u.s. imperialism

U.S. U.S. Imperialism Imperialism “Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing country demands it.”

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U.S. Imperialism. “Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing country demands it.” Alfred Mahan 1890. Imperialism: Nationalism: Militarism:. Early imperialistic action. 1854 Japan and Perry 1867 “Seward’s Folly” and Midway Island - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


U.S. ImperialismU.S. Imperialism

“Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing

country demands it.”

Alfred Mahan 1890

• Imperialism:

• Nationalism:

• Militarism:

Early imperialistic actionEarly imperialistic action• 1854 Japan and Perry

• 1867 “Seward’s Folly” and Midway Island

• 1881 Sec. Of State Blaine’s urging of hemisphere conferences … 1890 Pan American Conf. …1910 Pan American Union

HawaiiHawaii• 1870s Sugar power

• Desire for deep port

• 1891 Queen Liliuokalani wants “Hawaii for the hawaiians.”

• 1893 Marines

• Pres. Cleveland

Expansionists’ ReasonsExpansionists’ Reasons

• Overseas Markets

• Patriotism and Foreign Policy Elite

• Missionary Impulse

• Public Opinion

Flexing MusclesFlexing Muscles

• 1895-96 Venezuela boundary dispute with British Guiana

• 1899 China a land of millions of potential customers …

1. John Hay’s Open Door Policy

2. Boxer Rebellion

A Splendid Little WarA Splendid Little War• Cuba1. 1895 insurrection vs. Spain2. Gen. “Butcher” Weyler and

reconcentration camps3. Yellow journalism4. Cleveland anti-imperialist stance5. 1896 McKinley elected

Remember the MaineRemember the Maine• War frenzy• T. Roosevelt, Ass. Sec. of Navy• “Wobbly Willie” has “no more

backbone than a chocolate éclair”• TR takes action• War April, 1898• Admiral Dewey and Manila

• Cuba1. Teller Amendment2. Rough Riders/San Juan Hill3. Poorly prepared but ..• Guam, Puerto Rico• Treaty of Paris, 1898• Did the Constitution follow the


ImperialistsImperialists• Platt Amendment

1. Limited Cuba’s right to make treaties or borrow money

2. US economic rights

3. Guantanamo Bay

4. Right to intervene if sovereignty threatened

US-Philippine WarUS-Philippine War• Anti-Imperialist League

• Social Darwinism

• Aguinaldo leads Filipino guerillas

• Goes on for 6 years

• Freedom in 1945

1900’s Election1900’s Election

• Republicans McKinley and TR

• Dem. William Jennings Bryan

• Issues … imperialism, gold standard, nationalism, prosperity

• McKinley dead within a year.

Teddy RooseveltTeddy Roosevelt• “bully pulpit”

• Champion of the common people

• Militarist

• Internationalist

• Nationalist

Mandate from CivilizationMandate from Civilization• The Canal

1. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty 1850

2. Hay-Pauncefote 1901

3. Colombia to creation of Panama

4. Hay-B-Varilla Treaty 1903

• Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doc.

• 1904-5 Russian-Japanese War

• Nobel Peace Prize

• “Gentlemen’s Agreement”

• Great White Fleet “Join the Navy and see the World”