unit 20 - assignment 2, p3, m2 and d2 work

HSFC Unit 20 – Human Resources in Hospitality Assignment 2 (P3, P4, M2, D2)Appraisal, Grievance, Disciplinary and Termination Procedures in Hospitality Colette GOULD 11153 2/15/2013 LO 2 – Understand Recruitment, Selection and Induction procedures in Hospitality Businesses – covered in Unit 6 – preparation for employment - P3/M2/D1 and P5

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Unit 20 – Human Resources in Hospitality

Assignment 2 (P3, P4, M2, D2)Appraisal, Grievance, Disciplinary and Termination Procedures in Hospitality

Colette GOULD 11153


LO 2 – Understand Recruitment, Selection and Induction procedures in Hospitality Businesses – covered in Unit 6 – preparation for employment - P3/M2/D1 and P5

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Colette Gould,Unit 20, Human resources in hospitality, LDB

P3 - This assignment needs to be clearly set out in 3 parts; appraisal procedures, disciplinary and grievance procedures, termination procedures.There are a lot of different disciplinary procedures in a work place which are all put in place to protect a business and the employee. Each procedure covers a different aspect of the work place whether it’s to do with an argument inside the business between employees, not respecting the work rules and laws or doing so well in your aspect of the job and is entitled to more. For the employee there are procedures in place to protect their health this can be physical or mental health. Both of these are defined in different ways such as; physical health referring to a disease inside the body like AIDS and physical damage like cuts and bruises whereas, mental health is known to be depression and mental illnesses.

Appraisal procedures (business perception)Appraisals are a business’s way of keeping staff on track. In most organisations they have a formal process that give employees a regular review with their line manager this will be once or twice a year. There are two different names for this type of process; appraisal system or performance review. Either way it operates in the same way. Appraisals are put in place as a way to access and review the work performance of the employee and identify staff development and training needs. The way this is followed out is the employee will fill out a form that will identify; areas they have done well since the last review, areas they have improved since last review and any weak areas they would like to develop in the future. Once this form is completed a scheduled date will be arranged with the employee and the line manager at a mutually convenient time for the both of them. The last review and recent review will be discussed in the interview and the main focus will be the targets/objectives meet and new targets will be set in place for the next review. TGI Friday’s they have an appraisal system in place that helps the business improve more and more so with each day as when, a new employee starts they will have a buddy to help them in training and then they will be there for them for their first few shifts to help them through. For the business that sets them up with a friend that they can turn to and learn new things from as they get fitted in with the business. This sets the business up for improvements and gives the employees someone to turn to in a moment of worry. Marriot have a buddy system in which they do the same and this helps as they are investing in the employee and shows the business care about them. It helps the business as they the new employee is learning from an experienced employee. They do also have pins at TGI Friday’s to give employees something to work for and give them a little ‘hype’ to show off, etc. This gives them a material piece of evidence to show their work is being observed and noticed.

Appraisals procedures (employee perspective) For me working at TGI Friday’s I never felt lonely with having a buddy who was so experienced that they were working towards a promotion. It made me feel comfortable and accepted as part of the team as I had to work alongside another employee as a team. The training was covered to maximum even the little jobs that wouldn’t be doing normally I got training in which helps me go the extra mile for other team members nowadays. It also, helps me when it comes to asking about something I am unsure about for I can ask my buddy if not him on the managers I have become familiar too. Every now and then at work however, there are some things I am unfamiliar with which when I and an

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experienced member have time we will go through it step by step to help me out if not my buddy and they will help me to do new things I may have never thought about. Also, when doing my review for the first time I learnt a few new things such as; my breakdown duties, my handover duties and my set-up duties which I have never really ever thought about doing. Having my review and my buddy has opened me up to new colleagues I’d never find myself talking to at first. Having my buddy it’s helped me learn other people’s names and having so many managers I know who to come to when things get on top of me and the managers I should turn to mainly. Soon enough, when I have my next review the company may see me improving and showing my skills a little more and if a vacancies opens up I may be able to apply for a promotion like my buddy which can get me a little more excited and willing to show my skills and ability. Although, I have worked at TGI’s for 3-4 months and have only just got a “WOW” pin to show my ability throughout one of my shifts it made me feel a little good inside after completing my review and knowing what I need to improve to reach expectations of the workplace. I have however, had a grievance within the workplace as a grievance is a disagreement between employees me and 2 other employees had a disagreement and I was unhappy about the way it was put. My duties were changed and I had to do extra and I was happy to do this however, I was pestered and constantly reminded me like I was in primary school to do something that I knew I had to do but I was prioritising. I took it up to the manager and the way they resolved this was to have a meeting with both employees separately to hear both sides of the story and then a meeting with both present. By doing this we got to discuss both sides and resolve problems afterwards I was to write a written diary of what happened that day which, would be put in my folder at work. There are many different types of grievances that could occur at TGI Friday’s and any workplace and there are different ways that they sort them out. There are extra training courses, meetings and unpaid time off.

Disciplinary procedure A Procedure is Specific rules and ways things should be done in a company to ensure the same outcome and service. The disciplinary procedure is put in place to warn that a job is a privilege to have and that abusing the policies put in place has a consequence. The disciplinary procedure is in place for the business to keep them safe with consequences to protect their business if employees were to try and bend the rules of the business. It’s to keep the business running smoothly and without disruption. Grievances can be over harassment, hours of work or pay etc. and should try to be dealt with informally with the manager. These complaints should be dealt with informally with the manager but if the situation persists a grievance can be lodged. Grievances at Marriott have included harassment, hours of work, racism, sexism and pay. The disciplinary procedure includes a verbal warning, written warning, final written warning and dismissal. There are different acts in the contract that is written up by the company for you to know what to expect from the company and what they expect from you. It gives you contracted hours so that there is no concern about that unless something is too happen unexpected. There is also, in the contract stuff written up about the pay that you are to receive per hour, per month, per year. You can have a grievance about pay if, you receive a lower rate of pay, bonuses or less favourable terms than a male colleague doing the same or broadly similar job or your employer has carried out a job evaluation scheme and your job has been given the same rating or grade as a man in a completely different job. And you have been receiving lower pay or bonuses or less favourable terms. And, your job requires a similar level of skills, knowledge, and experience to a male colleague who does a completely different job. And you have been receiving lower pay, bonuses or less favourable terms. This can also relate to sexism

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grievances that can occur in the work place. Grievances can occur if something in the business is to change or if there is changes in the attitude of the staff working in the company. For they can affect the employees feeling and the environment of the work place. However, the Marriott hotel has a disciplinary procedure to ensure associates perform effectively. They believe that coaching and counselling are important steps to a well-run department and hotel. However, because the Marriott have such good values for their business they will not have to follow out these procedures as much for they look after their staff with each employee following out their values and business ethics of “to be the number 1 hospitality company in the world” as well as, “put people first. Pursue excellence. Embrace change. Serve the world.” And “Serve the community and protect the environment” With such good values and procedures in place to help the business will run smoothly and less disciplinary procedures will be taken. There is however, an appeal procedure for if you wish to appeal against any disciplinary warning or decision to dismiss. This is done in writing and should apply within 5 working days. This will result in a meeting and after the appeal meeting you will be informed of the final decision. This is done in all work place companies as it gives them a chance to be listened to and gives all staff equal rights. Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) aims to improve organisations and working life through better employment relations. Acas could be brought in if a member of staff was being treated unfairly or if there was an accusation against them that they felt was unfair or not politically correct. The employee may ring Acas at any point that an employee feels picked on or not given the best chance to shine and they would offer high class training or advice for the employee. At the Marriot their purpose of the disciplinary is to ensure the business runs effectively. Coaching and counselling are offered but if this is exhausted the manager of the staff members department will proceed with disciplinary procedures. There is such a thing as an employment tribunal these are an independent legal body established to resolve disputes between employers and employees over employment rights. The tribunal will hear claims about employment matters such as unfair dismissal, discrimination, wages and redundancy payments. There is also, the Institute of Hospitality, founded as the Institutional Management Association in 1938. This is the professional body for individual managers and aspiring managers working and studying in the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. HCIMA provides members with designatory letters which confer a respected acknowledgement of an individual's qualifications and specific industry experience.

Termination proceduresThe termination or cancellation of a contract signifies the process whereby an end is put to whatever remains to be performed there under. There are a few different procedures and policies that can come under the termination policies for there is; redundancy compulsory or voluntary, restructure, dismissal and retirement. One type of termination; redundancy this is a policy that happens when a company falls into recession which affects the whole company and the employees that are employed by a company. When it comes to redundancy every member of staff have to sign forms about being aware of the situation and financial situation but can go on for several months and then comes through a notice about being made redundant and have to sign more papers, but you still get paid for helping close down the store. In particular a company recently gone into recession; Birthdays went through their policy an employee would get a booklet in the post about the redundancy and in this booklet they get the financial side of their redundancy. This type of redundancy is the type that is compulsory. The employee would have to feel out the booklet with questions about pay and how long you’ve worked with them and you send it off the time you’ve

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worked and the rate of pay creates the how much pay you get for being made redundant. There is a type of redundancy that can be voluntary for example; say there is an employee that has worked for the company for a long time and is close to retirement they may want to volunteer to gain an early retirement and get paid leave for this. This is an easy option for the company to go down to reduce numbers of employee’s to gain back profits and their company as it can sometimes follow up to a compulsory redundancy.

Although, Marriott strives to use redundancy only in the worst case scenario it does however, have a termination procedure in their contract of employment, they requires notice by both the employee and Marriott this is; 3 months = 1 week, 3 months, 4 years = 4 weeks, 5 years plus = 1 extra week per year of service up to 12 years. The definition of dismissal is an official notice of discharge from employment or service. Silversea cruises does say in their employee handbook that dismissal may be with or without notice depending on the circumstances, and may occur whether or not warnings have been issued (Continuing from the disciplinary procedure). The employee will be, entitled to appeal against any disciplinary or dismissal taken. Resignation is an act of resigning and it’s a formal document stating one's intention to resign from the job.

At Silversea Cruises they offer a resignation procedure in which you (the employee) can resign but have to do so by written notice this is specified in your statement. There is such a thing at a work place called “voluntary resignation” for when a company needs to cut down on costs and needs to get rid of staff they will offer voluntary resignation in which, you could take up get the payoff you have earned or even take early retirement when this happens. Job restructuring is changing the work content of a job so that the employee derives greater satisfaction from it. It is accomplished either by adding more tasks of similar nature (horizontal restructuring) or by transferring tasks from the next level (vertical restructuring). At TGI Friday’s they have a specific procedure they go through to complete job restructuring they will have managers in the store and the employees will be given leave some will have paid leave or some can have the choice to take holiday time off instead of being unpaid and not working. They will have different managers take shifts to look after the store whilst being restructured. It’s a strict procedure to make sure no danger is caused to employees in store.

M2 – assess the effectiveness human resource procedures together with relevant legislation in a hospitality business. This could relate to the recruitment and selection procedure, the induction programme or whether the Working Time Directive is being followed. Ensure you are making reference to a specific hospitality business.

Each business has their way for fulfilling the effectiveness of the legislation by their procedures in place I say this because I work for TGI Friday’s & I have been through the procedures in place. In each of the sections of legislation have their own procedures for example; recruitment and selection they have to be fair on the people that they employ. The definition of recruitment and selection is the step you go for a job when companies are looking for people to join or the way of narrowing down from a large group to find employees. However, legislation for this procedure does come into place to say that they must be fair on every person that applies. By this I will express the fact that TGI’s are effective in following the legislation on equal rights because they do employee people from

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17 to 40 years of age. They employee different cultures and different nationalities as they do not discriminate and this shows not only on paper but shows the effectiveness in store. The reason I say this because there are different age groups in each place of the store for example; at the door, in the kitchen and on the floor. By doing this people of the public can see that they fulfil the effectiveness of their procedures of the legislation.

It isn’t just the legislation of Equal rights that they fulfil the effectiveness of following procedures at TGI Friday’s. They follow through on many of their procedures as an employee at TGI Friday’s I can tell you this from experience. They don’t just follow out the legislation acts but also, their procedures they have put in place to keep staff on target and enjoying the work environment for example; the appraisal system and the progression and promotion. The reason I say this because when they say at the beginning of the work they tell you that you are appreciated and the way they show this is by giving you pins for the hard work you do and this isn’t just the same old pin every time each different thing you do you could get a pin for doing so. They are at the moment at TGI Friday’s creating a different type of appraisal system that could increase the happiness in the working environment. For TGI Friday’s this year they have been given the title of the 3 rd best working environment in the UK. They are actually working towards becoming number one for this achievement but are very proud of the fact that they are 3rd best in all the UK. At TGI Friday’s they also have meetings with all managers and all staff groups such as; serving assistants/door staff, waiting staff, bar staff and kitchen staff. In these meetings they will praise the staff separately and will encourage the staff that they are important wand will take any ideas from staff to increase the happiness of the environment and the staff in the company.

When it comes to the progression and promotion the company take this very seriously I know as I was a new employee for 2 months before the review for the staff. For this I didn’t have much to say in the review because I hadn’t been working long and wasn’t exactly comfortable at work as I didn’t know many people and it was during peak season (Christmas) So it was stressful and I had no time for myself. However, after a few weeks I had a PIP (Personal Improvement Plan) meeting to discuss how I could improve and how I could develop my skills at work. This was very easy to do because since the review I had become more comfortable with more people to talk to and come to know as well as got faster as I became comfortable with what I had to do. They have also, whilst I have been an employee they have promoted a few of the staff and have given many people a chance to have more chance to show themselves. It helps that the staff have an open door to the staff and you can be completely honest with each other if you have a problem with other members of staff or even have a problem with what you have to do.

However, when it comes to the induction procedure I do feel the company could improve when it comes to this. I say this because at TGI’s they are currently employing a lot of new people and I feel they are not going to be settled as they never get to know the people they are working with. Although, when it comes down to training I do feel that is very effective for this is something they succeed in. The reason for this is they get an experienced worker to train the new employee or even just the new person on their ‘OJE’ (on job experience) they will be trained up to know the works of the restaurant from one of the employees points of view.

Apply InterviewOJE (on

job exprience)

Starting the job

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The procedure they have in place at TGI Friday’s of; apply, interview, OJE and then if you get the job starting the job. Depending on who trains you on your OJE does depend on the level of training you get because the managers do not have time for this type of thing and the best way for a new employee to be trained is by a member of staff that does the job they need to be trained for. If they do give a good interview they can be placed on their OJE within a week. The interview contains many questions that get the good side out of you. They ask many questions like “What do you think of Friday’s?” “What is your favourite thing to do?” “What do you do in your free time?” these questions are important when you work for TGI Friday’s for staff members must give the good impression to customers and create a good vibe like it’s Friday every day.

TGI Friday’s have their own way of teaching their staff about the health and safety at work there are many pieces of papers you have to read after you do the OJE and get the job the manager will spare an hour after the OJE the week after and will sit with you and go through it all. They do not just have pieces of paper you go through and read about the health and safety about; Knives, personal hygiene, wet floor signs and the flags we use to protect our hands and arms from hot plates. After you have completed the papers you will sign and say you understand what is expected of you and then during the first 2 weeks of your shifts you are asked to complete the online activities to learn more about health and safety at work. The online activities are just online clips you watch and answer questions about you will do this until you get all the questions right. They follow this procedure out by having a disciplinary procedure if you do not complete it for all that member of staff’s shifts will be stopped if they do not complete it. This is very effective for they are very strict about the health and safety of the restaurant and do not want to have to lost staff over it. They do keep a check on you every time you come in to check you are still attempting it and do like it done within the first 2 weeks of starting the job.

The food hygiene procedure is similar if not the same as the health and safety at work procedure for it all comes under the same online activities. The website tracks your progress and with your unique login your manager can see your progress and your weak areas to help you improve. With the serving assistants being mainly just a food runner and not actually preparing food it’s mainly essential that they just remember the key things such as; persona hygiene and washing hands and jewellery procedures. The disciplinary procedure is the same as the health and safety at work for if the online activities are not completed by the first 2 weeks of starting the job you can have your shifts temporarily stopped until they are completed. They are posters up around the kitchen to remind people what they have to do to keep up with food hygiene procedures such as; washing your hands the ‘TGI’s’ way. Making sure you clean every part of your hands as well as for specific seconds because you should be washing your hands every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.

Luckily, for TGI Friday’s they have many people with the emergency first aid at work qualification and they are always about but the main procedure they have is to stop the need of the first aid that people are careful about knowing the section of the restaurant that they are to care for. For example; as a ‘busser’ I am responsible for the bussing stand in the kitchen as it is next to the glassware washer I am forever having to mop up the floor and making sure that there is a wet floor sign and that the mat is in place to prevent people slipping like I did a few weeks back. As not only did I hurt myself I did also smash 11 glasses. There is a first aid box in the office that sometimes is

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forgotten to be restocked. But no matter what they are always making sure accident report forms are always being filled out after every incident. They do make sure that you are sure you haven’t done anything serious and they also look after the employee in case of major events that they do have the time off they need. For example; when I did fall I physically felt like I could work the next day and they did get it covered for me as I gave them a day notice which wasn’t as much as they probably would have liked but enough for them to get a cover. They do try their hardest to give full effectiveness on their first aid procedures for its important especially in a restaurant however, they are very strict when it comes to the point of being sick for it’s a major influence on customers when they can physically see a member of staff does not like right in the face and are a bit pale. They say that a member of staff can only come in 48 hours after the last occurrence of the employee being sick.

Disability comes as a very serious offense when a company does not fulfil a person who is disabled needs. TGI’s do have training on this specific act for it’s important that a member of staff does know how to deal with people who are disabled whether it is a mental or physical impairment that makes them disabled. TGI Friday’s do offer a menu specifically for blind people as it is done is brail. And they also have ramps that make it accessible to wheelchairs. They’re many tables that are accessible by wheelchairs and crutches, etc. However, the only way to get to the upper dining or the bar is by stairs so this area could be improved to make it more accessible for them. The training for the disability act is also done online along with the food hygiene and health and safety at work and if not completed within the first 2 weeks of starting the job.

TGI Friday’s could improve when it comes to working time directive for they do put a little pressure on the full time workers for there was an argument in the kitchen a little while ago about a few of them doing so much overtime they are working themselves to sickness and one of them was sick. It could be developed so that they do pass some of the work to the part-time workers so that there is less stress on the full-time workers. Recently they did have to employee new serving assistants as they have become low on workers that can make it to the shifts. As many have other jobs or are full time workers elsewhere or even at college. However, they are giving the contracted hours to the staff members so that none are missing out and are given equal and contracted hours that they were promised.

D2 – analyse how human resource policy and procedures could be improved in order to increase the effectiveness of a hospitality business.You may wish to discuss the appraisal system that could possibly better motivate staff, or ways to motivate and encourage retention of talented staff

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or how to improve customer satisfaction. You should also be aware of the negative consequences of changes in procedure like insecurity for staff, pay linked appraisal can be divisive and burdensome for management.

TGI Friday’s has over four thousand one hundred and fourteen members of staff working in the business and has recently appeared in the Sunday time top 100 best companies to work for at 3 rd best. Although, this is true and has the best vibe and best motivation for its staff being one of the happiest places to work for there is always space to improve. I have already mentioned places in which they could improve in the paragraphs above for no company is perfect and cannot give more to their staff with staff giving in return for this appreciation for their work, time and effort.

I believe as an employee of TGI Friday’s there is an area that has been mentioned to me once or twice now and has been playing on my mind for a while this is the uniform at TGI Friday’s as a new employee along with one other we have different T-Shirts to other employee’s. With ours being read and black with the TGI Friday’s symbol on the top left of our T-Shirt and on the sleeve. All the other serving assistants have red and white stripped t-shirts that have kind of faded into more of a white and pink stripped t-shirt and it doesn’t exactly give off the fresh and clean look to the customers. On top of that, it doesn’t give us the unity feel to them that we are a family and all the same working as one. So one thing that could be improved to increase the motivation in the restaurant as well as giving the company a better look and more effective look of the equal rights policy by giving everyone the same t-shirts if not a new uniform. Although, this is only a small improvement it can give them a little head start on showing the customers that they are welcoming everyone and each is equal. To show that they are following the policies by putting this procedure in place so that equal rights can be seen easily and clearly. For many people have asked “why have you got a different t-shirt to me/everyone else?” It’s like I do something completely different and when it’s just me and another new serving assistant ‘bussing’ tables it’s like it’s just the ‘bussers’ uniform when we are just the same as all the other serving assistants. In retrospect giving all the serving assistants new t-shirts all the same it will give us more unity and give the customers and other members of the public a first impression that we all work closely together and that everyone is equal.

Although, there is a use of pins in TGI’s that represent there appraisal system and different things you do and achieve different things at work by completing a different theory of TGI’s they have many different types of theories such as; The “Plus, Zero and Minus” Theory, The “Employee Cloak” Theory, The “Best In Class” Theory and The “Oyster” Theory. The reason I mention these theories is because these theories are what make TGI’s a better place and if the staff follow them can create a reward for them. Although, they do already get 50% off their food at TGI’s for them and 3 others they do appreciate a bit of appraisal at work for what they do for the company. This is where the Theories come into the appraisal system for the “plus, zero and minus” theory puts emphasis on the importance of each and every transaction with each guest. Each transaction leaves an impression on the guest and falls into three categories: - Plus = A plus is a “WOW” and the guest will tell friends about the great experience.Zero = Nothing bad happened. “Will I go back – maybe”.Minus = When a negative transaction occurs, i.e. no one apologised, manager wouldn’t speak to them etc., the guest will tell friends about the bad experience.Obviously, the success of TGI Friday’s depends on the ‘pluses’. Their best advertisement is by word

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of mouth. This theory is how you gain a “WOW” pin for success of having a perfect shift with compliments coming back to the manager and to other members of staff. Which can motivate staff however, I must say being there for 6 months now I have only received one “WOW” pin and it doesn’t motivate me to do any better to be fair. An idea they could bring in could be end of month/year bonuses to encourage staff to get the best selling or make the most sales. We did do prizes during Christmas for those who sold the most of the best product every day. And people did find this fun but, it was only seasonal. If they were too however, do this but monthly or yearly for those who worked the hardest for the company and that they saw improving greatly over their shifts it could motivate the staff a little more and gain a little more for the company. When I say this I can think of a con for this idea as it can create stress for employees that may not be so skilled or well-trained or even just stressed for they may have a lot going on outside of work. So another way of increasing teamwork and motivation levels in the work environment could be to have nights out or meals out to bond the staff together and give them a chance to get to know each other a little better. It can also create a better environment in the work place not only for the customers seeing the team work together closely but also for the employees to feel comfortable with each other in asking for help or a hand or just in general.

Lastly, One last thing they could improve along with the working time directive giving the part time workers a chance to take on more shifts so that the shifts are given equally and not always offer to the full time staff that are getting so much overtime they are getting stressed. The last thing is they could have a better induction process when it comes to the physical training although, I feel I trained someone quite well and gave them some good skills I felt as if I could have done better myself in training her for she now has to ask a lot about other things she doesn’t know like food running and desserts. Also, the fact she didn’t know a lot of people’s names until a few weeks down the line. If they had a person who specialised in training or especially had an employee that had been with TGI’s for a while train the new employees up it would be more comfortable for the new employee as well as more benefiting for the company to have members of staff getting the right training for the job. Especially as a serving assistant should be able to do all; bussing, food running and desserts whereas; I was only trained in bussing and how to use the kitchen screen that helps you know what food goes to what table. I do feel it’s important for a company to have a strong induction programme filled with one on one times and teaching to give them an idea of what they are doing and then move onto getting them to know the other members of staff. As the TGI staff are usually on shift and with the restaurant open when they are training it’s hard to do the job you’re supposed to be doing and training a new team member to the best of your ability. So they could have an 2 employees on for the day and they could take turns in training the new member up it would give the new employee a chance to engage with 2 different members of staff and get them to engage in those that are close working with either one of them. For overall, the training of the staff can improve the motivation of the staff from the environment getting more comfortable and the knowledge of knowing exactly what to do and where to get the items you need from. Also, this can improve the customer satisfaction for with the employee knowing all they need to and what the customer wants and need without asking they can provide this for the best customer service.

There are consequences that can come about all these new ideas and changes that could be followed through that could affect the company negatively as you can tell as I have mentioned it in the above paragraphs. As I work at TGI’s I can tell you personally that I do not think these changes

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will affect the staff working in a negative way for they are all comfortable with change and will not disagree when change needs to be made as everyone does speak about the ways the company can change and are quite often mentioning things that could be change for reasons of disagreement or incidents that have happened. However, I can say that with the appraisal system of end of year or month bonuses can cause staff to become stressful trying their best to give the best service all the time and eventually they will get aggravated and selfish and work all for one instead of TGI’s way “Full hands in full hands out” meaning we all work together and we all are better for it. So there can be so many ups and downs to each change but there are always going to be other ways in which the company can improve and there is always space to improve especially with a company like TGI Friday’s.