unit iv retail locations

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  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    The Importance of Store Location

    - Store location is most often the

    first consideration in a store choice

    - Having a good location increases

    chances of developing a strong

    sustainable competitive advantage

    - Location decisions can be risky andshould be well-thought out

    *Involves large capital investment

    *Affects transportation costs

    *Affect human resource costs

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations



    *Size & characteristics of


    *Level of competition

    *Access to transportation

    *Availability of parking

    *Attributes of nearby stores

    *Property costs

    *Length of agreement (if


    *Population trends

    *Legal restrictions

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Choosing Particular Locations

    - Size of the trade area- Occupancy cost of the location- Pedestrian and vehicle customer traffic location- Restrictions on operations by property managers- Convenience of location for customers

    Trade area: the geographic area that encompasses most ofthe customers who would patronize a specific retail site

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    *Process of choosing

    Retail Location

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    * What types of locations are available toretailers?

    * What are the relative advantages of eachlocation type?

    *Why are some locations particularly wellsuited to specific retail strategies?

    * Which types of locations are growing inpopularity with retailers?


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    * Levels of location Decision & itsDetermining Factors

    Selection of city

    Size of citys

    trading area Population &

    growth trends

    Purchasingpower & itsdistribution

    No., size &quality ofcompetition

    Area within City


    attraction Quantitative &qualitativenature ofcompetition

    Availability of

    access route Zoning


    Area Expansionpotential

    Site decision

    Adequacy &


    Nature ofadjacent store

    Adequacy ofparking

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Market Analysis Model

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Shopping behavior ofconsumers

    - Size of Target Market/Demographic Ex: Spencer

    - Uniqueness of RetailOffering

    Location and Retail Strategy

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Convenience Goods

    - Shopping Goods

    - Specialty Goods

    Shopping Situations

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - General idea about product orservice

    - Relatively High unit price- Intensive selling efforts- Comparison

    - Buy infrequently &deliberatelyplanned

    - Can travel to buy

    Shopping Goods

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Knows what they want

    - Accepts no substitute- High price

    - Special efforts- Purchased in exclusive stores

    - Strong loyalty to product orbrand

    Specialty Shopping

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    : High rents and rising debt

    - Estimate max # of customers eligibleto purchase product or service

    - Estimate percentage of potentialcustomers

    - Estimate # times customers couldpurchase the product or service in ayear

    - Estimate highest density of targetmarket

    Size of Target MarketFor most retailers, the size of the target market and the location of the highest density of their

    target market will help determine where their business should be located.

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Location doesnt matter asmuch because the product is

    that important or unique

    Uniqueness of Retail Offering

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Above ground risks

    - Hazardous materials

    - Sign restrictions

    - Licensing requirements

    Legal Considerations

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Environmental Issues

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Zoning and Building Codes

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Types of Retail


    Free StandingLocations

    1. Neighborhood


    2. Highway Stores

    Unplanned businessdistricts/ centre

    1. Neighborhood business


    2. Downtown or CBD

    Plannedshopping centre

    1. Regional

    shopping Centre

    2. Neighborhood

    3. Specific market

    4. Occasion/Periodic market

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Types of Retail Locations

    - Freestanding Sites such asoutparcels and merchandise

    kiosks, no other outlets in the

    vicinity, need own pulling

    power and promotion to

    attract customers

    - Example: Grocer, highway

    dhabas, Pantaloon, Peter

    England in Nagpur, Lifestyle inBangalore, McDonalds on

    Mumbai- Pune highway.

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Convenience for customers

    - High vehicular traffic andvisibility

    - Modest occupancy costs- Easy parking

    - Separation from competition

    - Limited trade area when not

    around nearby retailers

    - Need pulling power &promotion

    - Usually located where thereis little pedestrian traffic- Lack of variety for shoppers

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    of Freestanding Locations

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Freestanding Sites

    Retail locations for an individual, isolated store unconnected to other retailers

    Outparcels Merchandise Kiosks

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Merchandise kiosks

    Small selling spaces, typically located in the walkways of enclosed

    malls, airports, train stations, or office building lobbies.

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Site Location

    Shoppers Stop is a free standing store, mostly located away from

    central business district. Thistype of retail location is basically anystand-alone building. It can be tucked away in aneighborhood

    location or right off a busy highway. Depending on the landlord,

    there aregenerally no restrictions on how a retailer should operate

    his business. It will probably haveample parking and the cost per

    square foot will be reasonable. The price for all that freedom

    may be traffic. Unlike the attached retail locations wherecustomers may wander in because they wereshopping nearby, the

    retailer of a free standing location has to work at marketing to get

    thecustomer inside.

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Small cluster- Lower occupancy costs- Higher pedestrian traffic- Nearness & availability

    - congestion

    - Older facilities, lack of space

    - Parking problems reduceconsumer convenience

    Neighborhood business districts/ CentreCity or Town Locations

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Neighborhood/ Main Streets vs. CBDs

    - Occupancy costs are generally lower than CBDs

    -Fewer people are employed

    - Smaller selection due to fewer stores

    - Range of entertainment is usually smaller

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Planned Shopping Centres

    - Shopping centers

    - One or more departmental stores- Serves large trading area

    - High rents

    - Attract customers across the city &


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Convenient locations

    - Easy parking

    -Low occupancy costs

    - Limited trade area

    - Lack of entertainment

    -No protection from


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Less than 1 million square feet More than 1 million square feet

    Shopping MallsLargest planned shopping centres

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    - Located in places of historicinterests or for tourists

    - Anchored by restaurantsand entertainment facilities

    - Generally targeted attourists, they may also

    attract local customers

    - A common element of thesecenters is entertainment,

    although some rely solely on

    the shopping experience

    Theme/Festival centers

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Other Location Opportunities

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    mobile caterers: bringing the mountain to Mohammad

    Office-goers are always on the look-out for quick, simple and cost-

    effective options for lunch.

    meals on wheelsselling low cost apparel in mobile Maruti Omnis

    mobile library


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - High pedestrian traffic

    - Sales per square foot are

    higher than mall stores

    - Rent is higher

    - Hours are longer

    - Inconvenient location forworkers means higher wages


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Good for businesses tryingto create a little hype

    - Good introduction for newstores or products

    - Provide visibility for abusiness

    - Provide additional salesduring holidays and special


    Temporary Locations (pop-up stores)

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Captive audiences

    - win-win arrangement

    - non-competingmerchandise


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    - Captive audiences

    - Wealthy customers

    - People with time on their




  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations



    *Agglomeration captures the countervailing effects of

    complementarily and competition among retailers

    *Intra-type - Stores of the same type locating near

    one another

    *Facilitates consumer search

    *Examples: motor miles and restaurant rows

    *Inter-type - Stores of different types locating near

    one another

    *Facilitates multi-purpose shopping, virtual one-stop-

    shopping, and offers a wider variety of goods to choosefrom

    *Examples: shopping centers and shopping malls

    Recognizes that consumers may use multiple stores to meet their

    needs - shopping strategically!!

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    Beauty Parlors within large college campuses or Ladies hostel

    Sports goods and apparel inside or opposite Gyms

    Gift shops opposite large wedding halls

    Consumer Durables near High rise apartment complexes

  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations



    Central hub concept

    Enables service to more locations withfewer aircraft

    Enables matching of aircraft flights withpackage loads

    Reduces mishandling and delay in transit

    because there is total control of packagesfrom pickup to delivery


  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations


    *Retail Site Selection

    *Kind of product sold

    *Cost factor

    *Competitors' location

    *Ease of traffic flow & accessibility


    *Market trends



  • 7/28/2019 Unit IV Retail Locations



    Location is a strategically importantdecision in the hospitality industry

    The final model had only four variables

    Price of the inn/ Positioning income levels

    State population per inn

    Location of nearby colleges