unit #: 2 from matter to organisms grade: 5 · unit #: 2 – from matter to organisms grade: 5 unit...

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students make models that trace the flow of energy and matter in ecosystems. They investigate the needs of plants and gather evidence that all organisms produce waste. They explain how animals depend upon one another as components in an interconnected system DCI’s: LS1.A LS1.B LS1.C PS3.D Anchoring Phenomena: Matter changes through energy flow to create organisms and maintain ecosystems. SEP’s: Engaging in Argument from Evidence Developing and Using Models Essential Questions: 1. What matter do plants need to grow? 2. How does matter move within an ecosystem? 3. How does energy move within an ecosystem? CC’s: Energy and Matter Systems and System Models

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Page 1: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms

Grade: 5

Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms

PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1


Students make models that trace the flow of energy and

matter in ecosystems. They investigate the needs of plants

and gather evidence that all organisms produce waste.

They explain how animals depend upon one another as

components in an interconnected system

DCI’s: LS1.A LS1.B LS1.C PS3.D

Anchoring Phenomena: Matter changes through energy flow to create organisms and maintain ecosystems.

SEP’s: Engaging in Argument from Evidence Developing and Using Models

Essential Questions:

1. What matter do plants need to grow?

2. How does matter move within an ecosystem?

3. How does energy move within an ecosystem?

CC’s: Energy and Matter Systems and System Models

Page 2: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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Suggested Phenomena

Performance Expectation(PE)

Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI)

Suggested Activity

Science & Engr.

Practices (SEP)

Crosscutting Concepts


General Sherman How does a giant Sequoia grow?

5-LS1-1 LS1-C Grow seeds or a plant in a controlled environment to see what a plant’s needs really are. Ex. Grow a plant in water alone and/or in a close container to see what happens without air.

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Energy and Matter

General Sherman How does a giant Sequoia grow?

5-LS1-1 LS1-C Place celery or flowers in colored water to see water transportation and how a plant grows. Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Energy and Matter

Ecosystem What makes an ecosystem work?

5-LS2-1 LS2.A

Look at an ecosystem. Use pictures and/or observational charts1 and have students make observations. Use pictorial2 from Project GLAD (or create your own) to show the parts of an ecosystem. Have students create model of a food web in a different ecosystem of their choice. Extension: Observe classroom ecosystem or outdoor ecosystem such as a terrarium or fish tank can be used to model food webs. A trip to a local nature center or park can also be a way to develop food web models.

Developing and Using Models

Systems and System Models

Page 3: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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Ecosystem What makes an ecosystem work?

5-LS2-1 LS2.A Have students explore PhET simulation on

https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/natural-selection to more deeply

understand the balance a food web needs.

Play the "Deer Me" Predator/Prey game with the class to experience changes in population

within an ecosystem. http://www.wolfquest.org/pdfs/Deer%20Me%20Lesson.pdf

Developing and Using Models

Systems and System Models

Ecosystem What makes an ecosystem work?

5-LS2-1 LS2.B To observe cycles of matter and energy in an ecosystem, put a plastic bag over leaves of a plant to see water residue and/or observe Rosemary plants in water to see gas bubbles from released gas. Extension: To go deeper into matter cycles, play Carbon Cycle Game: http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/pd/climate/teachingclimate/carbon_cycle_game.pdf And/or Nitrogen Cycle Game: https://scied.ucar.edu/activity/3114/print-all

Developing and Using Models

Systems and System Models

Fallen Leaves Where do fallen leaves go?

5-LS2-1 LS2.A LS2.B

A compost pile or a mold terrarium can be used to show how materials are broken down by

decomposers and the environment. Use: Mystery Science: Where do Fallen Leaves Go?

Developing and Using Models

Systems and System Models

Energy Uses in Body (pictures)3 What makes Curry sweat? What makes a baby grow?

5-PS3-1 PS3.D LS1.C

Use Energy Flow Activity4 in the attached 5E Lesson Plan. Developing and Using Models

Energy and Matter

Page 4: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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What causes a tree to grow? What makes a scar heal?

1.Desert Observational Pictures

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2. Pictorial- Desert- Project GLAD, Orange County

Unit: Classifications and Interdependence Ecosystems (Gr 4)

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3. Phenomena Pictures

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4. Suggested 5E Lesson Plan created by 5th/2nd Grade CLT/TL (Kelly/SWP)

Energy Uses in the Human Body

Lesson Sequence Concept: Use models to describe that energy in animals' food (used for body growth, repair, and motion and to maintain

body warmth) was once energy from the sun.

Performance Expectation: 5-PS3-1 Use models to describe that energy in animals' food (used for body growth, repair, and motion and to

maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun.

Page 12: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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DCI: PS3.D Energy released from food was once energy from the sun that was captured by plants in the chemical process that forms

plant matter (from air and water).

Practices: use models to describe phenomena

Cross Cutting Concept: energy can be transferred in various ways between objects

Phenomena: Changes from sprout to tree, baby to man, Curry before and after a game, and cut to healed scar.

Teacher Does Student Does Concepts


Have pretzels on the table for students to eat. Show

PowerPoint with pictures and ask the following


What causes the tree to grow?

What causes the baby to grow?

What is causing Curry to sweat?

How was her hand able to heal?

Have a whole class discussion going over students'

responses to the questions. Make a class chart that

records their explanations.

Students will eat and write their

explanations that answer the questions in

their notebooks to answer the posed



It rained, the sun,


Food, parent care, they get older.

Movement, played a game, he

ran, it's hot.

New skin cells, stiches brought

the skin back together.

Share out answers as a whole class.

All living things get energy from the sun


Page 13: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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Give pictures of a food web to students and tell

them to make a flow chart (tell a story/put them in

order) showing where the energy comes from and

where it goes. (at least five minutes)

Students work with partner to make a flow

chart with pictures. They will tape the

pictures to a paper. They will share with

their group after working with their partner.


Show Flocabulary video (or similar video on energy

transfer) "energy transfer" to class.

With their elbow partner, students reorganize their

flow chart.

Have students design an investigation with their

partner to see if plants really need the sun to grow.

Share out as a whole class.

Show clip on energy uses.

Start at 3:00

Stop at 3:41


Have students stand up and get ready to move. Put

on music so they can dance or exercise to. Have

them think of what is happening to their body. Ask:

How did you get the energy to move? Energy does

not disappear where is the energy going?

Students watch the video to gather


Students help their elbow partner reorganize

the flow chart.

Students work with their partner and write

their ideas in the notebook. Share out as a

whole class.

Students watch and respond to the video.

Students can fix their flow chart as they

direct the teacher to fix the chart on the


Students watch video and dance along with

it. They then respond to the questions.

Plants use the sun's energy to make food.

Animals get their energy from plants

and/or other animals.

Plants and animals use energy for growth,

repair, and movement.

Energy transfers back to the environment

in the form of heat.

Page 14: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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Refer to flow chart and tie together the transfer of


Students make connections with their



Have students create a model/visual on notebook

paper working backwards that shows the energy

transfer they experienced for themselves.

Revisit poster with previous students' explanations.

Ask if they are correct/how they could be revised.

Give students an exit slip (post it) so they can write

down gots/needs.


If we went to Mars what would you need to


Students complete this task independently.

Students generate corrections/revisions.

Students write their gots/needs and put

them up on the way out the door.

Make a model to describe the energy in

animals' food (used for body growth,

repair, motion, and to maintain body

warmth) was once energy from the sun.

Page Break

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Suggested 5E Lesson Sequence –

Lesson Sequence Concept:

Performance Expectation:



Cross Cutting Concept:


Teacher Does Student Does Concepts

Engage: ESR:

Page 16: Unit #: 2 From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 · Unit #: 2 – From Matter to Organisms Grade: 5 Unit of Study: From Matter to Organisms PE’s: 5-LS1-1 5-LS2-1 5-PS3-1 Storyline: Students

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(see below)

Have students read.

Use close reading strategy.



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Revisit Essential Questions

Ask students to answer the

essential question again

drawing a line of learning

using what they learned



Students answer questions

based on what they've

learned or complete a
