user guide ambra solana cassia ite gb v1.00 029-0472-02

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  • 7/27/2019 User Guide Ambra Solana Cassia ITE GB V1.00 029-0472-02


    Manuacturer:Phonak AGLaubisrtistrasse 28CH-8712 StaSwitzerland

    EU Representative:Phonak GmbH

    D-70736 Fellbach-OengenGermany 029-0472-02/V1.0





    In-the-Ear hearing aidsUser Guide

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    1. Welcome 5

    2. Important saety inormation:

    Please read beore operating your hearingaid or the rst time 6

    Hazard warnings 6

    Inormation on product saety 8

    3. Hearing aid description 10

    4. Step-by-step instructions or using

    the hearing aid 13Step 1. Getting to know your hearing aid 13

    Step 2. Battery preparation 16

    Step 3. Inserting the battery 16

    Step 4. Turning on the hearing aid 17

    Step 5. Inserting the hearing aid 18

    Step 6.Adjusting the volume control

    in the ear 20

    Step 7. Selecting the hearing programin the ear 22


    Step 8. Removing the hearing aid 23

    Step 9. Turning o the hearing aid 25

    Step 10. Changing the battery 25

    5. Care and maintenance 26

    6. Troubleshooting 29

    7. Wireless Accessories and FM systems 31

    8. Service and warranty 33

    9. Compliance inormation 34

    10. Inormation and explanation o symbols 37

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    1. Welcome

    Your new hearing aid is a premium Swiss qualityproduct. It was developed by Phonak, one o theworlds leading companies in hearing technology. Your

    hearing aid oers the most modern digital hearingtechnology currently available on the market.

    Please read these user instructions thoroughly in orderto benet rom all the possibilities your new hearingaid has to oer. With proper use and care, you will beable enjoy your hearing aid or many years to come.

    I you have any questions, please consult your hearingcare proessional.

    Phonak - lie is on


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    Please read the inormation on the ollowing pagesbeore using your hearing aid.

    A hearing aid will not restore normal hearing andwill not prevent or improve a hearing impairmentresulting rom organic conditions. Inrequent useo a hearing aid does not permit a user to attain ullbeneit rom it. The use o a hearing aid is onlypart o hearing habilitation and may need to besupplemented by auditory training and instructionin lipreading.

    2.1 Hazard warnings

    Use only hearing aids that have been speciallyprogrammed or you by your hearing careproessional. Other hearing aids may be ineectiveand may, in certain cases, damage your hearing.

    Changes or modications to the hearing aid thatwere not explicitly approved by Phonak are notpermitted. Such changes may damage your ear orthe hearing aid.

    2. Important safety information

    Hearing aid batteries are toxic i they are swallowed!Keep out o reach o children and pets. I batteriesare swallowed, consult your medical physician

    immediately!I you eel pain in or behind your ear, i it is infamed,i skin irritation or accelerated accumulations oear wax occur, please check with your hearing careproessional or physician.

    Hearing programs in the directional microphone

    mode reduce background noises. Please be awarethat warning signals or noises coming rom behind,e. g. cars, are partially or entirely suppressed.

    The hearing aid contains small parts which can beswallowed by children.

    External devices may only be connected i they have

    been tested in accordance with correspondingIECXXXXX standards. Only use accessories approvedby Phonak AG.

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    2.2 Inormation on product saety

    Never immerse your hearing aid in water! Protect

    it rom excessive moisture. Always remove yourhearing aid beore showering, bathing, or swimming.

    Protect your hearing aid rom the heat (neverleave it near a window or in the car). Never use amicrowave or other heating devices to dry yourhearing aid. Ask your hearing care proessionalabout suitable drying methods.

    When you are not using your hearing aid, leave thebattery compartment open so that any moisturecan evaporate. Make sure that you always completelydry your hearing aid ater use. Store the hearingaid in a sae, dry and clean place.

    Do not drop your hearing aid! Dropping onto a hard

    surace can damage your hearing aid.

    Always use new batteries or your hearing aid.You can return used batteries to your hearing careproessional.

    Remove the battery i you are not using your hearingaid or a long period o time.

    X-ray radiation (e. g. CT scans, MRI scans) mayadversely aect the correct unctioning o yourhearing aids. We recommend that you removethem beore undergoing X-ray procedures and keep

    them outside the room.

    Do not use your hearing aid in areas where electronicequipment is prohibited.

    2. Important safety information

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    The ollowing user instructions describe three hearingaid models: CIC/MC (Completely in the Canal/Mini Canal)models that sit deep in the ear canal, ITC/HS (In the

    Canal/Hal Shell) models that are situated in the earCanal or in the bowl o the ear, and FS (Full Shell)models that are situated only in the bowl o the ear.

    On the ollowing pages use the labeled drawings toidentiy the hearing aid that you use.

    Please note: specic unctions described on the

    ollowing pages may not be included in your modelbecause some model eatures are optional.

    Your hearing care proessional will tell you what sizebattery you need or your hearing aid.

    3. Hearing aid description


    a Custom made shellb Receiver (sound outlet) and wax protection systemc Battery compartment with ON/OFF switchd Program button (optional)*e Protected microphone inletf Removal handle (CIC/MC)g Right or let indicator (right=red, let=blue)

    h Vent

    * A volume control is also optional; it is not shown here.




    d e




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    ITC/HS-model FS-model

    a Custom made shellb Receiver (sound outlet) and wax protection systemc Battery compartment with ON/OFF switchd Protected microphone inlets

    (number o inlets is optional)e Program button (optional)

    f Right or let indicator (right=red, let=blue)g Volume control (optional)h Vent

    3. Hearing aid description












    The ollowing chapter provides step-by-step instructions

    on how to use your hearing aid. Please ollow these stepscareully. In the drawings, the parts that are particularlyimportant or each step are shown in green.

    Step 1. Getting to know your hearing aid

    Take the hearing aid in your hand and try out thehearing aid controls. This will make it easier or

    you to eel or and operate the controls later on whenwearing the hearing aid.

    4. Step-by-step instructions for using

    the hearing aid

    f f

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    Your hearing care proessional can conigure yourhearing aid button as either a volume control or aprogram selector.

    In order to change a hearing program, press thebutton displayed (Fig. 1b).

    To increase the volume, press the button on your righthearing aid. To decrease the volume, press the buttonon your let hearing aid* (Fig. 1c).

    Decrease volume Increase volume

    Let hearing aid Right hearing aid

    * Only available or a pair o wireless products

    Fig. 1b

    Fig. 1c

    4. Using the hearing aid

    Turn the volume control to change the volume (Fig 1a).

    Let ear Right ear


    The direction you have to turn the volume controlwhen wearing the hearing aid in the ear is shown instep 6 in this section.

    Fig. 1a





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    Step 2. Battery preparation

    Remove the protective oil rom the new battery (Fig. 2).

    Wait or two minutes beore inserting to activate thebattery.

    Step 3. Inserting the battery

    Take the hearing aid in your hand (Fig. 3a) and openthe battery door. Insert the battery so that you see the+ symbol on the battery (Fig. 3b).

    Fig. 3a Fig. 3b

    Step 4. Turning on the hearing aid

    Switch on the hearing aid by closing the battery

    compartment (Fig. 4).

    Open and close the battery compartment gently

    and careully.

    I you eel resistance when closing the batterycompartment, check to make sure the battery iscorrectly inserted and in the correct direction.I the battery is inserted the wrong way, thehearing aid will not work and the batterycompartment can be damaged.

    The hearing aid is now switched on. It can take upto 15 seconds beore it starts. (When you wear thehearing aid, you will hear an acoustic s ignal).

    Fig. 4

    4. Using the hearing aid

    Fig. 2

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    Step 5. Inserting the hearing aid

    This step shows you how to correctly insert the hearing


    Each hearing aid is individually programmed oryour right or let ear. For the irst step identiyright and let so you will be able to insert yourhearing aid in the correct ear.

    Step 5.1 Identiying the hearing aids or the right and

    let ear

    The color mark is located on the shell (the text isprinted in red or blue):

    right = redlet = blue

    Step 5.2 Inserting the hearing aid (all models)

    With your right hand, take your hearing aid or the

    right ear (red mark on the hearing aid, see step 5.1)between your thumb and orenger (Fig. 5b).

    Insert the tip o the hearing aid into the ear canal (seethe part circled in green in Fig. 5b). Careully pull onyour earlobe and push the hearing aid into the correctposition. Ensure that it is positioned securely. In thebeginning, please use a mirror to check.

    Fig. 5a Fig. 5b

    4. Using the hearing aid

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    You have now successully inserted the right hearingaid. Now insert your let hearing aid in the same way(marked in blue, see step 5.1)

    Step 6. Adjusting the volume in the ear

    To increase the volume (possible only on models withan optional volume control), turn the volume controlorward. To decrease it, turn the volume controlbackward using your orenger (Fig. 6a).

    Let ear Right ear

    Fig. 6a





    4. Using the hearing aid

    Your hearing care proessional can conigure yourhearing aid button as either a volume control or aprogram selector.

    To increase the volume, press the button on your righthearing aid. To decrease the volume, press the buttonon your let hearing aid aid* (Fig 6b).

    Decrease volume Increase volume

    Let hearing aid Right hearing aid

    Fig. 6b

    * Only available or a pair o wireless products

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    Step 7. Selecting the hearing program in the ear

    To change a hearing program (possible only in modelswith an optional program button), press the programbutton shown (Fig. 7).

    I you press it again, you change to the next program.A signal indicates the change.A signal tone can only be easily heard i you have turned

    on the hearing aid and you are wearing it correctly inthe ear.

    Fig. 7

    4. Using the hearing aid

    Step 8. Removing the hearing aid

    The ollowing steps describe how to easily remove thehearing aid either with or without the removal line.

    Step 8.1 Removing the hearing aid with a removalhandle

    Hold the removal handle between the thumb and indexnger, and careully pull the hearing aid up and out othe ear (Fig. 8a).

    Fig. 8a

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    4. Using the hearing aid

    Step 8.2 Removing the hearing aid without a removalhandle

    Put your thumb behind yourlobe (directly behind the hardcartilage, Fig. 8b) and gentlypress your ear upward to pushthe hearing aid out o thecanal. In order to help it along,make chewing movementswith your jaw.

    Grasp the protruding hearing aid and remove it (Fig. 8c).

    Fig. 8b

    Fig. 8c

    Step 9. Turning o the hearing aid

    You can turn o your hearing aid by opening the batterycompartment (Fig. 9).

    Step 10. Changing the battery

    Beore the battery is completely empty, your hearingaid will indicate to you that the battery soon needsto be changed with an acoustic signal. Once this happens,you have about 30 minutes (in some cases longer)

    to change the battery. The battery warning signal isrepeated every hal hour. We recommend that youalways keep a spare battery on hand.

    Fig. 9

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    5. Care and maintenance

    Diligent and routine care o your hearing aid contributesto outstanding perormance and a long service lie.

    Please use the ollowing specications as a guideline:

    General inormationBeore using hair spray or applying cosmetics, youshould remove your hearing aid rom your ear, becausethese products may damage it.

    DailyDaily cleaning and the use o a drying system is highlyrecommended. C&C line rom Phonak is a completeset o cleaning products. Your hearing care proessionalwill be glad to advise you. Never use householdcleaning products (washing powder, soap, etc.) to cleanyour hearing aids.I your hearing aid is perorming weakly or ails tooperate, clean or replace the wax guard system. I yourhearing aid ails to operate ater you have correctlycleaned or replaced your wax protection system andinserted new batteries, contact your hearing careproessional or advice.

    WeeklyFor more in depth maintenance instructions or ormore than basic cleaning, please see your hearing careproessional.

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    5. Care and maintenance

    SmartGuard (optional)SmartGuard is a unique wax protection systemdeveloped by Phonak. The unique membrane designcompletely protects your hearing aid rom waxand moisture.Please ask your hearing care proessional or urtherinormation.

    Fig. 10

    Hearing aids sound soter than usual / no soundClean the wax protection system or replace it. Checkwhether the battery is correctly inserted and properlytted, adjust the t i necessary. I there is no improve-ment, change the battery. I the problem persists,contact your hearing care proessional.

    Battery discharges too quicklyInsert a new battery and make note o exactly howlong it lasts. Contact your hearing care proessionalwith this inormation, they will be able to help andadvise you.

    Crackling or buzzing noisesCheck or residue due to ear wax. Then try a newbattery. I the problem persists, contact your hearingcare proessional.

    6. Troubleshooting

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    WhistlingCheck whether the hearing aid is correctly and rmlytted. I this is the case, but the problem persists,please consult with your hearing care proessional.

    Pain or infammation in your earRemove the hearing aid and consult with your hearingcare proessional. I the problem is serious, pleasecontact your physician.

    6. Troubleshooting

    7.1 Wireless accessories*Phonak has developed a broad range o wirelessaccessories that allow you to best use and discreetlycontrol your hearing aid. These include, or example,remote controls, wireless connection modules to the TVand computer, and much more. Programs and accessoriesthat can help you make phone calls simply and morecomortably are also included in this product range.

    7.2 FM Systems*FM Systems are wireless communication systemsconsisting o a radio transmitter and a radio receiver.The transmitter is placed close to the sound source(e. g. TV/Radio/lectern). The sound is transmitted clearlyand directly to the hearing aid in the orm o radiosignals without disruptive background noisesor echoes.

    Phonak is a leader in FM communication. In orderto take advantage o the benets o these high-techradio systems, consult with your hearing careproessional.

    7. Wireless Accessories and FM systems

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    I you already have an FM system and need additionalinormation on using this system, please consult therelevant user instructions on the FM transmitter or theFM receiver.

    For more inormation, please visit,or ask your hearing care proessional.

    * Possible only or models with this option integrated,check with your hearing proessional.

    7. Wireless Accessories and FM systems 8. Service and warranty

    Phonak oers you a comprehensive, worldwide warranty,valid starting rom the date o purchase. Please askyour hearing care proessional about the term o thewarranty valid in the country o purchase. The warrantycovers repairs in case o processing and material errors.*

    No warranty claims will be considered i the hearingaid shows normal wear and tear, improper handlingor care, exposure to chemicals, immersion in water orundue stress. In case o damage caused by third partiesor non-authorized service, the Phonak warranty isnull and void. This warranty does not cover servicesperormed by a hearing care proessional at his orher workplace.

    Serial number o the Serial number o thelet hearing aid right hearing aid

    Purchase date:

    * Contact your hearing care proessional

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    Declaration o ConormityHereby Phonak AG declares that this Phonak productmeets the requirements o the Medical Devices Directive93/42/EEC as well as the Radio and TelecommunicationsTerminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC. The ull text othe Declaration o Conormity can be obtained romthe manuacturer.

    9. Compliance information

    The hearing aids described in this user guide arecertiied under:


    Notice 1:This device complies with Part 15 o the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 o Industry Canada. Operation is subjectto the ollowing two conditions:

    1) this device may not cause harmul intererence, and2) this device must accept any intererence received,

    including intererence that may cause undesiredoperation.

    Notice 2:Changes or modications made to this device notexpressly approved by Phonak may void the FCCauthorization to operate this device.

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    With the CE symbol, Phonak AGconrms that this Phonak product including accessories meetsthe requirements o the MedicalDevices Directive 93/42/EEC as wellas the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/ECon radio and telecommunicationstransmitters. The numbers ater theCE symbol correspond to the codeo certiied institutions that wereconsulted under the above-mentioneddirectives.

    This symbol indicates that the pro-ducts described in these user instruc-tions adhere to the requirements oran application part o Type BF oEN 60601-1. The surace o the hearingaid is specied as application part oType BF.


    10. Information and description of

    symbolsNotice 3:This device has been tested and ound to comply withthe limits or a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part15 o the FCC Rules and ICES-003 o Industry Canada.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmul intererence in a residential installation.This device generates, uses and can radiate radiorequency energy and, i not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmulintererence to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that intererence will not occur in aparticular installation. I this device does cause harmulintererence to radio or television reception, which canbe determined by turning the equipment o and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the intererenceby one or more o the ollowing measures:

    J Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.J Increase the separation between the device and

    receiver.J Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit dierent

    rom that to which the receiver is connected.J Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician

    or help.

    9. Compliance information

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    This symbol indicates that it isimportant or the user to read andtake into account the relevantinormation in these user guides.

    This symbol indicates that it isimportant or the user to payattention to the relevant warningnotices in these user guides.

    Important inormation or handlingand product saety.

    The product is designed such thatit unctions without problems orrestrictions i used as intended, unlessotherwise noted in these user guides.


    During transport or storage, thetemperature should not exceed thelimit values o 20/60 Celsius andrelative humidity o 65% or a longperiod o time. The air pressure range between 500 and 1100 hPa isappropriate.

    The symbol with the crossed-outgarbage bin is to make you awarethat this hearing aid may not bethrown away as normal householdwaste. Please dispose o old orunused hearing aid, at waste disposalsites intended or electronic waste,or give your hearing aid to yourhearing care proessional or disposal.Proper disposal protects the environ-ment and health.

    Transportand storageconditions

    10. Information and description of symbols