unit 34 marketing

Unit 34, Marketing Videogames

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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Unit 34, Marketing Videogames

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App Icon Creation Top Tips

Use bright, complementary colors to draw in the audience you require. One example of this is the “Angry Birds” icon.

Use valid images, don’t use a picture of a girl if you have a car game and want serious players to come and use your app. Example: Gods Of Drifting.

Use things that will make it stand out, like have an odd shaped icon. Anything that is different is usually popular. One example is “Pool!”

The better the art, the more people will be tempted to downloading an app. If I see an app that has good art, I’ll probably download it. An example of this is “9 Clues: The Secret Of Serpent Creek

If possible use a family face. Or something someone can connect with. People will be much more likely to download a game if they already know the character. Examples: “Sonic The Hedgehog”, “Tapper Out” (which uses the Simpsons).

Here I will give 5 top tips to making an app icon, based on what I’ve seen from


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Typical Apps For My Target Audience

BBC iPlayer can stream all


Programs, which kids will


Angry Birds Space

Was a sequel to the

best selling game,

Angry Birds. This is

Pretty much the same

It just added powers.

Jetpack Joyride was game similar to Temple Run

And Flappy Bird, but way before then. A lot of kids

Bought it when it came out. Kids that like my game

would play this because it has a platformer vibe to


The Cartoon Network app allows

you to stream all TV shows from CN

With ease

Draw Something is an older

App, so there is a chance this

Might not but on there. However

I still know people that play it. It

Allowed you to challenge you’re

Friends by them having to guess

What you’ve drawn

Plants VS Zombies is a very

Popular phone game, that got DLC,

A sequel and better version of it

Made for Xbox One, which was more

Of a 3PS. The basic idea to leave plants

In the way of zombies so they cant get

To your house.

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Types of Players That Will Play My Game

Type of Player









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Market Segmentation

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Write Up On Segmentation

My game will be very specific for people, not core, just people that want to have fun. A very easy but fun explorative game. Children will like it because its easy, but not very repetitive because of the added power up bonus at the end of each level after defeating a boss. I’ve put it in the mainstream side because I feel with the right boost it could potentially be an addictive fun game. On the pie chart on the 4th slide, I side there would only be 10% of both killers and socializers on there. This is because there isn’t much to win at, a part from a small leaderboard, and some achievements. The achievers will like this game because there is a lot to be rewarded for, with things such as achievements and new power up items, which is why I put 30% on the chart. I thought 50% of people that play my game would be explorers, because here is exploring a player can do, catching special items that will alter gameplay, and defeating bosses to gain new abilities. Certain items make the game easier, but some will make the game almost impossible.

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6 Design Prototypes

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Feedback on initial ideas for app icon designs

Most people said they preferred the Pacman design

because it was comical, however they said that if I

could use that with the black and white one then it

would have a good effect and memorable look to it.

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Designing a Black and White Version Of My Logo

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Making My GreyscaleDesign.

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Greyscale Design

My greyscale prototype of the icon went down really

well, because of using themes of other ideas. I’m

thinking of design it with 3 different styles, one

bright and vibrant, using the main primary colours,

red yellow and blue. Another using a warm effect

sticking to the red orange and yellow style, and one

that looks cold using blues greens and turquoises.

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Merchandise Designs

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Choices of merch

I went through many ideas of merchandise I could use.

However I chose the beanie and the t-shirt with a pocket

because that is what is popular these days, I see a lot of

people wearing that style of top and the beanie. I figured

a current style would be better. My choice of sticker

works because I used the same thing that I used for the

top. I chose all of these designs because the link back to

the app icon.