ure< ma ii - twin falls public...

uRe< ___iVayy-P( --"tofirex By TERENCE HUNT ____ '^ e A s ^ ip tc d Press POINT MUGU, Cal Reagan Tuesday, ordc I withdrawal of most —i ---------TrdnTBelJHll-lO-inc-rc ships offshore. At the gave wider authority __ warships to retallnta i of Cebonoh’s governin' ---------- r-"*Wcrwlll-stand-flnT ! who seek to influe ' future by intimidation . .......... said... •, .. ............. .. ' Reagao gave the Beirut free rein to prt I__ a n d . aLc !™PP°rt- shooting Jnto greatej Sjrian-conti^edXebj as well as against anj ....------- flttacklng-Amcrlcan'o .. .............forcopcr3onnfeland/n( T^e .stalemcnt can Marine hellcoplers e essential America -----------personnel-and^helr-df Beirut In whal the Sta .called a "prudent rcsi Ing in the embattled ( ment was Issued as R five-day California vac The Marines have ci during the recent, shai combat between the tions. Reagan said h< Defense S^retary i ._ .. ___lxirger.-to-prepare_a ------------ RsnnnoynrennjnncTtTi . airport to the ships. “This redeploymer shortly and proc^ i militajy will remain oi Lebanon for training ----------- theLcbanesearmyand rem&lnlngperson^," A senior admlhlstx who spoke on conditi ministration hopes ti deployment could be^ . ......end of the month, pertu would involve about SOO _________ ;nt-wm . depend on U ----------- theground,^Lhe.sald,j ----------- Umetableforredeployr Reagan said naval ' forces offshore "will s before to provide su _______ - protccUon , nf,. Amp.ric __________*RftftMARTNKSM By HARRY F. ROSE 17)0 Associated Pres. CAPE CANAVER . J - American astronaut of their shuttle Tut unrestrained for the ding another mile; conquest of space. Si out to thesccond: “G aball.” Bruce McCalidles __ Stewart, .unhooked _ .BruccMcCani ys alonif agaj p e a d y C :a tD a y " “M Calif. — President Hwl rdcred the gradual ~ ost U.S. Marines rrciaav(Tsnfety-of— the same time, he rity for American B .s/fSJ ite against the foes _ M |fl nmenf ^ !inn'to deter those lucncc Lebanon’s ion,” the president he 'u.S. n e b r V f r V provideToaval fire Bga i n a t - a n y - t m i t a — jsrr: ater Beirut Jrom .ebahese territory, ~ any units directly n'ormultinational 1/ncUilles.. . :ame hours after 5 evacuated non- ' ican embassy r-dependenl8-from— ------ ^ State Department -esponse" to (ight- . xi city, th e state- ^ s Reagan began a A vacation.- W m i^ e come under fire ,. iharply Intensified ______ he Lebanese fac- ^ I he has directed § i Caspar Weln- Im # ^^a^pl^.^.for,^ nenl will begin d in stages. U.S. n on the ground in be IF ng and equipping rebels 1 and protecting our — censeJfl il.-Reagansaid. ■ Lebane istratlon offlcl^, fromth. idltlon he not be ^ oyment, -:-- - ival and Marine II stand ready as ■ Off B support for the U.S. bal iH^nn nnri nthpr mIHrtny s m W a g a X a -----------b e a r e b JSENTHAL and s! ress from mlllioi ERAL, Fla. — Two distan auts left the safety footba Tuesday and flew VMc the first time, a d -' Mimei lilepost' to man’s space< I. Sold the first man missio *‘GSjenJoylt;have Alth speed, Uess, then Robert- 4.8 mi e d . thc!r_Jifelincs over... andless d ocs w hat no n i!9-B1,1 ^SthyeaT N ^^^" n m€ Membufir o f Mo«> militia r . I.ARKI.LE------------------------ \ssoclated Press JIRUT, Lebanon — Triumph! is In comlmand of west Beirut FHrcTuesdaymmBirsix^ay^ nese army and said they were % the city’s devastated streets. Christian militia commander. d-on‘hls*flghtcre-to-confront-t t challenge, declaring, “We w, e battlefield.” Bul no major i reported. 2 future of Lebanon’s Chrlstloi J.S.-bdcked Amin Gemayel, \ ice, his army weaKened by Mo Beirut, the five-inch guns of battleship New Jersey thunder n y Tiw>criny, <tholHng w h n t u>ng ■ebel position after thc U.S. Ma M t^ 4 i 1 slowly rose up, up and awj Tl Challenger, carried by a J lion jet-powered backpack to ancc ^ a te r than the length ol bail field. McCandless and his Mannt leuvering Unit comprise cecraft of their own,” sa sion control. Ithough they had no sensation 3d, the astronauts were travelli m iles a Beoond. as they zlpp< r...the spinning Earth , bdo^ > man has done .before O peni wes - >■ _______ oiilcm miii(ia«> cclubrat u f o r o Con iphant Moslem . Irut deciatcd a nyAvarwith-the— thD'alrpor rc withdrawing woswoum s. Two U.: ;r, Fndl Frem. ' ll™ ™ “ "■I il-lhe-Moslcm-— ! will SCO them Uic "olUla jr nuw duslies , V'^ last Thun . goverrime One Fre of the mighty other men dered to life at wounded yns bflipvpri to___fighting—) Marine base at Lebanese & g ^ away They’ll do It again oi a JIO McCandless, who to a than a decade pn hof a historic but brief parodied Nell Am inned upon becoming lhe I c a on the moon In 1969. said Said McCandlcs: have been one sma on of but it’s a heck of a bi cling Never before in 55 Ipped 46 American and 13 '^o.w-. .. /pan ventured out w I By PAULRECER I. APAcrospaccWrlta I SPACE CENTER, was alone, incred I— creature of the Elar I attached and free I I black of space. I Bruce McCandless ! "bundle In his spaces the mother ship ar propelled smoothly • baclipack wilh arms noaeal. ^ No security ropes, Just a man re<»dl g^wlne sr^ c^n c humans who hnve th .1 from safety to chi known. His Is a company c Inberitor-of th c ^ lri humans to venture I ridge or to^oyage shores In puny boats' His was the sph ■■■ through the brothers Hawk, througl Ih - monaut who, became ing ritei itoi __________________ Twin R Ma I ------ ate n victory over the L :es ce mplete coverage r ort~agalii uiuiie under flre.-C mded. J.S. warships — the carrie id destroyer Rlckells — cut £ Urkoy-andwcrestcaming bai Ja off Lebanon, ew explosion of fighting, wl u ^ a y and climaxed Monda keover of Moslem'west Belr inatfon^-Belrut-poacekocpli [lent thoy arc here to support, rench soldier was killed and embers of the multinational. 1 — Including tWD Marines —Mondajt--and-Tucsday.~ le were reported killed and • w .. on Thursday. Tuesda 10 has spent more for the i ireparlng for his space v ;f flight, happily ailing rmstTv" •-•■snls cargo t e first man to step to orbit 9. Unfoi jss: "That may won’t b nail step for Nell, mimlca bigieapforme.” this lOti 59 space walks — The sat 13 Soviet— had a Union - without a lifeline. • g, ts^onel r space Armsti quflity; R, Houstin - He Histo edlbly alone; a free fl arth,.floating.un-.. .ahd.R( : In the limitless genera echoofl iss, a bulky white "Tha »suit,'gilded from - step foi and soared free, leap fo y by a chalrllke • parody ms and back, but comme soil. . s, no safety lines. tT)c •ding from view. ..leap" fi nd smaller as the' space. L-........................ indlvldi ori n long queue of Ung m thrust themselves cxperie hallenge the un- posslbl: freedor / of the daring, an McCi iriLthat prom ptcd._fiying ; beyond the next Unit, th -e loward distant rocket I ts of wood. feet aw: plrit that flowed But 1 rs Wright at Kitty when a lhe Sovlel cos- from o le the flrsl human another e ?s t o d a y Falls, Idaho urin e ' Lebanese army >ase-f ^ 30o woundc 2 — A3 “ plibllcpr _____________ Italy for a \ from Lebai !."One Marine cnitlu spea O’Neill Jr., rier Indepen- Marines. Jt ^ o ri a port Premiers back-taxcjoin— Bettlno-Cr peacekeepc which began The lates iday .with the intermltten elrut, has put shllte Mos plngtroop3in_^Syrlan-6upi: irt------------ HI— From’s Chr md al least 15 Phalange F lal. force were pierre Gem ies — In the Under M( ._wU»ut--200— nel-reslgne id more than Nablh Berr ;day’s exercise was a rehear lie nexl shutUe flight when otl e walkers will try to retrieve g satellite, bring It into 0 bay for repair, and release bit again. iforiunately, 'that procedi 1 be possible for the two co Icatlons satellites launched, 10th flight of the space shuti satellites, launched forWest< n- ond Indonesia, were In ■_ Soe SHUTTLE on Page A2 ly stral « traveler, and through f istrong on- lhc-Sca of-Tr ty^ story may merely footnote flints of Bruce MdTandl R obert. Stew art...bul-lo_lut ;ratlons of spacefarers they ’ Ias thunder. . . *hat may have been one -sn forNeilrbut it’sa heckof q for me,” said McCandless dy of Armstrong’s fam ment when boot touched lu ic free flight was also a " '* for the exploration and us< e. It opens an era In wh 'lduals.bccamc..satcllltcs, i nmunri nrhlt wllhniil iPtt riencing In wcighllessn Ibly the. ultimate In physl lom. K ^dless spent only 90 minu g his _Mauodd Maneuver , the seatless.chalr that acts s ct bell. And he moved only away from the mother ship, t 11 was tho dawn of the i I astronauts move effortles oiw orbiting 'conununity ler. - ' /-D l :>Lf ihV ciTy I CFisis r II Americai ^ ______ Italia^ H< ---------- French^ ControKe andPhaL --------- ^Moslems- 1 A Jr _ MorJ«;m m ..................... ciwckixwi htstpfvi ti •PustHocI IH jH fr LCikdCfS o: rcr.>onntior JH|B •Troops Ba '' • _3|- •Somo U.S More Ifian ■||^& ;vi) evocu OefKVtmoi fireJi] ndcd in the six,days of fl^ ti : pressure was mounting in B ' a withdrawal of those counlri (banon, and in Washington I! pcaker of-tho U.S; ifpuse,- T Jr., called again for” a puUc ers Francois MKlerrand of F: -Craxl-of-Italy-wjggest©d-J epers take over the Beirut duti it^t round of violence In this tent civil war pits mllltlam loslem movement Amal or upported-Druse-Progresslve ::hristian millUa,-which Is an4 e Party led by the president cmayel. Moslem pressure, the Lebar pied-Sunday. Since then Shil erri and Druse chief Walld' ^ Edm " offei earsal J other By The Associate eve an Xi the BOISE - A f jase It pieted at the requ Tom Stivers, R- ?edure mends the state c I com- of Its college and I led, on Such a step wi lutUe. Impro'vlngquallt} estem And if the s In a Iversltles, studei 12 paying tuition. « « In addition. Id JiJi— be supervised In r i I state boards — o ^ ^ tlon and one for pi The object of h Nell missioned by the Tran- of Market Altcm -----------------Tuesdoyrwaff-to 3te the study performe indless Association of < .lutiirc._ . ,duatry.saldJona ey will of Uie study cenle SmlUi said Stiv -small . lo pursue such a fa big dated Dec.-20.--- less In Also Tuesday, amous Education and ' lunar approved printlni . sUtutloDOl . ame 3 "big students to pay use of universities, which The commlttce s. flit- second proposed tether. _wQ[ild_crcatc sei ssness for public and hig lyslcal ently. one board of Educotlon for linutes the Board of Keg vering cation. _____ ts as a - Senators voted ily 300 amendment des p. Sen, Terry RelUy, te day the prop<^ is ui tlessly it would Include v ity to which are consid eduealion, but arc _______ J or university curr M assaci ends -B UT V F e e s ITTBeirut ^ ................................. - •/('x an Headquarters Wi -leadquaflers ■Headquarters— i led by Lebanese ilangistForces'^' rrulrtiantcn;ixl rrogii^irs tiike c t>uW<OQ5 U 5 troops n the* he.-xJqiM tc.f r. ;»< r Gemay«l R«signjtk>n-. ol tho STiitcMoslemand Dru& on of Pr<WK»cnt Awi Ge«iviyel in The Str®«lS" I WosI Beirut ;o fockot .itf.->cks '.S. emtjissy Pcrso«i»©t E»»c M l Ihrco dozen non-vs&cntial | ;i«lcd by hcbCOplef (romir>t; ont olliculs say the embassy i^Leb; lUng,-police have called or Ignoring his ol Britain aiid tlon” talks, tries’ forces Lebanon’s n the Demo- lies have lor Thomas P.— governing—th< Uoul of the accused Qemi - . Phalanglsts ti France and month-old govi _lhat-U.N, -------Oa-Tuesday, itles. continued to Ui is country’s Many- soldiers men of the fight Monday, and of the call for the c ^e-Sociaiist— tu ttle th eir Mo ickedj^y ____ .'Hie.sound.' ajinn ofihe— propelled gren n t’s father, the port area militiamen als anese Cabl- Church, near s mile leader west Beirut. I d'Jurhblatt LcatLon^ r s n tedPress ____ private report com- lucst of House Speaker Epj il-TwIn Falls, recom- m f 3 of Idaho divest Itself ME d three universities. H J would be a means of Ity of education, state keeps Its un- Tl lents there could be- deni ___ _ cost Idaho education could jf In the future by two ^ one for higher efluca- publl^oofe on t of the report, com- jjy^ le Center for the Study ^ m atlves and released Tl ned by the Idaho Commerce' and In- lathan Smith..dircctor.. icr. cost ivers asked the center' ®du< a criyque In a letter ______ _______ ______ men /. the Senate Health, « Welfare Committee Ing of a proposed con- wod nendment raring why ly tuition at Idaho's Sc ic also voted to print a com Hi amendment which bcll< separate state boards lime Igher educatloq. Pres- publ d serves a.s the Board boat or public schools and mor egents for higher edu- Tl . .. ' ......... ............... edu< •d lo print the tulllon thro cspltc objections b y ' clud ly.D-Nampa, who said syst- unclear as to whether Bt ! vocational programs, educ lidered part of higher Blur ire not part of a college allp rriculum. Uon zre 3 3 Down - ............. .............. ’rl80./J9 + 6.1b ---------^ - 25* ' W ednesday, February 8,1984 i gtfiis— T'U.s. E m tM s s y V ^ B n M H S ------------- I / ^ lnt«m«Uo<ul w i V y - **fP9^,J control ol Wc^ 8o«ut, mamino U Srrroncti-wKJ tta*anforccs ----- ------- Vu5c Iac(i 0 na press lor mo lyel cks fit scver.-J ntyjfiborfioods v*cu«led— Iw l pofsoonel jtk ) dependents f»o U S Embassy, bol Stale »y remans "operalon.Tl ” »anon d on Gemayel himself to step down, is offer for new "national reconcUia- 's majority non-Christian communi- , long sought a greater voice In •; -the-country.-Recently they also ---------f emayel of allowing the right-wing i- s too much control over his 1&- i> government. , lay,.»nly gfnttortvf nrmy ^• o the militia takeover of west Beirut. ; lers apparenUy gave up without a- ay, in line with Shllte leader Berri’s le arm y’s Moslem-majority~not-to----------^ !M rtqinm _______________________^ id_of_small arms fire and.rocfcet- __ T«»nnripj8 oniilrity honrrt onmjngfrr^m rea Tuesday. The army arid ^llte also still fought around St. Michael’s ar a crossing point between east and it. But artillery shelling from both ; ^ M l D E A g r o o P a g e A 2 _________________^ L xeport ^ id ea f IDAHO LEGISLATURE 1984 The proposal would require stu- . lents to pay up to ono third tho tota^ »stpfthelreducatlon^ ; ! If passed by a two-thirds majority_____ , n hoth the Senate nnd HniKe. the ____ )roposed amendments will be placed '■ m the November ballot for approval >y voters. The committee voted to print tbo >lH—c r e a tln g - & e p a r a to —b o a r d s f o r -------- L ilgher and public education despite he contention-of- board-member -------- - ::hcryl Hymas of Jerome thct It would •bsf more money WiUiout Improving - ■ xlucatlon. “To me the overwhelming 'argu- nent l.'!_that we have advocacy for all If education.” she said. "Most of the ......... ward members feel what we have Is vorklng well and we’re wondering vhy people are trying to mess with I.” ' * Son. John B a rJ ^ .. R-JBuhl.._tho_____ fflmmlttee chiirffion. said he xslleved Uie present board lacked the im e to give sufficient attention to : >ubllc education.' By creating two wards, he said, each could devote nore tim e to Its area of responsibility. The lACI study recommended that jducation quality could_be_lmproved______ hrough a numlicr of chang«»rin- :ludlng the Creation of a statewide ystem of community colleges. But author of tho critiques, I^ton ducation consultant Siunuel JlumeWeld, recommended closure of . d! public institutions of higher educa- ion as a step to Improve quality. - : , M.irket In Brief -- :

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Page 1: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

uRe<_ _ _ iV a y y - P (--"tofirex

B y T E R E N C E HUNT ____ ' ^ e A s ^ i p t c d Press

PO IN T MUGU, Cal R e a g a n T uesday, ordc I w ith d raw a l of most

— i---------TrdnTBelJHll-lO-inc-rcsh ip s offshore. At the g a v e w id e r authority

__ w a r s h ip s to re ta lln ta iof Cebonoh’s governin'

---------- r-"*Wcrwlll-stand-flnT! w ho se e k to influe

' fu tu re b y intim idation. .......... said... •, .. ............. ..

' R e a g a o gave the — B eiru t f re e re in to p rt

I__ and . aLc !™PP°rt-shoo ting J n to greatej S jr ia n -c o n t i^ e d X e b j a s w ell a s aga in st anj

....------- flttacklng-Amcrlcan'o

...............forcopcr3onnfeland/n(T ^e .s talem cn t can

M arin e hellcoplers e e sse n tia l America

-----------personnel-and^helr-dfB eiru t In w hal the Sta

.ca lle d a "p ru d en t rcsi Ing in th e em battled ( m e n t w a s Issued as R f ive-day California vac

T he M arines have ci d u rin g th e recent, shai c o m b a t between the tions. R eag an said h< D efense S ^ r e ta r y i

._ . . ___lx irg e r .- to -p re p a re _ a------------R snnnoynrennjnncTtTi

. airport to the ships.“ T h is redeploym er

sh o rtly an d p r o c ^ i m il i ta jy will rem ain oi L eb an o n fo r training

----------- th e L c b a n e se a rm y a n dre m & ln ln g p e rs o n ^ ,"

A sen io r admlhlstx w ho spoke on conditi

m in is tra tio n hopes ti dep lo y m en t could be^

. ......en d of th e m onth, pertuw ould involve about SOO

_________ ;n t-w m . depend on U----------- th eg ro u n d ,^ L h e .sa ld ,j----------- U m etab le fo rred ep lo y r

R e a g a n sa id naval ' fo rce s offsho re "w ill s

befo re to provide su_______ - protccUon , nf,. Amp.ric

__________*R ftftM A R T N K SM

By HARRY F. ROSE 17)0 Associated Pres.

C A P E CANAVER . J - A m erican astronau t

o f th e ir shu ttle Tut u n re s tra in e d for the d in g an o th e r mile; c o n q u es t o f space. Si o u t to th e scco n d : “ G a b a l l . ”

B ru c e McCalidles __ S te w a rt, .unhooked

_ . B r u c c M c C a n i

y s a l o n i f

a g a jp e a d y — C

: a t D a y " “ M

Calif. — P resid en t H w l rdcred th e g rad u a l ~ost U.S. M arines r rc iaav (T sn fety -o f— the sam e tim e, he rity for A m erican B .s/fSJ ite a gainst the foes _ M | f l n m enf ^!inn 'to d e te r those lucncc Lebanon’s ion,” the p resident

he 'u .S . n e b r V f r VprovideToaval fire Bgain a t-any -tm ita — jsrr: a te r Beirut J ro m .ebahese te rrito ry , ~ any units directly n 'o rm u ltin a tio n a l 1/ncUilles.. .:am e hours a f te r 5 evacuated non- 'ic a n em bassyr-dependenl8-from— ------ ^State D epartm ent -esponse" to (ight- . xi city, t h e s ta te - ^s Reagan began a Avacation.- W m i^e come under fire ,.iharply Intensified ______he Lebanese fac- ^I he has d irec ted § i C aspar Weln- I m # ^^a^pl^.^.for,^

nenl will begin d in stages. U.S.n on the ground in b e IFng and equipping re b e ls 1 and protecting o u r — censeJflil.-R ea g a n sa id . ■ L eb an eistra tlon o ff lc l^ , from th .idltlon he not be ^

oyment, -:-- - ival and M arineII stand ready a s ■ O ff B support fo r th e U.S. bal

iH^nn nnri n thp r mIHrtnysm W a g a X a -----------b e a r e b

JSENTHAL a n d s!re s s from

mlllioiERAL, F la . — T w o d is ta n au ts left th e s a fe ty footba Tuesday and flew VMc the first tim e, a d - ' M imei

lilepost' to m a n ’s space< I. Sold the f irs t m an m issio *‘G SjenJoylt;have A lth

speed ,Uess, then R obert- 4.8 m i e d . thc!r_Jifelincs ov e r...

a n d l e s s d o c s w h a t n o n


^ S t h y e a T N ^ ^ ^ "

n m €

M e m b u fir o f Mo«>

militiar . I.ARKI.LE------------------------

\ssoclated Press

JIRUT, Lebanon — Trium ph! is In comlmand of west B e iru t F H rc T u e sd a y m m B irs ix ^ a y ^ n e s e a rm y and said they w e re % th e c ity ’s devastated s tre e ts .

C hristian militia com m ander. d-on‘ hls*flghtcre-to-confront-t t challenge, declaring, “ W e w, e battlefield .” Bul no m a jo r i reported .2 fu tu re of Lebanon’s Chrlstloi J.S.-bdcked Amin G em ayel, \ ice , h is arm y weaKened by Mo

B eiru t, the five-inch g u n s of battlesh ip New Jersey th u n d ern y Tiw>criny, <tholHng w h n t u>ng■ebel position after thc U.S. M a

M t ^ 4 i1 slow ly rose up, up a n d awj Tl Challenger, carried by a J lion jet-powered backpack to a n c c ^ a t e r than the len g th ol b a il field.M cCandless and his Mannt leu v e rin g Unit com prise ce c ra f t of their ow n,” sa s io n control.Ithough they had no sensation 3d, th e astronauts w ere trav e lli m ile s a Beoond. a s they zlpp< r ...th e spinning E a rth , bdo^

> m a n h a s d o n e .b e fo re

O p e n i

w e s- >■_______

o i i l c m m iii(ia«> c c l u b r a t

u f o r oC o n

iphant Moslem .Irut dec ia tcd a nyAvarwith-the— thD 'alrpor r c w ithdraw ing w osw oum s. Two U.:;r , F nd l F rem . ' ll™ ™ “ "■I il-lhe-M oslcm-—! will SCO them Uic "olU la j r nuw duslies , V '^

la s t T h u n

. g overrim e One F re

of th e mighty o th e r m en d e red to life a t woundedyns bflipvpri to___figh ting—)M arine base a t L ebanese

& g ^aw ay T hey’ll do It again oia JIO M cCandless, who

to a th an a decade pnh o f a h is to ric b u t b rie f

parod ied Nell A minned upon becom ing lh e Ic a on the moon In 1969.

sa id Said McCandlcs: h av e been one sm a

on of b u t it’s a heck of a bic ling N ever before in 55Ipped 46 A m erican and 13'^o.w-. .. /p a n ventured o ut w

I By P A U L R E C E R I. APAcrospaccW rlta

I SPA CE C EN TER, w a s alone, incred

I— c re a tu re of the Elar I a tta c h e d and free I I b lack of space.I B ruce McCandless ! "b u n d le In h is s p a c e s

th e m other ship a r propelled sm oothly

• baclipack w ilh arm s noaea l.

^ No secu rity ropes, ■ J u s t a m an re<»dl g ^ w ln e sr^ c ^ n c

hum ans who hnve th .1 fro m sa fe ty to ch i

known.H is Is a com pany c

— Inberitor-of t h c ^ l r i h u m an s to v en tu re I r id g e o r to ^ o y a g e sho res In puny boats '

H is w as the sph ■ ■ ■ through the b ro th e rs

H aw k, th ro u g l Ih- m onau t who, becam e

i n g r i t e i

i t o i__________________ T w in R

► M aI ------

a t e n v i c t o r y o v e r t h e L

:es cem plete coverage r

ort~agalii uiuiie under flre.-C mded.J.S . w arsh ips — the carrie id d estro y er R lckells — cut £ U rkoy-andw crestcam ing bai J a off Lebanon, ew explosion of fighting, wl u ^ a y a n d climaxed Monda keover o f M oslem 'west Belr inatfon^-B elrut-poacekocpli

[lent thoy a r c here to support, rench s o ld ie r w as killed and em bers o f the multinational. 1 — Including tWD Marines —Monda jt- -a n d -T u c sd a y .~ le w ere reported killed and

• w ..

on T hursday. Tuesda 10 has spen t m ore fo r th e i irep a rln g for h is sp ace v ;f flight, happily a ilingrmstTv" •-•■snls ca rg o te first m an to s tep to o rb it9. Unfoijss : "T h a t m ay w on’t bnail step fo r Nell, m im lcab ig ie a p fo rm e .” th is lOti59 space walks — T he s a t13 Soviet— had a Union -without a lifeline. • g,

ts^onelr sp ace

A rm sti quflity;

R, H oustin - He Histo edlbly alone; a free fl a rth ,.floa ting .un -.. . a h d .R ( : In the lim itless g e n e ra

echoofliss, a bulky white "T ha »su it,'g ilded from - s te p foi an d soared free, le ap fo y by a chalrllke • p arody ms and back, but com m e

soil. . s , no safety lines. tT)c •ding from view. . .le ap " fi nd sm aller a s th e ' space.L-........................ indlvldiori n long queue of Ung m th ru st them selves cxperie hallenge the un- posslbl:

freedo r/ of the daring, an M cCi iriL that p ro m p tcd ._ f iy in g ; beyond th e next U nit, th -e low ard distan t ro ck e t I ts o f wood. fee t aw:plrit tha t flowed B u t 1 r s W right a t K itty w hen a lhe Sovlel cos- fro m o le the flrs l hum an another

e ■

?s t o d a y

F a lls , Id a h o

urin e

' L e b a n e s e a r m y

>ase-f^ 30o woundc

2 — A 3 “ p l ib l lc p r_____________ I ta ly for a \

f ro m Lebai !."One M arine c n itlu spea

O’N eill Jr ., r i e r Indepen- M arines.Jt o r i a p o rt P re m ie rs back-taxcjoin— B e ttln o -C r

peacekeepc which began T h e la tes

iday .with the in te rm ltten elru t, has put s h l l te Mos p lng troop3 in_^S yrlan -6up i:

irt------------ HI— F ro m ’s Chrmd a l least 15 P h a la n g e F lal. force w ere p ie r r e G em ie s — In the U n d e r M( ._wU»ut--200— n e l- re s lg n e id m ore than N ab lh B err

;day’s ex ercise w as a rehear lie nex l shutUe flight w hen otl e w alkers will try to retrieve g sa te llite , b ring It into0 b ay fo r rep a ir , a n d release b it again.iforiunately, 'th a t procedi1 be possible fo r th e two co Icatlons sa te llites launched, 10th flight of th e sp ace shuti satellites, launched forWest< n - ond Indonesia, w ere In ■_ Soe SHUTTLE on P a g e A2

ly stral« trav e le r, and th rough f istrong on- l h c - S c a o f -T r ty^s to ry m ay m ere ly footnote

f l i n t s o f B ruce MdTandl R o b e rt. S tew art...bu l-lo_ lu t

;ra tlons of sp a c e fa re rs they ’ I a s thunder. . .*hat m ay have been one -sn fo rN e ilrb u t i t ’s a h e c k o f q fo r m e ,” sa id McCandless

d y of A rm strong’s fam m ent w hen boot touched lu

ic f re e flight w as also a " '* fo r th e exp lo ra tion and us< e . I t opens a n e r a In wh 'ld u a ls .b ccam c..s a tc llltc s , i nm unri n rh lt wllhniil iPtt

r ienc ing In w cighllessn Ibly th e . u ltim a te In physl lom.K ^ d l e s s sp en t only 90 minug h is_M auodd M aneuver, th e sea tle ss .ch a lr th a t ac ts s ct be ll. A nd h e m oved only aw ay fro m th e m o th e r ship, t 11 w as tho daw n of th e i I a s tro n a u ts m ove effortles

oiw o rb iting 'conununity le r . - '

/ - D l €

:> L f i h V c i T y

I C F i s i s

r II ■

A m e r i c a i

^ ______ Ita lia ^ H<

---------- F r e n c h ^

C o n t r o K ea n d P h a L

---------^ M o s le m s -1 A J r _ MorJ«;m m

..................... ciwckixwihtstpfvi ti

•PustHocIIH jH f r LCikdCfS o:


JH |B •Troops Ba► '' • _3|- •Somo U.S■ More Ifian ■||^& ;vi) evocu


fireJi]ndcd in the six ,days of f l ^ t i

: p re ssu re w as m ounting in B ' a w ithdraw al of those counlri (banon, and in W ashington I! p cak e r of-tho U.S; ifpuse,- T J r . , called again for” a puUc

e rs F ranco is M Klerrand of F: -C rax l-o f-Ita ly -w jggest© d-J e p e rs take over the Beirut duti i t ^ t round of violence In th is ten t civil w ar pits m llltlam lo slem m ovement A m al or upported -D ruse-P rog resslve

::hristian millUa,-which Is a n 4 e P a r ty led by the president cm ayel.M oslem pressure, the L eb ar

pied-Sunday. Since then Shil e r r i and Druse chief W alld '

^ Edm " o f f e iearsa lJ o th e r By The A ssociate eve a nXi th e BOISE - A f jase It pieted a t the re q u

Tom S tivers, R- ?edure m ends the s ta te c I com - of Its college and I led, on Such a s tep wi lutUe. Impro'vlngquallt} e s tem And if th e s

In a Iversltles, studei 12 pay ing tuition.

« « In addition. Id J i J i — b e supervised In r i I s ta te boards — o

^ ^ tlon and one fo r pi The object of

h Nell m issioned b y th e T ran- of M arket A ltcm

-----------------T uesdoyrw aff-to3te the study perform e indless Association o f < .lutiirc._ . ,d u a try .s a ld J o n a ey will of Uie study cen le

SmlUi said S tiv -small . lo pursue such a

f a b ig dated D ec.-20.--- less In Also Tuesday, am ous Education an d '

lu n a r approved prin tln i . sUtutloDOl . am e

3 "b ig studen ts to p ay use of universities, which The com m lttce

s. flit- second proposed tether. _w Q [ild_crca tc sei ssn ess fo r public and hig lyslcal ently. one board

o f Educotlon fo r linutes the Board of Kegvering cation. _____ts a s a - Senators voted ily 300 am endm ent d e s p. Sen, T e rry RelUy, te day th e p r o p < ^ is ui tlessly it would Include v ity to which a re consid

eduealion, b u t arc _______ J o r university cu rr

M a s s a c i e n d s - B



F e e s

I T T B e i r u t ^

................................. - • / ( 'x

a n H e a d q u a r t e r s

Wi- l e a d q u a f l e r s

■ H e a d q u a r t e r s — i

l e d b y L e b a n e s e i l a n g i s t F o r c e s '^ '

rrulrtiantcn ;ixl rrogii irs tiike c t>uW<OQ5 U5

troops n the* he.-xJqiMtc.f r. ;»<r Gemay«l R«signjtk>n-. ol tho STiitc Moslem and Dru& on of Pr<WK»cnt Awi Ge«iviyel

in The Str®«lS"I WosI Beirut ;o fockot .itf.->cks'.S. emtjissy Pcrso«i»©t E»»c Ml Ihrco dozen non-vs&cntial | ;i«lcd by hcbCOplef (rom ir>t; ont olliculs say the embassy

i^Leb;lUng,-police have ca lled or

Ignoring h is ol B rita in aiid tlon” talks, tr ie s ’ forces Lebanon’s n

th e Demo- lies have lor T h o m as P.— governing—th< Uoul of the accused Qemi

- . P halanglsts ti F ra n c e and month-old govi_ lh a t-U .N ,-------Oa-Tuesday,it le s . continued to Uiis coun try ’s Many- so ld iers m e n of the fight M onday, a n d of the call fo r th e c ^e-Sociaiist— tu ttle th e ir Moi c k e d j ^ y ____ .'H ie.sound.'a j i n n o f ih e — propelled g re n n t ’s fa ther, the po rt a r e a

m ilitiam en a l s an ese Cabl- Church, n e a r s m ile leader west B e iru t. I d 'J u rh b la t t

L c a t L o n ^

r s nte d P re s s ____

p riv a te report com-lu c s t of House Speaker E p jil-TwIn Falls, recom- m f3 of Idaho divest Itself M Ed th re e universities. H J would be a means of Ity o f education,s ta te keeps Its un- T l

len ts there could b e - den i___ _ co st

Idaho education could j fIn th e future by two one for higher efluca-p u b l l ^ o o f e o n to f th e report, com- j jy ^ le C en ter for the Study ^ m a tlv e s and released T l

ned by the Idaho C om m erce' and In-

la th a n Smith..dircctor..ic r . c o s tiv e rs asked the cen ter' ®du< a c riy q u e In a letter

______ _______ ______ men/. th e Senate Health, «

W elfare CommitteeIng of a proposed con- w odnendm ent r a r i n g w hy ly tuition a t Idaho's

Scic a lso voted to print a comHi am endm ent which bcll<sep a ra te sta te boards lim eIg h e r educatloq. Pres- publd se rv es a.s the Board bo a to r public schools and m o regen ts for h igher edu- T l

. .. ' ......... ............... edu<•d lo p rin t the tulllon th rocsp ltc objections b y ' c lu dly.D -N am pa, who said syst-u n c le a r a s to w hether B t! vocational programs, educlidered pa rt of higher B lurire not p a r t of a college a l l prricu lu m . Uon

z r e3 3 Down

— - ........................... ’rl8 0 ./J 9 + 6.1b ---------^

- 2 5 * '

W e d n e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 8 ,1984 i

g tfiis—T 'U .s . E m t M s s y V ^ B n M H S -------------

I / ^ lnt«m«Uo<ulw i V y - * * f P 9 ^ ,J

control ol Wc 8o«ut, mamino U Srrroncti-wKJ tta*an forccs----- -------

Vu5c Iac(i0na press lor mo lyel

cks fit scver.-J ntyjfiborfioods ‘v* cu « led —Iwl pofsoonel jtk) dependents f»o U S Embassy, bol Stale »y remans "operalon.Tl ”

»anond on G em ayel him self to s te p down, is o ffe r for new "national reconcUia-

's m ajo rity non-Christian communi- ■, long sought a g rea te r voice In •;

- th e -co u n try .-R ecen tly they a lso ---------fe m a y e l of allowing the right-wing i- s too much control ov e r his 1&- i> governm ent. ,la y , .»nly gfnttortvf n rm y ^•o th e m ilitia takeover of w est Beirut. ; le r s apparenUy gave up without a - ‘ ay , in line w ith Shllte lead e r B erri’s le a rm y ’s M oslem -m ajority~not-to----------^! M rtqinm _______________________^id_of_sm all arm s fire and.rocfcet-__T«»nnripj8 oniilri ty honrrt onmjng frr m re a Tuesday. The a rm y arid ^ l l t e a lso s till fought around St. M ichael’s a r a crossing point betw een ea s t and it. B u t artillery shelling from both ; ^ M lD E A g r o o P a g e A 2 _________________^

L x e p o r t

^ i d e a fID A H O



T h e proposal would requ ire stu- . len ts to pay up to ono th ird tho to ta ^ » s tp fth e lre d u c a tlo n ^ ; !

I f pa ssed by a two-thirds m ajority_____ ,n hoth the Senate nnd HniKe. the____)roposed am endm ents will be placed '■ m th e N ovem ber ballot fo r approval >y vo te rs .

T h e com m ittee voted to prin t tbo>lH—crea tlng -& epara to—b o a r d s f o r -------- Lilg h e r and public education despiteh e co n ten tion -o f- b o a rd -m em b er-------- -::hcryl H ym as of Je rom e th c t It would • b s f m o re money WiUiout Improving - ■ xlucatlon .

“ To m e th e overwhelm ing 'a rg u - n e n t l.'!_that we have advocacy for allIf educa tion .” she said. "M ost of th e .........w a rd m em bers feel w hat w e have Is vo rk ln g well and we’re wondering vhy people a re trying to m ess with I.” ' *

S on. John B a r J ^ . . R-JBuhl.._tho_____fflm m lttee chiirffion. sa id he xslleved Uie present board lacked the im e to give sufficient a ttention to : >ubllc education.' By crea ting two w a rd s , he said, each could devote n o re tim e to Its a rea of responsibility.

T h e lACI study recom m ended thatjduca tion quality could_be_lmproved______h ro u g h a num licr of chang«»rin - :lud lng the Creation of a statewide y s te m of community colleges.

B u t au tho r of tho critiques, I ^ t o n d u c a tio n consultant Siunuel Jlum eW eld, recom m ended closure of . d! p u b lic institutions of h igher educa- io n a s a step to Improve quality.

■ - :

, M .irk e t In B r ie f -- :

Page 2: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

M a rin e d iesE L PASO. Texas

Tuesday a t . a WesI sustained la s t w eek M oslem ralllUanjcn. killed In Lebanese vi

Lance Cpl-Rodoll dead about 6 a .m ., a the 8th M arine Cor O rleans.

H ernandez w as sU d a s h Jan . 30 w ith S said . A nother Marim or Cape M ay, N.» ^ k e a m e n s a ld .

H ernandez w as < • U niversity Hospital

to the U.S. R e ^ o n a li--------------W e s t C e n n a n y rW h e i

M argarite Rodrigues

C h u fc h g e t!WASHINGTON (A

--------r -t3 ra rc in f fT O d e rg o in {Ing testa th a t w ere pc

_ l y ^ l t a l on a pancrc

Bethine Church sa. outi>aUent chem otht an d is happy to be hoiY o r k h o s p i ta l . ...........

Officials a t M emor io New York refuse m allgnan iy w as d

------- p e r f u n i ic d o n th e pa)refused to d iscuss th<

. c ^ l r m the chemo d lsd* --jiR llm en t.

-----------------C 3 n 5 a ^ 9 n r D c m-------------- t h e S e n a te - P o r e ig n P

to h is hom e In subu re leased from (he Nca

W a rd e n dra:_____ T A T .T .A H A S S F .R J

th e F lorida S ta te Prij d rin k s w ith th e last executed, and said I

. . . . . . . - -p ra c t ic e .--------------------

T o d a Cloudy.

■ ■ Twin Falla. Buriey-R . Qoodlng ATBSS:

Beconxlns generally tocreasing chance or stM txwn and T hursday. Lc

- and 203 tonight. H ighs r ' today and mid 30s to tow

CUDU Prairie and tbe k Valley:

Pa tcbcs of va lley foi-----^ --^0{herwf»4ocrca*lng.d

noon and t^ g h tr -G o a o r a chance of ra in or 'Ihursday . H ighs mosU> days. Lows tonight 10 to2 Nortbera Utah and Neva<

N orthern U lah will ha.......- — fogdurlngtbonlghtand

Som e Im provem ent Is 11 I day T hundoy . Lows fro

above. Hlgha In the u ^ x ■ 30s on Thursday. V artat

----------- ~ l^T lohhcnr"N evada~ \clouds and winds T hursd

-- o f ra in o r snow developl In the mid 40s to m id SOs.

----------------the209 and kiw J0s .C 0Qle_________ hlBhsJaUw.uj>pcr.30san(l________ S y w p rts :-------------------

A high pressu re systc i bucU o today, when majo w eaiher p a ltem begin to

Tbo trend for the rest be w arm er lem pcro tu rc

more cloudiness In art--------------- t»einn ii(n indB unitfrrB e

a n Increasing chance of p Sunshine broke out ov

southw estern vaUeys Ti __________gun a l » was pu t jn most

-------------- Boulbcm vHlicys suii wep ersisten t fog a n d tow d o

Afternoon tem pera tun ,,22 a t Idaho F a lls up to 4S

n x ! high In .the s ta te o n ' o l Lewlslon and the tow v a t Stanley.

Low tem pera tu res eai cxpccled lo range from tl 20s In the soulh to tbe ak th e north. TTic.hlghs todi 30s and 40s with m ore cl«

N ationalAlbuquerguo M «Allanli JS 58Boslon 31 34Chlctgo 0<

_________ 0*lUi____________ sa__ 31-Dbnref « »D«aMolna9 7S 06Oelioll. 73 IIHonolulu. Bl tlMounofi M 33Induruooiis ^ pi

B u s i n e s s ^ ...................C l a s s i f i e d .....................

_______ C o m i c s . . . . . . : .I d a h o ..............................

_ Circulation. j<\iyHoyi 7 C irculation plrance a re t

do not rccclvc your pai " a re a :


------------- B u h l -e a s tW o r d -------------Flier-Rogcrson-Holiistei Tw in F alls and a ll other

News StfphcnHartSW.™________ I f > ^ u h a v e ft n e w s tip o

departm en t, call" 733-0 w eekdays. To repo rt lat<

• w eekends, call 733-0336.• Advertising BuiuiAXe.

I f you wish to p lace an ai a r c taken M onday throi Sa tu rd ay s from 8 a .m . t

; av a ilab le weekdays only

A-2 T im oa-N ow s, Twin F

e s of B e i r u t w o uicas '(A P) - 'A E l P a so Mai /e s t German hospltxil of. inj « k in Beirut d uring a c lash w len. He was the 2C4tli U.S. sci ov iolenco.: :dolfo Hernandez, 28, w as p n I., according to Sgt. Cynthin A Corps District H eadquarters

I s truck In the h ead w ith sh ra h Shiite Moslem m ilitiam en, rin e , Lance Cpl. G eorge L. Di N .J ., died In th e a ttack .

IS o p e r a te on tw ice a t A lal in Beirut before being tra ml Arm y Medical C en te r In Lj /herehedledrsccord ilng to his juez.

i t s c h e m o th ie ra p(A P) — F o rm er Idaho Ser

iing 'cheiholherapy trea tm en t Q perform ed la s t m onth In a N c rca tlc tumor, h is w if^ sa id '

1 sa id that h eF fiu sbana’lFiint }therapy, but th a t he is “ doii hom e after spending 10 days I

norial SIoan-Kettering Canmi :used in Jan u a ry .to ,

discovered w hen a blop -pancreatic-tum orrM rsrC hu: t the results T uesday night, e motheropy trea tm en ts for

>cmocra tris~the~fo n n e r chali jiR e la tions C om m ittee .-H er iiburban B ethesda, M d., aftc New York hospital on J a n . 24.

r a n k o n d e a t h roi:, n n . .fA E W rb o .tu p e r in te i P rison has confirm ed th a t he last two death row Inmate: Id he secs nothing w rong v

n y ' s W 4in crea s

ly-Rupert, Jeroo»-. ______ _

Uy cloody wllh an . r sho w en this after- .. Lows upper teens /hs moeUy In Iho 30s kIow40s’niursday. „ . fSetowerWoodRlver

• fog this rooming. , \g.cloudi Ihls after*__________ >morally cloudy w ith ' ' ' 7 0 ' o r snow show eis

oUy In the 30s both I to 20. evada:I hove locally dense n ^ ik..i..ionrt mftmtng hniini NOAA.is likely during the F r o n t s from 5 below to IS

20s today andr lab le clouds today Increasing a~w lth"li>crea4lng -n o o n th ro u iirsday ond a chancc T h e extctoping. Highs today .Valloy an.50s. Lows lonight In occasionalrtnlorThiitnrtny wllh Sund ay . Hand40s. - - Sa tu rd a y \

_ SunaoyTTiste m Is e x p « ti^ lo te en s to lo^la jo r changes tn the i J o h r into affect Idaho. laaDOe s t of the woek WiU UOISF:ures In the southern T uesday ( -te m p e n tu re s -a n d • th o - s la tc ,a re a s w ^ch have m a ln ly cic

TBe entire sta te lia s CondilioofprcKlpltatlon. U.S. 95 -t ove r p a rts 'o t lhc hcavy fog :I Tuesday ond the U.S. 03 -tost o f northern and n e a r Chal

w ere tuonxeted by Idaho 7t'clouds. snow flooritures nmged from idaboSSo 4S n t Mullan. The In tersta l«lyreochcdlhe30s. U jS .1 2 -on Tuesday w as S2 IdahoS l)w w as S below zero lo le rs ta t

iD terstale a r ly today were U.S. 3 0 -

m th c to c n san d lo w U.S. 30 •5 a s antf low 30s in n e a r ’/ ' t r ^ 'today will be In the fog n e a r Mis cloodlness and an Idaho 21

K«ns»4Ctl», „ L*sVeo»fi C6

Mm .Pep LoiAnonioi- . - U" Momonis M58 MumlOocch 0< ” •••• Milw*uh©« - - - JJ

Hlnnoipolifi >6

........- s^ OhltnomaC^lr ^2' 3J“ Pnoonii n33 PiiljBufDfi '9pi . Pofll»rirt. Mo 31

K ^ = =_____ B 3 -4 M agicrV i..........C 4 -8 O b i tu a r i. . . . A 6 O p in io n. . ^ . A 5 S l) o r ls .

Hoyt. clrcuUtkm dirt Uu-re m anned txitwecn 7 and 10 u p ap e r by 7 a .m ., call the ni

xiing-HaBcrman 'Oakley

stc rle r a reasT.ro«n»stna«lllt>f Jon Klnnry.cllytIp o r wish to talk to someone l3-093rbetw een 9:30 u.m. i la te news and spo rts resu lts ai 36.Ake. adwrtUlna directorn advertisem ent, call 733-00:11 trough F riday from 8 a.m . ui n. until noon./Inform atlon on nly.

In Falls . Idaho W o d n o sd ay ,

l U n d s s u p e r i n S n Silarinc died publlshedT ue;in juries he T he p rac tlc t

JwlUi Shiite W right, s ta ffscrv lcem an C om m ittee . H

execution lastpronounced p riso n e r alie□ Atwood of Spenkclink w:e rs In New execution.

D ugger saidtrapnei in a d ea th row cel!en, officials d rin k s w ith Ani Dranis, 19.

:k. M arine A n c h o r u

A m erican KANSAS CH transferred T uesday lo ovi I Landstuhl, anchorw om an h ls jn o th e r ._ ,_ w a s Xraudolent

her._ In a tWQ^pag

n y '■ S tevens'a lso d e M etrom edia

^ F r a n J i _ K i i n s t l 5 j ; J l y J i .ents follow- ^Craft a n d aw a 1 New Y ork p re ju d iced by id Tuesday sa id M s. C ra « f

" . ' ......... o r p h y sica l' suunderROIng s tir re d up.Iolng well” S tevens sa id t ysln.TN ew a lleg a tio n s of t

m o v e d - / r o m - i icer C cnter seq u este red Ju r w hether a _ • to t u r b Ihe-ve [opsy was

V o te r s a p3r an uh- CLEVELAND

b ltle riy d lsputec u ilrm am )f“ granrm on^syK ) i e re tu m ed — ih a t w ould m ean lfter being w ith a ll p rec lr 24. percen t. In fav(

p e rcen t, a g a in st M ayor Georg

m illion m ill, sayi

h e 'sh ared including th e Ui lies to be m ill p lan t would 5 w ith the and w ould u se fo

e a t h e rs i n g c h a n c

---7 0

xi.tl Wtr.illn.t •• 6 0 \ ^A. U S D<.'Ql ol (..;rnrii.-r. V -J I ts : C o l d W . - i r t n

Ing chance of showcre th is aflur- "OUgh Thursday.extended forccosl for lhc Magic and sou lhem Idaho ca lls for la l ra in o r snow f 'rlday Ihrough

HiRhs in the 30s F riday and y _ w a m ln g w cinn l^ i0T 40S 'on_T

Lows 20a to~Iowr30s w ta t jUid low 'zosca.n, ^

lo roa<3 rep o rtK lA P) — Fog w as reported y on m nny m ajor rou tes across itc , ' tjut roads- otherw ise w ere"clear.__________________________lilons:’ ' .as — ley spols near Oregon line;og (rom Oregon U) New McadowH.93 — Mostly t>aa‘. some Icy spots ha llls; snow ttoor ol sum m ll of«ilP;rs.s............. ............... • 'I 75 — Mostly ba re bul broken » r n e a r Galena Summit.155 — Icy spols most areas, sta te 90 — Icy spots m ost a reas.2 — Wet. snow floor on Lolo P ass. i51-*Icy.Tpots. log. i ta te se — Bare, lo^.(tale 15 - For,0 — Fo«allnrea.s.20 — Mostly iKin; bul Icy spots ■co'nncl the Montana line; thick• Montana line.

2 t — Icy spol.s, broken snow

• I ?I------------ PorlbfiHOt.. 1 C6 M-----------51 Louir, 31 U . SaltUhfClly . 3 M ?3-----------r.anFianciNCO 0( 6< *9-----------Sitjlllti 01 JJ . fli--------- Spolino>6 -t Waldinolo'' 31

g ” Id a h o« ■ noir.r- --------::19 13 0?31 73 01 y

Vijiic^v _____B li r i f j , .............................. B 2in ................... .. A 4

. r r r ; d i -<i

.Sul-cjii*k}nOa.m unly. LIyounu^inlwr for^your__,n,vrry-d<n

ii;nl.SiuHlay, 153G-;J535C7U-2552313^Wt5 « (dV 3 moni 32G-5375 Sunday oiUy. 7;l3-09.1I 12 >'x>ntJu. H.1

W l«)[)rriiKxiillywlllornc In Ihe odilorlai I. und '5 ;30 p.m. sa ftc rS :30and on

*n>r Tlmm*N< Kttiu, ia.u«.

Wt. Cl:i.'yiifie<l jkI.s , until 5 p.m. iiitd L s!^n',In*u' on display ads is ckr.itnHtr.i,a.i

t)c pui)ian«i.

ay, F o b rua ryS . IOW

feel uncomfortable oLall with dent R ichard Dugger sa id ir [\iesday by tlie Sl. P e te rsb u rg ' tice cam c to light In a repo rt iff director of the House Crl . H e observed procedures sv a s t Nov. 30 of Robert Sulllv iliegallons that convicted w as m istreated before h is

a id he drank Scotch w ith S cell in the Starke prison an Anthony Antone, who w as exe

rw o m an k e e p s a \CITY, Mo. ( A F ) - A federal overturn a 5325.000 Ju ry awi an C hristine Craft, who cla l enU yjnlsled when a iclevisloi

3age order. U.S. D lstricl Jud1 d iiiled a motion for a now trU lia Inc., the former ow ner of 'Jiad .co n ten d ed -tim U u ro rs- iwardcd her dam ages becau l)y widespread publicity. Th( iR falled to prove her ca se , a rsu ffe ring ' was 'c rea ted ’by'

lid lh a l a fte r reviewing th e dc 3f e rro r” In the second t r ia T-Kansas Clly to Joplin,- Jury , "the court finds no suff s-verdlcL"

ip p ro v e s t^ lT H tlND (AP) — Voters on Tuesda Ited city plan to loan $7.5 m llli t o a p rivalc?eveloper to bulFean nearly^OOnewJobsr:--------jclncts reporting, the vote wa; 'avor of the loan plaii a n d ‘ n s t It.orge Volnovlch had suppor » y ln g It would mean new Jobs

: United Steelworkers, sa id i uid threaten union Jobs in ex2 foreign steel and equipm ent

r - - - - - - - - - -tee o f shoi

rm O cc iu d .'c i

T- floor, Idaho Clly-Lowman. in le reta to 84— Fog m ost 1 Southwest Idaho: Becom

or cloudy w H Ji-m t-lncroasln .showers Wednesday a f te r Thursdoy. liows u pper tc

?n-T~W^a n ^ lay .' i»r>^Tnng ;s >d W«Mlni-Mlav ami m id 3i?s

Thursday.UlJili: Fog locally dens

niglit anil momlnR hours cd im provem ent likely durt ISS Thursdoy. F a ir lo pa irc — ci.wwm.'rr uirtnn^i TliuisUa

fl txilQw tQ-i5-abov.c_norlh. south. Highs In the low 2ps

« ; IJasln. Klscwhcre hlgJus up 'S. to near 50s soulh W ednesd >ts lowCOsTliursday. of N onhem N evada: Var

' W<-Hnp.»ulny. InayrLirrit’ dOL en T hursday wllh a chancc of

developing, Highs W ednesd 40s lo m id SOs, Lows Wcdnc tho 20s and low 30s, Cooler T

5. ..hlKlisinlhcupper30snn<140 Cum as Proiric a n d Ihe

K lver Volley: P a tch es val nesday moming. O ther wl: clouds Wednesday a flem o t

Ls G enerally cloudy w ilho ': * - :k snow showers T hursday . I

30s IwUi days. Lows W etlne w lo 20.

3? ?» McCall00‘ « ■ Pocatnllo to * JS . Salmon

T w in FalMj . w,n Pc|i Lar.lVra/

- |S iia Notmal7a IS Toaay'sr.unr.pl35 16 TomQrtQ.i.-ar,ur»ir,r

N a t i o n ..............W o r l d ................... ' ------D tr a r A b b y . . l - o o d .........................

Uwi lUtM ,K- cloiiirry <lally, t l 10 prr .Siuilly ond-Sundjy. ll.£D per Hur.il• ddtly,- *l;3) ppr '•wk. .Sumby, rM |>ci lay, ll.TOpe-rwpck Mull sul>«cnp(loiu IT an<! arr nvailaWf oiily atiepp carrlf tAljtcO; lUiJy and Sunday. I monUi U ivmii'^rwin i?mf»iiMf? « y : ■lali.vr nonUu *14.U, a tnooths t S 10. IZ m< nly. 1 l«mUi D CS. 3 monUl* »I0 9i, f. m •• H.1 BO. SlwlCTil ami arrvlcuman ralr. I iiKxim for (Ully andSunday.

■n-Ncvn ia puU un^ <laUy al 132 Third ,.U«. anot. Iiy Mt0 e Valley Nrws ;l'vi poUaff paltl al TVIn KalU l>y T7ic

Otflclal nty am) county ocv,iii'a[ I W IM ol Um liUho Coilc. Thurvla <1,0.1 day ol U>c «wlc on uftlch lew) ted

s£.rt by J ■n.omas “ 5 5 " Criminal Ju stice su rro u n d ln s lhc

d ‘“ k i £ ° “!Tohn .s M ay 25, im .

Sullivan In his ind also shared " I f a «cecutcdJan.2C. th ro w r

tu r n iri w a r d h o p e c

________ _ot_eslnol Judge refused th e m » w ard lo form er R eaga: a im ed th a t she <r»,elon^tatlon h ired ------- s a i d - '

. , , „ a g re e s u^g e Joseph E. ( ^ u l th


3use they were "he motion also a n d any m ental _ • 7 jpiibllclly ^ ' 1 - U H ro k b -

h e a v y :defendant’s "87 rep o rtt ia l . which was B y T, Ma. -vdtti a o f Lcbi ifficient reason a t go

• B e iru t.m ilitia:

f l -------------ia y approved a fo rce s Illlon In f e d ^ a l f ire , a i l i a ^ s le e l mill m a n d l

/as46 .lM .o r53 d e a d lir i 4i;226, d r '4 7 ' L a le

• spokesi o r te d lhe.$C7 . b« lng \ b s and $800,000 s tre e ts ,r c l ty rC r it tc s ;-------^W edne:1 th e new b a r a n d Di ix ls llng p lants u r r a n g n t from Jap an ta k e o ------------------------------ B e lru tr

------- S l>wersuse le ss

z 2 z i3 ; ;5 " o " l fo*" *''el p * T \” ' re tr lev f

20 ' W hen e n te re d h ours ,

Y - 'c o n t ro lf~~ 3 0 job .

■•It w’ ■ C andles

— ro a l hor0 • ' ' “ Thci

h e re . U3 M ission

"E n joy i s u ld la lt

--------------- F ro m.ih < ii» .iiv » - V ance 1

y o u thin . a space

5lnB -chanco..of.-. . . w e l l , ” . : em oon ihrough e n t e r e d teens and 20s h u m a n :

iS T roosIIyrasrr: . Z _ E a cIT ll?r'io~ low 40s ■ _ to th 'osc

, ’ w a s nevnse during the niiro p e r rs north. Someirtng Ihe day . ^partly cloudy Ihe

lh_nnd I0_ to_25_ C a llln20s In the Ulnlu — "Be;upper 203 north M c C a n dsday and 30S to sh ip, , , , s m a l l Iha rlab le cloucLi a k .so p

sdny in the mid S p ace Cinesday night In h u n g our TTiursday with g leam in40s. L a te r , a:le tower Wood h e hovei'alley fog Wed- .space-afJ/1.SC Increasing A f lo r '

. IllBlS mosUynesday nlghl 10 ba ll.

Slew ai v ^ is t let

?4 n I.,. ■ qu ick ly i7 :& lu ve ru d ou 7^ n or o f c a k e .’. 3i u 01 fe e t fror

. Ml,. I'cp co lonel a_ _33 14 ln_.sp_ace

o ^ m u -s ln g a iir.r 7 0 jm ln(> OntO

A p r i l . Hi--------- .------ th e rech

m in u te tl --------------------------M cCaa

^ 7 S o la r M‘, (J re .s lra ln l

■ ........ fo rm m<------ C l s h u t t le ’s

..............C l f ro m In?sp cc la lls h e ld Mc<

sim<iay. 7:rf i»T ^ In g upsli r.il i>w(nr n>..lr rcp lacod|KT«rrk. <Ui)y - na mu»t tjc p;iiaTirr Jflivrr^’ U

jUnly..! lIMflUl___ — __________rnooUw tM a.1 rrv>ntlii n i ‘JJ.. _ r. tyy mail only, S

____ ■ ‘ ■ P/Jtyou

----- . . . . voufamfoailod{

nlS l. W.,Tuin Ad-’■•■spaprrs liu- yOtJlieTlttif-v-Nr--, (IlOr;..pcr i..« .un lulay Ll licmiy 'O'-Kfll notlcm will

M• C ontinued trom Page Al

tinatlonai ' force perrwnncl anVn and thereby help e r i r l ty In the Beirut area ." :arines and Lebanese a rm y i sh a red conlrol ot the a irport, recen t days, antl-govem i

;lem forces moved closer to ; and tliere have been reports l> :banese a rm y was allowing )ls to m ove through checkpoin [f a m oderate government Is c ,wn bccause it had the couraf1 in the dlniction of peace, ^2 can there be thal olher me ; In the region i risk commit n^*ivcs td a sim ilar cour gan said.ie senior administration off

“ the g ovcm m cnt-o f-L eb : x s wilh us thnt the kind of ^ iltinntlonal force) presence w

lix ieast=• ContlDUcd ftom Page M

ce^bffOn jhldraftcraoonV- a m /y ra in , a Western m ilitary soi irted,-/ T uesday afternoon, token fo cban ese a rm y soldiers re m a governm ent buildings in u t . b u t larger -fo rces tiam en w ere also outside iings-andcleariy In-control:— ;rrl and Jum blott called on t cs lo observe a 2:15 p .m . ce

and the Lebanese a rm y c il said It wouldToIh InTB<i~lr -gun flre-con tfnucd -beyond- Uinc. t h o u ^ il was less Intensj lie T uesday night, an A esm an said Amal forces v g w ithdraw n.from .w est Belr jts , an operation to be compli n e sd ay rto ca l-rad io s-sa id -A D ruse leaders w ere d iscu s

ngem ents for Lebanese pollc over security duties in v

h u tt le —• Continued trom Page A l

!ss low orbit. They were In len ligh orb it and lack fixtures cval,len the space walkers h a d ' •ed the Challenger, a f te r I 3, 55 m inutes outside, miss •ol congratulated them on a su

w as a rea l thrill," sa id 1 Hess In an aw-shucks voice. ionor-to.t^up.lhcre ." _ - here a ro som e Jealous follcs dc

Looks like you’re having fii lon Control said a t one po oyed watching you,” Hous ater.)m the slmtUe cobin. command e Brand asked ‘'Well, w hat Hink ot the EVA?" In space lin ice walk Is an Rxtra Vehicu Uy.liked it. I thought It w ent vi '■ said tlie man who_had J ^ the h istory books as th e fi Ul satellite.3 T m iu iu ’0re-a-space-suirslmi 3SC iiswi on oilier flitJiLs, Wl lew w as a backpack filled .w ’en gas awaiting them in i I bay. They lalched them scb h e cllair-like device, which 1

ling out a series ot superia li^ Beautiful, superb, su p e r,"" indless moved out 320 feet fn lip by firing bursts of gas fn th rusters,

jocnon.televlslon,.ltivasa.sc£ j iro u t-o f - th c -m o v lc -“ 200ir • Odyssey,” wllh McCandlc oul like a moon, his white s ling against velvet black spai . a s he Jetted buck to the sh u lt vered over the cargo bay lik( -age M ary Popplns,; r 90 flawless minutes, he tu rn Kjtlight over to Stewart, w ilh t w islies: "Go enjoy ll, have

v a ri hung up momentarily In te th e r a s he movc<i out, Bul [y freed himsctf and m ane out, com menting: " I t 's a pie

e . ” He reached a distance of 2 rom tlie shuttle before tum l

v .att._a_:ll-ycnr-old lleutena ;i and the first Army m an to 1 ice, concluded his cxcursion j a latch device lo practice hoc Ito a pin like Uiat on the Sol ntc tllle ‘ just'JW''vill-b<rdonc- H e then returned tlie MMU

.-charging station, after a , ( e trial.landless, also relicarslng foC-U Max rescue, planted his fc*et InLs on a "cherry picker” pk m ounted on tlie end of tl

I ’s 50-foot robot arm. cdntrolii ln.slde the shgllle by missii list Ron McNair, The restra in IcCandless steady while, han js ld e ' down, he removed ai e d aiueleclronlcs imli like.ih

--------ADVERTISE— ----------YOUR '

SERVICE SPECIALTYliiccd undor lhc hc.ul'nn o'

/our choico!^ouf oO-will M'ach J2.000- amilius |l)vuryc];iy anJ ttii> osults will ama^o you. C.m oday ana ono ol out liicnoiy Vd-vlsora will holp you worj <otj» ud no lhal ii will be nor.l ellociivc .ind bnnoyou fio rcr.ullr. you arp loourg

■ 733-093!

Marines-.1 talking about wilinel m helpful'lo th e m ;" ' e n s u r e President Amin '

control of west Bi ly u n i ts this week and thei ort. B u l defections from the im m e n t Moslem soldiers.

The use of a lre i

necessary to h it bai Is o v e r - a re firing Into a irag c to official said.

■■ The ""Icl”'

5 ^ , ? — UiellnalBO-aheain o ur^« . Marine Commi

Kelley had assurei o ff ic ia l tha t s upport forocs c b a n o R c re tis in irth ireva ti If M N F from Lebanon, eve 2 we.’r e all-out assault.

1 This seemed toEimid“ a ' ocasc-Ilro was tak t s o u rc e th a l the antl-Geir

confident the arm y I fo r c e s i2cd and divided fc m a ln o d t iy to reassert autl 1 w e s t Moslem western set cs o f - E arlier, in-Chrl; de t h e F re m called oh

n t h c l r Christian mllltla, c e a s e - against enemies wl

/ c o m - free Lebanon from I1-10100:------- "W c'w nm orw altn d - t h o — in ourfiholtors,-for :nse . sa id In a statem c

A m a l radio. "We will ; 5 w e r e battlefield, arm ed ' te l ru t’s . ourcpnfldence!'’ ip le tc d Phalangist millll l-A m a l— alongside-army-lrc ru ss ln g - routed from west B< )llce to A t— Beirut— i 1 w e s t spokesman MaJ. D

I on the disabled sate]ten d e d While outside, bot •cs f o r work on a science <

loose thermal blani a d ' r e - in one cam era tha r f iv e blocked lens sincc is l is s lo n “ Wc took a slgnlf I s u p e r said John Cox, a fl

ra n Tuesday's actl d M e- b e tte rth an w eev erl

“ A There were son:-------- - soIy.ed.-Stew ^_-Mfd o w ri..... h is feet into a rest

f iin ,” thought the toe of p o in t, large, ou sto n And McCandless

whenever the sm ta n d e r backpack fired to : a t d id dlrcctlonoranother lin g o , “ CJecz, when you I c u la r translation (mover

shutters, and rattle: L v e r y said. i J u s t En route back to e f i r s t ‘ Candless asked

w ant the windows w

- W a t — --------------^l .w l th . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I f E B F' 1 ’ BOOTS '

a l iv e s " Rog. $54,95

f ro m M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■_____ _ WIN A TRIP FOR T

------ B-SPtNDINCMONftO lr-A ------ m-----------------------d le s s ’ ■ EMe s u i t ■ SH<ipace . I g M 100lu ttle , n DU)like a J

u m o d I ----------th th e I ADD RESS__iv e a I CITY _ _ _

; y i i a ’i i u

a n e u - ^ ?,oi5“MMooi'°oKt'p ie c e _ iHii.iiiii Difovct*.oiof 303 I™ '" s ■ .......

cn .m t * " mmto f ly5n b y ______________ _hook-S o ln rm c-in------ ---------l u to

p la t- T i f W e' th e■oiiod ... Y o u r S p e c i a

T h a i 's w h y ’ i a S S o l u n iq u e c a i

and - ■_lhnt _______________

J m

PricosElloctlvo Ihfu Fobruory 14t





vill be m uch m ore Th " n w ^ e m m e n t of — th e J 1 G em ayei h a s lost • te e f B e iru t to the rebels rede; le re reported ly w ere were he L ebanese a rm y of Rc


x ra f t lo direcUy h it would be "up to the (Vill u se w hatever Is Tj,rf- jack a t ba tte rie s th a t S B e iru t," the senior

Relid R eag an approved G eor ;e Sunday and gave uledd Tuesday . - - .......... — ncsdim andan t P au l X. sponf red C ongress e a r lie r Thi cs a r e fully p repared reass icuatlon- o Mh e t r o ps— f a c t t ven ih th e face of an Shult


lo Ind icate th a t the noon k ln g h o ld ,-o r Qt least .- New: im ayel forces w ere thes« ny w as too dem oral- whetl fo r the p residen t to Shilt<

u thority In th e c l ^ ’s Th« sector. a t 1:iris tia n .e a s t B eiru t, woun )h h is P ha lang ist ^ taken

I, to be “ vig ilan t” G uan who w an t lo “e ra se woun n th e w o r ld 's m a p .” ^iird ay s-n n d -m o n th sr—b r - t h c - e n c m i c s ," h e _ J ^ ‘; n en t on P h a lan g is t _I se c them a t the d w ith o u r fa ith and

lllam'cri h ad f o u ^ f - ' ' ' ^ ' lroops*as-they-w ere— o rd e r B eiru t M onday. - - foroig - a irp o r t . - M arine ' ing-^H Dennis B rooks sa id Dip lo -under-flro-beforo— cris is

telllte. No,» lh d id som e re p a ir o u t anc exp e rim en t and a Whcm ket. T hey brought d ay , Ihat h a d a p a rtia lly f irs t tl! launch day.* they 1ilf ic a n ts te p fo d a y ,” Q chle\flight d irec to r who f irs t c

:tlv itles. "T h is w as s e n lujT hopedfo r." “ Wtjm e puzzles to be lold n^ . t r o u b le .p u t t l n f i__m indss t r a lh t i 'h e sa id h e '3f h is t» o l w as too j

S3 repo rted noises small je ts on his0 m ove h im In one' er.3u p u l In fo r a long 'em en t), th e thing ^ ie s an d shakes,” he

to C hallenger, Me- yU "A re you going lo ^ w a s h ^ o r anything

r u a i T ^ F b o 'M«n’»TonyLanio_

" WURPl BCICITS**’ .5--------- - ---------- RoB-lUa-------

* 9 7



_____________ PH O N E ..

Nt o> lOuroNi Aic• I QtrOIITCPIH IHI A y.rrlAttlM AtQ«C*t IMC 1IMI1

ial Valentine deserves / w e 've got especiallv andies.

- Cor

- ____f . 1...CM0j l'Ol[

V 9 | r


^Y C L A S S IC S • G IF T S * i;ES b l v d .* ONTiHE MALL • TV

T he fou r-s ta r general, testify ing to ihe S en a te A rm ed S erv ices Com m li-----------ee hours before R eagan ordered the D edeploym ent, sa id p lans already | k«ro d raw n up for such a move.

R eagan h ad been engaging In Dng-dlstancc diplom acy with the ’a d e rs of th e o ther m em bers of the lu ltln a tlo n a l force — B rilla n .-^ a h c e nd Ita ly . W hite House spokesm nn j i n y S peakes s a id R eag an w as con- jr r in g w ith them through cab les and le ir am bassadors.R eagan d irec ted Vice P resident

k » rg e Bush to postpone his schcd- led d ep a r tu re lo E urope on Wed- c s d a y - to coo rd inate the . U.S. re : .. ponse lo th e L ebanese crisis.The R eagan a d m in is tra tion 's policy

^assessm ent w as com plicated b y the ict-that-Secretary of-Statc.G corgc P. hultz w as o u l of town on a toiu* of a lln A m erica and th e C n r ib ^ a n .^

oon from m ortars^ a n d the battleshipfcw .Jerscy f lred .lis flv<^Inch Btms a t------ ----le sou rce o f flro — h e did n ot specify h e th e r th e a tta c k e rs w ere ru se or hlltcs. ;T he M arines c am e u nder fire again

L 1:15 p .m ., 'h e " s i ld , and one was oundod,' seriously enough to be iken by helicopter fo r 'l re a tm e n l 3on rd the-am p h ib ious a ssau lt ship _ uam . A nother M arine had 'been ounded Monday..An I ta lian com m unique said th ree_______ailim so ld iers w ere woimdeti'T)y r a y b u l ! c t s “a t“ th e l r - b a s c 'in s o u th — - e lru t M onday, b ring ing lo U the im b e r of Ita lians w ounded In two lys.i n ' h is “ cease-flrc" m e ssa g e ;' B c r r t - vt t e r e d - S h l l t e - f i ^ t e r a - to —p ro tec t—j -------reign resid en ts and-avoId-‘‘harass-. -I.g —th e m ulttnntlonnl force, . __D iplom atic efforts to resolve t h e ^ ’~-• Ig lg m n lin no d f ___

No, sa id B rand, "W e w ant you to gel I and iMick before su n se t."When they aw akened for ihe ir big y, the astro n au ts learned for the s l tim e th a t the Indonesian satellite ey launched M onday had failed to h leve p ro p e r orb it — Just like the s t one on F riday . T he rep ert w as n l up to th em on the te lep rin ter."W e Just read the new s,” B rand Id m ission conlrol. "T h a t blows our Inds., 'l_ ... ........, .-. . .

INSULATED I BAKING SHEETSfvican c v e n .c o o k in g a n d no m o re b u rn e d c o o k ies! i !


153 Main Avo. Eoat Tw lnFalls ’ _______ 733-42BS |

!)ofsALE” [no N early All Deoli _

(n Ih e S io ra ■------------------M A R K E D ■

D O W N ! , -

RO WESTERN AIRIINES ANO '.SOO _..WINIER-VACAUQN-ClViAV/AyXl—" - .................. .------------------------- - ■o T s I

■I .

- - I _____ I

W 1 II

Western Airlines JJ


' e s s d m e n : i l n g u n i q u e . a lly f« r y o u , a 'v a r i e t y

C om o'irm no'nnm pio’o u n a rn c ;;c'li-'Ciion Irom Jelly Dullior. to

.CMOCO'ali! covofcd mint:; Wo'll iioiD you prcpiiio lli.irnDCCini — — - - — ind iv idu iili;cd - V nlon ltno


d o s t F u i Y u u ■

J 'G E N E R A L G O O D S» TWIN FALLS • (200) 73a:7Bfln^

Page 3: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

1 ^ 1-■ ± J %

— liBB e ir u t b t

A Lcboixvmaaissd, I


R e a g a n ’s new orders r n a v a l g u n s and w ar p la

• - ly su p p o rt Ihe Lebaoes---------H rsl—t4m e-whHe-wJUi

M arin es out oL horm s_____ ad m in is tra tio n officials

O S il now, U!S. riaVa •;> s tr ik e s h ave been auth

p ro te c t thiTOTS. Marij d e m e n ts of the multlr

---------w h ich -h as-so fa r beencessfu l peacekeeping m

R e a g a n 's move appci w ay lo r ujc use oi m air^w w er and naval g s id e of th e crum bling < e m m e n t an d ltsfa lterin ,

I t c a r r ie s the United on o ne sid e in Uie Lebai w h e re a s th is country h a p o r tra y Itself a s a r t ry in g to work out a poll)

T he officials, who n n y m lty , sa id the Reaga tlo n In tcnds 'th ls w ider i

m in a tlo n to support g o v ern m en t."

T h e re w as no geogr sp ecifica lly p laced on t w hich U.S. w ar planes a w ill re a c h ,' although-th' d ic a te d th e re Is no in(cii Into th e Bekka Valley n a r e a w h ere the Syria! c e n tra te d considerable f

A ccord ing to admir ficials, th e re no date pi w ith d raw al of M arines j

z u R e a g m :SANTA BARBARA, C

P re s id e n t R eagan, bt- c r itic ism from House S{ a s P . O’NeUl, began a f tlo n T u esd ay a fte r aides s ta te m e n t announcing dep loym ent of U.S. Marii

R e a g a n aski .1 Vio

E u rd fjiP an a^p u l^h im ” ! m onito rin g events In I.^b

S w e e t t E n t i r e S t o c k ( B l o u s e

- ®________ .S a le e n d s .

F e b r u a r y 14 .

Wo accep t S 157 Main Ave

^ m’B - -

W r j l i BS j I

tu r n o u tlonese rescue w o rk e r m t d, burdbd-out c a r s looking f

il gun s\P )_ ~ P resid en t I ■s m ean th a t U.S^ »planes will direct- jNoese-arm y for th e — ---------vitlHlFQWtng-U;S.------------ BEm5 _way..onJ(uid.______ oLthtlals said Tuesday. 19GiVal guns and a ir ......... Auuthorized only to M ari arines and o th e r alpor iltlnatlonal force, Libei •en on an unsuc* T he : ’ mission. Israeipcars to open the

I gunfire on the lg G em ayel gov- ring arm y.:ed S ta tes d eep er . Sep banese civil w ar, to Bcl h a s a ttem pted to of P i

1 m iddlem an in Chris o litica l solution. 5,000- ) requested ano- cludlr Qgan adm inlstra- contir e r u se o f a i r and -show -‘‘lts d e te r - --------rt th= Gem ayel

og rap h k a l llrallin the a rea s Into detecis and naval guns-the-offlciais In - ----------itentlon to a tta c k phiblousy n e a r Syria, a n L ebanesrians nave con- Howevle forces. perm itti:m inistration of- firepowc: planned for th e . m a jo r s<cs and the ir am - presence

G t n v a c a l EV, Calif. (AP) - Sensitib lushing aside w a s vac

J Speaker Thom- w orking,a five-day vaca- L a r ry SfIdes re leased h is (c r ia c s ) ';lng tho ro- h a r p on Iarines In Beirut. In th e cor

Vice P resident E ariier ;tDone -a -tr iD to - R c a e a n in“ 1n~'cJiflrge‘'o f •W est ' ‘w:.^banon. w o rrie s a

t b r i a r ’ s

*Of i P Ke s !

-The e----------lOVB

----------------s e\ ■* *Vl 'V

>t Sw ootbrlar c h a rg e , Vjoa oi Avo. £.i Twin F a lls • B a rb ara Kr


runs among o f h e a v y she g for v ictim s, B e iru t T uesda

; m ay UIM a s s a c r e b rB K IRirr, I fh n n n n (AP> - Fnl thP prpfipncc of U S Mn rin t^ tn 1982Aiig. 25 — A' cdntlngenf of flOO' arine Amphibious U nit lands a t port os the f irs t group of £ beratlon O rganization g ueirilla le Palestinians h ad been und( raell forces th a t Invaded Lebanc ^ p L 10 — Tho Mnrlnpj; wit)]o|i ive Beirut a b o a rd U.S. Navy iples, Italy, a f te r the evacu errillas.

5ept. 20 — P res id en t R eagan on Beirut following th e Sept. 16-1 8 1 Palestinians In two refugee ristlan m ilitiam en. The Mur 00-mcmber m ultinational pei idlng French a n d Ita lian soldi itlntcnt Joins th e fo rce la ter. Jcpt; 29 — Tho M arines’ land i op strength e n la rg e d 'to abou jltions a t the B eiru t A lip o rt. ' fept. 30 — They su ffe r the ir firs irine is killed and th ree a re ec ted cluster bom b left from

)us slilps (rom positions off th lese coast.vever, R eagan’s actions, whil itting wider u se of A m crlca iwer from the s e a , rep resen ts* scaling down of th e America; nee in Lebanon som e 16 montli•

sitivc to c ritic ism tlia t Rcagai 'acatlonlng w hen hc should b< ng, Deputy P re s s S e c re ta r Speakes told rep o rte rs , ' “n^e:

3 )"w onT com plain 'T in less yoi )n It in your evening broadco.<;t: coming days."

Her, however, O’Neill salt Jl should not be trave ling oul ' ‘w hlic-the nation-aijakea-anc ts about his foreign policy."

Q) rr


e s a le y ou 'll fa ll in /a w tthl S a v e 2 5 % - - 3n ou r n e w s p r in g

s ty le s o r 5 0 % o n .s e le c te d b lo u s e s . ----------------Ju n io r a n d M is sy

____________ _______________

i or MastorCard.I K red-M onagor

s - j p f j s

- --

shellfire during fighting In sday m orning. The Lebanese

n leash-y ro u g h tM g rFrtllrtw ln^ lg j> f 'h m n n ln ^i in lc b a n o o : - _____________

WO'Marines from tlie 32d ' ' 5 a t B c in it’s International if about 1,000 Palestine il la s Is evacuated by sea. m der siege in B eiru t by lanon JuneG. hout suffering casualtlos, avy OUi F leet ships for acuatlon of 8,000 PLO

I o rd ers Ute Marine.*: back ■18 m assacre o fhundreds — ;ee cump.s by Lebanese Vlurines a re pn rt of a peackeepking force In- oldlers. A sm all British

id_agaln and, w ith their bout r.GOO, a n d 'ta k e up

first c asualties w hen one I ire wounded by an un- i )m the sum m er fij^iting (

r the a f te r a M arine ampi up im sltions a t the

vhile tlonal A irport to prolean supporting Uie Gema;Its a It also apparen tlylean forces w iil be givingntlis B eiru t A irport, whic

Lsh 1110311igan In I>as V egas, Nev. 1 be gave a speech before ta iy his ranch In S an ta Bi ~hey said Uie ■ president you a b re a s t of Sevelopn a .s ts - coii-sultlng by cable

channels w ith the lea , , F ran ce and Ita ly , w

troops 111 UioQUj fnr /'ft In

, . Ab iC cag iu i in u d e I


lit, ,_- Why FRFK-’ Tt"-'

“•'iiieh unu a lly ri'h

T h in in ou r w ny <if could Im- h(-li>r<! I<

---------'- y o u 'w i i K <>iir«ti.rr

•K»iiitiinmi«?n- mi ll------- — ttiinmntL-aiiJ .i rn

W hile Wl- n r r acc rj


WBmg a a s f f l

— —

-i ■

f e '

In w est and leftist gunnv s e a r m y o fth e c lty .

I firepo[lin es: w a r s__th>» l^r.npir.;nnrt P------ 1383-----------------------------

M a r ^ 16 - In (he first M arin es , five sii/for min g re n a d e tossed a t their pal

A ug, 29 “ The first Man a r e reported , witli two k sh e lls h it tlie alport com p I.« b an cse a rm y units and I

o c t . 23 — In the bloodlci

q u a r te rs , k illing241 U.S. n: 1S&4J a n . 30 — A Marine Is kl

d e a th toll of U.S. personne “ fo rc e to MD. Four oUier U.5

by a car-tw m b explosion a 18. iaa3.

F e b . C — One Marine D ru se m ilitias continue I.« b an ese arm y troops on

_we.st B e iru t, ________F e b . 7 ~ Rebel militias

a n d o ne M arine is woundc th e M arines transferred a irp o r t to offshore Nav; d ep lo y m en t will begin slior

iphiblous un it look descritje B eiru t Intem a- th e 'irovide a p resence__rnl.ss loilayei governm ent. An uly m ean s the U.S. m iiltaig up contro l of the commilich o ffic ia ls have eluding

v., w here Rieagan ranch,•e continu ing on to concenB arb a ra , Speakes T he .sint w as keeping o rd e r tpm ents an d was Beirute and diplom atic dentead e rs of B ritain, warshl|w hich also have support

m ultinational B eiru t iln l.£ t)n n o n . ' , ------ ns-fficii

■ attack!:.• h is w ay to the force p<

D an

' ( . f f l '■£liiilp

_ -I" '''!' i cii>ui.;inils (i{ ari'ii ri-Kidrnu. li I'hponil lo chiri>pNiclic cnrc- of -nrouniKH'K yju lo finci <111: I'v i liiri>i'r;irliir c-.irr ll is al

irrjind fa.ililKR

riiiiliuir .in.ilvMS lilir>lii av slu

•rlilin« r,i-w i..ili..nls.nof,nr n

o s t In s u ra n c e s A<

t e a

: I ®

unen d a sh e d a g a in In that p;

>wers e n d s th e m

d P L p g u errillas____________

rst a tta ck a im ed directly nt t n lnor sh rapne l wounds from patrol south of th e alrDOrt. larino ileatljs from ho.stlle octi a killed an d 13 wounded wh npound d u ring clashes Ix-twe id Moslem m ilitias , llcst a ttack on th e ’multinatlor

m ilitary personnel.

i killed in a flrefiglit, raising t inel .serving in th e peacekeepi U.S. serv icem cn h ad been kill n a t tlie U.S. Fmbas.<;y on Apt

ie Is w ounded a s Moslem a, lUe furious as.sault lo dri out of p redom inan tly Mosle

fas gain control o f west- Beir nded. P re s id en t R eagon ordc xi from Ih e ir positions at U avy sliips, say in g "This r lortly and p roceed in .stages,"

:ribed in th e p a s t a s ‘'Uie k( w hole m ultfnational I

5lon."11 uiLspecifiea n um ber of Amci ta ry m en c a rry in g out trnii im unications a n d o lher task ling pro tection o f the embj

;h, aides p roduced a stater lem lng U.S. policy In Leba

.statem ent revealed Ueag ;r tha t m ost M arines would 1< u t 'f o r sh ips offj^orc . The p:

also aulhorize<l. Amer ;hlps to prov ide gunfire and lort aga in si units' firing u t from a re a s controlled by S3 >cll a s a p,a ln st a n y units dire :k ing A m erican o r muitinntii J personnel and facilities.

in j je r S ig n a ls o f ’in c h o d N e r v e s :c n d itfh rs , l)i//.in i-;is .lu rm i V i.M out-ck i'.Tin, T if jh l M umoIc.h.

,o u l'i '.-r I ’a i n , P a i n :)wti A r m s . N'lirnlinc.'iS-in

i in n < 'tw c r n .ShouliltTH ., i ffu -u lt B m i t h i n K . Ab'i m i n a l - l ‘;n n s ____ ____iw t.rH ;ic -k I ’a i n . H i p P a in , i in D i.w n U-KH

; h :'''" '. ■•I’liic . rclntc^l proL'Icme

<ml if yi.ii h ave- 11 j)f<iblrm ihni aUii I>iir w ay o f arr]uiuiilin(:

.-v.iluaUp.t! s h t ^ a b t . v . . ,

r iHTtI fi-rl a n y ol'li^-aliitn

A ccepted

■ E x p c r e a

BEIRU T, I^et lx.“op le of west T b asem en ts and I'uc.'^lay to surv' m u re than 20 ho

3 ■ found Shiite Me 2 con tro io f th e s tn

. |( In the seasitg M anara . AIkIcI-J y up a t tjie wind * lioine.P " Iw ju sh e ro a li

preg n an t — in tic ^ I h a v e a n 'in fa n t,’

1 la s t n ight, rea l h t ** Shells falling am e v e ry five minuti

n earby Germ a f ire tha t dc stn

I I^ H b --------a n d - re s ta u ra n t-B j S el-L az’s c a r s andi m _____nclghborsin to .ch

"T h is w as not I j I q re fe ren ce lo [ m i p a ra m ilita ry ton

. " I . b lam e the tlie Phalange

y -* '.. fightcr^i) fo r this, ■ - 1 By Tuesday,

h a d m elted awj B e iru t and the

, . Mo.<Uem a n d Drui “ Down th e hill 1_______ _ »;klrf'q thf» Mwlitt------------ so ld ie rs w alked

personnel c a rrie r ta k e n from the La w itli Uie U.S.-Mt E m b a ssy offices.

q - r “nt the ___X ___rom a V

actionwhen V

tween v i s f l R L y^ {vJKTtlonal

nu the ll[wping V mkilled .. - Y ---------April;

n anddrive A ,

f mrnerican W ( l Atraining, \ asks in- V mbassy. ,

atement ■cbanon, ____eagan’s ^ '• ~ Id leave Se prcsl-nerican > ; and a ir 1234 <lg into L _ — — y Syria.dircctly - - •intional S j

i r Im I plu


_ „


Phoihni-""I' ........... i;Sd

l">« •; ................. ........ ---

; -

•i -------- Avt

^ T u e s .

P oi; Usoyt!; So.ifGi

. J .

--------------- , WOi

i l o d i n g i t e s B e iebanon (AP) -- The "1

lie lru t em erged from saicid lx>mb shelters oti slio<rvey the dainiiiie frum 'I’ilO u rs of siieiiliig. Tiiey factkloslem milltiaini'n In nonI r e e t s , ---------------------------Mai?ide neiglilwriioiKi ot;1-Sattar el-L^iz looke<l ' Uieidow less walls of his F

mulill niglit. and my wife is ina( tie r nliiUi montli - andt , ’’.h e sa ld ." I lw a s lie ll . ion(he ll. I-'uli de.stnictlon.” j;},oi ; a t a ro te of one or t\\'o u te s severely damaged■man Embns.sy. s tarted 5 ,11 troyed th e com er shopt-ijind-turned-lxjU uuI-------ir-,nd those of m any of his

3t A m al," he said In a Uie largest Shllte

irce . _ ^e I^iwme.se Jinny ami ^I (righ tis t Christian Is.” h esa ld ,, tlie Lebanese army w oy In Mo.slem west e s tre e ts belonged lo In -use m ilitiam en. cialII on th e comiche that e r lterraDeau^im_nntjH?_ upg! d from the arm ored bast e r they appurenUy had. huili L ebanese arm y to talk fle<lH arines guarding U.S.....th a ta . .

AT VANS DEPIn lynwood Shopp


l \ i R o g .S 3 .9 8 y d ............

L A C E - ON ow S

_______ - S to r tin g o

_____________ o n A L T R A t

»A N D Y 'S IO F B U R !

r O a k io y A vo. Bi

^ a r0 x 1 3 r fV a l l E * o r t r a i t Kl u s p a c k a g o . i K f f i


— --------------------------------- rrP-

r ' c o l o r p o r t r a i t seluding lOx 13 woll portroll

lo tonraphlc p.ickarjf conijin : [lit p lus 2—0x10s,3-r.x7':-. anc jflrall:,. No .ippomlnii'Hl necc IdiUonal P.is..h oin (;<■:____ Aloo Avalloblo In Addition

Black B.irkground S DouIjIo ■Pa^^p an :rn c ta ir«T~iVfISI]

O ffer good for |>orttalti la^pn

v a i i a b lo a t m o s t la rg e r S ( S t u d i o H o u rs : S u n . 12-

s . . W o d ., T h u rs . & S a t . 9:3

s r t r a i t S t u d i oy o u r

/o d n o a d a y , F o b fu ;ify8 .1984

I a r t i l l e r y i i m t h e l l

" I don ’t understand It,” Uie Martn(> sa id la te r , "T he D raw a t the a irp o rt shoot a l as. T hese Drase p ro tect u s ." i

T he local Dru.se com m ander, iii fact, sa id he .intended lo keep hi:i nom inal a tlies, who mii;ht shoot a t th e M arines, a w ay from tlie a rea . ;

‘‘W e h ave a deal wllh the M arin es .’ U ieD rusecom ninndersald . ■

F re n c h soldiers serving wiUi th e m ultinational force In BeirTJt have! m ade local friends, too.

At a F rcnch checkiwlnt n e a r Uie long-abandoned Cadmo.s Hotel on th e ! sliore, 12-year-old Nidal K am m oun was s e rv ing a s an interprcter betw een tlic F rcnch anil local residents. A Shiite M oslem, he Is fluent in A rabic and F ren ch anil speaks somc E nglish .—F«rUier-w)uUi on-the-cbrriTche, a large gasoline tanker truck h ad b eenim llw l-»ipon-tlief;ldewnlki-npparently-------- ;iibandone<l liy Its driver iii Monday)^ filUitlng.

S ev x ra l-d o zen c iv lllan -co rs had:-------pulled in around the tanker. P eo p le • #iUi p la stic jugs and cans lined up as.3ne m an worked the valve, d is trib u t­ing gas. :

In llie downtown Hamrn co m m er­cial d is tric t, /\s.soclnled P re ss rep o rt; cr Scheherczade Faram arzi c a m eupon atxiut 30 families huddled In tho_____basem ent of an u h lih l^ e d o pa rtm en l l)uilding. T he families said ihey h a d rie<l lo we.st Beirut to avoid f i t t i n gLhat-storted-lasl'-w eck ln_Uic_clty-’s _____> o u U ie n i_ su b u rb s ._____________• ^

lopping C«nf»r

§ i

‘v ’:________________________________ £

S U C A R D O T S•iS" w jd o . largo

" v'brlo'iy of co lors

h o w * 2 ’ Vr A « - l A C Ew S h ip m e n t

g a t 2 9 * y d . — - --

a t i % ^ 5 0 % = =A Kits in stock


BuH oy - 478-1573

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J I Q 9 5 --------------■ includes

il ■ ; ^ 9 5 e deposit

JU1G 'l — lOx 13 w.TlI por- ii and ID wiillci r.i?(- color |ieceu:;ary. 05c lor o.ich '. .» (V<‘l«.T.IiO(V - r- ------- ! • --

tlon To This Olfor: ;itjio Foaluto Porlr.-|if:. ______ ■ „

--------------------- ;

J-pn through February 11 I

r S e a r s r e t a i l s t o r e s . ■12-5 • M o n . 10-5 :9 :3 0 -6 :0 0 • F r id a y 10-8 \

i o :

■ i

I Tim o5-N ow 3, Twin Falla, Id ah o A-3

Page 4: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

n- WJbnmlF’ublnhcjStipk-n 1 Mnnagsi;

T h e m e m b e rs e re Stc

— '----------------~ i : . G t r

tuitiAmong the

task force ^ yea r was a Idaho’s state'i

___ _______ Thatpmposin the Idaho I but only if the

. , a way of gettii-----------------The—Idaho-

tuition a t Id routinely imp< 5860 a year.

---------The tuitlonr---------------------iB S 5 ^ ira r ro n e =........- — education.””!

Presumably, \A broader te

------------- Itr~place~futi;reduce state sil y , .

That would 1 be. in.effect, .! m ore directly o

Both the sta share the loat commitments deliver a qualit

Although Ida_______ system_is_a cor

in other states, tuition and tax- of funding univ«

Idaho voters should create a

• funding base. E the question to t

Le.tte.rtT ^ l i d j T O T i a l w ^

A llegations m ade In the e d ito ria l of F eb ru a ry 2 Ui; t iie " Id ah o School Improv th e re fo re Is not conccmec in th e q uality of education

- ........art* n o t t r u e . ----------------I u ttended Uie public hcj

Uic “ IdahoSchool ImproV' whIch-Don RoJIIc. IEA cxe

V—lesLiZicd before uicJcgisla: co m m ittees . A public hear u h tn in input (rom th e pcop incJucled teachers and our Hollle. H caringssuchasU : Ui^it o u r legislation Is the V M r. H ollle served teachers Id ah o well w ith his careful te s tim o n y th a t pointed oul th e lef;i.sliition. A fterRollh nbvlouii th - / VC.B. 386 wos s re fju ired fu rth er study. I w U in ta rev ised bill w as draf o f th e e r ro rs In H.B. 386.

'I’hiK lenislatlon Is innova r i‘i’ard.s and m uch of it Is st te a c h e rs , including myself

____ addrt^s.scspubllc,conccrnare fo rm . It provides for ann

-------a ll U jachers, rathor-thanofte a c h e rs a,sprc-scnt law rc< proniote<l profes.slonal dcvi te a c h e rs by providing oppo e x ten d ed con trac ts and trai diroeU y re la ted to assifyied

------ iiw reusesrif-appropriated.'and r e ta in good teachers in

T h e im pleinentation of "c----- compun.'^tiM n plHnK'--ii> alsc

e tiuca tlona l reform. T hissc c e r ta in lo b ring sweeping ci schools. We h:ive tto way of I

- th e se chnnj;csw iil be bcncfl d e trim en ta l. T hat is why me

.. b e liev e th a t Uiis .section of U • siioukl fli'sl be piloted Inselt Uils w e re done.'tlie effects ol

___ ^L-yiniKMisallon p lans” m oybe v a lu a te d a s lo Uielr contrib e<lucatIon excellence.

T he a llegations m ade in Ui-----(l»e4KA-opposes4iils4eglalat

T e a d ie r s have a righ t lo glv< leg i.slative proccss. Because w ere a ire d a t a public hcarir e x e c u tiv e d irector Is acUveh im p ro v e Uie legiSilaUonon be

■ te a c h e rs , docs not m ean Uiat IKA oppose im provem ent In e d u ca tio n in Idaho schools.'


IEA w an ts better:. P r io r to maiclng slotementj

J J IV il 'l ', I .SJU IB —

im E Hou'jft) WJb.shcr Adwi

«.-n Hailgen J ittvigsig Editor Circi

■ers o f the editorial board and S tephen H artgen a nd Williar

t-voters c tion, feehe recommendations to ^ u p s on higher edu< a proposal to beglii < te'unlversitifis: ‘ * ......pQ sal, n o w being riisons:0 Le^slature, Is a sount he lawmakers don’t use tting out of state funding1 0—Constitution now-- Idaho schools.'Inste;

npose student "fees” w

n-proposalras drafted^ ns=tmrd-ortJie^‘statewi -T ha t would t>e ‘abou /, what are now “ fees” \• temptation is that; itth uture“ Legislatures ml| > support to Idaho’s univ

d be a mistake, becaus L, .to. shift the. burden o yon students.state and the students oad. Both must make ts if the state univer Uity higher education at daho has little experien common.one_for.highe£ es. In most states, a co ix-based state funding iliversity needs. ........irs may or may not ag J a tuition system and tl: f. But we think the Legi to the voters.

C o n s i d e r

o ffb a se —Uie Tlm es-News y2 th a t the IEA opposes t(irovem ent” bUl and VTied about Im provem ent u tlon In Idaho schools,.................... ..... ...........................tlhearingonH ;B .38C, u

rovem enl" b ill, a t olexecutive d irec to r, -?tiSlative wtiinnUnn ------icarlng is designed to jn cople of Idaho, which Jur representaU ve. Don IS th is one help assu re

lers and the peopleof.,- }ful analysis and <1oul num erous e rro rs in P' Dllle’s testim ony It was os seriously flowed and1 w as p leased to .see Id Irafted to co rrec t m any ;

inovative in m ony ppIs supported by nose lfa n d U ie lE A .lt to<rn about educnliona] . . pjn annual evaluation of n ttnof ju s i non-tenured--------H erequires. It a lso nol

levelopm ent of p rtpportunilles fo r ov«train ing g ran ts m aned duties. S a la ry cored.'Will help a t t ra c t-------- util5 in Idaho.- -Ff " c a re e r Nolalso intended a s -------------- m iis section of the bill Is dep g changes in Idxiho c a r of knowing w hether cou

le f ic ia lo r — - con 'm an y teochers YDf the legislation millselected d is lr ic ts /l j - Uiolso f" c a rc e r .................. b o sly be stud led .and_______ onotrlbu tlonsto pari

equin Uie ed itoria l th a t w eealaU<KHsnol-true:-----------Klljigive Input Into th e pro \ use flaw s (nH .B . 386 ycai iring and the IE A H<vely seeking to in c r[} behalf of Idaho to p ri ia t te a c h c r s o r th e repo Un th e q u o llty o f - shou s . ’ “ .stat<ON ■ Idah

, of pa

;r sc h o o lse n ts s u c h o s th e o ske

;jb .im C BLik.- .dwiTll5trg.M.in.59cr

iTTylloylirciilolioii McimijiT

n d Writers o f c d t to n a l s - l a m E , H o w a rd

decide— issu es

to come out of various iucation in Idaho last 1 charging tuition' at '

ussed-very-Ientatively__md one in our opinion, se tuition payments as. ng obligations_________' --prohibits-oharging te a d r the -university which now run abo.ut

Irwould holdiuition-to— : :w ia e “ a v e r a g e ^ ‘s n n out Sl.loOTper^year:— ’’ would be rediiced.■the tuition plan is put night be^inclined-to—-- liversities according-

luse the result would , of higher, education.. . .

:s themselves should ke further financial ersity system is to at an effective cost, ence with tuition, the -erjJducaLioaJunding___,combination of fees, g is the major source

agree that the state thereby broaden tlie

•gislatore should pul

T establish ing <tac tics liheaKldaJitTpeti

- r e a lly should c h e d r j 'o u rfa c t y o u r belief, th e IE A and Its m to Im prove U»e q uality of educ W here we differ from m any l< th e m ethod used to do so.

Wliile som e of th e recent re, -Lhe problem s facingpub lic ed

th e ir {X)ssible solutions do inc of p a y Incentive fo r .superior c .■nnte Uial before Uils can hapi


T he c a ree r la d d e r has been a re a s . It h as not work»d. The th a l before Uiousands of dolla Inlo a new p ro g ram for Idaho, h isto ry of fa ilu re in o ther stati p ro g ram l>e so l up to te.st ILs v. o ften has it l>een sa id Uiat edu ev ery new idea Uiat comes ale idea falls, it is th e kids who los

Fenwick W. Knt^i-sli. school in NorUiport, N.Y.. s ta ted of Ui p ro ;y a m u-sed in T em ple City, not ad d ress the problem facinf today — Uie obvious financial \ pholces a t Uie co lleg iate level i a ttrac tiv en ess of teaching as a H c:fu rthcr:rta tcd th eca rec r-la nol be effective in dealing wiUi problem faced by te<lcliing todi overall sa lary b ase Is substanti m aintained aga in st inflation ar concept of m arket-sensitive pa;

'Joh/B atem an bill .seLs asldf^H m c% v'burcaucracy\ilih!n Uie’e lep artm en t ju st lo Implement rareer-lad d erp lu n ? Tlie IEA fc ■ould Iw pat to iKitter ase purch. t)m p u tcrsorlabe< ju lpm ent for

Y our sccond com m ent concer nillion to bring Idaho teachers; tienatinnnl nveraEC. You hIhIci e s tre lc lied out a nd not be acco □o-year.-Thls reprtisenLsfinly 0 a rlty . The IEA w ould like to se< quity funding fo r fhscal yea r I'M 'c do realize th a t m ay not tx; po in t ng m stqjp o n a two^yc nr p?; rovlded there Is so m e guaranlc c a r funding will be fortheominf H eaders should keep in mind t.

ic rease would only b rin g Idaho > p resen t national averages. As ;ports have suggested , all tcaci lOUld be raised ns m uch as 25 p< a le s will be ra is ing salaries, al: laho w ere lo lncrca.se sa laries ti p a rity ' Idaho sa l a rle s would si A s fa r as o ther refo rm s In educ incem ed, for the p ast two years ked tho I^jg lslature to request I


------------------------ :--------- r - * 5

Parei" I 'l l n ever do th a t \

yourself, wiUi firm cc--------------R em em b er w hen yi

th a to n e o fy o u rp a re i ■ “ H I n ever ac t like U::

■ “ TTilndrUnderlincd It, 1 l>egan a fam ily and st p rec ise ly those thing; - Not U iatgrow lngu}

— r — N o rth n tTlJUtbome nn-----------i s n T r tg rn ra s w e iT ^----- w ere a child,-und now

its victim .We h a v (^ ll had the

p o rt Ion of M r m ouier ^ . Iw havlor w hen we.we

ou rse lv es repea ling U p a re n ts ourselves. As

-----SUch repetition Is ui_ ^QUc.iJiQthers and faU»

fo r paren tin g w e had. _ p u r p a iT in ^ w e le a m

paren tlnB Ixshavlor at con.sclous, than we ca occasional tensions of o ften ac t wlUiout Uiinl w e re dorm ant unlil vc c ircu m stan ces slm illi th em in ou r own childi o u rp a re n ls . E ven tho

__ , .,_JX JsiisJU -w ereslai]s ta r in g down Uie dimi S tan d in g betw een m y

. . dow n Uie row of m y nc p a tte rn s , a lm ost subci conscious de te rm lna ti fro m a m a rr ia g e parU own’fa th e r w as a rclu( y e a rs . P e rh a p s the res unea.sy: p e rh ap s th e n H c d idn’t qu ite know y

^ j c em ed to resen t-m y il

J a con tra c t syipeoplVfi'faiUiT^OU-- schtxactsrt.’o n tra ry io -------- ^hns'hs m em lx;rs do w ant fab le (ducalion in Idalio. • e v a k ly leg islators is in a n d li

. e v a kt reports ouUining haveJ educationjind________train :include som e form h av e o r educators, m ost Iwcai lappen. a v e rag e - • concc


een tried in o ther im*nnI'he IEA is asking ,dai,o ollars be pumpe<liho, o new tU ia a r e a iitates, a pilot jJq ,jo| Ls validity . Howeducation jum ps on whoiri along and w hen the p E iilose. Q mool superin tendent E d iif Uie career-ladder Com n ity .C a lif . ," ( l t)d id:ing Uie profession R u ; lal h ia tu s betweene la n d Ujc o v e ra ll ........‘ ‘- 'I 'isap ro fe .ssion ." Ther - la d d c r p la i r ^ 11l------ofits-r/iUi Uie entry-level w hiletoday unlos.s 1. Uie. s tude iantlally ra ised and to S-'l.-'ln and 2 . th e lp r (I pay is a lso "co n ti

^ 100.000 to c rea te a w a y lle etlu'caflbn ‘o iie ra lnt and m onitor Uie Sinci•\ feels Uie.se fund.s alKtut trch.LSing t e x ts . , lo o k a tfor studen t u.se.- t>enefi<

icem ed th e $20.a T he ?3 rsa la r ie su p to c u rr ic iH lw lthisshould andnc)ccomplislied in . T he coi ly CO jxjrcent of — . faciJiUi) see too p ercen t ' m a in ter 11185. However. busine.';p o s s ib lc a n d a re d lsb u rs■pT5i5osal g ra d e smice Uie second F olioling. disadv£id Uiat Uiis d iffe re riho teach e rs up Adva: AsnatToria] “ facllltlc

fachcrsa la rtt.s " rcfjuircr5 percent, oUier. - co st per, also. E ven if local boDS to IOO pe rccn t ' cUrrrculd still la g behind.' ' local pe-ducallon a rc contraciunrs Uie IEA h as tim e ly risl tha t a ll g re a te r

• -

mtiriQ: it when 1 grow up” you Uiougli conviction.t you w ere a child and you felt •ents was trea ting you unfair!; U:al,” you reaffirm ed Inyour I, Echoe<l ll.'TIien you grow Uf suddenly found yourself doini

igs you once haled, up had altered yourperceplio

yasyouhad known Ifw hctryp )w as adult find U ialyou a rc s l

he experience of re jecting son Gr*.-; or fatliLT’b parenting vere children, only to find ; Uial behavior when w e l>ecar \ s if we were doomed lo do so. umlerKtandablo. F or m osto f i

Jiers were the only role model d. Througli yea rs of living wit. med both good and bad a t deeper levels Ifi'an a re :an artlculale or question. In t of raisingour own children, w Inking; repeating actions whlc volcanically released by lia r to those which released Idhood. Actions we learned frt io.se we Uioughl we rejected, anding between iw oin lrrora .- nlnlshing row of myself, ly child and m y faUieivsLarin^ nclions, BroalUng.uiidesirabh jcoascious habits, requires itlon. ;\nd rnay require help r tn c r.o rap a ren tin g g ro u p . M :uclant fatlier for Uie first few •esponsibility m ade him ^role m ade him uncomforlabi r whal was expected of him, ai / intrusionrH ehad to le a m to -

ystem to operi^rai¥rT U ‘l5 W e W d isc ip llh rt>eem urnoddow nrA rthc bai -le, teachcrs have requested y Uuatlonsof continuing contrai 1 have been tun ied down. M ar iluated only every three y e a n JG requested m ore and ISJller: ininK and have been turne<l do 'c suggested Uiat students be i ■au.se they have not m astered ccp ts and/or the m aturity ne<

’ou stated Idalio taxpayers wi: chers’ pay rai.ses bul that thej irovem ent in teaching quality ho students rank am ong Uie b ional tests. Yet, Idalio teachei am ong Uie lo^H'cst in the natio ml b ea r oul your slalem ont. T uld t« asked "Who is breakinj >m?”E G G Y J. RICHARDS halrpcrson,ducaUon Finoncc and R csear im ltteelaho EducaUon AssociaUon upert

'iciitial benefits exle s ta te of ld:itiu spends atwul

le local taxes add more. Twin lent costs range from5l.740 in i.;WK) in Bli.ss. . iro'po.se serious Uiouglil be giv itra c t” schools. Since the s ta t rm m enls are t)est a t collcctlni

y from what Uiey do poorly — ale 'fhe .scfioolsystcm. ice there can Ix; no denial o r a It U iepa-cC dingslalem entbfl a t a pa-islble contract system ,fieial to a ilo f ua.............*' — -e s ta le would se t Uie s tandard culum. certify teachcrs and f legbtiatc and adm in ister th e c :onlraclor would provide a ll fl .Ues,.;zuiiagom(intrStAfflng,-t' ienaiice, purchasing’, sd io lail ies.s reconl keeping and fund :rsement. T liisoDerationwoul ;s one to 12, a ll 12yearso fsch i lowing are som e ad v an tag es ; vantages, w llh v arying welgli •ent areas:/antages; B etter quality educ lies ro provide life-Mfe, fun'<4i rcmGntsrraUier U ianflt bond e r studeiit in long-term; end I xind Issues; wider, b e tte r tall ^um,_e<:pecialiyjn sciences! >eople could advise, bul nol dl ic lo r phmnlng would be p ro fc / for growth facilities and clas ;r advancem ent opportunities



irly? ru r • • ±'up.- I ling ________

llion. g ro w Into parenthc

7 0 0 - ------TlTCTCSroniiCTaiiTljs t i l l M y fa th e rh a d n i

auU iorltarianfaU u wme g ra n d p a re n ts . I a a

— paro n trto o :----------. . . . 1 w as Uie lirsl.ch:

:am e b a ttle d Uie role of r so. . le a rn e d from his fa of us, i>e a fa ther. I was adels------- iiL th cr j 9 ,BEaytice ,ovitn childhood w ere diff

In those days "pii ’ N ot Uial m y father

In the c e r ta in tha l he felt. I. wc a n Instinct, th a t hel hlch How h c raised his c:

b u l his.1 M y fa th e r was a sfrom b ro th e r and I disotx :1. sp anked . We had a (■a._____ handTas-paddluoc-a

U ntil it broke on my ing chose th e wooden oriblo ----- In m y ca rly tcen s,

le a se , a rgue o r fighi 3 to a s k In a gruff tone . My "Y o u boys w ant m e iw • S lone silence followi

W ha tev e r we w ere a ible. im p o rta n t a s m y fa t , and “ I ’ll n ever yell a t I to --------- I-m usl-liave Uiought

’ra te Id a h o ’s s(im cixillclcyrand— teach 'ers:oargalnlng-------’— Disadv'd y early p re stig e irac l tc a c h e rs now is Ilk fa n y a re s li l l a n y s lu d e ars. T c a c h e rs — Jerom i e r ln se rv le e - h ig hscho I down. T eac h e rs fourth Icr » re ta in ed anyone ytod Uie basic studenLs; needed for th e hu rting sc d_dowTr r ~ : n a tu ra lly will p ay for im proven fiey w an t ra ise . •ily. T he fac t is Big mor & best o n well-manjh e rs -sa la r ie s M anagem tion. T he fa c ts instilullor . The question s ta te woul ;ingfaiU iw lU i typeo fop t

"consolidi Twin Fall; about Its tl

jarch pe rcen t wlUilnking c

> for m ore rproblem .

. . . . G ILB EI e x a m i n e d J e ro m e

___ ^ W . h b j ;'in F a lls -a re a I am gelI in T w ln F a lls poll.t.iclan-s

ev ils of del given to s la te and 1 ta te a n d lo c a l finances, c t ln g ta x c s r le t----------Howevei

— run an d econom y.'to Uie Cons

ra rg u m e n t -- c'reateU ie: 3f tact, l e f s prc.sent syj !m ,*ftotcnllnlly- c a n b e b ro i— - ..................... lx>cau.soouird s a n d govem m eid fa c ili la te s So ino rd ileco n trac l. - - inlo deficitII financing. prosperity»,-teaching ,--------- economy;nila iicafid ............Uieifrornn^id govem m enould co v c r sounds stup p o o l in g . sy stem mu'e sa n d clrculaUon.Ights In govem m en

even tua lly I lucoUon; all Then we woictlonaJ ............. a n y denomiad Issues; less- m oney wou id Uie c loudy bonds whicl iiilo rcd sa v e the laxs a n d a r t e ; _ billion fi yet: Id ic tn tc ; a t l h e p r e ^)fesslonal a n d I a m also la sse s ; ecorv3m lstsles fo r b e tte r" Rovcmmenl

Birr WE CAK'T JUST GET W T ... .


ling betC harles

-Levendosky —

ithood. L eam to b e a t c a se in I

UiTIIyhie eventually did. d run a w ay from home, from h lUier. so I never m et h is p a rcn : a ssu m e his faUier w as o relu<

.child, so. In clfcct, m y m othe: of rc lu c tan t parent m y fa th e r s fa th er, and we taught m y fat IS a r ea l live test model fo r my X on. T hose early yea rs of m v difficult for boUi of us. “paren tin g cla.sses" d id n ’t exi le r would have attended. l a m ell, a s SO m nny do, Uiat p a ren t he h a d nothing to loam from c is children was nobody's busir

; a s te m disciplinarian. W hen i o b eyed ou r moUier. w e w ere 1 a choloe between his iC-a.woodenp^ftHif* he h ad c a r m y b ro thers’ rea r end, w e alM none. I td id n ’t s e e m a s h a rd r" :ns. w hen m y brother and I wc ight. it w as sufficient fo r m y Ii one of voice from the o th e r rw me to get inlo Uie act? ” W e dh owed such a declarative quesi re argu ing about w asn’t a s faU icr's implied threaf. o t o r s trike m y children in ani ghtnl-know-l-fellUiat-way-whe

; sch oo ls^ — -----------

idvan tages: L ossoflocalscho ge a n d control — some of Uie *' like tw o fingers on a g reased ] udent to two term s In the sam e 3m c reported ly has som e (yes :hool s tuden ts toking E ng lish te rm . apparenUy iih a sp ’i occ c y e t to check'bbUi'teachcrs ar iLs; d iscipline would s till be ne g som e paren ts feelings; pcop iU yiesl5tEdanec;:lnciud!nB ^ cem ents, unless subsidies o r a

no n ey is never scarce for la rg lanaged, long-term p ro jects, 'em en t groups and educatlona lions ex is t capable of th is ta sk 'ould p ay so much per s tu d en t operation should appeal lo po ilidation' a rea s as well a s J c ro ‘a lls. Twin F alls recenUy b rag ts te s t scores average r is in g t< t w hich even fails m ediocrity . Ig cap . quit Ixjgging your co n g re m oney. He’s a lready p a r t o; n .JE R T R . MOORETie . -

ils-kceping-ratcs-h:g etting tired of hearing all the a n-s n nd (jconoinist5.lnikinfi.nl: defic it spending. Ves. a s f a n id local levels and our own pei :s, defic it .spending is bad. JvcrTW hcnitcomestO'Our fed(

ly. T he federal govenunen t. a onstltuUon, is supposed to con h e m oney of our country. Und system , Uie only tim e m oney

jrought hito circulaUon is b y d ) ou r nioiiey Is backed up by n cn t bonds which is o debt, ird e r to have money, w e n eed icit spending to m ain tain som i ily a nd to keep up with o u r grc y ;an d l07il|pw Industry to t a pi m m ercial c i ^ i t , c r c a l i^ its a nenl spending and deficits. Th itupid and It Is, but Uiis is Uie v m ust work. If we a re to h a v e n ion. If we w ere able to pay .off ncnt bonds which Is debt, w c u Uy nol have any money In c lrc would have to Issue d o lla r b il

}m inatlon ,.theproperw ay. TTi rt)uld not be backed up by gov« liich is a debt with In terest. W< tax p ay e rs of our country over y e jH iy n te re s t which w a r e J e ^ n t t im e .Iso Ured of having our polltlcli sts indica'tlng becausc of h cav lental deficit spending, U iere I

A -:

y ■ '

k-l Timoa-Nows, Twin Falls, Ida

- • C"c

tween rv^as growing Up. 1 being disciplined.

Then'm y lu n ra jcorrect m y o lder <

a f i ^ voice com e a s sturmed a s m y I become a record li

1 It, and w hat I U iou^it I h; )f-us.-Q]id.— m yihoodrI-hat«}-

hated myself, ih i s Oneof th e s tren ien ts, m y the potential fo r ci iu c ta n t. _ -parunU ngbehavio

.......... “ 'can p o rcn lfro m 'a"le r a n d l ottiludes. N either j r hod cycle of destruc tiv a th e r to paren t can provide n y ~ - - - Uiey will lis ten looIX________ Ih eech o cso fw h at

father wUl see h is 1!xlst.............eyes of his child anm P aren ting needs:nting Is complexiUcs of oui 1 o thers, ou r paren ts had , a r iiness made.

In this generatio i n m y homes and som etin e chUd rearing Is too

Fortunately, th e rearved,------single-parent g roufIw ays ■ Uiose who cannot fi::--------— ~bchavlorw hlch 1s dwould b reak th a t cycle, fa th er Paren ting behavi

w m , ever-narrow ing th r didn't. which we, in tu rn , h istion. keep ll from s r ia g ^

would lose o u r way.

inEer,” atarlcsLevendos hen I------- tijcCaspcr( Wyu7)-S

- .......... — shoru g o o fm bhool board pTIvale econori ‘ “ contro l" up Uic in tc re sl d p ig ; l im it o s h ig h a s i t i s i TIC subject . . . B u lls Uiis In cs-p lural) , federal reserve i l 1 t h e , how th e ir syste pccurced-lo governm ent bo and the money th a t is c necessary , a whole g e ts a 1 jp le basis, becauM

........ .......... ~ sv s to m th c v p p• a p ay Uie c red it flow

am ount of do lk rge . credit is Uic sa i

power of goods naJ If Uiis be truesk. T he plenty of mone: nt. T his Ndw.-I w onder, jw lcntiai ra tes high a nd 1 ro m e and to have som e at ngged W .HALL' lo CO Burleyy. Don your ^ . ig rcssm an Scrip ture; of Uie I would like l<

readers som e d The B ible a n d e

In Uiose early becnem phaslz<

□ 1 9 1 1 ----- -In-somecQsesHh e exclusive culUvnlw ul.lhe------ lcam lng_D neoir a s Uie ' colonial A m erk Kjrsonal prom otion of eh

desire th a t a l i p t lc r a l------- --- to re a d th c sc rti

acco rd ing__ e lcm cu lary eduon tro lan d of colonial life w n d e ro u r nature. :y o rc re d lt- T h isw a s tru e /d e b t, exten t th a t tho f

m in istry . T he si ^ l o g o the ea r ly c u r r ic m elcv c lo f t>cparailclc<lin growth colleges w hich \:pand by;----- T^irB ible^iitaa 'fe s iilto f hppro 'x im olcly '

r h is a l l period o f l5 cent 5 w ay ou r ih rec continents I m oney in never knew c a d ff a ll of ou r imity. T h e re are ! would an d n o d lv c rg en rculaU on. You m a y Irav lillson ly , SouU iPolc; fro r n> cn o u r -w h e re v e r you g< ivcm m ent ^las un iv e rsa l g f A 'ecould W hydoesT he ■erSlO W hydoesllw *

lives re g a rd le ss cu itu rc? I t is th l

c lan san d G odH lm selffH i avy MAYOLABAle i s a T w ln F a lls


- •


ibowOXlut»6 H«tR PNOWtfUftH _______ _

mirrorsJp. I know th a t I re jected th a t w ay of led . In m y mind. As a chUd.•n-as-parent fl^rlved.^7leede<l to -------------------je r daughter. And wlUiqul thinking. In

irne i ^ b l i n g out'of my'U iroatTI w as my daughter. Somehow. 1 h ad irding of my father. I hod rep ea ted . I h a d left behind when I g rew to i«}-Oi;aUcho.;At-maunQmAnt, T

ren g th s o fa two-parent household is . - ) r c a c h p artn er to modify theiv io r of Uie oUicr, so Uiat th ey boUi .__m 'a congruence dfUielr b est h e r o n e needs U) be lockcd Into a c tiv e behavior and self-hatred . E ach v ide alternatives for Uie o lh e r. If lo o n e anoUicr. If Uiey w ill lis ten toh a t thev re lec ted a s ch ildren. If a___________ills actions reflected in lh e shocked ia n d in th e .e y e so fh lsw lfe . . . ed s th e best of each of us. T he ’ o u r a g e deny some of th e solutions J. a n d answ ers cannot be read y

Itlon th ere a re many sing le-paren t e tim es the unrelieved, lonely task of too m uch for one person, e re a r e parenting classes androups In-many-eommunl tie s for---------------------3t find alternatives fo rpo ren ling I s destn ictiverfo r Uiose-who need to

lav io r Is the ancestral, b u t th re a d our paren ts handed to usn . h an d to o u r children. W e need lo _ j ____igfilng .lt could breok. A nd then we'''ay._____________________________

tdosky Is the edllorlai page editor of rr)Stnr-mbuntr.------------------------------------------

'■mohoy.for4ndjisli>Larrtjhf» ■ ^ ^nom y foTx)‘ w . U iereby.'drivlng•esl r a te s ond keepingour in te re sttis a l th c p re M n tt im e . 's t ru e ? I Uiought. according to lh eerve books and Uie explanaUon of - -/s te m works, tha t whenit bo rrow s money, this ts new ---------is c rca ted . The banking sy s te m as

s a ho ld of Uiese bonds and on th is UM o f the fractional reserve^p p c ra teu n d c rr th ey c a n ln c rc a s c ---------------ow from five to 10 tim es tfie lo lla rs they have In cash, w hich ! sam e; as money In purchasing ocls a n d services.Iruc. then I would say. Uiere Is Qney and cred it to be obtained.3er, w ho is keeping the In te rest ind how do they do it? I would like

re s behind sch o o ls<e lo sh a re wllh Times-News le docum entary facts concern ing id education.a r ly days reading seem s to h a v e ’ .................isi^ed above oil other s tud ies, andE srthere-oppearso lm osl-a ft^--------------------- -ilUvaUon of this bronch of le o f th e basic reasons tho t e r ic a early took steps tow ord the f e lem en tary education w os the ill people might possess th e ab ilityg rlp tu r \a .--------------------------------------------------ly-all th e books used fo r----------- ---------------------cducullon during Uie f ir s t c e n tu ry __ 1______fe w e re religious In Uieir g enera l

ru e o f higher education to such an h o f i r s t colleges were-founded for

le sup rem ocy of Uie s c rip tu re s in r ricu lum of H arvard College can d in a lm ost all the other exurly ch w ere founded In Uie new land , ia cornpo3M4f6dtxKilui wlUi 'ely 40 au thors who wrote o v e r a ....... ’’cen tu ries in th ree languages onents. AlUwugh rnost ot Uiese m en___________cacJrotHerTuie Bible hM perfec t a r e no contradictions, no e r ro rs

g e n t points of view. r a v e l from th e North Pole to th e '- ' fro m Uie E a s t to Uie West. B ut u go you WlU find Uiat T he B ible d Qppeal; ---rh e u lb le have universal ap p ea l?It w ork Uie sam e in all people’sle sso f th e lrn a tlo n n llty a n d _i th is . T he Bible lias one a u th o r —T H e a loneknow sournecds.BA H RI ■ I

.I d a h o W odno3dayrFobruary0 ,10& 4

Page 5: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

___ n y M A R Y .‘=nT'.UKNT he /\s so c ia led

BO ISE (A I’) - J im J d n c s ca lls it a fu tu re .” b u t a spoke p hospha te compnny iiis CQ m pany-an c: year.

Tlic proposed leg. (IIscu-SiMKl o h 'I'uesdi .state po licy , carvet tlie use of W ater for sccond to th e use 0 purposes.

The H ouse S tale A took tes tim o n y on

.................o vernow h ea rin g tintol’s G old Room t< spilled o u t Into the ro

The issu e of jlvinfi — u sc-foc-pow ec-p rod

p itted a g a in s t tho_________ pciorlty.to w aten u sc

o ther purpose.s e v e r ; S uprem e C ourt rulln>

BlindBO ISE (A P) -

who is In cliargi — C o m m ls s lo n - fo r

■ m ainGd. un c lea r 1 to m e y s p lanned tt l lo n o fa c o u r to rd e i

-------------------- Fourth -D lB trJct-N ew housc Monday p o ra ry reslrnlning

___________ on hold.acHonsjslcnF r id a y 's m eeting

_______ mlfwlon.----------- 1- — lA t— ih a t— meotii

m ission ’s board R am o n a W alhof fo rm e r d ire c to r Ho\

_ n sJn le rlm d irector.

w asa l.'w firw l.

— Evans gBOISE (A P ) - An

million approprlatloi . substanU al-bt;ne£It_c

_________p a rtm en t of Health ;being se n t to Gov. Johi

.............. The Republlcan-doispilt o v e r w hether t revenue Is being in; dep a rtm en t, narrowl: funding m easu re 'T u c G O P-controlled Sena

. unanim ously la te la s t ' N ineteen Republlcai

D em ocrats lo overco:

appa ren tly d isturbed that the 7)111 could h'av

............- by som e W50.000. _.T he em erg en cy fund

offset lost federa l mt

N o w y o u k l

By U nited P re s s Intern

"In God W e T rust.” the U.S: N a tiona l Mott

............ ln.l95C, o rig in a ted d tW ar a s an Inscription fc

w ith t h e N u tr i /S y s it m r ig h t i n to m y I« hJodlot pills, no Injoi• Prolossionally supor• No starvation or too<

docisions• Mistako-prool Jood p

constant calorio<oui• Nulri/Systom guarani

tollow Jno Niilri/Sysl program a nd loso wc quickly, ofton up Ion nday, Achlovo your ( tho dnto spccilicd. oi no additional chargo Nutri/Syslom sorviC(

—-- - - until you do. ------“A F T E R T H E NUTI

_______ P R O G R A M , MY OVH E C O G N izb M ti "•


■ ’ ^ 1 fwi I , . "1---------------- B

* Ovor 6'■ H ■ m m m m a i 'i

i WINATRIPFORTWOK----------^ -----AIRHNE6ANO-«OOir...........■ -------- •nwiESNEWSWINTI

! N U TRI/lI ..........................I N A M E ____________I A D D R E S S _______I C i t Y _____________


■ ONI COUPON Ml OAT MI cun ttott. f IHI0DUCT>ONt COU -------- " miiioititro»ro*iTwoi*Tttti■ ]t IIU.INTaTMUtTXOIKIII UOIf WHICH NAMt AfMAIt IN■ COUrONt AVAftAUI At IHI TIW


' W ati---------------------------r—

— A tto rn e y G e n e ra l K p g it a " r o a d m a p fo r Uie Q |G • o k e -s m a n f o ra m a jo r J S m tmy sa y s it w o u ld c o s t\ e x tra S7 m il lio n a

le g ls ta t io h 'lw tl i .m e n T in ?.sday w o u ld m a k c . l t P o w e■yed in to la w , to p u t -souUifo r p o w e r p ro d u c tio n p r io r ie o f w a te r fo r o th e r u s e r s

E ffle A ffa irs C o m m itte e e f fe c ton Uie b ill in a n Id a lio

: U ia t f ille d t h e c ap i- S o n1 to th e w a l ls a n il w ill ic ro tu n d a . S n a k eing p r io r i ty to w a te r K eniroducU on h a s b e e n d i r e c tho issu e o f jy v in g 1.200i s c f o r i r r i g a l io n a n d h a s n 't'e r s in c c a loaa s ta te {wsiticlln>!, ■___________ ________ Jo n i

d leader— T lic q u e s t io n of T h e

irg e o f U ie Id ah o b e s i t or Uk B l in d re - p c n d ii r T u e s d a y a s a t- th e n 1 to s e e k c la r if ic a - B a r to i ■der. “ O ule t—J u d g e —R o b e r t------no bod;d a y Issu ed a te m - u n til t l in g o r d e r p u t t in g l io n .” f tc m m ln e .fro m Ja s l,,, fo r-G o in g o f Uie c o m - ____

5 U n ir : :U w — c o m - ~ v " ! ~ ■d f ired d ir e c to r )f a n d ap{X)in te d T h e I H o w a rd U a r to n J r . w a s l .s ; [or. "■ • ~ " la w su ii tu r= ;lo h n > (m u a d lu — i ^ p r e s

lio n for

gets emer£An e m e r g e n c y $t.U v a r ie ty Ition, h e a d in g o ff p o s tin g t_ c u ls . by. .U ie _ D e -_ . d is t rlb i th a n d W e lfa re , is W ithi jo n n E v a n s . . lo m a l■dom inated H ouse, m e n to T loo m u c h s ta te on F r i (

in je c te d in lo th e t io n s l )wly a p p ro v e d Uie e n d e d I T u e s d a y j i d c r th e |„ g y ia le e n d o rs e d i t c n ts o f is t w eek . a n d a lle a n s jo in e d th e 19 g r a m s , r c o m e th e opp o si- K v im -H ouse—m e m b e r s ;— eirrc rE c »ed by c o m p la inL*-. lave ’ lx?en re d u c e d f '

PRin d in g Is n e e d e d to

m o n e y d u e to a D

k n o w

e m a llo n a i

>1.” d e s ig n a t e d a s ifotto b y C o n g re s s

d u r in g U ie . CivU : in fo r U .S . c o in s .

I I » I B — B — I B

iy s tc m m e th o d , a n d ^ ly b u s y sc h c d u lc t" ^njoctlons I jporvisod ■tooo I

) d p la n .nol IIII

lo n p o u n dlur by I

or pay |rnos for I |



I weight loss'cente-----A« |>rK>..l» »..v. CO liu lo

/ v iF r F A U S T 3 4 ^525 B lu e L a k e s B lvd .

BURLEY-678-97r 8 7 5 C e n t e r s In N o rth A r




< W y - i ScutioMiafii SCOUMHtAtlrtt tHAM MUUAilir---------------roiitiaiNTHiitiNtHiioxA aovl.II Tiwii Ncwiroi yvc

ter righL E G ISLA TU

____:n i e c o u r t n i ie d . tlicn U iat I w e r C o .’s w a te r rli;liLs ai jU iw c s t I d a h o S w a n F a l ls D am o r i t y - o v e r tlie w a te r rlf^iLs o f ( ; r s .I ffo rL s l a s t y e a r lo r e v e rse LH.-IS o f th a t r u lin g fa iled in ilio L e g i s la t u r e .< jm e l a w m a k e r s s a y Uiiit th e n 1 f r e e z e d e v e lo p m e n t a lo n g ik e R i v e r .:e n D u n n , s t a t e w a te r resou 2c t o r , to ld Uie p a n e l th a t h e )0 w a t e r ■rigliL s^applicaH oru n ' t « c to d -o i» -p c n d in K .a .f in a l i t i o n o f th e S w a n F a l l s Issues.'

in doubth e q u e s t io n now is w ho shou l s i l l i n g , in th e d ir e c to r 's ch al d i n g - f i n a l c o u r t d isp o sitio n c

m a t t e r — M rs . W alhof. o to n .D u r p o s i t io n r ig l i t now Is th a o d j^ h a s - 3 - r i ^ t - t a - t h n t - T j f f i c I t h e j u d g e c la r if ie s th e s llu a . ” s a i d P a l C osle iio , counscjO v - J o lm J S v a n s .— ...... .............

i n c e - h c h a s 'c l a r i f i c d t h a t r w i ^ = ^ l n s tB tl -- ^ w h o e v e i = t h i r o p r i a l e o f f ic e r is.” ‘

le t e m p o r a r y re s t ra in in g o rdei i .s su e d M o^pday a f t e r a'$5(X),0(X

;u i t w a s , f i l« l_ b y _ ,a l to m e y .‘

f o r t h e B lin d . ___

gencyfunae ty o f r e a s o n s in c lu d in g th e sl i n g a h ig l i e r e r r o r r a te in lx:n • I b u tio n U ian ailow e<l. — i th o u l t h e InfiLsion of s ta le moi l a k e u p I h e d if fe ren c e , dep i t o f f ic ia ls .w o u ld h a v o b e e n fon 'r i d a y to im p le m e n t now r e g i > t h a t w o u ld h a v e c u r ta llc d d b e n e f i t s fo r h u n d re d s o f n i f io m e p a t ie n t s a n d oU ier r e c o f a i d u n d e r M e d ica id a n d a{l a ld - lo -d e p e n d e n t c h ild re n p

is .a n s h a d re c o m m e n d e d i ■ g c n c y n r ra n c in f f ------------ ---------

•ROFESSIQNA L D riv in g S ch o o l F e e n s & A d u lts

W e lc o m e d - 7 3 4 ^ 0 5 8 6 -----

T 3 3 . ^ T 5 1


s a ®r w o sd . N .

1 7 8 1 --------------- -----------------------

A m e r ic a .

s r - — 1

its hearring spi• — u n i — W h ld i 'h e a

D A H O e n d o rs e ------- rc c o.T U R E n ia k c s o m e w a te i n o A P J ^ u c t io n .

I t p r o v id e s Ui w a te r r i g h t s c an sh o w n th e y w o u ld

I__ th e .a m o u n t . o f-w ^h o ld e r o f a w a t e r

it Idaho p r o d u c tio n .a t its N eil S h e f f ie ld ,

lam took fo r F M C C o rp .. o f o th e r w h ic h o p e r a t e s a

w e s t o f P o c a te l l i irse tlie b e c a u s c i t w o u ld i 1 in the p o w e r b i l l s a n d c i

•c a p a b il i ty d u r in g le ru ling se aso n .Dng Uie ■•The is s u e bef(

a n d d e c is io n in th i isou rccs a r e c i 'i t ic a l to li

h e h a s s a id . ___iorus ]\c H c s a id F M C a n ( n a l-tU S '- - e le m e n ta l - p h o s p i -■s. c e n ie d U ia t c o n tlnJi a U he— for-o iir-p rw U iets-w i

^ S a f eB O IS E ( A P ) -

lou ld d e a d lo c k e d H o u se :h a i r a tio n C o m m it te e 1; m o f a s s a u l t o n o p p o s ii . o r Id a h o ’s s a l e s ta x

c c n ts b e g in n in g In th a t A fte r U ie c o m m if f i n r -------- a J l-U te -IS S U iT T u eilui^- L u ca s , K -M oscow inscl a g a in p r o p o s e a h------ 1;--------o n ly —a fU ir—s o m o -- w e - a b o u l p r o v id in g -1 L t h o = = g R U o n fi fo rJo f ia l jjo .---------- -------- T h e c o m m i t t e e t

Im pose a f o u r- c c n t rd e r i . B y id e n t ic a l vo f.OOO - u se d to e iU ie r r e lu le y s . . _ M a c k N e lb a u r .J l- .I 2 r a r =

J . J . L A r

e s la te benefit

m oney ________________le p a r t- W o N f rfo rc ed•egula-Icd o r ___________________' nu rs- rec ip i- I a{iult 1 p ro -

I Uie _________

I ______ ^

_ ■ -

J . o .


. ................. ......

; o / m . Wi{3\ at


I 4 5 :

■ ------------------

! a n d G ov. Jo h n K v an s . ^ bc o g n iz c s - lh c - ne ed to - - c o ule r a v a ila b le fo r p o w e r ind i

DU ial app llca tfo iis fo r d e va n b e r e je c te d if i t ' s U ie:ld sign iflcanU y rc d u c c w o tkvatcjL avaiiablc lo Uie r a te:r r ig h t u se d fo r p o w er 15-ti

.............................H'1. m a te r ia ls m a n a g e r n u n.. s a id th e co m p an y . I d a l

a phosphorou.*; p la n t a v e i:llo.- opposes th e b ill T ld r a i s e th e c o m p a n y 's h a sc u r ta i l its p ro d u c tio n la llcIg th e p e a k I rr ig a tio n .

e fo re Uils c o m m iltce h i s Ic iiis la tive .session

I d a h o 's fu tu re ,” h e

m d o th e r p ro d u ce rs o f A iphoFoiis—‘• n r e - e o n — V.fiOO Inu lng cosl inc rea.ses p u le w ilH etK H oH o 'vcrcost— UitH-

s tax deb— A m e m b e r o f Uie in trcs e R e v en u e a n d T a x - B l: Is p re p a r in g an o U ier in d i(s it io n to keep ing th e t h e fiUC h lg lie r Uiun U iree c o n tlIn J u ly . a d d iln i t t c c h it an im p a sse S h eiie sday . iie p . J a m e s ’ s l i o uow , sa id lie w ould B eh ig h e r s a le s ta x b u l h e b<

o - d c c ls lo n - i s —m a d o . m itt< ;• r e v e n u e p ro d u c in g - h ig h e

j s p m ^ 9 o n u b lli to— a iH n c n t ta x beg in n in g Ju ly W vo les , Uie pa n e l ref- h a v e r lu m llic bill to R ep . s o m e l > P au l. i ts sjxin.sor. o r - D -O rc

--------NEWOFFICE'H^ M B E R T J r . , M .


TWIN FALL.............. -734-4050i&A Y -T-W frSD A V v T l l u rft?

W £D ‘N i:S D A Y A N D S A E i> ^ P E C IA L A P P O I ,N

i F O ®J ~ =

aw ns ciubstltutes for pho.spliorous ■ould " sev e re ly dam age thon d u s try .........

Dunn told Uie committee levelopment is alIowe<l lo res he Snake R iver alxive Swan I .•ould m ean an lncrca.«w In ate .s-of-lG percent spread !^to-20-year period.H c ^ i d Uial isn 't a n overwli

u m ber, citing statistics Uia laho ranks -lOUi in Uie counlr v e rag e residential cosl of enei T lie s ta le W ater Resources

a s endorsed the sutx>r<iinalloi llion.

A fter Uie 1982 s la te Suprem t lling, Idalio Power Co. flic ijainst the holders of 7.500 gilts, to prove that ll was def sw a te rr ig h t.A bill that would drop 5.000 fiOO-defendant w flter-rii^L i- i le from Uiat suit has been pa;

b a te alivtroduce it for further consider Bul Rep. Rachel Gilbert. R d iea ted h er opposition was ba e fac t Uiat Neibaur’s proposal ntinue giving equal shares Iditional tax to citles and coi le Indicated Uiat ex tra rc ould be earm arked for educat B ccausc of her stance. Luca

believes the balance o n jh e itte e -can be shifted in favoi ^ e r s i i l e s tax ifTiltcmativc re iir trtyiiin u mth ar Lted -foc-finur

•W e're definitely going to hn t-e .. m orc-.revcnue . .somSw nehow ,” said Rep. Claud.., Jroflno-........... - —

HOURS/I.D ., P .A .,.F .A .A .Flies '

W. N o.'9 7 -LS. 0 - ...................... -

r n iDArVj-r.----------

SA T U R D A Y ..........................'I.n t m e n l ________________


a d d i t i o n i

o s e Y o u r Cl--------- Bri ng-m-i

Tim es-N ew

— A dr v By I

iV*Puf__youi fo n to s ti t u n d o rs t i y o u r m F e b r u a r

M l Tw in Foll u •B l 15 w o r dm / ; o ? _____

r - —

'Ox —■- - - ^n a m e . ADORE

L \ & i C IT Y ...

A ' ;p.> L________

| W _ V a l .

^ T lI32 3 rd .S tro c

conflictous w h i c h ----------------------the w hole " _ ~

Qucin F alls, it

In -pow ord o v e r a S C i y t

■ -P O C A T E I.I.C

i.ilr>’ la ils PralJ■ntTi'v liilllier wirllKiuCfs ilo a rd - Lillon iL'iils- liro li'S -w rsap .

I he C ascade 1 30 m iles north

:m c C ourt - Boise In a zone flle<l su it exjH.'cl more tl

500 w a te r quake, saysSjw defending H e sjwke her

teririountain Ch

OOOofUi'e "'-’I"''’ -:!a-in d i s . -----liiiCausaillUi.p a.sa.Kl In g / / ;

. Z o n o 'J" ... He said Pocati

- - those eiirthquak' _______ People . living

- S S s S S ' S' 1,1 ^ m l:s a tw w ? i c>ai1hquaJcein].i es of UiQ residents in a

? dam ag e if tliea" 7^Q H 2_< ,uakeelosel.y :-

S r ^ l d Wood said b.

ivor of a " • ‘2 revenue

^ F p f l i l E. p . _

V For---------- — ^5 —Valentln*-ond

olSllkondD rl noQulIlul ond I

____________^ R i n n / u i i^ A choorful, bri

■ y . planl»lr<4ln(lO conofto rd to li

_______ ________________ AODISC------------ 1

___ .

IVELQ \[EONEJ> n a l w o r d s a t 2 5 * o a c (

O w n iVIessin o r _ m a l L w i t h _ i (

w s — C la s s if ie d i

k 548^«-Tw in f a l l 8 3 3 0 1

>\ds M u s t B e R e c e iv e d ly F e b r u a r y 10th • •

5u r L O V E in w r it in g . T s lic . O r , s a y so m e th i •s to n d . I t 's g g ro o t w m e s s o g e b e lo w a n d o ry 10 to T im o s-N ev Fo ils. ID 83301

r d s , $ 6 . 0 0 — c a s h w l t f

E n c lo s e d P le a s e

V a l e n t i nC O M P O S E Yoi

E .................... ........... .......................RESS .................... ..................

..................................... ^HMIM ESSA G ES PL

a le n t in e M essages

HE TIIMro o t W e s t , T w in Falls • Hrs

:t ^

ake zor >s BoiseLO lA P ) - - B oi.se a h d ncobably s lio u ld lie in a .soq u a k e d a m a g e z o n e , a cii

U n iv e rs i ty g e o p h y s ic s•s. Ulle e a r t i iq u a k e f a u l t . 25 to r a th of B o ise, K houltl pu tle w h ere r e s i d e n t s c o u ld • 2c d a m a g e in a n e arU ili-

[wncc W ood. . Idicrt' T u e s d a y to U ie In-' seC h a p te r of B u i ld in g Of- <lo

cxUie C a sc a d e f a u l t . W ood— goL‘ a re a s h o u ld tx ; a t " U ie Int

cna te llo is on th e b o i l e r o f bu like d a m a g e zo nes.- Zo ig _ l i i_ a _ Z o n t i_ 2_ c Q u id ___caa te s t r u c tu r a l d a m a g e . ‘ , e x p e r ie n c e d in M a c k a y

l f t e r Uie B o r a h P e a k i J t e O c to b er . W o o d s j i d . i t a Z one 3 a r e a ' c o u ld u re s to s u s t a in h ig h I a ‘ w as a s e v e r e e a r th - lhc

b e fo re 1382 U n if o rm an t le Ixw ks s l io w e d a Trthriunkc—Z Q iI e ^ r o m ta l:

: e l l ^ENCENTtR^fify l, B lo o m in g r Y o u r V q le n t i rn d S prlngA rrang* ’m «fm -----}rlod Flower* — Perfiid long Lotting Qual

Oollvory Avollabf t i i M a P i A N T < ;bright lo lec llon o l bloom ing i(h po lt. At th l i p rlc« you3 I root you rto lf , t o o ............SON AVENUE EAST AT EASTIANI VyintQf Houf»; 9:00 to 5:00 Monde


c h _

i a g e O f i.o;'16J)0to:L ov e L in e s

l l s . i a a h o ------

T e l l h e r s h e ' s w o n d o h i n g s p e c i a l t h o t y o i w a y t o b e a s u p e r s i d b r i n g i t o r m o i l ; w s , C l a s s i f i e d D e p a

t h o r d o r .

; e F I r id M y S p e c i a l P r e p a

n e t o v e t io u r O w n M e s s a g e B e lo v

TALWOKW TOTAL AMT. UBttAOa............ BNCLOtaO...PU B LISH ED F E B . 1 4 . 19:

s to b e p r in te d Febi

AES-NEIrs . 8-5:30 P .M .

W o d iiuuday :-F ob rua ry B, 198i

mes low e expertnorUiwestem M o n tan a down through -soullieasteni Id ah o to Utah. It In- ciu<lDd Salt U k e C ity.

I l ia t zone now sh o w s Pocatclio and Uie Idaho N ational K nginccring I.jibo- ratory in a low er-risk a rea.

In 1979 zoning, B o ise was listed inZones, o r lo w c rr is k : ........ ..... ‘ ..................

Wood told th e buildinf^ in.spectors Idalio needs a n o n -b ia s ^ study of seismic hazards. TTiat has only been tionc at INEL by IN E L engineers, he . cxplnine<I. " In Uie m eantim e, yoii’re •

- g o in g - to —g e t - p o l i t ic a l-o r—special- — Interest-based s tu d ie s ,” hesald.

___But Vince W. G o rm an, s tructuralengineer for E G & G a l INKLTtoiaTIic building officials IN E L should be in ' Zone 2 becaiLse o f - th e history of-few

_c»rtli(iUHkC‘Sln th c .n re n .________________

He said INEL su s ta in ed little dam­age from Uie B o rah P e a k earthquake.Its cen ter was a b o u t G0-K3 miles from !NELstruclure.s. ‘

IWEL officials p ro p o sed in 1979 Uint the Uniform B uild ing Code change Uic

-carU iquako-dam ago-zooc.for-IN E L -------and the Pocatello a r e a from 3 to 2.

Wood, who s ta y e d for Gorman's ~talk7^qUcstlbned~'lKe changes.

I -------------------- — V—


g G ifts f V___H n e IA’CaodS^UillOtTof Floworrna’PIo'nli—^ ---------PerfectforValvntlnoBi Florltt MQuality AtReoionobleP'rleei. . f y ____allabte ' ' ......... .................................. V

---------$ ^ 9 9 g......... OW tT ^

LAND, TWINfAHS « 734.BS1fl ______ondoy through Sotufdoy_________M

AL; :

o y e —

A ll a d s m u s t b e

p r e p a i d .

id o rfu l. Toll h i m - h e ' s .......................y o u r lo v e d o n e 'w i l lr s w e e t h e o r t . W r i te _____________

jil ’ it w i t h 3 6 . 0 0 b y ■ parfrrient. B o x 5 4 8 ,______ ___

e p a i d . . .

i i n e !?iow

Pu / m p -4.O...................... WO«B1984

sbruary 14.

EWS73 3 -0 9 3 1

TImos-Now.'). T w in Falla, ldahoA-5

Page 6: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

F r a n k a r

I - T H f P R B 'P A L I N D P

, . S O U C H ’

J .........

B r o o m - H

■ ' LET‘4 PLAV 6 A M E H E R E . •

L IT T L E • ,_ - S Q U E A K E R ! I

/ W l l

H a g a r t h «


G a s o l i n e I

---------pTheladij Qoes-ii


____ G a r f i e l d


- > - - 5 ^ , . - ^ -COMES

Z 1 CAI ■ T

— -•■ ■ avw —••-*—

^ ^ ^ ^ J h e - B o r n L


----------- ATtiLETB IM (C O llg f rg J

D aily

IB S Dail

G E N E IU I . TrvNDENC: m id d ay , you-will havo a bi|

- m a k e so m e very In lerestli a n d lo ex tend y o u r In leres w ill count. T ry n o t to fo rc c : ta c t .

AIREiS (M ar. 21 to A pr. 1‘ a f te r w hat you m ost d e s lr t

m ea n d E r n e s t

o F T H E> R o rA & . ? o ^ i e t y h a ;?H T A N e w c:a p -_

H i l d a

A )l!|!!|l| ^E £ THE P f ' ' — liU B E -^W O\ ^ ( V y 'EM U K E Tl

l e H o r r i b l e

I f^AW... I <&OT h ^ J 5 -W E (ffC ^ - tX )W E R ^L------ B A C K PAif^ -

! A l l e y ’^

r-inH^ir s t - ? 4

W T R e e iS T \ I P W H E N Mf;E S T o e A T i - r ; • ; •VI G O IN G TO-ATCH Wl/Vl rNJP T A K E HIM : ■ U-0 T u e V E r " J '■■ f

/>...... ......... ' “

L o s e r — —

■.<JB'\X lO LC VK /W (?W W :W A^(W rTEAW ^ ( l.ETIEK'

f t

1/ crosswor

Ii l y H o r o s c

N C IES:_U nU l_bc.cauliou.> i1 big chancc to alm s. Show s tin g changc-s TAURUS re s ts w here il a fin c lin p rc •ccl.wucs. Use sit back an<

A rrive on -. 19) K arly go polntment^j. sire and la te r GK:m 1NJ (

c ^ v ■ -v I

i ig j i i lPR ETTY 1 / NOVV.YC YOU R O liL ) ^ TRY a

T H I ^ l J ^ i>r>~LL-

| ® | S

. X } ^ n I o W . . . tH e E e '‘ ^ I ~ r T " 5 ^ ? 7 r J 5 7 0 Z o n F

e g e n t l g m a n _ /_ B ji_ u j 'L arm aroundj 5?£m'fc:

miREE X EK-rlMAAVDR V ? A R ! y ^ ’ ..........

. ACRCf f i ’ Pnttio^ 5 Domoi

(Iwollll 10 lnlrc(]i

I I 5 A ppro. 16 C iiusir


n ichcl to BocJiot

J9 nollglo

.. lightof 22 F fou tir

lor c;ik 24 Dur.’ilic



_ _ J g i


'U.>;-in-H<>it)f> a fle r nny further )w y o u r in td lif ’cnce.JS (A pr. 20 to .May 20) MaKe jre-ssion on a bi'tjuig nnd then and w a tch Uie {’ooci re.siilLs. n tim e fo r Important aj>-

IJ (M ay 21 to June 2U If you

fgiW iA T O Y O T A -

_ o ~ /

. y o l ) '"N;!;V— T o w n i

1 : ^

W & k ys i■E'^ A L O T O F 1 ~~ U JM P j — f

p u d j n r J ! j u ? t t h o u g h tt o n i? 5 d \v55 sC m ^th ln i;

? r 'd C tit’c f - / - s r o u C nnow .'

i f t f r


y w 'v e evE

f J )

( J J H D BEAD t h e m ')

- -

"7/1 ■vtdB

: r o s s 25 — ovon 4ttlor. koolm o d 2G M o* .5nnck Ao iling 29 n o l.lt ingrcq iJon l rods 4• L.1 . 33 Rivorfn ■ 1u c c " F ranco 4proAChos 34 B .ickbono 5js i n g 35 Boldio, 5m poolicnily 5TO o r 30 Olminutivo ' SI 'd 37 C opying 5.Jioii of closoly

3B R .n i5ond '— 51Ig lo u s 3!) Y oungslof..o .ir.c .10 Upper 0(»tof c ru si Gu tin g 41 tn u n d a tc ___ G:cjikoii ,12 G roup ol•■I'O "_________m iiaieI.Tn!.

•■.icni.iy •. I'lintii SolveiiAJB.S f^A H t - a s 1 -IWJ- ;

n B r o 'r . i . f '

p te w i.■ ( ) .M , t . ( ; ; A | |N ; 0 0,N ,o : S K 'A V I I ■ g ^I I 1.H:-> " A n i i ' l r ' A a i i , ,


»o a f te r your persona s u re m anner, tliey c an : T .ike c a rc la te r nol tc

‘ MOON CHILDRKN (, ?r 21)-Show a -h lgher-up -

m o st capable, bul don’l ;e try in j; lo Rain your way, h LEO (Ju l. 22 lo Aug. <- fine Iciexs for extending >- m ak in g changes now

cielrim cntai. Stick to i u m ent.

■ I

_____IOk - ' L - ^ V ^ I- TM ^vt^l-A I I

I UR N O U 'R E I XV A 'M lOf^jET, ■■■ I '

A - I

I jf f - — - j t

I: rng I iquitcfail I I li iV.' y right, I I li.


-I Ilsn n ^ - I

ILC A T N A e \ I '-----

vJG EST L IP S ) I d /E P . S E E N J I

I ” ' ” ~ I m

u I-----------1 — - 0

I jf'ic

' I K --

44 Por Iho t3 Antloro m osl pari nnlmni

45 Holovos: 21 Somolh Lnt, bittor

4G Group 23 Woody 1Cal— 25 Express

49 Moolings boliof53 Part:nbbr. 2G Nnmo54 Voungbifd 27 Chinoso 5G Forohoiid foroxan S7Volc»i50od 26 Repairs58 Union 29 Mlwlll

domnnd 30 Reveal59 Zhivngo 31 Flynn ol__ girl___ - ............film s___00 Insult 32 Run'dow Gl Join 34 "Don't ci

,G2-Ardor— ------ oyor-— r• 37 Fish in

DOWN cansIT ^ u w iilc r ‘ 30 Ouatlfloc

typo 40 Mme. Oo2 Press 41 Devoloe;3 Givooll 43 K Indofo4 Cloan 44 u.-iincon5 Monoy Irolovor

onrnod 4G Silly onoi,G Cryiilal- 47 T ransaci

tillL-d________48 Lightilo n e ' sliado

7 Titlod 49 Cutwoman" ! r ’ io bpokon

0 Mlnor.tl 51 Ibsort 9 NY town chnrnciei

10 Cnuso lo -52 Cygnol Ihink ol 53 Paved wa

II Cng. rivor abbr. 12-Hoon---------55-S.cMy-------

lal w ishes In a VIRG<n soon 1)e yours, h an d le pto net discour- a n d g e t j

f r a u ^ t(Ju n e 22 to Ju l. v e ry mm

p -th a l y o u - ir e U B R AI'l be forceful in m o rn in gy. a n d p rai?. 21) You have n ig h t, dolg lntere.sLs bu t J u s t r e l aV could prove SCORF

m atu re Judg- a 'b e t t e r \ b u t l a lc r

J W i z a r Q o r K

I H i a n d L o i s

I A K e tl'T YOU Y I 5 : I C O M tN O TO J - L O - I 3 £ P ? / T o I

f c j i I B e e t l e B a i l e y


^ '

S h o e .

Andy CappTKV FLATTERY. A VnOvwn CA/ GEfA LOfNG-wAv wmn WER •HUSSAMD IP SHE J u s r , ___ ,>I /

B l o n d i e

r 7 ' " 7 \ j u S T 05£A /A T TWAT T H - BO SS

■ GAVS M S j -

P e a n u t s

YOlt'KE eONNA BE FKOUPi-o rA ^ E T 5 ic r r i 'v r6 e 6 tr " ‘'r^V\CTIClN6A\YSKATlN6

3y slom

ISO. L ..lampio _ ,i,3 ^ T hese four prI arg u m en t ju s t iII e v e r tu rned gra ■>'. D cIU ahdldnota

like ly lo sc l a sl th an from a ripe I

-m ilk " ----------------------------n W hat m uslela

______ c lu s te rs of g irls iiriod fjQy-g t^pjp couhti Oo^vnry ca ll them “ pit pop

Ion” '’ N ow here else itor abandon Uielr offno5 such m a tte rs now aciion s tre e t children.

I t w as philosopl:75---------— “ F a n a tic ism 'c o ie

, w hen you have/or;:ter‘ OBESITY DAN(ways;

____ _______ Q ._A nin’L.Qbest

;GO (Aug, 22 lo Sept. 22) Ea e p ra c tic a l dcalinf^s wlUi oUi J t good resu lts. Tlie oftemooi I t w ith ^cn-sions, so don’t p: nuch,RA (ScpL 23 to OcC. 22) Id ng fo r pu tting your -financ ra c tlc a l affa irs in order. '; do no t a rg u e wlUi your ma

;Iax a nd rest.R PIO (O ct. .23 to Nov. 21) FI •r w ay o f pleasing a n associa i j r don’t have doubts about

l a

/ T T H 5 ' \ 1 ^

A W A W e o f ^ i C t L\“ TC7 T fia S F B E T ■ i v _ ^ I T H " ' C


. o r O F VYORK" I 'O P O O N fiAy ^ £ A L S S T A r e .

. e o o u r

- K y y y — ^

m MGREAT? I \ f yE \VORKEC? - - V s i PC STU R E j

J k i ~ l I ir^ajLYTH

t S f f l i s r T l ™

l : r r n l :______________ %

■- - - - ^ ^ s ;

' 5 0 - : ................

n ,1 0 'r 'S t h e b o s s , p o iiS V , / K — —


- I

_____ l!iEKE’£_ANJND£l'0&-AKENA ACK055 TOWN U)1TH A B16 ICE RiNk


—M -L . M . B o y d

W h a t’sw hat

pronouncem ents will ge t : 5t about anyw here: Nobody g ra y overn ight. Dogs c a n ’t t cu l S am son’s ha ir. Y ou 're n I s tom achache from a g f e ^ pe apple. Bul cach s ta tem en t I

clans c a ll "groupies” ~ [s in the yicinity.of_tho bandst un te rpn rts in auto racing . C poppies.” .

e in the world do so m any p offspring a s in Brazil. Studc

low sa y th e country has 25 r

opher G eorge S antayana whc T)n5 l5 b.-u f m luulilliig yua n fo rgo ltcnyoura lm .^’ .........


x is ti-p eo p le -m o re -th an -n o n

E arly ag reem en t m ade. : o thers o f ouLside Interests, loon Is SAGITTARIUS 0 t p lan E very th in g should

w ork In the m om lni Ideal- - a r ls o th a tro q u lro p j

oncial CAPRICORN (Di [•. To- P la n how lo have g r m ale, th e d ays ahead and

spec ia l ta len t you h i ' F ind AQUARIUS (Jan . e la te , d iffe ren t alU tuae i5 'Ut a n dea lin g w llh a fam ll'

. . - 3 ^ u r

>H, COAAE om ^ I

H E R E ^ O U R A N T I­S L U M P e y e R v C is E


0 0 1 A SK E D H IM TOC - trT ' _ t h a t QA is e —

f f

■---------rxaRaTTTATFeNep^'N - - VOJR a r m jy '-

suscep tib le to n ' A. M ost all

« m edical sta tls tj

; Q. D ohorsesh' A. No, a n d nei

H orse odors drl\

Q, A lbert E lns , you lui m onum ent to hi

. none exists?1 1 think. A. No, s ir, thei1 no m ore N ational Acadc cn n p p le - D cIt is t r jc .

SPRIN G FOOl- thosek tn n d — _TTmj- NaUonal D riv e rs B rowns Coach Sx

.......................u p c o m ln g -U n ltedhad w onted fooUi

p a re n ts wouldn’t h av e Inv denL<3 ofi m illion On the m em ber

of Jo a m a lis ts an '■ Ia s ln a rh e o f“ Bor

ho sa id .'W T D n T p erca it

U nited S ta te s hi law yers.

r. .....A d d r e ^ m a l l "I»nn°lly— newspaper---------

I. S tudy every angle lo h a i ts. B e happy tonight:-:r— PIS (N ov. 22 to Dec. 21) ' touch

Jd go "smoothly a t m utuiIng. L a te r, p roblem s ders tipa tien cc --------- d r ^ i rD « . 22 to Jan . 20). I F Ig re a te r happiness In" h e o r id th en p erfect som c • h u m ah av e . re a llyin. 21 to Feb . 19) A com biis necessa ry when re s u l t

lU y tle .Y o u a ro ab lc . d iffen

■ / i 1/ATCH^CVf- / I t^HI I H .-d/'P ------

/ ..........-

o s ' _

I— —•/ p g i g ^ H ’T g EE M ^ , |____

WEEK'S OF F E ^ R Y . 11 ,:,----------- ---- ~ ~ . l v ..........

N = ^ ^ = ^ — =

■ _________

^ C

- o r ) ' I H E S A I D I------- - C - I ->^'-'S-TLBE.}_______________VHAT'O > O Q EA M IN G )

^ 1 po w n in ^,TM E-C O F ?eE-SH O P!-'------- - -

to m 6st all c au ses o f dea th ?a ll exccpt su icide, according to thelistjclans.

« s have fleas?I neither do peop le a ro u n d ic s a lot d rive off fleas.

Sinslein w anted n o tom bstone o r other0 himself. I ’ve re a d . Docs Uiis m ean

there’s a scu lp tu re o f h im outside the adcm y d r;S c ien ccs In Washington,.


inal Foolball l e a g u e ’s Cleveland--------------h Sam R utlg llano s a y s this about theite d S ta te a F o o tb a ll l ic a g u o :‘Tf God.......... —ooUmUI to bo p lay ed In the spring, he ; Invented tu iscba ll."

ibershlp list o f th e A m erican Society 5 and auUiors Is som ebody with the Boring.” '

» r o i . tno w o ria s population, Iho - - ~ 5 has 66 p c rc e n t o f Uie world’s

lU to L M . In caro of fhta__________

1 handle tense m a t te r s lha t arise.PISC:ES (Feb . 20 16 M ar. 20) Ck-t In uch with fr ie n d s a n d discuss your utual alm s. C om e to a fine un- •rstandlng w ith th em . Use ca ro .

lF ^ % im C H II J 3 I S ^ ^ TODAY I o r she will b e In terested In the imonJtics and h o w -to moke them a lly w orkable a n d w ill require a m blned course o f education for best suits. The k ey to su ccess here Is a 'feren t s tan ce f ro m o thers .

Page 7: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will


econom ic adv ise rs pu T uesday and presenU s to s lash the enorm ous th e economy into a tail:

They Issued th e ir a R eag an subm itted lo C th a t p ro jects deficits o few years, not fa r off t 1983.

"W c a rc in to tal agn......._deficU s down.!’, sa ld .T r

ju s t days a f te r snipin{ den tla l econom ist M art

Regan, testifying be , C^ommiltee w ith F elds

Stockm an, said tho nc) doficlts-aron 't reduced, o n ly th e Federal R cse a lso the financial mari

_ ________________.......Feldstcln agreed , sa:

_ j_ _rinflclLs wniiiri co n tln a : sh ap e In a w ay th a t inc

broad solid recovery .”

S en a te ^; WASHINGTON ( A P ) - ' r ^ t h strong support Irom p ' vo ted 63-24 Tuesday night

—1-tlon-that-wouldjillow.fcder . 1 a d m it som e illegally obi

d enco in crim inal tr ia ls .--------T h e------ m odification—

“ exclusionary ru le ," one ( ' deb a ted law enforcem ent i; to th e House;

. . . T h e . v o te -w as a victoi R eag an adm inistration , wtho bill lfnp^rtnn{ p

_anti-crlm e program . The Civil IJb c iile s U nion 'and B a r Association opposed t

------tion:---------------- ’------- --------

DecembeiWASHINGTON (A P) - '

h a v e tigured in a sp u rt of• 6,0(X) deaths a cross th e Uni

governm ent w eather e s tim ate .

T h e national death toll c au ses increased 0,012 abo^ fo r th e sam e two-week peri w hen m ild w eather prcvail( N ational Oceanic and Al A dm inistration.

______"T liore was an increase

H ouseWASHINGTON ( A P ) - 1

rebuffing P re sid en t approved a bill T uesday I link continued U.S. a id to E w ith im provem ents In e m m e n l’s hum an r ig h ts p<

----- e lim ina ting righ t-w lngdeatT h e m easure, approved

vote . Is id en tic^ to one th ■ ve toed la s t Nov.'30.-’ — ~

I t would require the R------m ln ts lrfltion—to —c e rtify —<___ m onths tha t the _U

a “ concerted and significa

- f T t J I ^ U P


' A

* 3 0 ?•R o u n d Trip B u s F are •D elu x e G uest-R oom -

_ J iC o n tln e n ta l-B re a k fa s tr • F r e e B onus Fun Pak • F ree Live E n terta lnm en

in th e Red Llori S h o w L(

* RED L io n in

For Rosorvallonft, Pl«a»a C D E S E R T S U N T R A V

208-734-9486I "Repretentalivet of Global Tra

n a n d si(AP) — P n a id e o t R eag an put aside their p u b lic squi

ited a united front, u rg in g Co ous budget deficits o r risk s a il spin.r appeals less th a n a wcel o C^ongress a s p end ing p lan f ts of SIBO billion In e a c h of U ff the record 5195.4 b illion po

isrcem eflt th a l w e sh o u ld ge Treasury S ecre ta ry .D onald 1

3lng a t lh6 rfed-lnk v iew s of lartlnFeldstein.

before the House A pprop r Jdstein and budget d irec to r next six m onths a r e c rucial. » d , he 6ald,-‘‘lt r e a lly w ill sc( eserve on ils m o n e ta ry polic la rk c ls tha t We c a n 'l handle

say ing th a t a fa ilu rc .to red t inue “ to >hf> >w> p/<rpy Increases th e risk (o f n o l hav

: v o tes fc— The Senate, T h e exc n prosecutors, Jo rc S T c 3 c ;h t for leglsla- to b a r crin J e ra lju d g es tn 'a n u n c o n a tl obtained evi- T hfi nQW

In fed e ra l— of------ the—T srly-D bialrle of the most f o r c e m e n t ' nt issues, w ent g o o d faith t

T h e legif ctory for th e s t a t e and li , which m ade th e n a tio n ’f t—part—o f.-its , T h< — rhe American g r e a t crili Uld A m erican R e a g a n '"a ?d the leglsla- s e c u to rs . fc

lh a ls to Ro

er cold tiec— Two w eeks a n d w e thir

of more than A ssessm en United Stales, C e n te r in W ;r experts W hile de

co ld w ealh( toll from all l e s s than ibove the lolal e x tr e m e ci ^ r io d in 1982, d e a th s fron ailed, said the pneum on ia, Alm ospheric H ow ever,

v e ry - carel tse in deaths, s c a r c h . abc

piks Salvad— The House, to g u a ran te

R eagan, c i t k c n s one ly th a t would m i l i t a r y for0 El’Salvador to r tu r e and

1 ” rth a lj ie a g a n

“w as’maklnB------- R e p . Micficant effort” c h a irm a n o

or pffl

| : p kOO -1 6 *


le n t H M/L o u n g e

l [ i

ac o iiftVEL - |> M YTravel"

J '

i l a s h ^jan’s key . J u s t a c o r r id o r quabbling Paul V olQker issue Congress excessive r e d - ln k ; k sending O im m ittec th a t Ui

are “ a c le a r and cek after recovery, a for 1985 Volcker cau tlone f the nexl adm in is tra tio n anc posted in although h c sa id I

wash aw ay so m e c get these defic it neRotlations

■ And R udolph p c jp^ss. p ro jec ted U

,r„^n»t«nc S3<X) billion a y e a r \B o v e m m e n f s V .

ial, If Iho P enner, d irec to r scare not— Budget Offlce,-estl! ollcy, but 1984 fiscal y e a r wi idle Ihcse y e a r 's reco rd .____________ " I f r u r r r n l taxi;K lucelhc. llnued unchanged , ay-ouUof— every-y«ar-th«roa< fiavlng) a S300 hiillon by fi&

Budget C om m ittee .

or illegala cluslonary ru le cu rren tly jderai, sE le and local co u rts rim in d evidence ob tained inistltiiHnnnl manner. - — :----------»w bill would allow adm ission al criminal cases of im prop- alned-cvidcncc-=^lf la w en-=^ n t officers had a " reaso n ab le Jl bellcl" Uiey acted p roperly , igislation would not a p p ly to d local courts, w here m o s t of in’s criminal tria ls a re held . .vUtofM»<v-nilff-hns.r-fiparkgd— rilicism, notably from the ” administration and pro- . for allowing too mpr-y c rlm - Ro free d nlcchnlcallfies7The

•d to over 6,iiink cold had a lot to d o w ilh

lent and Services Inform ation 1 Washington.deaths as o d irect re su lt of Iher, such as freezing, a r e fa r a the total, LeComtc said

cold "would con tribu te lo rom things such a s influenza, lia, fires and ca r acc iden ts .">er, he said. “We have to be ireful. Without fu rth e r re - . iboul all V.-C can say is th e re

dor aid, huintee the human righ ts o f its and was putting reins o n its forces to end'*‘lnd lscrim inale nd murder of civilians... ”

111 also would m ake U.S.aid condilional on p r o f o ; ^ in__irm 'IfTErSalvaabr, negoTRi-- Ji communi.st-led .Eucrrlllas tence Uial the govem nient lucting serious investigations iealhsof U.S, citizens in tha t

t!ichacl-D7 Barnes, -1>-Md.,— 1 of a House subconim lltee

r^ ll

deficitlo r away. F ^ r o l . R eserve sued his strongesl-ever condei rik spending. Id ling the Hous t tho budget and foreign Irai m d presen t d anger” to Uie

oned there 's not m uch tim e 1 a nd C^jngress lo dea l w ilh Ih id he sensed " a fresh oppor le of the red Ink through the i ons scheduled lo s ta r t Wednes

■pcnner, the chief economis J tha l lhe deficits would m u a r wilhoul legislative action t( sending m ore In ilne w ith its ir :to r o f lhe nonpartlsan-Ckirii sU m atcd tha t Ihe-deficit in ti • would be S190 billion, ju si i

nxing and sppnriin g ,policies cd, lhe deficit will grow In It « a ((e r.l^ >and-^U l-^ n>aG h- fiscal y ea r 1989," he told I


I evidency S uprem e Cour t , In its cur 5 considering th e ""good l n lion.

fj " " T h u - ^ a te - ^ n d ic ia r y y— chairm anrS lrom -T hurm . - q u o tc d - f ro m -a -J u Btlcfl- p le tte r th a t sa id the ,— “ would p rom ote a new re ■ federal ju slic c system in

tlie public.”An opponent. Sen. G

r t_ M n thln>;^lr— R-Mr i r ^ s l . e nq^l lo b reak the_^‘hlsto H th a t Congress h a s m alnt I- exclusionary ru le since it j n J i ^ Q i e '^ ^ r e m e C ourt!

y,000 deatlh w as th is increase In dt

n The elderiy w ere par fected In the la st two v

if cem ber. T h ere w as anr 5,2G0 in d ea ths of peopled o lder over l h a sam e pe0 com pared w lltfan increa I, am ong people under (iS.

The severe cold hit e country except for the P - . A laska and Haw aii were s ' in the calculation.______

iman right;5 on Central A m erica, sj 5 would req u ire progre: J S a lvadoran governm ent

lim a te Jefferson ian demo

In the c u rren t fiscal ye.___ 1 ed S ta tes is providing•- m ilita ry a id lo the Salva > th e adm lnlsratlon sold F : renuesl an additional $175 : year.------- :Fhe*Vnlted-SlatW -ho^— bilH onto-E i5alvadorsinc ,— one-lhird-oHt-milita'ry-an i econom ic assistance.

f e

) X- •^ -------------------------------------

c Chairm an -Jem natlonof VANCCuse Banking , c reasingrado (iotlclU quakes sile economic Helexis T

ch ing froiE left for tb e an explothe red Ink, volcano c

ortunlly” lo P ressu ile b ipartisan , of m olter«!S<lay- continuod list for C ow

l lo b r in g Ui c . i Incom e.

__ m agm a fDrigressional. _ . dom e, sal1 the cu rren t--------- v e r s l ^ ” ct under la s t p rog ram I

t>-»! .nr»» m n-____________less and iri ‘

h-or-OKceed-------------I the House

' ------ce tturrent term , Is r r s i ih ^ '^ c e iF —

ry " ^ m m lt te e • *rmond,-R-S;C..------fl-t)e partm ent^------

modificationrespect f o r th e ----------in the eyes of

Charles McC.

itoric silence” q hlained’on 'U ie - • J it was devised

n r r i3 i4 : .............

------------------Com o Inn o w t F ,

deaths, and ll .

larticularly af-- S lm p lo fI weeks of De- o u r oxcliin increase of JuHt oc tlie aged 65 and iianciwlcl period in 1982, case of only 752

I most- of th e Pacific C oast.

re not Included wV<’«'.'kj7.”

said the billrcss by th e _ i V j • Y it and not “ ul- nocracy.”

year, the Unit- ^W.8 million In. X . Svadorani; a n d > r ------Friday.Jt_wlll. . I J . f . \

179 million th is [ jT

i/-provi(W -Sl:--------^nee 1979, u tam H w o ^ ird a — ♦--------------


S i Ir r o D ° ' V

\ ---------------

t H eleiCOUVER, W ash. (A P ) - 1 Ig num tiers of sm all earl 1 shook th e c ra fc r o f M ount; ; Tuesday, and sc ien tis ts wi 'rom nearby r id g es for signs plosive e rup tion w arned t 0 could “ go an y t im e .' ' su re caused by th e movemc ten ro c k -u n d e r th e mounto led to build a n d sm all roc um bled off a hugclijjya dome cano’s sh a tte red c ra te r , quakes, recorded" by seism rs, w ere caused by g ases fro a fracturing ro ck s inside tJ sa id C hris T ra s le r o f the Ui ■ <ir“ W ashlngton“ geophysi m in SeatUe.

EH e a r ty ^ ----

S a n d w io h —In to R od S to o r-b o tw « o n —

:F o b ru u ry l4 th .W oV of*o t j r lh n t w£U J«uoj> y o u r hoiirt

o t'a bUio rib b o n frloH o r :cU«f(ivo p o tn to s t lc lu .C vhjoii y o u b u y a n y ?lch.

R e dS t e e r L j f

IJUMJor.vi.l. IDtHllra-llT^rr

■ . j p o n : S A -

Scout TlA n n u a l P o f i

5 :0 0 P .M . ____ F e b ru

^ K n U l i d &

. ; k ^ . iV \ -u

J 8 y _ Q U i m

9 9B R E A K F A

_____ B iscuits 8C o u n try Grav S c ram b led Eg

______ S a u s a ge

10 p .m . - N o o n S un.'T M td n ig h t-N o o n Fri. fi

r h o r o 's a l w a y s lo t s c In o f o o d a n d o n to r ta i ; >nly 4 5 m m u to s a who._ Horsoshu__Casli

J a c k p o t , N e v a d a .

»ns pre«— In- sc ien tis l-s .sa id n n earth- — n m in o r rockslidc mt St. sm all p lu m e of voli ; wat- ’5,(XX) fuel and a wee Sns of la te M onday probal i the onset o f th e eruption.

" I l 's ju s t getting •mont T risler. mtoln Crew s fro m the rock- Survey lan d ed Tuesd me in— S p irit-L ak e .-a t-Ih e .i

Ute m oun ta in , lo get Ismlc Uie c r a te r a n d lake r from, leam If th e lava

e the swelling.( Uni- Ms. T r is le r saidly ^ c s - p io tiln fran -~ c iro rK r

the n u m b e r of ea rth


, l l l l l j j g


lA V IO L I D IN NON5OBE0 0Y ST. ANN'^AITER SCi A t . , F E B . 1 l i H ' S ’ t T PST. NICHOLAS PARISH HAIL. RUPMenu; Ravioli. , , . '

Ico. Green Solad, A d u lts :M .G lPlatlef,’ 6 - 1 2 : $ 3 .

.ro ito l1idc»ior1.. . . j , »Hardftollf. U n d o r 6 :S

..._W lno ^

Troop#62^ihcake SupFirt. - 8 :00 P .M . • u o r y 1 1 t h

J j ^ g e = H o l L

^ C C K t X J ^


NEW_________ ^

^ * - r )r la x

cvy ^ ^

i.'T huf* . ________I. a Sot.

i o f fu n , .la in m o n t / r□ w ay a t •]isino . in . . . d a . ,

W oUnonc

ssu re bn "eruptive pu lse” . . frequen de in the cra te r, a "T h e olcanlc ash rising vertical eak earthquake — of p re s lably Signaled tlie We feel n. - l h e eneng, s ta rted ,” .said l im e .”

c U.S. ( ^ lo g ic a l sday on ridges n ea r Hi.n o rtliem base .o f__:l a c lear view into H m i * m easurem ents lo I dome was slill

d sclentisl.s w ere y"cnrvn'*”bnscd‘on thquakes and how '

■ ' I

MER ^ 1SOCIETY mm -P7MT-----® ^JPERT ^ ^

* 7 . 3 0 • ^ 3 . S 0 ^ — S i . o o „ n _ _ «


u = | : i

sm i■ I--------- , ■—

I c a n



^ ~~W E D N E S " MEJN

B arbeque L yonnaise F

B aked B V e g e ta b le

- - =-----S alad I

'N o o n -1 0 p.m . S N oon -M ld n lg h i

inday. Fob rua ry 8.1984 TimerimoosNow9 , Twin Falla. Idoho At7 •

. W e s t j^ —

D iiildsluen tly lheyoccured . __________rh e curve is very steep , almost ;ical,” shc .<ald. . . T here Is a lot iressure tha l is try ing lo get ouL feel that becaase of the shape of energy curve it could go nl any

g m v i H j f j ......

THURS. I ^:00 - i-----

DAILY 7:30-9!20

2 _He.UKii.Icftw>. =ntcnQ— cw n e - ------RL PHCINO -S',?!scnnmce


3 .

/ T ~ T -----------------

...THi; Movif ONLY

^ - R E A R - 'w l r N j i i o w - - - —ENDS THURS. in

/ > ®■“ S a ILY 9:00 ONLY

S j ____


* DAILY 7:00-9:30

^ A True S tory qaily •

? " ^ i5 S ~


ll- ScCuccUi-uf rSita-. _X ENDSTHURS.'l ‘UiD* DAILY 7:100N LY

a ■_r|, - ENOSTHURS.I

/ I ■\ ■

■- - f . .

jyX>U— ~

J EAT195— —I Plus Tax

UR NEW ______________ _________


EJNIU„. _________[ u e d R i b s e P o t a t o e s j B e d n s l i e d u J o u ri d B a r -------- - - -

n . S u n .-T h u fj.Ight Fri. & Sot.

Page 8: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

. _ / ^ W

GumPA R IS (A P) - '

a n d kn ied Ihe Icadl■...........lh“ pre-^iTvolullonai

know n a s “ the butc o n d h ls b ro U ic ro n a s tre e t THiesday.

Gholnm All Ovelt g en e ra l under Iron h is b ro th er, Gholar a n ex,-colonel In hla th e him d and died Ini

T h e ir - chauffcur, l ^ I ’ w a s“s I I^ tJy k ille rs.

An anonym ous A ssociated P re ss < a s se r te d th a l “ Islan

: - ro rlst-group tha t sup lu tlonary leader. A> Khom eini, was rc: m u rd e rs .

Salva<- - - SAN SALVADOR.

— • - R l ^ l l s t p rtsid R o b e rto d'Aubuisso Im portance as “ a fo rm e r U.S. am ba a tta c k e d d ea th squa

-----------a-spoke6m an-(or-4ijsa id Tuesday .

F o rm e r U.S. Am E . W hite accused

----------m in lslro llon-lasl-w t- - ....ev id en ce th n t d'Aubi

lo tte ry to p ick the ml would havo the

I .lursu

ISr w r ^■ ■


: : ' m im H

= = T f

A -6Tim 09*N 0w 3. Tw.

\ ¥ o r i d

imen ki— Two gunm en shot Th ad in g m ilita ry figure a ssa inary Ira n — once gene utciicr o f T eh ran” — Jiha< n a fashionable P a r is rcspi

"W/elasi, C5. a four-star shall ra n 's la te shah, and th e ; llam Hoseln O v e l^ l, they hla 60s. w ere .shot In E n ^1 Instan tly . Kliorur, R ahm at M adj-_ "Is Jy w ounded l)y the "Is lu

rcsp tis c a lle r to The Ing a s offlcc In I^n d o n in Ik lam lc J ih a d ,” a ter- U .S .; support9lran 'G revo- th e c A yatollah R uhollah Em b. rc^ io slb le for the claln-


id o ran s)R , E l S alvador (A P) assa£» iden tla] ~ cand idate Catlusson g ives a s m uch Ronn‘a cockroach" to a ,r-nbassador who h as „ ,u ad s in E l Salvador. ^lAubtiissonl&^mcty

WhAm bassador R obert a g a lred the R eagan ad- Wash -week-of-concealJng~Hous<.ubulsson a rran g ed a on Lt! m ilita ry officer who form«tho “ honor" of from


ir a ^ r i

Tw in Fq IIo. Idaiio ' Wodnoo<

ill shahT he te lephone c a lle r said, ^ s s i n a t i o n of Ovessi, the : ;n e ra l, ln T a H s ,''ls done'Ly'Ti had so Islam ic Jih ad will ta l sponslb illty .“ We sh a ll kill the sh ah ’s m lall k ill B ll the enem ies o( Islai e so -ca llcd m onarch ists whc ey a r e . In P a ris , Rom e, U.S, i^ a n d . Long live Islam . Lon jom eln i. Is lam ic J lh n d .” " I s la m ic J ih a d ,” which r s la m ic Holy W ar,” also ch sponsibU lty fo r the te rro ris t I g a t th e U.S. M arine headquj B e iru t la s t Oct. 23 th a t klllc

S. s e rv icem en . It h a s been llnl 3 c a r-b o m b oxp lo sio n -a t.th e n b a s sy In B eln it on April li lim ed a t le a s t 49 lives. rh e g u n m an am buslied Ovels;

scoffs a tsa ss ln a tln g E l S alvador's R itliollc A 'rd ib l^ d p O ^ a r Ai imero.Fhe a rch b ish o p w as shot to i irc h 24, 1980, while cclebr iss.

W ilte e lab o ra ted on his ch; a in s t d 'A ubuisson In tcstimo: ish ln g to n on M onday Ijcfon use F o re lp i A ffairs Subcom n L a tin A m erica. He pointed t

TOer in telligence m aJo r's~ b im .the m ilita ry In 1979 for hi


^^-PHOCTEH & GAM 0L£-E^^

i, . r :

looday , F o b fua ry fl. 1034 • ’ -


li’s gernId, "T he his brofher as le sh ah 's . O v e l^ l's apartr/T s Ia n iic ......P a ssy iri‘ P aristak e full tliem cnch in the

a car.son. Wc OvelssI, arm y

slam and Shah M ohamme A-herever Uie last m ilitary J .S .A ..o r in m onarchist l r ^ n g live tion a s a ruthles

Ing out the shah's m eans OvelssI had Ilvi

c la im ed F rance , since thi s t bomb- y e a rs ago follov Iquarters umphul retum lo :llled m He was first : linked lo bu tcher of Tehrth e-U .S__ repression of.denI 18 Uiat 'of Uie mullahs, 1

e rs, in which fa rt elssi and w ere reiwrfed kill

t ‘lo tteryRom an righ ts abuses ar A m u lfo ' linked d’Aubuiss

a ttacks on the U.Stn d P n th “^ „ cenUy Uial tie feb ra ting po^an ce to WhU___________cockroach-.” snldchargcs spokesman for

m ony In publican Nationalfore the Leaders of ARFm m lttoe known here,- salid to the d ’Auhulssoa had n} ousFer a s lh e pariy*^)rt‘ hum an iriciectlonsschcdi

! r u r o ! i j . i . i . i i M

e2 5 «

i-llH13_87 0 0 ^ •_____ 3?D D d!!;iTECK1

*V ~—



era!IS they- w ere leaving rtm ent on the Rue de ns’ ICUi district, shot he h ead and escaped in

ly ch ief o f sta if under led R cza Palilavi, was ry governo r of T ehran Iran . H e h ad a rcputa- ess h a rd lin e r in carry- I’spolic ies,lv« l in exile, m ainly In the sh ah 'f led I r a h 'f lv e ' owing Khomeini’s tri- to lra n .t re fe rred to as “ the h ra n ” a f te r Uie 19G3 'em onslrallons In fav o r____, I ra n ’s religious lead- Tge n um bers of people tllLwl,________________•

r’ tale iand to evidence Uiat Iisson a s ^ l a t e s w i th ----- !J.S. E m bassy . - said In a m eeting re-

glves a s much Im- ‘ l lte a s he does to- a * lid E rn es to Panam a.• d ’Aubuisson’s R e­alist P a rty . lEN A , a s Uie p a r ly is » ld - l a s t - w e e k - th a t Ino p la a s to step down iresklcn lia l'can tiraate du led fo r M arch 25.

- - i

1U L B R O R I SC€NT€D.j

5273 jIIIIIII Ilib . 2 2 5 L | _ .


— — F i i t h i s I



' k 's a c i i c ' ” G r.-inoi.i Ii.irs

lD ( n , ti,-jiu ra i!N u,■;--------- m T n v b C 'T v n n ^-ia? :

w h o lc so riK .' int;re(l;i.'i f.irn ily -p Iu a ^ iiig x Ju jk j

,CluK-(if.-il<‘ C h ip w i lh r c lio c o l ,i i i .‘ c iiip s C tic '

------------ a-tr h - b ln :p l iiiii|H '.'!KrnA p p le w ilh h n s o t rt'ii •A n d c h o w y P e a n u t Hi r<-‘<"il p i; .in iil b u ltc r yi*i

----------<, .y,t< n yi Hir^eff -NhUiiii cl ciii-'vvy C ia i io ia H

_______U sL .M hec(<u |k in .iiit/ir

K K )% M a tu ra l ^ — G r a n o l a - B a r s ^



I E s T T f T 'I i

s n s i B n

1 'nyallfoij ChocoLilt

■' l ' ................ f’e a n u t BI


mlA X H


t1 L u v s S lO .OO Checf<

I U ' j r ’;;:;'- ':;j n « e lv t i Uy M*rl: ■' -ii"

Ij . . .

I- Li______________

inally, a m o i s t , i 100%n«

:iicw y b re a k tiiro iJ{ ’h! Clhi’w y irs t i i a i l o i l ic N a tu re V .ilk -y 'w 'Ju a d d itiv e s .• ra 'T d c ttrio n = r> = ^ '-= '» cx -^

'H rca i; ^ S ^ J J z ph c w y N a is in •KrTrTrtlTCim^-ft:* ? -C -f * 7rea )a p ,,k ,- W J 7 7 H f it Huttcrwithy o u c an ' . c r t F r n i M llat<ire V .iiley......u B a l l h a t s . •

iT/irv '(-'tn___ __________________

ral...Not all Chewy arerciiecinnelabei!^

four varieties: ,‘Vvl a lc O iip , Rnisin.It tJ u t tc r A p p le , '

. tnd whtit prohlbtlcd. llc>n>«d, oc ogu


— '■ ■■ r '

c c k f o r a C h c c k - U p O f f e r


i g r s u i o l t h i s c h c a t u r a l , <


I I I E V A l.£ jE V ^ 'lT O i^ 3 rJ '^ L «

_ _ ‘

S T O R E C O U P (

ori your next purchas C M A T U R E ^


Mills I NO EXPI1»

sU P o l

J in_______________ < lr jx ) s a t* ^

- I ij

'I ins;:::'-- -|II _______ _______________

i l a b vlevryandt o o !



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J P O N I V>W v v Ila s e of any flavor of |E V A I . I . E - ^ I

o n a l a B a E S j


B y M aii




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P.O.BOXBM9 ICllm on. low* 52736 |

I. . CM. Ut erm OUo. • I■---- - I____________________________ I.

Page 9: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

Law]ByRICKSHAUGHNESS Timcs-Ncws ivritcr

BOISE — The failu r sew age trea tm en t p lan t i (he c ity ’s, fault, say a t t being sued by the city.

'C iting federal, s ta te oi p la n t’s perform ance, R to m e y for Ihe Callforr S ystem s, told Jurors in T uesday th a l the p lan t w

"T h e IhrtKl of a ll of lh' o peration and m a ln ten keeping th e p lant from c

---------- s tu d lcsT jrq ra red 'tjyT hc_ ■ P ro tec tion Agcncy. Ihe

H ealth and W elfare and c - 1 A ttorney . W arren . .

Neptuno-Microfloc, a Ct fac tu re r, said the sewai

D irec t-p u sh e

On chemi____ By B ONNiE BAIRD JO N

■ ~ ‘j imes-News wiJter

— JE R O M E — An educj p a lg n a M stiffc r counly goverh liig 'fa rm ana^urb' u se w as recom m ended

' Je ro m e County Civil Defc M ario D airy ,

D airy , who m et w llh County Commission, s ounces of p revention m ig serious chem ical probl fu ture.

H e said there Is very I ov e r d iem lca ls once d e a le rs ’ hands. Hc said d

. chem ical containers, partia lly filled, poses a sei to life and health.

D airy , who Is also firefigh ter, told com m issi

___ ,ers_or o ther Individuals pch em ica l- o rd e re -fro m -< “ cnn then go anyw here a Hc sa id they then d iscard e rs a t the county landfi) them sitting around with

— - -chem ical le ftover. .H e said If the cans a rc al

the landfills, lo s t'from a d isca rd ed the chem ical escape . Should someone p container, they m ight com with tho m ateria l and co i Ingly be In serious.danger.

-------- D a lry -sa ld - th e re - ls all

__ ca ls . E v en a sm all am oun tw arehouse o r shed, po.«»s

— he sald .-F lrem en respondi in th e building m ay be

' dead ly fum es, he added.H e suggested th ere shou

-_on th e building o r close b> ___ w hat chem icals a re In bull

of th e m a te ria ls cannot be w a te r aSd firem en should

• w arn ing , he said._ i ‘*There a re som e-pretty

— -(chem lca is)- ou t- lherer--i dep artm en t officials have should take steps now to se rious accident. As man, chem icals a s wc handle no like to see u s do som ething sp rin g spray lngseason .

"W e would hate to have a death and say la te r tha t could h ave done som ething it,” h e told commlssloers.

C om m issioner Carl Mo who fa rm s a t Eden, said th m ain ta in s somo strong n designed lo cftabllsh re s

• for h an d le rs o f the d angero a ls ..................... - .

" F o r the hazardous c li person is required to app lica to rs perm it In o rd e r

— m a te r ia l for his ow M ontgom ery said. "T he de.

■ SceC H EM IC A LonPf


Timcs-Ncws convspondc

KETCHUM - A re q u a lley for a shopping cei re fusa l of th e Ketchum Ci

deny the requested alley ' p lan to give the devclopei idea and to avoid repayli w hich they would have to denial.

Basically , thd council_____presenM_.by__lhc_d_cvci

P a r tn e rs , w as.no t apprc ! m lncn t location of the p n

consider th e Impacts neighbors. Council m cm developers to work w ith on th e b lock to w ork o ul i

'\/er b3SSY w

or in

lu re of th e Twin. Falls mt to function properly Is th a tto rn e y s for two firms sy

cc[J a n d local'stud les iaf Uic ev , R an d a ll M orrison,'at- * om ia -b ascd Envirotech in fed e ra l d istrict court a r t w a sn ’t ru n properly. -ov [ th e se re p o rts Is that the ini ten an ce w as what was m o p e ra tin g .” he said of U tc 'U ;S . Envlronm G ntal~ pj le Idaho D epartm ent of rr>

idoU iere . sh.J o n e s , - representing < C orva llis , Oro„ manu- y,,

w age trea tm en t system gy

t o r ^

. .

licalsONES_________ ___________

lu c a t io n a l^ a m --n ty reg u filio n s ___ _____irb 'an chcm lca l“ , - ed M onday by .c fe n se D irec to r n w f r '-

Ul th e J e ro m e“ sa id ' "a f6W-------- t S r S ?n ig h t p rev en t a o b lem in Uie

y lllU e control c th e y leave f f i S f l d d isca rd in g of , so m e still se r io u s hazard

so a Je ro m e iss io n e rs farm -i p l c k u p . th o l r ---------- T h e[i-d ca lc rs ...an d -------------------re w ith th em .” ^ ird th e contain-dfUls o r leave Jl Ith so m c of the

, -------- ByDAV]e aban d o n ed a t Tlmes-N 1 a veh iclc or:al c a n easily TWINle p u n c tu re Uie have to po m e In co n tac t • i ^ d th e icould unknow- .' But Cic r . ncgotlat<a ls o -a -m a jo r - '-h ad told i

la fa o u tc h e m l-—unt, s to re d in a -------Bill-HoliKS a p roblem , hearlyS lnd in g l o a fire He sailbe su b jec t to church p• . ■ several 0lo u ld b e a s lg n signallza‘ b y Ind icating las tsum ij u l l ^ g . & m e _____land____be m ix ed w im He saleJ d h a v e M m e ’ _

tly :nasty.:oncs-“ f : 5 i : : ^ r--T h e-h ea lU i— ive a g re e d we to p rev en t a

lan y d iffe ren t ByCHfllST' : now , I would Times-Ncwi ing before Ihc

TWIN FA e a n I llness o r Scouts ever] a t m ay ljc w e a lltUctjcllt: ing to p rev en t because It’s s- But in TwM ontgom ery , the Scouts n J Uie Industry M ayor Em ' p rocl" lm «llresponsib ility cclcbralc S< e ro u s m aterl-

^ le m ic a ls a Approximi ^ h a v e a n 2,000 Boy Sc l e r to b uy Uie will observe ow n use .” ^^JiU ng. d e a le rs keep . We are e

. b e aw are of iP a g e B 2 do someUtln]

l u m x o t

■idcnl ^

x iuest to m ove a city “ c e n le r aga in m et the V I C ity Council Monday.

e y 'm d v e r it tabled the p e r t im e to rew ork the ly in g applicaUon fees, the : to d o w ith a n outright -i>

Uicic ll thought Uie plan Spr ivc lopers . 87th Block the p ro p r la te fp r .Uic pr6- p ro p o sa l and failed lo

ic ls on resIdenUol e m b e rs prom pted ’lhe iUi ex is tin g businesses u l a com plete pl&n for o<

)lamew as b u m wIUi a’ " tig h t” dc-sij one th a t d idn 't allow any installa tion .

H e sa id som e of the compo th e p lan t — supplied a s sj sy s te m ’s designer — w eren’t c essihg the sew age loads and eventually received; ■

T he atto rneys w ere presen a rg u m en ts in a law suit brou o v e r a w aste trea tm en t sy stcn Insta lled In Uie mid-1970s.

T he c ity could be aw arded

F a lls . Originally the c ity sc -million, Ttip p n y m lin g ^ hav since Novem ber.

T h e city has allegcd th a l 1 th e c ily a com ponent to hei even thoucJi the c o m p ly \

^ ^ _______ ;

h e T i r s t S o u l lu r r n B n p tts

yiapor sVVID MOFFAT ;-Ncws writer

IN FALLS - The city of Twi :o p ay the F irs t SouUiem Bapti: lie chureh cla im s w as seized Uic C ity E ngineer G ary Young s

ialcd w ith the a gent a church s id Ih ec ity loc<?nloct.— .— ^— i-Monday-Qnernoon-work-sessi lo H lfled -repea led 'the-chu rch '^$13,000..........................................a i d th e c ity had built a r i ^ l - ti p ro p erty off W ashington Stre< ll o th e r Im provem ents in conjuj Izatlon projcct a t the c o m e r of 1 im m er without obtaining propc

a id th e c ity obtained a qui tclaij

STOPHER WILLIAMS iws correspondent

FALLS — This month. Boy eryw here will have fo be Just i t tc r “ p repared” lhan usual t ’s Scout MonUi.Twin F alls, Uiis Is Uie week s need to be on Iheir toes as Sm ery P elcrscn officially x l It local Boy Scout Week to Scoutlng’s 74Ui annlversa- .

Im atcly 1,200 Twin F a lls a n d Scouts in. Uie F a lls D istric t v e today as the birthday of -

e encouraging all Scouts to of Scout Week and lo try lo jing In the ir community, in

oncil taW ood Riv

h e com m ercial a rea .

’The p roperty , fronting Sun Vi h e no rth and lying betw een ip ruce avenues, b orders a residhe so u th on Sccond Stree t.___

" I th ink you guys have lo g Jraw in g board again ,” Com Held told Uie developers. “ Th m ylm aR lnatioh .”

D evelopers p resen ted th ree

;s cit\,e-sign a n d budget — .sy.slcn ly flcxibUity a fte r aalLw,

Bulnponent sy s te m s of Morris ; specified by Uie theory tn’t c ap ab le of pro- lionl-tr and ty p es Uie plant Uie Job

....... .........................“ U 's

sen tin g tiie ir final rought b y Uie cily tem p u rch ased and

........ --led a m ax im u m of Un a

’ sought $8 to $10 frcm 'a!wH>n-Oft).«Qlnf'--_.thn.rDp

H es:at E nv iro tech sold plntil’s hea t-trea t sludge, inodific

y w as a w a re Uic__ prac^lic

______________ = l t. O ;

ia iS a T :! ',” • ' .

i t i s t G h tirch -s*«y?( I h e f i t

says ciiUio Atlar church, V.

Alter 1rw ln F a l ls m ay Petersen iptist C hurch for Uiese foil ■ Ulegally. much.’’lg say s th e c ity But bel :h spokesperson suggestio:------- ;--------------------UiolUiecBssioni-iiltorney— churchr-'x h 's - c la im - f o r -------That'su;

................................ Young. .^ l - lu m lan e on The.cltj trec t, a n d m ade to negotla njunction w ith a ■ never ans of FU er A venue Finally, ijper t it le lo”lhe Cleave M_________:_________Instrucletl;laim dc<^ from Bt^ce 1

utsnceieIh e lr 'c h u rc h or In Uieli peo p le know tha l Scoulln; well In Uie community,

y H a rm o n . F alls District £ ;t live . H a rm o n says Twin Fall

be s e t t in g up displays In l< dow ntow n businesses. H s d a y h a s been declared Sc / and th a t m any Scouts J u n ifo rm fo r church servi . , be h o n o red in fronl of Ihel


\ H a rm o n also says nlUic I lo in d iv idua l troups to pU f ' c e leb ra tio n s , m any troup

Ing b a n q u e ts and special > b e in g p laced on the 1984 lh I U ieS cou llngS p lril.”I • H a rm o n says Uie Uiem

countll.[ivcr sim ilar t

Uiecoun( The pn

......................... Uirough t

-------------------------- Devclofeel nflei ago.

1 V alley H oad on >n thc { » n W alnut and 2s ld en tia l zone to I ^ s h t i j^

around 1_- - - norUiweso go b ack lo the parking ^ u n c ilm an Tom 2l,300sqi 'T here’s ju s t not . . „■ - JolmBJ

ente<i tw(ec p lan s lo th e developer

i/ f o r !L*m'wouldn’t adequately per w as described , ll in h is co m m en ts lo Jurors rison s;ild th e re wns a diffcn ry and p rac llcc - r and in •treat sy s te m w as capable o ub It wn.s pu rch ased for..'s not~Uic' H eal-(fca^”ii’s~ lencies in th e w el end of •Ison sa id of th e syslcn: I’ve got a 20-galIon buckcl Inrly p o u ring In 25. 30 and 35

anoUier o f Ihe c ity ’s cotn|:

any of s ev e ra l sources at Uv HtTUlt o f InadfKiiiatft mainlvnn sa id th e Oily d idn’t attem pt | ’s odor p ro b lem s througli ficatlon o r Improved i Ice.s. And he .said lhc_

• ity l o o k - l n n d iE lc g n lly

tx; oiveian la -based H om e Mission^, w hich hod no rig h t lo give Ui

listen ing to Holllfieid, M in said th e c ity is "going lo oiks som e m oney. The' quc

>cforc 11 docs, th e council a lon m ad e b y Councilman E : c lly r e s ^ r c h exacUy-who r

niggostion-arosc from comm

ily m ade sev e ra l a ttem pts In Hale wiUi th e ch u rd i, but di tiswcrpd le tte rs from the city ly, he sald'TTe ta lked personr Milling, w ife of th e church’: e d l i lm io d ca l.w ltlum officla : Kinii. c ily flnaiicc dircci

^ b r n t e ie lr unit lo le t signlflcamIng Is a live a n d 1 million .ty ,” say s L ee wiUitheB-l Scout E xecu- "T he ci

le e rs sh<alls Scouts w ill H a rm o n .'in som e of th e s<>He say s Sun- sp irit l«>-Sco'Ul SabbaU i “ We’veLs will be in w orking vviccs and w ill council,”le ir re sp ec liv e Scout exec

like to taiV - know howlioush I Is up I,3lan th e ir o w n ijon jp s u rc p lann-ul em phasis Is Harm onthem e " C a tch beginnings

w as foundm e has g re a t . m ethod lo;

1. Ijul th e ir favored plan ' r to a p lan re je c te d two wee mcil.Drcferre<l p lan would move L

H Uic p ro je c t’s park ing lot.

’lopers offe red lo keep Uie a le r o ffering a 20-fool alle^ I

u plan Uie shopping cen ter’s a led lo the w est o f the park ed configuration tha t woi

th e F ir s t Security Bank e s i" c o m e r 'o f Uie lotrw iU i ; Uie dev e lo p ers could bul quare feet o f re ta il and offlcc Bariow. th e p ro je c t’s manng wo a llc rtia liv e s which he e r s believe lo be Inferior.

tU msew a

periorm Uio jo b m easure< te s tin g p

ors on Tue.sday, th e com p ^crence betw een lio n s of Ui in p ractice th e “ The c e of perform ing o d o r prot

th e heal’s U fe 'inheren t s m a ll UiL of Uie p lan t,” .opera tion cm ’.s fa ilu res. Morris< ket and you’r e s t ru c to r \ 35 g allons," h e Is a lessi

--------------------------- w rote-U ktmplaints, M or- from "po< votxHJiremltiod— of-too is:^ Uie p la n t - : a ll T he ins

mnnce. " w ell a s h t pi to resolve th e h o se nozz igli equipm ent In ano t

m ain tenance B e s t lold ic_clty__ never- Ih e fac lllt

i S < T ) - - w i i i i H i m : ' t

ly t o m n k e " « n - i n l e r » c c t

?s chunm ^B oard‘o f 'th e ^ — '^ p ¥ r tfn ‘ Uie land aw ay. fe p o n s il

Mayor E m e ry once ne( ; to have lo p a y "ijnprovei question is how in hind

tx^ileved1 agreed wlUi a • U ieland .1 Erik A ndersen to the prc iQ represen ts th o — — But-he--------------------------- ^ I h t i i e tnmcnts m ad e ,b y - ...... T he ch..................- - ...........rendered5 In 1082 and 1383 approach , d m rd i o ffice rs ' approach ity .Y oungsaid . com pcnsj onnlly w ith M rs. W ashlngt A ’s pastor, who T h e c h d a l In A tlan ta-------- U ire e la r t

^ t h l jance In sa lu tin g th e m ore Uir )n adult vo lunteers reg lslert2 Boy Scouts of A m erica .

cnUiuslasm .th a t the voluishow is in fectious.” sa j tl. “ 11 fillers into the kids a r soon they h av e caught, UK>.”i»c m oro Uian 2.000 volunteer ’ w ith 'y o u n g people in ou ” says D an Allen, counc ceculive. "T h is y e a r , w e woul take lim e o u l and le t ther

ow m uch we a p p rec ia te thei 5 to ou r com rhunity and m

ion say s Scoifttng got il ngs In E ngland In 1910 when : mded by B aden PowcU as lo p rep a re young m en for wa

n wa."; ve ry T h e first /eeks ago by p re se n t locall

n o rth to sou;

ao-rouM> u p u l ln T h c sot:-----------------^ in l« re© ciio « -<e alley a l 30 S tre e t, y two weeks T h e sccond

a lle y InU) an

icespace . s to re s and off mger. pres- o ff-stree l park ie said the H e sa id the

f e r rc d plan >


“ O b i t i u i r i ( j s / h c

" B u s in e ss ------ “ M iirkp ts B4--

ige piired the odore — Uirdu^i V ; procedures — to dctcrmlni m pany w as in violation of Uie if the contracl.e c ity has n o t proven Uiat U jroblem w as fundamentally < inl treat_. . . o r tha t Uils .wa th ing tha t ro iild n 'l be fbced I lon and m ain tenance .” h csa lt rlson said th e company’s c or wrote In o n e report Uiat “1 esson In fru stra tio n .” That Ihal-the-planU and-perK onne ■poor work alU ludes, low pay i5: --------------------------------------- -inslruclor, R ich a rd Best, wro s he could de le rm lne . Uiere wa ozzle for th e e n tire p lan l,.said : nother of those r e ^ r t s , Morr old the facu lty m anager 80 i :lllty’s problem s w ere in opera

■ i " ■

■ . • . I . t I.

? c t« o n -a t W j i s h t n q tflTirrti

ch motifnen t“ a lsb“h as ''f iad ‘difflcul nsible official a t the church needed to co llcc t a paymei ivement d is tric t, ilndsight. Y oung sa id h e " e r r ed hc had o b ta ined proper per nd. In p a r tic u la r h e did not n a property , h e said , he sald -he-had negoUaled "

lie a^n fh eS w as-d lrec tw lw d d chu rch 's c la lm lndudes'lari

red useless b y installation ( och off F i le r Avenue. Yot ach was In tended a s an im snsate the c h u rch -for the prop ngton.claim also includes the c<»l

ia rg c trec s -th a tw cre cutdow n a s destroyed, a s well a s attorn

Wfhda\Uian a n d to b e tte r face

tered o r ig in a te d several Idi Including: cilizcnshi]

olun- a c to r developm ent, r says leal f itn e ss and a belli 1 and God.

the B o th H arm on and b a s ic p r e m is e of Sc c h a n g e d ov e r Uie ;

o ^ U iere h a s been advar ij w ay s because of tC'

cu ltu ra l.changes. “ O n e of the things

hVi" Itse lf o n Is keeping up nn A llen s a y s . "W hen Uii

book c a m e oul 11 lol s lop a runaw ay horse

ils need fo r th a t now. I cn It ■■ m e r i t b ad g es in a tom as a exp lo ra tio n , comput< w ar th o se k in d s oT things.

equesf€iil"w6uld k eep the a llc y ’ lii cation and p la c c a row of bull< soulh acro ss th e lot adjacei I ia l Indudes Uie SNUG Co. : [lg. More bu ild ing space woul so u U m t^ c o m e r oi Uie lot “am qf Wplrnit flwonii/i nnrf

jnd a lte rn a tiv e would rerouU an I.^Rhaped paU em Uiat w

:en le r from Sun Valley Road onU) W alnut Avenue. Bullc

icr.on th e .e a s t and souUi pori t.iold Uio L -shaped a ltsm atlv o ccepUihle lo d evelopers becau am ouni of sp ace available offices and substanUaUy red

■arklng.the first a lte rn a tiv e lo Uie

n was acccp tab le but w as

iWodnoaday, FobfuaryS. 1084

l o s p i t a l s B 2

3 ~

lant wre c o ^ iz e d “ After a w

Inc w hether ag reed ,” M orrle speclfica- Both Morris

increases In piUie p la n t’s Idalio Frozen

i c aused by rendered the ftvaan’l s o m e . . “ I t w as a p od by p ro p e r “ N oonew antelid. F rozen Foods

on-slle in* wereklllingUi«■•Twin F a lls ,I In slru c lo r « ck« i abcqual

y a n C l a c .

ro .o m a e .a s - ^n4K K l(o ra< ta

IQ w o m so n . rebutta l, J

ra tioa 'i. • S


~ ~ 's u N-------------------------- — prcsid

--------------------------------- Inc; Sf; Uie El


^ Mllti{|- ' a irline

P P a p re l iK j . l j D ' ‘ly su

M1-,-v renam

lb th e I Lodge, ov er si

m 5 | r a ] R S B | cupanc cu rren

NeiU leased to r Uic

T5o * iT n jt^ i^ iT roundh .v , r < i - n i : . r ‘ '

n e y financl.ow ners

u l ly T e a c h ln ^ a ^K u o ll h w hen the c ity Indlvldi lent for a local B u th e

In Sea trroneously" h ad Uiatwll lerm isslon to u se E ach 'c sea rch th e title lo lh e S

PorU ar"In good fpiUi” ------- Boise.-

arid I t 's a y s 'w a s f l l ^ t ' fI o f a n 'a r tc r ia l addltioi'oung s a y s th e will b ei m p rovem en t too p e rty tak en off |

» t o f rep lac ing virandsom tTBoa------------.m o y s f e ^ r . -------- | _ y r 0 |

Bv BO>e soc ie ty . Powell T v^gs./ Ideals for Scouting (lip tra in ing , char- TWIN ; menUU and phys- w eii.tra illef In coun try and

id AUen a g re e Uie Scouting have not

y e a rs . tdUwugh bounty a ncem en l In oUicr ^ a d u a l technological and

. had 12C ^ w lth th e ^ tlm e s ,”Uie f ir s t B ojrScout-lold abou t how lo S o ?■ se .W eh av e litU e, b u t wc do havenriic e nergy , spaceu te r sc ience and5. - • &

In i t ’s " ' deslH b lV bw T iise lildlngs bu ild ing wiUi a I ren t to - sh o p p ers Into the I. s to r e ' ’buUclings a re splIl )uld be a d ja c e n t to the resl “a tU ie H ow ever. Uie Sccond— allem aU ve^h& -« i

p ed es trian traffic i t e th e sp a c e between the would bu ild ing nnd provi

ad a n d p ro te c t the scenic lld lngs ad jaccn thom cs.DrUona.!___."W e. feel Uils p

developm ent f ro m ' /o -w as- -o ffe rs - th e .b e s t-o p au se 11 B arlow sald . tie fo r H ow ever, councl x lu ces ro c k d id not ag ree \

C orrode said the e p re - ju s tify Uie cily ai is 'u n - p re fe rre d plan.

L voesi while h e ^(the p lan l m anager) lo rrisonsa ld .)rrlson an d Jo n es lold the Jury n p lan t loads caitscd by w aste from :en Foods Inundated Ihe plan t and le facility Inoperable.1 pollUcal p rob lem .” Jones s ta te d . . , . in ted lo ruffle th e feaUiers of Idaho o ds — even though the loadings 5 th e p la n t." h e sa ld .

a tto rn ey s also sa id the faculty quale a era tio n c apability . A eration s tha t ad d s oxygen to wa s te being , _

Id-thc-ju iy-if-anyth lnR -w as-to-bC '-----------le clly, they should consider granl- 5320,000 setU em ent — the am ount - . adequate aeraU on e^quipment.Ill, J d in H epw orth, nlUimcy fqr thei ie hca t-lrea l facu lty w as d e a r i y - - -------• See TR IA L on P a g e B2

^Ikhororharrgesnon ikerSale pending^U N -V A L lX Y .-rd a lio T A P )- ’T h e '- ~2sido n t-o f-H o rizo n A lr-Industries ---------- ^

says-he-w U l-change-lhe-nam e-of-----------• E lk h o m Club H o ld and try to ' ~)s t Its o ccu p an cy ra te s while hisrch aso o f tho re so rt Ispcnding,, _______rlilton G . K uolt, founder of regionalline H orizon A ir. s a id hc has signed ire lim inary a g recm en l wiUi m ojorr

s tockho lder A dam Adam s and » c t s th e dea l to b e sealed in May. - n the m ean u m e , K uolt said tie wui u im e th e E lk h o m Club and its hote) h e E lk h o m I te s o r t and Uw E lkhom jg e . K uolt a lso sa id he will take ; r so m c a sp e c ts o f re so r t numagef n t an d try lo Im prove Uie oc- . lancy r a te of th e h o ld from Its r e n t 59 percen t.rc llhcr Kuolt n o r A dam s .have • sed any de ta ils o f th e ncgollaltons th e 140-room hotel and ils sur-

n d lng com plex , w hich Indudes a __ ____a l l - c o tn m ^ la l- in iU l and IB-hole fco u rse .. .h c hotel w as reopened by Adams 1 o th e r Investo rs la s l M ay a fte r incia! p ro b lem s o f the previous le rs-led toa lO -m onU idosu rc . ^uo lt Is m ak in g th e pu rchase a s on ivldual. n o t on b eh a lf of Horizon, h c s a id th e r eg iona l aU llne based

ksatUe w ill o ffe r t r a v d packages I w ill boost tou rism a t Sun Valley, ach w eek thp a ir lin e flics al:>out 300 he Sun V olley a r e a on flights from tlan d , SeatU e, S a lt Lake Cily and

brtzoni^p lannlnB -to-oddT r sccond- — — - h t frv m B o lse 'lo Sun 'V alley. and ' Itional P orU ojid a n d SeatUe n igh ts — •— beconsletered,-K uolt3aid;— . ----------

sheriffeeeiv€^s— —

ackups ~30N N 1E B AIRD JO N ES es-News writer

AIN FALLS - Twenty-four -tra ined law criforcem enl officers now av a ilab le to b ack up the Twin s County S h e r i i r s D epartm ent tim e they a re needed.' th e 24 m em b ers o f th e Twin F alls nty R eserv e officers, IG recenUy lua ted lo to Ihe Level I sta tus. In past y e a r alone, these m en have

120 h o u rs of law enforcem ent ling, sa id Sheriff J a m e s Munn.IC re m a in in g .e ig h t . o U .D e w e r .............ib c rs o f th e organization, quall- fo r L evel II s ta tu s , imn sa id othc 120 ho u /s of law rc e m c n t tra in in g is wcU abovo BO h o u rs req u ired by the Peace• ^ R E S E R V E S <m P ag e B2

l y ^ m o v euse i t ’w u l d 'a b u t Uie SN U G ......................a lw 6-slory building, force the park in g lo t bccause the p ill ond e llrh ln a te o pen space resid en ts to tho south, i i e " d e v d c ^ 'f ’s p referred> -« a ld n -w o u ld -k o cp -a ll- th o ------------------tflc in one p lace , leave open th e new c cn te r a n d th e SNUG rovlde enough open space to enic v iew s p f people In .th e ?•Is p lan o ffe rs th e optim um om our stan d p o in t and m aybe I • option fo r- the-ne ighbors , ’ ’ ---------

incUmen H d d a n d Ja c k Cor- t e w ith th e developers, th e tw o.lnferior p la n a d ld not / accep ting th e d cv d o p e rs ’

84 T )m o3-N ow o, Tw in Follo. Idaho

Page 10: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

S p o rtia rra ig

GOODING - -sportsm an, h is (ri News rep o rte r all guUty” lo chnrgc; and look (Ish (rom th e Snake R iver 10 < ' R oss P a rk e r , S faecs a p rc llm ln a r on (elony chnrRes o h is atto rney . D. I Buhl. T h rce m isdcr two alleging tresj s tea ling fish (rom ; being held In F i ( th l a f te r the p re llr M artens said.

Tim es-N ew s repo 29. and W allace Floi o ( P a rk e r, lodged through Ihe ir lawy Gooding County 1

---------- Arkoosh-* h a d —chaim isdem eanor counl a n d s[ealIhg7ISH7ror

The charges ste;......... ‘ v io la tio n s ''a t ' Magi

■ptx>pcrtyonJan.2Ca ; P a rk e r w fa cited 1 than $150 ^ r t h “ oTg held In ponds a t the by trou t ( a rm e r Ken h a s s a id In IntervJcv starv ing to death — i EUls.

The m en w ere orro F ifth D lstricl Court b

- ^ O b iDominick M(

TWIN FALLS - 93, of Boise and a-------

______~libnu)o(hA lur^cau_____' ____ BonLZcb.JL_i8a

Ireland, he camo to- ------— J3Ur---------------------

He served in the Aj

He relumed to Mo--------- Ihe Anaconda smeJW

In IQM,________ ...He jnorrted Julia

1938, otEn{erprtde,C-----------------Ho ■ wgrfcod - faf-

mlnlslratton a l Ro» 19U he transferred t retiring in 19S9.

From 157C to 1980, Fails and then retum

■ He was a member dral; Holy Name & Foreign Wars, DLiot erans andlltc/\inerl(

Survivors Includc; son, Anthony Morri d au ^ tcr, Mary Ann

------- -- -F o ils : sevM jjrundctnieces and i^ h ew s .

He was preceded . .brolhers and two slstc

The funeral was hcJ The family suggc

tributlons may bo nu ---------- f -o ( Foreign Wars In Bol

Lois Jane RudBU H L-Lols Jane 1

and formerly of Buhi, Burley Caro Center.

Bom March 29. 1 movod wllh her famil)

”* ..... ' They moved lo Buh' — hod feakted-unUl-198Q

the Burley Care Cenle------------------Sho ottcmled school

oted from the--Coll Caldwell.

She Uughl school in_____ ■ rc tir in g o n M a ^ ^ ,!!

” She was a memlxPi'ixhytoHnnOmroh

Survivora Includo: i LoPorte of Duorto, CoJ

' fonfRudyorBurley.” ^ was preceded

The funerol will be IC ^ the Buhl United Pre;

' with the Rev. Lowell E. Burial will follow lo W< in Buhl.

Friends moy call Funeral Home on FrId p.m. and Saturday one ac rvice ot the church in

Tho (ami'y suggesb tributlons may be mad< Idaho in Caldwell or the ScholarahlD Fund.

Thomas VanDiKETCHUM - Thomu

65. of Kctchum. diet] apparent heart njtack v of Ketchum.

Bom Feb. to. 191B, in he was reared In southei

He camc to Callfomli In IMO and (graduated College.

He -married Halocn tembcrof 1941 InCallfor

Ho served In the /N


Mrs. David J. McClymom Dean A. Martin. Michncl Briggs, /\nns V. Holesinsk) Falls: Hcno-E. Wuct)benbor

--------- CrPctcrsnnrairDrUulilrTGi;and Mrs. Calvin Sterling, all Mra. Robert McGrew, both c

-Brooks, both of Goodin;;; : Andereon of Wendell; Lu MacDonald of Chollis; and M

Ronald E. /\xtman, Toby V____ L- Petcrson. Mrs. Tom Saw

' Todd. jjj'bf'Twin Falla; W Brown, Uoyd H. Plant and M R. Blackwood. Melda M. Bla ofFUcr; Mra. Ray.Mosaand. BuRg of Shoshone; H. m>b( Wol ters of Paul nnd Iva I. We

■ Daughters to Mr.-and Mrs. Mra. EllJloMartlnexof Jackp


B -2T lm o3-N ow 3. T\

tsm a h g n ed „„„— A H agerm an (riend and a Times- p ^ r i

all have pleaded "not-gcs Uiey trcspa.sse{l jjofg >m a trou t (a rm along10 d ays ago. ’, 82, o( H agerm an. nary hearing Feb, 29 s of g rand theft, .<HiId I. B ren t M artens of dem eanor chargcs — respassing and one m a h a tchery — arc th D istric t Court until ellm lnary hearing,

Uie uip o rle r H al Bcmlon, ^loum oy, 77, a friend , ged innocent -p leas - iw yers on Tuesday. j , . ' P ro secu to r John 'b a rg e d - e a c h —wlUi------------lunts of IrcspQssing [ r ^ m a h a r a f e ^ ; € s tem from alleged lagTc Springs Inc.,' 5Cand27. - • a coied (or steo ilnfl more c a ls .' if golden tro u l twlng Coi U ie_halchery._owned... sa id j Cen E llis o ( Buhl. He dow n dew s the Iroul wen? caJs,— a c laim denied by a n ei

regu lrra ig n ed Tuesday in ordin. r t In Gooding.___________ He

l i l n a r i i

Morrisroe _bom

— Dominick Morrisroe. . He d a fo rm er Twin Fails w hei r id a y In 'n 'B o lsenu rstn s— nign c a u ^ ._ , - He189Q. In R oscnmmQO- Uien

e to the United States in /\nRC....................................................... Tlv<c A rm y from 19H to 1917 ' Sun ’

M ontana and worked a t He lelte r , m ovtngto Oregon " l in lo r. . •_______________________«ctlvulla Klein on Feb. 10. Cnllf<

......... SuR oscbu^ , O re., and In j - ed to the ir Boise offlcc. ^ g

980, U «y lived In Twin ^ um ed lo Boise.Der o f Sl, Jo h n ’s Calhe- , .5 Soclcty, .V eterans of L ubled A m erican Vet- v/^.irr e ric an U g lo n . le ; hU wife of Boise; a o rrisroc of Boise; a o - jd a \n n e B ouroer of Twin "Klchflcirm ond'Sevem i K etch rt.led tn d e a th by four _ ilslerx. - G r oheld Monday In Boise, p . , Sgcsts m em orial con- m ade to th e Veterans ? / , f '

Borudy attencmcRudy.ao.oIBiiPlcy, iW, died T uesday In Uie r. ■ **c I). 1903. in 'O h io , she «>nDe< 7 \l]y to F lle rln l9 l7 , IJccBuhl ln 1910 w here she ' ‘Jn 'f ''* 980 when sh e moved^o—^liF.------------------------------ in TK»l trvP'thl-nmi gmftii-__ FUer.^College - o f - ld a h o - l n ------- Sine

Counti11 in Buhl fo r M years, Su rv r7,1971, ■ 'son, El m ber of Uie United Calif, rcblaBuhl---------------------.TwlnJo : a sis ter , .Margnrct d ’Alem Calif,, and fl nephew. W en d t

>r g r e a t 'sled . In d e a th by a H e \

« 10 a .m . S a turday in g rands ■Yesbytcrlan Church A gr U E . Byall officiating, he ld U I W est E nd Cem etery Cem eti

o fficiala ll o t McCulIoch's F rie r !Vlday from 2 lo 8 :» . Tw in F ODC hour p r io r to the day an< tl in Buhl.c sb m em orial con-... uido U> the C o l ) ^ oi - the Buhl H igh School

n i J -D y k e P o t , s>mus V anDykc Potts, T% ln F died Sunday of an I.O .O .F ck while skiing, north ihe t ^

funeral, in M em phis. Tenn.. coniribi th e m Tennessee. H eart Am io to ottcfxl school ite d fro m «Compton PAUI

.......... Sparks.)cn H arlan In Sep- Pau l, v Ifom la. ' T liu rsd jD Arm y A ir Force ' S tak e (


A dm itted nonds. E v a M. Pennel, Dobby P jcl A. M artin , C ^ th li i llotir. C TSky and C elia Schumacher, all thorst, w n ilam R. Urown nnd M n Tuiymoiwc.'Tumer. Ki'nncTTTT r:. all of R upert; Jo.sliun 0 . SuUicr llh of F i le r ; Mlcah Hepworth iind g ; Mike O rtjan ot Oakley'; M r Lula /U astra of Hazcllon; L

d Mr3,'£ llJIo Martinez of Jackpot D ism issed

&y W. H alverson, Estn F , MlrncI( Sanderson, Ram ona SUva and TI p M rs , Ronald-C ,-Potcrson,-W l <1 M rs, Alan Spurgeon, all of Uuhl Blades and Infant daughter Orov, indM ra..C had Irish, both of J e ro r Robert S trad ley of KImborly; Is W cM ofEden,

B irthsI rs . R obert McGrew of F ile r and ckpot.

I. Tw in Falla , Idoho W odno t

Reserve.* C ontinued from P age B l

fficera - S ta n d a n is —and Tn c ad cm y (PO ST) of Uie Idah ir tm e n t of Law Enforcem ent, :T)vides tra in in g for all certlfk jfo rccm en t o ffice rs In Idalio. U nrry P io tt, d irec to r of Uie :adem y , sa id m ost la rg e r coun ic s ta te h av e e s ta b li^ e d rc flee r unlLs in o rd e r to extend w en fo rcem en t coverage anc d e fo r em ergenc ies and evenl ■quire la rge m anpow er forces. WiUiout a s ta n d a rd training !dure, he said , counties w ere (I ((icu lties w ith iasurance cov id faced liab llillcs Uial could e u se of re se rv e s questionable. An a resu lt, POST set up a re a in ing c ou rsc lh a l covers 19 spe a s of law enforcem ent,_____M unn said h is reserves woi

^hemicQ• ConllniiCd f r o m P a ^ B l

com ple te lisl.o f-.reslric led’ ^ i Is.”:;om nilssron O ia irm an Carl B Id Uie_eounty_doesn^l,want_to.c ivn loo h a rd on (a rm use of cl Is, b u t 11 m ig h t be wise to undcj

ed uca tiona l p rog ram or se 'u la llo n s by w ay of a new co linance.le reco m m ended Dair>’ meet

ie s .u rtng w orld W ar 11 and ho flewam txsrs in A frica arid Italy.___H e re tire d a n d com e bock lo Am< h e re b e w orked a s n crop dusteriKntlnstruciar.-------------------------H e Uicn 'a t te i id ^ a w riters' sdwdl lOllAvorkwl a.s a ra r7icnt<j..'ln.Uien g e le s a r e a . ........................T ljcy had been spending summei m Va lley and bccam e permanent

H e w aa a m e m b er of the cnrpeni lion, th e G roundw ater /\liliincr dird tiv e in _ th e _ D cm o c ra tlc Party Uifom la.S u rv iv o rs includc: his wife of iimi; rwa sans, t,'iifton I’om ct itM. cach, Calif., and Thom as Alexis f

S a n ta M onica, Calif,; a dauR Icola P o lts of K etchum ; two brott im s a y P o tts a n d Steve Potts, bol a sh lng ton , D ,C .; three slsiers, tnde of W ashington, D.C,; Pc liley of M em phis, Tenn,, and (Umans of Calhoun, G a,; nnd ' tm dchildren.\ m em oria l se rv ice will be held i i Iday a t the Salm on R iver headwa J_M>cn.at_5j),muJlL50IJtcyji}aili ichum .

r o v e r C le v e la n d B c c m=*llJ!n — G roverC levclond Beem F ile r , died M onday a l the Mi

ile y Reulonol M edical Center of less,t e m O ct, 12.1890, in Owanko, S.D. e nded school In th a l area, n 1911, h e c a m e with his parenli iho to se ttle In th e F ile r area, le m a rr ie d Coro L, Lovett ol Jero Dec. 9 . 19l7and they lived In Filer, ic ow ned and opera ted an Ice busln F i le r 'a n d la te r a-scrv ice-stationc r_ :_____ j _______ ___ -m94i-ho-movcd-uj-ni5-TarTn-tt-c.<aer-w herehftU vw l iintll I 'm __ u_—In ee -U tc n -h c -an d -h ls wife lived m try-V u T ra ile r P a rk in Filer, irv lv o rs inc lude; his w ile of Flier, . E ugerw Is a a c Beem .of LaCrcsen i f . r m m : daughu>rs. LucUla Uoyd nJE?allfl.JC athcrynJianllnRjiLCoc ene , and M a rg a re t Ann Behrens KleU; 15 grandchild ren and it-grrm dchlldren, e w as p receded In death by thr

ndson.g rav e sid e funeral service will

I 10 a ,m . F r id a y a t the Flier 10{ le te ry w llh the Rev. David U. ^latlng.riends m ay call a t White Mortuary, n F a lls this evening, all day Thu] a n d F r id a y until 9 a.m .

ilsrv ice!1J=:R -.2 Tlie funeral for Lyle S. Hyc r F i le r , w’ho dle<l Sunday, will be be y n l 1 p .m . ul White Mortuary I Fall.'!. Hurliil will l>e in the F li J .F . COmelery. Pricm ls may call f u n c ra l jw m e until Uie time ot U rn l, T tic fnmlly sumjesLi memori ributlorus tw m a d e to the Amcncr -t ;\ssocliition. . '

lU I. - - Tlic funeral for Vella Gn;;ivi k s. 73. o l Twin Fall.s and formerly • . wJk) died M onday, - will bo tvcl ■sday Jil 2 p .m . a t llic Paul Morzho f CerilcT. H urlal will Iw In I'a i



U ayle Wiirthifl, r Pa ltc rron . .Mn.. lr;i Ur>Mm of •. Chxse A.all ofT u-ln M rs. K m o tM lr \lr^ . Ronald[irn iin jirc -r---------------------------------ticrlanilnnd . J L . .md Sheri L. lU-f.lnn Yost, 1 Mrs. E Jner K ennedy, all oM ii

I j ir ry C. • O .sliom ofAmorlcn[Wt.

Rcslrui Y6st an ic le, Rot)en M ejia nnd Jull.n Wl IT lie lda M. ' t l H eybum . W illiam H r — uhl; a in lo n AdauRJitiTlo.Mr rov,-nlnR. all rom e; Clint

Isidore Z.R ay Ynmell of 1

Izadl«ik.>Ji of Uurle'tnd Mr. and

M adolcna Illvcra

lo a d a y , F o b ru a ry S . l!)84

ra d io dispatcheT raining u ln r o fd c o rs r i

daho De- a n d now serve rn t, which in liie co u n ty , tifled law). In addilion, Uhe POST th e county fair gDunlies In a n d a r e called ii

reserve a p r iso n e r necend Uieir . hospU ai_or elseand pro- Jail, e n ts Uial

_ r e g u la r officeri o n e rs from ;mo •e finding prison. Th<

lid m ako Qiy. tim e of oui M unn said,

1 reserve3 s p e c if ic W ith th e e x «

- - d u ly a n d g u a rd ' w o rk a s i h e i r t im e w i ih o i

a l sB l ..............BU I,M ired of U»e1 ^ h em l* ' D i s t r i c t a n d m e

w e e d d e p a r tm e n ■1 B u t le r r c c o m m e n d iilio iito .crack__ cothm lssloners,f cheml-idertakD C om m issioner

se t up lio n ed Uiol a ,law r couniy is so m elim es wor

law , adding som eet w ith on enfo rcem en t u

tew_A;2----y j u i j m n J i a kAmorit,. E D E N -M l.lo n Stcr and T uesday mot

-V ulley Reglonal Mc.

It... 1 .%■;^ ic lived w ilh 'her ll

imers In lnK juis ;isjuidO kIali enl resi. She m oved to Call

pen ler’3 S u rv iv o rs Includi mid w as - - B «kcrof-Boise,-Co3arty la o f E d e n ; n daup^ tc i

. of H lllslw ro, Ore.;M nm.ofM rKlnlow

lUKwnoo Morris of f^>dom, tls Potts Prophet and DlaufiliU-r Buffalo, Oklo.; and s irothers g^e was preceded both ol Ic r and two sisters,

rs, -\nn -t,,,. funeral will b Penny yyjjuc j

nd .Sue p^Ds with Uie Ind two officiating. Burial >

Cemetery, d I p.m. Friends may call kh?‘T ' aa'I-Solnrdny

- H r o n c c s N c w l UU HL - ^Yan■c«^

jpn, 53 d ie d T uesday a l the S M nde M ed ica l C enter in Je n

r o f n n B o n io n M arc li2 1 .l: slie ja-udiiatcd fron

3 .D .,hc M issouri,S h e m oved to Je i

«n ls to m a rr ie d R oland Newii T hey farm ed near

y e a r s and then mo lerom c C asU efonl a re a where

She w us a membci _CT,rlsllnBuli].

V ° 1 ____ Surv lv o re include:

ved”ln of Buhl,—“an d ” Normi B o ise ; Iwo daughters,

Iler; a O rlando , F la ., nnd O »en ta . J e ro m e ; four brother oyd of a n d R ay Potterson , I

ens of P a tte r s o n of Jerom e .23 Sm lU i of California, he

M aude Pa lte rson of . th re e__ ^ n n d c h lld rc n ,

te r .Ill be T h e funeral will be h lO O F n l Uio Buhl Church of (

I Upp S to rm officiating. Bur W est E n d Cem etery In 1

‘o ry Jn F r ie n d s m ay call Thi: rhufc- a n d F r id a y until nooi

C haoel In Uuhl.

iS— -----Hyce, C em etery , Friends i e held c h u rc h an hou r p rior to iry inFlier TW IN K A U ^ - A

■all a t fo r J5 h n D erem luh, E 5t Uie w ho died Sunday, will iiorial' ■■ a t 2 p .m . a t Twin Fall; incan M o rtu a ry of Twin ^'nl

a r ra n g c m c n b .

uaves - 0/VKLEY — A menrly of ' V em B a les , 40, of Lcwlheld of O aidey and Twin

rmon S.-Uurtlay, will beheld ;.Paul P a y n e M ortua ry In Bur


lufi, Mar>' B nccas and Sluiron D 111 of Je rom e; and M rs. E lm er Jor

Dismissed M la;r of Gooding.

CASSL\MEMORUL ............. Admitted-----------

■t, Tyson M ered ith . Allen Sm if Hurley; M arvel Breczee of He dean Falla.

Dlamlaed. and daughter, R osa Rios and a WI1I1.S. all of B urley ; and Vicky

■ - , Birth - —1 .Mr. and M rs. M eriln Yost of Bur


of H eybum ; S ilas H ayden of R irley.',

DlxmiMed•era an<l dnuR htcr o f R u p e r t.

hers , along wlUi his reg- ■assLsi w iu r ja ile r duty c m ost of the civil papers

Uicy work (ull shlfts at r grounds during the fair I in for guard duly when ecds to IxJ held in a sew here out.side of the

hem to accom pany a r in traasporting pris- no ther s ta te , o r lo the ■hey handle m any other lid o therw ise coasume lur full-time officers,"

;ceptlon of county (air ci work, Uic men donate loutpay.

»e South C entral Health members of the county ! en t s ta ff to d raft som e ■ oas for the county '

;r P a m Sm ith cau- ( iw. lh a l is not en(orced 'o rsc Uian nol having a ime recom m endations I . would be welcomed. G----------------- --------- ^


k e r ------------ ------------- 'in Baker. 53, of Eden, o loming al the Magic ffedicalCenterofalonK-------- -

924 In Protection, Kim.. __^r family on their farmsalioina,.................:allfomla in IWO and lo________________ __ ______.eiude: four sons. Ulll e:ijy-Bakerof-Haielton— --------and DayrI Baker, botli I___ter. Brenda Whitehead !.; two brothers, Bob '~ f 'Wllle. Calif., and Duko J

Okia.; two sisters. iDeloris Nation, both of d six grandchildren, xl In death by a daujji-

theI be held I p.m, Satur- aga ; Mortuary Qiapel in iani e Rev, Wesley Johnson city 1 will l>e In Hazelton n(>n

dl at While Mortuary ny until U)o lime of Uie-------

thev ln t i____ Hs Newlan. 5?; of Uuhl. ' s Sl. Be’nedlcl Family erome,. 192C In Slieldon. Mo„ om higli school In

lerome In 1M7 and wianon June 12,1947,ar Jerome for eight Tlinoved lo the Buhl- inililrre they farmed. (Jujtxtr of the Church of jo in t

c;'-hcr’ husband o f '-L orry-N ew lan- of-------■NS^flarTorJocSfpot:--------tzcltonrAlan'Ncwlan------ ---------man-Ruthcrtord-of- ‘ "trnT' rs, Shirley Walker ot ^Charlotte French of icrs. Glen Pallcr«>n I, both of California.■ShoahOfK.. and_pean survi nc; a sister, Mary her mother. Frances ^ ]f Jerome; and IS

In-death-by-ft-daug ) ^

e held 2 p.m. FVtday if Christ with /\moId uriol will be In the InBuhl,hursdayuntllSp.m, xin al the Farmer

may call ol Uie •tothe funeral.

A graveside scrvice , B5, df Twin Fall.-),Ill be held Thurralay 2ill.s Cemetery, Willie''nils Is In charge of

2 Iemorlal service for wlston anu formerly In Fnlls, wl*o diet! da:ip.m,->Yld.ayal urlev.

•fUAL H gDtlle, .111 of Goodtnf;: B U


------^ ^ ------

imllh ;md Marti.iret Hici Heybum; and Melvin


ild daughter, Santas ky McComb-s ,ind fcn a «

WOi----------------------------- —uriey. LABI


Rupert; and Soptiln

S t u d e n t s r e s eJKRO.ME ~ How the

lii.storical values in Uie stralcHl a t a Thursday H istorical Society.

T he m eeting will be 1 S enior Citizens Center.

H igh-school students w m anu.scrip ts Uiey hove yoar.

T he pub lic is invited.

J e r o m e m a . i s iT\VIN F . \ I - I ^ .~ A Je

u g a in s t Twin F alls Countj wa.s a r re s te d on iasufdcle

T om m y Pearce , 25, u felony ch a rg e of grand l p ia ii.’. filed wiUi FifUi Dist tock m oney under fa lse pi F n lls CQunty_resiJenl (or not done o r done poorly 1

—theJDwin-Eails..County_J. la te r w a s rc>duced to S7,50t

P e a rc e filed a challeng C ourt. A ^ r d i n g to his_c p la in t (lied with Uie cour d id n ’t p rov ide facts th a t su

A h e a r ing wiii be held

G o v e r n o r to a dTW IN F A U ^ - Gov.

Id a h o 's new direction (o re M th annual banquet o ( th C h a m b e r of Com m erce or Ijave announce<i.

N ew b oard m em bers wiii — T nc-nanqucris-scJieam e_r<v-lft.Tnc ■^nf^^lnnp^ tg g/-

$16 a p erson . Cham ber mon ■ R escrvatlonsT ireTequlnid

o r by ca lling the cham ber o

W o rk s h o p fo r bTW IN FvUJ-S - Magic V

a tten d a w orkshop tonigh_encria::£.onsei:yatlon_s{aiii

exp lained ,— The-^vo^kshop,‘spo^sorcd

Trini.. • C ontinued from P ag e

h e cau sc of th e gtench emili h e facility . He said a lawsuii iga in st th e c ity by a neij andow ner w asn 't dropped i :ily shu t down the heat-treat lent.

H epw orth repeated eariie i ha l th e co m pany engaged in C5«rifaLW :oriIiQ i£iK lucis:t he c o n tra c t on the facility.

H epw orth should conclude u tla l- to d a y and the ju ry 's c loasw ill l>egln,

' i l o w y o u K n o w

y Uiiite<i Pre.ss liitenialioiial

T he Me<lai of Honor, the lililary a w a n l for Iiravery iiiteti S tales. w;u> eslaljiistic in l reso lu tion of Coni’ress on. ^;2 ,-Tlie--firsl -A nny-M etlal vard wl on M arch 23. IBCI, i •st N av y -.\led a lso « -V c iU J8

y UnU<^ P re s s Intem aiional

A g reen tu r tle Jays about l.a a IKcUme but only th n

rv iv e lorig enough to breed,


Two $6 D inner Enti

2 L oaves of Homen -B r e a d _______

2 B a rb eq u e Rib Din

W e a r e D i g i t a l Q i w i t h y o u r

■ O O tS rE S E S A IN M E H T -


fly------ ^s c a r c h h is to r yiie y ounger generation Intcrp Jie M agic V alley will tx den ay n ig h t m eeting of Uie Jen

« h e ld a t 8 p .m . at Uie Jen

5 will p resen t historical rcse.-i ve com pleted during .Uil* scI

s u e s s h e r i f fJ e ro m e m an has filed a ci;

m ly Sheriff J im Munn ailcginf Iclent evidence,, w a s^ a rrc s te d last week oi id the ft; A ccording to Uie ct D istrict M agl-strate Court, Pea L* p re ten ses (rom an elderly t \ fo r a .rtx jfing job thaLciUicr-u ly in 1983. P e a rc e was piaccnl y -JaU n n .a.Sl'i.OOO-bond^wh ,500.enge T hu rsd ay in Fifth Dlstr is_ c la lm ,.E ea tte .sa j's .tlic co o u rt w as insufdcent becQU.se t supported th e alleged crime. IF ^b . 13 on Uie claim by Pcarc

i d d r e s s c h a m b e r)v. Jo h n E v an s will speak * 3r econom ic developm ent at ti f the G re a te r Twin Fali.s An ; on F eb . IG, cham ber olficia

wiii be inslalied a t Uie meeting tfl«rtin»grirdr« jT 3(rp :m ,'w iii-scbcdulcd a t -7:30 ■ p. m C o s t - n em b ers and guests a re Invite ■ed on o r b efore F riday by ma :ro (( ice a t 733-3974.

b u i ld 'e r s to n lg lfflc V alley b u ilders are invlle<i I ight a t which new rcsidcnti: tanda rd s devciopod will li

red b y th e s ta tc Dcpartmei^c


ig e B iH illed fromsuit b rought .neighboringKl u n til Uie A•eai compo-

{•Her cla im s 1 in m isrep-


t J L Z :

W — ----------------- B'AV-

N \tt;lie hi'^liest R F l I;rv in the . t j C l Jslietl by a C O M ?o n Ju Iv l2 . tla ls svere -


ial ' T

1,800 eggs ^ will

n i l ■

Tj h II ii t r e e ' s o r



i d e l i v e r i n c 3 o a r t z - w a t c i r p u r c h a s e

M l ufr-SER V IC EJ-T^™ -^


RY ■ ^ ■ "AirroM oiiHciTrIsjordai


'Y n le r Resources. ■ In n in Twin Falls,

rp rets a sc r ie s o( tra emon^ o rien ta tio n session, erome T h e two-hour wor

urome R a p e c a s e <*;arch , TW IN F.U X S — whool p riso n for a ttem pt

h e a r in g Thursday n T w in F a lls woman 1;

• R ic h a rd Ray Brae F if th D istric t Magi D ecem lx ir, Bradley

claim te n c e on a convictl inghe C o u n ty c a se , accord

t ia ry . Bradley was on a a rra ig n m e n t, com- A ccord ing to Q co earce F a l ls , B radley ailegt tw in ^ T h ird Avenue West I iLwas— T h erfv h e -rap ed aw c chI in a n d h e rs m a lic h l id l lI'hidi_____ A^publlc defender.

to re p re se n t B radlej Hrict o n a c h a rg e of burgla K«n- A p re lim in ary hea use It B ra d le y should be le. f u r th e r prosecution 0 irce^

M a n f a c e s 1!'* '• J E R O M E - A20-j ( on F if th D istric t Magis J tiie c h a rg e d wiUi 11 felonj Vren /\nderson, re

E u g e n e i-'reOericKsen a n d w as released on h

ng b o n d w as posted in T> ^Uj— count" broughM irconii

___au tho riU es, __ted. M ag is friife 'R o g e r- najl c o u ld (ace a s m any as

of th e charges. Six of _ fiv e o th e rs in adjoinlnj

' J e r om e police arrei a d e r IlaroIcTllosctxro

----------account-had-becirstolid to g ro c e ry s t o r e s , ------itlal B ond, originally set

, O fficers said investlj iTof c o n lin u in g r “




^ OP pE(?.FECr y - & I F - T - r i t ) 5 r T - F 0 ( ? . -

asic'eoxES Jfu L S , s r A T u e s ^I^^T O O C n AtiO Si ip

--S o aw x iisw —

F --------- D 0 6 P . - —

9 5 2 S - 5 7 3 3

| V

n I V ■

NLY^ 5ig a c b m p c h “ a t - y o u r <

J o f t h e C A S

nTAMCrtNTtR------- ----------------



es. will be field at the Canyon SpringsIs-

tra in ing work.shops will follow Uie ion.workshop will begin a t 7 p .m .

e d u e in c o u r t> — A m an serving tim e a t Uie sla te mpted ra p e will have a prelim inary ay m om ing on a charge Uiat he raped a an last (all.3radley. 34, w as a rraigned last week in lag is tra te Court in Twin F alls. Since cUey has been serving a six-year sen- viction ol a ttem pted rap e In an Adarording to officials of the s la te penilen- - ----------was brought to Twin F a lls (or Uie

i com plaint filed aga inst'h im in Twin ilegedly broke into an apartm en t o(f of esl in the ea r ly hours of Nov. 17,1383.a.woman a(Uir-lhrcalenii3g.lo.iiann.hcr__________lid K she did n ot comply.Hy»r u>^c nppnlnf>»fi nt thp nrrnljrnmPnf__________diey. The suspect also w as arraignedrg lary re la ted to the incident. -------hearing will be held to determ ine If - be bound ov er to d is tric t court (or on on Uie charge . '

11 f o r g e r y c h a r g e s^ y e a r old Wendell m an a p ^ r e d In ag istra te Court in Je ro m e Tuesday,:lony counts of forgery.

represen ted by Je rom e Attorney___________isen, requested a prelim inary hearing on his own recognizance a f te r a 51,500 Jl Twin F a lls on a probaUon violaUon ronncction w ith -h is -a rru l by-Jerom c""

je n jn rd R :in n fo n n p d -? \n d e rso n -h e ------------------ly a s 8-1 y e a rs in prison if found guilty {of the counts a re in J e ro m e and Uie Inlng areas .rresled A nderson M onday aflefhobh ..................oeTJfW endeU'rcpoTted'chcckrDirlits----------------r -sto lc fran d -sev c ra lx ash cd lrrJe ro m c“ --------------

set a t 520,000, was dropped and the

estlgation in the theft of th e check s is __


rS O T vE O jO E T H o ' " " " " " ""B V G I V J / M O A S I F T V

A S i a O i T S E L E C T lO ii i ■

V A L ^ i T f M E ' S I-

t - Y Q O — 7-------------------------------------------—

J E W E L R YS ^ M O e iS i iK fM tE .iS eE m e .S R E C T lO tO .' :

---- j!* ----------- ------11 BlfiCK U JE S T " !;:

/■ OF M A y iE s ;" - i ! -----------

5 3 ^ 3 0 5 TAYioe. U uK T ii'

2 OM C hanges

,-2 M inor M oto r ________ T une-U ps_____ _______

.H a ir s ty le _____ ___

i p l i m e n t a r y

- f r o T t t d o ^ r -------------^ S H S A V E R .

----- rw irr rA c rrro b Y T P A T N i------------- -------------------CURTS CAR CARE LYNWO.OD CHEVRON SERVICE R.C.i QUICK STOP ClYDES RADIATOR SHOP O.K. TIRES MIDAS MUFFLERS ,


Page 11: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

Lat<— M ark e t In B

N Y S [ I

Ttj<“ ;d ;iy

V o lu r r ie S h a r e : 1 2 7 . 1 0 6 . 9 0 C

I s s u e s T r a d e d 2 , 0 3 4


----------------- 698-----Unchanged!

3 8 3 I

Down I9 5 3 ^

- N .Y .S .E . Index 9 1 . 6

_______ C o m p '_________

, . • D o w J o n e s fm

1 , 1 8 0 . ^

“ G a^zzznTiiclct

WASHINGTON ( p r ic e s declined « c e n ts a gallon fron

------------------ w ere-s tlH -lh ree-tip r ic c s a decode og A utom obile Associ r e p o r t Tuesday.

T h e report, bos su rv e y s , o f .6,000 s s a id th e average p r e g u la r and unleai 1983 w e re $1.22 ar tlve ly .

G aso line priccs

Breaki - SrtfcODA;-N:er-(7V

E m allest telephone cor p u b lic ity brought on b re a k u p of Am erican 1

‘T m h av ing fun out 79. " r m n o t the kind o a b o u t any th ing . I Just s

L e land , ow ner and ( _ _ T elephoheT C o ., b e c ^ '

.............the* J an :—l—brcakup^'— --------Joum al-had-a-fron trpa

la s f w e e k r a n d ’CBS'"’- h im a b o u t a possible Inl

H e sa id the most p u b lic ity is the attenti P o lk C oun ty town of 600

"O f co u rsc , I hope a tte n tio n o f too many

s i lo sNEW YORK (AP|-Tu4»fliy

* llontl ptlcfls tar Naw Tort. u . ,

ACF ■ 1.« ” ^3^

ASA ” 3» ’ JOO Wh ADI|.lb 1AstnLt 2.S4 9 l«U ISItAlikAlf . l l iV,A|c«n 4l!|M .jw

AmMoD l'.^ 'm

Ao!!"? . r w 11 l i s

;IS .iiAmStO 1,60 tjnWoMW-AT&T S40a II 14nO CJ

- Ancnot 1.JS 12 ;u Illl

■ Aimco .W 5794 70V»- •A»mwin MO 10 ?0J 73't-

, :S S S S :.......... —AlOtXl — ' ?.70 • -ioieoi-43H

AtlRlCti 3 7 34f9 <]'>•AllMCp .M 7 68

Avnel I .iO 2? »44 36 > Avon . t 11 3602 25%

— o—e —

HSSL'n m ” ” ? '* .tU.ITr s .26 1J11J<I20H-P . . , .d ,.60 a iM 30U-


d{1*p“ ?’mo ' 9 *3” 2*“ !

:e railI B r i e f ------------- , Q y s r

A P B l

I r .H li iu j • In on V f ^ 'h . / Tuesd--------- ---- - ........ . -sellin itro i; “ ih e i0 0 The

t r i a l s In its

-------fa ll Inf

^ h i e

ga in

fifth a'

ev e ryY ork

le x ~ N Y S E

. 6 6 4 - 0 . 2 3

.74—+ - 0 .6 6 -----M ondid a y ir

\ ^ « 100 mil) .4 9 + 6 .1 8 , Natl•____________ lis ted 1

^line pri)N (A P )-G a s o l in e 1983 h d an average 4.7 reg u la rom 138210-13S3 b ut gallon e-tlm e6-i?iore-than— port-s . ! ago, lhe A m erican m onth soclation said in a availa l

reg u labased on monthly 0 scrvice stations, e prices for leaded Jleaded gasoline in

and 51.29 respcc-.o v e r ll

«js "reached the lf p e rc S i

LUp puts•tA Pr~=~O ne~o^~the~ 'natlc companies Is b ask ing In natio on by com parisons with

an Telephone & T eleg raph Co. out of it,” s a y s E dw in C. Lola id of person who gets a ll exci ist stay on an even kee l.” id operator of S aluda M ount arae IJie foc'us^lof.attention al jp -o f-A T & T ^T h e-W alJ-S tr Lrpage story-i& u^-the-com p{ S '‘’'GcrMinmcs’*"hos^ontJicie Interview_________ .ist im portant th ing abou t-i ention it’s brought to th e sm ’600.,spe it doeisn’t b ring II to I iny people,'.’ he said, “ I thi

“ ■ 's ,s l a l ; V jI “ ■!Il'H i!lls s - ! ! "COSJJJJ7 }; . CIGNA 2.«8 a 2«1S S r S ’. S ! ! £ !1“* - Ru?l* „ i. Sii

il C?mGp ° J-.JO 12 iJi C.BCir» ,20 15 Mj

t ; “ g ; E v , ‘5 , aenro l 3 .09 n 201

:™7S iiS?9W, tJ ConSoW I.M '# 8JJ

lainEl !s si! ! 2 i 5 g ! S “ . , ' ' S

IJ . cnas« 3.«5 . 5 liM

i;S Si ' ""S i i “ ; 5 s S S :

!.fs i ' i ;u u —-u__ CIe»£1____ 2 .« ___!.,MJ

70\»_ H CoeaCI 2 6fl 12 ?0« H Coloco ' 6 U32

V. CmwE 3 S21M5 5 i5 g S a M:iS 'S 'S3 ^ . (, ConFO 3 1.30 9 796 (5% CnaNG J.1B 0 165

ConnPw 2.52 4 1M2H CnllGtp 2 82

!:! pf :i rin CotnC 2 32 J5 *67

cllini’' 1 12 ii8 8h 1;'\J CutlW 1.20 12 49

(i - 'D i's ;— u ‘ ? i7mM .14 UailKr 3M 9 713

DaiGn a JSITO7 ♦ U | ' ' 0 » r c o ----- :?4-—4 ' UaylH » .65 14 (8 2JV, DayiPL 2 5 2354

5m7 Olgl'Al 10MI7m , I, Dlnna^ 1.20 72 2001

» 2?J l??g?(V,* H DowCh l.BO 20 3425

JTBaly hallSTEVEN P . R OSENFELD , ’B usiness W rifer

JEW YORK - A cease-fire s ti on nn em battled .stock ma

isday , a s a la te ra lly haite ling.sprcc th a t one an a ly s t dut le 13S4 w inter ma.<5sacre.”■he Dow Jones a verage of 30 in' )l stocks, down 22,72 points Mor its biggest slide in m ore tha ir. s ta r ted th e trad ing day in g .-another-fl-po ln ts-before . mding in the final 90 m inute ding.Tie slock markefiTbestnUitfwii a to r wound up the session wll n of 6.18 points a t 1,180.49, gcsl gain since Jan . 5 and onlj h advance In the p a s t22 session 'r io r to Tuesday’s gain, irage of 30 blue-chip stocks m m eted 112,33 points si chlng Its 1984 high on Ja n . G, bout nine s to c te fell in price ry seven tha t rose on th e > •k Stock Exchange, But S E 's co m p d sit^ In ’dex of alT x l com m on slock rose .23 lo 9I.C ig Board volume to taled 10'

iday .-Jt-w as th e llth -consecul -in -w h ich -vo ium e-stirpassed - m llllonm ark,atlonwide turnover in NY: kI issues, including trade^ in th

ices slip i g l 9 8 3l-h ig h -o v e rb ab o r-D ay ,—when j ia r was averag ing *l.2G- a on and unleaded $1.32, th e re- :-«>Jd^ln-Poccm bor ,-th o . last ith for which s ta tis tics are liable, the average p rice of i la r was 51.22 a gallon and !adedJl,29.le associotion said the sharpest e' increases over th e lost do- s w ere in 1974, with a 35 percent p over the previous yea r, in

w ith a 40 percent increase • 1978, and In 1980, w ith a 30 ?cnnnch*aseover 1979,

»sm all phition*s— w e'v e got enbugh'peo itlonal The com pany h a s h h the L eiand bought it in Jj Co. ra te is $G, 10 fo r home: eland. ’ The com pany had xcited traught ll and now hi:

a nd n early 1,000 custo Jntain “ W hen w e f ir s t gol 1 a f te r ' 'a n d m ade polM ou Street— ciimW ng-poles,'nowni Ipany th a t bardwood,-”-L ela uict(Kl”T iK m owTiscsxonim t

__V L e ia i^ sa id h e aiit- ih e ■“^ a lu d a r d d m ost o f th sm all poles and s trin g in g IL

Leiand persona lly ans0 the ' "W e don’t h av e any th ink lhere.’s _ s o m e ^ ^ g jo

price!iifs £ \% I

1»! ! K : S dSSu

l i f “ ; 1 I f ' I ”

S ^n»E'n” 7 'v v i * H |?njjp s * ' i t "438 22'*- E^colo ' i“m 10

1 § tl-H530 17U* V. 'FMC 1 80 9

<702 47 « tt Faltcr\[] 80 '13449 roH« H Falrio a 10 10s I K : u g S '5

l ; i » i i v ’J il918 37H- % FlaptO --?.0< 8 1021 34K*1H FlvvOnn

II 17'. — U Fluor eo 54 10*0 2 H - I* FordM "Sl.TO--- 310195 30 . 1 • FrplMc 60 0 ,, 17'Bliil of1 X,_ ___ GTE 3___ 8:iM5"J U— ---- canott— n :7 S - ^ riK's - J S''JS7 22 . v> M 2^

1 Igi's | s ; iFM 24h 1 \» GaPjic" 60 23! 706 271.- H Ge;fP'< ' ' !

fl^ Ik Goul/ U 22 1

tIO 29U« H GIWFin .88 11 133 3SH+ H Oroyti 1.20 10 2 4?8 W - % Grum s W 8tl713 681^- I. - M -H 'res <1H« viMRT ____ _

2” 31H- H Hal?"a 02 15^ 354 1 3H ^ Htpn- n M ^9^

a s ' s -15 !.111.- Hnllm J « a 12:

If} iiv j.l HO-Pk’ 'S'^B , SjJMl 53»j- HH)1 J ] t» - U HmJIh# .70 25 :125 30H MO'"*" a 11 3'


Its ‘rnstocks on regiona the ovcr-the-couni 127.11 m in ion shnr

stilled C on tribu ting to t market , w as Uie Intcns uited a u b n n o n . dubbed 'in te rn a t io n a l ' II inH,.? topped th e active i S f v ' ’ST c lo se of lhe

n noV',1, With almosi I?v b ! chan g in g h an d s. S S . G en e ra l Molora,

nf— cord eam ln g s-fo r t utes of

JwiHlP With a • G en e ra l Electric

.49, lU- U nited Technolog only its 06^4. T he N avy sai lions. GE from P ra t t & 1, the T echnologies' subi ks had ___

Fed ne New 1 ,


million— R eserve-B oard-m < 2CuUv(!— gress-T ucsday -to jJ ed "lh e ''"p h a i'g e liig tic r pru-------who us4i c re d it ca rdNYSE- ‘'O ur s tu d ie s a n those - customers_subsidlz(

to M m e "ex feh l,” '---------1 frnvrTTinr N nnry M

Seiiale B anking i \ consum er affa irs .

Shc s a id Uiat all-------------cred iU addsonly-aU__ • p rice of a n Item.

' 'n ’cross th e ecbriomy_ $ 6 b illlona.yeac.____

3 - 3 C ongress, which ^ recess on F rid ay ,

deadline fo r actic jjpg approved, six-mont

Qf law Uial fo rb id s me and h igher p r ic c s fo r pt.

c red it c a rd s . T he la )<jst leaving Uie Senate r

lo consider th e bill, •ent M rs. T e e te rs , wi:

In opposed by banklnf as(. lobbyists, sa id Uie

30' p re fe rs a n open mai-------------w h ich-m crchanls «_____ discount fo r a cash

hone finp«>pICTfCr<riI6w7,^T os had ju.st one ra te in c rea se s n January 1936. he sa id . The b m es and 59 for businesses, lad 16 crank te lephones whei / has 1,500 au tom atic-d ial piii istomers,got [t. wc cut down locust I:

' out of them! Y o u ' ta lk "al 'w tlratls'som ethlng 'clbu tu ctt«land said:---------------------------imcrcialptnirpolc.'r---------------: and his son C ater, mayoi f the c o m p an y 'sw o rtp u tlin F g lines themselves, a n d the cl answers service calls, any stric t hours,” h e sa id . "W ' jp do. we do It. w hether

« — = ffil'L'rS KsS ;s7 5496 2*M* HOlJina 2 3:

e4 “ ' • " W S '!:1176 H—

14 209 2 H IC Ind 2.3(15 4166 7 h.1 ITT Cp 2.7[ 1659 4 -11^ lU Inl 1 I5C

U 210 2 . % laanoP 3 01 15 2371 6 W. Vi - idnalOIt ."?( / 4 - % tmpcTn 9■ IS! ’ " K £ £ '10 j : 3 F,i in„,cQ 1.

« ; s

10 2W 1211- H !dm|' ■-19 7W 21H- nlHa'v8 7610 5IH— V, nlMiii 2 60

<3‘i* ii JonnJn MC11 1020 24H- y. JonLoo . 1 .5''j I Ijs:!! 'J54 IMS 19'*7 4 KuTfifAl ' 60

■ S1DCJ OSV.- V. KannB 1.0417 1293 2JW- KanGE 2 36

1-0 i*®

12 700* W liT l" Klm^'i *40*'?» 16H > Knofil'J M

. . r a

12 S 35%*’ ’ Lnan r'i a'M

2 o |^ ’u125''T2" cOf'‘ " 1 20

"il11 713 22h 7 U LGcffs 1 16 10 2656 231»- H ' • -8 1605 Mvj* " MGMCr *49 M77 _____------------------Ei0 *750 13'.i M[lr,Fi3

“ ” «4 2 't “ |JS“ '| ’’ H*' —Tto'

9 15 19^1 Ma'l^o? 4415" “ - '’■'V4

s ! ! ; ,s ' s S - ’.s114130 44h«n» McUnId 1 66 }*>»♦ H McDnO 162II 31M 5 ^ r McCm nl 24

l a s s a ^nal e.xchanges and In tinii in ter m arket, to taled pin; nrus, A0 the m nrkel’s unease nsifled fiBl'linf. in'


B usin ess-M ach in es e list a s of th e 2 p.m, he NYSE, up IV- a t .Dst 2.7 m illion-shares

rs, wiiich rcj>orte<l re- rthcrfourth q u a r te r of—Lst yenr. w as up l i at--------------------------- ;---------- up-:Tric rose I to 53TraiiiJ ' ' At ogles w ;ls off a t Uie j a id it would sw itch to 2oa,f & Whitney, a Uiiilwl for , ibsldlary. for pro<luc- ciqs*

Tierabert-Gard-su1 (A P) — A F ed era l quinmember—urged-C on-----foiMiijillo ’.v_m erchants.lo____ Slirice.s for custom ers shoo rds, coiinconfirm Uiat cash hut

llie c red it c jiston iers othoi ’’ 'F e d e ra l H e se h /e Th jl_ jcc lcc i_ tn ld _ th i2 — cjjKli

subcom m lU ee’ oli Ihcoi.. ---------- crtKlI

ilUiough the cost of gres. ibout-l-perccntio-tbc— Gong

the total m ark u p ,surcl hy a m o iir i ts 'to 'a ljo u l ' serve---------------------------------- ilBSti:h begins a 10-dny -'C; /, Is facing a tiglit • posei tlon on a House- worri inui exlen.sion of a mlgli nerchants to cha rg e - ' a sui people who buy with their law expires F eb . 27. Re] c nine working days Bank 1. - E x p rLvhose position w as contli ing and cred it ca rd “ W le F edera i R eserv e fusioi larkel system under from could e ith e r give a ~ cliarj:

sh purchase o r re- spoke

m in spc------------- m id n ig h t o r cnrly I2 since Iceland w as no st J basic w hen he bought'thi

AT&T from New Y len he Ix jla n d said he h; liiones en jo y s h is work too

" I t ’s a variety . S . trees o r o u ls ide . Staying oBdut 'c r a z y ; , ; . I t 's all

climb;"-—d oing somothing,-^i;-------------H e sa id h is work.---------------- “ Pcople-scenrto-/or of d e a d o r lying dowr ing up— p len ty o f exerciso i elder get u p and play aroi

“ T h e contact wl Wh'en ' L e ian d sa id . " In U !r It’s and U inl’s all Uiey k

40 15«11B «0V». McKfljJ2 60 10 17 23H - H Moao

S ,?.36 12 206 <3I» MMM?.76 9 178* *1 . MlnPL150 15 13M 21W— . MoOcI JOa 7 130 33»*- W MohkOt

5 OT r a n - >1

I. ”11 Fii: a*; "is '”,s i!:-'!! “1 f i s

27*3 11'/ 'I H N«lUl91'60 1? 371 11i„_ H NalFG*3 \ 11 112? 53 . NatOyn

'V 12 317 3 » S - H

l i o '’“u 6 “24 301.- S NC^Otl■>! - ,? S S ’? " ■■ S , S '*0 12; 420 7 71*. V. NdiIIiSo — K—K — NOfliTh06 10 396* 31 '» .1 '.. NoAPni

1,0* 6 *1.) 1*1-* ‘ NIrOPS ■36 6 Ml 17|» NoilP*

13 35i-WH ----- NwfllAir-

----- N O ^ t—40 10 02 B5I»*C4 1* 210 24H.1'.'j OcciPol BO 31 2-JO 20V,- OtiloEcl2 10 *97(1.17U-..I^ OklaGt

is i i i § i s «W 10 100 *2'.'. 4 H O«0<iC36 17 -2H 17(i 0«rnlll72 13 79 21U - H . O>tord72 12 620 3 1 '.’ PPG J20 12^^52 PacGE

w ® **!* ■

a" 31 24? 2 ^ ' - H pSpl'’’’- 16 a 41* 1B%— Pflnnrol

PepsiCo*4 2* rC6 I?'.’.-- PpiKEI

. io /.i io v i- y. PhHaTT600 II'^T •'! PhilPrI

-1- 13 - J i l O - -•»-----WsbT—Jj IB W3 V? Pl?f!yD"

, ! 'S 1 ! 5 = ; : K i

03 10 ITO *1 ♦ '1 PiOCtG“f f§ S "’S! fl UM S7 V PS'EG


i c r e ’ -inn of .T new engine for Jetilnne.s, ............. -

Among the b ig winners. St ose :i>, to 3a>*:;. T exas instr I’a.s up 3^k to 125 h and M iim lx ;d ;!to lI7 .Di'.'jpite the h eav y volume. (

Ig. Inve-stment firm s contlr iSe jyxiund. M enriil Lynch wa t 25’k, 'P aine W ebber droppei [)■-« nnd K .F . Hutton sl!ppe<

j5jjw»i;ir(l_&_Eoor.'s_ index, uiu-strlals ro se .93 to 178,3 &I’’s 500-stock com posite IndPTTjran55r74^-----------------------At the A m erican Stock Exc

le m arket v a lu e index was of W,00,The N /\SDAQ composiK ir , the ovcT-lho-counlcr i :qse(i ;it 2r>7.Hl, down .8;?.

" support urcharr^elire a cred it c a rd u ser lo paj

S lie -^Id -U ie-d iscoun l_o r_n lonld’tT c llm ltcd 'tu 3‘‘p<ii'L'eji tun(s” for ca sh a r e .now pcrr it siie noted th a t few m cr h er than se rv ic e statioiw offer The'Jiijruc' o f c rS Ji t 'rabsldizal ifcli-purc^tafiorSr-timniMtf-^liBr come people who cannot « lll-cards,-haR -betin-aroun( ess for m ore th an a decade. Ii >ngre.ss-extcndcd-lho-banon- rchart’cs to allow Uie Fcdcr rve until l a s t su m m er to corI study.---------------- ----- ----------■'Credit c a rd com panies ai sed to s u rc h a rg e s bccause lh( irricd tha t so m e cred it card Igilt pay w llh ca sh iflhey had surcharge e v e ry tim e they l i r credit c a rd ," P roxm iresal [leprcscn latives of the Ami inkers A ssociation, -Am< :press, M a s te rc a rd and Visa ntlnuntlon of th e ban on surchi ‘We (« lleve th a l consumer ;ion and ab u se a re likely to im Uie au tho rization of urges," sa id S an d ra McLaugl 3l<eswoman fo r th e bankers,

otlightly m tn o m o m in g ," '3 stranger lo th e telephone bu 'the firm, h av ing installed cal / York City to A tlan ta in 1928. c hasn't h ad a v aca tio n in yea too much to stop . f. See, I can w ork Inside If I w ing in an office a ll the time, all one,big vaca tion . I ’ve golL-^iJjeland said :------------ ------rrk a iso h e lp sh im s ta y fil , - ■to-Oiink-p«jplc-my-agirouBhl iwn In a bed som ew here . . . . » in u'haLI d o ^ l don’t have ti iroujid,jogging.” h esa id . ~ wlUi the people is w hat I

1 Uie big l o i ^ s . you gol a nu yknow."

m m ^. SE

i“ ' l l i , ! S ( S S . , g; 1 ■ ;s ! .tS ! ?S5=.5 g; ;;; , » ,t s i i s . s ;

! ,1 5 5 S '" " g;2"

oS IM ij j«.i i ; ; Tj «; lOl al ** fi 223 28 - U Hii

— N—N — no" u n ’lJl,” ' Rn

ZU ... ^H13^J ^ ; . i t S no,

'I f J ji'j; ■»'S' '11 illE i; “IP 1.03 6 773 l i l . GF<.So 3M ?*'{“ '%>ni 1 70 10 10* C9 -1 '-. 5CCs4i-'"is:;: iAll----- w— — *1-----sm

’ “2 2 2 .^ 7 Unt— 1 » — fl-SN—37—•-'>— sm

i s1 50 6 2407 u ’ ’ aof

5t 19?' (16922 7 0 '.- SCl-K - I’ o 1(5:DK 2 40 11 WO 291— V. 5«l;!fi I’l? - 5. p I l - ' ' iSJ

E 5l DO 7 t m 14'»I W SlfliIfl___ 3 ia 7 139 34 '.. SItiI vrl5 *0 tl *6Ba ii6 — SIB'm 10910 7 h - SIO)tc 2 30 10 5U 3 0 '.- SunI » 1 12 101 211. SyO

5?1‘ ‘ * i ’i:ol 2 20 12 *ai 35H- <. *' Co t « H 4031 35H- TEC

5------76 5 « 2U^7 i; Slik 1 78 6 7S3 144, '.t Toil j 2 *0 93015(150. - Toil;3 isr . ' S ,! S 535 b ;

■Jet fighter . ^ —

, St. Uegisislrum ents I '— ■ I Motorola

Qe.of trad : , ,', '——ntlnued to -was off ^5 ■ P a i r

jped l',i! to H nisj.'iped to ,^ , ------ violating

e x j f J O O _ _ - " ‘I " ™ ? ;

isite Index , “ • ,■ mS"?;telephone

r t S P e t rDENVE

c r y m arketer*---------------------

billion cor] pay m o re ' T he con:__________________It pyptvlftr mnrkup________ ended DecccntrDls^— J e r o m iwrmltted. SJnerchants one-lh irdofferUiem. ^ -izai ioni jyCred5l~ol)faIn SeOTTS,und-Con---------------lo .co llccl.ie. In 1979. Inc- has flon-crodlt_________m a nufactuderaJ. R e^_ _ V ictor, w complete lo s t $47.2 n-....... .......................... m U llonlosj

are op- TTie com; Uiey a re founder. Clard users com pany s

iiey iSed / - ' D T 'said. C . 1 5 1Vmerican « . „ ^Vmcrican CHICAG(Isa urged fed e ra l reg•charges, periorm ancn e r con- T h e ruleto result reach ed eaof sur- Commissioi

lughiin.-a— reg u la te s ei s -T he Boar

challenged unlaw fully ( lo -theSE C .’

‘ business cable for

/ea rs and c a sh potatoes""'’joo.«x..p..:<,oiur,f.r I want to *P' J ™

le . I’d go n5? 3 mgol to be" , ^,V “ i” ’----------- - ^ C HubroiL------------

■ iOToooi;:ooiu/*wbi..........- - -Mar............... *M,i5Jgh rto-DC ISU. . . 1 get « jJ■e tim e to auo 79>0

S if IS:Su n

1 num ber ^^prov samn *.023 p»

Quilo^ 7 ^ 1 527 SB^I h

■ ’ £ ' 71:fljflCO .84 tl 56 IB^t-s : » ? , « .'’ “ i S i i :nsadOt .*0 11 0*6 i m . Hg ;S f S ” .S Tz tRo»lon 1 B* 1* 772 31H. Roynin 3 20 9 2037 80H . PayMtl 1 577 33 - 'Ag s : , ■ » '! ;i5 ISS. g a s ' s s s s s i ! ;noiai - 1.08. .13 25!l«.Ugs-c-.". ,S! ;! !i5noylO 2 B2o 5 1507 48 — H IlydnrS 1 080 13 6*7 52'i « 1 — s - s —s»t«, 5 1.50 B 2590 7*v.- 1.Sinegis 1.12GFdSP n I 6 6*25 *72 I I.ScfirPIO 1.68 10 1022 37'^ . V.ScnimP 10* 12 6661 45'^* '»S«s<leG :S2 15 771a 451.72H »ra| 3 1.52 ^ • Jf

90 ?fl1tl52 2 8 4 .7 ^ SimoPl IB 779 13',.,

sm»0 7.80 10 16*0 '5 7 '* . Sonat l.SS 7 399 34 'i . U

2'§5;,C<ilt<1 3 80 6 1170 anw* louinCo 160 '2ro2 6?H“ "‘

iiSi'lQ ’7J5W ^

i.U IJ i**4 25'^— SIB»n/ 1.70 71 156 72 ^SurCo’ *2.'30 13 1077 491*7 %SyO'On 1.03 116 71'»- >1Syntoi 1.60 11 7053 47H.1H5,.c. J " - V

S “ .S'SS s ' - r . ;Taciloal 66 1l’<

]4 ’ ’i ■ ?*'i ‘ 'Tpinr’'"- — *— n-tt9i-j6t*t* ‘1—Tnlni 10 1476 7?Sr HTonnco 7 80 a 902 *0’.»Tosolo .40 5 319 15'i—ToitSI * 10 10x173 61 ♦Toilnst' • 7 «0*t 17i'.*3*.Toil'll 1*77 2h«: ;?a - - i ' !?“ S S S t S 'TriUM 2,70 7 1191 2*H. T<i«»on ^i;M I* M 31I»-




r f a c e s e c u r i iE lAPJ —,.Two m en h a v e I ig .scCTirilies trad in g law s by nnd options, o fficials said, Cha.'itainrA da" County depui erg of Boise nnd I-onny W, jf-vlolationsof-RtateHwuritiwi rharges include alleged sales ;ndnnts' a lleged failu re to regl

iberg and Seam ons w ere inv Inc.. he said, describ ing t

ne sales organization tha t em p

ro -L ew is o ffe/ER (AP) — Pelro-U*wia jr 'dn im ited p a rtnersh ips in oi n i i l l io ir i trb il l ih d nalurliTgii orporate and p a rtn e rsh ip debt impany also said il w as "open Iw1 tn lypftrt-n-i^mKgLnntinL:! e c ^ .3 l .J ^ .leT^rtewisreJiairm an-of-Petrc lion of producing p roperties w J of ils total reserves, includini

d ito r s se e lc rcrS-VAhld2Yreallfr<AP>— A- l.morc-Uian.S13jnm]Qn.Qwed

filed .a bankruptcy cou rt p turer to force il to rcorKanlze, which m akes c om puters in ti million In th c llrs tn ln eT n o n t]

> ssay ea rea rlic r.___________impany laid off m ore than 1. Charles 1. Peddle, resigned a ’ said in a b rie f sla tem en t Mi

c h a l le n g e s tGO CAP) — The Chicago Be ?gulalions on trad ing in future ince In Uie stock m a rk e t of cen le being challenged w as prod earlier th is m onlh betw een t lon and the Com m odity F u lt

a rd of T rade, the la rg esl full ■d the agrepm ent M onday, a y delegated Its exclusive jurisi

said T hom as P . C unningha

h Low 8«tll« Cfig, H£A'0.00wMIW,^ 5 10 ” 5 10 A*i

IM 3 86 3 85 3 63 ' T.o? Ju" r. sales 67, ProT day's opon Int Aufl

rbbi:....................... ^

P/fl. aiiy i opon'ml 23.^7 Jp.

TIflBiln 773 81.-I. Tirral n 15 1333 *0>i.% TimsM at.70 15 1*76 36'/.-'A ' Toknm ,60 1 5 26 2*'»—

i l l i l 5 & ™ jS S t

UAL 9 3656 3*v>-UMC 60 27 119 15H-

'i UNCnna 309 s’.. ♦USFC 3 6* 8 961 57 .s i s

U Upl'Oyl . 181115 l*v..InDmd 174 5003 34

„ SOBfE ‘SS '; '! ! ! ^5*UlaPL 2 32 10 475 23H-

1. Fjchanon issu^i 'i PE Saloi Ual C

h ASObr " 24 14 46 TO'-t.AoflisCp _ . 13 181 3H -

*.f Afll^t3 .SO ^5 *0*.l —k. AlTlSM r, .20 16 6*1 17 •

AMotIn 30 11 107 29> —I* AS^It" 45

’•I A»m/n B .15 . 173 iS 10H.*[1’*“ ' , ’* Jj'

U. ■ I? '“w t i ^ o w l -ill UradNI 211 9'..

., CnmgH H 23'".. ConaOG 3U 15Cooklnl 140 17 —i CfO:s 1 70 16 110 26H-.» CiUlcR 7 1*0 3 H -U CyP'ua 923 3U —

OamJOfl 13 300 7 S -4 DatsPd 16 23 1C74 J* _.. Poimnd }0 SCO 9 .

OomoP 2010 3 5-16.OoiGaf. 18 27 1569 211^-Oynlcln -750 12 173 111*-tenon n 73 1 671 7”. »

1----Fotmtlt---------10— 19--98' 27-. -\ FlukoJ .641 21 746 29'»-

FionlHd .7 0 ,, 703 17'^** GnlYI Q ‘73 19■: Ooinw 6a 10 —J QtKk’ S .32 1 0 1 74 tJ '’ *!4 • OltCd a .44 13', .? Hou6 t? 1.710 ’ ’<52 ' bH . • Husky Q .15 • 03 8 ♦

imoOil gl.«a .iJ»a Tsvi


bclnoaday. F ob ruo ry 0 . 19W

ritie s c h a r g e sv c been ,a rra igned on cliarge.'; o f . - by soliciting invoslinents'ln silver

eputy- pr0.swli!or,“ saidT d-ri7~7V r“ ‘ ------Seam ons of Caldwell each face sixtiwiiawK,— — --------------------------------------------lies of uiireglHlereti-securilles and ---------reg ister as .s*x;urltlcs salesm en, he

involvo<i wilh P lo iiw r-A m erican - ig the firm as u "boiler-room ” jmployed half a dozen saIe*people.

fe rs p r o p e r t ie svia Corp., the nutlon’s largestn oil wells. axuiouJiced it Is SMking_________1 giis projHirtles to rediice Its 51.2 lebt.ipcn” to u takeover offer, and thati a l " lo s s fo r- th a -b u f iln e sB .q u a r te r ----------------

etro-bcw is^ald-ifieproposed sa] e - = =is w ouldrepresent o n e^ ju a rtc rto --------------iding those held In partnership,

r e o r g a n iz a t io nA’cdJhem Jiy-V JctoLTechnologlcs-— ---------t petition against th e com puteriw ,____________ • ______ __________In the S3.0M lo 56,000 p rice range, lon th ro r la sry cn rro n ^d p of a $3:3--------------

n 1,350 people la s i yea r, and its.’. , ’ k1 as p resident In Novem ber. The t M onday th a l It expccts to keep

i t r a d in g r u le s> B oard of T rad e Is challenging lu res con trac ts tha l m easu re the certa in types of Industries, iroduced by from an agrecrnenl sn the Securities and Exchange ^ l u r e s T rading Commission. IIsJcnown a s slock indcxiu turcs.---------- --—futures exchange in the nation,

Y, arguing tha t t^e CFTC "has irlsdlction over fu tures co n trac ts- igham. board chairm an,

2 ^ » ^ . . p . r o a .Mil &3'5a 8*70 63 50 63 87 -,51X 5152 « « ,7T»Ju" S m MlO 75M nSS ra:i5 76.ii"7«'il'™ :9o” - : » "^Wov7~»eina B.73J. Prnv'day'# ooftn in?*53.1t5, ^ • TW......................... ____________LEADED OASOUNE

X 1 1 ^ 1 1 ^ S;23 6 % . 7:?? . jl!r • l i n l\:U

61 ,- 1. — V—V —O lt. H Vailin 26 20 1 643 44Vt*Tg if_ i; W«cho> 1.72 6 64 44V.* H

i n . WallJm 1.20 8 ^3S34V J*rt6’4 - I. WtiriL 1*6 13 3 52 31h*lH0 • Vi WanWl 2 46 7 22 20\«31. WollaF 2 ir - : •'•T4-09W- Ha u — WnAiiL - iOB6 *1)a n . WUnion 1 40 10 975 32H

VVoaloE 22 7?Ma29^ ~ * «

s " « wn<llak 1 60 7 797 9

1 = 5 i l - 1 i ' l l : :*V,. <H VVynni 60 10 43 18 —I .gu« H Xoroi *3 ~1Q37M <2H* W5H ZalBCp 1 M 10 6 28'A— U3V1_ 1* ZonllhR 38 1 456 30U- U,

Tunjoa* InslSy 75 1216 3'^■ lSB“ l t - TOni; Cnp: —kolpn--- 5 IC 33:*H I*!*- ^

O'-i. '.1, MCC Hi ■ " 19 312 3 3H -_ 'i___MGM n_a _ 5* *•.<.— 'A?' 7 Marm 'plJ35 33 f ^ in -

Misni J 13 226 22»»- H■O'.. MeaiaG 108 11 361 541»-

F H ’ /*“ ...J 36 I k , .1V.7.', 'U ir*’"'' , PJ lis'fflv?*'**

J j ' NScdO a ” n 1*^7 uS ' 70 ij? ih* ■5,'* PallCp *0 70 13 * 3 0 4 + >

i!'*“ PionHa, i.64 11 100 4314-I’i■ g r s I ! 'S ; R 7 5

jr?—' , ' SecCap .0*B 11 190 10>*—; Solllion 73 lOa 7 — I*

J u * Sunalr ..a ,,2* 18 194 11H* h* 7 \\ Sundfic 4ft4 ,8H— y,9^ . TIE » Jfloisg J i 'w ijj11^7 Tcnr.im 16 391 015 — HI t , - V, T.tlnpli n 52* .*W—?”•» T«:;c3n- ----------- It &S 15

_______ :___ C —}w M___ ->'»- Vi TuBMi a 4 44 H -

H UFoodA .10 59 - h-!H - UFoodD 8 331 Unl>ns 131 U1 _ H VJOIm s 1 7 o rU lV » -H - .•I‘.^- vornit .16 15 999 1 WI 41 WaroO ,12 21 4213 2W * H

'. WrnC wl 210 W - V*’ Win'ld 57 HIH wsior a .» 13 75- 1 HI * % WalSL 9 .*6 3 09 IBH— 'riIW WwfloE _ .441 - 18 7 8rt

1 Ttm oa-N ow s.-Twin Fnlls. Idaho B-3.

Page 12: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

M onth Comrr M ny M alncs Ju n . l iv d c a tt A pr. Uve c a ll M nr. feed er c A pr. live hog5 M nr. w hent Ju J .co rn M nr. s liver Ju n . gold M ar. copper

-M nr. s u g a r

Ju n . T reasu rj

QuoUitions from pro x lm a tc ly 2 p.m te rd e a lc r b ids. Intcrc d o n o t Include retail dow n o r comm quo ta tions o ro provid Jo n e s & Co.

..................................... EM oore F in. G p. 22 In tc rm n G a s 10 Long. F ib e r 26Trus=Jotst------------- 30;C onsd .Food W estern Union

^^POCATELLO ( A ^ - Id.hc'’" ^ 'fru c _ siMfB

' heltofa no quolo:; ioodoi 9lo<hellera no quole; sldugtitcr

-----:— quo(«;l*<K(efl.m()»'no<iuo(e:------------- LhwatockAucHon — Vetisir

a " K S , , g ° r . ; v s s s ! , a

-------- a'Swsl’MuiLlalmacmiK 4«.C0 4«.00: noavy

4soa:bw6o; Oalrv cows no <«.M-4a.23: fotdsi lambs no qu cussss Bioaor. hoary teodsis l


In^ncos2^1ow er;^^eso ib<stsidy lo 7S nigner: eo»s am! •dvanco on b<aakina ana uimi sisera ioad enoico and o'lmoS S S ' S A S f c , ! ?eSlsoSw^;pood ana enon:# OOO-IOM lb 6raaklng ulllilv snd commarciai^ ------In. ia ML fiillnf «nn ryinlnneannsr ano iov> culior 30.00-U 50.

6ne«p: ?00; classos nol eilabll:

----------- POCATELLO—(AP)--------Mah'

r in report Tuasdi al. barley, hard <T3 percent pcoialn), hard i«d

» " S l b ® S ’- » ,»

“^ A tland° -" u .>< (up i|: II

barley — S7.u-Sr.u (aieadr)..-------------PORTLAND. O-o (AP) - C

prjina arfwna Tueaday al Pot— Sala[eotnaM»o.c7ium3

Go'l n^rd"— 'a '* -----Noi2 Easl, 'yollo-T "com No.7 Mon^ ttilt al Ylima

■ l ^ t i r u t h^ redw in tef wtieat_ '____ » PCI O'o'nin- - .

i^B Sri^ j£irr»ortf»fn aprtng am 13,5 pci Btolcin.14 pci piolgin15 pci protein v?

■ CHICAGO )Af>) — -(USDA) ma»hoia FOO stiipBmo Pai<n» US i Ib aacKs: Minnsaota-N Oako a.OO-a,M. Colorado round rndi 9 0 rue* Is V 00, Wasninaton ru WiL, ■.•Tus3ol»«50-9.00

C L A S S. . . . . . . . . ' . P

- ' f g C o r

^ « I O I— ^ J

f e “ *i f

l o


B-4 Tlm osj-N ow s, T«

t t a r k e t s

Prevm m o d lty CTose HIglw s 6.15 6.Kla ttJe G6.175 C7.(K:a tu e ___ 60.70 C7;7(e r c o l t J e 09.10 ©.9£togs • 40:35 46.73I t 3.31Mi 3.34

3.34y< • 3.343 r . 8.81 • 8.80

. 393.30 3W.20e r 64.05 63.90r ......................... 7.35 7.23e a n s 7.2Cy« 7.26' lu ry B ills '9 0 .6 5 90,65 ______ Q u o ta tio n s f ro m S ln c la

m N A SO a t - a p - U tn h Fp.m . A ll b id s In- A lb e r tI c rd e n le r q u o ta tio n s Id a h o ! ta i l • m a rk u p ,- mark^— D art- !im m lss io n . T h es e C .P . NvJded b y E d w a rd D . H o sp . 1

' C m y . IB id A sk F la .C c

22.75 23.25 M ny tn i 10.50 16.875 B a r r y '26.75 27.25 1 s t. S «

*30:50 3 i : s --------M o r r ^27.25 1 s t A m

'32 ,375 G a t e s I

— - E W

dafio ranoe and leeOlol gna7J,',j

'Voera°n°o‘'S'JiiS!"KSTJSf 3 ' “” ’

uZ "u "5Htisy Li«)stocK iuciion *1— “ Ououiio*?MIs"(5i 'c« u'*'s: “ flh* AStlfASrilO locxor ataars M,00-73.10; la«no bflsfi S.SO^.U. Holsletn apr. .»: baby dairy caloas |uote;,ullliiy.conimaicui—MW hollars J7,»«.00; V f T I QM1.00;-SlocJc.nailers . ts Sfiosftono t|uolB

5 ? r ^ i ' - V ' 5 , m n d ’*o''a- o r K

— OmsHa Ll»»^ Pa^lnvtMat BHts'weaK 10 50 lower. GrainCo ai-jssw;-.'!!!' «is.,r

»-U,75. sowg steady. nundroOwe «lb4;.SO-4aoO. CramCo. Irsleera and haitera lully steady lo 1,00 tiigner;

ulirily and comTnereut;P f f lnailers load choice a

.00; enolco 8SO-107S tb I % 'S i f f i S : "cS2 ’E '

_ S ’

“ K ..,Waho -farm- Bureau - •

? . W Ered winter wt'eai (10 Mar Maywn 5): J3.M Istesdyji Jut i; U.30 isteady); U 0« Oct I: lU : 00 (dowr. 100);; U.2i Itteidyj; LA ^

0,«5”“ “- Closinp pncBs lot


___::__11- - ___TO- An _

I l| | | ^ ^ | = N € ^

IDA) Msior potato B y United

'•srson'8 e R o n d o lp t).

T !M E S -i< ? E WS I F I E D A D V E IP H O N E 7 3 3 -O C

e l e V i d e o P< C o m p u t e i

t m p u t e r L o n

___ " " ' " '^ l i b r /

e b-kA^diii <UI I S t W I H I BOOM.

• I ' r i c n d s w i t h t h c f i i

213 E astland Drive, Tv 733-0461

M onday-Friday 9:00 S atu rday 10:00-5

.Tvyln Falls. Idaho W odnosi

Close[Igh U w P.M.5.12 6.06 ' 6,10 7.00 00.40 66.857;70 C6,775 C7.f,Q '3.95 69.10 69.8755.775 46,25 40.475J.34^« 3.31 3.3334y« 3.33^4 3.33ii !.88 - 8,71 8,841.20 397.70 392.401.90 63,30 63.45'.23 ........... 7.04 - 7.05.26V* 7 J8 7.18^4 ,65 90.60 90.C4 d a ir and Co. -________ - - _

h Pow er 23,!ertson 24.:hoPw r. Co. 34.:■t-Kraft------- ------------------- 68.f.N ational is.cp. Corp. Am. 40.1y. Psy . Cent. 28.2Coast Bk. 22.125 -22.3

in g 45,0ry W right 27.2Sec. B ank , 21.375 2l,5ir^Knudsen 2?;5iim B k P B c h 10.00 I0.2is L e a r je t 10,2;

Jt n^o^nerns: 1 ai a 00; tJ m IS 00, t ai t( di: I at IS 00. I al 17 M. 14 nM7 00 and :

allngMdl oti mi> mark *(' at IB OC

II vrtiiles; 9 al }t 00; 3 at 7] 00 ann t a t; ; 00 ratlono'-iBprejBnl ollnilnua ol ropotii illOn°lnc'’VilcoIi aM"n"i" i'>esn tai and_jtotaoo charge 1.

while wtioal 3 00, barloy 3 BO, miiofl gr, doataaso.sndco.nfljj. ll prices are Qiren daily by Ranoon's Otr prices aro an avBtapo ot sn.nral M«( :lnalnr quoialinna otitatnrtn wnnklyOTitir*no3rwiTTnroio<rirTctf-nnrH •O * ' P'|«5«UJ.a.tn..e,Kho,iy._,_ wtillA whoal was guuloJ .il J14 to Iln Home. PiK corn at oto c Owelflnt tot) Mountain Komr 0/ fir

VORK lAPI-Sugjr luluir»» irad-ino o I York CoMne, Suoar and Cocoa Eictiang

00U.1J M.: cents Mflb.

, 'J iS I S i g k f , r s j I l f , .

- J ! ! I I I ; ;s ? , i i ■"aalB< SM^Pff. day> oprn ir?i i lm ' °| (VORLOn>e.:centsper^b. ^

ll s| ri si E: li ii? I?, Ealf» 7.57C Prn» aa,'s oprrn ml 01.005, u

OHK (At>| - F(njl Uow-Joniis-*..-r.,U..j

,*fnn 5?5.93 WI.W.Shl.M » “ ?”.■ 1 09I ------

tJ.jjj'jM4.W,3001.?M.600__________________ ___ J9,W?00

v y G £ F k T r o w =

ed F ^ s s In lem ational

irst child bom in th e White was P resident T hom ns Jef- ; grandson, J a m e s Madison Jh. bom Jun, 17, 1806.

V SE R T I S I N G - D931

W s o n d l

i r s a tn d N o w ! _

- J ln c iJ i i i i^ d c o i i ’ C r s Ujl):i P e rs o n a l ;ornpuii.'; is tuliy equipped 10 m.ont-nll 'Oi,T ;>’jr ? :o n a l. a n d )roli);'.MOfiiil c o m - 'Juler iieocls. w h ilo )((cnng e'^pond.Tbil- y .m d n I j t q o .n p p l t - .iTioTTTi soT i w a r e brnry

.lit> S y s lf in \ Inc.

>M. . ■

f u t u r e , 'I ( ) c l a > :

T w in F a l l s

0 0 - 6 :0 0 ;1-5:00

losdoy, Fotjfuary 8.198-1

— " Chic«DOMorcan|il"EKCtCATTLE -

. 40.000108.icentaperlb. Fni) u n

• Ap

<a> OcP 67 911 • Dtjf. ^^^^0400

! S B S C ' r “ ''

Is— S ” — i -SX ■ SSg

I Nn« DMO^ Cst. tains 1.407. f>r«v. a"4 t’rov day's onon inJ 7.77I %,000lt]3,:ceftlapertb.

Apr 4135I Jun 57 35

i - - t r ............ t i :Dnc SJ M :

. , Prov. sains 11.878.------ ---B o 'S 'S liiS ’" " '” '':

I a , 000ib«.;eefliaperlb.Ma*! I

______!2xtuU>L5£aciunUflJC23.5024.2534.375 f T I ! y 7 n f ? T O 68.50— I H B l i i B f l i l15.C25jn t9<; YORK-{APi -W . M pricos Tuesday;28.25 -Coppor • G9H-70 conl.i u (22.375 m o n i^ ^ o i^ w n " " '’’(5.00 . j f c S K S ' p ' . r . " :27.25 "n • 0 7<88 Metals Wenk i21.50 g3 harma43 dally quote)

Oot3-=-*JS1-M-p(n-trcrmonlh moaocl Mon 10 25 Handy);■" QUOlO)10.25 Silver • U.7M pnr troy

Mercury - j79j'o0-j305 0 York

M j j C T -

a lia 50 ______________________■nd ] at | n r F V | v v F n

. • change ol tho ti"mow"a (?<?jlrr? Eichanoe nsuos, tradino r

Onn Motors : ------------- RinorTST-------V.I-----------1

j(I Qiain Chrysler ' tHousNa Gas I

Oinor FordMal e IMagic Soarsfloeb

AmEKp/<?n5 ' s ___


_ Th■ U s e d , h o a v y* r e s t s . V o ry i

C o m p a n y . So

■ -



n - '

___________V3M. ‘ B uy 1 p a i r o f B

C o n fo c f L o n s c s S

------- — liiofco-oro-lhe-c^oib u l r o r n o v a i r "• F r e e I r io l p c r ic

y o u p o y o n ly fo t IJ • N ew f i t t i n g s o n l

BLUE LAHBluo Lokos M all





M e/A U l B




i T r t n m cxchanrje fuasdjy nricc

Low. Scale C h g ...

» t i n W 87 “ 2? « “ Va<1 M 75 87 M 63 J7 . 57 80,0« 64,15 03 00 04.J0 , JO MaicM.OTolVl’w™ CH

Chicjb, ■0 COM co.to'soa; * 7; whe.

s Mfl7 a r e MM *45 “uV0 8 7.10 0 7 00 0 7 M t ;« oS? j. aalDS V?i3. Mar

TCRf48 75 40 ftS 40 BO - 4 5 S.OOOI 46 / / 40 75 4S.47 ♦ 12 Mar MM WM U »

) 57.50 57 45 37 40 - 40 ' Ma?

— . , - >

1 04 45 a 47 a w 45I m'tO w 'is S '?? 7 o? ■ May ' 8/70 UM S773 - 07 Jul ■ 85 70 65 0 7 tiSTQ. -0 7 SeplJC<.Cll.I.24i_______________eU’*®*

- Spot nonlcrrous molar' M rM:iy ,,u pound, U.S doslinalions F>in<

per pauntl. NY Comiti r.pql t5J

Vkcomposir«IB _____• pounfl, NH Gold . «7fl 75

- " - l aly A Harman lonly dulr

ouncd, NT Come, spot qolO5 00 por 78 Ib tusk. New----ilnmMlic .mcicDuM iir» .,


's F f '

I acnve* Now Vork stock 17^0 nationally al moro itian SILVER

1,897,800 • '.i Mar '"I.SOG.700"' 7'5 ^ Vl Apr

1,7D6. 00 5t« - May--1:fl4?. 00--- MM-i-J'/. -Jut-------

I'oli'ioo '30** T l''' Ma"i :054;T00 M May1,045,500 38' - Jul 9MJ00 Sop

hlEATER S-y d u ty , v troodon fo ld

g o o d c o n d i t io n , bul iu l ta b lo f o r A u d i to r iu r

' T 8 4 S E A t r * 1 2 <WILL DELIVER LOCA

4 2 3 -5 6 7 1 HRISTIAN CHURCH

2 F O R 1B a u sc fi” S L 'om b o r P o r n ­

'S g o f a s o c o n d p a i r

v . .'o iU oc-»4ei>5e*-yoi> -cofv4eo

■iod -• if y o u o r o n o l so l o r f h o v is u o l c x o m ln 'd t io n n ly

IKES CONTACT LE734-6594 Dr. D av id <

S N A K E R I V E R A ULvctry Saluiday 10 A.ft


AtJvorfliomonI: Fob. II


A dvortljomoni’'Fob. 71 W ollAucllonoors .


A d.ortl,»m onl: F«b. M oitorim llh Aucllon Scrvlc

l O N D A Y , F E B R U A R 'L a NORMA nfiowr^, f i le r • FARf

A dvortitomBnlrFeb. 18 M a ilix i t O tborno Aucllon Cc


AdvortltomBnl; Feb. 23 M atto rt A O tborne A uction Ce

T U R D A Y .J E B R U A BMcCu llo u g h , tw in falls . fab

A dvorlliamanl; Fab. 33 M o.iori a O tborne Aocllon Co

O H D A T , F E B B U A R lCAVER e s ta t e ; CASTIEFORO • f.

Advorlitomonl: Fob. JS M a tto x t O iborno A uction Co

^uRUlay on insCtilutia Qoaidol Trado... .rnls hiQiior wiin llio conlract tor c riaich at U U a busnoi; corn was I’-, c

crni higripr wllh Match at J1.71 a In oyooans wr>re 3 Cents to 6V« Conis I <aichalS7 t9V)abuihot.CHICAGO (API - , Futures Iradmg hicago Uoaiuol Trade Tunjday »EAT ■ '» •"

oc 3,40li 3 50 3 3 Uar 3 57 3 58 3,56'» 3 50Prn». Sjii.3 lO.U? Proy day's opon m l: ORN000 bu rtilnlmuffl;OoltarB por bushel j ;r) —.............. 3»-

ar 0«V» ?58'1 3M ’ay 09 001 3 051. 3.00rtc». lalcs a.2 4. Pic. Bay's opon ml 71 MS •'DO bu mtnlmumj MI Im rbm het ly 173 * l 1't3 i '^p I n - j'7ivf, I rei- I


1 j L y ? | J f° ------ 7.77^ T.n -7.73^ ?:n«J . . . 7;7fl'''‘ Jjfl

open HIgti Low.Settle Chg. ruyut.. J o t t s /^ l ^ t i ^ M .^ ^ -


- - f l f f l l l l 418.70 470 00 (tfilTD 419 70 474.60 477.50 474.00 4».40

, ,,, 434 50 434,M 434.00 0».M

t«. sains 73,?Os'^'^*OS»'?^n1nfVM,l ERVeyoi.icenis^firoj^M. ^

................K |f :S... ................ 90 0-9I8 0 -« » 0 -9 t T -

------------- i sU07:0 9M 0 907 0 07 S

1017 7 tO?J 7 1D?I 7 10? 7

v-Migr. Ti.t'iu VrtTTOr^nn»^yTTT7

SEATS> ldlng s o o ts w i th orn^ >uilt by I rw in S o a tln c u m o r S a n c tu a r y

J 0 0 ~CALLY

1 ............................. -

____________ 4 2 3 -5 3 3 ^


1irm o lcn s E x te n d e d W oor

lO tis f ie d w i th t h e l e n s e s ,

-ENSES CLINICd G . V ain lo , O p to m e tr is t


& R Y I 3WACH..BUML .II _______




R Y 2 0ARMMACH.}>Co. . , •

KY 2 4RMMACH. ■(I Co.

I R Y 2 5=a r m a a a c hJ .


B Y 2 7• f a r m m a c h .


I I H EZESZor dotir^ry In ^ ^lor^ot'l’ rlrTm Caiiahan

cS r°" mi™.Its lowrr with Gladstono _

d.ng on the Laal Chg. triaopnnaonlLittle Sriu

• Motropolitan ]U ' ♦ OlSi ONB 3.33»< — 01 t’tincolon3 m % -m S ^3 50Vj - OOU ail*or Mtn< ml 56.914, olt Sunnhlno

W Cold

aT ju 'D o lt AU”

3.00 J 00^ Evo^groon ^mt 701.3.t».,ui)___ Ssjln ,_______ !!!•■"

Midnitu1.71 —,O0U Hoya?' A*po"«I W^t .,01 Hue1.70'. ♦ 00’,-. I'll.or ^ Scat

Yrnka - UnllM9l -Dov.: a " - S S X '

I l f ' - NA4C - 04

.tiii,B<u,up Higher, pricr o o s o n o b lo b lo c k o n c(

■ y o u th o for— _Jo-you-& -BA

F or ft*o, 734.,

!m ~ u

it Us - g f c ________

_ _

^ u r P r i i

134 Whitnwnll S.tw^P105/75R.I3

________ l>19i/75H.)JP205'75R .|4P225/75R-14P225/75R-I5P235/7SR-t5

^ncfy ic e j ^

M astc - - LUBI — ^ A N D - I

M.nsti;rCnrc lubric.itc tlitffi ilf.ilns Ihc old c

. : 5-qu.ins o r qu.'iJiiy , nilcr. A m oric.m Mr;

w clcom c M;i?;i.;fC.it S- ornnnrnds till;; incxp

siTvlcc every 4 .000mii'.l yi-hlclirs ^ Ij


— * MastciWHI

ALIGN]M astctCiifc m ech.ini ;ill iulJiiM;iblL- .-intiU'S Of';; sp c c if i^ tio n r . t and m any Iinpt>r1r. (C If any pari;; .-tro w orr

Sorvlci; M nr.torwlll cf

M asterflUTOM


M ir.terC arc 's a u lom n MTvlcc for rc.ir

. . ._ We ll d rain ‘o ld iluid, ncuf pan [{.Kikcl. clc;ii

----- — i>‘tM-rv»lr,-(lion-funU'M'l

9 0 E

Ame?lcar stores. See your Indi

1SL^ 4 1 0 M A IN AVE

n r i I iif iiiji I0 Spokane Slock“ e'«ch«ns» luos-

UaledSlucks {?.;Did Aaksd

71W ?? M

.r^uaw ■ J’'I "I ” C

' J J "TOM 7100

^Coh ' I ' I

'um;!')----------------- li!* T o o ~

j ' § -

InlIrS 1 J}


r ic e s , / o r o u r p r o d u c f to n ;- < lo p r o f i t . J o in w ilh u s a s c o m m o r c io l BEANS w i th c

a r m o r . A ls o o j i o t i o n w i d etARLEy-S6-net-r^----------------------r f u r t h e r I n fo r m a tio n C a ll rr 4-4081.423-5882, 934-5756,

aR rit ------- —yourself:^ similar

o v e i iiceMalffisTh

n a x 1 2Our original


* 4 5 ’ =--------------------------------- Strr._______________ S L S S . »55/T3^ SSl.95 105/13

J57.95 195/14. J6I.95 205/M

S66.95 215/15$ 6 ? .« 225/15J73.«S 2 3 5 /IS

Icr Carp;e , o ilFIEFER------- IGK

fltcs the car 's chassis, MasicrCd oil nnd Inslnlls up lo MasIcr^i iy o i r a n d .1 nc-w oil to ihc•irs p lus Toyota. Dnt- plugs, a.“iih il.lin m . ikjcKs -arc "am lclc i^1r .• by Flrcsionc rec- d istfibuxpenslvc YCt vnlu.nhlf nir fiilciDO to 7.000 miles for ^

■ ■ 6 c y l

e r C a r elEELJMENT BImicr; .iccurately tc:,el M.isterC•s lo (he rhanufaciur' t.lnglc f. on A rn'erlraii c.irs n w froj(Chcvelter;, toe only) repnck fim and ne ed repl.ic- j'.fcnse j.tira --cha rj{ i.7^ ilH rt tlTcynniconi.ict you lirM hydfjiuU

4 ^ m m hullt c.nT r m extra )

irCarcvimric ]IISSION/ICE SYSnnlic tran sm issio n MnslcrCn: ir w heel drive cars siaos w ith 1, inslall new filler, nior n n d ' ran .ind in spect oil <hecl< nlJ 1 w lih Hulit flnd r e n d - -and'flinrV


>l>ino charge at Fire 91 one tiorea and nonthly payment roQuliod. Alt llnanc

:an Eipross. Prices andc'edll plans ndapondenl Flrettona dealers lor lh< In Ihe Yettow Pages. II ws should eel

"ralncheck" atturing talc

'E . S b U T H " -

SPHINCFtCLO, III IA ^-“ Truck and rail bids <or Drain de*i'<irMl Is wilcago—Ouotatlsna Irom . . USDA- roofojrm B ds tro* Inrminal alevaloia. . nrocoisojs mills mil mnrchanfllsors after l.M p-m-C«n.,al|ir.o.

No 1 VoNow ^toybujns 330^* 333' 'No. 7 yS'ioH Corn 3 70 ? ?ij7%B-PrirminVj'olo.'aior bids



_Tho_cribs. on .p o g o _T. o f_ th o ___S o a rs Fobruory 8 i n s e r t is p ic tu ro d tn c o rrc c lly . Tho p r ic in g and d e s c r ip t io n a r o

- t o r r o c t . ........... — — — T-. -t :W o ro g ro t a n y in c o n v o n l- o n c o th is m ay h o v o c a u s o d o u r v a lu ed c u s to m e rs .

S e a rs , Ro.ebuck & Co. _ _

S ORGANIZATIONe r id e a !rii- C o s t o f-p ro d u c tio n p /u s o - ........□ s F o rm e rs in o n o lio n w id o h a p r ic e gooi of S25 n o t to d e b lo c k on WHEAT of $ 4 n o t

II m o rn in g o r o von ings 5 6 , 366-2164; 532-4349

D o n ’t t a k e o u r w o r d f o r i t C o m p a r e

F i r e s t o n e p r i c e s ~ ^ o f 'f;: w j i h : a n y z t > r a i } ( l i o t . n r : l a r q u a l i t y . W e t h i n k

y o u ’l l

F / r e s t o n e /

h e D i f i e i e n c e !C o i i c o r d

^ A l l S e a s Q n = ----------

RadialsLim ltod S upply

i / t a M jisa'• ' '3 U 6.91

*53.87i- 'I J *55.11i/1 5 $40.40■■''5 • *62.371/lS *64.70


5NITION-TOWE=UPsicrCofc experts Icam .up w ilh the ;lcrM lncT“ computer fo r flnc-tunlng ihc '-'nih" degree Wc' in a to ll 'n e wjs . a d ju s i idle, set Umlng. test b a trcry ________c lcc lrica l syslem . a lu»,lntpect.rotor,- - ........... -

r ib u lo f cap, PCV, Ignition cab le s ond n ite r for m pst cots.

* 2 4 ” ,.c y l . $ 3 1 .9 7 8 c y l . 5 3 8 .9 7


BRAKE SERVICEte rC nre from disc brake overhaul for le p is to n American c.nrs In cludes ;.fro rii d isc pads, ro tnrn,resurfaced. . L

ck fron t w heel benrlnns. Install new I:;e se a ls , Inspcci callpcrs a n d m as-yllndcirJrdd nulil'.Tfc'TieodedTlnspect ------ -jiulie :;ysicm nnd road lest rn r (Rc-

c .ilip c fs and semi m ctalllc p a d s I

* 5 4 ”M asterCareRADIflTOR/

COOLING fSTEM SERVICErC n re ’s rnd ln ior/coo llng -scrvlce w ith n com pIelc flush o f th e rndl- in'd "cob lln^ 'syslem . T hen w c'llniJ b e lts , h o sea nnd w n ie r p o m p ______ ■___n r y c r o n wttn up io”.ij "ijnuo^s o F ’

C A S Hand many Fiieslon*ileatera. Minimum ia n ce charges ielunded whan p«ld as arCnrd ♦ Dtnera Club • Carle Olnnche Ians atiown ate ayallibte al Flreelone r Ihoir prteea and credit plana- Stores I sell oul e l your sira. ws'lt gl.o yoi/a ta ler deltiery at the advertised price.

733 -5 8 1 1

Page 13: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

' i i .. , <'f li L.i I

• - “ 7 - f " 'Chocolate - I s t .! ! flnvoron V alcn tln i “ n Two ch oco la te tj

: m ake nt h o m e a r e . a chocolate V olcnl

- - - i r o s t tn f c a m lp e a n i i •; li Double th e Impx :> I. - cake by topp ing U

-- th e n d c c o ra te it in : . r Or p e rh ap s y o i

h your own confect l| p resen t a gift c

, . S. 1} cocoa<ream chec . C u quickly m bced an<

' I smooth co a tin g ,; f sw irled lltUe " th rc

/ p lus a b it o f sh o t ^ y little chips, m a d e * 1| m d td o w n cp jlck ly

The fun’s in tfte____ J , ,, j Joy^sia th c .g lv ln g ,

J_ tj Valentine t r e a t s su ' ■i f. CHOCOLATE VA

y4CUpCOCOa- ■ y«cupboU lngw a

i ■ ■ ii'cup ’ o r te n ln g:• i 2.CUPS.SMgar____; i J c sg a ; z

' I " 1 teaspoon vaniili i Vi teaspoon sa l t

____ ' ■ J_,, , KnV; ; 1 cup bu tte rm ilk !

- L-— -------l% -cups~mi3ifte<o r2 c u p s c a k e lIo u r

Fudge fro stin g ( r ; . P a s tc lf ro s t in g ( r ; I Grease tw o h ea rl

------> , ' ** uiiJ i tn e - b o tto n i- { ^ flour p a n s -S t l r ^ tc

; • boiling w a te r u n til ii C ream s h o rten in g ; ii m bcerbow l; b lend 1

: 11 salt. S tir b ak in g so(

-Nl' . ■


1 R a s p b e ’f r y - t o

Gro I offc

REXBURG — M a ; indoor p lan ts c a n he■■ ■ seed In the hom o. E ; be 'g row nsuceessfull,

-------------- g r o o n h o u s e o ^ ^ r or Houscplaints whlcH

easily s ta r te d fro m...................ferns, foliage plants

succulents, a n d ev en p lan ts. It ta k e s a lonj a full-size p lan t, b i

• grow ing p la n ts it rew arding. T h e re is

............ a tiv e fu lfiU roen t.lnfull-size p lan t f ro m a

T here .are - s e v e n fern varie ties w hich

! .. . .arching fronds m ade like leAvcs. Trxie It Boston, M aid en h a ir N est, can a lso b e

:________ seed-iike SDorea.Not all fo liage pl

read ily s ta r te d froi ; th e re a re a su rp r i

which can. Sbm e o f tl factory in d u d e th e A flora nnd ...som t Philodendrons.

D izygotheca is tl nam e for th e F a ls e h a s 7 to 9 long s e n connected lo e a c h l e q iJ te elegant lookln

:________ Rrhnll plnnt a n d wfaccT h e tru e A ra lia . kno^ h a s liu^e leav es. lobe>

Two of the e a s ie s t P to .grow from se e d sh.

C h o c

V oSome trea

; A m erica’s - f a v o r i te r — tin e 's Day. 'e trea ts you can easily - ^ i r e those given h e re — entine cxike w ith fudge inu t;fip j!0Q j»nbpn3,-:= : “ ip a c t of this d ioco late ' i t wlih fudge frosting, in "Valentine p ink ."

you 'd like to becom e ec tloncr and proudly L o( bon bons. Theheese centers can be . ___a n d shaped. And th a t ?, plus the expertly a d d b re a d " on top is e asy , m ix

tiortening. The handy prej d e from real peanuts, fo r : cly and easily. insch e making — a n d 'th e " Coon g — w ith chocolately__ Coo^such a s these. _ _ fro s VALENTINE CAIffi fro s

w a t e r ............................in g . ■ ............. vine


ilko rsou rm llk* 3c[ted-all-purpose-flour - — '/»• j u r 1 1} (recipe follows) Mi5 (recipe follows) • low iu l-sh ak ed cake p an s cons jms-wltft-w&x-pnpcri— rre ir '-together-cocoa- an d — com itil smooth; se t aside, m ilk i g and sugar in la rg e cons Id in eggs, vanilla and so d a into b u tterm ilk; Yi

-> JH

t o p p e d c u s t a r d p i c s e t

ywing p ers renM any interesting he sta rted from f

. Even m ore con . u lly lfy o u h a v e a |room .............:____Ich a r e l ^ a l i ^ y >m seed indude in ts. cactus and *Ti rfy i im

HIis a lot of ere- Qf t

. a f "

a d c o IU n y h il l r - .: ferns such a s a i r ™ d Bird's «= sta rted Irom ■

rrom seed, t a lp ris ing nunibcr ^ ^i f t t o m o s t s a f c= A ra lto . Schel- c y d a m cm e ot Uic House

th e scientificB u i ) o e . '

c r ra te d leaflets lc a ( j M k . l t is

t in g ta th a s aacniuUy_gniwn.----- pnrd e n snown a s Fatflia,^ like a hand. P * °^^ see it Philodendrons. M ien sh a re the sam e hortJcuJU

> o d /

o o l a t e

i l e n t hats can be m

d d a lte rn a te ly w ith flour to crc i lx tu re . Add cocoa-water mi: Ifmri thfimughly_ Poiir bn»f»i re p a rc d pans. Bake a t 350 dc j r 30 to 35 m inutes o r until cake is e r te d in ce n te r M m ra out j ^ r r o m ln i i t^ : rerffove from !ool-com pletely ;.liro a t_ w ith - ■osting and.p ipe_edges with ] w t l n g uslngdecorating tube.

• To so u r m ilk: Use 1 table in e g a r p lus m ilk to equal I cup. ** O r u se two 9-lnch layer pans

FU D G E FROSTING ¥i c u p m argarine

3 c ups confectioners’ sugar '/ ic m rm tlk1 tAf>gp/wn i/nnllTnM elt m arg a rin e In saucepan w h ea t. Blend in cocoa, sti )n stan tly , until sm w th . R e

)mpletely.-Add confectioners’ s i l k a n d v anilla; bea t until sprei insistency . M akes about2cups.

PA STEL FROSTING Yi cup shortening

e t s s t a g e f o r r o m a n c e

jlontsv a r i l S L .

^ Allen W ilson

Intermountaing a r d e n i n g

on nam e: Spllt-leaf lendron. Thoy hove large, le a v e s up to a foot o r more

m e le r with deep splits o r )f c ou rsc , the first leaves a re s m a lle r and do not have th e - 1 sp lits . Scientific nam es a re e r a Dellclosa and lendron Selloum.•fflera, also know n-as the " j l la T ree , h a s the scientific

B ra s sa ia ActinophyUa. - It lally becom es a tree-llke with l i ^ ge compound leaves re sem b le unTOrelliu:. k-erlng. p lan ts s ta rted from Include Begonia, Gloxinia, n ■ Violet, E x flcum ,. n e n a n d Im patlens. se p la n t seeds can b e ised from , severa l of the ■ seed catalogs Including

e, P a rk , S tokes and H arris, litlon th e re a r e spedalized gs w ith an even la rg e r ’ on. A few nurseries and n s to re s -a lso -h a n d le Indoor -

J WUsoa teaches Uturv a t RJcks College.


/ f e o i

e f a v c

I n e f l cTiade easily

\ — 2 cu p sco h fec • 2'/4 tab lespoo

Mr teaspoon v ■ 3 to 4 d r o p s r t

C om bine Ing ■' a n d ”creaniy~ ln

ab o u t 1 cup.

■“ PE A N U T -(

M 2 p a c k a g e s c lic c se , softenci 1 tab lesp o o n i

________ 4 cu p su n sJ f leVi c u p cocoa

cream ed i tea sp o o n vai m ixture; l c u p finely cJ

) degrees t e r c h ip s ike teste r 2 tab lespoons ut clean, (n o t m a rg a r in e bm pans: B e a t c re a m < th -Ju d gc— flu ffy - tn - la rp e - th pastel co n fec tio n ers! s e. lo; S t i r in nuts,-

chU l un til f im iblespoon s e v e ra l h o i ^ ot up. 1-lhch ba lls . P la2SL_______ tm Y ^ C h lll^ u n c

(C e n te rs should ! b e fo re coa ting .)

T o coa t, m elt-----------^ ^ a n d sh o rte n in g l

o v e r h o t (no t bt co n s ta n tly to -b l

-------- t e r s in to peanuljan over m o v e w ith fork

s tirring c o a tin g , s lid e fo Remove a n d ta o a few til

SwITCool on to w ax p ap e r, s ’ sugar, p e a n u t b u tte r fn preading d e co ra tio n . ( If ips. - . th ick , re h e a t o \ bon b ons, uncove

cool, d ry p l a « . \

| / ? a s p(X)l U m b u s TOH1oro m a n tic V alen tine atx )u t la s t-m in u te di

M ak e-ah ead d e s s l>ecause th e host oi a n d be a s su re d th a t

■ R asp b e i'iiu s ~woi d e s s e r ts d ue to tl: av a ila b ili ty In froze c u s ta rd p ic w ith li filling, e a s ily mad< m ilk . A raspt>crr

W ^ - r a s p b e r r ie s an d rc w ith c o rn s ta rc h and

--------- - A n o th e r d e s se r t ua lm o n d 'c h e e se c a k e T h ls~ c re a m y r b a k c f la v o r svitfilhiTaddll

----------- tu tJm CTUht and a ir/ / c a n be p re p a re d I

y / j m e lb a to p p ing ad d s F o r th o se who e

d rin k , b e r ry n ' b ra ^mjit cho ice o n V alen tine

■' R A S B E R R Y T ' 1 n ine-inch unbaki

3 e g g s -1 c a n , 14 oz. size, c

1V4 ..caps iro n v a tc ic r 1 te a sp o o n vanilla

EveBy R O B K A SPEf The Baltim ore Su

................. . BA LTIM O R Ea g in g th a t J enj

i n be< »m e m ore flnl; Y ou h e a r lot; a b o u t th is rig h t

— fo lks p re ten d in g . b o th e re d by gettli

“ T h e y sa y thing:■' w h a t I like .” C® . d ec is io n y e a rs a ^ h a v e tim e fo r r® a n Ju n d , I s tick wll

; ~A U of w h i a r s sJ; y e a r s you ch a lk i

m a y b ecom e. Esp•..............y o u p u t ln y o u r m t

W hen you a r e 6 " B ru s s e ls sprout; th e au th o ritie s fo rc e y o u to sw all

2-------------s tu f f .-------------------n B u l w h en you a

a t a d in n e r p a r L sp ro u ts could l)e p

a s f i l le r for poU e- p a s s th e v ege tabe s a y “ W hatg p e rs p e c tiv e .”I So th e o th e r dd p h o n e c a ll te llingr - p ie - th e new kinds d c h o c o la te ch ip , l3Up . . - —w a s r e a d y . -I uni

re a so n s , filled .wl w h y 1 sh o u ld n ’t try

5 “ 1 kjw w w h a tiKigels; An occasi

f f t e ~

o r i t e l

a u q ry at home Iec tibners 'sugar------ 1oonsmlik ■ivanilla . Ired food color In^ed len ls until sm ooth H ‘Imi-'Emall’baw lrM akcs— ■

?-COC(JA BON BONS s (3 oz. each) c ream «xi nm llkled confectioners' su g a r 1vanillachopped nuts (optional).7 pnrlfngol ponniit hilt- M

ns vegetable shortening M le o roU)____________ ; B1 cheese and milk u r it iP ~ K e-m ixer-bow i ^ end-in— B ! sugar, cocoajm d vonib. ■ s ,-lf desired. Cover-and— ■ rm enough lo handle. I o ro v em lght. Shape Into - I ? 'ia c e o n w o x p a p c r- lin ^ " E ncQvercd. 3 to '4 hours. ■ Jd feel dry to the touch ■

■elt peanut butter c lilps ■ g in top of-doublo boUer— ■ boiling) water, s tirrin g ■blend. Dlp ehliled-cen-----MlUt bu tter m ixture; re - ■ rk.’ (To remove excess ■ fork across rim of p an ■ tim es.) Slide from f o r k _ M T, swirling "Ihread” of H from fork across top fo r H f coating becomes too ■ over hot w alcr.) Chill B vered, 1 hour. Store In a ■“ . Yield; about 6 dozen. C

oberrie.io —'■invite couples o v e r fo ne’s Day dinner and d on’t wo dessert preparation,

sse rts a re ideal for e n te r ta in o r hostess can relax a t d in

a t dessert will be a succcss . •o rtr-w cll-in -V alen tine’s- E their vlbranl color a n d U:

zen form. T ry rnsp tx jrry topi Its old-(nshioned eg g c u s t

ide wllh sweetened c o n d e n r ry sauce com bining fro; red curran t Jd ly is th lcke i nd spooned evenly ov er th e p l . using frozen red rosp t)errie : ke-w lth p ench -m elba-topp l ked~cheesecake~ has-a- spcc Jltlonof fln3y chopped a lm o i

before g u ests , a rriv e . P e : Is the final fancy touch, enjoy an o fte rd in n e r c re j

randy cream liqueur i s . a f; ne’s Day.TOPPED CUSTARD P IEiked pastry shell

, condensed milk____________

la extract

en finicSRSun

2 — One aspcct of ;nJoy Is the right lo ' nlcky.ols of euphemisms 111, especially fromig . th a t- lh c y -a rc n ’t------------ting older.Igs like “ Now 1 know "

Or, " I m ade that“ S” " looklnewfangled fooling

vlth what works." _ _ y e a r Tieons Ihal lhe m ore w e re < up. the pickier you ^ :speclally about w hat n ew fmouth., ..................... t io n . '! 6 y ears old and say g y uts make me sick,” ’, s will nonetheless illow a forkful of the h e rs^----------------------------------------a re 36 and suggest, h a d b

a r ty ,’ lh a l-b n issc ls th e lo put lo their best use Bul

jtholes, people -will— w as” able dsew hcre and Shopj

an interesting ' sh e b a g e l

day when I got a She ig m e I siwuld sam - a b o u l ds of bagels'— like th e cl jlucberry, onion — I c in n a mlcashed a pile of ., s u p rc wllh finlcklness, of s p i c e ry th em : I r eat I -likq’. - plain Anc islonal rmsln bagel s lttin i

C a k e s o r c a n d ie s , c h o c

IS add cfo r a V4 leaspoonsalt

w orry 1 pockage, 10 oz.thawed, reservi:

lin in g V* cup red c u r ra n t l in n e r .5 teaspoons co rn s

P reheat oven to 42 • D ay minutes; cool s l i ^ l th e ir bowl, beat eggs; ad

opped w ater,, vanilla and is ta rd pastry shell. B ake : en sed tem perature to 350 d rozen 30 mlnules o r un til i kened co m eso u td ean . Me p ie . combine reserv ed

i e s Is cornstarch. Mix u n t >plng,— until-jolly-m dtsjm d x x ia l—T n in u lc s rs lir - in -n u iiorias ^ e . CfiUl thoroughlyn g rlt------------------ ALMONl>each WTTHPEAC

V4 cup m argarine , I r e a m 1 cup g raham crac I fine ^ cup slivered a im

Vi cup sugar 2 packages, 8 o z .e 1 can, 14 oz. size, c 1 tablespoon flou r 3-eggs

------- —~»/1rcxipaniaret to4iqP rea l oven to 300

O ne of the

cky ea t...Wh(in you a n brussels sp ro u

b e s t , u s £ _ a ^ c L l i J will pass th e vc

---- say ‘W hat a n ir

w jind then, when no or )k ing . Bul mostly plain.“I m a d e m y mind up about b; ars.afjo._W licn.baccls_nnd_b ; r e n 't relylngon razzam atazz \ n d " I don 't l« thcr w ith all ( w fan g led flavors, 1 stick to In .-’—- ........................... ..........3 u t th e caller, Blnnie B rauns is persuasive. She.spoke we : p la in bagd, and desci rs e lf n s a bagel purist. Vioreover she said tha t a t f irs d b een rductan t.tocrpss.oyer ! la n d of ijlzarre bagels.3u t sh e said that one d ay whci a m ak ing a -s ld p -a t-tlie - 'B >ppe and she fd t a l ittle dai 3 b o u ^ l an apple clnnn 5c l.^ e lik ed Jl, and then g rew cui Ju t th e o lher foreign bagels.: chocolo te chip bagd , th e a n a m o n . the onion bagel. E ve i )re m e , a bagd that h a s r CCS th a n most grocery s to res , r e a l ly .should try them, s h e st m d so a few days la te r , I i n c w ith Ms. Braunsteln, d

' " S u p e r m a r l ^

■ ’ D e a r A b b y

_______* .ClassifiGci i

lo c o la te p ro v id e s a p rin

color tctoz. size, frozen red raspberri rv ing?^ cup of syrup in t jd ly m sta rch9 425 degrees. Bake p a s try she l ^ t l y . Meanwhile, In a m edi odd sweetened condensed m:

md sa lt. Pour Into a prepaj <e fo r 10 minutes. R educe o> 50 degrees; continue b aldng 2i til knife in ^ r te d nea r th e cen Meanwhile, in a sm alt sa u c e p ed rasberry syrup, J d ly i until well tjlended. Cook a n d j md-mlxturcihlckcna-CooLUoi

H y .lle ff lg e ra te leftovers.3ND€HEE3SEeAKE-------------ACH MELBA TO PPIN G le, m d ted T ack e r crum bs . ilm onds, finely choppe< L ___

z. each, cream checise, softenc e, condensed milk )ur .........................

-iiquetir------------------------- --no degrees. In a m edium bo\

he rights o f agin

te r lik ei r e 3 6 a n d s u g g e s t

3 u t s c o u l d b e p u t t

f U I e r J o i L f i Q t h L Q l e s . . v e g e t a b l e e l s e w h e

• i n t e r e s t i n g p e r s p <

one Is .sometlilng a ^ y 0 supposed to have

:t bagels w as con trad ic ting d_banksj— n a r i ic r ,- lh c -v c “ 2- b a g d studded wll Ul those h ad s ta r te d m e « to Irad i- p)e ru in ing bagd*------------w ith -flavors. Theunsteln, try ing to ru in pope

I ra iled ab o u t * sscribed u jg chocolate „ . ^ " a lla c k s on Ilrst she ^ rcak fa s t focxl.” Y c rln B ^ B u t a f te r T ia sle

b a g d , I w as daU ■hM she ai)oyt how pleasai f -B a g d w ake up lo th is sw d aring , m orning .” innm on ....sun ila riy , rhy

p rop rie ty of e a li cu rious 'changed .Is. L ike I h ad once bell e ap p le caslonal fo ray Into v en the bagels w as p e rm s m ore m odora lion - Say

e v e ry two m onths. BM id. I t broke th e ro

I w as y6ii a p p rec ia te th . * 3 ^ 8 tlonal bagels.

Wocinoadny, February a, 10£

' k e t S h o p p e r C 3

i y . . C 4 . _ ^ . ________

I a d v G r t i s i n g C 4 - 8

im a ry i n s r e d l c n t f o r th

o easy <com bine m a rg a r ii

rries, su g a r; m ix well.■Pr sp rln g fo rm p a n . li checse u n til fluffy. C and f lo u r; t>eat unti

hell 8 mbc w ell. P o u r into dium m inu tes o r u n til ca: milk, touched. C^ool to n m red m ove s id e o f p a r oven • lopping. R efrigeraU 25 lo . . P e a c h M d b a Toj

en te r d ra in ed fro m 1 tc jp a n ,-- frozen re d ra sb e r r i

and b ine re s e rv e d sy rup d s tir tab lesp o o n c o m s ta i !otjQ— th lckoncd nn d -g lo sover----- D raln - l - l ( ? ^ u n c c CT

p each s lic e s a n d sa t----------------------- ------- ^ B E R f

CRE1 c a n , 14 0Z. s iz e , '

V/z cu p s b ra n d y__________U p a c k a g e , 10 oz.-;

s t r a w t je n ie s in ned " 4 e g g s (u se G rade

4-5 d ro p s r e d food c< In a b le n d e r con

blend u n til' sm oo th— -------S to r r - tig h tb r-c o v e t•owl. m onth. S t ir b e fo re s«

ng '

;s n e w IBul

c in a rs t . . . t h a t v ised

t o t h e i r

► ..p .e o p ie ___ It.wa;l e r e a n d ^ a y s

j e c t i v e . ’ ---------------^tort*___________________ th e I

nnm c/ over tlie age of 30 Is battle ve stopped doing. I D uj ig m y sd f . tjagclvery -m cQ U o n -o f-a__ a c r «vlth chocolate ch ip s apple ran ting about "peo - a irh e d s by dousing th e m looks tie sam e people a r e -T h t pco m ." lik e I. ‘‘a ttem pts to Ju m p v ege t :e bandwagon” a n d w asn

the trad itio n a l T ht b age l

i l ^ a cnocoiale cKJp lo v e r ated. I was p u r r in g th e seHUit it.would be *‘10__u p . _nveet Surprise e v e ry ^ m i

d is ta ly thoughts on th o . M s, lling raisin b a g e ls ex p e r

ro m aellevcd tha t, a n oc- pub lk Ito the world o f d a rk ^She m lssible If done in h a v e r ly one excu rsio n th e y s . ■ w r itirroutine. And m a d e p a r t s th e value of trad i- flndiii

F - ; C .:

■■ '


_____ LI'

- I _____

th e s e V a le n tin e c r e a t i o n s 1.

dessert [larine, crumbs, a lnH )nd3~ and— • j .■press firmly on bottom o f 9-inch . .1. In a large m ixer bow l, beat fy. Gradually add condtinsed m ilk un til smooth. Add e g g s , liqfueur; : in to prepared pan. B ak e SO to 55 [1 cake springs back w h en lightly -r-. •0 room tem perature. C hill. Re- 1 p an . Serve wllh p e a c h m d b a [ ira te leftovers. | Topping: Reserve % c u p syrup . 1

1 ten-ounce package of thaw ed - c rr ie s . In small sa u c e p a n , com-Tup, l- ic u p rc d c u rra n lJe U y a n d l j,s ta rch . Cook and s tlrjm tU sligh tly _ I g lo s s y . . .C o n l . .S t l r J n j f l^ '^ r r iw . ._ : - : - . .p G'cam3each'sltces;~t0p'c0ke'w lth-^ ** .r’ Isauce.jJRRY'N ^^RjW DY------------ -------------- -----------M IAM UQUEUR, 1; ]•z e . condensed milk

• • !•O2_ sizcriro ieared r a s p b e r r ie s or t : ------- tts in syrup, thawed. '■•ad e A d e a n ,u n c ra c k e d eg g s ) *: '>d coloring, optional ?,container, combine in g red ien ts ; w th . Serve'over ic e ' if dwirea:^ i~ ~jv e re d - in - fe f r^ g e ra io r -u p - to - l----- ----------pre se rv in g Makes ab o u l S'/ i cups. j.

bagelsB u t as I gnawed a w ay a l a

n am m o n and ra isin b a g d , I re- Ised my thinking I needed this . | cotlc bag d , once, m a y lje tw ice a . ! eek . One I gol the ta s te fo r raisins, , ,

ays in ter on my w ay w o rk I found ^lyself taking a d e to u r to another o re Uial selis-newfangltKi l>agd3,— - - le B a g d Place. I n eed ed a cln- • ; im on rasin bagel b e fo re I could do '<i l t le with nouns and v e rb s .D uring Uie R elstersto sv n _ ro ad _________ig e i feast, Ms. B rau n ste ln and Ixrced lhnt.lhe.bltwbcrry_bnEd and________ _ip le cinnamon bagel w ero tho rh ead bagels. They w ere s tro n g on ,ok s bul short on substance .T h e com bagol ta s te d suspicious, r<e It might b« good for m e. The '■jgebagel. which sounded terrible, a sn ’l available. _ _ _T h e spicy sup rem e ' a n d onion jge ls , we decided, could b e food forvcrsr<}tEnTelinglovers.-Eat-oneof---------—rese bagels, offer to k iss a n d make)._ n n d _ w n lch th e _ y o u r lover. ___•im ace a s he gets w ith in sm elllhg s tan ce of your breath.M s. B ruanstdn is so m e th in g of an 1rpert on lovers. S he w rites im ances and ‘ she g e ts them iblished in m agazines. . !S h e said lhal a lthougli bag d s iven ’t figured In-any of h e r plots, ey p la y ^ a m ajo r ro le in her - r iting. One of the m o s t difficult i r ts of her wortc, sh e sa id , was id ih g sympathetic so u ls who are

• S ee BAGELS o o P a g e 02

,1084 Tlmo3-Now3, T w in Falla, Idaho .

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i C ' • 1 -

m u ff iuirlikii

B yB E V B E N N E T T , , TheCJilaigoStm-'nmes

U ntil n n iu re o r scie r e a lly sm all egg, abou th u m b , it w ill be vei

.m ak e ooe m uffin. I t 's t ■ '~ :is a Iry lngcjfpertcnce;-

I o n c c thought a quaJ .. Is tb e su itab le size, woul

■ ■dlffereDCe.'. b u l ;_lhe._.e r ich ly flavored egg didn b a tte r .

' : ------ Tfien I 'd e c id e d Uu" b a t te r for s ix muffins

egg . ji_baltec_JoL-one_ r e q u ire ODC-sixth of an e - T b e p ro jec t w as mon

' It was_worth._especlaIl n e v e r lim it m yself to oc

' ■ F in a lly I developed m a k e s six to aloe mu

..........sm a ll . a b a tch a s .so a' tw o-person households

b u t b e t te r th an a dozen.T t e advan tage of m:

tb e y tr^ e z B 'w e llrP re c ti p re fe ra b le lo keeping k itch en a few days bee

------— stale-fastrT^s-BOWi-asth. tb e m uffin s In heavy-di

__ 1 _ . T b e re 'a .n o .n e e d to- ’ : m a k e -a n e n tre e for oi

s a v o ry dish of broccoli, a n d .s h ln x d e g ^ , .m a d e

— r - ligh t s ^ q w r , and prov ■ w a rm m uffins.

E G G AND BROCO— — R C & E --------------------------

1 c u p broccoli Oorets — - — -Z c u p g sa lted w ate r —

1 tabJe^Joon bu tter ^ tab lespoon flour

Vi c tq ) g ro ted Cheddar P in c h cayenne peK>er

: S a lt a n d p epper to tast< 2 e g g sT r im broccoli florets

1', p iece s , about 1 Inch each to bo iling. A dd broccol c o o k s to 10 m inutes.

M eanw hile, m e lt bull , sa u c e p a n . Add flour aoc

m a k e a fro thy znlxture.. . g rnrtiuitly wh>»iHngrr»«>

C heese. S tirring constant ' senson lngs to taste . Wl;

m ove from b e a t so m b- bum.

... W hen broccoli Is done . _ f lo re ts , into a m - to l

- m a k in g an even layer. •• cheese sauce. B reak eg . top . C o v e r w ith greased fc

P la c e In p reheated , 400- a n d b a k e 20 m inutes. Ren s e rv e t o l .

JA U M U F F IN S .B u tte rMT ctipnour • ________

• ^ ic i^ c o r m e a l — ; —;— 2 teaspoods bak in g pow<— :— V ^.tea^ooosa lt_______

2 ta b le ^ )00n ssu g a r - , l e g g . b e a ^

o n e^ h ird cup m ilk. .___ ;2 tab lespoons m elted b a

2 ' rounded tahlespoo • m a n n a la d e , c^tional

G rease 7 to 9 muffin ; b u t te r azid se t a ^ d e . In <

------- to g e tt e : — flotu '. im u me- — p o w d e rrsa lt and su g ar .-SO

C o i^ in e e g ^ m ilk and te r ; s t ir r in g well. Pour e in to f io u r m ix tu re and : m o isten Ingredients. D

- Spoon a rounded talslesi in to 7 to 9 c u p s (tb en u m b e tb e rec lp e^y ie ld s depenc de fin ition o( rounded I

- h o w ev e r the m uffin ciq> sh . f illed m o re than two-thirds .b ak in g ) . T h ra odd am a n n a la d e on top of b a tto w ith rem ain ing t»U er.

Bake in p reheated. 3S0<> fo r 20 to 25-minutes, Ma

- m uffins.Note: If you p re fe r y o u r ,

----- of-the-muffin-instead-of-tnafill 6 g rea sed muffin tins, e m a rm a la d e or o ther flat a f t o th e m uffins a re done.

• C ootinued f n n Pas w illing to read th e rough b e r rom anU c stories.

So wt>en she found a set w ho r e a d h e r wt?rk. she ! w a rd in g them wiUi bagris. tra v e ls o u t to th e B altim or o f O den toD .aod Columbl boiAes o f these friends, s t h a s a b a g of fresh b agds.

Thf> fr iends s t e s a k L h a v e becom e good critje

___ w rltlng jL telling h » .w te n ;ti> go lo to m ore detail aboU b e ro o o d heroloe k«ok lil th e y h a v e alao b e o z a c - a t bage ls . T b e c ritics ccrtgat B a ltim o re baee is “ o th a n tb e ones l<xa3 C c^ O denlon.

We ta lk e d and b tg r is J a n h o u r. Afler thxl we \n

b a g of b age ls Ujt Q k r ja r l few c innam on azrj k o ia te ch ips, uad i jiiiia tb e m hom e.b e llv e r la plAia rt r y tb e choccilaa* ctiS/

C -2T Im os-N ow 3 . Twin

le ' ~ Ei n ....P:e ly ^nes

icJence c re a te s about Uie size of a I . | P Bveiy d ifficu lt to•s been tr ie d , ande;--------------------------{uail’s egg, w hich I . iw ld m ake a l l the >;.expenslve/ai>d_ lid n 'ten h a iw eth e

lh a l~ b£eause a ~ins requ ired onene muffin wouldm egg. .. ..acre trouble thanlally s l ^ _ l_ c a n _ | | | [ ^} only one f resh ly 9 9

ed a rec ipe tha t muffins i n o t as som e.Single-, o r. ds would p refe r,>n.

muffins is Uiatagring Tntrfffrgt-la—ng them in the twcause th ey get9-Uwy-coolrwrsp— S ^ — y-duty foU. label

to split eggs_ to ____r 009 p e rso n .-A - — oil, ch eese .sau ce_Ide wlUi J i^ .tv r t) l ^ g r luntforone. —

rovlde p len ty of— V f l


ts ^ ^ * * 1

larch eese • ^>er Ik ^oste - V p

rets into sm all \ \ \ach. B ring w a te r «oU, cover and

Mitter In sm all and s tir w ell to ire. SUr in m ilk « s ta n U y .S lir in _ . . . / anUy. T hen add , When done re - P

m ixture doesn ’t

lone, d ra in . F it0 . l^ -cu p ..d Ish ,_ a L . . e r. Cover wlUieggs ov er the

dfoU.400-degree oven g Remove foil a nd

________________ ______

________________ I *4.Ibutter ■ * _ P |pooos o n m g e | 0 |

(fin cups w ith . ? A _ In a bowl, m ix ^ 1 1 1 u n e a l'~ b a k ln g ~ ' ^ —W J.-SUrweU.-----------md m elted bu t- u- egg m ix tu re id s tir Ju st to

Don’t b e a t lespooQ b a t te r g M ib t f of m uffin s l ^ . l ends oo y o u r1 tab leqxion; I: J > sbould not t>e[rds fun b e fo re f c l —

a te a q w o o ■ -itter and c o v e r ■' ,

10-degree oven Makes 7 to 9 ::


xir Jam oo to p ,- in s ld e -itrjta t— ; - W i f s, ^ u se tb e jon«t iflavored Ja m' : ch<

' _ Moxioc

p « g » c i2gh d ra fts o f r

s e to f f r te id sbe began.re- ..................5ls.W bensbeDoresi^Kirbs ncnbla to t b e . _ I J . she u su a lly

Id^Dot only _ V ito I

ea zhe n e e ^ ^300t w tiilU ie

like - but< 3H k3c< tbe_ . ____ -lead Uiat tbe ' \

lll» !■** ^ A^icsbtaaod

'^ l a r a b g u t . K i S iB in(h look a ‘

a d S k got a . " ^ 51. «ooedioc- A " T ji ia .S » tU w k ^ 1 5 Xber, « firm M

ntaaffi to lG3d,

«ln Falls, Id a h o W o dnosda)

ftGamiJ e c

W W ’( C - ^ - - F r o s h

S h a n k I

^ \ C hinB

G ^ H o r i c ,

S n a p p e r

J u f t e i f i s h .HI V C t P r ^ F r o s h . lO o i P j - w l W l w - W o s T o r n - M o

K 'ilti)!!!

h o p p e d H a m

j n e h - M e a t ----------------> tlM . l3 o z .3 V o r l» t lo t ..............

f i e e s e:iorollo A lb s r tto n t. B o i. Dali. . . .

m e r i c o n X h e e s ti«ric Pro<«<* C h e e io Food. 12 o i . .

r e a m C h e e s e• f l* « ,S o M S p r* o d ,8 o i ..................

Dog Biscuitsa B o n e O Q C5 i 7 5 « v r T < > T r 0 a ~

SugarB i S ] S w o o t ’N to w ^ ^ 0



clay. Fob rua ry 8 .1964 .

I ...........................


le Hense o n 2 0 o z . i

ly-IK I M il l J/V h o l H .Q 9

h *-------—ilcHaif- ......

1 ^ 1j p e d J H e a t -: . .4 .v a r .r t ------Scnork 4 mJfor I

j n e r s

5 " ^

r F i l l e t s_ -Froth—-------


jh F lllo f-.-.-— ~ l b . -----J m

S A V *

•Mod; — r r . — ^ i - e a

BaconG o n o ric


--------- S A V E . $ - « ---------, 1 o a .

» A V « 5 H J

. . y : . ^ 1 eg .

Soy Sa

9C Kikoman“ ~ f d ~ 5 i : 'S A V t e f o

Cookies\ KooblOr

OqIuxo 9.12V , 03

^ ^ -1 2 9udgo G ra h o m s . ■ ■ tr ip s . S tick s . I


j B y H w h o h

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f j t i i i l r


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Swiss Ctiid 'a c h c V o llo )

1 - SaladI M a c a r o n i .

Meister E24/J2 0 I . c.

~ ~ ” S A V E a ia .

auce, J

Cookies,f G ra n d m a 's . 16 o z

Big S n ack . 6 yarioti<

l ia le

HamsDne Half Smokeid Sh *alis Brand -

m j i

: ^ a g e^ .......F a rm la n d ..............^ _ _ I 2 o z .

aBu rf ifo s

^ L u n c h— \ — \ \ Louis R ich-----

\ T u rk e y V a r le j | i l | i L ' ' P a k . 12 o z .

m - . ;

$ > B B p e (

heeselo y ........................... ? : . . i


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s n cta M- 2P

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I Dog Food^ A tto Boy 0493. S A V i 2 6 ‘ . . . U

I Q u ak erO*- 100% Nofuijf io s .


i SD om o '-.'-if•

. .S a tu rd a y J - l . .

_______Lea.^■ flo -Jo o r» --------- ----- !—

m ill M e a t I I■ ,_Zea.

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id Chlli with^^9 H o r m o l R o g . o r I

I S o z . S A V E r o

i r C e r e a lj fu ro l. R og . e n d w ith RaW/

| H B ~ F i r e s I d e S

BisF*r W i

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n ..... ... ...... '

-> 48 c t . M odi. ■ m V 32 c t . Largo r J 64 c t . S m all



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Sg iM|Bwa Gic

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larmel Ringsl a t o d .S A V E 9 9 * .................

lard Rollsrackod W h o o t. S A V E $ 1 .«

leart Cakenglo Loyor; S A V E 9 9 * . . .

lupcakeshito a n d C h o c o lo to Icod . .

alentlne Cak&i r C a k o . S A V E $ 1 . 9 9


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sm s & D o to s . ■ ' r ‘ ^

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P e r s h in gG lo i o d -----_ < | * j r ” ”

® L f c 5 ; = =B n ch B r e a d -o u rd o u g h1 6 o z . _ J ____________

for 1

' .................*1


:e___^ X l i z9 9 ............................... --------------------------

D e te r g e n t !a Sunlight Liquid

'■ ’' ’ ^ f r o i r r s ' o m s B i r - ~ : r “

Mowntain O ly m p u s

jring W ater

" 79V

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f p f i S^ Alborl

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m ^ p B i o . s o


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F n i i t Ju icW o lch o 's O rc h a rd Hi

Armour BlO - i r / a o z .. 4 v a rIo ti

_ . ._ D*«l Burgundy, sirloin Tl

O’Brien FO r o . |d a . 24 o r . S A V

Washing | / Powder ^

Coneonlroled All -•- : 4»ox. *

aS 'O ffM ibA l «

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S r f ^j o r l s o n ^ ^ J ^ A lnoitsi

m mDWP-^?r t s Q n s - C h i‘c t c e n ^ o

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SDeteipnl/ Uary Liquid.

, \ 32ox.TwlnPak

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laby Food ,

o m a to e s ,, o t L . « ,1 6 o x . i

! E 3 i ' . ‘r -

a y ya«y; ;- f >

a a a“ 1 Ic e C re a iA G o n o r ic , Vj g o l .

S Fried ChiS w a n s o n 3 2 oz:

- W =i-

I Meat Pie;K itchon T rea t 3 varlo tio* . m

^ i O o z . ■ M

p Hi inrflinners-a T io tlo s .'S A V i « ■ ” ■'. . . Comb., Turkey.

i c e « v . . , r

i H a rv o s t B tond 12 o z . . . .

Dinners—lo tto s . S A V I 2 9 * ..............n TIpt, Tarlykl, Sw«o) ASour Pori

PotatoesH V I 1 9 * ................ ...............

/Tbnd Imitt I v i t t l c ^ V f l l

M F o o d w . i t:PurnloTender IVIIlloi.24ai. ■3 vofl«tlct. " _____

for^ -

2 0 7 ^2 J r ^


l i c k a n - j i B•- Fdborg.

_ O T . ^ L l ; | g

iTeml Deod

BS inli?

' $ - | ” r ^I M t

° $|JI

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LoeteH ^ O ^ O f f L a l

I B 8 4 oz.


7 W hoio'

^ CannedlYyK"" Alborfso

SA V Em '°:-rl i f e r I n n g s . ” . " / . ?

i||i*755i-t"ili57 24 oir'ij p * A V « a 7

iLSpiayfe.’i-Viv;ampoo-SrConditioirgeOrgonlc. 1So>. lA V I 39* . Oily. Dry & X-Body Shompoo t X-Oody CondiHonnV . . , . , , , , , .


p Ki F ru it Juit i y F ivo AHvo Chil


n i r f Alb.riroriirSAV* I7--,U I I lOFIovort.So:.................

it Drinks ;r.;;


_________ J

i i e■ f ^ r - - ■ ^Copyright i_903 \

Mlp n t ii b e l — --------------ilFbrrhs


iaITissue—ico 'N SoF» ^

» A v i J ~ V /

f t i kso n s . 13 ox. t \

Z(or I


Q m ntil P a s t eO ^ p , 4 . 6 o z .

.ln<ludos30 'O H $ 1M I * - ......... ............ 1

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3 by Alb8fison*8,Tr»c:'Air,Rish

r i

__ U ntrim

rnmrned 2 IT 8 9 -

I--- _ ^ H | | r a H

l e ^D ' A n j o u .

I F r e s h . .

roufcI F r e s h B e a n s

k m zzt g l ;Foliage

^ ^|Valentm

Sl FTlw

S-SiiiiiIglMs nbsorvcet-. ' - •.:

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s t t u c e ^l e r S t y l e ________________m m e d " ~ ~

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i i c a u l i i..■'...TT^^jP . ..S n o w

j j p Q l b ;

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"PineaptF % r O***' Zfoi


F lo w e r in g 15 in c h o s _______ ^

I P l a n t s id e c o r a t e d ...................

. ^ W A I L A B^acti 61 IMcsc

—avaiiacio iQrrnic- ;.. .— (lie advcfliscd pi

- Albertson's store , spccilically noted

■ J i s s a a RA IN CHWc strive lo til

mcrch.mdisc ^ I

CHECK Wll cnstiiinoTDu lo b al liic aavcrtisc

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:------- ----------------------------- proc' • ; . ■ • easl

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o r I o”,„• . D res■'v.:'^ - : . Cii

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Tulips s• ■ fflen

form ■ WI$Q00 ris

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B IL IT Y is no I:5C .KlvcriisccJ a i , IW riJttrbcTcadity- ------ -------HE]

“S ? : „ “L 5)re. e«CBl as coupocd in tins .1(1 form;HECK H ershhave on liana COUpo.

(Ol advertised, H ershIJ lor any rc.l- COUDQ:i al 5I0CK, a : .^ , 1 ,will l>c issued K R3 buy the item •••.••'' — Scnd Ised firice ar. . nroof?r;

. h a if -0 'M- Dlnne


W ocinooday . Fob rua ry 8.1984

'Instant' '\ coupon will lastIly MARTIN SIX)ANU nited Fe;iturcS}'ndlc.itc ■

D ear M artin: I purcjiased a Ja r of ',IHianut l)utlcr and didn 't nolice Uiat 'atlacliwJ lo Uio back w a s 'a 15-cent '; coupon UkiI batl printed on it Ihc word.s “ Use Now."

___ 1 found Uie (Mupon when I unpacked jm y groceries und put 11 in m y coupon ' ;w allet to U.SC a t a future date . Three rw eeks Inter I-decided 'tp use it, but 'when 1 handed the peanut b u tte r .and ; Uie coupon to the ea r lie r , she sa id she

-c o u ld n 't accept It becauso-it didn’t |co rneo ffU ie ja rlw asb u y ln g . W asshe ,rljUit? I

------------- Pnt-R asorrC haJm cttcrtJr------------i"D ea r P a t: No, slio was not c orrcct. i

On a typical "use now” coupon therea r c .n o p rin ted -in struc tions o r re- ; Htrlctions to support tho cash ie r 's position Uiat th ec3 \n » n m ust be uscd- - - w h o n ' the product to w hich It is a ttached is purchased.

S u p e r m a r k e t

S h o p p e r

-• ■ An InstS it "use now” coupon c i ) be ~ -u s o d - ni - t h g - t ime the prod u c t is' ‘ '

purchased o r a t any tim e the rea fte r- until J l expires,-If there is an cxplra- - - tlon d a te .. ...............^D eacM artin:.If.a.rcfund.offer.as.ks__ .

- f o r —register—ta p e s - th a t—e x c e e d -a —"tfp ec ifie -to tn l-va iuerdo 'youcalcu la te ------th g -to ta i-acro w- -u r u fti-r m e-conpons— - n r e d « lu c tcd ?~ = P riscilla Jackson,

College P ark . Ga.— D ear-P rlsd lla t-T hfr-value-o f-yo tir-----

purchases should be based on the -p rices-you -are -be ing charged before

anv coupons a re deducted.D ciir M artin: When sav ing sm all

n prw f s-o fp u ren n ia , lutg-qufli lty B c m " T ’from the plastic w rappers on paper products, I have found tha t keeping them in envelopes Is 'n o t very effi­c ient.

Instead, I use a s tandard three-ring .. notebook and attach these sm all pro­ofs o fpu rchase to notebook p a p c r^ L h a g lue slick o r staple. I use a sep a ra te p ag e for each product. This system h as w orked out v ery well, and ^ e n I find a new refund form l^ s ca sy to locatc. th« p pyifc nt T pfMHl— F ran ces Lelldh, B altim ore, Md.

D ea r F raoces: Thanks fo r anexcellen t Up. Sm all proofs, especially those from piasUc botUes o r w rap­p e rs , have always been a problem :E ven the stray net weights and Uni­v ersa l Product Codes p resen t dif­ficulties when you have a lready used a ll th e oUier proofs of purchase from - th e ir packages.

W hen 1 sta rted refunding I tr ied to keep sm all proofs of purchase in tbe sam e cartons w ith all the com plete boxes I had folded flat. They Ju s t g o l 'lo.st nt the bottom of Uic cartons. N ext.___I-tr ie d -se p a ra te -e n v e lo p e s - fo r -Q ie ......sm a ll p roofsof pu rchase in e a c h o f th e-----12 product categories In which I file m y proofs. T ha t w as also a p roblem . I w as forever fum bling th r o u ^ cartons and envelopes.

T h en .-a t- o n e-o f- th e -f lrs t re fund —txinven tlon3-i-attendcd,~I~m ct u n.*------rFunder who used a system s im ila r to /ou rs . I have used 11 successfully e v e r ; 5 lnce._^ ,_I_ce^ln ly_feel v e iy confi- len t In recom m ending your notebook " )roo^o^pu^chas^rBystennl5■one■orlK T ;aslest ways to o rganize sm qil p roofs : if pu rchase. • '

C L IP ‘N 'F IL E REFUNDS (W eek of Feb. 5)

easonings, Sauces, Sugar, Salad iresslng{F lieN o.5)Clip out this file and keep it w ith

im lla r cash-off coupons — beverage efund offers with beverage coupons,3r exam ple. S la rt collecting the ^ e d proofs of purchase while look- lg for the required form s a t the uperm arket, in new spapers and . lagazlncs, and when trad ing with ‘lends. Offers m ay not be availab lev-all-areas of-thc-country.-AUow.>10-------'eeks to receive each refund.T h is offer doesn 't require aT cfund T

)rm :WISH-BONE "T he U te G uide To itjiesij,” P.O. Box No. 9034, CTlnton,\ 52T.i6. Rccelvc th is 32-page book, end one neck band from any Wish- ! one D ressing variety , and 25 cen ts DStage and handling. While supply ists- (There is no explrallon da te onlisoffer.-)----------------------------------------------TJicse offers requ ire refund fo rm s: DIAMOND CRYSTAL Salt Memo nf^iet Offer. Receive a se t of tam o n d -C ry a ta l -M em o Magnela. •:nd the required refund form and ^0 labels from any Diamond Crystal lit product, along with a self- ldres.sod, stam ped envelope. There no lim it on this offtff. Expires Dec.. 1984- ______________

3fund. Receive tw ) o r four 50-cent upon-s. Send Uie required refund rm a n d three back labels from jrshey Syrup botUes for two 50-cent upons; o r four back labels from irshey '^ * Syrup for four 5 (k » n t upons. E xp ires June.3Q.-138i_l K RA FT Joe Theism ann $1 R efund.;nd Uie required refund form and 10 oof of purchase seals from the ind-one-quarter- o r 14-and-one- Jf-ouncc K raft M acaroni & Cheese nn er packages. E xpires Sept. 1, iM.

)84 Tlm6a-Now3. Twin pQlla, Idaho C-3 !

Page 16: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

m u f f i

unlik(B y B EV BENNETT TTie CWeago Sun-T/m es

UntU nalure or scle r e a lly smalJ egg, abou thum b , it will bo vci

.m ak e one muffin. I t’s t ; : 1s a trylngcxpcriencc.-

1 0 DC8 thought B qunJ . isthcsu ltob lcslzc. wou] i d ifference, but tbe c ; r ld i ly flavored egg didc

__ [' _ b a tle r .. .. _______. T hen I dccldcd thi b a tte r for six muffins

-------- 6 g ^ a “ ba lte r for one_____ re q u ire one-sixth of an ^

T he proJcct was mon■ i t w as worth. especM l

,, _nover lim it myself to oc— !---- mnrtft m u ffin ,------------

' F in a lly 1 developed m o k e s six to nine mu

. . HmflH a . batch as son■ tw o-person housdwlds

b u t b e tte r than a dozen.T be advantage of m

th fty fr***” ** p re fe ra b le to keeping, k itch en a few days bee

—— ; r - a n d freeze: = =

“ —- m a k e - a n e n f i^ 'fo r-o i s a v o ry d ish of broccoli, -and s h ltre d eggs, m ade

. ■' lig h t aq>per, and”pP(5V - w a rm muffins.

E G G . AND BROCOR O lg --------- -------------

lc tq> broccoli florets- - - 2 cups salted water-—

ILableqxion butter 1 t a b l e a u flour

— r -------^cu p n iU K .-----------K c up grabxl Cheddar

_... P in ch cayenne pepper S a ltandpepperto tasti 2 egg 8T rim broccoli floreti

'J,. p ie c e s , a bou t! inch each ; to boiling. Add broccol■ cookStolO m lnutes.

M eanwhile, melt bull , sau cep an . Add Hour a n

m a k e a frothy mixture.■ - g i ^ u a i l y whisking consi

^ c h eese , stirring constantsen k in in g s to taste. Wt m o v e from beat so m b b u m .

W ben broccoli U done- f lo re ts into a iH- to 1

.m a ld n g an even layer.- ch e e se sauce. Break eg

. . t ( ^ . 0 ) v e r with greased fcP la c e In prehealed,400-

a n d b a k e 20 mlnules. Ren s e rv e t o i .

JAM M UFFINS_ B u t t e r

___ ■ Mi cup flour_____• — — Ml cup cormeaJ-----------

■— 2 teaspoons baldng powt V iteaspoonsolt

. 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg. beaten one-th ird ciq) milk

' . 2 (ablespboRS melted bu 2 rtMirt3e<r“ ia)lespoc ' -m arm alade,optional ■

G rease 7 lo 9 muffin . b u tte r an d set aside. In i■ tn g p th e r flour, commc- .p o w d e r ,sa lta n d su g a r .S t

C om bine egg, milk and t e r ; s tirrin g well. Pour c in to Q our mUturo and m o isten ingredients. E S p M n a rounded tables] In to 7 to 9 cups (the numbe th e rec ip e yields depcra d e fin ition of rounoed h o w ev e r the muffin cup st

. . f ille d m ore than two-third .b ak in g ) . Then add a m a rm a la d e on top of batte w ith rem aining batter.

B ake in preheated, 3S0< L" fo r 20 lo 25 mlnules. Mf. m u f f i n s . ......................

N ote: I f you prefer your o f th e m uffin Instead of in f ill 6 g reased muffin tins, i m o n n a la d c or other Oa a f t e r th e muffins are done.

B agel—___________ •Cootlnuedtrom Paj

w illing to read tho rough h e r rom antic stories.

"So whei^ she found a set w ho . read her w rk , she

■ w ard in g them wilh bagels, tr a v e ls oul to ihc BoiUmoi

. o f Odcnton and Coliimb h o m e s of these friends, sl h a s a b ag of fresh bagels.

T h e friends, she said,

w ritin g - telling her when, to go Into more detail abou h e ro and heroine look 11 t l ie y h av e also become crt b a g e ls . The critics contcn B a ltim o re bagels ore “ c th a n th e ones fouodin Coll O d c n to n .- -

W e ta lked and ate bageli a n hour. After that wo be b a g o f bagels for the road, fe w cinnam on and rosin, s< o la tc ch ips, and a few plain th e m hom e. Her mothei b c liv e r in plain bagels, r t r y th e chocolate chip bage

• C-2TImo3-Now9,Twln

i n ,

: e l y j lnes

iclence c re a te s a bout the s lze .o f a ■ ■ very difficu lt to ’s been tried , a n d•cr.....................luail's e gg . w iilcb rould m ak e a ll thQ i expensive a i ^ U dn 'tenbaD cethe

that b ^ u s e a"Ins req u ired o n erie“m afflirw ouid"inegg- f . S mttbre troub le Uuui Inlly nlwo f «»nn ) only ooe f re sh ly g B B

ed a re c ip e th a t muffins; n o t a s some sing le- o r ds would p re fe r ,

muffins is th a t

n g .th em in th e because th ey g e t

| p “

r ^ n e perabnT 'A ” f f i l " oli, cheese saucc m i ade with Just. two.. Hintforone. ' akfost,bnm chor W V I « ^ l M t j r ^ R | T M

COOU CA SSE- p i 1


la rch eese>er S l'R

rets in to s m a ll I u V ach. B ring w a te r g V J f t «oll, co v e r a n d

butter in sm a ll jSgand s t i r w ell to S lire. S tir in m ilk g l wstanUy. S t i r in /im tly. T h en a d d ^ ^Wben done r e - " W y

m ixture doesn ’t

kine, d ra in . F i t ^ 1 0 d ish , 3^^——er. Cover w ith m S S Seggs o v e r th e & ^ | | | | i

dfoll.40(Hlegree oven !Remove foil a n d !s

owdcr--------------- 4 ------

Ibu tler -_____ I _ P |poons o ra n g e ^ 0 |

ffin cups w ith V n . In a bowl, n ^ - M l

uxl m elted but- i r egg m ix tu re ’ xi s tir Ju s t to

Don’t b ea t. 5 lespoon b a t te r • nbor of m uffins )cnds on y o u r d tablespoon; p should not be j > ird s full before -

a teaspoon [ *• a lter and cover

S(Hlegree o ven / " U .Makes 7 to 9 • -

___ Armouourjom ontop ■ ■■ - - - - -f inside It; Just— ----- L u ris, and use the “ Jon*ti flavored Ja m .

- Gh«Mojjoi

A m

Page C l JUgh d ra f ts o f , C f €

set of frien d s ihe began re - fils. W bW sh em orcsuburtis . 1 1imbiQ to th e MJ. she u sua lly ^is.lid, not only V ito EriUcs o f h u r - i b :o £>en.snc.nccds .bout w hat thec lUce — butcritics o f th e ‘

itcnd th a t th e . \“ cnm ch ie r” ____ »

i^olumbia ood

gels for ab o u t ^) bblh"to<ara— I ^ H >ad. She g ot a rj, some choc- Alain. She tooklher. a f irm S3. refused to ' >aiiel.

win Fnlla. Id ah o W odnosday

BlainiP a t iy J e c

W w -


^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ o n o r l c .

H j H t S S S IS n a p p e r

luttepfisliT .7inl U C l P r C Frosh . 10 o z I J O w l ~ v W o sto rn Wo

l B 3 | j 5 E n ! ( J j

h o p p e d H amnouf StOf. 1201. . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . -

jnch-A A eot-•llBQ. l2ox.3Voriaiios................

h e e s eitorollo Albortioni. 8 oj. OoH . . . .

tn e r ic a n C h e e s e>orlc Procoit Chooio Food. 12 oz ..

F eam C h e e s eel l»o. Soft Sprvod. 6 oz................

Dog B iscuitsa B o n o Q Q ^M r y A V T T i o r r T ^ m -

Sugar I Substitute I _

S w o o t 'N Lov^100 Cf.

a i 2 9 f 3i B i i h a

jay , F o b ru o o ' 8,1064 .

m5 . . #


le Hens? a n 20 OZ. i

t t e ®k H n i f ' ~

i t iP f t M p u tl | J C U m C d l —

. 4 v a r . Av o n o r i c K T ■Ufor I

inerslc, 1202.

i %

r F i l le ts

U lb. /S A V I A

ih F i l lo t ............. I b . ^

W o -d .. .7 7 7 :— j f c - e a ;


* # • * 1 S A V I

............X c a .

Soy Sai

)C K ik d m a n "■ “ T O m T S A V E T O

CookiesK o o b I o r

u d g o G ra h a m s . I r r ip t , S ticks. I

W h o lo

.................' .... .... ..

a .

i M i

l i " ■■ ' ' '•

1 ^ -Swiss CiieC o c h c V a l lo y

I SaladI A A o c o r o n ^ ^ .

. m m' Meister B

24/12 o z . Co

$ 8 ?SAVE48



Juce , 0

Cooi(iesr G ra n d m a 's , 16 o z .

Big S nack . 6 v a r lo tic

' I J ™“


l o

l a m s>ne H alf Smoked .Sh alls B rand

m j^ n s a pe -------- F a r m lo n d -

Biiffltos- g

^ t u i i i. , v . . ^ \ T u r k e y V o r i o j H H l k 'P o k . 12 o z .

....... .

^ t R03SB r o o k v ic

• • L ee

W ^

leese>y.................. .........I



m mBrau-Cons Cnam

9 - - 2 P* ® ' S A I

■________ ^

I Bog Food^ Atto Boy 0 4 97 S 3 T V E 1 6 * . . 7 \ l -----

; I Quaker>*• 1 0 0 % N o tut io s .

8 9 : ^ ^

S h an k ■

T gDorrTo T ig

B- ----- f ^ o a y ----- —I —

S atu rd ay

tie Juan • [.0 7 , A V n r lo j la s - L S

- ' 2 . 1............ / ?1lH

3 S S 9 i i ) d3 e f R i b s ^

ist Beef fl/icvi/Sirloin .e a r^ _ ^ _ «

? Ib^ H

^ b. ^ 3 j c jr c ^ O I-:

. I b . ■ . : I J ,

2 1 5 Heifldr63 = Sing

impagne : n« f$0OO : -w e T b - : K,?I50MI. J \

id Cliili with I1 9 Ho moi Rog. or J ---- ~T'5~6z. SAYE-10

! r C e r e a lj t u r o l . R og . a n d w ith R altir

' I'"—

l i G E a cH H F ire s id e S


^vs n iapfS 48 c t. M odli

32 c t. L argo 64 c t . Sm all

^ S W u s h ro ig j JaMllee,4o2.Jan irtlcl CT J

ItobenBagss:|j |M A J N b iH i« r lo r if lX S ra ^

^ ^ ' f r e i

larmel Ringslo z o d . S A V E 9 9 ' .................

lard Rollso c k o d W h o a t. S A V E $ 1 .6

leart C a ^ upcakesi t to o n d C h o co lo to Iced . ,

alentinCCakli r C o k o . S A V E $ 1 . 9 9

I Beans o” 8 9 -

" msins & D a to s . I ^ —


\M Sqlii S a l t in e s

jjii . I BrighTETS;

: p O O l h l = = = =

$ 4

P e r s h in g

e n c t i B re ads u r d o u g h1 6 o z . - - '----------------- ......— ----- ---


. . . 2 0 , . * 1 -

L . . : m£ $C9 9 .................................... V

D e te r g e n t!A Sunlight Liquid

- — ------- ---------

i . 2 “ ^ .

Mountoln Olympu*!__ L,_ _ __3 rin g W a te r

" 79‘

Page 17: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

y sL " Aibon


--------V k ^ K ~ A I b e r 1^ ■ ■ B l O . S o

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-:---------------- --------------- m r -: : i ! r 7 g y ; i c : ? ^ y


■ 1 ^ o m a i o c ^ jo n o t

— JenerieJtitc) Mayonnaise:

1 * ^- - - - i - ^ i c e c f l g « ' ^ -


Swanson• “ I r i tb 16 o x . . 3 v a n

Oork Mool, Mexican Coi

Fruit JuicW o lc h o 's O rc h a rd H

— Armour I1 0 -1 1 '/i o z . . 4 v o rIo t D*«f Durgundy. Sirloin Ti

O’Brien IO ro - ld o , 24 o z . SA V

Washing iy Powder ^

ConconlrotedAII J.*i .' <9 ox. •

a 5 'o m .« ib « t— - •

oup Hs r t s o n s 'C K t z k 'e n T N c ► o z . - r - --------

Sfr4toT i

^ i D o t e i i t n t/ Ivory liquid

32o2.TwlnPok K \ \ 1 .0 0 0 H ■

laby Food ,rn ln o d « A V __________

3 Q . 1

omatoes «„ < ,tL o „ ,1 6 o x . 2

t e i i e n t o S i l ^

SKroft )«ax.J tA V IIS r L , v

n Ice Creai1 G o n o r ic , Va g o l.

* Fried ChiS w a n s o n 3 2 _ o z .___________

“i r ^fc.

k M e a t i i e ;-7 K lJm sn T roat

d - 4iin D in i ie r sf 'a rro { io s ."S A V E ^ 9 '.-.’ . . VI Comb..Tofkoy

ice S A V E 1 9 'd H a rv o s t B lond 12 o z . . . .

DfmerS”-l o t l o s . / s A V l 2 9 ' .............InTlpi, lerlyhl, SwMi 4 Sour Par

PotatoesA V I 2 9 ’ .................................

‘f e C a t Fooil

M A V i c

PurnloTender IVlttlot. 24oz. I

a o i i s o j ' ^ ^ j L ^Mhdnsi

^T 1"5n<mi|


. , L: Hairiicken StaPoborgo$Q

w - Deod Deod

BS fei!

* " r l$ 1 Yopi ^1 4Fniit

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i m J<in«t l»«. 24ox. u p VAVI2T

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ir Sprayampoo & Conditiorgo Organic, IS o t.S A V lS * ’Oily, Dry & X-Dody'Shompoo___i, X-6o'dy Condllion or


i-mrofI Fniit JuJA ja F iv o A livo_^h i

n i r t Albortioni. SAVI I7 ‘ ^111 I IOFIo»ort,aot.........

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' R a d i s hl _ J E r j i s K . ^ . . . - .

f^liroutI F r e s h B e a n j

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_ _ ^P l 1 Foliage: : i 9 B ^ | i r 6 F ®

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coupon will lostBy L \R T iN S L O A N _________________Uni t a t Fen t urc SyniUcii tc

D e a r M ortla : I purchased a J a r of I>eaiiut b u tle r «nd didji't notice-Uiat a ttach ed to- tfte back was a I5^:cflt coupon tha t hnd printed ori It the \vonLs"U.scNow,”

l^ound tlic coupon when 1 impacke<l 'm y firoceries and 'p iil ifin my cotipoh’ ’ w allet to u-se n t a future dale.-T hree ' week.s la te r I decided lo uso It, but when 1 h anded th e peanut b u tter and tlic coupon to tlie ca.shlcr, she said she

__ ?m 'idn li_o .cw .L iL J«cn ii5cJt_dW nit___comc off the j a r I w as buying. W as she

__ rl^lif^ _______________________________— P a t U asor, O ialm ctte , iJi.

-- D ea r P a t : No, alie waa not co rrec t. - - On a typ ical " u se now" coupon th e re . a re no prlnte<l inslructions o r r e ­stric tions to support the cash ie r’s po.sltion th a t tJie coupon m ust be used

" when“ th e p ro d u c t to w h ich -lt—Is— a ttached Is pu rch ased .. •

S u p e r m a r k e t

S h i e r p p e r ~

----- rt7i1rKtOTir'*US<mew” co iqx )ncanbe !- u.sed a t thfv tim n th« pnwiin^r Ifl- :

purchased o r a t nny ttnie th e re a f te r___untlJ 11 exp ires ,-If there Is an ex p ira ­tion date .

D e a r M artin : If a refund offer a sk s ' for re g is te r 'ta p e s tha t - e x c e ^ a specific to tal v a lu e , do you calcu latc Uie to ta l Defdfe or'^aller'Uie coupons a re d educ ted? — P rfsd lla -Jack so n , • College P a rk , G a.

— D e a r P r is c il la : The valuo-of-your------.p u rch ases-sh o u ld _ b e ,-b ased .an th e -:.

p rices you a r e being charged before anv coupons a r e deducted.

D e a r M artin : When saving sm all . proofs of p u rch ase , like quality s ea ls

—fro tn - th e rp la s tie w appera on p a pe r ------p roducts, 1 h a v e found that keeping them In envelopes Is not very 'e ffl- clent. •*

Instead , H is e a s tan d ard th ro frring___notebook and a tta c h ”these sm all p ro- - o fso f p u rch ase to notcfoookpaper w ith — - a g lue s tick o r s tap le . I uso a separa te” * page fo r cach product. This system has w orked o u t ve ry well, and when I find a new refund form It's easy to

. locatC -the.proofs of purchase 1 treed.— F ran ces L eltch , Baltim ore, Md.

D ear F ra n c e s : Thanks for ^ excellent tip. S m all proofs, especially those from p la s tic bottles o r w rap ­pers, have a lw ays been a problem . E ven th e .s t ra y .n e l w elghta.and U n i= _ _ versal P ro d u c t Codes present dif­ficulties w hen you have already used all the o th e r p roofs of purchase from the ir packages.

When 1 s ta r te d refunding I tried to keep sm all p roofs of purciiasc In the sam e ca rto n s w ith all the com plete boxes 1 h ad folded 'fla t. They J u sfg o t lost a t th e bo ttom of the cartons. Nex t.I tr ie < r 'se p a ra te ehveldpes for the sm all p roo fs of purchaselln.each o t th e — 12 produc t ca te g o rie s In which I fUe m y proofs. T h a t w as also a problem ’. 1 • w as fo rev e r fum bling through cartons • - and enve lopes.“ Then, a t o n e of the first refund '

conventions I a tten d ed , I m et a re - funder who u sed a system s im ila r toy o u rs r l h av e u sed It s uccessfu llyever----- -since.* So, I c e r ta in ly feel very confl^^ ^dcntrlnTrocQmmonding-your-notebook------^proof o f-purchase sy s tcm iiso n c of tho— r easiest w ays to o rgan ize sm all p roofs - ; o fp u rch ase .

C L IP 'N 'F IL E REFUNDS (W eek o fF eb .5 )

E ason ings, S auces, Sugar, Salad 3 re ssln g (F U eN o .5 )

Clip out th is file and keep it w ith ' >imliar cash-off coupons — beverage ■efund o ffe rs w ith beverage coupons, o r exam ple. S ta r t collecting the leeded proofs of pu rchase while look- ng for th e req u ired form s a t the u p e rm ark e t, in new spapers and nagazlnes, an d w hen trading with riends. O ffers rhoy not be available n a i r a r c a s of th e country.' Allow 10 , vceks lo rece ive e a c h refund. -Thift.«ffer-<loeen^-requlrer«-ref»nd— orm :

WJSH-BONE "T lie U te Guide To • ^ItneSs." P.O. Box No. 9034, CTInton,A 5273^ R ece ive th is 32-page book, iend one neck ban d from any Wish- ! lonc 'D rcssIng v a r ie ty and 25 centso s ta g e -and h an d]tng . - Whllft-supply-------i.sl?, (T h ere Is no expiration date onlisoffer.-)-------------------------------- :--------------T hese o ffe rs re q u ire refund forms: DIAMOND CRYSTAL Salt Memo

lagne t Offer. R eceive a se t of Hamond- C ry s ta l M em o M a ^ l s . end th e re q u ire d refund form and vo labels from a n y Diamond C rystal alt p roduct, a long with a self- ddrc.'i.sed. s tam p ed envelope. There ; no lim it on th is o ffer. E xpires Dec.Itt-1984:-----—— ----------------------------------IIERSIIEY ’S S y ru p BotUe SI lo J2

efund. R eceive tw o o r four 50<ent )upons. Send th e required refund irm ' an d th ree b ack labels from erehey S yrup bottlea for two 50-cent )Upons; o r four liack labels from e i ^ e / s S yrup fo r four 50-centlupons. E x p ires J une 30,1984.___-K RA FT-Joo-Thelsm aim $ l '^ f u n d .2nd the requ ired refund form and 10 . roof of p u rc h a se seals from th e and-one-quarter- o r 14-and-one- ilf-ounce K ra ft M acaroni & Choose Inner p ackages. E xp ires Sept. 1,64. .

084 Tim oa-N ow o, Tw in Folia, Idaho C-3

Page 18: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

^Tak€D EA R ABBY: My V

tfiid c m e for a klnilly Is well-to-do and no 1( in sex.

, _BRS«L»pono»r,4.:hy c a n recom m end hci

-------- {Hjreon - of- fjood- morala n excellen t homcma)< JiuiilUiy, u ltractlve, « well-inform ed woma friends.

---------- 1 iim prepared to :ycnr-old wife to any i choo.sc t>ccause I w; tt.Tppy,

_______Also, ..feeling huf ru s tn ite d over m y loni m a rr ia g e bed, 1 would to lovcaf;ain .

C an you suggest a \ n ilg lit dlscrecUy, "a

-------- avaiIabillty7-U-succcsiy e a rs of three senior

______ th im tm cith'gfnhMnlly/»r.................. - SERIOUS IN LA'

- - DEIAR SERIOUS; I f ; - - fo r Jl kindly., w ell-to -^

“ Gassc.........U yTOM IIOGE

A P IV/neandFood Writ

T he provinces of F ra

......... the ,.m o st-n o tab le .ofm ix tu re o f beans and n Ofe casso u le r

— ------ ^^le re -a r e a -num ber-r- ^ .U i la - ro b u st dish nam

• carthem varB cnsscro le - b aked .

T h e m ea ts nnd othc " • U iS ^-h rU lO -d ls irv a ry

tasto ,'" but tt~nlwny5~ci

—CompaC erta in ly , the humidll

b le ssin g for the Ameri Im p a rts m oist breezes h a i r nnd skin In good

-------- p rcventT m rtum iture-frefa llin g a p a r t and. most a llo w living things to b

■■ d u r in g w inter, when It l5 B u t fo r the person who c le a n Uie appliance, th

- c a n b e a nexasperatlngc: B ut th e re is good new

n e w com pact h ilmldl/ier d e p e n d on belts o r spt

= ^ ._ .w i^ r ouU -iindihatdispcr b y using u l t r j^ n ic v lbn a cne-gallon tank th a l e re m o v e d and filled w ith ti

C leaning is .sim ple a o n ly a soft cloth. T here is n o odor. The Corona

----- H u m id if ie r ‘.‘lolally. avbl■ b u ild u p th a t is often c au s

C o l e s l a u

c h a n g e s (

— m a n y y e a


C ole Slaw _(also called C a n o ld-tim e American ca o r s id e dish tha t Uirough t] und e rg o n e changes.

----------- BGfoi-<rthe~tunroHhfrcslnw~ w as often dhissed"

v ln eR arrsu g arrsa ltT u id p w a s m ad e w ith a cooked d c a lle d for butter, floui c r e a m , eggs, vinegar, s u g a r , s a ltan d p ep p e r.

N ow adays, cole slaw is m a d e w ith m ayonnaise. I c h a n j’e cam e about be Y o rk City dclLs s ta r te s lire d d e d .c a b b a g c with i thinne<l w ith milk and v a d d in g loLs of sugar. But w itli m ayonnaise m ay be d iffe re n t way. My chief tes th a t h e r m otlier, who w

------ P en n sy lv a n ia and lived Hilife , n ev e r d ream ed of '/ ' jth o iit siddinfl ro lor * no f r ie n d who lives on I^ n g Is s a y s “ h e r” <rcli pu ts cele th o i r m ayonnaise slaw a l a r g e r ham b'urj’e r 'chain s iim e tiling.

_____ U m ‘ (hyn-ig./T .re^lpg 1S eed Deli S law Uiat I like to:

— fra n k fu r te rs .-------------- -------pound h ead lyx-en cabb;

l a r s e o u te r leaves '/.• c u p m ayonnaise

" “ 2 tnble.'q)oons s u g a r '2 tab le sp o o n s cider vinegar -T-i tC iispoon ce le ry seed «/.; te a sp o o n sa lt I a n d MG teaspoon pepper

C u t cab b ag e in half. WiU — k n if« -sJ iav c -ln to -v e ry -U jli

w h en you reach th e whit p a r t s n e a r tlie core, stop cuti w h ite fib rous pa rts m ay be f ro m th e co re und used In j o t l ie r disli.) Shred the remai

.o f th e cab b ag e the sam e wi s lio u ld b e 4 tiglitly packed cu]

In a me<lium } ^ lsk th e m ay o n n aise , sugar, vlik c r y s e e d . salt~and pepp e r . , b a g e ' nnd s tir together wel tig h t ly and re frigera te for h o u r s before serving} to blen' a n d h a v e dressing cream y, w ill n o t b e crisp.

C -1T im o3-N ow 3.T w in

e my wIy wife would like to__idly gentlem an who 10 longer interested

1,5:ycnr.mnnin£e. I I ^ , her highly a s a

jra l-charflc te r-and— naker. Shc Is also a , conservative and ’ m a n \ m an with m any s e x , ta

J o u m i to re lcase m y 65- --- - . iy m an she m ight DE!A

w ant her to bo cram p« p la in ts

hum iliated and d ro p s t long exile from the u su a lly ■uld like to be free fo r a fe

u p m ya w ay In which I liv in g r •■advertise” her

ccssful,-the golden------lor citizens m ight v e ry ru iy.cnrichod,----------— —W hat.L A G ^ A BEACH h a v in g .

If y o u 're lookingo l ^ r gentle- ,P E L \i

oulet rrb e a n s , <

Vriler to m a to ]SlOw-

?Yance a re known cassou it

of w hich is that . ., S in c e d m eats known os to p rep ;

g n ^ le h i . _ . , . - in

inmed -a f te r the .le in Which It is

p o p u la rIth c r 'Ing rcdJen ta___q r e c ip efry accord ing ( o ~ ^ 2 c u p s 'a r ro n ta ln jrw n itc — trs llc c s l

act humid lf ie rh a sb e e n a ^ “ 3 lerlcon home. It zcs lo keep our >od condition, to -

ost im portan t, to0 b reathe easily L iIt Is d ry indoors, w a te r ,”'ho m ust fill and V a lu e H. the hum idifier p o u n d sIg chore. - - - . d e sk to plews. T h ere is a . p le a s e dler th a t docs not p o rta b ilisponges, which T h e stzm n ccscsjn o ls tu re .. -.dcluxo-m ibrations. I t has _ BELOIT It easily can be" D Iahunnth tap w ater. M au d Ai3 and requires sk in ca rc is no noise and m agaz ineina U ltrasonic su n b a th irivblds b ac te ria l s t r e s s tliQused by s itting m o lslu riz

w J Po v e r I

■ a r s ----------k |


idC fildS law H s cabbage salad

^ the yea rs has

le-eentury.-cole e d 'w ilh 'a n un -' ”TOPPtr-prPJimT------ — ~id pepper. O r It ^

dressing th a t f elour, m ilk o r E;ar, m ustard , B

/ is likely to be K i;. I suspect this Ibccause New |

irted dressing ;h m ayonnaise d v inegar and But slaw m ade be flavored a tes te r te lls m e

1 w as bom In •J there all her of m aking It_*e© d,-And-a---------------------g Island, N.Y., x'lery seed in V and tlia t a ain docs the

\>e for Cclorv________! to serve with

ibbagc m inus

TrVith a sh arpUiln-Khreds;-------- -------------/h i te 'f ib ro u s " ' ............cutting. (The be cu t aw ay In a soup o r m ninlng h a lf ■ way. T here I cups.

isk t o g ^ t ^ e r __ ____k'lnegar, cel-rrr 'A dd 'cab-------------------------well. Cover for 12 to 24 lend flavors ly. Cabbage

win Falla , Idaho W o d n ea d c

t/ife, pieA bigailV an B u renD e a r A b b y

1 who is no longer in terested take an ad out In T h e W all Str

m ai.

SAR ABBY: I live a lone In ve ip e d quarters. I h av e no co Its until unexpected com pa s by. SIncG I have no w arning Ily a.sk m y guest to stan d outsi few minutes while I quickly tl

ny one room, w hich serves B room, bedroom, d en and eatii

e (pj«»<;t sa id she tliniiphi th k w rude of me.la t arc m v n item ntlvcs? !_oni< igcom pony.

■-C R A N fP E D lN B(JRB,VN

L\R CRAMPED: (1) Keep yoi

nem oras, onions, garlic and tom atoes i lo paste.w c6bklng ls” tlie s ec re t o f 11 lulet, and some cooks s im m errfive-hours:-------------------- -—ce the cassoulet does take t in e p a re properly, th e various ii entrannsflc ircooR cd-scpanitc l at?es, then hssem bled and r rated for. a day o r so Iwfore Ub a k l n g . . _ ' . . . “ — --------

isoulet has becom e increasing la r In the United S ta tes , so here ipe tha t I have found delicious. s 'a S c d ^ i tc n a v y beans

lidifier h<p o r s e y C o n n o rs

•__________, ” says Chuck M aranto of Tru

H ardw are. The un it weiglis s and is about th e size of . )p ■ radio,'■■'•People ' a re al.i ^ by the com pactness and th< lillty of the unit,” M aranto says :zmdard model costs $99.99 am»modal ------------------------lUTY BRIEFS: Jo a n Collins tin Carroll. B arbara E den anc Adams, when queried aboui

:a r e by Good Housekecpinf in e , agreed on one e d ic t: Avolc h lng. And all four beauties

the im p o rta n c e -o f-u s in g a rize r. Collins, who has dry


i Q



3day, Fobruory 0.198-1

g a se /h_ q iih rte rs . ti(iy.,,at, i

.uncxi>ectcd compai door. (2) Open your a n d , »jear tlic em

n . Continue to osi? dro] , , in inutes while youT

----- to make the placc pr“ “ (P .S ./\n d lell the Ited in - • y o u -" ru d c ” tha t si S tree t w a ltou ts ide ifshep l

DEAR ABBY: Thl■-------- -- th e bride who invite

‘ ve ry wedding ond was com - acceptetl and Indlcai

ip an y bringing a “date.” A weddinf? is a

Jts de when the friend.? a y tiuy bride and groom gat

joyous event. It is sating strangers.

Presum obly, the s s-waa— friend Ol-Uie bride o

know most of the pO' onioy— the-fiingle-person-cj , . . tim e a t a wedding wi

h e o r she should decl


able Fr•es o r I c a rro t, cut in quart

1 m edium onion stucf liie”.... 3 cloves garlic, eachle r it S a lt and pepper to la

'/» cup diced salt porl tlrne 11/^ pounds pork loi IS in- cubes atcly fiia r l lc sausage, slicL*^:___yi CUP butter orsfllntg 2 la rg e onions diopp£

I cup d iced celery .. ingly 2 tablespoons tomato ere is il cups beef bouillon is. 3 cups d ry bread cruf--------------- 5oiik~ be;ins 6Verr~ ""T niT O arfT e ciisseroli

L a s - m a B ^sk in , ents in a healU chicken, fish, lots of vegetab les.• ' “ I never eal des MJiiicuiie'a birthday A dam s, who has ah (

' d rin k s lots of w ater j r ru e foods. Carroll cleans< hs 9 b lack ta r soap from of a s to re and applies a cli also tim e s a week. Eden th e w ith cold cream and I

ays. fuce under Uie sliow and a n d rin ses,” When hei--------- r5he-“ dabs,“-them -lilins, cu b es wrapped in a ck and , TIM ELY TIPS: » u t co sts . A dial phone co

m uch as a deluxe push /old Holes in plaster c; ties w itliout redecorating I a ^ '- fo o d coloring to the pi d ry M ix Uie colors until itl

1 6 - o z .

________B o t t l e s _

8 PACKpmiits-k^pcifc


lu sb an_ all tim es in case . d :lany knocks on y our a n r u r door im m ed ia te lym b arrassm en t. (3) Dlrop-ins to w ait a few Invit jT usharo iin ff try in g — in c h p resen tab le .le person w ho callod ..she-w on’t h av e to - .u p v phones first.)

rhis Is in response toted 31 singles to h e r Ans furious when 14 T lier:aled Uiat Uiey w ere i^ays

m a na special occasion g cand fam ily of Uie ten d

aU ier lo ce leb ra te a f e e l ' is no t a p a rty for'

i single person is .a (Gt;o r g room and will- wantpeople Uiere. But if simp.■can't havc-a-good . tnonjwithout a d a te , then p lu s .c llne the Invitation. (37 o

: (Ung- B . IN L.A; Haily

rench cirter-lnch slices bow l, uck wiUi 2 cloves i c lov± c u t in tw O - ------ - P o ttasLe________________ wiUw)rk h o u rsloin, cu t ,in ^'4-lnch. c u p t

c e le n(Iced ' ':nitQll— ________ licat-J'ped ..................K m pt

s t i r wllo paste dottcCI :J75 d(lim bs..... ....... ..... arid s irmigni Jinu d ra in . liifTCT! ale wilii bacon. In vdien'l

h an d ydthv w ay -— veal, th e w a 3f fresh fru its and Whe

long blcssert urUess i t ’s ro lle r.

1 oily complexion, sw im n r and avoids fa tty d rop le ises her sk in w ith DEjfl >m a healUi food fam ily clay m ask several on lau n "cu ts” m akeup ' g u ess ’ d then w aslies her took a : jw er and "rin se s o f p an le r eyes a r e puffy, n o ta tio -H ghtly-w ilh—lee— ai)d m :lean w ashcloth. th e w a

Cut telephone m ark e i costs one-third a s e a c h p sh-botton model. Now 1 ( can be rep a ired I'a m p i

ig Uie room . Add . ,patch ing-p lastcr. ----- I^ rS i

it b lends to m atch fo r Tho

t f ? ® | S p[^ R eg u la____ Caffei

S o ft C YourJP


rtd asksD E A R B . L e t’s h e a r f ro m a

n re a d e r :

D E A R ABBY: The n e x t v ivitation I receive th a t d< e lu d e an escort, I will decline

Do you know how lonely : ten d a wedding w here th e foe e h ap p y couple; th e ir h ap p y ] id th e ir m any happ ily n lends? Couples, couples, coup And th e re you aro. a ll b y yi len som e w ell-m eaning r y s , " N e x t it's your tu rn a r r ie d !”B elieve me, Abby, r a th e r ti nd alone, 1 will stay hom e v i l ' m ore com fortabli


'Getting married? ‘Whcthe \nt-o-(onnal-chiuvh-weddin, rjp/c, ■ ‘do-your-cwn-thlng” my.-geL..AtbylsJ}Qokl£L_Si ts fl long, seJf-nddrcssed, sti ' ccnts) envelope lo: A bby’i tg lioofdct, P.O. - Box llywood. Calif. 90038.)

dishA>1. m ix beans, carro t, whole love g arlic and salt and peppc ^our m ix ture-In to po t and

irs . Meanwhile, brown m eat; > b u tte r . S tir in choppcd o ery,' rem aining garlic . t< ite and Ixiuillon. S im m er ov«

hours, sUrriog occasla ip ty m eat m ixture into beai ' well and top with l cup ci ted w ith butter. In c rease hi d eg rees , bake about 15 ml

r s lir 'in cnimb-s. T o p ^ lth .rc.

?n brow n. Serves 6.

j ' f e a t u T e ;w all.'h en pain ting tho celling, sec ; b room handle to the h an d le < cr. You c an avoid c lim b ing u| 'iv-A-)ad(ler.^Ufi-alEo-wiRo4o- Timing goggles to keep an y ) le ts out of youreyes.EL\R DORSEY: I h av e a : Hy. and everyone w ears jeaii laundry day, 1 used to ha\ a whose Jeans w ere w hose; 1 a little tim e to m easure each

lan ts around Uie w aist. I i tions on a 3-by-5 card w ith m m easu rem en ts and -attach€

A-all ov e r the washing m achl ked th e waist m easurem ent I p a ir ’s inside front pocket 1 can sec a t a glance w hose J p u ttin g away.______________

rsey Connors writes her col h e Chicago Sun-Tlmes.


>rltear, Diet o r ;ine .F ree Drinks. . . C h o i c eMrP r t t l s r e o o d in g - , ----------iLjrIoy, R ilp c rt,

o r J e r o m e

f Pricc Good • Feb. 8-14. •84 -

I ^ J v ; - :*n .....................

sla c a n a d l - ‘- ^ G A L N O


I wedding Tho Twin Falls I docs not DIstflcl will

soalod bids for tl 'fne. Gravol GrushinIy it is to on or t>orfn/«ii5 l<5on P-M. February 24

1234 Highland p y p a re n is gasl, P.O. Box 6i • m arried Falls, (daho 83 ouplesi which llmo thoy , publicly opono' yojfrscii. road aloud, Tho E ' re la tive shall Include al m to get material and oqi

n ecessary lo C(

r th a n a t- w o rk m an lfk o * °" re w h e r e I T ho su c c e s s fu la b le . ''^^1' foquirodiN N iP P f ; c c o d with ihoIN N IFbO jjg JJ

thf>r vow "O 'COw e r you compliding or n projoct-ln"lh 'o s g” ccrc- tlmo consistent __Send f l q ua lity rosulls. stamped P 'ans.

w ’s W ^ - may bo‘'lo d al the U ir

X 38923, HinhwayOistricIC The Public

Proioct io nof (Inar whole or in any t tho Federal Aids F

Bid proposals \ accep ted Irom

ole onion, contractors only pper. conlraclors, subcc nd cover to fs and/or ap

ea ts n V4 curren t l(conso£ i onions, public worKs contr

tom ato In Iho Slalo ot Idahi "oveFTow I he . rwini s lo n a llv —H ighw ay__ Dislrici

's e r v o s ' ino-fiQ hri« n n pot,I c rum bs bids or to accopt » J hea t lo doom ed best suit m inutes the n eeds of Iho Dl;


■- — PUet:ISH?— Wedna . F-Cbruary 6„ 15, an


> S p .C^Announceirs e c u r e a ,, , l ie o f U ie - ,0 0 2 -L o sliF o u n dg u p a n d ; - T - = r t = =

■ J E R O ^ D W L d

ADOPTIONa la r g e Hour# Mic a n s . S o l2:30afTH:30pm.h a v e to , pomalc spayod Cc

B u t r ' w h iib i io d .4 yoais.a c h p a i r 2... Pomaio Lan X. oc1 innHr> monltlS,1 m a a t 3 ^ a lo Bflllany/GolcJo1 n a m e s Irlovor X, 3 monins.c h e d to 4,—Famalo-Qluo Healiphlniv I black. tjrownS gray.3ycniiiL . 1 5 Lat), Irish Soile n ts o n biacK .iyeai,e t f lan . 6 . Maio Shotihiar X. li's e je a 'iw w h llo .7 mon.hs,

----------- C a ll.......................... 22<lln o a n sw o r ........... 324

column - ____ _______y o u n g ’ male biaciTfriendly & handsomo, boon (rooted lor skin Olom. Found noaf Falls Bluo Lakos Norlh, 733-9613 mornlnos.

REWARD ollorcd loi'ro_____O,i;k_hlijo nylon purno

light - bluo Iftbtic n_____ ivaHctwLoaUanuajy-a:_____QucsiionaasKod.Plcasi

73.1-?!l?? or ?33-C^7CDllf

<J ---------------------------

- TheI.

1 ;

I Y O L- l - n e v

I skisI chir I says I to cI clas!

H T he Times- phone 733-0

' H I H I B IT

. e g a l sO T I C E ,BE-L(M lSF«m (l


“o S HOUND PCIr t h o ” 19S4 N P W '?

- buvT wK f

24. 1984 a t , F0UND WX3! 1 A vo n u o NOWATTHETWIN 605, T w ih -^ ANIMALSHELT

83301. a t LOCATED:1395TH/ ay will bonod a n d •

3: Tcrrlor, male! bro« a ll la b o r 4.LobX,maio.biuck iq u ip m o n i 5 Lat>X. BlacK. Icmo c o m p le le . 0 . Dachshund. X 1

: l - - Jn - tjiack. - m a n n e r . 7- Shophotd. malo,

jC b id d e r tjrown. d 10 p ro -

Hours 5 10 7pm on ^ a ito r ro - Wondaythiu Fnc

) to p ro -p lo to th o ___C a ll.............. 7J5:08W

s h o r to a t mt w ilh Bocauso Oo[j5 a to I

In ovory hour, anc) S iricalloTri— £>£8Tn0 yE0 allei-40

ploaac call ot-vlsllihc 1 dolly 10 chock whom

Min F allo po t has tjoon picked i lO f lic e . Is nol un up-io-dai

W o rk s _________________la n c o d in ; ^ p a r t by OOft-Personals ■ F u n d s . --------------

; t 'o s° ALCOHOLIC , ( P r ta l ANONYMOU!.contrac- M73M300s p e c i a l l y __________________O. p r io r BOARD i ROOM for

,t,ac io ? l H ia a s J Z is ia —-----HAVE— ¥0l>—SPOK{

r a i i a Tonnuos7t:aii734<i3Ci

* P.oblom’K L f a i' I. ^ shatod, Monlal,j i to q 10 As.'.ocJailon. Oom lo 7u’ “ ct. ---------LhT pnosTs :.:tfPW rtT------Can__help—you,.. Tol

tw a d ay ;— ^ t n a n rr?n^'m t^?4^ a n d 22.. KfTS: bkorco, Danki

lypinp oxita. Can bu; , ..,ordofa‘734^J387.

......... ........... LAW8H0P-i m a n t S " Uncomoated divorces

Bankruptcy and corpoi ■ J80. Wills, «0 . oic,

ordor avallablo. Call0732, Oo\^o.,_____ _

______ PREGNANCY HOTLI---------- Proqnant? Nood holp

LOG WOMAN would IlkoTo)R malQ companion boi

ino aoo5 of 33.43. Soi Mon-Fr( pKos 10 Bo» C-56, c /o '

Nowa, OOK 548, Twin1063301.___________

..................2F0R1. -a Buy 1 pair ol oxiondod

OOlO- 0 conlaci lonsos-Qol si

don Ro- i? u V Lakes Conlaciy Cllnlc.BluoLakosMoll. laler X, 734AtOi

3yoars,ollor X. --------------------------------

124-S436 C A R R I

0 Has C a r r i e r n o o d o d Iri pro- W o rk o n h o u r <

Can k o o p y o u r o f ti c o r r io r lo a m i d o n t" ,

C oU ^oor, m en 's T Im o i-N o

a sccali” t o N o r o W lk o iillfiCi, , 1__________ __________

P l a c e y o i

c l o s s i t i e d - d d - l

G a l l : 7 3 3 - (

e T im es1 32 3 rd S tree t W est

J l ^ v e > /V-Gl0Wnl> r Y o u r r o p r a c t c s T t h e y R g f p . C a l l ; s [ f l e d .

s-N ew s•0931

0 0 2 -0 0 7Jf)d C T S e l e c t e d o f f e r sDAILY ---------------------------IRENT _________________________’ O U N D 007 -Jobs d in te re s t

------- ALL-AnOUND-OllfctJ-waneiUFETlME bookkoopino and lyplno

osaonilai. Local Twin Falla Qustnesa. Roply to A-56 c /o

W N FgLLS , TIinoaNow. P.O. Box S4B. TF ^ * J p w ’ DAnfENOING”. oomo cook- rr>1AVfc.W. J Ktmbofly,a 4?3-521S0f423-99fl5,_______CK - BEAUTICIAN-wlIh Cllonlolo.brown. Apply ro M oseirs Boautylack iw h lio Salon, 436 3rd Sirool Norlh, cm olo... . -. BEAUTIFUL— Sun.. Vailoy X Fumalc, Homo neods llvo-ln houso-

koopor wim eomo chllcfcoro.alo, black 4 1.720-6837,________

CAREER OPPORTUNrrr Local lirm sookino man- aQomoni iralnuo ptolor col-

oqulvaloni oxporl- irriuay __ onco. Exposuro In sovofal ol jw m nvfcou Iho lollowino areas hoiplul;:08W_oxL2s4-----Aoc«>unllno,-lnvont«y-oo<>---------

. HI Ifol. public A omployoo roln- cuslomor sorvlcos.

warohouslna, Irans-

imol!or/n“'r^°"f’l ? S 2 r i " 5 ^hoinor your tjonolil program.

M-. Sond (osurro lo; Box V-55,0-dalo n.,1. TImos Nowa. Box 548, ___ Twin Falls. ID 83301._______

City ol Buhl Is now occopi-_________ Ino applieallono for tho

position ol Chlof ol Pollco. ll IC Q Applicaliona aro avallablo atH o 'ho Cily Hall. 203 Broadway 'O U S Buhl, Idaho 6331D. Appllco- -300 tions will bo aecopiod until_________ March 1, 1964. Tho Cily ot •1 Jor senior Buhl la an 000. and tJooa nol iarr-FaTTTiiy— dloorlmlnalo^n-iho-baflb-ol----------fdr Oon o r - - handlcapslBlua;------- — — ..........

_________ ENTHUSIASTIC? Sovorallolophono poopio noodod

^OKEN—In— lor-iocal-ntlYortlaino.flrflmo7___:__

“ e r = r : . j s s * : r w j a s - j _lc — ........— wolcomo:call734-'5g58.----------•——

PULL“ tim e PHYSICAL- T - THERAPIST needod. C on-- ■

^«7nm 'a ci Jody Zauha, Porsonnol i p x u n ^ _ oiroclor. Binoham MemorialIS----------- HospltaL 98 - Poplar,-Jo b sc c o ------BlaoMool------- i o _ f e _ _ ^

GRANDMOTHER iypo arjktuDlcy, person to eomo lo my tiomoI buy mall io walch my chtldron on Friday & Salurdaya. 423-6238.} P -------------- HELP-WANTED: Chaulfour----------irces. S75. Ilconeo roQuirod.-Apply ..a l..............srporalion. Pipoco, 402 Washlnotonoic. Mall Siroot,___________________Call 330- HELP WANTED-BURLEY

________ ___ELKS LODGE nooda aOTUNE worklnQ manaoor lor a busyholp? Call bar ond roslaraunl. FOOD

oTo”mcoi rosumo to BURLEY ELKS bolw oon' LODGE. Box 616 BURLEY,Sond r o - ' IDAHO 63316 TO THE AT-

c /oT lm os TENTION OF: ADRIENNE ^ In Fa^ls DOUGLAS, No phono calls


- .............. N oedod llconaod LPN l o r ? ..............! r ^ ovonino Spm -II uocono Q pn, focommondailona &■ , - i resum e roquoalod, Sondac Lono fopKoa 10 Box X-M. TImos

- -^»3-i_B.!« 548,.Twin Fails, id ...............

ist 0p7-Job8oflnl»re8t

! R I E R N E E D E D

W I N F A L L SJ o d in f h o T w in F o ils a r o o . u r a d a y b o l o r o s c h o o l a n d a f t e r n o o n s f r o o . J o in o o r T> a n d b o c o m o " I n d o p o n -

u r a p p l i c a t i o n i n to t h o ■ N ow s 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 o r c a l l I k o m o t h o m o o t7 3 4 t8 1 8 S .

o u r

d - t o d a y - ! --------- -------------- - — —

1 -0 9 3 1 _

s -N ew s------J s t , Twin F a l l s

m ^ m m

y o u ri h l H - - -

: o rl l a v e ” ~


poopio read cinssilicid

Page 19: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

Clgg□ A n n o u n c001 Flofisis002 Losi & (ound003 Announcomo

• • 004Speciolnotici005 M em orial noil006 Porsonalo

S Selected• OOZJobsolintcfo

----------------- -0 0 8 S ales peopfo-009 Employmonti010 P ro fo ss lo n a l i

----------------- -015-Babyaittonr—--------------------- 016Si«uations-wai

O 170u5ino35 opp 018 In co m e p rope020 M onoy to loar021 M pnoy w an to 0231nvo's’lm e n t 0 2 5 ln s lru c tio n .026 M usic le sso n ;

" J o n K u rfs...............................................■■"T

• ............... 007-^ob3oHn>era5t— 1

i r ‘vo iJ^ E ~ ‘noi'lji7irid '■commission salos, .ano j looKInn lot a flood oppon

and join 0 ? u n 'q u r^ jrx c inn ayaiom, CALL Frid; only: 734-5000 ask lor Wl HAYCOCK Gam lo 5pm liporsonal inlorviow,_____LIGHT beLIVEHy. Porson sppoaranco, knowiucino i aroa A hlQli oas mdoaa

^ iransporialion a mus Commission + n a s i bonu: Apply In porson at 121 41 Avo S. » 0 , Twin F.illf..Motol Clerks noedod’ eiipi rioneod prorcffod. Cactu PplO'3 Jackpol NV. 733-5IE

------------- NEeOMTHA’iNCOMe^Hot

wrllo (or Inloimaifon. Suit 102. 7B1J Overland Rt Boiso. 83703. 362-9573 o 377-7970.Pan-Tlmo RN neodod. Also

. parl-llmo Aides 1 Ofderllo; noodod. e»colloni workini conditions S compolilivi

------------- fiolorlos—ollorod.— ConlacBarbara Adams DNS, Grooi Acros Caro Contor 934-SSOt. PERSON noodod to managi

________ sioQl ynrd. Musi bo o«pmi

‘plpo’, 'and 'livostock "uquip moni. SEND RESUME TC

________ BOX B-56 In cafo o( THE

PRbFEisSldNAL"'baby5lllm needed to tako caro ol : cfilldjon. Light houSokoFp. Inn & mouls proparod. Hours & salary notjotlablo. Sond rosumo to Rt. 3 Qo« 6707, Twin Fans, I^e3_301._- REGIsfERED Modica; Technologist noodod, Full time, oood salary, OKCoUeni Oonodts. Full ■ llmo Palholooisl, Coulior. Abboii V.P,IL 713. Conlaci Personal Oopi,, Cassia Momorlal Hospital. Box 489, Buxlny. 10 03318:205-C75-44<4. Member iHC Hospitals, E_OE._


----------- JOO' pliiCumuhl &-councilinn'ol (njuiod workers. JI7.03a a yoaf. Submit rosumo 4 rol-

----------- oronif(ribHQ7injy-7:24:S4-|o-Idaho Stalo industrial Com mbslon, RohabDivision, Stato Kouiio Mail. Boiso, IUB3720.RESEARCH' ASSISTANT Incumbont will manage ro- soarch larm 5 work a s ro-

_______scarcli_a55lslanl_flcQ ulius.US-aooroB In Plant Scionco. -

' managon'.oni & loadurr.hlp. skills aro ossoniliii. Irripaiod

........... !arm.untl/Qf-5CCd..C0m0any_onporlonco Is lilglily tJr>. :jliabIu. Thls is a rooular lull llmo positiorj, salary DOE, oKCOilent (fingo benrlits. Sond rosumo by 2-20-84 lo

- JohnD .A ikin. Asgrow Sood p m p a n ^ Dox 1235, Twin

RESIDENT ADVISOR to work •- wookonds In n n'Oup homo

'lo r adoiosconi girls. Recro-' nlion bnckgiound 4 hiflli pnofoy lovnl holplul, Sond Inquiries, to iho Me Auloy Homo. Box 413, Duhl. l6

■ S3316. Closing dn lo 2A 'j54 _ RESUMES

Pfolosslonniiy wfition ______ ______________________

- Cfiil3tini)rg7g-2277, SALESPERSON Io solo sod- inS un Valloy 4 surrounding aroas. Musi bo able lo con- tact homo owners os woll as coniraciofo & lar,jR<;npors. Commission basis. For lnton<low-CaIi l-20a-767^4Jl collect.

i s s i f f i < ^

jncements □ Rea^ . . . . . 029 o p e n 111

. 030 H o m e sm on ts 031 O ut-oM

032 Buhi.F.ino'ICCS.................... 033 KImborl

034 J o fo m e 036 RcaiCG

. 037 F a rm s 5t e d O f f e r s 0 3 8 A crca o (

039 B o s in o t c fo s t 0 4 0 C o m o top lo-----------------------043V acaiiO ()nt afjonc ioa 044 C o n d o n la i sc rv lc c s 045 M obiio I

S j B e n lloan- 050 F urn ishntod 05V U n(urniIt 052 F u fn .o t1 054 U n(urn ,5 0 n s , _____ ______056 R o o m s I

ir fz a s k e d W ? m o m t o g TH ey c d n 't o f f o r d a n

----- 007-Job3 of Interestid 'o l OFFSHORE OIL'jOt3S (0 aio JH-eO.OOO. Applicailons portu- ing accoplod nowf Call comc lundablu lor dircct jtxe l- (312)8^4347^0x^61^5 Friday W A N feD -'A full r im ed • w n. or (nmaio) Physiciii Tf m loi piui. M edicare. Ro___ ___ Orionied- Primsonai Geriatrics. ExccJO ot bunolits. Salary. Skyloacjo Hazeldel. 734-8645. ,must. WANTED; Maiuio babynonus. a coupio o l.n lo h is a w■1 ^ih 5:00pm-I2200am. 734-8701

WANTED: RV repairr expo- MuSI know .'■.omo plume

clQcirlcai. carpenlry ‘•5163 weidlno.- Apply in poi------------M o W to ^ ’ Homo— 8 -Hoto— Spf*ciaJiio_sr?'ii4 AdOisot

sVi^o S .^ f o ^ ^ ( m * f o b s ^ a 7Pt)- commof cam p. We t

8 or positions . in .nal scoutcrad.'- marksmans

ftlso: handlcrads. (ood corvn ,r|iea malntonunco. . he rking aervices, truiJ'iMi p lilivo aquatics, and. auidino .rniaci___ ltlp3_Call_Ihe-£fli»k*-flroon' Council al 733-2067.EDI. w o u l d ' y o u lik e ' nano Chailengmo & rewordmo pcii^ r^or Wlin a la s ^ r o *

iutth"' "Inc. iS looKing forannros;TO Individuals who would

THE inloiosied tn rostauima^TIQ^rnnn*_Ynti miir.l

nil,, 21 years ol ago or oiao01 3 abio 10 ro-iocalo. Prevn

lond Apply in Porson at Skipp« 1707, Twin Fails, bolw ocn 2 S

Monday & ThurscJay t Sunday. Ask tor Joll. Plo;

c. II ^ rosum o roady at

S l 008-Sale3Pooplo’ REPRESENTATivE

'i 1“ Rapidly oxpandlnp reglor 'oer company in a SBCCiai. hlgl

- • accosslbio murkot » soioct appilcanis (or ii Idaho aroa. Our Idaho h-T,.

ling com panyollefs;}8a •MarKul Ficxiblltiy 4 si rol- managemoni.r io ----- iCompany paifl tralniiirlai propram.lab •Paid vacations, trips S i ;ail. conllvcs.

• Rapid ManaoemcNT advancom onts, many time ' ,0. In loss than 1 yoar.,e . •J35.000 (s avorago drst yo,


•G^round door o p p o i t ^ i y nv WO Guaranioo Our Word.

3,..— K youTo-NOT-harC worHtnt full am oiiious and oagur lo gr )c ahoad. don 't call-. II you AH i j ' don 't Ict Ihls opportunil lo oscapoyou.

,.rt For iniorvlow aRpoinimor Kin call botwoon (i:30am , _____ I1:30am Monday, Fob. 13

ID bO Hold al Canyon Spring; "0. . Inn. T.F. EOE. .(I't, TDO^S OIL COMPAI^l nd noods maiuro porson Ic ov short trips surroundtno Twir irt Fails. Conlact cuslomors

WO train. J'Commlsslor building m ainlonanco pro ducts sa les .". Write W.D Dickofson. Pros., Soulh.

• wostorn Potfoieum, Box 7B9, ------ Fl.W onh, TX 76101.________

6 i& -P ro fo ss lo n a r’ . Services__________

IS 0i5-Babysit1of3 3, ABC CHRISTIAN DAY*CARE. M A ges 2-6, walk Ins

wolcomo41 hour, 734-3238

j f oJ indexe a i e s t a t e O M o m c

0 5 9 C o n t

“f i™ ---------- MS-Touri

E I m *is& ra n ch c r. 067 M isc.ano & lots 058 Com fn o sa property 0G9Cam£o te ry lo ls 070W /antIlOn propurly ‘ “ 071 S h o olom in ium sfo rsa io 072A n tlqlo ho m o s (or s a le 074 Musi(

3 n ta ls - • ' 078F u rn i 079A ppli

ish e d h o u se s oaO H oalirn ishod h o u se s 082 B uild. o o ts . & dup lexes 083 G ara irn, a p is , & duplexes 086Firown s fo r r c n t ............... .. ,.0a7PJarj{,

i E

~ zh

) g e t h im a u sed d o g . i n e w o n e / ' ..............................

It , OIS-Bahysittere... .S Earn Any ani-’. Anylimo, but>ns be- nights i during day fC:aii ro- Drop-in!i wolcomo. 733-43'■fctoiy. baby SITTING in my tior

— 7 a week, day or niQ0 (m»lo ^Gportljy.733-8463

Tnor.i- b rig h t HORIZONS oKcRohab, - .pro-school, p

'rimariiy kindemaitcn, alpnabotxccliont I 's . . hot m easkyvlew 6:45am-7pm. 734-60_40_

EXPERIENCED ■ Mott bysHior would like lo babysit In t1 weok. Homo. Good with ku 37CH. wolcomo anytime, hot liairman cdOS. C;iI1734-83_3^___jmbing. Grandma wiVli lots ol Yi Iry ...& would liko lo babysll-ln t; porson home. Din lencod b.icK y.n S — n v - ’- r o-rTUii^riici nlgy .•734.8075 iSonE: - ' w a n t TO BABYSIT babi s —ana— irrTnrnoma-Horujncni al Oli :,nacks, milk. lan ! have playroom, loncod yard. Dn naiuro, Im, welcorre. Call 733-7009,

WILL QAOYSlf any a| ' hr. iM» Monday-Ffiday. Hoi lunchi

,,o-,l availaIilo.g.:i734.1&3t--.-

J j S E .— « t6=siiia!ltn5.W 2nie!L ,. . Exp Idaho legal secrotoKE .1 knows IBM display writ'mo C.1- sooks worK with progtossuro^-Ino lirm, Minimum^ tl2Q0 ^mo

rosslvo NOWS. Bo» 548. TF^ _j UI Do Eiperionccd C;irpeniitdurani icoking work.Call024-5e3r uLl_be ——iidor A -------------------------------------!?ienr-['' W7-0uslnoss Opptys.iontiai. CONVENIENCE STOR

rixcoilcnl Blue Lakes Nort2 5 5. iDcalion. Gas, giocorios L ihru (ood 10 go. 734-4875 Markc t’loaso inoAssocintfs . . . .-. rVi r FOR LEASE; Mall rostaurar

- S iwr wim liquor llronse____ Also other' rotail spac

availablo Contact Vorn j Uoshic'f A Holloy Roailorr

£ 734-2922ornvos 733-lfl66nional FOR LEASE: Major O, Highly Company 3 Oay sorvico sta

will non in downtown Twin Falls ’ Iho Good potoniial, S5000 capita

required lo hondlo. Cai-------------735-1634 lOr udditio.m r in

soil (qrmailon. _ __________Invoslmont Opportunity

ilniiHi ni):)tduranl 5 Lounne (o r.alo. Lojso or Irado. To;m:

S in- . iivaliablo.- possible n( money down i( secured. Cai

ment loday (or floiaiis. Rim Rocl limes R oa iIy32«n i. _•

LEGAL SccroIary positior VCJf open (or DistricI Court TwIr

___ Ealla._S,il.iry_(li>p.ni5clQni_0rIirinn ^.-iiiiicaiicms li cxnoiionco

For application, |ob discrip. 'y |ionCall734'3300oxI29. i j . . , .

1 gni rightpo 'M nioow naqooiily APP used car renial franchise, .n iiv Excellenl opportunity (or

addition 10 an nxistinn Dusi- T,on, nosfi. «5,000 minimum in-

'• 13* Rom-o-Dont ^Car^ Rontal

m™ Pn^S|m5,lion t-601H2fS^3'^®

ANy WARNING!Icf Tho Timos-Nows ro.

Fwin commonfla -that you in- (?r,r • vontlgaio cvory phase o( Sion inVontmnni opporiunltton,

(ro- ospoclaiiy ihoso Ijom out ot .D. sta le or oKorod by a porson

uih- do ingbustnossoutofa 7B9 local motolorhotoi.

Wo 5U00O3I you consult— yniir own attorney._________

thO BotlorOusiness Bureau Idaho Consumer Adairs or ask lo ra tree pamphlet and

— In(0imatlon(fomtfio Attorney General's Con-

RE proioction Division. Slai’o, ms nouso, Ooljo, Idaho B3720.’ Dt,on.. lUJilVl


K SS ----------- . s

o n ta l m ob ile hom os ((Ice & b u s in e s s rental o n d o m in lu m s lf tr ro n t qqa r a o e r o n la i s qo'a n le d to f o n l3u rrsf-and trailer ren ta l ,o o b lle h o m e sp aco_____ ____

M e r c t i a n d i s eis c . lo r s a le . 10:a m p u tc r s 101im o r a e q u ip m en t 101a n te d lo buy IKlo o sa n d c lo lIi in O i t i q u o s 1i : u s lc a i in stfu m o n ts 11' irrctreqm fnno iii------- ------------i i f

irn j;u ro & c a rp e ts . ps p i ia n c o s W_o a lin 0 & air c ond . 12ij iid in g m a te ria ls 12a ra g e s a le s .. 12;ro w o o d 12;a r j l s d i f c e s .............. ................ 12‘

GREATRETURNOn your invesied d(

availablo (or sale. N< — forrGinttaintonancoTaii

currently rented, des---------------- toCTiDn ngar c s r-prtc................. sa tta tsn c .o o o p e rp u i

Largo assumable und

SHARP duplex nearly n--------------- bedroom. 5 bath. NEAF

No slalrs. DELOW PRAISAL.733-5JB5 2 DUPLEXES. Tolal

_________*37.600, _Pomnli,il_ Ini‘ S550-S600 per monlh.'

sonablo loims. Call NorlhwosI Prufessiona airy. 324-7518.


021-M oney Wanlod

sT ^ e your ■ ^ ti iio ;r Oinms by r.iMiing m e ii


— — I 023-lnvestmoni------- BLIYiNQ brSELL roal e:

conlracts. morigages, ....... 0«odft ol T/uti aLdisce

- c > McCoys Biokoraqo. Bo« )Ut F r . Twln Falls, 734-21W8. i^4iid WE BUY PAPER. Real Es V '- - coniracis. deods/tr

m origages, wraps 4 i "'O '” monts. Seasoned or QR/

_____ NEW paoui.' We payotters cosin. NO BROKERS F£

pre- Fast service. Cali or wrili 301 4 FREEeslimalu.4EALS •Molropoliian Mottgago

Socuritles Co., Inc. .lothor Blue Lakes Blvd. 734-0In her ovns733-3aB9._________

kids)t luni 02^ M uslcL essonsT V .-n GUFtAR 4 ■ " B A t il TLC LESSONS, ' benlnnino I” f*'’' advancoO: Catt 734.573?-k Y'-' fd------------p(ANO LESSONS-

— •-B c« lo i» h O -in leim cd i(i ___cca5onuli!arQlc5-Z31:530.icriK .

Dro'^’009° " O R e a l e s t a t e

age ■

■■■ (jSO^HomesFoTSald " '!d -,-— -ApflfBiaiKi.,fQi_i?6'i)flq; inlnru "OW Wtih SIOOU oT

provomonls. Wo Will sen t "gl";; homo (or J73.500, 734-1971 mon. • QYOWNER. 2slory, 4 ()d(

---- pdMUil---- tUMm«m.-----Uushop , (enoed back ya

iiinior ' “ '0 “ nardnrijoQUruil tic----*-orapOSrjiO,000. 734-719S

QYOWNER; Hugo 5 bdrm------ bath on loncod 1'^ acn

■ .rORE b y " 0WNER; '3 bdrm. ’ orth modolod. Nice locatu '-p * Fenced yd., sior. A(C, 0 /

d isp, rolrig. 7'/;»i assu loan. S48,900, 733-7822

urant b Y OWNER; '2-Bdrm” Ali m inrounnout, J38.500. Ton

pace avaliaW.733-47C0alt5.EIY OWNER: 2400 r.<j, li.

; bdrm 2 bath, lull bsmi, bnhomo. iSS.OOO. 974 Ool W

Oil Drive. 734<938 •- COLLEGE MEADOWS

loliai Bedroom condo. NiCall carpeting, oood ansumat

- Idaho- Housing loan .-C 734-4411.

. ...... * *

FAMILY HOME Noriheasi KImborly, Silualed on' 2

— A cros with a boauillul vie Itlon 5 bdrms, 3 baths, lami iwin room, rucreailon room, locl-o n ___R io ra a o ,_ la ig o _ 5 h o p _"CO, b.'ir.omonl wilh ouisii -"P - enlronce. Ali sprinkled

_ nicoly landscaped. This ri -ih» — liotiUuJ homo has 2.1)cauiil o iily - otonoXllroplacec, a lorm ilso. dining oroa, 4 is air conc

(or tioned. Exira land availab lusi- • u p ip 10acrosJ125,000.

IRWIN REALTY, INC. ____________ 734^^

J. __________ .■■' HILL TOP BRICK 3 bedrooi

hom u on 2 acros in area ( lino homos. Concmandin

O- vlow ot Magic Valley. Twi ‘h- Falla Schools, 5 minutes i

downlown. lamily roon firoptaco, hot lub, tile roo

" 01 (oncod pasture, shad son ,roo3. Call Ed at 734-487

Markolino Assodatos cEvo3 734-2442.___________


368 Atturan Dr-by ownor. jnrt bdrm s. 2 (uH baths, (amll

room, (iroplace. Ocaulilu nn yard, out bultdlngs-doQ run . ■ t 6 9 . ^ , J5000 down, ossumi

• I- ja25 mon pyml. Immodiaii Iio possession . 438-8227 days


rOBfl-Varioiy lo o d s--------------—090 P e is & pot su p p lie s 092 A uctions

m Farmers' market095 F c r tlh z e r& to p so il096 Form sood097 H ay. (jrain & (ood098 Farm s (o rren t099 P a s tu re s (or ren t100 L ivestock w anlod101-Animaf breediftfj--------------102C allle104 H o rses105 H o rse oquipm ont106 S w in e .108 S h e e p M O P oultry& rabbils112 trrination---------------------------113 F a rm s & ranch su p p d o s114 Farm Im plem ents 15FanTrwDrlrw.-mtiTa-------------

□ Recreational120 A viation121 B o a ls A m arine ite m s t22 Spo rting g o o d s123 Sklino equipm oni124 Sn o w vcfiicles......................

1 -----------tOO-Homea for Sale; -F o r -S a le " b y ’ow'ner

IN will help pay rent, wiihdollars. Ihat go wiih ll, excoHor

No^de- 73-t'7577.•ainiliilB------ ---------- :------------------esirableTtcccTTD---- QUALITY 3 bdrm)uitding. home. Dcautilulkiichu mderlin. lamily room. Ownoi oyiit TRADE lor good lr lALTY proooriv. iriploxen c ;•-------- lic o s r c a ir y o t j S43-4i

.n o w 3— ■J6'no~HoalIy-737C4i ARCSI. 5434)222.N AP- ..................................

RE-LOCATING. Must ll prico OurhOmOln Iho 'cour incomo bdrm, 2 balh, loomy ki \ Rca^ - ■ w /bu iir in s-ft"-ca im a I j(,,,y Eilra ia>(]o (amiiy nal R ^ w/(iroplace. Big uiility i

lois o( cabinets.- • closets S sioroge orec

brick, dbl tiiorm wim I • ipcaied In tho Emi

w /lenced pasture, garden aroa, Ji

— _ W/J53.000 assum able IC w pro- 9V*% Inlerost. Owner itrm s iloxibiu on balance of .wilM .1 iracl. Call 678-3910. .

-------- -R O O M YAitraclive, (ramo^rocKf, homo. 2552 s q 'd ol i

estate area. Raised wooden ;s , 4 doubio car garaoo. 3 i icouni- . and—2-b alh a _ L o w tr ox 39t. q u id aroa. Reduced to

J59.600Estate SABALA 4 ROY REAL ,/lrust, 73J-t321 ; p a y . _ - IRAND J , . ay all X . FEES. X rite lor ....................... C.

go 4 SPANISH RAMBLEI1055 signed (or gracious (j

4-0367, living. Top quality homo desirable Northeast iocj

— . has 5 bedrooms. 2'* bai(amlly rooms, a /c. sprinkling system , mr

lANJO bedroom sulio (7 or lircpiuco, lormal dir

' proiessionaliy " decorI--------— ih»oufihool~A-MUST-S6iKilc • thir.p(ieo.S135,000 n i l ..J l ------- IRW[NTIEAL7YrfN(

7 3 4 ^

~ • • •

--------------- ---------------lltliis STATELY OLDER HOM171, 3 bodroomr; A huoo lr idrm room. Good basomoni,-Uujo___ (urnace, A .g.irapn gyard - location--lor- combma I,ees- homo &/or business. On tog Ave Norm, Now only J29, rm‘,3 Takealookiodayl


ition J o y c o C o lo '............73HOIVJ, DavoHamlotl..........73W

•'TiREbOF PAYING REN'iTiov, • Need a lax deduction? ' n im ' b03l • inveslmonl you i

mako is a new Rain T „ , homo Models now av.nila

i liom S47,eoo with as iillio 40;. down, Cali 734-9660 d. or 7.t3-0043 nvi'ntnos

J J 4 Bodroom home S37,000

linance, vacant. Coll V Cali 73+;^O fW oinW o3{R oi

031-OulofTow nBY o w n erVb u il d e r . n,3 t)drm home in Wondoli.

isiol cleclrlc. 10.5J% IHA (mur- 2'/i inQ. S33,333.635-2256 _ 'low, HAGERMAN; Cusfom hon imily 1 aero. Extras. Appral:, (oou J7ii,000, soli Sl!5,000. Assu


bSr.. t ' i bath. oar., jes^'a Jliiu^— O akloyrA ssum ptrw /ionr)ndi ' MI-255-S500..................... ..able -----------------------------------

- CCJ^KImborly-Hanson' 4 'b DRM, 2 bath, spill entr

all eiociiic with compio

o( Soulh Hills. Askir som J58,S00. By ownor. call 42 a o( 5201. 302 Gem Dr.. Klmborii

■wm oW-Jeromo HomosCountry homo on 5 acros.

OQi' bdrm. 3 hath, low dow Irin paymoni, assum able 9' ,575 ro3n._733_-2_323 or 324-4M2^

or OWNER DESPERATE! 1301 will 001 you Inlo Ihls nowor

— bdrm nomo w /garaoe. Lo intorost 099umobte--lo3i

, . pxcinvostmonl. 324-2792.Tilly 2~BDRM, largo-lam, A liviriilui loom.Partial basomonun Lennox A/C, Altachod C;imd Porl, Stor. Shod,.Cornor lolaio E«C iocatlpft^n JEROMflys Priced i6asonablo. \ F 0

' APPOINTMENT; 324-473^

_ . - K 5 Tfrtvel-lfo.lers---------12G C am pors& sh e lls127 M otor hom or.128 U tility tra ilers

^ Automotive131 A ulo se rv ice132 A uto p a r t s S a c c e s s c133 A u los w an ted134 A u los (o rre n t 13 5 C y c lo s& 5 u p p lio s 136 H eavy e qu ipm on i

---------140TrucK s------- ---------------.. .141 V ans

142lm pori s p o r ts c a r s 146 4-w h c o ld riv o s 1 4 8 A n tiq u e au lo s 149 A u tos — A M C -

_____ ^ 152A iil0 li^Q u[ck_____154 A u los — Cadillac 1 5 6 A u to s - C h r y s le r 158 A u lo s - C h e v r o l e t IGtTA u l o i r ^ D oafp r ^ — iG f a u lo s - F oHT 166A uIoa — Lincoln-M ct 168 A u tos — O idsm obiie 1 7 2 A u lo s - P o n l i a c173 A u lo s — Piym oulti174 A utoa — O ther 175AUI0 d e a le rs

-- .J40 Q u s in o s s (directory

>a)e------------- 037—Farmsi-HanchijrV o m o Ooa‘ut7luily 'r c irilh2 apts larm houso. 9/10 ■llont buy. prolossionally lands Btl-o(tct-6

-----------------1034---------- • •DAIRIES- Wo hav

rri e ricK --A vatiabiQ -ifem -i85;[ Chen, big J1,600,000.00 Call mor will. Jonson 324.5076 ov

Income T34-4875-- Mar


'^ ^ 5 ^ - - ^ I u 5 'e d " - * ‘ 0utsu';Jd^OOrmhomu.

• • 200 Acros doubio 3US'. s e '__ £porier..noaL0|j55.__Ounlry. 4 750 Aero stock lanch y kitchen Clly assum able low Im g-bar.— contract:------------------ly loom VERY QOOO. 40 , Ity room, (jrado "A " dairy, doi ^ large horrlng bono. 125 co«v UC09; oil -vanoenborg lockups,' vindows. gai. lank, exc. 4 b<« Emerson homo * 2 mobile hi -T-ncnTT— c atr j im-pauiiTOTnri r-JS ■. largo

J77500 BARNES REALT>0 toan-at-------- 1M3 Blue Lnkos Noihor ve/y ______ COII73W227

of con- - POR LEASE: 25 ocro (arm North o( Goodl

............. - stall milk barn; hav C., . sliods. 934-4409 ot 95-1-5

:K family pQp gALE BY OWNEf a cres with 2 homos

3 bdrm ^36^2425 -------------■ trallic Acres NE oj Jor1 to only Norlhsido canal wall 1 10 o n iy -^ jjrn o 5 -w ?v o ry gooo •ALTY provomonls. Good

' ground. Can bo spill 1 jiarco^s, each h

N orlhwost Prolosslona . - atly. 324-7518

220 ACRES adjo LERde- 'H azoiion, sprinkler i (amliy rigalod. J39C,00<),

iocalicn 345 ACRES South ol baths, 2 mostly sprinkler irrig c. and S455.000

'"''wim 80 ACRES Noith ol Jeii dining, sprinkler irrigated, S160,

coiated ....................................-SC€-QI— Call—Markwlins—Assoc

olllco 734-4875 0/ eves " B ro w n 734-CI98 or R(

fNC:------- Jim:,.'n:i24-b0/6

03ft—A creages Lotsb e a u t i f u l ' H"ock' c Canyon 2Vj or 5 acres

k ownor. 734-2445.W JACKPOT, Nevada Apr

imatoly S a c ro t. Frod W

lOME 90510 Pn.2l3-539-051G'‘ ‘


imation - , .,y |,.

tJO ^W'J.tm J jrnpio storane. Double narago, (oncod yard, ma

iL T Y s s = s « ! ' i , . 'c % " '2v,“ ; ;orvico) wilh full water. J73,500. 33-407Q SABALA&ROYREALT 3M7B7 733-432133-4030

One acre Moion Valley ENT? artesian hot water, grape 1? The dull Iroos. Cali Ju d y 3 2 ^ u con Msin W est Rosily 734-0551 1 Tree SACRIFICE will soil ai aljie proved lots 'lO":. - SO':;, be O H-j'v* appraisal, 423-4441 anyiirr ■uoay,. jg a c r e s South East — • Je io m ? .-C a li 733-23?3’00 IJU' 324-4332_______________'i7 w 1 5 ACRES in T.F. located n

Moiningsido School, roady subdivinnd in iD i41

' or build 1 houso on tn------ acros. 2onod R-4. For m

i n 'o i ^ y 891, 726-7520.5 ACRES w/5 bodroom bains, HOME 1200 11. sfi

All LOIS ol iroos. near TW inunc- f o r BLEOW APPRAIS,

7335285'ome, 5 aCRES-30 mm. tr •alsod T.F.-South Hi5sum. D o e r .C h u c k o is .P h e ai i iz-"'- . , iiir.Doa»»rut~^-C'^TOiji:''000 6254.

om b:— 039-BuslnessPro|>erty-COMMERCIAL LOT In

------ locatcd on .Blue Lakes B, . noxt 10 the E3IUC Lak.'i M____1 75-495 W.in a Ironi & nsntry access road, piimo locati ipioie lor 0 commercial busine;

1 42i- FOR RENT; Commeic 'Oriy, space. Main Street locaii----- -- in Jerom o. 324-4764

FOR RENT: 1350 sq, II, she , ollice, real room, insuljt

rinu,n 4 hoatcd, excollont Iccatic Also; 9000 sq. It warohou

J avaliatJio. 734-4875 Markelii

« 0M - p R ic ’^REOlTCEO' 'Y ' •’ From JW ,000 10 J135.000 Ii „ r * qulCK._riiVJ:._?_fOmriiorci®*"' eidgs on 3 ^ iiv lots, zom

com m ercial.'' Properly h.''''ing r.ocurlty lenco 4 easy iruinenl. 4 oqpi, a cc ess . Bidg it

Car 8400 sq. II; Paint bldg is 19' '01. 5Q. II. All bldgs oood com3WE. lion. Possible lorms to quaFOR (lod buyer. Ask lor RandyI . ' W nsiern Realty, 733-2365

>ffers-Met -__ _ .

■ T-----------------------------B g

m ^- M ..7

It___________________________ •

v1c tc u ry _ . ....... _ ________liie I I rttwhea------------ WO—G em elery Lolj

rcoiored CEMETERY LOTS Ir 0 acros. , spo t in T.F, Cemel. ndscapod, soli lor Jl25eacn 82? •rpace-toi— rofT S JV L 'E m jrT ct 5,f0O. 983- In Twin F.ill-i Co

- -----CSll.o iic p a r t.C ,^3?.i” -FO R SALE; Ccitictc

fS5;DOO .IO Soctioo 200 Space 3 all Bob Slope Disincl, Suns

ovos or morial Park, Prico J Marketmg siew ari, MackuylD8:

her r ing :

inding 4 __________________

0 3 sido 043-VacatlonPropoi

!w IntmM Lon hor

0 acir?' * snowm'obifors. double '6 JG5,000. Call V

cows, 160 733.1735 or .

bedroom 5>4J-a?22I! homes.______________________J-JUiU.LTY 045-M obilo Homos'North ARE YOUR MOOILE I>7 TIRES rotlino awacro dairy noinmg? We will buyjodlng. 4 c an Carter. H■V earn 4 - 734,-0586 — --- '5-1-5547.NER- 160 • CLOSE OUTSALElos C.1II

w 'aier'^ '?_________w'litr000 (m- CONTEMPORARY HO1 2064 KImborly ROft'" '." " o 2 C A L L ,.,73.l‘‘ FREEI

i n l m o n d J deo rom ' D ecem ber "*10, 1983 oi

-• - - n o w homer-M UST-B adjoining AD, Larqosl Slock In Id; I'-'' "■ 30ncw l4W tdes

6 u s o d l4 V/iac5 5 now Doubles

ol Filer lusc 'dD oubieIrrigated. 9uscd l2W ides

4used8W ldcr.4 u se d 10 Valdes

Jerom e. 1 u se d Sth Wheel160,000 10 u se d Travel Trailc

■ T used Motor Home.socUlufc-------6 u se d Pickup Campiyou Bob - Wo Stilt -trade tor' a

Robort anylhlno.-QvciiS5.mJim


Creek 4 miles N o l Perrino E:res , by T.F. Call 734-3167or 438-

____ MARliETTE 12x60 trailAjjprox- 'PO rTnrCa if324-747i:—

nee, CA NEWKITROYALOAG. _ 24,56 3 bdrm, 2 batt

oloctric lor sale wilh Ic iGE Magic V.illoy Mobife f-V E staios W ashington SlJam -on - , Phr:a5nniR n,tt1

n.Td'jm CONTEMPORARYHOI;ubio c ar. 2004 KImtMily Road. mature C A L L ........................73*garden SHOW MODEL SPECIE

/: acres igs4 24x56 3 bdrm beai

A mlilt May, 19U4 ot ireo Dd Canoo. Only S24.995 4

ley has bank linancm n. HURRY' MoQlcVflii^Mo^blloHci

■0555, TWO 12' w ine iixriip rai Dll ,n,. Will consider .any rea i. below able ollr*r. Carior Ho yllme 734-0586.;ast ol IJSEO 14x70, 3 bdrm, 323 or cieciric. S1100 dowr*.

per m onth. Delivery A si includod. Cannr. Ho

>1 Ai 734-0586.il4Ioli-:-------------nOOOREQATE-1 tJie 5 on any now home purch; ir more boloro Marcti 1,1984

tAZYJHOM ES 1 Kimberly Rono

-fioo T w ln F a lls ............... 734.' tw in : 14' It WKl<' mobil.. ll. AISAL partly lurn. locaiod al La

Park.J11.000. 733-8'lsn lfo”m 14x70 BROADMOHE Hill-,. 8x14 oxpando. 3 bdrm, 2

h o a - -I bald, locat(*d rn Family P O ntre-ye.Vfl-remiiinmt;

— -----assum nblf-lonn,-paym i_____ of S179 m ontn. For Oo-------- call Ja n e Do Wentirty---------W or.lorn-nojUy.7a3.23c;

-aLhome73'«-799l.•'"Blvd l'959"yLEETW 0b0 ■ T ‘ ' Mill liroplaco A dishwasher S „ J2TO0 buys 42.V6254 >cation l9‘7t SKYLINE mobile In :iness. I2_x50 , S3500. Cali 3 2 4-734< ,'n'mi--__iBab.-14x70-WQfllLLHD

Totally oloctric. 3 idrm , 1 nerciai carpet, storm wlnac icahon skirling 4 oteciric panel

ciudoo. Like now. must shop Ihis one 10 appieci uljtod J12.500. II inieresied :a|lon 678-9458, 9-6 or 578-9601 a house Cpm A ask lor Thurm, keling

3 Bodnxim Doubtowidi ) ■■ ■ 1979 Skyline 24x60 Ab

?^clal *o''rV2^°W0,°Localed a?Sp ionod — »140SKylane MobiHrl»arir

' ifM?k CONTEMPORARY HOMII , 2064 KlmtMfly Road

s 1980 CALL_..-..-...,,.,,.,..,73+:2:ondl- ' .fl3 QAYWOOD. 2 bdtm,quail- oloc. w/w oodstovo. imrrIdy at uiaio, noar Jerom e, JJ35 rtnwn. assu m o in. 324.360




rw lN FALLS GRIME igs t o p p e r s !7 3 3 - 0 8 6 0

P ll C A I„ l , — H a n t a l s; in/iroico

_ aa=BimHluidUnireinelMy- FURNISHED studio354-344S '— n o - j j o r m o n i i m 2.el,.,v Pioi "■ 734-9234 odor.4pm •3 Sufiny— H anson NICO 2-l)drn jnset Me- hom e, fu rnished or , J400 K lot, no po ts . 423-5263 )832S!. --H A N S E N -? -bdrm, MomoiiiH Homo, clean lu

l.n isnelll Rouaor.ablc-.Coi!423:pfr-=----------3-BDflM-H0USE=-'-i_______ do .aac-J300-t-S150ipert, 'HiZTT:__-------- ------ 05t—Unfum.'Houselor^iJiioit___ a ” _^CUTe1 ”2~_bdm

Now" Lynwood. Waior. ya Virninia P 'ovidod. Rols, no pt

51 noueri + J100dop._734-6338, 1-0404 01 . A -C U TE b BORM"

Econom ical gas he _________ Jackson , Catl 734-551.

3 3 0 d ^ w l t t i (dopla^ Fillmore J325 -f- dcE HOME 1918 733.9637,.______ ;way 10 ATTRACTIVE Largo : )uy your -stovo- rodig, garai

Homos uliiltios paid. No smo • - pets.- 733-5307.-

AVAILABLE: 2 bdtm ^LE . lor J275 por month p KS posit. Cull 734-9790,

^__________BUHL-Largo ' ramOlVr

- ssa“:^Ssi*Ronltora 543-4371 0

734-2973___ 54;W5«W,.__________EDEN; Cuto 1 bdrm he

, block Irom the Sr, 1" • S 'i 't i Contor, J140 plus J?i

r?niW( ----- 825-6105 n lie r O pml,“,„o .EXCLUSIVE 6 bdrm

Appiiancos Included, month -► J400d_oo^733

s IN KIMBERLY, Unlur0 3 bdrm. 4-plox. Falrl) ;s • rom incl. rolrlgoralor. r. walor & sanitation, N( )S X250 -f deposit. 733-49

HOMEY. Cloan, car. .d ra p e s ......1-- bdrm. .;

homo. Exc neighbors npers---------uliHll057na:p0I37733:B

----------L-argir4-00r7Ti7rcatn'■o on 3 a cro s. Rotor.

324-3756 a d o r 6pm.

; Bride, -------------------------------38-5707.

1 ' TheMarl

1^2873 M J ,

1 7 3Dolpliin

Homos O ff ic e

D e a d l i5 p m M ondny fi

Homes Noun_Su

. . p n n s i n n r s i r a r i i

“ “ E N otice■ “ CHl Ch YOUH.Af) (

34.9500 ilome o

L u y j .°./ P O P PO P POO 0

R a te s -rments - - I'ur ly Adr.details ; ___

SGi-o 1 .. - 1. N-> ‘-’I . D Lil...

1 br. . .. 5.I N o .o .D o y , T v

home --------------------------------

iciows, - nbovcT 0|nel tn- ''O "'. w iitiour copy

QCi.llO. Oli--, O il'.-r lo t.--av .cl call

R e su ltsridoAbove ..................crilicc . . I 5 o l d _

-------- ( h e ------)MES r o f r i g o r a t o r id .-tho first“ ‘' “ V l -



iiednosday . F o b ru a ry 8.1984

0 0 7 - 0 5 1

. S

t:««V ^

M HELPIg----------------051—UnfumrHouses -------------------

HANS’EIV. 3 bdrm homo, lull __________ ondnishod ’ basomoni, ,

l ijQliSaS— — mSn»W68^3W<%? ^ l T - ^ --------------udie nouso HAZELTOI^ a' r EA, 2 bdrnin 2 5 -d o p o s - '-h o u s o .- IhsulatodV "W /D '...... '.4pm. hookup, garden aroa. S160bdrm m‘obltn-- ."i?-0'^ * jflOdop,621>-5t30. d on private JEROME 1 bdrm, gas hoat,5263. caipoilno. w /range, 212 E}7=;— M ^ e sm. J150 por m o. iM d u p o s - -

lurnished " ^ i ' - 3 2 4 J m . ___________1)423-5136 ' LARGE DELUXE COUNTRYBc^-. , , - - r u |" HOM&^iiIi- viowi-M wrtdor-——--------1150 doposrt. P o in u rea . *550- 734-1333^__________

NEWLY PAINTED cloan 2-=------------ bdrm homo. Now slovo 4.„ .M ------------lOlrlQoralor-includoc]. $350-1----------------__________ J100 doposit. Cali Lindobdrm nrtar _ 734-0400,__________________ _________

«7A new ly REMODELED 3"' »opols.J270 odrm houno In Quhl, Goou

------- location. Foncod backyard.RM Home. MOO/month. S43-423B- ; heat, 253 ' niCE 2 bdim houso. Stovo.

•opiaco. on nIco 2-Bdrm houso. cionn-dep. 734- Ing deposit. W ator 4 san,

----- :----- -----lurn. Inqutrt>154 0ulncy.•go 2 bdrn> fjicg 3 bodroom on Fitmoro.

a s “or-------- ----- SPARKUNQ CLEAN -)drm homo READY FOR OCCUPANY th plus do- wo havo 3 bdrm homos lor 8. rent, loaso or loaso-oplion.

----- Mor>thty-cenl-$350-$4l0—f----------------

0 . S295 ner 734-«347sit. Barker Evo»&w knda734-14651 Of Jim VERY SHARP 2 or 3 bdrm............ ...... Gas heat, air condillon/nD,m houso. 1 garden, garogo. largoSr, Cilijen spacious kitchen 4 bdims.s J70 dep. Iroozor 4 gas rango1 lurnlfihod, $275 per month--*- •irniliom o doposit. 734-3383 or 733-1056,Idod. J500 .Wo havo rental homos.733-9349 availablo. Both 2 4 3 bdrm.nfi'^nhnH '®hoe from J350 to^idly now '®-

<5rpolod PaltyHlggln8 73*-1465. •horr moM bdrm’ al t50 Ouincy S i r ........... ....^ y j ^ ^ t t e o r r n o . - C a l t - o t l o i S;35 P M --------------

J ^ o ' ° '” 0»>'*-‘''' d=>-734-6Tigsatn'ttomv}'^— l-Sdrm—house ;— carpeted:---------------oleroncp'-' (encod yd. good location,Lieroncc., ^ doo. 734.7600.

! People’srifpfniappl n ; C l | J l d b C

3 3 - 0 9 3 1e H o u rs -------il l rMdoy.8a.ru. to 5.30 p .m . Soiui

ll in e s ------------iy frirlny tor puhiicnlion lotlaw inq i_Suluiduy lot publicot'on SutKloy

i n n m n r i n n r . a . g - H . o . B : f l : o y o ^ __________

: e ! --------------- iAf) ON IHI- riH'.l DAY Of- I'UOUCA *>•.l.oul.1 I).' oil .•r.-or pl,.ci%,- call th .. ®

iiuTa-iliol.'iy Ih.. I,.T..-.-Ni'yv-. w il l" i-..l>l.- lor mor.- ihon o.t>- .ncorr.-cl o

-M-O-O-O.P-O 0 g p Q P Q fl_P_o_o_P.o.P W

. I ~ 2 -3 ~i 4-7 J 8-10 I . ■.

5.50 7.00 10.s a .14.50 ,.

11-15 16-20~ 21-25 26-30 [

20.00- --22.25 2 5 .75 28 .00

opply o..iy to con ,ccu livV . n , c r T ' opy chonri.i. Hritpoyment f i’qulrcd I lo l.'' nd^'ond "po-.it.on w a.iti-d .. avoiloblo u(jot.r«quoir-.

t s !

14 TImos-Nows. Twin Falla , Idaho C-5

---------------- ----

Page 20: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

I ' T r

- ' a wO tf

051-Unfum. Houses»1757>-26 'T barni, 'l I fOlflQ. 3I0V0. carpel, tu yard, 126 Olh Sl, E. E P r o p o ^ Managon

2& 3 ttouDca I'of fc Thfoo C Proporty Mono 734-6^^0ppn,7doyB o « 2 BDRM HOUSE. Foi yorfl. 435Oulncy. 734-7» 2"BDRM HCiMt. Cluan,

•■Jodofson. S250 per me Call 733.107?. t m . P-71. Nico 3 OcJri

dfopos. «o(rla, alovo. (oi--------------- ymtJrfloraoffrCtiHdfwr*

**1 rtvM*250. P-19. 3 bdrm, 1 t Counliy homo, laioo woodfllovo,_c.lrpol tJrni hookups. (cnccLi y paraoo. pols oK, Hwy

-------------- M #n«fl«rnoni;734-i«n:-3 -8D R M :-i-nr> 'n ,-oaR ranoo. larno y :I. Imm; lalo. comiotl.i • homo

---------------leth;—(Joromi------no—pJ290/monih + . ,50 dope

_________ 2ZA-2AS4............ ________3 BDRM” HOME. SiovH: Irigoralor S now oas w. hoalof. firoplaco, 1500

......... For Bolo or ronl. -G randviow.T,F.3?4-i462.

S mc’o '** afoa*^'^'"'fiiopla loncod yard. 579 Mo Vfsio. Evans Proporty Maflnm ant, 73<-14Cn____A BDRM MOUSE. J275. S100 doposll. Avail. Fct}

................?34-07a5.iillOf.5_______ .6 BDRM HOME. Oil hc corporl, toncod backya Roloroncos roqulrod. 1 m onth + »1S0dop.734-68f e ^ tfrm nomo, w /fa? fn

-------------- ODlcrcarnar, 3300 eg It, JJ---- — .......4--J41KriTnpr733.93'n ------

0S2—Fum. Apt. & Dup.A cloan 1 bdrm apartmoi Wator & sanii, paid. No oc yi2S. 733-B557or 733-5437 A CLEAN 1 bdrm lurn.ai Wator & saniiaiion paid, t p o l3 .il3 5 m o , 734-4070. CLEAN STUDIO wilh wash 4 dryor. S125 por monlh »60dop. No P0I5. 734 5377. EXTRA laroo nico 1 bdrm. t ulillttos paid, Rols loguirc S210ortg;5. 733-4944.

■ FurnishPd Iront room, b’arr--------- hltchon-S-ftarn-in-Klmbtvi

- 733-6?94ollct4pm .-.-- --

aloopino rooms. Phor733-775^__________LARGE 1 bodroom. 't> utilllos oxcopt power pui( W oshor ond dryor includc S185 por monlh plus dopor.i

. - PHONE734-O5ag____ ... ^. LOOKING FOR A HOUSEO • APARTMENT? Call Quillcl':

LOW HEA't C03I lor this

closo to lown, so/ry ro poi5---------- tlBS.t.W qcp,

Nico 1 bdrm fumisnca apl All ulllilioa includod, {16 p o f_ rn o ^ . Cajl 733-4593. ONE BDRM downiown. fioai w ator.san.lurnlshod. SIGO -f dop .no pols. 734-551G SEVERAL 1 BORM APTS Cloan, J110-I170 Call 734

SMALL ? room .ipi.V narc show or. uiiiiiiitf. (urnmhod Idoal (Of coupio 1145 . J5C

- aopo!il.73>?!T3--■ STUDIO.’ v.?iy men,

downiown. hoat, walor ^ sanitation lurnishft}. No p e ls , J .l?5 t dop. 734-5016 \ SOHl'ii. tncludinc uIiIHil-:. i workino person. No f,fnok.

- in o o rp o is . J150. m-eosa

. ^ M l l T V I U J U ^


P R O F ir s

- A R E -M A D E _____

--------- - ADVERTISE' : YOUR ■


P/^cocJ undi't xho tic.\ain your cholcc!

Your ad will roach 77 lamilic.n ovoryday and rosulis will amazo you. lo d a yandonoo lou rlrip f

. . . . _ ,Ad-V(5<jrr. wiUliolp you w

m ost ollociive and brinfl Iho fO-'-.ulis you aro loci' (or.


I C -6T im o3-N ow 3 ,T

H e n t a l s - 1 ^

S f e i


s 0 52 -F u rn .A p l.iD u

1 Oath, 1 aORM Daaomon . tuncod Kllchon, uiilitios paii

Evans small doposll, 733-7 gomont. J135. p .;^ , siudio. ul______ . , ulovo & rol. 317 Sh{rfc n i.- Si, Evans Properly lonoflora Oflo_monl, 73^1*51^. _

5 1 « . P-20. 1 t5drm, Foncod paid, Kimboily. Evon

I-7140.- porty Mnnooomonl.uan. 4?4 ____________

monlh. S165. P -« . Nico 1 b( ba lh . lolric], stovo,

D5rm:',i 4th^

r S S d m om , 73^ 1481. . jn frp cir— S75. —Pi4 fL = au id ia ; inn Pro- lurnlshod, ?60 2nd A< ’34-1«n _E vans PfO M rty_M i 1 bam, monf, 73*-l4Cn,

00^ _________________

y’ard!' , .■ 054-U nfum .A pt3_^ . ...........&DuplBXB3-.

rj-» ^ fc = ^ T T R A C T rv iri :a fa o T oarano elovo- rolrto. na»an inmacu- u lilltiospaid. No smoh ^mo on ______

lapor.it! ATTRACTIVE 2 boi------- -------Tkpt, Close 10 Down'IVG. 10- firoo. Nl'w carpol & 5 walor paint. earth'»o SF, S245/montn. applianci I -SIO c ludod. C;ill Kon H462. __________l"D3in ■ OCAUTirUL'S'BUilIl, 2 oplaco! duple* 2065 Fails Avo iUonto O lsnwashor. disposal,

y Man- ulil room, carpolod. q: lamlly room, (ull bsmi

jy.— “ + JlOO dop. includes 1 -ob 15 No pol:

om okors. Adults pioli ' ' 734-2808davfl.734.403g

CASA QRANDE'2 bdrn ' cloan, modern, appi

|nc l. dishwashor 5 disf

7 »rnn Chlldfon wolcomo. No ■t, JCOQ ' — nnnt-h3?:nr1 nn tnrnrnff-_____ 326.4053 b/l l_46pjp^£..

CLEAN t bdrm apt. Walor & sant (urn, c,

------- . 734-7717 days or 734I. Qvonlnn ookends^

COZY. 2 bod '52Y 5th Nof'fi J187.50 plus cloa (00 CALL 734-355?.

7T:;r, CulO l-Bdrm'Qrick Duj

J77 llnlahod room. A/C,— Aii pum p, wood burninn slrri.AII Aulo {jarago Ooor ope^'fod. (oncod yard wim yard c................palio. Dishwashor. dispcaorm, buiii-in siort)o.spuaKofsDtvly.----- pe ls . -R e tired -o r—won — coupio - p»olo»»ed - Roli;i.NO Cutmd, »0(l.*-JlSQ,aop.’hone M oadows Lano. 733.7S«'

733-0106.________ __~ 'a ii d e lu x e 'a p li t-I e v o r? be puio Kitchon appllancos. \ ludod hookup, patio, carpon, 3or.li. wator, canl S yard caro li . . J300 m onlh-f dec. 734-75 E*OR Excolloni 2-Bdrm _?-i: lid 's duplux at Eastland

Sladium . Carpolod. drap KiV 1 kllchon appl,-(urnished, 1

- d —iiookuD__ aulo ..gaiinnif ■aoonolOC-heat-pump-:Y

a / c J 3S0 + J150 dep Nope

li'fir E'xCEPT'iONAL2bd^m“ Ei c lo sets , dishwasher, rcli orarot. rango. Oispo:

joai. privatu utility with hooku " air cond .. adulls prclort' . . no po ts. J?70 momn. 7

®TS, 6360 ovoningr^r_wo^kond EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUJ 3 bdrm. ? balh, sunken livi

la ro rm. (Iroplacf, private pal iod . K)l. appi; w/d hookup A( 550 waior. sanitation « yard n;

• lufnir.ISod IJ25~733t7n0S“ iico, FALLS APARTMENTr ^ 9 C lose 10 schools i r.ric No pinn. Childron weicorr

i w arm. • Inondly & quiol .- 1 m ospncro. 1 4 ? hdrm apl ,oV. J195&J?40man.S630ulnc


^ ' I ' l l l T T ll

____________________ ^

----------------------------- ^ a n

’ I ' I 11 i ' i

BUILDING MAIN' ^ — Build aonuLmmo

i i - y y — - — Romodol anyiiim

• siruclion Nothin 'O 'nao! or small 734-3144

CARPENTRY ’ 22,000 Romodol. era

nd Iho protossionntly dc 3u Call pulillvo nricof. F Inondly - PlaIIs.« ^ons 734-


Rental by monlh. 733-?4?t l(Dc r.uro 10 me wh(-n advorliMnt aaicincia-.Mf-.D

1, Twin Falla. Id ah o W odno

M e r c h e a m

' ' 054-Un(urTi, Apts. - - - - & Duplexes

' DELUXE 2 BDRM 4-F' t-l.^clric, J255. 750

; . Ave. Call 734.1333.FILER: 3 Gdrm apl, kllchon applijMcos.

r ' j J o - ' "’ 'I ' '>rapr!r., rjaran'- ‘= 5 ^ Wator S ;.anl pa-d.........Or734-656<.-------------------- - .I I JEROME. Lovely ; « ,; i ( carpel, drapof., sio '

, (ircplacr;, disfi W/D Hookup, garai aulomaiic openur: apprc-cialo J2H5 + i pol::. 324-3301. 7?04o Larpo du[>lo«-2 bdrm

- dininu room, itvnxj _ kllchon. F /P . A/C,

^ soltoni.'r. Full bsmi J400 « iioodi'po.-.ii : Largo 1 BDRM. Als

v - J STUDIO. Hoat “ lurnlr.liorl H33 ShosI

- - 733-C586 Of /34-532S \i\ r \-y MODERN 2 bdrrn in H/ilKH? no«, U »R Honpiui

doposii. 734-8’i()a-------------- 3:30pm or 837-6392

'~ yjE W ? n'oRM 4;ci'j.>. nj(fi(iefalor, dn.posa

, Dup. washor. A/C, utilllycarpotod.- drape.':. J

noni apt. SlOOdopoiiil./34-32-13 paid J145 SENIOR 'ClTIZENS-1

unll. Kimboriy. One . ulll. pd , solar surr^roomr.. rr Shoshono cording lo tncomo. 4: irly Mof*-- - CqualOpj)Ofiuniiy Ho.

SPACIOUS 2 'iKlrn m, wator Carpol, [ifapr-:,. appli vons Pro- o<c location All inis I ml. 734- month Call 734.8'137_____ . VERY CLEAN ntco 2

bdrm, 1 dupiox Wosl ol CSI. K0, partial appliancor., prapor., < ith St. N. W/D hookup, waler ! Jitonapth___ luinialiod___privaip I

back yard. No polsi)„— ------monlb.<->12Saop-J33I Ave. N ,' VERY CLEAN 1 bdrm .: .Mnnago- S75 dop,-niiiitn>s lum

adulls proforrod. no Call 734.4707,

T T T .. _ W astilnoion. SL . Nofii1, cloan 2 Odrm condo. I

■'Vppla X '[;ropIac.)“ I31

CTTSafm:---- ^ : r O O or cver^ln.'apo, all - w eekrndr. 734-7931 -nokors or ex TRA Larno 1 Odrm ............ S l o v o , N ( - a r Saloi

UPSTAIRS.A Ulililio# pnid excopt

!rthion"es” Call 733-8^90 or 734.031.jncos in- 1-2 or 3 Ddrrn, apis

Hov al lurnisliod. No pets. 733-0/40

lito Pn 'T carpo l,' drapos, rolrif sal IfDl' N Evans Pre

oarano Monogomonl. 734-1401. imi, J355 J175os walot, 1 bdrm. gas paid, stc)0l3. No folrtgoralor 309 4inrolorrod. Norlh. Call 734-40893330VOS. 2-Ddrm, kilchcnIdrm'apt. (urnishcd. washor-ippl.lurn. hookup, garage 733-C56disposal. 2 BDRM. Opon beam ct

No pols. slovo' 5 rc lnn .. i;rcu2:mgrFiim— pn ir / .iM rn y------^E.H.0. 2 GDRM APT. For moi )1. JMO. (ormalion, Call 733-537.1 . carpol 2 QDRM APT. appL.i /J4-Jiyi Included, J160; ALSO S

!«:------ Apl JlOO Call 733-41572 b d r m DUPLEX n o r

.loanmn Lynwood Cenii:f. A----- - - pfolorrod : -nO— (Vil.ii—Duplex. 733-CD33a(ietG6rn. .Ils. 734-, _____________________

bdrm"? 058-OHIC© Rentals

1 1 ^r ' l r *

P r l , „ < ,O l l i c o ; ‘ bdrm o T R o l. W/O B l u o L o k .

Ic lu n"t-7527. . _. ......... P h o n end i

id. w «

S :I. 734- _onds T w

S LEASE 0S tn o ll o f f ic i? ’.. a v

IS l o l e p h o r S o a n j .wIT lio n i - j l , a n eJ s c e r c ' r.hop- :ome.ol at- P l o a s o C o n t a c t :Incy A r m s t f o n g .

srvice gu nd d irecfa n z E D B ^ ^ E i m n i i i

MNTENANCE GRAVEL &1(123______________ __ F Of___(Ilivi

:Iimg.73J-J177 dolivor. N md Rig<jini

r----now - ■ co~n- HANOYMAIthina 100 l.iKiu II I can 't1144 _ cll.Ugi^'yOu____________ LANDSCAFcrallsm.ifii.hit), 'P runing,f dono .ll com. ’ w eekly mais Roloronci-; clo.in-up734-2251 f'vos. MOOILE HCl^ k ___ -____ -■ - Po y io n ’s

lay. wci'i. 01 CjIi^ '(o rdo laitr, PLUMBINGtncluOo prii-.i' S luU m an 's

Mnn iicms loi H o jiing Srn m o d e lS r

n o ad ay , F ebruary 8.198^1

m t i i s c

pl5 . 054-U nlum ,A pl; ! S ......................,• -SDuptDxos

14.PLEX.AK ? QDRM Ouplox.750 ;3park.'. Iritjofalor. carpol■J. oaibaao disposal~ 7 n r T .“ carport v^ith ultlipi, 2-baiii:,. S23I, month t JIO;o s . caiDH- Call 734-3243.

'slovL''ft'r^: ' ^ BEDROOM a"ll disfiwaslior, carpolcd, stovo a

1' ,t,.n fJo tieposll CALL 7304 0. 5183 733-9057,j„„ .J200, P-15. 2 bdrn vma'-foont,...... ' ‘-‘I'JO. SIOVC. carpc

'5:^w /^-:i;r»sit 734.4-779 E v a n o ^ ro ^ o r ty

S J2W-'‘> -W . NICOloshono N townhouso. 1 ball2 -" Vl - r . nrapos, dishwasht„ . ■ V [>i. ■ carpoft^,1 <t'jr \ Washinpion. Evnna.S i ’" i , , : ,

:;i6'vv. . , .t>5/~MoblloHome losal, dinn- CLEAN 12x00 3 bdrn ""'y '5 °" ’' P'Inr locaiion. J155-

FURNISHED 2 bdrn JS-I bOrm Park in Filer. Call 321


" „ 2 “ | m o “

!|^slo"j?ljo* *

;o 2 bdrm Managomont, 734-142 BbRM-MOBifE

30ls J300 TT^drrn Uailor liOuSii. -J33la5B; "*‘''<1, oas hL^I, 324.:

lumir.Tiod,, 05& -pfllceRentals no PPI.-: Approx 1300~sn~

carpolod. oKico c Jofin-vory. .. spaco..Ce>rndr o( At

. LAtfOE DOWNTOW(.•rimiis ' a r i m o T 'N ^ T ^ ^ ^. , , 1-1 aroas. Hoat

drm-sioa ;,ir conditioning and..-ilowayjn___ofovldcil_2_p{Jvatc.

and rocoplion RS, J195 J385/mo. Coniaci Ki opt tip.li loar.m nagont at 733.' •0314 OFFICE SPACE availipis , un- loaso. bolh Shoshor Ols. Call Bluo Lakes.B lvd.-|i

.-Contact pQrina, 733-5

o'lnn ?.)8 Avo. E. across Propony A lborison's . AmpIo i

500 or GOO SCJ. II Doiihior ( Holloy. R

, litovo 5 734-2922 _ - 4in Avo PRIVATE OFFiCE *

cnphonlsl & an: 1 api)' r.orvico,' STOO moni >r. drye Gruco at GloDo Roa -8J69 26.2fl._'Tieoilmn. Privaio ollico wilhdiKooui,___IlQni:il_£;^c.p[olussia:u2:l. No am pje parking, an:

' „ aocrolarial scrvico av iTioa 111- 734.5500 9,5 „on - " 733-43:6evos«weo)«

’(? q w !o 2700, 1200 S 595 SO Studio^ prlmo N. Oiuo Lake:r ipso 10 lion. All r.orvices pr, _ ^ l i s ___!Qi_iiruill(aciiyi!.ionlil i C .iir7^call Jack Warbero 7

'lav so r 734-1737 nvo.r,

I W 8-0 ffice Rentals

— 7 0 0 - s q r f t : ------:--------------------CO S p a c e w i lh 1 100 s q . ff, R o lo il s p a c o w i lh o k e s B lvd. F r o n la g o - lo x ib lo T o rm s

n e 7 3 3 - 2 2 8 2 “

^ - b l u £ l a ^

f O F F IC E PA R I4 F alls A v o . , S u ite 102

Twin F alls

OFFICE SPACEa v a i lo b i c c o m p l o l o w ith

lo w e r in g s c r v i c o . r o c o p r r c to f io l s o r v ic o .

5 7 3 4 - 8 2 n

uide :to r y ~ —

L& TOP SOIL • s’Iiivow.iyr,, parkinti

.'.TTri)aurofwr>T.Tn----— Norihwtisi Crane

(jinij. '733-1234. TiMAN_____________i n ' t ' l i . 11, I can 'l f fyou. Call 733-7234CAPING ! -I, (jowor raking, mamlonanco, sprinQ ,,p 734-0160,324-^932. , /; h o m e s e r v ic e ^'5 MobHC. Homo p,'

'0^11324-8095 . ,ING ANI) WELDING _ _ _ in 's Plumbing, ’ LrI S Welding. Now, ■l5roDair.733-7l?4

p is. — ...... - 058-bflfce Renl)S.......... - - p-20. za- -- ------- Kimboriy, Idaho.

«. Slovo, re- tice Building 1Proporty

3Ul. A/C. S . monl. 734-1461.iltltly room. -_______________MOO «.,por.„ r e 3 _ w „ , r tT 0 l

:X Finished “i6i57m Avo Oea-MoblleHoni

■,?' r ; l a r g e ' mobile

“ i n ^ S S : | r ° ! = a s , . ;

73^4758 or

Irm. 1 balh, M e r c h a rpcL.drao'-'s.waior paid, _______________

f Monogo- 067-MlsceIianeo-----ATV Amorican n.0 ? bOrm. Avonnor4who«lnr alh. carccl, jp an -l Hour, now •'’,0 '% ^’°''®- noi iarming a.s nt 776 N. Bounm lor J1995 " “ ProPOf'y I160il.C.ill73i.£517

BimordSuoDllofiS salos. Ropair. fi

n e ---------- ------ cu(T:r8owiadrompc o v e mini :

im inm .inr LEAD GUITAR AMf 3 ^ 5 a S ^ J160. 4 1000 w

Gfow-llto JlOO, 734-, in n in ^ ', l 7 l e t u s hander 1 7491^ unlciuo pleco ol' ' -------.Quality, oconomy-^2 bdrm. ? Dininn 5 brtrm sf*l

no. rolrig, cribs, more E •fi dryor, Handcraiteil Furnii

Hwy 30 East 16lh, 6urloyG7i — METATmHEToT!

F hom -e ,IPOSII, call f^E^^'HANsdN Skf - . . . JSO^ C a fQ u S fM___Im ^ C v c Z jieo/noaioiator.— j; M:535.1 , Morc-Comol.4 100;-:

l l s .................dUEE”N WATTREJ— n~77iTiu cond.,' hoai' J , wa3horAdryef.,423-Addison £ RAOS-,20itJ_Da5S..C'123-6202 whilo. Gem Lmon WN<t^nn"^oi( condllion and ail e;?ar.“No” Snd phonos t h e LARGEST :,olo lo niiiro ... iinlmisnod lurniiure I area, ors. rockbrs, slools Kon Roy, and roll lop dosks. T

3.4321 • --CaHfl(-Conlor.-733-3^ ■aiiabiolor E . Twinlono Sl. S Theater seals ur-oc -locaiion - 'f"ty , woodon lokiini

J-5200 ’ ’ wilh'Tii'm riisls. V(.-i

Co. suiiabic lor auc rn - .ik n n or Sanctuary. 184

- - 01423-5334. in^wori'nn TORNADO 13" llooi mlh Call * P' oallv 733. t>'ur.h0f,, J2JIrFillor

vacuum with chromc poworliaad, all a l1ac^

I" 'CCop- S600. sell J27'jioflaLloc— funftf«Mtlgood-733-5?

available ceanoncs. Valued ovi>n-Fri or • moving, musl solM V,■"ends J75. Call 733-0102 over50 FT o( TR0Y-8ILT Rotoililor ■pace in ‘<‘scounKOS loca G“f‘’en Counlry ,norov 'Jed Froo sot'up and-Hill,nlal.ralo. Call, colioci 678-0220.

733-0001 TV lost equipment, .

I _____ ator. DS K analysl, A 1733-9444.

‘ WANTED: Mediumchain saw wim chain

, Call 934-4667.WIPE RAGS lor many

'io</jS°n^94t2c{lal'r' l-pair.Snows(iocs 50!

--r .... - tOQuIaiOr. JdO. Ulllily

polnis, scrapors oic Hond.1 too. JJOO. 324-51 12x26 PATib COVER, new, $800. Call 733-950.; 1383 WORLDBOOK

------ - f^.t'fi^Mallef^pm!'-— -9 II X 4 11 Solid Oak d cabinel 7'/: it r tee p glass Ironl S shc?Yves I torod sliding doors J2!

.. . —bQsLQHci73j..U41.B.6-

S _

eludes all othor c ■»»»/\ rnont/nupplios lor iho

play writor 536-2109 9; or 536-2741 Irom l-5pm.

0® -C ani8fa Equip.DARKROOM EOUIF>h (or aalo: Omeoa

Ith enlargor:,. J70: El N ,_ lerjses, J25-J35; GraLaBP Iimor:.. J??: Qesolar

oiiljrgcr. J225; Ark.ly 1 r.iainioss pnni washers, Soai Dfvmouni prer

1 largo J200 Complolo ilis! and inloimalion; C Rcillbtns, 726-9491 <1

' 72&-‘)338rrvr^ninn3

- .iwMi'rvDTi! 1 1A d v o rt iso

fo r a t l i l i lo a s

___________ ^ p e r d a y

_ ^ _ C a l l -------------

733-0931" W t m r a E L C T F '

-clus:.ilii;J. _____ ,

T&3 Roolino & Romodolino Build, now, fomoclul, add on. 25' n dlscounl Ihfu March, trpci osl, 423-5419.TREE SERVICE ■________TfOO S Shrubbciry trim- - mlng. Froo osl. Insurnd J im 's Troo Caro. 734-i48f UPHOLSTERYMagic Vailoy Upholslory. . Froo OSlimatftTi—Call John •* MjTnuy 7j4-jsjii

Lcl yout <l,iily~'f'i(' |).7p”i!t

entail;^____ ^ — 07lJ=W ant«JT(

---------- -----; BUYING: Evcrylro R o n t-------------

WANTED: Elocli om oSpC. alor 4 Slovu. e >11 c u n .ji: '^'0 ''" 'ilLE HOME walnul table A I! m Glenns 734-7879 or ^ :-0W0f. v/ANTED: Woo

room lablo and Mado woll and condiilon, IO :

l a n d l s e mon-. CaH 543-56

------------------- A DVEfn------------------ YOUIle o u s SERVICE SPI

m ade 400n IN.THISDIRE<li>f, Runlof.r.ow warranly, Pi.icoH undorlh,-

f e V ’ c r i o r - 517s s pool tablo ' 733-09i

STORAGE O T ^S flw lng iC_733-8443' I-----------------------kMP. SOwalls --------- -Owalt.Hahde ____ f ' ' ------

-derail yourol (urnilufo. /• ly-A i'..Kvic. - so ts, desks,

Engtft}fo'srniiufo, 2000 c lass ic cams pt'678-2636 ..............6f~3alc. See T ^ T T T T ^ >ouih or call

ski Oools, I-.'I *

-•jso :0;-25-Colo<-----No tnil.?;

=ICSS Sol,loavy duty , . . . .123-4840. W ? — ■:..coloroa 5 .. . un Supply.____ x tg s i

I exirii silt- y

lolocllon ol . I J '-UL«:_UW5S:_______ __________lOis, chairsi.The-M ary raow ooo patio I'3-3493,-2116--------win Fall:; V”r-od hoavy f i';-... .Wi-I-,

auditorium > "<i. >. i- .i-i-,—.184 soaislocally ,lor 'i');;.'

123.5671 or in Chuich

/ :■oor butler J . polrnhmq ■'•fl

r f r f g r P ’j:*-?.'!!achm enls!275. Boih WAOOI.INGOUCKS j-5755: ------------

over $1/ 0, ' - r ' ’'-'' Will take ' '•'•M - I ...... . ...i...!.-vonlngs i ,.n-..i..i.,„ ......ilora, Fac-Dunlod al No'iiM7

^ N l S S6. '.,1, ..................... rrII, piciurojar goncf. r.A lo sijip V I r „ . r . . ; , ' i

jm si.-e -i.-i-.i.™.!, ...,r am brake .n'.-i ,' a,m v ,i „

any u s e s i.kii nnji a;;,

t.in ClMflll<KlCr.f alllc' .. tl! ~0«*P°«^mont C 83

“> ,'a '.k ' i Dl.b/°oi7°.00OIC S50 ________________

074^M u jIk iI1504, AUDITIONING Couni )K En. S Lead playors loi lie Call Brolhor:;. Strong vi------- — - own - trnnnportatiork disoliiv 883-0869. 421 Ea:I^p Wllh MOSCOW. ID 83843.

J2500 or .6______________________

.“i iS " ', ; :equip- f f (tfv v S i y / iO .

) Oam.i? f i \ ^m. (Jv, -----— -


lf»MENT ( --- ( f w 1 B-22 N r - - / /

Nikkor \ ~ J / y .a b 1300 lar 4x5 ly 16x20 -•'s, JBO;iressi’ s . V v W n 0 pficc ' ^ i U ; David

‘'='=' - Su

• S ^ — -c . f({ n



<ITo8 i.r y " ’_ ' " • 074-M usical

>ld. 633 Bluo711.JW? Acadomy o(

p h o n e d

ho Com Gallor- Musl soli alfT733^593---------- QuIbranscTr-s

n' a anilauo" “ ERV NICE V

vooo.n Oln,00

i ' ; “i„“ ' . i S i O T B ^ fficeE .o ^ so a i 12 or TWO 4 draw er: 3-5685 aftor 5 cablnol.s J250E fm S E ---------------- * « 2 . c a i ^

DUR 0 7 7 -R a d lo ,PCOLOR foiovi

HRECTORY largo soloction Kon-a TV a A

ihi' hi>:idinfj o l M**-'' S,JTwln.- COLOR TV. WOI Coll 734.0188.

1^011 '• H E N T A N W TcolofT V byroni

----------- Itofs-chochod-;» r. I . ---------N. CAINS-733-j

i&CrattS SlofooC om por____________, high (idolly.

spoakor. Lisioi — • oach. will soil t

'• - l l Tochinlcs SL 15.. , - ( J -------- w/plckorlng ca

lhan 10 hrs i ^ - T 2 4 ^ _ , USEO--COLOI nuaranlood & ro Portables &

' BiackoraoDllanc

™ r E i ---------- D 7S-Fum .i~ C iiri.'w,- ri-.' BROWN and i (I. Am.- j -ti *'50- Doublo be

' 090 -P e t3& S up |

■■■■■ ‘CK "« 7 r « 9 ' P I


- - ____

'>''•.1 .'I

: r . n .jJ332JJ._

r«oo8 |- •• ----- ;

.... .. •B oorDunlry Gass ■

lor Braun ■ t-1 vocals & IItion. 2011- m ,®*Easl 8lh. ^

■urprise Y a u t^ l e n t i f

-C O M P O S E Y O U R -O ' IT 'S E A S Y T O D O !!!

EnclOTictJ PIrnnc

-------- ^ V a le n t in________ _______ COMP-QSE-Y.ot

NAME ..................JkODRESS ... ........................

CITY ' ...................— Me s s a g e s p i ^ i J

O N L Y $ 6 .1. Addli


^ THE TliW o il, T w in F

a l _ _ 7 : _ ~ O TfcFuni. S C

s — b s ^ i s , . a S o S

34-0399_________ HEAVY built I

S ? . S co„--------------------- 0x12 lofosi (Equlpme»l_ S H i j S l ™ ? ,

H sieo l caso liie KINGSIZE ' t >0 AND 1 desk Twinsizo bod.

oood c ondition Ti«# c . NEW-klngiTViSlerOO S,box springs <

—TiTn.'i l^l'ch hoaioo. From 199 95:A p p ll.o c ^ < » “ '" O g J I S J »

VE NICE fTVin^'n'n'i^.^L. drossor. 5 d

i.7 iir , ^ *'

r ‘’"^'wav'^'’' “7 S^ieCE^MAPLEm dn^w JtSO O 9^20-l^cM ^loaII both (or 5500: ---------------1700 turnlablo. 5 P'ECE tablo I

canndgo, loss Round g la ss topplayod, J200 I'ori vinv

chairs, only S)O RE D "^fv-S .rocondllionod. ' PIECE dlnolli& consoloa. loppod lablo, twcinco 733.1604 ^ 0 c h aks. only J


bo“ °'"!M.“ S i » » -A p P » an c ea____________ FREESTANDING

good used coromic. 8 '

jppilOS ................ MO-^PetS&Supi

-------- ^ n f o i f i j i p



P L U S A L L B IR O S U P P L I E E T C .) , N O T I N C L U D I N C

~ 2S % ri

i t i i v p t i

- ^ V t - N e w - G e n e e p t - i n ^• Votorlnary Sorvleet • lo w C ot

lordlng •G room ing • Com plolo Hr

HOURS; 8 a .m ,-6 p.m . Mon.-Frl.: 868 G ro o n A cros D riv o , T w ocolod one block N. of Foils Ave.

:r V a le n tin e 1n e - L o v eD W N V A L E N T IN E M EII_ ADS MUST DE RECCIVEO DY FEn

nc Find My Sorcinl Prepnid . . ,

n e L o v e L in e ! —'.0U[_Ow{i M<>»«.-i^r_OHqw________


. O O fo r 1 5 w iditlonal v.oid> at 33 ' aoch


IM ES-M E¥1 F o llt • H ouri: 8,.S:30 • P h o n e :

0 5 1 - 0 9 0I. & 'C ^ t 3 ~ ~ ~ 0 7 9 ^ A p p l l ^ 3 ■;

ME'RiCAN'Tbla's FRTDldlHlRE white troshvn. brunt o ra n g o i :ompaclor. Works good.. Like now, J325. guarantood, only J99.57,- - - Sonnor,733-1421.- - ____^UST liofol sofa. LARGE "capacity uprigni-candlUon__ S125___!rcQ2er._JikQ_now._gyaraii:___iA_____________ __ lood, only J329, Sonnor. .lilt 'lormica labio _________________

fs;'chfom o oaso; side-OY-SIDE ' J200: ■ siovo —in n o r.733-1421. H00: Dishwashor JSO, All in

4 pQSlor 300d cond. 324-4532._______complolo. J2S5;

31 groon plush WASHER and DRYER (orjn d odqos; J 120. salo. Can 733-8587. -n p ^ ^ ^ a _ w'e StTnGHOUSE 30" ranflo.

BED, J60: Works good, guarantood.od. J45. Bolh in only J1S9. Gannor. 733-1421.yon.423-4701--------- WESTINGHOUSE-40-fonqo.------Ongsijom ailfoss Whilo. nuoronlood. J89,igs wllh Iramo A . B annqfj2^d.‘’2L_________hoadboard. Onlyf. 733-1421.____ ___ __________________ :---------- 'Y dining labio. tWll—Haatlnn nnri i. B a J , , 733.

bdrm aol. dou- 'E lk o Hroplaco insorl will 111 , 5 drawer chosi. (argo lirpi opening. Call

Headboard, 423-5787._________________jnat1fC33ji.t)0Jl___mvi RTtI n,-i.i.llrnrt Br>ltnr_______ly J179. Banner, lor homo Hoi waior hoatlng_____________ syslom , Excolloni condition,PLE dInIno room Asking J150; ALSO 52 gollon •loal, J150, 328- wator heater. Asking J25;_______ , ___ B o slo llors. 733-4040,______)lo & chair sol.top tablo wllh 4 .. . -----------------------------:— ..

." '"sS S Z o ”? HSi-BulMlngMaleiMJ........... '■ FIREWOOD; Immodlalo do-

noilo. 'Formica "’'o ry . dry pino or codar, two 12” loaves ALSO 3 .cords groon olm,

nly J79. Bannor. SP'H- J85/cord apTlt, 423-5612 bolwoon 6;30om & 5;30pm,

-------------------------- fo ft t - harney- u u m b e h ;-------. ' Kimboriy (2x4x8. 09i unll).

. . a . (CQdar channol .rustic

.l i r L — ___ . 1x&-14'-16'. S360/m unll)ING lireolaco. (Insui.itod window panol,. 8""p lpu m:---- 20x3.:----- TOI— {3/BT '4xB-------

Supplies ' O W -PetB iSiippIies


f i j i p V ‘ n y f ---------■— —


■ ■ .L IE S ( C A G E S , F O O D I N G S A L E I T E M S . . .

S ■

B e a / lc t e Sf c t - . . C b m p 6 w ® ^- ^ t a h P e t - G a r e ^ ---------

C o tt Spoyt and N ou te ri oL lnoo lP o ttondP o lS upp llo* .

.F r l . ;10a .m .-S p .m .S o t. IT w in F a l l s , 7 3 4 -2 7 1 1 f l.yo. off BLuoLokot Blvd. N. ^

J W i t h A . . .

e i i n e - B -/ lE S S A G E .- . .

_F£n, 1,0J,?B4____ . - ________

' , — I , CLIP

• I MAIL____________I ____ .YOUR_________ __________--------- -------- 1 L ove____________ L ino

■----------------- MUST

R f o r d s

Page 21: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

T H I- - - - - .........- - - . - I l - i s - v h i i

wisdom not tc thini’.-,.-' - Thoreau.

— _ __________ ll_ ra r c ly _ pfinesse e a r ly \ finesse c a n t

/ and a l le ss ritoday ’s layou t

-happens w hen— — - ..... - d e s p e r a t e - f i r s

! finesse.'W est found

---------------------- .Icad -o f—Iho-liliopcs o f h ittir

• suit. W est had own. n o r d id h« The sb o r t- s ii if c h o ic e u n d e r

........................ tions.South read

fo u rth -b es t lea d u m m y 's ja c k E a s t cov e red

. f inesse lo st t( a n d E a s t k du m m y ’s hoar

•— — had-only-ciR hi-------------------out—th e —clubi

-------------- I n s p l r a t l D i r m r........................ , B tit it didn^i

S o u th . s h o u k d um m y’s heart one, In s tead .

___ f i r s r t r ic k 'w i thtak es th e los

•finesse. E a s t < a h e a r t in to (

— ---------- — a n d -m u s t—shifs u it . T h is i

club w in n e rs a

; 082-eulIdlng Materials

:RED CEOAR oxiorlor, Inlorl- or. lonclnn. Channel Rustic v-flfoovo. VVhllo Pino. Coral lumtlOf.3;4-81?Q,3?4-21?7 ROUGH LUMBER. Troalod

8’ 2x4 Economy 90<8’ 4x4llf. J3.49.'A"CDBIOw Plywood 6.49 T Ma5onlt0 3iainoJ6.95 5/e wido oalvanizod dalia

ribtin .G3allnosl fool.


7 3 3 ^

083-Garage Sales

OSa-nrewood_________DRY FIREWOOD'laS/cord.

■ Cut. oolil & dodvofod'. Call-------3S2-4203. ..................................

' DflY-ISLAND-PAnH-PINe.—-------spltl,.doltv..Staehod. 170/pot—

lon P.U. 733-7804. FinEWOOO-J75 por co;d. Cut. spill S dolivorod. In - Burloy call 862-3400 OR733-13aa. ____________GOOD ORY WOOD. Somo hard wood, ooiivorod, $65 pof co td.CallS?6-S0ai. GOOOOuoltly Flrowood. tSS & up. Dollvory Immodiatoly. Call733.4299cr 734-5961-

____ M 5/por P.li. load; pan

-■ ISLAND PARK wood lor salo. Split, cul & dolivorod. 324-794d allor S;30pm.



'° M O H D A T i> IB R U

u.i.'T,. fl30 vii;0 70 n-'

T«UCK il’o i I>..I 1

!^KU« r»;i v'm. ...... .IVl r>,u■ ^orAto"i6 uirMlNi II.'.-.

” *)-o”i** uyjh.j...... .. ..... .

uo“. y I—'ll*' ■

___ __ ...I.r..«ij*ho<iiU. m u i ................. .

AC : i"~ .... . ....

Co7JluHri*?""°l'’ '<''iit> A-">'Olln<hin«nt Va'<C)u> «< <> tul.vl

1- - ' • ' ‘ ' ~jT t ' ,

tffoki t (ckvr IIS9O W M III - W * ! . ™

OuTlp»rt. wali*rt Oorftr*'^NrM«.o». o.<t<>i*.0'«. Nr«i«.0'*■■ WMIt.JM# jos m-wi

- ^ w m

IE ACES"■-iiarncterislic-of — -- f t to do desperate *- Henry David ^


............................... ♦ J U G U

,-_payt;—to - l r y - a --- ♦•4 .1 a — ly when the sam e ♦ lo ii 1 be tried la to r , i risk. Look over < out and ^cc w hat ' len South takes a ' * first-round-heart----------------

in d [Ilf in sp ire d s „ ™ ” ]3-h e a r t-e ig h l- jn -----------------tting Ea.sl's bestlad no suit of his 'J hc hav^c entries;ii if s tab is a goodler these condi- Opcnli

Id the lead . a s a , ,d ow n , orlead and put upick imm ediately. ■•ed and South's . ujiiDC^hc-diam ond-------------------

to E ast's king South hoi knocked out

e a r t acc. Soulh 4iR h t-trick sw tth ------- •..........lu b s 7 - s o We.st’s . ♦iiftno-j.T C K pijr--------------------- *d n ltj ia y e lo be,u ld n o t p lay N oriti:a r t jack al trick ?d. hc w ins.-the. - _______/ith his~king andlosing diamoml A N SW E!t cannot re turn m u ch fo0 dum m y’s A-J tw o spai5hift--lo-anothcr -« « P P o rt-

g iv e s South n ex t turc ; to cstablisli-two ;._ ,==== s and instead of

with seir a(i............... -

08&-nrewood7l- WE'VE g o t " 'm o r e tic Filowood. $65 por lovot Vi ral ton pickup load: cul. spill &

dolivorod-324-7563. • _____od ----------------------------;—“ -------MS^^VfflelyFooa s ------------

1 tb Qround cinnamorf S2.40.Splcos. oi-tracla & colors roduccd until FOb 20tti- Call

«9 423-4970 6am-l1am................

Ila ’ -------------------------------------09Q-Pet3& Supplies

AKCtJiacX Cockar.Spariiois. Adotablo mates & lomaios, swookaold.MS. 423-4716.__AKC TflJ PoodtO pupploa. 2 lomaios. 6 wooks ofa. $150.C a ll7 6 S -4 4 0 1 .________

■■ 'B lack lobs .AKC, Excolloni bloodllnoaf 12 wooks old,$1S0.3?4.303a.____________BORDER COLLIE pupplds.

O',, purebred. ..From, mcoiloni >l< working slock. $75. Call------1 r S43:665Lr423:427B. —:■— FOR-SALErManB-tod-03by-

----- cockatlots—CALL— 886-2692gllorSpm. ' ' _____FREE Goldon Rolrlov-

In ■■ or/BIack Lob mixed pups.R Call allor 6:30. 734-2936. ___

FREE 10 oood Homo 5 pup- e pfos, 8 wkn Old.' Also lomalo !5 Irish Sottor and mixed brood

nuutefodmalo.43M28S.>5 FREE: Femaio Lab/St. /■ Bernard Cross, Spaid, flon-

110 w/klds, noods room,------733-467S- - . . _ ■

" FREE: Goldon Lab m yrs — 5nr~W 3ronjO ocm itn(jvcr"

Iriondiy733-5307a l l 5. pm.I' MINIATURE Schnaujor I' pups. 6 wooks. $150. Call

934-4569 aller epm,


L O W i r A R M ^ " " ^ " U IP M IN T A U C T IO N

Idaha tK llighwor tJ lo r>.»

R U A R V l3 th , 1 9 8 alun<)<t..v.dk, >•'«<> C.ono*


I tto- Comi—* :u nlOg.o..! i.K.i

» •Ml''

rmR L O W I F A R M S KCR A U CTIO N C O ..^ . t . U~».k.. . J.hnW«.<J-Cl..k


- NiHlTU - 2-X-A♦ 10 7 3 ▼ A.IU

. ♦ A J U 7 1.♦ « 7

ICAST i- i 4 g H f.

T Q lo y7 .1 .-------------♦ K -fi- ................I J + A IH '

, SOliTH♦ AKH V K 5 2♦ Q 106 ■


n e ra b lc : B o lh -- D t-alor. T h e hidtlinR:__________________

Wi-tsl N orth FTiisI I'.-iss 3 NT All


:ninK Ic^d : H e a r t e ig lil

o n e . S o u th m a k e s Ills w ith a n o v e r t r i t k .

B id w ilh T h e A ces

holds: 2-i)-B

♦ p H r.-----------------------------♦ .K6 _


V E H T T w cTlr e a r l s i-T ou----------fo r a' s in g l e r a i s e lo

p a d c s . T h e p la n is lor t - H p u d e s —Ht—R u t h 's —-------u rn .

q m iu o n .'u^Yl1r“ ^«^7 « i:363, naltaj, Tcias f-artdrcsird. sl;irn[>rd rnvrlojir

0 9 0 -P e ts & Supplies

)RE MUST SELL! AKC block Lab Vl puppiua. D..10 ot blfiri

II 4 t2-2&-83. Good bloodllncr.,J15Xall53(y_964

_ PROFEMIONAL______ QROOMINQI— V acallonlnoi

rii board 'your dotj. CuotiMlll0j_Kpnn0iti,42^5!M;__

Q ,; PUREBRED Basset H ound' 'i l l pupplos, 6 WOOKS, riavo tiad

. . sh o ts. 536^1261 or 536-217a. . PUREBRED YELLOW LAS

- Pups. OUI ol Boau Brown. 6 wks o ld .$60.324-4128.____

'■r Purebred yellow lab puppies®'s- 5 wooks old. 324-3721 atl 5 or=• 0 Kav543-4514days.________—, PUREBRED bull malo

« & °fc ° ;i ig & r" " ^ ° “"’'RoQ, neutered mlnlaluro

,i!l' Dachshund, houso trained. Also Rco. Doberman . Exc. bloodllno.m ato, 324-3308. SMALL Toy AKC n-oialered

• Poodlos.-W hiie.-l malo;3l!!-----t<>malo.^250oaenJU4.27.56___

________LOVE.yOUR DOG_,____Ploaso inquiro about _lrco__ aroorhmn. Gtootriino Unlitri-l1O^73«-i305._____WOLF. Gorman Shepherd X

P-' pupplos, $30 each. CatlS43-g852 allot Spm.________

i?: 3 YEAR OLD AKC black Lab Jomalo. Has .outsiandlng pupa. BIgctone podlQreo,

- i 2 * . c an #34-3363.


*" ™ Farmers'market>rs

- 096 -F annSeedor ,. — - - — —-----—ali HlQh quallly corlillod potato

sootl. virus tested lounda- lion. ExcolloniroaOinos.ntown In Ashton a_roa..74^33 745-7603.

I Wanlod 10 buy nood nualily corn silono noar Jerome. s,^i*324-2ieS.____________ ' ■

M 7-H ay , Grain iF eod_ ’^ L E "d hay dolivorod load Iqis- Cal536i251J.Batloy can dellvut $6.50 pet CM- -Darloy Straw. 2 or 3 strlno ' balMl0_34J767.oj_9_31'!'iG6._ F lrsland secondcutnnfl h.iy small amounis. Call 423-5787. .................................Ftrai ct'S p'hay JBJPalotTTT ions avail'or $3 a bale. 423- 4053.______GOOD CLEAN wno.lI Ss_lraw, cnnj^ellvo r ^ ^ 1 2 3 .

.GOOD HEAVY tjarioy & noott quality rtay. - Dctivorcd byootTilJpad3.^3Mq3B:.... ......

-HAY-tCS’p'or-lon.STRAW-jl— por balo. Can deliver. Call

.......--------------HAY FOR SALE-50 lonj 2nd . culllntj. IB.1 protein, no tain.ln_bafn.Call t o -2229. ■___HAY lof snio. We buy, soil A •

♦ haul hoy- 543-6023 Of &4>6090 • - Rainbow Commodity.HAY FOR SALE; 150 Tons, lo t. 2nd & 3rd, Coveted. ALSO 2200--bushels Batloy,324-4010 oven Ings.________


326-4^4 or 32&-4703._______NEWHOUSE bale choppor. Llko now, usod ono month. $4900. Call 53I^?Q0.STRAW FOR SALE. $1 por bole. 25t lor lop bates. CallS43-6610. __________WHEAT HAY, $50f1on, located SE ol Joromo onHwy 93. Coll 324-3650.______

-_lflt. 2n d .i3 td cutlino hay Ior .

1.400 balos ol straw, $1 potbalo, 733-8230. ______ _100 TON Ol 2nd crop hay, 100 lon ol whool hay. Covered 8, dolivorod. Call 324-51D7 or 324-5162 -250 tons Dl barley. Can do- Ilvor.In Boblail or somi- lOod3.034-5767orO34-4466 •

M 7-H ay,G rB ln4F ood ';• 40 Ion ailalla hay lor salo.'f

rain.423-5942. _'40 ton hay t i t i 2nd, No rai Will sell small am cjnts. 7

■ • V^VVJ_motflo, 324-5082.50 TON 1st eultino hay C. 655-4306.

098—Farms For Rent FOR “ R'ENT:P7voi ' Ipotatoes, 6mall c-qulppi da_lrybatn^3VU70_FOR "rent ': - Dairy 'Qar' Corrals S loalino stied Equip w/suiQO milkers. C; 32_4-_4tl2._.” . _ _WANT TO LEASE wiih o tlon to buy Dairy wiifi loci lies to milk too cowa. Ci 406-326-221Scollec to yo3. W/iNTED TO REN Farmland, Duhi 2 Castloloi

__ aton. 537-6574.___________WANTED TO RENT; Potai Ground under sprinkler. i East Hazelton - Ridoeway Kasota - Murtiiunti Mimcossia Atoars UawrRii'i Basis.Cnlt678-5359. ' _ WANTED: Farmotound I crop share or cash leasi Within 30 m.I«s-ItOm-Kinberly. 423-4843__WOULD U k£ .fO .LEAS Farm Ground In Pau Hazollon Atoa lor sug; bools, boann- n»aln & haj PtofotraDly 10(J-200 acre: Call 438-5640, ask lotKen-

________099—Pastures For Rent •FOR SALE: 165 share Salmon River Cattiemon’ ASSOC, ranno rlnhls. Writ Box F-55, Tlmo5-Nows, P C

----------8o»648.-Twlt»fa[lSripfW1100 SHARES ol' Ploasar

______ Valley. G tazion-^aoclaliajRango R ights.?33to0. ...

■ ■; t a j v e a ^ ^

_ 102-Cattle " ' _ _ _ A N Q U S BULLS.i.fCDlacc

mottrhoirors, Hbwatd'An'iJu;Ranch543-4915_____

BULLSTORENT Most breeds. Call Daritet

----------3«3-fl075 0rL-Y0nr5O-5e?4—COLOSTRUM fed" day oic

______ iialvea .-Io r_sa lc__C.onlac... .......K ara;- MaoiC' Vaitoy “Dairy

■I38j;8292,COLOSTRtJM STARTED But (pM vertor.salO ^A LLJZA,'350.___ , __1 ” _ ~ T(Colostrum tod calvos loi :ialO. Call 324-5573. t^OR SALE: 6 Spflnfloi

— Holstein tioilets. Some Closo up. 324-3533 GOLOEN VALLEY PACKEf^

;.jt) SlauQhtor 4 loedet cows 4 ftin bulls. Payment in kind cows cr. po difoct to siaufltMct. Scale

location ono miio east ol Cloar Lakes road on Bob

,„•>! Batlon niDhway or 5 miles — so u tn r tn rco w o sfo rw o n -

" doll. Scales opon every Tuesday 5 5ot.7 om -1 pm.

'" 2 Other calllo received by oppolnimeni. Pnono Mike Noa! 934.5313.'scales 536-

AS 2064 Lee Johnson 733-8298 I. 6 collect.

HOLS'TEIN HEiFER S bull les calves tor solo. NewCom to i or wearted. Call 543-69<6. _ _ LONGHOR’n b u lls . Both ale ronisterod 4 non ro(}-. lid. yoatilnos 4 2 year olds. Call _ 745-674TcvenlnQS. _ _ _ jro SALMON RIVEr' ' Cat- 5d. iiom on's association, Gra:- xc. ino rlflhts available.. 225

sha res , alt or part, linancing cd available, write Lincoln LandI 1 and Livoslock, 174 Ash ■; SlroqrN orthrTw in Falls,~or

734-3148 oyohinn's"M ---- THE^ANTMAL-inaVwalks'ioIlm-— m croasos-yourprom -H D or

trimming, cattle 4 bull; U ddot ciippinn 4 calllo dip-

ati Pi' O- Pon 436-0140 or Jett

r . 50''“ i^OLSTE^^ “ SpTlnoor Holle/3. Stan calving the 1st of Marcn.-Calt 645-2314 or 64&-2453altotSpm.

" KW -H orses

children, $135.; Cnocolaie-------- CSItSTOT-Ftityrotacir-iTnptr

ovot hip, inotouQtibted btoodlno, boaulllul hoad,

0 coming i yt old. $235.; Largo I- Wolch More. Trustwortliy lotII children, JO yr old, $335,; n 543-M71.

1 APPALOOS^A Golding, 3 yr old. broke to rifle, nenlle.

' ■ S385.: Buckskin goldlno._ - Malt Dillon type, broko. to

rido, gentle, 4 yr old. $485.; G ood lito work hatno.is.

3 Yankee Britchnn# goodcoiTd,$M5;W3_;5J7j.____

f tHorsos bounhl-soid-tiadod.Homo ol C w ’a Doctor.

] ' 03-Livestock PH. 733-6055.REGISTERED AOHA 8

J m onlh old ExccpllonaLColt.. show quality. Will Soil or trade lot good Mare. Call

J----- 544-gaiO:----------------------------3 year' OLD Paint Golding. Will bo nico horso, flreon

, broko, $700.or bosi oiler.C_all 32^5279.,. .................

, 5-Yoar old Ttiroun'fibrcd < Golding. Exporloncod rider ' $800. Also; 2-yeat old small , Appaloosa siud.— Siattcd.*----- S400.-Alter 4 4 weekends[___ 32D:4?ir ....... _ _. G your old roa'iloruJ Oujtlur J florae Golding. Coll 324-tl81

Of 3 24-4 764.

>■ - 102-C attlo ......... ‘


,_______ ANGUS RAMGC O L L E C E O F S O


\ Sato o f "G om I37 For


^ ................ 6 0 T w o -Y ilO B I g Y i

) Sal«iponi

; IDAHO ANGUS.K«nyonW**l>

.............. Mtnldoko, Id206/531

'105—H orie Equipment')'.'No ALli 'new ” AtumlnuiTi St

Ttailots, Katmors ExcMan 7am •' ■ 637-6294 days, 733-193? ov 7N SIMCO- Roping Sadi

Excoilont condition, $< Call 543-6659 ot 423-4278

WE BUY A soli used'sada----------6 tacks;- V tckofs Wost

Stp.rjjs n3j^7roo.________• ,• 19S2 7b' Chatmac Horso

'0 stocit irallor, La.walk-in 1.’P"" rm. Usod very 111110.678-7:

edsc jli 8 MONTH DUROC puto'b

boar. Oam Irom CA. Sno-( op. $t,50.Ei,roning..! 536-2665.

Cali 1 0 8 -S h M p ________r,7T FRESH milking ooats 4 ill

Call 324-2263.■lord - ........ ■ .1 ■ ■— — l l O ^ u J l r y & RabWU - r. In RABBITS 4 'C a'G E S . 'f ■ay • Calil.. Commercial N

- Z ealand, all wito cag 7iml 7 3 3 ^ g o r 5 43-47C1-Jtr8—

' to 112—IfTtgalion “ ml BUTTE 'iRRIGA'Tlb'N' '»

u sod VuMoy pivots, go condlllon. Call.436-6103.

in I/ FARMORE IRRIGATION ■na, U sod 12" 168 Wall stool:

, U sod Wficol linos; p i U sod PVC gated pipo;

_________324-i341— FOR RENT: Walot; 2 share

30" por share; Rosorvi

Itos sh a re . 678-8518 ot write 1in’s Normot. Burloy. ID .______'>''0 QATEOPIPE

A undetgroondPVCr l ’------- ^AmDtnirrtnatioirs-Suppiilant 543-4777

----------HASTINGS----i : : ..............G ated Alum 4 PVC

— PV C Uftdorgtound-Bill Mathers 423-5647

— -evontnn calls welcom e.__PIPE

-------- :------- rPVCAAIummum—PVfl tjpd e £ a[o u n g =

Ju j PipoiinosinsiailodPipooitainhioned

7 3 3 ^ 3loti___ Bob BaIloy_Plpo Salo*.

— 'sprinm rH oSTR ^^irdbT iold 1612 Main, Buhl 543-6633acj___Guar_robulldlnoJor-Nel3Ciry; RalnBirO 4 Weothor Tec. -

1.20d'FT 8" sloof pipe, hi' iull now condition. $1.35 por I124- C.1ll43(>.355a-____________

2 WHEEL LINES, 'A mi, C lot maln^^pumps 4 pannel, Cj

30t 20'f i7p.'Cenlrilunarir"tigaTi0 mo pum p. All robulll. Jncludtn

rew ind, liko now. Cost $12C BS ncw-mako ollor. 676-0676.

ws 113—Farm SuppliesG W V E L .'supotiot ctuahoc roadw oy. loodloi, nrador. C

ies Skeom . 543-6082. 734-8296 _ jn- GRAVEL— TOR SAL ■•IY Ocllvorod by Ihc load. CALm S36-25 1 1 . ____________by 6 UNIT Do Laval milker wit ke toko o ils ; 12 automatic looc 36- o rs: 400 gal. bulk tank. Co >98 733-7162-

uii 114—Fam i Implements 'ASSUME PAYMENTSTTii^i

-- now NH 425 baler 4 111' sW Sthor IH 5288 4 plow

>3 • Molroo spracoupo. Box 127• o r 734-1734 4 loavo mossaflo

ATV American mado ioOf?'■ A vonoor4w heolor, Runlos:

tnan 1 hour, new warranty oo t (arming oa planned

^3 B ought lot Jl095.-acil lo$1600. Call 733-6517._______

" ............«J|“ T B A C tO B .SR E C iA L IS IS

C aso 1070. Cab 4 a i t . . . $850( P; JD 1530. Loader 4 chains!" ...........................................850(

C ase 990- Loadot 4 now so or u p c h a ln s .......................$750(St.or SPECtALOFTHEWEEK-

IH 544 wide t r o m $4500 IH lISOM Ixototlndor .$2000

B U R K S T R A G IQ E g Q ^

c' a SE TRACTOR, ‘‘Goofl . ' cond, 2 botlom plows 4 liko

now 3 point tilicn mower, j’' $2800.823-4381_altqr7.' CASE 430 traclo't wrif*-duols

.& loadot; Now Holland 5t( sp roador. llko new; 1973 In

' tornallonal 3 /^ ton pickup -■ Can 733-7182 . _________0 FEBRUARYSPECtALSI

MFHydroulIcs J Como 10 Twin Falls Troctoi ,{j lor quality

MF Itannmlsslon, oil S1 n roaso.

15% discount Buy It in lhe barrel oi

— buckol. -Lot Manso) ° Forguson bo your ol I supp lies,---------------- '■

W otkm astor 3 pi rear blades 6 ' b tado up to 30 HP. toflula:

:------5245753101195:—I. 6' blodo up lo3S 'H P , regulai n $295, sa lo $248. r. Havo avallablo used latff

oquipm oni 4 tractor parts H Chock w llti 'us lirsi (or youi ,, noDds. ___II Twin Fallo Tf»clof lm^c.] ____________________5 - GEHL-95 Grindor mixer: At

hydraulic. $2000.324-7344. ir— G O O D ~usoa—ts :4 ^ ~ n r o - 11 atono 6 ply. $200 4 Goodyeai

6 oly tiros. $300, 934-5132,

i 02- c # t t f « -


[G£ BU a SALE - - -OUTHERN IDAHO k Y 3 P .A A .?Y 1 0 . 1 9 8 4 n S ta to C la ss ic " o m o lo s

. Y 1 2 N O O N {Y 1 1 , 1 9 8 4

•Y oor-O idsY o orlings '

s' assocIation« k l. Pr*ild«n»Idaho 8 3 3 0


'nt...............114^Farmlfii'plementsStocii JD''42Vo"Ouac}, cab 4

Mango. 1930: JU <440 Quad, c.i air; AC-7040, catj A 4ir

1^55^ 4100 4 whool drtvo, $5500 J40O 3'OA backftoe. l.nte mo

Caso 2390. cab, ait & du

_ r i 'lB lim £ r% -s ? 6' ' i ' '_JOHN DEERE 80 swall

— - 1 4 'cut «ilh cab, $3950 ;Jotin Dooro tiactor, ck $C500^Call.734-512X_ WOHRLANG'mixER leu bods, mnnuro bed* 4 ( handling oquipmont. Mitt

tobtod Repair, 201 Wesl Ave ,<^On - .. Joromo.324-4351. ^ . 5. Wanlod; A non-dit— - super-C. 200 , 230. ot :

Wtilo box D-56. c /o Tir -. • now,-.. Bo« 5<fl. Twtn Fulls Skids. 83301, slalliig conditiof _ _ _ . ptlco^ _•

1975 INTERNATIONAL. 1« ............Tractor, djair.,--Excoti■■ Rog condition,«3^ai7^____

New #30 SWATHEfT, FREEM :ag05. B/ilLER wllh motor. 18----------- stacK-wanott:324»349Q;—------- 42' spud itollot wlin t;

SIlcKrubbor. Call 829-5964- 856 INTERNATIONAL lur

‘‘j 115 riofse power; 4020 J(, Dooro wilh cab. 423-5942.

_____ ]: ' CUSTOM manjto haull'o; hay baling 4 slacking. Cl)____ f ^ s o n f lo t . 324^2245.lates HAY flETHlEviNG. In Noorvoit aide area. Call 324-6534

MANURE"SPREAblNG-C____ f^l^qrrunn, 423-4269.J. Now Feel-Happy Cow s^ '

1- C D R e c r e a t i o n a l17 11

~ ___ 1 2 1 - ^ J s i A .K ess ." ;;£vlntudo.&.Meicuiifj»loioi

Tom's Mjdna & Sport GOH oybutn/Burlo yJj *8; 74 73.

i*._ JOHNSON 4 Mercury Oi----- boarasrSeaswirt 6oat5'4-t

533 loader trailers. Magic Vaili??5Qn Marina 733^5141,_________

1980 Boat 4 itallet 25 t iVko motor or> outboard. Cf

b, 543-6828. ______~ 1Q.iin . i'R'~ ManoiiFR___L

;j 6" board/outboard. 470 Me, 'Catl crulsot, powor trim A til

Eazy load itaiiot. Call 73 iTlon 3549 allot 5om.idtno --------------- tt:---------------


— I ATTI ro. m o t o r h c.j .-p . D o n 't lo t y o u r m o : :all o f t h o t i m o .___ Con»lgn your m otor h with following: eod- • depreclolion - 3 yea Coll • w o elsan ond malnti

odvorllio S dliplay (o ---- r« lG ln l40% o(fonlo llr

Mf. U-HiOK i' 7 3 ^1 2 7 7 _____________________ago.tooR

I B aS500

5 M500. ML. M


ood I t e m s u n d e r

vet. I a v e r t . i s e d

s p e c i a l l o w r

3 L I N E S . 7 I

. $ W O iK

(Add $1.00 lo. each oto . p i,.o r...... .

,00y - lo lui.di or Qil|U%tiiii:r 0ll_ cancll.'d i.orly . '

I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Uiar _

uiat ■ ■ ■ ■ •

S L lW R I lI NotTic'f., a d d r e s s c

'a m I q u o te d op p ly l 6 V __ N o n -c o m n ic rc io l n

t e a r ”- pIeaseTriFJ U S I N G O N

I - ...........


_ ......... \ _ 1 . _________L _

■ I -

I _ _

J C h o c k o n o : ------------

_ P l o o io p u b lis h m y

I N A M E : ____ __

i A D D R E S S : _


I ,

W od n o :

lits 1 2 1 -B M tji Access.A J " . 2-yc;ar o!0 £vintudi! ii c.iB 4 7Vt noiscpowcr CAll

, . , r . l H . . B 8J 8_ _ ----------------

,'duafs ' 122-SporlingGoods 'ni’ll GUNSFORSALEI

______________ Wtmlp-,.1'1' » 10" .w ainer' C.ill/3J-S1D? .ill.-i 550 3010 2 MODELS 4?.4t0 r.npl 0

d e a n , Soo at Uiuu Lake:; Spo Good:..

feodot 300 LQ o' lywpiC WEiG4 (eod • with 3" channi‘1 iron (u Mitch':. tuck R heavy duty bi> “kvc Q, $450.Cjlia25-5'/34.

.•dior.el 123—Siillno Equipment

Time;; •

i i ' io i i 's — 124-Snow Vehicles - Yamsh.i SSJ40 £xc<-i

L. 1466 conililionC.ilM?3-57U7 ;cottcnt - 1974 SKI-DOO 300 TNT 1

^SMAN i Jm ns'seSgevori^nD:?''

- nood, Sloellumbitr rack $65.324-3006 1978 SKI-DOO Evoror.t

lurbo, vVido tract, nood condH0 Jo h n jii50.Call374-4Cl.13 — ---- 1979 JOHN UEERE--------------- rraniirorin"'‘:'«cfli'’f 'i’cc____ .lion .934-4730.

aullnn. 198? Kowusiiki 550 Clydo letcoplor low ml

oxcollont conci, vety Inr.i N otih potlottnanco $2700 lirm

534 or Spm. 733.5435

3- Den --------------------------------125-TravelTrallers

Nice seiVc’cnta'inod 21’ — compmion—m K n m

■______ ollor. Call374-5S31.

Ro#d RanflOf TfBvol Trai: .a Now 1983 :. nnd 1984-:.

" " stocti. Also l,..i|.rsnl.-ci ____ olusod.

' Tm n t e m p o r a h y k o m i

oio,^ _

Gd3. 19i^ r6gu'E-27_1jjvcI_U 173. or. CompiotDly ocjulpp

h i l l excolieni condition. Mi ■■^^__OllcJXal!-53C-6l97. .. /alloy 1982 NOMAD Iraiier IQ 1

lully soll'iorilalned, nr- — boon 'u s irJ ;- tandnm- a>

CaR 00! tiinlis, straiaxle:., larsen sal

— . 436-9J0I .....................------^0 lUUl.l lUIIOI. ItL U l,

1 I'll, condition, all conddionrI n x l9a2rord,duuHy8.(iw'mi:



TENTION iO M E OWNERSTio to r h o m o s it Idio 9 0 % .

ir hom o for ronlal t goin tho

yoo rs • tax.irxvoilmont crod iti ilnfdin oil unlti • wo protnofo,• fo r mojilmum utogo • ow nor ■ i i" ‘ “ " " ^

lA U L C O .’3 4 - 1 4 1 0

Von ^

; r $ 1 , 0 0 0

..“oL SPIr DAYSoo ..h a d d ilio n lino)

(Add $1.00 (o. , 1.,/r , ........ .' ,„.i for privgl.iI.' o r .d - .,1 i-cich. I'loo tornini.-

............. <1.1 rj„ no ptici- otii.i iili if ad li lund--o. adjv

c ll. id i-oriy.

I T E Y O I5 o n d i c lo p h o t tc t iu t n b c r s i> W a r> t-A d s fo r w h ic h p o yII r a l e s o n ly .


_ _ A c tio n Ad ______ 4 -f :

ny o d f o r . doy« fo r w h

1 3 2 3rd S t. W o s t,


lo s o a y .-p o b ru a ry e . 15Jm Tin

12S -C a n 1por3 4 Sfiellsm otor CAMPER SHELL

.11 513- Shortbox Import PiC $100. Call 734-5309.-

-------- ‘ WANTED TO BUY Uu::hcil lor long *’vl>i Toyolu pickup 537-6737

_ 12- Seil-Contained ElDo, ■■ Camper. nt!cdr. work, r..n

trade ...................... 4 30• ’9*” »■ OVERS

Camp-Away Corrpor. ::l.

EIGHTS, h'ydtiiuilc lacks., Exc c<

Doncn si'tiou 'i iricjuirit"', only 1 _____ • willnugotiaic. Gi8-?483

"I 1!7-M olor Homos

CLASS A MOTOR HOM tnnl.21 It -s leeps G 733

c,.|ior^i or alter Spm 733-8244MOTOR HOME FOR Rl

•"TwTn" ” C;ilI734-?W ' ‘ dilion, 29- PACE ARROW fot s Siei'p;, 7 Atlofdatjie iu>



dition; A u t o m o t i v e

; 440 -------------------- — --------cof’tJi. i ^ _ au!o, Parts &, , . A ccessoriesmiler.. NEW 17-40-t5 Mon: asl. Hi m.jdOots, $750; 7r’ spring m Alt tor Toyota pickup w/t<

shock:;, $350; Also dou_________3tpeflnQ_3tflbili;er. & _a____ Itus lot loyoja PU. 436-«:

REAR bumper with Ira hitch. Fil:. Dodgo V.

'V Kil 1970-1960, $50. Call 678-9- •R'nr.r— attorOpm:--------- -------^____ WE REBUILD Hydcni

Jacks-=t-ABB0TT-5-AU raiior SUPPLY. 305 Shosht J-!. in SlriifllSoulti, Twin. iTciion ■■ i 9/ 4-3<j2 inicrnatio

enQin.f Call326-5425. u c c ' 1976 CMnVY -lx4' for pn

Lcit Iront lender, hood, *t g _ > .- _ d r iy e Une. Iront 4 lv.ck_Rh

— Iru;isus :.kid pliilus, pad(i-Umb___roll.cago..J50-«nglne.-lrPPed. clitomo bumper 4 Ir Make ch tqm ejubcd QrJII. 825-M

------2->5/R14'fl-flbe(udd«KJ^/ii 75/R14-S SO usod w /snr vor G78/14~S g/b w/S. 733-9411

A L tb t500ot best Pilot. 324-862(

------ 133 -A u losW an t^ -------w 'r s! A ijfO WANTED? i%9'Chi

Impalo. Will pay lols extra lowest miles 4 bost cor

------ lion. Call 733-8003. -

____._ .„ J3 5 -C ^ d e £ 4 S u p p ll0 S _ATV Ametican made 41 Avonoor 4 whooler. Run li thon 1 hout, new wattar not latming os plann<

. . . .Bounhi-/ot_Sl9a5.-soll$1600. Cail-733-65t7._____

, DIRT BIKES, excoilont ci' dilion.-lOeO CR 250 AL

, 1981 CJl 60- Cajt 324-3308.MUST SELL 1983 Y2 ■

f Yamaha. Excoilont corJ, Hon, $1400/besl olfor. Oi

oven <36-5699. 3-BIKE motorcycio trait$ 1 6 5 c a il7 3 ^ 6 ^ - J __YAMAHA 1980 YZ125. Grc condition, now lop oi

— * $600,324-2002. ,

i l E i


^ 1

= 9 = i l

'ECIAL! .N J E S , 5 D A Y S

$ 9 0 0 .

fo r oachoddltlonol lino)III. indiv.duol-. only A d r ni.-rcioi). Ihu-ri: .v o n e S t 5t Hi-rr I.mif. No V - . tm i- rn - . , lo .l i - , .a n . 3 ^

~ A N D M A D irO

U R A D■rs l ih o u l d b o c o u n t e d o s j y m o t i i is i n c lu d e d w i th o

O R B a T l P O I N T p e i < W O R D ( 4 w o r d s p o r 1

+ 5 = 9 S p o c I o l _______ Bu i

v h tc h I h o v o o n c l o t o d S _

P H O N E :

________ C I T Y : _____________

i C l a s s i f i e d D e |t , T w i n F a l l s . I D . 8 3 3 0 1

Tin^uS-NuwyrTwin Falln , Id ah o C-7

le iis iJ i-C ycios& SuD D llea 'L lui I'i/o .!00 liUriUM, teal good

r iCMjp C.ill 423-4472.1950 YAf,i.AHA 650 Spociii. •

Uim[,r.r CxculKinl* condition, 4300 (111 t).ir.f m ilos.Jii,:,) Call 326-533?

I'JUO YAMAHA G50 Special ElDot.ido Wllh clitom«-:.pokcd rims k.r.ateor Excoilont ' concjition w/2 4 30pm hulmi-t:, tc'.ujy lo tide. $900

'ERSHOT CALL 83/-C5^4.■r. :!k'i:ps 1981 Yiim.iha M axlam '550.

fclni), Llko now. Asking $1200.C cono., 862-38nall.'t5PM T Kawiii.iki CSR-250 belt

JOOO immacu-i!!£_____ -late, blach w /iud pm sUipe...

f^k j.p ili 't 1137-4724. _' 1<18?SU'ZUKIDH?50 4 r.iip'ke

Eniluto, t;xc. conil. W.iny<OME ior

733-1027 138? YAMAHA Y2125. ExC., cond Vety cleiin. VeryR RENI quick, M ,inyo .ttar. 324_-69a0- • - 19li3----- XL600-------h ONOA. -trir ri.ni Sno.vroom' Condition, 560

----------------- I3S=H0aVy Eq ulpmonl


J.O. 410 BockMoo, $13,500 J.O 4lOQacktioo, $28,000.Cal M oaeiooaojor.J12.000 •^^onstdt

’iX o ELLIOTT IND CO.,doublu IntorBOCtlon Hwy 03 & (-64.A aiii- Ctosaroods, 10iM3s<“ ------------------ 3 2 ^ 2 S « (— -------------------, I'raller

Vans Bob Houston, Sales RopB78-W01 Home Phone , ........ 733-1490'

8‘x20‘ 3 AXLE G ooso NOCX,-dcnul^ Trailer. 1931 modet_BuCko,_______i-AUTO—-HoW- condition.' B o^ oT liill------------oshonc locidiny tump, lighto, brakes.

9.50x16 5 Hies, ailvor-bluo nalional' color. $4375.637-6363 ovos. ' ..........

r part::: - - 14&—TrUCkS--------- —-----------—'l?Rhi^"o A" Excelloni 1979 Ford M50~

'5-5024 M0f^FrlHam^5pm^___________ WANTED: '?7-7D 3’A lon GMC________

2 or Cnovy 4 K 4 In oxcollontl-94ii5 cond. 734-4596.__________ _rnDloid------1939 CHEVV PICKP. Com -— .......S ° \ ' nloio.Call537-661S.-6620 1959 GMC '/] lon 6 cyl, 4 spd.

riinrrnoogrT t25-orbnat-o t---— —---------------io<;coii734-J/Su^ -------------,>K « ■ I960 Ford F-500. v io o . 292 ) cnovy ,3. 5- [30(J. 4 spd w/2“conai- =P4 ««» C ,!132< ® J,____

' 1965 DODGE & t968 Chovy 10- - whoolors with lags A apud .--------- bods.-Good condition. Calllies 537-6510. _____________n livin l'965Ford'w tonplckup.V 6.4 • 'I n i« w/utltlly sorvico box.at?anl Coll 543-6321.lannod' Chov W o n 4-sp.:oll tor ovothaulod, oood tiros, tuna

good. $995324-52680113:30- n fco n 19^0 International Flootstor

ALSO 2000 671 D eltoll. tB .lt.-hloh_______lOa cube van, plumbod A wired

*or trailot. 10 spood iro n s ., powor till lallgaio avail,

conoi- i7500.734-2174days,5M 1971 Chovy two lon Iruck■Jailer bod. Call 324-5042,

l'971 INTER'n ATIONAL 1910.— 544, 20' bulk bod. $8000; 1967. •• GfC®' Chovy, 543. 19' bulk bOO.1 end, J5050. 1074 Qoggo. 542. 18'

bulk bed. $6000. 324-6534,

: c i A i : S i J =le



3 LINES, 3 0 DAYS $ 3 1 5 0

Itid SIO.OQ far aoch addl. line)

d r u n s d o ily in t h e b u s i ­e s t d i r e c to r y u n d o r y o u r w n s p o c l l i c h o o d i n g f o r 0 c o n b o c u jiv e - d o y s .

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

B R I H C l i l i

> H E R E : ;o s p o r l o t y o u r o d . R o to s | h o r d e r , 3 l in o s m in i m u m . ^

P E N ( i n k m a y b l u r ) J o r c l a s s i f i e d l i n o ) . *

. g . - - . r

................................. . II■

. • , ----------

- -------------------------■ •'... ,

— ------------------------ ^ ^

B u i ln o f s D lr o c to r y ®

i i 7 - = Z = l —----------- ST.:---------- a •• e p t . J301 I

Page 22: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

f W i A v .

- - KtPTrucFs

1 ^ FOHb” ’A 7on plcti Good condition. $900. i 837-0358. _

■ . m i FnElGHTLINEn. siroxio, ?90 cummins, J7; Call 703-6714.1873 CHEVY ion Pick <54onoino. PS, PS .u it.J t

- CjH73'l-2773nlloripm.1973 DATSUN PiCKUP. spood, runs.ijood, J800. ( 7W-7re6.1074 Wfillo F/olnhlliii slnQlo 02T onfllno. n lUon. CAIL 733-C7U.1975 r o n o !• ion tl.illji

________W lncli._ljoom.. « i95 . ..C324;?005 .______________1970CC5CHEVY TOUCKw hulcli lan S Lollr., Wllh wllfioul 20' aciid befl. oo CMdlllon, B29-5297 ovcs;- 1970'‘ F b fl6 150"PJCKI Supof Cab. Auiomatic, A

.......... mony-o«!f09, flood ahof»?0M. Cail86e-2153. 1977foyoia long bo'd plcku

------------S-r.tKlrfnouiuled-flheHrUOicond. *2700.543-57H cyus. 197S Cnovy V. lon Sttp-sii pick-up. Encoiioni con LowMlloaoo.734-2B51.

________i 97b J 6 r d c o u r ier P .l59.000 mlloa. oxcolloni co

------------d[l(on, S3000f 823^38) ftyos1978 Toyola pick'up wli'h u bod, C5.000 mllo3, noc

...............COnd.734-5924. ~ ' ___1900 GMC Siorra Classic ' ton ahoribox. 350 V-6, 3 spi buckol aoals, cntorr

_______vvhoojs. 60.000 mll(!3, ci

Of W4^3532 ovonings.1981 CHEVY'iVon wilh duQl: Slool llalbod. dual tank:

------------ P S r i> B. 3Z,000 mimsT-tmnow. *7800 Him, 733-0600.

— 196? laotu pick-up long beiPS, diosol, lako ovof p.i) monla,CallS3(W>SCa. _

_19M Fofd 3/4 lon. 460 v! 4apdr<wtii df. lock oul hub: XL pkQ, alldinn foaf window

Cfulao. A /C -iu-ion

— 40 tl Spud naullno iroiio Alao: 20 (I. Scticll apud bou •«32;5336_,........... _

good. *695. 308 Eosi lOli ■ Jofotno, 3244J724 dayfi.74 DODGE t72 7on. SWB Sloni alx. ibfoo spood. nev

........ -b faksa and fadial il»i»

— PHONEy5 3-<046"‘‘ '70 TOYOTA 3/4 Ton PIckJp llnlbod w/focK. (jood ilfos. low mlloa. Good Wofk Tfuck. S43-57B5.

— 141-Vans1681 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER. Vory nico and pilcod lof a quick aalo. Call 324-2243.

142-Import Sporl3 Cara. . . . Ropoaaoaalon 1977. Subaru

00,0^) ml. funa good, make Ottflf 733-7202 8:30-5:30 1968 Camofo SS. s’tock 350 ono, blacK w/cuaiom .p>n olfrpoa, man whool.i 543-etoo

---------- 1969 VW-BUG. * 1 ^ : teflgKnrmsnn Ghia. J7495 of bor.i ollor. Call 324-200S.1B70 VW BUG. EKCelTonl condiilon. Robuiii moior. plua snow llfoa. CALLmofnlnga 733-6327,____1071 Dtlaun 240Z Now painl. Excolloni; Inlofior. iitos,

___ _ flm a .-b ra . - KYB's.-onglno,irona. louvofs. J3700 Of bosl O jlp r j^ 2 2 4 8 af lo i 5pm._

-----------1B74-Audl -Fo«.- A/C -funa— --------woll--No<>d&-T<«A6mlitk>n_-----------QO3fOtfor886-?991att0f6------------------- — S!J747I0T5MSUN---------

2 doof. oasscngof sido sllOhlly damaQud, lunr. oood. *600. Call 734.9503 Ot ollo_f 0pm, ^ -8056.1975 OATSUN 0210, 67,500

. . mlloa, now .paini, good cond. Firsi J1475 wvos. . - 3 ^ J 2 0 allor 6;30 pm. . . 1B75 VW Bus. runs good, looks good, will soiJ chcjn! Call i78-117a or 676-4320

_______l'q7fl’ HriNP^ r-iwr Hat--chback. Now fubbof. low milos. Qood condition. Call M3-C007&ask lorGlon1979 Audi Fox. FionI whofH drive, sluddud snow nn?;-. Low miles. Exculloni ctinti. 643-680019'79 TOYOTA Cuhcii GT

• LItlbacK. 5-r.p(;<.'d, p /s , p/ti. o /c . 35,000 miler.. excoliuni condition. *4,S00 Call iilor 7 pmfi7&-4157.1980 Diilsun 2S0ZX m oxcolloni condition Asking S^ .8C 2-3811 jll(.'i5PM 19M MAZDA HX7 G5 5 3POO0. sun rool. tiljcti wun taroa band. AM/FM car.r.ciu.- alofoo. 37.000 mili.%. J7?M

— Cnll 423-029?:1900 SILVER TRIUMPH IIU.

,3tofoo. oood oa;. tinii-.i(ti'. 'e«c.cond.*G 000 733-9.1J')1933 Datsun Cffitr.i, i/cim wHooI dnvf), S3905 lirm C.ill53M 568 .____74 KAHM6N GtilA convirii- Iblo Cleiin. lun;: (irojt J3SM or bosl oil.ft PHONE C/0- 4232.

146-4Wfioel Drives-------- TWO-JEEP3-/i‘CJ/-rinirnrfl—

cyl. P/S. S2W0: fl M CJ/ H diop. 6 cyl. Honenado, lo«v

• f ^ o s . cloan *4395 /33-ISi'l--------Vl/ANrJrO-iaU.Y_Gcxod.ui*;d-_. . 4x4. Havo 1373 Ford piCKup

0S_Cl0wn. 934.S86C jlli-r 5pni W l»ys loop wagon. 4x4. ?83 ChCvy ong. Exculifnt oonj 54_3r86001964 bOOGE 3/4 lon M.nt cond , cfcw cab Powei W/aoon. w /shcll. PIO wincfi,

____ now motof-J^CaZ33evGj______19>V CHEVY 3/4 ion <i4 Crioyunno Suburban

-E xtras, suponor condiiionCaij3Z<;K»?-1970 • iNTERNATIONAL SCOUT II. V-0 sliarp. low m lloa, *2995. Call 734-4702 • •

. 1977JEEP RENEGADE304. 3 SpooO. oxcolloni con-

----- d)itoni-*4500-J2i.^S34--------------1977 4 ap. 4 whonl drivf ICfiovy abort bo« Gold IwhOflJa__ roll bar. custom to lr lp ln o T ^ x co l/o n l cono. ■543-flflOO ... ...... I1660 CJ-7 Joop RoncgadD. ■now rag lop. bid Ilros. p /s. H44,000 mlloa. 733-1441 6^, f l423-5509nlt6osklorJof)n. • ■

& 8T lm o3*N ow 3. TwIi

i i t o n t o t i i

T 4 6 -< W heel Drives"

pIckuB' l'902 GMC ’4x4"SHOF )0. Cjil W hilo..cliromo row b

Oato guard, lull rock n ’2x15 AT muddorn. c

<7*1 npoko;;. AM/FM ca; mt. PS. PD. cruiso. spood , AT. lockouts,

window, dual lanh ".*800. now . 24,000 mllns, I

Call 075-7560 daya'orC: :UP. 4 ovoninjjs.“ Call 19B3 CHEVROLET :/

4X4 0,2 liiro fitlliiof. SILVERADO comt0. now loaded 4000

*12,900.734.9455 i.ilbed. 75-Joop RenogaOu Cj;1._..Call___ (jQ/U_low_batJi3D0Q

733-1703,IKwilli !----/lin Of 14S—Antique Autos

1055 cnovy Bolalr Sd• door. Robulll 2C5 v-a orCKUP n u „

.. AO. now carpol. Nood;; p; mope, to ' bo rostorod like . . . *3500. Call Burluy 078 Ickup. 9-6 or 678-D60I allor C: -tjood----- fislrforTtiuiMi. ' —

p.si'tjQ 148-A utos-A M C .190b' AMX. Low mil.

• nroQt aioroo. sporty. tltm .C..IIRick daya 733-

. v * . r 152—Auios“ Bu[ck'ttl ulll • — -------- ------------nood 1979 RIVIERA FWO. Lo:

3un root. fooular J85» ^ 10595 or ollor. 678-3372. ispd . 1983 BUICK CENTURY irorro pow or. Iront'w liool (J

c jc lo ss than 2,000 m ‘cnrys— yTan)Dgr543:5goiaTiijr3p

luals. 154-A_ulos_-C^lllac------ 1873-CA01LLAC-S«<jan

3 villo. 4 door, oxce

J- 1 5 fr-A u to 3 .^ 0 v ro la t)ub3] a' u TO WANTED; 1969 Cl dow, lrnp:il,i. Wlllpiiy (ols CXil. ■lonii low osi mllus & bnct cc

loilor onglno . ronr. oupor.-lc bod. n roatl *4500 llrm. Call

f178ore7S-4320ovonlngflTIOOI____ lOHQCHgVRnLET'cilallcruns doo r, lu-iono. VO. P/S. I lOin A/T. Alf, cruisu, till, .in-

nloroo,- now robbor, I ;WB c o n d .. *4500. Will die new CaiJ_702-738-755a ir«i»----- 19M CHEVY CAVAUr?wr------ U.4W miios. Hb..Mu.

oxcolloni condition' 4 di k jp AM/FM slufoo. *7800. Ifos, 733-0601 wuokdays of uck ’7^7 ovonings & j^okond

65 EL CAMINO runs'^tlu 5450 or beat otler. PHO

— 324-2247

160-A utos-D odge_,f d ' DOOGE OMNI 024.

lo lso lox lras— - - Call 73_4-444D.

s e e TO APPRECIAT6-1 O odgo Monaco. 4 door.

oru . o ioc trlc. Z7.000-miloi.-J- Ike ow nor. *1500 or bosl oil

Call 734-6542.___________

1B2—A ulos-Fo rdsaflQ V ^ ‘fo r o “ m u s t a n g '

oa lo .— *1000 domaoo roofond . Runa. *600 or b< o llo r, 734-1238.1975 GRAN TORINO Slali W/agon. runs pood. m,i ollo2._73i-75?^a[iof lOam. 79 FORO Mustang, ' n.

' c lu lch . painl i litos.733-1Sa l lo r S p m ._____________

D-i 1073 FORO LTD, p /s. pi a o a ls . air. now carburaK *050. Musl soll.423.5118

'.''J -423-5I1B . - -

-----------166—M flfwry.H ln<»lft—do 1973 Mora Montorc'y A mr. PS . PQ. good rubber, ic or m ilus. good condino

543-6007.ink lorGlon.>00 1975 COUGAR XH7, Gl.Oi od • miles'. Cruise. A/C. Goc JS. . condition . *1075. Wac

734J597or 734-2245 1(1, .1976 LINCOLN conlmnnt pi Mark 4 Clean and goc 120 condition. Good tirer. *450i. _ . _ C all. 733-6324r=r=____lU---J07fr-MfiRCUflV-eOBeAT-)w doo r hatchback. New cngm all in April, now liro:., Ek

condllion . *1800 of J15C w ithout tiror., 423-5686

■;i 1979 M E R t ZEPHER Z7. tl. cyltndcir, AT, PS. :;tjn roo

*?500 376-5425 3T 1979 MERC 7GPHYR w/;-.u tl. root, Vinyl lop. arikinfj *?0 nl ciiiih iind assum f' oaymi'nt 7 ol Jt37/m onin • EXTO;

clOiin. 733-0551 anylimo m 1982 MERCURV Colony P.i,i ig W;inon 18.000 mill.';;, n<,.,

Michuitan:; on liont 5 oxcolienl condition Lo.idcd

*9000 or will di;.cu;,i oII.t I,,. CiiIl734.77O6alii?r5:30[)rti0 ------------ ------------------------- 175—Aulo Doalers

WALIT hnt's Rirjhi I oiks

~ W n ]ly IS ijnrlTwiIli BONANZA MOIOR

J_ As A Snios_______ Coiisulloii! For Nf



;— — o u d _ ri3 C -£ jD c i:-S n Jf; ' Previously Ownod i


C o m e In ~

I & S e e

H im T o d a y

fwfn F a lla , Id a h o W odnoad

: V S _____________________

e s • l66-M orcury& Llnc(lORTOEO. 74 MorcTMalador brariv bar. tail studded li 'o s . new:k guards. end, nouds Irans worki. clirom/j 733-UQ31 ovos 733^)313cassoilo .

les-A uios - om ™<aiiks, like 1980 OMEGA. 4 doo, 110,095. miloaoo. cloan. Call 7; iVC7S-3l% ■ or sjjo ul 351 5lfi Avo Ei

_ 1981 OLDSMOQILE [1/2 ton 68. Aii powor. loss

diesoi 25.000 milos. *7500.jmpicloly 543-5601 allur 5pm.

milos '■ ■'172—A ulos-Pontlac

im ■ c S ™ m V lJa y c« fH fc ljuu- o j a — &-nDWorP,U;s-5-4M'5----------- 1977 S nowor Aulomc

Fronllor Motors. 734-M ! . 19M PONTIAC'SUNSedan 4 V6. 4 spd. all or part: 9 onfjine, bolweon 8:30uin and 5' adlinor & 423-5612

p a i n t e d ____________________1 e n e w078:9486; 175-Au(0D eal0f3r 6pm 4 ______

—W an tin g To

y. *4fk)0 ........... ....... .......'33-7512. - ----------- - • —---------------- — • I'm missing phof

• I don'i have time . .» L m 'U 3 k e 3 t r 3

?2 •Ic a n 'ljT a n e e f iiRY^ Aii • tiofi'l Jho'I drivu.

miles. __________________

— . i n NATc SELL Y O Ujan-Oo----- :

------- ^ - •W eananf'efinaMlet O v er 700 U nlttS o JCIiuvy FORI ‘xtia (or_____________ ____________

all 678- ' ngs ■ ailon^4— -733-5110------------124


AUBR.u. air,— —

’o l J t 1 9 8 1 C A E■'tiood. ■■ 2 d o o r , n ic o . HONE; W o s 5 1 0 ,9 9 5 . . .

198. C u s to m L 3 d o o r .

W o s 5 4 6 9 5 _____

e-1974 1980 OL_______ 4 d o o r . - _

oFiof S 5 V 9 5 ......................

---- 1981 CHI4 d o o r .

G lor W a s 5 4 5 9 5 ............0 to

1982 PC.lallon 2 d o o r .make W a s 5 5 7 9 5 .............

pTb. VVos $ 7 9 9 5 . . . . .

1 , 9 7 2 F O t

(S : 1 9 7 1 V O L K Smon, . 2 d o o r .

W o * 5 1 3 9 5 ................i9,000 _____

1973 BUI, 2 d o o r ,

ontai W a s 5 1 3 9 5 ................

< M L ; ^ ^ _ 1 9 7 2 P L Y - « /

^ n e W a s $ 1 0 9 5 ................

1973 PLYM7 6 W o s $ 1 0 9 5rool. N O W ............................

• un 1964 DOCW a s $ 5 9 5

fOA N O W ............................

D lC i— 7 1 2 M a i n A v o . S

/Velcome BoLLY CROSIks .i t i r ^


...................:k GMCU.[R '"I K / A)DGi:

d n r j a n n 0 ' ______ j—'d Cors &

3 2 5 O v e r la n d Avi

jadoy , Fobruory 8.1984

.Incoln irj-Aulo3-Plymoi brand ri'w ’979 PLYMOUTH lew Ifoni . r u n n e r . Excellent vork. *300 ''on. belweon 34.000, I313d,ivs actual miles. 4 now 71 ---------— ratlial ilros wilh J

™«bN. - ir tr z ;: ; ;; - 'door, low ciir.scltd sioroo wilfi 111733-6153 boo;;l C.iil'I3,l-1/3n ■oEasl. ‘ ..................................E deLta 175-AuloE)oa!0rs

W E B U ' U SE D C A

ofnoblio\° a c e H A N S E f ? S r d CH EV RO LEd J 30pm, 733-3033

I^A ulo Dealers

To Sell Your Car Or Truck?

phone calls--------- -tims lo show vdiicle 3 tr3j}s-ia.....................................28 financiie Jhow lof appointments

_ T H E N .... ._ _ _ _ _ _ _lATIDNAL AUTDFIIIDERS3URCAR01! T R U C K ...

;s a phone call

inancBigI Sold ror Satlided Cuitom or'i I ORDETAIlSCAll:

R a y m o i w I ^ ,

-1243 Blue lakes BlvdrH.TTwin-faKs-

ADILLACDeVILLE...................................n O ,2 S

9 8 1 f lA A Z D A

no« * 3 8 9 IO L D S M O B IL E 8 8

M79!H E V Y C I T A T I O N

.........................................V’ O N T I A C J 2 0 0 0




^ 9 5U I C K C E N T U R Y

r M O U T H F U R Y I I -

^ 9 5M O U T H 4 D O O R

^ 9 5O D G E 4 D O O R


K D E Y:yn ivG 'Jc / i s u z u. S . 733 -8 7 2 1


j y H B g

Ave. Burley 678-94® .


» i 35.000 ■ ■

i. ps!^ac!

= I


Gn “ ^ a n d “<

= : ^

^ 1 9 8_ _ _ M a d G -o sp i;

c o lo rs . Equ c d t r o n s m i

^ “ W a s

^ 5 6 8 8 •


gg. fiw iiietl'i

« - 17 0 1 M A I!

i5x i l ^

g i ] M

i ■

5 -r

5 ^ 19(

5r r . ,S w o o t.D e a U V yasS5995

5 :.S w e o t D o o l W as $ 2 3 9 5 .

J T , 9 „> U>li<l>-<j will

^ S w o e t D o o l W as $ 3 2 9 5 .

^ 1 9 7 7 M E I- J ii? ■ '

ii^ S w e e t O c a l r W os $ 1 7 9 5 .

-------- 7 '.yl.nd.-. -..hiulu

^ ...„k

■* Sw oot D o o l ^ W as $ 4 895 .

_ ^ -.— 1^9;

- ^ - S w e e t D e a l —- ^ W as $ 4 995 . .

„ 198 1 B U‘ I *T7V7

- i r S w oo t D oo l_ ^ W a sS 6 9 9 5 . .

^ 1 9 7 6 F O

» ' •. Sw oot D o o l » W as $ 1 7 9 5 . . .

1^ _CuHomor SotUfo

THEI!APPRIa n k - y o u M e

lotiu_ w |fh e v e

N E ¥r e n t S e l e c t !

“ C o f l o r s ^ ------------


B 4 M E R C Up c c i a l i y - f o r - T h o i s e n - / q u i p p e d w i t h f r o n t w h T i i s s io n ; d e l u x e i n t e r i t

7 $ t 't o r / ■

. U S A H O M E (

. ‘G S a w i s o i i ' s .


- -.m

980 FORD LTD 2 DC. powi-i •.If'.-nnrj. On. AM I M Mi

........... .. 5 41976 FIAT X I9

li-u).T . t A M rM-.1.T.-o


r / FORD THUNDER!villi optioM-,. p in fd bflow low i)(

..................^ 2lERCURY BOBCAT VJ •.pcM’tJ, liifi^ci^i' fork Sf iiif.. O

1980 FORD % TON,lcl. *’4(10/’

... *3;97-9 D O D G EJAJK li<•1-.. *4(l?l '



..................................... ............

mtfoction U ouf driving coneorni

S E N !tECIATla g ic V a l le y

SJCfle r y s in g le

i r o ition of Cars

I I R Y L Y N 3 In-A A o to rs - in -O rr-o 4 n b o V . w h e o l d r iv e , f l o o r m oL ; r i o r . ----- ' ............

p e r n

: C O M P U T E R -


d wD O O R

W a s9

1 3 6 3n ^ B i R D^i)ook

K 3 4 6r W A G O N 1 0 7 ,.•Opt,on *;1)I7V 197*


W a s)N -----;----------------

S w c oW a s }

O N----------- ^k.-, M.fMprr illfli V

t 8 6 T - - t e ,t D O O R i «' ••''•'’'"'■I , . LoniJou.

f ' W m f J Ik _WasJ 4 p O O R ^ ^ ^ _ ^

S w c oI F w w D o o l

) i N D ^ ® r

M O T <

nONDV f o r m a k l n c

impis cdri p iirc l

iU S5 . A l l M a k e i

1,^ For E xam pl

^ g 7 4 ^ 0 R O -G R^ * O s 9r,,»n. pow :

W a s _ $ 9 9 5 . . . . .

.......... “ P I U S A H

______ _-U.pm ;dJiam ini.-.iioiJ V q s _ $ U 9 5 _ , . . .


-1979-M ERCUR\D U n t- Sjiorty oiTtl iiconomic

- - ‘ rticllnlnrj soois.W a s 5 2 9 9 5 _____

I___ P L U S A H

' 1978 CHRYSLEI, S,lv..r molollic. d«,iu«

oil lh(T luKufy op tions ______ _ W o ^ S 3 A 9 5 ■ ■ ■ .



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t h o s a l o s m q r \ P r i n t o u t d o s i

a n d o lo c t r tc o

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" 1982 FORD

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1978 CHEVROLET M3u. loadud willi oplion-.. low mill

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I p l e :


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A ^ 'O r o ~ T o l d —to ~v o w r ~ tn ’ ^^ ~ ^ a i t l o n . t ^ o v a r o y ' _____i

to s to d ~ liy t h o m o s t " iZ j m o d o r n o q u lp m o n t ^

. . . t h o OYNOMETER. A »k 0 n q n t o s h o w you t h o O y n o J J o s c r i b ln g th o m o c h a n lc a l ^ r i c a l c o n d itio n oF t h o v o - ^

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Page 23: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

F lh (

do------------S c h a w - .

. B U R L E Y — Greg. o f s ix f re e throws o

49 seco n d s T uesdaj M in ico Spartans

• : m e a s u re of-rcvcngi ; c ro s s - r iv e r rivai Bur

M inico, wfiicli trail ; l a s t tra ile d w ilh thrc I w h en sharpshoo ter G ; th re e -p o ln tc r lo give

--------- j—Iead.-But-BratWJn>ft^; a h e a d th e next tim ■ w h ich p roved the flni

__:____ th g g y p n ln p ________I . C lin t W illiams adi

. - le a d to 57*54 anti one- n u llified by u charil;

R y a n H ull.- - - T h e n c am e perliof

J ------— p n in tg rff the gamc--------------gained-possesRlon-an_ ..............m ls s in g .th c charity , i

d ia tc ly w ent into po& w earin R the clock ( B efo re try ing to taKe fo rc e d a ju m p ball bi ••sto le” th e Up to kecf in possession .

Bu r le y then h ad t

t ic s a n d It worked h S chow collected the fre e th row s whicl

_________thrfvx-prtint pnislhniiw eap o n in Burley’s th e B o b ca ts worked i s e c o n d s before tnkini w e n t a w ry .

T h a t led lo anotlier t im e Schow dropped lo c lo se -o u t the Bob<

- - - 'GO-55-w ith-14-second; ; - H e du p lica ted the fei < s eco n d s showing to i

fina l m a rg in — the li g a m e .

,i M in ico drew first blth e le a d throughout th a lth o u g h It w as unc p re s s u re .

B u rle y h ad a chanc th e c lo s in g seconds b f re e th ro w and Will M inico b ack lo a thns lon f ro m th e line.

« , M in ico held tha t thn------------through tho-firsL coupl7— — In tln rth lrdT JcrlodrT ^t

GoldeiA■^By LA R R Y HOVEY

T/mes-Nciys ur/lcr

HI ' r H ro ¥ 6 "o f 'SouUicrn ll will ha'TO someUUng a Jilt tak e w ith th em on this c ritica l reg ional tour inl V alley a n d N orth Idaho.

The E a g le s appeared in ran k in g s fo r th e first timi T uesday , lodged in 10th ph

• 'I t 's a n honor for the s c red it to th e way our pl b a ttle d ,” sa id Coach Fred h is f i r s t y e a r of head "T h ere a r c som e very ( th a t a re n 't- ra n k e d . I hopt o u r m en so m e Incentive lc prove th e v o te rs a re r ig h t ’ : Both th e m en and woi

face m a jo r- le .s ls th is we efforts to c em en t the host i for lh 'c~ R cg io n 18 juni

- b ask e tb a ll to u rn am en t T hey in v a d e T reasure V

and then continue lo Coeui - m eet th e N o rth Idaho Car

day- N e ith e r can be tik en Nortli Id a h o is the unknowr

B S U f i•B O ISE — B oise s ta te uiil'

football C oach Lyle Selencl( announce th e signing of 10 Ji tra n s fe rs a n d six freshm en I d a te on w h ich national lettei

“ -slcned u n d e r NCAA’ru les .”------- Those numl)orsaro<ldwn<

1982 w hen S etencich inhtrltc J im C rln e r In th e m iddle of t season. B u t th e B roncos’ per y ea r n re consid e rab ly less a;

" I th ink w e ’v e got somo qi p layers in th is bunch ,” says m any f re sh m e n w e'll end upSliry> hw»nnenynitgnmpHmpballing o u t a t t ^ ^ o s t momer

T rad itio n a lly , about 5)0 pen recru ited p la y e r s m ake their two to U irce d a y s of national t this is th e w eek th a t w arring i most a c tive .

Setencich w en t a f te r llneba

ree th lelp M )wn E} - h o t f r o m a

reg Scliow hit five follow s over the closing goal t<day n ig h t'a s the lead oLS extracted a four ia igc-by downing------ foughtBurley G2-55. Egbertra iled only twice, a t 42 <h reo minutes left q u a r te;r Greg Boyd h it a A haive Burley a 54-53 pointsoftH*oved Minico------- rcsto i*lim e downcourt, quarteifinal field goal of T h e i

added a ^ a lr of p ing a]

ono of lho.se w as 15th_Bi irlty by Burley’s - m inute

. Burleyhaps tlie turning — ih c th r t imo. Burley re- "W e rahd-w;u^foaioa;— — n .eeup]ty. Minico im m e:..... .some fr»sse.ssion gam e, the llni ;k down lo 1:45 BurleyiEeinnsiacTHiDl------ :til5-ieai1 but Schow then ju s tb e f :eep the Spartans “ I t

helpedd to foul In the "O u r 1. !n*t~hlt-tlic chart*— ;— hnvenH- d halfway once- te am li the first of two -com ing lich kept tlie F a lls FihH»y n vinhip hnlf-StOlI’S arsenal. But But ed the ball to 30 conferei king a shot th a t Bobcats

A-2 Rlgl(ler foul and th is "This od through both luncup lobcats’ hope a t F a lls ga jnds-rem aining.— ' said.-‘‘0 feut with th ree well and

to eslabllsli the DespK e largest of the th e th ro

G em S tit blood and held tra il Tw t tho first h a lf— T he Spa: under constant aga in st

leam aiance to tic It In Bonnevli Is bul missed a v iiiiam s pulled s S S ; ; : ; iree-polnt cush- Minto -

McKcnilethree-point lead . , ,lup leofm lnutes------ 9.-Totais-=■nicn Croft hltTi— ‘n rfw iwiin

;n Eagl<1 Idaho's m en 'Tmie“si5 K rarw ~ —Ihls weekend’s into Trea.sure n S F

>-I in the notional;ime In n while 'I place. v’i .le schoo!' and a• p layers have ^ |9 |Hred Trenkic, in pg B g a aead coaching.y good team slope this givese lo go oul andh t ”women team s week in their3Sl designation___ FUjunior college R i in k in ^

e Valley today U nder tli»eur d ’Alene lo ru le s this y«Cardinals F rl- o f a t least o<en lightly b ul resignationawn quantity. n ity Colleg

^ u o i B a l iJrilvunilty headiclch plans to ^lOJunlorcollege W -en today, the f irs t l - stie rs of Intent can be ^5." ........ ' ' 'AmcorisIilcrablyJrom__{/ \riled the Job from of the recruiting defenipersonnel needs th is seven SOS well. c ra d uequality football ^ ^ n ciysSclenclch.“ How J J e rc j I up with, I ’m not las^yemesh ay cld d s an e n t” - . . -- ironsftjercen tofall • recru llielrdeclslon.s w ithin kicked ml signing day. and b e g a n , ng recruiters a re ^ d e f e n s i

action!ibackersand b e tte r I

tirow s^ l i n i c G

^u rle \jc h a r i t y s t r i p e

}w shot a n d Schow added a field 1 to es lab llsh the first six-point1 o f- lh e n igh t. Ovcc_the,next• m inu tes , however, • Burley •hi back o n th e scoring of Dan « r t and H ull before Boyd lied It2 w ltli 1:31 remaining In Uie rter.ha lf-cou rt sho t ~ worth three ts — by K a r l Bailey, however, Drod-tho4oad-to-Mlnlco-as-tlio- :le r buzzer sounded, le te am s tied twice lo open the

ahoad o n points from Croft

-B urley -po lnU and with three, j tc s rem ain ing . Boyd gave ey Its la s t h appy moment w ithhrco-point goa l.-------/e h ad o u r chancc. Wc missed

end artrf-) f w lhro_ws. When they got lo line they d idn’t iniss,” said ey Coach G ary Swan, who saw eam ~dow n-TH irspintans-75^;r jc fo re C h ris tm as.”

th ink M inlro’s schedule Ki th em .” Swan continued.• la s t th re e o r four gam es n H -lie lp ed -u s-p rep n re -fo r-a - , like M inico and tliey w ere ng off th a t b ig gam e at TwinF rid ay n igh t. We were jusl a

;lepslQ w .” __________________t Sw an sa id the non- trence gam 'e 'w as good'foiTils a ts , who now host top-ranked Igby F rid ay .ils gam e should prove a good ip fo r us ju s t like the Twin g am e w as fo r Minico,” Swan “ Of co u rse rw e’ll hove to play md shoot w ell to beat Rigby. ” ;plte the v ictory , Minico Is in iroes o f .a tough week In the S ta te Conference, wher« they rw ln F a lls by a single game, p a r ta n s w ill be homd tonight s t on im proving Highland

and th en m ust travel to jvllle F rid ay ....................................... 14 X <7 O...................................... U J7 « 55« — Scl<ow II. lUUley 11. Cron 12. tie H. WllUnma 8, Shaw ToUls 2S (3. TJirw-polnl ttoaJ — Hailey. y —HoydlB.ruUphsl},F:(J)citl«.Hult - l!f-S-1M?-IO-a5-rout«1,«Ml— H oytl- ioInlKoai-- ^

l e s e n t e_______ . . ___________

• H E D T R E N K L Er i^ s " g o d d r o r T n c c i i t iv e

tlie reg ional participation, i y ea r, e a c h leam is assured I one post-season game. The on from Uie Oregon Commu- lege Conference from the

I F t a l W i

I f Steve Cru

enslve b a c k s th is winter to repi; cn defensive sLartera he will los duallon th is spring. Qti offense, incos m u s t rep lace five s ta rte rs

a r e e n o u ^ returning port-tir y e a r to fill m ost of the gaps.

y en il/iC n^S rtrn rlrh bmusht-in- isfers, w ith lim ited succcss. Hla xilt, lin eb ack e r Chris Thicssen, :ed o u l o f th e program before th in and ju s t one of the newcomer iis lv e b a c k G ary Castille, saw r an la s t seaso n . The Broncos had c r luck w ith the,15 freshmen the

tex t.. ^

>an —

: W m i

oft ' ~ree. — 1_ ~tve1th

^ 8 9 1 -

to ^ lid

lie!d. - es

>0 s m ?


*° I 9 h R I 8 p ^ ^ ^ ' '

ut - •

^ iT rl«*y ‘V G r« 'ij Bo"v"d

2r naticN JC A A , hns left Ju sl I re g io n 18._____________

under-the.sam eform ula, T lie Tour'e^'tem '".*;c

C S l, T reasu re Valley Id a h o , will be* seeded th e i r reguiar-season 'w o C la c k a m a s already ha? n a te d Uie No. 5 team ani m e e t Uie eastern No. o n e -g a m e playoff two i th e regional toumameni w in n e r of Hint one will i sp o t.

H ow ever, Uie easte rn I b e s t reco rd will host Un u n d th a t usually is ta w in n in g It. Since 1%8. t h a s fa iled to win the rc j a s t th re e times,

W ilh "b n ly ^1 x ljam es .im p o rta n t standings colu

1 u n d e r ••L” . At Uils tiin J w iUi a 1-0 record while 5 N orU i Idaho 1-1 and Trc • 0-2 a m o n g the men. Bul i p o in t Is tha t only T reasi

fnliedv............... ' - m i . f i o t a

who led B ■ seven (’an

ru m p 'tailback ral.sogotsi

----- -----------cxpectod'i' red sh lrts iep laceU ie played in Ilo se to Boise S t

ISO, th e ilnebackeie rs , a l th o u f^ • selection ( ;-tim ers from Incumbcni

backing UJ fo rm er Tw

H is to p ju c o B u ts ln c e icn , w a s anchored Ie th e sea so n alm ost ce rT»er3, ihcm am oiiw m u ch T hcB ro ihad m u c h In Uie secoUiey s ig n ed In 'c o m e rb a c l

3n7dTri<Ts~rt~s!rdl o v e r bp«!

3 nal ra]I five team s In lo s la t l io t_____________ "U’s.mwom enrworked—la,------------------------liHve-lo-Mschools' Kicks.—'m u h y a s ' jy and NorUi W“ ho los d according lo h e re . T h e von-lost record. gam ilas Iwen desIg- T re a su r m d a s such will F a l ls Iw ic .. -1 team In a lack of j ) nights before m a jo r co in t begins. The F a m sw o r 1 fill Uie fourtii atten tion

off Snow C n team wiUi Uie "<JI''rcsn Uie tournam ent tan tam ount to safd aH cn , the ho.st team rcBlnnol crown y e a r .” T n

^ to m o U iat. ., very well £

s lo count, lire tliem ” )lum nls Ui(.-ono c

e Ricks Is 2.1, ( greasu re Valley «hu l U,e p rtm ary obviously ; isure Valley .IS

Jilp on Jlably 'tjuarlcrliack Ilazseh Cl lioise S ta te to five v ictories I

um es. Wide receiver E ric An : Dean Collins and fullback T, sign ifican t playing tim e andd to playa-lotnext-fall:---------clchAulll a lso have seven o re : s re turn ing , m ost of whom hi n th e Bronco program before S ta te ’s m ost critical noeds a i cer. w here two-lImcall-BIgS: 1 C arl K eever Is the only re tu ;n t. Ju n io r M ark Wulff playe. up B rian M cCreath la s t year rw in F a lls High sUir Lance S

e Boise S ta te ’s defense is'olw d b y big, mobile linebackers, e r la ln th e re will be two or thj long Uie signecs announced t< -oncas al.so have experience i rondary . Including incum ber icks Castille and J im VoulelL


p 7 » r\;rn K e n t McKen:>:ie*

inkingslome.jhe_sam c_kcy_all_ the_tim c iL :C oach :-E rcdJtenk le .-.l‘.Yi >-^vi^t-H^-home-^^nd-plck-up-l is 'y o u 'catl on the rond'. N or lost a t R icks and Ricks lo h e se will be our first region ,m es.”m re V alley has p layed in Tw vice th is y e a r and becau,se of r size, w asn ’t considered co n ten d er. Bul Coach Gai o r th ’s c rew got everyone n la s t week when it knockc V College by six points, tsno S ta le A ssistant Couel

w atched tha l gam c a n d 1: e rw ard h e fell Uiat TVCC wr i-coached team h e 's seen thi r r e n k le said , “ T hat Indicate la t T re a su re V alley Is p layln 11 a n d w e’d be tte r Jiotovcrloo

i CSl bea t TVCC. Uie socon iportunl g am e of th e 'y ea r wi: !!k>eur d ’Alene F riday nigli .the C ard inals.. Nortli Idali y a p p e a rs com parable to CS cks,_JiolcllnC. a _ J7 rl_ rc c p r

Junior» In Its la s t scn Io rT lraK i^ d ra d e , But m issing 1 c T y O g a ta som eonelike

_________w hich h a s tn~ B roncos' dcfi

r. e ig h t ------------undoubtedlyIh av e role.

Up fron t, B ! a r e a t a ll-league ta<jS k y noseguardC litu m ln p jji-gi n m ey ed a lot in h a v ead o m ln i a r ,a s d ld Michel Bourf J S e lle rs ,^ ^ They mi

d w ays - fullback D av’ r s , i t’s w here speeds

rep lace two-t d loday- R odney Webj« r e tu rn in g F itzg era ld , w

a n d ^ o e T ro ll e lls, both la s t season , h

° Scoivbcjarcl ■ O ly iiip ics n

■ ■ Prep poll

m o hS o p <

B y MATTHEW V dissociated Press

SAR/UEVO, Following d ays hockey p la y e rs i about wheUier o r

H j H off. S ara jevo sh--------w o rld -Wiidncsd;]

P | H o(Knlng of th e > G am es, '- The a th le te s of

■ ^ 1 - before an expec people In a reno

. .K osevoS tad ium . 3.5 billion people television w ortdw

Snow w as trucli 9 H from surrounding 9 H la lo w in ter condl

_____ h a s b e e n e x p ^w eather, and th

J covered wiUiwhlti * The ■ forecast V

/•w snow.----------- Tlie.whllP.w lll.s

’ colors of 49 count y n j l^ie "Winter 'G a r

Yugoslavs tak in g Including 800 gy;

' - red~w hlte7blue, v ^ lo m p 'su its. -^ P l -----------TIie"sli'ow"wiinx1[# y Yugoslav N ation J / 1,200 folk d a n c e rs a

---------- A flc r the p lay lrtiatloroal - anUiem ,

■ ^ w in ter a th le te s ir m H p a rad e into th e s t

2 :33 p.m . to the's< ^ C onim entsT 'B n A s is custom , an■ ■ nation w as c h o ^ i

tlonal flag th a t lea ' P iu iik Miisley, a"

— luge from N ew ark; m m " Unified S ta te s’ flag.

Seven c o u n tr ie s ' for Uie f irs t tli M onaco, P u e rto F

y l Senegal, Taipei anc| B — — Islands;- ------------

T he torch for U arriv ed In S a ra je '

H a f te r being c a rr te d by h u n d r ^ of r u

I P e ach ot the c o u n try ’ i S - . - lw Q .autonom ouspn J On W ednesday,

Into Kosevo S tad li - . ] S andra D ubravclc ,

i,j Y ugoslav figure sl -J . will clim b a sly liz t ^ top o f Uie s tad iu m ;

tlm l’sym bdllzes th e •‘Ih a v e t o g o u p S

T ' . ' ' biit really slow l' = ; i= r = 3 :T 3 o t:4 ^ k a t« rrsa l(

-------- g re a t bonor. to ca n ^_____ I In rem ark s prep^

s beforincluding a 74-lC dec

m o,”___UoUcyJast-weekend iUYou::;r.-jj.“ W eJajow-tho p hy jp -a s— N orth—idaho uiid“ 'lorth s w r e s ,” says T rer ; lost h e a rd they have go< ;ional le a p e rs and p re tty

am ong Uielr b ig m en Twin a long Uiat N orth Id I of a s tro n g opponent.?d a "T hey trle< laslow ( G ary -ag a in st Ricks and v sne’s wlUi about th ree ( eked b e fo re Ricks won-3e-3

Uiat NorUi Idaho \ uch) p re ssed with R icks - d he they could b ea t them wns th a t sc a re s m e,” T re th is Im pressed wilh R id

rates about people who ma> yliig th a t they a re n 't .”■look____ North_ldaho_£OCS.

G auldlng, a b u rner, ;^ n d __followed wlUi G-6 K ewill • D elro lt, C-7 T ln i A two

ilglit C-7 J e r ry R em blert o f ialio G -€D avcF edd lero fO i CSl " I h e a r they go to

conl___d em ons ond Uiat a ll

collegiu n lo r jim Sterling and redshli n K lena, the form er q u arte rb j ng Is an experienced strong sc like R ick Woods and B utch F li > trad itionally been the n u c leu defensive back fldd .S etenclcJ dly recru ited someone to p la y

t, Boise S ta te Is In good shape , : tack le M ark Koch and Incum j G lenn Slmonton re lum ing . B m e in five years, the B roncos m lnantig defensive tackle — a lurgeau o r R an dyT rau tm an - ’ m ay add one today. ise, C lio a te .ie tm iis wlUi sta rt )ave M aloney to th e backflcld, c d s te r G regg Harrison f ig u re /o-tlm e all-conference ta llbacl 'ebster. A ndrade and sen io r P; J, who played behind Kim M el ro tte r a t th e wide rece iver pos n. have th e Inside track to suc<

cl D 2 ____________D.'j .

) 4

^ m p i i

en toiVITA . - ~ ~

s s writer ^

Y ugoslavia (AP) — . s o f controversy over ; a n d months of doubt ( o rgan izers could pull II li show s Ils face to Uie n

X IV Olympic W inter' P a

)f Uie wortd will m arch n 3Cled crowd of M,000 If w v a te d socccr arena, t i1. O rganizers estim ate_______le w ill be watching on ai IwJde. , Siek ed into Uie stadium th ng m ountains to slmu- a{ d ltions In a city Uiat w.>erienclng .*!DrlnBllke_______Uie Infield has been Oi ilte planks. inW ednesday was for p i

------ :--------- ---------------------- l aL ^ w . o l f tho n a tio n a ls z ac n lr ie s — a rccord for arhes,-'--=-ana":5;00ft— “ T h ig p a r t In the gain, ._Ni jy m n a s ti dressed In _ Gi vrp let and Ibiu-quolse - ' t a

T nciade'«o7ardois'oi-------- s it)nal Arm y schools, s p s a n d the 180-member s c

'In g of th e Yugoslav -.-.be 1, 1,500 of Uie best a c in th e world a re to ‘s ta d iu m precisely a t a t ~song,-''Mflrch or a .c o f

'Sffa n a th le te from each fe i « n to carry Iho na- ;a d s each delegation. Ol] a - m edal-h opeful In ■ — k rD e lrrw lllc a n y th e - ' — m og - ' ~ ...... . ' ■s w ill be represented "U m e: Costa Rico, th e

R ico , San Marino, - lln l n d th e British Virgin fro-------------------------------- —u n ith e Winter Games fo r

levo Tuesday nlghl c e r x l-across Yugoslavia l i t j ru ru iers who visited Is i ■y’s six republics and u seirov lnces, -------, it will be carried |______H um by 19-ycar-old c, a member of Uie sk a tin g team, who

ized ski jump to Uie 1“I a n d ll f^ t the t o r c h ______ie O lym pics; ” ................) 94 s tep s — running, Ing c< v lv .” Uie wlllowv In te r r ild,‘nr??it=iK^roally=^a~Juair'ryubofhunor^:—----------th e _ pip ared for the open- effo rtj

r e s t a t eeclslon of Treasure d riv e .

tiyslca lrs ta tls tlc s 'o f^ ^ Z ^ lflPj som e ol Ihelr th e ' be•enkle. "We have w ell f r;ood size, excellent a swy good quickness CSI n:2n. We have felt all fa c in gId ah o would be a o th e r

region;w dow n a l Rexburg w ould

w e re aheod 30-28 w in a t(m inu tes) lo go b e c a u s

J-34.-B utrvehcard in th isw a sn ’t Uiat Im- e x p e c t

5 — that Uiey felt a n d wl:m a t home — and go in g Iren k le said. "I am T h eicks and I worry c ritic a la y b e good enough N o rth 1

tMth p l

, a l the polnl and p ro b a bCevln WilHnms of ixjgiontifood o f Post Falls, - lo sse s -o f D ayton, 0 ., and seaso n ,O regon. rcgrou]:o th e boards like s e a so nII o f Ih p m Hlfp tn rt/inr-f

^ e t r a n stilrt th em alU ioughS•back. w ldeou lortw o . 1 s a fe ty , has a lock on th e i’isk , history of k n e e pJUS o f the Broncos-will add H i Has position.ly th a t----------- Ont h e o ffe n s h

K llgohasgoric.fi »e. w llh — w h o w a s h u ^ i m b e n l r e d s h l r tc d - w l l . B u t for a fte r s ta r tin g in >s d o n 't — cen te rs S tev e • a l a Baker, a s e n io r ;I — in th c senior, w ill fill Ol

poslUons.n t in g ------------ saFeTzn$5imroId, piaceW clter. T here s to Uie U n iversity of ick - .. iran sfe rT o n y M i P a t Uiereafter.e t c a l f --------------------------o sltlons Steve Crump is icceed Times-News.

W o d n o ad a y . Fobruary 8,198-— . - ■ T......■—■"■'"iT'.Tri1984 Tlmo3-Now3. Twin Fails, Idaho

— B

'csdayC h i e f e y e s ' d i s p u t e

SA RA JEV O , Y u goslav ia - (A P ) — T he president of th e In te rn a tio n a l Olympic Com>- m ltte o s a id Tuesday he would

p u le b elw <^n officip'o ia G reece " a n d I>os Angele* over a c h a rity ',

n m Involv ing iheOlympIc to rch if th e tw o sides cannot setU e _ th e i r d iffe rences IhcmselvMi

------ -•‘I -w a n t th e m to goon ta lk in g ..................a n d t r y to reach agreem ent,” s a lr f J u a n AntonJo Sanjaranch, th e IOC ciiief. ••!! Uiey fail to a g re e . I w ill join Uiem and se e w h o t l c a n d o .”

T h e L o s Angeles O lympic ______O rg a n iz in g Committee is sell* in g r ig h ts to sponsors lo ta k e p o r t , in th e run a t $3,(XX) p o r -

~ Iu io m c tc r o s tho loi;ch Is c a r n ^- a c r o s s th& United States. ........ ........= =

T h e tw o G reek members of ~thCTO CrN lkoia(Js Nlssldtla a n d '

N ik o s FU ateros, have siald th e 'G r e e t e wUl refuse lo take J ia rt •^ta' thettradiU oiialTcercinonv o f-- - :

l ig h tin g th e torch at O lym i^a, '-s ite -o f-thcT m clcn t-gam csrifthc ---------------

s p o n so re d ru n goes ahjsad. T hey s e c i t o s eom m erdollzatlun,

„alU ioufiliJJicjnoM y-ralsedia-U )_________..b e d o n a te d to American you th ■

acU vlU es. __________ ____ __* ‘T h e to rc h U ^ tliig cerem ony

a t O ly m p ia is a n important p a r t o f tho- -O lym pic pro tocol;* '- -

~ sa m o ra n c n salii a t a news co iw ' -----------fe re n c e . " W em u stk eq iU .”

T h e lu iclen t gomes a t - O ly m p la in sp ired Uie la te B aron

-m o d e m G em es almost 90 y eara■aigo:....................

T h e O lym pic movement sec s th e to rc h re la y os a symbolic l in k w ith tho gam es that r a n f ro m 776 B.C. and continue^u n b ro k e n a t-four*ycar Intervals— ----------fo r a th o u san d years. But th e c e re m o n y . In wiilch Uie torch is l i t a m o n g th e ruins of Olympia.Is a m o d e m one. It was f ir s t u s e d fo r th e 1936 Olympic ..G ^ < » In B erlin . ______

H o c k e y lo ss — D 3

I c e rem o n y , the president of, the , ■erhatlonal Olympic Com m lttbe, a ir -A n to n lo -S a rn a ra n c h r^ a n K c d ” —i-p e o p le - o f - Yu goslav ia -fo r-the lr------------b r ts .

e t o u rv e . T h e only thing I know ab o u t i r -q u ts id e -sh o o tln g ls th n tlo e N uw . ■

b e n c h a n d shoots Uie ball v e r y ........-II f ro m Uie h igh post.”. sw e e p o f th e week could leave th e ! m e n In th e strong position of in g only R icks a l Ricks with th e e r tw o g a m e s a t home for th e lo n a l h o s t spot. One or two losses j ld m ean th a t CSI would h av e to I a t R e x b u rg plus two a t hom e a u s e n s T rcn k lesay s “ 1 don’t th in k i l l s sh o rt a season that you c a n e c t a n y help . You have lo go o u t I w in 11 yourself or .somebody is' i g lo m ove in ahead ofyou.” h e position of CSI’s women Is I c a l . 'T h e y .lo s t a home gam e to t h Id ah o a n d now must succeed a tI p la c e s lo get back Into the h iin t.

b ab ly kill any chancc of p lay in g lonalR. o n . the-hom ecourt. Tw o cs--w ould-leave-noU iIng .in th e 5on, th e CSI women having to roup ancT recapture th e ir’ post- son ho p es In a regionai on a foreign

0 e r s^ S eten c ich m ay bring In ano th e r '/o. Donnie Sum m ers, a senior, th e t ig h t end position, but his » p ro b le m s could mean Uie a d d so m e ins^rance a t Uiat

ii&lvc line r n lMeaguetnckle-John---------------K J.from onc side, but Grog Jones 3 ^ in p re-season last year and w ill r e tu rn fo r his senior year

5 in 1382. T h re e returning s ta r te rs jv cD esp o t, ajunlor,andScoU o r ; and g u a rd Larry Felbt, aII o u l th e th re e Interior line

T he B roncos lost Mark Jensen to y o f Id ah o in pre-season and / M assag ll to graduation

tp is the sports editor of The

Page 24: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

-C A R EV — It wasr fo r th e C a rey P a cL-opped a 77-65 dec g a m e w inning s sharpshoo llngT w Jn F

— B u t sen io r B rad T p o in ts to p u t h im sc

- s h a t te r th e all-tinw ' one-season scoring n

: F r id a y night.: - P e rh a p s n o t unfit• re c o rd will be estab ll

w h e re R andy Lee fa. r e n t s ta n d a rd of 5

- 20-gam e sea so n wh- . --D ie tr ic h in 19C8-C9, Tl

• T a g a l^ t T w in F a lls - e ig h t th rcc-po ln t ficli h im a to ta l o f 563 U n igh t. T h a t m eans e s ta b lish th e rcco rd ii

--------- second o r th ird q u a rteT h e Tw in F a lls Junli

------------ m e n — in— double—scsn ap p ed C a rey 's w inr ■games'w lth T u esd ay i P a n th e rs , who have C onference cham pion now a fe i4 -3 .

--------------- T w in -F a lls gavc.Ush oo ting P a n th e rs a la

' m edJcfne. T he young IK rcen t from th e field i of 20 a t th e foul lini th ree-po in t blitz from 1

_________C ralR Langley and 140~poU its to ofR el” ’

. .p ro d u c tio n . ... ..............

-•n> iann« ..............CKW...................................

T» te r y .n r - .-.-n»rr ae «u.

- *• ’ Cu«y — Tlasey 77. Count:

P«rfcs 9. JoUey 4. Tobtli 21 U-: BmIs —TUiAeyS, Parte.

......M tn. HomeB uhl 5 7

________ M OUNTAIN HOMEta in H om e T igcra ~cni lo sing spe ll T uesday : th e B u h l In d ian s G8-57.

In av en g in g an carl T ig e rs led throughou

---------- d e sp ltc^g O -p o in ta -t^ oo f th o se o n fou r three-p

. M ou n ta in H om e’s J a y th o se w lth21 points.

_________B uhl w on thPpr^H m lr

- Buh)................ .........................

K im bei

' U J f i T V n rAtW endeU

T u esd ay ’s G aK im b e r ly 60, Gooding

o u t)________T on lgh t’a G a i

K lm b e rly v s .D e c lo ,8 :

7. 17, NCA* O gntmTDuno tutin ^

• • tox% m -* innriiii « g. tt. Wint»rOirm(i>c»cor«>ia»

Olympic TVtn> lh« W.M«> Ol,

Piim» riiri«Moo*> »; j’ ‘ *'*


m * .1 •..i.tn 1-.

MOtUN*OCO<.l(Ot OAtxCTnAlL —

- tlrw.O-. » ju p - -Coil . ol

PntP tW»J-DASHt TIULl Tonlgm-iBun*

■ - " U w l V t l o " ' * ' Pr i f jr fw'^svr

Sifff'ni ilOooC'ff 3pm’

wcuRia-sjuKCTaAu. __


KSTntUf?! E X D me s s a i e r r ;

' b -2 T Im o 3 -N o w 3 .T w lr

'a sn ’t a happy night P an th e rs ns they

decision and an 11- s treak to the

in F allsjunlors. d Tlngoy canncd 37 nsclf in position to 15. im e M a ^ c Valley •nireo-p. g rccord a t Dietrich

nflttingly, the new iblished on the floor j r ^ _ : fashioned Uie cur- " t : # r 577 points in a \ \ J f . while playing for ^. T lngoy’s 37 points - J E R s — 24 of them on bouncc field goals — gave t h e r e ! 3 through Tuesday W cnde n s he’ll probably T l ie ' •d in F rid ay night's th e sc(irte r at-Dlctrlch;-------- T ro ja nunlors, putting four p o w er i-s c o r in g —figures,---------------'inning s treak a t 11 w«ncjau. ay n ig h t's win. The ive th e Northside onvis 2. lionshlp lockcd up, Ailnnw 2.

t>otnl Kool:- lh c Lsmilly.hol— a tas te o f their own sayer 4. i in g B ru ins hil 51 Frrria'i. ild an d as lz iilh g 17 line lo offset Ilje \ \ / q i m T ingey . ^id M att H arr split Q # ? / - * it ■i'lngey's poin

.............................. - D eclo fi— .- u r ^ M tt Wolveri

c n

orad 5. Pock 4, Neal a. Wood 1 U-JO 15 65. 'Huti i>olnt c lu d o d t

____^ . ..........‘■We\

lejbH,g o t som su c c e s s

VIE —_The Moun- som e ended a lO -g n m e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ c r

ly night, downing P o u r--------- f ig u re s

farlier defeat, the P lea sed (lout th e evening

*e-polnt goals. But dem eatJ fay G agnon offset D anny

po in ts, rm in o o L m s_________ ^

n o t c h ^.......... «o a « n Hornets.

^rly soar------------------------------- W ENC

5 B ulldogsg a m e a r

__ . . , n a te thi

t o o tm g z - sjgj, sc o re rsG a n n (ro tn undling ao .G o o d ln g

Bamo ........ .. l > ^ y ’s d,arl3T>;n.. - - ■ f ^ S lc lUi ____ ___________ the. foLui

Q “■^ ■ S STT

' Ci t y L e a g u e 'aTANowoa

INM mducng (»>••••*'•

Z .. ..... .. .r io S ^ W ,..

i’l" ■



u„.c- F H 'iltH v •

‘ J C ^ o p , 2 0 . ^


C o l l e g e s c o r c s

jirSiw '^^ilj! 1*1 J r

'w in Falla , Idaho W odnoodu

iiAiniiofoe..............................u 31 :U — Cniwlty D, V l««)l 3D, BamiUa 8. K. >wm 3, I’lcreo 4. ToUJ* 17 I»-37 2 ^poliit jSMla - Crowtty. Vliiccnl 4. «mlaln Home - UnjuJd] 2, Krllaca 7. (it u n /U . MomLitcrio 10, Wlilpplo lo, IJvlni -llKirKl I. Tolala 29 10-21 Z7 ca.

erom e 72, Wendell 4 53 R 0 M E ------T lie Je rom e Tigic e d to an 18-2 lead and s ta e T u esd ay night iri rolling past de ll T ro ja n s72-15. le T igers, now 11-6, put H met sco rin g colum n aga inst the : ans-w ho cou ldn 't m atch-Jeron: i:r inside.

lU .............................................7 IB 33t o ........................................... X J7 aideU - SchotJi 11. llcrUiKnoIl S. Campbc 2. niuickerny 9. Wcinmcbtcr 3. Hanst

* 2. Scurrow 4. Total.i IB S-14 10 4S. Th Vol - - Thnckcrny.ime — (Yalrle 0. AJirms Z. Ilulscy 9. Ilcr( wortli - 3 .-Burrtw n-1 r m a r t: a.-1jinw 4. Huijcr 2, Ilollch 2, MartCTS 10, Kuh •4. TotaJ.i JJ 9-19 13 73. 77uno-poln( «d«

?od R iver 80, c1oj55_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _■ILEY - L i te ra l ly b o m b o rd i ) from th e ou tset, th e Wood Riv erine3 -sim k-the lrn rst-e i^ t-sh ( c ru iscd to an 80: ^ nojvleog

o t s . .......................... -od R iv e r’s Initial barrage I d th re e three-point field goals, e w e re Ju st red-hot a t the s ta rt i-l i iver-(36aeh-15tek-Richel-aal roally -pound© d4ho-boards-aj im e put-back shots. Wo had son !ss aga in st th e ir p ress and e

‘ch ippies’ in the secoie r r ' --------------------------------------u- W olverines reached doubi } scoring , a b alance which al e d R ichel. G uard M ike Williar 1C way- w ith 21 , w ith backcou - n a l p K nrst,.«dd lng .'20 . II :a th the basket, B rian R utter ai y Wells [Mured in 10 and

respectively . ly M angum and B rad Matthev ed i(j points ap iece lor u !tS.

rs p a s t S>lDELlr----------T h e -K lm b e r lIgs used an effective Inslr a n d p re ssu re defense to d im th e Gooding Senators 60-: a^ 'n lg h t a nd m ove into tonight' )ionship g am e a g a in st the Decl ts . ■berly^& -N aU lio -R lle rs-lod -a s w ith 25 points, all, comln tfidem eath the basket, th e top-seeded Bulldogs, th

t was neve r in doubt. K in > defense he l'd lK e Senators t d ig its In .cvery quarter, cxccf i r th - a n d also took aw ay thcl


n N B A s t iu u l i i: ... tAsam^ogi^ti

I wt5ti»nco.ai

^ j;

—1-1------ li— i r

'' ■ II^ ___________

— ............. '

N B A l)o x s c o i

. i f S iWAS>aWJ^O«^ n /iLiirx;

iduy , F obruary 8.1034

^ O i ' g B S T !

» “ “ - Wood R iver cai na ry , 72-60.

Jv nj OT Wootimvcr................Jvlnpton _ K. Ma:i«uiUIUL-Uikrr 4. Mallhcwa Tnylor B. Oitcrtioul 2. ila a. Koulwlouf—llunsaJ; MnnKum. C), Mnnwm. .Wood - Karst 21

WcU3ll.Schroclt4, lliitt.’Tigers - b‘

S S B liss 43, men In Richfield^ _____BLISS — U irry

second-half resur; th e B liss Bears del

« 33 45 in ~ ir~ rJo n n s i[i{ r- r S3 -73 . T u esd ay nigliL npbeii 4. T h e B ears, G-9 i

league , sho t 55 perc p a r tia lly because

iicrfel a, g e ttin g the ball insi3-.....o f te n r lle finishedw

points.• - N ick W hitesell’s

R lchficld, w hich fei: I l w as otherw ise

a ffa ir , w ith Richfic

eOCUC Itobblns 0. Swalnslon 7.

. . . . mU»-ExonO.Wllklnal GravcB O.-TtJUls 18 im :

;e In- wiiwns.Cdstleforc

T-l^X^urtaumsome M URTAUGH - d got W olves c am e from

n igh t and beat thi----------- D evils 5 1 -t7 in aM aijubie- ence g am e., n]so A lan Sam ple scort Hams W olves, who boostec court rcco rd to9-0.

rrn. M urtau g h outscoi ,rand lhe th ird period ' I id 11 tw o-point advantage

b a ttled b ack and reg iiew s 8<xxl w ith 1:40 left.

M urtauch ' and Troy 1

Senatorsberly— inside-gam er causlni itsldc on o u ts id e shooting. :11ml- K im berly explodes 60-36 the f irs t period and ght’s lead o v e r th e Senate )cclo p ou red It o n .in the

tak in g a 19 point iendi_all--------W lth-a-comfortabliTilng the en d of th e third

put in its reserves h the gam e.

Kim- K a r la Skabronskl. rs to for th e Senators am:ccpt - acldediO------------ -----their- — T he re m a tc h betwi

M*iii,*.M »21n53io<ipoiH^ ■


l C.nrr.l M NfW J£n3|r (13H

^ AMu! **’'_ ^

;j ftAJJOltOOdWl

( l i n y s

its? ............ U . s . - C a n ,

^ ............

c o r e s '




Cai•apturev: th e prellm l-.

_ I>alm

« m » o <«um IC. I). MariKum 11. n IB. Ilanul 2. HrtstoJ 4. f_ f llamllUM 2. Totals 22 l»-2S 19 i i i Jkcr. Thine-polnl Boal - K.

t 20, WUllama 21. Kutter IS, WoO iu« 2, Hepworth 3. Tolals 30 SOpl I t-oaJ.1 ~ Karst 2, Wllllam.i 27-p

O ak - HusI

i 3 l i^ ” iry W ilkins paced a. u-gence th a t helped n o n lefeat R ichfield 43-31 0 ^ 3 , “ •C onfcrencc—gam e—

) overall a n d 5-1 in :rcent a f le r halftlm e. e they succeedcd in islde to W ilkins m ore jjjjgg1 w ith a g am e-high 14— ......-

OaUo;Il’s 10 po in ts led- JIm* ell to 4-9 a n d 2-6 . se a sloppily played field com m llllng 32 lu a ss:2i -------------------------------i - s ia


;i - D i7. To«ala 10. 9-19 13 3l!

ul4,SmlUi8. MenchacaD, DI 1-15 18 43. Fouled oot - q u a r

J t r i D leli " a O l f leag i •— ---------------------P ira lh-4 7 ~ -- The CasUeford lhe fi m behind Tuesday next the M urtaugh Red fianic laglc V alley Confer— POUrt

® Stoddired 24 po in ts for the F :ed th e ir conference w ith t

Hafwrcd CasUeford In 'l!^-10”u h d 'tM K a ” 5®™

Ige, but th e Wolves cgalncd th e lead for iiuim«i

Fodediooorod 80 potn<6-foP- yR ovig added 19.

s to titleIng Gooding to re ly ‘ and~: ;. Decloled for 18 points in 43-37.- nd look a 10-point In i itors. T he Bulldogs h e ld h ie second q u arte r, and G nd a t the half. F i le r 'ble-27-polnt-lead-al— oham] d period K im berly loum i for the r e s t of the G lenn

ti.scored 16 points md Ju lie Clemons..........— ...........................7,-Kllfnween the B u lld o g s ......Coodii

.- . . ......... Jarobcsi___________f'oulnl

L r,L Z Z f".M

s s S S S f a S H Z l I

. n 1! a /i-in

n a d a s u n i

C asU eford also jvon the pro! a m e 61-28.

asU«<ord ..................................... 12lurtauflti....................................... IICaaOefort - Howard 2. Owtn 14. 4 vcnly7. Zamora 4. Totals 21 9-17 1251- Murtaujtb — iCoviR 19. M atm m 20. aimer C. Totals 19 7-l0 IB 47, Thno-poli

Dakley 75, ia n se n 62H ANSEN — The driving i

/oodhouse and the inside j5< Dphomore John Oldham spi 7-polnt U iinl q u a r te r that c a r ak iey H ornets p ast the usk les 75-62 Tuesday night. ’Tlie H uskies controlled the t«

IC g am e in th e first half and F» 14 po in ts from Steve E lm i id ed wiUi 26, for a 29-26 lead. orneLs c a m e out running in U j a r tc r . Woodhouse dev a n sc n 's InsiSe aefense m ctra tlo n , scoring 24-points I sh in g off for several more, id o f tlie th ird quarter, Oakl lounted a nine-point lead and lead throUghoulUie r t h .

lUoy........................................... 10 :............................................... « . JJakley - Woodhouse 14. Wclcll 4. 01 •BUSS U. Cranaey 11. Und4. TolalsSl i: reo-polnl Roal — Cranncy. ifMt-n — Kiman 28. l^n cn 18. NelaonStantfgr B,.SIIm[MQn i Tn(fil« M II-ree-polnl KOal — Nelson. '

hetrich 64, 1acierman~4^6~D IE -ra iC H - A & p o ln t t la r te r ou tburst propeled e tr ic h Blue Devils to a 64^ 3gue trium ph over lhe Hag r a le s T u esd ay n l g h L _ _ _ n u r S lo g 'P c v t l^ ed 'o fily n y i! 2 f ir s t q u a rte r , but exploded xt period as Devan Hubor m e ’s high sco re r with 28 j

>ddard chipped in sbc. Addlllc ! P ir a te s h urt their own cl: i l tu rn o v ers during tha t quart la g e rm a n c a p tu i^ the rsity contest, 59:53.

iricii «oigerm aa - Oltford 12. T. RoKcn 11,1 m«8. Olwy 10. M. fU>itcrsXTolaUl9S- ledou; — T. Itom n. Iluime,IMrltft — HuN*fl 28, C. Umitia fl. Stodi Jrn iia s. UccMry 9, Uave SouuiwicK hwlckI.ToUU20l2-2II3 64.

? gam e1 “ D eclo be gins •’to n lg lit 'u t clo' b ea t th e Bulldogs on MiYI.n th e Junior varsity toumj d h e re , Gooding edged Vallcj 1 G lenns F e rry lopped Declo er w ill p lay Kimberly tonight im pionship— bracket— of— m a m e n t. while Gooding i n n s 'F e rry for third place.

borty .. '................................... II 36Una .......................................... a 17mberty - CroUiera 8, KflcRcr B. S tart; IfTi 25,-Uycr li Ka.^ey2. Totals 27>I31 odlng — aainons 10. SkaltfonsU 18. Cr l)cson.3..,<\«lcraon 1. Totals 14 018 k1 oul — Anderson. Thre^polnl kc

■ I S s u\ J

h‘■ay -

' ' . ' '“I

• ' / ...............

- - - 7 - ...........

2 E -


. Bluo L akos M all70S B luo Lakos Blvd. NTv/In Foils -----------

W od :.,F o b . BthT

- . ^ Q l

ak ---- —)re!lmlnnry -------

12 J7 37 51 II 30 39 «7

hpolnl Koals - -P illL .\D E I>

Jo se p h ’s Coad- h is iiaw k s’ 58- unlxiaten and s

ig ol Cory “ S ■ Uolnts or yea rco llcg eco i sparked a , »

carried t h e . h is B lue Demoi le Hansen pe rcen t .Irom 1 ( loss Tuesday nille tempo of "Wand picked ha lltlm e , s c o ra imaS, who s ^ o n d h a f beli ad. But th e — oti-i3 .s tralghL p n the th irdJcvastated Tony Costnerg e — ^ 11,—rBob-LoJewjjkirM Its but also 1“ its-isth .vlctoi re By th e T h e Hawks hav( l i ld c y h a d an d llv e s tra lg h i m d stayed DcPnuI lost,I s ta r t s in the up

.................. te a m ’s - f i r s t - a10 38 SJ 75. Jo se p h ’s. In thi i8 . » 44 «3 B luo Demons Wl ' i “ S St. Jo seph 's

m ent.IsooS.Harris D cP au l’S dow

D em ons making ■'•I Uiink ou r d'

_____________o L the lrpQo rs h of) M eyer said, ■*'

fo rM U jfo ro ,” - jied th e M eyer took the

non-- - '. . i .v e s^en d iagerm an m ak e th is loss a ] — . ■.T--^h o lD u s ^ h o s a id;

-------- i ^ P a ^ - le d - e aS h ap p ea red to lo.<«Ji^ r t , the in g th e ball fo ra ffl po n t s , . . a n e ffo rt lo force a te A^an— 2one defense; - llllonally, (q g<I chances .. Mgygr ^la rtc r. iwo points bul mi e Junior guj. Whc

In ^ b a d , we lost

ii*:iiioii3! D eP au l went ( i9'8-i2i9 4fl- goal d uring the Hi

'u t 'S ; I 5 ~ 'Monday

UTiament iIley48 5 fl gJ| 1 f l clo 43-37.^ t in the I}f— th a t— ^ ^ n p p i 5 meets

17 25 JOa rt 9, Wcsl

LCravesO. . '018 IS 38. . ■1 Koali - ___I


M : - i;

-------- ------------- • - V FF



I. N orfh

thTu’Sof.', Fob. 11 B

Im L

Paul lo‘ ?ear tol>H IA ’ T /\P i ' ' - " " s i r ' a tich J im B oyle described ni >8-}5 upset o f previously1 second-ranked DcPaul 50£St victory of h is three- Ui cach in g ca ree r .

M eyer of EkjPaul said seions, who sho t only 25.9 wlhe field, m a y turn the V

night into a n advantage. ^/hich tra ile d 27-21 at ( j •ed the f irs t b a sk e t ot theefore St. Jo se p h ’s reeled 'LpointS lo pu ll nw.-iy tn n VI

■figicr, w ith 18 points, and foirWith l3 rIed5 l.:Jo« !ph :s—TQl lory ag a in s t four losses, nif ive won lOof th e ir last 11 ba: ;ht. It,lLs f irs l g a m e In 18 hal jp se t,'w h ich w asn ’t the loo -a t-- th e han d s of 96. 13-< the 1980-ai season , the S w ere 27-1 befo re losing Vir s in the NCAA toum a- pol,

•Wil)wnfall w as ils perfor- ass he-fleldHA'»th-th«-Blu0 —spo ig only 14 of 54 shots. w it defense w as th e cause . V

loot in g .” Boylff-snlri-______USli■'We’ve p lay ed a lot of 15-f

etiever3eern»3hooC =!4=C av - - ' - firs:

he loss philosophically, -na il defeat before.- We’l l - T e c

a positive th ing . II m ay firsl

i.se Its po ise a f te r hold- a th ree-m inu te span In

ce St. Jo se p h ’s o u t of a...................... ................... ...........

get them o u l of the ir said. “ I t only cost us m aybe It took us out of 'hen,things s ta r te d go- i- 5t ou r po ise fo r a lltUc _v

0t 6:18 w ithout a . field o Hawks’ 13-point surge, m the field. '•ths Dlua* P am o n c gol—

iTfmlvtirT h e S h o p s m ltH * M A R > b e c o m e a b e t t e r w /ooi

Ini'McI*. nr rr;itl lin»‘ fiirniTut ' iUtcl <

jtC o m e t o o u r

5 ? ^ ^ s t r a t i o n a n d^ \ ■ . . - t e r r i f ic : tv.4 . . e x c lu s it \ p r o t e c t i o n • 4 ; . ^ —*^.^-'.— . - . - . - a n d - c............. V p a y m e n t

____________ ^ l_ a - M A R K -

F H E E -G IF T !-------------------Mtnntl n S hopsm iin MARK V Oc/ti untl i(jCL-ivn tl se t of our most popi, iliinn from -Hnncla On." Youfj FH£

Sprclfil Fret GH

)ses f irs t H aw ks

' a f te r ' tlia t was "46-37 .with 3129 n s ..........m a in in g in th eg am e .

St. Jo sep h ’s then boosted its lead to 50-37 and never led by less than 11 for the rem a in d e r of the g am e.

In th e second half, E>ePauI m ad e but seven field g^als on 33 a ttem p ts .

Virginia 91,Georgia Tech 5 9

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (A P) — _ y iru in la p laced five p lay e rs In double ■ figu res a s the C avalier? snapped a four-gam e losing s tre a k with a 01-59

-ro u L o f-N o -ia -G co rc la -Ied i .Tuesday---------n igh t in AUanUc C oast Conference basketball. .

The C avaliers b u ilt a 15-poInl ha lflim e lead a t 39-24 .a n d never looked back in raising th e ir reco rd t o ..13-6 o vera ll and 3-6 in th e ACC.

Senior guard R ick C arlisle led V irg in ia’s balanced a tta c k w ith 18 points, w hile backcourt m a te OlhcU Wilson contributed 16 poin ts and 11 assists. Wilson moved Into th e No. 10spot on Vlrfl*'^*"’° snaring lict______w lth l,258poln ts., V irg l^ a never tra iled In th e gam e, using n't stingy defense to build a IS-point"" halftlm e advan tage . The < ?av a lte n F fo rce d < ? e o rg i» ire c to 4 n to n 0 = ^ first-half .turnovers and used a com bi­nation of defenses to hold G eorgia Tech s t a r M ark P rice sco re le ss in the firs t 20 m inutes.


T h o 'R o o d h a n d lo r LT t i ro In th o S o a rs F o b ru a ry 5 & 8 In so r t h o s a n In c o rro c t plc> tu rp . Tho d o sc r lp tlo n & p rico is c o rro c t.W o ro q ro t o n y • in c o n v o n l- _______o n c o th is m ay n a v o c a u to d * ou r v o lo o d c u s fo m o rs .

" S e a r s , R p e liu c l( & .C o ,

g g s m s

U LLtlll ^XRK V c a n h e l p y o u o o d w o r k e r .;ir.[i !,w tof voi/tv.rili how tHo r|iv(,-n voi) thl' acciit.icv .mcJ

cullr, (or.tiirnily j|nOit.tl riitvn.'lr, ttcim iicr.'llcH-—Wllh W(l(«l VfV,- ............ijici<'riwn''cnur;f?snon:;miTh •

hiCvr.ic thr MAf<K V diver, fl wfirkshnti

.Miitliinr ..............

iilli w,.v'

o u r F R E E d e m o n - m d l e a m a b o u t . . . fic s a y i n g s . . . lu s lv e S h o p S u r a n c e '"Jon-7-T-7------------------------------------------------------d - c o n v e n l e n t ------------------------------------------) n t t e r m s o n^K .V !- ...................................... - _____

lopiiliir l.'i'tJlf ,FHEE...|ur.i tor

Shopsm ith I n c . __________

:GHtForYou!-------- _ _ ...... ................ -

o .p i.ii(;vc

Page 25: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

n s ------ ---------- ------------------- ■'

I to

SARAJEVO, ' . C a n a d a put

qua lifica tions a re c o rd aside Ti> de fen d in g gold m

' a c ru sh in g blow th e open ing rou h o ck ey toum am c

_ F o r th ree moi, liv ed w ith contro

-g ----------------- iag -oa-am atou r-i„ p la y e r w ith 10Qv___________H ockey League^ ----------------- fo r the'O lym pics:

b e g a n , C anada’s , Don D ie trich wen

gj. fo r a w hile , It app- w ould a lso lose g<

an d fo rw ard Dan^ A nd, s ince Dew[g s tru g g le d agai,11 co m petition , goln.. Itlon s e r ie s with,g c l u i n g a n 8-2 pou

_________ th e fin a l gam e.T h ey a lso wen

, S ov ie t Se lec ts and'■ ■ g a m e s In West Gei

- B u t on Olympli n - - _____fer e n t s to ry .—^

__ T h e^ C anadiansslow ed dow n the i

- L ed b y ce n tc r Ci goals a n d an os:

___________grabbed tfic.lcad

; A m e ric a n s off-bal th e U n ited States g e a r . W hen the /

T o r v. . SARAJEVO , Yu

-----------------ar&^tiU-tlnkeringvY es, th ey have ti No, th e y a re not ( Y es, th ey rea lly '

'_________ No, in terv iew s askating.

J a y n e TorvlU an ite s lo w in an ICO X IV O lym pic Win T u e sd a y hoping th'

___________ tp p ra c tlc e jQ rjh e li■‘W e’d like to" ^

w ith th e competltio A dded Torvill, a

th e d a y doing Intei tra in in g . Onco we w e find th a t It doesr

R e q u e s ts from t -since T&D — as thi m ad e s k a tin g hlstoi


SARAJEVO, Y A th ic k pa ll of ( b la n k e te d SaraJ b lo ttin g o u t tho i s c e n e ry a doy t

- o p en in g o f th e I pics.

S o m c people ........... S a ra je v o sm og w'

—. n e x t Jnly~ 2&fAugp lc sln L o sA n g e l(

Y u goslav woo

sm o g — known lo— w ould l i f t ln t i r a f te rn o o n ’s open K osevo stadium , 49 n a tio n s will p; sp e c ta to rs .

"W e w fircopo \ own w a y ," Ga P a v le L ukac said.

Recn~ ~ a w u i ]

-------- KANSAS CITY,_________ ru n n c rw h o once gal:

s ing le g o m e and on som e e x p e r is fool « Into th e p ro s a rc am being so u g h t this • football rec ru ite rs .

------- ----------- T o d ay -iS y n a tto n aday . T rad itionally , a all re c ru ite d player

' c is ion w ith in 2-3 c sign ing d a y , and thU w arr in g rec ru ite rs aj

M ost e x p e r ts say ( m ost prospectB this and F lo r id a a s fertile

> S o u th em Callfom: - two of th e th re e liest

R yan K n igh t o f Rlvc G reen o f G ardena Inform aU on gathere w hich an n u a lly puts top p ro sp e c ts tb m or th e ir reCTUltment.

"C a lifo rn ia seems as m a n y prospccts i

Can<4 - 2

), Yugoslavia (A P) — y\ It controversy , dis- h<: and Its recen t poor dl Tuesday an d dealt the

dm edalls t,U n ltcdS ta tes a ow with a 4-2 v ictory in w round of th e O lympic S ' iment.months, th e C anadians itroversy o v e r th e ir rul- cc ur-6tanding— tliat-any— sli 10 o r few er N ational te

uo Rames w as eligible__ m1 ^ One d a y before playa 's M ark M orrison and severe disqualified — and. aappeared th e C anadians bee goalie M ario Gosselln thlanW oodinthedLspute, C2)eccm ber, th e te am had ve{gainst , In tem ationai bl( 'olng 4-&-1 Jn an exhlb- ,ith the A m ericans, In- wopounding b y th e USA In df:________________________ EllA'cnt 2-7-1 aga in st theand w ere sw ep t in th ree yoiG erm any la s t week. - <Joinpic Ice, lt w as a"dlf-—’ leri

ans. s ta r te d . fa?t,_ then ^ , ih i he qu icker A m ericans, the ■ Carey W ilson’s th ree w a assist, th e C anodlans fac[»nri th o n ti«w i nn n t . up)ng_gaine_ ttf_ k w tJ Umbalance. R a re ly could corItes get i ts offense In garle A m ericans did, 20- A

vill, DeYugoslavia (A P) — Yes, th<

ngwlUvilBolo«»J^!-----------------’e taken a few sp ills In p rac tlc » t concerned.Uy w ant to be th e best.>8 a re not m o re fun than flgU]

and C hristopher D ean, favo ICO dancing gold, m odal a t tii Vinter 'tiam es^ m er'U ie prej ; they would now be le ft alonrtel^eyentj__________________get on w ith o u r tra in ing an

Ition,’'s a id D ean. 25.1, 26: “ We can spend m ost c ntervlews. b u t w e’d ra th e r b we s ta r t (g iv ing Interviews) Kjsn’ts to p .”n the p re ss h a v en 't stoppe< I they a r e known In B rita in - sto ry la s t M arch a t the V.'orii

log b lo ts mervini), Y ugoslavia (A P) - ^of eye-stlnging sm og 'irajevo on Tuesday, 400,1hc sun and m ountain w asy before th e official w a re Mth W in ter Olym- x j

)le joked th a t the g w a s - a - g d d i r p r e v ic w ^ ^ l

\u g r l 2-at-ttie-O lym = ------- --geles. AJAfoather fo recaste rs sp rl, however, th a t the snos n locally a s "M ag ia"I lim e for W ednesday com [>enlng cerem ony atm , when te a m s from T^I parade p a s t 50,000 free:

tra h;» \v lth ■ i^e7Gam es spokesm an iraciaid. ' Jumi

m iters , itirtgpr'i. Mo. (A P) — A . s ta le gained 500 y a r ^ In n the a n ali-xound.albleto— co o n

cl could Jum p righ t "T ex among th e top p rizes beds Is week by collegc h av e s. h a s ao na l-le tte r-o f-ln ten t— rlglJl y, about 90 p e rcen t o f No yers m ak e th e ir de- th is 3 days of national M arc this Is th e w eek th a t B ut e ■s a re m ost ac tive . the& ly C alifornia h a s Qw fo r 5< (lis y ear, w ith T exas la s t £ •tile as usua l. C8. 5(om la h as produced yard i e s t runn ing back s — Th< Jversido a n d G aston comp na — acco rd ing to runni erod by th e NCAA, top r uts together a lis t o f . P a ssi noro closely m onitor 23S. '

secoEm s to b e tu rn in g o ul poun< Its this y e a r a s an y P e i

ada d hocki

year-old (3osselIn — who £ hour M onday believ ing he v disqualified — foiled them .

In o ther first-round gam es It was the Soviet U nion 12. Pj W est G erm any 8, Yugosl Sweden 11. Ita ly 3, F in land 4, 3. and C zechoslvalda 10, Norw

I t w as the firs t d e fea t in 1 com petition fo r a n A m erlc:

- s ln w n m . u .s rC o a c i i i :o ir7 ; term ed the gam e "critic a l'

r h n n n n ___________"Y ou’ve g o t to fin ish In

second (In th e division) to qu a m edal and those positions \ been determ ined y e t ." Valro think w e have a ch an ce aga Czechs (on T h u rsd ay ). Xthink very good b u t I th ink they ’re b le .”

A loss ag a in s t CJzechos would e ra se any chan cc for a d f the 1980 hockey m irac le iEiacld_______________________

"W hen you p lay up to your you have to p lay a t full Intensll do n 't think we p lay ed a t 1 tensity .” added“V airb. ‘T t h wf!rrr-lntf>np>»-whf»nHf-«rfnrt»'«fl th ink th a l f irs t goal..(27-secon th e gam e by C an ad a 's P a t F w as a very s tro n g psychc factor. I t seem ed w e wore ;uphill nil riny ____________■•TnG c a n g a ia n - tg a i iT ^ is i

rongratulated for p lay in g an exja m e ." ----------

As fo r lh e eligib ility d lsp u ti.

? a n m e ethey . C^uimplonsiilp!: in Holi

tice. The ch am p io n s ra< c ircus rou tine called " they clow ned, play

su re w alked th e h ig h w ire, t th is po i4eci c o u ^

ivor- they 'll do It to R ave l's . the oul on Ih e lr k nees, loci re ss will n o t ge l up to sta i lone half-m lnute.

Thp Rtnry Hnp HI and Two lo v e rs destined

clim b a vo lcano and mi it of throw th em se lv es into I r b e " I t ’s like b e ing In a r vs), while, " s a id D ean .

" I d o n 't suppose ped volcanoes.’’ sa id his ] n — finish h is sen tences " t }rid . w h a th e 's g o in g to s a y .’

s out sun S a r a j e v oUnseasonably_ w a rm 'weaU

a s molted ail snow in th is cit> 30,000 residents. T he tem perati 'a s 40 degrees a t noon a n d the 'a rm from the hazy sunlight. T he w eather fo recast called

ecllnlng tem p era tu re s , with rtance of ilRh t ra in o r snow. 1 x>ler conditions a r c expccted ersiat through the-weekend.—

Although, S ara jevo fe ll aim prlngilke. there w as plenty low ol h igher e leva tions outs le city, w here A lpine skiing, cn ju n try and ski ju m p in g eve: 111 be held ov e r th e n ex t 10 days T he tem p era tu re w as bel •eezing and th e sun brillian t •alnlng sessions T uesday fetasnlca'ari'd J aho rino a c k s and a t th e N ordic tra ils a imping ram ps a t M alo Polje.

s p r o u t

r o s p r e ic tl i e o r.reg ion .’-! s a id .D a le Sml e NCAA, who. h a s tieen he oniinalQ th is y e a r ’s , prog 'e x a s and F lo rida a re always d s of recruiting, And Ohio m a ,ve the sam e b ig n um bers, but s a top group of 5-10 who would jljl up th e re wi th any o th e r jstat- Wo sing le 'p layer s c c n u to dom is class, a s H erschel W alker a rcus D upree d id the irs , s a id Si It every school In th e country o 2 G-2, 200-pound K night, who ru ■ 501 y a rd s on 31 c a r r ie s In a i 5l season. Knight s<Mrtxl on ru

56. 3G and 49 y a rd s an d ha< rd s wiped out by penalty , rh e (H), 195-pound G reen "has m parcd with Tony D orsetl li rming style,” sa id Sm ith, The ; ) running back, C ra ig Heywa: ssa lc , N .J ., is a fullback type a >. "H e runs th e 40-yard dash i » n d s and bcnch p resses unds,” said Sm ith.Perhaps the best q uarte rbac

leals :ey dtlO spent an w a s sp u r re d10 would be th a t C an ad a

th e se G am cics Tuesday, e ffec t on hi;, Poland, 1; C a n a d a 's ,'oslavla I; " I d o n ’t thlid 4, A ustria n s fn r a s wiQrway4. sa id , “ I t m ayin Olympic C an ad a , thoi:rican team fired u p _and

cal’’ for a to d a y .”_______________ C a n a d ia n —In first o r P a t r ic k s a id Uqualify for re s u l ta n t disf

IIS have nol a n o th e r 'b b s taIro said, "I patii,against the "W e forgotlink they 're . l a s t n ig h ts Thy ’re bcata- p o r ta n t p a r t 0

ft m ig h t b e c^losiovakla p re p a re d fo r t)r a repeat te a m . II w asle a t Lake w c h a d to o v e r

nrf-i___G am es_ b x .th ec o n d s ln tott F latiey) " l l o s t s ’bcmi 'choioglcal to be re a d y _ re skating couldn’t p la y .’

51iiauid~ lS 5~ w en t to b c d ~ ^ 1 excellent H e found ou

'p 'a ir 'o fp h 'o n y c j t i , which a t hom e.

e t p r e sHelsinki by g etting a ro w of

racked up the 6s w ith a d "B am u m ," d uring w hich layed mock trom bones, -e. tumbled and danced , luple ind6M Unns UIC gOid, cl's "B olero." T hey 'll s l a r t locked in a n e m b race , a n d sta rt dancing fo r n e a r ly a

rsJlkclhlsj__________________ned never to be togeU ier, i m ake a love p ac t and th en Ito tho sm oldering Inferno, t another w orld for a sh o rt

ose we’ll ev e r c lim b lls partoer, who ten d s to 5 "because I a lw ays know oy.”

^ Agi:- - SA RA JEV O ,‘/ 3 _ _ B o vem m cn t Chi

_ sho.w;bu-sines.s j___________ re rn o te B a lk an ea lh e r queens of sp o rt c ity of O pen ing ccrcira tu re so c ia l sea so n wi the a ir V an d erb ilt Whll

S a ra je v o ’s new ixi for m o re th a n 3 0 0 ^ /Ith a T h e re 'w e re sliV The O lym pic official ted t o - ^ r m c e s T B u r t h e— :---------— m ovie-idol.JCirh------------- — partokfrofthe-Walmost w ide v a r ie ty of <

,. so b e le a g u e re d ' 'Utside ad m ire rs ..croM E ith e r b y desl events old film s. " S p a r

th e d a y on S a ra j below D ouglas m ln g n t for Antonio S a m a ra y a t In te rn a tio n a l 01

.L—iliu x e m b o u r g . is and h ead of th e o rg a I, Angeie-s Sum m e ------------ 1 o fA B C N ew s'an

t m o r e

t s ^ l e t t iSmlth_Ol___R o d n e y -P e c te ,-

helping C hiefs a-sslstant iFogram. P e c tc . w ho onn' ays hot- h e w iil a tte n d S m ay not • a lso a s ta n d o u t but Ohio ba ll p la y e r and uld ran k s w e a rs h e couitate..’.’.-------i^ecelver—in -th <lomlnato L eague rlj^ itn o v ker anddSmlUi. OU-'J'- “ >P .qu y c o v c ls ' 'I n c e Sultoi a rushed R aym ond ^ t i n a g a m c C or,, nnd Wayi

1 runs or G a , ;had 125 M oorm an o f D an

" I t ’s v e ry odd las been 'q u a r fe rb a c ic s u t I In his In one geographi( ho th ird D av id R ic h a rd w ard of e re d th e top offe X ia i e o , ' a rd s Is M , 295, r 5h In 4.5 •• b ench p re s s e s m t 5C3 390 - T ho top defem

S ta llw o rth o f P e i back Is s till g ro w in g a t r

U . S .

e f e a txl by the U.S, contention la ’s rule was un fa ir for ies, Valro discounted Its his team — but hot on

hlnk it had any e /fe rt a l a ll we were con rcm ed .’’ he ly have worked In favor of ough. I Uilnk they w ere id I CM understand Uiat •

— defensem an- Jam es— I Uic Cllfilblllly dispute and isquallfIcat|ons w ere ju s t tacle placed In his te am ’s

dt about w hat happened Those guys.w ere an -im - ,; of too team but wc knew coming. If any te a m Is

r things like Uiat. It’s th ts - is Just another adversity ercom e,”

T iade-37-savcs-burnirely— Ho went through a m ore Monday when he thought

declared Ineligible for the— he_Internatlonni_01ymplc

months of m y hockey Just /_ fo r J h e g a m e , and I—

he said. " I t w as rea lly , .

out when he received a rcall^from radio sta tions

» s b u t ut -Bolero w as acclaim ed

I Torvill and D ean won wi I total 18 score?.

Nevertheless. T & D — th e 1980 L ake P lac id G an

:-----rvom lor"Tlie a re a s th a t wore

1 weak pa rts ,! ' D ean sai m ents could have been t

.ongoing thing. You m;___chanccs„flK cr_U ie_W or

M arch."On a sca le of one to 1

righ t now,’’ sa id Torvill, \ ska te In each of ho r plerct

Questioned aboul the during p rac tice , Torvill r quite a lot. W e’re used to f

Said D ean: " I t ’s a par Ing."

i n g a c t <), Yugoslavia ( A P ) - T iU e d j Jilefs, Indus ^ 'a l tyc<»ns and spersonnim es are 'flocklnfito n city to hom age to th ek i rt in Uie xTv O lympic W inter rcmonics are scheduled today w as iaunch(xl with M rs. C om hltney’s soiree M onday night w Parliam ent Building, a tten Lguests.sheiks in turbans, beribbonet lals and a full co terie of dukes nuThtefnitructlun w asa n a g i rk D o u g la s^ e J ia rd iy h a d -a <

if delicacies laid out on a 25-fo d was he by photographers a r

a ig n or coincidence, one of E>< artacus," was the featu red m ■ajevo television, i^ o d wllh such d ign ita ries a s ranch of Spain, p resident of U Olympic (Committee; the G ra •g. an IOC meml)cr; P e te r Ue ijanlzing com m ittee for Uie Ix ner Gam es; lioone A rledge, f ind Sports; Jack Kelly, broUi

g r a y

e r s ^ - Z jj,_ son-of-K ansas, C ity - tnt coach Wlllle P eete . Iuiounced Tuesday Uiat t Southem California, Is

Jt baseball and basket- fnd a t least ono coach I3uld be playing w ide i Ih e -N a tlo n a l-K o o tb a ll- ^ow. . . . 1 :]uarterback proj?pccLs ton of LaOranKe, Ga., iindtree of Aiken, S. lync Johnson of Coi-

along with P e rryinvlile.Va, "Id Uiat (hreo of Uie top fiwqu]d_fc« conccn tra te tf . whie a rea ," said SmiUi. ards of D allas Is consid* - -o fenslve lineman. Rich-, ruiis the 40 In 4^95 a nd .. _IiTiore than 400 pounds. iiinsive linem an Is Ron G•cnsacoia, F la ., G-5 and - n237. . _

A m e r ic a ’s J o t in H a

joould rled at Uie recen t Euro-

wilh 11 perfec t C.Os of a q t Ul

> — who finished fifth a t w« lames — stUl hav o found por ---------------------------------------- ;j re taken out w ore the Cc said. "M ore Im prove- sk n made. I t 's a lw ays an ch m ay see so m e m ore 1


o 10 I t 's about a n eigh t da ii, who w ears a tiny gold 01; reed cars . coi10 spills U iey've taken ' , ‘11 replied: " S k a te rs fall be to falling In p ra c tic e ." P a ja r t of eve ry d ay tra in- r

m t

or s tearoy?My,

nd ' - '5 kt i o i i M s r - —■king!?and i t ile r (3ames.iay , but theim o iiu s ' 'h t at:en d « ib y la le P rin co ss

B rad ley o f Lo fl™ o f J a p a n , P rercesand B o sn ia 's provjgtnti----------------- ■’FranJTSirrJich an co U>— invilallon ,.'’ alAgneond------- he-wired-that--loot tabic, s a ld h e l s d c t l nnd- •■ T licPrlnc

hoped to a tten Douglas' P r in c e M id

i.movleof s te a d .Jo h n D en v e

a s Ju an com posed son ifthe w lU iU ieG am iIrand Duke W ord Is oul,U etwrrolh. __Ge.—' . ' ~ "r:■ I-os ce leb rity cami;.president ' - a r e b o o k e d )Uier of the co nfirm ation .

-B re a l to ne

NI-:W ORLEANS (AP ‘ N ew 'O rleans'U reaker^ of i _ S la tc s_ E 09 .tball le a g u e

ce lved le a g u e perm ission tw o-tim e -college-dropoui D upree, th e toain d lsc ia day.

Hut R an d y V ataha. t h e ! p resid en t, s a id the US D upree m u s t Initiate cor

, U iere w as no Im m ediate m - D u p rce -o r-h ls-advteers-o r

he w as in terested .D upree, a ruim ing back

s tan d in g p ro potential, dn o t SouU iem M ississippi h th re e m o n lh s a fte r he left v e rs lly of O klahom a. He need to m a k e money to su fam ily a n d also said f ru s tra te d by an NC/VA n wpiilci not allow him to pja; a t Southo'rn M ississippi unt

-O fl385,-- . .T he U SFL h as banned I

-fro m sign ing-undergradua la s t y e a r , w hen the Nev G en era ls s igned Herschel a f te r h is Ju n io r y e a r a t (3c<


H a r r i n g t o n t a k e s p u n c t

r a t h e r iD ressed prim ly in the Bri

questions from obout 50 re th an a n hour. T here was litU w ere polite and the ir ansv point.

C allaw ay, EUeen Anderson, s k a tin g team manager,, and c h a irm a n of the British Olyn

P a lm e r announced tha l B j>ger5-hnd-Wi»nted_boUi_Tor c a r ry the ir country’s colors d a y ’s opening ceremony, but O lym pic C ommittee said i could c a r ry th e flag — so 11 wl ' , " C h r is wll! c a rry the flag, be represen tin g bolh T on P a lm e rsa id .

N ot onco during the Intervi m ention the word "gold m e

als sho^I : w i l l " - .J G iim sley

essG raceofM onocco ; M ayor ’ Los A ngeles; P rince Tsuneyc P resident Mika Spiljak of Yugi rovlncltU pTOldent Branko Ml

” -a spokesw om an fo r Whitney

leflnltely coming to the Game: ince a n d Princess of Wales a ls ;lend b u l sent reg re ts .” lichael will attend Uie Gam es

iv e r w a s one of the early arriv songs fo r ABC to be used in coi im e s ' broadcast.)ut, loo, lha t two form er U.S. p

a m lv ^ inC ^loradolM dR ichi :ed to attend iS o far, however, on. '


_ 'n ie l_ s e t o ff. nn_( of ilie United co ad ies. And ue h av e re- ab id e by itf lon to ta lk to D upree woul< x iu l-M arcu s -d ra ft untll.l3£ closcd Tues- - V ataha sa

U SFL had sei he B reak ers ' for any appn USFL said Breakers, co n tac t and perm ission t< £ word from New Jersey ,>-on-whethe r ------ r r

“ We sit do' ick w llh out- w here a rc yoi dropped out in th e USI

ll la s t week, p a ram e te rs? left th e Uni- New Orleans He c ite d a d ing Uiat h ov

) support his te rm s . - a t Ic Id he ,w a s V ataha sai I ru ling lha t wlUi D upree pjay f o o lb a lI_ H atUcsburg, unin th e ffll ac tin g a s a sp

F a ir le y w a )d its te am s d ay a t any < duatcs sinco - -num bers- for Slew J e r s e y . ne sse s in Hatl

W alker g ran d p aren ts (Georgia and M iss., sa id 1

W odnoaday. FobfuoryS.'

c h f r o m C a n a d i a n p l a y i

h e p r a iirilish te a m 's Union likely

rep o rte rs for m ore "E w tUe hum or, but th ey on ly h( iswers w ere to th e D ean.

ButsU ie li w auli. Butty— ssu re - t n, the B ritish figure t im e ," Id C harles P a lm e r. Actu ponplc Association. th is tin BrlUsh team m an- sh e coi

oryill,and.D ean..to__ihc.col« irs during Wednes- ut Uie Intcm aU onal i only one person w U lbeD eah,3, and in sp irit hc’U irvlil and D ean ,” Calla

D ean fiv iew did the couple th e am nedal” o r say they w ell.”

w a t soc a p a c ity — t

-----------------• - o ffic ia ls. P r i

IOC. P rinces ^ - e q u e s t r io n o ' p re s id e n to f l

__ )■ OUier m er

e y sa ld ,-" b u t' - K lng01af>

ies.- ■ ■ T uesday , JolrJso h ad w ho w ere car

Q ueen S ilvia, s i n Ih e lr a re sch ed u le t

1va ls ,h av in eM nnecllon K ara Kennc

K ennedy n n d : . p r e s id e n ts - K ennedy, c an ag es h is O '"- -j / ' / •- ff’jw iag i.ii ia rd Nixon ' _______'r, th e re Is no


airrpen e w ith 1

_outcry_ am ong collcce d nd Uie N FL said U wouldits ru les, under w hich _sLi)d n o t ^ eligible fo r th e - c1387._____J_______ _________Csaid Tuesday th o t Ujo ti>et down s tr ic t guidelines L3roach to Dupree by th e " s

Now Orleans got rto ta lk .to Dupree from ji

y, w hich has his U SFL rr r ----- r—---- -----------------□lown and we say, 'Look,/ou? Do you w ant to p lay eSFL? W hat a re Uie a>? Do you w ant to p lay In Iin s ? ” ' V ataha said , ad*' v J would nol ta lk c o n lrac tleast fo r a while. p

laid he had not ta lked he o r K enneth F a irley of I’,_M lss., who^has ^ n __yspokesmim for D u p r e e . ' dvas n o t availablc..Tues- 0 ' one of five tdephono3 r-h is hom e and busi* ivatUesburg, and D upree’s 0its . in PhU adelphia, &. hc w as out and Uiey c:

< ..................... ................... ...

■ K -

a y e r in T u e s d a y ’s h o c k e y m a t c h

icticingely would w e a r one back to th e i r —imetown. N ottingham ,_______ _________________'Everytiody h a s someUiing to offer. Wo c a n y hope to ^ v e o u r b est periorm ance,” s o ld an.lut TorvUi ad m itted ; "T here’s m ore p re - Tc UilA Ume. l es-a- diffe rent sItuaUoii tlUs-----le,”ictuaily, TorvUi seem s to be faring b e t te r i tim e Uion she d id a t Uie 1980 G am es w h en : couldn 't ad jusl to the accom odatlons'ond cold and ended up.skating with the flu._________

eith e r would ta lk about Uielr p ro plans.A fter Worids w e 'll s i l down and taik a ijo u t D ean said. “ We w an t to continue s te U n g perform ing."allaw ay, -who h a s coached TorvlU an* in fo r six y ea rs , sa id when the two do c]uit a m a teu r ranks, “ I 'm going out to g ra s s a s

oiree— both a s sp ec ta to rs and Olympic , -P rin ce Faisal P a h d Abdul Aziz of Saudi ' — ^

iccss Annc of E ng land , a n Olympic in compeUtor a t M onlreal, is honorary - to f lh e B ritish O lym pic Com m ittee- , m om b crso fth e IOC who hove been v is ib le n b reaks a t the Holiday Inn Includo C ount Beaumont of F ra n c e , P rince A lexandre d e )f B dgium , L ord L uke of B ritain and SheUc •Ahmad Al-Sabah o f Kuwait,_________ ^ ^

lof V, Norway’s 8():year-bldmbriarch'an(Jilcy ach tlng d u u n p lnn , n e w lnto Sar aJ>...- •___joining the Crown P rin c e and P rincess, t e a rly a rriva ls . K ing G ustof of Syeden a n d via, a (^ rm a n hostess a t Munich In 1972, iuled to arrive nex t Simday.

ilso is a Kennedy presen t.

;nnedy, iM-ycar-old dauRliterof Sen. T ed md niece of Uie la te P resident Jolm F . cam e early. ShS% done some TV cgp and visited m any of the venues,

msley writes for the Associated Press.

rm ission— D upreed idn 't know w h ere to rcach him.,

J im B ym e, a USFL spokesman, sa id the leag u e Is stljl watching

__Qhicago. w hero th e re a re challengesto USFL ond N ational Foolball League ru le s ag a in s t slgninR p n> s ^ t s w ith co llege eli^bllity m alning. In th e L os Angeles case, a judge has issu ed a p rd lm ln ary ruling holding U ial th e rules violate

— a n il tn a t ia w s ------------------------------ ----------- -B ym e sa id th a t If the courts

eventually ho ld th a t the pro ru les ' aga in st s ign ing p ro s p e c t a re Inval­

id . the USFL wUl have to consider wheUier it w an ts to appeal.

T hat -would p u t th e league in th e positK'n of a sk in g Uic court to up­hold a ru le th a t forbids It to sign D upree, a p la y e r wiUi enough nam ev a lue lo W ,n_po tenU al box-office __draw . "Thaif is certa in ly one of ou roptions.” B y m e agreed . . . .. .............

A fter d ro pp ing out of SouUiem M ississippi, h e s a id h o h ad n o tru le d .. out p lay ing fo r som e sm all non- sciiolarshlp co llege he’d beeligible n ex t y e a r .

y 8.1984 T lm o3-N ow 3, Twin Foils, Id a h o D-3

Page 26: uRe< Ma II - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF411/PDF/... · I__and. aLc !™PP°rt-shooting Jnto greatej ... ' forces offshore "will

■ H ag ■ i L e b r

NEW YORK ( .M arvin H aglcr.

______ mJd(Uewelght.cha-n iK fo r w hat c ^ < b iggest m oney f

^Inviting S u g ar R a: diict get m y title .”

- -H ag lc rsa id he tx be a rran g ed fo r th( would be ready t

* today, b u t l t ’s a l lu ] The mlddlewelgl

-- Ing L eonard’s declj..........re tirem en t “ cou]

. m istak e ,” wasted

■ U nbe B Kim& I leads

B y T h e Associated F

- K im berly, still i v ic tories Qver Shoshone, has jump* in A-3 In th is w eek’s p o llo rid ah o p rcp b o i

-------------- L ast-w oek^<3-ie£F irth 'O nd was tokci

■ W est Jefferson. Th _ eafitem Idaho team

' 'behind Lapw al. lust_______angGrflngcvIlIe——

H . -There w as less aci H - dlvlsjons. F o r th e sbci■ ______ B orah w as ranked

___ s ta te ’s lorg est schooliH d ’Alene an d Twin----------------■ ^oce-votes-Uils^veek^

Fa lls m o v o d ^ ■ - w hich w as ranked U ■ fith-whlle-Bo{se-mo>■ fiv e for th e first timi■ N o. 4. ’B * -* -------- T h e top th ree A-2■ . unchanged. Behind ^ H Shelley and St. M arl

H p la c c s w ith P ay e tte r■ a n d V olllvucdroppUig■ . E>eary, th e A-4 lea

th e season,- recelvet---------nrsrpnicrTO nnzyTerai

Salm on R iv e r got t Cirst-place vote and h( a n d C astleford re m a in

G arden Valley, ra r w ee k be hind T roy, m .

---------a n d T roy slipped to flfU


. S.TwlnF«UilM(2)..............., - 4.BoI»8»-7................................

S.Mlnleoll-S.........................Also receiving voUs; Mer1dl<

A-1MU8bylM(8)IShdloy 14-1.........................3J8t. M ark iU H .......................4.P«yctt«lM .......................5.V«Ulvuell-S

__ Alto recelvlns vote*: Mtddic___ Fttimonl.Kdlofis- ...........

A-5;.-------UOmberiylMtlj................. .. 1—-xCipwallWUJ....................

-------- aJU ftoia-u...-.....................4.Cr«c«i4-3...........................

AIM racelvLng votes; Wcct Ooodtag.

A-4M >i«ryU -l(7)........................18«lmon River 1M(I)............

-------- a.C«»Oefartt«-t .........4.Gani«VtUerU-5.v.T.........s .T ro j'W ................................

Alaomrlvlnit voUa; itocUjuK

?5avotte past Tan

M EM PHIS, Tenn. E ighth-seeded Tim M ad v a n ta g e of Roscoe T a d b o w Tuesday to g ain a i

6-2 victory In the L IndoorT ennIs Champions

“ I w as rea lly expectln, m a tc h w h ^ I went out 23-year-old M ayotte said, w a s going to be a long one

Third-seeded J im m y /--------p la y -L ib o r P im clLo(_C a

In a n o th e r second-ro'und i $315,000 tournam ent Tues4

. . T a n n e r, a 32-year-old v< i:e a lly got going In the M ay o tte . He said afterw. f irs t-ro u n d m ee tin g jflth ( M o n d ay nlghl toog Its toll t h e first-round m atch 4-6, h o d id n ’t leave the court i U p .m . c s r .

“ I t w as a tough m atch........T a n b e r said Tuesday.- " i t

to i ig h m a td i .” .................. -T a n n e r said he felt ,o tv

h i s le ft eltnw tow ard the f i r s t so t, and th a t forced t u p on h is serve.

“ W hen it s ta r ted to hurt g o in g lo try to serve a j sh o u ld n ’t try ,” he said.

- 'l 'tinnf>r~Tiiic; n KTglnry■-- - U e m s . ----------------- --------------M ayotle-Bald he-knew hi

w a s n ’t playing a s well a s he “ H is serve ju s t sceme<

a p a r t , ” he said. “ He Just lo se it. Ho’t get a break an(

J. |e t m e ge t r i ^ t back .” •V ; In o lh e r action Tuesdi

T o m a s Smid of Czechoslova H e in z G unthordl. and -No. L eC o n te advanced to the Ihi

...... - S m ld - defeated V ictorP a r a g u a y (W), 6-2; G untha

. . n a te d M ike B auer 6-4, 2-6, . L eC o n tc bea t N duka O dlzor'

- 4-fl. 6-2, G-3.

_ ' £M T Im o 3 -N o w 3 ,'


i (A P) — Marvelous hyjx :r. undisputed world s l ^cham pion, .-ieilled. th e____Ofould be one of boxing’s on’s / fights Tuesday' by weai Ray Leonard to "come .. "I 'm

ruleie hoped the fight could not t the fall, and added, “ I Wori

y to sign the papers e m b lIu p toS ugarR oy ." ' Wh e l ^ t citampion, say- not i eclslon to comc out of cona ould t » a stupid thegl cd no tim e trying to com r


gaten ^ jerly W ;A-3 Td P re s s

11 undefeated aflcr flJurtaugh and

n p e d Into first place k’s A ssociated Press basketball teams. -leaderrRirie.-tostto— iken lo overtim e by T hat tum bled th e -

i m n t o U i i r ^ ^ u st a h e a d T fG race__

action In the other sbrth stra ig h t week,— d No. i am ong the

i .^a lls d rew -first-—

i^ ^ o -N o r2 -w h tle —I InttKiUrd. Minico, ■ jpen i th ird , dropped to gnoved*into-the-top— m--------;lme liils season at J

A-2 team s remain Id No. 1 R igby are ■iarles. The fourth- . fjA i

teams— switched—te moving to No. 4 I ' '^ 1Ing to flfth . I CIT'lead e r liiroughout _ved a il but one *2Uiin lop ran k in g ■)t the rem ainlngn |1 held onlo sccond ■ lined No. 3. " kom.' ranked Ilflh ]ast ■ SSS'K jn o K c d _ lo _ fo u rU i_ lm m .j ritUi......................... PRIC ................ .............a................................ S........................ : . . . . «

...............................7r1dljut.Cal<>waU. Iw p

.................... « If 1


................................ It f

................................It lildd!et(w.Ourl«y. Soutb- . B S

........ ................. a - E 2

............................. gSM

Vttt Jadenai. Dodo. I | PJi..................... . . . . . u.............................« ■ I I IOjuxL Council. m

3 z i p s ^ n i

nner —J1. (AP) - H

M ayotte look I IT anner’s ailing I I II a second-round i U.S. Nalional onshlps.:tlng a different ^ / Q lout there ,” thelid. “ I thought It H t t j B}ne.”y A rias w as to Czechoslovakia i d l n a f c F ^ the^ a y n l Rht.__________d v eteran n ever . .he m atch withj-ward tha t histh Chip Hbopc/, ' W L ^;oll T anner won1-6, 6-3; G-l; b u t ' " " V f y | j | *irt until alm ost m

ch last nigh t,” F l j ^" I t w as a long - n | | | |

1 twinge In his ^ 5 5the end of the - xi him to ease

lu r t ... I ’m not Q M A a shot tha t I__________CON-ol-cibow-pro------ ---------------------- --------Svf-h lsopponent------B - r ia - 8 - jsh e c a n . ■ o / Ined lo com c B is t seem ed to m i and then he 'd

sd ay . No. 9 3vakla, No, 12 ^Mo. 16 H c n r l - . ^ B M H th ird round.i r Pccc i- o f - H | | | | U | i J th ard t ellmi- 2^. 6 ^ ; and u jr o f N igeria

/3 , Twin Falls , Idaho W odnoinoadoy, Fobruary 8..1984

n'tesy f i g h t ^ ^ype the m o tch and goad Leonar igningfocit..Of_the .fo rm er -weltwelghLchj I ’s insistence that his oppo co r thum bless gloves, H aglcr I’m .po t.go lng .to le t Him.dictfll lies. He m ay b e Mr. Boxing, bu ll Ihe World Boxing Council o orld Boxing Association. They n boxing .”While H ag ler sn ld he would p t to w e a r thum bless gloves needed h e would nol refuse a fij e gloves w ere m andated by a bo m m lssion, " n o t if ll m eant a 1 3ney .”


>AYLESS DllA M E .______I)D RESS . ........................ .IT Y _________:_______ : _ p j

c COUPON n»o*. r iicu iio u ii 'iimL iiV’dipoVI '*’ O’ COL'Onj «>i

*' ""


S t . ( v e s

IA M P O O or N D IT IO N E R ^S w iss F o rm u la - -SA■ M i

D i s t r i c tJE R O M E •

B ask e tb a ll To nard inlo School ^

fa c in g Souths] -cham pl. - - l l l l ls t R a ft r pponents seco n d -p lace t Je r said. . • T h e RichfK:tfllc .thc____ P-iOLj.. -wWl.e_.but h e’s sc h e d j^ e d tosl

11 o r the T o n ig h t’s wi gov: jjj 7 .3 ,

w e e k ’s A-4 £ d prefer S o u th e rn Idaht vra. he A dm ission 1: u flgJitlf w ilh p ro p e r 1 boxing a c t iv i ty cards, a lot of


)RUG ^

.P H O N E _________

” _ ^ _ _ M t e s t e / T 7 A .

-IR U F E B . 1 1 . 1 .9 8 4

^ 5 ^ A ll

a L A U N D I D E T E R C

9 lb. 1 3 0 2 . COI

5?g u i ^ ~ -------^ , — C a s c a d e —

-A ig D IS HD E T E R G

' I V O T , ,. 50.OZ-/REG. 2.8

M I 9 1

■ EL o g C a b i n


REG. 1 .4 9

J i aI1

G i l l e t t e F o a m y 1

S H A V E C R E A M ------¥m

:t p la y p f f s t a r t s' -—-T h t ,F o u rth _ D is tr ic t- j Tournament b egins tonight a I with N orthslde cham pion 1 lislde runner-up O akley and £

River confronting th e No e team, Dietrich.. field-Oflkley enco tm ter begl L .th c lIla fL I liv cr-D le trichistarlat8:30.winners will m ee t In Thursda ' 0. Both finalists will advanct

stale tournam ent a t- Col iho.I Is « for children undcr-12, ' Identification an d studcn Is. The charge for ad u lts is $3.


If lM l n e s * Il-M -ai-B -H I A ■

-—>1 I)RY J "iGENT W:onc, IV

19 IEG .' V''.77; y .


M 2 0 p a g e■ ■ 1 0 sh e e t

Q — ^




Frisk ie

I r c jA TI V F O O lI 2.1 G 5 0 Z

R E G . 4 3 -

I ScopeI M O U T H I — W A S H —

0 1 9


• i ■ . ’ .

: A e r o b i <t -A ^ Girls--—:::t w i N F A Tt a t Jerom e will s h a r e thein RIclifleld a t Uie M agid SoullLsidc T h u rsd a y niglN orthslde’s P a m B e rg s

sp e a k e rs , willeg ins a t 7 a e rp b ic f c iin i :h duel J s _ C o o p e r , a note

dnynlght's ( J n d e r w i

“e o 'o ! ,h av e ro unded 12, faculty 'r ^ o S c n t T b i len ls with o p tio n s toM - T he v e lc ro r

and 140 relle l

ip f W i i H u \ i y 3 i

S p i l l M a te

P7ff»ERr O W E L SV HILE2nn LAST___________

I '." t \

j o R C A T S ^

i e s

^3J1____ ^0^ | | f .

- I V i c k s

I T H R O / ------- 1 — D R O P !

9 M REG. _yv8i

J ic s t a l k s e t a t YA3XS A-pair-df aerobics cn: th e ir expcrlcnces a t a wcek-lo ag ic Valley R in t.R unqcrs’ iigh tat7:30attheY FX :A ,-g and Sherry Hull, the schcdui ivlll describe the week they sp< linic in D allas conducted by K)tcd oerotjic-s expert.________

w o o d jo in s Oriol<O R E (A P) - The Baltimore led out the ir pitching staff by r 6 m Underwood to 0 one-year 1 s fo r the next two seasons, r a n left-hander hos modo 20 lie f appeoronces with five c

m' i w i i

v :l___________ P e t_________


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ue team s. •od played o u t -h is -o p t io n ’-w ith tiic s, w here he com piled a 9-7 record and' k last season.- H e m ad e 15 s ta r ts and '151 gam es.g Underwood, O aklond Is enliUed lo a n a pool w hich Includes 17 major ' ns Including th e O rioles. An O o k i^d said th e te a m h as un til F r id a f to

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s i g n s D o d g e r p a c tlELES (A P ) — R elief p itc h e r Steve vithdrown h is s a la ry a rb itra tio n re- ilgned a 1384 co n tra c t w ith the Los Igers, the.c iub .onnouncedJuesday . - iirrently u n d e r a o n e -y ea r susDcnsIon. C om m issioner Bowie Kuhn-

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