uof 2005 catalogue

Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 2005 29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine 29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 2005 Catalogue


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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

29-30 November,Kiev, Ukraine

Ukrainian Outsourcing ForumUkrainian Outsourcing ForumUkrainian Outsourcing Forum

Page 2: UOF 2005 Catalogue

Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



Óâàæàåìûå äàìû è ãîñïîäà,

Ïîçäðàâëÿþ âàñ ñ îòêðûòèåì âòîðîãî åæåãîäíîãî ôîðóìà Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum `2005.

Êîíôåðåíöèÿ è ïðîãðàììíûå ìåðîïðèÿòèÿ, êîòîðûå ïðîõîäÿò íà ôîðóìå, èìåþò öåëü ñîáðàòü â îäíîì ìåñòå ïðåäñòàâèòåëåé ðûíêà ÈÒ óñëóã è ïîêàçàòü ðåàëüíûå âîçìîæíîñòè óêðàèíñêèõ ïðîãðàììèñòîâ, ìàòåìàòèêîâ è ó÷åíûõ.

 Óêðàèíå ðàáîòàåò áîëüøîå êîëè÷åñòâî êîìïàíèé, êîòîðûå ïèøóò ñîôò è äåëàþò ïðîäóêòû ìèðîâîãî óðîâíÿ. Êîìïàíèÿ «PR ÊÂÀÄÐÀÒ» èñïîëüçóåò ñâîé ïðîôåññèîíàëèçì è îïûò äëÿ òîãî ÷òîáû ïîòåíöèàë óêðàèíñêèõ ïðîãðàììèñòîâ ñòàë èçâåñòåí â ìèðå, äëÿ ïîïóëÿðèçàöèè è ïðîäâèæåíèÿ ìàðêè óêðàèíñêîãî ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ íà ìèðîâûå ðûíêè.

«PR ÊÂÀÄÐÀÒ» çàíèìàåòñÿ îðãàíèçàöèîííûìè âîïðîñàìè êîíôåðåíöèè, âûñòàâêè, áèçíåñ-âñòðå÷ è êóëüòóðíûõ ìåðîïðèÿòèé. Ñ 1991 ìû ÿâëÿåìñÿ îäíèì èç ïåðâûõ èãðîêîâ íà óêðàèíñêîì ðûíêå event management è PR. Â íàøåì ïîðòôîëèî ñâûøå 80 êåéñîâ 20 øèðîêîìàñøòàáíûõ è óçêîñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ ìåðîïðèÿòèé, PR è BTL-àêöèé.

Æåëàþ âàì óñïåøíîé è ïðîäóêòèâíîé ðàáîòû íà Ôîðóìå.

Ñåðãåé ÊîñòþêîâÄèðåêòîð êîìïàíèè «PR ÊÂÀÄÐÀÒ»

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to congratulate all of you on the opening of the third annual Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum ‘2006.

The conference and all Forum agenda events are aimed at gath-ering the IT services market representatives in one place and showing the real potential of Ukrainian software developers, mathematicians and scientists.

There are many companies in Ukraine developing software and creating the first class software products. «PR KVADRAT» contrib-utes its professionalism and experience to promoting the potential of Ukrainian programmers worldwide and into popularization of soft-ware developed in Ukraine.

«PR KVADRAT» is engaged into organizational issues of the conference, show, business meetings and recreational activities. Since 1991 we are one of the market leaders of Ukrainian event manage-ment and PR. Our portfolio counts more than 80 cases and 20 large-scale PR and BTL events.

I wish you a successful and productive time at the Forum.

Sergey KostyukovDirector


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ÏÐÈÂÅÒÑÒÂÈÅWELCOME ADDRESSUkrainian Outsourcing Forum 2005

29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Óâàæàåìûå êîëëåãè,

Îò èìåíè îðãêîìèòåòà ôîðóìà è Óêðàèíñêîé Hi-Tech Èíèöèàòèâû ÿ ðàä ïðèâåòñòâîâàòü ó÷àñòíèêîâ è ãîñòåé Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum `2005.

Îñíîâíîé çàäà÷åé Ôîðóìà ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðåçåíòàöèÿ âîçìîæíîñòåé óêðàèíñêîãî ðûíêà àóòñîðñèíãîâûõ è îôôøîðíûõ ñåðâèñîâ, ñîçäàíèå ïëîùàäêè äëÿ îðãàíèçàöèè B2B âñòðå÷ ìåæäó óêðàèíñêèìè è çàðóáåæíûìè êîìïàíèÿìè è øèðîêîì îáñóæäåíèè âîïðîñîâ ðàçâèòèÿ óêðàèíñêîé àóòñîðñèíãîâîé ÈÒ-èíäóñòðèè â öåëîì.

Îòðàñëü àóòñîðñèíãîâûõ ÈÒ ñåðâèñîâ, ðàçðàáîòêè ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ íà ýêñïîðò è BPO óñëóã ðàçâèâàþòñÿ â Óêðàèíå âûñîêèìè òåìïàìè. Çà ïîñëåäíèå 5 ëåò ðîñò ðûíêà ñîñòàâëÿë 25-40% â ãîä, ÷òî ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò î áîëüøîì ïîòåíöèàëå îòðàñëè è áîëüøèõ ïåðñïåêòèâàõ Óêðàèíû çàíÿòü äîñòîéíîå ìåñòî íà ìèðîâîì ðûíêå èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûõ ñåðâèñîâ.

Íàäåþñü, íàøà ñîâìåñòíàÿ ðàáîòà íà Ôîðóìå, à òàêæå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî â òå÷åíèå ñëåäóþùåãî ãîäà áóäåò ñïîñîáñòâîâàòü ðàçâèòèþ áèçíåñà âñåõ êîìïàíèé è îòðàñëè â öåëîì.

Âèêòîð Ìàçíþê.Ïðåçèäåíò Óêðàèíñêîé Hi-Tech Èíèöèàòèâû

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the Forum and Ukrai-nian Hi-Tech Initiative I am happy to welcome the participants and guests of the Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum ‘2006.

The main Forum objectives are presentation of Ukrainian out-sourcing and offshore services market potential, creation of the plat-form for B2B meetings between Ukrainian and foreign companies and discussion of development issues of Ukrainian outsourcing and IT industry.

The Ukrainian industry of IT outsourcing, software development for export and BPO services is rapidly growing. During five recent years the industry growth rate averaged 25-40% annually and this is the evidence of strong potential of Ukraine to occupy a fitting place on the global market of intellectual services.

I am full of hopes that our joint work at the Forum as well as collaboration during the next year will contribute to the growth of each separate company and the industry as a whole.

Victor MaznyukPresident

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative is an alliance of leading Ukrainian Outsourcing and BPO Services providers. We work in close cooperation with major half of Ukrainian Software Development companies and companies providing BPO Services.

Our companies are located in densely populated cities – major centers of Ukrainian Software Development, such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetro-vsk, Simferopol, Chernihiv.

This guarantees convenient transport infrastructure, reliable communi-cation channels and fine internet access. Our companies have access to dynamically growing IT specialists market. A considerable number of edu-cational facilities make it possible to arrange scientific advice with complex projects or involve research assistants for actual participation in the projects. Universities serve as a great base for staffing software development com-panies with new young professionals.

We will be able to offer you the partner for your tasks accomplishment. It will fit your requirements the best and corresponding with the criteria of price, quality, experience in vertical market and specific technical experi-ence.

Ukrainian HI-Tech Initiative is an organizer of annual Ukrainian Outsourc-ing Forum (www.outsourcing-forum.com.ua) – IT business forum dedicated to promotion and development of Ukrainian software development and outsourcing market.

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative objectives: • setting up and development of international connections in the sphere of

software development;• creation of a positive image of Ukrainian software development on the

foreign markets;• search and selection of partners supplying IT services outsourcing and

BPO in Ukraine;• organization of B2B meeting between Ukrainian and foreign companies; • finding investors into Ukrainian software development industry.


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ÎÐÃÀÍÈÇÀÒÎÐÛORGANIZERSUkrainian Outsourcing Forum 2005

29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

The history of our company derives from PR-agency «Expobureau» that was established in 1993 as an independent structural unit of the publishing house «Comizdat» - one of the first private publisher in sovereign Ukraine. Lately in 2004 «Expobureau» was reorganized into “PR2” that gave the possibility to widen the range of PR services we propose to our clients and work only with PR-technologies.

Starting from the very beginning the main fields of our activity became

organization and carrying out of marketing arrangements. The first com-mercial exhibition in Ukraine in 1993 “Information and Communication” was organized by our company and we regard this event as our creative debut.

In 1998 our company has been transformed into independent juridi-cal person. Among its client you could find such widely known brands like Intel and Hewlett-Packard. The first state organization that appealed to our services was a State communication and informatization committee of Ukraine.

Since the date of its foundation PR2 have organized more than 30 exhi-bitions, own projects and ordered by clients: corporative events, festivals, forums etc. The events we organize take place in Kyiv, other regions of Ukraine, and also abroad.

Since 2004 „PR²” has been actively operating on Ukrainian PR-market. The consulting services include:1. Media audit2. Organization and carrying out the press-arrangements 3. Information streams organization and management 4. Making reports on the company’s information activity in Ukrainian


Nowadays the Secretary of Ministry of Ukraine, Ministry of Labour and Social policy, State Employment office, State communication and infor-matization committee of Ukraine, Federation of historical communities of Ukraine, IF Renaissance, International Federation of water sports, Interna-tional corporations Intel, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Nortel Networks, IBM, HÐ, Utel, „Real Estate Solution” belong to our clients.

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (“Chamber”) is among the most active non-government non-profit business organizations operating in Ukraine. One of our principle activities is to represent the foreign investment community as well as to facilitate the entrance of potential new investors into this market. We advocate on behalf of our Members not only to the Ukrainian government but also to all other governments who are economic partners of Ukraine on matters of trade, commerce, and economic reform. The Member organizations of the Chamber represent many of the largest companies operating in Ukraine with a majority of the foreign direct investment. Our diverse membership base unites companies from more than 50 countries around the globe, including North America, Europe, Asia, Russia and Ukraine. Our Members collectively employ hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians providing them with exposure to international business practices and an opportunity to develop into leading Ukrainian professionals, bring international expertise and business knowledge to Ukraine, are among some of the largest tax-payers in Ukraine and strive to be good corporate citizens.


In the space of 9 years of functioning in Ukraine, “SoftPress” publishing house proved itself as a reli-able source of professional information and author of successful projects on the market of mass media. Now “SoftPress” publishes 10 editions: 7 magazines ‘’CHIP’’, ‘’Communication World’’, “Telecom”, “Hi-Tech Panorama”, “MM. Money and Technologies”, “Office”, “Telemir”, 2 yearly guides “Telecom/IT/Office Navigator: Business Solutions” and «The Hi-Tech Navigator», and weekly trade newspaper “DK - Zvyazok”. In cooperation with “Internet Consulting and Communication” company successfully works in field of content-project creation in Ukrainian segment of Internet. As a partner of Vogel Corporation (Germany), “Softpress” gives many possibilities of promotion on international markets.

SoftPress Publishing house, LtdP.b. 5, Kiev, Ukraine, 03005Tel: +380 44 490-81-60Fax: +380 44 [email protected]


The Ukrainian Association of Software Developers (UASWD) is an international non-profit non-govern-ment organization formed to promote sustained and significant growth of software industry in Ukraine. To accomplish this objective, UASWD promotes policies and conducts programs that enhance technology and market growth for its members as well as for the entire industry and contributes to economic growth and job places increasing in Ukraine.



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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Infopulse Ukraine

Infopulse Ukraine Ltd. is one of the largest and well-known offshore software devel-opment companies in Eastern Europe. The company was founded in 1992.

In 2003 Infopulse was included in top five Ukrainian software development service providers according to the research carried out by Gartner group. Case studies provided by Infopulse were selected by Gartner and included into the PR-reports to represent Ukrai-nian IT-industry on foreign markets.

For more than 12 years of successful operation a multitude of European and US clients of Infopulse enjoy high quality proved by the ISO 9001:2000 standard, extensive and scal-able pool of specialists and a broad state-of-the-art skill set possessed by them.

Today Infopulse Ukraine employs more than 200 software development professionals and has long-term clients in USA, Germany, France, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Den-mark, etc.

Infopulse Ukraine offers a full range of services in outsourcing software develop-ment.

The main activities are:

• Re-engineering, migration, porting• Systems and applications integration services• Business analysis and IT consulting• Quality assurance services

Areas of expertise of Infopulse Ukraine are:

• Financial software• Billing systems • Low-level programming• Embedded systems• E-Procurement• Customer Care• Healthcare solutions• HRM solutions• Quality assurance services

More information about Infopulse Ukraine Ltd. is available at: www.infopulse.com.ua

24 Polevaya str., Kyiv 03056, UkraineTel: +380 (44) 457 9523Fax: +380 (44) 457 8856 http://[email protected]

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



Software QualityAssurance Services

An end-to-end suite of quality assurance consulting andoutsourced testing services

Quality Assurance and Software Testing services from Telesis provide independent, vendor-neutral solutions to deliver your most critical software testing on time and on budget.

Why Choose QA TestLab?

1. Industry-standard methodologies and work processes2. Detailed knowledge and use of technical and testing tools3. Extensive experience of our personnel4. High staff retention supported by professional development


A full suite of QA services targeted at solving all of your changing QA service require-ments.o QA Process Evaluationo QA Requirements Analysiso QA Process Designo Test Plan & Case Developmento Performance / Load Testingo Manual & Automated Outsourced Testing - Functional Testing - Regression Testing - Installation Testing - Configuration Testing

Your Benefits

o Access to on-demand, experienced quality assurance resources, without the cost of hiring & managing.

o Accelerate the roll-out of your product with confidence that adequate time has been allo-cated to testing.

o Eliminate the cost of software & hardware required to maintain multiple test environments.o Provide you with a predictable cost structure for budgeting.o Reduce the operational skill requirements of internal staff and let them focus on their core


21, Garmatna st., Kiev, UkrainePhone: +380-44-406-70-24Web site: www.qa-testlab.comE-mail: [email protected]

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

About Company

Finport Technologies is a leading knowledge-driven IT company active in the fields of qual-ity and cost-effective software development services. Founded in 2000, in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, Finport Technologies strengthens those companies looking to extract maximum return on their IT investments. Client success is central to our business approach.


Finport Technologies has proved its experience in providing innovative and successful soft-ware solutions that meet realistic business requirements. We can offer you the following off-shore software outsourcing services:

• Offshore development • Custom software development• Technology consulting • Product development • Offshore support• Quality Assurance testing


Finport employs more then 70 results-oriented people, continually investing in their skills to maximize value while creating viable solutions that assure client’s success. Our project manag-ers have several years of experience with American and Western European corporate software requirements. Every person is guided by our company’s established business principles: there is no limit to the size or cost of a project, every project and every client deserves our full commitment and maintaining a longstanding relationship with our customers is paramount.


Finport Technologies’ clients range from governmental institutions, large businesses, SME’s, broadcasting companies, news and PR agencies, International organizations and NGO’s.

Among our key clients we are proud to mention: Samsung Electronics, Bayer Crop Science, METRO Cash & Carry (Germany), SUN Interbrew Ukraine (InBev S.A.), Kyivstar company (main shareholder is Telenor company), Eurocar (project Volkswagen Group), Honorary Consulate of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, Project UNDP/ILO “Introduction of flexible programs of vocational training for the unemployed”, Project Credit Rating/Financial Times “FirsTnews”, International Finance Corporation (World Bank group), National Academy of Sciences, State Property Fund and many others.

23, Gagarina Ave, Kyiv, 02660 UkraineTel/fax: +380/ 44 536 02 17E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.finporttechnologies.com

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÀ Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum `2005

Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum `2005 AgendaKiev, Ukrainian House, Khreschatik, 2 (European Square), 3-d floor.

November 29

10.30 - 11.00 Forum participants’ registration, coffee break

11.00 - 11.55 Official opening of Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 2005.

Welcome word from Forum organizers and guests of honor.

Aleksey Naugolnyi, Project manager, PR KVADRAT

Victor Musiyaka, Ukrainian People’s Deputy

Vasil Gandabura, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication of Ukraine

Peter Yatsuk, Chief of State Department on Communication and Informatization

Alexander Baranov, Kiev Municipal State Administration

Victor Maznyuk, Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative

Simon Moldavsky, The Ukrainian Association of Software Developers

Plenary reports

12.00 - 12.25 15 years in outsourcing – flashbacks and reflections. Victor Loskutov, President, MiraSoft Group

12.30 - 12.55 Kharkov - leading regional software development center in Ukraine. Evgeniy Kovalik, Sales & Marketing Director, QArea

13.00 - 13.25 Advantages of Outsourcing in Ukraine, Mark Phillips, VP of Software Delivery/ VP of Engineering Process & Tools, Lohika

13.30 - 13.50 Scientific and production potential of Dnepropetrovsk - reliable background for IT outsourcing development. Stas Ivanov, Director, Infinity Internet Institute

13.50 - 14.20 Coffee break

Section 1 - Outsourcing technology and infrastructure.

14.20 – 15.00 Large IT projects in Ukraine. Experience of geographically distributed projects management. Aleksey Sigov, CEO, Infopulse Ukraine

15.05 - 15.45 Outsourcing in the game industry: Ukraine is willing and competent, Sergiy Grygorovich, CEO, GSC Game World

15.50 – 16.30 Internal software testing as opposed to outsourced testing, Dmitryi Vilchinsky, Project Manager, Bonus Technology

16.35 – 17.15 Independent software testing - new type of outsourcing services., Dmitryi Oparin, Business Development Director, Sunbay Software Crimea Ltd.

17.15 – 17.45 Coffee break

17.45 – 18.25 Practices of extreme programming in outsourcing. InterLink experience. Aleksey Smirnov, Project Manager, InterLink Ltd.

18.30 – 19.10 AceRemoteProject tool. Control offshore projects remotely, Dmitry Efimenko, Development Director, Program-Ace LLC

November 29 Section 2 - Global marketing of outsourcing services.

14.20 – 15.00 Challenges and expectations from Western European Partners. Helge Ranvik, President, Scandinavian HOUSE

15.05 - 15.45 Your place in the Outsourcing Craze! - Emmy B. Gengler, CEO, Softjourn, Inc., USA

15.50 – 16.30 IT services sales strategies in large US companies - practical experience application. Mikhail Vinnitsky , Associate Professor, Kyiv-Mohyla Business School. (Ex -Sales VP, Lava Computer MFG Inc.)

16.35 – 17.15 CeBIT (Hannover, Germany) - a leading international IT Exhibition.

A separate stand for IT Outsourcing Services and IT Outsourcing Forum at the CeBIT is the best promotion opportunity for outsourcing services.

Aleksnder Vanidovsky, Messe AG representative in Ukraine.

17.15 – 17.45 Coffee break

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ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÀAGENDAUkrainian Outsourcing Forum 2005

29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

17.45 – 18.00 Presentation of “Ukrainian IT Outsourcing Research 2006” start.

18.00 – 19.10 Round table discussion “International image of Ukraine - outsourcing services supplier.” Ukrainian IT companies at the international exhibitions.

November 30 9.30 - 10.00 Forum participants’ registration,

coffee break

Section 3 - Ukrainian outsourcing business development.

10.00 - 10.45 Our strength is Unity. - Simon Moldavsky, Executive Director, UASWD

10.50 - 11.35 Product vs. service model? Yan Cybulkin, CEO, КМ Soft, «Кvazar-Мicro corporation»

11.40 - 12.25 Legal mechanisms of successful IT product implementation for a foreign customer. Mariana Marchuk, lawyer, “Baker & McKenzie”

12.30 - 13.00 Coffee break

13.00 - 13.45 Offshore software development industry consolidation: myth or reality. Roman Dzvinka, Head of International business development department, КМ Soft, «Кvazar-Micro» Corporation

13.50 - 14.35 Professional education and consulting services for software development industry. World and Russian experience., Dmitry Dakhnovsky, Managing Director, RUSSEE

14.40 - 15.25 LiveRepair.com: The way to succeed in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Larry Sheremetyev, LiveRepair.com

15.30 - 15.50 Coffee break

15.50 - 16.35 Experience of e-commerce financial applications certification. PCI Data Security Standard. Dmitryi Sharkov, TechnoPark Corp.

16.40 - 17.25 Software development efficiency management system. Vladimir Veretenov, Director, Rubikon

17.30 - 18.15 Interactive 3D Solutions for various industries, Christina Baryshnikova, Marketing Manager, Program-Ace LLC. (Report substitution)

Section 2 - Global marketing of outsourcing services.

10.00 - 10.45 Target your future outsourcing client the most effective way, Stig-Arne Kristoffersen, CEO, Anergy Ltd

10.50 - 11.35 Outsourcing and offshoring in Austria and Germany (relating to the CEE), Mr. Gerhard K. WAGNER, Secretary General Austrian Federation for the Information Industry Austria

11.40 - 12.25 Ukraine’s Role in Global Outsourcing Industry – What the LARGEST clients need and demand. Karl Robb, Executive Vice President, Global Operations, EPAM Systems Inc.

12.30 - 13.00 Coffee break

13.00 - 13.45 5-years experience in e-commerce solutions development based on open-source software.Dmitry Voychenko, CEO, SOFT-INDUSTRY, (Report substitution)

Section 4 – IT professionals’ labor market in Ukraine.

13.50 - 14.35 Ukrainian IT professionals labor market trends, Andrey Galich, Project manager, rabota.com.ua

14.40 - 15.25 Motivation and retention of IT professionals. Konstantin Golovin, Senior consultant. Addforce/Ancor.

15.30 - 15.50 Coffee break

15.50 - 17.50 Round table discussion : «Position of Ukraine on the global outsourcing market. Prerequisites and opportunities».

November 30Section 2

Round table discussion :

15.50 - 17.50 «Position of Ukraine on the global outsourcing market? Prerequisites and opportunities».

Moderators Victor Maznyuk, Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative,

Dmitry Grinenko, ComputerWorld/Ukraine

Participants Simon Moldavsky, The Ukrainian

Association of Software Developers Aleksey Sigov, CEO, Infopulse Ukraine Viktor Loskutov, President, Mirasoft

Group Yan Cybulkin, CEO, KМ Soft Sergiy Glushakov, COO, TODC Yegor Bugaenko, CEO, TechnoPark Corp.

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



Main activities/specializationICT Connector Project Russia International Finance Corporation (IFC)and FINPRO jointly implements a project that provides as-sistance to Russian ICT companies in the offshore programming sector and matches them to Finnish outsourcing and market entry needs. Geographically the Project covers North-West Russia and other important ICT centers in Russia. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) promotes sustainable private sector investment in developing countries as a way to reduce poverty and improve people\’s lives. IFC is a member of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington, DC. It shares the primary objective of all World Bank Group institutions: to improve the quality of the lives of people in its developing member countries. Established in 1956, IFC is the largest multilateral source of loan and equity financing for private sector projects in the developing world. It promotes sustainable private sector development.

Main interest in forum participationTo share the experience in the IT sphere, to

ParticipantMr. Jari P. Angesleva (Project Manager)

Ñompany name: International Fi-nance CorporationCountry: Resident mission in RussiaAddress: office 303, 18A, Petrograds-kaya nab., 197046, St. PetersburgTel: +7(812) 332 08 39e-mail; [email protected]: www.ifc.org, http://www.russia-software.com/ICT/

Ñompany name: ShiftLabsCountry: USAAddress: 4234 North Freeway Blvd, Sacramento CaliforniaTel: +1(916)208-3126e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.shiftlabs.com

Main activities/specializationOur company is a US based firm with software development facili-ties in several Ukrainian cities. Our company’s focus is on providing comprehensive IT outsourcing services to clients in the US and Western Europe. Main interest in forum participationExpansion of knowledge base on Ukrainian software develop-ment/outsourcing market. Establishing strong contacts with local businesses.

ParticipantsMiron Balyasny (Chief Executive Officer)Anton Vasilyev (US Development Manager)Aleksey Drobnych (Head of Western Ukrainian Region)Maxim Grigoriev (Head of Southern Ukrainian Region)

ParticipantsMartinchuk SergeyBaranov Vladislav

Company name: Finport Technologies Inc.Country: UkraineAddress: 23 Yu. Gagarin Ave., 7th floor, 02660 KyivTel: +380/ 44 536 02 17e-mail: [email protected]: www.finporttechnologies.com

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationFounded in 1990, LISA is the premier non-profit organization for the GILT (Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Transla-tion) business community. Over 400 leading IT manufacturers and services providers, along with industry professionals representing corporations with an international business focus, have helped es-tablish LISA\’s best practice guidelines and language-technology standards for enterprise globalization. It\’s the organization to join when you\’re serious about international business.

Main interest in forum participationOutsourcing: challenges and prospects.

ParticipantElina Yutelite

Company name: Localization Industry Standards AssociationCountry: SwitzerlandAddress: Domaine en Prael 1323 Ro-mainmotierTel: +7 812 331 36 33e-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.lisa.org

Main activities/specializationEnvironmental modelling software; Decision Support Systems for Environmental & Nuclear Emergency Management; Outsourcing of CRM applications

Main interest in forum participationTo see \”state - of - the arts\” in outsourcing projects manage-ment: practice, technology, standards

ParticipantsMark Zheleznyak (Director)Anatoly Zaslavsky (Head of Department)Dmitry Treebushny (Head of Section)

Company name: Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water ProjectsCountry: UkraineAddress: Prospect Glushkova, 42Tel: +38 044 5266148e-mail: [email protected]: www.ucewp.kiev.ua

Main activities/specializationWe specialise in system analysis, information systems design and software development as customized software with a focus on In-ternet, mobile and database applications. We have real experience in telework (\”offshore\” or \”outsourcing\” software develop-ment) with some foreign customers, including Germany ones. ParticipantDmitry Sharadkin (Deputy Director, Derector of SW-developing Department)

Company name: RQL-UkraineCountry: UkraineAddress: Esplanadna Str. 4, of.105 , Kiev-01001Tel: (380)-44-287-2144e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.rql.com.ua/soft.php

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Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 200529-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine



Main activities/specializationIndustry leader in solutions that deliver the next power of integrat-ed manufacturing operations to the electronics, A&D, automotive and medical device manufacturing industries

Main interest in forum participationStaying abreast of market and political trends in Ukraine offshore development industry. Making industry contacts.

ParticipantTim Klimavicz (Director of European Operations)

Company name: Visiprise, Inc.Country: USA / UkraineAddress: 14 Vasilkovskaya Street, Kyiv 03040Tel: +380 (44) 496 3171 x201e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.visiprise.com

Main activities/specialization-software development; -IT consulting; -Outsourcing; -Offshore Staffing.

Main interest in forum participationTo become a member of Ukrainian Offshore Software Develop-ment alliance

ParticipantsLyudmila Boris (Director)Valentin Mitsek (IT Director)

Company name: Delsoft Ltd.Country: UkraineAddress: 18/14 Vickentiya Khvoiko street,office 210,”Ost-West Express” business centerTel: 044 230 60 87e-mail: [email protected]: www.delsoft.com.ua

Main activities/specializationBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO): - Remote technical support - Real-time sales support - Remote support software (ASP basis) Custom Software Development and Integration Web Site Design and Integration

Main interest in forum participationBusiness development Knowledge exchange Promotion of the Ukrainian IT sector

ParticipantLarry Sheremetyev (Director of Business Development, Marketing and Sales)

Company name: LiveRepair.com, Inc.Country: USA (with à wholly owned subsidiary in Ukraine)Address: 980 Broadway, Suite 330, Thornwood, NY 10594, USATel: +1 (914) 747-4144e-mail: [email protected]: www.liverepair.com

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationMirasoft Group is a major offshore software developer from Ukraine and a leading national provider of complete business administration solutions. Established in 1989, we are among the oldest IT companies from CIS. At the moment we are a dynami-cally growing group with more than 100 highly-educated full-time employees and advanced infrastructure. Majority of our clients are companies from Western Europe. We offer high quality out-sourcing services in software development: Mirasoft Group is ISO 9001/2000 certified and SEI CMMi Level 3 assessment has already been launched. We strictly follow recommendations of the stan-dards to insure the high quality of our services. We are Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Mirasoft can engage in any project at any stage: from software vision elaboration and requirements manage-ment to design, implementation, testing, deployment and support. We specialize in following solutions: ERP, CRM, XRM, BPI, EAI, RAD, document and work flow solutions, E-commerce solutions, collaborative solutions, Internet applications development, multi-purpose database utilities, peer-to-peer collaboration systems etc. Our skills embrace such programming languages as C/C++, C#, Visual Basic/VBA, VB.NET, XML/XSL, Java, Perl, etc; databases MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix; OS & platforms MS Windows 95/98, MS Windows NT/2000/XP, UNIX, Linux, MS/DOS, Solaris; such technologies as .NET, Corba, EJB, J2EE, BizTalk, TCP/IP, ADO/RDO, ODBC, Active X, ATL, many more.

Main interest in forum participationMirasoft Group is interested in communication with potencial part-ners and clients and to share our 16-years experience in IT sphere with colleagues.

ParticipantsVictor Loskutov (President)Olga Kiselyova (Head of Sales and Marketing Department)

Company name: Mirasoft Group - the oldest software company in UkraineCountry: UkraineAddress: Glushkova Ave., 40 03187 KievTel: +38044 492 99 60e-mail: [email protected]: www.mirasoft-group.com

Main activities/specializationÐàçðàáîòêà ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ, 2D è 3D ãðàôèêà

ParticipantsÀíàòîëèé Ѹìèê (Ïðåäñòàâèòåëü ãîëîâíîé êîìïàíèè â Óêðàèíå)Þðèé Ìîâ÷óí (Äèðåêòîð)

Company name: ÄÏ Èêñäàéí ÓêðàèíàCountry: ÓêðàèíàAddress: Êèåâ 01133, áóë. Ë. Óêðàèíêè, 34, îô. 74Tel: +380 (44) 281-64-61e-mail: [email protected]: www.xdyne.com.ua

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Main activities/specializationÐàçðàáîòêà ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ äëÿ ó÷àñòíèêîâ âíåøíåýêîíîìè÷åñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè

Main interest in forum participationÎáùåå îçíàêîìëåíèå ñ ñîñòîÿíèåì äåë â îáëàñòè îôøîðíîãî ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ â Óêðàèíå

ParticipantÑîëäàòêèí Îëåã (ðóêîâîäèòåëü îòäåëà ðàçðàáîòêè ïðîãðàììíûõ ñðåäñòâ)

Company name: ÍÒÔ ÈÍÒÅÑCountry: ÓêðàèíàAddress: Êèåâ 04112, Äåãòÿðåâñêàÿ, 62, îôèñ 53Tel: 456-43-27e-mail: [email protected]: http://qdpro.com.ua

Main activities/specializationWe have specialised in the area of e-health and e-enterprise solu-tions. Our specialists have extensive skills and experience in:— soft-ware development methodologies MSF, RUP;— development tools – Visual C++, C#, Delphi, Source Safe, PHP, HTML; — data access technologies – ODBC, ADO, ADO.NET, API (MS SQL, MySQL);— CASE tools – Rational Rose, AllFusion Modeller (BPwin), AllFusion ERwin;— project management tools — Microsoft Project 2003;

Main interest in forum participationSeeking orders and partners

Company name: SEC “Infoservice”Country: UkraineAddress:21, Moscow avenue, 04073, KyivTel: +38 044 490 3556e-mail: [email protected]: www.infoservice.kiev.ua

Main activities/specializationTransaction Advisory Services

Main interest in forum participationMeet Ukrainian IT companies

ParticipantElena Lomakina (Senior Executive)

Company name: Ernst& YoungCountry: RussiaAddress: Moscow Sadovnicheskaya ul. 77-1Tel: +7 095 783 2517e-mail: [email protected]: www.ey.com/Russia

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationBPO - Business Process Outsourcing from Scandinavian to Ukraine ant the Baltics

Main interest in forum participationSpeaker Build network

ParticipantHelge Ranvik (CEO & Managing Director)

Company name: Scandinavian House ASCountry: NorwayAddress: Værftsgt. 1 C N-1511 MossTel: +47 907 65 896e-mail: [email protected]: www.scandinavianhouse.no

Main activities/specializationEPAM Systems is a global provider of software development out-sourcing services. In January 2005 EPAM was named No.1 of “Top 5 to Watch in Central and Eastern Europe” and No.3 of “Top 10 Specialty Application Development Leaders” on the global Off-shore 100 list by neoIT and CMP’s Managing Offshore. Established in 1993 in Princeton, New Jersey, EPAM Systems has technology development centers in Russia, Belarus, and Hungary. EPAM solves complex business and technology problems using a delivery model that combines onsite presence (in US and EU) with Eastern Eu-ropean offshore and nearshore services. EPAM’s customer base includes Reuters, Samsung America, Colgate-Palmolive, Empire and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, London Stock Exchange, Hallibur-ton, and British Telecom among others. In the technology world, EPAM provides services to firms such as SAP, Hyperion, BEA Sys-tems, Microsoft and others.

Company name: EPAM SystemsCountry: USATel: +38 067 442 6759e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.epam.com

Main activities/specializationTelecom industry

Main interest in forum participationembede, real time capabilities

ParticipantsShai Yanai (Director for Commerce)Ran Laor (CFO)

Company name: Telrad NetworksCountry: IsraelAddress: 14, Hamelacha St. Rosh Haa’yinTel: +972 3 915 7065e-mail: [email protected]: www.telrad.com

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Main activities/specializationSoftware consulting, systems integration, software development

Main interest in forum participationNetwork with peers and potential clients. Gain a better under-standing of the current market trends and capabilities.

ParticipantEric Sandler (President & CTO)

Company name: Zoral IncCountry: USAAddress: 22 Tower Drive, Springfield, NJ 07081Tel: +1 973 652 1009e-mail: [email protected]: www.aleri.com

Main activities/specializationProvider of Cell Phones and associated software. In addition pro-vider of high-end LCD equipment together with home entertain-ment/AV systems.

Main interest in forum participationSeeking software experts for outsourcing activities within software development as well as partners in Ukraine for its products.

ParticipantsOdd-Jarle Kristoffersen (Operations Manager)Stig-Arne Kristoffersen (International Business Development Man-ager)

Company name: AtelCountry: NorwayTel: +4790668292e-mail: [email protected]: www.atel.as

Main activities/specializationProfit from internet solution

Main interest in forum participation-Marketing of Software pro-Outsourcing Technologies

ParticipantsDmitry Antonyuk (Director)Johannes Biemond (Director of General)

Company name: ISM eCompanyCountry: the NetherlandsAddress: Schiekade 101Tel: +380412445403e-mail: [email protected]: www.ism.nl

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationtourism. incoming Italy outgoing east countries

Main interest in forum participationsoftware for e-commerce of touristic products


Company name: ANDY&ROSE VIAGGI&VACANZECountry: ITALYAddress: VIA DALMAZIA 11Tel: +390872717436e-mail: [email protected]: www.andyerose.it

Main activities/specializationWe are an IT services provider in Turkey,we are specialized in e-business technology apllications. Treda has Java and .net capabili-ties.

Main interest in forum participationWe are interested in establishing business partnerships with com-panies to sub-contract application development projects.

ParticipantsTamer Gülce (General Manager- Treda)Doruk Aydin (IT Outsourcing Services- Treda, ilab holding- Direc-tor)

Company name: iLab Holding- Treda Information TechnologiesCountry: TurkeyAddress: ITU Technokent- Ayazaga- Istanbul-TurkeyTel: +90 216 468 1014e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.treda.com.tr/en/index.htm

ParticipantsPaul Maximov (Director)Alla Borzakova (PR)

Company name: Net Framework TechnologiesCountry: USATel: +1-949-400-3961e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.cyberiansoft.com

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ParticipantMourier (Vice President)

Company name: NextwaveCountry: FranceTel: +331 46 46 46 46e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.nextwave-con-seil.com/

Main activities/specializationGSC Game World is a leading Ukrainian computer game develop-ment company. The studio was founded in 1995 in Kiev. Nowadays GSC has 6 successful game development projectsa dn partnership with the biggest western game development companies.

Main interest in forum participationSharing copmany’s experience in outsourcing in the game indus-try.

ParticipantSergiy Grygorovych (SEO)

Company name: GSC Game WorldCountry: Ukrainee-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]: http://www.gsc-game.com/

Main activities/specializationñâÿçü è òåëåêîììóíèêàöèè

Main interest in forum participationçíàêîìñòâî ñ óêðàèíñêèìè êîìïàíèÿìè, ðàçðàáàòûâàþùèìè ïðîãðàììíûå ñèñòåìû ïî çàêçàó (àóòñîðñèíã ðàçðàáîòêè ÏÎ)

ParticipantÀëåêñàíäð Êóÿí (íà÷àëüíèê îòäåëà)

Company name: ÇÀÎ “Êèåâñòàð Äæ.Ýñ.Ýì.”Country: ÓêðàèíàAddress: 03113, Êèåâ, óë.Äåãòÿðåâñêàÿ, 53Tel: +380-67-2372214e-mail: [email protected]: www.kyivstar.net

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationphp programming

Main interest in forum participationexperience

ParticipantsAndrey Grishutkin (CEO)Andrey Ryabchuk (chief developer)

Company name: FudenewmediaCountry: UkraineAddress: Melnikova 2/10 706Tel: 80975960093e-mail: [email protected]: www.fudenewmedia.com

ParticipantAleksander Kristian Mehrle (Researher)Company name: Fulbright Scholar

Country: United StatesTel: 80674456844e-mail: [email protected]: www.gmail.com

Main activities/specializationSoftware developing, web-programming, on-line games

ParticipantsAndrey Yackovlev (Director)Sergey Tomchuk (Co-director)

Company name: G-typeCountry: UkraineAddress: Kudri, 5Tel: +38044 529-5270e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.g-type.kiev.ua

ParticipantsStas Ivanov (Director)Lysenko Igor (IT Director)

Company name: Internet Institute InfinityCountry: Ukrainee-mail: [email protected]: http://www.iii.com.ua

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Main activities/specializationWe are an offshore software development company in Cherkassy, Ukraine. Our key value adds is cost effective rates and quality work on schedule. Our offshore outsourcing success is enabled through structured communication and clear definition of weekly milestones that we actively track to success. We manage project risk by enumerating detailed scope of work upfront and linking payments to clear-cut project deliverables. We have a diverse skill-set spanning Microsoft, Linux, Java and J2EE technologies in Vari-ous Industry Verticals like Manufacturing, BFSI, Health Care, Real Estate (Personal and Commercial), Logistics & Transportation, In-formation Technology etc. We are, an organization providing value to business, realizes the importance of customization of services with respect to the requirements. We are into IT product and services providing Web Solutions (Data Driven Websites/ Web-Applications/ eCommerce, Website Design, Redesign and Devel-opment), Software Solutions (Application Products, Custom ERP Implementations) to various enterprises and SMEs. Main interest in forum participationWe are interesting in sharing information between market par-ticipants to create relationships between outsourcing providers of Ukraine.

ParticipantsSergey Slepchenko (CTO)Andrey Budnik (PM)Alexey Smirnov (PM)

Company name: InterLinkCountry: UkraineTel: +38(067)7326668e-mail: [email protected]: www.interlink.ck.ua

Main activities/specializationLeasing of IT-infrastructure components. Software development outsourcing and out-stuffing. Business processes outsourcing and out-stuffing. Applications and systems maintenance

Main interest in forum participationNew partners. Legal aspects of outsourcing activity

ParticipantAlexander Shapoval (Director)

Company name: IT LeasingCountry: UkraineAddress: 23, Mariny Raskovoy str., office 1222Tel: +380 (44) 517-5881e-mail: [email protected]: www.itleasing.kiev.ua

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationCorporate Information Systems Development, business processes analysis and automaion

ParticipantSergiy Ivanko (IT department director)

Company name: JSC Dogmat UkraineCountry: UkraineTel: +380 50 385 12 08e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.eurokredyt.com.ua/

ParticipantsGorohov Yaroslav (Project manager)Vadim M. Levshin (Sales Manager)

Company name: Local Information Tech.Country: UkraineTel: 80662309657e-mail: [email protected]: lit.net.ua

Main activities/specializationMicrosystem WEB department is a young and dynamic offshore software development department in company. In just five years WEB department has developed strong business relationships with a number of Western companies. WEB department\’s current goal is to continue building our reputation to the point where busi-nesses come to us because of our reputation for superior quality product and service.

Main interest in forum participationMicrosystem company wants to show our web decisions - with the purpose of potential long-time clients search.

ParticipantsValery Leschenko (Deputy Director)Serge Kozko (Leading programmer)

Company name: Microsystem JSCCountry: UkraineAddress: 54, Teatralnaya street, KhmelnytskyTel: +380(382)700822, 700823e-mail: [email protected]: http://ms.km.ua

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Main activities/specializationUkrainian-Dutch cooperation

Main interest in forum participationmarket search

ParticipantsLarisa Starikova (Next Step coordinator in Ukraine)Alexandr Meshalkin (Next Step partner in Ukraine)

Company name: Next StepCountry: UkraineAddress: Kyiv, vul.Grushevskogo,4, of 401Tel: 8 044 492 7075, 8 066 733 2804e-mail: [email protected]: www.netherlands.com.ua

Main activities/specializationQArea’s key activities are: - PDA & Mobile application Development (Symbian, J2ME, WinCE, Palm) - .NET software development (C#.NET, ASP.NET, WinForms, WebForms, etc) - Java software devel-opment (J2EE, J2SE, Swing, Hibernate, etc) - Embedded software development (VxWorks, Linux, WinCE, QNX, ATM, etc) - Quality Assurance and Quality Control services (Web, PDA & Mobile, PC) Among our on-going customers such IT-noted customers as Uni-versal Electronics (Simple Devices), Trust Digital, Qualcomm (Tri-genix), etc.

ParticipantsEugene Kovalik (Sales & Marketing Director)Julia Palatovska (PR Manager)

Company name: QArea GroupCountry: Ukraine / USAAddress: Novgorodskaya Street, 3ATel: +38057 7021701e-mail: [email protected]: www.QArea.com

Main activities/specializationResearch, development and testing software.

Main interest in forum participationBusiness

ParticipantVladimir Miloserdov (Director)

Company name: SynergeticaCountry: UkraineAddress: Kievskiy prospect, 34Tel: 8-050-568-568-9e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.synergetica.dn.ua

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationInternet solutions for business.

Main interest in forum participationBusiness partners.

ParticipantOleksiy V. Tsebro (CEO)

Company name: TangramCountry: UkraineAddress: KyivTel: +380504698058, +38 0445319597e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.tangram.ua

Main activities/specializationThe Technocom-AT is a leader in developing defense technologies and converting those technologies for use in commercial markets. The Company develops optimized embedded solutions in ASIC/FPGA and markets specialized Digital Signal Processing technolo-gies for Wireless, Baseband and Radar applications. The company’s technologies has been under developments and refinement since early 1996. Since its founding in 2001, Technocom-AT has become the leading designer and manufacturer of advanced wireless data products and systems for mission-critical and defense applications, ahas developed technology innovation. The software department of Technocom-AT has expertise in a wide range of software tech-nologies, and our Company has four software developer teams . Our development activities involve majority of widely used plat-forms, development environments and languages as well as some infrequent technologies used for particular tasks.

ParticipantsSergey Dubrovsky (Vice-Chairman of the Board)Sergey Tkachenko (Chief of marketing group)

Company name: Technocom-AT Closed JSCCountry: UkraineAddress: Avenue Lepse, 8, 6th floor,Kyiv, 03124 UKRAINETel: 38-044-594-29-89, 408-07-78e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]: www.techno-at.kiev.ua

Main activities/specializationUkrInvent is a Ukrainian IT-Company, which specializes in software development for data processing and presentation area. Our Com-pany is a Microsoft registered partner. Partner ID = 961339. Our team consist of professional engineers-programmers, who able to do arbitrary complex task in information systems area.

ParticipantAlex Banasevich (CTO)

Company name: TOV UkrInventCountry: UkraineAddress: apt.41, bld.22, P.Lumumby str.Tel: +38 044 2856692e-mail: [email protected]: www.ukrinvent.com

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ParticipantIlya Frolov (IT Manager)

Company name: Unwind TechnologyCountry: UKAddress: LondonTel: +44 207 483 6545e-mail: [email protected]: www.unwindtechnology.com

Main activities/specializationPrivate investment group

ParticipantNick Halliwell (Associate)

Company name: Vik CapitalCountry: United StatesAddress: 10 Ashton Drive, Greenwich CT 06831Tel: 203-622-1606e-mail: [email protected]

Main activities/specializationSecurity, software and data protection; - Internet/intranet based integrated solutions with multilayer architecture utilizing .NET en-vironment, as well as UNIX server platform providing XML/Web/dedicated interfaces to SQL database and smart/web Win32/Linux clients; - Win32/UNIX application development; - Web develop-ment;

Main interest in forum participationto present our services to international businesses

ParticipantsAnatoly Fedororvsky (CEO)Vlad Remizov (Project Manager)

Company name: WestGate-Ukraine LtdCountry: UkraineAddress: 4 Hospitalnaya strTel: 38-044-234-0197e-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.westgatesecurity.com

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29-30 November, Kiev, Ukraine

Main activities/specializationsoftware developing

Main interest in forum participationcooperation with software developers

ParticipantShvets Alex (Business manager)

Company name: Wintraf LTDCountry: UkraineAddress: KievTel: +380442029270e-mail: [email protected]: www.wintraf.com

Main activities/specializationEstablished in 1990, Kvazar-Micro is one of the first private hi-tech businesses started in Ukraine ever. Today the company is a leading national supplier of ICT solutions / services and a principle vendor of the Ukrainian government. Business lines include software engi-neering, system integration, consulting, and IT education / training. Software development and Offshore Development Center (ODC) services are rendered by KM Soft – the software division within Kvazar-Micro Corp. appraised at SEI CMMI Maturity Level 4 in June 2005.

Main interest in forum participationMatch with buyers of Offshore Development Center and cus-tomer software development services.

ParticipantsIan Tsybulkin (General Director, KM Soft)Roman Dzvinka (Head of International Business Development, KM Soft)

Ñompany name: KM Soft / Kvazar-Micro Corp.Country: UkraineTel: +380 44 239 9999e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.kvazar-micro.com/en/

Main activities/specializationProgram-Ace is leading eastern Ukraine company specialized in the Interactive 3D solutions, Game Development, Custom Software and Web development. We have over 130 developers now and planning to grow up to 400 in nearest future.

Main interest in forum participationWe would like to tell about our unique 3D technologies, time-proven offshore model, AceRemoteProject product and custom software development services. The goal of our company is to find and build strong long-term partner relationships with foreign and Ukrainian companies.

ParticipantsKristina Baryshnikova (Marketing Manager)Dmitry Efimenko (Web Development Director)

Company name: Program-AceCountry: UkraineAddress: PO Box 9207, Kharkiv, 61085Tel: +38 (057) 7598590e-mail: [email protected]: www.program-ace.com

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Main activities/specializationIT/SWD/Hardware

Main interest in forum participationLocate new B2B relationships

ParticipantAnton Vityaz (Head of Development Department)

Company name: JSC “Bankomzvy-azok”Country: UkraineAddress: Kikvidze 39Tel: +380504469170e-mail: [email protected]: www.bkc.com.ua

Main activities/specializationTechnoPark Corp. is a company, with its main office in Dneprop-etrovsk, Ukraine. It was founded in 2000 as a software develop-ment team. Our programmers have strong programming/develop-ing experience in Java, C/C++, PHP/Perl, SQL, XML/XSL and with programming experience both under Windows and UNIX/Linux operating systems.TechnoPark Corp. facilitates IT projects by providing a low-cost infrastructure that includes capital, programming, 24x7 remote network administration, legal services, accounting, project man-agement, round the clock customer support, promotion, search engine optimization, hosting and other services. All of the services, provided by TechnoPark Corp. for outsourcing companies, offer lower prices with a very high quality.We at TechnoPark utilize the experience and extensive technical skills of over 70 specialists to turn our clients’ demands and ideas into effective and efficient solutions.

Participants Dmitriy SharkovLena Malina

Company name: TechnoPark Corp.Country: UkraineTel: 38 050 985-9985e-mail: [email protected]: www.technoparkcorp.com