university institute of laws panjab university … · 2019. 8. 16. · d r.aman a. cheema & dr....

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LAWS PANJAB UNIVERSITY REGIONAL CENTRE, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUDHIANA ONE DAY INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW AND ARBITRATION (30 th August 2019) After decades of being held hostage to State‐centered ideologies, inally international commercial law has become more solution oriented not only in the ield of law but also in international business investment and trade. Last few decades have proved that national states are becoming less important in the creation of international commercial law because the growth of regional organizations, non‐state actors and international arbitration has played more inluential role in its growth and development. The end of Cold War and the corresponding explosion of commerce between the nations have provided an impetus to internationalism in the law that was never witnessed before in the human history. There is more curiosity about the different solutions offered by the various respective domestic laws to the common problems of international commerce than ever before. The need for the development of international commercial law was felt because of various reasons like: divergent nation laws cause problems and ambiguities, modernization and facilitation of international trade, growth of regionalism like The European Union, The American Experience like NAFTA, rise of non‐binding instruments like international conventions etc. Hence, there has never been a better time to be an international commercial law scholar than now. The present One Day International Workshop is an endeavor to discuss, debate on some of the crucial areas of international commercial law which will include dialogues on, international investment laws, international commercial contracts, international commercial arbitration in countries like India, Bangladesh etc., relevance of Commercial Court Act in relation to commercial transactions. The workshop will provide a perfect opportunity for advocates, industrialists and other professionals to interact with think tank on crucial areas like commercial contracts, investment laws, solving commercial disputes through arbitration. It’ll be a fruitful platform for the academicians to sharpen their academic skills by listening eminent speakers on recent trends in international commercial laws. For research scholars and students it’ll be a golden opportunity to know about this new and emerging area of law in India as well as other parts of the world. It is hence a irst of its kind endeavor in the City of Ludhiana, the industrial hub of State of Punjab, where professionals, industrialists, academicians and research scholars/ students will meet discuss and debate on international commercial law under one roof, that is, University Institute of Laws, Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana. With a vision to provide quality education to students, to enable them to excel in the legal sphere, University Institute of Laws (UIL), has made its presence felt in the legal world ever since its inception in July’ 2003. Since then, everyone is working h ard to realize this vision by imparting not just learning, but value and ethics based integrated learning, since moral values can’t be taught, they have to be caught. UIL has fulfilled a long cherished dream of having a Centre of Excellence in Legal Educat ion in the Manchester of State of Punjab (Ludhiana) through Late Lala Lajpat Rai, Member of Rajya Sabha. Presently the institution imparts legal education through three courses, LL.M 2 year, LL.B 3 year and B.A. LL.B (Hons.) 5 year integrated course. The UIL have been established to serve as the pre- requisite of universalization of education in general and legal education in particular. On the whole, the objective of UIL is to equip the learners with the skills of eminent advocates, professionals and academ icians. The future belongs to UIL because we believe in the beauty of our dreams.

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Page 1: UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LAWS PANJAB UNIVERSITY … · 2019. 8. 16. · D r.Aman A. Cheema & Dr. Ashish Virk (Conv eners) Pr of. Ravi Inder Singh Dir ector Contact:Dr. Aman Amrit Cheema:


PANJAB UNIVERSITY REGIONAL CENTRE, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------




After decades of being held hostage to State‐centered ideologies, �inally international commercial law has become more solution oriented not only in the �ield of law but also in international business investment and trade. Last few decades have proved that national states are becoming less important in the creation of international commercial law because the growth of regional organizations, non‐state actors and international arbitration has played more in�luential role in its growth and development. The end of Cold War and the corresponding explosion of commerce between the nations have provided an impetus to internationalism in the law that was never witnessed before in the human history. There is more curiosity about the different solutions offered by the various respective domestic laws to the common problems of international commerce than ever before. The need for the development of international commercial law was felt because of various reasons like: divergent nation laws cause problems and ambiguities, modernization and facilitation of international trade, growth of regionalism like The European Union, The American Experience like NAFTA, rise of non‐binding instruments like international conventions etc. Hence, there has never been a better time to be an international commercial law scholar than now.

The present One Day International Workshop is an endeavor to discuss, debate on some of the crucial areas of

international commercial law which will include dialogues on, international investment laws, international

commercial contracts, international commercial arbitration in countries like India, Bangladesh etc., relevance

of Commercial Court Act in relation to commercial transactions. The workshop will provide a perfect

opportunity for advocates, industrialists and other professionals to interact with think tank on crucial areas

like commercial contracts, investment laws, solving commercial disputes through arbitration. It’ll be a fruitful

platform for the academicians to sharpen their academic skills by listening eminent speakers on recent trends

in international commercial laws. For research scholars and students it’ll be a golden opportunity to know

about this new and emerging area of law in India as well as other parts of the world. It is hence a �irst of its

kind endeavor in the City of Ludhiana, the industrial hub of State of Punjab, where professionals, industrialists,

academicians and research scholars/ students will meet discuss and debate on international commercial law

under one roof, that is, University Institute of Laws, Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana.

With a vision to provide quality education to students, to enable them to excel in the legal sphere, University Institute of Laws (UIL), has made its presence felt in the legal world ever since its inception in July’ 2003. Since then, everyone is working h ard to realize this vision by imparting not just learning, but value and ethics based integrated learning, since moral values can’t be taught, they have to be caught. UIL has fulfilled a long cherished dream of having a Centre of Excellence in Legal Education in the Manchester of State of Punjab (Ludhiana) through Late Lala Lajpat Rai, Member of Rajya Sabha. Presently the institution imparts legal education through three courses, LL.M 2 year, LL.B 3 year and B.A. LL.B (Hons.) 5 year integrated course. The UIL have been established to serve as the pre - requisite of universalization of education in general and legal education in particular. On the whole, the objective of UIL is to equip the learners with the skills of eminent advocates, professionals and academ icians. The future belongs to UIL because we believe in the beauty of our dreams.

Page 2: UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LAWS PANJAB UNIVERSITY … · 2019. 8. 16. · D r.Aman A. Cheema & Dr. Ashish Virk (Conv eners) Pr of. Ravi Inder Singh Dir ector Contact:Dr. Aman Amrit Cheema:

Dr. Aman A. Cheema & Dr. Ashish Virk


Prof. Ravi Inder Singh


Contact: Dr. Aman Amrit Cheema: 9417233997 & Dr. Ashish Virk: 9417000802

3. Mrs. Tasmiah Nuhiya Ahmed(Advocate of Supreme Court of Bangladesh)

A Critical analysis on International Commercial Arbitration, Court Intervention and enforcement of Foreign Arbitrated Awards in Bangladesh

4. Mr. Sandeep Jindal(Advocate on record at Supreme Court of India)

Commercial Courts Act: Dispute Adjudication in Commercial Transactions.

6. Mr. PushkarAnand(Assistant Professor Faculty of LawUniversity of Delhi New Delhi)

International Investment Law and Arbitration


Director, Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL), National Law University Delhi. New Delhi.)

2. Dr. Risham Garg International Commercial Contracts

-5. Mr. Satwik Shekhar(Legal Consultant at the Centre for Trade and Investment Law, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi

Multilateral Rule making on Economic Commerce

(Managing Director of Straus Institute of Dispute Resolutions of Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, USA)

1. Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh

7. Dr. Jaya Vasudevan(Associate Prof., Centre for Postgraduate Legal Studies, TERI, New Delhi)

Changing Trends of International Commercial Arbitration in India

Keynote Speaker




Rs. 2500(inclusive 18%GST)


Rs. 1000


Rs. 1000(inclusive 18%GST)


Rs. 300

Interested Participants are required to send the completely �illed registration for m



[email protected]. Pleasenote:Theinformationregardingpaymentofregistrationfeeshallbe





There shall also be an exhibition of paintings on social issues at Multi‐Purpose Hall, Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana, by a NGO NavChetna on the same day. The objective is to bring awareness amongst people through art on various social issues like drug addiction, female feticide, child labour, malnutrition, and crimes against women and many more.