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University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) Course Syllabus 1 JUBS-March 2017 1. DepartmentName: Marketing 2. Program Name: MBA in Marketing 3. Program Code 04 4. Course Code and Title: Promotion Management (1604727) 5. Course credits: 3 6. Pre-requisites: 7. Course Instructor/ Coordinator Name and Email Dr.Rami Aldweiry [email protected] 8. Course web-page: 9. Academic year: 2020-2021 10. Semester: x First Second Summer 11. Textbook(s) “Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communication, 7 th Edition 2016, by Kenneth E. Clow; and Donald E, Baack. Pearson (Prentice-Hall).” 12. References: 13. Other resources used 14. Course description Marketing ismore than just dealing with its main activities as product development, pricing, placing and communication with customers separately, but it gets also involved in marketing decisions to harmonize the organization’s objectives, capabilities and resources with the needs and opportunities of the marketplace in integrative way of all marketing mix with respect to promotion and communication. In this context this course of promotion management will focus on how various areas and dimensions of promotion would fit in the mix in interdependence and integrated way through exploring the main activities students should be aware of such as branding management, advertising management, advertising design, traditional media channels, database, digital and social media marketing, alternative marketing, direct response marketing and personal marketing, sales promotion, public relations and sponsorship programs. Instructor of the course will adopting the philosophy of learning instead of teaching, and students will work in conjunction with their instructor as partners. The course is implemented through designed projects and assignments to develop student’s skills and abilities to analyze articulate and innovate ideas.

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Page 1: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) MBA.pdf · Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels criteria for selectin

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

1 JUBS-March 2017

1. DepartmentName: Marketing

2. Program Name: MBA in Marketing

3. Program Code 04

4. Course Code and Title: Promotion Management (1604727)

5. Course credits: 3

6. Pre-requisites:

7. Course Instructor/ Coordinator Name and Email

Dr.Rami Aldweiry

[email protected]

8. Course web-page:

9. Academic year: 2020-2021

10. Semester: x First Second Summer

11. Textbook(s) “Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communication, 7th Edition 2016, by Kenneth E.

Clow; and Donald E, Baack. Pearson (Prentice-Hall).”

12. References:

13. Other resources used

14. Course description Marketing ismore than just dealing with its main activities as product development, pricing,

placing and communication with customers separately, but it gets also involved in marketing

decisions to harmonize the organization’s objectives, capabilities and resources with the

needs and opportunities of the marketplace in integrative way of all marketing mix with

respect to promotion and communication. In this context this course of promotion

management will focus on how various areas and dimensions of promotion would fit in the

mix in interdependence and integrated way through exploring the main activities students

should be aware of such as branding management, advertising management, advertising

design, traditional media channels, database, digital and social media marketing, alternative

marketing, direct response marketing and personal marketing, sales promotion, public

relations and sponsorship programs. Instructor of the course will adopting the philosophy of

learning instead of teaching, and students will work in conjunction with their instructor as

partners. The course is implemented through designed projects and assignments to develop

student’s skills and abilities to analyze articulate and innovate ideas.

Page 2: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) MBA.pdf · Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels criteria for selectin

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

2 JUBS-March 2017

15. Course Intended Learning Outcomes:(All CILOs must start with an action verb, please use ANNEX I for getting a

better understanding of the Action Verbs and Blooms Taxonomy. The mapping of the CILOs with relevance to the PILOs of the program.)

Mapping to PILOs

CILOs (Preferred not to exceed 12 CILOs)

a b c d e f g h i J k

1-Become more

familiar with the latest

in promotion theory

and practice.



2-Relate functional

areas of promotion to

the rest of marketing

mix and activities.

x X

3-Analyze promotional

problems and business

issues to reach

reasonable solutions.

X x

4-Help students to

retain ideas and tools

that allow them to

apply promotional

concepts to real life


X x

5-Use modern

electronic techniques

and the use of social

x x

Page 3: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) MBA.pdf · Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels criteria for selectin

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

3 JUBS-March 2017

media communication

in promotion activities

and marketing.

6-Enhance students’

abilities in practicing

what they learn, test

their understanding of

the course through

pursuing a

personalized project

that helps them better

absorb course


x x x x

16. Course evaluation: (Formative and summative assessment methods are expected)

Assessment Type

Details/ Explanation of Assessment in relation

to CILOs

Number Weight Date(s)


Midterms 30 %


Projects/Case Studies

One of the main course requirements is for the students collectively to conduct a term-paper. Each student is responsible of participating in writing and presenting the paper and submits it to the instructor by the end of the 13th week. The project size should not exceed 20 pages.


Final 40%

Page 4: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) MBA.pdf · Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels criteria for selectin

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

4 JUBS-March 2017

17. Description of Topics Covered(The description should be from the textbook used)

Topic Title (e.g. chapter title)


Ch.1:Introdoction and Integrated

Marketing Communication

This chapter introduces the reader to the main topics examined in this book, the nature of the IMC and the promotional mix

Ch.2: brand Management.

This chapter examines the process of brand management.

Ch.3:Buying behavior. This chapter examines the nature of buyer behavior and the factors influencing it.

Ch.4 : the IMC Planning Process.

This chapter examines the nature of the IMC and IMC planning process.

Ch.5: Advertising Management.

This chapter examines the main issues related to the management of advertising campaigns

Chs.6: Advertising Design.

This chapter examines the main considerations related to the design of an advertisement

Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels

This chapter examines the main media channels for the IMC and criteria for selecting an effective media channel

Ch. 8: Digital Marketing and Communication

This chapter examines the influence of the internet and social media on the communication process.

Ch. 9: Social Media in Marketing and


This chapter further examines the influence of the internet and social media on the communication process. In particular, the role of social media as a promotional tool.

Ch.11: Database, Direct

Response Marketing, and



This chapter examines the topics of Database, Direct Response

Marketing, and Personal Selling and their role in the promotional


Ch. 12: Sales Promotion This chapter solely examine the main issues related to sales promotion.

Ch. 13: Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs.

This chapter examines the main issues related to the PR role in the promotional program and different types of sponsorships.

Ch. 14: Evaluating, and

Integrated Marketing


This chapter mainly examines the process and main criteria used for evaluating the IMC programs effectiveness

Total 100%

Page 5: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) MBA.pdf · Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels criteria for selectin

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

5 JUBS-March 2017

18. Course Weekly Breakdown:

Week Date Topics covered CILOs Teaching Method Assessment

1 Ch.1:Introdoction and Integrated Marketing




2 Ch.2: brand Management. 1-2-3-4-5


3 Ch.3:Buying behavior. 1-2-3-4-5


4 Ch.4 : the IMC Planning Process.



5 Ch.5: Advertising Management.



6 Chs.6: Advertising Design. 1-2-3-4-5


7 Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels



8 Mid-term exam 1-2-3-4-5

9 Ch. 8: Digital Marketing and Communication



10 Ch. 9: Social Media in Marketing and




11 Ch.10: Alternative Marketing. 1-2-3-4-5


12 Ch.11: Database, Direct

Response Marketing, and





13 Ch. 12: Sales Promotion 1-2-3-4-5


14 Ch. 13: Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs.



15 Ch. 14: Evaluating, and

Integrated Marketing




16 Project presentation 6

Page 6: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) MBA.pdf · Ch.7: Traditional Media Channels criteria for selectin

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

6 JUBS-March 2017

17 Project Presentation


19. Others:


Attendance policies:

Students are not allowed to miss more than 15% of the classes during the semester. Failing to meet this requirement will be dealt with according to the university disciplinary rules.

Absences fromexams andhandinginassignmentson time:

Health and safety procedures:

Honesty policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, misbehavior:

Course Coordinator: Prof. faizalzoubi Add your Signature

Head of Department: Dr.zainahqasem Add your Signature

Head of curriculum committee/ School Level:

Type the Name Add your Signature

Dean: Type the Name Add your Signature

Approved by the Program Coordinator/ Head of the Department on:

Type the date: DAY/MONTH/YEAR

Copy to:

Head of Department

Assistant dean for Development and Quality Assurance

Course Portfolio