union graduate college spring newsletter

Join the Union Graduate College Decennial Celebration n 2014, Union Graduate College will reach a major milestone—ten years as an independent college, building on more than 100 years of excellence in graduate education. Since our first master’s degree was awarded in 1905 in electrical engineering, the names of our programs, types of degrees and locations of offices have changed, but our mission has never wavered: providing master’s level education that equips promising students with the knowledge and competencies employers want and students need to shape successful careers. But, we believe that our history is best told by the alumni who have made Union Graduate College what it is today. That is why we are kicking off our “Decennial Celebration” by collecting sto- ries on our website: www.uniongraduatecollege.edu/stories. Whether it is a story about a favorite professor, colleagues who made a difference, memo- ries of Bailey Hall or Lamont House, or how your master’s degree helped further your career, we want to hear from you. We will be compiling the stories for a publication and display that will coincide with two special Decennial events planned for May 9, 2014: the Decennial Symposium and Gala. The Decennial Symposium will explore research, issues and challenges related to the four schools that comprise Union Graduate College: Management, Engineering, Education and Bioethics. Alumni, including Dr. James Mandell, MD, MS’99, CEO of Children’s Hospital Boston and Hans Rosenberger, MSIA’82, a Germany-based, international entrepreneur, will join professors and students in this full-day event, held at Union Graduate College. If you have not yet visited our new campus, this is the perfect opportunity to join us. That evening, we are very excited to host our first-ever gala event at the Glen Sanders Mansion in Schenectady. While we will be celebrating ten years as an independent institution, we also hope the Decennial Gala will also serve as a reunion, bringing together alumni, pro- fessors and staff from through- out our history. We hope to see you there! Please mark your calendar for Friday, May 9, 2014—we will be sending more information about the Decennial Celebration in the months to come. In the meantime, turn to page 5 to read some of the alumni stories we’ve gathered so far, and be sure to go to: www.uniongraduatecollege.edu/ stories to share yours today! CONT’D ON P. 2 New MD/MBA Degree Announced by UGC and Albany Medical College Recognizing the rapidly changing health care system and the new roles physicians are playing, Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College are announcing a new joint degree combining medical school with an MBA. “Today, the traditional ‘doctor’s bag’ has to hold a lot more skills and equipment,” says Dr. Vince Verdile, MD, MS’80, dean of Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College trustee. “From managing teams to analyzing data and financials, the evolving healthcare environment demands business acumen. By partnering with Union Graduate College’s School of Management, we are uniquely qualified to offer students the full range of tools they need to succeed in medicine.” While 50 joint programs are currently offered across the country, the Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College program is one of just five MD/ MBA degrees that enjoy “gold-standard” accreditations in medicine, business and I SPRING \SUMMER 2013 Mark your calendar! On May 9, 2014, UGC will host the Decennial Gala, an evening event at the Glen Sanders Mansion in Schenectady. Join alumni, staff and faculty from throughout Union Graduate College’s history for this first-ever celebration! UNION GRADUATE COLLEGE “FOR FUTURE DOCTORS, THE MBA IS A UNIQUE AND VALUABLE CREDENTIAL AS THEY LAUNCH THEIR CAREERS.” LAURA SCHWEITZER, PHD PRESIDENT OF UNION GRADUATE COLLEGE

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Union Graduate College is a graduate-only institution, dedicated to providing exceptional MBA programs, including an MBA in Healthcare Management, secondary education, engineering, and clinical leadership and bioethics.


Join the Union Graduate College Decennial Celebration

n 2014, Union Graduate College will reach a major milestone—ten years as an independent

college, building on more than 100 years of excellence in graduate education. Since our first

master’s degree was awarded in 1905 in electrical engineering, the names of our programs,

types of degrees and locations of offices have changed, but our mission has never wavered:

providing master’s level education that equips promising students with the knowledge and

competencies employers want and students need to shape successful careers.

But, we believe that our history is best told by the alumni who

have made Union Graduate College what it is today. That is why

we are kicking off our “Decennial Celebration” by collecting sto-

ries on our website: www.uniongraduatecollege.edu/stories.

Whether it is a story about a favorite professor, colleagues who

made a difference, memo-

ries of Bailey Hall or Lamont

House, or how your master’s

degree helped further your

career, we want to hear from

you. We will be compiling the

stories for a publication and

display that will coincide with

two special Decennial events

planned for May 9, 2014: the

Decennial Symposium and Gala.

The Decennial Symposium will explore research, issues and

challenges related to the four schools that comprise Union

Graduate College: Management, Engineering, Education and

Bioethics. Alumni, including Dr. James Mandell, MD, MS’99,

CEO of Children’s Hospital Boston and Hans Rosenberger,

MSIA’82, a Germany-based, international entrepreneur, will join

professors and students in this full-day event, held at Union

Graduate College. If you have not yet visited our new campus,

this is the perfect opportunity to join us.

That evening, we are very excited to host our first-ever

gala event at the Glen Sanders

Mansion in Schenectady. While

we will be celebrating ten years

as an independent institution,

we also hope the Decennial

Gala will also serve as a reunion,

bringing together alumni, pro-

fessors and staff from through-

out our history. We hope to see

you there!

Please mark your calendar for Friday, May 9, 2014—we

will be sending more information about the Decennial

Celebration in the months to come. In the meantime, turn to

page 5 to read some of the alumni stories we’ve gathered

so far, and be sure to go to: www.uniongraduatecollege.edu/

stories to share yours today!

COnT’D On P. 2

New MD/MBA Degree Announced by UGC and Albany Medical CollegeRecognizing the rapidly changing health care system and the new roles physicians are playing, Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College are announcing a new joint degree combining medical school with an MBA.

“Today, the traditional ‘doctor’s bag’ has to hold a lot more skills and equipment,” says Dr. Vince Verdile, MD, MS’80, dean

of Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College trustee. “From managing teams to analyzing data and financials, the evolving

healthcare environment demands business acumen. By partnering with Union Graduate College’s School of Management, we are uniquely qualified to offer students the full range of tools they need to succeed in medicine.”

While 50 joint programs are currently offered across the country, the Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College program is one of just five MD/MBA degrees that enjoy “gold-standard” accreditations in medicine, business and







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Mark your calendar! On May 9, 2014, UGC will host the Decennial Gala, an evening event at the Glen Sanders Mansion in Schenectady. Join alumni, staff and faculty from throughout Union Graduate College’s history for this first-ever celebration!

union graduate College






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healthcare management (see accreditation list below). Others include: Boston University, Temple University and the University of Colorado.

“Union Graduate College has a rich tradition of providing management exper-tise to health care professionals,” says Laura Schweitzer, PhD, President of Union Graduate College. “For future doctors, the MBA is a unique and valuable credential as they launch their careers. And armed with an understanding of the complexities of health care, they can be leaders and innova-tors in improving our system.”

Union Graduate College’s MS in Health Systems Management, which began in the 1970s and is today an MBA in Health Care Management, has attracted physicians as well as top health care executives (see page 7 for a related story).

This is the first time either school has offered a joint MD/MBA degree and students are currently being recruited for the fall of 2014. They will be accepted to both Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College, completing both degrees in five years.

Currently, 571 students are pursuing medical degrees at Albany Medical College and 300 students are enrolled in Union Graduate College’s MBA and MBA in Healthcare Management programs.

MD/MBA Gold Standard AccreditationsThe new MD/MBA degree at Albany Medical College and Union Graduate College is one of just five in the country that enjoys “gold-standard” accreditations in all of its programs:

Medicine: Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)

Business: Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

Healthcare Management: Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME)

Called “fellows,” the new hires are teaching a limited number

of courses while pursuing their MAT at UGC over two years.

They also handle additional responsibilities at the school,

such as dorm supervision and coaching.

John Ball, Assistant Head for Academic Affairs at Emma

Willard, says Union Graduate College was the right fit for

the school’s needs.

“The best way to launch a career in teaching is to begin as

a student of teaching,” Ball says. “We consider ourselves very

fortunate to send our newest teachers to Union Graduate

College, where they can participate in one of the country’s

strongest teacher training programs.” Erin Hatton is the first

participant in the program. A Maine native, she majored in

biochemistry as an undergraduate and is pursuing a Master

of Arts in Teaching in Biology at UGC.

“I love the fact that I’m learning how to be a teacher by

jumping right into it, but being guided by the supportive

community here at Emma, and the wonderful instruction

and classes at UGC,” Hatton explains. “Seeing the girls I

teach “get” the concepts I’m introducing to them is incredi-

bly rewarding.”

Patrick Allen, Dean of the School of Education, says

students like Hatton, who are immersed in an independent

school community, provide a valuable perspective to other

students in the MAT program who may not have considered

teaching at independent schools like Emma Willard.

“Last year, seven of our graduates were hired by indepen-

dent schools,” Allen says. “This year, we have 13

students seeking employment in them across the country.

We are excited to be working closely with Emma Willard and

look forward to more opportunities to learn from each other.”

Ball agrees.

“Our hope is that this is the first step in a partnership in

which Union Graduate College offers all of our teachers a

chance to reflect thoughtfully about our work and explore

best practices in the field,” he says. “In exchange, we hope

Emma Willard can be a useful laboratory for testing out

innovative ideas about what we learn from Union Graduate

College’s expert staff.”

Two additional fellows from Emma Willard will begin the

MAT program in September.

UGC Chosen to Partner with Emma Willard School for MAT Program

he Emma Willard School, an independent university-preparatory day and boarding school

for young women, founded nearly 200 years ago in Troy, NY has chosen Union Graduate

College’s School of Education for a new partnership to provide master’s degrees for its

new teachers. T

“ I love the fact that I’m learning how to be a teacher by jumping right into it, but being guided by the supportive community here at Emma, and the wonderful instruction and classes at UGC.” –Erin Hatton, MAT’14

Mitzen Named TrusteeEd Mitzen has been named to the Union Graduate College Board of Trustees. Mitzen is founder of Fingerpaint Marketing in Saratoga Springs, NY.

“ We consider ourselves very fortunate to send our newest teachers to Union Graduate College, where they can participate in one of the country’s strongest teacher training programs.”

–John Ball, Assistant Head for Academic Affairs at Emma Willard

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< p









We recently completed the

strategic planning process for

Union Graduate College. We

are very excited about our

vision for the next five years

and I want to share with you

the highlights of our plan.

First, some background.

Since last summer, the Board of

Trustees and leadership team at

the College have been working

closely with UGC faculty and

staff to fully understand the edu-

cational, financial and operation-

al challenges and opportunities

of the college. Reviewing time-

lines, evaluating financial invest-

ments and their risks, while con-

sidering the rapidly changing

higher education environment,

we wanted to make sure UGC is

ready for the challenges facing

colleges in the next few years.

Our strategic planning

capitalizes on our strengths,

which include:

Quality programs: including

successful niches in

Engineering and Healthcare

Management, an internationally

recognized Bioethics program

and a unique Education pro-

gram, recognized statewide for


Faculty: who teach well

and develop strong student


Staff and administrators: who

work hard and constantly seek

ways to improve our services

Student satisfaction: that is

reflected repeatedly in surveys

and interviews

Building on these strengths,

we developed a plan that posi-

Dr. Laura Schweitzer

COnT’D On P. 4

“Dr. Caplan is repeatedly named one of the country’s most

influential people in medicine, science and biotechnology,”

said Dr. Laura Schweitzer, President, Union Graduate

College. “We look forward to his thoughts on how advance-

ment in health care and medical technology will shape the

lives and careers of our graduates—no matter what field

they choose to work in.”

As the author or editor of thirty books and over 550

papers in refereed journals, Dr. Caplan is well known to

students in the Union Graduate College—Mt. Sinai School of

Medicine Bioethics program. Prior to joining nyU, Caplan was

the Sidney D. Caplan Professor of Bioethics at the University

of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.

Dr. Caplan has served on a number of national and

international committees including:

• Joint Council of Europe/United Nations Study on

Trafficking in Organs and Body Parts

• National Cancer Institute Biobanking Ethics Working Group

• Advisory Committee to the United Nations on Human


• Advisory Committee to the Department of Health and

Human Services on Blood Safety and Availability

• Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illnesses

• Special Advisory Committee to the International Olympic

Committee on genetics and gene therapy

• Ethics Committee of the American Society of Gene Therapy

• Special Advisory Panel to the National Institutes of Mental

Health on human experimentation on vulnerable subjects

named USA Today’s person of the year in 2001,

Dr. Caplan was described as one of the ten most influential

people in science by Discover magazine in 2008, one of the

50 most influential people in American health care by

Modern Health Care magazine, one of the ten most influential

people in America in biotechnology by the National Journal,

and one of the ten most influential people in the ethics of

biotechnology by the editors of Nature Biotechnology.

Dr. Caplan writes a regular column on bioethics for

nBC.com, is a monthly commentator on bioethics and health-

care issues for WebMD/Medscape and frequently appears in

national and international media to discuss bioethics issues.

Leading Bioethicist to Speak at 2013 Commencement

rthur Caplan, PhD, Professor and head of the Division of Bioethics at New York

University Langone Medical Center, is one of the world’s leading voices on bioethics and is

frequently seen in the news, discussing issues such as human cloning and drug testing.

And on Sunday, June 15, he will be the keynote speaker at Union Graduate College’s 2013

commencement, to be held at 3 p.m. at Proctors Theatre, Schenectady.


4 v i s i o n uniongraduatecollege.edu

tions UGC for exciting growth,

strengthening the college and

attracting new students, while

maintaining our reputation for

and commitment to excellence.

There are five key drivers:

Increasing access: providing

alternate paths to completing

UGC programs, including online,

hybrid, remote campuses,

weekend and modular/block


Expanding offerings: adding

new degrees and certificates

with job market value and

special skills that help students

move their career forward

Sustaining the value of the

Union Graduate College

degree: ensuring our programs

produce a sound ROI by actively

monitoring graduates’ job

placement rates and career


Committing to quality and a

culture of quality improvement:

building on the work that was

recently lauded by our Middle

States site visitors

Optimizing resources: focusing

on the most cost efficient and

effective ways to support stu-

dents and academic programs

After months of work,

review of the final plan, and

the Board’s commitment to

resources in support of our

plan, we are energized and

excited about Union Graduate

College’s future.

There is much work to be

done, but we are confident that

the college strategy positions

us for success. In concert with

our Decennial motto “One

Hundred years of Graduate

Excellence // Ten years of

Union Graduate College” we

look forward to launching our

next decade and invite you to

be a part of it!


Faculty & Alumni NewsProfessors Alan Bowman, PhD, and James Lambrinos, PhD, along with Thomas Ashman of Eckerd College in Florida, recently authored two papers about the competitive balance in professional baseball, basketball, and football. “Competitive Balance in the Eyes of the Sports Fan: Prospective Measures Using Point Spreads in the NFL and NBA,” published in the Journal of Sports Economics, examines competitive balance in the NFL from 1985-2009 and in the NBA from 1990-2009. “Prospective Measure of Competitive Balance: Application to Money Lines in Major League Baseball,” published in Applied Economics, looks at MLB from 1999-2011.

Professor Jay Carlson, PhD, recently co-authored the paper, “Why Consumers Respond Differently to Absolute versus Percentage Descriptions of Quantities” with colleagues from Clemson University and Northeastern University. It appears in Marketing Letters.

Professor Chalmers C. Clark, PhD, will discuss “Facing the Victims: A Philosophical Look at Disaster Preparedness” at this summer’s Disaster Preparedness Conference at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Bela Musits, Dean of the School of Management, was a guest judge at EDU Start-up Weekend in New York City in March. Entrepreneurs made pitches focused exclusively on solving problems in education.

Professor Rudy Nydegger, PhD, was recently elected President and Chairman of the National Register of Health Psychologists and authored four chapters in the book, Mental Health Issues in America: An Encyclopedia. Nydegger appears in a PSA on cyberbullying for WRGB-6 and was interviewed extensively following the shootings in Newtown, CT.

Professor Peter Otto, PhD, in collaboration with Dorit Nevo of Renneselear Polytechnic Institute, authored a paper, “Electronic health records: A simulation model to measure the adoption rate from policy interventions” in the Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Special Issue on Healthcare Operations Management.

Professor Michele Paludi, PhD, recently authored Women and Management: Global Issues and Promising Solutions. It is the 50th book edited or authored by Dr. Paludi, who was also recently appointed to the board of directors of the Association for Title IX Administrators.

Professor Sean Philpott, PhD, MSB’06, recently published the article, “Social Justice, Public Health Ethics, and the Use of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis”, in the Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Shamin Ally, MAT’10, was promoted to Education Officer in the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development in Barbados. A 25 year teaching veteran, Ally’s new position includes overseeing school management and professional development for teachers in Barbados.

Saira Atif, MAT’11, has joined the Packer Collegiate Institute, an independent school in Brooklyn, NY and was recently selected for the National Science Teacher Association’s “New Science Teacher Academy.”

Scott Hartl, MAT’06, president and CEO of Expeditionary Learning (EL), was recently named an Ashoka Fellow by the social entrepreneurship organization. Hartl was highlighted in Forbes magazine as one of “Five Innovators Working to Change the US for the Better.”

Pete Mason, MAT’06, recently published “The Evolution of the War Film Genre: From Westerns and World War Two to Vietnam”, an e-book, based on his master’s thesis at UGC. Mason is a teacher with Achievement of Latham.

Rosemary Miner, MA’68, has written the third historical mys-tery novel in her Adirondack series, “Adirondack Rubies to Die For”. A former Niskayuna High School teacher, Miner’s work explores the social and cultural history of 19th century Adirondack life. Learn more at: www.RosemaryMiner.com.

Annu Subramanian, MAT’04, has written her second novel, “Another Heaven”, which addresses the horrors of human traf-ficking and terrorism. Subramanian, who directs the writing center at The Brown School, will donate proceeds from the novel, to be released in May, to organizations that aid victims of human trafficking. Learn more at: http://annusubramanian.com.

Laura Tedesco, MAT’04, and Michael Prosalik, MAT’12, have been selected for the 2013 “School of Rock”, in Victoria, British Columbia. They spend nine days at sea studying seafloor cores and other data from the Pacific Northwest. Tedesco teaches at Troy High School and Prosalik at Doane Stuart School.

Jeremy Zogby, MAT’07, recently joined the sales team at Fiber Instrument Sales, with the goal of growing business in the Middle East and Latin America.

Robin Downing, MD, MSB’13, has been named one of Veterinary Practice News’s “25 Vets to Watch.” Dr. Downing, of Colorado, runs the Windsor Veterinary Clinic and founded the Downing Center for Animal Pain Management.

Liza-Marie Johnson, MD, MPH, MSB’12, clinical research fellow at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, has joined colleagues in writing a commentary for AJOB Neuroscience. It examines the challenges of assessing the Decision Making Capacity (DMC) of patients in a Minimally Conscious State (MCS).

Patricia Mayer, MD, MSB’09, has been selected for the Cleveland Clinic Fellowship in Advanced Bioethics. Mayer, who is Medical Director for Hospice of Northern Colorado and Staff Rheumatologist at the Arthritis and Rheumatology Clinic of Northern Colorado, LLC, is also an assistant professor in UGC’s Bioethics Program.

Lisa Powers, MSB’12, has joined the University of Pennsylvania Health System as Biopsy Program Coordinator.

Louise Winstanly, MSB’09, and a UGC Trustee, has been elected chair of the board of directors of IntraHealth International.

Maximilian Brand, MBA’11, has joined HOCHTIEF Offshore Development Solutions, GmbH, as Junior Project Developer. The company builds offshore wind farms in the North Sea.

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UGC Hosts Alumni Healthcare Event in New York CityUnion Graduate College’s MBA in Healthcare Management and Union Graduate College– Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Bioethics program recently hosted an alumni event in New York City to discuss healthcare reform. The panel discussion, moderated by Professor Marty Strosberg, included:

• Mark Solazzo, MBAH’85, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer, North Shore LIJ Health System

• Steven Anderman, MBAH’86, Chief Operating and Chief Information Officer, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center

• Ann Oswald, MBAH’95, Corporate Controller, Montefiore Medical Center

Union Graduate College’s MBA in Healthcare Management is the only program in the area and one of just a handful in the country with both AACSB and CAHME accreditation.

Union Graduate College– Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Bioethics program is one of the first programs of its kind in the country and attracts students from around the world, who are working in health care, research, law, social work, and government.

Brandon Botto, MBA’11, recently started teaching mathematics at E³ Academy in North Adams, Massachusetts.

Jessica Engel, MBA’11, has joined Altria, Inc., as a territory sales manager.

David Fields, MBA’93, has joined the Philadelphia office of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, as Managing Director. Fields will continue to run the firm’s senior living sector practice.

Richard Hamel, MBA’94, was selected Vice President, Corporate Controller at Remedi SeniorCare.

Briana Kehl, MBA’12, has joined Living Proof, Inc. a hair care company in Cambridge, Massachusetts as Purchasing Coordinator.

Cybil Kelly, PHR, MBA’11, has joined Express Scripts, in Troy, NY as HR Representative.

John Kawola, MBA’97, has been named CEO of Harvest Automation Inc., which develops robots for the agriculture industry.

Laurie Mante, MBAH’88, has been named Executive Director of The Community Hospice of the Capital Region.

Lauren Mazurowski, MBA’12, has been named Academic Governance Coordinator for the Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering at Columbia University.

Peter Schermerhorn, MBAH’06, has joined HealthMEDX as Senior Account Executive, where he will run New England sales operations.

Tim Romano, MBA’11, has joined Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, working with professional athletes, corporate executives, and endowment funds.

New Job? New Baby?Make sure your latest news is included in UGC’s monthly alumni e-newsletter!

To sign up or share an announcement, contact Melissa Guiry, MAT’10, Coordinator of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations at: [email protected]

Steven Weintraub, MBAH’04, Director of Business and Financial Services, Department of Ambulatory and Physician Services, White Plains Hospital and Chao Wu, MBAH’02, Director, Service Excellence, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York City, with current students Jarom Bowman, MBAH’13, and Brittany Bardin, MBAH’13

School of Engineering Hires Energy Industry VeterenHaving worked for companies such as Siemens Power Technologies, New York Independent Systems Operator, and General Electric, Alan W. Holmes is now bringing two decades of industry experience to Union Graduate College to help develop programs in power systems and emerging energy in the School of Engineering.

“Alan is well-versed in the business of energy —not just developing technologies, but know-ing how to successfully bring products to mar-ket,” said Robert Kozik, Dean of the School of Engineering. “As the Capital Region evolves, and new energy businesses develop, there is grow-ing demand for that combination of skills. Alan knows the marketplace and what students and

businesses will need to be successful.”Drawing on real-world experience in management, business

development, contract risk, finance, purchasing, and marketing in the energy sector, Holmes is helping Union Graduate College expand its energy courses and programs.

Alan W. Holmes

UGC President Laura Schweitzer and Steven Anderman, MBAH’86

Anjuli Panizzi, MBAH’12, of Emblem Health, with Mark Solazzo, MBAH’85, and Professor Marty Strosberg, PhD

Dean Kozik

6 v i s i o n uniongraduatecollege.edu

now, Lackey is raising the bar—doubling his challenge. Lackey

will match gifts of both $1,000 and $2,500, made by June 30,

2013, and designated for scholarships, up to $100,000.

Lackey is the retired founder and CEO of Advanced

Imaging, Inc. an international company he launched

in California, after completing his degree at Union

Graduate College.

“I like to give back to others who helped me along the

way,” Lackey explains. “The graduate degree gave me the

tools and the confidence to start a company and we were

quite successful.”

Lackey says the impact of the scholarship challenge

came to life when he attended UGC’s annual scholarship

dinner, where individual donors meet the student who ben-

efits from their donation.

“normally you write a gift check and sometimes you get

a thank you note and that is all,” Lackey says. “This time

it was different. I received a letter from each of the stu-

dents giving a brief story of their lives and how the scholar-

ship helped them. In addition to the letters I got to meet

the students personally at the scholarship dinner. Maybe

my financial support can help these students in some way

to make their lives more interesting and successful.”

Help Us Meet the Match!To provide a student scholarship that will be matched

by the Lackey Scholarship Challenge, please make your

donation by June 30, 2013.

To make a gift online donation, go to:

www.uniongraduatecollege.edu and click on “Online Giving.”

For more information, contact: Dan Christopher, MBA’05,

Vice President of Advancement at:

[email protected] or 518.631.9843.

Lauren Lackey, MSIA’73, Raises Scholarship Challenge to $100,000

ast year, Lauren Lackey, MSIA’73, and UGC trustee, offered a fundraising challenge to his

fellow alumni: he would match every $1,000 and $2,500 donation raised for student scholar-

ships, up to $50,000. The challenge was met, and 36 Union Graduate College students joined

the “Lackey Circle of Scholars,” benefitting from scholarships this academic year.L

lackey circle of ScholarS

Lauren Lackey, MSIA’73, meets members of the “Lackey Circle of Scholars” at this year’s scholarship dinner. Lackey has doubled his scholarship challenge to $100,000, matching gifts of $1,000 and $2,500, made by June 30, 2013.

School of Education Celebrates Renewal of National Board Certification for “Five of its Own”Union Graduate College recently celebrated renewal of National Board Certification for an associate dean and four of its adjunct professors and alumni.

In the photo above, from left, Catherine Snyder, PhD, Associate Dean and Clinical Associate Professor, School of Education; Sean O’Connell, social studies and special education, Niskayuna; Rich Lasselle, middle school science, Guilderland; Mary Eads, MAT’11, social studies, Niskayuna; Rebecca Remis, MAT’94, earth science, Schalmont.

National Board Certification is the highest standard a teacher can achieve in the United States. It is an independent measure of a teacher’s effectiveness. Only about a third of teachers who pursue National Board Certification achieve the honor.

In New York State, less than 1% of teachers are National Board Certified. At Union Graduate College, the School of Education values the standards put forth by National Board and supports faculty, alumni and instructors who pursue this rigorous certification process. We are proud to count close to 50 National Board Certified teachers among our alumni.

“Union Graduate College extends congratulations to five “of its own” on renewal of their 10 year National Board Certification,” said Patrick Allen, PhD, Dean, School of Education. “They will continue to be counted among New York State’s most accomplished teachers.”

All four of the teachers above are adjunct professors in the UGC School of Education. Of the five who received renewal, three are alumni and three serve as mentors to MAT students.

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Tell us your story! Alumni Share Memories and Value of Graduate School As part of our Decennial Celebration, Union Graduate College is collecting stories from alumni and friends to help tell our history. Go to: www.uniongraduatecollege.edu/stories and share yours today.

Karim Kefi MBA’01

VP, Capital Markets

ge Capital, Maryland

“ I came to Union right after an undergraduate degree in

the Czech Republic where we learned everything from

textbooks. It is the conversations you have in class, with

professors who have perspective—it is the context that

is the key to the MBA. I didn’t realize the value of the

program until I joined the corporate world. Without my

experience at Union Graduate College, I wouldn’t be

where I am now.”

Susan Beaudoin MBA’02 Assistant VP for Administration schenectady County Community College

“ Halfway through the MBA program I was named General Counsel for the New York State Lottery. Because of my MBA courses, I could understand what was important to the agency, from marketing structure to revenue streams.Getting my MBA just skyrocketed my career.”

Harry Howe MBA’94, PhD’95

Associate Professor

state university of new York / geneseo

“ My encounter with GMI (Graduate Management Institute)

was a great piece of serendipitous good luck. I was work-

ing in commercial real estate and a colleague advised

me, ‘Harry, you should take some accounting.’ After my

second course, I was hooked on the value of an MBA.

Today, as an accounting professor, I am delighted when

my students at Geneseo choose to go to Union Graduate

College for their MBA. I really love the school.”

Alan D. Maddaus MSME’97Principal Engineer, Advanced Technology Operationgeneral electric (retired)

“ My connection to Union Graduate College goes back to the early 1950s when my father, a Union College mathe-matics professor, taught in what was called the “evening division.” I used to play on the typewriter in his office while he taught. He believed strongly in having evening classes for working professionals who wanted to improve themselves. I think that is what Union Graduate College still provides today. My degree exposed me to a range of new technologies that filled in the blanks and kept my skills up to date. It was valuable for my career.”

Angela Dominelli MBA’84, PhD’98 Associate VP, Institutional Effectivenessalbany College of pharmacy and Health sciences

“ I can’t say enough about the professors. They were all brilliant and all passionate about what they do. The one thing that sticks with me the most is their attitude of ‘love what you do.’ I can sit back after all these years and remember their names and faces and I still smile. The MBA armed my tool box and that tool box is open on my desk every day and I am rummaging through, using what they taught me.”

Pete Mason MAT’06Special Education Teacher achievements of latham “ I taught before attending Union Graduate College, but

it was there that I learned to be a teacher: to plan, to

make education fun and exciting for students, and to

connect it to real-life collaboration. It is also where I

learned to write. I would not have published a single

article or book without going to UGC. My latest book,

The Evolution of the War Film Genre is based on my

master’s thesis at UGC. Completed in June of 2006, it

has been revised and updated to reflect the latest in the

ever changing war film genre.”

Patty Mayer MD, MSB’09

Medical Director

Hospice of northern Colorado

Staff Rheumatologist

arthritis and rheumatology Clinic of northern

Colorado, llC

Assistant Professor

ugC Bioethics program

“ I confess to not having an agenda for taking the program

—I wanted to study Bioethics for almost 20 years, just for

my own interest and finally got around to doing it. I was not

looking for where it would lead; I did it for the intellectual

stimulation. To my surprise, however, my participation

opened up a world of opportunities for me and contin-

ues with my recent acceptance to the Cleveland Clinic’s

Fellowship in Advanced Bioethics. I have recommended

the UGC program to many prospective students because of

its outstanding faculty, the diversity of course offerings, and

UGC’s recognized role as a leader in Bioethics education.”

Marie Bosman MBA’02

VP, Commercial Banking

Key Bank

Adjunct Professor

ugC school of management

“ I came to the US from South Africa in 1998 through my

husband’s work and was able to go back to school. Getting

my MBA at Union Graduate College exposed me to a new

circle of people and tied me into the community in a dif-

ferent way. I still use knowledge from every course in my

work today because it allows me to ask the right questions

and understand the business of my clients.”

Tell us your story! We are collecting stories from alumni and friends to help

tell our history. no matter what degree you received and

whether you attended the Institute for Administration and

Management (IAM), Graduate Management Institute (GMI),

the Graduate College of Union University (GCUU) or Union

Graduate College (UGC), share your story today by going to:


John Tassone JD/MBA’95 Managing Partner deltec Wealth management, Palm Beach, Florida“ I was always interested in a joint JD/MBA and over the years it has given me tremendous flexibility in my career. Early on I worked at Deloitte & Touche, as a tax attorney for a small Connecticut law firm and then later on Wall Street for a few large investment banks, including Deutsche Bank. Now, as an investment advisor, I represent a number of global ultra-high net worth families and investors. Every day I still rely on the accounting training I received from Professor Arnold and others at the GMI. The skills I developed there and my MBA degree have been a huge part of giving me the ability to pursue what I’ve wanted professionally. I had a great experience and am fortunate to be a part of a great institution.”

Early in my engineering career I decided that I needed a master’s degree to achieve my goals. I was working full time in New York’s Capital Region, and my job increasingly involved travel, so I knew that I needed to attend a local night program. Union had a graduate program that met my requirements.

Throughout my course work, I found the professors highly qualified, friendly, and available. When my work schedule interfered with my course responsibilities, my professors provided the advice and support I needed to get me through the rough spots. To my delight, I discovered very soon that my course work could be readily applied to my daily project work. This helped to keep me motivated as I completed the program.

Looking back from retirement, I feel that my master’s degree helped me to advance faster than my bachelor-level co-workers. I was able to propose and assume responsibility for more technically challenging projects with the knowledge I gained. It is a good feeling to reflect upon a productive career and to realize that those few years in graduate school at Union helped me to achieve it.

I am proud to be a supporter of Union Graduate College, which today continues to provide the same fine graduate engineering program that was of such great benefit to me.

This year, when I learned of the challenge by Lauren Lackey, MSIA’73, to match $100,000 of alumni gifts, I was happy to increase my annual gift to participate in this gen-erous offer. I hope other contributors are similarly moti-vated so that UGC is able to meet this challenge. This is a “two for one sale” not to be missed.

Patricia &Jeff Duncan, MSEE’71laKe george, nY

Why We Support Union Graduate College UnIon GrADUATE CollEGE BoArD of TrUSTEES

Chairman lawrence Carr ’89 Babson College

Vice Chairman robert o’Hara ’79 Andrew Seybold, Inc Secretary Kathryn matthews ’91Senior Vice President The Ayco Company, L.P.

michael K. BurkeSenior Vice PresidentLandauer, Inc

lauretta Chrys ’98 Executive Vice President Head of Premier Banking & Private Wealth Management Citizens Bank

Kenneth deonManaging Partner KPMG

Jerel golub President & Chief Executive Officer Golub Corporation

denise gonick Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer MVP Healthcare

Kevin Higgins ’92 Managing Director The Bank of New York Mallon

lauren lackey ’73 Founder and CEO (retired) Advanced Imaging, Inc

John lavelle President & CEODigital Energy,General Electric

ed mitzenFounder Fingerpaint Marketing

michael newell CEO Ener-G-Rotors, Inc.

Walt robbCEOVantage Management

Kathlene thiel ’04CEOThiel Group, LLC

vincent verdile ’80Dean Albany Medical College

louise Winstanly ’09University of North Carolina

80 nott TerraceSchenectady, ny 12308518-631-9900uniongraduatecollege.edu

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SchweiTzer To chair ceG TaSk force laura schweitzer, phd, president of union graduate College, has been named Chair of the Workforce Development and Education Task Force for the Center for Economic Growth. The Task Force is charged with identifying gaps and creating solutions to ensure the Capital Region’s labor supply meets the needs of Upstate New York businesses, including the growing technology sector. Left, Schweitzer, a member of the CEG board and execu-tive committee, discusses the task force

with CEG President F. Michael Tucker.