unit 1: recycling annie · waste unit 2: recycling annie vels 4 page 1 of 24 created by nevrwaste...

Waste Unit 2: Recycling Annie VELS 4 Page 1 of 24 Created by NevRwaste January 2009 Unit 1: Recycling Annie Level 4 (Grade 5 & 6) Unit Overview Students will gain an understanding of recycling contaminants and actions to avoid them. To complete this unit successfully your school needs to be already recycling at some level. This unit follows on from the Waste Unit VELS 3 and all activities are built around the VELS framework, a table at the rear of the unit specifies which parts of the learning focus and standards will be met. Background Recycling is important as it reduces landfill and the amount of natural resources being used to make new products. Contamination of recycling occurs when the wrong items are placed in the recycling bin. It doesn't necessarily mean the item isn't recyclable, or reusable, it just means that it can't be recycled through your local Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). At the MRF materials are sorted into groups, such as glass, plastic containers and paper and cardboard. After this stage the sorted materials are then sold to other companies where they are recycled into new products. Contaminants such as broken glass, plastic bags, dirty nappies, garden waste and food scraps effect the sorting process and can cause loads of recyclables to be rejected because they are dirty or make the load unsafe to be manually sorted. For more information go to www.nevrwaste.vic.gov.au . Bloom’s Taxonomy Activity Duration Page Tuning In & Finding Out Where does our recycling go? 1 hour and 20 mins 2-3 Tuning In & Finding Out Contamination is P-P-Putrid! Part 1: 1 hr & 10 min Part 2: 3 hours Part 3: 3 hours 4 - 5 Sorting Out Sort it out for Annie Part 1: 40 mins Part 2: 1 ½ hours Part 3: 1 hour 6 - 10 Finding Out & Sorting Out Researching Behaviours Part 1: 3 hours Part 2: 2 hours 11 - 15 Taking Action Design an action plan & marketing strategy Part 1: 1 hour Part 2: 2 hours 16 - 18 Going Further Visit your local MRF (optional activity) Part 1: 2 hours Part 2: 40 mins 19 Conclusions Let us reflect! 1 hour 20 VELS links 21 - 24 Did you know? The average North East Victorian household recycles over 220 kg of materials through their municipal recycling system (yellow-lidded bin) every year. This is equivalent to the weight of two average family-sized 4WD cars.

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Page 1: Unit 1: Recycling Annie · Waste Unit 2: Recycling Annie VELS 4 Page 1 of 24 Created by NevRwaste January 2009 Unit 1: Recycling Annie Level 4 (Grade 5 & 6) Unit Overview Students

Waste Unit 2: Recycling Annie VELS 4 Page 1 of 24Created by NevRwaste January 2009

Unit 1: Recycling Annie

Level 4 (Grade 5 & 6)

Unit OverviewStudents will gain an understanding of recycling contaminants and actions to avoid them. To complete this unit successfully your school needs to be already recycling at some level.

This unit follows on from the Waste Unit VELS 3 and all activities are built around the VELS framework, a table at the rear of the unit specifies which parts of the learning focus and standards will be met.


Recycling is important as it reduces landfill and the amount of natural resources being used to make new products. Contamination of recycling occurs when the wrong items are placed in the recycling bin. It doesn't necessarily mean the item isn't recyclable, or reusable, it just means that it can't be recycled through your local Materials Recycling Facility (MRF).

At the MRF materials are sorted into groups, such as glass, plastic containers and paper and cardboard. After this stage the sorted materials are then sold to other companies where they are recycled into new products.Contaminants such as broken glass, plastic bags, dirty nappies, garden waste and food scraps effect the sorting process and can cause loads of recyclables to be rejected because they are dirty or make the load unsafe to be manually sorted. For more information go to www.nevrwaste.vic.gov.au.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Activity Duration PageTuning In & Finding Out Where does our recycling go? 1 hour and 20 mins 2 - 3Tuning In & Finding Out Contamination is P-P-Putrid! Part 1: 1 hr & 10 min

Part 2: 3 hoursPart 3: 3 hours

4 - 5

Sorting Out Sort it out for Annie Part 1: 40 minsPart 2: 1 ½ hoursPart 3: 1 hour

6 - 10

Finding Out & Sorting Out Researching Behaviours Part 1: 3 hoursPart 2: 2 hours

11 - 15

Taking Action Design an action plan & marketing strategy Part 1: 1 hourPart 2: 2 hours

16 - 18

Going Further Visit your local MRF (optional activity) Part 1: 2 hoursPart 2: 40 mins


Conclusions Let us reflect! 1 hour 20VELS links 21 - 24

Did you know?The average North East Victorian household recycles over 220 kg of materials through their municipal recycling system (yellow-lidded bin) every year. This is equivalent to the weight of two average family-sized 4WD cars.

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Waste Unit 2: Recycling Annie VELS 4 Page 2 of 24Created by NevRwaste January 2009

Activity One: Where does our recycling go?

Overview:Students will watch a virtual tour of their local Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to begin investigating the recycling process, including where recyclable materials actually go after they leave your recycling bin and why contamination of the recycling stream is a problem.

Duration:1 hour and 20 minutes

Equipment: Please contact SEED for your free copy of the MRF virtual tour (available as a powerpoint presentation or

video) on ph (03) 5722 9232 [email protected]

Access to a computer and a data projector.

Butchers or scrap paper.

Activity:1. Explain to your students that they are going to be studying a unit on recycling and to begin ‘tune’ into the

topic they will be watching a virtual tour of their local Materials Recycling Facility (MRF).

2. Before showing the students the presentation, prompt them to start thinking about the recycling process and why it might be unsafe or cause problems to the machinery when items such as broken glass, nappies,plastic bags and polystyrene are disposed of in the recycling bin.

3. Show the presentation.

4. Explain that in groups students are going to explore the information portrayed in this presentation by participating in a group brainstorming activity.

5. Draw an Alpha Ladder like the one depicted in Activity Sheet 1 (page 3) on the board or on a large piece of butcher’s paper.

6. Go around the class and get each student to say a word starting with one of the letters of the alphabet that relates to the presentation they just watched.

7. Keep going around the classroom until each student has had a turn and the Alpha Ladder is full.

8. Once this has been completed, as a class, prioritise the top three words listed that best describe a MRF and write them on the board.

9. Make sure that you keep a record or copy of the information gathered for revision purposes later in this unit.

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Activity Sheet 1:

TOPIC: Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)


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Activity Two: Contamination is P-P-Putrid

Overview:Students will further investigate why contamination is a problem using a range of different media.

Duration:Part 1: 1 hourPart 2: 1-3 hoursPart 3: 1-3 hours

Equipment: A copy of the Recycling Annie advertisement. Please contact SEED on ph (03) 5722 9232 or email

[email protected] for your copy.

Access to a computer and a data projector.

Butchers paper and coloured textas or pencils.

A collection of clean recyclable materials (approximately one large garbage bag full of materials).

A collection of clean non-recyclable materials (again, approximately one large garbage bag worth).

Musical instruments and dress up materials (optional).


Part 1: P-P-P Polystyrene and Plastic Bags1. Explain to your students that using the knowledge they gained from the first activity, they are now going to

be investigating contamination of the recycling stream even more closely by watching the Recycling Annie advertisement.

2. Before showing the students the advertisement, prompt them to start thinking about the recycling process and why it is important that plastic bags and polystyrene (which are the most common contaminants of the recycling stream) are not to be put into the recycling bin. For further information on these contaminants please visit www.nevrwaste.vic.gov.au.

3. Show the advertisement.

4. Explain that in groups they are going to explore the messages portrayed in this advertisement.

5. Split the class into groups of four or five and sit them at separate tables. On each table place a large piece of butchers paper, a plastic bag and a piece of polystyrene (for example, a disposable foam coffee cup).Prompt them to think back to the MRF presentation, with particular mention of the machines used during the sorting process

6. Once they have finished, ask each group to pick one or two of their ideas that they believe are the most important. Give them a couple of minutes to discuss this. Prompt them to think back to the MRF presentation, with particular mention of the machines used during the sorting process.

7. One at a time, invite each group to share what they believed were their most important points with the rest of the class. Collate this information on the board or write it down to keep for evaluation purposes later on in the unit.

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Part 2: Recycling Rap1. Explain to the students that as one large group they are going to come up with a musical rap or rhyme

about Recycling Annie, to encourage other students not to contaminate their recycling bins.

2. Ask them to sit in a circle and hand out 6 pieces of paper (evenly around the circle) with one of the following questions on each:

Name one item that can contaminate the recycling bin.

Why doesn’t Recycling Annie like contaminants in the recycling bin?

Use one word that best describes Recycling Annie.

Name one item that can be recycled through your local MRF.

Why do you think people put the wrong things into their recycling bin?

3. Ask each student to write an answer without talking on the piece of paper that they have been given and then pass it to their left. Make sure that you tell them that they cannot repeat an answer that somebody else has already written.

4. End the activity once nearly every student has had a chance to fill in at least half of the sheets.

5. Collate all of the phrases and words from this activity, as well as, those words generated from the previous brainstorming activities, including the Alpha Ladder used in Activity 1 (pages 2 and 3) and the group answers from Activity 2, Part 1 (page 4) and display them on the board.

6. As a group link up common theme or words that rhyme until you have developed the basis for a rap! You can either do this as a class, or get students to come up with sections of the song in small groups

7. Finally pull it all together and use some instruments to keep the beat, some dancing to act out the wordsand present it at the next school assembly.

Part 3: Make it Trashy!1. Ask students to collect a large range of recyclable and non-recyclable plastics over a few weeks.

2. Divide the plastics into two piles on the floor: recyclable and non-recyclable. The aim of this activity is for students to get an understanding of the different types of plastics. A general rule is that plastics that are recyclable through the MRF are usually ‘rigid’ or ‘firm’ plastics and not ‘floppy’. For example a milk bottle or plastic take away container is a ‘rigid’ recyclable plastic. Those plastics that are not able to be recycled through the MRF and must go into the rubbish are usually floppy, such as cling film or a plastic bag.

3. Ask one group to build a sculpture out of the non-recyclable products and the other to build a sculpture out of the recyclable products.

4. Once completed have a discussion about how each was made and what the different materials were like to work with. Then display them in your school’s reception area.

Above (Left) a bottle-nosed dolphin made from non-recyclable materials and above (right) a crocodile made from recyclable products.

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Activity Three: Sort it out for Annie

Overview:Students get a greater understanding of what should and shouldn’t be placed in their recycling bins, as well as, other ways that they can recycle those items that cannot.

Duration:Part 1: 40 minutesPart 2: 1 ½ hours

Equipment: Laminated (optional) copies of Activity Sheet 2 (page 8).

Laminated (optional) and cut out copies of the picture cards depicted in Activity Sheet 3 (page 9).

A printed copy of Answer Sheet 1 (page 10).

Access to the internet and/or to a telephone.


Part 1: Let’s just sort it out!1. Inform students that in this activity they will be investigating in even more detail what can and cannot be

placed in the recycling bin, as well as exploring other options for those items that cannot be sorted through the MRF.

2. Divide students into groups of about 2 or 3. Give each a laminated copy of Activity Sheet 2 (page 8), aswell as one lot of the picture cards (cut out and laminated) from Activity Sheet 3 (page 9).

3. Explain to your students that in complete silence they are to arrange the picture cards under the correct headings on the table in Activity Sheet 2 (page 8).

4. After about 2 – 5 minutes (depending on how quickly they finish arranging them) allow them to talk and give them an opportunity to discuss their arrangement as a group.

5. When groups feel confident they have arranged them correctly, tell them to nominate one person to stay with their cards. Allow the others to move around to look at the other groups and compare their placement of the cards.

6. Explain that under no circumstances may they touch the other group’s cards, this is just an opportunity to reflect on what they have done and to discuss with other groups how they have arranged theirs.

7. After a few minutes ask the students to sit back down with their groups and give them another opportunity to discuss as a group their final placement of the cards.

8. Once all the groups are satisfied that they are finished, display ‘Answer Sheet 1’ (page 10) on the board or in a central location.

9. Make sure that students understand that these are only the ‘suggested' answers and that there are in fact a few different ways the cards could have been arranged. For example used gas bottles can be taken to the transfer station, however they can also be collected through ‘other’ recycling programs as well.

10. As a class, discuss the potential reasons why items should or should not be placed in each waste stream.

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Part 2: What about the collection programs?1. In this activity students (in groups or individually) will investigate where the items listed under ‘Other’ on

Answer Sheet 1(page 10) may be taken to be recycled in their local area.

2. These items include mobile phones, computers, hazardous chemicals and printer cartridges/toners. For example, in groups or individually, students may choose to find out what collection programs or facilities exist in the region for the disposal of mobile phones?

3. Allow students access to the internet and/or a phone to find out this information.

4. First ask them to contact their local Council or Resort (details listed below), but if they have no luck then give some sites and contacts that will help them to find the information that they need (see the list below).

5. Ask students to write a short report describing their findings.

North East Regional Councils and Resorts:

Council/Resort Website Phone Number

Alpine Shire http://www.alpineshire.vic.gov.au/ (03) 5755 0555

Benalla Council http://www.benalla.vic.gov.au/ (03) 5760 2600

Falls Creek ARMB http://www.fallscreek.com.au/ (03) 5758 3224

Indigo Shire http://www.indigoshire.vic.gov.au/ (03) 5728 8000

Mansfield Shire http://www.mansfield.vic.gov.au/ (03) 5775 8555

Mt Buller & Mt Stirling ARMB http://www.mtbuller.com.au/ (03) 5777 6077

Mt Hotham ARMB http://www.mthotham.com.au/ (03) 5759 3550

Towong Shire http://www.towong.vic.gov.au/ (02) 6071 5100

Wangaratta Council http://www.wangaratta.vic.gov.au/ (03) 5722 0888

Wodonga Council http://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/ (02) 6022 9300

Other Organisations:

Organisation Website Phone Number

NevRwaste http://www.nevrwaste.vic.gov.au/ (03) 5721 5288

Mobile Muster http://www.mobilemuster.com.au/ 1300 730 070

Sustainability Victoria http://www.resourcesmart.vic.gov.au/ (03) 8626 8700

Planet Ark http://www.recyclingnearyou.com.au/ 1300 733 712

Part 3: The Final Product1. Ask students (either individually or in small groups) to further research what these programs actually do

with the materials that they collect and what products these materials are eventually recycled into. For example, students may choose to find out where the computers go to once recycled through the computer recycling program and what the different materials that make up a computer are made into once they have been dismantled.

2. Ask students to draw a flow chart for their chosen program. Beginning with the item, the program which collects it, where it goes to be recycled and ending with the final product.

3. Ask each student or group to present their flow charts to the rest of the class. Allow for open discussion during this process and encourage students to think about possible alternate local options for the reuse or recycling of these products.

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Activity Sheet 2:

TOPIC: Sort it Out for Annie

Recycling Bin Rubbish Bin Transfer Station OP Shop Other

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Activity Sheet 3:

TOPIC: Sort it Out for Annie

Paper & Cardboard Nappies Old Tyres Used Dinnerware Computers

Aluminium Cans Polystyrene Green Waste Old Clothes Mobile Phones

Glass Bottles & Jars Plastic Bags Used Gas Bottles Furniture Hazardous Chemicals

Plastic Bottles Broken Glass Building materials Books Printer Toners & Cartridges

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Answer Sheet 1:

TOPIC: Sort it Out for Annie

Recycling Bin Rubbish Bin Transfer Station OP Shop Other

Paper & Cardboard Nappies Old Tyres Used Dinnerware Computers

Aluminium Cans Polystyrene Green Waste Old Clothes Mobile Phones

Glass Bottles & Jars Plastic Bags Used Gas Bottles Furniture Hazardous Chemicals

Plastic Bottles Broken Glass Building materials Books Printer Toners & Cartridges

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Activity Four: Researching behaviours

Overview:In this activity students will conduct a survey of their school to look at why individuals contaminate their recycling bins with non-recyclable materials. The information obtained from this activity will help them to develop a plan of action later in the unit.

Duration:Part 1: 3 hoursPart 2: 2 hours

Equipment: Access to a computer, that contains Microsoft Office Excel or a similar program

Graph paper and possibly butchers or scrap paper


Part 1: Comparing Year Groups1. Explain to your students that they are going to be doing some research into people’s behaviours to

find out why some people place non-recyclables into the recycling bin.

2. Split the students into four groups and assign each of the four groups with one of the following age groups to survey:

- Group 1: Preparatory, grade 1 and grade 2

- Group 2: Grade 3 and grade 4

- Group 3: Adults

3. Explain to your students that each group will be surveying 5 males and 5 females from their assigned year group. If this survey number does not represent the number of students at your school, then less or more individuals may be surveyed, but each group must survey the same number of people.

4. Give the groups copies of the survey sheet (Activity sheet 4) and ask them to divide them up so that they end up conducting their surveys in pairs or groups of three.

5. Organise with other teachers in the school a time in which the students can interview individuals inclass and accompany them until all of their surveys are complete.

6. Once completed, explain to the students that they are going to analyse the results and compare the recycling behaviours of the different year groups.

7. Give each group a copy of the ‘Survey Results Table: Comparing Behaviours between Year Groups in Activity Sheet 4 and get them to tally up their results.

8. Ask students to sit as a group once more. Randomly choose two students from different groups one at a time to compare different survey questions. For example you may choose one person from the ‘grade 3 and 4’ group to compare the number of individuals who recycle at school compared with those surveyed in the ‘adults’ group. Record this information on the board.

9. Give each student a sheet of graph paper and ask them to draw a pie chart, bar graph or column graph comparing one of these results that have been discussed. Ask each group to present their graphs and encourage them to think of possible reasons for differences depicted between the yeargroups.

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Part 2: Comparing Gender1. Using much the same process as was used above, but this time by comparing gender behaviours,

as a class, fill in Activity Sheet 5 (either draw it on the board or blow it up on a large sheet of butcher’s paper).

2. Once this is completed get each student to pick a topic to compare between males and females, and working individually get them to graph the results on the computer using Microsoft Office Excel, or a similar program.

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Activity Sheet 4:

TOPIC: Researching Behaviours

PART A: Participant and survey details

Location of Survey:

Date: Time:

Year Level (please circle): Prep, 1 and 2 3 and 4 Adult Gender (please circle): Male Female

PART B: Recycling status (Please tick boxes below)

Participants Answer

Yes No Unsure

Do you recycle when you are at school?

Do you recycle at home?

Do you think that recycling is important?

Do you think that you have a good understanding of what items can be recycled?

PART C: Should the following items be placed in the recycling bin?Participants Answer

Yes No Unsure

Plastic bags


Milk Bottle

Food scraps

A glass bottle

Broken glass

Cling wrap

PART D: What would help you to recycle better?

Participants Answer

Yes No Unsure

More recycling bins supplied around the school

Labels placed on the bins showing what can go in the recycling bin

Better placement of current school recycling bins

Other suggestions (please list):_______________________________________________________________________________________________

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Activity Sheet 5:

TOPIC: Researching Behaviours

Survey Results Table – Comparing Behaviours Between Groups


Survey Questions Tally Total

Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure

PART B: Recycling Status

Do you recycle when you are at school?

Do your recycle when you are at home?

Do you think recycling is important?

Do you think that you have a good understanding of what can be recycled?

PART C: Should the following items be placed in the recycling bin?

Plastic bags


Milk Bottle

Food Scraps

Glass Bottle

Broken glass

Cling film

PART D: What would help you to recycle better?

More recycling bins supplied around the school

Posters showing what can go in the recycling bin

Better placement of current school recycling bins

Other suggestions (please list any interesting comments made by participants below:

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Activity Sheet 6:

TOPIC: Researching Behaviours

Survey Results Table: Comparing Gender BehavioursSurvey Questions

Tally Total

Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure

F M F M F M F M F M F MPART B: Recycling Status

Do you recycle when you are at school?

Do your recycle when you are at home?

Do you think recycling is important?

Do you think that you have a good understanding of what can be recycled?

PART C: Should the following items be placed in the recycling bin?

Plastic bags


Milk Bottle

Food Scraps

Glass Bottle

Broken glass

Cling film

PART D: What would help you to recycle better?

More recycling bins supplied around the school

Posters showing what can go in the recycling bin

Better placement of current school recycling bins

* F = Female* M = Male

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Activity Five: Communicate it to your mates!

Overview:Students develop a communications plan using the information gained from their behaviour survey to educate other students to recycle correctly, both at school and at home.

Duration:Part 1: 1 hourPart 2: 2 hours

Equipment: Butchers Paper

Coloured pencils or textas


Part 1: Writing a plan1. Divide your class into small groups and ask them to choose one of the target audiences identified as

potential “contaminators” in Activity Sheets 5 and 6 (pages 14 and 15). For example, it could be female adults or males aged 4-6.

2. Give them a copy of Activity Sheet 7 and get them to fill out the entire row for their target group.

3. Draw the table on a giant piece of butcher’s paper (ie. Stick four pieces together on a wall) and collate each groups information as they finish.

4. Once completed, ask each group one at a time, to stand up and present their response to the rest of the class.

5. Discuss openly any changes that need to be made to the plan or gaps that need to be filled.

6. Use part 2 of this activity as a tool to assist students to develop their programs and check the plan each week to make sure that students are meeting the timelines and evaluating their programs to see if they work. This could be treated as an assessment task if desired.

Part 2: Marketing your plan1. Ask students to join their same groups from Part 1 of this activity.

2. Explain that they are going to develop a marketing strategy to educate their particular target audience not to contaminate the school recycling bins. Note: they can build from the already existing RecyclingAnnie advertisement or design a completely new program.

3. Give them a copy of Activity Sheet 8 (page 18) and explain that they are to use it to help them brainstorm ideas for a marketing strategy. Once they have filled in the table, stick them all up on thewall.

4. Once they have filled this table in, ask students to use the images, symbols, messages and pictures that they developed to help them develop a design or plan for their action to change the behaviour of their particular target audience (from the information generated in the plan from Part 1).

5. For example, using the images, symbols, messages and pictures for the target group “Males – 4-6 year olds” design a poster showing what can go in the recycling bin and put them up around the school.

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Activity Sheet 7

TOPIC: Communicate it to your mates!

Target Audience Key Message Action Resources Who When Evaluation

Male 4-6 year olds at the school

It is important not to put polystyrene or plastic bags in the recycling bin

Eg. Develop posters showing what can go in the recycling bin and put them up around the school

Posters and school newsletter

Class 5/6 E & Mrs Smith

By Dec 2008 Talk to students to see if they understand the posters

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Activity Sheet 8:

TOPIC: Communicate it to your mates!

Think of a catchy message for the campaign Draw a picture to promote the campaign

Write a short story, like those in TV commercials Create a symbol or logo for the campaign


Target Group:

i.e. 4-6 year old males



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Activity Six: Visit your local MRF

Overview:This activity gives students the chance to see how their local MRF actually operates and get a tour around the facility. This is a great revision activity, however it is not essential for the overall delivery of this unit.

Duration:Part 1: 2 hoursPart 2: 40 minutes

Equipment: A bus to transport students to the facility.

A copy of the Alpha Ladder that the students produced in Activity 1 (page 3).

Some random objects, for example a pair of scissors, a pencil sharpener, a pair of tongs, a shoe etc

Butchers paper and coloured pencils or textas.


Part 1: Visit the MRF1. Contact your local MRF (details listed below) to organise a time for your students to tour the facility.

Company Shire Regions Address Phone Number

Cleanaway, Wodonga Wodonga, Indigo & Towong 23 Kane Rd, Wodonga (02) 6024 4590

Cleanaway, Shepparton Mansfield & Benalla 73 Old Dookie Rd, Shepparton (03) 5831 6270

Wangaratta Recycling Centre Wangaratta & Alpine 9-15 Kerr St, Wangaratta (03) 5721 3341

Part 2: Design your own MRF machinery1. When you are back in the classroom place a copy of the Alpha Ladder that was produced during

Activity 1 (page 3) on the wall. Don’t however draw attention to the fact that you have the Alpha Ladder displayed, those observant students will notice it and use the words as motivation during the activity.

2. Split your class into groups of 3-4 and give each group a sheet of butchers paper, some coloured pencils or textas and place one of your ‘random’ objects in the centre of each group’s table.

3. Explain to students that they are going to do some creative thinking and are to design a machine that could be used in the MRF. Their designs are to be inspired by the object that has been placed in the centre of their table.

4. Make sure that they do not get too focused on what the object is for, it is purely there for inspirational purposes. For example, the group with the scissors may end up developing a machine that cuts paper and cardboard into tiny little pieces before wrapping it all together in a big ball of string to be sold to the newspaper mill.

5. Give the students about 15 minutes to finish their designs and then get each group to present their design and explain how it functions to the rest of the class.

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Activity Seven: Let us reflect!

Overview:This activity allows students an opportunity to reflect on what they have learnt during the unit, as well as, evaluate the success of their marketing strategies and the overall contamination communication plan.

Duration:1 hour

Equipment: Access to the internet (optional)

Activity:1. Explain to your students that this is an opportunity for them to reflect on what they have learnt during

this unit and revise what they already know.

2. Also help them to understand that this is their final opportunity to explore anything that they didn’t feel was covered during the unit but that they would like to know, or for them to make any final improvements to their communications plan.

2. Display all of the information collected during the unit around the classroom and draw the table below onto the board. Give students time to individually copy the table into their books.

3. Give them an opportunity to fill out the table for 1-5 minutes in complete silence for individual reflection, after which you can allow them to discuss their points with their neighbour.

4. Once the class feels like they cannot write anymore, go around the room and one at a time, ask each individual to pick one point that they would like to be put up on the table on the board. Don’t repeat any that are already there.

5. When completed, have an open discussion with the class about the ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ points and then go through the ‘interesting’ points.

6. If there are any points that need to be further investigated, then ask students to research them and report their findings during your next class.

+ Plus - Minus ? Interesting Eg. The other students really liked

the posters that we developed Eg. They still didn’t change their

behaviour much Eg. Perhaps we should try moving

the bins closer together so they don’t have so far to walk to separate their waste.

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Unit 2 Recycling Annie


Activity Description of Activity

Links to VELS (DOMAIN: Dimensions)

1. Where does our recycling go?

Alpha Ladder relating to Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)

COMMUNICATIONS: Listening, viewing and responding

Students develop interpretations of the context and provide reasons for them

2. Contamination is P-P-Putrid

Part 1

Group work on why contamination is bad


Students summarise and organise ideas and information, logically and clearly in a range of presentations


Students work effectively in different teams and take on a variety of roles to complete tasks or varying length and complexity

Students accept responsibility for their role and tasks

THE ARTS: Creating and making

In their arts works, students communicate ideas and understandings about themselves and others, incorporating influences from their own and other cultures and times.

Part 2

Create a recycling rap

THINKING: Creativity

Students use creative thinking strategies to generate imaginative solutions when solving problems

THE ARTS: Creating and making

In their arts works, students communicate ideas and understandings about themselves and others, incorporating influences from their own and other cultures and times.

ENGLISH: Speaking and listening

Students plan, rehearse and make presentations for different purposes

Part 3

Create sculptures from


Students accept responsibility for their role and tasks

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Activity Description of Activity

Links to VELS (DOMAIN: Dimensions)

recycled and non-recycled products

THE ARTS: Creating and making

In their arts works, students communicate ideas and understandings about themselves and others, incorporating influences from their own and other cultures and times

Students consider purpose and suitability when they plan and prepare arts works for presentation to a variety of audiences


Students use their production plan and select and work safely with a variety of materials and systems components to produce functional products

3. Sort it out for Annie

Part 11. Silent card

shuffle on recycling

THINKING: Reasoning, processing and inquiry

Students distinguish between fact and opinion

Students develop reasoned arguments using supportive evidence

COMMUNICATIONS: Listening, viewing and responding

Students develop interpretations of the context and provide reasons for them

Part 2

Investigation of ‘other’ recyclables

THINKING: Reasoning, processing and inquiry

Students use a broad range of thinking processes and tools, and reflect on and evaluate their effectiveness

Students distinguish between fact and opinion

COMMUNICATIONS: Listening, viewing and responding

Students ask clarifying questions about ideas and information they listen to and view


Students use email, websites and FAQ facilities to acquire from or share information with peers, and known and unknown experts

Using recommended search engines, students refine their search strategies to locate information quickly

Part 3 The Final


THINKING: Reasoning, processing and inquiryStudents distinguish between fact and opinion

Reflection, evaluation and metacognition

Students articulate their thinking processes

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Activity Description of Activity

Links to VELS (DOMAIN: Dimensions)


Students use email, websites and FAQ facilities to acquire from or share information with peers, and known and unknown experts

Using recommended search engines, students refine their search strategies to locate information quickly

4. Research Behaviours

Behaviour survey of your school’s recycling

MATHEMATICS: Measurement, chance and data Students recognise and give consideration to different data types in forming questionnaires and sampling Students present data in appropriate displays (for example pie chart for eye colour and a histogram for

grouped data of students heights)

Working mathematically Students use the mathematical structure of problems to choose strategies for solutions Students explain their reasoning and procedures and interpret solutions

COMMUNICATIONS: Listening, viewing and responding Students develop interpretations of the context and provide reasons for them Students explain why peers may develop alternative interpretations

5. Communicate it to your mates

Students develop communications plan from behaviour change survey

THINKING: Creativity

Students use creative thinking strategies to generate imaginative solutions when solving problems

Reasoning, processing and inquiry

Students distinguish between fact and opinion

DESIGN, CREATIVITY AND TECHNOLOGY: Investigating and Designing

Students generate and communicate alternative design ideas in response to a design brief and use words, labelled sketches and models, to demonstrate that they are aware of environmental and social constraints

Students take account of the views of users/consumers and produce step-by-step plans for making products

Students describe how their intended product will function or be used and what it will look like in the context of the design brief

Analysing and evaluating

Students reflect on their designs as they develop them and use evaluation criteria, identified from design briefs to justify their design choices

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Activity Description of Activity

Links to VELS (DOMAIN: Dimensions)

6. Visit your local MRF

Visit MRF and then design recycling machine

THINKING: Creativity

Students use creative thinking strategies to generate imaginative solutions when solving problems

Students demonstrate creativity in their thinking in a range of contexts and test the possibilities of concrete and abstract ideas generated by themselves and others

DESIGN, CREATIVITY AND TECHNOLOGY: Investigating and Designing

Students generate and communicate alternative design ideas in response to a design brief and use words, labelled sketches and models, to demonstrate that they are aware of environmental and social constraints

Students take account of the views of users/consumers and produce step-by-step plans for making products

Students describe how their intended product will function or be used and what it will look like in the context of the design brief

Analysing and evaluating

Students reflect on their designs as they develop them and use evaluation criteria, identified from design briefs to justify their design choices

7. Let us reflect PMI to reflect and evaluate what students have learnt

THINKING: Reflection, evaluations and metacognition

Students document changes in their ideas and beliefs over time