unit #1 review quiz, 2013-2014

Unit #1 Review Quiz, 2013-2014 Grade: «grade» Subject : Aquatic Science Date: «date»

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Unit #1 Review Quiz, 2013-2014. Grade:. «grade». Aquatic Science. Subject:. «date». Date:. 1. Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor:. A. dead plankton. B. fast moving water. C. a low level of dissolved oxygen. D. a nitrite concentration of 0.05 ppm. 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Unit #1 Review Quiz, 2013-2014

Unit #1 Review Quiz, 2013-2014


Subject:Aquatic Science


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1 Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor:

A dead plankton

B fast moving water

C a low level of dissolved oxygen

D a nitrite concentration of 0.05 ppm

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2 Which of the following fish would have placoid scales:

A bass

B catfish

C salmon

D tiger shark

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3 Which of the following fins is used to generate forward motion in the majority of fish:

A pectoral

B pelvic

C dorsal

D caudal

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4 The ostracoderm is thought to be the first species with:

A A backbone

B A mouth

C A jaw

D A spinal cord

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5 You are in the Pacific Ocean deep sea fishing. The first fish you catch has small, but fully functional eyes. The second fish has very large eyes. At which depth would each of these fish most likely live?

A Fish 1 - deep water, Fish 2 - shallow water

B Fish 1 - deep water, Fish 2 - deep water

C Fish 1 - shallow water, Fish 2 - deep water

D Fish 1 - shallow water, Fish 2 - deep ocean cave

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6 A climax community is characterized by

A population increase

B population decrease

C population mortality

D population stability

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7 True or False: Taste buds can be found on many different extremities of a fish.



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8 The role of an organism within its environment is best described as its:

A community

B biome

C habitat

D niche

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9 Which of the following is the formula for ammonia:

A NH3+

B NH3-


D NH4+

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10 What percent of energy is "lost" to the environment as energy moves up an ecological/food pyramid?

A 10%

B 25%

C 65%

D 90%

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11 Which of the following would be considered an adaptation to an environment:

A Fish that live in the open ocean are often colorful

B Fish that are dominant predators have relatively small teeth

C Fast swimming fish only have a soft dorsal fin

D Fish that live in a low-light environment have large eyes.

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12 True or False: The limiting factors of a habitat depend upon that habitat's carrying capacity.



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13 A community is made up of

A a group of populations

B a group of individuals

C a group of organisms

D a group of biomes

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14 Which of the following is a substance/organism that removes dangerous TAN from an aquatic system:

A algae

B terrestrial plants

C feces

D nitrate

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15 Overnight the temperature in your aquarium went from 35oC to 25oC. What would happen to the approximate metabolic rate of your cold-blooded aquatic organisms?

A It would remain unchanged

B It would double the original rate

C It would be one half the original rate

D It would be one quater the original rate

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16 Which anatomical/sensory feature prevents schooling fish from bumping into each other:

A Spinous dorsal

B Dorsal Line

C Lateral Line

D Spinous Lateral

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17 The following type of fish scale is called:

A ganoid

B cycloid

C ctenoid

D placoid

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18 You notice that one of your fish has a severely distended abdomen, the scales around the abdomen are popping off, and the fish refuses to eat. This fish most likely has:

A a swim bladder infection

B ammonia toxicity

C a nematode worm

D dropsy

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19 You would see the following scale type on which type of fish:

A fast moving

B ancient fish

C large fish

D recently evolved fish

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20 You notice one of your fish is scrapping itself against rocks. This is most likely due to _______ and can be described as a ________ relationship.

A flukes, mutualistic

B flukes, parasitic

C ick, mutualistic

D ick, parasitic


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21 The first limiting factor in any aquatic system is:

A Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

B Total Ammonia/Nitrogen (TAN)

C Dissolved Carbon Dioxide (DCO)

D Total Amaxia/Noxious (TAN)

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22 The species involve in primary succession are termed as:

A pioneer succession

B primary producers

C pioneer species

D primary species

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23 You notice that your fish are eating less and are occasionally listless. After two weeks of this behavior, one of your fish dies and the others continue to behave the same as before. This is an example of:

A Acute mortality

B Peracute mortality

C Chronic mortality

D Spontaneous mortality

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24 Which of the following fins is located on the most posterior portion of the fish:

A Soft Dorsal Fin

B Caudal Fin

C Pectoral Fin

D Pelvic Fin

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25 A bloom of phytoplankton has turned a normally clear portion of the ocean into a murky/cloudy portion. This section of water can be best described as having:

A Low turbidity

B High turbidity


D High TAN

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26 Cycloid scales found on salmon and carp are best described as:

A “one-way” with sharp edges

B Diamond-shaped, shiny and hard

C Smooth surfaces and smooth, overlapping edges

D Rough surfaces and serrated, overlapping edges

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27 A group of zebrafish are put through a series of ongoing stress experiments over 3 months. Which of the following is NOT a likely result:

A elevated levels of cortisol

B a general increase in appitite

C an increase in occurance of secondary infections

D shrunken and/or damaged spleens

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28 A limiting factor within an aquatic system is dissolved oxygen. Assume that a stocked pond has 150 fish & other species, but a sudden change in temperature causes the available DO to drop…now only being able to support 80 fish & other species. What would you expect to see if you were observing this pond?

A A stabilization in population numbers

B A decrease in the population

C A slight population growth

D An increase in the presence of amphibious life

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29 All of the following are examples of stressors EXCEPT:

A Adequate shelter

B Too much food

C A spike in pH levels

D Tapping on the glass of an aquarium

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30 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is the protozoan that causes “white spot” disease, or “ick.” Ichthyophthirius is the____________.

A Species

B Genus

C Kingdom

D Phylum