unit 2 part 1 test review

Unit 2 Part 1 Test Review Chapters 6-10

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Unit 2 Part 1 Test Review. Chapters 6-10. In India, what groups were most likely to convert to Islam?. What does Islam mean?. The post classical period between the fall of Rome and the 15 th century is known as the?. What was the nature of pre-Islamic B edouin religion? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Unit 2 Part 1 Test Review

Chapters 6-10

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In India, what groups were most likely to convert to Islam?

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What does Islam mean?

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The post classical period between the fall of Rome and the 15th century is known as the?

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What was the nature of pre-Islamic Bedouin religion?

Hint: This is asking you what types of religion(s) were present prior to Islam

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What were the primary exports of the Byzantine empire?

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List the 5 Pillars of Islam….

Worth 1 point each

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The system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their

peasants laborers was called?

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When one field is left fallow and the other two crops are planted and then rotate each year this

is called the ______________ system.

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What were the leaders of Bedouin clans called?

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What was the religious and political successor of Muhammad called?

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What form of Christianity emerged in the Byzantine empire?

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The concept of community of the faithful in Islam that transcended clan boundaries was is

the Islamic _________?

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What did Benedict of Nursia do?

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The arrival of what institution had the most significant impact of sub-Saharan Africa?

Hint: An institution can be a government or religion

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Where was the political and religious center of Islam moved to under the Umayyads?

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What was the great church built by Justinian?

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What fictional book was written to describe the court life of the Caliph al-Rashid?

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During the Crusades, which side adopted military techniques, words, science, etc…

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In the Abbasid social system, who did most of the unskilled labor?

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Which empire was seen as a direct continuation of the Roman empire?

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What was the issue that caused the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches to split?

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What group within Islam emphasized mysticism and a personal relationship with Allah?

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The Crusades were invasions of western Christians into Muslim lands to establish

kingdoms and capture what holy city?

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How did Islam spread to southeast Asia?

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What were Cryil and Methodius responsible for creating?

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Relationships between military elite based on a reciprocal exchange of land for military service

and labor was called?

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What was the chronological order of the conquerors of Baghdad?

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What group migrated throughout sub-Saharan Africa diffusing iron metallurgy?

Hint: Iron Metallurgy is working with metals

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What was Africa’s commercial economy based on during this time?

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What was the most significant cause of the growth of cities in Afro-Eurasia in the period of

1000 – 1450?

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What was the rule of succession to the office of Caliph during the Abbasid dynasty?

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A society that is organized around kinship or other forms of obligation that lack the central

political power and authority are referred to as ___________ societies.

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What was the most important Christian kingdom in Africa?

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The grassland belt at the southern edge of the Sahara that served as a point of exchange

between the forests of south and north Africa are called the?

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What document was issued by King John limiting the power of the monarchs called?

Hint: Our Constitution/Bill of Rights is based on this document

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What was the capital of the Byzantine empire?

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What Byzantine emperor was responsible for a surge in construction?

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Arabic Camel nomads were referred to as?

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What region converted to Orthodox Christianity to be like the Byzantines?