unitarian universalist church of tippecanoe

Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County 333 Meridian Street - West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 - uuctc.org March 26, 2017 March 26, 2017 March 26, 2017 March 26, 2017 Speaker: Kelly Besecke Worship Associate: Dianna Poindexter Pulpit Prep: Don Gresham Sound: Michael Lewis Fellowship Team: Josh and Linda Children Begin in Service

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Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe CountyUnitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe CountyUnitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe CountyUnitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe County 333 Meridian Street - West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 - uuctc.org

March 26, 2017March 26, 2017March 26, 2017March 26, 2017

Speaker: Kelly Besecke

Worship Associate: Dianna Poindexter

Pulpit Prep: Don Gresham

Sound: Michael Lewis

Fellowship Team: Josh and Linda

Children Begin in Service

Page 2: Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe

Order of Service for March 26, 2017Order of Service for March 26, 2017Order of Service for March 26, 2017Order of Service for March 26, 2017

Gathering MusicGathering MusicGathering MusicGathering Music Selections by Doug Hamm


PreludePreludePreludePrelude “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”

(Marilynn Ham)

Opening Words Opening Words Opening Words Opening Words “Imagination”

Chalice Lighting Chalice Lighting Chalice Lighting Chalice Lighting

O light of life, be kindled again in our hearts as we

meet together this morning to celebrate the joy of

human community; Seeking a wholeness that extends

beyond ourselves.~ Samuel A Trumbore

Opening Song Opening Song Opening Song Opening Song #1003, Where Do We Come From?

Our CovenantOur CovenantOur CovenantOur Covenant

Love is the spirit of this church

And service is its law.

This is our covenant.

To dwell together in peace,

To seek the truth in love,

And to help one another.


From “Six Significant Landscapes” (Wallace Stevens)

From Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human

Spirit in an Age of Disbelief. ~ Huston Smith

Time For All AgesTime For All AgesTime For All AgesTime For All Ages

Special Music Special Music Special Music Special Music “The Birthday Party” (Peter Mayer)

Sharing Peace Sharing Peace Sharing Peace Sharing Peace Please turn to your neighbor and

say, "May peace be with you."

Offertory & OfferingOffertory & OfferingOffertory & OfferingOffertory & Offering Per le antiche scale

(Ennio Morricon)

Special Music Special Music Special Music Special Music “Fall Awake” (Stuart Davis)

SermonSermonSermonSermon “Finding Spiritual Meaning in a Society

that Sometimes Makes It Hard To Find”

by Kelly Besecke

SongSongSongSong #318, We Would Be One

Chalice ExtinguishingChalice ExtinguishingChalice ExtinguishingChalice Extinguishing

Our time in this place may have ended, but our

connection to each other and this community

remains. Together may we walk the path of

justice, speak words of love, live the selfless

deed, trod gently upon the earth, and fill the

world with compassion. Until we meet again,

blessed be.~ Kathy A. Huff

Unison BenedictionUnison BenedictionUnison BenedictionUnison Benediction

This service is over. Our service has just begun.

PostludePostludePostludePostlude Pachelbel Meets U2 (Jon Schmidt)


333 Meridian Street

West Lafayette, IN 47906-2313

Phone: (765)743-8812 (UU12)

Email: [email protected]

Web Site, calendar, sermons, on-line link to

Lighted Chalice Newsletter: uuctc.org

Webspinners: Steve Moss & Alice Pawley

RE Website regluu.wordpress.com


Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd, Sabbatical Minister

Nicole Rice, Director of Religious Exploration

Va’Linda McBride, Admin. Asst.

Janine Cochran, Pianist

Elizabeth Cohen, Nursery Administrator

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Sunday Forum 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Service & Religious Explora�on Classes 10:30 a.m. Nursery & Childcare Available.

Sunday, March 26th

9:00 AM Forum (101)

10:30 AM Worship & RE

5:00 PM 7th-9th grade OWL class

Monday, March 27th

7:30 AM Qi Gong (FH)

8:30 AM Zumba Class (FH)

12:00 PM 12 Step Meeting (FH)

2:30 PM Girl Scout Troop 1436 (FH)

7:00 PM 12 Step Meeting (anon FH)

7:00 PM Monday Meditation (101)

Tuesday, March 28th

12:00 PM 12 Step Meeting (FH)

6:30 PM N.A. (212)

7:00 PM Lafayette Chamber Singers (S)

Sunday, April 2nd Forum

Topic: Interdependence – It’s More Than You Think

Speaker: Mark French

The topic description starts here. We tend to think of

interdependence in sociological terms. While that’s

probably correct as far as it goes, the idea of

interdependence is particularly important now, and in

two different ways….The first is that almost every

aspect of our lives is a reflection of how we depend on

other people all around the world. It’s fashionable

right now to talk about how we can separate ourselves

from other countries and their economies.

Sunday, April 2nd Service

Topic: You Can’t Hide

Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd

Our experiences and vulnerabilities are a part of us,

whether we like it or not. How we handle this truth

matters. We cannot live our lives behind masks. Join

us as we explore how to have a healthy relationship

with our experiences and vulnerabilities.

Sunday, March 26h, Forum

Film: "An Elegant Solution to Save the Bees”

Moderator: Kathy Willowoode,

"Mycologist, Tribe member and founder of Fungi

Perfecti, Paul Stamets, recently revealed a

breakthrough discovery that has the potential to

change -and heal- our ecosystem. He proposes that

there is a missing link that can dramatically

influence bee health, and it’s right under our feet.

Yes, it’s mycelium."

Sunday, March 26th Service

Speaker: Kelly Besecke

Topic: Finding spiritual meaning in a society that

sometimes makes it hard to find.

Educated spiritual seekers are often looking for the

intersection between "what's inspiring" and "what

makes sense." In a society that can feel

increasingly demoralizing and nonsensical, what

are some of the tools that progressive religion

offers to help us find intellectually satisfying

spiritual meanings in our own lives and be

"activists for meaning" in the larger society?

Wednesday, March 29th

7:30 AM Qi Gong (FH)

7:00 PM Blue Moon Rising Choir(101/103)

Thursday, March 30th

4:30 PM Girl Scout Troop 4218 (FH)

5:00 PM Meditation (M)

5:40 PM Dinner @MCL

Friday, March 31

7:30 AM Qi Gong (FH)

8:30 AM Zumba Class (FH)

12:00 PM 12 Step Meeting (FH)

Saturday, April 1

7:30 AM Zen Meditation (M)

10:30 AM Blue Moon Rising Choir (S),

101/103, (FH), and (K)

Room Legend Key

S—Sanctuary, FH —Fellowship Hall, M —Meditation Room



Page 4: Unitarian Universalist Church of Tippecanoe


RE Calendar

March 26th (students begin in service) 11:45

dismissal from classrooms, I will be absent and

Martha Gipson will be my DRE sub and will also be

doing “Time For All Ages.”

• Prek-k: Gale Charlotte and Lorraine Myer

• 1st-2nd: Brent Jesiek and Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi

• 3rd-5th: Mike Tripodi and Kathleen Peyton

• 6th-12th: Kathy Willowoode and Susannah Hall


• Shadows: Suzan Windnagel and Jack Reynolds

April 2nd (students begin in service) 11:45

dismissal from classrooms

• Prek-k: Gale Charlotte and Lorraine Myer

• 1st-2nd: Laura Geiger and Sherry Tripodi

• 3rd-5th: Lisa Pantea and Mike Tripodi

• 6th-12th: Kathy Willowoode and Susannah Hall


• Shadows: Mary Ann Foley and Lynn Holland

Materials Needed:

• We have a RE wish list for books: http://


Important Reminders and Upcoming Events:

Please see the RE bulletin board/table in the

fellowship hall and http://regluu.wordpress.com/

for important RE information and


RE registration is now up for the spr ing 2017

semester. Please see the RE website to register

your child or use this link: http://goo.gl/


•March 26th- 7th through 9th grade OWL class

•April 2nd- Severe weather drill for RE classes

•April 6th- HuHot Mongolian Grill FUNdraiser

(UUCTC will receive 10% from anyone who

dines in from 4-8pm)

April 16th- Easter egg hunt from 12-1 (Meet in

fellowship hall by playground doors)


Congregational Meeting May 7, 2017

Friday March 31st

Family Movie Night "Moana"

movie begins at 6:30p.m. in

Room 101/103

The Membership class on March 11th, 2017 was a

fun one. We welcome our newest members:

Jack Reynolds and Toby North

Join RE at HuHot on

April 6th from 4-8pm.

UUCTC will receive 10%. HuHot is located at 100

S Creasy Lane; Lafayette, Indiana

• Summer Workshops • RE Youth Con

• Recycling Fair • Re Subs

Please contact Nicole Rice if you are interested in

helping with is phenomenal program, Nicole Rice

[email protected]