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1 Update in Critical Care, 2012: Update in Critical Care, 2012: Teamwork in the ICU Teamwork in the ICU Update in Critical Care, 2012: Update in Critical Care, 2012: Teamwork in the ICU Teamwork in the ICU Naeem Ali, MD Medical Director Medical Intensive Care Unit Medical Intensive Care Unit The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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Update in Critical Care, 2012: Update in Critical Care, 2012: Teamwork in the ICUTeamwork in the ICU

Update in Critical Care, 2012: Update in Critical Care, 2012: Teamwork in the ICUTeamwork in the ICU

Naeem Ali, MDMedical Director

Medical Intensive Care UnitMedical Intensive Care UnitThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Page 2: Update in Critical Care, 2012: Teamwork in the ICU - Update in ICU Medicine Final - 2.pdf · Update in Critical Care, 2012: Teamwork in the ICU Naeem Ali, MD Medical Director


Many developments in Critical Care

Many developments in Critical Care

• Emergence of early ICU physical therapy• Emergence of early ICU physical therapy

• Data on how best to sedate critically ill patients

• Data on how ICU clinicians should organize their weekorganize their week

• Better understanding of how ICUs should be organized

• Empiric antibiotics in Severe Sepsis

Case presentationCase presentation

• Video #1: Case Presentation

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Case presentationCase presentation

• 50 yo WM with B-cell Lymphoma

D l d d d lt d t l– Developed dyspnea and altered mental status after chemotherapy

• Severe sepsis/shock

• New pulmonary infiltrates HCAP/ALI

Metabolic acidosis• Metabolic acidosis

• Tumor lysis syndrome

• Required CRRT and mechanical ventilation


Case based presentationCase based presentation

• Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• ABX in Severe Sepsis

• Nutritional support

V til t B dl /Lib ti• Ventilator Bundle/Liberation

• Putting it all together: Multidisciplinary rounds

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Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• How should I sedate the patient for endotracheal intubation?














1979 to 1982 1982 to 1983 1983 to 1984

Morphine + BDZ

Morphine + Etomidate

Morphine + BDZ

Watt & Ledingham, Anaesthesia 1984

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• Etomidate commonly used in RSI– Good effect and side-effect profile

• Single doses of etomidate lead to with adrenal suppression in critically ill, septic patients– 77% vs 51% (p=0 008)77% vs 51% (p 0.008)

• Etomidate associated with increased morbidity/mortality variably

Baird Emerg Med J. 2009; Mohammed, Crit care 2006Watt & Ledingham, Anaesthesia 1984; Warner, J Trauma 2009

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Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• RCT of Critically ill patients w/o sepsisp p– 99pts rec’d

etomidate: UC vs steroids for 6 d

• No difference in Shock, ICU LOS or

t litmortality

• Vasopressor dose was lower in Steroid group

Payen, CCM 2012

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• RCT of ketamine vs etomidate for RSI– 469 pts: rec’d etomidate or ketamine

• Equally effective in airway placement

• No difference in Shock, ICU LOS or mortality

Jabre P, Lancet 2009

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Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• RCT of ketamine vs etomidate for RSI– 469 pts: rec’d etomidate or ketamine

• Equally effective in airway placement

• No difference in Shock, ICU LOS or mortality

• Septic pts (n=76)– Outcomes favored


Odds of survival:

1.4 (0.5 to 3.5)

Organ failure score:

1.6 pts betterJabre P, Lancet 2009

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• How should I ensure the patient isHow should I ensure the patient is comfortable on the ventilator?

Petty T, Chest 1998

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Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

Facilitating Mechanical Ventilation

• How should I ensure the patient isHow should I ensure the patient is comfortable on the ventilator?

• …but what I see these days are paralyzed,

Petty T, Chest 1998

sedated patients, lying without motion, appearing to be dead, except for the monitors that tell me otherwise…

• Thomas Petty

Uses of sedative hypnotics in patients requiring mechanical


Uses of sedative hypnotics in patients requiring mechanical

ventilation• Reduce patient anxiety

• Prevent self-injurious behavior

• Reduce oxygen consumption/demand

• Ease practitioner workload

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Maybe the typeof sedation matters

Maybe the typeof sedation matters

• Risk oftransitioningtransitioningfrom nondelirious todelirious

• 20% increase inodds of deliriumf ffor every mg oflorazepam

• Delirium increased odds of mortalityPandharipande PP, et al. Anesthesiology 2006; 21-6.

Are sedatives needed?Are sedatives needed?

• Randomized trial (Denmark)• Randomized trial (Denmark)

• 140 patients assigned to no sedation or intermittent sedation

– Excluded: <18, Coma, needed BDZ for dz, met extubation criteria, othersdz, met extubation criteria, others

T Strom, et al, Lancet, 375, 2010

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Are sedatives needed?Are sedatives needed?• 140 patients assigned to no sedation or

intermittent sedation


No sedation Sedation

Intermittent Morphine bolus, redirection, Delirium screening ± Haldol

T Strom, et al, Lancet, 375, 2010


Delirium screening ± Haldol

Are sedatives needed?Are sedatives needed?

• 140 patients assigned to no sedation or intermittent sedation

No sedation

No sedation: Shorter hospital and

T Strom, et al, Lancet, 375, 2010

No sedation ICU LOS (p<0.03)

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When sedatives are needed…

When sedatives are needed…

• Dexmedetomidine vs Midazolam (MIDEX) or propofol (PRODEX) for longer term sedation of ventilated patients– MIDEX ~250 per group

– PRODEX ~250 per group

• Adult Invasive Ventilation NeedingAdult, Invasive Ventilation, Needing continuous sedation, <48h of sedative use

• Exclude: Neuro dz, refractory shock, bradycardia

Jakob and Takala, JAMA 2012

When sedatives are needed…

When sedatives are needed…

Dexmedetomidine vs Midazolam (MIDEX)• Dexmedetomidine vs Midazolam (MIDEX) or propofol (PRODEX)

– 65y (med); 60% Males; 59% ALI; 64% Shock

– Sedative efficacy:Sedative efficacy:• Dexmedetomidine non-inferior to either

– Time at target sedation w/o rescue 56% v 60%

Jakob and Takala, JAMA 2012

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When sedatives are needed…

When sedatives are needed…


Jakob and Takala, JAMA 2012

Dexmed: Reduced hours to ventilator liberation vs midazolam (p=0.03)

Interim summary:Sedation to facilitate mechanical ventilation

Interim summary:Sedation to facilitate mechanical ventilation

• Association between Etomidate and increased mortality NOT provenincreased mortality NOT proven

• Consider ketamine as an alternative to etomidate in septic shock

• Continuous sedatives are NOT mandated in mechanically ventilated patientsin mechanically ventilated patients

• Dexmedetomidine is non-inferior to either midazolam or propofol in patients without shock

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Case presentationCase presentation

• Video #2: ABX in severe sepsis

• Regional

Antibiotics in septic shockAntibiotics in septic shock

• Regional database of >2,700 patients with septic shock

•Every hour in delay of appropriate atbx = 7.6% lower survival Kumar et al. Crit Care Med 2006; 34: 1589-96.

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Antibiotics in septic shockAntibiotics in septic shock

• Time matters: Early antibiotics essential

– Usually focused on epidemiologic patterns of:• organism/resistance pattern

• suspected source

E i i h ll lti l– Empiric approach usually covers multiple bacterial types combination therapy common

Antibiotics in septic shockAntibiotics in septic shock

• SepNet Study (Germany) Multicenter RCT of 2 broad ABX vs 1 broad ABX in severe sepsis or septic shock– Enrolled pts with onset <24h

– Excluded those known to be colonized with MRSA, VRE or who had received ABX prior to sepsissepsis

• Meropenem vs Moxifloxacin + Meropenem (n=275/grp)

Brunkhorst, JAMA 2012

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Antibiotics in septic shock

Antibiotics in septic shock

Meropenem only Meropenem + Moxi

• Age 63.7y

• 64% male

• APACHE II 21.9

• Pneumonia 38%

• Age 65.5y

• 64% male

• APACHE II 21.3

• Pneumonia 42%

• Mortality– 28d: 21.9%

– 90d: 32.1%

• Mortality– 28d: 23.9%

– 90d: 35.3%

Brunkhorst, JAMA 2012

Interim summary: Antibiotics in Septic shockInterim summary: Antibiotics in Septic shock

E l tibi ti d t• Early antibiotics are mandatory

• Broad spectrum ABX within 6 hours in ALL patients (but sooner is better)

• If patients NOT colonized with MDR pathogens a single broad spectrum ABXpathogens a single broad spectrum ABX (particularly carbapenems) can be equally effective to combination therapy

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Case presentationCase presentation

• Video #3: Nutrition

What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

• Critical illness associated with:Critical illness associated with:

– altered metabolism

– Catabolism and protein energy loss

– Poor wound healing

• But overly aggressive nutrition can lead to:But overly aggressive nutrition can lead to:

– Hyperglycemia

– Gastric distension and intolerance

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What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

EDEN: a multicenter (US) RCT of delayed• EDEN: a multicenter (US) RCT of delayed versus full initial feeds:

– All ARDS pts enrolled w/in 48h of onset

– ~500 pt/group 6days UC

• Full enteral nutrition• Full enteral nutrition

• Trophic enteral nutrition @ 10 ml/h– Exclude: TPN use or severe malnutrition

JAMA. 2012;307(8):795-803. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.137

What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

• EDEN: a multicenter (US) RCT of delayed• EDEN: a multicenter (US) RCT of delayed versus full initial feeds:

– Patients were:

• 52y

• Female ~50%• Female ~50%

• Pneumonia ~63-7%

• PF ratio: 164-8

JAMA. 2012;307(8):795-803. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.137

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What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

Trophic Full

VFD 14.9d 15.0d

VAP 7.3% 6.7%

60d Mortality

23.2% 22.2%

JAMA. 2012;307(8):795-803. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.137

What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

Full-feeds:Full feeds: Higher glucose despite ↑↑ Insulin doses

JAMA. 2012;307(8):795-803. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.137

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What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

• Significant differences in fluid balance in Full feeding group

JAMA. 2012;307(8):795-803. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.137


What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

• Most patients do not receive 100% of predicted caloric needs in the ICU

• Achieve caloric targets associated with improved wound healing

• Aggressive nutrition can lead to hyperglycemia

– European guidelines suggest TPN initiated u opea gu de es suggest t atedearly (Day 1)

– American guidelines suggest TPN started if requirements not met enterally by Day 8

Casaer M, NEJM 2011

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What to do withnutritional concerns?

What to do withnutritional concerns?

• Randomized if

– Admitted to ICU

– Nutritional Risk Score>3

• Excluded oral intake pts, BMI <17, moribund, short gut synd

– Randomized to Day 1 TPN vs Day 8 TPNa do ed to ay s ay 8

• Day 1 400 kcal, Day 2 800 kcal

• Daily TPN dose titrated to tolerated enteral calories

Casaer M, NEJM 2011

What to do with nutritional concerns?

What to do with nutritional concerns?

Delayed TPN, n=2328 Early TPN, n=2312

• 64 y

• 64% Male

• Sepsis 20.7


• 64 y

• 64% Male

• Sepsis 22.1


• Prop DC Alive at Day 8– 75.2%

• Prop DC Alive at Day 8– 71.7%

Casaer M, NEJM 2011

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Interim summary:Nutrition in the critically ill

Interim summary:Nutrition in the critically ill

• Early enteral nutrition led to more hyperglycemia and fluid accumulation buthyperglycemia and fluid accumulation, but other outcomes were no different in ARDS patients

• Early TPN in critically ill patients (less sick) had higher rates of tracheostomy, new infection and death or prolonged ICU stay than delayed TPN start

• Use enteral route early and consider TPN after day 8 if caloric balance still not met.

Case presentationCase presentation

• Video #4: Sedative interruption

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Ventilator bundle and Liberation

Ventilator bundle and Liberation

• Should sedation stops be coordinated with SBT in order to maximize ventilator liberation?

Further evidence that excess sedation is BADFurther evidence that

excess sedation is BAD

• Paired awakening andgbreathing trials vstargeted sedation andbreathing trials

• More vent-free days

• Fewer ICU days

Girard et al. Lancet 2008; 126-134.

Fewer ICU days

NNT = 7

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The key components of the Ventilator Bundle are:

The key components of the Ventilator Bundle are:

Elevation of the Head of the Bed– Elevation of the Head of the Bed

– Daily "Sedation Vacations" and Assessment of Readiness to Extubate

– Peptic Ulcer Disease Prophylaxis

– Deep Venous Thrombosis ProphylaxisDeep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis

– Daily Oral Care with Chlorhexidine

IHI accessed 5/1/2011

Implementing the ventilator bundleImplementing the ventilator bundle

State-wide cohort study (Michigan ICUs)– 112 ICUs

– 3,228 ICU months and 550,000+ ventilator days

• Over 18 months implemented– SU/DVT Proph,

Sedation managementSedation management,

SBTs, HOB elevation

Berenholtz SM, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011

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Implementing the ventilator bundleImplementing the ventilator bundle

State-wide cohort study (Michigan ICUs)– 112 ICUs

– 3,228 ICU months and 550,000+ ventilator days

• Over 18 months implemented– SU/DVT Proph,

Sedation management 5 steps for interventionSedation management,

SBTs, HOB elevation

p#5: Improve teamwork & communication•Morning Briefings•Daily goals checklists

Berenholtz SM, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011

Implementing the ventilator bundleImplementing the ventilator bundle

Median VAP n Baseline F/U #1 F/U #2Median VAPcases

n Baseline F/U #1 (3 mos)

F/U #2(3 mos)

All hospitals 112 5.5 0 0

Teaching Hospitals

76 (68%) 6.0 0 0

>400 Bed 42 (38%) 5.2 0 0

Berenholtz SM, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011


<200 BedHospitals

24 (21%) 3.0 0 0

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Implementing the ventilator bundleImplementing the ventilator bundle

Median VAPcases

n Baseline F/U #1 (3 mos)

F/U #2(3 mos)

Mixed ICU 62 4.7 0 0

Medical ICU 11 5.7 3.0 0

S /T 22 7 9 0 0

Berenholtz SM, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011

Surg/Trauma 22 7.9 0 0

Cardiac 17 7.0 0 0

Implementing the ventilator bundleImplementing the ventilator bundle

Berenholtz SM, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011

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Implementing theventilator bundleImplementing theventilator bundle

How did they do that?

Berenholtz SM, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011

Interim summary:Ventilator bundle and liberation

Interim summary:Ventilator bundle and liberation

• Coordinating the implementation of the ventilator bundle can improve outcomes

• Simultaneous effort or side-effect of the process of coordinating

B t ti i l t ti i• Best practice implementation requires effective TEAM communication

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Case presentationCase presentation

• Video #5: TEAM coordination/Checklists

Association Between Association Between IntensivistIntensivist Physician Physician Staffing and 30Staffing and 30--Day Mortality for All PatientsDay Mortality for All Patients

Analysis of >100,000 US ICU patients at 122 hospitals

A d f•Assessed presence of:

•Full-time intensivists

•Multidisciplinary rounding teams

Intensivist Alone ↓16% odds of Death

Kim, M. M. et al. Arch Intern Med 2010;170:369-376.

Effective Teams Alone ↓16% odds of Death

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Association Between Association Between IntensivistIntensivist Physician Physician Staffing and 30Staffing and 30--Day Mortality for All PatientsDay Mortality for All Patients

Intensivists Alone ↓16% odds of DeathEff ti T Al ↓16% dd f D thEffective Teams Alone ↓16% odds of Death

Intensivists + Effective Teams Intensivists + Effective Teams

↓22↓22%% odds of Deathodds of Death

Kim, M. M. et al. Arch Intern Med 2010;170:369-376.

For the critically ill…no one can go it alone

Who is on theMultidisciplinary team?

Who is on theMultidisciplinary team?

Personnel Practicing in ICUs

Participation in Multidisciplinary rounds

Intensivist 95.5 92.4

Non-intensivist 44.7 13.5956 US ICU surveyed Non intensivist

Nurse practitioner/PA 65.3 41.4

Bedside RN 100 89.8

Nurse unit manager 88.5 30.5

Respiratory therapist 93.9 70.7

Pharmacist 90.9 79.4

surveyed, January 2012

MDR occured,

83% of ICUs

Physical Therapist 83.9 13.2

Patient advocate 52.3 12.5

Dietician 90.7 45.4

Palliative Care 49.9 8.4

Pastoral Care 63.6 10.6

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Multidisciplinary team work

Multidisciplinary team work

• How can large teams work together effectively in the ICU?effectively in the ICU?

Multidisciplinary team communication

Multidisciplinary team communication

• Simple single center Concurrent I l t ti t dImplementation study

– Checklists implemented in Medical ICU• Two separate care teams

– Intervention: Additional MD observed rounds and ensured Checklistrounds and ensured Checklist completed (n=140)

– Controls: Usual Multi-disciplinary rounds

Weiss, AJRCCM, 2011

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Multidisciplinary team communication

Multidisciplinary team communication

Prompted group, n=140 Unprompted, n=125Prompted group, n 140

• 58.5 y

• 49% Male

• Sepsis 22.9%

Unprompted, n 125

• 57.3 y

• 41% Male

• Sepsis 25.6%

Mechanical ventilation• Mechanical ventilation


• Mechanical ventilation 29.3%

Weiss, AJRCCM, 2011

Multidisciplinary team communication

Multidisciplinary team communication

Prompted group, n=140 Unprompted, n=125

• VFD 22

• Days of empiric ABX, 2

• CVC days 3 (median)

• DVT proph 96%

• SU proph 93%

• VFD 16

• Days of empiric ABX, 3

• CVC days 5 (median)

• DVT proph 76%

• SU proph 83%p p

• ICU mortality 22.2%

• OR for Mortality 0.36 [0.13-0.96) p=0.041

• ICU mortality 21.7

Weiss, AJRCCM, 2011

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Interim summary: Team Communication

Interim summary: Team Communication

• Mortality reduction is associated with ICUs• Mortality reduction is associated with ICUs organized to include multiple care providers

• Multidisciplinary checklists can crystallize care priorities and ensure compliance with process measures

• Checklists only work if they are used

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ICU Update: SummaryICU Update: Summary

• Sedatives can safely be minimized in critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilationill patients requiring mechanical ventilation

• Early and broad antibiotics are essential in Severe Sepsis

• Nutrition can be safely achieved enterally

• Sedation strategies should be coordinatedSedation strategies should be coordinated with other efforts to liberate from ventilation

• Checklists can improve outcomes if used consistently