unit 1. introduction to unit1 founding the new nation (c. 33,000 b.c.a.d. 1783) european explorers...

Unit 1

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Page 1: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Unit 1

Page 2: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Introduction to Unit1• Founding the New Nation (c.

33,000 B.C.—A.D. 1783)• European explorers and new

nation?• 3 G’s!!• Purpose of European settlement• Identity• Division• British and settlers in the

beginning• By 1760s and 1770s• War and creation of America • “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of


Page 3: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings

• 7 billions years ago to 500 years ago

• Pangaea• Ice Ages (35, 000 years ago)

& land bridges• Incas, Mayas and Aztecs &

maize• Pueblo in SW (1200 B.C.),

maize and irrigation• Spread of the cultivation of

corn• “three sister planting”

Page 4: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings• The Iroquois and Hiawatha• Native Americans vs. Europeans• 1st Europeans to come to America?• How did the Christian crusades lead

to European exploration and colonization?

• Marco Polo• The Portuguese, technology and

exploration• Slavery and Sub-Saharan Africa (later

west coast of Africa)• Portuguese & plantation system (15th

century)• Dias and da Gama• Spain influenced by Portuguese• Europeans and new land and the

Renaissance (printing press)• “most successful failures in history”-


Page 5: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings • Colombian Exchange• Positives and negatives of two

worlds colliding: crops, diseases, animals, Native American’s culture (90%)

• Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)• Conquistadores (chart) • By 1600s?• Encomienda• Impact of the conquest of Mexico

(Cortez vs. Montezuma)• Purpose of presidios (forts)• Spain and Texas• Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo• Father Junepero Serra• Black Legend• Spanish vs. English

Page 6: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 2: The Planting of English America (1500-1773)

* 100 years after Columbus?•Early 1600s settlements•King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth•Catholic Spain vs. England•Sea Dogs and Francis Drake•Sir Henry Gilbert•Sir Walter Raleigh•“The Virgin Queen”•How did England react to failure at Roanoke? Why?

Page 7: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 2: The Planting of English America

(1500-1773)• Significance of Spanish Armada

(1588)• Reasons for English Exploration• The Virginia Company of

London’s intentions?• Significance of its charter• King James I• Chesapeake Bay• May 24, 1607?• Early years • Lord De La Warr• 1614 (peace treaty after 1st

Anglo-Powhatan War)

Page 8: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 2: The Planting of English America (1500-1773)

• 1622—How did Virginia Company respond?

• By 1625• Second Anglo-Powhatan

War 1644• Peace Treaty of 1646?

Reservations?• Native population by 1669• Three Ds• New World for Native


Page 9: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 2: The Planting of English America (1500-1773)

• Virginiaa. Father of tobaccob. Broad-acred plantationc. Indentured servantsd. Head-right systeme. 1619 (reps, blacks, women)f. James I and charter• Marylanda. 1634 & Lord Baltimore—Why?b. vs. Virginiac. Act of Toleration 1649 (results

and who passed it)

• West Indiesa. English began to colonize. Why?b. Sugar vs. tobaccoc. Slaves (Diaspora and today?d. Barbados Slave Code of 1661e. Barbados & Carolina• Carolinaa. What interrupted English

colonization?b. Lord Proprietors and intentionsc. Major crop and who were their

slaves?d. Charles Town---community

Page 10: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 2: The Planting of English America (1500-1773)

• North Carolinaa. Settlers?b. South vs. North (Carolina)c. Tuscarorad. Yamasee• Georgiaa. Original purposeb. All Christians accepted

except…….c. Whend. Only colony to receive……e. Oglethropef. Jon Wesley

• Plantation Coloniesa. Name themb. Acresc. Exported commercial agricultural

productsd. Cash cropse. Slavery (Georgia after 1750)f. Aristocratic atmosphere (except NC

and GAg. Slow growth of schools & churches

(why?)h. Dominate churchi. Expansionary and soil butchery

Page 11: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 3: Settling the North Colonies• Northern & Southern Colonies• Martin Luther (beliefs and ignite)• John Calvin (beliefs and

influenced)• Henry VIII & Roman Catholic

rituals• Puritans vs. Separatists• James I vs. Separatist• 1608 & Separatist• Pilgrims & Virginia Company• Captain Myles Standish• Mayflower Compact• Winter of 1620-1621• Pilgrims and Massasoits

Page 12: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

• William Bradford • Plymouth’s economy & 1691• 1629 and Massachusetts Bay

Colony• Puritan’s population• Puritans & Pilgrims

(leadership, stability, and growth)

• John Winthrop• “Bible Commonwealth”• Congregational Church• Disenfranchised of

Massachusetts• John Cotton

Chapter 3: Settling the North Colonies

Page 13: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 3: Settling the North Colonies• Michael Wigglesworth• Anne Hutchinson (heretic) vs.

Puritans(antinomianism) 1638 (results)• Roger Williams (1635) & Rhode Island

(wanted independence) charted 1644• Hartford Connecticut in 1635 (farm

land)• Rev. Thomas Hooker & Connecticut• “Fundamental Orders” (1st written

constitution in America)-Connecticut• New Haven joined Connecticut• Maine annexed to Mass. 1623• New Hampshire annexed to Mass. 1641• Puritans vs. Native Americans (Squanto ,

Pequot War, Metacom)

Page 14: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

• New England Confederation (defense & Puritans)

• Charles II (chartered Connecticut and Rhode Island) vs. Massachusetts (charter revoked 1684)

• Dominion of New England = smuggling (Navigation Acts)

• Sir Edmund Andros (in Boston) vs. William and Mary

• Massachusetts new charter• Dutch East India Company• Henry Hudson & New Netherland• Patroonships & New Amsterdam• Wall Street• Dutch vs. Swedes (culture)• Peter Stuyvesant

• Duke of York 1664• The Dutch left their

mark……..• Penn’s Holy Experiment• The Middle Colonies

(New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania)

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Chapter 4: American Life in the 17th Century

• Introduction• Life in Chesapeake Bay (Virginia &

Maryland)—work, diseases, life span, family & population

• Tobacco Economy (demand vs. prices)

• “Headright system” (land & the rich)• Indentured servants• Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) vs.

Berkeley• Slavery in late 1600s (why?) and by

1750• Slaves from West Africa & Middle

Passage• North American slave import cities?• “chattels” (reading and writing?)

Page 16: Unit 1. Introduction to Unit1 Founding the New Nation (c. 33,000 B.C.A.D. 1783) European explorers and new nation? 3 Gs!! Purpose of European settlement

Chapter 4: American Life in the 17th Century• Slavery in Deep South (tobacco

plantations vs. rice and indigo plantations)

• Gullah (words & music)• Skilled slaves• Slave revolts (NYC 1712, Stono River

1739)• “FFVs”, small farmers, landless

whites, & slaves• Cities, schools and churches in the

South (why?)• New England’s climate, water, life

expectancies, families, and women?• Women in the South?• “Bible Commonwealth” (top priority)• Puritans (towns and education—NE vs


• “Congregational Church”• “jeremiads”• “Half-way Covenant”—elect & “half-

wayers”• Salem Witch Trials (1692)• New England’s economy, slavery,

rivers, Native Americans, & fishing• “dusk ‘til dawn” & “worth the candle”• America vs. Europe• African to African American

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• Groups of 4• Select a chapter (pull a number)• Purpose: Teach the class through acting• Skit must be 3 to 5 minutes long• Include terms, concepts, people, places…..

that we learned about in class (at least 5 must be included)