unh ski media guide 2009-10

University of new HampsHire 2009 • ski team • 2010

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This is the 2009-10 publication of the University of New Hampshire ski team's media guide.


Page 1: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

University of new HampsHire

2009 • ski team • 2010

Page 2: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

The University of New Hampshire, located in Durham in the southeast corner of the state, offers students a wealth of cultural and recreational op-portunities within a two-hour drive of campus. The University itself is located just minutes from the Atlantic Ocean. Historic Portsmouth Harbor, less than 10 miles from UNH, offers many shopping and fine dining opportunities, while Hampton Beach, to the south, is a popular vacation spot where thousands of Granite State residents flock to each summer. Just an hour south of campus is Boston, the cultural “hub” of New England. There, visitors can enjoy a baseball game at historic Fenway Park, visit Quincy Market or walk the Freedom Trail which features many of the sites where early American history was made. Less than a two hour drive to the north of campus is the White Mountain re-gion of New Hampshire, which offers numerous skiing and hiking opportunities. Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeast. Also to the north is the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. The crown jewel of the region is Lake Winnipesaukee, which is one of the largest lakes in the North-east. Countless recreational opportunities exist on the many lakes in the area. Maine is just minutes away as well. The Kittery area is home to many factory outlet stores, and the world-famous L.L. Bean Company is in nearby Freeport.

The city of Portland, just an hour’s drive north of campus, features another historic water-front district with fine seafood restaurants and one of the busi-est ports in the east. Chances are, if you are looking for something to do, no matter what it is, the op-portunity you are looking for is close to the University of New Hampshire.

We are NeW HampsHire

Page 3: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing �

UNHATHLETICSMISSIoNSTATEMENT ThemissionoftheintercollegiateathleticsprogramattheUniversityofNewHampshireistoprovidestudent-athletesacol-legiateexperiencethatisenrichedbytheirparticipationinprogramswhicharecompetitiveattheNCAADivisionIlevelbothregionallyandnationally. TheintercollegiateathleticsprogramalsoplaysanimportantrolebyenhancingthequalityoflifefortheUniversityandstate-wide community by being a source of pride and identification with the University while always maintaining high standards of academicscholarshipandintegrity. To fulfill its mission, the intercollegiate program must: •Providestudent-athleteseveryopportunitytomeetacademicandathleticdemandswiththegoalofgraduatingevery student-athlete. • Provide resources necessary to field competitive teams with league affiliations, and to gain regional and national recognition. • Provide equitable opportunities for all intercollegiate athletics by the active recruitment of minority athletes, and provide equitableopportunitiesforallwomenstudent-athletescommensuratewiththatoftheirmalecounterparts. • Provide excellent facilities for all athletes to train, practice and play. • Conduct all operations within state and federal law, University policies, rules of the NCAA, and athletics conferences in whichtheUniversitycompetes.

UNHDIvErSITySTATEMENT The University of New Hampshire seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or marital status. The University of New Hampshire is committed to creating a more diverse community, knowing that “inclusion, diversity and equity are values inextricably linked to our mission of edu-cationalexcellence.”Thisdiversitystrengthensourabilitytoreachourindividualandcollectivepotentialandtoprovidebetterservices and care for all faculty, staff, and students.

TAbLEofCoNTENTSAbouttheUniversity...................................... InsidefrontCoachingStaff............................................................. 2-3MeettheWildcats......................................................4-11Records................................................................... 12-13Administration..............................................................14SupportStaff.................................................................15ProgramHighlights.......................................................16

CoNTACTINfoMediaRelations..............................................DougPoolePhone...........................................................603-862-2585E-mail............................................. Doug.Poole@unh.eduFax...............................................................603-862-3839SchwartzPhone...........................................603-512-2317E-Mail...................................................... corys@unh.eduBlankPhone.....................................................603-862-3893E-mail..............................................brian.blank@unh.eduAthleticswebsite......................................www.unhwildcats.comUNHskiwebsite............................. www.unhskiing.com

QUICkfACTSFounded..................................................................... 1866Location..................................................... Durham, N.H.Enrollment.............................................................. 14,200Nickname............................................................ WildcatsColors..........................................................Blue&WhiteAffiliation.....................................................NCAADiv.IConference................................................................EISAPresident.......................................... Dr.MarkHuddlestonAthleticDirector........................................MartyScaranoSkiingCoordinator..................... CorySchwartz(25thyr)AlpineHeadCoach.......................... BrianBlank(3rdyr)AlpineAsst.Coach..........................A.K.Walker(2ndyr)NordicHeadCoach.................... CorySchwartz(28thyr)NordicAsst.Coach.............. StephenMunsulick(2ndyr)

CrEDITS:The 2009-10 University of New Hampshire skiing mediaguide is a publication of the UNH Athletic Media Relations office. Writing, editing and layout done on InDesign and Photoshop CS2 by Doug Poole; additional layout by Maureen Gavin.Action photos byGilTalbot.CampusphotosbyUNHPhotoServices.

Page 4: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

� UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing


CorySchwartzentershis25thyearasskicoordinatorfor theUniversityofNewHampshire ski team and is in his 28th year on the staff. During his tenure, Schwartz has led the Wildcats to 20 top-10 NCAA finishes, including back-to-back seventh place finishes (‘84 & ‘85) within his first three years at the University. From 1989-1996 his teams claimed eight consecutive top-10 NCAA finishes, the most in school history. In 25 years at UNH, Schwartz has mentored 26 student-athletes to a total of 35 All-Americateamselections.Includedinthatnumberare16Nordicskierscompiling11

All-Americateamhonors. Schwartz was named Coach of the Year by the Eastern Intercollegiate Ski Association in 1985, 1986, 2002 and2003.HewasawardedtheAlMerrillAwardbythestateofNewHampshire. During his collegiate career at UNH, Schwartz competed in the NCAA Championships three times before graduating in 1982. He is Level II certified and has served as a member of both the Eastern USSA Sr. Committee andChairmanoftheNCAACommittee.

Cory SChwartzSki Coordinator / 25th season

nordiC head CoaCh / 28th season

Stephen Monsulick, a 2007 graduate of Bates College, joined the University of New HampshireskistaffasaNordicassistantcoachinthe2008-09season.Hewasfour-yearmemberoftheBatesvarsityskiteamandcaptainforthe2007season.Monsulickspentthe2008seasonastheassistantNordicskicoachatBatesCollegebeforecomingto UNH. He was a two-time NCAA qualifier as a cross-country runner.

Stephen MonSuliCknordiC aSSiStant CoaCh / 2nd season

Page 5: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing �


Brian Blank, a 1995 graduate of UNH who has over 10 years of experience as an alpine ski racing coach as well as 15 years experience as an alpine ski racer, lettered on theUNHskiteamfrom1991-95andservedasteamcaptainin1994-95. BlankreturnsforhisthirdyearasUNHalpineheadcoachinthe2009-10season. In his second year as the alpine head coach, Blank was named EISA Alpine Coach of the Year. During that 2008-09 season, the alpine team earned eight All-America hon-ors.Thealpineteamwasthetopscoringteamintheeastandthesecondhighestscoring

team at NCAA Championships. Through the regular season, the men’s alpine team won 11 of 12 events. In the 2007-08 season – Blank’s first year – there were three alpine Wildcats who earned All-America sta-tus. From 2001-2006, Blank coached at Stratton Mountain School. While at SMS, Blank served as the men’s FIS coach. Prior to that position, coach Blank worked at Rowmark Ski Academy (1998-2000) in Salt Lake City, UtahandwiththeBrightonSkiTeam(1995-98).

Brian Blankalpine head CoaCh / 3rd season

A.K. Walker joined the University of New Hampshire ski staff as an alpine assistant coachinthe2008-09season.

a.k. walkeralpine aSSiStant CoaCh / 2nd season

Page 6: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

� UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing

Veronique arChaMBault-legerSr. • CheMiCal engineering

Verdun, queBeC

2009: All-America Team (SL, GS); NCAA All-Academic Ski Team; All-East Second Team; 7th (SL) and 10th (GS) at the NCAAs; six top-5 finishes during the carnival season, including 3rd (SL) at UNH, 3rd (GS) at UVM and 4th (SL) and 5th (GS) at Bates; was the top ‘Cat in 6 of 14 races. 2008: NCAAAll-AcademicSkiTeam;All-EastTeam;13thintheSLattheNCAAs;2ndinboththeSL

and the GS at the EISAs; Bogner Women’s Alpine Point Champion; dominated the SL during the carnival season with one first-place finish, two runner-up finishes, a third-place finish and a fourth-place effort. 2007: All-America Team (SL, GS); NCAA All-Academic Ski Team; EISA Alpine Rookie of the Year; EISA Women’s Alpine Points Champion; All-East Team; 14 top-10 finishes, including seven 1st-place efforts; 1st in the SL at the EISAs; 3rd in both SL and GS at the NCAAs.


aliza aylwardSr. • BuSineSS Marketing

warren, VerMont

2009: Seven top-20 efforts, including 11th (GS) and 18th (SL) at the EISAs; 9th (GS) and 12th (SL) at the UNH Carnival; 13th (GS) and 17th (SL) at the Bates Carnival; also pointed for the ‘Cats in both the SL (11th place) and GS (21st) at the UVM Carnival; 2007: Placed19thand23rdintheGSat the UVM Carnival.

aileen FarrellSr. • CoMMuniCation

ottawa, ontario

2009: All-America Team (SL, GS); All-East Second Team; placed in the top-10 in 13 of 14 races, including 5th (SL) and 8th (GS) at the NCAAs; was the top ‘Cat in eight races; 2nd (GS) and 8th (SL) at UNH; 4th (GS) and 7th (SL) at UVM; 6th (GS) and 9th (SL) at the EISAs. 2008: All-Amer-ica Team (SL); 6th (SL) at the NCAAs; 16th (GS) at the EISAs; top-10 slalom finishes at the UVM

Carnival(4th)andtheSt.LawrenceCarnival(7th);12th(SL)attheDartmouthCarnival;8th(GS)attheBatesCarnival;12th in the GS at both Williams and UVM. 2007:All-AmericaTeam(GS);7th(GS)and14th(SL)attheNCAAs;sixtop-10 finishes during the carnival season, including 4th and 6th in the two GS competitions at UVM.

Cynthia teSSierSr. • BuSineSS adMiniStration: aCCounting and Venture Creation

rawdon, queBeC

2009: 16th (GS) and 24th (SL) at the NCAAs; nine top-20 efforts in the carnival season, including 3rd (GS) and 11th (SL) at UNH; 10th (SL) at UVM; 12th (GS) and 14th (SL) at the EISAs. 2008: NCAAAll-AcademicSkiTeam;15thinboththeSLandGSattheEISAs;9th(SL)attheWilliamsCarnival;11th(SL)attheBatesCarnival;13th(GS)attheSt.LawrenceCarnival;15th(SL)atthe

UVM Carnival. 2007:NCAAAll-AcademicSkiTeam;All-EastSecondTeam;21st(SL)attheNCAAs;14th(SL)and15th (GS) at the EISAs; six top-10 finishes during the carnival season; 4th in the GS at both the UVM and St. Michaels carnivals;4th(SL)atUNH.

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paul atkinSonSo. • BuSineSS: eConoMiCS

toronto, ontario

2009: NCAA Skiing Championships qualifier (ranked 14th in the East); 8th (SL) and 25th (GS) at the EISAs; including the EISAs, recorded five top-10 finishes in six slalom races during the carni-val season; pointed for the ‘Cats in four of those races; 6th at Middlebury; 7th at Dartmouth; 8th at Bates; 10th at UVM; in the GS, season-best 22nd place at Dartmouth.

Mike CreMenoSr. • eConoMiCS

peMBroke, new haMpShire

2009: All-AmericaTeam(GS);NCAAAll-AcademicSkiTeam;All-EastSecondTeam;6th(GS)and 26th (SL) at the NCAAs; seven top-20 finishes in the carnival season, including four top-10 efforts in the GS; 3rd (SL) at the EISAs; 2nd (GS) at UVM; 3rd (GS) at UNH; 6th (GS) at Middle-bury;7th(GS)atDartmouth.2008: All-EastSecond-Team;16th(SL)attheEISAs;26th(SL)atthe

NCAAs;2nd(GS)atDartmouth;7th(GS)atWilliams;ledUNHintheSLattheSt.LawrenceCarnival(9thplace). 2007: Redshirtseason.2006: NCAA Skiing Championships qualifier; 3rd (GS) at Dartmouth; 4th (GS) at Williams.

willie FordSr. • CoMMuniCation

plyMouth, new haMpShire

2009: All-America Team (SL, GS); NCAA All-Academic Ski Team; All-East First Team; top-10 finish in 13 of 14 races, including 8th (GS) and 9th (SL) at the NCAAs; eight top-5 finishes, includ-ing first place in both the SL and GS at Dartmouth; 1st (GS) and 3rd (SL) at UNH; 2nd (GS) at Bates; 3rd (GS) and 4th (SL) at UVM; 6th (GS) and 8th (SL) at EISAs. 2008: NCAAAll-Academic

SkiTeam;All-EastSecondTeam; 11th (SL) at the NCAAs; 7th (GS) and 10th (SL) at the EISAs; eight top-15 finishes during the carnival season; 4th (SL) at Williams; 5th (SL) at Bates; three 5th-place finishes in the GS – at Williams, UVM andSt.Lawrence. 2007: Selected as men’s alpine team MVP; 18th (SL) at the NCAAs; five top-10 finishes during the carnival season; 3rd (SL) at St. Michael’s; was the top ‘Cat in both the SL (8th) and GS (12th) at the EISAs; 6th (SL) at Williams; 7th (GS) at UNH; 8th (GS) at UVM.

ethan weiBreChtJr. • rMp prograM adMiniStration

lake plaCid, new york

2009: NCAA All-Academic Ski Team; NCAA Skiing Championships qualifier (ranked 17th in the East); seven top-20 efforts, including five in the SL; 5th (SL) at Bates; 12th (SL) at UVM; 13th (SL) at Middlebury; in the GS, season-best of 16th at UVM; 17th (GS) at UNH. 2008: Recorded UNH’s best effort at the UVM Carnival in the slalom (11th place); 15th (SL) at Williams; 14th (SL) and


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� UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing

hilary androSS

Jr. • engliSh teaChing

FranConia, new haMpShire

BEFORE UNH: Graduated from Burke Moun-tain Academy; her father, a 1976 UNH gradu-ate, skied for the Wildcats.


dana daukSS

Jr. • BioCheMiStry

BelMont, MiChigan

2009: Competed in two carnivals; 23rd (SL)at UNH; 29th (GS) at Middlebury. BEFORE UNH: Skied for Win Alpine.

kriSten MCneill

Jr. • BioCheMiStry

BlooMington, MinneSota

BEFORE UNH: Raced for the Buck Hill Ski team... was third in the J1, J2 Junior Olym-pics... fifth in the slalom at the central fis cham-pionships...competedinthe2007USNational


alex norden

Sr. • engliSh literature

eaton, new haMpShire

2009: NCAAAll-AcademicSkiTeam;compet-ed at five of six carnivals; 11th (SL) at the EI-SAs;15thinboththeSLandGSatUNH;15th(SL)atBates.2008: 11th(SL)and26(GS)at

the EISAs; pointed in the GS at both UVM (17th place) and Bates (26th). 2007: 6th(SL)attheEISAs.

zaCh Clayton

So. • undeClared, liBeral artS

ManaSSa, Virginia

2009: Competed in four carnivals; in the SL, season best of 19th at Bates; in the GS, season bestof20thatUNH.BEFORE UNH: A Kil-lington Mountain School graduate; did a post


neil hanSen

Jr. • CiVil engineering

aMherSt, new haMpShire

BEFORE UNH: Graduated from Waterville Valley Academy.

Viktor hlaS

Sr. • CiVil engineering

winnipeg, ManitoBa

JaMeS MaCMahon

Sr. • pre-Vet

unity, new haMpShire

2008:Hada21st-place slalom finish in the sea-son-openeratBates.2007:Finished17thintheslalomattheDartmouthCarnival.

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UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing �


SaM norden

Jr. • CoMM. SCienCe & diSorderS

eaton, new haMpShire

2009: NCAA All-Academic Ski Team; com-peted at two carnivals; season-best effort of26thplace(GS)attheEISAs.BEFORE UNH: Skied for the Mt. Washington Valley Ski Team.


Catherine BlanChard

Fr. • kineSiology: exerCiSe SCienCe

eaStMan, queBeC


BEFORE UNH: ‘06 graduate of La Ruche; also attended Helene-Baulle and Carillon; won the J-1women’s national championship in 2006; ‘04 Bas-ketball Player of the Year; ‘06 Athlete of the Year


kelSey hoar

Fr. • undeClared, hhSShaFtSBury, VerMont


BEFORE UNH: ‘09 graduate of Mt. Anthony Union H.S.;All-Stateteam2007-08-09;ledNordicteamtothe state title in ‘07 and ‘08; 3rd place in both the classic and skate at 2009 states; in cross country,

qualified for New Englands in ‘07 and ‘08.

Marie-elaine lepine

Fr. • undeClared, BuSineSS

Mont-treMBlay, queBeC


BEFORE UNH: ‘06 graduate of College St. Anne-de-Lachine; also attended GMVS.

kVehl MCderMott

Fr. • politiCal SCienCe

putney, VerMont


BEFORE UNH: ‘09 graduate of Brattleboro Union H.S.; qualified for the J2 Championships in 2005-07; invited to train at the U.S. Olympic Training Center; qualified for the Eastern H.S. Championships (2005-


taylor Burton

Fr. • CiVil engineering

BreCkenridge, Colorado


BEFORE UNH: ‘08 graduate of Rowland Hall St. Mark’s; in first year of J2 competition, recorded three 3rd place finishes; in second year at J2, two 2nd place finishes.

Megan trow

Fr. • undeClared, lawalpole, new haMpShire


BEFORE UNH: ‘09 graduate of Fall Mountain Re-gionalH.S.;D-IIIstatechampionintheclassic;2ndplace(classic)atMeetofChampions;participatedatEastern H.S. Championships in ‘08 and ‘09.

liz guiney

Fr. • undeClared, lSapark City, utah


BEFORE UNH: ‘09 graduate of Park City H.S.; All-StateAcademicTeaminbothskiingandcrosscoun-try as a senior; Jr. Olympics (2006-09); ranked as an All-American every year; 3 silver medals at ‘07 J.O.;

2 silvers at ‘09 J.O.; J1 Scandanavian Cup Trip in ‘09.

erik lindgren

Fr. • phySiCS

pitea, Sweden


BEFORE UNH: At the ‘09 Jr. Swedish Champion-ships, placed 5th in the 20K pursuit and 15th in the 10K classic; in ‘07, 2nd in the Jr. Swedish Cham-pionships 3x10K classic relay; also skied for the


Page 10: UNH ski media guide 2009-10

� UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing

danielle BaronSo. • undeClared

gilFord, new haMpShire

2009: Competedatfourcarvinals;28th(15Kfree)and32nd(5Kclassic)attheEISAs;thatwas her highest placing of the season in the free; in the classic, recorded her best finish of 18th place at UNH; pointed for the ‘Cats in the 10K classic (34th place) at UVM and the 5K classic(28th)atBates.


anya Caldwell BeanSo. • nutritional SCienCeS

wolFeBoro, new haMpShire

2009: Competedinallsixcarnivals;seasonbest24thplaceinboththe15Kfreeand5Kclassic races at the EISAs; pointed for the ‘Cats in the classic at that event; also earned team pointswith31stplaceinthe10KclassicatMiddlebury;25thplaceinthe10KfreeatUNH.BEFORE UNH: Skied for Holderness and the Stratton Mountain School... also played field

hockey and was selected to the All-New England team in 2006... her father skied at UNH... both of her parents, Howie Bean and Jennifer Caldwell, were on the US Ski Team.

nataSha kullaSJr. • kineSiology: exerCiSe SCienCe

tiMMonS, ontario

2009: Competed at three carnivals; top ‘Cat with 3rd place in the classic sprints at UNH; 12th in the 5K free at UVM; 14th in the 10K free at UNH; 15th in the 5K classic at Dart-mouth.2008: 35thplaceinthe5Kfreeand39thinthe15KclassicattheNCAAs;6thinthe10KclassicattheEISAsand14thinthe5Kfree;8thinthe5KfreeatWilliams;earnedtwo

top-10 finishes in classic races during the carnival season. BEFORE UNH: WasthetopCanadianskier;skiedwiththePorcupineSkiRunners.

katie MillerJr. • SoCiology, JuStiCe StudieS

lenox, MaSSaChuSettS

2009: Competedinallsixcarnivals;earnedteampointswith21stplaceinthe15Kfreeatthe EISAs; pointed in both the classic and free events at Middlebury, Dartmouth and Bates; also earned points with 12th place in the 10K free at UNH; that was her top finish of the season in the free; in the classic, top effort was 24th at Dartmouth. 2008: 12thinthe5Kfree

at the EISAs; four top-20 finishes in the 5K free during the carnival season, including 15th at Bates; placed in the 10K classic at Bates, St. Lawrence and Dartmouth. BEFORE UNH:Atop-threeskierfromMassachusetts;competedintheEasternHighSchoolChampionships;herbrotherJoeyskiedfortheWildcats.

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UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing �


eriCk anderSonSr. • phySiCal eduCation, Biology: MoleCular, Cellular deVelopMent

Maplewood, MinneSota

2009: Competed at four carnivals; season-high finish of 24th in the 20K free at Bates. 2008: In the 20K classic, finished 24th at Dartmouth 30th at St. Lawrence. 2007: Earnedpointsinfourracesduringthecarnivalseason;ledtheWildcatsinthe20KclassicatDartmouth;18that the Vermont Winter Carnival in the 20K classic.

SteVen BedardJr. • BuSineSS Marketing, CoMMunity & enVironMent planning

CheShire, MaSSaChuSettS

2009: Competed in five of six carnivals; was the top ‘Cat four times and pointed in four otherraces;2ndplaceintheclassicsprintatUNH;9thinthe20KfreeatBates;18thinthe15K free at Dartmouth; 21st in the 10K free at UNH and the 15K classic at UVM. 2008: Team-best in both the 10K classic (16th place) and free sprint (9th) at UVM; top ‘Cat in both

the10Kclassic(15th)andthe10Kfree(16th)atBates.BEFORE UNH: Skied for Hoosac Valley High School andStrattonMountainSchool;athree-timeJuniorNationalskier;aMassachusettsStateChampion;theEasternHighSchoolChampionshipsoverallwinner.

MiChael leSSardSr. • prograM adMiniStration

greene, Maine

2009: NCAA All-Academic Ski Team; competed in all six carnivals; pointed in five races and was the top ‘Cat in the 10K classic (22nd place) at Middlebury; three other top-25 ef-forts, including 21st in the 20K free at Bates; 24th in the 15K classic and 25th in the 10K free at UVM. 2008: 24th in the 10K free and 30th in the 15K classic at the EISAs; finished 19th

inboththe10Kfreeandthe20KclassicatDartmouth;team-best17thplaceinthe10KfreeatSt.Lawrence;16th in the 10K free at St. Lawrence; also pointed in the 10K free at Williams and the 10K classic at Vermont. BEFORE UNH: Maine Classic state champion in ‘06; led Leavitt Area H.S. to an Eastern H.S. title.

dylan MCguFFinSr. • ForeStry

ConCord, new haMpShire

2009: Competed in all six carnivals; was the top ‘Cat six times and pointed in all 12 races; UNH’s top finisher in both the 10K classic (13th) and 20K free (17th) at the EISAs; also the top ‘Cat in both the 20K free (4th) and 10K classic (18th) at Bates; 11th in the free at both Dartmouth and UVM. 2008: 10thinthe10Kfreeand16thinthe15KclassicattheEISAs;

was the top ‘Cat in four races during the carnival season, including 7th in the 10K free at Dartmouth; part of the 3x3 relay team that finished third at Williams. BEFORE UNH:AtransferfromBatesCollege;aJuniorNationalandEasternRegionalskier.

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�0 UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing

2009: Competed at two carnivals. BE-FORE UNH: A New York Junior Olympic Skierin2006.

Stephanie kraMer

Jr. • Biology

Bow, new haMpShire

2009: CompetedattheUNHcarnival.BE-FORE UNH: SkiedforBowHighSchool;represented N.H. at the Eastern HighSchoolChampionships.


Jenny luoMa

Sr. • MeChaniCal engineering

Maple groVe, MinneSota

2009: CompetedattheBatescarnival;BE-FORE UNH: Was a Junior National skier... madetheJuniorNationalBiathlonTeamin2007.

Maureen MCauliFFe

So. • undeClared, l.a.hopkinton, new haMpShire

2009: CompetedattheUNHcarnival.BE-FORE UNH: Attended Hopkinton High School; two-time (2007 & 2008) highschoolstatechampion.

danielle MCViCar

So. • BuSineSS: eConoMiCS

kanato, ontario

2009: Competed at three carnivals; sea-son-high28thplaceintheclassicsprintsatUNH.

aBBy taylor

Jr. • nutrition, Biology

pittSFord, new york

2009: Competed at two carnivals. BE-FORE UNH: Skied at the N.Y. StateChampionshipsin2006&2007andintheJuniorNationalsin2007.

katie walSh

So. • Biology

Stillwater, MinneSota

2009: Competedattwocarnivals;season-best 32nd in the classic sprint at UNH.BEFORE UNH: Skied for Stillwater Area High School; girls team won the ‘08 high schoolNordicstatetitle.

andrew CleMenCe

Jr. •earth SCienCe, MeChaniCal engineering • FalMouth, Maine

dan guiney

So. • undeClared, l.a.Salt lake City, utah

2009: Competed in five of six carnivals; earned points in the 10K classic (34thplace)attheEISAsand10Kfree(26th)atUNH; in the classic, season high of 28th at

UVM. BEFORE UNH: 5th and two 15th place efforts at ‘07 Jr. Olympics; 16th at ‘05 JO.

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harriSon harB

Jr. • philoSophy, politiCal SCienCe

ContooCook, new haMpShire

2009: Competed at three carnivals andpointed in three of six races; season-best23rd place in the 10K free at UVM. 2008:28th in the 10K classic at UVM.

niCk ManCuSo

So. • kineSiology: phyS ed pedagogy

new paltz, new york

2009: Competedattwocarnivals.

toM regan

So. • Math StatiStiCS

Freeport, Maine

2009: Competedatonecarnival.

keVin roSe

Sr. • CoMputer SCienCe

honeoye FallS, new york

2009: Competed at two carnivals. BE-FORE UNH: Was a Jr. National skier; a two-timeJr.NationalracerandN.Y.cham-pion in ‘04.

perry thoMaS

So. • undeClared

rindge, new haMpShire


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�� UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing

Edward Blood (‘34) 1982 Ralph Townsend (‘49) 1982 Ernest Pederson (‘30) 1983 Paul Toolin (‘28) 1983 Carl Paulson (‘15) 1984 Jere Chase (‘36) 1985 Silas Dunklee (‘46) 1985 Gunner D. Michelson (‘26) 1991 Jon B. Riisnaes (‘56) 1993 Gail Bigglestone (‘60) 1994 Kelly Milligan (‘86) 1994 Patty Ross-Tran (‘82) 1996

Virginia E. Parker (‘46) 1997Sheldon S. “Moe” Vamey (‘50) 1997Pamel “Muzzy” Smith Alexander (‘81) 1997Jill Sickels Matlock (‘86) 1997 Gail Helfer (‘75) 1999 Nancy Gustafson (‘88) 1999 Maria Hasset (‘94) 2001Marty Hall (‘71) 2002Susanne Fortier (‘71) 2004Patrick Weaver (‘93) 2006Grover Daniels (‘79) 2008

Howie Bean 1976 Kelly Milligan 1984 Patty Ross 1984 Mike Hussey 1986 Patrick Weaver 1998, 02

Scott Doughty 2002 Leanne Smith 2006, 07 Peter Daskoulious 1971 Bob Treadwell 1976-79 Julie Wolny 1986-87

Ed Blood 1932, 36 Patty Ross 1984 Peter Daskoulious 1976 Patrick Weaver 1998, 02 Marty Hall 1972, 76, 84, 88, 92 Robel Teklemariam 2006 Kelly Milligan 1984


Name(class) YearInducted Name(class) YearInducted






Name Year Name Year


Name Year Name Year


Men’s Women’s CombinedTerry AldrichTom Barstow

Rex BellPaul Berton

Ed BloodJere ChasePaul Sweet

Tom Upham

Gail BigglestoneMarilyn Cochran

Buzzy DavisRob Hamilton

Mary HellerCory Schwartz

Lex ScourbyScott Young

Phil AstrachanBrian BlankBill McQuade

Cory SchwartzKurt Simard

RJ Turner

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John Kendall 1970, 71 Kim Kendall 1972, 73 Bruce Cunningham 1971, 72 Howie Bean 1977 Grover Daniels 1979 Pam Smith 1981 Kelly Milligan 1982 Mike Hussey 1985 Iver Dahl 1990, 92 Jill Listowich 1991 Patrick Weaver 1991 Maria Hasset 1992, 94 Kate Thomas 1993 Hayden Barile 1994, 95 Frazier Blair 1994 Kristin Downs 1994 Janice Rossi 1994

Susie Easterly 1995 Emily Cartwright 1996 Matt Regan 1996 Coreen Woodbury 1997 Greg Blaisdell 2000, 01, 02, 03 Cristin Copeland 2000, 02 Chris Wolski 2000 Heather Plimpton 2000 Syd Mikkleson 2003, 05 John Martz 2005 Stephanie Vaughn 2005, 06 Joe Dunn 2006 Sean McNamara 2006, 08, 09 Veronique Archambault-Leger 2007,09 Aileen Farrell 2007, 08, 09 Michael Cremeno 2009 Willie Ford 2009

Roy Weaver Junior Nordic Combined 1968 John Kendall Ski Meister 1970, 71 Kim Kendall Ski Meister 1972, 73 Nancy Gustafson Disabled 1988 Scott Doughty Biathlon Relay 1998 Patrick Weaver 20 km 1998 Patrick Weaver U.S. National Relay 1998


Name Year Name Year


Name Event Year(s)


Year Finish Year Finish Year Finish Year Finish

1955 5th 1958 6th 1961 5th 1970 7th 1971 5th 1972 7th 1973 9th 1977 8th 1978 8th 1979 9th 1980 9th

1981 12th 1982 12th 1983 9th 1984 7th 1985 7th 1986 8th 1987 9th 1988 11th 1989 10th 1990 10th 1991 10th

1992 9th 1993 10th 1994 8th 1995 9th 1996 10th 1997 11th 1998 10th 1999 9th 2000 8th 2001 11th 2002 9th

2003 10th 2004 14th 2005 12th 2006 9th 2007 11th 2008 11th 2009 9th

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�� UniversityofNewHampshireSkiing

MartyScaranoisinthemidstofhis10thyearasDirectorofAthleticsattheUniversityofNewHampshire.Duringhis tenure, Scarano has heightened national exposure for UNH athletics with facility renovations and programmatic advancementbeingtoppriorities. There have been over $8.5 million in capitol improvements since his hiring in the summer of 2000. In the fall of ‘08,

the Paul Sweet Oval renovation was completed to include new surfaces, lighting, painting, infrastructure upgrades and the replacement of windows that existed in the original architecture. In the summer of ‘07, the Cowell Stadium grass field was replaced with a Field Turf synthetic surface. Additionally in ‘07, a complete renovation of Lundholm Gymnasium included a new state-of-the-art bleacher system, new scoreboards, competition baskets and other aesthetic enhancements. ScaranobroughtaboutthecompletionoftheReggieAtkinsTrackandFieldFacilityinthesummerof2000.Theadditionofacenter-icescoreboard and message board at the Whittemore Center was completed in ‘01, and in ‘02 both Memorial Field and Bremner Field were renovated to feature state-of-the-art synthetic turf and lighting. In addition, construction was completed to enlarge and improve the women’s locker rooms in the UNH Field House. Two other major improvements to benefit UNH’s student-athletes have been the renovation of the JerryAzumahPerformanceCenterforStrengthandConditioningandacompleteoverhauloftheStudent-AthleteAcademicCenter. Scarano has focused on moving UNH athletics into the collegiate national arena. To accomplish that goal, UNH has taken on the task of hosting major NCAA championships. The Wildcat athletic department was host of highly-successful NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey Northeast Regionals at the Verizon Wireless Arena (Manchester, N.H.) in 2004, 2007, 2009, and Manchester will once again be the site of the North-east Regionals in 2011. UNH has had the opportunity to host two NCAA Women’s Ice Hockey Frozen Fours in the Whittemore Center (‘02 and ‘05). In addition, UNH successfully hosted the 2007 NCAA Skiing Championships in Washington Valley, as well as the ‘05 NCAA Women’s Gymnastics Northeast Regional, which took place at the Whittemore Center. This past season, men’s and women’s ice hockey, football, the men’s and women’s skiing and gymnastics teams, as well as members of men’s and women’s cross country and men’s and women’s outdoor track and field teams, all competed in the NCAA postseason. With all of these initiatives and accomplishments, UNH athletics has consistently been ranked in the top 90 programs among all D-I institutions in the battle for the NACDA Directors Cup, which is well ahead of nearly all of UNH’s conference opponents. UNH’s graduation rate for athletes has maintained levels at or exceeding 90 percent, which puts it among the nation’s best in Division I. Additionally, 17 coaches have won 54 Coach of the Year awards during Scarano’s tenure. In 2007, Scarano was named the All-American Football Foundation Athletic Director of the Year for FCS football in the Northeast region. ScaranowasalsoawardedtheNationalAssociationofCollegeDirectorsofAthletics(NACDA)ADoftheYearfortheFCS. Scarano also been an active member in the leadership of UNH’s three major conferences and was the chair of the executive committees for Atlantic 10 football, Hockey East and America East from 2003 to 2007. He also served as chair of the NCAA Division I Men’s Ice HockeyCommitteein2005-2006and2006-07.

MarkW.Huddlestonisthe19thpresidentoftheUniversityofNewHampshire.Hebringsthreedecadesofex-perience in public and private higher education as a faculty member, dean, and senior administrator, most recently as president of Ohio Wesleyan University. His term at UNH commenced in July 2007. HuddlestonbeganhisacademiccareerattheStateUniversityofNewYork-Buffaloin1977asanassistantpro-fessor of political science. He then joined the faculty of the University of Delaware in 1980, where he remained for

thenext24years.Dr.HuddlestonchairedtheDepartmentofPoliticalScienceandInternationalRelationsandservedasassociateprovostfor international programs. He was named dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 2001, where he managed 45 academic departments and centers with nearly 900 full time faculty and staff, and served in that capacity until he was named president of Ohio Wesleyan Univer-sityin2004. Having received his bachelor’s degree in political science from SUNY-Buffalo, Huddleston went on to receive both a master’s degree and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. An author of numerous books and articles, he has been active as a consultant for both the U.S. government and international organizations. He also served as an advisor in Bosnia on rebuilding financial andadministrativeinfrastructuresaftertheDaytonaccords. Huddleston was raised in Syracuse and spent 24 years at the University of Delaware in various capacities. He and his wife, Emma Bricker, have three children, Andy, Kate, and Giles.

dr. Mark huddleStonpreSident


Marty SCaranoathletiC direCtor

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SteveMetcalfisinhis11thyearattheUni-versity of New Hampshire, having served the athletic department in a number of differentcapacities over the years. Currently he is theSeniorAssociateAthleticDirectorforInternal

Operations. In this role he oversees 12 sports, all the facilities and capital projects, event management and championships, scheduling andassiststheDirectorofAthleticsinthedailyoperationofthede-partment. Metcalfdirectlyoversees12ofthe20sportsthatUNHhas–wom-en’s ice hockey, men’s soccer, field hockey, women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s skiing, men’s and women’s cross country and men’s and women’s indoor and outdoor track. HealsooverseestheathleticeventmanagementandallUNH-hostedconference and NCAA Championships. UNH has hosted numerousNCAA Championships in men’s and women’s ice hockey, gymnastics and skiing, including two Women’s Ice Hockey National Champion-shipsandmostrecentlytheNCAASkiingNationalChampionship. Metcalf was born in England, and holds both a Bachelors and Mas-ters degree from UNH. He and his wife Diane, who is an Associate Athletic Director at Harvard, have one daughter, Lauren.

John Ciani, a native of the San Diego, Calif. area, enters his third year as an associ-atedirectorofstrengthandconditioningattheUniversity; he had held the position of UNHstrength and conditioning assistant coach for

fouryears. Ciani’s efforts have been key in guiding UNH student-athletes to NCAA appearances in both women’s and men’s ice hockey, football, gymnastics, women’s volleyball, women’s lacrosse, skiing, track and field. Ciani came to UNH from the University of North Dakota, where he worked under Paul Chapman, the Wildcats’ current director of strength and conditioning, as an assistant with the men’s ice hockey, football, men’s and women’s swimming, men’s basketball and baseball teams. Ciani is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and Certified Level 1 Coach through USA-Weightlifting. He is completing his Master’s degreeinExercisePhysiology. After graduating from Escondido High School, Ciani went on to Long Beach State University, where he earned his B.A. in Psychology in2000.

Athletic excellence ispart of the formulafor success in the collegiate experience forUniversity of New Hampshire ski team. Theprimarymeasureofachievementisthestudent-athlete’s success in the classroom. New Hamp-

shirealsohasoneofthetopgraduationratesinthecountryforstudent-athletes. UNH is dedicated to enhancing the student-athlete’s ability to achieve academicexcellence.Realizingthetimecommitmenttheathletesgiveto the school, the University administers a comprehensive program of academicsupportservices that isavailable toWildcatskiersandallotherstudent-athletes.Thisprogramincludesthemonitoringofaca-demic progress and providing tutorial services, as well as interacting withtheacademicadvisorswithinthevariouscolleges. ServingasAssistantAthleticDirectorforAcademicServicessince1994 is Joanne Maldari, a 1990 graduate of Holy Cross who went on the earn her master’s degree in Athletic Counseling at Springfield College.ShewasrecognizedforheroutstandingeffortsatUNHbyreceiving the University’s 2001 Academic Advising Award. Before coming to Durham, Maldari served athletic counseling internships at Springfield and Central Connecticut State University.

PaulChapmanisinthemidstofhissev-enthyearas thestrengthandconditioningdi-rector at the University of New Hampshire.During his tenure at UNH, he helped coordi-nate the building of the state-of-the-art Jerry

Azumah Performance Center, and his efforts have been key in guiding UNH athletes to NCAA appearances in men’s and women’s hockey, gymnastics, volleyball, women’s lacrosse, track and field, and skiing. Chapman is a member of the Collegiate Strength and Condition-ing Coaches Association (strength and conditioning coach certified), USA-Weightlifting (certified level 1 coach); the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and he was the state director of the Na-tionalStrengthandConditioningAssociation inNorthDakota from1991-95. He has also authored four publications related to strengthand conditioning and has trained and consulted several NFL, CFL and NHL athletes, and prospective athletes preparing for all-star games, bowlgamesandpre-drafttesting. Chapmanisa1990graduateofDickinsonStateUniversityinNorthDakotawithaB.S.degreeinBiology.HethenwentontoearnaM.S.inExerciseSciencefromtheUniversityofNorthDakotain1994.


SteVe MetCalFSenior aSSoCiateathletiC direCtor

Joanne MaldariaSSiStant athletiC direCtoraCadeMiC Support

paul ChapManStrength and Conditioning direCtor

John CianiStrength and Conditioning aSSoCiate direCtor

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TheUniversityofNewHampshirerecentlyannounceda$1millionleadershipgiftforUNH’sskiprogram,givenbyThomasP.Putnam,formerchairmanoftheMarkemCorporationinKeeneandaformermemberoftheUNHskiteam. PutnamskiedforUNHinthemid1960s,andwascaptainofthefreshmanskiteambeforeleavingtheUniversitytojointheU.S.Army.

Acommitteetooverseethefund-raisingeffortincludesnameslongfamiliartoNewHampshireskiingcircles.ChairedbyAttorneyJackMiddleton,presi-dent of McLane, Graf, Raulerson and Middleton law firm, committee members includePhilGravink,NorthCountryskienthusiastwho,priortohisretirement,ranLoon,CannonandAttitashskiareas;PennyPitouofSanbornton,aNewHampshire native and the first American to win an Olympic downhill medal; Kennett “Skip” Kendall, Jr., of Durham, former CEO of Kendall Insurance and anavidskier;AttorneyAnnMcLaneKusterofHopkinton;PeterPowell,ownerofPeterW.PowellRealEstateinLancaster;AttorneyJackSanders,UNHClassof1959;BettyTamposi,UNHalumnaandmemberoftheUniversitySystemofNewHampshireBoardofTrustees;andUNHalumnusWilliam“Bill”Young,vicepresidentofcommercialbankingforFederalSavingsBankinDoverandamemberoftheUNHskiteaminthe1980s.Boththemen’sandwomen’sskiteamsrecordedagradepointaverageexceed-ing3.1in2007andcarriedthehighestgradepointaverageofallUNHvarsityteams. UNH skiers also have finished among the NCAA Skiing Championships top10in16ofthepast22yearswithsixindividualnationalchampionssince1954.

Thomas Putnam Endowment

, FrontRow(LefttoRight):MindyRegii,ThomasPutnam,VeroniqueArchambault-LegerSecondRow:DiedreLynch,JulieSchwartz,CorySchwartz,MeghanBurnsThirdRow:TimBaucom,BillYoung,BobTreadwell,JoeDunn,PaulBertonBackRow:AndrewMorehouse,RexBell,SteveMetcalf,GroverDaniels,MartyScarano,TommyEckfeldt,PeterMiddleton

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University of new HampsHire

2010 winter carnival scHedUle Alpinevenue NordicvenueJanuary 15-16 St.Lawrence Whiteface Mt.VanHovenberg 22-23 St.Michael’s Smugglersnotch SleepyHollow

February 5-7 Vermont Stowe TrappsFamilyLodge 12-13 Dartmouth DartmouthSkiway OakHill 19-20 Williams JiminyPeak ProspectMountain 26-27 eISas* Snowbowl rikertTouringCenter

MarCH 10-13 nCaas** HowelsonHill SteamboatSpringsresort

*hostedbyMiddleburyCollege **hostedbyuniversityofColorado
