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1 UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA Code Mixing in Twitter among Students of English Studies 2010 at Universitas Indonesia Makalah Non-Seminar SHEYLA TARADIA HABIB 1006663530 FAKULTAS ILMU PENGETAHUAN BUDAYA PROGRAM STUDI INGGRIS DEPOK JANUARI 2014 Code mixing ..., Sheyla Taradia Habib, FIB UI, 2014

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Code Mixing in Twitter among Students of English Studies 2010

at Universitas Indonesia

Makalah Non-Seminar






Code mixing ..., Sheyla Taradia Habib, FIB UI, 2014

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Code Mixing in Twitter among Students of English Studies 2010 at Universitas


Sheyla Taradia HABIB

ABSTRACT This paper examines the use of code mixing in Twitter among students of English

Studies 2010 at Universitas Indonesia who tend to do code mixing in their daily conversation since

they are used to speak English every day in their courses. However, this research focuses more on

written communication in their Twitter account. There are two major points that this paper attempts to

make. First, the description of code mixing itself according to the theory “Reasons for Bilinguals to

Switch or Mix their Languages” given by Hoffman (1991). Second, the reasons why those students

use code mixing in their media social account, such as Twitter. In order to get the result, descriptive

qualitative method is used to analyze the data from the twitter account of ten students of English

studies 2010 at Universitas Indonesia. Moreover, a structured interview regarding the code mixing

practiced was conducted. The results of this research indicate that code mixing occurs among students

for six reasons: talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about

something, interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), indicating pride and

limited words or not knowing the equivalent word in Indonesian language. However, the most

common practice is of code mixing is the use of interjection because according to the respondents,

they may show this language behavior accidentally or intentionally in written communication to

express their feelings.

KEYWORDS: code mixing, students, twitter, reasons of code mixing

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini meneliti penggunaan campur kode dalam Twitter di kalangan mahasiswa

Sastra Inggris angkatan 2010 Universitas Indonesia yang cenderung melakukan code mixing dalam

percakapan sehari-hari karena terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris di lingkungan perkuliahan sehari-

hari. Namun, fokus penelitian ini adalah komunikasi tertulis pada akun Twitter mereka. Penelitian ini

memiliki dua poin utama. Pertama, penjelasan tentang code switching itu sendiri berdasarkan teori

“Reasons for Bilinguals to Switch or Mix their Languanges” dari Hoffman (1991). Kedua, alasan

mengapa mahasiswa melakukan code switching pada akun sosial media mereka, seperti Twitter.

Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan dari tweet sepuluh

responden yang merupakan mahasiswa Sastra Inggris angkatan 2010 Universitas Indonesia.

Selanjutnya, responden diwawancara terkait penggunaan campur. Hasil dari penelitian ini

menujukkan bahwa terdapat enam alasan penggunaan campur kode, yaitu talking about a particular

topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection (Inserting sentence fillers

or sentence connectors), pride and limited Words or Unknown Translation. Akan tetapi, persentase

penggunaan campur kode yang paling tinggi digunakan adalah interjection karena menurut

responden, mereka dapat menunjukkan perilaku bahasa ini sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam

komunikasi tertulis untuk mengungkapkan perasaan mereka.

KATA KUNCI: campur kode, mahasiswa/i, twitter, alasan penggunaan campur kode

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Nowadays, many people can speak other languages beside their native language. English is

one of the most widely learned and used foreign languages because of its position as an

international language. Many people use English in their daily life because it is considered an

effective medium of communication beside their own native language. These people would

easily shift from their first language to English when they communicate with other people,

particularly in informal situation. A way of using two languages or more when talking is

known as code mixing. In general, code mixing applies to face to face oral communication.

However, it has become a widespread phenomenon in written communication such as in

social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and Path. They use them as a media of expressing

feelings, getting information, or finding friends from all over the world. Recently, I noticed

that students tend to write their status using a combination of Indonesian and English in

social media such as Twitter. Therefore, through this paper, I would like to dig deeper and

analyze their reasons for using code mixing in their Twitter account. Furthermore, This style

of speech and the use of intervening codes between students, particularly on campus, cannot

be avoided. One concrete example that can be seen is students of English Department at

Universitas Indonesia who constantly use English and Bahasa Indonesia every day.

Previous Research

Many have been written on the issue of code mixing. Wai Fong (2011) who investigated on

the occurrences of code switching in asynchronous computer-mediated communication

(CMC) between bilingual university students via social networking website by taking a

functional approach in examining the various functions and reasons for code switching. The

data consisted of messages posted by Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) Mandarin

Chinese-English bilingual students of University Tuanku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) on their

Facebook profile pages. Data was analyzed based on an integration of Appel and Muysken‟s

(2006) six functions of code switching, which are referential, directive, expressive, phatic,

metalinguistic, and poetic that applied in verbal communication. Moreover, the data was also

analyzed by Malik‟s (1994) ten reasons for code switching, which are lack of facility, lack of

registral competence, mood of the speaker, to amplify and emphasize a point, habitual

expressions, semantic significance, to show identity with a group, to address different

audience, pragmatic reasons, and to attract attention. In this paper, he observed in a larger

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number of participants containing students of different faculties, while this research observes

around the college students of English Studies 2010 to be more focused.

Another interesting research has been conducted by Humaira (2008). She

used Hymes‟s theory to provide a complete overview over the phenomenon of code

switching and code mixing in English classroom. Her paper presents why bilinguals mix two

languages and switch back and forth between two languages and what triggers them to mix

and switch their languages when they speak. Based on her research, code mixing and code

switching are ordinary phenomenon in the area of bilingualism. These phenomena occur

when bilinguals substitute a word or phrase from one language to another language. In

monolingual societies, people may think that code switching and code mixing is very

unnatural. With regard to the point of view of code mixing and code switching, people used

to think about code mixing and code switching negatively. However, it is inevitable to notice

that people usually switch and mix their languages in bilingual or multilingual societies.

These opinions might make bilinguals feel they have a lack of both languages and they are

not included in both cultures either. However, code mixing and code switching may influence

bilinguals‟ languages positively. Code switching and code mixing are found when the

teachers from the target language to English in order to maintain classroom order, to create

solidarity or empathy, to cover lack of experience or strategies, and to rephrase or modify

their speech. Therefore, the researcher thinks this research will be useful as a reference; it can

be used to help the researcher find another factor that might cause code mixing happened

among students.

The last journal is written by Ratna (2007) a student of Indonesian literature in

Universitas Diponegoro. She focuses on code mixing in a conversation between customer

service employees and customers. She also illustrates the problems of the forms and types of

code mixing occurred in the conversation between customer service employees and

customers, the factors that might cause it, and the function of code-mixing in the

communication strategy between the participants. Her paper more focuses on the factors that

might cause code mixing, which are linguistic factor and non-linguistic factor, also the types

of code mixing, which are external code mixing and internal code mixing.

This paper is used descriptive qualitative method by selecting 10 students from

English major 2010 in Universitas Indonesia. Moreover, there are some steps needed to

achieve the objectives. Some code mixing-related theories proposed by various linguists will

be used to discover reasons why the students use code mixing. In analyzing the data, this

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study follows four steps: (1) Formulating some specific questions which lead to the use of

code mixingg based on Hoffman‟s theory “Reasons for Bilinguals to Switch or Mix their

Languages” (1991), then respondents' tweets which used code mixing will be captured as

collected data; (2) Analyzing the data from respondents‟ tweets; (3) Discussing and analyzing

the data using the theories of code mixing by Hoffman (1991); (4) Concluding the findings

and discussions of the data analysis to answer research problems.

Theories on Code Mixing

Code mixing is mostly used in daily conversation regarding various topics.

According to Wardhaugh (1986) in An Introduction to Sociolinguistic, a code is actually a

language which people use in their conversation of any situation or a system of used

communication (p.99). Code is used by sociolinguist to describe the linguistic choices

(Holmes 2001, p.6). Code election is closely related to social factors. Therefore, code does

not only refer to the language as the highest level, but also refers to the language selection,

such as accent, social class or social dialects. Varieties and styles are summarized in the

barrel language (polite style, respectful style, intimate style or casual style), and the

usefulness or register (journalistic language, the language of the court or language sports

commentator). In contrast, Wardaugh (1986) argued that code refers to a system that is used

to communicate between two or more people. Thus, it can be concluded that code is a

language choice starting from a high level to a lower level which is a communication system

used between two people or more.

There are two types of codes found in our daily conversation; code mixing and code

switching. In these sources, the definitions of code mixing and code switching can be very

similar. At times it is difficult to differentiate between the two definitions. As cited in Miajo

Ju‟s journal (2009), Maschler (1998) defined code mixing as “using two languages such that

a new code emerges, in which elements from the two languages are incorporated into a

structurally definable pattern”. Liu (2006) defined code switching as „the mixing of words,

phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical systems‟. Muysken (2000) described

code switching as „the rapid succession of several languages in a single speech event‟;

whereas code mixing refers to „all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from

two languages appear in one sentence‟. The common thing between these two codes is that

the term code mixing often emphasizes hybridization, while the term code switching

emphasizes switching from one language to another.

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Some people might think that code switching and code mixing are the same when

actually they have different meaning. Code switching is the transition from one code to

another code. For example, someone use Indonesian and switched to English. According to

Fromkin and Rodman (2009) code switching in linguistics, is the use of one language or

dialect when speaking. Moreover, as cited in Ayeomoni‟s journal (2006), Hymes (1974)

defines code switching as “a common term for alternative use of two or more languages,

varieties of a language or even speech styles”. On the other hand, according to Wardhaugh,

code mixing is used when the conversant use both languages together to the extent that they

slip from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1986,


Another interpretations about code mixing comes from Hoffman (1991, p.104), who

stated that code mixing is a switch occurring within sentence. Unlike Wardhaugh, Hoffman

(1991, p. 112) has found that there are three types of code mixing based on the scope of

switching where languages take place. Those are inter-sentential, intra-sentential code mixing

and involving a change of pronunciation. However, as also cited in Miajo Ju‟s journal (2009),

Daller stated that there are only two types of code mixing which are the intra-sentential and

inter-sentential code mixing (Treffers-Daller, 1992). Inter-sentential code mixing is the

change of language occurs at a clause or sentence boundary. Meanwhile, intra-sentential code

mixing is the change of language occurs within a sentence boundary. According to Faltis as

cited in Kim‟s journal (2006), code mixing is the intra-sentential switching whereas code

switching is the inter-sentential switching. Language contact sometimes occurs when there is

an increased social interaction between people who live as neighborhood and have

traditionally spoken different languages. Nonetheless, it is more frequently initiated by the

spread of languages of power and prestige (Faltis, 1989).

The functions of code mixing found by Ariffin (2009) will also be used for this

analysis. In her study of content-based lectures, it is found that code mixing served some

functions such as signaling topic change, giving and clarifying explanation, enacting social

relationships and aggravating and mitigating messages. On the other hand, code switching

also has a variety of functions which vary according to the topic, people involved in

conversation and the context where the conversation is taken place. Consequently, there must

be some motivations or reasons that encourage people to do code mixing. Hoffman (1991) in

the book Introduction to Bilingualism identifies a few reasons for people to do code mixing.

These reasons are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic

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about something, inserting sentence fillers (interjection), repetition used for clarification,

expressing group identity, softening/strengthening request, excluding other people when a

comment is intended for only a limited audience, and because of real lexical need.


Students of English study program at Universitas Indonesia are likely to mix English and

Indonesia when they communicate with their peers on campus. This is unavoidable because

they use the two languages intensely during their courses. They are also exposed to many

specialized English vocabulary, which may or may not have its equivalence in Indonesian

language. On the other hand, they also mix the two languages when they communicate with

each other through social media such as on twitter outside campus or classroom context.

This paper analyzes tweets that contain code-mixing. The data is only limited to 10

tweets sent by 10 students of English study program at Universitas Indonesia to their peers

outside classrooms which analyzed based on Hoffman‟s theory “Reasons for Bilinguals to

Switch or Mix their Languages” (1991).

a. Code Mixing found on Twitter

In this section, the researcher has found several examples of code mixing of English and

Indonesian on Twitter statuses (tweet). The data below is the transcript of the written

conversation on the status of the respondents in social media.

1. Respondent : Tara Ferakanita, female.

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Bantu sebisamu, sekuatmu, semampumu. Apapun hasil

akhir nya, Let God do the rest!.

She used an English phrase “let God do the rest” which is also popular and commonly

spoken to show her sincerity of her struggle doing her project. She also stated, using English

phrase is more comfortable to her, since she studies in English major.

Reason of code mixing: Quoting somebody else.

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2. Respondent : Siti Winarni, female

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Cari bahan terus paraphrasing! Semangat wiwin!

She used the word “paraphrasing” probably because that word is frequently mentioned in

class. Otherwise, it might be because translating “paraphrasing” into Indonesian takes more

characters since it is going to be a very long explanation of what paraphrasing is.

Reason of code mixing: Talking about particular topic.

3. Respondent : Adhitya, male.

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Capek banget! Tapi kalo kata orang sih “Live as if you

were to die tomorrow! “

She used phrases “live as if you are were to die tommorrow”. The respondent said, she wrote

that phrases to motivate her to be more patient and never give up in life, since at the time she

felt bored and tired with her assignments.

Reason of code mixing: Quoting somebody else.

4. Respondent : Nilam Pratiwi Kusumo Wardhani, female.

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Tidur kurang, capek nyetir dari Bandung langsung ke

Depok, makan belom, lulus ribet. Lengkap. BYE.

One simple word like the word “Bye” here can be the example of code mixing. She might

have used the word bye instead of selamat tinggal since that English word has been popular

among Indonesian people. She also used Bye on her tweet, to show her anger or annoyance of

her activities that makes her exhausted.

Reason of code mixing: Interjection.

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5. . Respondent : Yohanna Tania, female.

Age : 22 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : @swinarn babe! lo harus cobain cafe baru di

margonda, tempat dan rasa makanannya recommended abis!

There were a lot of codes mixing terms found in this sentence. She used “babe” and

“recommended”. She mentioned babe to her friend. Babe is an english words, which shows

her close relation between them as a “close friend”. Moreover, Babe is a slang word used by

Indonesian to call someone their loves. Next, she used “cafe”in English terms, which

Indonesian means kedai or warung, since Indonesian is already familiar with “cafe” rather

than “kedai or warung” in their daily life. She also used the word “recommended” rather

than rekomen to give a stress that cafe was good. Indonesian always says recommended for

something that has a good quality. The reason of using word “recommended” is a pride as the

main reason in order to impress her friends.

Reason of code mixing: Pride, limited Words or Unknown Translation.

6. Respondent : Jasmine Mutiara, female.

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Darn it, banyak film bagus tp gak tau mau nonton kapan!

The respondent used word “Darn” as an interjection to express her disappointment because

she did not have enough time to watch her favorite movies. That word actually has no

grammatical value, however, respondents use this interjection in written communication.

Reason of code mixing : Interjection.

7. Respondent : Ratieh Pratiwi, female.

Age : 20 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Sok2an jogging, padahal gerimis. Failed!

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The respondent used word “jogging” instead of “lari” because that English word is well-

known among Indonesian people nowadays. There was also an interjection found in the

sentence which was the word “Failed”. Based on the interview, she used “ failed “ to express

her disappointment because it was raining, when she was jogging around campus.

Reason of code mixing: Interjection.

8. Respondent : Satria Aji Baskoro, male

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Path status : Akhirnya lulus juga.. Congratulations shey!!

Code mixing is found in this word “congratulations”. She used the term “congratulations” to

substitute the word selamat in Indonesian which is used to express the joy of achieving

success or having a good fortune. She also stated, she used congratulations rather than

selamat because she feels more impressive and comfortable to write in English.

Reason of code mixing: Pride

9. Respondent : Guruh Saputra, male

Age : 21 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Pengen download semua lagu baru dulu deh! Mumpung

sinyal kenceng.

In his tweet, he used the word “download” instead of using “mengunggah”. It happens

because there are words that have no translation in Indonesian. Therefore, to avoid any

misunderstandings in conveying the message, mixing one language to another language can

be the way out. Moreover, He chose to write “download” because he feels that the indonesian

word for download which is 'unduh' is not commonly used.

10. Respondent : Danny Rizal, male

Age : 22 years old

First language : Indonesian

Tweet : Seandainya gue di follow balotelli.

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Code mixing found in this sentence was the insertion of the word “follow”. He could have

just written “mengikuti” instead of change it in English. In that tweet, the word “follow” has

become Twitter‟s register. Therefore, if you want to be friend on twitter account with other

people, you must click the “follow” button.

Reason of code mixing: Talking about a particular topic

b. Reason and Motivation of Code Mixing

After collecting all the data from the respondents, the researcher analyzes all of them and

produces some explanations of why those respondents do code mixing based on the Hoffman

theory Reasons for Bilinguals to Switch or Mix their Languages (Hoffman, 1991, p.116)

Talking about a particular topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in

another. Sometimes, a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express their emotional

feelings in a language that is not their everyday language. Based on the data regarding topics,

it is proven that students choose to use code mixing while talking about particular topics,

such as academic and informal situation. This case can be found in sentence number 2 and

10. In number 2, the word “paraphrasing” probably because that word is frequently

mentioned in class. Otherwise, it might be because translating “paraphrasing” into Indonesian

takes more characters since it is going to be a very long explanation of what paraphrasing is.

Furthermore, the word “follow” in number 10 is an English term is used to discuss Twitter‟s


Quoting somebody else

People sometimes like to quote a famous expression or saying of some well-known figures.

In Indonesian, those well-known figures are mostly from some English-speaking countries.

Then, because many of the Indonesian people nowadays are good at English, those famous

expressions or sayings can be quoted intact in their original language. There may also be a

pragmatic reason for code-mixing, which is quoting someone. Code mixing can be found in

written communication if the writer wants to add some quotes, phrases, idioms, famous

expressions, or sayings of well-known figures in his/her writing. Take a look at the example

number 1 and 3, the word “ Let God do the rest!” and “live as if you are were to die

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tommorrow” are added because the respondents want to emphasize their points by giving a

phrase or a saying in English.

Being emphatic about something

People sometimes express their empathy and sympathy by switching or mixing languages.

There are also some cases where people feel more convenient to be emphatic in their second

language rather than in their first language. For example, when a friend‟s relative has just

passed away, we say, “I‟m so sorry about that. Kamu yang sabar ya.” In this particular case,

people are more likely to communicate directly with others, so, they seldom to use it in social

media like Twitter.

Interjection (Inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors)

Language switching and language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can

sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connector. It may happen unintentionally or

intentionally. Sometimes, there are some interjections found in written communication.

However, interjections have no grammatical value at all that use more in speaking. Those

who have no idea of what interjection is can see example number 4,6 & 7. One simple word

like these word “Bye” , “Darn” and “ failed” are the examples of interjections.


A common understanding of pride is a result from self-directed satisfaction with meeting the

personal goals. Pride involves exhilarated pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment. It is

related to “more positive behaviors and outcomes in the area where the individual is proud‟

(Weiner, 1985). He also noted that pride is a complex secondary emotion which requires the

development of a sense of self and the mastery of relevant conceptual distinctions, such as

that pride is distinct from happiness and joy, through language-based interaction with others.

Moreover, Hume claims that the causal basis for feeling pride is a belief relating the proud

person to the object she/he feels proud about (2001). In this research, most of the respondents

tend to use code mixing to get people‟s attention and boost up their pride. Some of the

respondents answer that they use code mixing to show their competence in speaking English

or other foreign languages. They use code mixing to look great or impressive when they

communicate with their friends. Thus, the respondents put their pride in the first place in

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order to get people‟s attention. Take a look at number 5 & 8, the words “recommended” and

“congratulations” are the examples of what are called as the interjections.

Limited Words or Unknown Translation

Students tend to insert some words of foreign languages or their second languages that might

be more understandable by the interlocutors. It happens because there are words that have no

translation in Indonesian. Therefore, to avoid any misunderstandings in conveying the

message, mixing one language to another language can be the way out. For example, people

somehow mix English and Indonesian altogether when they speak to each other. It is because

people may not know all the words in Indonesian or English. However, it is not the only

reason why they use code mixing in their daily conversation. Another reason is because there

are some English words which we still do not have the basic translations in Indonesian, for

example it can be found in number 9, the respondent used the word “download” because he

feels Indonesian word for download which is 'unduh' is not commonly used. However, people

have come up with the translation of that word but, until now the English words are the ones

which are more used in daily conversation.

However, It can be seen from the analyzed data that the highest percentage of code

mixing is done by 3 students (30%) for the reason interjection (inserting sentence fillers or

sentence connectors). 2 out of 10 are done when talking about a particular topic, quoting

somebody else, and indicating pride. 1 out of 10 is done for the reason of limited words . On

the other hand, “Being emphatic about something” is rarely used by the respondents. In this

particular case, people are more likely to communicate directly with others, so, they seldom

to use it in social media.


This research attempts to highlight the phenomenon of code mixing among students of

English Studies 2010 in Universitas Indonesia. Nowadays, people tend to use more than one

language when they talk to each other, especially students with English-skills background.

Those students tend to use code mixing in social media, such as path, twitter or facebook

since they are used to speak English every day in their courses. This paper talks about the

reasons why those students use code mixing and how they use it in social media, thus there

are some methods taken to get the final result of this research. This paper is based on an

ethnographical research by selecting 10 students from English major 2010 at Universitas

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Indonesia. The data are captured from their status in their twitter account to show how the

phenomenon of code mixing occured in their written communication. Once the results from

the respondents‟ tweet are collected, the data is analyzed by grouping respondents‟ answers

of each question based on the data using the theories of code mixing by Hoffman (1991);

After finished collecting all the data and analyzed them, the explanation is given to of why

those respondents use code mixing when they communicate each other in social media. There

are six reasons why code mixing occurs according to the researcher. The first one is Talking

about a particular topic this can happen because respondents feel more comfortable to speak

in a certain language. They can express more emotional feeling in a language that is not their

dominant language. This case can be found in sentence number 2 and 10. In number 2, the

word “paraphrasing” is a term in academic topic. Meanwhile, the word “follow” in number

10 is an English term is used to discuss Twitter‟s register. Second, quoting somebody else.

This can happen if the writer wants to add some quotes, phrases, expressions, idioms or may

be famous sayings of well-known figures, as we can see in number 1 and 3, the word “Let

God do the rest!” And “live as if you are were to die tomorrow” are added because the

respondents want to emphasize their points by giving a phrase or a saying in English. Third,

Being emphatic about something in which people use it to express their empathy and

sympathy by switching or mixing languages. Meanwhile, there are certain conditions where

people feel more comfortable using their first language. In this particular case, people are

more likely to communicate directly with others, so, they seldom to use it in social media.

Fourth, interjection is the highest percentage which used by the respondents in their written

communication. As stated in number 4, 6 & 7. One simple word like these word “Bye”,

“Darn” and “ failed” are the examples of interjections which shows an irritated feeling. Fifth,

pride seems to be another reason of code mixing occurs among students in media social. The

reason why people switch their language is to show their skill or ability in acquiring a certain

language. They do this for the sake of getting people‟s attention and boost up their pride.

Moreover, respondents chose pride as the main reason in order to impress their friends, since

they also study in English major. The last reason is limited words or unknown translation.

Students tend to insert some words of foreign languages or their second languages that might

be more understandable by the interlocutors. It happens because there are words that have no

translation in Indonesian. Therefore, to avoid any misunderstandings in conveying the

message, mixing one language to another language can be the way out. There are also

English words which we still do not have the basic translations in Indonesian, for example in

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number 9. The respondent used the word “download” that word is an example of the English

words which do not have the basic translations in Indonesian, so we still use in daily

conversations, without translate to our first language. However, people have come up with

the translation of those words but, until now the English words are the ones which are more

used in daily conversation.

This research has some limitation, which can be addressed in future research. One

limitation of the study is the small number of participants with only one sample of code

mixing for each participant. Another limitation is that code mixing practices were observed

only at one study major, i.e. English major students at Universitas Indonesia, which limits the

ability to generalize the study‟s findings. Therefore, future research can seek code mixing

data from a large number of other majors. Moreover, there are still many aspects that can be

analyzed for future research, like extending the topic and situations that might be the causes

of the use of code mixing. Furthermore, for future research, the entire speech corpus and the

total number of all utterances, including code mixing, could be quantified, and the percentage

of code mixing for various functions can also be calculated.

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Wardhaugh, Ronald. (1986). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxfod: Basil Blackwell Ltd

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Author’s biography

Sheyla Taradia HABIB is an English Studies student graduated from Universitas Indonesia,

curently living in Jakarta. She is one of the active Radio Announcer, MC & Host.

Contact addres: Perum korpri blok D7 No.19, Sukarame. Bandar Lampung, 35131

Twitter: @Sheytaradia92

Email: [email protected]

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Respondents’ tweets

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Code mixing ..., Sheyla Taradia Habib, FIB UI, 2014