uturc features ^sion ’ ' ' ic ucr a w(b; ths...

"THE VOL. 13. NO. 18S. ; iM LfM lllI B lW iH l ’l ^ itn i -Morrow’s Sunieers Ovtr Par ffl Horizon to See Soldier H . .fit Historic Desi< as Scy- M cntv-Firsl' Year .Dawns] i J (B; Ths AucrUM rrtu) I B W ASHINGTON, sept. 12 ■ >-'‘TwcIvc years ajco H today—ycji, 12 years B — nlmost'to-lhe-hour-thVbattle- of St. MihicI wan won," Gen- GEI eral Pcrshinff saldT S Kc Hat Ri ho spoke at IiU s( desk in the dim, (luict officc • d: tliat liBS-bccn>rc5torc(l-to him from nrcsidcntifll occupation, = r.n oJflco rlcli with'.cnncd wwl' P«lntW retnlnden of wioUier.-moM-nil- ttately day. Ho looked mt'rard ov* |]| tr Iho Whilo House, lopp«t Uie U I L _RtniIy.«-wln5.foI(U ct Iho flae to wlilch John Pmlilns lu i civtn wlU) I loldlerljr dtvplion all Ihc ytara of j 111* manhood. ' - Tomorrow'a »ut» wlllptcroverlliftl far horiton lo tea Tcrihlng at his , , (Itik u Ilia (tventy-flnt year ot 'Job ___Ul* Ufa open*. Wend* and high offleliBOTiilll como trooplns'to- ~ n , do honor lhe» on hi* birthday to ^ •Atnenea'a grtaf giplftln- ot the V|( The flt, MHilel viclory was » mUe .jt<me In American hitlory. It ftll boi upon the eve ot renliliig's fifty* g[ Ee eighth birthday. It w»* a .double vie* tiand ^ mry fur lilav-Wot-alone-dld-hlHt-fprcm] Clon*.aKcep.aW-lnJiours.|ia eneiiti,o-ol my (alltnt thal lud itood for years btirta' ' anlnst Fttncli armle*. but tlie ba^ tie realised Uie thins for whlcli he ^. . Imd fouslit from Hit hour he tel ~ foot on Preneli soil. neealU Doned Htht |)cr ( 11WM an American army, Amerl- a n offlecred and under Ptrthlnj’s Per pertontl comm^d, llukl fouithl al is ihe - QL MUileL And but for Penhlng-a «ii]el doestd. unreltnlliv peraUKoce In be cc J__ amed.-counell*.-Uiat-tnny..might n U i btra been dltslpaled ta kUltd nnki ty cf -uBMpow-rtplMemeoUtonihl met under (oreijnfli*!. J er Jd coinif aI'i neme^ now. Al 70 hi* face oi Ij deeply drred vllh llntf (Cl then cM In Fnnct; but hli thoulden tre bti« ' tnct tnd loldlerly u they were t« park a daahlns cavalry tubaitera And 1:0)11 he ha* Just fInUhed taother tatk. * *eir.*tt Ihl* time. . For fenhlnc ha* compleled hi* am memolB, hi* own atory of .Ihe Amer* pnv lcan-&ci>edltlcnaT7Torctf-frcm'hls " h S appointment a* commander to the i,ave .ormltUce. It takea two volume* toliHim . tell it now. free ot ratralnta Uitt curb official nport*. Ttnd ewry line ' hq; , cf It,- written during hli Kreral. , trips lo France to look up daU o r' here at home 1* hU own. 11 wu tU -u-dtclal^.toJila.^^ : w li Iilm. And it deal* bluntly with' many thin#* Including American imprtparednea for the sttugJle and rtjponslblllty for Uial unprepared- nesv - Never Initndtd lo Wrile jfjj: “And ll U t book I nerer InUnded . to flTlte,- the general *ald wnlllnj* m , ly. -Yft 1 have fouild Hint *o.few Tlirt folk* know where our amy camo •st.u ~from*orwh*rit nctually'dld. Even btlwi •veltran* of tho American ExpedI* Lobe lionai^ Foret* know little. 60 I band have It l ll down at a duly lo U m mobl and to their ton*." plite "And liavo you found tome plea- of 81 *ure In dolnj U?" The general vaa atked. r || "Ve*.’* hr- tald. "And that U • U *trtnje becauie I dreaded ll at Uie I . tUrf. Perhapt I may write again tome day. Ptrhap* l m*y itart uim I thojo boyhood day* In old Mltsourl nnd write of what I h t« teea tnd ' ■known. Who knowtr V JEROmTmAN addresses Fire CONVENTION IN SPOKANE 1 ■, 8POKANB. 8^ I J MV.-porty* C teren tecretary-trcasurcr* of Na- . tional Farm loan auoclatlon* In . ‘•today, R.E.flhtpfitrd.Jerome.Ida- I" n ho. chtlnnin of the Spokane Federal «l»i Land bank board ot director*, wat lUnei <?na of the prinelpal speaker*. cart ... -■ ----------- , lent UTAHN' FALLS IN^LIDER ____ - , Thi BALT LAKE OnY, Bept 13 M>>- hart. 'Oeorge MoTgin, 3S-yctr^1d me* --- ehanlciwdtilderrllet. waa eritleallr “»»• --- la}ui«UJato-tod*y-aUU«i-alrflcld Ingf: here when hit molorlcu craft pluns- tersa ed sotedown during'a Ukeoff. The «, gilder .wu being towed behind tn . ttutomoblle. Ilfe liy te tt. FAMOUS ACTOR’S WIFE ■ K . SEEKS DIVORCtDECREE;|™ ' ' ' Iln* I IlEKO, Ner., Sept.-13 (>T)-F*llh Cole HacLtan filed Kill lien (oday agalut .Douglas MtcLtan,' motion -'iS sK iS X "..*-'*''” ' a jr -.' Mr*.'MtcLean .hi* been making ' W ' --her Jiomo-at Calnett most of-htr. Uim moolhs'nildtace. but mo\td »‘0W down to Beno rtcnitly. They married In New Votk In 1H4. A property Aw -— eeulemenl-haj-betn-Bado.oul of — eeurt, - . .... ' «“ ; I C TW Celcljratcs j|[|| ^E ips Tropi ZTO i S rIENERAL JOHN J. TER* ■Beau SniNG who observes liis , howlt neventicth birthdny to* coast dny.-tT) Photo. - bc1ic\ _________________J sea. I — life. it Ills =■ iismtiEssEsi ---- suard b Near Buhi Nears Com- J h * ■oletion“ and"Slatr Pians- ik h ' ^ . wUid I Wori< West From Jerome ----' n«l!tt 36ISE. Stpl. 12 MVDy Ihe end Beptembcr. -375 mlle.i ot uew .. ' indard oHcd liljluiay will be com* ^oir :Wdand-tlrtually-brlng.lo'.ancnd -- 5-oUlns-pn«ratn of the yearTUie nau of hlchsays aimoimcfd to- y." quitrlf ilils mllcaw Include* Improve- ph^ne ;nt pn nearly till ot /lie, main j.tcr jha-ay* of the state and n num* ncliilil r ct heavily' traveled lnler>clty of C» sliaiy*. lull Periiajis the tensest rIiirIc i.Ulp the 8S.mlle BlMkfoot-to-Arco Job , ileli the bureau estimated would ,,, completed In lO.daj-a. An BRcre- U ct about.40.mlla In the vlclaU_,.j.„i, ct Uoicow will be tcmpIcUd by . e tnd 6f the monlh wh|le unaU- joM t l dUfennl polnU-wlll be DUn fflifnttd'MUiinio-aujt; ' riiUl Olhtr.tob* no win progrcu In* lade tboM near DahL WclKr, U «lwt«n Atbten and Vellontone -IIU ark. near MeCammoB, and iie»r- BOI A new flvt-mlle Job from Jrr- , , me well alU be started at wen I iDtlltlftit cratel tan be tpm J. iMot iroj^edjKaUicr pemilt. reiiori heeenl raliTTTd ebld'l«Sllicr|i«rc ire hindered oiling .work bui the ireau esUmAted aU Jobs now under;^ ' sy would go through to comple-j ' in thlsicason.' P'Uh In addition to Uie standanl oll!!<u>>’< irtRclng, light oil treatment has'-AiM c jn-aiipjjj^n^ mo^^ Imn- wmpi ntetlon wa* uiuuU«l to the heav^ ■—~ r mU bui when dusi prevcnilon 1 u neceuary or where tho llglit ealment would servo pending rc- I instnietlon of the road bed. HRErM.EN TAKE $2500 IIAIUtlSDinta, Sept- 13 (Tl ~ lirec mtn-b'fW-up Uie.HarrlrtufRi tale bank today and etcaped with - _ :lween WOO- and *3000. John E. sberg, oulsianl ctihlcr, uld the indlU drove etitward In nn eulo-' .oblle bearing South Dakota llccnsc ' :itc3.'tf*rrlsbunr Is 10 miles touUi : 8I0UX Falls, ' llfllll GttiiFlO , ire Follows Derailment ol 15 Loaded Tank Cars and / Flames Menace Homes . | ve'men, four of them unldeWllled U Ineranti, were killed when IS oil . | irt cf a IM k Island .trelglil.traln . II Uie track* at 1Cremlln.-10 miles' )rth of hero lodty, and causht fire. The IdenUfled man wu I. L. Lock* irt. 8:, Uxlngton. Kentucky, wfio ed iliorijy after he had been re- 1 flVfd to a liwnllil lurfi g from broken legs, shock nnd In* ^ raal hijurlet. Flama, whipping hundreds ot et Into Uio air, drove eitl«n* ot remllh from-'Uielr lionies, d'estroy- i Uireo residence* on the edge of n i and burned an automobile and irage. Bcploilon atler explosionoc- tntd u tuecealvo tanks of gaio* . IS look fin. . I Wllnessfs walelied Ih'ree men bum deaUi In Ui# flame*, imtblo lo aUl ' ; . cause,of Uie inlemc heal and dan- TOtexplosion*.Afourifim»n.boUi _ •1 It bniken, ifu'ieen lo crawl upon s b*,ek for N tKt, pulling lilms.elT . 6wwlUihlshand*.'AsUieliealbe- j mt Inttnu he colltpscd and died. ^ Ambulance* tnd fire trucks wtre islied lo Kremlin fromEnid u word Uie wreck Kacbed here.--- — • - ____ Tffsjm xjm oc a s iE ----- ' TWIN KAI iS B B w iiiil: onical Slorni Strll(es al[L CapeLookout, Nortli Caro-j]__ _ lina, Suddenly and Goes luii —: ' ........... be'the < ,-SUlklM Viilh r„„ ift fills nfteriioon, but ««Jnvoy#Ke licvcd to have passed out to t««i« II. Icnlght cauaintf loss oC e. Slid, C( Sie-tuU farce ot a 110.n)lle-*n. jr-ali4:from.Uie*ouOia«t.bufr.duccd: edtlie Capo Lookout Tlnleltr ^ I Ii , demollslilng a do«n‘bulld* j ,:a'ud.damaglnUht£S^8^L^A Hlquarltfs alljhVly. gp»nlal Ihe vldnlly loAht shelter In Uie , ,oun «dUulldlii»u tccelvedlien carlj- lonlghl ____ llealed-il« fltrttneifJlf U» tl«m ----- s-abjnDir-At-Cape-Lcpl^l,-llie r trR j lid had fallen to 10 mUe* tn hour 11 t m o;3o, JI etl by h »-mUfC^5ur sal«' IIW I C.mmunleallsn Crippled Ulll ;omniuiilcallon w«h Ihe.wjattaS •ft 8M badly eflpplcd, lnformatlon " ihT«Ia»l»?« arCape-L«koip'ai-TWin. .tri co«i fu*rd division lieaa- srifn at Norfolk, by radio Iclc* Qq biie. I .. . • McrrliMd Cliy nnd BfaiifwC - Rc liiliberi»BtowiiswlUilnalewm lea „ Cni« LcckouV dW n « I « l the , lljflrre or the.stomi. Their tete- ^q,, leiir, irlCBraph^d P O « f a i ■re [iwupted by a Icorlrln thealternwii,^ C. K.I IVIIOolher damase cscejit IW 1P cuns uf irte* and Uie unroollnj ■ .o,ie.bMllding. .--- :----- lO lililF lid S ' 11 iiIS lH S T E « '. •— four*K noiBE, n »'« iilrlluie strongly to Ihe Increased , llwal VTwSwUon of onUms.,the q,. ; i«rt of Jullu* «. Jacobwn. fed- e«W« ,lcrbp:iUlisilclfn7iri<ilcsttd-to.-'«n^ y. Idaho's produeUon .a-a»’C*U- ' rted at M7.000 bushels compared paiij. Ih the llttO lianest ot MJ,000, .jhels. The tiallonal production uiesllmaltdaiwaiiwtoalw'*, — mpared wUh IB.OiJOO a yc« «8g-*’ ^ Back to the 0 ^ me ' . ( ^S^x w r ll {tm . ' -'I ; ' tr.JATKn PRESS NEWSP/ ■ALLS, IDAHO, SATURDAY Mol 'win Falls-Goi Breaks Re« ffiaTiufebsui DeefeH Sailed to America Prio ~To” IsIands“Of.“West AMBUR0,0<riiIIIty,8ept.13M’) Columliii VmerieajlirJinrlonB rcpuled-to nld l^ •ml Amtrfca'! was nally his «c- iiclal du Journey tjiere, today kllrred up In coiu« IdiwldercTcrbnKlonJs--------Tlibwn rofeewr Luis. Ulloa. director of Peruvian natloiuil library al " M lu l niKhtvSenor Ulloa old iimbus first vLilltd America on 0, ■ge with Danlsli cowalrs wlw , reled frcm Ireland to OreeuUnd. orador. New Foundland and the ‘i” ‘, crlenn pouUnenL In addltlon..he [,C6lumbus»k-asnoiOcnoc»«Bwl BuneeddoeumenUhentotonpro- ^ . lalily as faulllcaUon,v He M i«i coulllon #.w«lons on papers lie tald he Lo„(.uf ,.d in Spanish anhlves In Madrid. ^ iler< lflht.manU i.v:Mudy-W lg?g .P 'vgy j nlah archives In Midrld. whero lumbw.' ound mucli hlitierlo unknown, Ke uld lienUe and-|ncoiitrOverilb!e nm* wlU. dai al, I MU' dellnltely aiietl Uut lu a laL H llP ttB l iT s iiiiim s-' iln-Falls-anL'Bonnevilie. Milsii Counties’ Organizations Sen 'Hccc'nr=Tlpproprlations ^ n d lOlSE. Belli. 13 (/iv^■lmdJ have rom nallottrttortlaliofcrMipportlng -pncii c«'full*tlme couniy health unlla. Ins and K. MaceyrcominLvionir of publle ^Jcii of fare, announced today. frtlslit >HTL0f.Uie.ccunly.all0tments haw P. M. 11aisigned to TVIn FalU and to was knc onevllle eoilntyiwhero-unlU are Engln tady III operation, tnd It w u an; bclltwil pttcd »-Uihxl would-be tulcneif turned- Sliotlicne county *1iere a coopera- collltlcr e approprlaUonniM been *tt_up his hon Uie eommUsloiitrt. |iU cab rtn fuutf U appropriated on a dence 1 ir.way ba&Li. Uie «Ute. counly, Dd Ui Ited suits public healUi «r\’lcc cittlur ^ Rockefeller toundaUon contrib- and cr ng totupiKrtot eacli unlU because )r. Fred T, Foard. BantaBarbir*. and Uv ■lulant surgeonof Ihe public health of # tli vlcf.-adri«d-lhc eommluloner of -lt-w« 1approprlaUon while on t vkll beneaU re. Dr. Foard lefl here for Twhi Tlio llj. - brakem ____ .' Bains, Jr. Fred T. Foard, Puadenn. as- sine. , tanl tun'eon o.fUi# Unlled ClaUi Tv.ti (OontinuKionPageiiicol.7l , (Co Old lilcdicinc^rMan Trcati o... " '■ •••> ., - ______ * ' PAPER U n i [QHNING. SEPTEM BER UMBHO pim tyzF a ir- Ir io H 's ^ F o r «s?€MBinfeDs= ^ ior to Voyage ' st Tndies inl492 iibiu paid Ills tint'Tlslt lo Uic »orMbywayotIreUnd;areen- T.iKraWan<l-Ntwr6UnfltUid,“- /Virl DnUlloa;------ --------- l-l-III !iLi-uiL'rwrore~AmetJa»-Dfi V-/ ... diMOTcty. Indeed before he waa minet wiUi the Bpaalth king. tame Columbufl, who later call- iw -cn d SiatiWi ahlpt lo Uia Wtai Twin. 1 «for a Unit, wu t comrade of Jh curtalrs wltli whom, **^ °“ ^‘ (;xhil)it ^^"v'^''o7uie*rn'i«lMn 1RnmiKl Dfiii. 1 with a ocumrnls-whlclil found further Igt ed tlmtCoIumbpawasnotiden*|,j,]„ {, nlih the son of Uie-Ocnoeso ,„,„i weaver, Domenica Columbus,' ' «’ilh n Catalonian corstlr, whoi, led agaliut King Jutn. Uie tec*; of Aragonla. He waa aUo a nl* c«> of W •of-ft-eorsal^n»mcd-Ca«nora•^terbUCJ llon. who was In theserrlets of,Sliort, t lu/lYanw." and set .Ulloa raid the famous leUer of.Ihe nlm ly Puebla, alleced to prove Oo-(coiivenle iM. uenofse neVimtned; ■ pa l r 01 aid llie much quoted Columbus brought dated H97, niuit be discarded ,„rted a falslllcallon. coming n m gi on the : llsion-iiear-fart Wortii r-----------------autona lends Fireman to Death ;nti-Bl3ic:^hrcatcnUJiL^^“^J Cue'll 3nTWOnTH.Texa*.Sept,13M') "f “ w iei».inwa.i killed, two wen mls.v tilghl a and teveral Injund In the colli- there w ofMwo nock Island railroad sfanee > ;lil traln*'h’(nfr~liefe:ionlghi; . Twenty M. Frey, tinman. Fort Worth, —~ kfiMfiiob-edead. iglneer Tliomu E. Cbritlopber, in n i r ivtd pinned beneath his; over- fl led-engine after t freight tnln nuUlli slcn hcn..wu localta totilglil t l . home. He Mid he Jumped Irom. n[ cab and wu taken lo Ills real* Uf :e in an automobile. 5»i engines and six freight cart lumed. Borne cars taimhl fire cnaled,ft dangeroiw slluaUon ■useot a Unk of sasollne nearby Uic.prr.'eiiee on anollier track J " " " ' slriim ot leaded oil tars. -wu ftared.lwo men wen dead :aUi me «Tcckase, ’ . . he Injured were P. D, Mlrvw, seman, Pori Worth, and W. M. RS. M.,llitman on a switch tn- M lU n e m l men who were (ConUnued on Page:,'CoL TT Irav^llr ■; ...... liBOtSt itm cn ^ ___J Fjt ^ ''%Wr ™““ i ■il gyu . nre m gf.-Th^He1r-Ycrk^bune,•ID0. - *aaloU S COUNTY . ^IL Y B0 -: ------ ^-------- > ---------- n a ile r Tr ttM dM ce P illcnce of. Entertain- enl Draw 34,940 Persons Q Fllteenth Annual Event in'STANmNG-iii-thcun- -iials of-tlio inHtilutinii ou accuunl o f its wealth of bits Itnd thc.cxcellpnce of ■^1 ’cnlerlainmcnl_i)'roKCAi(i, I Tails county’s fiflccutli i.il fair closcij four days’ p-nAN hition oil the county fair* ’ y^ i I a new ntlcmiaiicc rccord town hy the record of llckel ., bllH Mceedlng Inst year't grend mcil by mere tlinu 2000. ______ _ rougliout.Ui8-falrlhltyearwu — = rd by «atlier llial was lypl- t Ideal aulumn that Is ehamc. [][ nil tecond aftemoonj freshened ilmosiihere. but caused no In- 111] inlenco cither lo the fair or lls _ h | j iht oul heavy wraps and lm* d an liulswnl reminder ol the ng cold jieriod. and .Iho exlg.' MofitaFl s ot Iho lurretl tcatoa . ... I a slnslo tcrlous mishap oc- .Rum a-oTnh‘rfflfgToundi~<furh« BiiLdny nm ot.lln.folr. Buck- , S Br|(|, lorsc rideri twice were dumi>ed Irand-lald-out-whllo they r e * ------ »d~iwn)ial->r«splrtHon,-ftiid —w ash Jliere were collisions plllne up i>n|iibiu 4 and driven In haniess evcntt autntlon iuV'"lmrl.” rho--mU” ranto^ wndlSr t ot casualllet-Earl Kennedya to »ic g p5Io.Karacs=lutnesOiuLcle«i amendmi d In Uial respect, a few scraped The K I and kunckles eorerlne the hnvlnR f e list of njlsliaps to Uiote In- Iilastaic d drlrert ahd playora. . traffic re :h «TU Uie order, and'decorum Luilil*'?* ie throng* thal ^ncU dayand S a I croaded the falrgniundfUiai ,,,, ! «-as nol a single reported In- p smi rt of mlscoiidnct ot any kind. , i , V ^ i 3iy speitnl iwllco oflletrs,'In* organla' ConUnued on Page 3. CoL 3) lillIINyOLI[8S,DN S flN fH ltsiiM S —— ' stand ( iAlIO FALLS. BepL 13 On- Roostvel eBenatorJ.WetteyOlb!cii,Bob- »H Jefferson eoimty. wu lying eampsig cally Injured m ajiwplltl here io<Montaiia highway north of i:latc,''lii •Itriyionlghi: -------- .“ •• ihe-tut bsonwu accompanied by Frank u t c a t sDoden, IdahoJ^lb potato buy* nd m of .Mrs. Ella rRA.Qodtn, With nFWls, who wu slightly injund. irovcrsy nesses ot Uie accident said lh ( tensity, mioblle lefl Uie highway while upon th fling rapidly. ^^I^^^HAROE SS! V comnila )I8E, ^pt. 13 W-Uoyd P. 10w u ^ t e d today by Unlled ea- marshals on a eliarge of tm- lemcnfot pqalofflce funds, lils “ „ , , X 1wu K t a( (lOOO. »ke, t stamp clerk In the Bolie but coin BftlcewWU.dlsmlsstd lut.Ptbnii jigive.r after shtrtageswert dlswvertd bitlon 1 wtltl inspeeiort. Ife Is .accused billon r iklnstlUO. makln;(. IN FALLS MEN'PLEAD 7^ UiLTY IN BOISE COURT 3IBe! SepVlTm-^am Brack- 'Af I iry.and Clark Tipton, both' of 11Falls, pleaded guilty l« liquor *1 violations when orralgntd. In . (e C. C. Csvaiiah'i (tderal court I today. ' rackenbury wu tined tSSO and ' enced ;to eight months In JaU . l« -Tiptoii's term'wu scl at sU Nifroo lUa and Ills fine at $100. ^ES FAVORS EFFORT.: ro GIVE PEOPLE VOICE DNOyiEW. Wssll, StOl. 13 WV- WICI iloTWoley stringent "Ilvo and wn'.' law Wlclilw nsl prohibition vlolsiors.uldlo* town ii he' wQUld feel Justified In worki ploded for subm&jlon to Uie people tor vlllacrs cl action of a eongreulonU pro- All Itn it for modlflcaUon or npetl of Wiebiu ElgliltenUi amendment If-aueli alohan Kiutsl vtre n^ade by the people tIr.'ani ii*Ule. . -------- alcly m ------- . Jack LLOGG LINES UP FOR-^ 5513 lEHERWATEii SERVICE OIBE. Efpt. 13 H}-.nia'publle tie* commission today ordered Tailoterl’o®**' and Walcr eom* ,nd tli y-to -lmprove water*scrvlce lo KelghK city of KtllOB which lasrwln- Kverul .ttu-parUally wlUiout drtnklns ly ^l]u er and tin protectltin for several nporir ks. " '■' ■Al]at wu llie second order Issued oh company today, Uie. first call* T*“ Itdprovtftienl of Uio servleo smtllcrvlllc. • ' -2^ he ntwttl order demanded as- niraivtj inee of M pouDdi pressuro ’on „ p r « , msliu tnd enough prrsnin to have k: oUln-HTTlee-to tU-RsideBti.—' giyctrii V '. . ' 8 oqsevclt Speaks . 1 RljJ | ______ ^B ^ fi a B I ]l,,a INKLIND.ROOSE- future E L T .whaie-Mndemna-. not«-«? on of saloon and prohi- pr&icnt tion cauBcd wide com-' rcRUiar cut.—(/T) I’liolo, Kcrdce _______________________ Northn = = = = . Anierrci iiiii- l iraiiiiS . ____ i. ' . . Idalio it ana^' Senator Ocol«s iliLLj,vLFuj¥ and jo i ide CfliMeDts-«|i,Sla>idl^^ ------- ' — r.---------- a-llUl«.J 5mNCIT0N“ Dfpt. “ 11— ilUoii (onUnued lo command , Ion today In the capital. wlUi ir Jlurton K. Wheeler, saying lons-undcrllhad-fotced-hlm In^lWfilled— Mdntaiiri>cm5Eral-reJalI«a ; voted for the "dry* law In ' No lie Ue advocatedleaving liquor _• ireguUUontotachttatt.Aalde il*prtpared*Ulcment,hepre.- P™«mt the DemocraUo^party would f& r as* foltMenride,*ui*rinlcndcnlof aiid pulj inU-Balooii Uagtie, tald his r"Varlo Italloii had “never counted crttso li ll Whttler u a dry." quarttr Is U slmply a ease of t n l nessad Ing his mind u a wet and U Inets," I: • wlUi Uis views ot Chairman rZhe lb M d other p»tly.:lcatfe« raencp I he hu supported-before." he Uun -n ■IllsnoloMfnmUiodrystand- monUis that 1know of." . chalrins Oridesaldtlienewlytnnounced mlUee, ot Oovemor' Pnnklln D. total pn veil of New York brought "_Uit Oregon luue Into Uie next poUtlcal mat In i sign." . of daln -view of Uie fact that, he hu . . . menUoned u a possible eandl* •liBsald.-'ltlooksulfhemakes d a w ir Cootroveny Crow* '** ;h the "wti" and "dryr cen* rsy apparently.g^|Ung In In- . y. ftttenllon tonight cenlered suWt. the law-mfortemcnLfiommls- _ i . ^ , wlileh h u been liulnieted U> , re Into prohlbllRin. > Hb ulk :. ll ts believed PraWllJIJBoov: il be guided by Uic nporl of Uie 'h nepubllcans and Democrata I»enly divided over Ihe Itsue. Uw tnforctm-cnl tommlulon Tfs here-agaln October I.-nie ibsion hu been maUng t gen* luney ct all Crimea and Uwa oiigrtss hu been Inslstcnl Uiat <n»n ot, e parUculataUcnUonlopaiht j>2^^ t and t'Comprehentlve prohl* lowlngi I niJort U believed 10be In Uie to ^ o i o'^ilemands for repesl ot-Uie tunInC Ing M.0 :onlinuKlo.iPag»3,Col.'f) PLDSilKS i IDiSIKHg In tvu ---- boUreg oglycerinc Blast Severs :ommtinication. Linc$ and iclays Repprl on Damage ^hoi CHITA, Kaa;^6«pt. 13 (/n-'rlie semla ,Poilt/n)owrier masadiic( ,Mw „pertit iliA -llelglits, a smill oil field con . hliie miles north of here, ex- mited { ^d tonight, xocklng towns and ^ te* wlUilu an area ol M miles, lines of communleallon wlUi 'nie< iluiJIelBhlswereoutofcomml*- fjcbrail and reports ot exi>ecled nsual- be and damage « r c not Impiedl* available,' ttury ck O'Halierly. inanajer ot Uie *onrmder company, here, tald oxlmaiely 1000 quarts ot nllro- *0, ti,, ■rine were stored In Ihe iwwder jiliic. The magarlne was In an ted M>3l aboul t luilf mUe from' p^un^, ills Ilelgtits, , ^ ground iproxlmately J2S filUleld worker* hundtc llieir JamilltA live In Wlchlla ,‘,"^'‘,7 Ilia, fleporis received,here.sald j rut iierwins liad been dsogerbui* t«riHp ijurcd, but no .deaUi4.had been .- ^ ?0'FltliertyMldh8htdrec*lv* — numerous complahiu recepUy . -rfraons had'been steallng'tx*. yes from the magulne and he eaed belief thal tomeone may td froj kicked over a boUIe ot nllr» h? In t irlMlq-Uifpowacilioiw. OeW* '.■'.■■v” "!7 TODAYl-Cro^^,,--^ 8^S_- S PAGEr=^rCENTS-r=Sf^ ]iS8 m s— IMST-SEE^ MT-PBOSPEGTS mism Over-Present Con* llions andTOiilibolTFor ' uturc Features ^ s io n ’ ' ' f-Railway Advisory Board ------- : iBy Tlie Aitoslaled Preu)' ACOMA, Wasli., SiipU 12 , —QuLimlain-ovcr nrescnl bitslnc-ss cbndilioiis u n d irc prospects was the key i-of-‘l[{ toinmiti*''* eiited (it lli.c sixteenth ilar’ineelinif of the car Icc divialon.of.the Pacific lhn'c.st advisory board of irfclti], Railway association I today. . rtt Uian 300 business mtn Irani ' arU.of.Uie.I'aclfle-H(irUiwt*L_i__ Jn atitndance-. J. A.-6*alwelI, le, president of the board, pre* Ivlcta received from 15 com- Uei in'Wishlngton, Oregon and 0 Utdlcato Uiai general busl* _ Mndllons are averaging fairly J S committee.------- ^^ peatror Uiew Mmmtmltlcs,' or—--- lie more Uian 3<per cent, re* g S a condltkmTrWlj-clihl.’or----- U«.»oro Uia&.s&.per ccnl, re* — — fair conditions. Uie bright tpots.’ 5~BnMineBrin>~pwa.-tnmr" ----- ly In Irrigated valleys like Snako , Yakima and Wnai^ee, where rtrt.BOOd. frull prices.are.lalr______ dlrenltlcaUon ol produeU hu ' enltd-Uie slump'-Uut U observ.----- 1 somaot-Uia’one-cropstcl^nt.s-;— litre hu bten-notietablc-im. • ement In the condltkw of tho hwestijulp and paper Induslry;-' ' rman 0. H. lUcliardt, Oregon / ot Uie paiJer. paper produeU pulp eommlltee, deflated. ■ arlous.mills rtport a gradual In*' so bi ulea and expect Uie last -ter ot Uu current jrear to wtt> a decided,upward trend In bus- I," he tald. dalijr Industry hu'a'mudi ecpUmlsUd*(iUookatUilsUmo MTU beHied possible^t lew lUa tgo.* T, T, Patlon, peatUe. irmancf Uiedairy praducu com* ' lee, reported. He esUmated Ui# I produeUon for Washington and ton thoukl tverago tboul nor* . ; In quanlty. Ifa tald price JeveU lalry produeU are not yet on a wlUi nohnal ^tois. ‘■&ut.wlUi--- ^ ly tlrtngUiened narketa, Uis 7 ut forward oa tn erea keeL" StuonSoTTriset liBnportotVICtor».Btf»dah1, Itle, clitlrman of-the-ltsh-com------ tee cn Ute salmon patkinc' In'. " ay, wu particularly eneourajliig. tald-Uie Mlmon,ctnnlnrtttton— ^ 1 u‘*ua tiiluui ri1^igo'‘ory a ^ ' wh iwhlch wu Uie wortlHTiatf---- 1 tinee 109) tnd bectuse of Uio e pack cf pink uhnon. He etll- , ■ed Uils year^ loUl pack,would ipproxlmaUly W9300 cate*, less n400,000ctKt tltort'of lu l yeara t. rtd Shoemiktf,’ Ttecma, ehalr- t of Uidfumllure committee, re* led he expecttd lumllun car lliiSlor Uieloil quarter of 1930 ' ihow an Increase of t.T per cent • r IW . He tald Uiat Uw furat-' ! Industry of Ihe tnuon Is tpeodf MW0Wl4tUmultle’Iumlluro . ProdueUon cf eggt b u ^ w n B m«l Increue in Uie'PaeltleNorth- t tuie* UiU year," Chairman 6.' Bandert, SttlUt. of Uie poultry I poullry produeU eommlltw n- " ~ led. -me hatch of yotinj atock. 1especially heavy Uilt iprlng. ' ivy ules cf old ttock havt been evUtnee. Tlie consumpUon ct Ireggs and poultry ort Uie Pacific it.hu been ccntMerably^ai* ’DE FINDS WHEAT AS HOG FEED PROFITABLE ' ?ABlSNbTON, m- reltry Hyde said loday Nebnaka , criHienb' ln~tuStltliili<r «hest " com In feeding llrcswck had re- , led In hogs selilog al tit a hun< .. d pounds.jeprtsenUn8 t Rturi) - |l.&q a bushel for wheat. ;. 1ie cxperlmcnl wu made by Ilm .* irtika state college of tgrlcuUuro ' I bectuse of Uie feed tIUuUoa ulUng from the dmiihL The tec* . try considered Uie rtsulU highly iilllcanL............. .......... : Jround.ilheil,at75cfnUabmhtl. , Uie whole grain fed In (df fetd* wlUi lanksge, produe«i^ gain on . ;s Ila cot tot $1.98 a himdrtd"" indv It .wu shown Uwt this • - ■und wheat.and’ lankon made ■ ' ndred poundset gain at a cost o f.'■ niuaper.bundrtdpouodscfp»k.-■ m the gtln-msde on'ccni'aod ikigt ftdln Uulr way.'., iGlON’S CHILD show: ! ' ‘ATPOCAT^LOSGORES^^ ■OCAIBUl^^'^UiW-T^' lerican legion poet'beft reperltd Igbt ITS bable* ban )iH ir« tR < 7 H v frora.teumtra tod etiUm'.lda*- i,v.;5 In Uie sUte-wldi bitar

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" T H EVOL. 13. NO. 18S. ;

iM L f M ll l IB l W i H l ’l

^ i t n i-M orrow ’s Sunieers Ovtr Par f f l

Horizon to See Soldier H

. .fit Historic Desi< as Scy- M

cntv-Firsl' Year .Dawns] i J

(B; Ths AucrU M rrtu) I B

WASHINGTON, sept. 12 ■>-'‘TwcIvc years ajco Htoday—ycji, 12 years B

— nlmost'to-lhe-hour-thVbattle-of St. MihicI wan won," Gen- GEIeral Pcrshinff saldT S

Kc Hat R i ho spoke at IiU s(desk in the dim, (luict officc • d:tliat liBS-bccn>rc5torc(l-to him —from nrcsidcntifll occupation, = r.n oJflco rlcli with'.cnncd wwl' „ P«lntW retnlnden of wioUier.-moM-nil-ttately day. Ho looked mt'rard ov* |]|tr Iho Whilo House, lopp«t Uie U IL

_RtniIy.«-wln5.foI(U ct Iho flae to '«wlilch John Pmlilns lui civtn wlU) Iloldlerljr dtvplion all Ihc ytara of j111* manhood. '

- Tomorrow'a »ut» wlllptcroverlliftlfar horiton lo tea Tcrihlng at his , ,(Itik u Ilia (tventy-flnt year ot 'Job

___Ul* Ufa open*. Wend* and highoffleliBOTiilll como trooplns'to- ~ n ,do honor lhe» on hi* birthday to ^

• Atnenea'a grtaf giplftln- ot the V|(

The flt, MHilel viclory was » mUe .jt<me In American hitlory. It ftll boi

upon the eve ot renliliig's fifty* g[ Ee eighth birthday. It w»* a .double vie* tiand

^ mry fur lilav-Wot-alone-dld-hlHt-fprcm] — Clon*.aKcep.aW-lnJiours.|ia eneiiti,o-ol■ my (alltnt thal lud itood for years btirta'

' anlnst Fttncli armle*. but tlie ba^tie realised Uie thins for whlcli he ^ .

. Imd fouslit from Hit hour he tel ~ foot on Preneli soil. •

neealU Doned Htht |)cr ( 11 WM an American army, Amerl-

an offlecred and under Ptrthlnj’s Perpertontl comm^d, llukl fouithl al is ihe

- QL MUileL And but for Penhlng-a «ii]el doestd. unreltnlliv peraUKoce In be cc

J__amed.-counell*.-Uiat-tnny..might n U ibtra been dltslpaled ta kUltd nnki ty cf

-uBMpow-rtplMemeoUtonihl met under (oreijnfli*!. J er Jd

coinifaI'i neme^ now. Al 70 hi* face oi Ij deeply drred vllh llntf (Cl then cM In Fnnct; but hli thoulden tre bti«

' tnct tnd loldlerly u they were t« park a daahlns cavalry tubaitera And 1:0)11 he ha* Just fInUhed taother tatk. * *eir.*tt Ihl* time.. For fenhlnc ha* compleled hi* am memolB, hi* own atory of .Ihe Amer* pnv

— lcan-&ci>edltlcnaT7Torctf-frcm'hls "h S appointment a* commander to the i,ave .ormltUce. It takea two volume* toliHim

. tell it now. free ot ratralnta Uitt curb official nport*. Ttnd ewry line 'hq; , cf It,- written during hli Kreral. , trips lo France to look up daU or' here at home 1* hU own. 11 wu tU


• : wli Iilm. And it deal* bluntly with'many thin#* Including American “ imprtparednea for the sttugJle and rtjponslblllty for Uial unprepared- nesv- Never Initndtd lo Wrile jfjj: “And ll U t book I nerer InUnded

. to flTlte,- the general *ald wnlllnj* m, ly. -Yft 1 have fouild Hint *o.few Tlirt

folk* know where our amy camo •st.u~from*orwh*rit nctually'dld. Even btlwi

•veltran* of tho American ExpedI* Lobelionai Foret* know little. 60 I bandhave It l ll down at a duly lo U m mobland to their ton*." plite

"And liavo you found tome plea- of 81 *ure In dolnj U?" The general vaa

• atked. • r ||"Ve*.’* hr- tald. "And that U • U

*trtnje becauie I dreaded ll at Uie I ■. tUrf. Perhapt I may write again

tome day. Ptrhap* l m*y itart uim I thojo boyhood day* In old Mltsourlnnd write of what I h t« teea tnd '

■ known. Who knowtr


■, 8POKANB. 8 I J MV.-porty* C• teren tecretary-trcasurcr* of Na- .

tional Farm loan auoclatlon* In

. ‘•today, R.E.flhtpfitrd.Jerome.Ida- I" n ho. chtlnnin of the Spokane Federal «l»i Land bank board ot director*, wat lUnei <?na of the prinelpal speaker*. cart

... -■----------- , lentUTAHN' FALLS IN^LIDER

____ ■ - , ThiBALT LAKE OnY, Bept 13 M>>- hart.

'Oeorge MoTgin, 3S-yctr 1d me*--- ehanlciwdtilderrllet. waa eritleallr “»»•--- la}ui«UJato-tod*y-aUU«i-alrflcld Ingf:

here when hit molorlcu craft pluns- tersa ed sotedown during'a Ukeoff. The « , gilder .wu being towed behind tn

. ttutomoblle. Ilfe liyte tt.


• ' ' ' Iln* IIlEKO, Ner., Sept.-13 (>T)-F*llh

Cole HacLtan filed Kill lien (oday agalut .Douglas MtcLtan,' motion

- ' iS s K iS X " . . * - ' * ' ' ” ' ajr -.' Mr*.'MtcLean .hi* been making 'W '■ --her Jiomo-at Calnett most of-htr.• Uim moolhs'nildtace. but mo\td »‘0W

down to Beno rtcnitly. They marriedIn New Votk In 1H4. A property Aw

-— eeulemenl-haj-betn-Bado.oul of— eeurt, - . .... ' « “

; I


C e lc ljr a tc s jj|[| |^ E i p s



i S r’IENERAL JOHN J. TER* ■ Beau SniNG who observes liis , howlt neventicth birthdny to* coast dny.-tT) Photo. - bc1ic\

■_________________J sea. I— life.

it I l ls =■ iismtiEssEsi

• ---- suard

b Near Buhi Nears Com- J h *

■oletion“ a n d "S la tr Pians- i k h ' ■ . wUid I

Wori< West From Jerome----' n«l!tt

36ISE. Stpl. 12 MVDy Ihe endBeptembcr. -375 mlle.i ot uew .. '

indard oHcd liljluiay will be com* oir:Wdand-tlrtually-brlng.lo'.ancnd --5-oUlns-pn«ratn of the yearTUie nau of hlchsays aimoimcfd to- y." quitrlfilils mllcaw Include* Improve- ph ne ;nt pn nearly till ot /lie, main j.tcr jha-ay* of the state and n num* ncliilil r ct heavily' traveled lnler>clty of C» sliaiy*. • lullPeriiajis the tensest rIiirIc i.Ulp the 8S.mlle BlMkfoot-to-Arco Job , ileli the bureau estimated would ,,, completed In lO.daj-a. An BRcre-

U ct about.40.mlla In the vlclaU_,.j.„i, ct Uoicow will be tcmpIcUd by .

e tnd 6f the monlh wh|le unaU- joM t l dUfennl polnU-wlll be DUn

fflifnttd'MUiinio-aujt; ' riiUlOlhtr.tob* no win progrcu In*

lade tboM near DahL WclKr, U «lwt«n Atbten and Vellontone -IIU ark. near MeCammoB, and iie»r-

BOIA new flvt-mlle Job from Jrr- , , me well alU be started at wenI iDtlltlftit cratel tan be tpmJ. iMot iroj^edjKaUicr pemilt. reiiori heeenl raliTTTd ebld'l«Sllicr|i«rc ire hindered oiling .work bui theireau esUmAted aU Jobs now under; ' sy would go through to comple-j ' in thlsicason.' P'UhIn addition to Uie standanl oll!!<u>>’< irtRclng, light oil treatment has'-AiM c jn-aiipjjj^n^ mo Imn- wmpi

ntetlon wa* uiuuU«l to the heav ■— ~ r mU bui when dusi prevcnilon 1 u neceuary or where tho llglit ealment would servo pending rc- I instnietlon of the road bed. •

HRErM.EN TAKE $2500IIAIUtlSDinta, Sept- 13 (Tl ~ lirec mtn-b'fW-up Uie.HarrlrtufRi tale bank today and etcaped with - _ :lween WOO- and *3000. John E. — sberg, oulsianl ctihlcr, uld the indlU drove etitward In nn eulo-'.oblle bearing South Dakota llccnsc ' :itc3.'tf*rrlsbunr Is 10 miles touUi : 8I0UX Falls, ' •

llfllll GttiiFlO ,

ire Follows Derailment ol

15 Loaded Tank Cars and /

Flames Menace Homes . |

ve'men, four of them unldeWllled U Ineranti, were killed when IS oil . | irt cf a IMk Island .trelglil.traln .II Uie track* at 1Cremlln.-10 miles')rth of hero lodty, and causht fire.The IdenUfled man wu I. L. Lock* irt. 8:, Uxlngton. Kentucky, wfioed iliorijy after he had been re- 1 flVfd to a liwnllil lurfi g from broken legs, shock nnd In* ^ raal hijurlet.Flama, whipping hundreds ot et Into Uio air, drove eitl«n* ot remllh from-'Uielr lionies, d'estroy- i Uireo residence* on the edge of ni and burned an automobile and irage. Bcploilon atler explosion oc-tntd u tuecealvo tanks of gaio* .IS look fin. . IWllnessfs walelied Ih'ree men bum deaUi In Ui# flame*, imtblo lo aUl ' ; . cause,of Uie inlemc heal and dan-TOtexplosion*.Afourifim»n.boUi _ • 1It bniken, ifu'ieen lo crawl upon s b*,ek for N tKt, pulling lilms.elT . 6wwlUihlshand*.'AsUieliealbe- j mt Inttnu he colltpscd and died. ^ Ambulance* tnd fire trucks wtre islied lo Kremlin from Enid u word Uie wreck Kacbed here.--- — • -

____ T f f s j m x j m o c

a s iE----- ' TWIN KAI

i S B Bw i i i i l :

onical Slorni Strll(es al[LCape Lookout, Nortli Caro-j]___lina, Suddenly and Goes luii

— : '........... be'the

< ,- S U lk lM Viilh r „ „

ift fills nfteriioon, but ««Jnvoy#Ke licvcd to have passed out to t«« i« II. Icnlght cauaintf loss oCe. Slid, C(Sie-tuU farce ot a 110.n)lle-*n.jr-ali4:from.Uie*ouOia«t.bufr.duccd:edtlie Capo Lookout Tlnleltr ^ I Ii , demollslilng a do«n‘bulld* j,:a'ud.damaglnUht£S^8^L^AHlquarltfs alljhVly. gp»nlalIhe vldnlly loAht shelter In Uie , ,oun «dUulldlii»u •

tccelvedlien carlj- lonlghl ____llealed-il« fltrttneifJlf U» tl«m -----s-abjnDir-At-Cape-Lcpl l,-llie rtrR j lid had fallen to 10 mUe* tn hour 11 t mo;3o, J Ietl by h »-mUfC^5ur sal«' IIW I

C.mmunleallsn Crippled Ulll;omniuiilcallon w«h Ihe.wjattaS •ft 8M badly eflpplcd, lnformatlon " ihT«Ia»l»?« arCape-L«koip'ai-TWin. .tri co«i fu*rd division lieaa- srifn at Norfolk, by radio Iclc* Qq biie. I . . . • ■McrrliMd Cliy nnd BfaiifwC - Rcliiliberi»BtowiiswlUilnalewm lea „Cni« LcckouV dW n« I« l the ,

lljflrre or the. stomi. Their tete- ^q ,,leiir, irlCBraph^d P O « f a i ■re [iwupted by aIcorlrln th ea lte rn w ii,^ C. K.I IV IIO olher damase cscejit IW 1 Pcuns uf irte* and Uie unroollnj ■.o,ie.bMllding. .--- :-----

lO lililF lid S ' 11 iiIS lH S T E «

' . •— four*K noiBE, n »'«iilrlluie strongly to Ihe Increased , llwal VTwSwUon of onUms., the q,. ; i«rt of Jullu* «. Jacobwn. fed- e«W«,lcrbp:iUlisilclfn7iri<ilcsttd-to.-'«n^y. Idaho's produeUon .a-a»’C*U- ' rted at M7.000 bushels compared paiij. Ih the llttO lianest ot MJ,000,.jhels. The tiallonal production uiesllmaltdaiwaiiwtoalw'*, — mpared wUh IB.OiJOO a yc« «8g-*’ ^

Back to the 0

^ m e ' . (

Sx wr ll


. ' - ' I ■ ; '



'win Falls-Goi Breaks Re«

ffiaTiufebsui DeefeH Sailed to America Prio ~To” IsIands“Of.“WestAMBUR0,0<riiIIIty,8ept.13M’) Columliii

VmerieajlirJinrlonB rcpuled-to nld l^•ml Amtrfca'! was nally his «c- iiclal du Journey tjiere, today kllrred up In coiu«

IdiwldercTcrbnKlonJs--------Tlibwnrofeewr Luis. Ulloa. director of Peruvian natloiuil library al "

M lu l niKhtvSenor Ulloa old iimbus first vLilltd America on 0,■ge with Danlsli cowalrs wlw , reled frcm Ireland to OreeuUnd. orador. New Foundland and the ‘i” ‘, crlenn pouUnenL In addltlon..he [,C6lumbus»k-asnoiOcnoc»«Bwl BuneeddoeumenUhentotonpro- .

lalily as faulllcaUon,v He Mi«i coulllon #.w«lons on papers lie tald he Lo„(.uf,.d in Spanish anhlves In Madrid.iler<lflht.manUi.v:Mudy-Wlg?g. P'vgy j

nlah archives In Midrld. whero lumbw.'ound mucli hlitierlo unknown, Ke uldlienUe and-|ncoiitrOverilb!e nm* wlU. daial, I MU' dellnltely aiietl Uut lu a laL

H l lP t t B liT s iiiiim s - 'iln-Falls-anL'Bonnevilie. Milsii Counties’ Organizations Sen 'Hccc'nr=Tlpproprlations ^ n d

lOlSE. Belli. 13 (/iv^■lmdJ have romnallottrttortlaliofcrMipportlng -pnciic«'full*tlme couniy health unlla. Ins andK. MaceyrcominLvionir of publle Jcii offare, announced today. frtlslit>HTL0f.Uie.ccunly.all0tments haw P. M.11 aisigned to TVIn FalU and to was knconevllle eoilntyiwhero-unlU are Englntady III operation, tnd It wu an; bclltwilpttcd »-Uihxl would-be tulcneif turned-Sliotlicne county *1iere a coopera- collltlcre approprlaUonniM been *tt_up his honUie eommUsloiitrt. |iU cabrtn fuutf U appropriated on a dence 1ir.way ba&Li. Uie «Ute. counly, DdUiIted suits public healUi «r\’lcc cittlur Rockefeller toundaUon contrib- and cr

ng totupiKrtot eacli unlU because)r. Fred T, Foard. BantaBarbir*. and Uv■lulant surgeon of Ihe public health of # tlivlcf.-adri«d-lhc eommluloner of -lt-w«1 approprlaUon while on t vkll beneaUre. Dr. Foard lefl here for Twhi Tliollj. - brakem

____ • .' Bains,Jr. Fred T. Foard, Puadenn. as- sine. ,tanl tun'eon o.fUi# Unlled ClaUi Tv.ti(OontinuKionPageiiicol.7l , (Co

Old lilcdicinc^rMan Trcati

o... " '■

•••>., - ______ * '



pim tyzF a ir- Irio H 's^ Fo r

« s? € M B in fe D s = ^ ■ior to Voyage ' st Tndies inl492iibiu paid Ills tint'Tlslt lo Uic »orMbywayotIreUnd;areen- T.iKraWan<l-Ntwr6UnfltUid,“- / V i r lDnUlloa;--------------- l- l- III!iLi-uiL'rwrore~AmetJa»-Dfi V-/ ... diMOTcty. Indeed before he waa minet wiUi the Bpaalth king. tame Columbufl, who later call- iw -cn d SiatiWi ahlpt lo Uia Wtai Twin. 1 «for a Unit, wu t comrade of Jh curtalrs wltli whom, **^ °“ ‘ (;xhil)it ^ ^"v'^ ''o7uie*rn 'i« lM n 1 RnmiKl Dfiii. 1 with aocumrnls-whlclil found further Igt ed tlmtCoIumbpawasnotiden*|,j,]„ {, nlih the son of Uie-Ocnoeso ,„,„i weaver, Domenica Columbus,' '

«’ilh n Catalonian corstlr, whoi, led agaliut King Jutn. Uie tec*; of Aragonla. He waa aUo a nl* c«> of W•of-ft-eorsal n»mcd-Ca«nora• terbUCJllon. who was In theserrlets of,Sliort, t lu/lYanw." and set.Ulloa raid the famous leUer of.Ihe nlm ly Puebla, alleced to prove Oo-(coiivenle iM. uenofse neVimtned; ■ p a l r 01 aid llie much quoted Columbus brought dated H97, niuit be discarded ,„rted a falslllcallon. coming

n m g i• on the :

llsion-iiear-fart Wortiir-----------------autona

lends Fireman to Death;nti-Bl3ic:^hrcatcnUJiL^^“ J

— • Cue'll3nTWOnTH.Texa*.Sept,13M') "f “ w iei».inwa.i killed, two wen mls.v tilghl a and teveral Injund In the colli- there w

ofMwo nock Island railroad sfanee > ;lil traln*'h’(nfr~liefe:ionlghi; . Twenty M. Frey, tinman. Fort Worth, — ~ kfiMfiiob-edead.iglneer Tliomu E. Cbritlopber, in n ir ivtd pinned beneath his; over- fl led- engine after t freight tnln nuUlli slcn hcn..wu localta totilglil t l . home. He Mid he Jumped Irom. n [ cab and wu taken lo Ills real* Uf :e in an automobile.5»i engines and six freight cart lumed. Borne cars taimhl fire cnaled,ft dangeroiw slluaUon

■use ot a Unk of sasollne nearby Uic.prr.'eiiee on anollier track J " " " ' slriim ot leaded oil tars.-wu ftared.lwo men wen dead :aUi me «Tcckase, ’ . • . he Injured were P. D, Mlrvw, seman, Pori Worth, and W. M.RS. M.,llitman on a switch tn-

M lUnem l men who were (ConUnued on Page:,'CoL TT Irav llr

■; ...... liBO tSti t m c n ^ _ _ _ J F j t


''%Wr ™““



g yu . nre mgf.-Th He1r-Ycrk^bune,•ID0.- *aaloU

S C O U N T Y . ■

^ I L YB0-:------^-------- >----------

n a ile r TrttM d M c e P

illcnce of. Entertain-

enl Draw 34,940 Persons

Q Fllteenth Annual Event

in'STANmNG-iii-thcun- -iials of-tlio inHtilutinii ou accuunl o f its wealth of bits Itnd thc.cxcellpnce of ■ ^ 1 ’cnlerlainmcnl_i)'roKCAi(i,I Tails county’s fiflccutlii.il fair closcij four days’ p-nANhition oil the county fair* ’ y ^ i

I a new ntlcmiaiicc rccord town hy the record of llckel . , bllHMceedlng Inst year't grend mcilby mere tlinu 2000. • ______ _rougliout.Ui8-falrlhltyearwu — = rd by «atlier llial was lypl-t Ideal aulumn that Is ehamc. [ ] [ n i l

tecond aftemoonj freshened ilmosiihere. but caused no In- 111] inlenco cither lo the fair or lls _ h | j

iht oul heavy wraps and lm* d an liulswnl reminder ol the ng cold jieriod. and .Iho exlg.' MofitaFl s ot Iho lurretl tcatoa . ...I a slnslo tcrlous mishap oc- .Rum a-oTnh‘rfflfgToundi~<furh«BiiLdny nm ot.lln.folr. Buck- , S Br|(|, lorsc rideri twice were dumi>edIrand-lald-out-whllo they re*------»d~iwn)ial->r«splrtHon,-ftiid —wash Jliere were collisions plllne up i>n|iibiu 4 and driven In haniess evcntt autntlon

iuV'"lmrl.” rho--mU” ranto^ wndlSr t ot casualllet-Earl Kennedya to »ic g p5Io.Karacs=lutnesOiuLcle«i amendmi d In Uial respect, a few scraped The K I and kunckles eorerlne the hnvlnR f e list of njlsliaps to Uiote In- Iilastaic d drlrert ahd playora. . traffic re :h «TU Uie order, and'decorum Luilil*'?* ie throng* thal ncU dayand S a I croaded the falrgniundfUiai ,,,,! «-as nol a single reported In- p smi rt of mlscoiidnct ot any kind. , i ,V ^ i 3iy speitnl iwllco oflletrs,'In* organla' ConUnued on Page 3. CoL 3)

lillIINyOLI[8S,DN S f lN fH lts iiM S

—— ' stand ( iAlIO FALLS. BepL 13 On- Roostvel eBenatorJ.WetteyOlb!cii,Bob- »H

Jefferson eoimty. wu lying eampsig cally Injured m ajiwplltl hereio<Montaiia highway north of i:latc,''lii•Itriyionlghi: -------- .“ •• ihe-tutbsonwu accompanied by Frank u tc a t s Doden, IdahoJ^lb potato buy* nd m of .Mrs. Ella rRA.Qodtn, With nFWls, who wu slightly injund. irovcrsy nesses ot Uie accident said lh( tensity, mioblle lefl Uie highway while upon th fling rapidly.

^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ H A R O E S S !V comnila )I8E, ^pt. 13 W -Uoyd P.10 w u ^ te d today by Unlled ea- marshals on a eliarge of tm- lemcnfot pqalofflce funds, lils “ „ , ,X 1 wu K t a( (lOOO.»ke, t stamp clerk In the Bolie but coin BftlcewWU.dlsmlsstd lut.Ptbnii jigive.r after shtrtageswert dlswvertd bitlon 1 wtltl inspeeiort. Ife Is .accused billon r iklnstlUO. makln;(.


3IBe! SepVlTm-^am Brack- ' Af I iry.and Clark Tipton, both' of ‘11 Falls, pleaded guilty l« liquor *1 violations when orralgntd. In .

(e C. C. Csvaiiah'i (tderal court I today. • 'rackenbury wu tined tSSO and ' enced ;to eight months In JaU • . l« -Tiptoii's term'wu scl at sU Nifroo lUa and Ills fine at $100. •


DNOyiEW. Wssll, StOl. 13 WV- WICIiloTWoleystringent "Ilvo and wn'.' law Wlclilw nsl prohibition vlolsiors.uldlo* town ii he' wQUld feel Justified In worki ploded for subm&jlon to Uie people tor vlllacrs cl action of a eongreulonU pro- All Itn it for modlflcaUon or npetl of Wiebiu ElgliltenUi amendment If-aueli alohan

Kiutsl vtre n ade by the people tIr.'ani ii*Ule. . • ■-------- alcly m

------- . JackLLOGG LINES UP FOR-^ 5513 lEHERWATEii SERVICEOIBE. Efpt. 13 H}-.nia'publle tie* commission today orderedTailoterl’o®**' and Walcr eom* ,nd tliy-to -lmprove water*scrvlce lo KelghKcity of KtllOB which lasrwln- Kverul.ttu-parUally wlUiout drtnklns ly l]uer and tin protectltin for several nporirks. " '■ ' ■ Al]at wu llie second order Issued oh company today, Uie. first call* T*“ Itdprovtftienl of Uio servleo smtllcrvlllc. • ' • — - 2 ^he ntwttl order demanded as- niraivtjinee of M pouDdi pressuro ’on „p r« ,msliu tnd enough prrsnin to have k:

oUln-HTTlee-to tU-RsideBti.—' giyctrii

‘ V '. . '


oqsevclt Speaks . 1 RljJ |


^ B ^ f i a B I]l,,a

IN K L IN D .R O O S E - future E L T .whaie-Mndemna-. not«-«? on of saloon and prohi- pr&icnt tion cauBcd wide com-' rcRUiar cut.—(/T) I ’liolo, Kcrdce_______________________ Northn= = = = . Anierrci

i i i i i - liraiiiiS

. ____ i . ' . . Idalio it

ana ' Senator Ocol«s iliLLj,vLFuj¥ and j o i ide CfliMeDts-«|i,Sla>idl^^------- '— r.---------- a-llUl«.J5mNCIT0N“ Dfpt. “ 11— ilUoii (onUnued lo command ,Ion today In the capital. wlUi ir Jlurton K. Wheeler, saying lons-undcrllhad-fotced-hlm

In ^ lW fil le d — Mdntaiiri>cm5Eral-reJalI«a

; voted for the "dry* law In ' No lie Ue advocated leaving liquor _ • ireguUUontotachttatt.Aalde il*prtpared*Ulcment,hepre.- P™«mt the DemocraUo party would

f & r a s *foltMenride,*ui*rinlcndcnlof aiid pulj inU-Balooii Uagtie, tald his r"Varlo Italloii had “never counted crttso li ll Whttler u a dry." • quarttr Is U slmply a ease of t n l nessad Ing his mind u a wet and U Inets," I:• wlUi Uis views ot Chairman rZhe lb M d other p»tly.:lcatfe« raencp I he hu supported-before." he Uun -n ■IllsnoloMfnmUiodrystand- monUis that 1 know of." . chalrins Oridesaldtlienewlytnnounced mlUee,

ot Oovemor' Pnnklln D. total pn veil of New York brought "_Uit Oregon luue Into Uie next poUtlcal mat In i sign." . of daln -view of Uie fact that, he hu . . . menUoned u a possible eandl* •liBsald.-'ltlooksulfhemakes dawir

Cootroveny Crow* '**;h the "wti" and "dryr cen* rsy apparently.g |Ung In In- . y. ftttenllon tonight cenlered suW t. the law-mfortemcnLfiommls- _ i .^ , wlileh hu been liulnieted U> , re Into prohlbllRin. > Hb ulk

:. ll ts believed PraWllJIJBoov: il be guided by Uic nporl of Uie'h nepubllcans and Democrata I»enly divided over Ihe Itsue.• Uw tnforctm-cnl tommlulon Tfs here-agaln October I.-nie ibsion hu been maUng t gen* luney ct all Crimea and Uwa oiigrtss hu been Inslstcnl Uiat <n»n ot, e parUculataUcnUonlopaiht j>2^^ t and t'Comprehentlve prohl* lowlngi I niJort U believed 10 be In Uie to^oi

o' ilemands for repesl ot-Uie tunInC Ing M.0:onlinuKlo.iPag»3,Col.'f)


In tvu---- boUreg

oglycerinc Blast Severs

:ommtinication. Linc$ and

iclays Repprl on Damage hoi

CHITA, Kaa; 6«pt. 13 (/n-'rlie semla ,Poilt/n)owrier masadiic( ,Mw „pertit iliA -llelglits, a smill oil field con . hliie miles north of here, ex- mited { d tonight, xocklng towns and ^

te* wlUilu an area ol M miles, lines of communleallon wlUi 'nie< iluiJIelBhlswereoutofcomml*- fjcbrail and reports ot exi>ecled nsual- be and damage « rc not Impiedl*■ available,' ttury ck O'Halierly. inanajer ot Uie *onrmder company, here, tald oxlmaiely 1000 quarts ot nllro- *0, ti,, ■rine were stored In Ihe iwwderjiliic. The magarlne was In an „ted M>3l aboul t luilf mUe from' p un ,ills Ilelgtits, , groundiproxlmately J2S filUleld worker* hundtcllieir JamilltA live In Wlchlla ,‘," '‘,7Ilia, fleporis received,here.sald jrut iierwins liad been dsogerbui* t«riHpijurcd, but no .deaUi4.had been .- ^

?0'FltliertyMldh8htdrec*lv* — • numerous complahiu recepUy . -rfraons had'been steallng'tx*. yes from the magulne and he eaed belief thal tomeone may td froj■ kicked over a boUIe ot nllr» h? In t irlMlq-Uifpowacilioiw. OeW*

'.■'.■■v” "!7

TO DAYl-Cro^^ ,,--^

8 ^ S _ -S PAGEr=^rCENTS-r=Sf^

]iS8 m s —IMST-SEE^MT-PBOSPEGTSmism Over-Present Con* llions andTOiilibolTFor ' uturc Features ^sion ’ ' ' f-Railway Advisory Board------- :

iBy Tlie Aitoslaled Preu)'ACOMA, Wasli., SiipU 12 ,—QuLimlain-ovcr nrescnl • bitslnc-ss cbndilioiis und irc prospects was the key i-of-‘l[{ toinmiti*''* •eiited (it l l i . c sixteenth • ila r’ineelinif of the car Icc divialon.of.the Pacific lhn'c.st advisory board of irfclti], Railway association I today. . • rtt Uian 300 business mtn Irani ' arU.of.Uie.I'aclfle-H(irUiwt*L_i__ Jn atitndance-. J. A.-6*alwelI, le, president of the board, pre*

Ivlcta received from 15 com- Uei in'Wishlngton, Oregon and0 Utdlcato Uiai general busl* _ Mndllons are averaging fairly

J Scommittee.------- ^^peatror Uiew Mmmtmltlcs,' or —---lie more Uian 3< per cent, re*g S a condltkmTrWlj-clihl.’or-----U«.»oro Uia&.s&.per ccnl, re* — — fair conditions. Uie bright tpots.’5~BnMineBrin>~pwa.-tnmr" -----ly In Irrigated valleys like Snako , Yakima and Wnai^ee, wherertrt.BOOd. frull prices .are.lalr______dlrenltlcaUon ol produeU hu ' enltd-Uie slump'-Uut U observ.-----1 somaot-Uia’one-crop stcl^nt.s-;—

litre hu bten-notietablc-im. • ement In the condltkw of tho hwestijulp and paper Induslry;-' ' rman 0. H. lUcliardt, Oregon ■/ ot Uie paiJer. paper produeU pulp eommlltee, deflated. ■ arlous.mills rtport a gradual In*' so bi ulea and expect Uie last -ter ot Uu current jrear to wtt> a decided, upward trend In bus- I," he tald.

dalijr Industry hu'a'mudi ecpUmlsUd*(iUookatUilsUmo MTU beHied possible t lew lUa tgo.* T, T, Patlon, peatUe. irmancf Uie dairy praducu com* ' lee, reported. He esUmated Ui#I produeUon for Washington and ton thoukl tverago tboul nor* . ; In quanlty. Ifa tald price JeveU lalry produeU are not yet on awlUi nohnal tois. ‘■&ut.wlUi--- ^

ly tlrtngUiened narketa, Uis

7 ut forward oa tn erea keeL" StuonSoTTriset

liBnportotVICtor».Btf»dah1,Itle, clitlrman of-the-ltsh-com------tee cn Ute salmon patkinc' In'. " ay, wu particularly eneourajliig. tald-Uie Mlmon,ctnnlnrtttton— ^

1 u‘*ua tiiluui ri1^igo'‘ory a ^ 'wh iwhlch wu Uie wortlHTiatf----1 tinee 109) tnd bectuse of Uio e pack cf pink uhnon. He etll- ,■ed Uils year loUl pack,would ipproxlmaUly W9300 cate*, less n 400,000 ctKt tltort'of lu l yeara t.rtd Shoemiktf,’Ttecma, ehalr- t of Uid fumllure committee, re* led he expecttd lumllun car lliiSlor Uieloil quarter of 1930 ' ihow an Increase of t.T per cent • r IW . He tald Uiat Uw furat-'! Industry of Ihe tnuon Is tpeodf MW0Wl4tUmultle’Iumlluro .

ProdueUon cf eggt bu ^ w n B m«l Increue in Uie'Paeltle North- t tuie* UiU year," Chairman 6.' Bandert, SttlUt. of Uie poultry I poullry produeU eommlltw n- " ~ led. -me hatch of yotinj atock. •1 especially heavy Uilt iprlng. ' ivy ules cf old ttock havt been evUtnee. Tlie consumpUon ct Ireggs and poultry ort Uie Pacific it.hu been ccntMerably^ai*


?ABlSNbTON, m -reltry Hyde said loday Nebnaka , criHienb' ln~tuStltliili<r «hest " com In feeding llrcswck had re- , led In hogs selilog al tit a hun< .. d pounds.jeprtsenUn8 t Rturi) - |l.&q a bushel for wheat. ;.1ie cxperlmcnl wu made by Ilm .* irtika state college of tgrlcuUuro 'I bectuse of Uie feed tIUuUoa ulUng from the dmiihL The tec* . try considered Uie rtsulU highlyiilllcanL............. .......... : —Jround.ilheil,at75cfnUabmhtl. ,Uie whole grain fed In (df fetd* wlUi lanksge, produe«i gain on .

;s I l a cot tot $1.98 a himdrtd"" indv It .wu shown Uwt this • - ■und wheat.and’lankon made ■' ndred pounds et gain at a cost of.'■ niuaper.bundrtdpouodscfp»k.-■ m the gtln-msde on'ccni'aod ikigt ftdln Uulr way.'., „

iGlON’S CHILD show : ! ' ‘ATPOCAT^LOSGORES^^■ O C A IBU l^^ '^ U iW -T ^ ' lerican legion poet'beft reperltd Igbt ITS bable* ban )iH ir«tR<7Hv frora.teumtra tod etiUm'.lda*- i,v.;5 In Uie sUte-wldi bitar

. . . . ...........j 3 . ' . .

' liftipmES« i o « a a

: I M fSisentatibn, Shooting Drn

■ - onstration, Animal She 'And Band Music Fcalm

i (BpwUlto.TlicKe^• \VEr:DE[.L, Sfpl. i:. -WendeUi--------KvtnUtonnunt^oni Um wllUjx

ror S'llirK.dajr- ctlcbfnlloii hti '• next Mondiy, inembff* ot tlie cott

mlltfrBnnouiiccd litre l^ay. A t)rtp«n>‘loitf urc coiniilelc ;orl«rs«.eslilblltli»iii»uMiindahl

. ■ • vnmiy -of prbgnms.- »Port#i M-------^musflneiil-conewtlnnt-iacli-M, ttlll oHcr lie* fcmurc*.

■me pronnmi as BiimniiiKd ly Ai Liur MneQiUvey. prcsJdrnl on

-------- mniMser ot tlw event. U i* foUowi. • Monday, Beptember li-Fourt.

and Filth (Jlitrlcl coiivftilloti of Ui-------- An«ncan~titjlDrr-Tw-ilnim-»n

busle corm nlU t» oti luind; prn I'nlBllon ot -Journey's End." st tl)

. .. Wendell (ennti courf;"«t:c( « dtnc al ilu Wendell pavilion.■ .Tueiday, September 18. Qoodlni

.. cay-Appear*ne« or Ooodlng l»nd• U3t> Umbert, cxperi’pUlol mark*

--— . nan; «1Il provlds »lioollnK Munti___: __ \VUll4tiia.Anlinai;ahdw._wliIcU-.Iui

. • — — }wl-e««!uded a Iwo-day-hppeaf '. nnee at the. Montana Male, fair

Mlnjtrel show, wllh 3J chamelerj______to. bo_»HiKrt J>y_llie_GCKxUnB-D«

or'tho American Lesion: nnd i . . dance al the Wendell pavilion. •

. Wednesday. Septemtier IT. Itacer man and Bllu day-Amalcur *port

' conleiUi appcaranco of Udlfi - - ' geoTeh KUUC5 t?nt'd-oriO-Tileee«

. '> WUllatiu Animal (liov; appeanna

i ' ----- HnaiinaVdaneTal the Wendell pa------- vUlonT--------------------I-------- ---^-OwimjmHTrBxWWli----

• communKy exhibits Till be a/ea' Xure o( the ctlebrallon tills year

• inembcn of iha txard report. Ub' cral prlaa aro belnj-ofrered to U«

----- --- _ ^*Wal^.avio^du$3riaBnpiial-preparaUota lo hold a.fall,flow.

.;er e b lt In coanecUoo vr»h tbi

' -nio. festival WlU be staged In thi Wendell elty part .

Cast for Dnnia .. Mr*. 0.0. McrrlU ha* announetc

----, til# cut-whlclJ'Wl|-pre»enf U.-C— ■ . eherlir* remarkabla doty cf trend

Ute, “Jeumey-i Und." This riiasUr' T leco WlU be presented In a«i opet

------ silr-thealre espeelaUy arranged fo;I .. Uie produellon under'tlie meet niU , able etindlllons ot ths Perry Byanj . Jxjlcn •p«l-* :eonWbuUon to U)>

• -. • feiUvme* M .Wetidtll. • i ; The,ca*t'U aa follow: “OapUli

Jiardy," Don Johnson; 'Ueuienan Oibome," Owen Youtigi "Prlral-

. Mason," Harrod Enkltjg; -Caplali BUnhope," Kenneth amllh; "Bee ond Lieutenant Raleigh." Joh i__ ______ t»ft».>l1--Th. n.>Injton:. -aecond Ueulenant TVol ter." Burnell Balter: "Cotnpany Ber Reanl", llarolJ Roberts; rUeutctun Hibbeti," WtllforU Bales; "A OS man Soldier." Carroll Klasou.

riilel bemonilrallon .The exhibition of Bob Llmbert

. of the best fatum of Iho propan allnwUoa by memben of the pre

______parallons coamlltce. Hb alwotln flv«y ipec^lar.

a buUtt throujli thk oork or tiop' per knockltig Uie bottom out vIUi'

> oul breaking ihg aide*; liolds a tar- gel al arm's lengUi. drops It an( with tlie tame hand whips' oul i

■ gun, shooU and break* ll before ll lias faUen eighteen Indies; doea al: kinds of aerial shooting; bilrroi

________ footing; uaes guns in eaeli liand K break almultaneousiy iargeU 15 feel

apart; eeu up an axe bUde and • • splIU a bullel on tho edge bttakliit

two latgeta at onee wlildi an placed on either side; does stunli wllh ths guns upside downi betweet: liU leg* and a hundred other fea- lures e 'iatly epeeUeuUr.

The mUutrel sliow to be staged b] • , . llte CToodlng posl ot the Amerlcar

£«f)on idlt te dimied by U n Serf Bowler.

^ann ‘ExhlblU Farmers are planning to- enter ex-

lUblu of com. grains, potatoes, on­ions and small teed), lo thow iht sueccM oT the main crops of Uic district,

Bo)-»' and BlrU* exhibits are a- iwtcd to prove Interesllng, Olrli will shorf" home economies proJecU and boys win iia\-e on dl lay leath­er and tiandler t wort

'SOUTHERN ASSOaATiON NashtUle S, AUnU J. Jtemphl**M«blIo pulpenrd. tain. Chal(aso«ta-D(ra(a|litm. peU>


LeolsTllle S, Toledo I Kama* Clly,7. MUwaakt* I.

. , MlnBcapelli 8. S t Paal I •. ’• Colsmbu U, IndlanspoU* I t -.■"' 5 INTERNATIONAL lEAOUE

, • R«eheitef<.ToroflloI.Newark 0. BalUnora t

. r.aiooimi U, Batfala 4. Jemyaiy3,BtadIag7.:

4..H. Beoi«n.'or’catT,lW*bo bat bwnappolotid {^Aies'ser-

■----- '8B8E»IAI1VB-r«-T»l#-F»Ib----- todrfenn* CsL-rsr=lbi«Ubl

OoMm t B a U ^ dx U.wast-

,, . ' Pago ^0[g [ T h e l o a t h e

.rOBECA8T,FOB TODAY A> I T TOMORROW—IncrtitlRg tlaU n I- t>e*i.-Be«»nlnr-unMlU«t.Suad* n |- pr bably willi rata* In-.NoHh Idah

tentlnaed mUd. **_______

W ' Mlnlmun Umpenture In i: J I I Twin Fall* vlelnlty wa* U dcgro— aQHnrUiTJrir5urp«i«lirt«

liig.« P. M. Yesterday, aeeordlng Pre«- t|«B rtport ot ^ government we

. itier ovscrrer here. Wsximuiu.tei imh'. pcrature for lh» Mm#r perl6d ,w

7L 4egreei TIio day was lalr. ^

TWIN-FALLS-COUNTy"I w e .. f a i r r e c o r d s f a l

(CcntUjied Psie Om) JeU'a eluding. 10 picked Twin PalU a open tlcnal guardsmeti. were occupli Itete Bio»\ly In'dlreellng lrafne and r :om- .wring an occa*lot}al lo»t ehUd

All tlie bosom ot lU family. Tltcfl of 1 ir II automobile reported on the grouoi I biff last nlgtit, occurred outilde. and nand on-ilie ground*.----- - —.day. — netcrdj-Eieted-Lasl-Vear's- , AlUiougti attendance.records Ui

jeu exceeded those of UA year 1 a subsuntlal margin, me final t port made-up Uie hsl nlghl by-. D. Feebler, vice presldenl ot U

„ Uiowcd lolal receipts exceedlt those ot lut year by a lltlle le Uian»!OO.TheTeport. wlilch *howi Btt ttU-tlnw llnl-day elleiiilam record, dlselosed these rc<t«a i compared wllh last year's llck«

Day- ID30 mF ln l------ 7JJ0 3,0:

' 7 Seeond-=iu_==-».l8l— 13i) third — Li---- lJ,m ».7(

r t ■ mComparative figures on gale n

celplii as sliown by the'report wei us folios'#:. --- • • •

_ rin^t.................17,«a-_i_7;^ Second -............=-8.M0-^.7;

™ » l l " ............

- Z - ToUl« .... ........

” * oul corresponding Increase In gat receipt/ was explained by mepibej

to-maderwaa-e«mslderahly-greaU o»- Ihls year_than last., _

.. . lendlnTib Keep pairotu of the'fal at .homc al work during Uia day, s well u alrtnglh of UiU year’s enltj

tslnmenl programs, wu seen as a >c«l, Important factor making, fop In rC. aeaied ercnlng attendance al tb iidi fair IhU year;Ur- It was polnled oul.,loo, that ral ipen chetka were Issued when a heav for downpour struck Uie fairgrounds 0

ult. the evening of lost year's third da; ram "nie process ot uartng down Uie a U)e hIbtUon on the falrgrounda set 1 • early U4l,evcnlng..E(hlbllofa pul I

u ,. thelrappearancelnnumbersloclab Ihelr entries, and Uiose whose el forts hsd been>rewsrded by Judge deeUlons, parUdpatcd Jn, ihe d" irlbuUon of cheeks In charge of lartmenl superintendents- In eac

»ot- nraltui. beans and seeds foimd/Ut Ber. on Ihelr entries deeUringihem t iMl be-meriloriounxhlblu,“ -and-eor }er> nylng Uie urgent Invitation ot 7

a Bristol, secretary, to enler thci III the stale seed show al Nsnipi

xrt, November 18-18. ' '

nn. had marked Ihe finale of Uie pagear I;'.,. S|)(etade."TheC^tersorUieMoon

antrtilg'ttillirbn^^Wi'^gontinu'e their labors at Uie scc.-:W7^ otflec cn the fairgrounds; and gateme

>U»- cheeked and reehecked tbelr flnt l«r- relitnis.and Tlie midway wu Uio lu t deparl I a menl ot Uie fair lo come under th 0 11 Influence of Uie closing hours, al . aU though one dUpenser.ot.cold drUik mr cxeluslvely puUM down hU unop j lo and sliul up shop when the sun wer f i l do»Ti.,By the ame l ken,-'grease

stands and eottee counters took 1 ths lut iildiles U»l were spenl aprtceu sol under way..heweTer; I was a matter ot but comparatlvel fcwmomenUbefetellwueomplelet

'«• and Uie midway lurt Uut foor-day tlironp had almost Irampeil out 1:

I by many places, wu left In the moon can iUbl.an.abandone<Lsccne.ol.deM]a kn tlm-UmtioatmttdtliitululrwlU

ihe'teen\tng, colortul, noisy apeeUd ll had presented before,

ex. 'Greater number ot exhibitors rep on. rcsenUng a wider range ot lerritor ,he wu an ouUUndlng feature of Ui U,. fair }uit closed, Jeadlng to a wealll

or exhlblU or superior quality li most departments.

In ProdueU hall, where 14 com niunltica competed for awarda fo their arcfDlly«lecled«>eelinenso llio produeU ol Twtn FaUt tou t: fleldh orchards and gardens, ther wu awmbled an exhfbltloa whld

.1 tho Judjsea declared h u ^ t beei excelled In IhU stale. ■■ OuUtandlng also were tla UnstocI tliows. andespeclaUy Uie dairy calUc sheep and swine deparlnenta. ■.

"ThftDuroc futurity at Twla FaU In. — ■■ ■ ■ • »nl-

N ig fitBegins Sept

, ' . , • 7:00’TO ' MONDAYS Al

’ Voii «n choose any «

-- ■ Use your spare (Ime

S ' G R E G G B U S DS' ■/ IVtoF!

' •nVINFAmpA

e r . Alrp.AND ___________________ •

daho; —

srces,.ng lo ■ U SH m ^ B s S B k RTemT —1 ,waa

ALL .e) '>upied 'd re* ~ ^m SoKO tU S& iId lb of and&ol

— i w w i a g ? i S K 8 B 3 lI Ulls .u by ;. C te»afliy< 2g lC « ^ >l re* . n t n ■ TniTi fm O f by-a _ W S a^iS E B S ^

f i S H P S ^ ^ ^ SI less lowed Isnee 'i u S S I r W f l e H B H S FIckct ■ i»M ;


“S , AIRMEN FLYING OVER ,7391-— -piicji-of-jumWort-Urick-i

б,113 n.ab!c. This nicluro aho W . l>hoio.- • - •

?alo . V a n d e rb iltiberanetil • •am*. _________ ' —Mler-r:--— lUBBM W M niM W B

1«TS / ■< JUon ■ W -r ill!?

\ 2 - 3!t In Q M B r --v iiV r ’ • " I .'?,?[ ul In B « ^:l*lm ■9k 4 < > t i( > ct* iM B D U - ->r I lldges- 'W f s i Jdls-eadi ||B«|Bg|HbS2l

nto N - n g B H | " ( Ieon- -ItuIhem ; SI." -y>':__B M W ‘I


flees■meii HAROLD S. VANDKIIBILTHn»* tcrpriac during trinl mcoi,iri. Kclcct the bi)nt to rncc Sit• Ihe___lie hearts Uie sjndiciite lli . si- •__________■Inks = = ^ = ---- „ ="opy county fair uils'yeir U the but ilia

hts been iJioVvii In Idaho and wl be far reaching In lU benefldal cf* >'} feet upon tlie swine Indtulr}* ot Uil

|‘ region." E. F. Rlnehlrt, tlcld anln'u >0*" huibandman of Ihe stale unlvcrsll

y extcnsleti <lUl»lon who tcned as >',''1 Judge. dccUred.

RetleeUd In the altendance recort It in ■"’> IncreailBg development of ono ot the fair's mos ^ valuable functions, was ati Itiuova

llon-lhls year-ln-establlihment-e the Juvenile building and. addltloa al prominence given to Juvenile ex lilblts anit'boya and girls panicliia

1 tlon In Ihe fair. •Hie Four-H clubs. In which boys an

allh throughoHl ihs county ar t In gtlnlng valuable .practical expert rnc« In agricultural* and houiehol<

om- till-' y<*f tor tbe flrtttlme hai for sn acllve part In Twin Palb couti IS ef ly'sfslr. snd Uielr exhibit* and dem unty ORttrallonsandconteiUmadeupon here oT the most attracUvo features 0 hlch tbe exhibition.Men. Outstaodlng In the enlcrulnmen ■ program for ihU year's'fair' weri' th

lock *P(^ programs which attracted itUe nuEdber of new entries-, includln

fleA hones thal had not prevloutl; *aUs performed. 00. t£e FUer track; Eai

r s c h o o lptem ber 15,1930 ' r o 0:00 P .M . . V ANDTHUnSDAYS -wmmercloi'subjccl or suhv

Isj'ojiwlsh . .............ae (o-prepare for a bclicr . PMllion .

5 IN E S S C O L L E G EFaUs, Woho , •• •■ HooT8r,-3Iffr. -----

news. TWII FAU.S. IDi

rplane V ie ^ Show s D e ra s t

i~R Snnlo Domingo, wlicro *1000 il ;k-a^n(Unwmr,jstrcct3.chbkccl.wUh~ ihowH n general \-Icw of the ruins

I t A t The W h e e l ' .

LT nt the wheel of the yaclil En- cos off Newport, Uhodc Islanil, tc Sir Thomns Lipton's Shamrock V. thnt built the prospective Amerl-

ihit Kennedy's brealh-taklns.mlrth-pro- will voklii3 auto polo eontetts thst wero

1 cf. itaged each aftemoou \>n the In- UiU field Itl front ot Uie grandjUuid, Inist and, each evening. spects uUr'flre- rslly ivorks duplayt. wlUi prcMntatlon ns a IhreonlghUfltthepsgesntspieUele;

. "ThB Craters'Of ihe Mow.'" thal Id- rord. varUbly broughl the cros'd upstand- ; (te. Ing in a uUiult of appreciation.

AnoUier Interesting feilute of .the enterUlnment program • was con*

I'.®' tribulei' by ChJuiei. JimttTTwin FJkUs. and W. A. Riley. Ooodlng. wlUi Ihelr outfit ot doughtjr rldervof oul- law horses, slaglng.Uirlllltig bucking exhlblllont each attemoon.

snd Olher enlerialnert who played «« their part In making Uie fair aiirac-

UvB Jor many ot lu patron* were hold yitlo EUeen WUson In her conlor- >*«S tionUl act. Defrau dog and pony ?“ '*• Show's "bucking" pony. Jackion Bio-

ihert* bar att, shapely Gene Van's s ot s s = s = ’ ■■T.' -T=


’2 H O T A M E R IC A N '

^ 1 , C H IL I .== Wo.cflll it'American Chili. 1 because it has no suet or

garlic, Is not greasy — Is “ I TIclrlirtlavorrTioHoo-hot.-

• Stays put.

•: Quart a t '

■ larn|'’scon. 3rd an'd SUOSHONE “ ■■~N(JIlTH~“ r

- ---- t— 'D R IV E IN ‘

Sta tion in Dom in ican . R e

) lives wero lost in a tropical-hun Ih.UehriH .and roads Jeh’dlngTln'nh'i nso f the oldest settlement.in,t

hon Jaw act. Lempind, viStnra vau derllllan with hi> slack wlro an light and heavy balancing aeu. an

— ilij-Lcmolnd-Blileajnuilcal-acl..Altracilons of the midway, Itielu'U

Ing Ihree big ."rldef snd a wide v/»r— 1ctj^of'tenf»hv«a, ufforrlcd-cnteT

talnmept (or every tatle, white con. ceulonalres who exlisusled ainmil

able reien'ed space weeks before l(i fair opened, were on tjij tcene-lw SCOT of Uiem-loiunply.lhe demand of a hungry and ttilrsty muUltudi

k-. 'Many of tlie'atlracilon* of Twli L FaUi counly fair. Including a num■ b<rotlhellvetlo:kenlrlei,w^Umov H ~ out-tedarto the next fair on lhe cir■ cull-lbo Cassia counly fair al'Blit W '.ts next week, and itie Jerome coun r ty lalr at Jerome on the week foi

lowing, or to ihe Easteni Idaho fal at Blackfoot. and »me wUl cdntinu

• onlmotnafi,.tocomp5lefbriion« : and prt»s, or to reap fmtscUl gait

In any.her slate.The Unlveriliy ot IdahO' educa

llton.-il exhibit, depleting' variou plia.«es ot Idaho's' liAtltullotis 0 higher eilueallon Uut wa* viewed b: Ihoutands of Twin Falls counly fal

, I piimn ftnring thri wrrk• tail nisht lor tranjportailon on a bl imick to the Blackfoot fair.

A sun'ey lo :deleiSM tlw lial -leoMumiiilon of dalrj producis U I {be mads In Alabama.

11^ In lawr ol purebred wtllc. .

g l a s s :— CANVAS ■n». T H O M E T Z ^ -Top & Bo d y—

S n a c S i n d 1 ■ — g

nd- -------------

ths I n S S S S S S S S S S S S

I ■ O iiF P i i ■ Used™ M A K E S W A L K!I0-

■ ,1928 D u ra n t Coat _ 1927 S ta r S e d a n ,

1929 Fo rd Coupe' . I 1929 Foi-d T u d o r '

I . , 1929 M odel A Fo i 111. .1 9 2 9 C liev i'o letCc ='■ 19 29 Chevro let In I- ■ — 1926.01dsmobilfi_C

j V e r y Good Sele .< ?5

I Cara a :

! S E E Y O U R J O R l■" ' . ' “ ‘ I T I

\ Union IE y o u r F O

7- - — - T ^ F ,


Republic ■

uiricane, found tho city rcduced't iih'(rout:ot-thc.municipality.Jmpas

tho westeni hemisphere. — (ff

, a'u. >IAKES RADIO •d e b u t and . 8AI.T LAKE CITY WV-Gnmd and daushler of-the Mormon plonee : l._ leaderJrlghflmJfouhg.Xucy.aatc lu'y. made her radio debut oa Uie air li v/ir- salt Lako City by giving Uia star: itiT» oTTiinifraiTTiariusl'eofflSelcJCW- * twiV-iCT Vmmjj'i llf»-- ;-- -

' A recent survey revealecT 3« non eulUvaied pUnU la Texu Uiat ar

ude ‘“‘“ Ptl’’”® to ootton roof.rot. -i " An experiment sUUon to itud;

the causes ot low wheat yields ha been cslablbhed In.Keniucky.

BTir-,un. In the finals of a Chicago slngln (oi: eonlcil wero a Negro elevator op {Elr c■'n<o * nUroad laborer, an Imml Inuo Sttnt and a choir boy. .

,M05l KorUi CaroUna sou miist b Inoculated for Uie succcssful grow

jca- ing ef lesumes.'.out .

of I A total ot 4918 caiite ln 508 herd iby U-ero slven tubercuUo leslk durlnj fair July In MUslislppl. .

1 big I Eleitn hundred pounds .oL-teei were required to plant SO acre* 0

___ alfalfa.on uNorUi.CaroUn&Jaim..iiaw ■ •Is to A lun'cy of toUt on every fan

iln Montgomery county,. Alabami has beeii completed. ■

metal ___:_____________icre- " Only ona foot soTjllsnTTwli


i : S T m N C E L " A j N D

tices on d CarsK I N G . E X P E N S I V E

ach ;.;..; ..: ... ;.......*250, -

I ...... ...••••S135e.-............ .'5.S95'r E x t r a G o o d .. $4,'50 'ord T r u c k i 8 4 7 5

C o u p e ..........<6395.Im p e r ia l S e d a n ,$ 4 S 5

i . C o a c h ^ . , ; . . = S U 5 _

ile 'ction o f 515.00 to ?50.00 . - ■ ■ A l lM o d e l s

R D D E A L E R F I R S T ' P A Y S

M o r Co.® D e a le r “ ■ F a l l^ ia i ih o ^ ^ ----------^

rOf SEPTEMBER 13, .3030iF E r S T A T E HEALTH ^


(oonlloued From Ptge One)-= wibUo=liullh''*ervlMr:whtt-«Ttw

here Thursday ,lo Uupett Uie Twit •« FalU health liWt. Dr. Oeorge C

— BiUfynmctnV-laft-yeaterday-fw oUier Idaho dUat In coonecUon wlU

— hU-worfc-Willj htrt Dr.-Poard-**, pressed hltnself u mudi plfssed will the coniutlsa ot 'cubUc heallh ant

__ with me work ot the unit. R. » .^ * tt• ' S S l r t p u K K w u al4< , hiroTritUy.

BomeUma d u r ln rO c l^ . Di Foard wUl return to Twin WU.; ac

. wmpaoled by Dr. U L. L a ^ r

UflJUd BU la pubUB healUi senlci ■' for more compUU tnspecllon'loti

' bealUi antitltes.


, (Continued From Ptie Oce)

— M - 5 m ^ K j o r e ® £aaeodmenti Iwo-thlrds ot botl braachu ot congreu would have t< vot* to resubmit the smendmmt l

. the staU*. tnd iwo-thlrds. or 30,0 thostates Uicn would hav* to vote, fo

_ repeal. • , • •______ __The “weU" have heralded the de

■ feaU of. "da" house membera li Michigan and Washington Repabll can primaries u an IndJcstfoo of 1

<. dianglng Irend agalul Uie 'dry Isws. ^

TRAIN WRECK ^ _______TEXA S ^ E N D S ,L IF t

(Continued From Psge One) ’Ini lo » bojt car Uiat wu wreckf escaped uclolured. They walked awa

EriiestJrldge, fireman oti onee •. the wrecked ualns, escapnl deal

11( when Uieenglne turned'over and ws

— that a swlUh In front of the 0

nd- ■ .I S ' . B A L L A N T Y N E . ^ ■ PLinHBlNG & H EA T IN ^

" ’A irk lM s- o f shect-Tnetia on- work —'L o t US r a p a i r

y o u r threshing machine ■parts

a F«rn.™ln.lnll.ll™Farm Water Systems .

ling : Wc Are Dealers for op- Gearhart.Oll Burner “ Quality Plumbing Fixtures

1« Jnd Ave. East Phene t3M\'ow-

irda —Ins I

!|-Meat-iI 'neat treal in Beef. WiI head of fancy Hngcrm

S . " ! T R IC E S 'S A 'M I

| i steer L ean BoilS;I I S tee r R ib Bo il. lb I S tee rP r ice- R ib F I Stee r Round o r S

I . ' ' G R A IN !' I , W e Handle

I Shoulder Roasts,J | L e g o r Loin,' jb v ..= 1 Po i'kS te a lts^ lb ...

I .' M IL K F Shoulder Roasts, L e g o r Loin,, lb. :., V e a lS t e w j lb .......

■ S P R INL e g s i lb . ..... ........Shoulders, lb. Lam b Stew , i b , ..

R i r ^ P o rk Sausai Fresh H am burge

. F r y i n g Chicicen, 'S tew in g Hens, ib

H om e Dressed

R E M l■ When, you buy It from

ting (he best quality ob , In.our'bojring,


-G EH iA I


1) LO I^N . Sept. 13 M>)-Enga{e.mentjvu announced today of Jaan_

22® Margaret MacDoniad.-s<eon<ldaugh-- ^ 3 ■ ter of Uie prims mlnliter. and Alls- ' Edinburgh. ~ .with The rcinaiico began tow yeazi ago 'i^ m ^ n o B were baUi.dolng surgical

also' medical leliool and MUi.M*cl^. aid WlU be a fouitb-year student next term. .

t ac- The dale for Uie marrUge Us nol' iden, been’set.

tvlci,tnto been left open and Uial Uie other

iraln canrlng - frdsht and caltle,.— which wu gobg louUi, crashed Injo .

. h.____________________________ ;

■ON -------

Oth; ; .people.,.<tW

. Even »ld4fterD0on'find*'then

J l i ^ w 6atiLdiirOT»Jttlar.opIJ[r=realised iiie imnorUnco^cor<

» m t diet Diet Tfhldi contalna

s I S S S S sS S a Sreach on fhe market It prwtnU and ortri •. rcllevts-bo^lei^oruty and re.—

==F Kellogg'a AtL-BuN dally— . _ L -tIireo6ne«dsUr>RKnro eases,

nellef la guaranteed. Look <or , Hit, red-anij-men

■ _jDur irr<ver'». Uado by Kallogg.

All.Bran-Imfnvtd lit r«xfnr« and Tett*.

I We are In Ihe markel agaUi Uils year tor nlga Duality Ued Clover,

Grimm and Alfalfa Seed

i-i'___ riiono lot! Twin FjOU, Idsho

-■Specials--iWe'commence cutlins on 75 ■ •

;rm&n Valley steeni Saturday |M E A S ’ C P V T B E E P | ‘

tO . * " _____

ils ! i b : z : . z ' i 2 % c rlb . . : .....:........... ... 1 0 c !) R o lle d , lb ...... . 3 0 c :5

• S i r lo in S t e a k , lb . 2 8 c . . |

f J F E ^ O R K ^ __________ _ plie N o t h in 'g T l l ie " “ I

ta, l b ; ......... 2 0 c I

....................... ......- S O c • I I

.............25c I

: F E D V E A L _______ ',: is , l b . ........................ 2 0 c I

....... :....................... 3 0 c............................ 1 2 V , c


.........................:........ 2 5 c f...... ............. - 2 0 ^ !

........ ............ ..................:-8 c

s a g e . lb . . . 2 0 c Ig e r , lb . ............. 1 7 l / , e I

......— 3 0 c ; ilb ................................3 0 c Iic d :— O r d e c - E n r ly : u

M E M B E R ' , . I 'nm the'Cenlnil,.you are itcl* ■ |’ obtainable. We (ire particular , < In;. Ask the Fanner. ’ '

c e s t ^ h r e s h e r s T ^

tL lA R W j.aes 311 .'312 ' ■ '.j J


jV — — — , ' • '-----; ■

— Banageof-Base- I~~Hi¥fmTGame


■' with Five Hits, InoWinj

•Fortj-Wi'll'-------; seasoiilHil

-----^ S s ! s ± = : : j L g - - ^ | !S •“. > cintisiuci — ' h •!!i PWUdeTpbU---,■■—» «

-------- (Bj Tb# AliOtUW nwil--_______- i- .-H lLM > £LVH UrSepU2

P W llh a whistling bflr- racc of base blows, Ihc

' Chicago Cubs held.Iftdr Jcad ' in the Notional Icbruc today

byUclhcrlnB,lhcl>Wmc^;17to -I. The Cubs drove >yil-

■ loufihby to-cover early In the foiJrlh fmme a n d contjnued

= lh e 'b Q m b a fd m c n t nl Ihe-cx* ptnw ol phjlllpj. who rcllcvKl him.

Hick Wllwn Im] Uio esMUlt with . WU, «hleU included hH foriy-

nlntK homer tnd l«o IM had Jour hlu irnil Cuyltr. ihrw. “C W tf Klein Uie Nation* ^•rienEue m»rk for two b«»en when ho un!tuh«l hU IlKy-lhW in tJie

-thWlwrtng. ^D(»ldM Wll«>n-» homtr over he

ilihHleld »*ll In Ihe jeconil in*-w»» a home ruujrtnultaruietlijjnt.

In the iihith wlilch tallied Kelly. ' •ho Iwd douWcd. Por U.# PWls.

Tlwinpson «nd. rhllllps drove ,the-i ball from Uic p»rlc.. . ' ‘j

CTllCAOO •------ ni»if. J b - r = = = j 2 ? ^ i

mmuii.-w .. .. — ? * _i^ ,i wiKoti. ci — -S J I u '

Tnclwut, ----— * 1. fl 0 1 I'■ toUU......— > ■'

— .--- mtnAonJHiA o S4 0,.

TBt»«oa*;"tl ------ « • *W1II0US6W. P ----- ‘ “ • :P --- — d _ L — i-2 I

Cuyler, Drlcktll. Klein. Wilson 2;{, home run* — Wllion. I la r ln e t l . ' Thompjon. PWUlp*: wwKka — Teschout, lUrlnetl: double plM'i-* Bell 10 Blftlf to Kelly. WlilUiey to

' , ^ L ^ to ShHl«>:;totn8P'Uh-

•'. •___BB00KW7«J?rCWCJNNATn_. DROOIttYN. Sept. I J W)-noblM

, toounued Uwlr punull ot lh6T<a*,;\ uonal lea«uo peonant today by «le- .I feaUng U)C CincUmaU lUdi. T to 3, ,

In Ujb lint game of the Ktic*. l l waa • ------ BSottm’i^clghlh itrtlglil victory ^

■ and oiarXed Uia HcbLna' longeal i

tional league raee.' a halt game | hind Uie Chicago Cutis and a point | bthlwl Uve au U mU canUnaU, ai ■ all three leadera won today'* gaaita.

nay Mo« pitched the nine inning* , uul vaa tltttUvtt t««pV ta the alMti ifame when Uie Rtd* reached hln»*

■ - 4or four *lngle* and Uirce.ruw. Ue (■ -yielded otilj elghVWu: . ‘

’ Ray Kotp, CinelnnaU ttarUng 1 plieher. »-a* Uie-tlelltn ot. all Uie < BrooUyn teoring.' ’*

cmcw«A-n ■ AD R 0 A r ,J J I .j I <

SSdwi.*o « 0Duwlir. W ....—---3 0Kot O--- ■ .. / 0

-- "S " i■ftuii __________ M a. a :n t o•• S um lof DuTObV w'ainiii. || ••• nuMd (Of Mb la funuu

? iOllbcrt. JB ____ 3 0 3 2 0 (• . S o ,

S V “ — ? ‘S , !I s s i

— ___ m cw-j (Jfoo»“ n ___________110 no «•-’ ISummary;'Two*baie hlu-md*| irlck. OUbert, Stripp: home ru :^ Icpe*. Wfighl: »aerince*-Flnn. Lo-,

. pel. QUberl!,double pla>--puroch*,er 10 Cucelntllo: krtng plUhcr -

-Jiolp. . , , ' l l

louis 5, NEw>'onK : [' Hsw VoaK. 6epu i l iip> - SI-.*

____ LouU 'Cardlnali admlniilered a ,' cnuhlng blow to the OUnU' pennant hopes loday. by raUylng lor tluw ruM In the ninth,lonlin. in their fouiUiWlterbatUelowrnbyaS-to-a fcore. 11 mu-U« thlrt Cardinal vie-toalafueceaiIdflandg*TeBt.l«uli

^Bfoouynand ChicagoalM won.'* - the Canli tailed » win In the pen-1. inincebulthotourUt^laeeOUnU J

loit a full game and tonight are tour g sainu behind the league leading |

Tht Carta « « i Ui« ,e ' a ^ - Jfom Ne* yort. 13.games h

- m m- fctr e t Uiuli, allowlntUie OUnU r

----- bS » im^WU-and ihulUrtg themi»out tn »U but Uie .lantnR. a Lcach> .double, Undsiron'* Ulple _p

• i '

‘ C u b s W

' ]n1T O ° p i U L g

" j> 5 ir i^ JT 7 rV ^ K ^ ;C i'F |~ttA.^ COIM \ *U.RiaHT V IM THS \1V£ HCATHEM '

- . cou ttcaou — w mV umou - \ FCfi. FfiReiSW '•'ME

I. —

Sarazen Batilesir; “/ Aimoiir for Title5 Two Seasoned Goll Profes-

slonals ^cet on Morrow |. To Dccidt 'ChanipionsliipC, __ _ , •r. -FLUltllNO, N. Y-.Eepl.JLl/rfc “* Oene Sarazen arid'Tommy Armour, u IWO Kojoned golf proleulOQala who . oddly' enough nerer Imve met in .■ match play compelllion. will ro out

tomorrow to decide poiieailon of 'J Iho Profeslonal OoUera' auocla- „ llon champlotulil|>., From n Held ot 03 crack profea- ' alonaU alarting Uie ehamplonahl[ e pUy-Monday-oiayaiie itocky. dark. i. American ot ItaJUn parenUge and fl4tbc.preraalurely grey »ceu are WU ,l Saman ndranced lo (lie final if, nHjTa'by"flefciiti™r-Joc'Kirkwoo<J.- 9, nho Uirllli golt galleries by aenu- ic'lloiial trick allots, 5 up and 4 to

• play. Armour lud a atemer atrUR* K Rle In winning hU dunce ot tho ■•'chuiiiilomhlpi ne'liaa*to*Bo lo-Uie' o-fii1l-3g-holt*:to-ellitiinale-Ctiarley■ Ucey. yo ng DrltMi pro of the g Pine Valley elub. Clemenlon, New

0|. • ------- ----

; Hansen Pugilistsi Loses toBarger' I lOAliO FALLS. Htpt. 1! (iTVKId 1 Darrr, rmlon, Idahn, oulpolhird0 Ted Kopp, Han«en. In a ili-round ° main event bout bere lonl(hl. Dar*3 ter won prsellcally every round of IT the bout which, wai nptele wllli

Mtlon from itart io flnlih. Kopp wai punch croftr In ilie (Ini round

j bui iiayrd Ihe ilmit and fooiht back J gamely In Iha elotlng rounds.


Pocatello high ichool fooiball team- prled-Uie llri-ott-Uie MholatUo-gTia d Ka.wn by wallo]ilns the Arco eleven [•’here ttils atternoon by a acore ol :• 38 10 0.’•___ __________ '•'* —y aji'd Tcrry'a aact'iliee' lly gave them It boUi Ihelr run* In Uiat frame.

BT.^i|}a ■ j(in i| 111 ^

J, wiiKui. e .......-— 3 0 J J 0 0^ otbirt. u -------J 1 0 a 4 I*. nncm. p ---------« o j i j o

TtoUU « Ii« ia ~NEW VoSk ---An.R-H O-.A.*

1 g i . ‘" — = i ! ' i i i

iii! ! ' » ■ = = = = ; ! ! , i !; » , ■ " ---- — i ! i . S !

■ '

a Summaty; Two-baae hlU-Leach..lUiem; threcbaio lill-Llnd«Uom: Itacrldcu — Hubbell. CHu. Wilson,

i; Tcny: double play-Prisch lo Gel-0 berl 10 Boltomlty; losing pitcher —« OhapUn.o! . BOSTON S, riRATES 41 BOSTON, SepU IJ .(/T) - Boston0 Bnve* came from bdilnd to deteal « PllUburgh. 6 lo 4, In 10 Inning* here1 today. With twtr out lo the nlnUi,3 ChaUiam aod Spohrer hit double* to]' ' bring In the winning run. .

-ii I ! 11- Oonunakr. It * 1 I a 0 0 i ntrulL M ' 0 0 4 4 0 1 Buhf,,ii» , 0 0 » ; 0 _, Sroe^- n~~~ ~ 0 Q 0 a 0 ,

Tnm»------- w 4 10*»tM '

t ~L~ ' ' i J .4 De auk. et 4 0 aikfir, i ( ------ < 3 0 0‘ Ounltp. rf * t o o .2 Cliaiham. f t _______ 4 I 0 0 '

■ S > " — j I I I i, IfnnVhauu p I 0 0 0 ,•I 1»UU---------U S 11 40 10 0 II •jBjUM for e«lMI«'lajji»mlB,^^ ^ |

II ”1suomiwTio3ms,er 2. L. Waner, Comoimky. Chat*1 ham 2, Clark, Seiitr, Spohrer. Cron- j |ln;three-basehlU-NeuivChaUiam: |

eJaacrlflcea-Onuitham, Neun. Spoh* ] s,Ten double pIay»*-BarteIl to Suhr. l WMasuIre lo MaranrUle U> Niun.iiar> t '. anrllle to Magutre to Neun; winning < : pltcher-Prankhouse. . ' i

H f l p P B ii is , 17-4-— " ■■■■■ ■

I Hauser teles Out rrSixly fifsfHom r~ ' BALTISIORB, BepU U MW«o

Ilaaier, DalUaMre Orfala' tint baseman who Ust nl(bi (a a raao

---wilirNnntrlHirUie-^nlcrBaUcnat-Icarne hit hb slxty>ftrat homtr and broke Iho record ael tn mT by Babe Rolh, is to bo formally mwned hoBs’mn king on San* dir.HauM'rwtU be preaenUd with

_ » tin at Ihe baU park by Mend*.Rath made~hl(bmnl-:atati^

Amerinri iragae pllchen in a'Ut- came atsun aiid Mautr in tbe one hundred llltj>K<rtnUi ot » lU-pme Maaen. Bat ia Iha Inter- nallenal tbe a^ad pnea ol daabte-bcadui n only aerea b- nlflf*.

Balllfflorc ba* nlaa sere game*- io pUj.

HaBMr foraerly wu wllh tbe _ AthltUca. _______________

~ Angels Vamquisli“ HoB^oodr* Carrol Yerkes’- OKcrinBs 'P Coupled Wlih Hlttlnj by ^ Jacob Resull In Viclory

p„.S r K f „ - = i ‘ i! iS«»B l-tincUfo_______ j : }| J Ia- ojiklind ; _______ :_JI :i A !(UrrinifBI#________ IS 91 .1 :*■ rwuHd--------: I* -ylip »Mltle ----- r ^ _ 2 S U A t*!}■ -L03-ANQELES,-8ept.-7j-«T= ““ Carrol ycrkf.V southpaw olferinp.

eouplfd'wlth timely hltUng by -Hay ‘*1 Jaeoht, gm-e U>* Angele* a 9-to-3«nvitiorronT-ilte-Ieasoe«lradlns-Il6l- a- lywood club licreAoiilghU Jacobs; to drov-c In four rum. the tw'o Uial apell* I R* cd vlcior}' wllli a homer In Uie eightli. I ho .The »cer£—__________J_ R JL ^ey. LOfcAnRjlw,, ....„. .™.-Z5-10-0 lie Hatierlrr.; Pace and licvcrcU: -w Ycrkcf and Hannah.

“ *SlVs llJ.t.S PSAN mNCISCO, Sept. IJ tny-

With llcmian Plllelte pllchliw bang*" up b:iK*ball.'(lie Mlsslous defeoled tlte Scull, 4 lo 1. today to clialk up

r Ihelr lifihstralRlirrlclory ct the scr­ies. Ttip Missions wenflnlo Iho lead

,. Ill llie Ihlrd when Mulligan and Rod-' da each belted home nms. ‘ ’

nie score- R H F.San nanclsco____ I 7. 0Mliiions___ - Z _2 !Z L- 4 0 0

” natierles; Oavls and Oastoii; II. JJJ Pillciu and Brensel."•' PORTL.\ND 12, o aks ' I I '* OAKLAND. StpU 12 W)-Porlland

iio'iCd cut Oakland tonight, i: Ut 11, lli a nlne*lnnlng ball game that last- ed tiucc hours ond 30 minutes. B«:h

IS team» lued four pllchew -with Kas-anil CaKard*"beIng* «edIM wllh tlte victory, ' -"

M _T im ca re= ,..... .. R 'n ePortland :_____________ IJ 17 3

" I Oakland ------------ JU7 >Ilattcrles: .Ortman. Wallen. Cas-

carella,,}^nit and Pnlmlsano; = rti(bus.'mb'eU;.Kailcli, McQuaid, ^ and Read, Lombardi._ SACilAMENroTsepl. 12 (jP I- t Sacramento walloped Seattle tonight,

0 when the Tribe knocked Thomas 0 and Hamilton oul of Uie box before ® being stopped by Preltaj,J The score- R K E 0 stiille--------------5 6 1

- Sacramento____________6 12 0. i Batteries:. Kunz, Hansen and

Sorreanl: Thomu, -Hamlllon, Fre- » itas and Koehler, ■ ■

• Dern Meets Equal! In Zion^ty Arena0 SALT LAKE CtTV, SepU 12 MV- S Nick LuUe, Venice. California, liea-

- rywelRhl wrestler, deteaUd Ira Dem,1 Salt UUu tusjlar, In a fast bout

here, tonight, each wlrnlnR one fall before, Dem totsed LuUe from Uie

if Luize. 21S poundi, won Uie flnl fall tn 18 mlnules with • Jackknite but Dem took the second In 19 min-

?• utes «1Ui a headlocJc. DurlnR a vie-; '■ lotis encounter for the Uilrd fall, ~ Dem tossed LuUe oul of the ring

and was dU ualUled.John Erko, Cincinnati, totsed

Oeorgo HUU. Rodcford, Illlnoli, wllh "* A reverse body flip in IS minutes In

a pttllmlnaiy. .

£ RUDY DUSEK_ TRIUMPHS..8T.-.L0Ulfl,*Se^ 12 t«-Rudy'

0 OuKk, Omaha; pinned Malrot Kel- T llenko, Russian strong man. with a 0 tUm. and reverse Twdy block In a

finish wresUliig match here tonglht ; Tlie Ume was 45 minutes. George 0 Tragoi. SU tiouls. and Casey Bur-0 ter. Phoenix. Arlsona, wrestled-to a ~ draw in 30 olnutes.


Harry Oarbell. Chicago feaUier- welghU took a aU>iound decision

0 onrJoeCarkenon;sacnmcnto,here ! tonlghu >0 lUrold Blcka, Negro lightwelRht of- Denver.alopped Joe Terrts.Oakland,<' In Uie Uilrt round of a.fouc-rouad .4 bout. ___________I- QUINTEBOWINS,,> 8AKPRAHGI6C0,8epUl2'(ffV- 1- Manuel Quintero, 143, Tampa; Flor- i: ldar-won.fc4ll.rwind decision over I- Eddie Murdock, 145, Tulu, Okla- r. homa, here (enlghU Quintero pror- -* ed loo fast and dererfKhlsoppoji/ g enU and bad an odraoUge in eveir



^ ^ ....................... J- 4

J. Solons Break-Up- rEatrffindfCi^ r Drive to Trippht Senators Lace Toni Thomas r And Garland Braxton tor• All Runs Durlng_F|rst |> Sevci^limings^^Gaira

• ' AUEltlCAN LUOIT ' ' CiBbi- w.a imt IJU« w u h i w S z i z r r i i . U lui— c r i f l . = : n n z = : u - i i— i l l

_ s ii i(By Tha Associated Press)---

a . p t J m L A i i O , _ S e B L « ^ J .1 , Brcaklnj: up a late driw

^ by the White Sox today, WashJnjrion won the flret of the series, 8 to 7, and p iln r i

“ a half game on the Idle Ath; jY lellcs.' The Senators laced Tommy

ry Thomas and .Garland Draxton— foralHheir-runs-in-lhc first

seven Innings, while Fred Marberry. i-as holding Uio Sox scorele*s. A big

tevenUi by Uie Sox. capped by Carl « ! Reynolds’ homer, produced five run*«I and sent Marberry to cov);r, and. aii- ilotlier two run* In Uie eighth caus^I Brow-n 10 be removed. ■•Hump" Had-

^ ley got m jn Umo.to hali Uie nlly. TliB vlctorj-.wM aediled to Marber-

— rrand'OJ-hU-elcrenth-strslght;— a. WASiimo-roH a u h h o a k

s £gifEEEg|TiTil isjSsfiSEElTrnih.lll*»c«. Jb ;________ s a 0 4 J u

4 -1-1 0 0.0 . -0 P " ifl -0 e .

1W.1.- --- --------- MCillCAUO ■ AH H 0 A E - & ^ r 3 C r : * s ‘a " a l . o ,

r- S ? “ ■■'irzis ? S S S !id •• mfiffBiii_______ • _* ® ® S II-- TO0II14*. p ------- 2 S 2 T !1 t

y y r r ' 4 ------ ? S o ^

lEvEEEljiy;II. Tiiim____ _____ M "> 11 n > * r•,U*ll«<t >or Dnilon In MTtalli.•• Dallnl lor Cro»» la tliMUi. . ‘

I . summar)-: T*o*bas« WU- Harrls.t. Myer, Rice. Appling. Crouse: home ’:h run-Reyiwlds; sacrifice - Hayes; “J . double pW - Myer to Cronin, lo 1at Judge; winning pttcher-;MarbcnyiIh losing pltclier-niomas.E DLTRdlTj,.M:W-T0RK-4_i [ ? DETROIT, .Sepl. 12 WVA douWo o , by Charley Cclirlitger, Ills Uiird hll I'

of the game: i>nd a single by Date li ri Alexander w.*:.! two oul In Uib ninUi e■ Inning loday gave Uio Tlgcra a run V

■ Uiai bea; tlie Hn- York Yankee*, 5 , _ 10 4, In Ihe opener, ct a live-game “ It. scries. The delcai cost Uio Yapkcta * Ifl Uieir last chance to tako.Uie Amert- [ Selcill ifiifUL'iiciiiuiiu "mu two iiiiy ' 13 can do noir'U lo finish a halt game ‘ re belilnd Uie Philadelphia AthleUcs, ''

who were Idle today. . ' vE HBW yOBK AO It II O A n • 1 Comia. tl s 1 a 0 0 I 5

S S !!.li:= ii ! !'• sa ■—==!! ! }| !! :■ Chipmia, 3a ---- 4 0-0 3 3 a •BBCTia. p ---1--- -3_ 0 1 0 0 0 «

TOUtt___:_____ 34 4 a*M IJ 4• Two eul <intn ■iBDins run Ksrtd.a ,.ti2S‘T, ■ 5 ’

8 S f i:E ,i5 = i , S'■" Alcxudtr. >0 .4 1 I r I- Doljaefc, r f ________ 4 0 1

?; S C “ . = i . • ! ? ?;k v .— •• S

te Oetteii____________ ho mo wi—1 ,Summary: Ta-o-base hit* - Me* .

5. Manus, tfehringer 2. Dlcke>-, Akers;|] home run-RuUi; stolen bues^Oeh- ig rlg.Rle«;doub1eplay-LarytoChap-

man to Oehrlg: winning plUher — td Ubyt. - _ .

" ST. lOUfS 5, UOSTpN 4 ( ST. LOUIS, SepU* 13 W -A home .

S run by Phil Tbdu Boston Red Sox flnt baseman, knotted Uie iwre in

, > Uie ninUi Inning here today but Uie ? SU Loul* Brown* knocked out. Uie V extt« point in Uie lenUi and won, S ; lo 4. .“ ^aoatos ‘ 9 i 5

Is i f’ wJbS ff ...-------- 4 I 0 0 ll

' I s i s

i l l :: z z r i i s ; ;

" Totill'______ -^40 4 I0I2I 13 1» • naiwd lor imm» m titbih. • , •* DattM ror QMion in lUhtn. ^

a ouino. t t -------- 1 0 3 0 0 0 “SSilPs'f----------- S 5 ? S

• BchulU, et 4 I a 4. 0 0 : UtlUla, 2b ■ 1 0 9 4 0 __ r«tr«ii. c ' *-** I 4 I 0 T

i^ K ’x S h t i : S i S S i S t i j ^7 Summary: Two-base |ill - Blue:

three-base hlt-<lullle| home run- n

f • •

i j w i S e n a to r sliiptori Here F

IJ on hls-fltth-atiest-^he-Amei ^ international ynehtlng eupit'tfla ri "

Doeg Vanquishes ;-Glianipion-Tililen\ •YT)ung-Amcrit»-6at(5iics-yp I I Witii ' ‘Big Bill” at Last 0 ~-|n-Forcst"Hill-Contcst"

f r.r TED voscuitaH ■ Bporu.writtr)^

J VouiiB America caiighl up with' “Big0 Dlir Tllden al last UiU afternoon.V The37-year-oldctuimplonwenldown • S to a surprlshiR defeat at ihe hands1 of a young CaUlonila ilant 18 years0 his Junior. Johnny.Docg. Ina maleh1 lhal had 10.000 fan* on Uie edge of0 the reat4 for iwo'solld houra.' d0 By scoru ot 10-S, 8-3, 9-8, I3-10, 1 g the twwcriul Doeg tunied back Use1 mil mighty Tllden In the ieml*fiiial < round of the naUonal tennls'slnRles

champloiulilp. and tomorrow he will clash wllh a 10 year old rival from

i Ute Cast.? Illg sUapplng Prank Bhields. New ; York, playing wonderful tflinls.. doa-ncd a fellow New Yorker, Sidney * ;! Wood. In the first cf Uie Mml-finali,: «-2, 0-3, 4*0. 0-3, and Docg'a re­

markable victory Rave tills classic tournament ia-o-of the youngest

- tniallst».1n lt.% 49 years''history. -Even-thouRh bealen, Ihe ono and

0 only Tllden brought tliundensus ap* piause from Uie packed ttand* u

e he baUled wtlh never falllns courate ' n ssalnst O'}-ounser.man, who waa n playing Uie lennls ct lils life.J . Nol alnce “Uttle Bill-- Johnson i . downed him hi llie final round in a IfllD, had "Dig Bill-lesl to an Amer- s . lean Id Uie Unlled Siatex champion-; ' i a a . M , . T O S :. had aecompllslied the teal btfpre.’ Shield’s clear-cut vic lo ry m-er r Wood In Uie oUter reml-flnal waA1 wmewhat dwarfed by what followed I but the lowerlnRllew Yorker. 8 feeuS \ Inehc* Ult.' and welshing 175 r

poundf. played remarkable tennLi, u and will be close lo an cVen choice

against Doeg. DoUi have great lerr- icea and follow Ihem up wlUi-sensa-

- Uonal Toll^---------------* In U»e.-i»tIonal' veUrana' singlea B pIayiounffiorer4}.lheteml'tlnals

were won by commander C. C, Hill. Unlled SUle* navy, who defeated

I Fred BaRp. New York. 0-2,8-3, and I « Henry JL Dasford. Brenrpllle, New a

York, who downed Dr. William Ros*0 (nbaum,'Hew York, 8-8. p-3.

IlSGndMTp": Out at Castleford

Coach Alien Van Atta Do- \ Clares Prospccts Point J To WinnlnD Aggregation

* CASTLEPOnO, ,8eittr-l3-<Sp<c!»l.E to The NewD-Plfteen gridsters. In- K0 cludlnrdght Iettermen. are report 1S Ing for pracUce dally al ihe Oakley t9 high school field.. .. .e .. .Allen Van AtU, football loach,5 declare* prospecta point to a win-0 nlng aggregaUM—PracUee haisttf.. - ■ tered somewhat, since Uie opening of « ; ichool on September 3. on accountD of ih* necessity for the boys lo work - » In the harrest lields, Coach Van Atta: reported, today. tl1 Letlermea on last year's team, who a;

will be Ibe nucleus ot Ui{s yesr’s t> «iiad are: Eiten Abshlre. John -(

K Blldt, Karold-Blue.'Otrald-Butler. t< 9 Leo Lewis, LeUnd Lewis. Leo Sent- ai ] len and Bob Thooias. - 6

0 Todl: ncrUlco-Blaeholder. Fe'milT o1 double playa-OTtourke u MelUlo to U J Blue. Blue to O'Rouike to Blue: win- ci• nlng pitcher-lUmsey; losing pltch- 5 er-Bushej.• "OnlyUireeAmerieanleagu’egaatt- Kheduled, .. I


s D ru b \For Cup Racc . 'j

t) arrived in the United StalpH nerktt's-eunrhlstoric emblem of '■ iflaey.-

/ • r>. . - ■

Upset Takes Tuck j I-In Racer’s Record) Bing^olhrSstrteiv-Timir t . tJark Alter,Loss of. Heat; t -Canstd—-by— Collision “

Fifth In a tl:14 of five rnlrlu. WII- „ .. llai«'-iJlpR Jclla, fleet monarcli -of ii- tiirnitrtmctrioitfhriiHrnHrur : the free-for-all hamcM event on . Friday alternco-.i'i Speed procrani ntI -Twin Fal'ri counly fair grounds. I I ... 5 waa Dine Jolla'a llnl defeat on. Uie ?; : Filer track UiU Aasoii. and II was I eaused by-It:3-cf-a.*ulky-wlioel In iii t collldon with Williamson’s Mack Hal,!

driven by Dixon, close to Ihe atart* ‘ Ire puU ,!

: Jn second.and thlid heaU of the < I evciiU BiJig Jolla came back lo' on » accustomed place, rounding’Uie J I cour* for tlte second heat in 2:15 « I and seiung a new mack.at 2:11!4. t'

for Uie Uilrd heat, with a mark of e: r liOlH at the half-way mark. ” . Wllllamion’tentr}-. afler the coin* a r Sion, went on to llnlsli teeond.ln the , IlMi heat, which was won by Dalc- . man-a Hal Direct In 2:n‘i. • b : Canipb:ll's Maid of Uie Mist won n I all Uirce lieoUi of Uie .consolation n

rocc.wlihBobTracj-.anotherCamp- h I bell enuy whldi flnlslie.l-«cona in n■ Uia second ond third lieaU. a close tl I contender. Tlte lime Roa 2:17] 2:18;! ::I7'.j.I Dutch White. Covbdton i entrj- 1

wlUi SelVera* up, made' It Uiree J I straight, winning Friday's threc- 1 quuur.m11e run. In a field «f ilx• starters. Tlie-Ume wu 1:10 4/5.

Uilrd. CanUeir* Tcm DenUoii,'wUh r Bnwcr uii. Uie iiiily horse to out­

distance DuUli White on tlie' Filer 1 Iraek Uils Mason, and winner of Ihe ., llnl day’a tlve-elghtliii mile run, alto I ran irt yesterday's race, .. Sny-der’s Del Wells, with Brewer lip. won yesterday'* half-mile free*• fcr-alll run. Peterson entrlu eame In• recond nnd third. Clbls placing wlUi- QoWen-Armour-ln-Uie-money.-Thc > lime was :50.I . Autos Supptemeiil Bill ' '. Supplemeiithig liotM races on Uie - I evening program, drlvera ot six of I Earl Kennedy’s auto polo cart staged r a two and one-half mi:} aut^oblle• raee-flw thnes around ,Uie. tradi.

AnnouneemtQl -from .Uie Judg ' , stand said the niriiewaAqultftlut— [ Uie boys did leal well.” Buffy SmlUi

- wa/i announced aa Uie winning driver, ■- wllh-i)lm Beal second and Fred Slumpf, Uilrd. Ono car was obliged to quit on llte ihlrd round 'on ae-

I count of enKlne trouble.Billy Huckster of Snj-der'a stable.

wlUt Brower up, won last evening'* hair*mile' consoUtlon run. wiUi Flowerdew’a Sir. Albert ridden by fi Lyon* second, and Redsull'a Silver h

. Moore. wlUi Shelion up, Uilrd. The li Ume wu ;521/5. < , I

An exdUng one and one-half mile e ' relayrtcelastevenlngwuprcnoune- »

ed • dead heal-Uie lime 2:23-«nd o I Uia purse was divided evenly bc'tween ti

Young and Krall and DavU. YounR piloted hU own strlnR composed of t

: Sanu, Lady M. and Slmpleton..The C . KraU and Davis xtrlnR, ccmpcoed of f'

PlnU), EUa and Ted, «-as rUdea by ^■ Kindred. V

— <By The Associate Press> - ■ ^The Big Slx'battlng av^es con- k

tlnued Ihelr downward niovement eiI u only one of Uie five aeUve mem- si . b ^ could hit more than once.

-Chuck'’ Klein hll twice In five trips c. to Ui« pUto- ahdtbeld hla aterage xat 39J. 1 point ahead ot Uie idle Al l< 6lmmons.-8lII Terry, and Babe RuUialso kept their marks sutlosarr . .402and-i83rrefpeeuv«ly,aa'eachblt C once ta Uireo timta at baU BabeHerman and Lou Oehrlg each made .. one Hll m four altempU.

n«m40. DatDni _J40 4S3 3t at JS3 Cl a>hit(.^MKta —jJOW S » l i e

‘ E r S 'S lii iiffi i S

;ErTEMBFR 13. lOM-

Yanks and BijHsff I iwait-Signal-for- ■Yachiing”Cksic:English Seafarin(_Skiii and i ", Allinrlcail Nklillcal inyiin- "

uity Enter, Into Test to ~KceTor'Uilt-"Old-Mua'’ ,

By AUN COULD (AssocUled I'm i Sp*rl» IVrlttrl

XTEWPORT. R.. I.. Sept. • t\l 12- Shnnirock V nnd I ■'‘^ “ En'Urliiisc: the house or Lipton and the house of Van- dcrl)llt, Uri tid h HeafarinR „ likil] and American nnuticnl „ inircnultv. em'crold-hucd fien- „ t i m e r f a white.i;uiica-crrF; tlency, the.sc comprbe tbe ap- g parent InRrcdlentH of the nu- val elasjlc of the year-tlte salllns race for America's cup. most prised 0/1116 world's yachting trophies. In lie *crlc4- lUrtlng tomorrow nine, mile* souUieasl of Utenton reef ,

llghislilp, L‘... , .^ g a m H i- l- S ll< .k ln B I

Ciwlyto the . faeU.ll'iarace between Sir

•W B W ^ M -TliQnu. Lin'. <<'M B S B S m ^B H f i B m E rock V. flying

Iho burgee of ■IMhWCBIBIM llie. Royal Ul- ” l U M M H t H sierYaehlclub, “B M B it I ...................fiJ W B H W land, and .|he ti

Vanderblll- Aior^n uynor ^

■^STmSlo , prlie.-elioaeii i’ represeniatlve H

ot Uie cupOioldliig New York Yadit si club, whoK roster ot memben reads U llko'A-subsUuUal:porUon.ot.rWho’s g<Wlio" In America. __________d

■ '~i'rlnee'ilj«n0frmpl d Aclualt}-, and Irom llie viewpoint ll

bid of tygallanl Vld lriUitM^^ a prince among siKitUntrn,lo lift Ute « ■old mug' lhal he lus sought In ti vain since Sliamrock I, went down tl to-defeat before Uie fast-flying Co- g lumbla hi ISN. ' ’ V

l“ TlirinhTf6urleeliUrrci«wiil-6f y the BrlUth-Amerlcan yaditlng riv­alry thal sprang from the Ylftory of Iho schooner America, around the Uie ot WiRhl In lU l; the llllh luc* etulve British challenge sponsored by llie n-year-old tea merchant and >' former Olasgoiv grocery slorckeep- * cr wlto has tixnl millions In one'of i mott spKiacular sporting qucsU ot « ail time. • *

■Will he win? ’ • fThal'a llte iiuesUon-thty were de* R

bating tonight along Newport’s nar- E ro'x. old-fashlnneU suecu. In Uie r mansions of arUtocratlo America Un- t Ing tlie rocky shores of Ihe bay and p ainong Uie oId'SAlla who have spent » their Jives on the sea. '

Rod and Gun Club \ .Announces Shoot s

^^^.cTOnlng of theV.ll ju-w frange ihree miles north />f Ihe Fire „Polnla Slore will lake place at 0 A.' !!M. lomorrow. It bi not necessary tb ,be n member ot Uie dub In order to :Alioal. It ,1s anounced. and visitors fare- invited lo'attend and praeU ce ^In antlclpaUon of ihe appnMChbig _liunUng season. '' ^

30 Gridsters Seek 5 Berths at Oakley]

Eight Lcttcrnicn' Return lo | ~Linciip*’andr Indications«

Point to Light Tealn |

OAKLEY*. SepU 13 iSpedillo The f Neatk — Thirty candidates are out for football practice al the Oakley high school The eight iettermen re* ’ turning from last year ere; Uurenci ^Ilot, Clark BeU, and Olen Fair- 1 ehlld, back field men; Ronald HoU* J man and John &Urtln, lacktes; Har* old Hunter and LaMar Martlndale, center. •

Playen who sUrred lu l yfiir.and Uie year before are: WUlard Cllton, r Clark-liell, Jliurman Burdt, Law- ,, rence FJlIol, Robert McUurray. U ' Mar Martlulale.-.CIcn Falrdilld. v Winslow Whitcle}-, Harold Hunter. ,, Leavlti Haight, Ronald Hale and Alton Fairchild. •' ,

The boys ate small, even the vet- ■erans-from-last year, and the t;am , will average leu than ISO'POundt per ^

• CoachTliompsoDtaysthallheouU . look for a winning team Is not'so t encouraging, yet he Is far from pes­simistic. .

The schedule lus nol yet been ,,compleled. There wUI be a pre-sea- 'J.son game with American Falls, Sep*' y lembet 2^ al American Falls.

GROUSrHdNTING-STOPS ^“ b OISE. Sepu,ia-M>>-The sUlegame department loday ordered l<Shothone county dosed lo hunihig Ccf any form ot gtwse Ic this sea- dson. The order was issued on.Uie liappeal of local sportnDcn-who feared clextensive desUuctlon ot the btm.--.. d

m s m lo x , 8 ‘ 7

ZuppkeC?rabML; ^"PerrinerFormer—:=TwiirFallrStar-I 140-Pound FoVmor Quarter- ,* back on Bruin Eleven ' Bids For ■ Generalship of’ '■ Iliiiiols 'University Team—

By PAUL MlCKELSON ‘' (AsMcUttd Preu UporU Writer)

G' ■ HAMI>AlGN.Ill.,Scpt.I2 ._= ^C on£ l]lio jL .:2 j!PPfc£ i_. narrator of so many fic*

tionnr'bear” Bloric3 about hisR unlvcrsliy of Illinois totball -

proBpcels thnt none of h ls r iv *_ _>1 nU lielievea Kim any more, a t . 1 . ^ least appears to have a true '• sob story. . I , ,'• 1JJ.S ffrcal squad, which won6 twoBlg Tcndiampionshlpsaodtot •

blit two games in Utrce year*. Itas" been wrecked by graduaUon and de.i Bitlie the ostuto Duichman’i.repu- ^'* tatlon for coming bock wllh a Urge . bundle of *urprUe padcagea, pros*,5 i-ects- for- anoUier. championship---

eleven la 1930 appear.dhn. . ■J .Howevy^ mucU depewla on Uio____

* ton. If the- Kcncral brand of foot- : ball equaU Hut of 193B, the lUlnl ,, face n hard Usk in Ihelr hard

schedule. If -It U wtaker, Uio Ullnl : and Ihclr exeepllonal knowledge of •:: football lundamenuls' may come .^ lUrwiglt:-----------------n ----- 'We've- got to sUrt all cwr again."' l ^"‘B^n“ ai;d awkw-ai With only____n fwo Veterans back ona uie res; oi •e It made up of tophcmores ond Uilrd

slrliii: reserre* Irom-lastryear. Tlio Is backfleld'.candidates have ahown's good-runnlia.abll1ty.butJlieT0.ls_a____

dearth of klckera and passer*. Well____- doTTtli^niniH=lBhHeil-dlvlBton—— it Ihls year and IliU Isn't llcUon

'• : ^ . r ^uj in (airprlslng faslilon. Coadt Zuppko e will have a difficult losk In mould- n ine a winning baeUldd-comblnii- I Uon. All six of his' bbt-ground-

galnera of 1D39 lelt by imuluaUon. Walker and -Lanum,. and Fullbadc

•f HumbSu -------- •' ToTepIace Uiem, Zuppko lia* lev* ''t eral men ol poUntlal power.1* RoblMn Look* Oood 'd However, Olaf Robinson, who ,il looked good Icwrnd Uie end or>lo*t

seasons may get the call'at full- if btct'He appears lo have Uie p t i^Jt and-pba-w., that a good fuUback-

slMWld possess. -rPcle" Uonuskui, a '- fleet back who gained consldehiblo

> ground last j-ear, wlU be baek also.•- Emle-Useman, a greal trlple-Uireat. e man fron lost year’s reilerve team.I- looked like the answer, lo Zuppke'* . d prayer lor a quarler-baek but rank*it *cmcwhat a* nn-unWed quanUty.-----

Tlie line will miss ail but two nt- . ernns, Ed Kawal at center and Ott . mill, tacklc/--Ei{ds Wolgasl" and';'V Jolley were graduated while Stcln- man. a good sophomore end proa- '

<- pect, ha*, been .d«liSia~lnellgiblE Guards Crane, WelU and Rctusli - -' liavo been lost aj.liavo tacUe* dor-

5 tsnreandtastes m t hpAttU and ' out of Uut man of Uleot must bo

V picked a'forw-ard wall eapabla.cf - „ stemming the bruising attacks in- ^ eviUbly launched against UUn«M». g teams.J Boyd Owen, red head from SouUi* Bend, Indiana, wlUi a'reputaUon for-

snaring passes, and (larks' Swan­son, a husky slx-foU.er, lUnd out'a* hopa^for Uie end poslUons. BoUi ,- ore'sophomores wlUiout mudi ex­perience but .with great poslblllUes. '

"Tiny* Huddleston, a young giant . weighing 232 pounds/may glre tlio I mini plenty of beef In an oUier- ' w-Ue light line. He Is Ute Urgest

man on the srosid bui lacks experi-- ence. Olenii Wagner,, a 210-poundU substitute guard in 1937. has le- ' -

turned and b a posalblllly for guard ■c or-UeklerHte rest-of-ithe-eandi----

dales. wlUi Uie exception ot .ninjr-___» Perrine, Twin Falls, Idalio. star, a " 140-pound Quarterback candidate,

wllh a great-head^ much s ^ , ars more er leyCnLiown quonU- -'

‘‘ lUtnols‘fsce/^a tough sdiedulo wlUi an Inexperienced tcoQ,.

Rosales Defeats’' Buffalo Battler

ERIE, Pa.. 8 ^ 1 3 WVRoeey Rosales. 17315, Cleveland, won by a ' technical-knodwut In Uie sevenUi round of a lO-reund maUh wlUi Art Welgand. 1(5, Buffalo, New York, here tonlghU ' . .

Ray. Miller, IM, BatUe-Creek, Michigan, knodced out MaUy Mat: ihcws.l61, Kenoiha, Wlsconshi, In- Ute skUi round of att elghl-roohd boul.t,'-. . -

Joe BoOa. 122!i, aewJsnd. ,wa» Rl»4a.» decbioa la six wnds'orer' r Garner Johns, 133a. Erie. J ,,

Johnny Torah. 113«, ’ Chlea^ .-V Negro, won fay a technical knodttut ■... In-ttfe third round of his sls-niiad flghl with Jesje-Reynolds,’ IJIH , ‘ ' ClereUnd.'.

Frankie, ^ e r , 143li,-'.CIeTeUaili-x:-V won a four-round decision orer Red-' . :jtyJMUcJL<L-y»-; • ' — -

MeBONAlD aklS-DW^t>N V .--: HQUYWOOD, BepU U jlV-Bee- •

Icr l(b00ald.'.VtD09irrer,'3tlUslt.. . .- Columbia. Ugbtwtighl defeated Ool- ;. ; ' dU^Hus/ Ooeaa Park, OaltfoMa,; ; lienUisLlgbt-afler 10 rounds ot lut,’,'. '• cVn^^Uaf. )Tht cnwd booed Uu— doelsloa.' ' ' ,•

■•• • PngQ.Threfc-.'-r,

■ i-r-^T W IN -fAfctS-DAIL-V-NSI. ftnuaumoH u t uHnMtUAsnsw .

. S 5 V . 7 « r z z = H! s A v r*- ■ — !

• - >r». • 2._________ '

■ ^urM«r« nr A^inL^TrtTriiiiUU^ UM >n putllciUos Qi

J _________mri udh^cIH( local Dtri pueiUDtd bOflB.fl jb tT >»Wlillt»Uoo 6» •P«“ ' J piuaw Btnia tix r«»«nrt.

- to awgi IT«m.rn* Nrai U > BMUMr ol Uii Ai

I . ' • (Jm?UonwpP?lM?»ewjijpoa»*qu

f ~ ■' S r|i|S |S L gI' . o w t » o ! S ' l t S i •(£!

fu°w ?m4b| Ib pttuatliun vUi i M p Btti&N. Ha DIBIU/npU triu t*W&M uBl«u tMoawalM «i bk

■;7— --------KiTio?iirKr*wtJ.ritivu-'i ' rii(n>DiH. xtxa'Aiio rRinirj


----------- tH rc in-Tnm o cKs™

Idaho'* Clly of Hoelu, »aulh t- i-wl of 0*klfy. »lllj Jui!!e»iuc ■

vrriWns. eould b« m«de u J»mo w Colondo'i Otrdtn ef (he Owli

m t Cltr et nocu iwit. »im . hundred* of tlltnic rocU-Jonie

, Ihfm tlreMlr nimfd, tnd ill »on:J . " . lo be lunwd «»l(«rrt-ov*fViflK I . hlllfide, It iivKlclenCS cUlm |)ie iI 'tfnllon of rilure lovtri md llic ( MrtJn* »I«r ihlnsi W»Rt« »' !'' unuiufl In Dtture. IU ttltlns-la e■ et pwideiir. wllh Mounl Indcpc.

dcnce. the hlthul pt*k touUiV . Htllcy; tnd ilie lUe OTtltl blue I

drprndcnee iiket In IU cIoM rn U ^ ImltT Hmrbr tOQ. U Indlin_Qpii — ffom-tht-iiHthU-ot-«htcl>-tI>»-lI I duni uM<i to wauli tor tpprotc] I Ins ■»»•«

Tlie eld emlirtnt Irilt. bver *lili covered WBota Irtvtled to Ctilfo

I nit loldlleldt trom Itie eroiwotdi ------- nirnimriinflintfen-tiniidrnHi

:'l ' meree U ttltini Uie Jetd in t moit•Jl menl lo titlnj IhU n » l m S « tj) . er prominence U orgtnliini tn «I; ' cunlon to be mtde by motor ti-:i. '-----Kofkbtck to tli of IU prlnclptl I:iV . . itretl eenlert.

TheexcurtlonlnylUllonlttddrM )U cd etpecUlly to Idtho retldenu.^',ll , ChtmberttUklnsih# proper com

' In endeivorlnc to Inltreit. home tol

! ■ tind wijutlnl thea Ittit »lUi t tcenlc tnd historic vtlue* of l KBlon.

It U to be hoped thtl th«. mo« menl will ipretd lo brim to (1 retlon iu dCMrrtd prominence t; to mtke' we of lit mtpiltlcenl pc ^Mllilet not’only to the tdrtnU

, ' 'of Otkity’ WlIey tod the iu m«tr Counlrr bul lo tU of Idtho.


- .. Irljoycn- depoted.prttJdeniof AB ■ ttn1ln..»h6wMtm|iu0Lffl»lfl

C m*-,■ - tvnu oar Ui'litic'Uwr^uu t'llii of *tr»*. . " ; •,

' ' Nobodyemkntwmuchtboulhlj He «wd fluJtlij iml t««Wny. 1 htd Jutt ’Clcrenieu enautti lo o

■ . stnlte, or lo htrt'orftnlitd In i ntnr, t curloui comblntUon 'rt^tU . ntlconunu tnd ftntUi He * u to TtliTtnd eintic In t: otfidtl prwedure tnd pollcy'tit

• ■ ' frntllyi’lhe cfluntry Id endure hino.lonter. .

. WitBhtJtH.ll«ulncttdlMelw• rully the (til cune. The tlrtw mi

' toppled orer tl the flnt retl putt <» poimctl wind. And’wim him 8011i ^htiJiaW ^ Pl 'bit kepi hi

laM ^D lop ltcex . '^ ^ — :Tfirt||hUni. contuilon tnd de.

■ trueiKi'-ilKndlnr hit remoTtl t: ' unrrtufltle. But ’ Uie outcome w:

^\_i6uiiUtttbetortu^e_{o<^i»j4wiw * 'tn'd(mrtMor»f»itcounttT. Al

centlnt, mlmpreMnlcd for yetrt I whtl AmertoiM would ctll t 'chei

% ' fourfluthcr.* ty noir (Ind prop< ' reprewnltllon tnd tollow wundi

; \ ....'sndtmori/proflltble courte*.II m<> b< ezpeclcd tbtl one i

i . 'ih e flrtt polklt* rerened will be II tordsn v»Uey, which pt«

eluded inlem'tUontl t«tm work tn whOK (oremotl t la wu tentelej

- hottlllly 10 the Onlled Bltlet. ■- • Ar^nllnt tnd.eur'jown counli

': " t r e nttiirtl tUIet I f upholdint Ui dljnlly W'Uie weitOT hemUpTiei

■ ■ »nd tjwigilni Ittd ^ lp ol ih '1 Amerlin rtpubJIcar.irnity bejwi

pottlbU MOO to pl^ up ft lot ot loo< endi tiid Uk4 up tsew the Iwk <

t. . nkklnj. ttU-Pui-'Ainerlcin'.Unloj' . itnouot to wmetlilct..

L J . . ■ . EW P.OrW ^ -V . Osi oX Use moQUfflcsttl ini- -JJ-_tlWB»jjottI«U.oo'rttOrdended.«u

riTtU for th* monl j'Ij • , ' t^eltjr.wer^XcreeddownbyOTdch •otn'cea who tnnouncc|- ■ ■'^./uiitVimlta-'Uii elilldrtn «p«le


» their delinquency.-Tliil broi _ j t n ptrenU tnd ehlldrtn-io Ume. . ^2 An imercailne tetlute dcvelo

« * Tht glrlt Id not climb down » Diiwi. eul belp.'Tiid when tliey trlf< lira J- «tln.-Uiey-were *c»r«fIy.*Ule'to.

' • ierillound.Anyone«iio«Dn(ler.iirauj. mtyl'uy illimt,*il£»t<re. m

po*llIon.^or. twelve hundred he . . . _ II »II1 tike ()uJU_t wlillf. ‘“ '‘I * ttit* dMi~of~|iioii«iuKl'tciivilFri4'

theHlnkJi out^ihof.e childrrn'i

B. All cle« tsaln. ' ' ' •*' '‘ jimtnoilwMdellghtoiiilield

— of tuch' conl«3l4.

iMMj 1- • ■ - ■■ - —

11 SOCIETY”«u?a' T “ AJnja.tIBS

t o g. ■. wiiutM .. . pboot M-

Ul sot ____________ ■iiu U y” **** Ml/JiFlorenfeWtkem.whoUic t j n iiJt.lo.tiicndJ.lnlleld.cullcgtj'l. “ Mlnnville, Oreton. wm honored » Dnw'tn informal dinnfr *l Ihe Wall «■ «■ home Thurtday e»tiilns wllh roi

tor elKhi. tll immedUie rrlttlvr

^ | p E iin ir i[ f msiiL M

Odj. _____m 11* nOPERT, 8(|11. IJ (Bpeclal lo 1 lie of Newm-CloiJns !Iw aummer vt

lion period, Rupert, chtpler of E“ lfriu8Ur_rMutBfdJ!if ^

«h»'S monthly nieclinj* Thuudty nu le tt* with ft good iilendtnce tuembi

in Uie Odd Pellowt htll. Uic rein ^ meelln* pltce.•"d ThemectIni..preildcd8verbyK

a one Edliii Moritn. worthy mttron, ' (Den- voted the Ilme lo reeultr clitp T , aerrlce. Tlic wutl aehedute of me

Ing dtieK. llie wcond tnd tou e Inr Tliurtdty nlghu In etch monlh. i prox- tdopttd, . .__________

•iHHirailiflS-IIEPIllll r lli.liS IN M4Jill —

Ke»»i-Betn ylcid* ol the Or JlU-lywUi^^trtdf-trc n 60 bual'

In d St^ W ^ 'h tn htir of Uie t WIct't betn crop htt been htrveji

retl- with eomblnc litnwlert. About l<I » . Uilrdt of the betn fleldx of Uie, clntiy tre Uie Qretl Northern vtrli ana Moomaii. Nell Jen»n i

II In* Olenn Origgt htve-report( etc " ■ Uontlly good yield*. ■

s i in a i i i i i i•i'S: NKHiFRCIIl' OAKLEY. St'pl. 13 i8|)eelfll 161

A'ewjii-Oitkley Rurtl hlsh *cli I Ihl* botrd of iruiiec* held llieli- rc- I tnd gtuluUon niecUng here TucjC

6epiember7,’ ^ aitrlM Cltik. formerly chtlrm nUje wti.clccied Mcrcltry tnd lret*ui Raft tnd Dutne Crtnney wtA ntr

ilio, chtlrmtn..VO >tASTODONS IN lo W tKA

ANN ARDOK. Mich. (>V»-The 1____ AniETlcan-miiloiloiLji-bclIei’ed. tittle lived .tboul. lOWK) ye*n-t«{

.t>rr- ninn.spunnijt iN-STAfJ^«'d -CfMSjNNATI. 0 MV*!art«r- tuilluioiit htie beeir mtde in rAooIt of SJI towM'tiid clt;»

'him. oiUo, S. II. Dtmw, hetd ol ' J. He Ohio tchool of the air, reportt.

“ TWIN Cl'llCKS ARB'PRBFEC" TULSA. Oklt. w>-A perfect pn of oLtwIn chick* It owed by ktr*.tUu. 0. Klllinu near TuIm . The chk„ tilj litlched (rom t Diitf Orplnstm c'thtl formed.! him otU. wheal, barley and rre i

recommended t* winler pwluret • how tilpplemenl llvetiwk fevd eul ih mtn ,Iff of ^ = = = —gone, ; . T '

m w KWUI I------------- __________

“ ; T I E 0'^THE l io n com esrt.br TO V IS IT TW IN FALIhetp . —roper Tlie be*l known tnlintl tn'1 inder *hole *orld .come* lo lown lodty

iht.per*oi> nf Leo. (he huge II ' ihtt i/uri hS'aupruntcy tt Uie I

le or ElnnlnsoftlIMclro*Ooldwyn<Ut: . II,( plUurcA We tre tcciitlomed to a

hiE Leo trom within Ihe “An Ort P " ' Aril*" »crbll of Ihe ir*dc*mtrk c *nd (i{n which he lit* helped to mtke

«Ie£t ftmllltr. but lodty ll U different i ^. he. trrlm tmong lu tn perton

, all Ihe BTtndfiir tnd *(y1e It iniry , liquid turround "Uie gretletl »i : Uie or Ihe icreen" tnd (he king iTiere >'««'* ..

Leo win imlonn tnd ett 35 pour <<(.nw-iae*UaJroBU)UiitJd»

■“ s ihetlrettfliliP. it.. •••*** Leo'* eniounge coniUU -o( I ik of mtsniricent molor ctrt tnd o loioQ ptltUtl motor, (ruck, tnd t tU((

fire etcofU All ot the conveytni ' mty be retdllrWftitUied by Ult I

*plcndcnt (t*Iilon tn which they hi • been dccor«itd'Tiirred"t rrtt- go

^__ Crtdll roT-ihe origin of IhU.ti;. dccortUon mty go yctrs-btck

tree* tny one of t number o( circiuct t «Uh ll ht*jtmtlnedJotJLiti».Ootdwy

W W- '0 bring-inojh# new bl polni or tplendor tuch u exemp

d b fledtntbepreptntion ofthUequI irdcr went for Leo. iDrtrtdfmtrlt Hon need Leo't irtvellng honve 1* 24 (eetto

over til'tnd lower* tpproxlmtt< irlw Hb tod ooeihtir (e« tbon t

E ttffiM i = 'HMIIIICOitlfd to ■___ _ ..'to.lot-_ --------------^-1------

I,r Dismissal o l . Slate's

“ „ J “ ' rnarld lor Canccllalion

> t“ “ _Bac!(,Ta !(es Marks Viollo^^^ •n'* Iftt ----i miiJ- HUPEJIT. Sfpl. IJ iflpetltl'lo-----KMil^DlNiiWaTbyTJBlrlcrUi

Adtm D. Btrcfty: in dljtrici c e laiocy I p( , tompltliil brought by

Uttle of Idtho.uklng Uiti deling , (txe* on land forecloted by the t

__ be ctncellcd, mtrk* the fir*l vie1 whicu'lihe wun'iy U Tnd uvorin

. ! force Ihe title rintnce commit W jlo pty ddlnquenl uxes bn Itni 1 jihe counly covered by ih< *ti

” ■ PnnccuUng Adomey H. V. C *on. In chtrge or Uit cue tor

I dokt county.,ln hi* trgument'be (he district court, contended Uitl

b m J court htd no Jurltdlcllon, Inti* (lut Uie (txe* be nol ctncelltd.

ulctT< The *ult. *uoed br Mlnlc al Me couniYtlxmMilh* iso.ntter.Uiei

•d wuii irintnce deptrlmenl htd rerutci iVakem Ipty delinquent,uxe* on luid In rover* county on which Uicy held mortg; live*.' tnd'htd torcclosed, Ii or Interct

rrrditlorilbting HVcrtU In Mlnlc I counly between WOOO and »*000 li volrcd In ttxc*.

>mmedUtely followlni the dl*i 7 U P tti or the titt('« *ult Aiionry C

lb * demtnd to the tUitetmlning botrd tlitl the ttxtt tllowed, ir tuch tetlon U refuted

loTlie action (o compel payment will vtct- brought tl'onoe. Mr. Cretion i

of Uie Krldiy,

l l f E l l sS 'U iM B Illllljourth I nuiiLEV, SeT)t. 12 (Specltrto' “ • ■“ I Newt'i - Alice U rw ii.. 17-yctr.


^ T u j r i m S v H ^|H| ' nlng.ln-tir ttuiomobllo-collltloii ' I I ' (hr comer of Tliird itrcet north i u rn avenue, when t etr tn Ir Mklt of Ihe one In.which the tnd

.I1LII *l*ier.«eie rldliix etme to tn tbr *iop.whcii.]uiIlcaJiy.a.trlcnd.«lo

_-,.l*ide.lht*tretl___t *^|-THif-Laircii cAil. ■.lntaT a^n:^

retr or llie other, which wa* be >iullcUUrtvcn4iT'*nolhf»'?Bur:ey elrl.

’’‘ 'IgltMof Ihe wliid*lileld. bul her itTwo-1 con*ldere<t wrlow

i m iD J i p i III h m iP E iiiic

PAUL Sept..13-i8iiecW.lo • m C Ne«'>i-AI>il:e clover iccd brou lifiLu ;a.rctiini.'oCllM l>cr ncre on n m

■ jfiir^ rii'c'im'tncl of ground 'llie Jone* homctlcnd i>etr here.

loTIie,cording to tlie report of .Joe tchoolijo„„, *1,0 ij In c„4 e of the ft

1A loUI of (JM pound* of *eed ' “ ‘’• •.ihrejlied lt»t week by BUUwell i i^ ,- . aale of the Emenon dlstrlcl. ‘™ *"' The yield |)cr tcre w«* t II named.'"®*? (han lJ!j. bu*hel* pw ti

,Mr. Jone*reported,HeaoId the* ifor 19 cenU |)ei) pound.

'KARS ' — ■ —

In tlie ■" ‘ iM JEnouE, Stpl. 11 IS|«<I.I u. TIC Kewti-Yleldt o( Orlmm til

fa teed of 14 biuhel* |<er acre tr FTCT (he Ihreihlne jntclilne litre b< :l pttr ieported (rom tet«tl growen .tr*. L. the Jerome dUtrlet. ThU *ecd. wl Ehlckt, clraned..w|ll avenge (rom 10 (o m cji. biulieli per ncre.

The srou return* are exi>rcied Hill cloM fo KW iKf acre, '

re arc •TIirMhliis work Is ttlll In p iret lo fitfiv Cool wetihcr tnd Ilgll »hc Ihort cn htvc Interfered tomcwliti w

(he litncjl.

)Brtiuiid,.Thc Interior ltdlvldod.lt ,, , . I Ihree coniptrlmoiu. In the front ILLo {Ihe driver'* ctb; t i the retr of i

{inick t« a atnltary compartnK which occupies three' and «ie-h

j , . In f« l of Ihe inick't length, while » lion between Uie« (wo tecllon* 1* t i» ht. 'Pocloiu ctce occuftled by Leo Im Uiier 'Here l.eo ht* tmple room i0 tee* Tlie ctje U t jrtilt '“"B by tlx feet wide t •K de> »'*(«tthre?inche*inhel8ht.EA« tke *0 prccaiidon tor Ihe convt nt far ut Leo 'in iwrtecl health Ii V IX bern jirovlded,

Mj, . In order lo make the riding qiu , Ulrx ol the truck u perfect t* pc . .. lbIe. U lit* been tilted with pnt * mtilc thock alLsorbert. pneiimt-• tlrt*tnd»pecUUprlng*wthtt.o

oundj cirr ihe rotd*, Leo will expetlcii WUKi4iio_dJaomIoru_Eich .comptrtme

ot Ui» truck U elccirlctlly llghi r two In order to sive the thou*tnd* t1 one Uiouund* of evening vUllon t p< t(( of (cci Yitw Of hi* roytl mtjetiy: rtncc* , Tlie entire tmy. will no doti nt re> prove of cxcepllontl InUretl to < rhave eryone In UiU clly a* Leo ptrtc •gold. Uirough Uie town tnd'mtket 1 .tiyle more InUmtU-ptrtonal tppetrtn \U to belwecn.Uw-eninnee lo the Idt ct bul theatre tl «:IJ P, M.Iwyn. -Ctplaln-Voliiey Pliir«^«luxlUft ' blih trtlner.iQd confldtnle, hu a*tur impll* ua Uul on Uie occulon of Uielr vl ul|>- lo-Twln r'lllt he will be htppy

Ion. dlrtcl Uo'lhrough hi* repertoire tlons irlck* tnd-«ntlc* which prove'hi Attely i»be t bea:l of ftr more.UiiD on I Ult w y latclllieoce. _________ _

§== Prize winners A] Jimy ‘ Twin Fails

ion-of ■I. , ' Jer»eyiiClOry Pull, 3 jf,r, old or orer—Flrtt.

'. O. Mytri. Dol«: »e«md,.R.H. K del. Duhl-. third. C. IL Sarscnt.'Fn

:i court W, TurnijMed..nuht.. by the IiiiIl, Senior C*lf-Plnl, H.Inquenl Mjcn, BoUe; jccond. Geo, Antie dale Bol-e: third. J, D, Deal. Ptyelle. Vlcl«t7 Dull. Junior Ctlf-Plnl, H. O.»

irlng to Fnil'.Ilindi ihlrd’ R. H. Kern mlMlon Buhl.Itnd In Caw. 4 yem tnd over—Pint, JL ttale’t .M}'(ts, BoIm ; lecond. 0. H. Cargc

----- Pr«iili<ml!-(hlidr7rBowerrBol*e;Cret- Cow, J.Vetri ti)d Under 4-iPi

r Mini* iL 0, Mytr*. Boiit: tecond. B_ I belore Tuin(D-«a. Buhl; third, J. D ,^ MtUie p.ifiif, . ' lulttlns ){(!(,;, 3 Yrin tnd Under S-H: fd. .-• rifi!. 8 it. Ktyler, Twin Ptllt: a Inldoki ond, C. II, Stntent. PralUtnd; Ihlie*Ul4 orWHp-l..-1'roiVMirldUn-----“ <d W utiftr. Senior Yetrllns-Ftrtl.: In the q_ Bolie: *eeond,Jl. W. T 'f*|tses fluhl: ihW. fi, H. Ktyl

lo Twin yilK»lllt-uWo*irji«rldlaa;I«co«Jr IL Sirscni. Frultltnd: Ihlrd. H.

dltmlt- * B/efder't Ctlf Herd-Flnl, IL Mycn, Bol*<r *«o;t(f. C, If. fltfge

“ • Frultltnil: third, 8, H. Kaylcr, T» xca be 4*r^uc«orDtm-Flr*t,fi.H.Ki r ler. Twill Kills; tecond. C. IL 8i

*** genl. mitltnd; Uilrd, Orville Frc- Mcfldimi,.

r fYiiliItnd: lecbnd. 9. H. ‘Kayl Twill ytlli; tlilid. K. O. Myer, Bol

Ilrlter, Senior Ctlf-Tlnl. C. Bo n in i l er. Bolic: lecond. 8. H, Ktyler. T>

KflhH F ll* n<lid. H. 0. Myen, Bot*e. IIHull uctfer. Junior Ctlf-Flrtl, Hat

ryii Sarseni, Rpiltlind; teeond. a. Mjeri, BoUe: third, J. D. De

to The payelie. ■ 'ctf'Old . Dhtbilor;* Herd—Flnl. H- 0. m trCat- er*, Bosiei-Mcohd. C. H/ Barje awJcj-. Prultliind:-Ihlrd., Lee E._Thuts» ■y eve- Twin K»H«.;(oii at —Breeder'* Vounz Herd—Flnt. th and o, Myer*. I>oUe: lecond. 8. H. Ks I Iront ler. Twin Ftlli; third, C. H. Barge Id her prultlfliid. ' ' »• ,tbrupi Heifer.' I Year and Under 2-Fltalons?. T; W..RJclunond..Jr.JJuhL----_____ -ahowlpt-aiid-Fttlln:. Conical

' bclns ‘junior Cliamplon-itale. Mye‘'■P « X''ier In- Myer*. BoUe: female, IL O. Myeou*. BflUi;. • , -

• Ortnd aitmplon-Bull. H,I Myer*. Bolie; remtle, H; O. MyeI BolieL counly Herd-Flrtt. Ada ccMhlif tn r «wnd. Ptyelle county; ihird, Tw

Bull. ] Yttrt. or.over-FInt.. . T l,. P. Boiilliwlck. Buhl: «cond; F.

OInricli. Buhl: third, Hemr Schli3 Vetn nnd Under 3r-«r

Emil Johmon, Kimberly.Bull, Junior Yftrllns-FInl, He

** O' Bchlck. Buhl; lecond. F. A, 01 I farm. uui,]. _« * “ Bu:V Junior Ctlf-Flr»l, Van !ll and Ntylo:-* Bom. Iltmen: tecond, I- A. OInrtch, Buhl}, third. Hen . llltle Schick, Buhl,• acft. Xo*. 4 Vctn tnd Over—Or le teed Vance Ntylor It 8oiit. Hinien: tt

' ond, F. E. Souiliwlck, Duhl; .thli Hena 8chlcl(, Buhl,

D Cow,'J Yetrt tnd Under 4-Ftr Henry Schlek. Buhl: tecond, P.

Olnrlch. Buhl; third, F. E. Sout: wick. Buhl,

P in r ' Heifer. 2 Yean and UiiiXt 3

^'jWfer. Junior-' -Y'carllnB-Ftr •lal ta Henry Schick. Buhl; tecond, F. ’alfal. SouUiwtck. Buhl: Uilrd, Hen . Bchlck, Duhl,: »el(er. Senior Ctlf-Flrst. P.

Olnrlch. Buhl: lecond. Emil Jolinso Kimberly.

■ Heifer. Junior Cnlf-Hnl. P.' ** Olnrlch, Duhl: lecond.Vtnre^l

• Jt Son*. Htiisen' thtnllT.TS'jut: •led ,10 wick. Buhl.. _

' .‘ExWfilior't Herd-Plr»l. P. i pro- Souiliwlck, Duhl: tecond. Hen thow- Schick. Duhl,I wUh BKCdcr't Youns Hcrd-Flril, He.

O' Bchlck. Buhl. , •____ • Brtcder't Otl( HeAl-PIist, F.= Oliirlcli, Buht.

rroduceofD»m-Prat.KA,aln —I rich. Duhl; tecond. Ilcno- 8ehl< * 1 Buhl; third, P. P- Boujljwick. Bul RIJ 0 « of Btre-Flnt. Henxy '6ohlc\’n ' ■ e.BouihwickTBui

Mtle. Junior Chtmploftthlp-Ntrlor 3on*. Htnien.,1 I,,.- senior Cliamplon-F. E-_Soull

uiieni * ‘£5-Bl’J''- . flit*,” Junior ■ ChtmpIon.hlp - Hem u'.K? Schick.BuhL _him* flenlorChtmplon-NtyI<.r&8on

u lu [ Onnd Champlon-Ntylor it Son HanKn.*. .

EAerr - . HoUUInt 'h 'lm Bull. 3 Yetrt Old or Over-Flrt

InUrmounttln Initltule, Wclw QiJttl. wood. Cattla t»wiy 'lloliteln I oo.<s Burley: third, Warner Htnnl. Buh pncu- . Biia Senior Yetrllng-Pini. Cai mttlc »I* County HoliWlni, Burley: t« I oen ond. C. M. WtKmtn,.HtnKn: thin rleiice h: tt Main. Jerome;, imenl Bull. Junior Yetrllns-Flnl, Uehied wriMounUln--Jn«ltuv--WeiMi4 and »econd. Ba*tll 'Stock Farm. Buh k ner- third. Purl Mtuey. Jerome.

BuU, Benlof Calf-Plnt. IhUi doubt MounUln.liutlliitt. WcUer; leconi5 ev- U .J. TencklDCk. Twin Ftlli; thin irtdet Batall Slock Farmt. Buhl,i hl* BuD. Junlof CtU-Flril. U .ranee Teneklnck..Twin FaJU; lecond, Tr Idaho (er.MoonUliOKeli«: third, Joiei

• Mountain ImllluieTwelJtr, _caw^4 Yetr»01d tnd Over-Flr* Cuila^CouninioUltttruiMriUol

r vUll Burlty; tcco'nd, Inur-Mounuin lo py to tlttuU. Welscr: ihlrd. Cp ta Cour Ire or ly Itoltlcln atwcUtlon. Burley, ••him Cow. 3 Vein tnd UniJ'r 4-Mn ordi-Catli*'Coimty - IIa!iL:In'. Burle] ____ licsoBl U J. Tc^jcktackjrwln^

\FAlimiledl)y= Is Copty Fair Juiigi_ ithlrd, Inter-Mounlaln (nitll— >- [weljff,'—---------------

I Heifer. 3 Yean tnd Under}-? .Frank Ilwiton, Jeijime: lecond, icr*>{ountiln— tajlituter—Wet third, CauU County HoUielnt, £

Benloi* Yctrllne-Fint. ’ 1 >er-Mounitln Injtltute, Welter; i ond, Bt« li Stock Farm. Bulil; ih

Jl— U- Oipriii-t.'wjity Hotiielm, Bnrlry: :• Heifer, Junior' Yetrllni-rPI

;[ a Caitit Counly Holileln*, Bur: Amet xcond; Inter-MounUIn Initlti He • Wcfer; third, Btwill Stock. Fa 3. My. Cuhl.'endei' Tyict4ncfc?^ln nilU:^oi'id, c

tit Counly Hohteln*. B.urley: Ui JLO fnt'rmounttin Initltutr, Wdjer.

[„ea , .Heifer. Junior C*lf-Plr»t, Ctj CounU-_Hobteln*.Jur!eji--ieec

-pint Inter-Mountalij Itatllule. Well S third. J.R.UW,.Buhl.

Exlilhlior'* Herd-Fl.-»l, Inl ' ■ Mnunltin Inxtliute, Welser,

Breeder-t Vouns Herd: Pint.. .• tfc l ler-MnunUIn Injtllule. Wcticr: * th li ond. Btu ll Slock Farm, BuhL___ 1 _Brxtsl(:Ci.CalfJI«d=Elnt^-• It Teiicklnck, Twin Palli; iccond,.’ Tut ler-Mounltln Iniiliuie, ' Well

i,y l„ third. Btitli Slock Farm. Bulil I>roduce of Dam-Plnl. Cu

H'*n ih¥ (rirJ.‘ I‘enckinek.-T«lnTtl• •' Oet of Blre-Plnt. Inier-Mount

,f n In»tJiut«.,.Welscr: tecond. Cucounty HoUielnj. Durley; ihlrd.

........K,:.. tiliuie. Weljcr. fl... Bronu) .'Mednt-CtuU Coul

'p^ . Hert. Burley.Premium Breeder-lnler.»i(ot

(tin Ia<tliule. welter. i?y|„, HBUtelnt ( J u ^Bolte. Senior Calf-Plrti. Atton ,N Bo«r. Malta; tecond, Atimi Nye. Mailt Twin Junior Vetrllng-Firji, Alton N jie Mtlia.-Kath- Junior Chtmplon-Iiilcr • Moii Id. ll. itln IwUtutc. WelJer-bull: Inl Deal Mouniain Iniilluic. Wel>cr-fcmi

Senior Cluimplon-Bull. - InK I, fty. mountain IiiHltuie. Wetter: (cmi «em, Ca.»la Counly Herd. Burley; — reood, Ortnd Chtaipton-Bull. .Inti — stotmniirnatiiurmvetjrrriemt ,t. H. CtJ.lt Couniy_Herd.Jur!et Kaj'- Counly Herd-Firs.i. CtJtifCou ricni. t'r Henl, Durley: tecond. Twin Pi / county Hetd. Twin Ftllt. , .Flrtt * lloUtelnt___•' Hellrr.-1 Year and Under 2-:;FtiiM i- .'Wllliim Diirrtnsion. Burley; • t<

__ oi'nt.jaua£haa',.Ma:i*;---.iv'en, llellef- Under I Ye*r>-Plrft, Do Icrld- tld Shaw. Mnltj«: fecond. Norm

. jts clj. Buhl:'ilurd, Allon'Nxt, Mn er'Catlle

’ l)r« Vit Bteer-IIrrerord. Fll o. Frr.nclJ Scoit: tecond. Max' Wh

Jyeni "«'• • -Bom, Alter January Plr»t-Flr lunlv- John RIckt, .T«.;n Brti Pltilns tnd Showlns-Fro

cl$ Scolt.

I l l . S w i n e /

.Ftnt, SpoUed I'oUnd Clilntt .Boar. 1* Month! and under

Hen- Veart^PlMt. L A. Winkle. Filer Oln- Boar. Uiiiler 6 Monlht-Ptwl,

a: Winkle. Filer: tecond. L A. Wl .’ance kle. Ptirr: third, L.A. WInkle.TlI id, P. Sow.,1 Vetr and Under 18 Mut Henry -ptrtt. L. A. winkle 'Filer, V

Sow. Under C. Mwilit-Flnt.> Pint. A. winkle. Filer; tccood.-L. A. Wi : MC- kle. Flier; Uilrd. L, A. Wliikle.-Pll third. Ptir of Plst-rirtr. U A. Wink

Filer; teeond,' L. A. Winkle. Filer Ftnt. Dotr and 3 Sowt. Under 1 Veai

A. Pint; L. A, Winkle, FUer; .kcoiouths L A, Wlhklemiw.---------

Oet of 1 Boar. 4 Anlmalt-Flril, rJ-AWlnkle.Filcr:.«cond, LA . Wl

First, WlnklJrPiIetTTccond,?. E FUcrt • • 'J'..Icnrj Sowt—

Senior Chtmplon-L. Ai Wink P. K Filer.. . • intoii. Doan—

Senior Cliamplon-L. A. Wink P. A. Flier.rajlor Bfatk PoUnd China* ''jutn~ ' Boar. : Year* and Over—Pit

Ony Phnrrl*. Jerome.E ' Door.'R'ear and Under Ht Mont

:lenty —Plm. Guy Pliarrl*. Jerotne; « ond, Our PharrLi, Jerome,

Hen* Boar. 0 Montht and Under I Y< -Ftru. Ouy Phan^: KCond, Edwi

F. A. Field. Filer; third, Hmer Frotl, Ji ome, . •

alng- Sow, 3 Venn and Over-Finl', O ehlct. Pfiarrlt; tecond, Ouy Plurrl*. Dulil, Sow, 18 Monlht and Ucdcr .■hick, VMrt-FinU Edward Field*. Pile BuliL -8ow,'rywr*na under 18 Mont

-Flnt; Ouy Phaixt*, or & Sow, S Monlht and Under I Yeti

. Pint. Ouy PharrU: tccond,-Hcn Bulh- PharrU, Jerome; third. Heno’ Ph*

■ rt*. Jerome. iHith- Sow, Under I Moiitha-FtnlrC

PharrUr *econd, Elmer Ftmt, Je ome: third, Ouy Pharrlt.

tenrj ' Pair Pis*, under 8 Monlht-Flr Ouy Pharrtf; lecond. Elmer Pro

Son*. Jerome; Ihlrd, Elmer FrotuBoar and I Bow, Over 1' Vetr

Sons, Flnl, Ouy Phtrrlt.Boar and 3 Sowi, under 1 Vctt

Flrtt, Guy Pharrls, Jcrone; tecor ,. ouy Pharrlt; third, Elmer Pro

Rlrtt. Jerome.;l«r; Oel oL 1 Boir-Ptnt. Ouy. Pht ;elnt, hit; tecond, Ouy Phtrru; tltltd, I Buhl, mer Frost. • •Cat- • Produce of One Bow-Flrtt, Oi ‘tee- Plitnlt: teeond, Ouy Phtrrl*; ihlr hlrd, Elmer Froii.'

Soit—In- jBnlor"Chtmplon=ouy Phtrrli

‘Mr; ~Boart-<__ :_________________luhl: Senior Chtmplon-Edwaid Fleic

• nicr.-. '^Ur- Orand Champlon-Edward Fleje :ond. Junior. Chanplon-Ouy Phtnli hird. . SwlM.tloalor OepartBcall

Boar. Under 8 Monlh»-Flni. Ei . .3. ward Field. Filer; tecond, Elm , Tn; Fro4t, Jerome; third.'Elmer Prort. aie> Sow.' Under 8 Month»^Flnt; i:

m'er F ^ t ; tecond. EUaer FTos ?tr»l, ihtrd. Etmer Proti..UoK TTR igS 'drrBoff-unaer t-Monti I In* —Fiin, Bmer r*«*i.-' • oun- 4-H Deptrlmenl-Swlne .

■ Uatk roland CUtuu inl. •BeitFatBtrnrwUtiderttJPouni

rley; ..pint. Harold ■PiitrrU. Jerome. 'tUt: Best Bow BclwMO B-I-3S and 3-

-----30-FlrtL^H«ury-n>arrtar^J*tw• teoond, Henry PharrU, Jejwt.

-. ' • ~ D ari?Jem Ji I—*’. Boar. 3 Yean and Orer—Fl f f f iS *ffe Sundqultt. BUtkfool; teco ’O ' ' ” Thomt* Parka. Buhl.

- Boar, J Year and Under 18 Mori.111.1., r ” S '

Palli: third, Thooiat Partur B Boar. 8 Month! and Under I V

•rTtnt.,Alianiher,.OxfQrd;KcoS " S S g T M W r i r c i. , SupdquK DltckrooR tecond,-

lU n- pujiff, Oxford: third, Charlei Ou•. Sow. 2 Yetrt and Over-Ptnt. t ’W f " Bundquhl-'Kcbnd.Ttenn'enrWn rPint, ion. Filer: ihlrd. Eric BonOqulti lurley; . 6ow, 18 Moutla and Under 3 Ye itltute, Etl8 Bundqulil.«rm. Sow. I Year and Under 18 MonJ, ,j &ic

'Uilrd. fcr. S ijonihi Voa Under I Yi>«. -Flnl. Alta Klsher. Oxrocd; tewiCatiU Albert Lincoln. Filer; Uilrtl, Ani elJfr: 80W. linder 8 Montlu-Plrit. Hi

ry WelllnwsciTrTwin. Ftllt:-iecoi Inler- Alla Pi>lier: l)ilid, Kenneth Plnl

' ton. Filer,>l.'In- Ptir pipt Under 8 Months-Fti r: ICC- Alta Flslicr; «cond. Eric Bundqut *• Uilrd. Thomts PBrkJ.,BuW. .

-B«ir-*iid-3-fiowt,-Over-l-yeai ? :w : Wf*t..fr« eundquui; tccond„E /eher;. BuiidquiJt. . • il*!- , Boar and 3 Sowt. Under I Yeai Cwl^a nr«,^Ali5Flther:tecond.meflun

_Qtuiaj>oaraLAiiImito-nt Eric SundquUt; tecond. Alta PUhi

iH* n Ihlrd. Harry Wellhousen, Twta Fa;• Produce of One Sow. 4 Anlmali

Ffrtf, AK« Flthfr;.i«ond, Thoa„ Park*: ililtd. Htny Wellhouten.. " *"• Botn-

.^ lo r Chtmplon-Erle SungulJunior Chtmplon-Harry We

houten: Senior Champion. EipOrindChamplon-Eric'Bundqu!

•Nye, Junior Dcpartmrnt-iiwlne •>»• * Boar. Under 8 Montht-Plnt. Ke ' neth PlnkJton; Kcond. Hany We

houieii; ihlrd. Roy Johnton. . Jcwn- Bo*, uria„ g Monlht-Flnt, Ha Inter- „ wcllhou.'cn: tecond. Kcnne |maic. pjnkjton: third. Tommy Parb, Bul inter- produce'of One Sow-pint.' Har

Wellhoufeii: ftcond, Kenneth Pink ion; Uilrd, Tommy,Parkt.

S r . Schools'P,.., Flnt and .Second Gndt Paplla■ 1.V- -HcaUh.Poiur-Flnt..Gladyt Ou

dy. WtJhlngleii tcliool; tecond. Lei ifr u t rciice, Etieinornwrflrvi

irman, Mat- "Nutierr Rhyme*—Plr-/John kie■ : Cedar Jn w : t^nd. 'Becnlce.llili

Flrtt, Kimberly.Whit- —Mlicclltneouj—Flrtl. Allen P*

roll. Berger; frccnd. Lonlne Pelili Plrtl. Kimberly: tliird, Eva Ttylcr, Plea

ani View,Frtn- Ttilrd and Fearth Gnde Paplli

ConrenilontI Detlsn-Plrtl, VI clnla Victor, Pleisant View; tecor

____ eiUscm Huhlmoio. Exceltlor; thljI Uonard FUher, Kimberly.-

. Landtcapo Design—Pint. Rus noydeli,;cedtr Draw; iccond. Dq

____ aid NccIy, Kimberly: third, RabiJohonibn. Cedar Draw, - .

|- , nower.Dctlgn-Flnl. Betty Bhe* herd. Kimberly: tecond. Vlrglr

Victor. Twtn Fj IIi ; third, Luel* L „ Htmby. Pleuani Valley. fll'J*' MlKclltneMt - nrii.^^8hUe

Jorlc Noh, AnetUn; third, Kaililci .A , Dodd.Berser. .. w\u Induitrlal.ind.Product Map . ™ X United Bltaei — Pint. Alvin Nli

Cedar Dnw; third. Robert Jolimo , Cedar-Dnw. . '

• penmantlilp^nnt. Mary Kawi Kimberly: tecond. OrVee Tate, Kir berly;.Uilrd..Marjorie Route, Bul

... , Fifth and Slith Grade PuplU wint CoiuentlonDctlgn-Pinl.Marvt• ° ena Bartoti,- Wtahliislon;. 'tecon

' , • Landicapo Deil*n-Ftrtl. Adrli Van Hook, Exceltlor; tecond, D

>tnk>>. scne Shannor, Buhl; Uilrd; Mti I?*'®' podwn, Kimberly. . •,

Flower Dc*lsn-Flr»1. Roy Trls 'tiikie ble, Kimberly: tecond. Uuby Knii

er,.Kimberly; ililnl, LlUla.Rendli Superior,

penmamlilp — Flnt. Vlrtinla 1> ■' Ennl5, Cfdv Dnw; fccohd, Rul

.,„h, Krueger.Kimberly: ihlrd,'Beth Kei , ‘i ! r tirick, Sunnytlde. ■’ Mitcellaneout-Flnl. Nellie Ew<V -,, Buht: tecond. At#na McOrejor. Be

ser; ihlrd, Mary Ellen Orieve, Plea am View, .

■ United Stalet Map Showing Proi• n,,v ucu and Industrte*-Plnt, Marjor

Johwon, Cedtr Dnw: ihlrd,. Jaider-3i'iier. ______ , _____onths 1—

Rabbitstenry _____________ ,

'■ • , . ChlachjIU rCuy 'Junior Doe. Henvj-l'inf. Erwl Jet- schreiber. Twin Fallt; tecond. Bot

. well Rabbluy, Filer; ihlrd, M. I PlrJt. Fleenor. Twin Fall*,',F^t. Senior Bundard. 'Buck—Fln

Bonwell Rabbltry; tecond. Bonwe <>r- Rabbltry; third. Bonwell Rabbluy.

, senior Doe, Heary-Pirst. li. I etr- Fleenor: tecond, Bonwell Rabbltii «ond. It,In). Utter C. Walker. Twin Fall

Senior Buck. Heavy-Pint, Bor well Rabblto': tecond. nrderickto

fhtr- & Knudwn, Twin PalU; ihlrd. Boo El- Tell Rabbltry.

Junior Doe. Stindird-Kirnt. Hai ° ‘>r vey Sttchter. Buhl; wcorid. Va

'hlrd, Loi,, Buhl: third, PredirlcktOD J Knudtfcn. Twin. Fall*. .

Senior Doe. Standvd-Ftr>t, Doo well Rabbltry; tecond. H, a , Smitt

w S W l i '. Junior Buck.' Standard-Fln

HatvcTTSUehter. Buhl; tecond, H. / Ballh, Twin Falb; third, Vtn Lowt

• BuhL"■Ed- Bett Mctl. Rabblt-rPlnt.BoDwe' 3mer mi*ur,; ««ind.' M.. 8. Pleeuoi Mt Tvin, F in i• *3" Bett Fur'lUbbfl—hnt, Bonwe!

ifiSbltry;' tecoad, DonweH Rabbit^ third. Letter C. WaUer. Twlli Fall jntht , ~ J

Junior Doe-Tlilrd,'Bonwell Rab• bllry'.- . • , ........................ .■

wndj .senior Doo-nrtl. BonweU Bab ■• bitry.I »*>L__Junlor.. Buck-Second, Bonn

tnin*i! r -senior Bi|ck-Flnt,'BonweU r __ ; ijtin.

B*yi-.4-H ClBb:._ •Betl Bcfitor Doe-PJnt. R*jni

Baxter. Buhl.B«*l Junlot Dot-Plrtl. Rtrni1±;

-TwUi Bwlcr,,Buhl._-------- -----nuhi ' ■ •Yetr ,--- --------- --------

_ l _ J P o u I t t y _ l;Erlc_ _________•

Chlnete 8llkenv Rlbbon-Ftn] C. Prfieolt. Twm-FalU: teconi

: Eric 0. Pretcotl. Twin Pallt. .'Inii^ Plrron* '^ in W lte Klng-Plf»t. Je.ve Mt>

Duhl: tecond. I. 0. PrcKoit, T

Ye»r tecondrM twi' Ielin

Amos' ' ‘’ned Canileux.^alr-Ftrat. A------BonwellrPlbrr:--------- —Har- . ntdCuMUixi^wbt-Firtt.J.

^Oriental ftiilt. Palr-I’tril. J.Flfjt. ^*m?fltcki,'Palr-r,rrt,3.F,M

Pitmy poulcra, Palr-Pl

! S c Bliie P)gmy Pouicn, P*lr-Pl J, P. Martin,

ear- White EnsllJh Trumpeter*, t= ^w” !:..V iL i ! * r r i ir-Pint., itatiln_______^ther; Dett Pijton Dltplay-Fir»i. J.Fallt Martin. •----------->*>*- ■ Whllt L«lhomi

Cotkttel.'Any Utllliy flrced-Fli • Wynn Thornpion. Muhl: twnd.

0.' Hayet. Twin Falls; ihlfdj Wj •- ■ Thomjuon. Buhl. ., , iv,it. Hen, Any UtOtty E*r,e Hardtas, Duh?: tecond, Ed Hardl

^ ^ m ilt jertey GUnU-Young p ) any uiHlty blred-Ptrat, E. L. Cc

'"white'*. 'wyandottei-Hen, r ulUtty bntd-FtcH. Mn. J. P. M

fne'h *■ Cwke/el, ahy uUlHy brecd-iPt n.M Mrt. J. P. Martin.

Youns pen. ally n S Pint. Mr*. J. P. Mar.lln. •

White" Leshorn Pullet*-Pti

—Twin Pall*. ,

While Ujhorn Voiihs Hcnt-n: n. c. Mayo-, tecond, Otorjc Ci

___ 1*1. Twin rallt; third. H. O. Haj, Bltek JeneF Olant*-lfen. « uli:iirb«ed=FirJtrBrF.-W rn.)jf; tecond,-Bhltlcy. AUeii..£llct~

cockerel, nny uilllly brecd-Fli Cttton AUtn. .,4 m,kielt - PuHet.' any ulllHy breed-lj

:lilcr, Ca'ncn Allen, Flier, grnt: ^illwUced flyalHuIP B —

Cockerel, Any UllHiy Btttd-yi' P«r- Walter Schitrter. Duhl.■liter. puUei. Any UHlhy Brced-Fiileu- Waller Sclicoeder. ......

Youns Pen. Any Utllliy Breci >'•* Pint. Wnlter SchroMlcr.Vlr- Old PeHrAny Utility Breed-Fl »nd, vra. J. f . MarUn. .,hlrd. * Duff Minorca. _

Hen. Any Utllliy Bteetl-W

Ihey- Firti, Mr*. 0,E.BtnllU; tecond. Uglnu Of E, smllh,uctlle Old Pen. Anj- UUHiy Breed-Fli

Mr*. 0, E. Smitli.Isctn pyiid. Any UiilUy Bree<l-7h

Mrt, O. E. Smllh: tecond. Mn. O. deen emlUi; third, Mn. O. E, Smllli.

CoeketeLAny UtlUty Brecd-Ri» Mrt. 0..6. SmtUi: «cond..Mrt.O.» "• BmlO.. ■uon, , nuff Orplnstoii*

Pullet—Flrtt, CtWwtU Haltiwal.Columbian Wyandotte*

Julil, -Fltii. Clyde BfUrbnii. Klmbcr “ . tecond. Oyde B. Urban, KImber "el- third. Cljde B, Urban, Klmberlj-. •wd, , 3 ~hIte_B»clu_

Churelilll: 'tecond, Caldwell lUK ery: third, Mn. A, C, Johmon.

P>: Youns Pen-Plnv Mr*. A. Johnson. •

Harrtd Itockt tim- otd' Cock-Flnl. Mrs. Clarcr ” *■ Youns, rttec.‘dIK. Cockercl-Flnt.. T i'ln Sclirelb

, Twin PalKPullel^Flnt. Erwin Schrclb

\uby Twin ^ 11: tecond. Erwin 8chn <«n* ber;-third. Erwin Bchreibfr T

Rhode ItUniLWhllfi Old cock-Flnti Mrw C. G. J

I>er- geij, Btllil; tecond. Mrs. C. O. Jagi ieu- Cockercl-Plnl. Mn. C. 0. Jtod- *'ow vi'en-Flnl. Mrv C. Q. J»*« Jorie puiiti-Flnt. Mn. 0, O. Jajelv Jack 'old Pcn-Flnl. Mn, C, O. J«8<

Young Pen-Ptnt. Mn. fi. O. J gelt: tecojid, Mn, C. O, Jascl*.



; DANCEweU - - ..... J _____

£ _ L E E L L O G A m -- - S H A b O W t A N D '

“ ■ - D A N C E B A N D .Ub- •


*7mond HURLEY, Se'pL^s' (Special b Tlic Ncw*)-Overland achool Panni

tyniond a*socUtlon ntemben nc «hn-NwUi.SJdfmldenUarejnti.

' ins plan* for Uis cJtaBIlilunei i'ol .' ■ . apwfk'adlolnliiB Uij tclioolgrountl*

The sround liat been piowri an< ■“ leveled tn prcpantlcn for ptaoUni ---- or iJiTm-nnd trew;'—:---:---- :■

I ' Rbade Iitand Red*•ond! 'li 01rt,Cock-Hnl,Mrs. 0. 0,,J*s«l»

wcond. Mr*, D. Van .Zthle. Pileri Moore ll'lfd. .Mr*. 0, Van Zante. Filer. • t‘ Twin Piillft-Plr’ t. Mrs. D. Van Zanti

nicr: fKond, E. M, Palmer. Filer » Mar- Old Pc j-rFlnl. Mn, C. O. JtjtJ*, ;i'. Filer, Buhl: jccond, Mr*. D, Van Zant*.] i ; ^ r "■'Yoilns P.-n-Fint. Mr*TD, Via

, 'ianie. Filer: trccnd. Mm. 0. Vtp A. N. Z.int«: tlUrd. Mr.*, D. Van Zsntf,

________ Cockcrct'—First,' Caldwell Hatch-t. J, P. crj't jccoiid. Mn, b.' V«u'"2»nti;_1___ third- Mf;:-D:.Vfln.ZBnlf.; J. F, • nWk Min»rra»

Youl;; Pdi-Fint. Milion LIer< », Mar- min. Filer: tecond. Fred Lut*. FUer.

Hrvnir Turiirji -Flnt, Youns Tonii-Fini.-OUdy* Ooi,

____ J3uUujiccoad_01ad3-i_Cfl«LJl.uU._-Plrtt, • Youns Pcn-rim, GUdyt' OBx,

BuW; *fcciid, GUdyt Cox,'( Piir Old Hen-Flrit. Mrt. 0. E. emlth,

Filer; tecond, .Mrt, 0, E._ Smith;

- - _Y< ^ -ren-g ltZ oiaiiya--7r-Fr-Biihlr*econd.~MrrOrB-8mlU>,m».__ Old Tom-Plrtl. Mri Ouy Phtr-

rl*. Jerome,Toolotue Oeete

-Flnt. Gaiider-Flnt. Mn. C. B, Bhall. md. II. Flltr; KCond. Mn. C, B, Shaff, Fll- Wynn cr: third, Eldrcd Thoma*, Flier.

' OcoM—Flrtt, ‘Eugene Tliomu, r»t. Ed Filer; iceond. Mrs. C. B, SliaK, PUir ardlnj. Pen-Plnl. 0. E. Smith. Pilet;___ L .atcond._Mrs. Raymond Thama*.ig pen. Filer.. Coif- WhllR Elnden GtCM

o.uidcr-Flnl. Mr*. Claytao any Houck; lecond, Vcme U Mont*.

'. Mar- FiUr: third, Verne U Monte. TIUr.Goose-Fint, Mra, Oltyioii Moult,

■iPlrt.t. Buhl;jecoiid. Verne LaMonte. Fll* ' er: third. J. F. Martin. Filer.

)reed- ' AVhlte Pekin Dock* . ,Drake - Flnt. Mr*. Claienci

-Ftnt. Youiig,' Filer;- tecond,- O. ,E. Smltht nd. Ed iiiird. .Mn. Clarcnee Young.Hayet. -ouck-Heiit-RrH.-O. U-Snlth;

wcniid,.Mr*, Cla?ence Young: tbW. ■ rst. joj. Palmer. Filer. . ‘! Cap- pen-O. E, Smith, Filer; tctonl Hayc*. o, E.'SmiUi. Filer. ■ •

■ **' NamgantHi Turfceyt.• ?'lrki, Mn. Jim Kendrick, Buhll

-srcondrilrCJIm-Kenflrlcir:-------First. . m e - on

.Sneetntakn -Eft'i __Wliile Pulllei.iM'ra. E J. Diehl.f----^ 'luioae UUIiil' l tt^C«C-Mmft

O, Jnscl!. Bulil,Hrons.' Tom. Mn. Oux.rharrii.

-Flr»t Jerome. • uBreiif* Hen, Gladyi Cox, Duhl

ireeti- White Eumlfii Oaiider, Mn, CUT* ' {on Houck. Buhl.

-Flnt wiine Eu„(jen Gooie, Mr*. Clay- toifHouck. Buhl.

While Pekin Drake. Mr*. Clarene* -Plr*t. yoiiiis. Filer. - ' il. Mn, . While Peklii Duck, O, E. Smllh. I, 0. E.

Ultn —Ireed- white Ettss-ttrit. Ed Hardlaft d, Mm Bitiii: lecond, Mn. O, E. Smith, FU>

' cr; third, Mr*. 0. E. Smith, Filer. -Pint. Bfown Eg*»-Firat. Mr*. Or*.

Smllli. Filer; tecondl 0. Van Zan(e- -Pint, Filer: third. Mn, Pred Oppllser. 1. O. E. Buhl. —lili. ________ ;___________ ________-Flnt, ----- , ---

ibttin . L a s t- T lm e s T o d a y ­s ' ’ ’ .VATIN lili. AND EVJiN INO ,. ... - R o a r in g R o m a n c eilatctt* ^Df4hc-Ultl.taycrciLiyflg{)H_


SADDLE''Hear the acrecn'i Wettem Idsi ilni

' " ahd :rl»y TlrtU Herd Song” anf f -noBfl the Home Tr»It>ltli

iiee one of the betl nuldoer pletBM ^ . CTwaerecaed

■ ‘ Also Comeily.ijniJ.PntKe,- •• ~ Nciva-----

D ■- -TotJtiy; MtiUnccXO<,' 30< nnd 4 0 t .

►,, EycninK 18^. 30^ and 40^ A’ Show You Will Sure Enjoy

4 iM i iE r f |HlSFilllSIl;

_ _____ ____^

____Rev. C. E. Deal.'Masler ot “

-~ idatio-Slalo-Grangc,^G6cs J "

To Fill Mcthodist\Puipit i |

FILEn. Sfpt. i2-Rcr. C, K Dfaf, N»mp4. muter of llic.IilaJio SUle

'Orance. «lio Iiu Ixtn''! cunt lii Flltr.at ttic; ijoniejor.tib diuEliKr.Mra. D, il. Shorcra. forMvcral vtclui.•Ifll Tliufsdiy Jor EntmetU where,lif; ^...... .. p.InwhlistnflTl'Ilm McUioriUl EjiltcopsI tliurili.{l>is wildfr Deal Alil leave Salurday lor r-ei MoActnr, where lie will enroll u treili* ini nwn at liie UiilYertlly ot Idatio. _ rej

Pnul Dauni. w»i ol'Mr, and'Mfft isli A-j..Oaum.Je{tJtl<liuritor-Bacrft^rO.

, mrnlfl, where lie lias been employed the Icr Uie lu l few «ar&. ' «ii

MLM'HedKis Kalwr look up her lai' . du'.lcA aj> Imlrucior in the Jarbldge! i

m JjooU Ihe /Int ol Hit cerk. .--- rU»le-OaTTrOrtTw-h«-bffti-l!lniiii'the |iul few. da>'». . 1,1,.

. -Mm. RefM Ollck and mii,-Qeiie.-i - A Twin FbIIa. were jiimis nt the W.!.,,., W ' fi. McClcary home here durinir lh f^ „--- talt------^ ^---- .Mi#a-Edlth-Mun)-on-hsrreiamtd:.',': ;--- JTOn-TtjrTancc;Cn1ifDniwrwnere-stiB

»|ient the milliner wiui her »litfr.Mr*. P. C. Brownfleld. fil

Wa>iit]lurd. Filer, aiHlMlfjClar* H i fw eialey. Kimberly, were united I I I In niarrlatc al Ihe home ot the

• bride-* partnu on Seplember 3.Mra. C. A. Baiur and llltle erand- -

Mil. KaiUftiCUy, hare iiieiil ilie lu l• ifK day* vlitUiis al the home ot Mr.

pfftf Mffi Pl Jl /■unrf/fl. left fYJ ___Cjy'n'.ornin: for Les'Anjele*. Mr*. .

.... nusar ajid Mm. Lundln were s>rl* uC liood trltndL

Oarth neld lefl Frida) moriilnB for Pocalello. where hr;will enter ftliool ur llic Unlveriliy ot Idaho. MuUiem brancli.

Mr. and Mre. nuutli siienrer; en route to their home al Collum. IIIU nols. Irom Ban Praneiw. arrited , "

—TiieaJarfor-B-tl3H-wtih-rela(lves.‘« «•V fawiitr of Ray L .pW

Mlu Dorolhv nipley. who wu the •..... sueil-hert-of'irleiidj and'relolKeA i « «

for two weeks, letl Tliutiday by aiasej ol for her home al U iij Deaeli. Call-(«rt /omli. ■. •- . U'ff

, Donald Albln Is 'somu absut with --- itie-ald-ofcruuhcfon'ieeount~ot;n-;]|P»' Iiiactieln* football. ' »rl

C. \V. Cue lell Thursday on a bu^ I >>»■■• Ineju irlD to Monuna. i»>'e

.— -MIm VIvUn Davls-wUaaulMmuedil^ci

fkiemij*\ewverer^^'^r!lt^^^^, Thuraday from the counly iteneral «»

4 haipltal lo the home ot her itireni*. able ^ Mr. and KJra, D. H. Davla. In Filer. • "

‘ Earl Smith, mu ot Mr. and Mrx V T. 0. Smlih, Rill leatc Salurday tor Jud| MOKOV. where lie will attend the Unlver4lty ot Idaho. • »>1:

Word hu been received from U In t • • flrande. Orecon, cf Uio bIrtJi of a w.«

■iKusliler. Evelyn Carlene. lo Mr. and «t>8l 'Mrr,. C. J. IlDrtliis, formerly of Filer, P: ' Mr.andMn.H,lS.KcaRu.Nam|>a, <»?■ former Flier re«|deniA. ore siical* oljMi- Ihelr daushler. Mr«I J. E. Uciid and »*et funiily. • . . • . ” Ar

■ Lcland Deal. NamDa, was a Sun- woo ‘ dsy iiltht RUMt of hla coudn. Mra. eree

D. II. Showers, and family. Mr, Deal lell Monday for Ooodin?, wliere lie "Au enrolled u a wnlor In Ooodlng col- mai lege. . . . _

AmoneJlie sutsU ai tJie luiieheoii — : ■ hbnorin* the wlves'ol pand otficen Lau

nt Uie fasonlc Orand lodge ot Idaho tor al the Park hold t l Twin Falls Wed* M neiday weA.Mr*. A. A. Newberry, her Mrs. 0. L. Beamer. Mrs. H. t. Hatn* and

' inerqulil and Mrs. E. 8. Ullue. a trl C,-E.-Clarfc- wenrto-WelkriMflhT

week to take hU daujWer, MIm Kail

“ onefrie:

^ D O N ’T F A I L T O S

------- --------------r - H t f O V i

A n d R e m tim b c r— B . in e a t ^ W h i le m ,T i\



IJUIIL. Sept. 13 ,(Bpedal to The • NeWTi-F. U McElrpy. IocbI frelshl. aceiu. rfjMrM‘whe.it lU the liesvlBi ^ p lliK iUlpnin;l__t|ucm.. n .c iiioilih of Auiiiui Wllh IV can of a | toUil ol 1:4 Ciirs. Otiier cArlut alilii* - mecl»-w«»-fl»-?oH(WjrPtrtnto3.-3«: L-arley.bciiis. 12: c.iUl 3' hoei -irmiHrriarHwitrrl;— ---- : '

iisgiFicMDUnLKY. Sept. 13 <Siieclnl to

Tl'f-NVw«i-Al Wednrsduv even- . mss u»slon of the.' Surlry Iiidc* pendent kIiooI district b<nrd • iniiiee.1. P. J. Diijkc iiibniitie*l hbj reilgniitloii u cleric. Hr ntill re« islnsriiowever.-liumfm&ennimip-— nn llie bo.trtl. tind lilJ .'•iiccei.wr In ” tlic elerbihip lin.i not )Tt been cho« I I tttt.tts llils-mittler'BB-s icit'to 0 Ifl later meeiliii:, ||

In the .rc-omimtalioii nt Ihei bOKftl. li. o. McCiillocU nvis tlKM __Ihc imter iilH) reialnlne his mem*

J^UnO. £w"rw.'mil‘l1l!Jl .iem- l>er. win >eleelftl trensurer, whleh] R i

■I'liir-V “ ~ _r_______

iPE iiicKs■ M L I e

— ^ -rGeorge E.' Sctirocdcr Eslab-

lishcs Display Exclusive- [“ ly For Gem State Artists

. nujirt

nUPERT.Sept. 13 iSiKClntloTllB tlv tJewsirAn uililiill of urlr.ltiul gmliil- Spi intis by Idaho arttsix. u.i a ]>ermanenl sn■nllfry'nf uri, L< l»trlni» |otnultl|-.i][lupert. The beginning wu mude this; |,ci »Tck by George E. Schroeder. artlsr ^ 31'reeoBnUed ability, who has an I Mr irt studio established here. TTtrough \!lie r»per»iJwJ .a/ Fjlgnr Broa j, Ranager.aiid nroprletor ot ihf Calc- om lohlall-hMWl^y.-tlle~lobby-of~^h {p„trt project. To stnrl the dUiplay of ifllntlngs. Mr. Schroeiier hiuv huiig Lm IVC original eanvauc.% this ttecl:..e.v s,t

Kl llic wnlH. Ample ri>aci' ti avail* ible lurnumeroufccanvuMeA. ‘■ With the srowtli of the exhibit ll

iilanned to have 11 commitiee oft'"" ludges to paa ui'wn the mcriuvolhe picture* from time to iime. No- hbg bill orltinals will be dlipbyed n thU collection. Mr. Schroeder nn* MtifKW, fliid oniy are J*'"■lljtlliie lo Join In the enierprt.e. i " ‘' ralntlni! now on dkplay, number*

ng. are, ’'HLi 8lirlne.~ fli the loot ol! >lu Ilyndman: "Nonnandv Vciiiers,": ihr ketches from’ Iialy and Fmiicc; •Aniaiig the OlHnii." California Red-, |>I«: loodsi •'Caiiip Fire Slorie.i." Baker, m : reek in tiie Sawtooilu: '-sii»hoiie''><< ’alls." About M.fcei dUtjini: and,Mu Autumn VUIa.s,:. near Mt.. liynd* !e«r nan. ilinI—- ----------- ---- ,g ^jura' Clarl:. wlio will beairiiurtruc- ihe or In tlie lilsh school .of'Uia('cliy. < Ma Mrs. Oah Slaeter, accompanied by; to

ier broUierrMaw-. Elmer Blatter, inin nd family, relumed .Tuesday atler;affl trip 10 Nebruka, returning throush! T lie. YellowstorirnatioiMl |iark''an(]ttlii :allipel. Montana. Iltm


I S E E T m s F A M O U S L t

« E S - W T \ V I N - F . \ I ; t S "

ATUkpAY■He ia k e p t in g o o d !ic.ni rw in F a l l s h e is fe d m (

n f a r k e t ■ ,

lent Meat I



NO UAV^o /'t<'BNe .AT ‘Al FFEVIUgS ( H W - 1

r I A ti65r\sHE COULD <S• tn'f-moiTlCr I ----' MISS’

-SS®.- fS:

i- ii i i 'S H i : - f ifM ff ltS i

2_ L ' ■«>Rrfiiin fl»PmhlP.t Fnr First h

—Scssion-of"FaiI“at-Homc ^ dl Mrs, A. VV. Rosecraiis

p«----. . . . Tu

BURU^rrsHJl. 13-BurIey Wo* trii men's club me; Wednesday after* Iln noon at ilic heme of Mrs. ,A. W, Fo: no.<ccriiis..TMi wu the lln>l meeilng mn ('Mho V.i^w), Alr -Satn-Story.-Ute we. newly-clKltd president, prcsldedTor wli the tlr»t lime. Reiiorti were given of tlie the coiivemiQn held at Coeur d'Alene oI> lu l week. Several niatten of bwl* - InciA were rilMiuMd. Mrs. Qllberl me : Hogue and MlJ-t Caroline Cooper hoi lavoftd H im i.re.scnl wilh miuleal Th numbers, Aboiii •JO'.meinbera were Sei presenU The-iiexi ineetlns will be lnli civcn over in a tiiidy ot Mexico and jSpaiibh miL'ic will add to the pro- m

i-™ '; l,.,n«;-umw-tiui.,held 1I.S fir.M meeilng of the year, IT I last Fridily ireniooii ai the home'ot D t 'Mrs. rd llill. with Mrs, H. E, Dean, ilhe iiewlyelaled preildenU-prald- liiE. Afirr [he buslnecs siMloa an q oullliie bl tlic year's progmm wm presfniM.'Tnmrccnmfor thecom-fnf 1 nnr>fjr''i-nrAnimar<nntB-nur:ij; parl , Ii!.mrly. ••Wand* ot Uie Pfl*;oui clllc nnd P(vvMion*'ct the United States,' -Hicgrnphy.''“n ctloii.'' arid;J|"^

dlcl() , r7Irf! hrncnti.''”'Thr P E 0 L lerh00d iield 1I« Jlr t: J ",

mi'eiiHs nl the year'Monday eve*,"": •iiliiKHlllic hume of Mrs. ». »car.;“ *' durt. 'I'hr ninnbrrs. with iheir fum* 1 me.<i. K;.ihfred al C;3() tor ft iilcolclji'fi dnmtr, A >liort bmliiea* «»«lon foi-1'-*' Icwfil, nfler whleh the memlwrs and 1 T Kiii'.M* iimiibenns « , adjounieii tojlrli; 111? niiniuiiirc ROlf coiir»e lor Uic bal- iHui nm> urnvc evenlni:. Hiit

Ml-., B, 0. WcCuliixh (iitcrliihicdiroii Ihr liM.llciir club al herhome lu l »'» 'I'liurdlBy nllernooii. "Bridge wns Poi. j.l«Vfd Dt three tables. Cut prlre »ent Mi". IU .Mrs. U, V. Wiiioi) and xucsl iirlu wit! 10 Mr*. R. C.,nic)i.:Mlfa Mary Miiuiilwn, Bol»e, was an.out-of-town eiirH. At the clou Ol the sanies r * m linhmenU were served, M

tversreen chapter of tlie Easlem Sinr lodse held Its tlrst nieetlng lor ilie }cir liisrMoiidBy'eveillllB it-tlie — Mn,«iile hall. n»»e pre«ni decided to hold a bainuel and wclul eve­ning. September 15, to which all non- . affiliated members will be Invited.

Tlie Saeajawea elub will hold Its fftiriiieeiinir tor the jvsr on Sep- Itmber2« al the.home of iu pr«l* 3


' Even - 1:' LEO^. 1.PrefersMeatFromThe

Independent Meat Market


j:altli by eating I meat from our * I |



•ALt.*0tC3 uEUU- SO'WNG- )

1^1^ I

dem. Mrs. 8, S, SICBMt. [ 'rA teries cf pnrtlejt were slven.on ■ U

'niutid.-y and Friday, Beiiiembtr ll L L anil 13 wllh Mrs. 0, T, Biimmclu.11. L. llarjutrr, P."P. IloKard nnd Mii:^iT.I!atkc.«tlnB.M h(?,'le^ ^ on Thurrdiy they enteriBlned at a • luncheon nt the Nstloiiai liotcii fol­lowed by brldsc at Ihe home ot Mrs, . Howard, Fridays party was a dinner at the hotel followed by brirfge at Mr:uMd—ihrouslwuiljoti-decoraLfliu.__ .*Ksvor* were given for hl(li scores each diy, • 1

Mrs. L, D. Alklns and Mrs. Oeorge ' ratier.vin eiitertalned Mnnday nnd Tuesday-with a Itinchcon. Sixteen • friend. were Invlled each clay. Fall Bl lH«et» were ased for deeorBilon. . elbu

j Followmg the luncheons raeli day, o the Imimber of original ciir/.iln: ganie.i Ud iwere-iilayed.-wlih ’favorB'golnir-lo Rali wiiiiTeriinrriTCllBrles-Rfrd.'wilc-or wr . tlie lethodlsl pastor, wb-n the guesl* prr» ol-honor. I teu.- Mr/.J.T.petersoneiiierwinedllie mre members of P E G chspier at her home In the Woodruff apnrtmenta oii , Thui?.day evening, Seiilenibcr' 13. Several new memlkra were taken ; • Into the organltatlon, .

i l l lM T I Ia ' ■ ‘

BtfflL. Sept. f2.(S|.ec(al to.Tlie I cwsi—Coiicliidlns a iiiinmer's tour v,*. nflEiiToi^CaTilam-Wftller C.'Benf len-nnrt-Shelby CoiiMnni-nrrhetMn w.,, Buhl till* week afler vltlllns pnc* jtrA llcally nil of the prlncl|>al coun* a Irlts. of (hr coiitlneiil, A db lanco Mor of-»,()wniiiifn«iM I O

lon Piny In Bavnrln. Tliey bIw vis* mlied the prineiinil citiM of Iluly, J. USftlticrliinil, OermBii)’. I'nintc. Aiis* to citrtn. Holland nnd Englnnd, They re* «liotiiriietl lo the United-atnles-via J«nl'Canada, M

Tliey wrrc nccomiuniM on tlie ""f, irlp BiM I».it t|i;lna liy Mr*, U P, nunyoii nml dnushtrn. Janet ned niith. who i.i>enl tirn i muimer ol Poiiglikecpsle. New York, with Mrt.Iluiiyon's relntlvca. nnd nt Asliberry kwciPoint; New Jersey: with relatives ot -;„cMl', nuiiyoii. Tliey returned lo Buhl mnnwllli the jiarly, ' “1 mi

jm am m m m am mK ll ) l )» ;y gHOW TH IS :

10 A. M. to A PublU Th

l o t * 40g • Hatne of ParaniBUiit

: • • LASTTIMISS’Whitl You Want. Thlfi

I'iclurcV A M

, BROTHER.Nuf Ccil! yAnlmat^Cr-ac

Nate: A Cage of Animat Crackcn In i:ai ---- ---------- lUls-JJornlntjU


' Ieo. The hictro-Goldmii-Ua tr Lioh, noiu on, world tourr

I. _________ '


■ "wllhtonsianee Dermell_^

' Lew '! . Tail; Marshall . ^ ^

' ' Jllitfy Kmii .Det7l Merter .

)r w r n D A T j io n N iN O r S E P i

_________ .'I- : '__

i i;o ' i.(it^<^ - )

I J i

the- < .,• ---- ' CallMrs. Milan Diveibiss Goes SS -To'Hclmol-Wcst-En«ity

Orjaniiallon For Year aIiIBill

— ........... fmyBum., SeiiU I3-Mrs.'Milan Div- _

■Ibi/;. liM Ixen elecied president o f »l||he lluhl chipter of the American li I ..eulon mixlllary to succeed Mra.Wnh-IlCTnolrti-Otiiers-who-wm---me'mfimirMS:E.'fi:8iiurt*,t1c« Iire»i.l.'iii: und Mrs, E, T. Nert>, lec* I Clary und treasurer. Regular fallnreim, ulll begin tliLs week. . g,Mi*. Oltn Systcr wu a Boise visl- '11,

orihl.>«cck.Mrs. llalpli Bristol. Boise, Is the Byai

[ue it ihLs week ot herjiarcnU, Mr. al i:iirdMr.'.'Jj;. Nn.wn. wicflGiro Cimiun nnd Earl Becman lell chlcl

riuir;<ln)' lur Los Angles (0 transact ^' luslne?*, , ' *>>■ I* Hex CUrk, Montrose. Monlana, Li

Iie gnr t ot hu daughter, Mrs Lorcii jMr"! niiirMr*. C. It. Whllney have

eturned to u»\ Angeles alter vLill* ng. Bl Ihe homi* ot Mr. and Mrs. 0,

........-,:;::vz:;rv:!tnnt,arted'hrrc-thtf'wffkrTo'Mr.-and ,trA. JYank Beaeliali. September^. *lai«hler: lo Mr. and Mrj, Oall

Paul Biiyd, wn of Mr.’nnd Mr,r J.15.,2 '. Boyd, left thb week for Moscow 0 ciilrr (ll Unlverslly ot l<!aho inw f'*" eliool, .Mr, Boyd will complele lilsimlorjMrlJilsierni,...................Mrs. McCliisky, daushler. Riilli, , ^

,iid fcn, DBvld, relunied Friday from ;ald«ell, where they look Bamh Me J®.*' aiuJ:/ lo oiler Ibe ColJest of IdaJjo. licv were nccomiihiiled by Robtrt icChuliy.-B'lio will reium loathe *, inlvertiijLat Mcv.cow. Miss Euiiiee :.,r .to •ramii.iikd thin .Ill nier llie College Of Idaho as a frc«li- = linn with Miss McClusky;Miss Dcatrlco Glbba and Mia f l *

MOHNING AT.IO ITheatre > 8 to IS P. 1(1.

unt Ficltira KOSY! , I

S TODAY! ,3 1 ^ IfurO’!. i I

; ID Y ^ b ^ Diin't I U

, nc ' I a^erS* • • Ijtc! ' ; Ii:aeh Kiddle Atlendlng (he Slionr | — lUO.o'elock____ _______________I .

r AT 6 O’CLOCK 1 TRE AT. 6:15 P.M. i

TONIGU’r nt G o;clocl{ ’ wutch foii tlic i’jirndc . of LEO THi-: M-G-M

LION.Tofilglit arG:15 MEtT

LE04n fronl of Ihc Iditlio Theatre. See him perform i nnd Mt 25 pounds of rnw meal; Leo dcmnmia thu : best I Thc Intlepcinleni Meat Co. biitcliercd ft '<1 jcnr*old corn fed bcef tu tret the Ipeat for Leo! Kc- member ihc time nml placc! ; Toniffht irt front of the | IDAHO THEATRE nt 6:15 r. M. . , •!



lA Y

n ’iOMJlKU-nrlO;!(l-‘—

-------------- ;---- --- d ~ r

T i .

^ 4M'Vr.Olo'me* left Tliursday tor Ihc I Min Jnneriiiy at Mospjw. H [i

Euceiie Hyde; who tor Ihe Wl i'CRr I1S.S been aiMclated with a Inrnl I )ualiitM firm, hu gone to LaOrnndp, |Jresoivto.rM.ldwlth-hlsi'areiiU'i--Mr,v I..K Constant, who liai spent

he Isst sev<:ral monllu In Oskland, OA Jallloriita, n.i the guest of. her wn, loTh Ivery. *nd fninlly. hu returned lo ci»ri( iuhl to make her home with herliiona

TTFnMiliiiilst and son, De'aineTir" t ^ hW week lor Chlcaso. where Mr. Her khlqulM win conducl business, Df an Elear iJll tiiltr ilie.CuUer.MIUurr •taa-ierlen my ai culver. Indiana, fnr llie yrar.

imiliffosT “

GOODINO, Sejit. i: 'ili|>eclal In ' I1C Newsi-0, o. Young. Ooodlng.•iis elfcted commander ot Ihe Perry lyan insi of the American Legion t the election here ihLi weck..Hc| iicftcdji Arthur .MacQuivey, Wendell. ■ ‘ lilcf .tor the la.n ye.ir. !T«n vice commander* were el,ecled 1 y Uie |>esi. one to reprcseni Hager- lan and the Mher from Wendell, laie Cjdy. former ilierlfl. wu chn.v! n..{ir»{'.vlc£.comolaudcr. fD»□U8 , . rniBii, and E. 0, Commoiw. Wendell oiiliry dealer.-wu elected u Uic !cond Mce commander, . •H. I), Johnson wm elecied a<liu- mt, Ear|-F!nney,-t1nniicc-officer:- — rATTtVMflnttlTKmcinjflteerrand- — tur Umphmour. sergeant at anns,! red luton, Wendell, wns elecied as' iitplain,;PerryjByBn‘Pc:t” lvcflijiily.«H(ter

-locdlng 1(1 tak: the place of the tlebraiion tlmi usually accompanici :ie .Ooodlng rodcv, which this fall nn called olf.-A CQmmlllcMieaded by Ivan Dun­am, deputy sherllf, wu apjiolntcd ) sel the date* «iid make arrnnge- icnt.s tor the event.Ynu lell 'em McIntosh apple.i’are

ood eating. 11.31 order from nny H lore. c. G.'PBrgiiri)iiisiir45(r=Adv: a

Leo’s Gl The

SEE Tl ■ - M-C

THE ]On Display All Day S

One Glance at the Nev ,L<

. — W e J V a ^



i i i1.;, r>.wA <.a . i:iiM mki iMtm4

IGH SMOLGliSStr ^ J H S p iM l3A8TLEFORD. Sepl, )3 (SpeelilThe Ncwil-CasUeford high scliool -mel tor their annual elec- ,,,una at Uie tfh he Wednes tuvimunnrinPTnniuirKtKiol'tcnnT u|j Jenlor*—Ouy Kinyon, prrsldenl; dent ranor Becker, vice president: Gen- Clen 'eiB-TJnvnjifwt, HcrtMr; EdliU -cJam

Lm, flow o/i mm tour==I;BO,'-lhcrfnmoiis-M-»t-M,-li ■■ limr. will lie in Twin Falls S— m : . V. at:-------

He Insists on ONU.S.RO' ■ w h y Don’t

G EM S T A T E V IIL C■ Vtiicanlzfnu Tha

122 2ntlAvc.WcHl; ,

hoice. N EW R l

HIS f m G-M LlO]


NEW ]Sunday atOurShbwRo :----Soiith- - —s w R e o W ill Explain :W U o Chooses the.Reo

y o u To’Ride In A

T i^ 'F a i ls , Idaho-



^J ' • Bg. __________

Gager, Ireuurer: ind Mlu Oeraldlns' Sherfy.clatsBdvbor.

Juniors-.ASBtha Houk, president;□wynn Tomiu. viee president: Au- giuia Kinyon. leeretiry; Lioyd Bo*haiififri. t fw ufer;-MlM 'Wailfred--- ^-Fryer, clas* advisor..,' Sophomores-Ethel Atwood, prei*Idem: Harold Walpole. Vice presl-- dent: C3lenAUihire,iecretary: Mam* mle Hudson, treuurer: Mlu OoroUir ' Baktf-fliM advbnr •

Frejdimen-Oleo eiiorthouK, pres- Idem: Jotfpfiln# Reese, tlce'iire.^P ilrnt: Mary Brabb. secreHry; Ada • . Clement, ireuurer; Allen Van Atla, rJAM fldi’Uer.

I r aI RIDES 'I On

T O Y ir “jr , , •.I,-|ion.'-ntiw-«n 'n-worM-.=-' ~ , ' h= s Snturdny ancmobn a t .

on R id in g ; O Y A L S !I ’ t Y o u ? ,

L C A N I Z I N G C O .iiml's ItlsM. - ' I ’liiiiicess •

EO ^w' _

. -.r,

m m . ^)N

REOH o o ra l2 4 2 n d A v c .

W h y th e F a m o u s .


m m 5S:

l i s f i i r !“ - l i i a i s ;

— —Opirators-For-Occlinc-Send ji ' I'nnnLislolSlocks.Down!;!

For Loss ol Point or 2|f

■ - 'f

NP.V Yonu*. ,i.irin imii.c* |,

"*b!ki(| ::' Rnulj: ijtatcs ,KOVfrniiic'i''-1’"!*'” '''- _ tCiiib; Aiiifrlcau Cjr» .iisiiamlil II in'utMiVi r.r* V ,

ftori'ign fxclwr. H'; U :). tcnn- .(llimvUiitsfts.- •

■ ' (p'oiluiii—

luUoii.CoKcc; nulicr: llr.vilUn lup-l»n- . ____

tl'UutU.. • ............Com; F-vy; laiwaL-lc erop

Sirs'iv in liUhfr.

H)'JOHN I. (IVc.s' niuiirml Wrllrrl -

• »EW YOItK. Sfpi. i:-Siocto raii

• lioiir Ol iixlsys nwrkf. niid Mrilcr i:ulM ot ft i-alnl or Uo ts- ^clunsci! Ior ntl loKft of UU3111 the , ,tame rxirnt l:i the soiiro flwf«.

Ktducilon ol »linrl mitrcU j, during tho iccrnl nrivancpi liaU lm- ~ l.alr«‘aiheifchiilMli>o;ulM«mIlhc ^ Lii*. ihtii ;mi.Mjm>»ri«« ^uthanillfuinfnvp.-liisoi'rralloitfor

>al(« of I.DOS.OOO tlmri'i »rrc Inriicr Ihiiti yfMcrdiiyM bui eniuld.Tflbl); ii»()rr ihe-lil»li(-r IclaH orcarllcr lu

'Movenifnu u|i lo luwi. Rfrc lun:c- •" ly indfflslvc, UiiyJiis of ihc uiilliyuiid ‘fov'k* ill

■ ■ ■ oMhs^aj-f W M k^«o f''ftn^o nr^ And coiion Uclpt.l set the Mpsc for llic laie HlllnK, whlcli awimMi tome ' '

. tircttslli ar.d larlcd to Iwlil,

(cxwti, Blld fallKl to mate niucli of. 'f » rKOYto-. iloilnif- r . «nis off. Other fuiurcj leal nearly a cc nt. Corn waslieavifr. P . cenu lo 3'j cenW iiel loft'cr, renccilni! faronble Nebrwki

. . crop advlc t nnd !o»:fr caiti markela. « S»l«iwili.e v,if^

' . The mcrenandlsltis iiroiip on llie >9 blft iHiril waa unicttlcil - by Ccarx \ tu rtofbKk'4 lalM report for llie fourLij;

. weeks eixlln: 5ep'.:mbcr 10. Ttililo. *ho*M » decline of U,l i>«r ceiiiljj from tlie iume period of 1D:d and al-1 Ihougli there woji a 104 per cent r;sc, ai over the prevloui Inler 'Sl ihli >:a* 1 re tonal Improvement conlratted v.iih (u It I7.fl per cent Bain lor the cor.*a-M pond!nj.four.*eeki a year aco. [0;

Copper oiiarts u'cre In demand all-|rr _e r publication of the alatlitics on rt-jn]

fined ilock* al'Imnd'Scplcmbcr l.jm revealing an Increve of 21,CIS lontnii W A lotal of 3«,CM loru. or nio;o ,u

• t‘iTwin Falls MarkbH . 'l!


COLUMN. IHBAKe Tliusi: tiUl'i'Li£U IU n a an sawn flACIi ItAY uv UUVUtS l.N a ALL LINtS gUUTEU. UUl IN A 1

' tiUtlAT MA.NV CASbS .UtVtlta l>tl I'Alf MOKK FOK UUTII UVL> n. STOCK ANU l-UOUUt'K IHA.S CI. IHtS UUOfATIUNS TiltY (JlVb lei 10 Tttf WK ys. ANU SEULHls ua

___ AUE U W ffeW KEEJ' im s t'ACl Ju'" IN SIINU. ■ • ■

1-a* i«(n nil. outmt taiitci ict' Hr uiatr ••• iaiio*»; noIJ ni b t h ■ ,|(,j5 rc|ti»v|f oiitctier>____________ atiicavjr to*i ..................•___. t 'o « ............... ......nxw 101..«i>wto j» w ^VrtU Cil.ft -------- WWIOUW i,v

--- ------------- Uc;Spriinffi----------------.;!«< t;;

■ ~ !i^ ^ t\ '■ rr-^ Ji5 .n :;.'L ::r~Lrftwmnfn lo______________ lix »«'Iliollrr*__________ _________He Bf;' Uibotti Cfviieri "^ | j

t<S» . ......... ... '* --- Ie 1o >c . IPutlfifil____________t W . jWim ..A"!!!-------- i;c!"4'

Uflojm. Diue T*s ... ijcCum .,,,, ,<'„..r<OIUtet — ;------- 1--------i ai ,

• ' nuril.-------------- - ilSM llinUMU ......... ■ ■ . ' ll.TU (art»t Kortlifm. Ko l*...... ...... uno luOm iNotiritfn, Ko. i ____ , s*&' Jl

•Iirin, ewi,..____________ . l „ _ l 11i ' 1Ilrmn. SW-lo. lou i— ....... ^»l.ioi:ili■ swell rood, loo-ib, Inu_____T l.li;qMIocK teort. SW-lli low________ Sl:lnicMow, No.: Of bflirr...____-_.l?cl .1■ rta«r»lloiu Ka. 5 Of bftlff------ Hc;:OcEn p)»<t-------- ------- ii«! •8»MI pauwrt -----— .........lucl

------- ^' Ctullflo»tf.. . ■ ......'urr ^Hirtft torn'.douB) _ _ _ _ _ t u c | _

• amnt'puBi., ,, tc;| •t«e» potttM liocui. t»unii3IZ:i|C ]

CkbtMia ^ 'ftUtluc*. ftt brad— ..— U'Vf er, cwn*iu pn tnmch tf ncw i & S S nMoio er*

■ — ,-------- »»

. ..

-------- Pafefi'S!s '■ —— ■. .

I' Slock Markcl Averages . :

.raw vonK, i.rii! u '

ii-Aj-j jj";

• jl'lw''i''V^ ii'r'I ii- '<

Idi.im n.rf Ull.., lUf to;.ii„- ...u ;.i ; Jl'.-:,---------I i;mf;il of Ih.' i,;:.il..;‘:.'I<'nrilnr’

Amani: ili'-m ww.A-vr-rriti-Onii—

irl.' WriilinVni!;''- lll'-'iTr. Al’flil ■

yleldrtl :> .SM!''.' SSc;:brtik" il [wliil i;ev r iH.tl cIoim!

[ujijlh ii'.y rl i..-u;,;. |i j j . n>u cx«

I rorr;;::! li'itvy,

INKW VOHK. Hvji:, 12 i i'. - C;ilI

—1'iiiie-)<>i<»»-- ulv;-:u.titvA lu . 2'..; fio II.1VR : M<:.iyit 214lo lour mi'iiiilivj . I'l 3; live' riaimrrl.'l I'l i;rr :i 10 3 ^

lliiiikcri,’ u:cr|.!at:r» l'!;rl«nEf<J. '

• (if»vj;iiSMi;NT ii'()SiK>: . ' new Y0I:K, Kr;r. 12.(|-,-tIllllrd

si ilf.-. KOrcriininil buul f.'.inlallom ^Lii;cr‘y'3'is ::-<7, ....fwi.i ‘Ub'-Tiya'TS rn; ::m7...... sioi, ■;I,tb;rty flr.s! <’.s 32-47 . ....-1101.4 ,,Llberty-Ioiirih-*H<-3M3---ilOiS- iUbfrly fowm 4'i« 33-2!l . JIC3J JTrcajury 4’. 47-M ....... SII220 aTrcaMiry 4 41-51 .......-....$icn7 ^Tfc.imi!y 3-;s 4C;5S .........i\m ^Ttfa,'iiry ! \ r . ISIDiU____ $101,21 li.Tn'.iiUf>i-3. . 4M7 -:— - -JIOUO H

• 3ijrr,M.sNEW you::. Srpl. 13 l-V,-C

per; Qiilil: ikcifolyilr, p•J ami ture m..e tiViU'.' . • • ^{1

Iron:. Quin: iiiifluii'.'iil. ' t , Tln;Iii:y;-ii>a: «r.d;iMriy:2:Iiiltirf $300.1. — • ;•—Lcsdr—StMiiy: r .pot-hVv—Vi'iH.: r

7.1.-!c; (MIci: 1:kI k:, l-o;iij i aiulIiillircJ«.2SU)Sl:iU. r. AliUmoiiy Ji,7i 10 $7J>7. .

.ii,ui sif.VKir • ;

vcraV.c. ' ' JlSCCAIl Itl

NEW YOKK. arpl, 12 i-l'i - J jiiRar RUJ firmer loiliy and wmicj rcllneri »lmcd u lii;:c iiio;c liii:r- nl c:t. oflerlncs coni'p.iral.veiy | li

; IMIil, Thu o.ily 'iMCi cuiilhmvd weit 11'l '3000 ban ol Philippli'.M lium norcili' lit) It I0C.1I rclmrr m t.i.U nnd [K)C();ii |l)a« ol I'hllippliif' Inr Brp'.niilicr-iz' lo.'loier tliii>:iie:il 10 im irturaior'iil 'Ml«.:i. IkI Hcparla nl palitleiil unrcjl In Cuba .aiul ilie.iIriUliT u»t mark:t jrel!cc:c<l by hl:!iiT iiflcrs In ra'V'll [futurcj, v.'lth Illc markcl closing 2 luin ;4 paliiti i:cl lil;hcr. ’Hio mnrl'.c:;u lorned I iwiiiTloAcr to 1 palm hljh- trr cr.d remained almost dornnni un­it" nMund ir.Id-ri.iy nlien IJicrc bw _ iiiicrc.iicil cDvcriifu aiialfin Mles'in jllie .-tt.-); maU'l nml rame comiii'. . n fluii llou e buying, 'I'lils' driiiar.d • li liiuml ItiUo for (tale, but alter nd-lp, v,]iiciii2 3 IQ i (MliiU above the pre*U: vioa-. clo.<e r«I|r.!n;: chfckcrt.thr up-.$' turn nml final prlc<-s-Atrc (iff a p;>inl ci cr t«o Irsm llie bn:; All loid iily j’l, mo^oiu f!w:*;:cd’hiiiidJ. (tnd with | bi

CftMWfrkci Rlulwt for uvcr tha Brfk«; u

anc£,i develojiliig In Cuba, trader* 11s i<, a rule were liicltncd lo be cauUoiu.' Number 2 eonirjcii closed 4 palms rl Iitshcr ai (3.0t for Septvnibcr and <: f3,li lor December »lth iiq mIm, Clulm: p:;c:« for number l:.2^p* 1: lembfr II.U’. l):ceinbcr »liO. Jaii- r uary $li3.•.March $1.30. May 11,40. July «l,47. feplember t lJ J . '

Tlie <tlllidtawiil< tfUiaiid for tc-II.-inl iu-ar was asaln ol'llberal |>:o- porilow. bill llllle new bujlnew was rc|»rled, and prifc.i T,ert unchaiitiixl 11, ai } ' J J 10 54,« for fine sranulatcil, nt

(:HU',\<!0 I'KQDUCK CHICAfip.Sept.lJO^V-Uvepoul- j[

try: Itteflpu three cars, IB tructi; liensU(ariy:«prln; weak; (ovUrcii- g, craly nm 23';c; M'rlud 22!Sc; roost- crs‘15criirrkO»'15c"li»“I85;^Olltur(y and old du:ks ICc lo >01111; Bftce'lTc,

nutter; ItfcripU 8341 lubs; etcsdy:

llwlpU 13339 eaws; e;vy; ■cxtr.t a-M.-, :;c: lir:li craded ;i5';c; Ircr.h nirtrnl recelpU 21c loi''*

ordinary cjr;c:il r;.;:lp‘.5 10:“ ==;.■ il.. ___H . ,J1

sAN*iT.AScii<c<j rnoDut’KSAS rnAS'cisco, s:pi, 12 (■■■’>- !

Illillfriiit 43?, ■OnlOiii; Ja’jbliii; sacked yelloas 75c

lu *l:l,in:e$!.10 to JM Ji red k1d1)i>’’ * Jl to 51.13: Atoir.illan browns J l lo;-' $U’,i.

I’otftlofi,; JabblniT Btocklon. " , :ilit!cs 51.«3 Jo SI.BS cf..; Waihii;:;-j lu;iNcHfdnrnij $1.65 10 : 1.75. ' I" '

I'oiilirj; Hrollcro Me lo 40c; I'fua;,,;, :0c to :sc; iiUrkcys nominal. 'i

muKniKUiT' NEW VOHK,- Sc|U. 11 cn-Drl.xl, p

i L i i p t a r i' -M '-15I

‘•KANSAS CITV LtVKSIOCK zn KANSAS ,m i . B fB l.J J lir rr lf J ° .

S 'D A7-Hc5s:-Ileeeli)l»-»M:-tJ- i i ircmcly uneven: steady fo S5c,hti;h-. .r; er.lhaa'Tttiirjday's #ver*8»i untler-. nelftlits'tlmln;’ mott advance; lop eL »I0£3-oa 1S3 Jl 230 poundi;-belU'r • ea cradci'I'O to 250 poundt SIOJ) to|ltf 510.C0; 140 to 160 pounds <92$ lo 1 <10,23: a lev :;o to 325-pnund buteh-145< ers IDJO'to $192j:>ieklnn soWs'ISjup to a few » ; smrs i7 i010 (3iO: <t>. stock plE».-i.-oniJ.«7JOloM.M. ' '$0

Cattle; Re:cipu 8K; cenerallyisb tlcad;: market on lew kmc: elates 1 $8.

■nvrtJ F A L L S M I I .Y ,

“ I © « r r c o M E ~ E X S Y " S 9 ~ -. ________


----- 'TH*>'r-LWBS-OM---- ••---IU.-60'T'TEN G W N l-



• ' \ h a m s^n

fg r f i■“ •Cl.OSIN

1 I ll_» T h o ____ UOld Dittl .. .

' a i i i i t f c u i « ' , r ’orni'rioriiu Aui <;.■»■ Ill .UiiaLWnt liiAiii 'i’i'Jrf : n 'i I llKu“ciuU,

- s i K s ' "Am HU Krimtcoii'coiI Aii'nihUa Cupfier .. 4«'i KoUltr luaioAtclilHiiiTAlU ...tISli ICmivHU.. .IUl.l.-,;u U);a PJ— as Kieuirr ii Tol, UJllfcOhli), ..._l,-JH I.IK4:U;fi.1

I Uani/tall A , --22', Uillitnoii AlkiI UcUU>:luliuiiUa-L_UI,.-JJlowl Capptr lluiioiii'li* Arlil . . :r,i. Mill Cou lYI OiuKii; b iii.'lii .. II Uluourl.licit■1 ; : r . i i s ' ' a i s w r i ',|o»r Whffi...Ii;iin /I (m;u, iirir.., Ni») Muliin .

«liixir; t.nm . . .-:«<■ Mil l-giKr ji I ; I.K.I l':l« - IW , lUllonal UiudS f S & ,ICHird-Mnloi

i j if y(in. i ' l ' r ! ; ' ^ i j " KthmTrnn’ “(Iru |1«>‘J-______5;*, Or»ti IlOfbuek

I i.i:iililrn Ca 17S Simmoiu CO

' jolfrccd ktoekcr.t and feeders steady; i ’ 1 Ic'A' lond arouiid lOOO-iwiinrt West- n : I I'm sriiM MUI s $7.!t5 to tBJO; three I !'li<:.dh midlimi lu cood nroiind COO-ili );|i';iii;d dry lu: hrllerj S3.U to IIO: p .izw l to cliol.-e '.\Mlerr. ! J lo Jll;.I ii-btirhlfr emvs $11» 51.73; lov cuS- lltr' ni-d fiii’.rrj iiiihtly U ta 51..

II Slii'rp; ItpcflpI.i'acOO: rnnsc lambs ]| :lci'!ii’.-Ji;y ::c.|i'ii!icr: odd low na- tr .vtlurfiri'ii;; fhct'p nboui sleady: lop i, >{niiii;e Ir.intti 5300; others dnnm'urd Ip :;:o qco: oid lota belter srade na-. [^.•arjijioio. , . . . f<

---- • ai' __r.OS ANf!i:«.ES I.IVESTOCK tl1 wy-AMinLEg.sriii-.isdvus »:• 1) Ai-C,i;i:e; neeeljiis ;Mi; aetlvc, ci I i liilly lc.':lly; four londs 8Sl lo 033- di• potiiid ucermoimtalii Rtass steers■ 57,:.\ to ;h 2S; load C23-p3unU hellere 7< •i$7.43; niMr nood com $0 lo $025; p.■ cnmmsn lo medium 5tJ0 to 53.7}; nl ' |!ov,' CUIUTS and euitcri $2J0 W 5423; tn >i bulls 1323 doTU. Calvee: HKelpu oi ';iw ; futllr ,»iearjTmnllum. lo Rood fai lojKiO,*--'

Sheep; Ileeelpts none; nTTaiiinTIo ; rliolei; laiRb.i.p3unds down 5G2S to

!3: mi'dlum lo choice ewes 53 lo It.Hoi:»; Heeelpis 100; stesdy; load n

134-poHiid Nebraskas lll,M, lop; fear [*, 235>]X)u;id Ixnls llOiO.. hi

— - p( r'(lUTI.\Sf) Livn-STOCK P(

^o^n^A {D, sepl. 12 (riv-iu s d p< A) — IJozs: Heeelpis, 50; hardly p< enouth lo esl.-ibllsh market: few sc

I truck Ifltn 103 |Hundi |ll,75; looki U| ' About steady. U

Callle: Heeelpl* IW. calves id; imlhlng sold early; all classes i;iiot- ac able unmlnally sleady. tr1 Sheep: Iteeelpls TOO; IneliidlnsMO at oirconlraei; few early Mies slauRh- fe lcrJanibub3UUtcady':.8UlcU;'.i;(wd to B2'I»uad uveragM 50,73. $1

— • erClItCAfiO UVESTOrK «

CIHCA00.8cpl,12WV-il/SDA) «“ i;«j.M K.'celpU 13.000. liteludliiE 5009

iiUi.ct; iir:ivc to shippers, inojily 10c *' '111 2Cj hUher.Ilian yesicrdny's av- i■ fuw: wei'jhl below ISO iwundi up J ' Ir. p.irkliii; tons slov, stesdy U ft I lOc hlshrr; bull: ISO to 250 jnunds >fi i.'i .Hj to 511,10; up 511,15; Eood nnd >'< j rlitiiee Hfl [o -ICO jwunds 5S,7S to UlO.CO; ICO to 200 iMunds 51033 lo W 51113; :M to 250 [wunds 5IOii lo 5II.IJ;-:'jO 10 3!0 pounds 51023 10 <0 SU: ii.'tekiiif; lo ii medium and cood ^

; :75 to i03 iiounds 5835 10 55J9;' ',!:.itt[;liicr piM sood nnd cho'ice 100' to IJD iwmidi S8.50 Irf 59.75.I Ciilllc; Heeelpis 1500, calves lOOO; ' i |i;r.'ily jleady, especfally on Iwlier Al,er;ii]c fnl steers and jearllnss nnl If ; crjdes she stock; Bra.wy'V:el4ht eh Istccrs mill ye'arllnss-and niosi sndes lliI'l'.e Mock; klllera fislitlni relatively W!ii:h prices on lifbelwetn grade he

').-ar!t:i; buIU; choice kinds scarce; MTTrx-5i;.a-en-y»nin8i; 5 iiJg~oa g; t:i ,iiy.'s;rer.v slauehier e.illle and <tiMlers. sierrs rooJ and choice COO kll

Twamr»Trfr»lliito5132S;»0lO Ki MlOO ps'jrdi 5I0J0 10 513; 1100 lo lU13HI poundi 59.75 lo 512.75; 1300 ^ wl

715M paandrlJiO to 51JJ0; htllcri, 58.;:no(l and eholee35010850 poundstlO tU

jo.513; cnws, good and c«41ce 55'to anU23:cu:iers'53ia54.25;'bulh,};.arl* S0<

. .r;s cxeluded.:Bood nnd cholfe betf tieCUo 57: vealers. milk fed, cDOd and uncLolce 511 to 513; slocker and feeder ci:ieatile. sieea, E«od and choice SOO ) I irf iO'JO pounds $0.75 w 5JJ0/' • ke;

Shrea; Heeelpis H.030; Renerally en |45c lo2*c h!4hcr; belter pade Umbj- najui> most ;sirlcily choice Coloradoj f«$t>.G5; .bulk crus rarxers 59.10 to 5aJ

' $0.40; nsilves moiily 58,75 lo \3iHx I;sheep $8.75 lo 53J0; bucks 57,7S to - 158.50; test ^cdlQg lambs UUenj J

” ~ 7 t

f WoORi“ b i»r^ ^ IME fftORNIN& F1Nt>

_____ : ___UlM-Al-.>ilS-BES.T=_W IN E .

E a Y/OMEN AND •— ---

IS H!5 \ ________ MOTTO-

H- V«jrrw_

IN ' ,’ I i M i


.|iu.'l ■ .I'liwl UnS — '

Coppif- a ji Cory— »,’•

TV)il:: .■ ;»{ ?M.Amert» * i l l “ (t ; P'

Ijwr , .. .^ 1. 10 P»mo^_i_rS» .1* acltic'.' M » Ind AlcobaU!! T3'i' ie scille pt m .«•fi n, .noaiuni .


J llllll . * I In.(,<0-,.—IOS>r —r-.CURU .M.\IIK>.T |gt: iOrbw,-nftu..*. li.li, 1, -- Jl * m — C.u r 1) quoisiloiii «|---„!■ ili»nl: I I

AmHunPowfr____Jl......j|[i 'f-

” *81__’ l‘>tl Intmwrl tZ’i m

■■■■■■ i«; 57.75; lambs 90 pounds dowi. Eocd'iwl• nnd eholee 58.75 10 59JU; ewes 90 to,Ilk ] ISO pounds medium lo choice 52.*31•; 10 SIJO; feedlns lambs CO to 73.nc ; iMunds jood nnd choice 50.73 to

• ORUES LIVE.STOCK ' OaDE.N, Sept. la U lW U B D AlH-

I Hojs; necelpa 311. Includlne 25 foTitf ‘ tn.-irket; about steady; few lou Iruck-;I liibuKhers5I0J0to51i35;oddlieaU co ‘ pncUng sows 57,75 lo 58.

Callle! HecelpU 141. Including lU for markei; iloiv, tleady; odd pack- ase.1 common tnd medium steers 55

. io.»0.»;..le_w.medltimj:chLl>ct(e»i 53J0; odd head bulls 54 to 51,75; few, “■ i cood and cholco vealers !3 lu 510; un- *'<■ dcrKradc* 54,50 to IfliO. .I Slieep: KteelpU is m IncliidlnB ‘‘p I 7413 for markei; seven doubles 71- ' : pound Utali fat lambs.57-lo.57.2S:. de : about deck medium T3-pound 9 ; mosUy heavy feeders 5325 to 5055; cU I one double. CS'pound Ui.ih wltUe- cr 1 faied feeders.55,75; four doubles C2- a,

M.55J5T tew eiet « J 0 to 52.U-— ol


OMAliA.8ept. l3 (,IV iU 8 D A ) « IIoRs; Receipu .5500; ogiciied (airly

lactlve. closed slow, mostly lOe to 25c »P hljhw; top 510 5 on ;>I0 lo 230- Pf poiirid buwhen; buHc 200' lo 280 ' pounds 510,35,10 5t0,C0; 280 to 310 an pounds 51& to 510J3; ICO io IN R] poundt 59.75 10 51025; bulk packinc an sows 58.75 10 59; smooth llshl sovt in upward lo 50.10; heavies downward 10 58.23. II,

Catllo; HecelpU 800; kllllns Classes „ acllve, mostly steady lo strong; veal- tn strong to 50c higher; stocken and feedurs scarce, about steady: g fed aieen and yeaHlnss mostly tlO j; to4 U;-tmaU-IaU:yearlln«-up-to -j, 51210; few led helfen 510 to 511; bulk \ crass cof'S 54iO lo 55J0; bulk all ce ctillertlSJO to 51.25; odd head low g cutters 53J5; lew medium bulls • j;54.50 lo 55.25: pr'ictlcal lop vealers 511; odd head 511J0, M

Sheep} RecelpU lOOO; run Includes qi ipOO feeders In Uansll; sa^ble tup- e fty 35 per cent feeders; lambs act- e ivc,'lully sleady; spou strong to 25e hlihe; sheep and feeders steady; j,| bulk tiaughler range lambs 58J0 to 5175; top 59: natives jnwtly 58.S0: lop tS.75; fed clipped Iambs $8; ewe < top It; range (ceding Umbs 562) no to U.75: no choice grade feeding 1 1 lambs on olfer. . <

---- NoST. JOSEPH I.IVE.>iTOCK !»'

• OT. JOSEPH. Bepl, 12 1 l>-tU S D Wt Al—Hoes; RecelpU 2300; slor, mast- < ly steady; lop IIO.CO; bulk sood'iind wli eholee 180 lo 350 pounds'510.40 to I 110.55; ICO to 180 pounds largely IIO _ 10110.40; Ught UghU 59 to 59M; bulk ~ heavla510,40aRddown;to«ssieaay, bel l a lo 19; sock p]gs 57251»4830, or ly JS4 W Minower. ' . . bui

CtlUe: RecelpU 700; ull classes a f kUllag callle (ully steady; b«l led 50s Kauans 110.75; no good or choice 'cot naUve* ted cAltle on sale; few loads arc wintered and led Wesiem gratters ko18.50 to M.75; tome medium ntUte tin tlcer* I9J0 to 59,75;-buicher ttock Oc and buUt llmUed; veajcr»jlMdz_W. I « McTiIgher; lop 511; heavy calvesjon tlow, Iteady; tlockers and (eeden pec unchanged; numerous loads-tlock ah< ctlrei and yetrllngs 59,75 lo lBJS. .

Sheep:.RecelpU 4000; taaib inar*(ket ttead ylo tlrong; lew laUiWett- I emt lUO; best rangers held higher: Sh naUte* up_lo 1823: sheep tleady;)Co: (eeden steady, lo strong; (cfr early dot tales 17. Inti

T -- . . jpoiDOSTONWOOL jtop

[ so sm v. Sept. 12 W>^e< ire | loa



^ ......... y«HAT_CAN-SWB-BO--iTHE WEDD1N& SO

a n d EV^RYTWI

“ ■ — = W *T 4 NOT ENW\ / PAY M E oa IW S'*r) :_______6AMS Ofj \ fve'PROTECTE_ _ ___ WN6 RNOUbV

I'VIANT.'fR ( 9^ ^ • OR *1


i l H t _ __B

I H i i i i Ei i P f CBS

' Scillnn-Continues-Pcrsls--

: t a l ly Throughout Scs-

, Sion in Windy City P it|

anCAOO. Sept.72 m i - Oraln prices In Chicago were slruek down (oday by tin eiildemlo of selling fever

, Khlcli alfllcUtl every Inajor grain I market In the 'world. The nllmenl led all grains weak wlUt lllUe

-sircngiU led lor rallies. Selling was . -pcraliicni ihroughoui the .tcislon' here, but ll came nioslly .ln small

■ lots. Houses wlUi tonnecllcuis lit TninainniTnrTiJWRn-ewjnlrltn-w'er*— ' the moM prominent vriidors of wheal Iln Chlenjo. most of whfth was con- | slrued as hedelneagaliin actual pur--

' cnaira uf-meac All deliveries o< .| wlical In Chicago toundcd new- Ucpllis ns they plimgcd.lnlo ttie low- ; lf:t level* o( the *e.uon, Wlniilpes.. tflieul prlcM iifcrc even lower Uian

^ S S S T r ig C T S r w r n 'o r . ^ ^market, tucli as it wns. came maiiiiy i irom commission houscs'wlih standi

,1HB orde."s_lo buy al various Hsc<l_v ile\elsM Uie niukeiw^douiu. Corn |waa affllcled wlth'iho ume llliies.i 'i wlikh sent wheal craMiliig dowu acil .llkewlae was wlihout'tuppsrt.I Wheat closed weak at Se to lUe , net lower than yc.Mcrday's Ilnil ijuo- lulloiit. Com finished nl almtul lli«. I bottom prices of ihe day, llic to 2'r.t ■ ilrt«n; oats 'ic lo P>c off, rye T.c lu |

h ’.c .lower nn.l provblons .ranged c (rom unchanged lo a decline of lOc.

! Wliea; prices made only sHcht re­covery Irom the lowctl prices touch- • ed.'Trade was QulcU 1

, }>,lio«i nxlreme MVaknest = • U«rpsol tlwwed .extreme we,ik* "■ neis early, lirgely becauso Rmjln • luij'rcncxtQ-offers o(-laige quaml* - llts oreiicai) ulieat. Scaiicrcd liq­uidation WlU In evidence on the il3»n«ard coartc o( prices.'

Corii was weok (rom the start with fu dc(erred deliveries breaking nearly , 75 9 cents a bushel (rom yesicrday's qi close. 8lup..os« orders were uncov-1 w| ered during the decline, but there was *p a lack of aggreislve buying supporl. . Klany traders who have U'cn buying

lhi!ilum *(^Wl * tU^^bnhe'^mar* J kel today. UlUe altentlon was paid ~

llo cro'p tcporU and telling o( com n, : against purchases o( wheal lo clou 3. 1 tpread iransacllont waa also a de-t pretsing factor. lyj

; Oau sank wlU» wheal and com m [and bccauie of scatlered liquidation.| Rye thowed resUianee Id <ire«urc‘ io and did nol (ully rcHect tlte decline In wheal.. _

Provisions averaged lower, sympa- thUlng wllh grain weakness .and be- ’ cause of seUlng.Wteal— Open High Lo» .Cfote ~ sepl..- .8l!i 81>> 80\ ei'i. Dec. — 83U 88H 8S*i MS

-Mar.-=-MH tW’.i - 89%-. 90U May 03H 83li 92!j 93’; ''

Com— .BepU _ 04«i wn D3fi 93-i *

' l>ec. _ 89!i 03‘i • 88 88'i hUr. — CO?; .01% • 83?; 89’i “ May _ 9 3 S MH HIS 91?; \

OtU- i Sept,. L . 38 38 37 37H f Dec. —.41*4 42 40-i 41S " Mar. _ 44 44 42'i « U M a y__45!i 43 ; . 441. 44',j ►

CHICAGO CASH (iRAIN (I CinCAQO, Sept. 13 W)-Wheal'. ",

No. a red 88He; No. 1 hard Uc; No, 1 1 northern spring 84Hc to 84‘ic.

Com: ,No. 3 mixed #5Wc,w OflHc; : No. 1 yellow 9<c lo M'ic; No, 3 white . ir»!ie 10 NKc; sample grade 93c to I 53c. • im

OaU: No. 2 mUed 38‘5c: No.. I toi white39V.C 1039!5c. ■ . •

Rye; No. 1 COc; N o J M'.ie. ep; . dll

being closed a llltle more (requentr ly on &&S domciUe wooU but oiiier,de; buslneu b tampU.ng volume, but In i a (ev eases a (air weighl'of wool of ' ' JCs QuaUiy hu been mored. SirlcUy «P 'combing 5«s bright (leece bring Ui ■8rouod30elnUiegreaseor55ct6 58c Ati tcoured batlt. Terrliorr wools.of a,<n tlnUIar description ntove al' file to lot S3o tcourtd bails. . Top makers are V jt«lylnt.aJ(UrjoIunie. oLbuilmi-«i on Ml iqp«..DeIlrerles on tops es- do; pecllily on ihe (Iner cndes, are showing Increase tn nhime. . IR|

' • D rNVK 8IIEEP ' r ' (ee DZNVPI. 6>ptl'l (^ < U B D A) C0<

Sheep: RecelpU «400; run Includes' pa: Colorado and Ulah.ltmbt: ndthlng o( done oaWcilem;(ei» 77 to 90-pound Qu! ntUret 18. .about tteady; (ew 73- ’ pound eull ewes I I ; Uie' Thurtlt;' Ip lop tlaughur'range lambs lUOi-one l loadleedlngUinbtim ^


HlN&^t?H£R C .R A ;P - '/ BUT I____________ L , ' JOS

--- ; - (jK itSPOIL TH il <50{OW VOURI - , V 'r eo WU — ■f il-_% .T 0 S C O O « = )/ M ,. \ - ^

T 6LL HWt- l \ i h_____JEXL Olvk n I J t i —ff\


~] Hoover Greets I

^ M r £ “

CA PTA IN WOLFANG.^'ON GI pilot; Edivnrd Zimmer (lef Who con{rratii]fttcd them on flight.— Piioto.

' Barley 52c to 72e, lo• Tlmoihy teed 17 lo I7J3..

■'Clover iecd'llC'tb'iaiO. D — • bl


(uiurct closed; May CSc, Seplember . 76NC. December Me. Casli; lilg Bend ,niiieiU'm 03!ic: toft wlille, wesiem bl (White 78H; har’d wlnler, northern cl spring, western red,75Hc, qi

OMAIIA CR.«N — Ir TTfUtAia..~i^pi..iajrt3^wcettCr W Hard No. 1 78'ic to 82c; No. 2 77e td 27 79c; northern spring No. 3 75e to 78c; Durum No.a 71e to 734c: mUed No,3 74c ------ ' .'

Com:Whll«No.l80'ic:No.a90c; P lycllowNo.l88'ic:No.288olo88'ic; ‘0 mixed No, ti 8»>ie. ■ ’

; Oau: While No. 2 36c; No. 3 354c m io 355iC. • • — ---- --- W

--------------- . . .- I I'l to


. CHICAOO, SepL It I/THIU 8 O 1».A l.T Polaloe*; RecelpU 90 eu- «loads; «n traek 2« ; loUl Unlled co Slate* thIpraenUJOJJ! tUghUy

ttrcnger. tradlnc (airi Wisconsin l«tacked Irish Cobbler* SLM lo ItCJ, »“ moslly « .« to 5tC5! MlnnmU

.sacked Irisli Cobblers $125 (0 ^ 5t4J iueked Early Ohio, IJ25 tot2.<5; Nebraska ucked Irish Cob- arMen, 52.49 (0 S2.S0; Idaho sacked 38Rsueli m s to 53.15; Colorado «>tacked Trlomphs, besl'nM, to

-1 SU



BOSTON, Sept. 12 Mv-Tlie Com-' ' merclal BulIeUn o( Uoiion wlU tay • < tomorrow:. "Interest. In,wool is more wide­spread among Ihe mills and belter - dlveralded than (or some Ume, wool­en mills showing more buying In- leresL All quillUct of wool ai« in to demand lo a (air extent, afprteet an which keep Very sleadyT '• “The trade evidently awalU.the * opening o( the LonJbn colonial, the' ' Urerpool East IndU and Sydney; »' Auttralla tales, the (lnt 'e( next - week as baromeuic o( wortd ralue* . lor wool Pretent predicUont are lhat Merbos will hold about tUady u .conipared with lut tales at Lon- don,-buterou-breds arelxpeeled to • deollne 8 pec cent or more. OKcr- Ingt are 173,0000 bales. -"ManiJtcmrers'evldenUy do M l

(eel loo turex)( the trend o( piece- - goods demand, but have beta pre- parlilgUiemseltct lo take'adranUge o( what<Ter..der«lopnenU-'ntayquickly arise. ' ‘

TMeiialr U dull and prlcei oom- Inair

^ BuUcUa will pubUtb ths lot- L

^PTEMBER 13. I930 v .

\ .................. / - - - 'Nr I \ / CEUi% r ( mC YOU_ _____ i - _ W EoooHS J in '

/ _ _ _ \ PI' — ^ r e t i

German I'liers



■ P T i ^ ^ ^ B H I S r " i . C T b H I H W i ^

. • > R

I r

^.*..ijti.ve^“ ^ y | K L ~ J : _ u i i

L nf- Jtt j d "c

GRONAU (rrjHIl)' nnd his co- leftK with President-Hoover, *' oil tiicir recent tmiu-Atlantie- b

— — 1:lowing QuotiUonsT {■ Ohio and Pennsylvnnla. fleeces;* Delaine unwashed 3io 'ti)'32c; liaK " blood-combing 29c to SOc; three. ' elghtlu bleed combing 29c lo 31c; ,, quarter blood combing 39e to 3tc.

Michigan and New York Reeces; i DeIal;)o' unwashed 37c lo 29:; hiK, a

blood'combing 27c lo 29c; lliree- clghllis blood combing 29e to 20c; k quarter blood combing 30c to 31c. h " Wisconsin, MUWUri'nnd'ayerag'c a Indiana acd-Nen-Kn;ia.nh—Hatf^

27o to 21c: q'uarl'cr blood 28c' lo 29c.' *' Bcoured'buls:T'exas; Pine 12 nionllis (Mlecledl b

73c to 7Cc; line thort 13 montlis iCt lo Tic; line eight months C8c to 70c. •

Callfomla: Horthem C5c 10 G7c; middle.connty (Qe to C5c; touthem*eoe'to'CK." ---- ---------- : •

Oregon: Fine and P. M. staple 73e to’75c; line and P. M. Piencli comb- * Ing 70c u 73c; fine and P. .M. cloUt-1, Ing S5cto 07c; vallc)- No. 1 G7c 10 CIc. I

Tenllory (tcoured bulsi:- f Montana and tlmllar: Fine tuple

cholco 75c lo 77c; hal( blood comb- „ Ing 70c to 75c; Ihrec-clghlhs blood comblng-tOc.lo SJc;. quarter blood combing 53o to 58:. V

pulled: Delaine BOc to B3c; AA 75o lo 8« ; (Ine A supers G7c lo 72o; A ti tupers COe lo S5c. j .

Mohslr: Domesllc'cood origliitl b«gTexutprlng40c to42e; goodor- C Iglnal Texas kid «0c lo 52c; Arlana and New Mexican 37c 10 38c; Oregon 38s to 40c; dofflcsllo grading, flnl combing 50c to 53c; good carding 34o to S5c; cape wlnler, (irst nominal.R summer (IrtU 32c to 34c; caiw sum- E mer kids 54c to S8c; turkey (air av- e erage 50o'to 82c. .ji

= i _ | :

RealEslatoTranslers— ■ ~ — ---- r ----1 - ' I

• Fnmtsbed.by (fat InlermosaUtB . n ilt CBaraaiy biapsiiy

- r — -----7 '' 0,8CPTE.MDCR 1} • IU

Wamnty.deed; Lenna D. WUson' lo Qeorge 8. Carrico 5«C9C8,Li»u 17 • and 18. block 145, Twin Palls. . ei

• — . ... • Au n n MOWERS sharpened 0By Electro-Keen process, trtnory a;

way.) J t a Bailey, 219 4Ui St. N.>dv-p

Harder I■ W n F a l j i

_______ Ph o n e 's 5 ;

- - m L E R S 1:

^s= = = =. , ~ . ,■ ; \

;e rW IM 1.Y is boOt>— ,UP HAb TMS BICitrfiSTw e e k -.sin c skj’ B U 5 'N E tS “

,1 .-«(0l> LOAN

NOT SO B A O - •

I S n i p ^SKissgai

- Star-Soclal-Club-Honors---Mrs. EcIiiT Trocndly' at Mrs. Snow CoffTn's Home

ilOLtlSTER. Sept. 13-noiurte?i~^' '' Eiar Social club sponwred a party

' Thiwdsy ademoon al Ihe home o( ,Mm. Snow Coffin, in honor of.Mra. i:diia Trocndly, wlio Is moving Kr 1 . Jerome In llie near future. The llmo «M spent In needlework and con- verMtlon. In atlcndanee were: Mrs..Ruby Dem. Mrs. ausUva.Nuord, . Mnu Merle Meyer, Mrs. M.irlan Uoyil.

■ Mre. Nina Cnven, Mrs. Amtda "t.iurfHccrXWIlarrlet Troenfliy.,. Mrs. Edna Woendly and Mrs. Snow .■_Coflln. all o( Hollbler: Mtude

•811c teece and Mrs. Elsle” Morelioiisc:;Twin Kalb; Mrs. Adah Powell. Hag- Rardl. Mn. J. O; Jagger, and Mrs. Wimter, RoKer.wii. J lrt. UurencD . nnd Mts, Lloyd assisted the hosleu In >ervlni; r lreihmenu at Uie cloee •

,,.o:-Ui»-«furn8:ni . -_____________I Mia Anna KubactI ha< irrlved---frcm Oeiieteo, Norlh DakoUL to W

-:.lcach;muslc.-in-the:HoUlalfl-.tel«»lt.f^^R; B. Morehouse, A, P. Klusm.eycr. .

' .Mniu Coffin, E. E, Lawrence, and Leslie Dean attended Orand Lodge

'•C(,M&jina ln Twin Falls thlt week.' 'schaols will open In llclllslcr ou . .,M6naay; Beplember 13.' ' jl!.t Beulah McRae litt relumed . to her hosc'afier a two-week visit

. wiUi Mlu kabcIleUTIklnwn At Min­idoka.

Yields are reported good In the 2- bean harvest now In (ull awing la

I ihe IloIIlsler vicinity.Mr. nnd Mrs. John Caldwell and

4 daughter, Catherine, are moving to Ifolllster (rom Anuierdtm tills wcclc. -

. Mlii Doris Weaver. Buhl, a niece ot.;-MrsrCnldwelI,-wm-make-her-home----‘ WlUt them during Ihe tdicol )-ear,! MUi N:lIlo Derwent liis returned ■ In her home In Rock Wind, llUnols,

afler a iwo-week vblt wllh her aunt.Mrs. Elslo Dudley, at Salmon dnm,

(. and cousins In Hollister.- Jet llfiileln has arrived (tom Bpo-

kane, Wasltingion, lo leach In Uie high Khoot.liere. He will alto be____

e aihieUc coach. -' . . .. ~f^lr^and-Mn^- Wallet Meyer and^ :-•' (d to their liorfie here afffr'Hvlng '■■ /pent Uie summer In Senltle..Mr.

Meyer ll superintendent o( Uie HoU- 1 liter tchoQls.C. ~

-'Churcli Services:c . 1,• I KIMBERLY »IETHODIST ];.l aiUBCH' Rev. Henrr Van Valkenbutgh. Pallor, k , 10:00 A. M.^unday tchooL : 11:00 A. M.-MpiBhJr'*PtrtlP^ i Sermon, tabJect.jHow lo Make A A Pastor Buccestliii;" by Rev. Van

Vnlkenburgh. c 8:00 P.M,-Evening wonh!p.,8cr. mon lubieet, "Prlendt o( Jcfui"

1 ‘ CHUhCII OP TIIB BRBTH^liN . Second .street and Fourth Aitaue •I north • . Ia -Rer. H. a Will, pallor .1 lOiOO A. M.-6unday tchool,.0 11:00 A.' M.-Momln« worthlp. • J.fSemioo topic. “What Rellgloifpan- Do For Vl " Duet. ‘■Oome,.Ya pls-- eonsolale," P w l Melton and Mrt.

ilL a WUI; Bolo by Uwrenco Tur­ner. Thlt service will be broadeait -

I over Hie Twin Fails radio ttaUoa7:00 P. M.-Adult clau; Brethren.

Young Peoplel Departmetfl; Junior 'League; Primary clast.-

I ;00 P. M.-The Pool,’ Cltaiinlng.' Pollock's lour-act dranit, U to be , shown In plcturei U Is Ute ttory of a young man who took Jems’

I leachlngt Krtously. .------------ -

7 -^ollM to Onion and PoUlo orow- ers. The Idaho Junk Houie 152 2nd Ave. Souih, hu a larg* slock ot • Onion bags, Potato bags. Reid btgt, '

F and all kinds o( twine at bottom »-prlea.«e« ua (inL-Adr. -

Bean Cp.i l l s , Id a h o


J ; W in g s (8 T By Vcra

to n U n artl^^ -You might nol *Tw hire to mar-•!

ry B« to lit tlw mUUonl" 1* r .~ "U ie rl«M tlms you-wT the lleu»tn-t Y> u t Uulni mo In Quite u uustntle* b '» "mtnlr raJhtonr IV ' - - T U rtmembtr It lomtm* mom-I M i ! ' la j- * i ih o jH »»Ur h# Uujhed < '•K^i-btck Bl ber, ahd Ihep the; pl itgi-d ( a g f . ' tntir ntw w itn«{M»"

hishbilL-r— -----------—»------- ■■■m y qoimt— ----- r»-I^jan«-wu'u|>'«irl7-th«-nu(t-m07s.-r

Inj. HhshadlleptUUlOMdsJifl-fcn-; : ihalahBfflUJtgetiiplnlothetky.to « , »ip« tlie .cQhwela out or her mind * t and her heart. Bfildu. »h« b'SJ , ; «orUn«' hard wllh her new »Wp, , ’tuJnj It out earefulljr, raaUnj land-

. • Ingmrlandlsf.doingiplM,tr>-Ins f UJ5~*tcerof*tho” TiewLisirtJ"*'

. ' 'iriit,L..jBckbadpromUedtob«outearI]r.

but vhen Jano took o(( he vas no> S J ■ ,«her«tobeMtn. • J-

■ y)e*^ht ulu^tk)l''tiu^ ihat did■ ' anylhlng milter wllh ihe wind In f■ .icoa'i face and Uie ikr tlralsht t■ ' 'almc? Jtse !\ev bark acnui Long V ■ . I ;xilBnd, cirtllns about Wulonilde at p

- tt height of 2000 (ect. Itwailhellnt ^■ . time the had aliemptcd lo find the * ■ , -estate. She eould Me th winding ■ ro#d-Bnd-lhe-ltvel-lerr«fe-wh!ch^■ — -mtat-bo-therose-fanien.—Then-sUe-t'■ . turned the noHOt her gleamlng.ahlp ,,■ out towanl the open HL .T^erewu l< I ' * & brM wltuT Biid' ltfr*wavei were■ ' roUlDS high. Bhe flew up abore (he P ■ ' tea gulli, wheeling about, now thli c W ' m»ry»Hh[- nt lhi» rl■ - . vo nd ^ blue tiiat an autumn lea S'■ and (19 eu paint.'■ She liked the new ihlp. U wu h■ . fast, aurs, powerfuL Jane turned P■ ' ' back orer the upper end ot Long■ Island ind loUowed the shore baek al■ towisrd the airport. Jack would b« h■ .. there 'when she landed, wondering ■ l j about-htr.XUght..4n»Ioui.to.secJier,y■ ' lot book and get a report on the tlI ' ' 'iha Vote# ii■ . . Sha would act.as Uiough nothbK aI ■■ ' the theatre, and home afterwards} e<■ Ko harm In that .JThen.Jane, was h■ antiT at hcnelf (or tirlAg to (Ind 6 H ' ezcuset■ . Al the craft aUpped to tbe ground.

I - j | ... haw.driren-ouUwlth.wmebodr-eUe.L- t i^ '~ a i'h e '*«8eUmM'dld. Jana tumed-tl■ hn entire altenllon to boding her V■ ahip, nd as she taxied toward the ti■ ' iungar,'her mind waa again filled w■ with the thought of the IleuKnint.,gi■ Red Lyneh was wtailng fer her. «■ "Uow did she run}* he ^ed. tl■ • "Slick,~ tald Jane. " I went out■ . over the ocean a mtle war, Red. and cl■ It was wonderful. I teci n sure of w■ * Ihls ahip. I'm certain I un manage si B hcrr . She stopped for a moment, o: K . "Taka a look Bt Ihe otl line, wtU rou7 It B I thought ahe wu headng Just n U■ UlUe. l-m-probiiblr mistaken but it■ . X. thought Tou'd better check H.** U B ' Jano hesllAted.and then took Ihe P ' - plunge. m

-----IithalleutenanloulyeU::---- oiB RedahmkhUiiead.B "Did h* UUphone? I wanled to h■ pncUet looping wlUt hls ship." . k ■ ' ’ ' "Ht hatnt'called." Red answered m■ ihortlr. He did not look at Jaae ol■ andshaknt«brhUembarraucdsl>'st■ lance that Red had heard soiu ot p<■ ..the gossip aboul RIU tnd Jack. w■ . Jane nodded tn a friendly fashion, si ■ I ' and leaned back'lnto the cockpit to s) M — .thut-off the miyior.-M the rosf-ot-Ht8 f ~~*^drt‘ TOtce'faS rt out■ Jtnce which followed v. n . "And he sat out In front for an m r a hour tsjring good night. Can rou K; B bnaglne him being such a fool as to i ® * .-falWorlhatdtme?" Ith a * Jane straightened up and <leppe4 Qi ^ i down to the ground. Red’s'ftee «’n-(n

W ^ lit wu not sure Jane hsd.,li*ttrd. gl W -ireicould not UU u thvtlodded a . H friendly good* r to him and went te M , orer lo tbe office. cl<

'■''"eho left lier flying clolhes in the Oi ^ kcker,puUed on her fell hat tnd left be

. Suspect in Kidna

I imS. DELIA BUDD“(lnsctrbel 1 ward Pope, 67, Now York i ■ ' AS FrtnJrHowar4 'Whb tjvo '-;.year-olti'dftUghler-GraiJc^i

hotua where Pope was cr traccs of t^e mlMiag-girl.-

O f Lo vera Brown

sYesltrfay^aXews' , ' j• •lor WestoMlde. 6he did not need' 1 Red's face to tell her of wtion the *._mechanle-had.been-sp«aklng-whiB-• -the motor dled.d^ so nddenlr.• Jane's one d«lre wts to get awtj

from Ihe airport.. It was not a n al-• Inee day.tnd Jtne knew thit RIU 1 would put In an appeoranoc1 probuly-to Jack's ioediler.- -----

■Int.lheNloor. 5ervanls_were running , t- about excKeaiy.-AniiFEinier cans; } cut she rut> an Inquiring eyebrow ] at him. ., "What Is- the cxcllement,. Qceves7-. "Madam bu returned." lie said as ; he hurried on hls way down (o the*; Jane "went Inlo.the typeu-rltlnf j ' ■ room adjolnlns tbe'llbriry aDd be- . sun work oh eome notes sho had

Uken the previous day. she worked• (or B long time. Sho nerer ol. (on'OsEe dictated to her about his

boyhooi. Hhe »as engrossed cott- ' I plclel}'In her woik. (or It dealt with t the openlns of Uie Oago Airport, tho . memorial on which Mr. Oage hsd . been working so long. It was lo b« . ; t ^ finest equipped airport In the ;! Art cameln'Ule .lathe afternoon. _n8jaluttd.cayly.and-o.*der»d-JBne ;Holland Bt.atl«ntkin.-------- ■; "Vou're ordered for lea upslaln In I Ihe boudoir of Un. atge, herself.' - , . "Co®D’'along. PU your hair and ■ , put a dab of color on your cheekb ; I rw toJd her I ctptured a beauly ■ :_rlshliiuton.thapav'mentandM>e' >- k gottomaktgoodr-• "Oh, she must bo lod tired wlUi | I her Journey lo see anybodyl-Ihe girlI protested. - . ■ ^; "6he certalnly-lsn't. Do u I tay. : she'f walling and' so U the Ua] X I havoAmy orden.": Jan# Jumped-up-from-tho-tyw- J r WTlter.and.burried.acrws.llie.halfto. ‘ I tho dreulngroom. - - '.1 Pti* r” " .^nwe, ran a comb throuih her hair,: and. u she did so, she leaned tor- { I ward and looked Into the mliTOT.Sbo ■ rwaspalelnowoadtrAnTifdremark- J I ed It.''/There wero stjadowi underi* I her cret and ber eres'vero trouble . i Bhe forced a smile u she (seed Art I i

for Inspection a few,seconds.Jater.'|l "Wm I do?. I mlght ^ , eleaMr.|{

' I!l ' Mn. Gap's Cbr I .L-Art.toother.htnd.ind led.her.up,.l-tho wide circular stal.-case lo Mr*. I' Weston Otge't silting room. 11 was iI tl handsome chamber. EveryUilng {[ was In puUI shades, soft carpeu of i• gold tad rose, fine pictures. A fire

was burning In the gnle, .even though the day wts gullo warm. i

Mrs.-Oaje was lying on « deep t chalse-tonguo netr tho windows which looked on Uie Bound. She wu i twtlhed In a toft silk dressing gown / ond her face wu Uned wllh suffer* . Inr. But her brown eyes were beau- Uful and sUrlllngly fnmed by heri inow.whltc hair. BJie held out bctu- ‘ Uful'hands to Jane.

"»ty dear child, come here and let me look al yoii." lier \-oleo was soft and thcfo-w«-a.Urtd.nolc.ln.lt— li

Janp pul one of her own tllm " hands Into Mrs. Osge's. As she did » so her ryes fell on the beiullful dU- mond glltUrlng on the finger of the 1 olher womaa Por an Insunt Jane a

' stood IHnsfUed. struggling for com- t posure. Bhe could nol be sure, but t was It'her very own rlngl J»ne b shook .menUlly.,. It eould not .be. t She tried to gej li

drcMlns gown. Mn., Oige's maid jv u bringing In Uie lea. Art and j,Mrs. Oago wero speaking of Jahet jflylnff. - , ' w

j Jane was smiling mechanlcaUy at 41ithe older...woman,.tnswe^g the .uufstlons put to ber, promising to fly

-onl' Weitonslde the very next day.-S g a S a W S ;Rlimpio or tho ring. '. As Mn. Oage railed her mp' of tea to ber llpj Jano jaw tho ring [ clearly. It was the Identical rtagi [ Or 11 wu one exacUy Uko.her own belo 'Cd engagement ring. And thero

la p in s r M y s t e r y . J

tJjclmvy.idtamtd Charles Ed- 5 { apartment hodae carctaker, ro y<!ara ap ) Wdriaped her 10- to -(inset,T^above).-rCdlarfl-of ‘I? employed wero searched , for ni

Photo. • 'hi

----- TWnrFAttS'DAItY-N

weu-^ 1 -I’M. C U k p ■-

I .W ( c r s

!d i

y | ' •' • • • 7--- •-

j j i E M E l f^ Sletot UutMi Passing Threogb Twin

‘S OREOON monT LINE « Cutbetmd

ItainSlleaves________ CMP.Mm m IM leaves— J ___1:M A U

J. tVeslboaadiraloiaJeates,:_____ _13:0S.P_M.Tnln ISJ learet_____ JiS JPM

n ----^ W E l iS BRANCH------. . Soulbbeond

A Ttala m leaves______ liJfl. P Mt, ■ Nertbboond •, Train S« amvei______P Mi - -- PlCKWlCK-mOBS— —

• Eillem BchedDletl Learo Enthound----- IQ-IS A. M trl Ware Eutbound;_____ IJ:30 A M .

Arrive from Eut_______5:M A M t. Arrive Ir o m ^ E s s t J ,8:25 P. M. • I ■ • IV'eittm Schedale I

Uat* Weslbflund— ,— 0;J0 A M . teart.WesibouoJ^__h:SS p M 6 0 Anire from West______I0:0j A M ,- ATrive frcia Wtit— /-HiOrA’ M"^

,F _ J J . S 10N^AanCfiTAGEB-^iT ; . l l. Amre____ * M s9 Uave______________ 1:00 A MT ArrlTf.,-,,----r-.:7^-.-8:» P-M-nTl*'*‘ " - - ' h{., . Caslbotmdt|AmTt-____________11:40 A U .1.'■r.#»w--- : H'tMi Noon.r, Arrive____ ___. , _ H i00 Midmghi «» fatTe.:!:.,i- ; j . , J J f l O ' A MTS'- . nOlSB LOCAL- LeuB........... ... j:z:-Tr,ja^p^M^

Anlvt........... ........ 5:14 P U \p. • TtriN FAtLS.Pl.lSS »I, Leave------ ;— .:::-.7;oo a «• JJ Arrtre—_ _ _ _ _ l l : « A M “8 U t te ................... fl;l5 P M- rIf Anlie---- ........13:00 Midmght0 . OtnED STAGE (.INE8 n TtTIN TALLS-WELLS

Amre.....-■__________ 1:1S P M PP Leare ........ ........... 2-30 p M“s TWIN FALLS-SIIOSllONE 0J !.»«>--------' J.........t p M Pn Arrtre_______________ 4:10 P M b

._______________________ (H,. -------------------------------------------.J, could not be two like III Jack htd

■* tald 11 WM an heirloom: -t An hour pissed. Afterward Jane t could recall nothing of Iho eonver- *1

tallon. When the left Mn. Oa«9 ^ ,, madehertitbmltelostoplolheiiext'^ a morning when sliB finished her work.- But tho glil bad but one (liought. .. e Thai wu to stt Papa Heienbaun ,, fi and Inquire about her own ring. She J* vouId.deh|iRdloscellwlthherown t ej'es. Art wanled U) drire Jane home,e but Ihe refused. She huirlcd out to - !. ihc siatlon. and.slarted on tbe long ’* trip <1 to glh-sireet lo see about

» -hOiru ill Tho'•minty; dingy . shopL1 Jane's coungo failed. If Ihe man;*' 1 htd sold the ring lo Kfn. Gage. Ihen! j I Jane would Ull the woman , the,f;

whole story; Uer hope flamed up, (or I she knew Un. Gage would be klal 1 ! ' The old mtn betilnd the counter «, ' looked Bt Uio eager girl scross Iho ; counUr wllh a fro'>rn. UI -gWavt-you.l|rou<M-ii» woney fw ■» your ring?- she demttided. «

, "No, nor tho girl cried. "But \ please, will you'let me ete my ring? p I Mhougbt 1 taw It loday, on tho >|

a«nue. Hare you sold It?* ol The old man ihnigged his shoul-

ders.-ITO been In buslneu hen twenty

yean. Pap# Rosenbata doemt double-aoas. ' I'a show you ywr , rlngr

1. ife disappeared out Inlo the back v Iroom tnd camo back a few moments laur wtlh Jane's engtjement ring shimmering In the palm of Jils dirty hind. . ' •

-If 1 seU It, in let you know, oi Don’t WORT about tbal." he uid, ,,

. alter be had lel her (ondle ihe bit of Jewelry fort momenl, .

The Utler IIt wu > bewUdertd and worried ,,

Jane who went b«k 10 her flrwklyn X. apartment.. She oould not un er- c stand, bul she wat determined lotsk oi Jack when he came. For she wu fc sure Jack would come. Why had iho oi doubled hint She was sure he loved her.The apartment w« dark' when

Jtno flntUy got home. And she did . not Ull Jack about Mrs. Gage’s ring; Jano turned oo Uie IlghU.. Slio wu - IWO day* Uto with her fclUr to Mr. Dennis tnd the u t down to wrlu.

'She wil not hungry. Tlio lea tnd u* the cxcltcment7ifths*hut Iwut 1iAi1

made her fo»get about cllnner. Bhe a-role on tht llbnry ubIe. lUUnlag liopefuUy (or the Uleplione belL I I j.

,dld nol ring, but tomebody knockeden Um door. - Jtne llttctied a mo- pi ment tnd etlled! • • ->> - - -

"Who’athetBr . U•*Me,dearr - wiJane twlflly slipped Ibe letter inlo c«

tho drawer ot tbe desk.jind.r&a.to ta tbe door, la & moment she wu In ni Jack's jras and bo wu kissing tier, w He looked U Jadf. ..Hit tsts wero lo t«nd«r.-Thsa4kU-gUae».f^oa:lhe tG w^Ung mtUritl stUl on (he lablo In Ihe center or tbe room. u(

"tetter .wrlUngt" he asked and Ui took' a-qulck sUp-toward tbe desk »dnwerj__ / . ,-Jane wu too quick (or him.-!a.i( (P

, (luh sho * u at tho dnwer, bad the .' hiU-nalstked litter ta be/bands tad




------^ ^ 'sem og


L JlU.Wanl.AdiaUTtaadaeUreintf.jZ -they bring Uir bayer. ' It

I Phene « J

L __ For Sal^Furnilure . ^....... ................................. Q

I POR'SALE-ESTATS UEATROLA 1 ind Rango Eternal priced reason-1 baly. Phone 40.__________ , B

POR SAI<E-IIEATROLA AND.I 'kllclien healer-with water coU. ”: 50J 3rd ave. Eatt___________ ^ ^-FOR b’aLB-I OAK D I I^ a ROOM-ii _^_UM£,JiiinaJabicJnl>y.rtrxlagfi,— iMtTihstreet west,or phone 14«W. •»;SLtOHTLY USED WASHING MA- T


I. tnd Chairs. WhlU rewlng machine di 1 wltheIcctric.motor..Phoat.l3Sa-ULjt "TethirrEuk_______ -tl

heiur, MiUeable ranee, rockera..c -portable Corona lypewriier. -vloltn.r*- ■ pinfcamiivc.East.PhoaolCUWi,^

‘ For Sale or TradePORTLAND H V m E TOR T ^ f

m u sneh. fi minutes, (rom heartof city. S rocmi. Inclosed' keeping ., porch, fire place, fumiee. Icls of _ buUt Ins, fi front trees, 3 holly treet, o

[lot 60x100, value UDOO. wlU pajjUIi:.ference for desirable-placo. .Chu. »

1 Kreu, Park Hotel • -• O---- — ;----- -------- I’ It wu lorn Into WU. Thea'iwlftly.®* . sho IhRW he tclltalo blU of paper: c, lout of tho window. Tho wthd carried I-'"

‘ them far aad wide. I-,• Jack was furious. He stood looklns _• at Ihe girl's while (ace and dilated iai } » W - _____________ ____ ;I {Continued la Nexi 'lssue*'. Jj

> ,................. ■ K[ ' Legal Advertisements „

, EsUle of John D, Brewer. Deceased, pi I ,'I oUce Is hereby given by (he un-'rferslgned sdnllnlstralor o( the es- bi

: ’ UU of John D. Brewer, decoased. to f,Uie creditors cf and tll penorj hav- > Ing eUlms against (lie ttld deeeued,

; to exhibit them with (he necesssrj'. •’ touchen, within six monUu alter K.

Uje (Irst nubllcailon of thU notice. M to Iht sild ifdii immnat tt 'iiit.'DN

, (ICO of E, L, Ashton, First' Killonol ■** ; Bank bldgj City and County of Twin _

Falls. SUU of Idaho, IhlS'beIng Uie “' flnl place fixed for the.lransacllon,

of the builncis of uid esUU.- Dtud Sepumber 4. 1030. £!

W. P. BREJVER.admlnUlraior of tho eiUte of

; . John D. Brewer, deceased. .. NOTICE TO CREDITORS '''

= EstaU of Jolm D. Bowles. Deceased. ‘ Notice U hereby giren by Ihe uti- ' derelgncd .idmlnlstralor with the qi ' WlU annexed et Uic esUU of John ; 'D. Bowles, deeca«d, lo the creditors jj

> of and' all persons having claims - : against (he said dcceaud, to cxhlbli Y< ' them with.the ntce,uary vouclicrs, i

within sU monUu after tho flnl ml , publication of Ihls noUce, to Uie sold Bi ‘ edmlnlstralor at Uio offlco.of E. L. A{ ' Ashton, Pltit National Bank Bids., — ' City and Counly of Twin Falls, Stale .“ ; of Idaho, this being Ihe place fUed I for .(he transacUon of Uie business I of Mid esUU. .1 Dami Sepumber 12, 1030, ' •.

, CURENCEP.B0WLE8, S I Adffllnlilnlor wlUi the will I " annexed of the estaU of

John D. Bowles, deceased.• NOTICE OP WRIT OP

ATTACHSIENT , '111 the Dlilrict Court et the Cerenlh

jiiolcltl Distnci of the SUU o{ “ Idaho. In and for Twin Falls ^ County.'. ■

J. C. Sanger, FlalnUir. (ilPaul W. Scoltl Defendant. ^ ■ NoUce'ls hereby given that on Bep- tember 4th, ID30,a writof atUchment wu.Uiued out of the above'eaUtledcourt In the above enUUed acUon, at- ^tachlng Uie.propctty of tho above ,named defendant' for Uie,iun> of ivitOOOXN) wIUi InUrestJrom Nov. I, -Ig», at 'fi per cent ai^ lltOM at- 10(

In witness whereof, 1 have'liew- ml utjlo tel my hand and the Mal of Mi this Court Ulls 4Ut dty of BepUmlxr. =

..JIARRV a PARSONS.Ifuin-.-' oerk of the DlsWel Court U

By FRANK J. SMITH. - S-1 Deputy. ,



^©■PP— 4^»/-6 rtovy-FO R -n •J GOlM'-W3 -^-A-6tOPPEO-P K T O _ / \ 'AJER6 80 Mfc Q O i.: . } ' • uhAaQgg:o.5~_____ . I G C T A C o ic r----------- -----------------

I . For Sale MiscellanwusIvTcTROLA W IT H RECORDS- I Phone JB3.••TO^EET BODIES A-1 SHAPE. Jj -Hlione-4l5J-or-iee-lhera-al-lM - Rama2eSt.So}itUPa[k.TOR SALE-A HOOVEIt POTATO

dt;ccr,.us(d one year. tl4S, I mile . North end in’ Eutof Kimberly.. FGOOD 4-WHEEL TRAILER AND

, Ginger Mwlnft machine cheap. ,R Junction Tourist Camp, room 8. |

BULBS FOR SALE - MADONNA A I Ully, mixed tulips, peonlo. -(red,‘ while, pinki prices tllraeUve. U. E -

Musser, Filer. P-ILEIUIS-FOR-SALE-BY-U-J. -

at F}ve Point store Blur Lakes iiorc r Twin PaPj. Idsho —

==DT8USBANirW0RM'Y0UR?UU ^• .leu With Pirke-DsvU C-A Cipi sules before putting them In tht lay- ,,

I. Ing house., If ]-our birds are not doing rlshl. bring one ef Ihem In tnd ^

->we'll.mal[e-a-1iW-uorUni-fxanilna- - •tlonIreeofcharie.'n«e5in:OT5W h] Ualcher}'. ' .

— ' ---- 'jM — I PI

;For Sale-Fruils, Vcflnlables mVrOR-'SALI-GRAPES 5o"*roTOD. ^ I ' 'imlle.touUiof&oiiQiPark.' CONCORD O rTp 'S^ BC EN TO , lb,2ijmtlesssuthhojplul«.Weii,to5SwE3, picklesTCMIBAGB. ht

cam toddir, first ho'iM north Sub - sUtloa ^ORDERS TAKEN FOR PICKLINO p<

cucumbtri. E. E. Crablrcc. Phono 13__________ ?

ORAPES Be POUND, BRING CON- Tl I ' uinen. 3 miles toulh and 3<i west dl of South Park. A

jcABBAOElii^LB^ CtjcUM B^, C.• peppers.“ ArN.*HolmM.--4-block» “ north Five Pouiu. . • fu I ALBERTA CANNING PEACHES, pi

Priced reuanable. Bring contain- o' ers. 833 Second avenue wesl. Phone1532.____________ ____________ =IF YOO WANT NICE EATING AHD

Jelly gnpe.1 ccme to Del MonU vinyard. HUflldney-SU ga..Pi rfc.-Ail ^

FOR ’sA li'^ rPEA RS PRICED \v right, Flemish Bfaiiiy ard Bsrilelt.

Bring contolneii h. B. Sullivan. - faUs avenue. T' B A R n ir r PEARS AND FLBillBH -

. .Beauty pean. 'i mile souih from M Kimberly Bank comer. - Lowell & i Munson. Phone Kimberly 47. _ • MciirrosH. salomesT a :« pip­

pins from Fargo orchards now — reidy; on sale It Peoples Mtrliet (old Ftrmersr Store), wlnilfaUi 50 cents bushel-at Orchard. C. O. fargo. ^ Phone 456. ______________

Help Wanted EWANTED^MAN W rni CAR. IN- M

qiUro for Mr. Otlyan, 330 Main - iSouUi. ______________________OPENING POR A MAN Wm f CAR.

a good mixer. HusUer can moke "real monty. 230 NorUi Miln. “YOUNO MAN WITH CAR FOR 13

sales work, 125,00 week and com- -mission, must be free lo travel. CiU “ Saturday momlng lo to 12. Mr, Bipp,Apt, No. 14 CallfomU ApU, ^LEARN AUTO MECHANICS, ELEC- Tl

trio and Acetylene Welding, Pric-.'tlcil training; Earn lour lo ilt dol- “Un per day while learning. Modem ~, Auto ichotfl. 618. E.,Plno Street.Seiltle. Wuhington; Bi

• : Personal ‘TllE.'oRPiniuil BEAUTY VhOP ! i

and school. permtnenU' best at u hilf price, eSpm'cuperrlslon, 6tu-dent«-wantedrPbone-9>7.--------FTNOERWAVESMcWmTDRyER. - "mtrcelUhg“ B0e“ m‘anRHIini.35c, LC ficltU 60c. by experienced openur,437 eUl Avenue North. Phone 403, ip

. 1, rrr r^ . lie

. For Salfr^PouIlry I

dresed or tUve: also Kentucky Wonder betas. Pbone 1207. »

I I I . , . — T>100 'Wurrs XEOUORN pu lle ts I : »Urtin«-toJayr-Mn.-B.-PSBasbi-4 ts; mllfs HUUI 3*i cut of eut end ol do Main.- • ' •_____________ =

j o l i f l e i i t U n W _S-ROOMS" AND BATH. 535 3.VD I

Ate. West • R<




s » OlOMT ew tW ” M9. .'tS5 cr

For Rent—FurnishedAPARTMENT. FOIt'RENT~412 61_Malit.NarUi----------ROOM AND BOARD CLOSE IN --3ijand a«,-Nrrr:---------HEATED.FRONT BOOM CLOSE Pt

In. Phene HMW. ^FOR RENT-BEDROOM, LADIES'. only. Phono lOeiM. «


. 79M. CagsweU, Up 4th Eut. PIPRO.ST BEDROOM CLOSE IN ~ ^ r

sull.ible for Iwo. Pbone 435J. ' 81: R 0 O M AND " BOARD - PRICES f( " le uonflrra^-'^lh-AvemirEtsC- ;PHONT BEDROOM-QENTLE- !*J _ jattii.nt<Itried.J18 jm.ave, Notjh, Z PRON't"BEDROOM 'BUXTABti:

for two. GcnUemen preferred. 135 omEssl,.'. ■■ _ MlmnNianro Rooira-oENTtE- - rn^mreferred.—JJ3-3ty'avfl north. . Ph'oiie 284-J, '

ed aparimeni Bungalow Apsrt-menu. 2nd,ave eut__________J jFOR RENT-BEDROOM IN-MOD- .

em nome. AUo garage. 304 ElghUi g« avenuo east. Phone 830W, ^LONG'S AD-G-ROOM Ho 'uBE M

furnished ICO; 6-roam-modem houM >30; A. N. Long. Phon; 883. “ POR RENT-MODERN. PURNISH- O

ed home. 5 . rooms , and sleeping 4- porcli. 131 Bih Avenue Eut. Phono135». . . . ' ■ . •___ _ 11FURNISHED A PA RT M EN T - I f r Three roomcd,.new,SepLfirst. In-.pj dividual ipirtmenU. (ChUdrea) No yc »laln to climb. Phono l«03. - CALIP0RNIA-B03TON APART- --menU,sUambe!it,eleelrieeooklng, w furnished, no slain lo climb. AU in new, one block north of POst Ofllee. dc Popultr priecs. Phone 1808,360 Sec- ar ond Ave. NorUi. . . ■ In

' SSituations Wanted „

.liAllUUiH S 11 irii wv ■■llHtlllL. I'f.UBB »3T. ~ IS

WANra-CHHim EN TO CARE .for. 13« 7lh Ave. Eut.

TWcTvbuKQ M » WANT WORK * Of any kind, Phona 8I5-R4. ^

MRS EMMA OAUUBTER. PRAO- ^ tktl burse Phone 1105W ”

.WANTED NURSING OR CARINO U for chllfren. Phone 1023-J, D,

TUTORING-ORADEANDIHGH 5 school Phose 1148 tlur noon

WANTED - MATERNiry NURS- ” Ing. Mn. W; MontooUL Phone bs

153<W. trEXPERIENCED HOUSBKESPSR , and good cook wanu work call 887JtfurS:00. • . . «

Lost ’ ■ - "i/bn-REBEKA L O D OB »

hu InltUU E. M. on back. Call > 1347J. ' , , • F(LOST-LADyS PURSE AT FILER or

Itlr.'^Nflnfy'n.UTumlpteed.ne.' •___________ ■ ' ' ' PC

TIRE CARRIER AND LICENSE . plau No. 41417 near Melon VtUey. Leavo al News office. ; ^STRAYED-BAY JkfARE, WHfTE Ch . face, nu ll mane. SUayed .away fc Sunday morulng. Phone 196. A sioMA UU FRATERI'IITY PIN S

with InltUU A. IL T. on the bade, u If found pbone OU-W. Reward. cc LOST-N^W 32x4 TUIE ON HIGH- “

way between Twin FalU and'9 jniui-ctst. Nollfy.oeJenTe.tLllm * office. Reytrd. 01LOST-LLEWELLYN SETTER DOa I ]

while wlUi.-blaclTTars and bli^k 6:1 spot on hip, Hu collar wlUi three ' 1 llunso Ugs. 1930 llceau no. 303. N< (UU.7U.orn«UfyH.R.MeCullou|h. — 244 4Ui No.. Twin FilU. Xi

For Rent—Apartments t^

w c T room ' a p a r t o i^ lIgbU,wiurand'usoot Ulephone. t35r:Aanlu ofly.-OfcnB-PWrCUt^rli

doBit Hotel. 2!

■ Wanted-Llvestock ^ " „ vxoiijiAROLDvrktiz'fAes ■ !

cross-br»dc«t.WrlUStrlFr»aee. wt RouU i Jtmne. Utlu. 'cai


lU M W B S Q M B W ^ ^ u iZ /

4 KNNCW IM.A SslW ftH , AMD. r Q u iR e o x o M E - ^ ^ ^ ^ ? r


m mile souUi of Klmberlj-..Oi«i.,Dolen. '_________.65-HEAD-FEEDER-H008

sale, li mUo-west hospKsU'L O, Prescott.PURE BRED HAMPSHIRS RAMS

four- yeullngs ind eleven lambs, csU me up. Otto W, Ring, SuhL ’ PUREBRED HAMPSHIRe ' b UCK

Umbs,l leg.yetrllng. H mile south ■i cut. Sugar factory. H. P. MeKiy. PUREBRED HAMPSHlRlTBUCiU,

H mile cut and !i-north of Wit- rers’ tomef, A. a Reams. Phone 813RI. Ir o R jA tB r r tP m i.ra R ro i^ .

Shire yetrllng rams aUo 15 ram limbs. IL W. RIedeman. Phono 1090J4. .RABBnS~30 DOES AND HUTCH'. es. BlahU strain reglsured' does. Northeut comer Decitor Orchard,. souUi FUer. Roy Smith. .•

ForSal6=RrarEstflie— : •ro^AL^-RQ OU M o n g r 1.

house. Phona 631R or 448.'FOR SALE-115 ACR£3,'J.UZtB

nortli tnd 3tl west of Jerome. Oood house, well lmpro\‘cd wllh wcU wtUr. R.J,CslUn. " _________.80 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUlP-

menu tU ror >180 per acre-Norlh and'eut, slope. WUl tako dwelling up.to 13500 tadown poymeaL J. N. Cltrr. Phone 1013. . .DONJiYMAN'S R E A L LAND

bsrgslns. 330 tcru very line laiid {highly improve good house. Large frame bam.' fine weU, oulhuUdlngs.

'price tl05 per aero $5000 cuh Ua yean time on ^aUace 8ft laUreit. 380.ACRES CHOICE BOTTOM

Und Ctry Aet and American FaUi watCT.'-Bnall-house.-Bboot'TO-aewi In alfalfa. Price 135 per acre If you dont want to sUil Und betUr come and get ihU. Bee Don Lymaa, Oood-In'g, Idsho._________________ _FOR SALE-FIVE ROOM MODERN

heuse wlU> Urge sleeplag porch, ehclued kitchen porch, (ull concnte bsjweni with mroye. t w . U^e

I of’ ide. 2w X e t i^ D lrd , phcfie; I097J. ___________ 'WHEN BUYINO T H A T NORTII i Side firm you wtnl tbo bett al I Uio lozcst priee, why nol buy tt (tom I a man who hu lived here for the put 133 yesri and knows every foot ot Uw jsoll. I l^e« •«>» an't be surpisKd, See er wriU Jim ; Davis, Eden, Idaho.GOOD 180 ACRES, WELL LOCATED I and well Improved wltli new 6 Iroom house, new bam, deep weU, all ■fenocd, hlgh-eUss bean land, at ». bargtlaprlceoa terms of *1500 down " dnd.wlthnDmoreprinclptlpsymenU " uaUl 1933, when you cm commence 7 : ptying out prlnclptl at' tbe n U of * ,11500 per ycSr. Inleresi rtu U 7%. „ In the hands o( a good farmer ll U ” .easier U piy for Uils place than lo ^ irenl. I do not Uilnk that thU prop- " joslUon will remain open rery long H luniu liken up. Bee Oeorge A. Br?- ' I mer, Jerome. Idiho.TOR 6ALE-COLORADO FARM, - 40 acrex In Montrose counly. Col- »

orado. 2',5 mUea to. town, 38 teres Itl cultlvtllon: Heavy eoll growing r po(atou..be«U. wheat, alfilft, tnd I tU adaptable crops. Und U ill under ' lltTlsatlMi. ImprovcmenU; frame 8- I room house, and large porch, big polaucellsr,snuiiry,hone,cowand - ehlekensUblcs,lmplementshed,good V fcnceallaround.AverygpodcllmiU. . A profitable place for.dalry and In 11 raUlag all kinds pouliry. On account - of deilh we sell (he entire (rict lor ” >3»o. P. W.-Brfanecke. Montrote, Colorado. . - T

^ 'Miscellaneous ^OET YOUR D o i AT TOs"UBER- P TY Market. ^6U» O'CLOCK DLNNERS 'olVro ' tt 50e famUy stj'le. 915 3nd are. «•Norih., . ' ^FARMERS, WHY'NOT CHANGE L

your old mortgage for a 8H of lc Fedenl Loan? J . vy. McDowell. =

Twln-Falli.RouU3., . . 'NOTICE TO TRUCKMEN-ore -

apples are ready to load. Bert va- ,T •r!eUefc;Ne».UithaHtae=taJ»Bk» = money, 0 .0. Forgo, t t i North Mate, h

-------Wanted tP Rent ■ - =WANTZDTO RENT PARU, KAVS . ■ fuU equlpment;T3refef..i» aatt; P would take more or lett. Addrttt x - core this psper. ' . . . A

AT-OSfcu- r p s e u i!0 - - • jp . 0 0 _________ _

' ■ • x * ' '

• ■ . ' ' — . II'■ Professional

} SHAD flODUIN, Rooms 4 SSd* 6, ’; tjanktndTnulBuUdlie Pbone 0,'■ -W. U OUNN-Roomi 3 ud 4 smitn— g meeBuUdlng.. ft C Uatt-iOvet ciol' BMk StOTB.’ JOUN n . GRAUAM-Uwyer Btnk \ and TTusi BuUdteg. Pboue M5-W

8WEELEY * StVEELET >Uw OfflCU < ^-Uoonnaa-Bulldlng. . -

BusiiTess . .. ’ ~ PLw S lN O- UOMB-PI.UMBlNO-«.DEATINa____

. C0,-8bow Room .and mope 133I Third cu t Phono 2t3. • .'


.INSUBANCB " AOTO lNSUBANCic-*AI' n v t ^ u , Potur Retl BUU. Phono H i I • TBANsrai ., NOWJW«BiKr?Tei« 'ia'd ; . thorthiul Phono 88X i WABBEBO TRANBFEB * BTOB-• . AGE CO,-Cotl tod wood. Phene I. It t . ' . ,u Mrncnois tkansfeb a stob*: AGB - Gtrbtit btulod .daUy;

--------- ------ ---t -PAlNnNQ AJfD KAtSOKDONO----a F.A.ROWAN-^Uag,piperbtns«. teg tnd ktlsomlalng. 335 eth aiv.

cut. Phone 134W.4 misiOTEACTDS ^ .. I; ALBERT E. FBANLlS-AceredtUd5 • TloUn Uieber> Phoat613Jl ' ___■

i MONEY TO LOAK-POmP I UUta.I 6 PER CENT LOAOT, MO COU t mUtlotti. flnt eUta residenc* pro-' t perty only CtU or 153L‘ MONEY FOB STOAiaiTr LOANS. on teoden houses to Twte PoUi} Arthur U Swim ft Co. 'i GBR TEN YEAR PARM LOAN 0^ fen the bett ot teUrest ntet ahd

J repaymutprtvlieget Nocastrcom* 'I mUiloa UUch A ffUIitmt.J I AU OPPERWO A VERY CHEAP' and detinble firm loan Ithtek. .1 the b<tst ftm lota propoUtlon enr• oflered on tht Twte Ftlls tnct It .: will pty yoo to tee me before pUelngJ vnurlotp 0 A Rot.nsp- .', ' •

. . Wantedr-Mlscellaneous !.■ w iu JT ^ ?o D w n Tao *u 5N >I er Phone 903W\ OOOD SECOND HAND BICYCLS. •J ■ Inquire Desn's Repair Sb ^ .• WANTEDsBMALL P IG ! _A. a t Uoor,.WesipoInt.Wendell, Idaho.1 WANTED TO fiUY--» OR LATTO

. Chevrolet touring etr. for parU..’1 m Adorns St. ’._______ ■ -' , .r WANTED TO BUY-POULTRY OP. ‘. all kinds. chU Underwocil Phono ...

■74. Kimberly,.................... .‘ WANTED TO BUY-KVE OR SDC

. room modem house lociUd 'oa......north or eut tide. See V. 0. Smith.

: Phone gi9._____________. WANTED—TWENTY TO 40 ACRES J good'aUtut and pouu uno. u>- ~ ; ctUon flnt consldenllo also bn-

provemenU. SubstinUil cuh pay*' .■ n)tnt.WriU.(DUyberoraTuetday.ijL'-::'.' : L Houmard Oes.DeUTwla PU i,. • f Idaho. • ■ ' ■ " - .

. • T ' •'Fotjnd:- TAKEN P ^ R b S T ro m A M P T ■

Hansen.- •— t'.*

. • For Sal&- Autornobl!e8?-v'-'--',' p S ? b a 5 ) ^ 5 o 5 S ^ S 3 5 S ? = ^

...............DUE n il

— IflM flll, Report ol Cpmmercc I

ber Stcrclary Slion "• .c rcasc~ lr Many

In .Tivin ■ fa lls C

uctJ for T»l:i Falls couh.iy »i . 10 tUlO.CiM,.or BbiK'sl rxiirH

UUh»-al Uio tnliie msjiufi 'liroducu o[ the couniy. ncron n rcpori compltlNl TliurMlay t

- r - r - .---- Jjy-WwU-il-iXJfiUi,* '* -.Trln Paiu-chamwr'ircoir lilt loUl uimiml iiwniilai

■ jiroducl nssffsiVJ. H.070M WlKhV* liBurf.1 »hn»-. ulili t mini pdytoU ol J5K.000.

— ----- AUhout!»-tliP-<I»lry-tadu»ti~ — —mrnciranmwrthfriirii'tii I----—— TwbibhHift-liHtuufyJmahc-

psyron. $131,ooa. Bbwluttly a: »»vcly,et any rndmtry.lieM ci

' - In maniilaciurltii.nie Iigures in Uio r porJ

fal(( tcfofc (he dliififf ol »i« " ■ pjll* Klwanb club JJi'inday

--------ni liie JlogeSSintotfrfln-in'. cram ftirawed iiy C. D. 71

------:— cn3inn»n-ot-lli*prowam.ci)miMr, nnd Mr«. Joseph' I’ayiie, care a mialcsJ '/irosram.

Mr. WiBht polntnl out nun ■advanlaRra liero for maimtne

■ Wll) iirsed eoaptraiion In nri ln(cr»l In capital (o roiAo to Polb, He sroupcd Iheao Indi as (ollovi'i: <

Grain and tnlnlne: prodiieli " 000. payroll tSS.OOO; >utar. pi

,iiy, payroll SJff.OOT: dairy, ptt II niDfOO. iiavroll I113JXKI; oltn

IliiiliiW .p tW u |1— ---- »<6,000:--i>rin«nff_«ii{-_puM

• laijjxw. payroll $i3im oilier lines Ineludc maniifi

of /ami Impfcntfnu, m utuasn■ ■ cftle pl|ie.Jiamtu.'ftulo lopi,

’~o}Sfr'jlnMr 'Jliere iire M mhnuraclurlni; i

i lierc. tha report, riioai. and' • br»DcJk ffl production U on Ih

I - ' - . -

r z r lJ i ir a ™( • • More lliaii m boy uouL-i iitK

) “ Ihe i»))y M Ibe hall park lasi i' and enjoyed talki, save tlutiU1 ' pirdclpited In luncheon ot «l j and lioi chKolaiQ Brour.d a bl

campllre. £. Ruutll Bcoit, kou eutlve ot (lie Snakb Rlrer nna prcKnt. TliB lolloving uoutmi

. «ere In ntttndance: Clarence , OoluHl.K«nan.Wllljur'8. HI 0. Darls, \V. W. Frantz and Durkhalltr.

- r r — ----••-\V.-B.-8mltli,-»uperlnUndei' T»ln Falli Khooli. preiented

■ tisdgM fo'S(eOTrfUre»n-and-. old Dunn. Mr. Stnllh iirsedtlie

vlio rtcdveil !>)« badsn npt u ' on-Wtflf iaurcl/. fcot lo apply Icnovledge In leadership votk.JiJiW ol IJJC Oregon Trail oiu tilbed tl)c centennial celebratic

: ' lu openlnj hcU «l Indepemj _ ■ ttoek. Wyomlns, JBJI July,

4 ' • ' T w E l- A L L S - iim L ■j ■ AN N O UraSSESS

The wguJar msnthJy onion c Ins of ttie Tvln Falls ilake ol

■--Utler-Day-Salnta clunrh wl hdd loDiorrov at 1-P. M. (oi

.. • Relief Mclftf, Mutual Imprevei • • usoclAilen. primary and Otnei

leal aocleiy. Ttie general uulon ' bt held al2;IS P.M.,snd thel

■ Cay ichool al3:<sr,M. The ma ly itake prlMthood meeiWB *1 herd MondAT »t t P. M..and irt preceded by a meeting of ihe ptleithoodatTP.M.'

HUGE oirrm of rnuNiWASHINOTOM (.D-The are

tola) mid production ot i■ prunes In rcce t y ^ . hu

bboum7o,OM,000 pouiidxOnly «n« foot ipicUltit In :

raUi rhont Itt. Dr. Foiler. .

■ >. i MotfsQUAI.ITY________ _£

i- 'I:: ■ Spei

___ _ L | Q j i P rcn

I : D em onstratio n ol P e a n u t B t

I ■ S P E Cj . :: 1 Sllclns Knift » U li;

I AU K liiili of rra. -------- J. Country J- ■' ~

; - -Wo cariy tlio largest . ^ I B A T T LE C R E E K J I

J pionn i l . ■ F iS e No ^ i i Yoo.Pii)-, Bal

■ Pflcre E|glit--— -

n i l I HsmwuuuuwsuMciJi

I i L L i I W i l l i e W i l l i s

f Cham-' A ows In*I. Lines "Counly

i\ryt>!f>i- ' 'amounls • '

lif lly l»o-.*I « » soln* lo It. a Utoiij m: lUfnolured) rlrcm wlitn 1 rroHtil up. Iiul rordlng lu: .tadokomanyrliorr*I duti't ty rvenliii!: -' chance lo aaie niy niutclr.' Tplary ' ' ' - -!5n»njrMn-:~- ■ilaciurlns ‘ _ . - '

• SchoolNewsuitry-.Jiaj. ____ ..____________

i.H.>ltr~KonMA]j;\vrT'icid. wemI nnd rcl* •dvanca imnai:rr“ of—t!is—■ e enneetl WwJdc bind, wm »jifaior( nrro oudltorliim al 0 o'clock yr.i f>m Tain »)om1nR. InlroductU by Nev, av niri^ »«relflry of llie T»1n -.Bi.-nro. chiunber ot Commerce of tliL Thorn?. riel'l antioutitciniw'com

J S ' »‘e W Ttfln rafl«, andne, iaui. cn,njf„ing nie, orpanlMllon.

wmetous u,5chaml>cr.'nrouJlnff Al llie Cloje Of (he WOTRbly to T»-ln prtnc»(«aJ of the lilsli »

ndujtrlts ‘***‘ liroBMm.v*-naujirits „rf«ntcd (o Hie iiadfnu on Icli I7M . itrek'durtnr-tliP Hr&tnrrJinJi "The rcmiliilnK lime In llic.mc

“ Ill bedlvldtd Into lhrw.i>eri( pfwlBcli ® «s-wor ,>lher ag» i \ ----. pamil— Membfra ol llic-OIrl tl»MK« .ihn.h)Y of iJie_who!e feliool trr mskUu;

- ■ cIleH lo comViIftc'planJctBra iiifaclure l’*»y ^LSM ton- wninailiim Friday, Seplembrr <p, floor of Ihe new gtrb In thd— :--:i^-Tlii*-,|mrpoM:xf_uic-Mrly- ic nlanta I’rcniole frKnilllncM among (he mri ihLs '‘''d 10 ■''>!' Hie IncSmlng Iru: Vh» In •“ btwR'e awiualnled >t1th ihe ‘ dUi, JO VcltfbXIIfiaiief/im

■• ahe cnterlalnmenl: Phlloiiliiliv

■ Ugrmrnl.Tlif Komen ot ttie la .'atMobeipcciai sucjI*. ^

- i Tli»-8lrb u-lll.bc a.-4bleil byM rnr BemieeDabcclckrMWThelma n r nr - and ML'S Aghea Schubert

Apon.vini. MIm Clara Unnclswl ^ 1 llcjcrx-e tetretary of wulhern I .•lemip.1 t'?i»nWe ■ Usmliart.

^ »«■"»> councilor. All RlrU ore , t. "»vite-d to lotn one cf tHe« ■MenlM

r * A T T H E H O T E Ltta. »as RO0EHS0N-N. Andcnon. ( tmaiurs Ing; B. J. AttKrUsn, Dlackfoot: :e Allen. RoberU. Pendleton: B, J. W Hill, H. Mra. Dean S..K0U, Earl Jtnklr

■nd .Citl A. Nelion.. N. B. Meagher. I Knovldcn, James A. Oln, P. J, I

Klcuuor-lcd..Bolje;_IIeltn.Jcn«n,..Ru ed easle M. a, Haynes. PorHnml; John 1 tid-Har> Mr. and .\fr*,- tV. O. Oimn. Poca Hie boyi J, E. Clark. Los Anstles; Miles 1 I to tetl Mri and Mrs. J. AUrcd Alder. >Jy lijflr D18M, IV. 8. noaw, C, JJ. Me k. err. A. H. Royce, Sail Lake City

wid Se- m l M a"^ Morrfjo«rw«ttle;atlon of McDonald. 81. Anlliony: R lendencc Atlanis, Untile Creek. Mleh

I/)ub Meliter. New York; Mr.

---!— ' rrr^?h IrriiTh ri'

SSION >10 n ilt; L. C. Hawes; Rena; ' Haves, La Grande; Donald Si

- Frank E. Moore, Mokow! Mr. ” of Ihe M»-»-N.Chesebrou8ft,Buit«,l win-.b^Ji”*-(or the — ---- .jvement mealoc* llon <111 tie Gun*month- New Poush t*(KVcr dlgg ; trtll te U5CiI. One poihe high 8j 1p a barpi

ises S'"areragc ,

J r . f f i q i B B A L L___ Kimberly Phonen Twin '’ *

s GroceryC O llliT tSY ~~ • SEUVIC I

le c ia l D is p la y o f S w i f t ’s

sm iu m H a m , S i l v e r L e a f

,a rd , B r o o k f ie ld B u t t e r

o f P e t e r P a n U R S n B u t le r

S C I A L D B A L ^ — -h 2 rncknj;cti Quick Arrov Soap

Chips'’rcsli Krultrf ntid VcbcIoI jIcs y-Drcssi.'il_«liIckcns_ _• me Jlfiiio Ciikc.H, , . . ’!3t w lc ty .p j cheesc in the cily


E E ^ C lY E R Y ' Phone 51 M \Vhat You Gel for Whal Yot


E H ™g s i g s i^r-T— Tlirce-Members-Local- ^ ' '^Company Win Prl; i t ' Camp "Perry,

■ f.- ' AI)membfr»ollheT«rlnPa TT , of Cwii'pifny E. lUth englnee \ 1 '• hi) NatloMi BU#rd. Twin-Fit , ]irn®rinmnnitioBajTtfiw rJCgj ! • nl Camp Perry. Ohlq, accor

. ' repnriA on llte al (he 'headt of-AdjuUuii-ocnfnu:M.-a.:; ii«f, Oobe,.lt was stated by 1

..MinIn. Leigliton. who returr . i i i i „ cvenliiB from Bobe. Majot

««fe(n, CMC*, ol Ute team. uut IMHO conjpeie. Members of the Tw

learn competed with JMO oil — r-r— ' In Uie iiifinixrii' match, 1----ifWiJ'yararinraimaerK

Mrgeant, made a scare of 60 ITA u (nujb;^ SO polnU, but waa fVd on the Ibt of winners, u Uim

iuuck Hio target at poInU I Uld bull'js eye lechnlcally m<

ijicaker of n. \v. Evana, iiaif tenteani •Id In Ihc forly-eliihih In tho Bcotl yuterday courte IS tlioU ol lOOO yard Newell B. sible tcora 15. lie made a « »1n. Falb 73 mill drew JJ. tlib elty. - D. E. CmbUee alaff, sc ;9mlnR,of iiood Mvcniynlnlh In the md mwt- roateh In wlilcfi Hie coufM li cal_lBCl8 M-alio[a.aUW_yardi, He n >n. which aeorc of 90 In a po slbIe leors' siriwy of Jn ,j,p_, „ fire, Captain P. Vandtrirar. ib,y u, N. Ins, Idalio. cnTalry, stood In t •!i iwJiool. jiundffd lIfU pltcs «-«lJ « at I- wUl be D2 out of a pttuJble 100. The m Friday in ihb malch U lOThoU-rap ir&t hour. kneeJlJip or slilln* Jrwn all .mohdnR :oo yardi; 10 alioU Yapld lire >crto<b to ironi tundlns, 300 yarda. C■Ki'T---- VaiHldgraf won a.prlM ol 13

eren . He alM wDO a piUe ■f..f for holding lifih plact In Ihe 1 intr (vrrv memorial liitKll. 19 JUtUU. 600

maUn*.a kw c of« pofnta o<

brr W.'Tn ----- ,--------

ig S H iS iillllOA will — _ •

c'faculEy colat}on ut Woka-dtirWf the

by Mbs Har pe«c«l for-HIM, from Tali' maToll- P'llille library. Is t:#veale«l In )eri, club port compiled yesterday by.MlJ iwl. Olrl lie Fraser, librarian. ••■n Idalio. In' June. IDS. Uio circufaifo rt. high C9M; In June. 1030. It was 80 ire btlnit July, 19», Uie elrculallon was est air! (n July, 1933. 1( wm 7M7. 2i

gut. 1D29. Uie circulation, wu In ID30 11 was 6I&6. Tlic loUl 2LS tatlon f«r tfia Iliree months !j

n Good, v u 30^ : in 1»Q It vu»V J. R.Whafev •'«« ‘J>1» >'«»■ »*’» iklnfc Xr •'«> 353R W e"“ ii books. In July , tha adul ■j piflj*.' culaUon wa< M13 and the ju riunefti »«'• in Auguit Ute adult el

in Hoi uon wai UM and the JuvenlK waicIJo- - A ‘'•‘“ I Increase ol cew me S & bb’ regbieredoHoa for the mice m cr 1I : t ’ ‘lyM'ewn- number oirtgblered member* I

lljr' A large number of new bool

cl>«? of nnoftter caso or lUc llehtsan: wwi'odMIng 1000 volumea.

rer 'Wf? “ " ‘r ® « In^rle iH*'*"* «ia -Dr. Fwler. .

a: C. L l ■ ' I1 en>«h, ■ ' '^ 2 2 2 2 S 5 ? ^ S S

2 ; O NE F l

i js c r , ' Choice, Spring . Chickeni

,L ■ne 72

■ Youns —— - -^.Rabbits

r “ No. lu l 1 WOI'• I ngain from the 1.

s J - S a lif .

- ..t . . 25 lbs. SliouliCuts......

' I PotRo^ts.. ^ __Eib-B6iiinff,1 MILK FI

; Shoulder Ro 'P i ■ SholilderSte . : , - Veal Stew'.:..

Pork Backs '■ SpMialT

51 Indepk'«“ : . 128 Main An.^N

.. TWIN FA L^ ’

i^ W E Y IT rirnBECtu U llL U l“ -'* riung-aft<r >-7lilt ti»

^ - IlS rm B rK a n m s trW ; Mil, Lane county. Kamas. la

al-Guard su£iUi_Ui£jjoraejiU.tr..ftn Robert Rsyl,

'rfzcs at ■ » - .- ll. l.lr>n»d ta Wed-Alton J.

Ohio'<on. ooodlng. arid Mildred- “ Jerome. »ffc crsnfed a Itcei

wed Jfilerday.

TH*r -»'Uf VhH Vaatbite-Mh. S r i r « De«oli:icll. .Ia»t, evening f

vbil her dauthtti;^ i„ g * '^ {m r O T w r 7ladquattera 'O.-McCon* — Fflr-tnUerslly—Pnul by"Capta6( 4K<J1 '3nitOT'Jcmtj-irtlHf*t* urned laal land today for ftosco* lo. ent ijor J. L. Unlverslly of Idaha • .Twml4?b r.wa le roeattlIa»Mbs Ka oUxera. Wilson left yeiterday for Poi

IBOouUof ■ ■ . I'lm i u m '''• M«lSb?f{« Jia« 1WLI Iw de lK-"» 5“ 1 ''“ mor« ad.|«‘'‘« Ul Uie ColonUl aparttnei

t'>/AII«ndi Medical Meeant-E «rseant.'ri relumed yealerday

the navyiJjit city where.he aa « fncludeaji^eannualmetffngoftfieUUh

.... . ■

tch. rapid Rno^< IVJBfer ScWaJs-SI or, Oood-!ward’s CalhoUo church will ri in tlia one j 111 winter ichedulo ot maaaci« a^eore of rov. The ll»t roa« will be 1ie course A. M. and Ihe tecond at 10:30alandln*. Klodtnl Kpetlal Oees-Tlie

lire prone denl»‘ epeclal for Uio Unlreral . Captain Idaho, Moscow, will Icsre Poc 13 Ip thb at i;29 P. M. today. 11 will te ofllD 8ho.hoBfTinp.M.a«d-Biiss-«' M Wright p. M.

ioatofa ^C»ei fa pBllfflao^Mlts Iietli Coy will Jcive today lor Pul!

■ ■ / Washlnglom wlHi her niece.• KatfK-rJnOJfCfir.fftoenterty

lllU lU L this altemoon lor Mojcow « they WlU enroll ol Uie Unlieral

- Idaho. Mr. Milner will take tlte toUl ctr- lo nii<4 by motor where they the tlitea bwrd Uic ipeelal (rain for ituo•Bln Falla Oo to 8lanfont-Uyron"nen In.t re- Krtfrr JcRntefj and J?oJ«rt Xfci MbaJea- lia's fione to Palo-AUo. Callfc

lo enter Sianford unlrcnlty. ( Kfoii waa ’’»■»'> FalUsIudeDt»>)io wUI a' I uaa -lii Stanford unlvcrsliy thb yenr L-« M l William Scott, Clyde Bacon ; HartyS.McCoy,andJameiTuwas6J9l; ij,im|,nouiLosMiilci Mr

Mri E. J. Oilrander relumed » V a « LosWiasThuridayivenlng. , IheA vWied Uielr daughlar,-

Bealilce Norjren. While there #twn«e«t «-plcnlc arraneed In

,rt»a eT honortand held In one ot U» I parka ktLonB Beach at which: pe.jplfwwprawot.BU of whom

'£ S i ™«^iMnUu 'Retimu te Hom^lltt^ E.ree tolal :---- ' — -ittbnov M M M w n M n»ok,.ar« - 'ATTENTION Hntr nur. Afler the iFalT' buy your 81

-JiTHSorrhrMTifrtadW, cooked food,tale, Salurday 13

- Dalty lorta Building: Stioihi (n lirtB) atrtct. •

7 R I E N D T E L L S

— ---- C . i 4 r e y o u . S o / r y ' \}*v ^ r« f fo r

!C ou r Aoneym oon?

E , — ■ins5 "

Sts 7

nould like lo get homo mon so wc c Independeat Market where mothi

iturday Sp^ C H O I C E B E ]

ulder n Sirloin....12Vic Round

' ....... ............I S c , H a m b ugh,— :--10f,FED VEAL Sf?oasts ..... 18cteaks:..._ 2 f l ( ! ' . Sliouldi........ — Uc. Leg. LiBone.............. :....... .

ITric^at all times on youi

pendent MeaW E liE L lV E R



lE s lc ilW l

' M i w ' Commtrcial, B.pdy Pre

For Arrival S l|J. Julin- ,

— Will-Party-From'Oa

,• . '•Unal .arranjemeuti will be It fw Loi ’>)■ eohwilttees lodajf for Uio hler, Mt Uon of the Oakland xo^vUl■7 :---- zrnnjjijrjiiinijjff-irijiJirtm

men, wl)o will arrlTe here M nul«Jonei,|t-yM_fttiiiouneed -yeslenlicrirth e ' ■a“ WfKlif;' «e«car?.. i.iicr i.ic Chamber of Com

Tlib lour u made In reium K»thtii»n irtp * 1* ‘Por»i<.i!n ber of Commerce, f Idaho T>'o Pitty will »«« f,u, Monday morHlna ever tim 1

-- from=WtUa.-rlirl»TnIa»n d-lo ntaio'.'nd W aulO 10 Buhl ai'9 A.M. ani w. mrtiri-rf I lo Jerome where there'

luncheon *cr\-ed oa the la the R. E. Shepherd home at P. M. Belween 6 P.M. and-1

idwa'id- exhibits wlll be mownr— •-

• lo lake part In Ihe drive tliroul eouiiU7 .

-Dr. W. - ^lav from Iaiunded’b"- Beaeh..former pro[ Uh Mcd- i>! iJ>e Barber Shoe company.

Falls, left for lib liome lait ci------ afler vblHng wUh-lib.molhcr-8L Ell- Fannie Bnrber, and broHier, jrejume Bafber. Tw’o of hb btolhers. a wmor- 'Datber. OUaUoma Ctly. and Fi be at Barber, Walla Walla, ute liet

:30 A. M. I SUMl of Ihelr molficr and broC.

Too Late To ClassFOI R E N T - J ^ ROOM :

nls**'*! modern exeepl g^K-f^-j^miPayenue-nerU:.--- -

Pffinlf’a Mar el. a38 Pullmnn. mtoslj and Pippins lii any qui


stu’dcnT Only olw’ l«i"ipeclairit''W' a»j____ Fallfc. Phone »H. Dr. Toitcr.1 WUntr ' = ^ = a leavimt __________a,________

U g f S I N U S T R D U B lHt# boj-.-!'; , _ •

a , S | -an d j g j

i f 4 ~ H a y 9

t a s \ \ - P e v V t r - i a illalteiidl . /MnB^di CuredTuckcr.j .

.Mr.,r.d' DR.H.W ..HILIed from- Phone 12-13 Over Pistoig whero, , _______ _____»,• Mn.ere Uiey - ■— —7----- —

w lovely.F O B S A L E

Auto-Door- Glass..... _vrlmi»h)cldg nnt} wlndo

I glass. No charge for se • tinjc

MoqN’s ’~ — P a in t- B i id —

F u r n i t u r e S to r e


t ' _ ■. ■ _____

, F a l l s ■

B r a n d

H a r a s .

8 B a c o n

A ; a n d

I P u r e

X , L a r d , . f - .

we can Kct some good meal. ther denis you know.”

Decialss e e , V . ,

in S t e a k s .............2 S ^

id S t e a k s ...... . 2 5 c

b a i-g e r S t e a k •

S P R I N G L A M B '

id e r R o a s ts . ; ........ I f j c -

id e r S t e a k s ...... ;. 2 0 c

L - im b ...... .1 .. ... . . 2 ! i r ;

....... .. Ifln '

u r H a r v e s t M e a t

ai MarketPhone 16MG3 '


n l:B tS H inIW Jiia.1:-------- IheirtlnonUn WelUbrwniI - - ’ {(lsBnno(inccd,raims.UM( Teparcs ajj-day-a-weck i^edule,' n»t I day,WaTlDSdallT«tI:30 P ,lI onlTlng dally at ::JS P.M.TDiD a M llg a ^ r a t T l ^ e g ;J ______ schedule on which occasto

be made nounced (hat lUdtscontlnuam he reces- due Jo a falllns off of bwfno a n t s ’ thatV.wQuldbertaimedlnit

' S d ' ^ A N N O U ^ p l ^

'^ ^ h B -Th'»-8Ut-So^. club.'.will -ommeree Monday at 3:30.P. M- »t.lhe lm for • of M"- »• HwlJtroin on Ele'!« Cham- ««nue cut. _____ere earir TI*« «mmltl« In thartoj e branch rangemcnu lor the Dakotah 1 lo drin* recently poitponed. annotmce t


^ U w at -'W /ormcf‘ rwldeo«».or 1 at 13-30 counly. Kanias, and their fa

1-1 P M. are cordially Invited to Uie ho i ‘- lL !z itr. and Mrs. Robert tayl a

H. W. Johnsoa

rougUhe T»'n FalU chapter. Datighl ' the American RevoluUon will

iheJr aeUvltlr.s with a alive— Monday. September 15 at tlie ,mnri»tnr of Mt*. T. P, Wamc. on.ElghU

Iiue eait Membera wUl be prlv '»brlr.5

er“ " i f a" -FBtjo-Orchatd-wlnd lalla- rrs, U b ! •• •:I Fred A; — ■ — —licte the ■ --


_:Bplendid:C!«a]il3 1 Main. For All Domesti 5 S J ____ Purposes

r” '” ? ‘""at AI.t CnOCERS

!LE I .. ' ~ S


. f l o u r :iion l Witli two pacb

bury Cake Flou

“ i • ■ 7 5 .You Ket I bea

,. . . plate Flset*' ---------------------


~ 10 lb; bag

B., , ■ Limit

— FRUlT-0 Kerr Mason

Quarts, Regrulai Quarts, wide mt Pints, Regular, Pints, Economy, Pints, Wide Moi


Regular Pint B ties. Each;..

?5c■ ■'■'LEMONS

Large Size. Per Doss.

_ 39cSuper;

FM“ Phone 750 ^

RNING,. SEPTEMBER 13,1930i r p i j n SI L E J W iuichwlll. Aa a prtUmtoary to_an erar «regularut Mon- OirUtlan church durls« the> M and Of Kmmber, tbe pastor, Rei

’''. HulWn. *»ll begio a uM iS


ante wu • neu andI me fall, p ------

i® FalE^111- oeet fUS ■ Quail S i MEAT^----- — Round-and-Sirloin. !,,•„< lb---------- -

S '. " S«l»fliinda;; -lb...... ......~H o ile J'H Bn i, —

ihten of ---rtUopen- — Boiled Ham,---M t o S ItoA Ik ■■■------

« S S ' ''■I'" ^

ia-Mfc- ._ J !o m ^ rg c r, 'J .___2 Jbs. fo r ....... .Pork Chopa,

1 W OifTGivit> All Orders ily- jj I«£-lJ___Ealkj„ ---------- . _ p]--- ----- l-EBElIS I - .

E ^ T FOOD ^ORSATUIi[lYCAKE-■ One;cas:es of Pills- or Bl rar for.'..» . . O n e )C - teapjautiful cake' FRBEl— - . . - .

iR . s u n n e y ' SALLEY

; A Whole Wlieal * Breakfast Fpod

lb. bag.29c

^ A BS^- '------- - (

1 .Complete . Made ar, doz......89ctiouth, doz 99c-, doz..... .79cy, doz. ....:89c ]:outh, doz. 89c F5):.


Bot- Regular, size loa: White or Whole

' Wheat'4 Loayes... . -


P&GandCrysts White. 10 BarsV.


— ^Grocery Departme

UUNu l Sunday, Korember 30. They vU

a iB S H S~ l - '— iiil^db i’En«bH.Tre!io»rrTi

OkIahbiiia;broUierofJ.-R.-TroUn Twin Falb. who wUI be sow lei

We'Tlret Vnd'dlrtela^orpeminsl-wwltrr the monlli ' •ner. Glenite rit io l KjBdusirten ind Primary .w jtf on me vui be optoed Monday. Sept. l!

>TivHfnc«d teacher. Phone W I »U1 besio —Adr. — -

lit| MafK^f r SPEC IA LS! o i i L S t c f l k , _ _ _ _ _ 2 - 4 ( » ~ -

r50c '

— . S . 5 c -

M : ..... ^ving a m% Discount on rs for Threshing Meat

-Tm s^allPHONE 750lEE-DELFStEBY---— -


.. TEA DEAL'.le % lb. Crescent Green . Blacktea.. ’le 4 cup .decorated chin^I pot. Special...


:at " ■ ------ ;----j-___Medium.sjzergoocl-'-

ir»^ :-fjavoiVi3|aor'iTFr-::


ide frpm ,wheat; 9 lb. bag

39c "Fresh Fig Cookies

i): the ChiUdren’s Lunch


oa f ■ .•w h ea t ;


:;,|--_29&—GoItfenBantam SWEET CORN

"■ No.2eans. 2for..■■

29 ■instant soap <)Rg, r,'3 packages., : u O C

nent: ___ ..............'W e Deliver