united in jesus christ...st. angela corpus christi st. patrick st. robert march 10, 2019 united in...

St. Patrick St. Robert Corpus Christi St. Angela March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi Sunday 8:30 AM St. Patrick 9:00 AM St. Robert Bellarmine 10:30 AM Corpus Christi 11:00 AM St. Angela Merici 5:30 PM St. Patrick Weekdays Mon. 8:30 AM St. Angela Merici Tues. 8:30 AM St. Robert Bellarmine Wed. 8:30 AM St. Patrick Thurs. 8:30 AM St. Robert Bellarmine 7:00 PM St. Angela Merici Fri. 8:30 AM Corpus Christi Sacrament of Reconciliation Thurs. 6:15-6:45 PM St. Angela Merici Sat. Noon -12:30PM St. Robert Bellarmine

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Page 1: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi

St. Patrick St. Robert Corpus Christi St. Angela

March 10, 2019

United In Jesus Christ

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:00 PM St. Angela Merici

4:00 PM Corpus Christi

Sunday 8:30 AM St. Patrick

9:00 AM St. Robert Bellarmine

10:30 AM Corpus Christi

11:00 AM St. Angela Merici

5:30 PM St. Patrick


Mon. 8:30 AM St. Angela Merici

Tues. 8:30 AM St. Robert Bellarmine

Wed. 8:30 AM St. Patrick

Thurs. 8:30 AM St. Robert Bellarmine

7:00 PM St. Angela Merici

Fri. 8:30 AM Corpus Christi

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Thurs. 6:15-6:45 PM St. Angela Merici

Sat. Noon -12:30PM St. Robert Bellarmine

Page 2: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi


Clergy Team

Administrator Rev. Terrence P. O’Connor - contact St. Angela Merici

Parochial Vicar Rev. Jack E. Demnyan - contact St. Angela Merici

Parish Chaplain Rev. Joseph C. Beck - contact Corpus Christi

In Residence Rev. Pius Nwankwo - contact Corpus Christi

Deacon Dale J. DiSanto - contact St. Angela Merici

Deacon Reynold Wilmer - contact St. Robert Bellarmine

St Angela Merici Office Hours 9AM - 4:30PM 1640 Fawcett Ave. White Oak, PA 15131 412-672-9641 Fax: 412-672-1576 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Anna McCandless Business Manager Claire Hildenbrand Religious Education Dr. Cindi Fuselier Music Director Allan Link Safe Environment Claire Hildenbrand Youth Minister Emily Belchick

Corpus Christi Office Hours 9AM - 3PM 2515 Versailles Ave. McKeesport, PA 15132 412-672-0765 Fax: 412-672-2220 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Annette Scarpino Religious Education Joan Whitney Music Director Sharon Sisley Safe Environment Rose Morgan Maintenance Dan Hearn Russ McWilliams Youth Minister Emily Belchick

St. Patrick Office Hours 9AM - 3PM 310 32nd Street McKeesport, PA 15132 412-673-4110 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Susan Wargo Religious Education Gloria Madden Music Director Carolyn Guzik Safe Environment Flo Dunst Maintenance David Hrubovcak Youth Minister Emily Belchick

St. Robert Bellarmine Office Hours Mon. - Thurs 7:30AM - 3:30PM Friday 7AM - 11:30AM 1313 Fifth Avenue East McKeesport, PA 15035 412-824-2644 Fax: 412-824-4786 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Denise Lorenchick Religious Education Anita Holland Music Director Terry Skelley Safe Environment Priscilla Kent Youth Minister Emily Belchick Maintenance Frank Carulli


Sacrament of Baptism: Prior to having your child baptized, both parents must attend a pre-baptismal seminar. Please contact the parish in which the child is to be baptized.

Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements should be made at least six months prior to your wedding date. Please contact the parish in which the wedding is to occur. A date will be set only after contacting a priest.

Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact any of the four parishes or see a priest after Mass.

Holy Communion for Shut-Ins: Please contact the parish in which the person is a member.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – This is the process to become Catholic or for Catholics to receive the rest of their Sacraments of Initiation. We also offer programs for children. Please contact any of the four parishes.

Page 3: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi

Time Location Intention Offered By

4:00 PM St. Angela † Patricia & Bill Kemp Niece

4:00 PM Corpus Christi † Helen & Carl Kutzfara Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren

8:30 AM St. Patrick † John & Anita Tokar Ken Bradley

9:00 AM St. Robert † Living & Deceased of our parishes

10:30 AM Corpus Christi † My Grandparents Robbie Anitori

11:00 AM St. Angela † Dan & Virginia Cherillo Daughter, Rose Grefenstette

5:30 PM St. Patrick † Deceased of the Melocchi Family

8:30 AM St. Angela † Don Jackson Rich & Gloria Barnes

8:30 AM St. Robert † Louis Borelle Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zarichansky

8:30 AM St. Patrick † Charles H. Bradley Ken Bradley

8:30 AM St. Robert † Paul Sabol Wife & Family

7:00 PM St. Angela † Living & Deceased of LOC

8:30 AM Corpus Christi † Helen Gladkowski Christian Mothers/ Rosary Society Members

4:00 PM St. Angela † Living & Deceased of our parishes

4:00 PM Corpus Christi † Ernest Pawlak Gay Becket

8:30 AM St. Patrick † Cynthia Barry Husband, Jim Barry

9:00 AM St. Robert † Martha Edwards Ladies of Charity

10:30 AM Corpus Christi † Chester Mols 1st Anniversary

Wife, Dolores and Children

11:00 AM St. Angela †Joseph & Florence Kuremsky Dennis & Clare

5:30 PM St. Patrick † John Stipa Tom & Sue Whitaker

Sat., March 9 St. Frances of Rome

Sunday, March 10 1st Sunday of Lent

Mon., March 11

Tues. March 12

Wed. March 13

Thurs., March 14

Fri. March 15

Sat. March 16

Sunday, March 17 2nd Sunday of Lent

Readings for the Week Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 [cf. 15b]/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [Jn 6:63b]/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19 [18b]/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19 [19b]/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [3a]/Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8 [3]/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 [1b]/Mt 5:43-48 Next Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14[1a]/Phil 3:17-4:1 or 3:20-4:1/Lk 9:28b-36


Page 4: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi


From Father Terry On the first Sunday of Lent, we always hear of Jesus being tempted in the desert. This year we are given St. Luke’s ac-count. (Lk 4:1-13) Lent is forty days be-

cause of Jesus being tempted in the desert for forty days. One of the things that we can say about a de-sert is that it is QUIET. Like Jesus, we are now called to enter into the solitude of the desert. Most of us cannot head off to an actual desert for forty days, but we can take time to be in the silence of God. Is anything coming to mind as a place where you can escape to find peace and quiet? I hope so. What can a quiet place look like for us? It could be an empty church, a room at home, the car with the radio turned off, a porch, a walk by ourselves, or a barren place at work or school. As we seek solitude with God, do not be afraid to fast from the things that this world has to offer. Such things as needless chatter, technology, busyness, keeping up with the headlines, hobbies, and interests. These things are not bad in and of themselves, but Lent is a time to create an atmosphere of silence so we can hear Je-sus’ voice. We must also seek to leave our sins be-hind because sin will disturb our inner peace.

The desert experience is also a wonderful time to come face to face with the love and correction of God. It is amazing what happens when we give Je-sus our hearts in the silence. In silence, we can come to a greater knowledge of God’s love for us. We need to hear how much God loves us and how proud he is of us. What loving and uplifting thing has God recently said to you? The silence will also allow us to be challenged by God. When we open our hearts to Jesus, we give him a chance to tell us what we need to work on this Lent, which will only make us better disciples.

Finally, if we do go off into the desert, be prepared to be tempted. Today’s Scripture tells us, “when the Devil had finished every temptation, he departed from him for a time.” (13) “For a time,” which means he was going to keep coming back. If Jesus was tempted, so will we be tempted. The Devil does not want us to be one with the Lord in the de-sert. Satan wants zero growth, in fact, he wants us to go backwards in our spiritual lives. However, the Good News is that Jesus is the stronger one who will protect us from the Devil’s temptations. Please call on the name of Jesus and Mary when you are tempted. We can say things like, “In the name of Jesus and Mary, leave me” or the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Please do not become a punching bag for the Devil. We need to fight back with pray-

Baptismal Class: Prior to the birth of their first child and baptism, parents are required to attend a baptismal seminar. Baptismal Classes will be held at 7PM on the following dates and locations:

Tues., March 12 - St. Robert Tues., April 30 - St. Patrick Wed., May 29 - St. Angela

Please call 412-672-9641 to register.

er, fasting, and good works. In the end, may we en-ter into the desert THIS Lent so that we can actually be transformed.

In light of the clergy sex abuse scandal, Bishop Zu-bik released a new Pastoral Letter entitled, “The Church Healing.” It can be found in the Pittsburgh Catholic and on the diocesan website, www.diopitt.org. Please continue to pray for the healing of our Church.

We welcome Fr. Mike Ackerman as the celebrant today at the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Robert’s. Fr. Mike is the Director of Vocations for the diocese and will be giving a talk after Mass to our confirma-tion students. Please pray daily for vocations to or-dained ministry and consecrated life.

Indulgences for Stations of the Cross As we pray the Stations of the Cross, there is infor-mation in the back of some of the booklets used in church regarding indulgences. Indulgences are of-

fered by the church to take away the temporal pun-ishment due to sin. That is, although confessed sins are forgiven, there remains the residue of sin that

still needs removed through continued conversion. A plenary indulgence is granted to those who take part in the stations. A plenary indulgence is a full

remission of temporal punishment in contrast to a partial indulgence which is a partial remission of temporal punishment. Those who are impeded can gain the indulgence by spending at least a half an

hour in reading and prayer on the passion and death of Jesus (i.e., doing the stations at home). A plenary indulgence can also be gained by saying a prayer

before a picture or image of Christ Crucified on any Friday in Lent (a partial indulgence is granted on any other day). For any plenary indulgence the fol-

lowing requirements must be met within a reasona-ble time: the sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Communion, prayers for the intentions of the Holy

Father, and with the soul unattached to sin. Indul-gences may also be applied to the dead.

Page 5: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi


From Father Terry I thank all of you for filling out an Interim Mass Survey. We received 602! The number reflects your love and commitment to the grouping. On a whole they were very positive! I am still sifting through the surveys and will give you a report in the near future. Thank you again for your love for Jesus and his Church. Due to our financial difficulties, with the assistance of our Finance Councils, we are continuing our plan to reorganize parish staffing. As already discussed, we will have a grouping maintenance team in place by April 1. In addition, we are cutting back the hours at each of our parish offices, which, I am happy to report, will all remain open. Beginning April 1, the hours for our grouping will be as follows. Monday – Friday: St. Angela’s 9 – 2 p.m.; Corpus Christi 9 – 1 p.m.; St. Patrick’s 9 - 1 p.m.; St. Robert’s 9 – 1 p.m. Please note that all the offices are sacrificing hours. We went with the earlier time frames due to more people coming at those times. St. Angela’s is staying open an extra hour since the priests and other full-time staff have their primary offices there. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, we are moving to be-coming a new parish this January and I want to set us up for our bright future. If we stay as we are, we will just eat away at our savings and dim our future. I ask that you walk with me in this reorganization plan which will greatly help us as we become one. In terms of the hours of operation, be assured that the priests and full-time staff, will still be able to meet with you beyond the designated office hours. In addition, we can also accomplish a lot via telephone, email, mail, and drop-off/pick-up. Please also know that for urgent matters, my cell phone is on all four parish an-

swering machines. Once we become one parish, we will have full-time office hours. I thank you for work-ing together to prepare for our future.

Stations of the Cross

Fri., March 15 1:30 PM St. Patrick 7:00 PM Corpus Christi

Fri., March 22 1:30 PM Corpus Christi 7:00 PM St. Patrick

Fri., March 29 1:30 PM St. Angela 7:00 PM St. Robert

Fri., April 5 1:30 PM St. Robert 7:00 PM St. Angela

Friday, April 12 1:30 PM St. Patrick 7:00 PM Corpus Christi

Mary of Nazareth School will have Stations every Thurs. at 9:10AM except on March 14th Stations will be at 1:30P M

Homilies on the Seven Last Words Thurs., Masses at 7 p.m. at St. Angela’s

March 14 - “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Lk 23:43) Fr. Terry

March 21 - “Woman, behold your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” (Jn 19:26-27) Fr. Joe

March 28 - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mk 15:34) Deacon Reynold

April 4 - “I thirst.” (Jn 19:28) Fr. Jack

April 11 - “It is finished.” (Jn 19:30) “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Lk 23:46) Fr. Terry

What do the Sunday Lenten Gospels tell us about how to observe Lent? How do they help us follow Jesus more closely in our daily lives? Join us Tuesday evenings until April 10 from 6:30-8:30 at Mary of Nazareth School as we study the sacred texts from the perspective of the liturgy, the saints and our daily lives. During the first hour we will engage in a study of the gospel for the coming week. During the second hour we will prayerfully discuss what it means to us. This enrichment course will count for 12 hours of catechetical credit from the diocese. Fee: None

Master Catechist: Tim Crossen

Page 6: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi


Attention all Pastoral & Finance Council Members the next joint meeting will be on Monday, March 11th at 7PM at St. Robert.

Important meeting. Please plan to attend.

Parish Grouping Fish Fry 2019

Delivery Drivers Needed The Fish Fry is looking for some Delivery Drivers. All deliveries are local. You need to provide your own car. Busiest times from 11am to 1pm and 4pm to 6pm. We need 6 drivers during the 11am to 1pm time period to get lunches delivered on time. If you can give a couple of hours to help we would really appreciate your help. Please contact Rich Kel-ler for more details at 412-398-9302.

Thursday Night Fish Breading Breading of the fish for the Fish Fry will start on

Thursday night March 7th and continue every Thurs-

day until April 11th. The group gets together at 6 pm

at Corpus Christi Hall on Market St. All are wel-

come because many hands make the load light.

Bakers Needed

Please use the schedule below and keep in mind if you cannot bake on your assigned day we will glad-ly accept your bake goods any day you are available to bake. We can always use extra baked goods. You can bring your baked goods to Corpus Christi Hall Thursday between 10 am and 2 pm and 6 pm and 7 pm or Friday morning. If anyone would like to help work at the Bake Goods Table please contact Nancy Stone at 412-751-9363.


FRI MARCH 15 E – F – G – H – I FRI MARCH 22 J – K – L –M FRI MARCH 29 N – O – P – Q – R FRI APRIL 5 S – T – U – V FRI APRIL 12 W – X – Y – Z

Menu Copies of the Fish Fry Menu can be found in the back of the church.

Spring Fling Bingo March 24

Each parish is invited to take part in this fundrais-ing venture. Many volunteers have already offered their help, but we could use a few more for the fol-lowing areas:

Floor Workers—take care of tables (pay out bingo winners), sell specials, Pull tabs, other special games

Set up on Saturday morning at 10; tear down and clean up after the bingo on Sunday.

Confirmation candidates needing service hours and our high school youth—come and volunteer to help with food orders, walking around with snack cart, general clean-up. We are also asking if you could donate the follow-ing:

Baked Goods—to provide some desserts for the bake sale

Items for Chinese Auction—looking for lottery scratch off tickets, gift cards, wine

Kitchen items: Bottled water, napkins, ketchup, hot dogs and hot dog buns

This event will support all the parishes. We invite anyone who would like to lend a hand to please call St. Angela’s Office at 412-672-9641 to volun-teer. This event can only be successful if we have a number of committed volunteers. We need you!

Soup Lovers Thank You! & Pickup Reminder A reminder that all soup orders are to be picked-up Thursday, March 14th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at St. Angela Merici. Specifically, in the gym at the entrance to the kitchen. For any questions, please call 412-751-5493.

SEDER - Tuesday of Holy Week The South Central Cursillo Ultreya will again host a “Seder” dinner on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Corpus Christi Church Social Hall, 803 Market Street & 8th Street, McKeesport, PA 15132. The cost will be $ 12.00 per person. Registration deadline is Sunday, April 14, 2019.

Advanced registration is required by contacting Mary or Wayne Fleckenstein at 412-678-1723. This is an open event for all who wish to attend.

A representative Jewish Seder meal will be shared along with a regular meal. The Seder is an occa-sion for praise and thanksgiving. A rededication of our Christian traditions which is rooted in Judaism. Through the ritual of the Passover we can remem-ber and share the momentous events of God’s call and redemption.

Page 7: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi


St. Angela: Each week in choir rehearsal, the

members receive free voice lessons, free history lessons, free foreign language lessons, and free music reading lessons. Add this to the sharing of their talents and expressing their love of God through music and it guarantees that the volunteer choir and the music ministry have LOVE. We have the love of music, love for each other, and especially love of the Savior. Love brings a young entrepreneur rushing in for rehearsal after a week of conferences in a foreign country. Love inspires a businessman to drive several hours through holiday traffic to make the dress rehearsal for the Christ-mas program. Love causes a young couple to rear-range their lives so that choir rehearsal becomes “date night” on a weekly basis. Love (and dedica-tion), keep members of the choir coming back year after year to help make every liturgy special. Noth-ing will ever replace the volunteer church choir. Nothing ever can. Choral music itself will never be a thing of the past, but impoverished are the con-gregations who are forcing their people to experi-ence singing only outside of the church setting. Think about how you can nurture the church music ministry. Consider being a part of this rare and wonderful ministry as we enter the second semes-ter on March 17, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. for rehearsal and then sing at the 11:00 Mass.

St. Angela - Lenten Nail Collection The Ladies of Charity and the Junior Ladies of Charity will be sponsoring a “Lenten Collection” for the Intersection. This year we will be collecting Cereals (Any Brand) and personal hygiene prod-ucts such as Toothpaste, Deodorant, Combs, Brushes, Soap, Wash Cloths etc. The collection begins the this Weekend March 9-10 and ends the weekend of April 13—14 (Palm Sunday). Contain-ers will be located in the gathering space.

Grouping Religious Education Activities

As we continue our Journey for the Church Alive, the four Religious Education Teams are starting to join activities as one Parish Family.

First Reconciliation and First Communion First Reconciliation March 23 Noon at St. Patrick Parent and Child Retreat April 6 9:00 AM at St. Robert First Communion Rehearsal May 4 12:30 PM at Corpus Christi First Communion May 5 1:00 PM at Corpus Christi

Confirmation Rehearsal March 31, 11:00 AM Mass St. Angela Merici Pizza Party April 2, 6:30 - 8:30 PM St. Robert Bellarmine Confirmation April 7, 1:30 PM Mass St. Angela Merici

Thank you to Fr. Michael Ackerman for celebrating the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Robert Bellarmine and for speaking to the Confirmation candidates and sponsors. Also, thank you to Noreen Dodds and Dennis Ed-wards for all your help with the Breakfast.

Silver Ring Thing is going to be at Serra Catholic on March 21 at 7:00 PM for all 8th to 12th graders. Please go to the website unaltered tour.com. If you are an 8th grader that would like to go, please tell your catechetical administrator for your tickets.

Please Note On March 25th, all CCD Catechists and Volunteers are welcome to hear an exciting overview of next

year’s CCD program. Meeting will be held in Father Drap Hall at St. Angela.

Corpus Christi: The Corpus Christi Ladies of Charity will meet on Thursday, March 14th at 6 PM in the church social hall.

Page 8: United In Jesus Christ...St. Angela Corpus Christi St. Patrick St. Robert March 10, 2019 United In Jesus Christ Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM St. Angela Merici 4:00 PM Corpus Christi


Corpus Christi - Christian Mother’s Rosary Society will meet on Monday, March 18th at the Corpus Christi’s Social Hall at 11:30 AM to Pray the Rosary, Lunch and Business Meeting.

Jelly Bean Cash Lottery Ticket will be sold every weekend after all Masses and at the Friday Fish Fry. Cost of the ticket is $2.00 and there are 3 chances to win. Friday, April 19 - $250, Sat., April 20—$250 and Sunday, April 21 - $500.

Brodie and his family would like to thank everyone who helped to make the pasta din-ner a success. Your thoughts, prayers and support

means everything to them. Please keep Brodie and his family in your prayers! God’s blessings to all.

St. Robert - Encounter Lent—Join our parish community—and more than 14,000 Catholic com-munities across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey of encounter with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl located at the entrances to church.

St. Robert - Grief Self-Help Meeting Please note there will not be a December meeting. The next group meeting will be Wednesday, March 20 in St. Robert’s Parish Center (Father Scanlon Lounge) from 7 to 9 PM. Volunteers from the parish will facilitate the meeting. There is no fee or pre-registration required. All in need are wel-come—please join us.

St. Robert Bellarmine Our February 50/50 winner of $181.00 was

Deacon Reynold & our February Monthly Raffle winner was

David Veseleny.


Corpus Christi



9:00 AM - Propel


11:00 AM - SH


7:30 PM - RMR


10:30 AM - 7:00 PM


9:00 AM - Propel


11:00 AM - SH


7:30 PM - RMR


10:30 AM - 7:00 PM


7:30 AM - RMR


9:00 AM - Propel


makes PB/J sandwiches every Tuesday for an af-

ternoon snack/meal at the LaRosa Boys & Girls

club. For additional info call Ronnie at (412) 896-


╬CURSILLO ULTREYA . . . Participants experi-

ence their own personal spiritual growth with the

help of this group. For more details please call

Mary and Wayne Fleckenstein at (412) 678-1723.

Corpus Christi Prayer Shawl Ministry...… will meet on Wed., March 13th, from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00p.m. in the Rectory Meeting Room.

We welcome any new members who would be in-

terested in joining our crochet and knitting group.

For additional information please call Stephanie

Budd at 412 673-8147.

St. Patrick SANCTUARY CANDLE REQUESTS A few dates are available for Sanctuary Candle requests for 2019. Forms are in the vestibule by the bulletins. You may mail or drop your completed form in the collection basket.

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Be With Me, Lord As we begin our Lenten journey we take upon ourselves those tra-ditional disciplines of prayer, fast-

ing and almsgiving/good works in order that we might be opened, freed from any attachment to sin and ever more trusting in the God’s grace. We know that Lent is not always easy. With the best of intentions and with firm resolve we devote our-selves to doing without something or increasing time spent in prayer or doing works of charity. Yet the temptations also seem to increase that seeks to draw us back into our old ways. The goal of our Lenten journey is not simply that we have more time spent in prayer or less time spent doing those things that keep us from God. Rather, we must also work hard during Lent to incorporate faith into eve-ry aspect and every moment of life. One helpful practice is to have short phrases of Scripture or from our heart that become prayers throughout our day. Whether it is saying “Thank you, Jesus” as we recognize the countless moments he is at work for us, or the refrain from today’s psalm, “Be with me, Lord,” when we recognize we cannot do it alone, we will draw closer to the Lord as we seek to be strengthened and play our part in building up His Kingdom. Visit onmissionchurchalive.org to learn more and to stay informed.

Congratulations! Well Done! The following parishioners, who are students at Central Catholic High School, made the First Semester Honor Roll:

High Honors - Blake Neiderlander - St. Angela Honors - Luke Krasinski - St. Robert

MA’S PANTRY The next distribu-tion is March 23, 2019 9:30-11:00 AM at Broadway Alliance. Call 412-824-3198 with any questions. First time

applicants must bring the following:

1. Proof of residence—East McKeesport or North Versailles 2. Current, government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license 3. Proof of income 4. Names and birthdates of household family Members




ROSARY RALLY FOR THE ST. JOSEPH CRUSADE FOR TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE will be held Saturday, March 23. Please gather in the lower parking lot of St. Robert Bellarmine Parish at noon. Hope to see you there.

Hilltop Ministerium Ecumenical Lenten Service

March 13: 7 PM at Linway Presbyterian Church – Speaker, Rev. Erin Jones

March 20: 7 PM at St. John’s Lutheran Church – Speaker, Rev. Eric Dennis

March 27: 7 PM at All Souls Episcopal Church – Speaker, Deacon Reynold

April 3: 7 PM at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church – Speaker, Rev. Erin Jones

April 10: 7 PM at St. John’s Lutheran Church – Speaker, Deacon Reynold

The White Oak Lions would like to thank everyone who attended their Pancake Breakfast on Feb. 24th. All proceeds support the Blind Charities. Thank you.

Mary of Nazareth School Celebrating Generations. Sunday, June 2nd at 2 PM at the Youghiogheny Country Club. Dinner, Music, Silent Auction, and more! Tickets are $25. Stay tuned for further details.

Marriage MOMENTS It's Lent - a time to take stock of our lives both spiritually and physically. Many people give bad habits or even harmless pleasures up to join with Jesus' suffering on the cross. What you choose to do (or not do) is unique to you, but consider one Lenten action that you both do. You can be a sup-port to each other.

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St. Angela

Today is the Class Mass for CCD students in Grades 5-6 during 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Angela. A

special thank you to their catechists for helping the students prepare for the Mass: Ms. Josie Piper – Grade 5, Mrs. Rachel Siroky – Grade 5 Aide, and

Mrs. Anna Marie McCandless – Grade 6.

St. Angela - Children’s Liturgy of the Word Today’s First Reading comes from Deuteronomy. The teachings in Deuteronomy are, in effect, Mo-ses’ last will and testament before his death and his people’s passage into the Promised Land. He re-minds them always to remember what God has done for them in freeing them from slavery in Egypt. In today’s passage, Moses commands the people, after they settle down and become farmers, to offer God the first fruits of their harvest each year. Gifts of grain, fruit, and vegetables will show their gratitude both for the abundant harvest and for the freedom and prosperity of life in the Prom-ised Land. In modern times, devout people offer God first fruits of other kinds – a percentage of each paycheck or cash gift they receive, a portion of each new day they are allowed to live, and so forth. In the Gospel, Jesus confronts the Devil in the de-sert. He is the evil one who opposes God and God’s purposes in the world. Traditionally, it is believed that the Devil became aware of Jesus’ special relationship to God at the time of Jesus’ baptism, when a voice from Heaven and a manifes-tation of the Holy Spirit revealed his true identity. After that, the Devil resolved to short-circuit Jesus’ mission and message, but, time and again, he failed. The children will learn about Jesus’ temptation in the desert through prayer, a summary of the Gos-pel, and a creative activity.

St. Robert Bellarmine

Dates to Remember: March 17: 2, 3 & 4th Grade Mass, Class 5 & 6 CVOL, 11:15 AM Stations of the Cross - 2nd & 3rd Grade will lead; March 24: 7th & 8th Grade Mass, Reconciliation, 11:15 AM Stations - Pre K and 8th will lead; March 31: 5th & 6th Grade Mass, Stations at 11:15 AM - lead by 5th & 6th Grade.

Please keep our Sacramental Kids in your pray-ers. Their pictures are in the back of church with prayer cards for you to sign.


The kids will be doing the Stations of the Cross at the end of class. Please join us.


$500.00 - Can we get there? YES WE CAN!

Corpus Christi Religious Ed News

Confirmation Candidate

& Sponsor Breakfast . . .

. . . will take place today, Sunday, March 10th, at

Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish. Morning Mass is

at 9:00 AM and breakfast will begin immediately

after Mass.

Reconciliation . . .

. . . for all Corpus Christi CCD students will be

held today, Sunday, March 10th.

Parents are asked to please make sure your child is

in attendance to receive the grace from this great


St. Patrick CCD Classes continue each Sunday, from 9:30 – 10: 45am. For more information, please call 412-664-7417 to reach the Religious Education Office on Sunday mornings.


Olivia Gergely and

Reese Lantzy who recently made their

Profession of Faith at St. Angela. Also, congratula-tions to Olivia Gergely who recently made her first Communion. May you continue to be blessed.

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Sanctuary Candle

St. Angela Merici In Loving Memory of

†Rich & Barb Ponsonby

By: Linda & Peter Gentili

Corpus Christi In Loving Memory of

†Kristen Casasanta

By: Doreen & Art Wray

†All Corpus Christi Patishioners

St. Patrick

In Loving Memory of

†Ruth Bradley

: Son, Ken Bradley


Please remember in your prayers

Arline Totin

Jeffrey Benson

Virginia Nigro

Katherine Clay

Rosella Fichera Eleanor Hecker

May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace Amen.

Offertory Collections

St. Angela Merici Sunday $6,659.00 Monthly $1,465.00 Parish Share $ 610.00 Votives $ 170.75 Outreach $ 31.35

Monthly Online Givers for February Offertory $4,395.00 Parish Share $ 555.00 Debt Reduction $ 240.00 Campaign Human Dev. $ 35,00 Outreach $ 40.00

Parish Share Goal Received $68,991.00 $6,438.00 Corpus Christi Offertory $5,879.99 Monthly $1,324.00 Loose $ 96.27 Votives $ 212.80

Parish Share Goal Received $73,243.00 $610.00 St. Patrick Weekly Offering $3,882.50 St. Vincent DePaul $ 61.17 Votive Lights $ 115.91 Easter Flowers $ 831.00 Parish Share Goal Received $31,737.00 St. Robert Bellarmine February 24, 2019 Sunday Offertory $3,653.00 Second Collection $ 198.00 March 3 Sunday Offertory $2,596.00 Second Collection $ 504.00

Parish Share Goal Received $37,857.00 $ Thank you for your generosity and support of our parish communities

Protecting God’s Children: If you suspect any child is being abused or neglected call 1-888-808-1235. If you suspect a child is in imminent danger from abuse please call 911 immediately.

Grouping Eucharistic Adoration for On Mission

Tuesday, March 19th -5 PM St. Robert

Monday, April 8th - 7 PM St. Patrick

Tuesday, April 23rd - 5 PM Corpus Christi

Monday, May 6th - 7 PM St. Angela

Tuesday, May 21st - 5 PM St. Robert

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Craft and Vendor Show March 20th - 9 AM—3 PM

Faith Lutheran Church 1656 Lincoln Way

Called by Name: We are all called to holiness, but what does that mean? How does God invite us to holiness through His perfect plan for our lives? Come and explore our universal call to holiness as well as the particular vocations to priesthood and the religious life at Called by Name on Sunday, April 28 from 4– 8:30 PM at St. Paul Seminary. This event for high school men and women features Mother Clare Matthiass, CFR; Fr. Dan Waruszewski; Fr. Mike Ackerman; Dave Belkow-ski; and Bishop David Zubik. The evening in-cludes Sunday Mass, dinner, dynamic talks, and a time of adoration and worship. No cost. Visit PGHPriest.com to register by April 15.

Saint Mark Parish St. Patrick’s Day Cash Bash

Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Elizabeth Boro Bingo Hall, 101 S 1st Ave., Elizabeth,

PA 15037. Total of $6000 up for grabs. Numbers drawn every twenty minutes starting at 7:00 PM and final drawing at 10:00 PM. Must be 21 to at-tend. Food/beer included in ticket price. BYOB. Winner will be notified – winner need not be pre-sent. $30.00 per ticket. Guest ticket: $15.00. For tickets contact Debby DeCarlo at 412-670-0015 or Cathy Esack at 412-980-2918.

40 Days For Life: March 6th - April 14 You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization to pray and fast for an end to abortion. Here’s how to take part in 40 Day for Life in our community: • Vigil Location: Outside Planned Parenthood,

933 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh. • Vigil hours: 7 AM - 7 PM daily. • Local Contact: Nikki Bruni, 412-926-9413,

[email protected].

Learn more...get involve..and sign up for prayer times by visiting our campaign at 40daysforlifepittsburgh.com.

Night at the Races-May 4th Knights of Columbus Council 4210 will be having a Night at the Races at Holy Trinity Hall, 529 Grant Ave., Ext., West

Mifflin. Admission is $10 in advance, $15 at the Door. Doors open at 6 PM with races starting at 7 PM.

Saint Vincent’s 2019 Summer Retreats

A retreat can be a catalyst for spiritual renewal and for concentrating on God’s purpose for our earthly existence. St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe offers retreats from May to July. For more information, please contact Br. Hugh Lester at 724-805-2139 or visit www.saintvincentretreats.org

Lenten Conference: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish will be holding a 2 day Lenten Conference on Saint Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer pa-tients. The conference begins on Sunday, March 24 at 6:30 PM in the church with a talk on Saint Peregrine, followed by a novena and concluding with reverence of a relic of St. Peregrine. The con-ference continues on Monday, March 25 at 6:30 PM with an anointing Mass for cancer patients. This conference is open to anyone who is battling cancer they are encouraged and most welcome to attend. The parish is located at 200 Leger Rd., North Huntingdon. For more information, contact the parish office at 724-864-6364

Addiction Recover Ministry

Monday, March 18th at 7 PM, Rodef Shalom Synagogue, 4905 5th Ave., Oakland. Mr. Casey Mullen will tell his story of journey into recovery. All are invited and encouraged to attend!

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St. Angela’s, Corpus Christi, St. Patrick’s, St. Robert’s presents

SPRING FLING BINGO Sunday March 24, 2019 @ St. Angela Merici Fr. Drap Hall

Admission $25.00 Bingo Ticket Includes: 16 Regular Bingo Games, 4 Specials, and

THE JACKPOT at $1,000.00! (Extra tickets can be purchased for games)

Doors open at 12:30 Early Bird Games begins at 1:30PM (4 games)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bingo features: food, fun, fellowship, 50/50, raffle baskets, bake sale, quickies, pull tabs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Food will be available for purchase.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For tickets, please contact St. Angela Merici Parish Office at


Tickets will be on sale after masses at all parishes through March 16/17.

Tickets will also be available at the door. Each ticket purchased prior to March 24

th will be eligible for a

special Door Prize drawing so get your tickets early.


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Reserve Your Seats Now (Adults Only)

Deluxe Motor Coach Transportation Two Nights Accommodations with Breakfast Create Your Own Ice Cream Flavor at Turkey Hill Farm Dutch Apple Dinner Theater - Camelot Sight and Sound Theater - Jesus Dinner at Miller’s (included) The Amish Experience Theater Wilbur Chocolate Factor Kitchen Kettle Village

Cost Per Person: Double Occupancy $579.00 Triple Occupancy $525.00

Name _______________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ Email (please print clearly)__________________________________________________________________ Number of Reservations ____________________ Total Cost _____________________________________

Make All Checks Payable to Mary of Nazareth Catholic School This is not a fundraiser.

Quad Occupancy $497.00 Single Occupancy $745.00