. RRIVATB JMSBASBS A SPBCIALTY. _.JIeed Poison. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Strlsture. Oleet, Spermatorrhea, Vari- cocele, Hydrooele, 8emlnal weakness and. the effects of early Vice or Excess, producing Emissions, Debility, Nervous- ness, Dimness, Defective Memory, etc., wbteg ruins mind and body, positively WONDBRPVl QUBCS . Psi-fected |n <Ad cases whlob have beea negMctM or unwillfully treated. f»e eapsriments or failure a. He under- •aKes no insurable oases, but cures thousands given up to die. . CpasultstTofl Free and Confidential. Adeiass. M. WILBBRT SHALLBNBBRQER, 7M OakWood Boulevard, c CHICAGO, tt.T/, ' Rtferenca, Dmsl State Bank. Mr. George Fleming departed Qubuque Tuesday evening to be present at the annual meeting of the stockholders and also the election of officers in the Interstate Telephone. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis have been visiting at the home of Henry Wiley for the past week. •Mrs. Richard Just, Mr. Nutter and little daughter, Anne, spent last Wednesday at Manchester transact- ing business. Miss Louise Hesselmann of Dyers- vHle spent several days of last week with her frlrnd, Alice Putz. Mrs. W. M. Heath and two children left tor tbelr new home at Elmore, Minnesota, laBt Tuesday morning. Tbe rest of the family left a few days before. The many friends of Mr. and iMrs. Heath wish them Joy and prosperity In their new home. Rev. J, T. Hartlgan was seen on our streets last Tuesday. Miss Emma Duscheng, one ot our efficient teachers, Is teaching In the public schools at Oelweln this year. Prof, and Mrs. Earle Wsldom were at Colesburg on Sunday of last week to be In attendance at the funeral of Fannie Bush. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Whipple left for Cedar Rapids last Monday, where they will make the acquaintance of their little grandson. Joe Baxter, while at work thresh- ing for Rob Ullibridge had the mis- fortune to get hlsleft hand caught In the self feeder, and two of the fingers were severely lacerated. He was immediately taken to Dr. Oray'a office, where It was found necessary to amputate one of the.fingers. Mr. Baxter says he has been working at the threshing machine for the past eighteen years and that it is the first scratch that he has ever re- ceived. At last reports be was gett- ing along as well as couldbe expected. John Putz sr. of Elkport, who has been spending the past two weeks with relatives In this vicinity return- ed home last Tuesday. Mr. Stephen Funk- left for Cedar Rapids last Saturday evening where he will attend school the coming year. Word has been received here by relatives of Rev. J. J. Fitzpatrick of Morshalltown, but who has been a patient In Mercy Hospital at Des Moines for the past three weeks, that he has left for Chicago, where he will enter .Mercy hospital for a surgical operation. The many friends of Father F-ltzpatrlck hope that he will soon be able to resume his duties at Marshalltown. Lizzie Lucoy who Is attending schoc at Manchester was an over Sunday- vslltor with home folks. Several from here attended the din- ner given by the Aid society at the Joe Balluff home for the benefit of the M. E. church at Thorpe. Grandma Coolldge returned hov{/ from- a pleasant visit with relatives and friends at Hoplclnton, Greeley and Delaware last Saturday. Carl Funk is working In the Spahn A Rose Lumber office at this place durfaig the absence of Chas. Todd. Mrs. J. B. Putz Is visiting her/sis- ter, Mrs. Reglna .Domayer this week. Mr. George Sherman transacted bus Intess at ^Manchester last week one day. Over 140 tickets were sold to our people on last Thursday. All went to the fair which was held at the Point last week. Ed Mullen of Kansas arrived here on Saturday of last week for an ex- tended, visit with relatives and friends Mike Everett who has .been at Col- fax Springs for treatment returned home- last Saturday. On Sunday September 4, Rev. A. B. Soule performed the ceremony which united Floyd Stone and Vina Ham- mond in the bonds of holy wedlock, a* the home of the -bride's mother, Mrs. Sara Hammond. The bride Is a daughter of Mrs. Sara Hammond an was born and grew to womanhood in our town. The groom is also an Edge- wood tad and at present is holding a position with the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul Railway at this place. Both young people have many friends who wish them the choicest of life's blessings as they travel over life's sea. On Tuesday, September 6th, the relatives and friends of John Putz sprung a very pleasant surprise afid came to help him' celebrate his 61st birthday anniversary. They ar- rived shortly before dinner and at 12 o'clock all partook of a -bounteous din' ner. The afternoon was spept by a few short hours of social Intercourse and cards. They all departed for their respective homes late that af- ternoon and wished Mr. Putz* many -more brlthdays as happy as this one. Before they departed for home they presented him with a1 tine rock- er as a remembrance of the occasion. On laBt Tuesday occurred the fu- neral of Warren, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bckert, who reside near Strawberry Point, 'but were former residents of this place. The deceased was sick but a few days with typhoid fever. Sympa- thy of the entire t community Is ex- tended to the wred|red parents, broth- er and sister. v for day to Charles City to attend con- ference. J turned Saturday from Michigan, college. He has a position as house t where they had been for 'several surgeon In a hospital at, .Eveleth, weeks. Minnesota. ' '••' Mr. and MrsT David Smith returned' Miss Emzna Mernken has returned Thursday from a visit With their sons The, Gratitude of Elderly People to her home in Aurora. | in Montana. The fire was just across I Goes out to whereover helps give Miss Lizzie Beal has returned to ithe mountains from them. | them ease, comfort and strength . her school duties at Longmont, Colo.' Mrs. Garvin was -mall carrier for, ?oley Kidney Pill cure kidney and James Beal accompanied her for a fev, Grant Keith during his vacation. | bladder diseases promptly, and give Weeks stay. I Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Winch visited =ofort and relief to elderly people. -Mrs. Will Lang of Greeley was the. in Delaware Wednesday. | Anders & Phillips. gues* of Mrs. R. C. Lusk last Wednes-' Rev. Robb again occupied the pulpit : day. | in the Presbyterian church on Sab-' Circumstantial Proof. IMrs. William Davis of Strawberry. bath after a short vacation. Point is visiting her daughter, Mrs. | Mrs. Lou Lang and little son ot H. H. Porter. | Montclello visited In town last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beltz were among those who were at the fair at Minneapolis last week. I Miss Mae Punlap entertained twen- ( ty-flve ladles ti -Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson ot Greeley visited at the Erlsman home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews have a little daughter born Friday, Sep- tember 9. 1 1 ! : ,'*l Mrs. H. H. Porter and her mother, 'Mrs. Davis visited friends In Inde- pendence last week. Sidney Dudley has gone to Water- loo to work. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reed of Row- ley are the parents of a little daugh- ter, born Friday, September 9. Mrs. Reed was formerly Miss Etta Schnit- tjer of Delhi. Miss Jessie Burton returned school at Grlnnell Tuesday. 1 'So you danced with my fiancee last night at the ball?" "Yea. Did she tell you!" "Oh, no! I noticed that the waB limping to-day!" Where Living I* Too Easy. Faint-hearted men are the fruit of luxurious countries.—Herodotus. to _ DELHI. Byron Holdrldge has sold his farm west of town to Harry Blsgrove. Charles Pulver came Wednesday from -Montrose, Colo. He will return next .Monday accompanied by his wife. Mrs. J. L. McCreery and daughter, Flora, of Washington, D. C. were guests at the Swinburne home last week. Frank Jackson and Mabel Holtz- man wre married Wednesday even- tug. September 7, at the M. B. parsonage by Rev. R. C. Lusk. Their many friends extend congratulations. A. O. Billings attended Central City fair last Thursday. R. P. White haft sold his farm, one mile west of town, to a man from Worthlngton. ~ Quite a crowd attended the Straw- berry Point fair from this place last HOPKINTON. Rev. Roy Porter and wife of Monti- cello visited their parents Tuesday. Elliot Parkhill returned home on Monday evening. Mrs. J. B. Schuster has been quite sick, the past week. Mr. C. S. Barker was here from Montlcello Monday, Misses Vivian and Jessie Dunlap left Wednesday to visit in Milwaukee. Henry Dufoe and Ara Sheppard left Tuesday morning to attend the Minnesota state fair. Miss Jessie Rlcketts left Wednes- day for Aurora, to resume her duties as head of ithe musical department. Mrs. Abbie Coolldge ot Edgewood visited several days last week at the home of C. H. Rlcketts and wife. Mr. Copeland and family of Volga have moved to Hopklnton Qiid will oc- cupy the Cormany house. Frank Wilson of Greeley was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Parkhill and daughter arrived home Thursday morning from Winona Indiana. Miss Laura Laittner of Dubuque and Walter Carey of Boston were guests at N. A. Gearharts' last week, guests at N. A. Gearhart's last week. Rev. C. M. Robb and F. M. Doan ar- rived home Tuesday evening from Colfax and were benefited by the treatment reoelved there. Mrs. Ida Goldsmith had an auction of her household goods last Saturday. She expects to spend the coming year In California. C. S. Morton, wife and son arrived home Tuesday from their trip to the west. F. R. Tesar* and wife left Monday to attend the Minnesota State fair. Mtes Cora Rlcketts will leave next Thursday for Spokane, Washington, where she has a position In the schools of that city. F.. B. Tlbbitts and son Clare were in Fayette Wednesday. Clare will at- tend the Upper Iowa university. N*. L. Landls and son Norman and H. Moulton went to Minnesota to the state fair. R. G. Brooks was In Edgewood and also attended the fair at Strawberry Point. •D. E. Kehoe and wife left Wednes- day for a trip to Colorado. They ex- pect to be absent about two weeks/ H. W. Reed ot Longmont, Colorado, came Thursday morning to visit A. B. Wheeless and wfle. The Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Clara Campbell Wednes day afternoon and iMisa Florence .Rlc- ketts gave a talk on her work among the Mountaineers of North Carolina. Rev. Daniel Russell, who visited his sister, Mrs. Dooilttle, last week, has accepted a call to Irvington, New York, to which place he expects to remove to at once. Mrs. Julia Wordon, who has- been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Reeve, left for her h'ome.ln Ohio Wednesday evening. Mrs. Reeve accompanied her to Marlon and will visit a day or two with Reeve Smith and wife. John Tlbbitts and wife and Miss Mayme Tlbbitta viBited in West Union last week. The public schpols opened Monday with a. large Increase in attendance. Quite a number from the country are attending the high school. Prof. Law and wife will have rooms in the Jackson house and -Mr. and Mrs. Wilfong will occupy the rest of the house. Mrs. Rudolf Rlcklefs, and two chil- dren visited friends In town the last of the week. ^ M. W. Campbell of Bedford, Iowa, came Friday -morning -for a few days visit with his mother and sister. Mr. and Airs. Cliff Alain attended the Strawberry Point fair Friday. Misa Hilda Taylor left Friday ev- ening for Pipestone, Minnesota, where she Is a teacher In the public schools. Mrs. Dighton and baby, who have been visiting Charles Green and wife left Friday morning for their home In the western part of the state •Mrs. W. H. Zollar visited in Ana- mosa last week. Mr. Lewis of the Davenport Times', Bpent Saturday in town. Mrs. Sophia Johnson returned Fri- day from an extended visit In Lincoln, Nebraska, and the western part of Iowa. Two granddaughters, daugbf ters of Mrs. Mary Oolllns, accompan- ied her home. ' Mrs. Ferguson, her daughter Jen- nie and granddaughter, Bernice, re- uesday In honor of her sister in law. Mrs. Emma Dun- lap of Tonganoxio, Kansas. A clothes pin and some tissue paper was driv- en to each guest who were instruct- ed to dress It to resemble a charac- ter given. Mrs. A. L. Barker first prize with a bride and Mrs. Barnes, the booby prize, with a school ma'am. A very enjoyable af- ternoon was spent and a party ot young people were entertained during the evening with Somerset. Mrs. Fred Williamson left Thursday morning for Minneapolis and will go on to Montana in ordre to settle up business affairs after which she ex. pects to return to make her home In Hopklnton. Rev. Stevens, who has been pastor of the Methodslt church for the past two years closed hla work here and will go to Pennsylvania and the pas- tor of East Brady, Pennsylvania, will be transferred here, the two pastors exchanging charges. A farewell reception for Rev. Stev- ens and family will be held Thursday afernoon at the home of J. H. Griffith ^ BAILEYS FORO. O. B. Davis visited at J. W. Hart- mans Tuesday of last week. Harry Conner had business in Man- chester Monday of last week. Mrs. J. W. Hartman visited at H. R. White's Tuesday ot last week. 'Miss Avis Grommon and Mrs. Chas. Young and children were in Man* Chester laBt Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Hartman and daughter Elvira visited at the home of -Mrs. R. E. Grommon last Wednesday. (Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Paris were in Manchester last Wednesday. J. W. Hartman- went to Arkansas last Thursday. >' T. Sands had business in Manches- ter Wednesday. Phil Paris, and Earl Davis spent Sunday with their cousin, Charles Grommon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young and fam- ily, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. R. HJ. Grommon, f#r the past week, started last Monday for Doland, South Dakota, where they expect to make their lK>me. Mm. J. M. Pari& spent last Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. R. E. Grom* mon. CASTOR IA Jet Infanta sad Children. The Kind You Han Always BugM Bears the Signature of A Reliable Medicine, Not a Narcotic Mrs. F. Marti, St Joe, Mich., says Foleys Honey and Tar saved her lit tie boy's life. She writes: Our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar In which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the choking and gagging spells, and lie got well In a short time. .Foley's Honey and Tar has many times saved aa much trouble and we ore never without It in the house. Anders & Phillips. m m m m * * •to- rn m to to to to to to to If you don't know what to buy tor your new fall coBtume or any Burton Clark, Fall SaggistiMi$ * * * * * iii iH * * iH * iH * iii other home supply, don't worry. Come here and look. Just look, and you will be sure to sec ju- 1 : Q what you want. X &. »# \ ^ ril / * to ^ We endeavor from day to day to give you all that you can de tfk \)ljl sire, in merchandise, at the same time offering to you unexcelled to W opportunities for practising economy. From this extensive shoeing® you will have no trouble in finding the style or. color that meets as* n." V ^ f f -"T-I '1 J For the Future Our store is full of suggestions. r E. E. COWl bS, * ? •. J Proprietor of DRAY - LINE, Am prepared to do all kinds of work In my line. Moving safes, musical In- struments, household Eoods and heavy articles a specialty. . .. Residence Phane No. 265. . THORPE. D. D. Sark was a business caller in Manchester Friday and Saturday of last week. The Misses Edna and Pearl Clark of Minnesota have been vslitlng rela- tives In Thorpe and Manchester for a- week. A. O. rtone and wite were In Strawberry Point on biisiness one day last week. Clarence Barr spent Sunday with his friend, Ben Sarks. Mr. and Mis. John Robertson were business callers In Manchester Friday Mr. and Mrs. A. O.' Stone were in Edgewood Sunday. Chester Stone spent Sunday with Howard Sark. Mrs. F. Wendel spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. Clark. Mm. D. Sark is on the sick list. Mrs. Jacob Wilmert, Lincoln, 111 'ound her way back to' perfect health, trouble and backacke. and my appetite was very poor at times. A few week's igo I got Foley Kidney Pills and save them a fair traiL They gave me great relief so I continued -till now am again in perfect health. Anders & Phillips. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice of Appointment of Adminie> trator. STATB OF IOWA, Delaware County si, Notfc«1i Hereby Given, Tbat tbe underrtRfied bat been ouly appointed aDd qualified as Admlp- Hiratoroflbe estate of Adolph Christian Emll kohl, a non resident* decedent. All peiaoun lo- debtedto mmo Kstaw are requested to make Im- mediate payment,,and tbwe haying claims nffala't the same will present tbem, duly au- thenticated t) Un unasrslRaedforallowAOj^. M. W. Herrlck. Administrator. Dated August 29.1010 35 4-wk NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP AD- MINISTRATOR. State of Iowa; Delaware County.—ss. NOTICE: IS HEREBY G9TON. That the undersigned' has been duly appoint- ed and qualified as Administrator of the Estate ot Elvira M: Davis la to of Dela- ware county; deceased. Alt persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those hav- ing claims against the same will Pre- sent *hem, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance. Dated. Sept. 3. 1010 George B. Davis Administrator. 36-wS NOTICE OP PROBATE OP WILL. STATE OF IOWA. Delaware County, ss. TO ALL. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby/ notified that the last will of Bernard *assen decoaw»d, lias filed, opened and read, and Monday, the i0 th day of Oct* A, D. IfllO flxwl as the time, and the Court House in Manches- ter the place for hearing and proving the same. Witness my hand and seal of said. Court this 2nd day of September 1910 (Seal), ;.y; JAMES BISHOP* 8w Cleric District Court. * * * Ui * $ il* tit ifc tit tit tii tii your fancy. ir^cV m < New Mllllaery In new Extreme Styles^ f? kk iVv <-< <*• r f K.W; to to to to to to to to to to m i ^ mm ' 'S Dress goods, plain colors and all new effects; Fancy silks In Per- ^ sian and fancy styles; new style suits, skirts and coats; sweaters ^ 'or Ladies, Misses and children; Shirt Waists, new effects in sllka to til 'to ^ and tailored; room size rugs In new patterns and colorings. tit til ' = # fPSSI * feiillf * tit tii Hi til m tii tii tii * tii it tii tii tii tii Basement bargains to to to to to to to to Don't fail to visit our basement salesroom for bargains in suits, skirts, cloaks, dress goods and al' kinds of remnants at greatly re- to duced prices. J, ; . . , -7 •- v.-:-;.: : Burton Clark. \V THT'lHER jo* five la Ae w P^^iL 8 ? 7 - Ae cfcr oveoaatry, yoall Bad DO .22 ctEbre repeating rifle Eke the 'c> the city oun itkapolect cflmp*mca for the vacation or outing trip. It's fight, take* down liaiMlvM. Tha aaauaUHMk Uioexpeoave. The gun can be uted with .22 ihom »wl, aad is etjMlly opabfa cf haadKng .22 loog ot loog-rifie caitzidsn without change dawMDiw. On tha Ema tha dflt it a amntr. The abert cutndie Sa aoSdent for sparrows, aqwnde and ••D erne i earths Inat nla caitndt aakea the BttxrGH Model *97 a dbtweawe weapoo (oa •eeae, f oxea, hawfct. cte. op to 200yaidk x The "An&l Book" of 138 pagea, with handsomo art.corer, it. jam fall of up to^ato Information for ell «oa>!oren and givM ;fnll description of all fftat&t. repoatera. It * cull xor 3 etamps 42 IVtlUuSL. NtutHaoen, Conn. ^ M EAD'S GROVE. ^—Last Week's Letter— The schools have commenced again with Miss* Stella Blair aB teacher at the Fitch school and Miss Flossie Stone at the Smith school. Lem Harris and family visited, rela- tives at Colesburg from Friday until Monday. Mr. and! Mrs. Davillo Sevey of near Edgewood visited at J. M. Retherfprds on Friday. John Lashes visited at the :Winfleld Lash, home on Sunday. Mrs-. Ike Fisher and two children visited her sister, Mrs. Nellie Pierce at Oelweln from Friday until Monday. Doc Coolldge and wife, took care of the formers farm here in the absence of L. Harris. Fred Tlmm. and wife visited at J. J. Edmunds Sunday. Harry Carrolls visited at Clerc Carroll® Sunday. Horace Barger visited at the S. C. Way home over Sunday. . '§m LENOX COLLEGE. Lenox colleges opens thlfr week for the tall term. The old students will greatly miss Prof. Taylor, who has gone to Janus' town, North Dakota. Prof. Parkhill has been. elected dean of the college to fill the place left vacant by Prof. Taylor. Mrs. Woodward returned Monday and wiil again fill the place of matron o* Clarke hall. Prof. Carls arrived Friday morning to he ready tor duty. Mr. Greenup of Winchester, Kan- sas, is to he custodian of the grounds and janitor. His wife will be house- keeper at Clarice Hall. Miss Mary Taylor returned Thurs- day evening from DiAnque, where she spent her summer's- vacation. She is a member of the senior class 1911- Dr. Bess ot Clinton, Iowa, will de- liver the annual opening adiiress on Tuesday morning. Students ot several years ago will be Interested in hearing of the mor-' rlage ot Dr. John Saam to Miss 1 Grace j Fellows at Lansing, Iowa, September 1st. Dr. Saam was a Lenox graduate, also principal of the Hopklnton High school for two yeaxs, after which he took a course in medicine at Bush ( UNDERWOOD 4 ft A ^15,1 STANDARD ( U n -v rs a* 1 llA 4 - S » *'? I •» s•?> TYPEWRITER Is- The• ® Machine You Wffl Eventually Buy! I u mm THE BEST TYPEWRITER FOR ! BANKERS and BROKERS because it Possesses Speed, is durable, and always turns out excellent work. Underwood Typewriter Company (INCORPORATED) , 921 West Walnut Street, *-;Vw» rd K. i Des Moines, Iowa.V';

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Page 1: UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER - Chronicling …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038306/1910-09-14/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · TOUCH, NEWS QF DELAWARE COUNTY 'J. — flM Ml mCUinitESPONBENTS


'J. —


iDQEWOOD. , AU week Uj» keen heard, the ring

o( our ichool' bell callnlg a1' chil­dren back to 'duty after summer va-cattoa. Ourteachera tor tbe term are Pivf.. Eli^le WUdom, Principal, Laura flejrer, iMsIatant principal, Ella fopk. Qrammfcr room; Leona Friti, ttlumdtati,; Florence Munger, 8ec-

ion^prmlary, .Laura Hoislngton, prl-<•»»f. The enrollment It as large as foroar year* .and all bMa fair for a

year of good hard -work. " I atives at Rockford, Iowa, has Dr. Gray enjoyed A visit from his turned home.,

r6-, 'Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Lusk go Tuesr

brother, John, of Chicago, last week. Mr. Nutter of Gordon, Nebraska, re­

turned home after a pleasant visit with his relatives In this community.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everett were seen In our vicinity last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Funk and Mrs. Amelia Miller s$ent Monday of last week at Strawberry Point.

Pete LUllbrldge Is reported on the sick list. This Is news his many friends regret to hear.

Miss Mamie Menge, who has assist­ed bar cousin, Mr*. Chas. Puts, of LtttlepoTt, with her household duties this summer returned home last Sun­day.

Misa Laura OPeet who has been spending the past few weeks with rel-

GOOD f ARM Tor Rent .

I have a good 240 acre farm located' abput 5 miles north-west pf Manchester, which I desire to rent on shares. .This place is the old Bronson & Carr

f*rm. It is in a-high state of cultivation, aid is well improved. It has a comfort­able dwelling house,' good barns and-barn yards, good hog house with ce­ment feed floors, a 130 ton silo, and practically everything necessary to prof­itably care for a stock of from 30 to 40 • cows and 40 to 50 head of horses, colts an$ young stock and from 100 to 150 hops and pigs.

E want to lease thig place to a good farfaier, who has help sufficient to work it to advantage. I want to contract with a man who will appreciate a good i place and help to keep it in first class condition. '

For particulars address or call upon the undersigned at Manchester, Iowa.

1 E. M. CARR

Only $30.15 •as-way Saeoad Clasa to

- i -

|u tauwiMt, Ut Angiles, San Ditgo, MdfctMr California points August 25 to September 9 and Octob­er 1 to it. You oan go via Council Bluffs, Oraaba or Kansas City.

AAA M rout-trip far* tally In effect to CALIFORNIA; flliPB m 965.70 to IOKTH PACIFIC COAST.

fZllIt to POHTLAlfl), SPOXAHE.

September 15 to October 15, TACOMA, SIATTLE and



Let me plan your trip and arrange

all the details. Call, write or phone

ae today, j. • r 'L

C. J. lurdway ItaUle Manager

. M. * O. By. Phone 196. Manchester, Iowa.


I. M. 6arr, Hubert Oarr, Henry •ronsen CARR, BWpNJQN & CARR,

ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Special at­tention alven collection.. Real estate loaiULaai Insurance. Office In Port Ot-flte BalMUn, ManchesUr, Iowa.

, VORAN A VORAN. £,•>'

*«UNIUSY8 AT LAW. Office «w Hatchlssea * Atntir'i hardware stare

Iswa. y

mo a. blair.



County Stat* Bank. Maanb** Oelawar* l*r. leva.

BR. ©, «. LMTIR. ayjin*»ar to Dr. omc* am Burton CUrl?s


HwblP^SStMm* and «*fteuf qHWia ? wave tb* ooual

furalab qraniu aa


IT. &'-& cor Mr tth ana llaii a* tewa.

BROS, BOWMAN « NleL Kanchseter la aila lu branch.

___ .'latta M iwm»» at offlee

.spre oBFr^'",tr"t

•SI**M£Stfr£S£tlrvisttJte ' .!» Mwa*. Ai«s|« «-

JDITIOKOF THE lions etna p>QtuW • loaoeaad inaursaca. HeuuMtoor.

LKTBR. ... PEACE, i attention. >. \o3c«Olty

Or. Wiltert Shallenbsrger Th'- Regular and Reliable Chicago

Specialist, who haa visited Manches­

ter, »T*ry month since 1901, will be a* tit* Clarence Houae, Manchester

(CM Aajr only) and return once every

18 days from 9 a. m. to fi:30 p. m.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1910,

Independence, Hotel O^dney, Sep £8,

1 th* cam he under-1 tile Inourable home with.

•ut «tw'"r a fe* from them. This la why b. continual his visits year,after year, while ether doctors have made a few visits and,stopped. Dr. Sballenberger la an aaUnenUy successful specialist lu all Omnia diseases, proven by tha map) cures effeoted In chronic cava wMcl have baffled thsak|U qf nhyrt clan* Hla hgapUftl ecpertenoe and ex-taoalve praoUp* l»v* TOWS him ao pro­ficient ttiftV m can name and locate a d|«e«** W • »w- minutes. . „ . ^

Tr*aU «U ouradle oases ot Catarrh, Nosa. Throat and Lung diseases. Bye and Bar. Sumach. Liver and Kidneys, Qran), Rheumatism. Paralysis, Neural (la, Nervous ana Heart diseases, Blood and Skin diseases. Epilepsy, Bright'a di

*«|t. NONMAN D. WILSON, Oet*o(>aUilc Physician

dedrea to annQunce that he has moved his offlcss and 1* now lo­cated over th* hardware store of Carhart k. Nye.

Tirrlll &-Pierce

U»n*i Re»l Estate

«nd Insurance.

mam and Ctentumptloik in early stage; (II»»im of th« Bladder and Female Or-vans, Liquor and Tobaeoo habit Stam-

iirug cured and sure nethod to pre-sntlta — recurrence again. • sever falltna remedy for Big Neck. FILES. . FI8TUlliB and . RUPTl


REAl-1? TATR. TX»ANS. ASP mwakyfuE

OOos South Sid* it Main Streat, Manuavsier, Iowa.

1 Omm Syei

>SLK8. F18TULAB and RUPTURB •ruaranteed cured without detention from Tniifittf, Special attention given ' —T^oal cases, and aU

-Aoafe, 1 despondent: weak mornings; no am-

alasa: memory poor: easily exottable and Irritable: eyes

.. red and blurred: pimples on dreams and nlaht losses: restless, -d looking: weak baok: deposit in and-'druns at stool: distrustful:

of oonfldanee; lack of energy and etrength.

RRIVATB JMSBASBS A SPBCIALTY. _.JIeed Poison. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Strlsture. Oleet, Spermatorrhea, Vari­cocele, Hydrooele, 8emlnal weakness and. the effects of early Vice or Excess, producing Emissions, Debility, Nervous­ness, Dimness, Defective Memory, etc., wbteg ruins mind and body, positively

WONDBRPVl QUBCS . Psi-fected |n <Ad cases whlob have beea negMctM or unwillfully treated. f»e eapsriments or failure a. He under-•aKes no insurable oases, but cures thousands given up to die. . CpasultstTofl Free and Confidential. Adeiass.


c CHICAGO, tt.T/, ' Rtferenca, Dmsl State Bank.

Mr. George Fleming departed Qubuque Tuesday evening to be present at the annual meeting of the stockholders and also the election of officers in the Interstate Telephone.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis have been visiting at the home of Henry Wiley for the past week.

•Mrs. Richard Just, Mr. Nutter and little daughter, Anne, spent last Wednesday at Manchester transact­ing business.

Miss Louise Hesselmann of Dyers-vHle spent several days of last week with her frlrnd, Alice Putz.

Mrs. W. M. Heath and two children left tor tbelr new home at Elmore, Minnesota, laBt Tuesday morning. Tbe rest of the family left a few days before. The many friends of Mr. and iMrs. Heath wish them Joy and prosperity In their new home.

Rev. J, T. Hartlgan was seen on our streets last Tuesday.

Miss Emma Duscheng, one ot our efficient teachers, Is teaching In the public schools at Oelweln this year.

Prof, and Mrs. Earle Wsldom were at Colesburg on Sunday of last week to be In attendance at the funeral of Fannie Bush.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Whipple left for Cedar Rapids last Monday, where they will make the acquaintance of their little grandson.

Joe Baxter, while at work thresh­ing for Rob Ullibridge had the mis­fortune to get hlsleft hand caught In the self feeder, and two of the fingers were severely lacerated. He was immediately taken to Dr. Oray'a office, where It was found necessary to amputate one of the.fingers. Mr. Baxter says he has been working at the threshing machine for the past eighteen years and that it is the first scratch that he has ever re­ceived. At last reports be was gett­ing along as well as couldbe expected.

John Putz sr. of Elkport, who has been spending the past two weeks with relatives In this vicinity return­ed home last Tuesday.

Mr. Stephen Funk- left for Cedar Rapids last Saturday evening where he will attend school the coming year.

Word has been received here by relatives of Rev. J. J. Fitzpatrick of Morshalltown, but who has been a patient In Mercy Hospital at Des Moines for the past three weeks, that he has left for Chicago, where he will enter .Mercy hospital for a surgical operation. The many friends of Father F-ltzpatrlck hope that he will soon be able to resume his duties at Marshalltown.

Lizzie Lucoy who Is attending schoc at Manchester was an over Sunday-vslltor with home folks.

Several from here attended the din­ner given by the Aid society at the Joe Balluff home for the benefit of the M. E. church at Thorpe.

Grandma Coolldge returned hov{/ from- a pleasant visit with relatives and friends at Hoplclnton, Greeley and Delaware last Saturday.

Carl Funk is working In the Spahn A Rose Lumber office at this place durfaig the absence of Chas. Todd.

Mrs. J. B. Putz Is visiting her/sis­ter, Mrs. Reglna .Domayer this week.

Mr. George Sherman transacted bus Intess at ^Manchester last week one day. •

Over 140 tickets were sold to our people on last Thursday. All went to the fair which was held at the Point last week.

Ed Mullen of Kansas arrived here on Saturday of last week for an ex­tended, visit with relatives and friends

Mike Everett who has .been at Col­fax Springs for treatment returned home- last Saturday.

On Sunday September 4, Rev. A. B. Soule performed the ceremony which united Floyd Stone and Vina Ham­mond in the bonds of holy wedlock, a* the home of the -bride's mother, Mrs. Sara Hammond. The bride Is a daughter of Mrs. Sara Hammond an was born and grew to womanhood in our town. The groom is also an Edge-wood tad and at present is holding a position with the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul Railway at this place. Both young people have many friends who wish them the choicest of life's blessings as they travel over life's sea.

On Tuesday, September 6th, the relatives and friends of John Putz sprung a very pleasant surprise afid came to help him' celebrate his 61st birthday anniversary. They ar­rived shortly before dinner and at 12 o'clock all partook of a -bounteous din' ner. The afternoon was spept by a few short hours of social Intercourse and cards. They all departed for their respective homes late that af­ternoon and wished Mr. Putz* many

-more brlthdays as happy as this one. Before they departed for home they presented him with a1 tine rock­er as a remembrance of the occasion.

On laBt Tuesday occurred the fu­neral of Warren, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bckert, who reside near Strawberry Point, 'but were former residents of this place. The deceased was sick but a few days with typhoid fever. Sympa­thy of the entire t community Is ex­tended to the wred|red parents, broth­er and sister. v

for day to Charles City to attend con­ference.

J turned Saturday from Michigan, college. He has a position as house t where they had been for 'several surgeon In a hospital at, .Eveleth, weeks. • Minnesota. ' '••'

Mr. and MrsT David Smith returned' — Miss Emzna Mernken has returned Thursday from a visit With their sons The, Gratitude of Elderly People

to her home in Aurora. | in Montana. The fire was just across I Goes out to whereover helps give Miss Lizzie Beal has returned to ithe mountains from them. | them ease, comfort and strength .

her school duties at Longmont, Colo.' Mrs. Garvin was -mall carrier for, ?oley Kidney Pill cure kidney and James Beal accompanied her for a fev, Grant Keith during his vacation. | bladder diseases promptly, and give Weeks stay. I Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Winch visited =ofort and relief to elderly people.

-Mrs. Will Lang of Greeley was the. in Delaware Wednesday. | Anders & Phillips. gues* of Mrs. R. C. Lusk last Wednes-' Rev. Robb again occupied the pulpit : day. | in the Presbyterian church on Sab-' Circumstantial Proof.

IMrs. William Davis of Strawberry. bath after a short vacation. Point is visiting her daughter, Mrs. | Mrs. Lou Lang and little son ot H. H. Porter. | Montclello visited In town last Satur­

day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beltz were

among those who were at the fair at Minneapolis last week. I

Miss Mae Punlap entertained twen- (

ty-flve ladles ti

-Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson ot Greeley visited at the Erlsman home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews have a little daughter born Friday, Sep­tember 9. 11 !: ,'*l

Mrs. H. H. Porter and her mother, 'Mrs. Davis visited friends In Inde­pendence last week.

Sidney Dudley has gone to Water­loo to work.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reed of Row­ley are the parents of a little daugh­ter, born Friday, September 9. Mrs. Reed was formerly Miss Etta Schnit-tjer of Delhi.

Miss Jessie Burton returned school at Grlnnell Tuesday.

1 'So you danced with my fiancee last night at the ball?" "Yea. Did she tell you!" "Oh, no! I noticed that the waB limping to-day!"

Where Living I* Too Easy. Faint-hearted men are the fruit of

luxurious countries.—Herodotus.



Byron Holdrldge has sold his farm west of town to Harry Blsgrove.

Charles Pulver came Wednesday from -Montrose, Colo. He will return next .Monday accompanied by his wife.

Mrs. J. L. McCreery and daughter, Flora, of Washington, D. C. were guests at the Swinburne home last week. Frank Jackson and Mabel Holtz-

man wre married Wednesday even-tug. September 7, at the • M. B. parsonage by Rev. R. C. Lusk. Their many friends extend congratulations.

A. O. Billings attended Central City fair last Thursday.

R. P. White haft sold his farm, one mile west of town, to a man from Worthlngton. ~

Quite a crowd attended the Straw­berry Point fair from this place last

HOPKINTON. Rev. Roy Porter and wife of Monti-

cello visited their parents Tuesday. Elliot Parkhill returned home on

Monday evening. Mrs. J. B. Schuster has been quite

sick, the past week. Mr. C. S. Barker was here from

Montlcello Monday, Misses Vivian and Jessie Dunlap

left Wednesday to visit in Milwaukee. Henry Dufoe and Ara Sheppard

left Tuesday morning to attend the Minnesota state fair.

Miss Jessie Rlcketts left Wednes­day for Aurora, to resume her duties as head of ithe musical department.

Mrs. Abbie Coolldge ot Edgewood visited several days last week at the home of C. H. Rlcketts and wife.

Mr. Copeland and family of Volga have moved to Hopklnton Qiid will oc­cupy the Cormany house.

Frank Wilson of Greeley was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Parkhill and daughter arrived home Thursday morning from Winona Indiana.

Miss Laura Laittner of Dubuque and Walter Carey of Boston were guests at N. A. Gearharts' last week, guests at N. A. Gearhart's last week.

Rev. C. M. Robb and F. M. Doan ar­rived home Tuesday evening from Colfax and were benefited by the treatment reoelved there.

Mrs. Ida Goldsmith had an auction of her household goods last Saturday. She expects to spend the coming year In California.

C. S. Morton, wife and son arrived home Tuesday from their trip to the west.

F. R. Tesar* and wife left Monday to attend the Minnesota State fair.

Mtes Cora Rlcketts will leave next Thursday for Spokane, Washington, where she has a position In the schools of that city.

F.. B. Tlbbitts and son Clare were in Fayette Wednesday. Clare will at­tend the Upper Iowa university.

N*. L. Landls and son Norman and H. Moulton went to Minnesota to the state fair.

R. G. Brooks was In Edgewood and also attended the fair at Strawberry Point. •

•D. E. Kehoe and wife left Wednes­day for a trip to Colorado. They ex­pect to be absent about two weeks/

H. W. Reed ot Longmont, Colorado, came Thursday morning to visit A. B. Wheeless and wfle.

The Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Clara Campbell Wednes day afternoon and iMisa Florence .Rlc­ketts gave a talk on her work among the Mountaineers of North Carolina.

Rev. Daniel Russell, who visited his sister, Mrs. Dooilttle, last week, has accepted a call to Irvington, New York, to which place he expects to remove to at once.

Mrs. Julia Wordon, who has- been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Reeve, left for her h'ome.ln Ohio Wednesday evening. Mrs. Reeve accompanied her to Marlon and will visit a day or two with Reeve Smith and wife.

John Tlbbitts and wife and Miss Mayme Tlbbitta viBited in West Union last week.

The public schpols opened Monday with a. large Increase in attendance. Quite a number from the country are attending the high school.

Prof. Law and wife will have rooms in the Jackson house and -Mr. and Mrs. Wilfong will occupy the rest of the house.

Mrs. Rudolf Rlcklefs, and two chil­dren visited friends In town the last of the week. ^

M. W. Campbell of Bedford, Iowa, came Friday -morning -for a few days visit with his mother and sister.

Mr. and Airs. Cliff Alain attended the Strawberry Point fair Friday.

Misa Hilda Taylor left Friday ev­ening for Pipestone, Minnesota, where she Is a teacher In the public schools.

Mrs. Dighton and baby, who have been visiting Charles Green and wife left Friday morning for their home In the western part of the state

•Mrs. W. H. Zollar visited in Ana-mosa last week.

Mr. Lewis of the Davenport Times', Bpent Saturday in town.

Mrs. Sophia Johnson returned Fri­day from an extended visit In Lincoln, Nebraska, and the western part of Iowa. Two granddaughters, daugbf ters of Mrs. Mary Oolllns, accompan­ied her home. '

Mrs. Ferguson, her daughter Jen­nie and granddaughter, Bernice, re-

uesday In honor of her sister in law. Mrs. Emma Dun-lap of Tonganoxio, Kansas. A clothes pin and some tissue paper was driv­en to each guest who were instruct­ed to dress It to resemble a charac­ter given. Mrs. A. L. Barker first prize with a bride and Mrs. Barnes, the booby prize, with a school ma'am. A very enjoyable af­ternoon was spent and a party ot young people were entertained during the evening with Somerset.

Mrs. Fred Williamson left Thursday morning for Minneapolis and will go on to Montana in ordre to settle up business affairs after which she ex. pects to return to make her home In Hopklnton.

Rev. Stevens, who has been pastor of the Methodslt church for the past two years closed hla work here and will go to Pennsylvania and the pas­tor of East Brady, Pennsylvania, will be transferred here, the two pastors exchanging charges.

A farewell reception for Rev. Stev­ens and family will be held Thursday afernoon at the home of J. H. Griffith

^ BAILEYS FORO. O. B. Davis visited at J. W. Hart-

mans Tuesday of last week. Harry Conner had business in Man­

chester Monday of last week. Mrs. J. W. Hartman visited at H.

R. White's Tuesday ot last week. 'Miss Avis Grommon and Mrs. Chas.

Young and children were in Man* Chester laBt Saturday.

Mrs. J. W. Hartman and daughter Elvira visited at the home of -Mrs. R. E. Grommon last Wednesday.

(Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Paris were in Manchester last Wednesday.

J. W. Hartman- went to Arkansas last Thursday. >'

T. Sands had business in Manches­ter Wednesday.

Phil Paris, and Earl Davis spent Sunday with their cousin, Charles Grommon.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young and fam­ily, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. R. HJ. Grommon, f#r the past week, started last Monday for Doland, South Dakota, where they expect to make their lK>me.

Mm. J. M. Pari& spent last Thurs­day at the home of Mrs. R. E. Grom* mon.

CASTOR IA Jet Infanta sad Children.

The Kind You Han Always BugM Bears the

Signature of

A Reliable Medicine, Not a Narcotic Mrs. F. Marti, St Joe, Mich., says

Foleys Honey and Tar saved her lit tie boy's life. She writes: Our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar In which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the choking and gagging spells, and lie got well In a short time. .Foley's Honey and Tar has many times saved aa much trouble and we ore never without It in the house. Anders & Phillips.


m m m *

* •to­rn m to to to to to to to

If you don't know what to buy tor your new fall coBtume or any

Burton Clark, Fall SaggistiMi$

* *

* *


iii iH

* * iH * iH * iii other home supply, don't worry.

Come here and look. Just look, and you will be sure to sec ju-1: Q

what you want. X &. »# \ ^ ril / * to ^ We endeavor from day to day to give you all that you can de tfk

\)ljl sire, in merchandise, at the same time offering to you unexcelled to W opportunities for practising economy. From this extensive shoeing®

you will have no trouble in finding the style or. color that meets


n." V ^ f f -"T-I

'1 J

For the Future

Our store is full of suggestions.

r E. E. COWl bS, * ?

•. J Proprietor of

DRAY - LINE, Am prepared to do all kinds of work

In my line. Moving safes, musical In­struments, household Eoods and heavy articles a specialty. . ..

Residence Phane No. 265. .

THORPE. D. D. Sark was a business caller in

Manchester Friday and Saturday of last week.

The Misses Edna and Pearl Clark of Minnesota have been vslitlng rela­tives In Thorpe and Manchester for a- week.

A. O. rtone and wite were In Strawberry Point on biisiness one day last week.

Clarence Barr spent Sunday with his friend, Ben Sarks.

Mr. and Mis. John Robertson were business callers In Manchester Friday

Mr. and Mrs. A. O.' Stone were in Edgewood Sunday.

Chester Stone spent Sunday with Howard Sark.

Mrs. F. Wendel spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. Clark.

Mm. D. Sark is on the sick list.

Mrs. Jacob Wilmert, Lincoln, 111 'ound her way back to' perfect health, trouble and backacke. and my appetite was very poor at times. A few week's igo I got Foley Kidney Pills and save them a fair traiL They gave me great relief so I continued -till now

am again in perfect health. Anders & Phillips.

LEGAL NOTICES. Notice of Appointment of Adminie>

trator. STATB OF IOWA, Delaware County si, Notfc«1i Hereby Given, Tbat tbe underrtRfied bat been ouly appointed aDd qualified as Admlp-Hiratoroflbe estate of Adolph Christian Emll kohl, a non resident* decedent. All peiaoun lo-debtedto mmo Kstaw are requested to make Im­mediate payment,,and tbwe haying claims nffala't the same will present tbem, duly au­thenticated t) Un unasrslRaedforallowAOj^.

M. W. Herrlck. Administrator.

Dated August 29.1010 35 4-wk


State of Iowa; Delaware County.—ss. NOTICE: IS HEREBY G9TON. That

the undersigned' has been duly appoint­ed and qualified as Administrator of the Estate ot Elvira M: Davis la to of Dela­ware county; deceased. Alt persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those hav­ing claims against the same will Pre­sent *hem, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance. Dated. Sept. 3. 1010

George B. Davis Administrator.



You are hereby/ notified that the last will of Bernard *assen decoaw»d, lias filed, opened and read, and Monday, the i0 th day of Oct* A, D. IfllO flxwl as the time, and the Court House in Manches­ter the place for hearing and proving the same.

Witness my hand and seal of said. Court this 2nd day of September 1910 (Seal), ;.y; JAMES BISHOP*

8w Cleric District Court.


* * Ui * $ il* tit ifc tit tit tii tii

your fancy.

ir^cV m


New Mllllaery In new Extreme Styles f?

kk iVv

<-< <*•

r f K.W;

to to to to to to to to to to m

i mm ' 'S Dress goods, plain colors and all new effects; Fancy silks In Per- ^

sian and fancy styles; new style suits, skirts and coats; sweaters

^ 'or Ladies, Misses and children; Shirt Waists, new effects in sllka to til 'to ^ and tailored; room size rugs In new patterns and colorings.

tit til ' =

# fPSSI * feiillf * tit tii Hi til m tii tii tii * tii it tii tii tii tii

Basement bargains

to to

to to to to to to

Don't fail to visit our basement salesroom for bargains in suits,

skirts, cloaks, dress goods and al' kinds of remnants at greatly re- to

duced prices. J, ; . . ,

- 7 • - v . - : - ; . : :

Burton Clark.

\V THT'lHER jo* five la Ae w P iL8?7-

Ae cfcr oveoaatry, yoall Bad DO .22 ctEbre repeating rifle Eke the 'c> the city oun itkapolect cflmp*mca for the vacation or outing trip. It's fight, take* down liaiMlvM. Tha aaauaUHMk Uioexpeoave. The gun can be uted with .22 ihom

i« »wl, aad is etjMlly opabfa cf haadKng .22 loog ot loog-rifie caitzidsn without change dawMDiw.

On tha Ema tha dflt it a amntr. The abert cutndie Sa aoSdent for sparrows, aqwnde and ••D erne i earths Inat nla caitndt aakea the BttxrGH Model *97 a dbtweawe weapoo (oa •eeae, f oxea, hawfct. cte. op to 200yaidk x

The "An&l Book" of 138 pagea, with handsomo art.corer, it. jam fall of up to^ato Information for ell «oa>!oren and givM ;fnll description of all fftat&t. repoatera. It * cull xor 3 etamps

42 IVtlUuSL. NtutHaoen, Conn.

^ M EAD'S GROVE. ^—Last Week's Letter—

The schools have commenced again with Miss* Stella Blair aB teacher at the Fitch school and Miss Flossie Stone at the Smith school.

Lem Harris and family visited, rela­tives at Colesburg from Friday until Monday.

Mr. and! Mrs. Davillo Sevey of near Edgewood visited at J. M. Retherfprds on Friday.

John Lashes visited at the :Winfleld Lash, home on Sunday.

Mrs-. Ike Fisher and two children visited her sister, Mrs. Nellie Pierce at Oelweln from Friday until Monday.

Doc Coolldge and wife, took care of the formers farm here in the absence of L. Harris.

Fred Tlmm. and wife visited at J. J. Edmunds Sunday.

Harry Carrolls visited at Clerc Carroll® Sunday.

Horace Barger visited at the S. C. Way home over Sunday. .


Lenox colleges opens thlfr week for the tall term.

The old students will greatly miss Prof. Taylor, who has gone to Janus' town, North Dakota.

Prof. Parkhill has been. elected dean of the college to fill the place left vacant by Prof. Taylor.

Mrs. Woodward returned Monday and wiil again fill the place of matron o* Clarke hall.

Prof. Carls arrived Friday morning to he ready tor duty.

Mr. Greenup of Winchester, Kan­sas, is to he custodian of the grounds and janitor. His wife will be house­keeper at Clarice Hall.

Miss Mary Taylor returned Thurs­day evening from DiAnque, where she spent her summer's- vacation. She is a member of the senior class 1911-

Dr. Bess ot Clinton, Iowa, will de­liver the annual opening adiiress on Tuesday morning.

Students ot several years ago will be Interested in hearing of the mor-' rlage ot Dr. John Saam to Miss1 Grace j Fellows at Lansing, Iowa, September 1st. Dr. Saam was a Lenox graduate, also principal of the Hopklnton High school for two yeaxs, after which he took a course in medicine at Bush (



ft A

^15,1 STANDARD ( U n -v rs a* 1


S »





The• ® Machine You Wffl Eventually Buy!

I u



because it Possesses Speed, is durable, and

always turns out excellent work.

Underwood Typewriter Company (INCORPORATED) ,

921 West Walnut Street,

*-;Vw» rd

• K. i Des Moines, Iowa.V';