using the dome mouser with smartthings - amazon s3€¦ · 4. status label since pest control...

+ Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings Installing the Device Handler 2 Main Page 3 Settings Page 4 Get a Notification When The Mouser is Tripped 5 Get a Reminder to Replenish the Bait 6 Table of Contents 773-794-1300 [email protected]

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Page 1: Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings - Amazon S3€¦ · 4. Status Label Since Pest Control notifications are not natively supported by SmartThings, we’ve cleverly disguised the


Using the Dome Mouser w i th Smar tTh ings

Insta l l ing the Dev ice Hand ler 2Main Page 3Set t ings Page 4Get a Not i f icat ion When The Mouser is Tr ipped 5Get a Reminder to Rep len ish the Ba i t 6

Table of Contents

773-794-1300 [email protected]

Page 2: Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings - Amazon S3€¦ · 4. Status Label Since Pest Control notifications are not natively supported by SmartThings, we’ve cleverly disguised the

Page 2Using the Mouser with SmartThings

Installing the Device Handler

1. Log in to the Smar th ings deve loper por ta l (h t tps : //graph .ap i .smar t th ings .com/) I f you do not have an account , reg is te r by fo l lowing the l ink on the page .

2 . C l ick “My Dev ice Hand lers” in the nav igat ion bar ( f ig . 1 ) .

3 . Press “Create New Dev ice Hand ler ” ( f ig . 2 ) .

4 . C l ick the “From Code” tab ( f ig . 3 ) .

5 . Open a new tab , v is i t ht tps : // raw.

g i thubusercontent .com/kr la f ramboise/Smar tTh ings/master/

dev icetypes/kr la f ramboise/dome-mouser.s rc/dome-mouser.

g roovy and copy ALL of the tex t .

6 . Paste the cop ied code in to the tex t box , and c l ick “Create” ( f ig . 3 ) .

7 . Now c l ick “Save” ( f ig .4) .

8 . F ina l l y pub l ish i t fo r yourse l f ( f ig . 5 ) .

9 . Now add the Mouser to your Smar tTh ings system. V is i t for fu r ther ins ta l la t ion and set -up inst ruct ions .

10 . Congrats , that ’s i t ! Keep read ing to see how to operate the Mouser and c reate automat ions .

IntroductionInstalling the Device Handler

Unt i l the Dev ice Hand ler i s o f f ic ia l l y pub l ished by Smar tTh ings , users must use the i r own Dev ice Hand lers fo r fu l l funct iona l i t y w i th in Smar tTh ings . See be low for ins t ruct ions :

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Note: You should only add the Mouser to SmartThings AFTER the Device Handler is created. If you already added the device, remove it and add it again into your system, and the Mouser will automatically detect the Device Handler.

Page 3: Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings - Amazon S3€¦ · 4. Status Label Since Pest Control notifications are not natively supported by SmartThings, we’ve cleverly disguised the

Page 3Using the Mouser with SmartThings

Main Page

1. Main StatusThis sect ion d isp lays the s ta tus of the Mouser : Armed , D isarmed , and Tr ipped. The s ta tus is d isp layed wi th both tex t and the background co lor.

2. RefreshThis but ton re f reshes the page so a l l o f the set t ings and s ta tuses are accurate and cur rent .

3. Bat tery LevelThis d isp lays the remain ing bat te ry l i fe .

4. Status LabelSince Pest Cont ro l not i f icat ions a re not nat ive ly suppor ted by Smar tTh ings , we’ve c lever ly d isgu ised the th ree s ta tuses of the Mouser in the capab i l i t ies Smar tTh ings suppor ts . Th is shows how the cur rent s ta tus wi l l be labe led :

Trap Unarmed: “Contact Open” (Open/Close Sensor )

Trap Armed: “Contact C losed” (Open/Close Sensor )

Trap Tr ipped : “Mot ion Act ive” (Mot ion Sensor )

The InterfaceMain Page

The Main Page of the Dev ice Hand ler d isp lays the cur rent s ta tus of the Mouser (Armed , D isarmed , and Tr ipped) and a lso the bat te ry leve l . See be low for an over v iew of the in te r face :



2 3



Page 4: Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings - Amazon S3€¦ · 4. Status Label Since Pest Control notifications are not natively supported by SmartThings, we’ve cleverly disguised the

Page 4Using the Mouser with SmartThings

Settings Page

1. Tr ipped LED AlarmThis enab les or d isab les the f lash ing LED that ind icates the t rap is t r ipped.

2. Wake Up Inter va lThis sets how of ten the Mouser repor ts to Smar tTh ings to accept set t ings , e tc .

3. Bat tery Repor t ing In ter va lThis sets how of ten the bat te ry leve l i s repor ted to Smar tTh ings .

4. Enable Debug LoggingThis enab les or d isab les debug logg ing for t roub leshoot ing purposes (advanced users . )

The InterfaceSettings Page

The set t ings page a l lows the user to change severa l p roper t ies of the Mouser, inc lud ing LED funct iona l i t y , wake up in te r va l , and the bat te ry repor t ing in te r va l . To access the set t ings page , s imply p ress the Gear icon on the top r ight corner in the main dev ice page .

Page 5: Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings - Amazon S3€¦ · 4. Status Label Since Pest Control notifications are not natively supported by SmartThings, we’ve cleverly disguised the

Page 5Using the Mouser with SmartThings

Get a Notification When The Mouser is Tripped

1. Open the Smar tTh ings app and go to the Dashboard tab ( f ig . 1 ) .

2 . Press the Gear icon in the top r ight cor -ner and tap “Custom” in the l i s t that appears ( f ig . 2 ) .

3 . Tap “New Moni tor ing Ru le” ( f ig . 3 ) .

4 . Tap “What k ind of dev ice do you want to use?” and se lect “Mot ion Sensor ” ( f ig . 4 ) .

5 . Tap “Se lect Mot ion Sensors” , se lect your Mousers , and tap “Done” ( f ig . 5 ) .

6 . Tap “Next ” .

7 . Use th is screen to choose the types of not i f icat ions you wi l l rece ive ( f ig . 6 ) . By defau l t , you wi l l rece ive Push Not i f icat ions on your phone .

8 . Tap “Next ” , name your moni tor ing ru le , and tap “Done” to f in ish

Automation & SecurityGet a Notification When The Mouser is Tripped

Smar tTh ings can not i fy you (w i th a tex t message , push not i f icat ion , o r o ther method) when the Mouser snags a sneaky rodent . Fo l low the s teps be low to be not i f ied when the Mouser is t r ipped :

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 6Figure 5

Page 6: Using the Dome Mouser with SmartThings - Amazon S3€¦ · 4. Status Label Since Pest Control notifications are not natively supported by SmartThings, we’ve cleverly disguised the

Page 6Using the Mouser with SmartThings

Get a Reminder to Replenish the Bait

1. Open the Smar tTh ings app and go to the Dashboard tab ( f ig . 1 ) .

2 . Press the Gear icon in the top r ight corner and tap “Custom” in the l i s t that appears ( f ig . 2 ) .

3 . Tap “New moni tor ing ru le” ( f ig . 3 ) .

4 . Tap “What k ind of dev ice do you want to use?” ( f ig . 4 ) , se lect “Open/Close Sensor ” , and tap Done.

5 . Tap “Se lect Open/Close Sensors” ( f ig . 5 ) , se lect a l l o f the Mousers you wish to moni tor, and tap “Done.”

6 . Togg le on “Sensor c loses” ( f ig . 5 ) .

7 . Tap “ for how long” and choose how long , in minutes , Smar tTh ings shou ld wa i t before remind ing you to change the ba i t ( f ig . 5 ) . One week is 10 ,080 minutes and two weeks is 20 ,160 minutes .

8 . Tap “Next ” when done .

9 . Use th is screen to choose the types of not i f icat ions you wi l l rece ive ( f ig . 6 ) . By defau l t , you wi l l rece ive Push Not i f icat ions on your phone .

10 . Tap “Next ” , name your moni tor ing ru le , and tap “Done” to f in ish .

Automation & SecurityGet a Reminder to Replenish the Bait

Smar tTh ings can moni tor your Mouser and remind you when i t has remained id le fo r any amount of t ime so you can rep len ish the ba i t . Fo l low the s teps be low to automat ica l l y rece ive not i f icat ions to rep len ish the ba i t :

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Remember to togg le the Arm/Disarm but ton

each t ime you change the ba i t !