updated final ownp phase ii document launching workshop ... · uws access with 100 l/c/d for...

Updated Final OWNP Phase II Document Launching Workshop Addis Ababa, March 22, 2019

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Updated Final OWNP Phase II Document

Launching Workshop

Addis Ababa,

March 22, 2019

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Briefing Agenda

1. General Background and Historical Development

2. Program targets –Base for all process

3. Main change, expansion or elaboration areas

4. Physical and Financial Planning

5. Cost categories

6. Total Cost by Components

7. Recommendations

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The OWNP was designed in two phases to complete consecutive national Growth and

Transformation Plans, GTP I and II.

OWNP Phase II is now designed using GTP II goals and strategic objectives with indicators for water,

sanitation, hygiene and institution WASH.

GTP II consist of 21 goals and 4 strategic objectives including; safe water supply, service levels, urban

waste water, governance, sustainable rural water, efficiency, climate change resilience, building

capacity, etc.

The OWNP has become complex, with more and more multi-sector interfaces; a

strategic approach is provided for reaching OWNP objectives based on an in-depth

analysis of internal factors and external influences such as:-

1) WIF document, 2) GTPII goals and indicators, 3) OWNP Phase I review report, 4) SDG indicators and 5)

challenges that are influencing integrated WASH approaches for sustainability

With the present population growth rate the Ethiopian population may exceed 130

million by 2030 (CSA, 2013). The urban population is growing at a rate of 5 percent

with doubling time to be only fifteen years. Both scenarios would directly influence

water and sanitation demand

Historical Development

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Development Objective

The Program’s Development objective is to contribute

to improving the health and well-being of population in

rural and urban areas by increasing sustainable and

climate resilient improved water supply and

sanitation access and the adoption of good hygiene

practices in an equitable and sustainable manner.

The Government current and Ultimate focus is

developing a sustainable climate resilient water

source and using appropriate and economical and

robust technology for water delivery.

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Program Components

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Guiding Principles

1. Integration of water, health,

education and finance

2. Alignment of partners’ planning and

management systems and procedures

with those of the GoE

3. Harmonization of partners’ approaches

and activities

4. Partnership between implementing


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Program GTP II Targets by 2020

Water Supply:

RWS access with 25 l/c/d within a distance of 1 km for 85%

of rural population of which 20% is RPS

UWS access with 100 l/c/d for category 1; 80 l/c/d for

category 2; 60 l/c/d for category 3;50l/c/d for category 4

and 40 l/c/d for category 5 towns/cities, within a distance

of 250 meters with piped system for 75% of the urban


Design and build UWWM system of 36 & 6 Towns

respectively for category 1,2,3 towns/cities with a

population of 200,000 and more.

Decrease rural water supply schemes non-functionality

rates from 11.2% to 7% and decrease urban NRW from 39 %

to 20%

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Program GTP II Targets by 2020Sanitation and Hygiene

Increase the availability and consistent use of improved latrine from the

present 28% to 82% In rural areas

Increase proportion of ODF communities In kebeles from 18 to 82%

increase hand washing with soap and water from the present 17% to 82%

Institutional WASH

100% of schools will have hand washing promotional materials in their


Improve full package WASH access from the present 3.2% to at least 40% of

schools including MHM

Provide improved and gender segregated sanitation facilities with hand

washing from the present 36% to 75% of primary schools and 100% of high

schools including MHM

100% of health facilities with full package of WASH facilities including MHM


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Main change, Expansion or Elaboration

OWNP- Phase II➢ update process included ideas, high level advice

and recommendation from a bottle neck analysis

made involving a cross section of stakeholders.

➢ Physical planning Cost is determined using average

unit cost analysis

➢ Various data sources are used to arrive at best

estimates of unit rates including data from existing

projects [CWA, Government, CSOs, COWASH,

UNICEF, WB and others

➢ the physical plan for both urban and rural areas is

designed using the regional plans but with adjusted

populations and technology mix

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Main change, Expansion or Elaboration

OWNP- Phase II

➢ Designing of an indicative strategy action plans (SAP)

for WASH to provide a road map for accomplishing

specified GTP II goals

➢ Minimum packages, placement, latrine stance

ratio latrine features, MHM facilities, use of vacuum

trucks included,

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Main change, Expansion or Elaboration

OWNP- Phase II

➢ Climate resilient WASH is elaborated with

Two pertinent approaches

a. Securing water resource and improve sustainability,

b. Management system and supply chain) and

Three- sub components

a. Water resources mapping, planning and monitoring;

b. Climate resilient solutions and

c. Emergency preparedness, early response and recovery)

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Main change, Expansion or Elaboration

OWNP- Phase II

➢ Sustainable sanitation development and hygiene for

urban and rural areas is well elaborated emphasize on

gender, equity, persons with disabilities and baby wash

➢ Elaboration on cross cutting issues (water, quality,

environmental safeguard, equity in WASH (gender,

refugees, disability and other vulnerable groups)

➢ OWNP Strategy for both water and sanitation is

designed with identified strategic objectives, goals,

performance indicators, core activities and result.

➢ The minimum staffing package for regions, zones and

woredas, town with greater than 50,000 is included

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In the process of designing the OWNP Phase II, average unit rates

and population served for each technology type and region have

been calculated from available data.

An interactive spread sheet tool has been developed to:

allow any combination of technology type, regional population

served and WASH budget.

adjust regional proposals to reach GTP2 targets

allow for a shift towards more sustainable technology mix:

The physical plan for both urban and rural areas is designed with

adjusted populations and technology mix and recalculating using

adjusted unit rates

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Detailed Cost Breakdown by components,

technology mix and population

Cost Categories :.

Hardware costs for physical construction (including capacity

expansion and rehabilitation)

Cost related to design and supervision costs, hygiene and sanitation

promotion , capacity building and program management costs,

advocacy, M&E and other software cost

Cost for reliable and sustainable technology such as solar energy

supported water schemes, MVS

Allow unit rate variation across regions of the country

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Unserved Population computed Based on CSA population forecast (up to 2017)

For rural water supply, factored unit cost is collected from various stakeholders, but

additional factor for 2032 design population is used for large multi-village and CR-WASH


Estimate % age mix of CR-WASH is taken from CR-WASH study report

Recalculated regional proposals are based on average unit rates, population served per

technology, adjusted target population and more reliable technology mix

The adjusted rural water technology mix is based on resilient and sustainable cutting

edge and easily managed technology, economy of scale, aa well as environmental and

multi-sector factors

For urban water, per capita unit rates and feasibility studies costs are based on

contract agreements and contract amounts collected from different stakeholders

across all regions and taking into account various factors from the SDG WASH Costing


Annual official inflation rates are used to estimate the current estimated value


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Detailed Cost Breakdown by components, technology

mix and population

Spreadsheet design for cost analysis

Easy to use, requiring only familiarity with spread

sheets rather than any specialized model

Balanced between the need for simplicity and the

demands of accuracy

Easy to update the interactive spreadsheet where

relevant published cost escalation, or inflation &

for technology mix

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Physical Plans Summery

1. The rural water supply includes • 4,367 self-supply,

• 45,532 spot supply systems and

• 2,987 piped water supply systems

2. Urban Water Supply

• Rehabilitation to reduce NRW from an average of 39%

to 20% focusing on 693 towns and emphasizing on

Category 1 to 3.

• 280 new urban water supply projects mainly for

Categories of 4 and 5

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Physical Plans Summery cont;…

3. Urban sanitation improvement include

Design and build UWWM system of towns for category 1 to 3

Construction of 1201 public and 2237 communal toilet together with school toilet

in all Town categories

4. Institutional WASH services

16,026 primary schools,

1,788 secondary schools,

1,054 health centers and

7,253 health posts

5. CR-WASH in identified woredas

Sub Comp.-1-Water resource mapping planning and monitoring

Sub Comp.-2 Climate Resilient WASH solutions

Sub Comp-3-Emergency preparedness in WASH DPA for all components Based on

Mix ratio

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Total Cost of the OWNP phase II by component (USD 6,558 million)

Rural WASH, 1,367, 21%

Urban WASH, 1,800, 28%

Institutional WASH , 533.8, 8%

Capacity Building and Program Management ,

301.9, 5%

CR-WASH, 2,459, 38%

Estimated Cost

for the short-to-

medium term

work for the five

cost centers is

estimated at

US$6.5 billion.

Annual expenditure to achieve SDGs (or equivalent Ethiopia standard)

by 2030 is estimated at around US$3.4 billion per year.

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CR-WASH budget By sub-Components

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Note: Community contribution Rural 5% in Cash and 5% in labour and kind

(such as pipeline trench excavation, local construction material Sand and

stone etc. Town Water Utility from Loan which will be reimbursed from

revenue of water sales.

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Indicative Plan (2021-2030) Medium term plan

Design is based on:

SDG Goals

Resilient WASH Concept

OWNP phase II Planning Information

Population projections based on CSA for 2030

The unit cost is determined from Country costing model for WASH and OWNP

phase II Unit Cost Estimate

The indicative total program cost distribution by regions based on population


The program component cost is estimated based on the ratio determined from

OWNP phase II program cost sharing

The escalation of the program cost is taken per year


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Medium to long term – towards SDGs

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Subject Short to medium term actions Moving towards long term goals

1 Water


Accelerated hydrological and hydrogeological mapping. Full monitoring and control and sustainable

exploitation of surface and groundwater.

2 Urban master


Development of integrated city-wide water supply and

wastewater master planning

Complete development of master planning for all

towns of the country3 Technology


and mix

Technology shift to reduce failure rates, improve

resilience etc.

Fully sustainable and optimised water and

sanitation technology mix resilient against climate

change, etc.

4 Capacity


Capacity development for improved delivery of WASH

services at all levels including high level of services

from water utilities, strengthening NWCO and RWCOs

and forming Zonal WASH Coordination Offices

Fully developed capacity in terms of public and

private WASH skills, water abstraction licensing etc

5 Advocacy Behavior Change Communication for water security,

sanitation awareness and hygiene;

Fully established advocacy procedures for water

security, sanitation and hygiene.

Full community engagement with safe rural water

and hygienic sanitation practices6 Urban


shift towards watershed management and catchment

protection. Incremental basic service delivery

infrastructure that is in tandem with urban growth

Full enforcement of urban, rural and industrial

physical plans that include comprehensive

watershed management and protection

High level actions and goals, short to long term

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High level actions and goals, short to long term

Subject Short to medium term actions Moving towards long

term goals7 Climate



mainstreaming of the concept of climate

resilience across all components of the programDuring the second phase of the

OWNP the sector will initiate the

transition into climate resilient

technologies and solutions.

In the long term, all infrastructures

and investments are expected to

consider climate resilience

8 WASH-DPA Development of Sustainable Water Supply

Sanitation and Hygiene Program in Drought Prone

Areas of Ethiopia) as a flagship program

9 Emergency



Considering the nexus between Emergency and

Development, the OWNP Phase II will develop

an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan,

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Thank You