upper secondary social studies-regional relations

Regional Relations

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Regional Relations

• Countries also established regional relations by forming an association of countries in a region

• By combining strengths of member countries, the association becomes stronger. Therefore, it will be in a better position when dealing with problems

• Singapore has a regional relation with Association of Southeast Asian Nation(ASEAN)

ASEAN• In 1967, 5 countries in Southeast Asia,

namely Indonesia, Philippine, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, formed a regional organisation called the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN).

• Mr. S Rajaratnam represented Singapore to sign the ASEAN Declaration in Bangkok on the 8th of August 1967

• There are now 10 countries in ASEAN. Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia joined ASEAN between 1984 and 1999

Why was ASEAN formed• ASEAN was formed because the

Southeast Asia region was going through economic, political and security challenges in the 1960s.

• Challenges include– Singapore’s separation from Malaysia– Phillippine and Malaysia disputing over Sabah

• The challenges make the leaders saw the need for a regional organisation to maintain peace and stability in the countries as well as to build trust amongst the countries.

ASEAN’s aim

• Promote economic, social and cultural development of the region

• Protect the peace and stability of the region

• Provide opportunities for member countries to discuss and resolve differences peacefully

• The 3 aims have helped ASEAN countries maintain good relations with one another. Though there may still be some disputes amongst some ASEAN countries, ASEAN has provided a pathway for them to resolve the disputes peacefully.

• ASEAN represents a united and collective voice of the 10 countries. This strengthen the countries’ position when negotiating with countries of great power

Initiatives of ASEAN

• ASEAN Free Trade Area• ASEAN Regional Forum

ASEAN Free Trade Area• Since the 1980s, Southeast Asia has been

an attractive destination for foreign investments because the region is politically stable and economically vibrant for investments

• However, the region is facing new economic powers like China and India where more investors invest in China and India since there is a lower cost of production and a larger market in the countries

• ASEAN countries realised that economic integration is important to remain economically viable in a globalising world. Therefore, ASEAN launched the ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA). It aims to eliminate import taxes among Southeast Asian countries which aims to integrate the Asian economies into a single production base and make a regional market of 500 million people

• The ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF) was formed in 1994 to maintain peace by promoting political and security dialogue and cooperation amongst countries in the Asia-Pacific Region.

• Through such forums, ASEAN aims to provide a pathway for countries to discuss security issues and resolve conflicts peacefully. China, Japan, North Korea, India, New Zealand, Australia, USA and Canada are participating in the forum

Singapore’s contribution to ASEAN

• ASEAN has enabled Singapore to foster better relations with its neighbouring countries. IT also provides a pathway for Singapore to discuss their differences with countries peacefully. Singapore has contributed to ASEAN by– Education and professional exchange– Economic cooperation and assistance– Environmental collaboration

Education and professional exchange

• One of the the thing Singapore contributed to ASEAN is technical knowledge and expertise for countries. Example, Singapore has given technical training to 1700 Laos officials since 1993. The training included getting information technology skills, learning English and settling trade promotions

• Singapore also offers scholarships to students of ASEAN countries under the Singapore Cooperation Programme(SCP)

• The SCP allows ASEAN countries students to study courses offered in Singapore’s local university except for the medicine course. After their studies, the students will return to their country to contribute their learning to the country

Economic cooperation and assistance

• To help reduce the economic gap between ASEAN countries like Cambodia and Vietnam with other ASEAN countries, in 2000, Mr. Goh Chok Tong launched the Initiative for ASEAN Integration(IAI) Project

• Singapore offered a five-year aid package of over S$80 million to chosen ASEAN countries from 2000 to 2003

Environmental Collaboration• In 1997, Indonesia’s forest fires cause

there to be haze in the Southeast Asia region.

• To tackle the haze problem, Singapore helped Indonesia by using satellite images to monitor the forest fire.

• ASEAN provided Singapore with many opportunities to strengthen its relationship with neighbouring countries. It has given Singapore a part to play in maintaining regional peace and promoting economic development.