u.s. history chapter 2 – revolution and the early republic 2-1 colonial resistance and rebellion

U.S. History Chapter 2 – Revolution and the Early Republic 2-1 Colonial Resistance and Rebellion

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U.S. HistoryChapter 2 – Revolution and the Early Republic

2-1 Colonial Resistance and Rebellion

Declaration of Independence

3 minuteshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYyttEu_NLU

Colonial Resistance and Rebellion


• Summarize colonial resistance to British taxation• Trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts• Examine efforts made to avoid war between the colonies and the British• Summarize the historical background of the Declaration of Independence

CA Standards:

11.1.1 Describe the Enlightenment and the rise of democratic ideas as the context in which the nation was founded.

11.1.2 Analyze the ideological origins of the American Revolution


Read pages 58-65The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st CenturyPrepare for Open notebook Quiz

Write definition of terms & names found on page 17 in workbook and page 58 of textbook

• Loyalists• Patriots • Saratoga• Valley Forge• Inflation• Marquis de Lafayette• Charles Cornwallis• Yorktown• Treaty of Paris• Egalitarianism

Colonial Resistance & Rebellion

Main Idea Conflicts between Great Britain and the

American colonies escalated, until the colonists finally declared their independence

Colonial Resistance & Rebellion

Why It Matters Now The ideas put forth by the colonists in the

Declaration of Independence remain the guiding principles of the United States today.

Colonial Resistance & Rebellion

Terms & Names page 46

King George III John Locke

Sugar Act Common Sense

Stamp Act Thomas Jefferson

Samuel Adams Declaration of Independence

Boston Massacre

Boston Tea Party

Notes: 2-1Guided ReadingColonial Resistance & Rebellion

Read Pages 15 & 16Reading Study Guide

Notes: 2-1Guided Reading

1. How did the colonists respond to new taxes?

Colonial assemblies protested; Merchants and Samuel Adams organized boycotts of British goods.

Notes: 2-1Guided Reading

2. How did Britain try to punish Boston for its protests?

The British declared martial law in Boston to punish the city for its protests

Notes: 2-1Guided Reading

3. What actions did the colonies take to prepare for war?

Some New Englanders became minutemen & stored weapons.

The 2nd Continental Congress formed the Continental Army and named George Washington to be the General.

Notes: 2-1Guided Reading

4. What ideas of John Locke did Thomas Jefferson put in the Declaration of Independence?

Jefferson used Locke’s idea that people have the right to life and liberty.

John LockeJohn Locke - English philosopher

People have natural rights to life, liberty, and property.

Every society is based on a social contract – an agreement in which the people consent to choose & obey a government so long as it safeguards their natural rights.

If the government violates that social contract by taking away those rights – the people have the right to resist and even overthrow the government

Common SenseThomas Paine wrote the pamphlet Common Sense

Very popular among the colonists.

Paine stated that independence would allow America to trade more freely.

It would give colonists the chance to create a better society – free from tyranny.

A society with equal social and economic opportunities for all.

Pamphlet convinced many colonists to want independence.

Declaration of Independence

14 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYyttEu_NLU

Be prepared for open notebook quiz