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Back Safety and Lifting Injury Prevention UNIVERSITY of NORTHERN COLORADO

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Back Safety and

Lifting Injury Prevention



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Common Causes of Back Injuries

Heavy Lifting Twisting at the waist while lifting or holding a heavy

load Reaching and Lifting Lifting or Carrying objects with awkward or odd

shapes Working in awkward, uncomfortable positions Sitting or Standing too long in one position Slipping on wet floor or ice Sleep in a poor position or on a poor mattress

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Lifting 10:1 Ratio

When lifting the fulcrum point is you.

Whatever your upper body weighs X amount of object being lifted = pressure on back

Leaning forward while sitting at desk or table can cause pressure on your back

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Things which increase the risk of back injury

Poor physical condition Poor posture Extra weight Stress (tense muscles) Overdoing It (afraid to say “too heavy for me”)

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Ways to Prevent Back Injuries

Slow Down Stretch First Rest your Back Push, DON’T Pull Avoid twisting at the waist Get help lifting awkward, heavy objects Use carts / hand trucks Work in safe zones between shoulders and waist Lift Correctly

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Avoid Lifting and Bending

Place objects off the floor.If you can set something down on a table or other elevated surfaces instead of on the floor, do it so you won’t have to reach down to pick it up again.

Raise / lower shelvesThe best zone for lifting is between your shoulders and your waist. Put heavier objects on shelves at waist level, lighter objects on lower or higher shelves.

Use Carts and Dolly’sDon’t carry it if equipment is available

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Proper Lifting Procedures

Take a balanced stance with your feet about a shoulder-width apart

Squat down to lift the object, but keep your heels off the floor, get as close to the object as you can

Use your palms (not just your fingers) to get a secure grip on the load. Make sure you’ll be able to maintain a hold on the object without switching your grip later

Lift gradually (without jerking) with your legs, abdominal and buttock muscles. Keep the load as close to you as possible.

Once you’re standing change directions by pointing your feet in the direction you want to go and turning your whole body, DO NOT twist at the waist while carrying the load

When putting the load down use these same guidelines in reverse order.

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Simple Stretches for a

Better Day

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The following stretches are a suggestion only. Always seek the approval of a qualified doctor before starting any new exercise.

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Side of neck:1. Sit or stand with arms hanging loosely at sides2. Turn head to one side, then the other3. Hold for 5 seconds, each side4. Repeat 1 to 3 times

Side of neck1. Sit or stand with arms hanging loosely at sides2. Tilt head sideways, first one side then the other3. Hold for 5 seconds4. Repeat 1-3 times

Back of neck1. Sit or stand with arms hanging loosely at sides2. Gently tilt head forward to stretch back of neck3. Hold 5 seconds4. Repeat 1-3 times

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WRIST EXTENSOR1. Extend your right arm in front of you with

your palm up and your elbow straight.2. Point your fingertips toward the floor by

bending at the wrist. 3. Using your left hand, pull the back of your

right hand toward you gently.4. Hold for 20 seconds 5. Repeat three to five times with each arm.

WRIST FLEXOR1. Extend your right arm in front

of you, palm down, elbow straight.

2. Point your fingertips toward the floor by bending at the wrist.

3. Using your left hand, pull your right palm toward you gently.

4. Hold for 20 seconds5. repeat three to five times with

each arm.


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Shoulders, Arms, and Back

Side of shoulder and back of upper arm1. Stand or sit and place right hand on left shoulder2. With left hand, pull right elbow across chest toward left shoulder and hold 10 to 15 seconds3. Repeat on other side

Shoulder, middle back, arms, hands, fingers, wrist1. Interlace fingers and turn palms out2. Extend arms in front at shoulder height3. Hold 10 to 20 seconds, relax, and repeat

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SHOULDER CIRCLES1. In a smooth, continuous motion, make a

circle with your shoulders2. Raise them up toward your ears, pull them

together behind you, lower them to a resting position, then roll them forward.

3. Repeat 10 times.

Elbows Back

1. Stand or sit up right, keeping your back straight, head looking forward.2. Place both hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward, elbows out to your side.3. Exhale slowly while gently pulling the elbows back, aiming to get them to touch.

Upward Stretch

1. Extend both hands straight above your head, palms touching.2. Inhale, slowly pushing your hands upward, then backward, keeping your back straight.3. Exhale and relaxing from the stretch before you repeat.

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Triceps, top of shoulders, waist1. Keep knees slightly flexed and stand with arms overhead2. Hold elbow with hand of opposite arm3. Pull elbow behind head gently as you slowly lean to side until mild stretch is felt4. Hold 10 to 15 sec5. Repeat on other side

Middle back1. Stand with hands on hips2. Keeping knees slightly flexed, gently twist torso at waist until stretch is felt3. Hold 10 to 15 sec4. Repeat on other side

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Ankles, Calves and Thighs

Ankles1. Stand and hold onto something for balance2. Lift right foot and rotate foot and ankle 8 to 10 times clockwise, then 8 to 10 times counterclockwise.3. Repeat on other side

Relaxes hamstrings, stretches calves, achilles, and ankles1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart2. Keep heels flat, toes pointed straight ahead3. Assume bent knee position (quarter squat)4. Hold 30 sec

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Calves1. Stand a little way from wall and lean on it with forearms, head resting on hands2. Place right foot in front of you, leg bent, left leg straight behind you3. Slowly move hips forward until you feel stretch in calf of left leg4. Keep left heel flat and toes pointed straight ahead5. Hold easy stretch 10 to 20 seconds6. Repeat on other side *Do not bounce *Breathe deeply

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Quadriceps (front of thighs) 1. Stand a little a way from wall and place left hand on wall for support2. Standing straight, grasp top of left foot with right hand3. Pull heel toward buttock hold 10 to 20 sec4. Repeat on other side

Inner thigh, groin1. Stand with feet pointed straight ahead, a little more than shoulder-width apart2. Bend right knee slightly and move left hip downward toward right knee3. Hold 10 to 15 seconds4. Repeat on other side

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1. Stand up straight.2. Exhale. 3. Inhale while relaxing the belly muscles. Feel your belly filling with air. 4. After filling the belly, keep inhaling. Fill up the middle of your chest. Feel your chest and

rib cage expand. 5. Hold the breath in for a moment, then begin to exhale as slowly as possible. 6. As the air is slowly let out, relax your chest and rib cage. Begin to pull your belly in to

force out the remaining breath. 7. Close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. 8. Relax your face and mind. 9. Let everything go. 10. Do this for a few minutes and begin to feel calm and relaxed and ready to get to work.

Just breathe

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