used cars - sparta township historical sentinel...

Kent City News Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson were supper guests of his nieces and nephews at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Leon Swift at Cedar Springs. There were 28 present. On July 26, the Rusco family re- union was held at Johnson Park. There were 53 members of the fam iiy present who helped George Rusco celebrate hi* 95th birthday. Mrs. Ralph White spent last week with her daughter, Kathleen, Mrs. Kenneth Baker in Colon while Ralph and Kenneth were attending the Vo- Ag meeting in East Lansing. The Kent City Baptist Sunday LET A LOW COST SPARTA STATE BANK AUTO LOAN put you behind the wheel BEFORE YOU BUY . . . Drop In and Find Out What We Can Do For You. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation School picnic will be at Long Lake Park, Section B, next Saturday, August 8. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Lynch and Mrs. Ida Osborn attended the alumni meeting of the Casnovia School Sat- urday and reported a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millard and family of Lake Orion were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard McClurg Friday night and left Satur- day lor Harper I ;»ke to spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Higgins and granddaughter, Corinne of Harris- burg, N.C. who have been visiting their sister and brother in law, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Carlson, and their niece, Mis. Carolyn Graham and family, left Sunday night for their home. Miss Darlene Ingersoll of Sparta spent a few days last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson. Miss Luanne Murray is spending the week with her grandparent^, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hiroopof Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Will am Rexford are expected home the last of this week from Arkansas where they have been in missionary work. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mundinger entertained the Carl Mundinger fam- Chevrolet ImpuUt Sport Coupe Chevy J1 Sport Coupe li orrmr Mou oupc America's best sellers... Your best buys! Now at your Chevrolet Dealer's Stands to reason: America's number one Or possibly you'd preler ihe carefree ears have trot to be vour best buys. Corvair. . ' Again this voar that means you grail- So conn- ahead. < liooso ;your favoiI c est huvs in :.nv size are at your Chevrolet from among the 4» V>est w a y s in h< ivoild dealer's one-stop shopping center. to go in the number one aulomob.h s. Take vour pick. But hurry " Perhaps the .Jet-smooth Chevrolet—America's best selling automobile. Or maybe t he fun-lov ing (' hevv II so many young families go steady with these days. SEIE TMC MAN WITKi tHk No.l BUYS No.1 YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER The way they're going, no telling how soon they'll all be gone. .Better see your Chevrolet", dealer before a thing like that happens! (/(a raid - ( hei file • ( 7id y //• ( on. air and Corvette... \o.l Cars. Mo.l Values. Ao.l Tune to bun-Sou at your (/eaters 21-8050 Authorized Chevrolet dealer in Sparta Hurt Chevrolet, Inc. 258 S.. STATE ST. Phone TU 7-0781 Kent City: Ray Stout, Chevrolet !8 MUSKEGON ST. ily Sunday at a birthdi.y dinner on Sunday, honoring Mark and Rachel Mundinger. Dianne Mundinger is on the National Honcr Roll and was chosen to attend Wolverine Girls' State at Ann Arbor, David Mundinger wis selected to go to Wolverine E.oys' State at East Lansing. Mrs. Luther Johnson of Casnovia entertained with a coffee party last Saturday afternoon honoring Mrs. T e n a Ostrom of Chicago who was viBltiMj' relatives and frien< lure. Other j'lie.-.ts included Mrs*. L # OS trom, Mrs. Ann Johson, Mrs [Esther Saur, and Mrs. Mildred Averill. Callers at the Andrew Johnson home last Thursday were: Vlr. and Mrs. Nick Dykstra and Mr. anil Mrs. Al Schadiem of Ravenna. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Marvin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Den Matt son and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John De Vries of Grand Ledge. I C 3 Roger Mattson left Monday for the Mediterranean, their first stop will be Spain. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kreps called on friends here Wednesday. Fhey are both teaching school in Lansing. Ralph White attended a Vo-Ag Teachers conference held last week in Kellogg Center in East Lansing. Linn W ilder and Harry Shireyare spending some time in the hospital having tests, etc. Air pollution can he harmful to crops afr well as to humans. In crops it causes poorh developed leaves, flowers or fruits. It can also retard growth and tower yields. THE SENTINEL LEADER Wednesday, August 5, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. tout Clark ot Par.erson. New Jersey spent a short time WedjH NtJay afternoon with Mr». C. W. I wlkrson. Mrs. Clark is the former Mable Lee who tauj hl school here for several years and >tayed at the Fulkerson home. \lr. and Mrs. I orest f asiet ly and son, Richard, and Mr. Fred \Vickard of Nuniea were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Bennett on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. ! loyd Keinhout and son. Rex, of Grand Rapids were Sim- day guests at the Loren Dudley home. Mr. and Mrs. George Murray left Sunda\ for Canada where they will m.-ei their (.laughter, I 'a:.. and family, M and Mr- . David (.raham of New Hi mpshire. Ihe two families are planning to camp foi a week, then th* Graham family will come home with George and Iinslme Mur-ay and remain for three weeks. The annual Nielson Family e ui ion was held Sunday at Half .Moon Lake Park. 4s member:- were pre sent. used cars SPECIAL Of THE WEEK: 1960 THUNDERBIRD WITH SUN ROOF White with Red & White Interior Bucket Seats Console and DELUXE THUNDERBIRD ACCESSORIES $1395 1962 FORD $1145 6 CYL. 2-DOOR Economical Standard Transmission. Good Tires. Very Clean. 1960 FALCON * DOOR SEDAN $545 Black with Grey Interior 1960 RAMBLER 6-Cylinder - Standard Shift $595 $1095 4• Door Hardtop - Hydramatic Drive - Power Steering and Brakes Attractive Blue and White Color with Blue Interior. 1959 OLDSMOBILE 1957 CHEVROLET *««• $495 BEL AIR STATION WAGON—V8 Engine, Automatic Transmission Runs Nice. 1964 CHEV. PICKUP-Save $$$ '/2-TON DEMONSTRATOR 6-Cylinder with Deluxe Cab — Two-Tone Paint Fresh Air Heater — Low Mileage — NEW CAR WARRANTY. Phone OR ft-5121 OPEN EVERY EVIHING UNTIL 9:001 —PHONE 678->121 KENT CITY— Ray Stout Chevrolet 2 IKK)IRS E A S T OF TRAFFIC LIGHT IN KENT CITY

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Kent City News M r . and M r s . Andrew Johnson

w e r e supper gues t s of his n i eces and nephews at the home ot M r . and M r s . Leon Swift at C e d a r Spr ings . T h e r e w e r e 28 p r e s e n t .

On July 26, the Rusco fami ly r e -union was held at Johnson P a r k . T h e r e w e r e 53 m e m b e r s of the fam

iiy p r e s e n t who helped George Rusco c e l e b r a t e hi* 95th b i r thday .

M r s . Ralph White spent las t week with her daughte r , Kathleen, M r s . Kenneth Baker in Colon while Ralph and Kenneth w e r e at tending the Vo-Ag meet ing in Eas t Lans ing .

The Kent City Bapt is t S u n d a y


AUTO LOAN put you behind the wheel

BEFORE YOU BUY . . . Drop In and Find Out What We Can Do For You.

Member Federa l Deposit Insurance Corpora t ion

School p icnic will be at Long Lake P a r k , Sect ion B, next Sa tu rday , August 8.

M r . and M r s . Manly Lynch and M r s . Ida Osborn at tended the a lumni mee t ing of the Casnovia School Sat-u rday and r e p o r t e d a ve ry enjoyable evening.

M r . and M r s . Rober t Mi l la rd and fami ly of Lake Orion w e r e gues t s of thei r p a r e n t s , M r . and M r s . Di l la rd McClurg F r i d a y night and lef t Satur-day lor H a r p e r I ;»ke to spend the i r vaca t ion .

M r . and M r s , J . C . Higgins and g randdaugh te r , Cor inne of H a r r i s -burg , N.C. who have been vis i t ing t h e i r s i s t e r and b r o t h e r in law, M r , and M r s . C a r l C a r l s o n , and t he i r n iece , M i s . Caro lyn Graham and fami ly , left Sunday night fo r the i r home.

M i s s Da r l ene Ingerso l l of Spar ta spent a few days las t week with h e r g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r . and M r s . Andrew Johnson .

Miss Luanne M u r r a y is spending the week with her g r a n d p a r e n t ^ , M r . and M r s . Ross Hiroopof Gran t .

M r . and M r s . Will am Rexford a r e expected home the last of th is week f r o m A r k a n s a s whe re they have been in m i s s i o n a r y work .

M r . and M r s . C h a r l e s Mundinger en t e r t a ined the Ca r l Mundinger fam-

Chevrolet ImpuUt Sport Coupe

Chevy J1 Sport Coupe

l i

orrmr Mou oupc

America's best sellers... Your best buys!

Now at your Chevrolet Dealer's Stands to reason: Amer ica ' s n u m b e r one Or possibly you 'd preler ihe caref ree ears have trot to be vour best buys. Corvai r . .

' A g a i n t h i s v o a r t h a t m e a n s y o u g r a i l - S o c o n n - a h e a d . < l iooso ;your f a v o i I c est huvs in :.nv size are at your Chevrolet f rom a m o n g the 4» V>est ways in h< ivoild d e a l e r ' s o n e - s t o p s h o p p i n g c e n t e r . t o g o in t h e n u m b e r o n e a u l o m o b . h s .

T a k e vour pick. B u t h u r r y " P e r h a p s t h e . J e t - s m o o t h

C h e v r o l e t — A m e r i c a ' s b e s t selling automobi le . Or m a y b e t he f u n - l o v i n g ( ' h e v v I I so many young families go s t eady with these days .



T h e way they ' re going, no telling how soon they ' l l all be gone.

.Better see your Chevrolet", dealer before a th ing like that happens !

(/(a raid - ( hei file • ( 7id y //• ( on. air and Corvette... \o.l Cars. Mo.l Values. Ao.l Tune to bun-Sou at your (/eaters


Authorized Chevrolet dealer in Sparta

Hurt Chevrolet, Inc. 258 S.. STATE ST. Phone TU 7-0781

Kent City:

Ray Stout, Chevrolet !8 MUSKEGON ST.

ily Sunday at a birthdi.y dinner on Sunday, honoring Mark and Rachel Mundinger . Dianne Mundinger is on the National Honcr Roll and was chosen to attend Wolverine G i r l s ' State at Ann A r b o r , David Mundinger w i s se lec ted to go to Wolverine E.oys' Sta te at E a s t Lans ing .

M r s . Lu ther Johnson of Casnovia en te r t a ined with a cof fee pa r ty last Saturday a f t e rnoon honoring M r s . T e n a O s t r o m of Chicago who was viBltiMj' r e l a t i v e s and frien< • l u r e . O the r j'lie.-.ts included Mrs*. L# OS t r o m , M r s . Ann Johson , M r s [Esther Saur , and M r s . Mildred Aver i l l .

C a l l e r s at the Andrew Johnson home las t Thur sday we re : Vlr. and M r s . Nick Dyks t ra and M r . anil M r s . Al Schadiem of Ravenna.

M r . and M r s . Harvey Marvin and fami ly and M r . and M r s . Den Matt son and fami ly w e r e Sunday d inner gues ts of Mr . and M r s . John De Vr ie s of Grand Ledge .

I C 3 Roger Mattson left Monday for the M e d i t e r r a n e a n , t h e i r f i r s t s top will be Spain.

Mr . and M r s . Joe Kreps cal led on f r i e n d s h e r e Wednesday. Fhey a r e both teaching school in Lansing.

Ralph White at tended a Vo-Ag T e a c h e r s c o n f e r e n c e held last week in Kellogg C e n t e r in Eas t Lansing.

Linn W i lder and Har ry S h i r e y a r e spending s o m e t i m e in the hospital having t e s t s , e tc .

Air pollution can he ha rmfu l to c r o p s afr well as to humans . In c r o p s it causes p o o r h developed l eaves , f l owers or f r u i t s . It can a l s o r e t a r d growth and tower yie lds .

THE SENTINEL LEADER Wednesday, August 5, 1964

M r . and M r s . tout Clark ot Par.erson. New J e r s e y spent a shor t t ime WedjH NtJay af te rnoon with Mr» . C . W. I wlkrson. M r s . Clark is the f o r m e r Mable Lee who tauj hl school h e r e for s eve ra l y e a r s and >tayed at the Fu lke r son home.

\ l r . and M r s . I o r e s t f as ie t ly and son, Richard , and M r . Fred \Vickard of Nuniea were d inner gues ts of Mr , and Mrs . John Bennett on Saturday,

Mr. and M r s . ! loyd Keinhout and son. Rex, of Grand Rapids were Sim-day gues ts at the Loren Dudley home.

Mr . and Mrs . George Murray left Sunda\ for Canada where they will m.-ei the i r (.laughter, I 'a:.. and family , M and Mr- . David ( . raham of New Hi m p s h i r e . Ihe two fami l i es a r e planning to camp foi a week, then th* Graham family will come home with George and I ins lme Mur-ay and r e m a i n fo r t h r e e weeks .

The annual Nielson Family e ui ion was held Sunday at Half .Moon Lake Pa rk . 4s member:- were pre sen t .

used cars


1960 THUNDERBIRD WITH SUN ROOF — White with Red & White Interior — Bucket Seats — Console and



1962 FORD $1145 6 CYL. 2-DOOR

Economical Standard Transmission. Good Tires. Very Clean.

1960 FALCON * DOOR SEDAN $545 Black with Grey Interior

1960 RAMBLER 6-Cylinder - Standard Shift


$1095 4• Door Hardtop - Hydramatic Drive - Power Steering and Brakes — Attractive Blue and White Color with Blue Interior.


1957 CHEVROLET *««• $495 BEL AIR STATION WAGON—V8 Engine, Automatic Transmission — Runs Nice.

1964 CHEV. PICKUP-Save $$$ '/2-TON DEMONSTRATOR — 6-Cylinder with Deluxe Cab — Two-Tone Paint — Fresh Air Heater — Low Mileage — NEW CAR WARRANTY.

Phone OR ft-5121



Elk Applications Deadline Aug. 10

Application c a r d s for the special elk hunting season Dec. 5 -13 a r e being picked up at a rapid pace r epo r t s the Conservat ion Depart ment.

By July 22, more than 15,000 prospect ive elk milters had obtain-ed applications with the l a rges t number, over 10,000, in the south-ern half of the Lower Peninsula, over 4,500 in the northern half, and the smal les t number , about 115, :n the Upper Peninsula.

ihe Department i ssues this r e -minder : deadline for applying is Aug. 10. Fi l led-in ca rds along with a cer t i f ied check, c a s h i e r ' s check, or money order to cover the $25 li-cense fee Vnusi be pos tmarked on o r before that date.

HRy [ • . • 111z


5 j ® 3 7 ? 5 H

/ "


• EFFECTIVE e v e n c o n t r o l s r e s i s t a n t m tes

• E C O N O M I C A L o n e p r o d u c t is vour a n t i - m i t e w e a p o n

• C O M P A T I B L E Use in your s t a n d a r d spray p r o g r a m

• SAFE for you a n d b e n e f i c i a l i n s e c t .

get your Mite-Scope from A U T H O R I Z E D

Mr, and M r s , Robert Conran of Sparta announce the engagement of the i r daughter , Susan Bobbie Conran, to Naval Petty Off icer Donald John Byle, son of Mr. and M r s . John Byle of Kent Citv. No wedding date has been se t .

Miss Conran is present ly employed at the Nelkor Beauty Studio in ( .rand Rapids. Her f iance is an e lec t r i c i an in the Submar ine Division of the U. S. Navy, stationed at New London, Conn.

Kent City Businessmen protest Closing of C & 0 Station



K E N T CITY FARM BUREAU Kent City, Michigan


SI ART A ELEVATOR Sparta , Michigan

l e n v e r b u r g 3-Mile Road

Grand R a p i d s Michigan

Despi te p ro t e s t s by Kent City bus inessmen that closing of the Kent City s tat ion of tlie Chesapeake & Ohio Railway would be a s e r i o u s blow to t ranspor ta t ion serv:.ce in the com-munity, the r a i l road is continuing to seek pe rmi s s ion to remove its agent and r eve r t to a nor agency station operat ion in Kent City.

P r o t e s t s were lodged by Kent City bus inessmen during a Michigan Public Serv ice Commiss ion hear ing in Grand Rapids last week. Those at the meet ing were Lyman Clark , manager of the Kent City F a r m Bur -eau: Robert J . Krigur , president of the Kent City State Bank; Robert VV. Brot t , owner ol Brott Lumber anil

We Quote the Following Prices Paid at Our Sale Monday, August 3, 1964 V e a l

wold up to $31.00 per cwt . B E E F STEERS & H E I F E R S . .sold up to $22.00 per cwt . B E E F BULLS

up to $1)1.70 per cwt. * ° l d U | > t o * 1 < U o l»%r cwt .

F E E D E R CATTLE . »old $14.25 to $19.50 per cwt .

s o ~ 8 0 l d u p t 0 $ 1 7 , 8 0 p e r c w t -R f A so 1<1 up to $15.00 per cwt. ^ »old up to $11.30 per cwt .

- »old up to $18.50 per cwt . nBBIUSR wold $7.75 to $15.25 each

— —- »old up to 80c each »«I<1 up to $1.50 each

G E E S E s o l d u p t<) | 2 0 0 e a c h

790 Head of Livestock 70 Consignments of Pou l t ry & Rabbi ts

The Sale has the la rges t n u m b e r of buyers paying the highest m a r k e t prices for your livestock.

Valuable F r e e Gif t *iven away a t 0:00 P.M. every Monday night . You m a s t be present to win.

The ladies of St . Cather ine ' s Church, R a v e n n a Will have cha rge of the r e s t a u r a n t nex t Monday


* ' P A U L H « * M A N , I*!lone UL 3-2051

Fuel Company. A r a i l road reques t to c lose the

s tat ion had been denied April 4, 1963, by the MPSC.

Otto F. Sonefeld, MPSC Railroad Division D i r ec to r who conducted the hear ing , said the commiss ion would i s sue another o r d e r in the case within 90 days of reer ivini ' his r e commendat ions .

Comments f rom the Kent City bus inessmen ran as follows: Mr . Kr ige r : "I believe that the station should be kept open in view of the i n c r e a s e in gra in and f ru i t products at Kent City. I t 's to the advantage of the e n t i r e community to keep the s tat ion o p e n . "

Lyman Clark questioned whether s e r v i c e would be maintained at its p re sen t level In Kent City without the s ta t ion. The Kent City Fa rm Burea t is the l a rges c u s t o m e r for the rai l road , most of its volume coming dur ing gra in ha rves t . Air. Clark poin ed out that in 1963

there were 142 c a r s shipped out ot Kent City with most of it being agr icu l tura l p roducts .

" T h e r e ' s enough bus iness to jus t ify the station remaining o p e n , " according to Mr . Brott who also s e e s a fu tu re need for more rail t r a f f i c into the community during the y e a r s to come.

Victory Ridgeway, manager o f National Fru i t Produc t Co., Inc., exp re s sed regre t that the t ime might come when the s at ion is forced to be c losed. However, he said no bus iness should continue to opera te if it can ' t show a fa i r prof i t ,

Iht r a i l r o a d ' s r evenues were $34,3?0 for the ca lendar year 1959 and $33,492 the next yea r . In 1961, however , p rof i t s cl imbed to $52. 034, only io tall in P>62 to $3s,s5>. r epor t ed ly because of lower ship-ments resul t ing f rom poor c rops , Fhe 1963 profi t f igure was $53.70.1.

The r a i l road of f ic ia l s have con tended the shipping scheduling can be handled by the company ' s agent at Spar ta .

Spar ta , Kent City and Newaygo p resen t ly a r e the only C & O sta t ions open between Grand Rapids and Baldwin.


iND mv: i

O - \ ! / / HE WENT V 4 t f \ \1JIE;' / thar-A" W j /

X - \ ' ' ' /

Rfc w . -/


Ry S L A C K , Manager

COMPUTERS HELP US a great dual in providing you with good telephone service. But they can never replace the spirit of service eo traditional with telephone

people. That spirit it the very human concern which prompts our people to give an extra measure of helpfulness, wherever it's needed. And it's as much a part of Michigan BeLl today as it was 'way back before computers were invented.



Life is so much easier, with a handy extension phone where you work. No more mad dashes to catch the phone in the other room. No more interruptions in your work. The cost ? Just pennies a day, after th e one-t ime ins ta l la t ion charge. And there's a wide choice of attractive colors to choose from. To order your exten-sion, just call our Business Off ice or ask your telephone man.

YEARS OF SERVICE— without a single repair! That 's a pretty commo*j story with Bell telephones . . . even those that take lots of family or business pun-ishment. Toughness is built into your telephone by the engineers at Western Elec-

tric, manufacturing and supply unit of the Bell System. They test each phone thoroughly before releasing it for installation in a customer's home. But if your phone ever does need servicing, don't worry. There'u no extra charge for repairs!

• •