urgent vs important

Urgent vs. I Important

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Urgent Vs Important


Page 1: Urgent Vs Important

Urgent vs. 


Page 2: Urgent Vs Important

Use Time Effectively, Not Just EfficientlyNot Just Efficiently

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Time stressors are some of theTime stressors are some of the most pervasive sources of pressure and stress in the 

workplace, and they happen as a result of having too much 

t d i t littl tito do in too little time.

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With this kind of pressure all toopressure all too 

common, effective time managementtime management is an absolute 


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You probably duse a day‐

planner and to‐pdo list to manage 

your timeyour time. 

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These tools are certainly helpful, but they don't allow you to drill 

down to one of the most essentialdown to one of the most essential elements of good time 

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Management: di i i hi b h idistinguishing between what is important and what is urgent. p g

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Great time management means being effective as well as efficient. 

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Managing time effectively, and achieving the things that you wantachieving the things that you want to achieve, means spending your time on things that are important 

and not just urgent. a d ot just u ge t

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To do this, and to minimize the t f h i t ti htstress of having too many tight 


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We need to distinguish clearly b t h t i t d h t ibetween what is urgent and what is 


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Important activities have an t th t l d t thoutcome that leads to the 

achievement of your goals. 

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Urgent activities demand immediateUrgent activities demand immediate attention, and are usually associated 

fwith the achievement of someone else's goals, or with an uncomfortable problem or situation that needs to be resolved.

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Urgent activities are often the ones gwe concentrate on. 

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These are the "squeaky wheels that get the grease." 

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They demand attention because the f t d li ithconsequences of not dealing with 

them are immediate. 

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The Urgent vs. Important M t i i f l t l f thi kiMatrix is a useful tool for thinking 

about this. 

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Ho to Use the ToolHow to Use the Tool

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Th U /I M iThe Urgent/Important Matrix is a powerful way of thinking p y g

about priorities. 

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Using it helps you overcome the natural tendency to focus on urgentnatural tendency to focus on urgent 

activities, so that you can keep enough time clear to focus on 

what's really important.what s really important.

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This is the way you move from "firefighting" into a position wherefirefighting , into a position where you can grow your business and 

your career. 

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How to use this matrix to prioritize your activities: 

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Firstly, list all of the activities and y,projects you feel you have to do. 

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Try to include everything that takes ti t k hup your time at work, however unimportant. 

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If you manage your time using an A ti P 'll l d hAction Program, you'll already have 

done this.

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N t i i t t h fNext, assign importance to each of the activities 

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You can do this on, say, a scale of 1 , y,to 5: Remember, this is a measure of 

how important the activity is inhow important the activity is in helping you meet your goals and 


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Try not to worry about urgency at this stage as this helps get toat this stage, as this helps get to 

the true importance.p

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Once you have assigned importance to each activityimportance to each activity, evaluate the urgency of each g y


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As you do this, you can plot the y , y plisted items on the matrix 

di t th i daccording to the assigned importance and urgency.p g y

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Now study the matrix using theNow study the matrix using the guidelines below, and schedule your 

k di t i itiwork according to your priorities.

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U t d N t I t tUrgent and Not Important ("Interruptions"):( p )

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Urgent and Not ImportantUrgent and Not Important ("Interruptions"):

Urgent but not important activities can b t t f i t tibe a constant source of interruption.

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Urgent and Not ImportantUrgent and Not Important ("Interruptions"):

Ask yourself whether these tasks can be rescheduled, or whether someone else couldrescheduled, or whether someone else could 

do them. 

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Urgent and Not ImportantUrgent and Not Important ("Interruptions"):

Sometimes it's appropriate to say "No" to people, or encourage them to solve thepeople, or encourage them to solve the 

problem themselves. 

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Urgent and Not Important

Alternatively try allocating time when you are

Urgent and Not Important ("Interruptions"):

Alternatively, try allocating time when you are available, so that people only interrupt you at certain times (a good way of doing this is tocertain times (a good way of doing this is to 

schedule a regular meeting so that all issues can be dealt with at the same time). 

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Urgent and Not ImportantUrgent and Not Important ("Interruptions"):

By doing this, the flow of work on your important activities will be less disrupted.

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Not Urgent, but ImportantNot Urgent, but Important ("Important Goals"):

These are the activities that you can plan ahead for to achieve your goals and completeahead for to achieve your goals and complete 

your work. 

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Not Urgent, but ImportantNot Urgent, but Important ("Important Goals"):

Make sure that you have plenty of time to achieve these, so that they do not becomeachieve these, so that they do not become 


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Not Urgent, but ImportantNot Urgent, but Important ("Important Goals"):

Remember to leave enough time in your schedule to deal with unforeseen problems. 

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Not Urgent, but ImportantNot Urgent, but Important ("Important Goals"):

This will maximize your chances of keeping on schedule, and help you avoid the stress ofschedule, and help you avoid the stress of work becoming more urgent that necessary.

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Not Urgent and Not ImportantNot Urgent and Not Important ("Distractions"):

These activities are just a distraction, and should be avoided if possible. 

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Not Urgent and Not ImportantNot Urgent and Not Important ("Distractions"):

Some can simply be ignored. Others are activities that other people want you to do, but they do not contribute to your own 

desired outcomes. 

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Not Urgent and Not ImportantNot Urgent and Not Important ("Distractions"):

Again, say "No" politely and firmly where this is appropriate. 

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If people see you are clear about your objectives and boundaries, they will often not ask you to do "not important" activities in 


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Thank youThank you, 

i if @ [email protected]
